Newspaper Page Text
0 APARTMENTS WANTED (Cont.l. ' GOVERNMENT SCIENTIST and wile de •ire 1-bedrm. unfurn. apt, n.w. or near-; by Va.: top. $75; consider turn.: refs. OR. 6094, 8 a m. to 12 noon. • and eves. XF.WLY MARRIED COUPLE needT~apt urgently; 3 rms. and bath; pref. n.e. sec-, tton; up to $55 rao. Call Du. 7204. —20 I SMALL APT. with kitchen and bath, in! Washington or Va. Call DU. 7942 after I 6:30. ■—20 PERMANENT, EMPLOYED Government worker wishes 1-room furnished apart-. Blent, including kitchenette and bath, in Biodern apt. building, n.w. vicinity. Conn, ave. preferred; moderate rental. Call RE 1820. Ext. 692. days, OR. 5932 eves. —20 i YOUNG CANADIAN GENTLEMAN, em bassy associate, wishes furn. bachelor apt or equivalent, in n.w. »ection. Phone CO. 5050, Ext. 130. 9:30 to 5:30. —21 8-RM. FURN. APT., N.W.. needed b, re sponsible young businessman; to $65. TR. 8934) until 7 p m. —24 NAVAL OFFICER AND WIPE desire 1 or 2-room furn. apt., kitchen and bath. Box 122-T. Star 18* RESPONSIBLE, employed mother and adult •on desire unfurn. 1-bedroom apt , n.w. or Arlington: refs. WO. 6210. —20 3 CHRISTIAN GIRLS, nondrinkers and nonsmokers, desire furn. apt. in convenient n.w. sec. by Sept. 1: not exceeding $100 per month Box 104-T 8tar. 19* TWO GRADUATE STAFF MEMBERS Georgetown U. desire furn. or unfurn, incl. xit., bath, vie. Georgetown. TA. 9'’99, 18* QUIET. EMPLOYED WOMAN desires one unfurnished room and bath apartment, n w. preferred, nondrmker. nonsmoker Please state price. Box 103-T. Star. 19* 2-BEDROOM, furn. or unfurn. apt. or house; family. 3 adults; max., $70-$80. MRS. MOSS, NO. 7294 after 5 p m 19* IN SILVER SPRING or close by. wanted 2 or 3 rm. furn. apt. by congenial, responsible couple with 2 children (18 mos. and 5 mos ); highest refs ; will lease if desired. Kindly call MR. HENDRICKS, 8H. 9761. 11 am. to 3 p.m. —21 ANDREWS FIELD PERSONNEL need furn or unfurn. apts. or houses; prefer a e. or n.e HI 3100. Ext. 6122. 8 to 5. —28 PRACTICING PHYSICIAN and wife, both vete, need 1 or 2 bedrm. apt., unfurn., n.w. iectlon, to $90. Days. EX. 0300. Ext. 2146; eves., week ends, EM. 4229. —20 ARMY COL. and wife desires 2-bedroom, unfurnished apt.. Chevy Chase location, permanent, or will exchange for like In Boston, top reference Call T. TOWARD. GL. 9669. after 6 p.m., or RE. 6700, Ext. 75179. 9-5. 18* EMPLOYED MOTHER and young daughter wish unfurn. 1 or 2 bedrms . liv. rm kit., bath, nr. good Jr. high school. CH. 0041. i—21 AIR FORCE CAPTAIN, assigned Penta gon, wife, 2 boy*. 3 and 6, desire 2-bedrm. furn. house or apt.: consider unfurn ; Ar lington. Falls Church, pref.; max. $100; | possible 1-year lejy-r: excel, care assured. AD. 2400. CAPT. WANK F. WORMWOOD. 22* NAVAL OFFICER, wife and two children urgently need two-bedroom unfurnished apartment. either in Wa*h . D. C.. suburban Md . or Va Call SH 2394. 18* HELP! YOUNG business woman urgently needs 1 -rm unfurn apt with bath and kit. by Sept. 1. RE. 6700, Ext. 74096, 9 to 5. IX* THRFE-RM. APT., pvt. bath, unfurnished desired by veteran and wife, permanent Wash, employe TE. 85J7. 18* EMPLOYED COUPLE want 2 or 3 rm apt. unfurn.; no pets, no children. Call Owens 3514; max.. $5n-S55. MIDDLE-AGED COUPLE. 17 years’ Gov ernment service. desire apartment or house: furnished; temporary; unfurnished perma nent. Phone LI. 0517. 19* REGISTERED NURSE urgently needs small i apartment or room in responsible home j in Bethesda. Box 112-T, Star. 19* VET., WIFE. SON (5* urgently need fur*, apartment.