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boats _ CANOE. IP ft. excellent condition $55 Call CH. 3584. 9 to 5; eves. Elmwood 670. 1917 fTFELCRAFT. 76 ft., redesigned for owner, sleeps 4. galley, toilet, new drapes, carpet, after deck cushions, etc.; 95-h p. Chrvsler motor; docked Capitol Yacht Club; fNA. <1772, eves.. EM. 3714. —16 O! TBOARD MOtDR Wizard. 6 hp al ternate firing twin; looks and runs abso 1 tely like new. $75 RA 3540. BRIDGE DECK CRUISER. Mathews. 38 foot fore and aft cabins, fully equipped, excellent condition: perfect for Florida trip live on board. Call DE. 8860. BOAT LUMBER- marine plywood. boaf plans. K D. boat frames for 131 a - f t run about. $15; marine rowboat and canoe palm. $1.95 Qt-. $105 Pt ; marine glue. Open ell day Saturdays and Sundays. ROBINSON'S, 1239 Kenilworth ave. n e , AX j 200. —10 YACHT—58 feet long, sleeps 7 people. 2 marine engines; blue and white paint, excellent condition. Call DU. 3601. —11 MARINE SUPPLIES, paints, rope, fire ex tinguishers. outboard motor*. Scripp* ma rine engines. 50 to 300 h.p.: fishing tackle. FRANK DEL VECCHIO & SON. 1212 11th st. s.e. LI 4493. FISHING PARTIES, day or night. Chesa peake Bay. Herring Bay. Gooses For reservation cali CAPT. A. V. KING, WA 4192 BOAT, must sell 35-ft. Hoopers Island cruiser. 12-ft. cabin, equipped; needs some work best offer over $500. Can be seen at Elmer Stine's dock. Cobb Island. Md. Cell TA 7756 to make offer. —10 HANDSOME HORACE DODGE 26-ft. cruis er. sleeps 4. galley, ice box. head, sound. dbJ. plank mahog . fullv equipped; $1,750 Blip W-5, MAYFLOWER MARINE. ME. 3720. v „ —10 AUXILIARY* SLOOP. 40x11x6. new Gray engine, $4,500 May be seen at ROEIN SC N S BOATYARD. Back Creek, near An napolis, or phone Annapolis 5236. 15* 38-FT. CABIN CRUISER, sleeps 6; with toilet, kit. and dinette large cockpit for fishing; roomy bridge; very well con structed. fully equipped, for long or snort cruises; must sacrifice. Call WA._32*2. ENJOY YOUR VACATION on 34-ft. cabin cruiser, fully equipped, sleeps five. Drive yourself Charter for only $100 per wk. Call COOPER. Greenbelt 3486 eves. —10 BOAT SUPS for rent; Ive new. modern wharf GUS BERLITZ Deale. Md Phone Westriver 61 si after 5:30 weekdays, ad STF:E1XR4SFT 1917 SEDAN. «.7 6'00; beau tiful condition, and fast; powdered with Chrysler Crown 115-hp.. includes cockpit cover, stern seat with cushions, ga.ley blower compass and many special fea tures builtin by owner. See «at Steei craL Dock. Maine avc and M st. sw. or call ST. 4145_— ! STFELCRAFT WASHINGTON SPECIALS— 194'* Steelcrafl sedan. v';.00«>. Crmsealong. with awning, w.ndsh.eid. ipo'lighi. stern seat; *2.00 or best offer. 4 l -f• cruiser, priced to sell; $ 1F,-ft.. Century, mahogany and board, f 8‘>i) See MR. HUGHES at Steelcraft Dock. Maine ave at M s: s.e. or call ST. 4145 Sec us about buying, selling or renting boats_ ... --—.*-‘r— ROOMS FURNISHED—Northwest^ RHODE ISLAND AVE. N.W. —Com fortable quarters for men. See them yourself. Showers, study room, down town location. $22.50 and $25 mo. each. ]946 CALVERT ST. N.W.—Large 2nd-fl front twin-bed rm . nicelv furn . for re fined adults, nondrmkers. CO. 6572. —12 BEST N.W. SECTION. 3520 Van Ness st.— Large corner room with shower and pri vate bath, gentile home: bus stop at door; gentlemen: $50 mo EM. 7060. —12 VICINITY of Mt. Alto Hospital—Single and double room', next to bath OR. 6391 weekday* alter 5, NA. 2424, MR3. JONES. FARMINGTON HOTEL. 1024 18th st — Cool, shady street, large, airy rooms: daily maid service; 24-hr. switchboard service; phone in all rooms, summer rates; singles, ** 75 per wk up doubles. $12.50 per wuc up. DE 4750 SUMMER RATES— Hotel. $60 iwth st. n.w, NA 9216. Single. $15, dble. $18 and up per wk. Complete hotel service 1901 K ST. N.W.—Air-condi'.loned rooms, *>ach room with GE air-condi:lonine unit; be comfortable ail summer running water; near new shower-ba»n; single or double. $ 17.59 up. PRINCE KARL HOTEL. EX 7 7 25. ALT UKAS HOTEL. 1500 16fh st nw — Laic*’. cool, do ib!e rooms. 2 exposures; single rooms, from $1.50. Dining room in buildme. NO 8 145 TORTEK ST. N.W.—P;easant single room, pvt. home idea! location. OR. 5932. THE MAURY. 701 19ih st. n v. —Single or double rooms, large comfortable bed; 3 block.' from White House. $12.50 up. «•*•«kh' rate ——19 FURNISHED ROOM for employed couple, breakfast every morning or kitchen privil ege. 2 men or settled lady, no drinking' no objection to school-age child; reis. AD 7943. —14 I) U PONT CIRCLE. 1620 18th St. n.w — Double room for 2 men or man and wife: $29 each per month- Ml- 9731 -—10 STUDIO AND PRIV ATE K1TC HEN. near Conn, avr bus and stores. $39 per week. 8816 Military rd . Chevy Chase. EM. VMJNL 1918 N ST. N.W.—Formerly West Point Prep . nice clean rms.. most conv. loca tion rec. and sitting rms. $25 to $32 per mo. Abo transients accmmoc;a^*ed 2 NICE FRONT RMS., with or without pvt bath spacious closets and 2 expos ures: garage OR 0683. —10 ROOM NEAR CONN AVE.—Large double bed for employed lady, breakfast and laundry use of piano to music student. Wl. 8713. —10 UPPER KUh ST.—Attractive single room In pleasant surroundings for Goit. girl. GF 2094 —10 1331 EMERSON RT.—2nd fl front, dbl rm . twin beds, girls only. $5 each per wk. TA 3418. —10 COL. RI). NEAR 18th ST.—Large single room for young lady <25 to 45>. in large apt kit pvrs $49 per month. HO. 7287 after 6 39 id* GAYTONI A. 1513 Kith st. n.w.—Clean, comfortable: electri- fans. $2 single. $3 and $4 douhle weekly rales 14* 1312 EMERSON ST. N.W.—Attrae rm . pvt. lav., laun. pnviis, unlim. phone #7 per wk. Also 3d fl. rm., nicely furn., $5 wk. Young ladles —19 303 E ST. N.W Bedroom, kitchenette. 3rd floor. #lo week II* 3812 5th $T N W —Furn rm. for man. rew furniture, 2nd fl Good transpor tation. Quiet neighborhood. TA. 2754. — 1 1 1505 IRVING ST. N.W. Unusually large bed-living room excellent furniture, shower, accommodate 2 or 3 unlimited phone. doors ofl 16th st. Entertain ment privileges; reasonable. Call AD 5497 —19 601 TAYI.OR N.W.—Cheerful front rm for 2. twin beds, shower, plume also vac for girl in dble. rm., reas. RA. 9364 —13 5717 COLORADO AVE. NW Attrae front, twin beds, next to shower, laundry privib private home. TA 5799 —15 15 16 FAIR MONT S ! N W.—Bedrm and kitchen, for light housekeeping: couple: Frig ida ire a'.so J rm . for couple, Ur bit housekeeping. —13 2331 ASHMEAD PI.. N.W.—Pleasant base ment rocir. pvt. oath and entrance. DE 3738. —16 1773 V YE ST. N.W.—Pvt bath furn . sgle dble rm $15 wk , sgle. rm., $9 50; dble. #7.56 wk. each —18 1006 16lh ST. N.W., across from St a tier Hotel—Attra furn rooms with running water, for young ladies. $27.50 mo JO* GORDON HOTEL. 916 16th st n W.-To select clientele the Gordon offers large, comfortable, airy singles and doubles. Full hotel service 24-hr. switchboard and elevator service. Singles begin at $10.50 w* r*kly doubles at #21 weekly R!TZ HOTEL, 920 F st. n.w.—Dble. rms . #70 per wk downtown in center of busi ness and shopping district; complete hotel service. WIIITESTONE HOTEL, downtown, a> ross from Statler. cor Kith and L n.w.—Daily and weekly rates, single, double and fam ily rooms, children accepted. RE. 0442. 11* 1111 EUCLID ST. N.W.—Lhk. partly furnished. $37.50 ner month Apply 1373 9th K n.w or call DU. 0524 —11 CLEVELAND PARK. 3211 Newark st.— Large 2nd-floor front room, southern ex posure. private home; man only. OL. 0739. 12* i>ii r.i t n n.>pntu. r.ean room, single cr double, near L-2 busline, references re quired Cali any time Saturday or Sun day weekdays after 1 to. OR. 0414 —12 1821 BIIT MORE N.W. —Very !gr front room, repainted, semlpvt. bath. 8 girls'. lge rm Jr’ flr. com bath, share men: dble .'irri Hr —10 Till SOUTHERN CU B nr.d chateau now domiciled in their new home. 11 or. Mass, avr n w. Remodeled and redcc from bsmt. *n attic Bcaui. dbl. and sgl. rm: , some w th pvt baths, for ’he discrimina* lng guest. Din rm. wil Ibe opened later — 1 4 1120 P ST N.W -Dble rm . Ist-fi. front, twin beds, semipv bath. 50 per wk each, also sgic. rm . >0 .'»(• —14 THE TAMES 1721 P st. nw—Lge front dble. rm . twin beds. laund. facilities; >22: girls onlv — 1 0 IN RET 1 RIP Physician's home, very pleas ant room single nice neichhorhood. gen t email references RA 2088. —10 202.7 PARK RI). N.W.—Opposite Rock Creea Park Large double room: con venient transportation, next to bath. Porch gentlemen. >56 MI 0718. —l i 211.7 F ST. N.W.—Studio rm . sink, grill: share elec, reigr . cple.. $11-515; small ► gle $!<• EX. 0658 —11 2022 16th ST.— Large, cool, newly furn rms . Venetian blinds inner-spVing matt. Suitable 2 or 3 young men or women. Laund facilities, uni. phone. Ideal transp. HU. !»7M» —7 COLUMBIA. RD VW.. 1834—Men. sale . wk dble $6.50 wk each clean, com?, beds c.h.-w. showers, baths. AD. •l un. THE WILSON HOUSE. 1622 18th st — Excellent double rm with bath, adequate f three: «7i Ml !)2f>6. —10 HOTEL HAWTHORNE. 2134 G St n w — Single rms $10.50 wk dble. rms.. $14 $’ 7 wk All with running water, plenty of oaths and showers —17 TWO-RM SUITE; semlpvt. bath; near Walter Reed: cple. employed. RA 7157. — 10 1828 LAMONT ST N.W.—Single and dble front rms . twin beds: maid service laundry privileges, near transp —1 1786 COLUMBIA RO NW. Apt 261 — Single or double room, attractively furn. with cross ventilation. Next to bath. AD 8684 —13 1311 10th st. N W. nr Scott Circle— Lo\ely ssle. rms.. near bath. 58.75-512 SO week. —16 1 1.70 GIRARD ST. NW. "The Palmer House”—Downtown location, very desir able dble twin-bed rm . nr. bath. $10 wk . single or double —16 1308 N H AVr. N.W.— Nicely furn . newly decorated, single rm . $0.50 wk —16 WANTED—Student of Russian language to room with couple, both natite Russian professional teachers n w near center: k.:. nnvil Tel. Adams 7800. 11* 1763 COL. RD. NW. Apt 38—Large atngle room for lady. Ilvrnc room and breakfast privil. 545. Ml 1254 13* 1111 FAIRMONT ST.—Single. 2nd-floor room with porch; also girl to share twin bed room with another girl, laundry privileges. —-13 1316 INGRAHAM ST N.W.