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Why Mountain Valloy Wator It Recommondod for ARTHRITIS, KIDNEY and BLADDER Condition This nataral mineral water frem Hal Sprints. Arkansas, helps to— 1. Stimulate kidney function*. 2. Soothe bladder Irritation. 3. Neutralize uric acidity. 4. Discharge wastes. Phono for a Cato Today MOUNTAIN VALLEY MINERAL WATER MET. 1062 904 12th St. N W. This New Automatic bryailt Gas Furnace’ To Be Presented to the Owner of the Oldest Gas Heating Unit in Metropol itan Washington. Anyone in the D. C. Metropol itan area who owns on old go* furnace is eligible. Just phone or send a post cord, giving your name and address, for rules and entry blank.' Be sure to specify Dept. HC-3. *PLUS Chronotherm Thermo stat which automatically con trols day and night tempera tures. This Offer Expires Sept. 30 ATTENTION COAL USERS: Under certain conditions gas is available to you. Phone us for more information. John G. Webster ( ZZZZJi (ESTABLISHED 1012) 627 F St. N.W. EX. 4615 Opp. HECHT CO. on F St. ( OPEN SATURDAYS « —---.... —^ PROPOSALS. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at the Procurement Section. National Bureau of Standards, Washington. D. C.. until 2 p.m.. August 27. 1948. and then pub licly opened for furnishing radio re ceivers at the National Bureau of Stand ards. as described in the specifications which may be obtained from the Procure ment Section* National Bureau of Stand ards.___—1 SEALED PROPOSiXiLVlTl be received at tba Procurement Section. National Bureau of- -Standards. Washington. D. C.. until 2 p.m. August 25. 194h. and then publicly opened for furnishing field intensity meters at the National Bureau of Standards, as described in the specifications wintn may be obtained from the Procurement, Sec tion. National Bureau ol Standards. —18 _LEGAL NOTICES. _ THE COMMITTEE oh Admissions and Grievances, District Court of the United States for the District of Columbia. Walter C. Clephane, Chairman, 321 Municipal Court, Civil Division, 4th and E sts. n.w.-* Notice is hereby given that the list pub lished herewith contans the names or all applicants for admission to the Bar of the District Court of the United States for the District of Columbia who were suc cessful in the Bar Examination held June 3H. 17 and 18, 1948. The Committee on Admissions and Grievances requests that any information tending to affect the eligibility of any of said applicants on moral or ethical grounds be furnished to the Committee on or before September 14. 1948. Walter C. Clephane. Chairman: George W. Dalzell. Secretary. Almira Straughn Abbot, Charles Risdon Allen, jr.; Jonathan Harvey Allen. Mac Asbill, jr.; Dorothea Anna Baker. John Joseph Barse, Russell H. Baumgardner. John Baumgart ner. jr.; Harden Clark Bennlon. Ralph Franklin Berlow. Robert Gordon Bidwell, Benjamin Lee Bird. Arthur Charles Bon ham Lykes Muller Boykin. Dorothea Marian Bozza. William H. Brain. Alvin Browdy. Robert James Brown. William Benson Bryant, Joseph Francis Burns. James Edward Carr, Anthony Dominic Ceanamo. James B Cobb. Meredith Car rington Coffman. Isidore Cohen. Wesley 8tevenson Cole, Melville Nathaniel Collins. Paolo Contini. Robert Claude Cotten. jr.; ; Donald Morris Counihan. James Joseph i Coyle. Robert William Culbert. Joseph 1 Aloysius Daly, Roger Ralph Dawson, John Joseph Dean, John Phillip Dee, Ralph i Joseph De La Vergne, Jr.: Wallace Guy Dempsey, Albert Woodson Dieffenbach. | Mitchell Keith Disney. Benjamin Henry Dorsey. Landon Gerald Dowdey. Richard Dale Drain. William Boss Eades. jr.; Fran cis Joseph Farry. Frederick