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SUBURBAN SALE—VA. (Cent.) I FoR_GOOb SIKD FAMILY, located In AHtagtona Brandon Village—4-oednn. bungalow, 2 on first fl . .iv.. din. Kit-, »un baaement: near buallnes. aehools and, churches Excel, cond- Price. $lo,,otl. M T BROYHILL A SONS, CH. 5300. —12 j ONLY TWO HOMF.S LEFT in OI housing] project, near Westover In Arlington—3 Dedrmr. 2 stories, all-brick, fu.i base men; Ready for occ. in ,3 weeks Now readv for decorating. $14.2.50. M. T. BROYHILL & SONS. CH. 5300; or eve- | rung*. DE. 6353 OWNER OFFERS comfortable 2-bedroom tfrick semidetached home near Lee blvd. j and Olebe rd Reasonable. CH. 6241.—14 tlBFRBAN, 15 min D C. via new Shir ev hwy., 2-bedrm. oungalow. at Lin colnla. across the hwy. from new elemen tary school. Conv. to bus and stores. M T BROYHILL fc SONS. CH 5300. —12 THERE WILL BE A WAR over who gets this house first Bedrm. and Mi bath on 1st fir.. 2 bedrms. and tiled bath \iP ■♦alrs. plus good-size liv. rm., din. rm. and equip, kit . full bsmt.. excel, lot. Just imagine all of this at the low price of $13,750. 1st trust. $9,100. $60 per Din. Inch taxes and ins. ARLINGTON REALTY CO., 2204 Wilson blvd , OW. 9300 —12 IF YOU LIKE boating and fishing you will be interested in this beautiful home site containing 1.3 acres with river front age. at Wellington Villa. 3 miles south of Alexandria on Mt Vernon Memorial hwy. Call OWNER. TE. 8426. eves., OV 3173 or TE. 4168. *3.500 DOWN PAYMENT buys this nice home at a real sacrifice; owner going west and says sell immediately for $10,000. House in good Arlington location; 6 rms or. 1st fl.; finished rm. for two bedrms. on 2nd fl.; excellent lot; terms are satis factory Inspect today. EASTMAN & SEAY. Realtors. TA. *2620. f 15.500—WITH $3,000 CASH you can make the required down payment on a well-built Cape Cod brick near Merrifleld all-modern house on lot 10x200; 5 rooms and bath, full basement. EASTMAN & SEAY. Realtors. Falls Church 2620. IK ACRES. $8,500. 6-room. 2-story frame house, on 18 rolling acres, of! Leesburg pike, about 40 minutes from Washington, large garden, small apple orchard. Buy this home for $3,100 down balance on satisfactory terms. EASTMAN A SEAY. Realtors. Falls Church 2620 SEE THIS ALL BRICK, steel beams, FHA built; only $13,250. Liv. rm. dm. rm., •quip. kit.. 3 bedrms and tiled bath, Ven. blinds, full basement, fenced yard, conv. lor. OW. 6355; eves . GL 349*2. $9.004)—5-ROOM BUNGALOW, with bath oil heat, elec , 2 porches and unfinished attic; on a lot 85x229; about 7 miles from Washington, over the new Shirley hwy., $4,500 down. bal. $33 75 per mo Exclu sively with MASON HIRST. Annandale. Va., at the end of Columbia pike. Phone FA 7447 Closed Sundays NEWLY REMODELED, thorough.y modern 9-room house 4 bedrms., 2 baths, fire p aces oil heat, air conditioning, mam closets; situated on 5 beautifully land scaped acres; large trees, good view; ga rage. additional acreage if desired, in bes: residential neighborhood. J mile from Fair fax Court-house $24,300. THOMAS 6c CO Fairfax 800 eves.. Fairfax 223-M. —T-* $10,950; ARLINGTON, country ciub estate subdivision — 2-bedrm . 1-bath home or. beautifully landscaped of, 6<'x8.-> home has been completely redecorated and reaoy for occupancy; 1 blk. from bus: con ven. to stores schools and church: $3.1.vt rash. $6! 27 per mo. includes taxes, nsurances Interest and principal. LUCILI.E COOK exclusive. FA*. 3272. FA. 4664. ' ] BUNGALOW, in Fairfax. No. 5—$2 1 on down, monthly payments $04; new house 5 rooms 2 bedrooms, expansion attic with dormer windows harriwnnd floors, oil heat, full basement OV 59oO J T. MOTON PFALTY. 2415 Mt. Vernon ave., Alexan GOOD^Bf'YS:—6-rm modern house on 1 acre 1 block from Lee hwy. bus, 1 / mi. p r $7 ooo. terms. „ 6-rm masonrv house. n porches on acres 6 blks irom hwy bus. 18 m: p r $8,750; $1000 cash, bal *60 mo 5-rm ‘ masonry house, on _1 ^acre: elec • running water ir> kitchen: $~* ..><»: $..000 cash J L r WEST FA 21 3n ARLINGTON FOREST Here's opportunity! Less, than *•’."'1? down mav handle one of thorp la. err wp]!-lorateri homes In this picturesque area, with full basement, tned bath. FHA financing __ THE BRANT COMPANY pealtors Arlington sales office. Brant Bldg. Wilson blvd. GL. 4216. OX. 0520. ASHTON HEIGHTS Excellent brick Colonial, prewar construc tion. In an exclusive neighborhood. A very brteht and cheerful living room with fireplace, large screened porch off living room, large dining room. 1 nice bedrooms and full tile bath, stairway to extension attic slate roof, detached brick garage nice level varri with shade trees, rear yard fenced: very convenient to transp and shopping A good home for family want ing to live In nice neighborhood Ex clusive agent call for appt to inspect J. WESLEY BUCHANAN 1501 Columbia pike. Arlington. Va . CH 1341. OX. 2T»».___— n_ COUNTRY CLUB HILLS N>w de luxe home This elegant brick horn# features 7 large rms. and 2 full baths: rec rm. with fireplace, large floored at*ic. patio and porch, slate roof, copper Plumbing and 2-car garage A rare op portunity to own a truly fine home in Arlington’s most sought for location. For details cal’ ENZOR REALTY CO. CH. 1000, 3501 Wash. blvd. OX. 2234. DELRAY SECTION Thi« lovelv bungalow is in lmmac cond and we feel it is the be^t buy on today s market, being located 1 blk. from bus serv ice and conv. to shopping centers and schools, thpre is a liv. rm., full-sized din. rm . lge ultramodern kit. with new. gas stove and refgr . pantrv. 2 good-sized hpdrm*. and complete bath, lge bsrat . eas h-wh. outside entr.. combination storm windows and screens, redwood storm doors new roof and siding, lge. lot. approx. .Mix l-’n: full price $11,500. sub cash down payment required. AL RAKER A’ SON. INC., exclusive realtors 110 So. St Asaph st . Alexandria. Va. Phone TE ,21.’.. ALex 0044 Open eves, and Suns from 9 a m. to ppm. for your convenience.__ NORTH ARLINGTON Reduced to $10.500; easy terms. Owner must sell. Near Lee blvd. and Fort Myer cir lo minutes to downtown Washington I tvintr room, dining room and fulW* equipped kitchen on first floor. 2 ben rooms and bath on °nd 1-car rieiachm garage Si-uated on a beautiful lot ; 5x150 Ample ^pace for fruu tree and large vegetable garden Call Mr Boswell, \A n.BOu. e\es. and week ends. RA 901. ' BOSS & PHELPS, INC. Exclusive^ 141 7_K st nw _1" "“NORTH ARLINGTON Assume GI loan, with reasonable down payment on this immaculate 3-hedroom brink home, located in nice neighborhood, a short distance from school, shopping, transportation. Immediate orouoancy Price flti.'.’.i" CH. oxoo; eves.. Mr djudson' reamy & SON _ —12 POTOMAC" RIVER ESTATE I arge masonry house. In perfect condi tion. completely modern and situated on acreage fronting on the Potomac, only a few minutes drive to downtown Wash.»ng ton; price, *10(ui00 George Mason Green Co. CH 3828 Eves and Sun . GL 2818 -—10 WAVERLY HILLS English brick home; 1 r bath on 1st.. 3 bedrms. and baih on 2nd, featuring a breaklast rm. in add to lge dm. rm. and lge kit ; J 22 xl 43' lot with beautiful trees; excellent financing . „ ASSUME GI LOAN 811.750 at 4 interest for 20 years. N^w Colonial brick house featuring 2’1 ljv rm , 1 ige bedims . and a dream -elect kit . dishwasher, earbaee dis posal. rec. rm. with fireplace, exclusive location. . „ _ Five Bedrooms—$11.950 Well built perfectly insulated frame home jUx.t •' vrs old. ha»h. 2 bedrms. ana den or nursery on 1st bath. 2 bedrms on 2nd rec rm with fireplace, moa. kit. with dishwasher, large lot. $1,500 DOWN ! ! ! Pawnee like rent! Brick bungalow. 2 bpdrms on 1st. 2 other lge bedrms. not partitioned on 2nd also space for add bath sun deck, good outbidg can be made Into 2-car garage, workshop, etc : bus J block, shopping close REALTY BULLETIN CO. _OW TtlflC._—1 1 WESTOVER—SI 1.500 A twn-bedroom brick home on « lovely shaded lot; full basment. oil heat. etc., very conveniently located, lo see come to MANAS REALTY CO. 2115 Wilson Blvd.. GL. 2TS4, OX^2?S4 WESTOVER Beautiful brick home in one of North Arlington s finest and most convenient neighborhoods This house is packed with features for gracious Ilyin*. Th.s eve ning rail Mr. Standcrwkk. CH. with DWYER & BOYD. OX. 2P80. CH 4 1 SI BRICKBUNGALO W7 $13,250 Pay *68.75 monthly with reas. cash pay ment and live In this lovely brick home; 2 bedrms and bath on 1st n., stairway to floored attic, lull bsmt. with oil heat. To Me come to _ MANNAS REALTY CO *116 Wliaon Bivd. GL. 2784. —10 BRICK CAPE COD Located on beautiful Oh by 188 lot. in closed with Anchor fence: in one of Arlington’* finest residential sections, only 3 blocks from John Marshall School. 