—Comfortable •gle. rm . sem.pvt. bath, for girl. Near 14th and Colorado car. —12 7011 KALORAMA RD N.W.—Single rm . fnd fl . m pleasant home. 535 mo. DE *4 21. J86fl WYOMING AVF—Newly dec. large twin-bed rm cooking nrivil empi. person; ICt. Pleasant car, 545 mo. MI. 9404. —16 ROOMS FURNISHED—N.W. (Cont.) CHEERFV'L ROOM, private lavatory, in attractive home in Bethesda. near Naval Hospital; suitable for employed marriea couple: share the house privileges; real home to right people. Call Oliver 2979 alter 6 p m. • 1226 17th ST. N.W.—Vacancies for ladles and gentlemen Single rm . $25 a mo.: share with gentleman. $20 a mo.: also a dble. rm.. $40. All rms. newly dec. and nice and cool Transp. at door —16 710 RANDOLPH SI —Large front bed room for 2; in private home; kitchen privlls.; good transp. TA. 0272 aftpr^ 6. LARGE CORNER ROOM next to bath: double bed. large closet, use of unlimited phone: 1 block from transportation: no other roomers. Call SH. 6653 after 6 pm. —11 CLEVELAND P4RK, 2942 Ordway st. n w.: pleasant rm. for gentleman $40 mo.; in pretentious residence: 1 blk. Conn, ave : excel, loca , restaurants, P. O , theater. WO. 2900. 12 TWIN BEDS, private bathroom: $50 mo. GE 3278. CLEVELAND PARK, nr Conn, ave and Porter: clean, comfortable rm . adj. bath’ 1 or 2 persons; reas EM. 3197 eves. —1 ~ KENNEDY ST. VW . nr. bus and ^street car line; nr bath and shower, $50 per mo. Call AD. 1336 —16 MT. PLEASANT. 3104 19th at. n.w — Nicely furn. room. 4 windows: reas. MI. 884o — THOMAS C IRCLE at 14th st. n.w —-Com fortable sgle. room Ice. closet, new inner spring mattres next bath; for man de siring agreeable surroundings In adult homp. referable, nr 4828. I3«3 COLOMBIA RD—Available now. housekeeping double, running water. gas grill, for l.h k.. large closet. Inner-spring mattresses; for quiet couple; $2u each. GLOVER PARK—Bsmt. rm., pvt. shower lavatory plenty hot water; SJ5 per mo. m« CRITTENDEN ST. N.W.—Nicely furn. dble. rm.. twin beds. Ige. closet; Bendix washer. After fi, GE. 8350. It* WYOMING AVE. MANSION—Single; pvt. bath, porch: Dupont. Circle area: new fur niture. newly decor.; immaculate; Sol) mo man DTJ 3183. ' 115 NEW TORK AVE. N W , see Apt «— Large tool single room. doub;e bed; *•«) mo DI 3058. , . , 17H1 HOBART—Single room with seml prlvate bath. 835 mo ; large double rm., semiprivate bath. 800 mo.; half block^of rrorstown bus TT 51" 1 - . MASS AT IOth N.W.. Apt. 72. New Berne 1—Gentleman: unusual corner front room, ri windows, adj. bath: commanding view; elev.; no other roomers; 540. DI. sot,. ROOM, nicely furn. private home no other roomers: home atmosphere: conv transp.: Chillum section. nE 5496 —16 1751 Qr e ST N.W.— "The Kennert. nicely turn . cool s?le. rms., $6.50 wk. up: dole, rms,. twin beds. $10 to $12.50 wk. —1 6 1205 N H. AVE. N.W.—Front room, wry comfortable. $25 per mo : young gen‘le man or ladv, r.ondrinke; TA 6939. IO-»3 G ST. N.W. —T Front, southern ex posure. single- $3n per mo; also gentleman ns roommate in double room. $5 wk. ME. 9979 _ . DOl RLE ROOM, twin beds, next to bath unlim. Phone new furniture. CO. 6864. — 1 4 1331 EMERSON ST. N.W., 2nd flr—Dble rm . twin beds $5 each wkly ; also sale, rm . $6 each wkly TA 3418. - 1 - 317 GALLATIN ST. N.W’.—Basement room, well furn.. kitchen equip, gas range, Frigidaire twin beds: toilet. 11 SCOTT CIRCLE. 1521 R I —Dble. room running water: also single room, every conv . home: $25 each; transp. considered. 1102 11th ST. N.W. (above restaurant) — Clean, comfortable furnished rooms: men only: conveniently located; can be seen any time Call DU. 1954. —16 1120 YARN I’M ST. N.W.—A ise% front rm in a beautiful, spotless pvt home. pvt., •mower reas. rent; gentlemen preferred TA 9315. „ —lh DI PONT CIRC LE AREA—2111 R st. rw nicely furn Ige rm first flr. front: twin beds: 2 Ige. closets: $55 mo —-16 1:09 X. H. AYE N.W—2 rms. and pvt vhowc--hath. -29 week: also double room >]o ue*k DF $49' —16 COLORED—LIVING ROOM, bedroom com bined for two girls, two men or couple. OF 6°86. 19* COLORED—2 MEN. to hare large rm with twin beds. TA 9481 — COLORED—3556 I 11h ST. VW.—Mre room for employed quirt couple; some privileges: $io week’v DTJ. n/.l. . COLORED—1525 OLE ST. N W. Apt .A —One room furnisher'. 2 ladies, .. gon^ie ropn or married rnvHe. COLORED—LARGE RM for 1,-sober em ployed man; no privileges. Cali NO • y;6ri COLORED—ROOM TOR REFINED couple For it.formation, ca’l CO ‘*724 —»J COLORED—'ll COLIMR1A RI> NW.— Front rm.. furn couple, home privileges; -t; per we, k each ROOMS FURNISHED—Northeast HINT’S TOURIST IIOMF. on Union Sta’iO!. Plaza. '.’i.d m . n.e; rm*.. nicely furn.. double, sm single, maid service. FR •>!’>. . is uth ST. N.E Large, nicely furnished room in ovt. apt • near Capitol, and excellent tiansp. to downtown; >.W per month single II Solfl. —11 ROOMS for 1. and T people, single Simmons inner-spring bed outfits. m tpn'antous hot water, maid service, te’ephene. linens changed twice weekly, inns Maryland ave. n e., LI. S.'iW or TR 95 '*'» * — . Till MARICK. F st n.e.—Comfort able rms • newly decor . new furnishings, laund lacihties; doubles, *:.,5-$’J7..h); fiin glcs S.'l T . l. HOG E. CAPITOL ST., on Lincoln Park— Attr. '-’ad-floor double-bed room gri.i privils Phone I..I 5803. . , —1,1 „ y. II , ith ST. VE.—Master bedroom. 3 exposure*, private oath, spacious cedar closet. 1 or 2 responsible adults. HCFMJ99 FURNISHED FRONT ROOM for gentleman, on second floor, next to bath; private, home, near car line. MI h/o.5 LARGE FRONT room, kitchen privileges, fnr employed couple or 2 ladies; refer ences: near Navy Yard LI. *-«>.»»♦ ---!•» •,;s MD AVF. N.E.—Corner, overlooking ’park, midway Capitol. Union Station, block restaurants, transp next cat.i, -o;;thern exposure. Quiet, large fr*uu room, -tiii: smaller double. 740 mo. LI. 4v..>. 10 Ir>:m KEARNY st. N.e.—Furn. rm . show er bath. HO 2: HI. —1 I1H<; (T..AV »*I..—Large room, in new pri vate home, double bed. for 1 gentleman. TW ST 7c ;—1 * :uo.» < HANNING ST. VE.-Couple pre ferred telephone. 1 ' , SLEEPING PAIS., laundvv pnvns., use oi trie, near bus L.I 5K51 —Id ;i.T» Itith ST. VI -Sn.-> room- next to hr'll. .adv preferred; home privileges. Ai 0141. . —} 1 fs C VE.. Apt *11 Extra-nice *kep • room Mr lady no dm kinsr. unlimited phone, laundry privileges; near Sen ate Bi le • Capitol FR. ok.ts after b P.m. ntP» \v. v.\. AVF. N.l .. Apt. 3—Love I v room in ou < ’ apt empl Jewish coupie only, privileges LU 5.>(>o —1,1 119 Ith ST. N.E.—L.h.k room. elec, re frigerator, running water; nondrinkmg employed lady. ) ONE SINGLE RM.. $25 a mo : 1 large rm . suitable for couple or 2 men So each per wk ; nice location. TR. 8472 auer_ •> COLORED—Fl'RVISHED ROOM for couple with k.' to share. All h.k. privils. $17 per week. Call LU. fl.388. —10 COLORED—1231 GAlLT PE. N.E-One large room tor rent. $10 week; for couple or single individual: privileges. VI. 7344. COLORED—N.E. 8th ST.—1 single and 1 to share: men Govt workers: on carline, rail LU 7 47 3 morning' only. —10 COLORED—OOfi 18th ST N E —Double and single room in lovely home. VI. 8003. COLORED—013 4 7th ST N.E.—Employed couple or two men: home privileges. AX, COLORED—FURNISHED ROOM for rent to a couple, some privileges; n.e. sec LU. 5171 after 6 P.m. __11_ R OOM S F U R NIS H ED—5.E. and S.W I ARGE FRONT ROOM, on ’2nd floor, nicely furnished: reasonable rent mala service; also single, next to bath TR I I * i*»th ST S.F.—Large, clean room, twin beds: near Lin. Park car married couple or gentlemen 71 h each month. JP RYMMENT SLEEPING RM for empl cpk. ir man. VI 1850. 11 Hi 17 ;toth ST. S.fc . off Penn ave—Lgc. frcir rm . next bath, nhore. refined een tleinan: ss wk VI. 1310. —1 •» :\i:\ .-,th st. s.F. Front double rm . nice, qu:e' con' *o trail.1,p • and Navy Yard; st 50 week AT. Td.VJ -—Is COLORED—’! I35 NICHOLS AYE s.F.— Large front room, for light housekeeping. TR t;-.’4 4 —*(> ROOMS FURNISHED—MD. fir VA. SINGl.l ROOM FOR GENTLE MAN. $.4«> m>4 North Fillmore st., Arlington. Va Glebe sum*: —1 1 SILVER STRING—Nice doubfc rm for^ *. young people, excel, tranvp SL 4h74 ATTRACTIVE DBLK RM. with pvi. bath. in pv ho:v.* no other roomers, suitable for young couple. CH 4.454. —12 •;»i!2 :trd ST. N . Arlington—2 single rms . s:m mo. each, gentlemen. OW. .4152. „—12 large SLEEPING RM.. 12 block from bus; gentlemen. OW. 24.45. * —11 ROOMS UNFURNISHED. 3 l NFLRV RMS . l.l k . share bath: mo. 441<» Georgia ave n.w., GE 7o41. COLORED — LARGE, newly redecorated. ut.furnished rms. with 2 baths, and kitchen p. vu'eges lor tenants use located 14«'0 block Que st n.w No children. Apply in person. 178H Vermont ave. n.w —11 ROOMS FURN. OR UNFURN. ROOM FERN. OR UNFURN., twin closet and mi. bath and share home with con genial family. Couple and child Will give day care ol child. 74 15 Varnum st., Beliemead. Md Nesr trans. 12* COUNTRY BOARD._ CAMP, oil 8 farm: swimming pool, tennis, badminton, etc.; also riding $38 weekly or dailv rates; 1 hour from D. C. THE RANDALLS. Clarksville Md. ROOMS WANTED. FURNISHED L.H K. ROOM, in n.w. §ect.. wanted by settled lady. Box 397-R Star. 11* RETIRED MAN. wants room reasonable close-in ne for housekeeping. J. M. POWER. Box 402-R. Star • FURNISHED ROOM with grill, or room *ith pr.vile».ts. wanted by settled business woman. Box 415-R. Star. • ROOMS WITH BOARD. 1 tol QIT. ST. N.W.—If Interested it) eco* nonnal clean rooms and excellent food at $47 month call NO 40!>o. —18 THE CLUB SHANNON. 7817 Conn ave n w —Double rooms, also vacancies to share with lad' or gentleman; maid serv ice switchboard and selected menu. AD. 8430 —13 •i YOUNG LADIES to share large triple "oom. all home privil.. unlira phone; 12 hi*, to car. 7 blks to bus- 7 meals every' day including Sunday. Call GE. 5976.—13 ROOMS. WITH BOARD <Cont.) 1409 16th ST. N.W.—Sgle., dble. and j to share; for young men. quiet place. , excel, food and transp. MI. 2740, DU. ! 9207 —13 THE OAK.MONT. 3 774 Mass ave. n.w — Nice front single room, man or woman; excellent food, 560 mo AD. 5549. —11 COLONY CLUB. 3032 N st. n w.