Birney Fin kenstaedt. Harold Hirsch Fischer. Anna Cecelia Foley. James Briton Fox, Lawrence Howard Gall. James Richard Gardner, Patricia Cummings Oarrlty, John Garvey, George E. George. Joseph John Gercke, Leonard Edward Gibbons. David Ginsburg. Sidney Monfe Glazer. Andrew Clement Goodhope. Joseph Leo Gormley. Milton Mark Gottesman. Alvin L. Gottlieb. Denver Hawkins Graham. Harry Elwood Graham. Cornelia Blanche Groefsema. Clark J. Guild, jr . George Robert Guyer. Mabel D. Haden. William J. Hagan. Gilbert Hahn, jr ; K. Robert Hahn. Najeeb Elias Halaby, John Lawrence Hall. Mervin Halstead, Edward Thomas Hanlon. Frederick Rich ard Hanlon. Alfred Hantman. Kerber Blaine Harris. George Alden Harvey. Harold Thomas Hawthorne. Ned O. Helnlsh. War ren Richard Helstrom. George William Hickman, jr.; Jean Curtis Hill. Bynum Ernest Hintcn. jr.; James Francis Hoet • tels, Thomas Kenney Holyfleld. George Anthony Horkan. Jr.; Herbert David Horo witz. James Lawrence Houghtellng, jr.; Dugald Walker Hudson. Frederick Dale Irwin. Arthur Alfred Jacobs. Walter John Jagmm. Albert Dyer Jensen. Henry Mat thew Johns. Francis Edward Jones, jr.; Leon Kahn. Irving Kalikow, Joseph P Kane. John Edward Keating. Joseph John Keeley. James Bruce Kellison. Lawrence R Kempton. Michael John Kenny, William Francis Kenzie Edward Ralph Klmmel, William Francis King. Mary Elizabeth Kipp. Allen Kirkpatrick III. Robert Whit ney Knight. Russell William Kosklnen. Frederick John Krubel. Henry Conrad Lamerman. James McCauley Landis. John Dennis Lane. Francis Matthew Lee. Harold Allen Lee. Leonard La Salle Letmbacb. Kenneth Nelson Lelmer. J. Robert Lene han. Louis Levathps, George Glover Lewis, John Howard Lewis. ,jr., Nettie D. Lewis, Frank Joseph Lexa. jr.: Eugene Transou Liipfert. James Bowie Lillard, Ralph Rob ert Linowes. Salvatore Joseph Locascio, Graham Loving, jr ; Robert Newton Lowry, Murdaugh Stuart Madden, John A. Madi gan. jr.; Linwood Carlyle Major, jr.; John Kenneth Mallory, jr Richard 8ims Thomas Marsh. Charles Patrick Maxwell. Richard Heverin Mayfield. Jose Angel Mayoral, Ralph Leo McCabe. Robert Lee McCarty, Leo Bob McCuddin. John Josejfti McGar vey. Hugh Joseph McGee, Paul Bernard McMahon. Virginia V. Meekison. Basil J. Mezines. Franklin Peter Michels. Joseph Sheldon Miller. Allan Joseph Morrison, Andrew Thomas .Mo^s. Charlotte Patricia Murphy. Amelia C Muscato. James Joseph Naccarato. Jerome Cooper Neveleff. Frank Dean Nichols. C. Edward Nicholson. Jr.; Sylvia Eugenie Nilsen. James George Noth. Ernest B Nowell. Carl Vernon Olson. Carious LeRoy Olson. Herbert William Osterman. George McCall Courts Oulahan. William Edison Owen. Helen Bell Page. John Gorham Palfrey. Ellen Lee Park. George Brooks Parks. Christopher Edward Pavich, Richard Joseph Peer. George Cassity Pendleton. Tlorabelle Peer Perkin*, James Thomas Phelan. Basil R. Pollitt. Douglas Haig Pugh. Guy Logan Qualls. Francis Louis Race. Everett M. Raffel. Wil liam Frederick Ragan, Joseph William Reap. Elias Davis Rees. John Joseph Reidy. jr.: Howard Keith Reinecker. George Francis Rlseling. John Milton Ritchie. Hugh Marston Robinson. Jonas Bondi Robitscher. jr.; Edgar John Roccati. Eugene Albert Ross. Bertha Margarethe Rothe. Herman Karl Saalbach. Joseph Lawrence Schaffer Howard John Schellen berg. jr.: Leslie Harrison Schofield. J. D. Sharp. William P. Sims. jr.; George Stev ens Skinner. Robert Raine Snjyers, John Joseph Smyth, Lawrence Philip Solomon. Richard Walter Spivak. Tobias Leon Stam. William Stanley, Jr.; Jacob Stein. Thomas Hayes Stewart. Philio Stridhman. Joseph Daniel Sullivan. Robert Edington Swan. Joseph M. Sweeney. Ralph Mortimer Thompson. Clark Walter Toole, jr.; Ed ward A. Turrou. Alarlc William Valentin. William Sherman Vanderpool. Jr.