2 bedrms and tiled bath on 1st fl. and 2 lge bedrms and bath partially com pleted on 2nd: full bsmt . Price, only f 14.750 an excellent buy Real Estate Service, Inc. OX. 2585. Lee hwy. at Glebe rd . GL. (>561 ~A~Gentleman’s Paradise A modern brick home on a wooded acr° the first floor contains a Ld-fu livini room with fireplace: dining room. ‘2 bath den and modern kitchen On the ’.m floor there are 3 bedrooms ana bath Breereuay to 2-car garaRe. full basemen ‘T WESLEY BUCHANAN 1501 Columbia pike. Arlington. Va . CH 1341. ox 2:Ptv_1 i_ Four-Bedroom Rambler Huge studio llv rm picture windows modernistic fireplace, more than ampl' dm rm equipped kit . bsmt . iat-R' ihaded let. Priced less than 520,000 tall tods? Real Estate Service, Inc. •X. 2585. Lee hwj. a! Glebe rd , GL 0561 SUBURBAN SALE—VIRGINIA.^ CALIFORNIA RAMBLER Featuring de luxe kitchen with Launderall. deep freeze, disposal unit, stove and re frigerator. also telephone, plugs through out house. Large living room with fire place. .'{ bedrooms. 1 *2 baths; storage in attic; patio off living room; also car port. Basement with excellent heating system. N. Arlington convenient location Excellent financing. To see come to • MANNAS REALTY CO. nig Wilson blvd., OL. or OX. 2784.—10 t UVUK AIN AiJtita Take & very pretty bungalow, add over an acre of ground, add eye-catching land scaping. add a gar. and fleldstone walks, add a badminton court with floodlights, add an outdoor barbecue, add an attr indoor log-burning fireplace, add a picture window, add a carriage lamp post, add a generous helping of charm, add a neaping measure of comfort, add a sprinkling of this and that feature, watcha got? That * right—the place you have been looking for Come see it. Less than $17.Out*; terms For appt. to see. call THOMAS F. FINN __ FA. 2277._ OWNER TRANSFERRED 3-bedrm. home, in immac. cond.; 1 bedrm on 1st fl . lovely fenced yard with out side fireplace; excel, terms and immed poss.; priced at $14.5on for quick sale CHARLES W. DEY OW. 0181. —11 HOUSE ON BUSINESS LOT Near Intersection of Lee blvd. and Glebe rd : 7 rms., bath, hot-water heat; over 5.000 «q. ft zoned commercial and 4.000; sq. ft. residential; priced for immediate sale at $15,000. George Mason Green Co. CH. 3838. gvcs. and Sun., GL 38:*,8. —lo MAKE AN OFFER One acre of beautiful ground. 2-car i garage, brick Cape Cod: 5 well-arranged rooms; 2nd floor unfinished, full bsmt. Ca:i today Real Estate Service, Inc. OX. 2585. Lee hwy. at Glebe rd . GL. 0581. MAY PURCHASE GI Large brick Colonial; .2 ige. bedrms. and tiled bath, huge liv. rm.. fireplace, dim rm state size, ige equipped kit. full bsmt , ige lot Total price, $14,200. Real Estate Service, Inc. OX. 2585, Lee hwy. at Glebe rd.. GL. 058] Nr. Wash. GQlf and Country Club Large brick Colonial: liv. rm. approx. 21 j by IB. fireplace inside screened porch, banq ef-sitted din rm . Ige. equipped kit.:, 2nd fl. has 3 Ige. bedrm?. and tiled bath full bsmt . finished rec. rm. and bath excellent lot; priced less than $20,000; $J 2.200 4 ' loan Real Estate Service, Inc. OX. 2585, Lee hwy. at Glebe rd., GL. 0561. NEAR CLARENDON” New Cape Cod featuring 28-ft. living rm. with picture windows and firepl.. din. rm. . with bay window. Ige. bedrm. and *? bath, Ige . light, airy kit. on ist; 2 Ige. bedrms . fun bath and sewing rm. upstairs; full j bsmt , outside entrance; rec. rm. with firepl . gas a.-c heat. MANNAS REALTY CO. _721 1 H Wilson Bivd. GL. 2781. —10_ WHITE BUNGALOWS $11,950 and up—Beautiful white frame bungalow with fully equip, kit., tiled bath and large rm-. throughout; lovely neigh borhood. full bsmt. and expanding up stairs; FHA financing; reasonable down payment . _ . T LONGACRES REALTY _nw 521.1. ox. ini8. —io ; $2,875 CASH And move in this lovely brick home; lee loi inclosed with $S(i(i Anchor fenre. Venetian blinds 21-It. liv. rm . fireplace, banquet-sized dining rm . fully equipped Kitchen, has room for breakfast set; :i bed ms . 2 are very large: walking dis lance of v>stover shopping center, $11, 650; 4", loan. Real Estate Service, Inc. OX. 2585. Lee hwy. at Glebe rd . GL. 0561 j DOCTORS AND DENTISTS Excellent opportunity for professional man to have a beautiful home and office com bination in one of the choice locations, in Virginia: situated on corner lot 3 H.-»x 1 «•>. with 2 street locations on South Arlington Ridge rd A magnificent large brick center-hall Colonial home consisting ol i - j rooms. 412 baths, s bedrooms, oil heat. 3 car brick garage: super construction Owner has authorized a very low price to expedite the sale of this valuable property Could not be reproduced for double the as ::ne price. For further details and appointment to inspect. phone Mr Bos well NA. 1*300, eves, and week ends. Ov BOSS & PHELPS. INC. __14J 7_ K St. N.W. _—12 Nr. Wash. Golf and Country Club 3 bedrooms. 2‘a baths: located on a high, cool elevation, with a lovely view, this spacious prewar white brick, with bedroom and bath on first floor, offers you the best in quiet, comfortabie living and the verv tops in financing There is a *16.000 j first, mortgage available, at 4*2r'. with *5.o0o cash, your monthly payments: *101.45: full price only *21.000. This love]v home offers the highest in resale value to military personnel stationed here a few years Better investigate this rare, opportunity, today-tomorrow0 FRED J. GEORGE. Realtor GL. 6777; eves., CH. .'1804. OV. 066Sb_—12 ! REST HOME OR SANITARIUM A beautiful old mansion house in nearby j Virginia, close to every convenience; situ-] ated on 5 acres of beautiful ground, main: house has approximately 25 rooms and ? baths; there is also a separate resi- ; dent e of in rooms and 2 baths 3-room and bath cottage, and 4-room and 2-bath \ servants' cottage, laundry room. 3-car ga rage has been successfully onerated Tori the past 4<i years as rest home, would1 also be very suitable for school; priced at • *7 5.0(10, S25.U0O cash and *000 per: month Phone Mr. Ray. DE IK, 2 with SHANNON & LUCHS CO. 1505 H st :i w . NA. 2.3 45._ OPEN 3-7 P.M., WED.-THURS. Nearlv new home in a well-planned com munity offering 3 spacious bedims... hv rm w ith flrepl comb equipped kit -din ette wi»h built-in dinette set Bsmt and gas radiant heat. Quick possession Priced for immediate sale Cash above an existing 4'- trust of *11.400, repayable a> *7 7 per mo. including interest, princi pal. taxes and insurance. To reach Drive out hwy. to Great Falls at. M blk before State Theater in Falls Church), rieht on Great Falls st. to Brvlyn Park subdivision on right, turn right on Hailwood ave 1 blk to North st . left to ?o4 and our open sign on DOMINION INS. & REALTY. INC. 3103 loth st No., GL. 6338, OX. J77 9; eves., FA. 2oP0._* _ NEAR LEE BLVD. Distinctive minature estate on %-acre lot can be your country retreat; aown stairs den and '2 hath: 3 large bedrms^ and tile bath up. large living rm. with flrepl . has 1 wall panel, famny-size din ing : rn gorgeously equip kit . breakiast nook, full basement, screened side porch; more for your money than you have seen anywhere _ „ THE BRANT COMPANY Realtors. Arlington sales office. Brant Bldg Wilson blvd OL 421(*. OX o.»2u. 1 - 3-BEDROOM 2-BATH Recently remodeled, white frame, on ,a acre wooded lot. near McLean, va : oil h -w h . breezeway. 2-car garage: priced at *lH.H5'i. for immed. sale; will submu reasonable offer, dial opera'or and ask for Elmwood 323 or 325 'no toll). Office open t'l! n pm. Exclusive with Wm. H. Laughlin, Realtor. McLean, Va. —16 ALMOST A BARGAIN This attractive 5-rm. detached brick home rnav be had for around *11.000. wnirh is *i ;»t)u to *2.(100 under present market the onlv catch being cash above 1st trust <u d quick sale; good neighborhood, splen z* s.nsr-wrrsru'?; ”y KEITH D. BRUMBACK E\ lusivcly. CH 3527 or CH. 58 «3. -11_ 6-ROOM. 2-BATH BRICK Cape Cod and Colonial-type homes willi 1‘a and •’ baths; several designs to choose »rom in this Dre-showina, so pick yours out now and select your own decoratine scheme, occupancy 30 days. Priced Irom SI 7.500. Call us today! KEITH D. BRUMBACK Exclusively. CH. 3527 or 5873 till 26th RD. SOUTH Very nire address adjoining Aurora Hills: jUm duplex With beaut finished rec room that can be purchased for $ d°THE BRANT COMPANY Realtor? Arlington sales office. Brant Bldg. Wilson blvd. GL. 4,1b. OX. biv.O FOR YOUNG COUPLE Owner will consider $2,000 do*n «m th!s ' brick and frame Cape Cod. hating lltlng room with fireplace, dining room, ■=: bath and eaulpped kitchen down: - bedrooms and tiled bath up: full basement: oil heat' 2-car gar.: work shop and Clark room; §10 000 4', 1st trust: 80x250 lot: 'worth Investigating._ THE BRANT COMPANY Realtors Arlington sales office. Brant Bldg . Wilson blvd., GL. 4~lb, OX (^.0. ■ YOU’LL BUY THIS If you are looking for a 3-bedrm. brick home in North Arl.. because it’s priced far below its value since transferred of ficer must have immed. sale, well-land scaped lot, full-paneled rec rm . asphalt rile floor, built-m miniature aquarium 'the BRANT COMPANY Realtors. Arlington sales office. Brant Bide . Wilson blvd.. GL. 4‘ilH. OX. Oot£0. EXCELLENT. COMPACT Brick bungalow in Jefferson Village that can be bought for *1 about V$s than recent sales. ~ bedrooms, nre 1 r ace in livme room, dining room. ti;ed hath, equ’.pred kitchen, full basement. Close to shop? and bus THE BRANT COMPANY Realtors. Arhneton saips offir*- Brant ,1 Bldg . Wilson blvd . GL. 4C16. OX^O.V.0. kk i DOUBLE TROUBLE —By Bill MocLeon liiliii-*u™jl.