—Vacan cies. for Georgetown students, large rm. j and private bath good home-cooked food. 2 meals e day; *55 and >60 per mo. —11 1 LARGE ROOM, suitable for 4 2 dble rms . suitable for cples., men or girls Also 1 share rm for lady AD. 4737. —11 1 SINGLE AND SHARE rms. for men ana women; elevator and switchboard; excel lent meals. 1325 16th st. n.w. —14 LARGE DOUBLE ROOM, well furn . next to bath laundry priv., good neighborhood, good transp.; excellent home-cooked meals, married couple pref. DU. 0625. —14 1765 EEC LID ST. N.W.—Vacancies for 1 or 2 persons: home-cooked food good transp . reas. Board optional. AD. -3369. NEW HAMPSHIRE HOUSE—Newly deco rated. double and triple rooms; daily maid service: switchboard service; good meals. Cali NO. 2266. 1712 New Hampshire a\e. n.w. ROOM AND BOARD for one man; delicious cooked meals Cali TA. 9796. —10 TOURIST HOUSE CONVERTING to board and room. Scott Circle. 1312 loth st. n.w. Wide selection of choice, newly dec orated large double rooms, running water ■ in many, some with pvt. bath, large closets; elevator, switchboard; walking distance downtown. DE. 9030. —10 ARLINGTON—Large outside, cool room; home-cooked meals: daily maid service: excel, transp.: parking privileges, lovely verandas and lawns. GL. 6910. —10 1101 16th ST. N.W.—Lee. double for men. also single; girl to share double with an other girl; selected menu; switchboard. —15 CLUB MASON, 1726 New Hamp. ave — Lge. sglc. rm., also dble avail, for ladies: : also vacancies for refined men. live at Wash.’s finest guesthouse Famous for its food and service. MRS. SAMPLE. NO. 6770. i —15 TWO MEN; home cooked delicious meals; laundry privllices if desired, no drinking, refs AD 7943. , —16 2022 G ST. N.W.—Vacancies for young men and girls, desirable location; excel food: —12 COLORED—ROOM AND BOARD for girls from 2 to 4, by week or month. Call TR. 5610. _ _irlL-L ! ROOM WITH BOARD WAITED. | YOUNG MAN. artist, needs studio, meals, a place to live and work. max. $100; per haps a large attic, barn, servants’ quar ters. old carriage house: driving distance of Washington; please consider any pos sibility . BoXuiln-R, Star. 11* APARTMENTS FURNISHED. 1305 R. I. AVE. N.W.—Nicely furnished rm. and kitchenette; for empl. cple ; share bath; no drinking. -'—12 NICELY FURNISHED—15x17 ft. bedrm with por. and ige. kit.; nr. semipvt. bath; gar. heat and elec, ixicl.; 10 min. Penta gon. nr. bus, suitable i or 2 empl. persons. CH. 1470. 1211 12th ST. N.W.—L.h.k.; large clean room; Frigidaire. stove and sink; refined employed gentleman; >11 week. —-11 BEDROOM, living room, kitchen, bath; : two refined girl-, n.w. sec., vie. Dupont, Circle: up to >00 month. Call RE. 7400, , Ext 3780 between 8 and 4 30. 12* 7 12 EAST CAPITOL sT.—2-bedroom apt, everything furnished, for 4 men. LI. , 00°2 —13 1838 10th ST. N.W., Apt. 3—Beautifully furn. and newly decorated: studio liv. rm.. dble. bedrm . tile bath, dinette and kit.; can accommodate 4; lights, heat, hot water and gas furnace; rental, >100 per mo. HARRY LUSTINE. 1427 I st. n.w. NA 2844 -—12 WILE SUBLET my beautifully furn. 1-bed room apt. 3 mos. to responsible single gen tleman: w sec. Box 363-M, Star. —10 AIR-CONDITIONED STUDIO APTS.—Spa cious living room in Swedish modern, also serves as twin-bed room; dining alcove and modern kitchen: exceptionally large closet space including dressing closet for separate room Privacy; complete maid and hotel service for residents included in monthly r-'i.i;.: of S'loo; a few choice units now ava.table; Washington's newest hotel on Capitol Hill next to House Office Building Applv JOHN J COST. General Manager. Hotel Congressional. Atlantic 0030. —12 IC,2I I8th ST. N.W. Farmington Hotel— Lgp. sprcious apt ■ comp furn.: Frigidaire pvt. ba t h. telephone, maid service and ah utilities; employed couple preferred; -■*5 week —10 1 NFWLA DECORATED, studio, kitchenette, apt., hi fl lront. alcove, hardwood floors.1 D'Pont section. >23 and >18 per wk.' 1331 21st st. n.w. —11 1052 NEWTON N.W. — Aura rm . 2 re fined Rirls or couple; kit. privils.: -j"*0 monthly. —ll i OR 2 MEN. 28-::3. to share attrac. mod. home with 2 other men. conv. located; pv • rm and bath, maul service, all lac-il iti'": md.. television. Call OW. l«o8■ be tween and 8 P.m J TAYLOR ST. and Georcia ave. n w —>00. Write fully. Box 359-G, Star. —1" LARGE DOUBLE ROOM and privilege cf Kitchen ano entire home, prefer cuupie or 5 Eirls WA. S7 78. 3903 Newark rd . Colmar Manor. Mel. . , ,x—JO l KM, KIT AND BATH, completely furn. .vith hotel . f; vtcc, are now available at the FRANCIS SCOTT KEY HOTEL. 6004 20th st. n.w Rates. $3.50->o.o0 per day. NA. 5425 . „ . . , DLALE, MD, 20 mi. D C, 18 mi Andrews Field — Newly turn, year around apt. on water front, liv.-bedrm. comb., mod. kit. | and bath, boat anchorage. >60 a mo. Phone West River 6181 alter .*:30 week days. all day Sat. and Sun. —10 TAKGMA PARK—Lee 5-rm. apt., pvt entrance, bath and phone. 1 block from shopping and express bus, reasonable; no children. SH. 3383. —15 l; M» •.* 1st ST. N.W.—One 1-rocm and one 2- roor.i studio apt., no kitchens; near Dupor,- Circle. DRURY REALTY. 1,3, ; K at n.w*.. RE. 1133. —12 ONE-ROOM, kitchenette, semipvt bath, completely iuru.. including all utilities; nr Pentagon: >75 mo. CH. 7252. nr NAVY MED. CENTER—Living rm, bedrm compl. furn utils, and phone _ included: share kit., bath and ncrch with re fined cple.. >75 mo ; desire cple . wile un employed, no child or pets. OL. 9348. M( E BASEMENT APT.—Responsible parly Deferred; >7 5 mo., including utilities 1251 shepherd st. n.w., RA. 9478 from i; to 9 p m. only. , —11 , 1813 BELMONT KD N W.—3 rm? and kit . scnnpit. bath. >65; employed couple only. USMT. ATT. for quiet empl. cple: no pets. , hildren. or drinking. >55 mo. NO. 5038. i l - RM. APT.. 3 bedims, living rm., kit.. pvl hath suitable for 3 or 4. 13b*. Shepherd -t. n w . TA 5330. DOWNTOWN. 131h St n.w —Lovely I 3- in: apt ano bath, every tiling furn.. except lineu,s v,*k EX 8839 DUPONT CIRCLE AREA. 1 block from M. -.flower H tr’. Prar.d-ncW apt. building.. 1 ; ,'circom-liv:pc room combination, full OF. k. ' hen. full-tibd bathroom, dinette, brand-new furniture rugs wall to wal , registrator. Venetian blinds, free gas elec, and telephone- suitable for 2 people, si 25 per mo DU. 6644. \R WIS AND FESSENDEN ST. — 1 rm l.h k . Frigidaire. next semipvt. bath: for i f'no’evrr1 lady. OR. 0406. 12 \j pi pont CIRCLE— 3 rms kitchenette and bath; for 1 gentleman only: >85 mo . 'ease includes utilities. For details ca, Mrs. Finn at SANDOZ DU. 1.34 1 - 1 170 CLIFTON ST. N.W.— Nicely furn bedrm. and kit , lor employed couple:^no 3 -ROOM FURN. APT. on 1st floor, semi private bath. Call WA. 4804. 2 RMS.. KIT., semipvt. bath. 2 adult? >65. mo. 3612 Park pi. n.w. —1‘~ APT . 2 ROOMS, kitchen, piano, c.h.w - porch, yard, gas elec. >05 mo : large double iwn , 3 windows, gas range, >45 mo. 144C, V st. n.w „ , .. . 200 BLOCK s ST. N.E.—2 rooms, kitchen and bath, newly remodeled, Frigidaire and nil utilities furnished: convenient to More? and transportation; >65 mo. Box 40T-R. Star a — V . 2 LARGE ROOMS with modern up-to-da'e bath located in large modern home just , completed in exclusive n.w. section; will, consider 2 high-class employed Rirls: new furniture; state Qualification?. Box 40S-R, gtar —1 * 900 BLOCK K ST. N.W.—1 room, kitchen and pvt. bath; Frigidaire and all utilities furnished: convenient to stores and trans portation. >69 monthly. Box 409-R. Star. 1-RM, FURNISHED APT., express buses.; unkm. phone. >135 mo. 5003 7th st. n.w. TA 7759 * —11 MCE YOUNG WOMAN to share apt. with another woman. Call AT. 9593 after 6 p.m ' —J2 I 17.5 ALLISON ST. N.W.—4-rm. furn ap. . private shower bath, private front, and rear entrance linens, dishes a;.d silverware turn, all util, furn.: _4 boy?, college students preferred. TA. 6562. tio.l MARYLAND AVE. N.E.—2 rms . 2no fl . nr bath with shower; young married rpip. both working; e tc. reigr. —in P ST. NR. \vts, AVE. (Georgetown:.— One rm.. semipvt. bath and kit.; $75. AD -liMti niter t; p m 21 It K ST. N.W. —Corner studio room, sink grille, elec, rrfgr.. semiprivate bath: couple: s 15 seek Bsmt. housekeeping room; $11. EX ofl.Vi. —»« I ROOM, kitehrn and oedroom with bath; no objection to child. CH. 557*1. 1 GEORGETOWN'—Recently remodeled. r - bi-dnn?.. liv rm.. kit. and bath: $1®0. Bo:: st;-S .St a t. -r'1 SILVER SPRING—5-rm. furn house: •»!•»(); immed. occupancy: sublet until Nov. ] : nil utils, and phone included. DXT ."i.T’l —* ‘ SILVER SPRING. MD.—Best residential section. Ist-fl. suite oi 2 rms.. pvt. entr. and porch, light cookinc privileges; couple; :*: 1H per wk. SH .'{.'{67. —1' MT. PLEASANT—Quiet employed couple private n.d-fl unit. Ire. light liv.-bedrm.. I pvt. bath. kit., lge. storage closet: aval.-, able A'JtT. °1 $7o. Box ! 8-M. Star. —11 i:w>;{ COLUMBIA RD. N.W.—Avail. August 15. b*.mt. studio rm with separate k.t , nicely furnished, all utilities included; lor quiet couple; $25 each; children welcome. _ 7*;* . FARRAGUT ST. N.W.—Freshly painted, pvt. entr- Pvt. shower and toilet, kit.. bedrm . liv. rm combined; 1 block to bus nd shopping: cozy GE. 7049. MEN ONLY—New 8-unlt apt bldg : new furnishings; suitable for 2 men: immed. occupancy; $100 per mo. including utili- , Ups. 8711 2nd avp SH. 6852. 1«th AND COLUMBIA RD. N.W.—2-room furnished apt. and porch: $50 a month. EM 4048 :j RMS.. PRIVATE KITCHEN, mod bath ind porch, basement, utilities; adults, $115. 225 Douglas st. n.e., after 7 P#m. EXCLUSIVE APT., in modern, gentile apt bldg.. Cathedral area, ideal trans.. root, garden, tasteiuily furn., liv. rm., bedrm .. > bath, kitchen, dinette, utilities included. $125 mo : no children, no pets. Write Box 285-M Star. —12 TWO ROOMS, kitchen and bath, all utili ties furnished, in private residence, ljst. floor. 2 adults only, $85 per mo. 750 Southern a'.c. s.e. (Congress Heights). TV.* 8t:i3 —11 TAKOMA !