- Vernon Paul von Drehle. Arthur Moses wagman. Paul Culliton Warnke. Walter Edward Washington. George Conner Webster. Sey mour Werner. William Frederick* Werner. Glen Earl Weston. Charles Belden White n, Harold Edward White. Henry Whitehouse, James Warren Whitesel. Doris Gwendolyn Wilkins. Robert Leonard Williams. Arrah Minerva Wilson. Grant Walter Wlprud. John Prancis Wolf. Russell Marshall Woods, Edga^lban Wren, aul8.25.sel DETROIT-BOUND—These six boys from Washington and vicinity who won prizes in the recent National Capital model air show left National Airport yesterday under sponsorship of the Plymouth dealers of Metropolitan Washington for Detroit to attend the second International Model Air Show. They are (left to right): Roger Barron, 13, Springfield, Va.; Harry Mordhorst, 21, of 2800 Central avenbe, Alexandria, Va.; Sam Boor, 15, of 8506 Old Georgetown road, Bethesda, Md.; Albert Jones, jr„ 17, Forrestville, Md.; Richard Norford, 17, of 1715 Jackson street hfcE., and Herb Danick, 17, of 1223 Orren street N.E. —Star Staff Photo. New Russian Veto Due Today on Ceylon Plea For U. N. Membership By tho A.sociot.d Pro,* LAKE .SUCCESS, Aug. 18.—An- j other Russian veto appears in pro6pect today in the United Na tions Security Council. The Council was called into day long session to debate Palestine, Trieste and an application from Ceylon for U. N. membership. Pal estine was first on the calendar. The Soviet Union has threatened to veto Ceylon's bid to become the 59th U. N. member, on the conten- j tion that there are doubts about j LEGAL NOTICES. KOBEKT E. LYNCH, Attorney, 8::i ISth Street N.W. Washington 6, D. C. NOTICE OF RENEWAL OF PARTNERSHIP. —No. 157.—Notice is hereby given that under a certificate filed on the 11th day of August, i 948, in the office of the Clerk of the United States District Court of the District of Columbia, the undersigned have renewed a coDartnership under the firm name of ROBERT C. JONES/ & COMPANY for the purpose of transacting a general brokerage business in the buy ing. selling and dealing in commodities, stocks, bonds and other securities in the City of Washington. District of Columbia, end elsewhere having offices in the Na tional Metropolitan Bank Building in the said city, said renewal agreement being dated Julv 31. 1948. and continuing for & period of one year and expiring on the close of business on Ju.y 31, 1949, and that Charles Carroll Morgan of 1 Qulncv Street, Chevy Chase. Maryland, continues as a special or limited partner, having contributed twenty-five thousand ($26. (>00) do lars to the capital pf said partner ship. The business, pf the partnership will be transacted by the undersigned gen eral partners only. Charles Carroll Mor gan, as a special or limited partner, shat: not be liable for or subject to any loss or liability bevond the amount of his afore said contribution ROBERT C. JONES. EDGAR B. ROUSE. JOSEPH P. KRKBGER. OSCAR P. HUNT J. NEWTON BREWER. Jr AUGUST H 8CHM1DT. EDWARD M. BECKER. (Seal.) A true copy. Test: HARRY M. HULL. Clerk. BY It. M. STEARNS. Deputy Clerk. au,sepl .6.7.8 MORRIS D. SCHWARTZ. Attorney, 503 Chandler Baildlnf . Filed Au*. 16. 1948. Harry M. Hull. Clerk- * IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF TOR United States for the District of Co lumbia.—Fannie Rice Prager. Plaintiff, vs. Hannah Rice, et al.. Defendants.—Civil Action No. 2949-48.—ORDER OF PUBLI CATION.—The object of this suit is to remove a certain deed of trust dated .May 22. 