| | PAY ATTENTION, OR I Wi WONT FINISH THE STORY FOR YOU/j SO THE LITTLE <51RL CAME } TO THE BROOK- IT WAS TOO J, DEEP TO WALK ACROSS, , TOO WIDE TO UUMP, AND" '--THERE WAS] DID SHE GIVE NO BRIDGEThjP, DAD Trjp' |_ Copr 1948, King Features Syndicate, Inc,| NO, SHE DIDN'T/ ^ BUT I DO - GOOD | World fights reserved _SUBURBAN SALE—VIRGINIA._< HAVE A LARGE FAMILY? Brand-new, 5 bedrm. brick home in excel, location in Arlington. 1 bedrm. and bath on 1st.. 4 bedrms.. 7 baths on 2d. ' j bath in basement. Both the li\*. rm. and din. i rm are Ige. Dream kit.., rec. rm-. 2-car. *aragp. Low priced at $27,500; excel. Realty Bulletin Co., OW. 7997 _—io_ i HERE’S A STEAL 5-rm. asbestos shingle bungalow newly decorated, equipped kitchen; level lot 7Ox iso, with fruit trees. Vacant. Puce, *10,950. Easy terms. ENZOR REALTY CO. CH. 1000._exclusive. OX. 2234. —10_ HOLD THE PHONE, SIR! Mav I tell you about this Califon ia rambler in North Arl.?—Living room 2l ] by 15. pine-paneled and beamed ceiling, stone fireplace, huge din. rm., kitchen J 5 by 11. completely equipped; 3 twin sized bedrms. and tiled bath; bsmt . complete bath, oil h.-w.h., 2-car garage, corner lot 85 by 112; an outstanding, value. Real Estate Service, Inc. OX. 2585. Lee hwy. at Glebe rd , GL. 0561. REASONABLE CASH 2-story brick home, convenient to Penta gon. 1st fl.. liv. rm.. din. rm. and equipped kitchen; 2nd fl., 2 bedrms. and tile bath; ! full bsmt. with oil a.-c. heat; convenient' to transp . shopping and schools. For further information, call CHARLES W. DEY _OW.fil 6K_—11 "CENTER OF ARLINGTON Close to everything. This immaculate 6- : rm , semidet.. has on first fl.. liv. rm , din. rm equipped kit., lge screened-in porch; •’nd fl , :t bedrms. and bath; stairway to storage attic; full bsmt,. knotty-pine rec. rm . ’a bath. The mostest house lor the leastest money we have had for & long time, $14,750; reasonable terms COLLINS & PRICE GL. 1133. OX. 1202._ UNDERPRICED It's really an $18,000 home; close-in, but U s 25 min. out from D. C.. and only SI 5."50. It's a large new Care Cod ,'i bedrm. brick with 1*4 baths, huge closets; all rooms large sire: wonderful basement, oil h -w. heat: finest materials and work manship: on a beautiful one acre: $10,000 first trust available J. FULLER GROOM REALTY CO., OX. 4487; eves., OW. 4485, GL. 2247. __—11_ 3 BEDROOMS This newly dec. row brick, located con veniently in Del Ray will sell quickly, so act fast: full dry bsmt. and oil h.-w h ; 5^.000 cash req. and assume GI trust. AL BAKER SON. INC., exclusive Real tors, 116 So St. Asaph st.. Alexandria. Va Phone TE 7343. ALex. 6644 Open eves and Suns . from 9 a m. to 9 p.m. for your convenience. _ 7 COUNTRY ESTATE In beautiful Orange County. Va : farming district, on 50 acres of fertile land, partly open, partly wooded; 7-rm. frame home, delightfully remodeled: hundreds of feet; of new white fence; small barn and ga-i rage: several fruit trees, charming spring; 1 situated on excel buy. For further! detail^, call AL BAKER fz SON. INC., exclusive Realtors. J16 So. Asaph st., Alexandria. Va. Phone TE. 7343, ALex 6644. Open eves, and Suns , from fi a m. to 9 pm for your convenience._ FASHIONABLE ENGLISH Brick home, located nrar the country club, under a bower of high shade trees; al though in need of complete redecoration, an excellent buy can be had; 4 bedrms. (one with Spanish balcony) and 2 colored tile baths on 2nd fl ; in addition to un usual rooms on 1st fl . there are screened porch and wide balcopy overlooking wooded vista, rec. rm., maid's rm. and barb in bsmt ■ absolute seclusion and privacy offpred THE BRANT COMPANY Realtors. Arlington Sales Office. Brant Bldg. Wilson blvd, GL 4216. OX 0520. RARE AS RADIUM Brick bungalow, near Fairlington shopping center, priced at $15 950; so many extra features like rec. rm and bar stairway ♦ o big 17x28 playroom. 2nd fl: screened porch, det gar.; very much worth in specting today! THE BRANT COMPANY Realtors. Arlington Sales Office. Brant Bldg, Wilson blvd,. GL. 4216, OX. 0520 ___—12_ 2-Familv Cape Cod Brick This charming detached home, situated cn a corner lot in Del Ray. one of the nines suburbs of Alexandria Va. On the flrs* door there are 5 rooms c2 bedrooms' and tie bath- on the nnd floor Is a nice apart ment of living room, bedroom and kitchen, with plumbing already in for a 2nd bath Tins air-conditioned heat with gas furnace e!ectric refrigerator, screened side porch onen fireplace and storm windows. The lot is well landscaped An individual. «dls iinrtive home for onlv «l 8.950. Call w. M-Caulev CH 3547. with SHANNON & LUCHS CO. _ 1505 H St n w NA 234 5._ BRICK COLONIAL Center-hall plan This home has excellent living room with fireplace, nice dining room, equipped kitchen, large den on first floor 3 good-si/ed bedrooms on 2nd. This evening call Mr. Dineleberrv. GL. 7K3n with DWYER A- BOYD. CX. 2980. CH 4184. —11 ONLY 5 LEFT Bungalows under $8,000: all near Annan dale. I acre ground or less, all modern. MILLS REALTY. FA. 0900. 7387. —15 5>2 ACRES—200 SQUABS 100 fruit, trees, acre of strawberries: 7 rm.* all modern home, surrounded with plenty of shade trees, nr. center of Annan dale 8 miles from D. C : price reduced for quick sale. MILLS REALTY, FA. 0999, 7387. —15 LIFETIME INCOME Spacious 1st fl : living quarters for owner’s fsmilv $3,000 annual income from re mainder of property: modern and Just re decorated. like new an excel, property: close in, nr. bus and shops: a rare opport. you’ll want this: $‘20,000. DICK TRACEY. Broker and Builder, CH. 8311, OW. 155#, OX. 0771.__ Country Home With City Convs. Situated on 9'1 Otto of an acre with - bedrms. bath, lge. kit, part bsmt . all in • xcel. conri. Chicken house plenty of shade trees Full price. $7,700. sub. cash down payment req. AL. BAKER SON. INC. exclusive Realtors. 116 So St. Asaph st . Alexandria. Va . phone TE ,343. ALex 6644 Open eves, and Suns, from 9 a.m to 9 pm. for your convenience._ GET AWAY FROM IT ALL And yet be 15 mins from town This charming 3-tedrm. home is nestled in beautiful woodland where lulling quiet, soothes and rests you. This prewar home contains liv. rm . din. rm.. kit , 3 bedrms.. tile bath and additional space for., more bedrms. Situated on l1* acres with a love ly stream sweeping through the property An abundance of flowers and shrubs For full price and terms call AL BAKER A* SON INC. exclusive Realtors. 116 So. 8t Asaph st.. Alexandria Va . phone TF 7343, ALex 6644 Open eves, and Suns from 9 am to 9 pm. for your con venience. ___ A CHARMING HOME Well located in nice neighborhood. De lightful liv rm. with Colonial fireplace, lge side porch, attractive din rm and excellent kit. 3 bedrms. and tile bath on •2nd fl. Fin. rec. rm. in basement, oil neat. ba*h with shower stall, outside en trance. attractive lge. lot. Owner trans ferred. immed. poss SEWELL REALTY CO. 14 So Glebe rd. at Lee blvd., OX. 0*217. GL 1978-95T4. Open eves —I ’2 business pROPtrrr FOt sale. no ROOMS—Mass are near Thomas Cir cle office in lobby; running aater. auto matic heat, large garage Suitable for hote lertation. organization, guest house. OWNER Box 3S4-R. Star 10» 1110 19th ST. N.W.—2nd commercial zone, will consider making alterations for busi nesses GEORGE L BORDER. 643 Ind. are. n w. —10 * BUSINESS PROP. FOR SALE <Cont.K GAS STATION, garage and store with liv. qrtrs. above, doing good business: about 34 acre ground with 147-ft. frontage on Coiesville rd.; building only X yrs. old. ga^ rage is fully equipped, including tow truck. Price, for everything .only $36,000. PAT TROIANO. Realtor, 837 14th st. n.w., NA. 3560. , ■—16 FIRST COMMERCIAL. Kenilworth ave— ill. 07x138. corner, an unusual oppor tunity. THOS. E. JARRELL CO.. Real tors, 731 10th st. n.w.. NA. 0766: eves., GE. 4355. _______ Excellent Opportunity Industrial ground, in the District close to downtown Washington, right on the B & O. Railroad and off No. 1 hwy.; suitable for manufacturer or for ohe needing a fireproof warehouse, consisting of ap proximately 37,000 sq. ft. of floor space with approximately 460.000 cu. ft.: can be purchased for 50c cu. ft. and is ex cellently fin^iced. Call Mr. Wolberg, TA. 17*6. with SHANNON & LUCHS CO. 1505 H st. n.w.. NA. 3345.__ LARGE o-ROOM BUNGALOW On Kennedy st. n.w., first commercial: located next to large cham food store: A-1 shape: ideal for doctor’s office or store or apt. Phone Mr. Peck, GE. 7385, with SHANNON & LUCHS CO. _1505 H st. n.w., NA. 2345._ STORE AND APARTMENTS Downtown—Small, clean building: store with private apt. in rear plus three more apts ; can sell with store and apartment; either vacant for own use or leased: total income $4,050 year: good price and terms J. A. Weinberg Co., Inc., Realtors 1707 H st. n.w . National 5500, —12 ( BUSINESS PROPERTY FOR RENT. CORNER 11th AND N STS. N.W.