*ARK—Apt.. 2 rms . sem pvt bath and kit. A so 1 rm . semipvt. bath and k;' : cples. only. :i:i4 Garland ave SH 4821. —14 TW'O-HEDRM. luin. apt . avail, immed . S'h and Taylor sts nw, eonven. to every thin?: $125. including all utilities: OPA ceiling. RA 5022. _—15 : NONHOUSFKEEPING APT . 1024 Vermont ave. n w . nicely furn . 2 rms. and bath : elec, refrg , $110 per mo. HENRY J. ROBB. INC. 1024 Vermont ave. U1 8141.' TWO ROOMS and kitchenette: share bath: near Georae Washington Hosp. D CON NOR it SON. RE. 2420 —11 1305 R. I. AVE. N.W'—Nicely furn. 1 rm In basement, lor employed person. Price. $S 50. —12 APTS. FURNISHED (Cont.l. 1470 CLIFTON ST. N.W.—Nicely lurn. bedrm and kit., lor employed couple. No drinkine. —12 COLORED — 4011 WASHINGTON PL. — Bc-droom, twin beds, share bath, private kitchen, recreation room. No children. No phone calls. Call at residence. —12 COLORED — EXCEL. N.W. LOCATION — Woman, aged 35 to 50, to share fine apt. with another woman. Call Ml. 9<»49 atierTTio. _—11_ APARTMENTS UNFURNISHED. APT. CNFI RN., HvattsviUe; llv. rm., bed im.. kit and bath, stove, refgr ; lurn. Phone UN. 7762. —11 3616 PARK PI.. N.W.—Large front rm.. kitcnen, semibath: utilities turn.: employed white couple; $55 a month. —11 MASS. AVE. nr. Dupont Circle—Llv. rm . bedrm., bath, shower, refer.. $S5. Box 3KU-R, Star. _ 11 * APARTMENTS WANTED. TWO PERMANENTLY employed vets, night students, desire 2-rm. apt . unfurnished, $30-$60; furnished, S75-S85: northwest, references. NA. 1292, 9-5 p.m. 12* APT. WANTED for 2 or more young men employed by FBI. Call GE. 5986 before 12 noon. 12* REFINED, sober, middle-aged coup'e des perately need apt. or house immediately, perm. Govi. people. AX 3637 before 10 or after 2:30. 11 * EMPLOYED VETS. 1 child in nursery, need unturn. apt. desperately; bedrms.. 1 or 2; rooms. 4. 3: to $80. Call LU. 1578 ever, after 7:30. YOUNG COUPLE vith small baby urgent ly needs unlurn 1 or 2 bed^m. apt.: must be s.e. area past of Anacostia River; neat and clean; have good perm. job. Call VI 5130, —15 VETERAN, c \J. student, and wife, non smoker, nondrinkers, desire apt., prefer 2 rms.. kit. and pvt. bath, furnished or unfurnished, near C. U. MI. 0257. 11* EMPLOYED COUPLE want small furnished apartment in Virginia, may consider base ment apartment; price $50 to $60 mo.; have own transportation. Box 414-R, Star. * MAN, WIFE, two teen-age daughters, want two-three bedrid. apt. or house, unfur nished: n.w.: excellent references. FR. 8031 after 6. 11* TWO OR THREE ROOMS, unfurn in private home or apt. bldg ; *near or on Connecticut ave.; two employed adults; furnishing excel, refs. TE. 4789. 12* TWO-ROOM UNFURNISHED apartment, with or without cooking facilities wanted: bv widow of culture and refinement; Washingtonian of long standing. Box 417-R. Star. 11* YOUNG COUPLE desire three-room, un furnished apartment with private bath and entrance. Call Republic 8200. Ext. 902 from 9 a m. to 5:30 p.m. 11* 2 RESPONSIBLE YOUNG WOMEN wish nicely furnished 3-room apt : n.w., excel lent references. Call DI. 0525, Ext. 291. 9-5. 12* STAFF MEMBER inter, agency: before October in; furn. or unfurn. apt.: 1 large liv. rm., pvt. kit. and bath; or possibil.ty installing kit.: in apt. bldg or villa; good n.w. or n.e. or suburban location, max. 30 min. downtown. EX. 6360, Ext. 700, or write Box 419-R. Star. • SMALL UNFURNISHED apartment needed by September 1; for mother and employed daughter. TA. 6606. * COUPLE with 10-mo.-old child, need a furn. place to live: in Va.; no sharing. OW. 2460. —16 QUIET YOUNG COUPLE and 18-mos.-old baby, urgently need unfurnished apt. or smal lhouse. Best of care. Ph. AT. 6825. 10* ABOUT ONE HUNDRED veterans and ether employes of Capital Transit Com pany ueed houses or private apartments with private bath and kit., renting under $76 per mo. Please phone MI. 6363. Ext '‘72 'or 652>, Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m to 6 p.m (These employes are no: looking for rooms to rent or houses to buy. they need family housing to renti GOVT. OFFICIAL, adult daughter dearie two-badroom apartment, furnished, unfur nished. beginning September 1. Box 316-R, Star 10* PROFESSIONAL WOMAN, permanent Govt, employe- desires unfurnished effi ciency apt. by Sept. 1 . excellent refs. Evenings and week ends call HO. 5508. 3 0* I-ROOM, kitchen and bath apt., in apart ment building, furn. or unfurn.. n.w. sec tion. by single ex-Army officer, permanent Govt emoloye. Phone DU. 7140 15* PROFESSOR. WIFE, need 1-bedrm. apt . n.w.. Sept. 20-approx. Jan. 31; to $00. WI 6222. 10* BUSINESS COUP! E want 2 or 3 room unf. ap‘ . n.w. section or Georgetown; no chil dren or pets; Sept. 1. RE* 340 1. 10* PERMANENTLY EM PL. TELEPHONE MAN and wife desire unfurn. 1-bedrm apt. in n.w. section EX 8050. Ext. 253 bet 8 and 4 TA. 4862 after 5 pm. —11 BACHELOR. mid-30s. wishes small apart ment or share apt or house; $40. Box 383-R, Star 14* NEED BEFORE SEPT I—Furnished apt. or house, two bedrooms, in or near D. C. VI 7 047 —10 FURNISHED APARTMENT needed imme diately by employed younc couple; no children; preferably s e. location. NA. 0150 weekdays 10* TELEVISION ENG., wife and 2 children under 5. need 2-bedroom apt tmmed.; maximum, $70 a month. Call HI. 9247. 10* GENTLEMAN, wife and adult daughter, long time D C residents, find 10-room home too large: want 2 or 3 bedroom apt. lor quiet, gracious living. WO. 4363. SETTLED GENTILE COUPLE, permanent in Washington; no children or pets; de sires 3 rooms and bath, unfurnished: in Northwest Washington or sub. areas: refs, exchanged. Cal! CO 1633. —33 CLEAN UNFl'R.V. 2-bedrm apt , pref. pvt. , home. Arl.. quiet, employed Christian i ladies: no drinking or smoking; rel. exch. RE. 8577 or CH 3380. 3 5* TWO GOVT. GIRLS desire 2-room fur . nished apt.; n.w. Call RE. 3528, 11 to 7 p.m. 1.0* LADY, employed; college graduate, desires 2 rooms, kitchen and bath furnished, non drinker. nonsmoker: n.w. preferred Ord way 6573. between 6:30 and lo p.m. 3 1* BONDING COMPANY representative de sires 2 bedroom apt - any location; excel lent references. NA. 1140, MR. MARTIN. 11* CHRISTIAN COUPLE. 8 mos. daughter: turn., or unfurn apt or house within 15 mi. of Naval Med. Center; up to *60; niter 6 pm. OL. 2500 Ext. 445. 1 3* REGULAR AIR FORCE MAJOR, wife 3 children, desperately need 3-bedroom apt. or house uniurn.: Va.; to $135. RE. 6700.. Ext. 3753. 8 30 am. to 5 pm. 10* j ON OR AFTER Sent. 1. furn. •.‘-bedrm. apt ! for 4 girls. <r.or-Govt office workers!, pref nw.; refs. Call DI. 1700, Mon-Fiv.i 8:30-4 :i«!. It* l P.GENTI Y NEEDED bv veteran, wife. 8 yr. son: i or 2 bedroom unfurnished apt b.v Sept ! : max, *65. Cal! VI. 4240. 1 o* TWO SISTERS desire small apartment Call RE. 4142, Ext. 4654 between 9 and 5:30 30* I MV. OF MD. PROFESSOR and w ife de mre**2-bedroom unfurnished apartment or house. College Park-Silver Spring area. Please call DI 24 15 anytime. 3 3* BACHELOR desires furn apt., bedrm., liv. rm . bath, kitchenette, phone, garage, n.w lor.: up to *100: from Sept. 1. Call MR. T’HOTT, DU. 3283, 2374 Mass. ave. n.w. — 11 ARTIST-VET., wife, child: neat, need 3-4 rm. unfurn. apt; $65 may., by Sept. 3. A. LARONDA. 7 1 Steuben st.. Providence. R I. 13’ LAW STUDENT. Christian, wife and child desire J or 2 bedroom apt. in exchange > for managerial services in apt. house lo cated in refined neighborhood. WO. 7268 i alter 7 p.m. * ANDREWS HELD PERSONNEL need furn or unfurn. apts. or houses: prefer «.e or me HI. 3100. Ext. 5122, 8 to 5. —23 SEPT. 15th OR SOONER -No. Arl. pre ferred: J or 2 bedroom apt , furnished or unfurn.; couple with Infant; quiet family. Phone OW. 8659. 11:30 to 3 p m . noon only , „ —32 1 OR 2 BEDRM. APT. OR HOUSE. D. C or Maryland: couple and L child; max , $60. ME. 1867. * UNFURN. 2-BEDRM. APT. or house, two adults, not over $160. Phone Randolph , 9129 evenings * 3 TO 5 ROOM APT. Call after 7 pm daily. Tuesday all day: max . $75. MRS. Me NEILL. NO. 9819 ONE OR TWO BEDROOM unfurnished apt. for 2 employed adults; n.w. D C preferred. SH. 7643 evenings. 12* PERMANENT GOVT. EMPLOYE, wife and 11-year-old daughter, deMre 2-room. kit. and bath apartment, furnished or un furnished: any location: best references; Stitt maximum. Fox 4 20-R. Star. * 2-BI'DrOOM. furnished or unfurnished aot. or house; *70-$80 family. 3 adults MRS. MOSS. NO 7294 after 5 pm 12* FAMILY OF ADULT WASHINGTONIANS desire 2-bedroom apartment: convenient transportation; about $160 mo. RA. 8733. 12* 2 BACHELORS, executives, desire attrac tive 2-bedrm . unfurn. apt.; will decorate or pay advance ren: would consider small modern house with auto heat. HEARTEL, office. DI. 2315; home. WI 7 452. —11 WANTED 1 -RM. FURN. API., kitchenette and oa'h in n.w. section, by employed lctd.% Telephone WO 4545 after 6 pm. Tuesday, all day Wednesday. SEPT. 15th OK SOONER: North Arlington pre ferred; 1 or 2 bedrm. apt., furn. or tin- i furn . couple with infant, quiet family. Phone OW. 8659. 11:36 to i p.m. noon only. —-12 GI AND WIFE, permanent Govt, employes, and lo-yr.-old daughter, need ant. by Sept. 1 DU 4164 after 6 pm. —11 YOUNG I.ADY desires furnished bache.or apt. for 1 or 2: excellent refs prefer Georgetown or n.w. section. Call HO 7006. Ext. 664 after 6 pm. ENLISTED MAN AND WIFE, with small child, needs a 3 or 4 room apt., preferably furn. maximum rent $60; prefer Arlington 'suburbs. Call WOODWARD at barber shon. GL 9532 between 8 and 4 p.m. 12*, COLORED COUPLE and 2 children desire apt. or 2 nice adjoining rooms. ME. ^4091. COLORED COUPLE and 3 child 8 vrs. old. urgently need 2 rms.. kit. and bath, un furn. XU. 4707 any time. — 13 COLORED VETERAN and bride to be. de sire an apartment. Cali AX. 7751. 3 1* COLORED—EMPLOYED reliable coupie. no children, desires 3-rm. apt . pvt. bath, any section. Box 403-R. Star. 11 * COLORED — BUSINESS WOMAN desires l-im. apt., kit. and bath, furnished, n.w. pref. Box 410-R. Star_ Al-.L ROOMS, APARTMENTS TO SHARE. INTELLIGENT, congenial girl. 125 to .10. to share with another Jewish g'.rl, cool, spacious "-bedrm. apt,, s.e. LtJ. 58:38 alter 8 pm. —1",.. TWO VOl'NG LADIES to share aot. with 1 other lady, bedrm., liv. rm.. kit. and pvt. bath: S'25. Call alter 8 p.m.. l-T-o Hrrvard st. n.w . DP. 5088. —12 CO-OPERATIVE APTS.