1935. made by Bertha Rice to Isanore Freund and Abe Rice, trustees, as a cloud upon plaintiff’s title in lot 133 in Square 2204, improved by premises known as 2629 Connecticut Avenue, N.W., Washing ton. D. C. On motion of the plaintiff. It is this 16th day of August. 1948, ordered , that the defendants, the unknown heirs. , next-of-kin. devisees and alienees of I Emanuel Rice, deceased. Abe Rice, de ceased. Bertha Rice, deceased. Leo Rice, deceased, and Emile Rice, deceased, cause | their appearance to be entered herein on ! or before the first rule day occurring after the expiration of three months from the date of first publication of this order otherwise the cause will be proceeded with as in the case of default. Provided, i copy of this order be published twice * month for three months in the Wash ington Law Reporter, and The Evening 3tar. before said day. <S.) EDWARD M. CURRAN. Justice. (Seal.) A true copy, rest: HARRY M. HULL. Clerk, by ELIZA BETH M. KOWALSKI Deputy Clerk. aul8.31,iel4,28,ocI2.26 , MARTIN J. McNAMARA. Jr., Attorney. Investment Bids. DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED States for the District of Columbia. Holding Probate Court.—No. 70946. Ad ministration.—This is to Give Notice: That the subscriber, of the State of New York, has obtained from the Probate Court of the Di»trict of Columbia. Letter* Testa mentary on the estate of Margaret Rus sell. otherwise Maggie Russell, late of the District of Columbia, deceased. All per sons having claims against the deceased »re hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, legally authen ticated. to the subscriber, on or before the 23rd day of July. A.D. 1949: other wise they may by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Given under my hand this 23rd day of July. 1948 RICHARD H. RUSSELL. 12 Elmwood Ave.. Poughkeepsie. N. Y. (Seal.) Attest: MELVIN J. MARQUES. Deputy Register of Wills for the District of Columbia. Clerk of the Probate Court._aul 1.18.25. CROMELIN, TOWNSEND A KIRKLAND. Attorney*. National Press Bonding. DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED States for the District of Columbia.1 Holding a Probate Court.—Estate of Delma Ford, Deceased.—No. 71516. Ad ministration Docket 161.—Application! having been made herein by Martin W. 1 Hysong Company, Inc., for letters of ad ministration on said estate, to issue unto Thomas M. Raysor. it is ordered this 9th day of August. A.D. 1948, that the un-1 known heirs at law and next of kin of Delma Ford, deceased, and all others concerned, appear in said Court on Mon day. the 2oth day of September, A.D. 1945. at 10:00 o'clock A.M., to show cause why such application should not be granted. Let notice hereof be published In the “Washington Law Reporter" and "The Evening 8tar,” once in each of three successive week* before the return da* herein mentioned, the first publication to be not less than thirty days before said re turn day. Witness, the Honorable BOUTHA J LAWS. Chief Justice of said Court, this Pth day of August. A.D. 1948. (Seal.) At test: THEODORE COGSWELL, Register of Wills for the District of Columbia. Clerk of the Probate Court._aul 1.18.26 SPIEGLER and ALPHER, Attorney*, Southern Building. DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED States for the District of Columbia. Holding Probate Court.—No. 71498. Ad ministration.