—Clean ing and pressing shop, equipped with press ing machine, racks and counter, busy spot; ideal for tailor; available ar once; j rent. $75. SAM ROSEY. AD 270". —10 COMMERCIAL SITE, incl. 7-rm. bunga . 2 mi. south of Alex , Va , on No. 1 hwy., next to Penn Daw firehouse; excel, corner; have permit for gas station; will con- j siaer auto repair shop, dining car. real, estate office, etc. Will give long lease to reliable party. BOB HOLLANDER, owner, NA. 9743. —11 , 1110 19th ST. N.W.—2nd commercial zone: will consider making alterations for business use. GEORGE I. BORGER, H43 Indiana ave. n.w. —11 DOWNTOWN BlILDING. 12.250 sq ft (about), in splendid, clean 3-slory fire proof building; second commercial zone: electric elevator: good display space on 1st floor, rear and side loading entrances; private parking lot, for X or 10 cars; long lease at reasonable rental. Consult Mr.; Taylor. SHANNON A: LUCHS CO., Realtors. ; 1505 H st n.w.. NA. 2345. —11 APPROXIMATELY 3.090 FT. In excellent basement of fine commercial bldg.; cen- i trally located at 316 F st. n.e ; premises has lge. toilet and is light, clean, airy and dry: good front entrance; $135 per mo to substantial tenant. Call owner, RAY MOORE. OL _4131._— 1B__ INDIVIDUAL BUILDINGS Suitable for organization or business pur- i poses: located 4 blocks west of Conn. ave. at M st. n.w.: will re"hiodel for responsible tenant This Is worth while investigating. ' LOUIS BURMAN _ RE. 176H. —11 j COMMERCIAL PROPERTY FOR SALE. THE WILLIAM PENN HOUSE with Va acre of ground, on Rockville pike, near Naval Medical Center. Business property now' being run as teahouse with apart ment on Second floor. Zoned and in operation now. Make offer to owner. WI. 3106. 17* WHEATON. MD. — Commercial corner; 8.250 sq. ft., at $1.50. OWNER. 6L 9507. —10 1st COMMERCIAL CORNER; uptown: suitable for remodeling into store and apartmenC_Ca 11_ GL. I 392._11* j 75-FT. FRONTAGE With average depth of 100 ft. on one of the most active business thoroughfares in upper n.w . Washington; perfect for j the construction of one or more stores.: or combination of stores, offices or apart ments: can be purchased on terms. Phone Mr. Wolberg. TA 1786. with SHANNON & LUCHS CO. 1505 H st n.w., NA 2345. j COMMERCIAL PROPERTY FOR RENT NEAR LARGE SHOPPING CENTER—Heavy traffic corner with 23.000 sq. ft. of ground on grade and vacant house adaptable to business use, $200 mo. A. M. ROTH. RE 7330. —10 1513 13th ST. N.W.—Comm bide, for rent on monthly basis for approx. 6 mo.; house with space for 4 cars, will rent to gether or separately. Call BROWN REAL TY CORP.,—Realtors DU. 8558 _ j INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY FOR JALE. OFF K. I. AVE. N.E., With B. & O. R. R. siding; 42,001) sq. ft. In mod. fireproof bldg.: approx 50c CU. ft. UN. 7 045. NEAR R I. AVE. AND H. A O R R.— Brick bldg with 17.000 sq. ft. of ground and r. r siding; good for fuel yard; Teas, terms._A M ROTH. RE. 7.T10. —12 INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY WANTED. INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY, one floor, 10. 0(10 sq ft. or more; for upholstering fac tory; in District or nearby. Write Box 244-M, Star. —l-1* J INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL ground or buildings wanted for sale or lease. A. M ROTH. Woodward Bldg.. RE. T.'iMO. INDUSTRIAL GROUND FOR SALE. ON SOUTHERN R R.. near Alexandria: up to 5 acres: good grade, sewer in: 3Uc sq. ft. A M RQTH. RE. T.TIO _ —1 1 APT. HOUSES FOR SALE. '-UNIT APTS., 4 of which each contain 3 bedrooms; attractive detached brick bldgs, with broad lawn; close-in n.w.. nr. new Georgetown Univ. Hosp, KELLY & BRANNER. DI. 7740; evenings. OR. 538b. —1(1 NEAR CONN. AND N. H. AVES.—53 rms , 11 baths, all brick abt. bldg.. Ideal for national headquarters, hotel or rooming house; has $45.000 1st trust; $10,000 cash may handle: an excellent buv. To Inspect, call Mr. Sparks, with R J SCOFIELD CO.. DU. 3005 or SL. 5816. TAKOMA PARK. MR—Attractive, modern 3-family brick apt. bldg, in perfect condi tion: an excellent investment, earning $335 per mo.: can be bought right with 4'j', trust and $13,000 cash. To inspect, call SL. 5300. R. J. SCOFIELD, 8413 pa. ave . Silver Spring. —1 17-UNIT APT,, just off 16th st.—Leaving for Los Angeles. Will sacrlffce or trade for Los Angeles property. LARRY O. STEELE. RE 0403. EM 0303. —13 APARTMENT SITES FOR SALE. 14 ACRES with 600-ft. frontage on Co lumbia pike. 312 miles from Pentagon: water and sewer at property; zoned apts.; price. 15 cents per sq ft. 200 000 sq. ft., zoned elevator-type apis . overlooking Potomac, near Memorial Bridge, on Lee b!vd. THOMAS O. MA GRUHER CO. 2051 Wilson blvd., CH. Ml ML___—M_ GA. AVE. AND ASPEN ST. N.W. Opposite Walter Reed Hosp : zoned 60-C: approx 15..500 sq. ft : priced to sell. DIENER, EHRLICH & CO. _ST. 3361. OE 1887. RIAL ESTATE WAHTEP._ I WILL BUY OR SELL YOLK HOUSE, frame or brick, white or colored. 14 Tea* experience Cali MR. WALTER MILLER. ME 5400 or DE. 5346 I PAY CASH for houses, lots or acreaie. free appraisal SCOTT SANDERS. .191 y So Cap st TR. 756.3; eves . VI. 0990 warehouses for rent. LGE-WAREHOUSE SPACE, approx. 10.000 sq. ft.; first and second firs., all pr part : will remodel to suit tenant, has railroad siding with loading ,512 n r Tinute 1 Jefferson Davis hwy. Apply POTOMAC: * TILE A: MARBLE CO MU Jefferson Davis hwy . Arl., Va., phone JA. 1800. Peter 8. Arban — 201A L ST. N.W.—Fireproof: appro*. 7.200 sq. ft. on 2 floors, with ramp, large alfev truck doors: first floor available at once balance in 80 days Call Mr. i WAREHOUSES FOR RENT (Cent.). STORAGE AND DISTRIBUTION service of pkve. mdse. lncl. local del. and out-of town shipping, via truck or rail, is the modern method for broker, factory rep. or natl distrib. METROPOLITAN WARE HOUSE CO . 50 Fla ave n.e.. HO. 0682. ALL-PURPOSE WAREHOUSE, garage, etc., located 16 G pi. n.e., off of North Capitol between G and H sts. n.e,; contains about 4.500 sq. feet, clear space, no columns, fireproof. 1 story, ceiling height average IT feet, all modern construction, water, sewer, gas, electricity, grease trap, sprinkler system, unit gas blow type heaters on ceiling. 14 by 14 entrance over head door, can accommodate largest of trucks, ready for occupancy about 8ept. J5. second commercial zone. For further details and rental, address owner and bunder. Box 6T-S. Star._—10 $400 PER MONTH 5000 SQ. ft. with 18 ft. celling height. Brand new one-story warehouse. Heavy concrete floor; steel roof; large drive-in doors; very convenient s e. location. Also 10.000 sq. ft. available at per month. J. A. WEINBERG CO., INC. 1707 H st. n w.. Realtors. NA. 5500. —12-1 warehouses wanted^_; WAREHOUSE WANTED— Approx. 2.000 so. ft. space. Must be secure, at nominal rental for tire storage. Call MR. JONES. DU. 250H._ —12 i INVESTMENT PROPERTY FORSALE EXCELLENT INVESTMENT; only $5,000 cash needed—Semidet., 5-unft brick apt. bldg : at 2226 M st. n.e. (only 5 yrs. old); rent over $3,400 yr.; bargain. TA.J75U VICINITY 10th AND M STREETS. N.W.— Three complete apartments, brick; ga rage. price put very low. THOS. E. JAR RELL CO.. Realtors. 721 10th st. n.w., NA. 0765; eves., GE. 4355. NORTHWEST—Excel, location on wide blvd.: 11-unit apt. with low rentals and low price. This building will sell Quick ly at the price ask. and you rent $0,53a. ro inspect, call KELLEY & BRANNER. Dl. ; 7740; eves . WI. 6844. —1 ■ FALLS CHURCH AREA—Resid. converted into 4 apts.; 3 apts. furn and renting tor $180 per mo : 4th apt unfurn. Can be rented for $100 per mo or could be used bv owner. Oil h.-wh.; excel, loca tion on 3 acres. Price $30,000. FAIR FAX REALTY CO. Falls Church. FA. 1 578. K ST. N.W*., west of Conn. ave.—3-story commerical bldg. 1st fl. and bsmt. rented for $275 per month <can be ne 'ivered vacant); 2nd and 3rd floors rented $200 per mo.- 4-car garage: monthly rental. $50. Terms. Call Mr Manuel with J WESLEY PUCHANAN. 1732 K st n.w.. ME 1143: eves., EM. 5386. —1* NEW 6 UNIT APT., was 5: 3-rm. kit. and bath apts : $34,500; annual income over $5,000. LEATH A- ASHLEY. INC.. NA. 3096; eves., SL. 7697. SEMIDET. BRICK 2-familv flat. nr. Boll ing Field: each apt. is furnished, to show excel return on .$2,500 cash reQ. H. G. SMITHY CO.. ST. 3300. —11 WITHIN EASY WALKING DISTANCE of Gov. dept. Modernized 14-unit apt. bldg., in excel cond. Priced at about 7 tim^s gross income. Down payment $25,000. bal. mo. out of rents which will also cover all expenses and leave a net re turn of more than llrr on cash in vested. Cali Mr. Tarver. Sligo 8890 with E. M. FRY. INC . WI. 6740. —11 IDEAL FOR CLUB, national organization or professional offices. Large brick resi dence with 25-ft. frontage on Conn, ave , suitable for remodeling. Excellent oppor tunity for a sound investment. For fur ther particulars or inspection call A. S. GARDINER & CO , 1631 L St. n.w. NA. 0334 —10 FOUR-FAMILY APT., only $21,950. with $2,900 annual income and $15,000 1st trust; convenient to stores, bus and the ater A real Investment. MITCHELL QUICK, owner, SL. 7731; eves.. RA. 3418. 