—SALE._ NR. I ?th AND NEW H WO*SHIRE AVE — Conv. downtown location. 1 lge. nr... com pete kitchen, dinette, foyer, modern bath ind 2 extra lge. close's Elevator and switchboard service. In good cond and vacant. Price. *0-5ho. Call Mr McJn-. to^h. RE. 0H01 ; eves WA <*M0?. with FRED A. SMITH. Realtor, 1113 17th st OVERLOOKING ROCK CREEK PARK. 1000 Clydesdale pi. n.w.—Liv. rm.. bed rm . dinette kit. and tile bath, with built in tub and shower. Priced $6,100 UP For single persons or couples, we have available smaller units with large liv. bedrm. combination, full dinette- kit. and bath priced $4 500 to $4,000 Open daily 1 to 8 p m Direction*: Out 15th st past Columbia rd. to Adams Mnl ra.. then 21* blocks to our open sign. HOME REALTY CO. 17^6 Pa ave. n.w.. after-1 noons, call AD. 0025. —13 s CO-OPERATIVE APTS.—SALE ConJ. OWN YOUR OWN APT. HOME Phone RE. 1218 or RE. 1749 for appt. to inspect the following; 4 Half fl. of apt. bldg, devoted to this spacious 2-bedrm., 2-bath, foyer, liv. rm.. dining rm.. library and inclosed sun porch apt. Quietly located Just west of 10th and Harvard sts.; 3 easy flights of stairs. Price. 520.850 Full price only $1,000 for efficiency unit of entr. hall. liv. rm . kit. and bath. Ail cash required Monthly operating cost only $9.8o. Saving on rent is an excl. re turn on investment. Near No Cap. and N. Y. ave. 2-becrm. unit in new bldg . beautifully situated at corner of Southern ave. and Suitiand rd s.e. Price. $11,000; terms. Bedrm,. liv. rm . dining rm . kit. and bath; conv located at 1427 Chapin st. n w Price, $7,500; terms. EDMUND J. FLYNN Washington Bldg. (Co-operative plan au thority since 1920. responsible for most of Washington's co-operative apt. develop mem > MOV ING, PACKING ond STORAGE. SMALL JOBS—Pers. effects, baggage, etc.; $3.75 minimum: any time, days, eves., Suns ANACOSTIA MOVERS, AX. 6440 MOVING AND HAULING oy experienced veterans; careful handling, reasonable rates: 24-hour service. OW. 1751. —12 MOVING ACROSS THE STREET or across the country, safe storage Id separate rooms, expert packing. Phone NO 0104 UNION STORAGE CO INC . e*t 1900 MARINE VETERANS MOVING CO.—24-hr service; furniture moving ana hauling trunks and baggage AT 2759 or PR. 0386. MOVING BY VET—Exper help: every piece wrapped and Insured; reas. rates. Call any time. MR. COOK. GL. 5137. —8 REDUCED RATES, 3 average rooms ol furniture stored in individual compart ment for $3 per month Reasonable rates for additional space. SAFETY STG & TRANS. CO.. TE 5188 or TE 1936. Fl RNITURE VAN, two expert movers; $5 hour; (very piece guaranteed against dam age; also packing, crating. AX. 6446. MOVING BY VET—Exper. help; every piece wrapped and insured: reas. rates. Call any time. MR COOK* GL 5137. —22 EDELMAN MOMNG AND STORAGE CO — Reas, rates; will accept your surplus furni ture as part payment on your moving, storage. TA. 2937. after 7 D.m . GE 1410. 11 * _HOUSES FURNISHED._ WILL SUBLET my furnished house a bed rm available) to couple for 5 weeks begin. 15 Aug.; utilities furn. GL. 6420 eves. —12 FURNISHED HOUSE, 411 East Raymond ave., Alexandria: $100 a month: 5 rooms ana bath Call TE. 4292. 11* CHEVY CHASE, D. C.—Beautifully furn., 3-bedrm., 2-bath home; 1st fl.. liv. rm., din. rm.. kit., lav.; large lot. $250 per mo. S R. MARTIN «fc CO, Realtors. DU. 5300: evenings. OL. 6820. —11 LARGE 1-BEDRM HOME, compl. furn. Call RUDDEN & COHN. INC-, 1424 K st. n.w.. FX 5705. 3 BEDROOMS, Aug. 14th to Sept. 14th. $125 including utilities, completely fur nished. Call WI. 4009. —11 BEAUTIFULLY FURN. Georgetown house; 2 bedrms.. 2 baths, large liv. rm . din. rm.. kit., maid's lav., brick-walled garden ter race; $200 mo. Call HO. 7104. —10 TAK. PK. N.W.—Ranch-type home on 2 landscaped lots; 2 bedrms. and inclosed sun porch with bed. full basement; $200 mo. SH. 2882. —10 ALEXANDRIA—2 bedrms., liv. rm., din. rm., kit . 2 baths: avail. Sept. 1; 5125 mo OV. 5242. Call bet. 3:30-5:30. —11 3512 PORTER ST. N.W—Furnished det house, four bedrooms; $275 month. EM. 0904 10* COMPLETELY FURN. 2-bedrm. row house. Anacostia. Aug. J5 to Sept. 16 Box 85-S. Star. —12 3 ROOMS, kitchen, modern bath, inclosed porch; owner retains lst-fl. room: adults, $115. 225 Douglas st. n.e. after 7 pm. • GEORGETOWN—For Sept and Oct A very desirable 3-bedroom house: excellent location good transp. TCWN REALTY CO . HQ 4868 or DE. 9068._ HOUSES UNFURNISHED._ SILVER SPRING, 9004 Eton rd.—De tached brick, concrete side porch. 1st fl , liv. rm., din. rm., complete mod kit . reception closet, 2nd fl 3 bedrms., 5 closf ts, colored tiled bath-shower, full bsmt., gas heat, paved rd.: Z-8 bus. 2 blk? north: s min. District line. nr. schools, shopping center: Pine.v B.. rd to Flower ave left 3 blks. W’ayne. left 2 blks. Eton rd.; lease; $150. MRS. PRICE. RA. 3863. —12 NEWLY DEC.; 4 bedrms.. 3'a baths, cus tom built: on beautifully landscapec acre, many built-in features, conv. to shopping, schools, transp.: will rent to resp. party, $250 mo SL. 8287. —15 BETHESD.V on Wis. ave : large house; suitable for rooming. guest or business: ample parking space. OWNER WI 8110. ENGLISH VILLAGE, Befh^sda: immed occupancy; lovely corner new brick: with library or bedrm. and 1 a bath on first fl.; 3 bedrms.. 2 baths 2nd fl . maid';. rm„ bath space for rec. rm in bsmt,. garage; children O K , rent $2.25. Cali OL. 5800. or SH 7022. ATTRACTIVE, unfurnished, new. 6-room housa in Silver Spring. Lovely yard, ter race gas heat; $125 per month to de sirable tenants. SL. 5137. —JO COLORED—5 RMS. AND BATH, semi detached. To Inspect call DE. 1513. - 10 HOUSES EXCHANGED. BLANDING DREAM—3 bedrooms: 4'» min utes New York; exchange lor equivalent Washington area. FISH, NA. 6000. Ext 2706. 12* GOING TO TEXAS?—3-bedrm. brick in best resi. section Dallas to exchange, for o mos. or year, for 3-bedrm. house, n.w. Wash. MR. McCULLOUGH. days RE. 56oo, Ext. 4073. night, Sunday, GL. 6052. ___ 3 0* HOUSES WANTED TO RENT. RENT YOUR HOUSE to J T. MOTON. Realty, or sell. We will lease-from you to suit your plan*. Call OV. 0900. GOVT. OFFICIAL wants 3-bednn. fur nished house, n.w. section, Sept. 1; good care of property: up to $200. MR. Mc CULLOUGH. days RE. 5600. Ext. 4973; night and Sunday, GL. 6952. 10* ARMY OFFICER, wife and two mature children, desire rent 3 c*r 4 bedroom un furnished house. Falls Church area. LT. COL. MacADAM. RE 0700. Ext. 5928. 8:30-5.00, Monday thru Friday. 12* REGULAR ARMY COLONEL, wile and vet eran son wish 2 or 3-bednn. apt. or; unfurn. or partly turn., on Sept.. Is maximum $125 Refs. EM. 7887. —10! FIVE RESPONSIBLE young businesswomen desire .clean, furnished house immediately; references. EM. »>3 07. io* 3 TO 1 BEDROOMS, unfurnished; in west of Conn. ave. n.w. location Ap proximately $200 per month. DE. 7908, JO to 4 —12 AERONAUTICAL ENGINEER and wife, both college ”raduates. desire house in Va . furn. or unfurn ; reasonable rent. Call DE. 0782 after 6 p.m. or write Box 363-R. Star. JO* NAVY UOMDR. desires two-bedroom un furn. house or apt.; garage essential: no children or pets. Temple 9003. 16* DR. AND FAMILY want unfurn 3 or 4 oecirm.. 2-bath house in Va. or n.w. Wash.; max.. *2oo. OX 1416. 15* PERMANENT AIR FORCE sergeant's w ife and 3 children arriving Washington this Friday from California; have no roof or beds for family reaulre 2-bedrm. apt. or house, preferably furnished. Call RE. 5711, Ext. 577 between 8:30 am. and 5 pm.; after 5 pm., call CH. 1317. 12* PHYSICIAN,' WIFE, infant, desire 2-bed room furnished house: Chevy Chase. Be thesda; max. $90; by Sept. 1. Box 412-R, Star. 3 2* FURN. HOUSE; must be in Chevy Chase. Takoma Park or Silver Spring section*; small family; will furn. refs.; will guar antee excel, care of property; rent about $125 monthly. Call days, between 10 and 0. MR. CAMERON. RE. 7101 . —12 NAVAL OFFICER needs 3-bearm. apt. or house: commuting to Pentagon; remain minimum two yrs.: two refined children; must locate immediately, wife expect* in Sept.: excel, refs.; maintain $4,000 insur. on personal effects; to $125, incl. heat. Oliver 4465. 12* TWO EMPLOYED WOMEN, stay-at-home mother and 4-yr. child, desire 2-bedroom furnished apt. or house, excel, refs. Phone Glebe 4247. , ^ 12* W'ANTED—Furn. or unfurn house: max., $80: adults. MRS. MOSS. NO. 7294 after 5 p m._ * HOUSES FOR SALE—Northwest. BETHFSDA—Choose your own decorations for this large 3-bodrm brick Colomai, with •2*2 baths includ lat-fl. lavatory; large kit. with table space, pantry, abundance of closets; beautiful corner lot EARL T. WRIGHT. WI. 6600; eves., WI. 5504, WI 2628. —II BETHFSDA, best buy-^$3.760 cash and $66 per mo. for this modern brick home; located In a nice area, on a spacious level hoinesitc; .3 real bedrms., lst-n. lava tory. modern kit., liv. rm. with flrepl., dining rm . aas heat-' built-in garage. FM 6600 til 6 p.m. DURANT-HILLAND WHIT E CO. , —13 BRIGHT WOOD. 647~ 2nd pi—6 rooms, bath, recre large yds, shrubbery, oil a.-c. heat gas h w . awnings, screens. Near schools UN. '045. BRIGHT WOOD. 8th and Ingraham ets. n.w—Owner must sell this attractive Co lonial row brick. 6 rms.. 1 inclosed. 1 open porch- full basement, oil n.-w.h Excellent condition: possession ENTER PRISE REALTY CO. 1*224 Eye st. n.w EX. 340(.» BRIGHTWOOD—SI 4,930—Newly redeco rated, semidetached crick home, new’ oil burner, vacant; this home is excellent value and must be acted on quickly Call Mr. Wtdmrer, TA 3405 with BEITZELL. DI 3100. BRIGHTWOOD — Well-built 7-family brick good condition: *2 complete apts ; nice ’ct: sarase, auto, h.-w.h.; truly an outstanding value and priced right II. T. RANDOLPH. RE 2137 or TA 3281. CHEVY (TIASE — Brick Colonial, custom built, center hall, 4 large bedrms . 