—This is to Give Notice: That the subscriber, of the District of Co lumbia has obtained from the Probate Court of the District of Columbia. Letters of Administration on the estate of Elmer L Peffer, late of the District of Columbia, deceased. All persons having claims against the deceased are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, legally authenticated, to the sub scriber. on or before the 23rd day of July. A.D 1949: otherwise they may by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Given under my hand this 23rd day of i July. 1948. DOROTHY S. PEFFER. 646.) ; Nebraska Ave.. N.W. (Seal.) Attest: THEODORE COGSWELL. Register of WiPs j for the District of Columbia. Clerk of the Probate Court. aul 1 .ML25, | MORRIS D. SCHWARTZ. Attorney. 560 Chandler Bids. Filed Auk. 16. 1948. Harry M. Hull. Clerk. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE United States for the District of Colum bia.—Fannie Rice Prager. Plaintiff, vs.! Hannah Rice, et al.. Defendants.—No 2949-48.—The oblect of this suit is to remove a certain deed of trust dated May 22. 1935. made bv Bertha Rice to Isadore Freund and Abe Rice, trustees, as a cloud upon plaintiff's title in lot 133 in Square 2204. improved by premises known as 2629 Connecticut Avenue Northwest, in the Dis trict of Columbia. On motion of the plaintiff, it is this 16th day of August, 1848. ordered that the defendants. Han nah Rice. Audrey Blaine Randall. Inez A. Rice, and Beulah Freund Oittelman cause their appearance to be entered herein on or before the fortieth day. exclusive of Sundays and legal holidays., occurring after the day of the first publication ot this order: otherwise the cause will oe proceeded with as in case of default. Pro vided. a copy of this order be published once a week for three successive weeks in the Washington Law Reporter, and The WARD* Starc‘5to,dJ„d&, ftul8.36.Ml I the independence of the new Asiatic ! country. Russia made the threat in the Council’s Membership Com mittee, where she refused to sup port Ceylon and demanded more proof that Ceylon was not depend ent directly on Britain. Soviet Moves Watched Closely. So far Russia has used the veto 126 times, 11 of them being utilized i to block membership applications. 1 Jacob A. Malik, a deputy foreign minister, now is sitting as Soviet delegate. The island dominion of Ceylon, strongly Buddhist, lies off India's southeast coast. Soviet moves in the case are being watched closely here in view of re ports of increased Communist ac tivity in the Asiatic region. Austin Reports on Relief. If the Council is able to wind up debate today on Palestine, Trieste and Ceylon, only one other item re mains to bar the start of a month long recess Friday. This is approval of the Council's regular report to the General Assembly, which opens in Paris September 21. On the Palestine problem, the United States Government expressed fear that the problem of Arab refu gees may delay peace in the Holy Land. An estimated 300,000 Arabs are reported homeless. United States Delegate Warren R. Austin advised the U. N. last night that the United States was con tributing toward relief through the Red Cross and other such agencies and expressed hope that the tradU tional American generosity would continue. Pendergast Machine Wins Committee Control Again By th« Associated Press KANSAS CITY, Aug. 18.