1 4 * BUY FROM OWNER—Three 6-unit apt houses, furn.; two on 18th and Columbia rd . one on T st n.w : good investment; each house bringing in $3,600 annually. For information, call ME. 9590. EM. *048. 1124 R. I. AVE. N.W’.—5 units. 3 furn. Gross rent approx. $5,000. Real buy at $27,500. MR. SLATER. RE. 3126; eves., WI 9535’ —10 MODERN -I-FAMILY UNITS. $21,050. with over $2,000 annual income and $15,009 first Nr. all facilities. RUDDEN & COHN. INC.. 1424 K st. n.w. EX. 5105. 1721-23-25-27 HOMER AVE.. Suitland. Md.—These modern 4-unit bldgs, can be bought indiv. if preferred. RUDDEN & COHN. INC. 1424 K st. n.w. EX. 5705. DFTACHLD. BEAUTIFUL. MODERN. 3 story. 9-unit apt. bldg : oil heat; incin erators; located on main thoroughfare; low rents: priced to sell at $57,500. Ray Morse. SH. 8300. with BROWN REALTY CORP., Realtors, DU. 8558. WILL ACCEPT TRADES and cash for equity in a 05-unit FHA-financed garden type apartment. Excellent return for your investment. This property cannot be du plicated at this price. Ray Morse, SH. 8300. with BROWN REALTY CORP.. Real tors. DU. 8558.___ DIRECT FROM OWNER Dupont Circle area Brick 3-story and bsmt stone front. 2 apts. and 5 rooms, completely furn; approved rental $369 a mo Will sell for (5 times the annual rental. CO 6809; eves and Sunday. RA. 6365, ask for MR. GOODMAN. —10 j FOUR-FAMILY APT. Get on the receiving end of the rent by purchasing this property desirably located in Arlington, near schools and shopping center Each unit contains a living room. 1 bedroom dinette, equipped kit. and tile bath. The income exceeds $3,000 annually, vet the sale price is less than reproduction cost. If you are interested in larger units we have several 8 and 10 unit apts in desirable rental area. Investigate today. SMITH REAL ESTATE CO, CH. 800,, GL. 0484 _—1° HOME WITH INCOME Two 4-family units: brick semidet.: Con gress Heights, s.e.; each apt. consisting of bedrm., liv. rm . kit . dinette and tile bath: rear porch: oil hot-water heat; excel, renting section, close to stores, theater and transp.; $22,500; excellent investment. _ _ CONNER & RYON, INC. 927 18th st. n.w.. RE. 3216; eves , call Mr. Fairbairn. HO. 7000, or Mr. Hack man, WI. 2748._—11_, BUY A SUPER MARKET in excellent rental area leased to national chain for term of years. Site includes approxi ma‘ely 35.ono sq. ft of ground. Improved also by loft building under lease for warehousing and distribution. Income yields Sf, yearly on asking price. This is a rare opportunity for an excellent investment. Call Mr. Bates, NA. 9300. BOSS & PHELPS, INC. 1417 K st. n.w._—12 LOTS FOR SALE. BURNT Mil.1.8 VILLAGE—The new sub division of wide choice lots, close in on Colesville rd.; beautiful trees. Innumer able doawood. Very suitable for rambler tvne homes, street paodne now under way For complete informsTtw, and piat. call Robert E. Heater. Sligo 4000. with CRANE & HELAN. Meet me on the property Sunday ■ ■ —jo HAVE SEVERAL NICE LOTS with high elevation, from $000 up. with $50 down. $10 mo WEAVER A WELSH. Centrevllle, Va. Phone Fairfax 231-J-ll; if no ans., 7K-W-2 —!•* SILVER SPRING. Beechbank rd.. Capitol View Park—Block .35. lots 14. part 15 and 16. 60x150 ft.. $900. 2 each. $600: 50x110 ft. Owner, HOWARD LE MASTER. Pen Mar. Pa _ . V .,. CORNER LOT. 97x110; Forest Heights. Md Call AX .3915 j —10 FAIR OAKS. VA.—l1*-acre wooded home sites on main hwy. with running stream; 14 miles from D C : convenient to schools, shopping and transp • $14)0 ®5?i}i,TT<Jf5.y monthly terms. C. S. SHILLINGBURG. 4615 Lee hwy. Arl . Va OX. -6 4. After 6 pm. call Mrs. James, GL. FOREST HEIGHTS—50 lots. 60x125. high elevation streets and water, sewer on wav. Price. $1,250 each; $.300 cash, $10 per mo. HARTMAN REALTY, INC, 1.345 Good Hope rd. s.e., TR. 4400. VI 5976. BUILDERS—16 large level lots with sewer and water in Fairfax. $750 per lot; terms. Call Mr Landeraff. DU. 040,, with MAL COLM REAL ESTATE. OW. .1024. ALTA VISTA GARDENS. MD.—Level lot, t>oxI40; sewer and water available; $1^4oU. i'alWOULD4BUKE TO WORK with small builders or small groups of house seekers, •o develop my land for houses under *10.000: lots are 05x160 pr larger; hard surfaced streets, sewer, electricity, price. $»50: terms. To reach; Go out Lee blvd to Jefferson Village, turn left on Annan dale rd. for about 21* miles, turn right on hard-surfaced road for f^out Va mile to m; sign on the right. HERMAN SCHMIDT. Woodward bldg .NA. 9-6 ,.10 POTOMAC HEIGHTS. D. C.—2 beautiful building sites. .TT'a by 100; Si.OoO (',a,ctl' f'ALlT'cHURCH. “t bloek from Catholic school, church: Ht# lot. level wUh i»-ee« sewer, water, paved street. »4X $161,0 REALTY BULLETIN CO. 2;; 24 Nc Kirkwood ave., Arlington, OW._>99 • NORTH ARLINGTON—Beautiful new sub division in Overlea Knolls area: sewer, water, gas streets tvfth curb gutters; trees; $1,900 up. See Dlat at the FEALTi BULLETIN CO.2074 No. Kirkwood rd., ATTENTION.VBUl['.DF.R8— 14 lots for del. homes, ready to build on; all util street, curb and gutter are In; in ™nven location, near Penna. ave. H. G. SMITHY CO.. ST 3300. —11 CALIFORNIA ST., near 24 th—100-foot f-entage on grade; side and rear alleys. L. W. GROOMES. 1 8th end Eye sts. NR FAIRFAX. VA.—Two wooded home sites. each 100X375 ft : on hard road; electricity. Box 401-R. 8tar. 11* BUILDING LOT, 6200 block A Hen town rd; 80-ft. frontage AT. 5200. AJAX REALTY. NO ARLINGTON. VA,—Two level, wooded adjoining lots; all Improvements; ready to build; in neighborhood of nice homes, reasonable. DWYER & BOYD, OX. 2980. CH. 4184 —31 3ltb ST. N.W.. bet. Fessenden and Gar rison sts.. Chevy Chase, D C,—Bargain, beautifully wooded lots 58 and .7 It. STiKSnS^STEs101 ’ BHAPIRO.,ltINC* M2. 1717. TA. 7511. —11 HVATTSVILI.E—Lovely building loti. In best section; conven. to everything: all utils., paved street and sidewalks, one of the few lots available ^ this sect.on. good garage already on lot* included in price of $2.600. Cali WA 1.384 —13_ WOODED HOMESITES Located nearby Kensington Heights, Md.: priced $850 to *1.500; terms. Phone OWNER. OE. 3757._—i£!_ HOME SITES V, acre to 400 acres, some wooded, some open. MILLS REALTY, Annandale. Va.. FA 0999. FA 7387._ —1* BUILDERS, ATTENTION In Washington's most beautiful suburban subdivision Lae building lots, clear and level ground, sewer, water and gas_in street. FWA approved Terms. THE GABLES CO., 2423 Minn. ave. • ••AT 0566. —1* J LOTS FOR SALE (Cont.). LANHAM PARK Beautiful loti, 1<KI*170 feet: *750: *100 down: *15 monthly; city water, electricity, Dhone. mall service, train and bu« con nections Directions: Bladensbun rd. to Peace Cross, out Defense hwy. 5 miles to iarge sign Lanham Park." at office on left side of Defense hwy.; office open dally and Sunday. 10 am. until dark. THOMAS F. HALLEY Broker; phone Hyattsville 0107 or Union 7049. Write or phone for beautiful free folder showing advantages of Lanham Park._—13 BUILDERS, ATTENTION Forty-two 24-ft. lots; Southeast D. C: suitable for group femldet. houses or apts. Price. *29.500; reasonable terms. C. J. MEASELL. Sr., DI. 0705 after 5. _—J0_ BUILDERS, ATTENTION 35 lots 50 by 150. Just over D. C. line, zoned for semidetached or 2-family; could build 70 lew-cost homes; 14 ready to go; price, $20,000; terms. Call A. H. DAVIS _WA .3900._Eves. ,_SH .7841._—12 WE STILL HAVE very desirable 1-acre lots in Paint Branch Farms, priced from $1,500 to $1,750. aiso in Salem Village. Silver Spring and Wheaton areas. E S. PRICE & CO . Realtors. 11301 Georgia ave. (Wheaton), PL. 1231. PL. 0315; evenings, call Roy Prce. SL. 2425. A CHOICE SUBDIVISION of 25 lot* at Wheaton. Md.: water and sewerage avail able. priced unusual.y low. E. S. PRICK & CO . Realtors. 11301 Georgia, ave.. PL. 1231, PL. 031 5._Z_ WHEATON Potential commercial lots on Georgia ave Price. $2,500 and up. anv size desired, sr..all down payment. 3 years to pay. E. S. PRICE & CO. 11301 Georgia ave. (Wheaton), PL. 1231. PL. 0315: eves., call Mr. Price. SL. 3429 OLNEY- TIMERLAND ESTATES Beautifully wooded one-acre lots, adjoin ing Sandv Spring Hospital, conv. to stores, theater and transp.: restricted; price, $1. 500 per lot, on easy terms. Exclusive with E. S. PRICE & CO. 11301 Georgia ave. (W’heaton). PL. 1231, PL. 0315: eves., call Roy Price. SL. 2425. COLORED—CORNER 50th AND B STS. S.E.—loxl00 ft.. $1,250; $25 down. $12.50 mo.; others at $500 and up; possession with down payment. DAVID COOPER. 