2 tiled baths on 2nd fl . staircase to a finished 3rd fl.; 1st fl., modern kitchen, breakfast nook, large dining rm and living lm. with flrepl-. library and powder rm screened porch overlooking a lovely landscaped lot: full bsmt ; gas a -c. beat; 2-car attached garage, terms. Call OR 004 K ’til 0 pm. REALTY BROKERS, INC.. 5506 Conn. ave. . ,, —-10 _i CHEVY CH.A8E—This center-hall Colonial home offers 6 rms.. baths. living rm. with open flrepl., dining rm . kitchen. *'a bath, inclosed screened porch on the 1st fl.: 3 bedrms. and 1 lath on the -nd fl - walk-up staircase to attic, gas heat, detached garage beautifully landscaped lot. terms Call OR. 6048 til 9 P.nt. REALTY BROKERS. INC , 6506 jConn. CHEVY CHASE—7 ample bedrms. and Urge liv. rm . dining rm and kit : spacious lirin? for a small family. EARL T. WRIGHT WI. 6000; eves., WI 2678. HU 7863 —11 CHEVY CHASE. D. C • SH 050—Attrac tive clapboard Colonial bet. Conn, and Wi- ave- 3 bedrms, liv rm . fireplace; dining rm nice kit- oil heat, garage. House in excel, cond. worth the prtce EM 6606 rill 6 p.m. DLRANT-HILLAND H/UTTf CO —13 CHEVY chase. MD . nr. Rosemary School _D,t home on level lot. close to Conn eve.; ist fl. has attr. lfv. rm.. din. rm. and hit.; 2nd fl . 3 large bedrms. and full tiled bath: garase. oil heat. Our owner will sell for $20.000; let trust of *15.ood at 4‘,%. P A TWEED CO EM. 1200 until 9 p.m. ; CHEVY CHASE. D C—Detached home, vacant: gas heat, 6 rms ; $3000 down owner will finance b*>55£*' | Inspect any time. DIXIE REALTY CO., RA. 88S0. 1 HOUSES FOR SALE—N.W. (Cont.). CHEW CHASE. D. C.—Beautiful brick det. home. loc. fust oB Nebraska ave., close to schools and transp. This lovely home has attrac. liv. rm.. den. extra ige. din. rm., kit., and Va bath on 1st fl 2nd fl . 4 ige. bedrms. with connecting bath to each rm.; stairs to well-insulated attic, suitable for additional bedrm.; 3 car. det brick garage; deep, fenced-in i garden: awnings, storm windows, gas heat. Cali us now to see this excellent value. F. A TWEED CO.. EM. 1290 til 9 p.m. —10 CHEVY CHASE. MD.—Attractive briak almost new. 3 bedrms. t'2 of twin-bed! size1; large lot and garage, modern kitchen*; with GE dishwasher and disposal unit • THOS. L. PHILLIPS. WO. 7900 until 9. p.m. 3518 Coiin. , s . . CHEVY CHASE, D. C.—Excel, brick home in most conv. location, near Lafayette; School; 3 bedrms. 2 baths on 2nd fl.:, 4th bedrm. on 3rd fl.; large Uv. and. dining rms.. modern electric kit., det. ga rage. House Is very clean and attrac tively priced. EM 6600 til) 9 p.m. DURANT-HILLAND-WHITE CO —>13 CHEVY CHASE. *21,300—Spacious center-, hail Colonial, west of Conn. ave.. near, Rosemary School. 4 bedrms. 2 baths on. 2nd fl.; lavatory on 1st fl.; nice level lot Needs some attention but is a splendid value for this exceptional location and; neighborhood EM 66»»o till 9 p.m. DURANT-HILLAND-WHITE CO.' —13 CHEVY CHASE, D. C.—4-bedrm. house on lge. lot: all conveniences. Price, $22,000. Call WO. 0276. , —12 CHEVY CHASE. D. C., near Military rd . 32nd st.—Det. brick about 9 yrs. old; with Vz bath on 1st fl., attr. liv. rm.. din. rm. and kit.; the 2nd fl. has 3 bedrms.. ful'. tile bath; storage attic; priced very low for such a fine home in this area. F A. TWEED CO.. EM. 1290 ’til 9 p.m. —10 FOREST HILLS, east of Conn, ave—This, attr. brick home in this most-sought-after, location: first floor has attr. liv. rm.. din. rm.. breakfast rm.. den and la bath; 2nd! fl. has 4 oedrms . 2 baths; finished rm. in attic and storage space; rec. rm. in j osmt., 2-car garage: large shaded lot . > Truly a value in this beautiful parklike j neighborhood. F. A. N TWEED CO.. EM. 1290 till 9 p.m. v GEORGETOWN—We have a very nice 3 bedrm. brick house that is in very good cond.. located quite near the college. Also several small houses for remodeling. TOWN .REALTY CO , HO. 4808 or DE : 9068. LUXMANOR RD., Bethesda area; new det. brick. 2 bedrms. and bath on 1st fl.; 2 bedrms. and bath on 2nd fl ; 2 fire places; screened pohch; paneled rec. rm.; oreezeway to brick garage. THOS. L PHILLIPS, WO. 1900 until 9 p.m., 3518 Conn. —10 ; MASS. AVE. EXTENDED—Nestled in a wooded knoll on top of a hill. A lovely brick Colonial. 3 bedrooms, l’a baths. EARL T. WRIGHT. WI. 6900; eves . HU. 7893. WI. 2628. —11 Ml. PLEASANT—4-bedrm. semidet. br;ck. spacious Kitchen, dining rm. and living rm.. hardwood floors, automatic h.-w.h . English bsnu.: reasonably priced. PAT TROIANO- Realtor. 827 14th st. n.w.,, NA. 3560 —12 MOUNT PLEASANT—We have 2 lovely homes. 1 row and 1 detached: possession on both; available on reasonable term*. AUERBACH & CO., 1424 K at. n.w.. DI. 6501: eves.. Mr. Ratner. AT. 8087. —13 PETWORTH—Brick home in fine residen tial section, near schools, shopping, etc. This home has 3 bedrooms, tiled bath, gas heat, garage. Priced right. Mr. Williams. GE. 1108. with MARSHALL J. WAPLE CO . DI. 3346. —12 PETWORTH—*11,950. Attrac Colonial brick home just off New Hampshire ave. above Rock Creek Church rd.; 6 rms.. reception hall, bath; <2nd-fl. rm. has sink and stove); h.-w.h.; lot 17x80, with an additional lot 17x52. Eves., phone Mr. i Adams. OR. 5713. L T. GRAVATTE. ; 729 ! 5th st. n.w. NA 0753. PETWORTH HOME, best location, solid row brick. 20 ft. wide, fine condition. Spacious living, dining rooms, modern kitchen. 3 good bedrooms, tiled bath, in closed rear porches, oil h.-w.h.; light, dry basement, garage. Good value. Kenmore 4839. • PEABODY ST., near New Hampshire ave. —51.950 down; this 5-year-old semide tached brick home, in immaculate condi tion and ready for Immediate occupancy: large living room, dining room, kitchen: lull bsmt 2 full-sized bedrooms, bath on 2nd fl. Call RE 1988 till 9 p in , OOLD STEN BROS., 1429 L st. n.w. —13 PETWORTH. near St Gabriel's. Roosevelt High—6 rms.. bath. lav. in bsmt., auto, h.-w.h : itnmac. cond ; sale through owner no brok r.v Call RA. 7352. —12 ; SHEPHERD PARK -One of the finer brick Colonial properties in this exclusive section consisting of s large rms.. den. rec. rm . all-electric kit., screened porch, sun d|£k. .Ii’y pond and 2-car brick ga- j rage ^ Excel terms to interested pur chaser. Call Ted Bair with JAMES L DIXON & CO. 1022 17th st. n.w,. ST 1200; eves.. GE. 4497. Exclusive. —12 TAKOMA PARK. DC.—Lge det. 11-rm home on big lot; oil heat; 2 baths: 2 kits.; *15.950. KAY REALTY CO. INC.. RA. -I <> DESIGNED for happy living—This prewar built det. home is located on lgr. lot near schools and transp. and conv. to Amen-; can Univ. Park; 1st fl , liv. rm.. din. rm.. Ciec. kit . screened liv. porch with- deep blue awnings. 2nd fl., 3 bedrmak and 2 tile baths; automatic heat. Owner has purchased elsewhere and says sell at the low nmrket price, $21,500. F. A. TWEED CO., EM. 1200 ’til 0 p.m. —lo SEE 107 ELM AVE., Takoma Park—Va- J cant, possession; furnished or unfurnished; $5,000 cash required. MR. WAPLE. Dl. 3340. —13 GI AF*PRO\T.D, $1,025 DOWN; BETHE8DA - Modern fie;, brick homes, center-hall plan. 6 lovely rooms, 1 Va baths (1st floor powder room*, 12-ft. living room with fireplace, fully equipped kitchen, full bsmt. with sas heat, side porches; beautifully landscaped lots, and many other fine features; priced at only $16,250 with monthly payments of $95. Open this, eve. from 6 't*l dark. To reach: Drive out Wis. ave to Bank of Bethesda. bear left out Old Georgetown rd 2 miles to our sign at, Beech dr., turn left and follow signs to sample house. 5900 Beech dr. Surety Realty Co., agents for CEN TURY CONSTRUCTION CO, INC., EX. 7 944 : ever.. FA. 0259. —13 NEAR 18th AND COl. RD.—Large row brick, f» rooms and bath- gas h.-w.h., «a ras*. Owner leaving; town, anxious to sell. Price reduced to $14,500. $2,500 cash Call F. ELIOT MIDDLETON, Realtor. RE. 118! —10 1 HOME WITH INCOME, near Columbia rd and 18th st. business area: four bedrooms on 2nd floor, baths on both floors; also small apt with separate entrance rents for $67’ mo . which means over $800 a year toward carrying charges. R. P RIPLEY. Realtor. SL 0111. 'Sun. and eves.. DU 4200. Ext 404. Mr. Bogardus ) 1325 JEFFERSON SJ. N.W.—Attractive dekachod 8-room home. conv. neighbor hood large yard, trees. 2-car garage; open after 7;3(* any evening 10* 1325 16th ST. N.W.—12 rooms. 4 baths, furniture included if desired Immed. pos session terms. Open for inspection —11 , too BLOCK SHEPHERD ST N.W.—1st offerin': Solidly constructed attached brick home. 1st floor, large living room, dining room, kitchen: 2nd floor. 3 bed rooms. bath and inclosed porch; very beautiful yard: convenient transportation; possession at settlement; best buy at to day's market- very liberal down payment will secure for you a lovely home In a lovely neighborhood Call Schwartz. EX 2501. with OSCAR S SEIGEL, 525 6th st. n.w. 11* ' 5th AND HAMILTON STS N.W—$1 000 down; 5 rms and 2 inclosed porches; row brick aas heat- only $12,750. KAY REALTY CO. INC . RA. 2200. —13 ACROSS D. C. LINE—Heal Georgetown charm in a cozy, little white brick home in a cool and inviting garden spot in the suburbs: most unusual floor plan, step down liv. rm.. fireplace in dining rm.. 2 baths and 2 bedrms. and nursery or dress ing rm ; conv. to transportation. EARL T. WRJGHT. WI. 6000; eves . HU. 7893. WI. j 5564 „ —11 i BEAUTIFUL BUNGALOW—Only $1,950 down buys this charming 2-bedrm'. bunga low. in popular Hampshire Knolls; floored attic, full bsmt- oil n.-c.h.; nice lot: po?r. Priced low at $11950. To Inspect, call till 9 p.m, TA 4000. HAMILTON REAL TY CO., 5625 Oa. ave n.w. —13 ARMY MAP SERVICE AREA—3-bedrm. hrick home, on a large lot; oil h.-w.h . full bsmt. screened porch. EARL T. WRIGHT. WI 6900; eves., WI. 5564. WI. 2028 —11 NR. 12nd AND MILITARY RD.—Immedi ate possession can be had of this semidet 6-room home with gas heat. RUDDEN & COuN. INC. 1424 K st. n.w. EX 570o BARGAIN, BY OWNER. 11-rm brick home, first commercial zone. CalJ RE walter^eed"hospital vicinity— Detached home for large family, or 2 apt*.. 5 rooms and bath on first floor: 4 rooms ard bath on 2nd floor: 2-car garage Price *19.500; -5.000 cash, first trust for balance LOWERY * MELTON. Real tors. SH. 0200; eves., call Mr. Lyons. SH. Nh!: WALTER REED HOSPITAL—New Co lonial brick, spacious Ilyina rooxr, with flre place. family-sited dining room. large, kitchen. ;i bedrooms and bath, gas neat , tolie' In basement. Price, 7bd.50f>. good terms LOWERY & MELTON. Realtors. SH !)200; eves.. Mr. Lyons, 5H. H49u j HARVARD ST . near Rock Creek Park— Clean modernistic brick row. ftirnlshed. i Gas a.