—Control of the Jackson County Democratic Committee was back in the hands of the Pendergast political organiza tion today. The organization is headed by Jim j Pendergast. He inherited it on the death of his uncle, Boss Tom Pender gast, whose faction domiated Mis souri politics for years. The test of Pendergast's strength in the committee came yesterday in electing a chairman. A Pendergast backed candidate. Leo T. Schwartz, I defeated Ralph M. Russell, 30 votes to 26. Mr. Russell was supported by factional opponents of Pendergast. Harry Morris, former chairman of the committee, was not eligible for re-election. Mr. Morris, a 36-year old war veteran, lost his position in the August primary election. He had waged a campaign against i "boss politics” and said he sought to1 end “the domination of the party by j a few heriditary and selfish leaders bent upon maintaining their own political empires.” Pendergast opposed Mr. Morris in the primary. BASEMENT D AMP ? GET THE NEW FRlGIDAIRE DEHUMIDIFIER sggBjjKB __.m jus \ DeV,yeTed'«*v \ 1326 14th St. N.W. DE. 2300 1° L°OKJNITo YOUR people do... and now modem psychology' offers you the opportunity. By the way you react to a series of situations, your future can be foretold with amazing accuracy. The eminent psychologist, Dr. Ernest Dichter, has compiled the “Security Analysis Quiz”. You can have the QUIZ without a penny’s cost! tyw (?4M U &it ‘DtytU *4 puiuxc Security Give yourself this quiz. The “Secur ity Analysis Quiz” is pretested and validated by the latest scientific methods. It’s interesting to take; easy to score yourself. You, alone will know the result. For your complimentary copy of the”Security Analysis Quiz”, phone, write, or ask any of our representatives. LIFE INSURANCE CO. OF VIRGINIA /4. &. &UI. SttmondA, MANAGER 'MANAGER Danrika Building; TranaporUtion Bldg.; Washington Washington /4. JF, MANAGER ^ ~« t . Mj, 11 a A t Awrapnefi owiding, AHMnonc ) HOUSS I insuutioh Enjoy the rest of the summer In cool comfort—relax in pleasant warmth next winter. INSULATE NOW! Your savings in fuel alone will pay the cost in a few years. . We have all types in stock. Order yours today. Call North 2600 or stop in at our air-conditioned office for prompt, friendly attention. 6AlU»ERiJjUBUELYk i (iVMiL'lWBER y»«r ,rlrlltge sir '*« K*r„la„„er r°" "»y reserve . PHlLADELPltu ! MW Fork * W',ho‘"exfro chor8. I i Have your own redin; / reix? When board B&n-h'Seat Waj‘rinS I I '.** ln «, and .1 , B&° * Manla„j * / / D,esel-Eleetric lnr °ng bebind a .* 7 / --^ssasi / ‘Vl Wo,,>'"8»orl . . X rim.) / / Ar Ph,,0<*»lphl0. .. 30 PM / / r N,v'rwkaso;« / —»*>-*-u'olZX”'** /Crl Ph°neSTtrling^^injorinatiom / JHHH| 11 Zr* EM! I Relax in your easy chair and watch the events on Crosley Spectator Television! Thrill to action close-ups on the big 52 square-inch screen—bright, sharp, clear, easy to see even in broad daylight! Crosley FM sound! This is perfected television! And it’s ready for you now at George’s. • Big, bright 52 squore-inch pictures on 10-inch direct view tube. • Automatic Lok-in-tune Picture Synchronizer—keeps pictures clear, steady. • All-channel television reception ’ • Quick,'easy tuning • Exclusive Crosley Full Range FM Sound System—life like, static-free. Plus tax and In stallation which in Trade-in Your Radio Now Towards a Crosley Television ZZZ ZZT*" Set—Take a Long Time to Pay for it! Northeast Store, 1111 H St. N.E., Open Every Night Until 9 P.M. WHY You should purchase your Crosley Television Set from George’s—installation and service by George’s Modern Service Department—Yes, Crosley also O.K.’s George’s great Television Service Department —Play Safe, Buy from George’s—The Leader m Television— Now in Operation—2-way Mobile Radio System to Speed Up Your Service Call—Exclusive in Washington at George's. 816 F Street N.W. 1111 H Street N.E. 3923 Minnesota Are. N.E. 5614 Baltimore Are., Hyattsville, Md. 801 King Street, Alexandria, Va. 629 Pennsylvania Ave. S.E. Corner Wilson Bird, ond Irving Street, at the Circle, Clarendon, ya.