000^F st. n.w,. NA. 4359._—U_ LOTS WANTED. LOCATION FOR NEW TRAILER WANTED by naval officer and wife: require electricity and water connections only. Box 284-R. Star.8* ACREAGE FOR SALE. NEAR SHIRLEY HIGHWAY in Fairfax County; 6 miles from Pentagon: over *2 acre, nicely wooded and level. $800: $80 down. $15 month. VERNON M. LYNCH & SONS. Lincolnia, Va. ALex. 5906. (Closed Sunday.)_—12 ACREAGE WANTED. WANT ACREAGE. Md. or Va.. for develop ment; give location and price. Box 23-J Star_ —10 STORES FOR SALE. GROCERY STORE—Stock, fixtures and equipment for sale. No reasonable offe* refused: neighborhood condemned HAAS MARKET. 1014 1st St. n.w.. NA. 2674. —17 STORES FOR RENT. LARGE STORE—Very desirable location, in Annapolis, Md.: suitable for 5 and 10, children’s wear, general merchandise: es tablished over 30 yrs : available at once. Call MRS. LENA REICHEL. 65 West st., Annapolis. Md., 2724. c 1307 H ST.—lst-floor store; reas. rent DIXIE REALTY CO., 1417 L st. n.w. NEW STORE FOR RENT on 20th st n.w 1.400 sq. ft.; $200 per mo. ZIRKLE CO.. RE 7338 ARLINGTON, VA.—Lyon Park. suit, for delicat., dry clean, store, beauty shop or florist; rent reas. Call MR BARBER, phone OX. 2997; eves . CH. 6421. —11 STORE in new shopping center, in fast growing Falls Church area; 20x59; f 150 per month. EAKIN PROPERTIES. INC.. FA. 1573. 1400 —13 DON’T W’AIT. we have a number of ex cellent retail locations in various sections of City. CHAIKEN & CO., RE. 8538 — 10 1205 EYE ST. N.W., suitable for various type of business. Sunday, TA. 7277. WASHINGTON REALTY CO., GE. 8300. —10 COLUMBIA RD. N.W.—Good ground-floor location, heat furnished; very reasonable rent. A. M. ROTH. RE. 7330. —10 SHOE STORE, approx. 17x40 (3019 M st. n.w. )t Including natures and shelving: reas. rent. Call Mr. Kiely. LEO M. BERNSTEIN & CO.. 1415 K st. n.w . ME. 5400. —10 STORE FOR RENT, approx. 20x«0. in busy shopping section on Columbia rd. n.w ; reas. rent. Call Mr. Kiely. LEO M. BERN STEIN St CO., 1415 K st. n.w.. ME. 5400. —10 NEW ROCK CREEK GARDEN shopping center, in thickly populated area of Silver Spring. Md., has several stores available; possession about Jan. 1 ; suitable for baby store, bakery, hardware, ladies' wear; reas. rent Call Mr. Kiely. LEO M BERNSTEIN & CO . 14 15 K st. n.w., ME. 5400. —10 WORK SHOP, street floor, suitable for printing, embossing or other type shop; 3-phase circuit on premises; parking privi lege ; $60 month. 525 6th st. n.w._17* DUPONT CIRCLE BLDG. 12x60, next to Dupont Theater; also avail. 10.000 sq. ft. of basement space. 1346 CONNECTICUT AVE. _AP. 3200._ STORES WANTED. LIST YOUR PROPERTIES with us for quick action, have many clients Including out-of-town chain store companies looking for good location. Call Mr. Kiely. LEO M. BERNSTEIN & CO.. 1415 K st. n.w. ME. 5400 _—13 OFFICES FOR RENT. 1507 M ST. N.W. 1 and 2 room suites available In down town modern building. Inspect or phone District ft.301._—15_ BEST OFFICE VALUE R-ieht. modem space in large downtown elevator bldg. Suites from $42 UP. Phone NA. 9682. ATTRACTIVE 2-RM. SUITE, facing Far lagut square, rooms lend themselves to fine appointment, near Army and Navy Metropolitan Club. Mayflower and Stat ler Hotels. Call NA. 5318 —13 PARK LANE BLDG.—Offices now available for professional, medical, dental and asso ciations; a modern office building, located at corner of 21st and Eye sts. n.w : rea sonable rent. Call mgr.. RE. 1400. or LEO M. BERNSTEIN & CO.. 1416 K at. n.w.. ME. 5400 LOBBY FLOOR, private office In attrac tively furn. suite: prominent downtown office bldg. RE. 2750. —12 ON 20th NEAR EYE ST. N.W., in 1st. com mercial zone, a fine office space or studio: fireproof building. 2 lavatories. 2 large exposures: small freight elevator: $210 a month Call WOODWARD At NORRIS 723 20th st. n.w. RE. 6685. —10 SUITE OF OFFICES available In busy downtown financial section. Reasonable rent. Call Mr. Kielv. LEO M BERN STEIN A CO.. 1415 K st. n.w. ME. 5400. —10 DOWNTOWN. 1406 G at. n.w.—One-room private ffice. next to elevator. Call EX : 8695. -10 DOWNTOWN. 505 12th st n.w.; 2nd floor rear. 2 medium. 2 small rooms, clean, at tractive; only $9". Phone AD. 0384. —H ATLAS BLDG.—527 Pth st. n.w.—D^sirabl* offices; reasonable. Apply 810 F st. n.w Room. 1 ft. —11 Li: DROIT BLDG.—800-810 F st. n.w.: large bright offices, reasonable. Applj ' Room 1 ft —11 ; UPPER GA. AVE. N.W’.—Large 2nd flooi suite of offices in brand-new bldg.; heat, I electricity and show window included Can be rented all or part; also large office In professional bldg uptown; reason ! able rental. KAY REALTY CO.. INC. 5505 Ga. ave. n.w. RA. 2200. —13 INVESTMENT BUILDING— Rm. in law : ver s suite full reception and telephone ! facilities Limited stenographic 6erv. Will furnish for right person. Call NA. 1^16. COMPLETELY FURN. OFFICE for rent, downtown; Aibee Bldg.; available imme diately. Call NA. 6823 for inquiry. —11 CONVENIENTLY LOCATED office rooms, available In large modern office bldg., situ ated near Municipal Center and Munici pal Court. THOS J. FISHER <fc CO., INC . Realtor. 738 15th st. n.w., DI. 6830. Ext 405. WILSON BLVD . ARL., corner Adams st — Two 3-rm suites THE BRANT CO . GL. 4216 or OX. 0520. —M 3 ROOMS AND PVT. BATH, kit facilities avail.; 3 walking blks. to 9th and F sts. n.w. 816 Eye st. n.w HOWEN STEIN REALTY CORP., DI. 78 tt —14 SINGLE FURNISHED RM. in desirable suite, suitable for professional occupancy. HO. 9023. —1° EVANS BUILDING. 1420 New York ave n.w.; available immediately; desirable rms. to meet your requirements. PENN PROP ERTIES 474 K st n MB 110/. ir 10 .YE >T. N.W.—First floor front of fice room, 0*^x13. heat, light, lavatory; $100 month. THE WASHINGTON LOAN * TRUST CO rental dept . 900 P st. n.w.. NA. 3440. OFFICE in lawyer's suite, convenient downtown location. Call ME. 4044. OFFICE SPACE AVAILABLE—Single rms or large suites for Immediate occupancy: all space redecorated; ideal downtown lo cation ; reasonable rental: rental af«nl on premises. See MR KOCH, Room 112. Atlantic Bidg.. 930 F st. n.w. OFFICE SPACE, approximately 1.100 sq ft ; although an older building, this space has been completely modernized, must see to appreciate; $300 mo. for one of the outstanding offices In Washington Air-condition units available. Ci.l Di 5630, MISS MORRISSEY. —10 WHY PAY HIGH BENT »nd still higher secretarial salaries’ Our unique service oders you complete office {acuities, in cluding desk, file cabinet, storage space, tele and secretarial services; air cond. Apply Suite 201. 1025 Vermont ave. n.w. Call DI. 3141. Hours 8:30 to 8 —13 15th AND H N.W.—Entire floor of 3 000 sq. ft. available in prestige-bearing office bldg. Also smaller suites. DI. 1810 or OR. 8508. —13 OUTSTANDINGLY ATTRACTIVE furnished offices nr. Thomas Circle. Can mate H rooms available or less: excellent for na tional sales organization; parking facili ties also may be made available. CHAIKE.n & CO.. RE. 8538. —10 N.W. TRANSFER POINT. 3 exposures Ga ave . Kennedy st. and HI. ave : pvt. suite. 4 rtr.s.. all or part GE 2»4.'l. —14 COW. DOWNTOWN LOCATION—1 room 11x18, 8+5 month including heat, elec tricity and Janitor service. For further information call RE. 838+. —14 ARLINGTON, second floor office with Wil son bivd frontage: available immediately GEORGE H. RUCKER CO., Agents. OX. nip? —11 l-th ST. N.W.. NEAR K—-Modern office building Rooms as low a, *26. CaU bow, only a lew avaUable. RX- 6706. OFFICES FOR RENT (Cent.). DUPONT CIRCLE BLDG. Offices available for business, professional, medical or trade associatiwi and others. 1346 CONNECTICUT AVE. _ AD 3200.__ COLORED—»25 TOU ST. N.W.—Excellent business corner. Apply in person. 1<3B Vermont ave n w._— 11 OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT. GROUND FLOOR—Office apace, in new modern stores; n,w. section. Can also be used for display purposes; reasonable j rentals. LOUIS BURMAN. RE. 1T88. —12 _DESK SPACE FOR RENT. OFFICE SPACE, entire rm. in suite, or desk space; sec. services included; reas. rent., C. E. JEFFERSON CO., -S Carroil ave.. Takoma Park Md. SL. 17S5. —12 LOBBY FVOOR. attractive suite; prom, downtown office building: also ideal loca- j tion for public stenographer. RE. 2750.; FARMS FOR SALE. 211-ACRE RIVER BEND FARM, .IS miles west of Richmond, Va . 2-mile South Anna River frontage; good hunting, fishing; fenced: 5-rm. bungalow. outbuildings: $4,500; $1,000 down. $500 each Decem ber, 4%. For OWNER, dial Hobart 7815 ! 