-c. heat, bedrm . shower^ bath In basement; liv. rm . dinette, kit on 1st fl.. •: bedrms.. tiled bath. \’nd fl. Owner leac- i ing country, must sell everything. Sub stantial cash rejuired. Calf MIS. MAURER, WI. -884 <w>ih Thos. L., cathedral area. r:l ,ono — Sc mide tached brick: 6 lge rms., den and closed sleeping porch; house and grounds j in rzeel cond. Eves . Mrs. Sunday, OL. 1034* with H j KORZENDORFER CO S&3 SHEPHERD ST. N.W.-3 apt, . home in eood condition, ut™ Qa'1 Bangle, COX & CO- HE._Ijl.»3. DL 4-?* McDEVITT. REALTOR SALES BULLETIN. Cleveland Park, 33(17 Newark st. Spacious det. home, 8 rms.. J baths, 3 porches oil h.-w.h . garage. TaVomm Park—7-yr -old brick bunsa , 5 rms and an expandable attic, oil h.-w.h.. *1 Sc thesda—7-yr -old det. brick, fl rms.; side porch, gas heat; carpet for liv. din. rm. ana stairs incl. in low pric# of S‘1Nc\°r' Kenwood—Here's the unusual, on % acre, over 100 trees: 8-yr-oid det. brick, center hall: 1st flliv rm. side porch, bedrm. and bath. „din. rm • eouipped kit, breakfast nook; * bedrms.. and bath up: unu!U®1,hr*c„„rmh *.nd place maids rm, bath, oil heat, - car trarage reduced to $34,950. , Woodmoor—New brick bunaa- 5 rms expandable attic, gas heat; only $]5,950.; Silver Spring; *14.750; l-vt -old det brick, attached garage: 6 rms , bath, gas heat, owner transferred .. K1_ McDEVlTT'S personal service a’valla.ole to buyer and seller. 8H. 6<6Q- RA. 44^. AMERICAN UNIVERSITY PAKK. Detached center-hall brick, lav on 1st floor, u bedrooms and bath on ~nd, deep lot; air-condittcped oil heat; recreation room. det. brick garage; prewar construc tion. A real buy. To inspect, call Mr. Munson. EM 1«2». _ _ MARSHALL J. WAPLE CO. 1224 14th st. n.w._- DI. 3340. AMERICAN UNIV. PARK Well-constructed all-brick home, in encej lent cond. Includes den on 1st fl.. .! bed rmt„ 2 baths on 2nd; recreation rm.. ga-. rase, large Inch rear yd. Perfect location,; 2>i blocks to Soring Valley shopping area at 4Uth and Mass, ave ; S23.K50. Call > TW. 0104. or FRANK S. PHILLIPS di mi i HOUSES FOR SALE—Nofthwrt. BELLEVUE TERRACE-" Ofl Mass. ave. n.w.—A beautiful, spacious home, suitable* for a doctor or any pro fessional man. detached corner brick, can ter-hall plan: 1st floor has fl large rmi. and half bath, plus all modern con venience: 2nd floor has 4 large bedrooms and 2 baths; 3rd floor kbe?rP°Pls and bath; recreation' rm. with half bath, fsur.dry rm storage rm.. wine cellar and --car built-in garage, oil h.-w.h., beautiful lot. 30x150, JgLt,lni{ru,*.5feefy rpfl^onibly priced at 53 < .500. tMB or terms Call till 9 P.m. weekdays. Sun.. 1 WrrT Calomiris Prop., Inc. 1012 ITth st. n.w* PI- lfloS;_LLli? BETHESDA Handsome new 4-bedrm.. 21n-bath home in Bradley Hills, ' a section of beautiful homes and small estates. Large Uv. rm. with wood-burning fireplace. full-jUed dhi rm.. large fully equipped kit, and Powder rm ; 2nd fl.. 4 large bedrms., -colorful baths. Stairs to large floored attic and full-siged windows., This home ls espe lially well built, has beautiful floors and is decorated to suit the most discriminating purchaser. Screened porch, attached ga rage. gas heat, large level lot - Very modestly priced at S32.500. Billingsley & Sanderson Co. 4934 Wisconsin Ave.. OR. 2H2b._ BRIGHTWOOD—$12,950 Living room, dining room, kitchen and In closed porch; 2nd floor, 3 bedrooms and bath: full basement, h.-w.h., garage. Close to Paul Junior High School, shopping and transportation. . _ Billingsley & Sanderson Co. 4934 Wis. Ave. OR. 2328 Until 9 P.M. BRIGHTWOOD See today—Excel, row house. 6 lovely rm* .: 2 inch porches: nice cond ; gas heat bujlt-in gar Move In at settlement. To inspect, call r£. 3316. CHAPMAN REALTY CO . Realtors. 9 to 9.—12 BRIGHTWOOD Hr. Coolldgf High, modern semidetached brk. 6 lovely rms. and bath, olus powder rm. on 1st flr.. gas a -c. beat. Ite yard. Priced low. $13,651) with $2,500 down, $05 per mo. Cali GE. 2270 till 9 p.m. BRIGHTWOOD REALTY CO. Chevy Chase, Md.—$26,850 Club section; very convenient to Rose mary St. School; all-brick Colonial. 4 bedrms.. 2 baths. 1 bedrm. on 3rd floor; lot with 105-it frontage. Call WO. 23"0 ( to inspect Oflice open today and week-! days till 9 p.m. EDW. H. JONES & CO., INC. _ —10 Chevy Chase, D. C.—$24,500 West of Conn. ave. and convenient to Woodrow Wilson and other schools. This fine home contains 5 bedrms , 2 baths, garage, oil h -w.h. Everything in perfect condition To inspect, call WO 2300 Oflice open today and weekdays till 9 p m. EDW. H. JONES & CO., INC. _—10 Chevy Chase, D. C.—$16,950 Newly decorated, attached home, close to schools and transp ; lge. liv. rm. with fireplace, cheerful din. rm.. lge. fully equipped kit., den or gunroom: 2nd n.. 3 btdrms.. bath with shower. Inclosed sleep ing porch; oil h.-wh.; built-in garage; quick possession. Billingsley & Sanderson Co. 4934 Wls. ave., OR. -2326 * til 9 CHEVY CHASE, MD. In an area of other fine homes, this de tached brick, built in 1940 by one of Washington s best builders, is excellently j planned: on 1st floor, has extra-lge. liv. j rm. opening onto a lovely screened porch , overlooking the well-landscaped and pri-; vate grounds in the rear, din. rm powder rm. and I Re. kit.; 2nd floor has 3 ex cellent sized bedrms. and 2 tiled baths. There are stairs to a lge. storage attic. Attached gaiage. Shown by appt. only. W. B. WRIGHT EM. 3380 tl 11 9 p m._ CHEVY CHASE, D. C. Modern detached brick house, about 14 vp s. old: located on wide. deep, level lot: containing entrance hall, living room' with large plate-gla^s mirror over mantel. J dining room, breakfast room, modern: kitchen. Ist-fi. lavatory and screened' porch; 3 bedrooms on 2nd fl ; recreation room with oar; oil h.-w.h ; 1st fl is fully carpeted; large 2-car garage opening on alley. Inspection by appointment. OLIVER T. CARR Mills Bldg, i5a. 2865; GE. 9203 after 5 p in_—11 Chevy Chase, Md.—$16,950 Delightful homestead of the farmhouse type, with combination dining-living room, kitchen, toilet and lavatory on 1st flr.; 3 bedrooms and bath on 2nd; gas h.-w.h . insulated, storm sash: lot 100x135. with trees, on improved street. Call WO. 2300 to see this property. Oflice open today and weekdays till 9 p.m. EDW. H. JONES & CO., INC. CHEVY CHASE, D. C. Harrison st. n.w.; west of Conn. avc. on lot. 511x110 ft; fully detached; in perfect condition; consisting of living room with fireplace, dining room- kitchen and pantry. 5 bedrooms. *2 complete baths, large front porch, screened sleeping and breakfast porches, oil h.-w.h.. laundry trays and toilet in basement, detached garage; con venient to Woodrow Wilson and other schools, also to transportation, stores, etc,; priced at only 924.500; attractive financing. Call HO 0700 to Inspect. R. G. DUNNE, REALTOR : CHEVY CHASE, MD. Close-In section; convenient to schools; a tine 2-story, ti-room and bath detached brick home on a lot 55x155 ft.: has a charming screened patio with fireplace, automatic hot-water heat, electric refrig erator, insulated slate roof and an at tached garace; vacant, immediate occu pancy assured. Price. $18,050. Phone Mr Norlander. NO. 4035. Ext. .101, with SHANNON & LUCHS CO. 1505 H St. n.w., NA. 2345._! CHEVY CHASE, D. C. j 5 bedrms , baths—Between Conn, and Wis. aves , close to schools, churches, shop ping and transportation; nice grounds. House in excel, cond.: oil h.-w.h. Posses sion with title. Call eves.. WO. 0140 RAYMOND B. DUNN ___—n CLEVELAND PARK Beautiful and apacious. semidetached brick home, in Immaculate cond; 4 bedrm* •: oaths on 2nd fl.; den on 1st fl ; highly1 desirable location, c’ose-in and convenient to everything Call TW. 0104 or FRANK S. PHILLIPS __ __PI. 1411. _ Cleveland Park—$23,500 Open 7 to 0:30 daily—Lovely semldet. home near Swedish Legation and across from Stimpson estate. Liv. rm. with fire place. dining rm.. fully equip, kit.; 2nd fl.. 3 bedrms. and bath; 3rd fl . bedrm. and bath; gas h.-w.h, slate roof, built-in gar. Billingsley & Sanderson Co. 40.14 Wis. Ave N W.. 094. 2398 'TO 9 P M. DELAFIELD N.W.—Brick. 0 bedrooms: ex cellent residential section, very close to schools. Vs block from carline; oil hot water heat, new roof; in first-class condi tion throughout; $.t,;)00 down, balance like rent. Call EX. 2555. PASTOR & LUTZ, INC. CONGRESS HEIGHTS Possession in 24 hours; buy direct irom owner: (1 Ige- rms.. tile bath with shower; over $1,000 less than original price of 2 years ago; 1 block from bus stop; terms. Call VI. 2371._—12 DELAFIELD ST. N.W. 1300 block—New det. center-hall brick, 0 large rooms, 3 oaths, fin. attic, full base ment. r«cre. rm.. aas h -w h. excellent location, conv. to schools, transportation and shopping. Constructed of finest ma terials and workmanship. Call eves., Mr. Richards. WO LEO M. BERNSTEIN & 'CO. 1415 K St. N.W. _ Realtors._ME. 5400 ELDER ST. N.W. 800 blk.; desirable bungalow on nicely landscaped. 40*140 lot. living rm.. dining rm , kitchen, pcntrv. 2 bedrmr. and bath, screen;. .Venetian blinds, new gas range, rrfricerator; in Immaculate condition; conv. to Walter Reed Hospital. Call eves., Mr. Richards, WO. (1505. LEO M. BERNSTEIN. & CO. 1415 K st. n.w„ Realtors, ME. 5400. j FOREST HILLS' D C. Beautiful center-hall brick Colonial home, overlooking Rock Creek Park, on large j homesige 93x150; large living, dining rms., ! screened porch modern kitchen, break fast room: 2nd floor. 3 large bedrooip*.; library with brick flreplace; 2-car garage; ; oil h.-w.h ; maid s bath. LESLIE D. ; MEA8ELL. OL. 0260._JL_ GEORGETOWN—$16,950 Corner .i-bedrm. home of great possibilities; ■ has bath and oil heat; evenings. MI. 2121.; J. LEO KOLB, INC., MI. 2100 mass. Ave. extended' New det. brick homes Some will be! template in 10 daye PI, »g*>rRv.e4p *iK | available for civilians. Bailt by BARKLEY BROS (5 and 7 rooms, gas neat. elwtrtc ; refrigerator, gas stove, screened doors sr.d windows, well insulated. Bom# h*T* aullt-tn garates. For more tnformanon tali Mr Nolan. NA. 9250; night*. DO. 50.37. Ext- 304 To reach: Drive „ou* Mass ave. to 5700 block, turn left, follow | ■tgn 1V4 block* to new homes. Open Bat. i »nd Sun. ____ j MASS, and WESTERN AVES. | 415,500 for this detached brick bungalow with picture window and unusual charm, i nas din. rm. 2 bedrm.-.. tile bath and iliower. attic, oil heat: best landscaped sarden I have seen thl* season; eventng*. MI 2121 J. LEO KOLB, INC., MI. 2100 MILITARY RD. N'W gear 2!Hh st.—Lovely corner English det. jrirk H large rms . 2 baths, 2-story studio lv. rm. 2-car garage. Bryant gaa unit, etc Possesilon. Beautiful residential dienIr^ehrlich & CO. _ST. 3381, GE 1887._ MONROE ST., NEAR 16TH Vacant; «ub*tanUalIy built 6-room row Drlek good condition, metal casing*. *u-0 h-w heat: convenient location, garage price *13.750: *2.600 down. Call OWNER. DC 3180. or AD. 9904. — U HOUSES EOR SALE—North^T* NORTH CLEVELANtTpaWt? Located at one of the highest noint* the city; excellent environment; canl*ntJ2 to Woodrow Wilson High, Sli. Janney elementary. St. Ann s ms maculate oarochlal schools; tren.nnrV?" tion and shopping center within a b!S& detached, shingle exterior, slgte S » bright comfortable rooms, 3 bedroom, glassed-in sleeping porch. lst-Bom d»' and lavatory, modern type kitchen aUt heat, rockwool Insulation: entire Drnn.-w in A-l condition: the lot is beautifully landscaped: nrice. SIS.250: shown b* in pointment. Call Mr. Chambers, (eveninea PI. 0685) THOS J. FISHER & CO me Realtors. PI. 6830._ PETWORTH—4 BEDRMSP $15,950; suitable for lge. family: this ’2. ft. row brick home, is in excel, cond and early possession may be had; owner leav ing city, has priced this prop for quirk sale. Call Mr. Loving. RE. 6661 or MI 0169. ” ’ FRED A. SMITH, REALTOR _Exclusive. 1113 17th st. n w PETWORTH ROW BRICK 6 rooms. lVi baths; full bsmt . auto matic heat; restricted; price. Sl3.7*»o: terms. WOODRIDGE REALTY CO. 2381 R. I. ave. n.e.. NO. 7203 PINEY BRANCH RD., D~C Greatly reduced. A splendid, large, roomy semidet. Colonial brick, located on spacious corner lot. close to schools and every conv.. 2 blocfcs from Ga. ave : strict:v * quality home with 4 line bedrms.: a1,' rms arc extra large and attractive; oil h.-w h" built-in gar.; "O'* flrst trust avail. wi»h low down payment. For details, phone until 6 p.m. Capital View Realty Co. 925 N. Y. Ave. N.W.. Realtors.~NA n:nr_ FlWfiXlUivoi t/lKULE First presentation of this beautiful stona and brick dream home; only 8 yrs c:d; immaculate cond.: spacious center hall, library and powder room, breakfast roonv 3 twin-size bedrms.. 2 baths on 2nd fl.; recreation rm. with fireplace, opens or* terrace; servant's rm. and bath: delightful lot 70x260 with beautiful shade trees Excellent financing; extraordinary valui at $35,000. Call Mr. Thornton. W'A. 8625. with FRANK S. PHILLIPS. DI 1411. POTOMAC HEIGHTS New corner brick bungalow ol 4 bedrms, 2>2 baths; this is really nice; evenings. EM, 7448. J. LEO KOLB, INC.. MI. 2100 ~ROCK CREEK FOREST ~ Chevy Chase. Md.—Beautiful center-hall Colonial brick home; 1st floor, larRe living, dining rooms, powder rm,. de luxe kitchen; 2nd floor. 3 large bedrms , 11, baths tiled; garage, gas air conditioned LESLIE D. MEASELL. OL. 9380^_ SHEPHERD park 8152 Eastern ave. n.w.; open daily 5 to 8 p.m . new de luxe detached brick ex hibit home; 7 rooms. 2V, baths, extra llna features throughout, gas a.-c. heat AUER BACH & CO . 1424 K st. n.w,. DI. B5(>1; eves., AD. 5907. _13 _ Silver Spring, Md.—$15,950 Owner says sell; new brick home reduced lor outek sale: 6 rooms, tiled bath: 3 bedrooms, powder room; gas air condi tioned: easy terms; close to schools. LES LIE D MEASELL. OL 9260._• TAFT BRIDGE AREA Town house, semidetached brick, in per fect condition; 4 bedrooms. 2 baths, heated sunroom on first floor; 2-car garage, large garden. Eves , call Mr*. Herring, OR- 29t<5. FOREST HILLS A fine detached brick Colonial on Isrsa wooded lot. immediately available: center hall plan. .3 bedrooms. 2 baths, sewing room on .second floor; 2 bedrooms end bath on third floor; first-floor lavatorv and sunroom; Drice. $32,600. Eves., call Mrs. Mllle;. MI. 7303. GEORGETOWN For remodeling, a 4-bedroom on lot 150 ft deep on aulet street, west Wis, ave.: well-built house, has heating and plumbing. RIDDELL REALTY CO. _1742 K St. N.W. Realtors. DI. 7BOO UNIVERSITY PLACE N.W.* Row brick home with 5 bedrms .3 lull baths. 2-car garage, oil a.-c. heat, in very Immaculate condition and In the very best rental neighborhood. Call eves.. Mr. Richards. WO. 6505. LEO M. BERNSTEIN & CO. 1415 K St. N.W._Realtors. ME. 6400. "NR. CHEVY CHASE CLUB” A “distinctive" new H-rm,. 2*4-bath home; Uv. rm with “picture window ami fire place. powder rm. (1st fl). dining room opening onto porch designed for privacy, a “cheerful" kitchen with excellent cabinet work, ranee, refrigerator and ventilating fgn. gas air-conditioned heat. 2 “big" bed rms., 2 complete baths, attached garage; on a beautifully landscaped and shaded lot HfixltW: convenient to shopping and other facilities; priced to sell. Call ME. 1143 until (* p m. J. WESLEY BUCHANAN “NEAR COOLIDGE HIGH” Vacant and ready tor Immediate occupancy: a semidetached brick and atucco home with 7 rms . tile bath, built-in garage, sa« heat: In excellent condition; owner hot left town and must have Immediate sale. Call ME. It4.1 until 11 pm. J. WESLEY BUCHANAN NEW BRICK HOMES $1*2.750. *'2.000 down: semidet.; 0 rms., tiled bath with shower, full bsmt aas a.-c. heat. Venetian b'inds. Call LI. 3565 for appointment ROGER MOSS _HO 6020._—12 CHOICE OF BUYS ‘ Foil Davis area—.3-bedrm . semidet. brick with lge. liv. rm . din., mod. kit ; full bsmt . eas heat; conv. terms. Brick bungalow. Coral Hills s.e.—Liv. rm . din. rm . kit., bedrm., tile bath, finished attic with 3 rms.; full bsmt . oil heat; built-in garage: lot 00x100; vacant. $1.76<) down. ‘!3rd st. a.e . nr. Alabama ave.—New semldet. brick has liv. rm.. din. rm.. kit , 22 bedrms., tile bath; full bsmt, gas heat: nice lot. Alabama ave. s.e.—New det brick; va cant: has liv. rm. with flrepl.. din. rm. mod kit 3 nice bedrms , l'a baths, full bsmt.. oil heat, side porch; built-in garage; lot. ftoxl 14. , „ Hill crest—Vacant; new det. brick; liv. rm. with stone flrepl., din. rm.. kit., 3 me* bedrms.. I1* baths, full bsmt.. gas heat, side porch, built-in garage; nice lot. 3-family brick, nr. Eastern High 8chool _7 rms., ‘2 baths, '2 refgrs.; full bsmt.. oil heat. det. garage, reas priced. Home and income; 3-apt. brick nomaj gas heat. .3 refgrs.. 3 gas ranges; com pletely furn.: only $12,500. SOUTHEAST REALTY CO. 1211 Pa. ave. S.e.. FR. 21100. —13 . 4-FAMILY FLATS All-brick bides., less than 7 yr». old: present Income #23« per mo , with *14,500 FHA flnanc.n? available; very conveniently located and tairly priced. Tnese units may also be financed to veterans under tha OI plan Call Mr. Clarke. BL. 2830. with BEIT2EU.. PI. 3100._ —1* . OPEN TODAY, 7 TO 9 P. M. 3420 34th Pi. n w. Children s haven In Cleveland Park. Fine, large masonry con structed home on Quiet street, near schools and transp Ideal for large fam ily. Spacious liv. rm. with flrepl., Pan eled dining rm . kit., hah and pantry on 1st fl : * bedrms. and bath on 2nd fl : 3 bedrms and oath on 3rd fl-: rumpua rm.; oil heat, garage. Needs decorating, j but priced accoidmgly. Mr. Miles on ! premises with JAMES L. DIXON & CO. ,1022 17th st. n.w . ST. 7200. eves., CO. I 8230. _—1" TODAY’S BEST BUY In D C : fl large rms.. detached, all-brick home: fireplace In living rm . ultra-mod ern kitchen, 7-ft. Frlgidaire, Detroit Jewel gas range; lavatory in bsmt.: copper water pipes: outside entrance to bsmt.: thia house cannot be duplicated at the iam# price today. See no TucKerman at. *3.500 ca^h necessary. HARRY ROD. Directions: Out N H ave., left on Eastern ave,. *: blocks to Tuckerman »t. —H _ 1846 IRVING ST. N.W. Open daily. 4 to 9 p m.—New B-rm. home, powder room, ultramodern kitchen ampla cabinet space, un deck views Rock Creek Park, auto gas heat, copper water plpea. Transportation at the front door. Capital View Realty Co. 925 N Y. Ave. N.W.. Realtors. NA. 9787. 5308 COLORADO AVE., NTW'. Jus*: off l«th st., open evenings. 6 to 8:30 n m—Beautiful detached brick with 4 bedrms.. 7 baths. SHOCKEY & MOORHEAD AD 0021. Open till 9 p m. —11 2824 Bellevue Terrace N.W. gptn 1 till dark. A beautiful, spacious ome. suitable for all purposes. Detached corner brick; center-hall plan; 1st floor has 6 large rooms and half bath, plus all modern conveniences. 2nd floor has 4 large bedrooms and 2 baths; 3rd floor has 2 bedrooms and bath, bemiflnished recrea tion room with »/* bath; laundry room, storage rm . wine cellar and 2-car built-in garage; oil h.-w.h.; beautiful lot. #0x150. with fruit trees. Reasonably priced at *37,500. cash or terms. To reach Out Mas*, ave. one block past Wii. avt. to Cathedral ave., bear left on Cathedral to Bellevue ter., turn left 2 blocks to 2824, Wm. Calomiris Prop., Inc. 1012 17th St. N.W.Dl. 1056. —19 2216 TUNLAW ROAD Belt house In the bloek, possession In time to enter children In tcbooli nearby; tbrea bedrooms Plus large inclosed and Insu lated sleeping porch, Inclosed and heated gunroom and breakfast nook, hardwood floors throughout, oil h.-w.h., garage; near stores, markets, bus and trolley trsnipor tat'Jbn; shown by appointment any tima. L. H Maury. AD. 8028. MARSHALL J. WAPLE CO. 1224 14th Bt. N.W.PI. 3348. j NEAR 3RD AND WEBSTER 8T. Vacant, B-room row brick with 2 Inclosed heated porches, front porch, oil heat, larga yard with garage; this could be oonrerted Into a 2-famtly apt. as it ha, bath la cellar and one on second floor; the owner woud like a quick sale as they are anxloua to get get back to their horn. In Cali fornia M. B. WEAVER, WO. 4944 at Dl. 38.20. __ (Continued on Next Page.) 4