1ft ACRES WOODLAND, hard road, near Indian Head. Md.. 36 miles south. In the dense forest is a 1-rm shack with bunks for two; $1,650; $250 down. $30 a mo. For OWNER, dial Hobart 7^fU5. FARMS—Eastern Shore. Md : 40 acres, timber; 60 cultivated; 7-rm house, large barn; 4 mis. from small town. Phone Hudson 8766. ^ w... MY DAIRY FARM has good labor, will stay. 220 acres highly seeded and cul tivated. Has $15,000 farm loan payable $80 per month: $5,000 cash and take over payments. Monthly milk check. $1,100 $1,200. Week days phone RE 8384. —14 ( ACREAGE, FARMS (specialized and gen eral), country estates and homes, in Mary land and Virginia. For appointment to discuss country properties, call Mr. Smith. One of the finest investments in the land is the land. FRANCES POWELL HILL. 1048 20th st. n.w , DE. 4101. —13 STROL’T’S SPRING-SUMMER FARM cata log free. Green cover, over 2.800 bar gains: Coast to Coast. STROUT REALTY 711-A Woodward Bldg., Washington, Met roDolitan 7548. BARGAIN—Attractive home with 23 acres, all cleared but 8 acres in timber; 35 min utes from Washington In Fairfax Co.. Va. on hard road: 7-room house with shade trees, electricity and bath: all necessary outbuildings; spring an<j stream: price. $12,000. including electric refrigerator, range, wash, machine and brooder, terms. $4,000 cash, balance monthly; immediate possession Shown bv appointment. Phone Herndon 38. BUELL FARM AGENCY. , Herndon. Fairfax Co.. Va._JO*_ 25 ACRES—IMMED. POSS. $8.000—Nice quiet 6-room home with bath, plenty of shade, about 20 acres of woodland. 3 bedims. 1 bedrm. on 1st fl .: 1 large closets and storage, fireplace, full bsmt.. a number of outbldgs. JOHN BUR DOFT, Colesville. Md. Call Ashton (Md ) 3846. Route 2. Silver Spring. Md. —J2 $21,500—79 ACRES This Fairfax County farm has a good 6 room house with oil heat. bath, electricity range and refrigerator and a hilltop set ting. There are shade trees, board fenc ing. pleasant town with outdoor fireplace and other marks of a well-kept property Outbuildings include a small barn, two chicken houses, corn crib and two sheds. About 35 acres open, balance wooded, and about 4 acres of growing corn is Included; 25 miles from Washington; $5,700 down, balance $75 per month. MASON HIRST Exclusively. Annandale, Va . at the end of Columbia pike. Phone FA. 7447. Closed 8unday.__ WATERFRONT PROPERTY—SALK. MODERN BUNGALOW—5 rms.. bath, screened porch, lge fenced yard, concrete patio, bathhouse. 1 blk. to excel, beach and boat harbor: immed. possession $7, 450: would consider renting to reliable party. $60 wk.: 6 ml. from Annapolis. 25 mi to DC. Drive out Central ave. to Mayo rd.. turn right for 1 mi to Fairmont1 dr., left to Cooper Cottage, 2143 Fairmont dr. NA 4358 -—12 j BEVERLY BEACH—Must sell 7-rm furn house and guesthouse; water-front lot also for sale. DU. 8021. —12 j LAKE JACKSON, outside Manassas. Va — I 3 lots, total frontage of 80 ft. and 60-ft. depth OWNER. ALex. 0168 —10 I DRUM POINT BEAC H. Washington's larg est beach development. No need to worry about crowded and congested beaches and facilities: at Drum Point Beach there is ample room for all. without crowding!. Drum Point Beach has some of the most beautiful beaches ever developed; miles and miles of white sandy beaches on the Chesapeake, that even have shade trees! Georgeous forestry, too. plus 4 fresh water lakes and many other features too numerous to mention-; superb location, easily accessible from any part of Wash-, ington; lots are generously proportioned none less than JO.000 sq. ft. in area;, prices unusually low. too!. From $405 <terms available). Get rhe entire story first-hand. DRUM POINT CORP . own ers. developers. Washington. D. C. Cal vert Realty Agency, sole sales agents. 220 Southern Bldg. RE. 8438; week ends, phone Prince Frederick 108. —13 200-ACRE FARM, near Tall Timbers; 150 acres cleared land: the most picturesque, appealing thing you can imagine, with about m miles water front; has 2 ten ant houses, main house of 8 rms.. 4, porches. 2 baths, full complement of out buildings; owner at property will show any time this week; excellent roads all the wav: something so wor'h while Is seldom available; priced for immediate sale. Di rections; To Leonardrown, Md . then Pt. Lookout rd. to Calloway Corners, rt. to Valiev Lee. left to Drtyden: follow road by Dents store to end. 12ocust Grove Farm lays straight ahead. ROBERT MAGFE BAY RIDGE—Choice DUildlng sites. Beach privileges; preseason lor prices Call owner. BAY RIDGE DEVELOPMENT CO EM 8100. Broker co-operation solicited DRUM POINT BEACH announces the opening of its harbor se.tion! Now can have a water front home site. where plans for a private dock and harbor can become a reality, where pleasure craft can be moored almost at the front door step: where you fire but a stone's throw from Solomons Island. Drum Point Beach, you're right In the center of just about everything nature has to offer, and you're within easy commut ing distance of Washington; lots are gen erously proportioned, none less than JO, 000 sq. ft. in area; prices unusually low. from $485 (terms available): get full in formation now. DRUM POINT CORP , owners, developers. Washington. D C. Sole sales agents. Calvert Realty Agency. 220 Southern Bldg . RE. 8438, week ends. phone Prlnce_Frederlck_108. —13 j WATERFRONT PROP. FOR RENT. WOODLAND BEACH. 23 mi. from Wash.; furn. cottage. 2 bedrms , scr porch, mod,, conven.; nr. beach; $50 wk ; immed. poss Call Annapolis 5320. _ ^ . . -71 - . KENWOOD BEACH. MD —Furnished cot tage. accommodate 8; furnished cottage, accommodate 5. FR. 2052. —11 EDGEWATER BEACH. South River. 30 mi. D C: nicely furn.. spotless. 4 rms.. bath; adults; beach, pier. Annapolis 5(130. BAY-FRONT APT., Chesapeake Beach Only 1 week leit; Aug. 14 to Auk. ’-<»• gas, electricifv and running water; $35 wk A. FF/2DLEY. GE. 1718 NORTH BLACH. MD. — Two-bedroom ami. cottage, fireplace; conven loc ; available September; $100; electricity in cluded. Box 4 1 3-R. Star. 10* MOL $ AM LAKF. MAINE—Avail Aug 11 ; 5 ims.. bath, porch, fireplace, boat, elec., gas TR. 3030. , w J 4 OCEAN-FRONT furnished apts. available in Septemoer. including Labor Day. Beth any Beach. Delaware. Call WO J44.. after 0 p.m. _ ~~U_ SEASHORE PROPERTY._ RFHOBOTI! BEACH. DEL.—For rent, small cottages and apts.; openings Aug. 28. on; reservations._EM. 7307 ~i*• REAL ESTATE LOANS_ I»t AND 2nd TRUST LOANS—Courteous service, reasonable rates, prompt closings. SECURITY HOME INVESTMENT CORP., 1427 Eye st. n.w. DI SOSO. SEVERAL ISMALL TRUSTS for sale ' ox* 0743 —1 o l.t AND 2nd MORTGAGE LOANS BAR I TOW REALTY CO. Realtor,. 1331 G ,t n w., ME. 24P5 , I it AND 2nd TRUST LOANS on real es tate In D. C. Md and Va MR. DRAI8NER. 1404 L st n.w. NA. 415,. TRUSTS. 1st. 2nd and 3rd: Md . Va. and D C 7 wk.'s service. ADAMS REALTY CO. 003 N. Y. ave n.w. RE 1612. 31* FIRST-TRUST LOANS on real estate: low rates 3 or 5 year terms and monthly bayments P. J WALSHE. INC , 1115 Eye st n w. NA. 6468. _ MONEY ON SECOND TRUST—We will buy second-trust notes D C . nesrby Md. or Va Reasonable rates NATIONAL MORTOAOE * INVESTMENT CORP 1312 N Y ave n.w National 5833 1st AND 2nd TRUST LOANS—Prompt and courteous service Before borrowing cal COLONIAL INVESTMENT CO.. 817 Stb st n w RE 6650 FIRST MORTGAGE amortized loans at, current interest rates no commissions charted Apply to the AMERICAN HOME MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO., l,o7 K st n w Washington D C CASH FOR 2nd TRUST NOTES (white or colored i—Quick settlement Prefer per sonai calls to telephone calls. FULTON R GORDON. 1427 Eye st. n.w. DI. 8230 Brokers, attention. —31 BANK-PERSONAL LOANS._ LOANS FOR SEASONAL NEEDS i purchase your winter fuel supply now and avoid the rush, delays or possible scarcity later., Personal loan dept . LIBERTY NATIONAL BANK. 15th and Eye sts. n.w. —14 __ MONEY WANTED._ FIRST MORTGAGE on improved land. In i finest built-up subdivision in Betnesda: red. loan Is about 25*7 of value of land brokers and agenta Invited. Box 3.3-M, Star —In SOUND DEFERRED PURCHASE MONEY, "nd-'rust note: owner-occupied brisk res : w-:,»50, monthly payments: will allow 15*7 discount DU. 6682, Sundays and eves. AUTO LOANS. FINANCING private sales Oi’r speelaltw if you are buying or selling an automobile, let us finance it for the purchaser NOLAN FINANCE CO . 1102 New Yoilt ave n.w. i Republic 1200. . ___ AUTO PAINTING. __ COMPLETE JOB. F35 up: work guarsn teed GILBERT. 4102 Pa. a»e. eat. se ut j»"1 DEPARTMENTALIZED SERVICE la Jjjjt for your car reaardless of ***** ftne palntin*. fender and body .w0LkAoH reasonable price*. ALEXANDRIA NASH, ' JORP.. 600 Monttomey at,. Alexandria AUTOMOTIVE MISCELLANEOUS. AUTO SKAT COVERS—Attention 194# and 1947 Oldsmoblle owners. We have seat covers for your model 76-7S 4-door sedan with rear center arm rest at new low prices. Installed Regularly $29.85, now $16.95 while they last. ARCADS PONTIAC CO . 1437 Irving st. n.w.. AD. 8500._ _—13 MOTORCYCLES. NEW SHIPMENT of Triumph speed ••twins," Tiger 100's. Rigid and sprung hubs. A. J. S and Matchless singles. Come in for a demonstration Trade and terms ALLIED MOTORCYCLE SALES, ■2014 M st. n.w RE. 6073. —13 1918 MATCHLESS. 50(1 cc. "Clubman, very low mileage Cannot tell it from a new one. Trade and terms. ALLIED M(> TORCYCLE SALES. 2014 M st. n.w. RB. 5073. —13 1916 JAMES. 125 cc; a perfect lightweight for economical transp trade and terms, ALLIED MOTORCYCLE SALES. 2014 51 it. n.w. RE. 5073. —13 INDIAN CHIEK 1910. good rubber and paint: best offer. Call :‘.4S3, •47 7 1. O.H.V. HARLEY-DAVIDSONl $69Jj lots of chrome. Call any time, NO. 0031. 13* 1937 INDIAN ••»": $295. 1931 Harley Davidson Phone Owens 75S6. 11* HARLEV-DAVIDSON .16 74; perfect shape: $225._Phone_SL. 3877. —11 GARAGES FOR RENT DOUBLE GARAGE for storage, fire and waterproof; safe neighborhood and paved alley. AD. _ L TRAILERS. MUST SELL 1946 Alma.'excel, cond : fully equip.: 21-ft.: stove, heater, icebox; $1,600 or best offer. LU. 9108 before 9 30 a m. and alter 9 d m. —10 COTTAGE—Beautiful. modern. movaMa cottage. 20x20. with bedroom, living room, bath, kitchenette and center hall; equip ped with apt -size range, electric refgr • hot-water heater, shower, toilet, wash basin, oil heat. Furniture optional, ex tra. Price. $3 350. Delivered Washing ton area. WAHL TRAILER BALES. 2nd ave. and Colesville rd , Silver Spring. Md. Phone SH. 8666. —9 AT RICHTER'S, engineering skill reaehel a new high in the 30' tandem wheel Spar tan Mansion that makes it the choice of those who desire a combination of the extremely practical and the very beauti ful Imagine the livability of our 33' Su perior. 6 sleeper with shower and toilet. Luxury, beautv and efficiency are the key note to the designers of the 29' Vmriaie. Direct factory distributors of several other leading trailer coaches in both masonite and aluminum: priced from $1,495 to $4,495. We carrv a large line of acces sories. RICHTER TRAILER SALES. 2 lo« rations. Wash -Balto blvd.. Berwva. Md. Telephone Towe- 5035 NEW LIBERTY TRAILERS with many out standing features on display HEETER WALDEN TRAILER SALES. Wash.-Balto. blvd. Berwyn. Md TO. 5111 HORNERS TRAILER CENTER. 5th and F a ave n e. See the new Vagabond Royal and Palace house trailers on dis play at HORNER'S CORNER. FR 1221. REO' 1947 2-ton with 15-ft. van boriv, side door, rear half doors and tail gate; 6.500 actual mi : $2,500. REO WASH INGTON CO.. INC . 1331 Half st. s e.# LI. 7402 FORD 1946 12-ff. van body, like new. very low mileage: $1,695 RFO WASHINGTON CO . INC . 1331 Half si. s.e . LI 7402. CHEVROLET 1940 1‘a-ton panel truck, in good condition: price. $500. privately owned. Call NA. 8559, ask for MR. NA THAN WHITE 1947 tractor WB22T; 27.000 ml: with 1944 Fruhauf van. 26-ft trailer: $4,500 29 Carroll ave., Takoma Park, Md . Sligo 5245. SUPER DE LUXE 31-FT. '47 Curtil Wright, sleeps 6; 3 rms. and bath shower and tub. running h and c. water both kitchen and bath; outside aluminum, in side mahogany; will sacrifice this $5 500 home for $3 800, only $1,500 cash needed; nicely located. 7 miles from D. C. Phong Tower 6144. —10 GLIDER. Travrlite and Goshen: for Qual ity and desirable Interior arrangements; some models with showers and built-in flush toilets. Trade in your u.'ed trailer now. COLIE TRAILER CO. 8200 Ga. ave. n.w . Sligo 8202. —15 1916 25-FT. HOUSE TRAILER, fully fur nished. built-in radio and television $1 650: Vincent Trailer Park. 3200 Kenil worth ave.. Hyattsville, Md. WA. 9758. See Mg. H. W Eddins —10 SEARS ROEBUC K utility trailer. 4x6. com plete with hitch, light and tires; $$0. WI 8651 after 6 p m —11 TRAILER. 1948. located in Bethesda; 25 ft., almost new. never been on the road; perm, located, with running water. e’;ee. r«fgi\. bottled gas and many other extras, must be seen to appreciate: being trans ferred. must sell immediately for bpst offer. Phone WI. 4389._— l i WASHINGTON TRAILER HEADQUARTERS —See 5 great trailer names at American Trailer Co.. 4030 W|s. ave : largest stork of trailer parts and accessories in the East. / 1940 Schult _ $1.695 00 1942 American _ 1.49. 1 o 194$ Howard _ 3,36" • 1948 Schult . __ 2.396 3.5 194$.Schult . _ - 3.317 36 194 8 Zimmer - 3.532 0$ AMERICAN TRAILER CO.. 4030 Wis. ave.. WO. 3231 _—1 1 AUTO TRUCKS FOR SALE. DODGE 1038 ,/a-ton panel: flood cond; new tires, reasonable. TA. 3075 or SL 74 88 — 14 FORD 16 1‘a-ton stake; long wheel base, low mileage, mechanically perfect, with booster rear. A real bargain at $1,005 cash- terms or trade. 3-DC inspect HER SON S AUTO A APPLIANCE CO . 8th and O sts. n w. DE 4700. —10 FORD 1935 l.-ton panel; good shape, new motor, new brakes: reasonable offer will bur it Can be seen at 5225 Wisconsin ave. WO Hill. —10 FORD 1947 ‘.’-ton stake body truck; 6.000 miles; heater, signal light, long w'heel base, overload spring, two-speed axels. 12 ft. body. $2,300 or best offer. WA. 4161. —10 DODGE '41 tj-tnn panel: new motor, good tires; $675. 6609 29th ave.. West Hvatts irille. Md 11* FORD 1941 dump truck: 1*a ton, 2Jfc yard, excel, cond. A steal at $406. SL. 1797 —10 DODGF. 194 1 I’y-ton panel, good shap«, eood rubber These trucks at bargain prices. CHESTNUT FARMS DAIRY OA RAGE. 3241 Prospect ave n.w - 10 REO 1947 1 Va-ton stake like new and a real bargain $1,550 REO WASHINGTON CO. INC. ! 331 Half st sr. LI 7402. GMC AND INTERNATIONAL, both 1936 1 ton paneled perfect all around, best offers. 2800 Kith st ne. NO 1050 —10 INTERNATIONAL 1947 d'imn truck. KR7| 3-yd body, fish plates, built-up springs extra aas tank. 30 000 miles, cost $4 000 new best offer. SL. 4079. —10 FORD 15»38 pickup, excel, cond, $295. Call WI 1696 —10 FEDERAi, 194 1 panel truck, step-in type; equipped for drv cleaning tip top shape; in storage 5 years $900; passed Inspection recently DE 51705 10* # FORD '35 pickup truck, good condition; with radio. Can be seen at Tyson's Corner Gulf Station or call FA 7005. $425 —1 L BUICK 1934 ex-hearse A-l mechanically, body excel . make good truck. $250 WA. 7877 —10 STI DEBAKFR 1947 Vi-ton pickup. 3925 14th st. n.w —14 DODGE 1947 1 Va-ton truck, stake body, long wheelbase. 3.600 miles; excel, cond * $1,980 ALex 8364 —15 DODGE 104 1 panel, good condition. $500, Phone TA 2217. —15 II IT S PRICES YOU WANT, see us row. Cemoco has a large selection, all kind* and sizes of good used reconditioned trucks; 50 to pick from 1930 to 1047, soma through Inspection. This month were selling at wholesale and the first one* here get the best of the lot. good trades and terms CENTRAL MOTOR CO . GMC truck dealer. 3200 Lee hwy Arl . Va , CH 7000. Other good truck bargains and army truck parts and service at our Alex andria truck plant. J201 Oronoco st.# Alex . Va OV 1500. —16 FORD 1941 J»i-ton stake body: 5-speed forward: heavy duty; good cond : a bar gain WA 0019. —16 FORD 1936 2- on panel ’39 motor: equipped with ladder racks: $345 E. PEDERSON. 6514 41st ave.. Univervty Park. Md WA 2154 —11 BROCK WAY 1941 tractor- excellent mTor. $795: 194 1 Fruehauf trailer $195 ESSO GAS 8TATION, 1J th and M sts. se HI. 4494. CHEVROLET 1034 panel *i-ton. D C inspected: excellent bodv a bargain at $ 195 cash. KENNY MOTORS. 15th and R. I ave ne . HU 9816 —12 CHEVROLET 1940 1-ton metro packata delivery, walk-in type, low mileage orlgl nallv cost *2.900: owner must sacrifice, $1,995. Phone WO 8900, 5010 Wi*. STIDEBAKER 1948 >'a-ton pickup truck: about 3.000 miles, $1,300. 4618 21 su Avondale, Md.. WA. 6912_—12 PREWAR PRICES ON TRUCK8— Ford 1947 1 *2-ton stake, short, wheel base; 10.000 miles; you can't tell it from new. This is a steal $1,205 Ford 1946 l*/a-ton steke; long wheel base. This is a beauty, ready to roil, $995. Ford 1939 1 t^-ton dump; new tire*, ready to roll. $495. Chevrolet 1940 m-ton dump: new tires: a bargain. $645 International 1041 ’a-ton panel, 40.000 orig mileage, new tires; if* a beauty. $«95. All trucks free D C. inspection, guar anteed. Terms, cash or trade. HER SON R AUTO & APPLIANCE CO.. 8th and O sts n.w., DE 4700_—12 1940 GMC $450 1941 Ford _ 450 . 1039 Ford _ 275 1036 Ford __ _ _ 200 1039 Federal 450 Soft drink company has surplus of trucks, all maintained by company me chanics; trucks can be seen on premise*. 750 K)tb st. s.e _ —10_ STEUART MOTOR* CO., 6th and New York ave. n.w . NA. 3000— < 1947 Ford van. IV* ton_$1,895 1941 Ford stake, l'a-ton_ 350 104»i Ford panel. 1 V»-ton_ 825 1040 GMC panel. Va-ton_ 450 1937 Ford stake, lvfe-ton_ 425 1939 Ford van. 1%-tdn_ 595 1937 Ford rack. lVj-ton . _ 425 All of the above in first-class condition and ready to roll.._—-11 AUTO TRUCKS WANTED._ TRUCK, l Ja-ton. Ford or Chevrolet, about 1941 model. In flrst-cisss cond., for cash. Or will trade 1941 Chrysler Royal sedan lor truck and difference far has r. ana h, seaplane blue Dalnt and .OOXin tires. 5 tirks and tube*. BoO*1 * Bicycle, excel cond. *30. ® 1. Frol,p* I ave . Takoma Fa rk phone _8L_»,1.IS_ auto trucks for hire. VAX TRUCK—Larse or small lobe, prompt seivice. reas, prices; local or long disttnct. TA 20.37: after 7 pm OE 1410 11 • NEW PANEL*, vans and »t»keabr thj hour. dav. week or year STRRRETT OPERATING SERVICE -Hertz Dnv-Cr O. if. ^01 Q st n w. NO 3311. AVAILABLE IMMED — 194* Chevrolet - vans, stakes, panels and Dickups, for hire bv dav. »k . or contract PUBLIC SERV. , ICE DRIV-UR-SE1.F, 1013 L st. n.w. MR. STAKE BODT TRUCK durinf .ventn* hours, for trash removal and other small Jobs, owner to do work. Dial CH.