* $50 to $60. pvt. kit. Box i J14-T. Star. 19* AiR FORCE OFF. desires unf. 1-bedrm.1 apt. to take his bride after ceremony; Dis trict pref Box 110-T. Star. 19* I NAVY CHIEF desperately needs furn. or! unfurn. apt. or house for wife and son; i rets. rate, and in commuting dist. by car to Anacostia FR. 1400. Ext 379. between 8 and 4. or write Box 316-S. Star. —19 HEAR YE!—Two women, college graduates, need furn. apt. Sept. 1; twin beds. pvt. kit., bath; n.w sect.; to $76. CO. 4038. 1 8 YOUNG employed couple desire 1-bedroom unfurn. apt : prefer apt. building in n.e. or n.w. section. RA 2746. 23* BUS. WOMAN, quiet and respons . desires 1-bedrm or efficiency apt. furn. unturn;, n.w. MISS WILLIAMS. NA. 5691. Ex! 4:'.. young NEWSPAPERMAN and wife ex necting child need one or two bedroom apt. by Sept 1. DU 7583. 19* COUPLE and adult son. all employed, de sire 2-bedroom, living room, kitchen and l ath, unfurnished apartment by Sept. 15; excellent car* assured; best references. Write Box 119-T. Star. 19* COUPLE WOULD LIKE Vmall unfurnished apt : no children or pets references; around $70. Box 155-T. Star. 24* YOUNG MARRIED COUPLE desire three room furn. or unfurn.; $60 furn., $50 un furn AD 7027 any time * 20* YOUNG CHRISTIAN couple urgently need 3 or 4 room unfurnished 2-bedroom apt ; no children or pets. pref. n.w. gee. TA. • NEWLYWED VETERAN desire* furn RPt. Sept. 15; prefer apt building, sublease considered: $125 maximum. Box 131-T, .Star 20* ATTENTION—3 mos * rent advance: 2 re fined young ladies need furn. or unfurn. small apt., n.w. or Va . immed : excellent refs. Ml. 2882. TWO ARMY OFFICERS. Woman's Medical Specialist Corps desire furn or unfurn. apt.; 2 rms. kitchenette and bath, n.w., area, nr Walter Reed "Will pay three, mos* rent in advance Call GE 1<»00. Ext. 79; or after 6 pm, TA. 5789 <Capt. Nevelsi • • TEACHER desires apartment, close to Garrett Park or Kensington busline Calif CO. Apt. 200-F Wedncsdav. • REFINED GIRLS CD desire attractive fur nished one-bedroom apartment prefer n w : will pay well for right apartment Republic 7400, Ext. 61120 between 8 30 and 4:30. 19* < RADIO ANNOUNCER desires pvt., apt. or room with bath, neai W. M A- V bus. HAL BANKS. Owens 7MIX) between 8 am. and 3:30 pm. Pay up to $00 per mo.; 20* LIVING ROOM, bedrm. kitchen. bath:' vet. and wife, nondrinking. nonsmoking: D. C. or Va DU 9079 after 6 pm • CO-OPERATIVE APTS.—SALE. OVERLOOKING ROCK CREEK PARK— Only a few apt?, remain unsold in tms' conveniently located bldg, at 1860 Clydes-1 dale pi. n w. 1 rm , kit . full dinette and bath, $4,500 up 2 rms. kit full dinette and bath. $6.]oq and $6.Hoo. Tile bath with built-in tub ana shower, laundry with: Bendix washer Open daily 1 to 7 p.m. Directions: From 18th and Col. rd go north on Adams-Mlil rd . 212 blocks to our ‘ Open’' sign at Clydesdale pi HOME REALTY CO. Afternoons AD. 0025. —120 COMPLETELY FURNISHED corner apt . foyer, liv. rm.. kit., din. space, bath; ex cellent condition; nr. 15th and Mass ave. n w $5,500 with $3,000 cash Call Mr ■ Cavin. with H G. SMITHY CO . ST 3390; res.. MI 5004 —19 NEAR BROADMOOR, on Conn ave n v — Living room. 1 bonroom. kitchen and bath. *5 500. on 4th floor; $6,000, on 3rd floor, and $6,250, on 1st floor For complete information, call MR. DC WELL, GE 4650. —20 FRONT APARTMENT, 4 rooms and bath fine condition, upper floor, with elevator service. Exclusive $9 500 LOUIS P. 5*HOEMAKEF 1719 K st. n.w. NA 1166 Night or Sun., call Mrs. Merrill at CO 6165. NR U. S. SUPREME COURT—This desir able apt. is located close to downtown area and yet In a very quiet neighborhood. It contains a lge. entr. hall. liv. rm., fully ••quip kit . bedrm and bath. All applicants investigated. Only $600 cash needed. Loan balance at 4rr. Nr. Bolling Field—Owner transferred to N. Y brings this attr. apt. on the market at only $7,360. It consists of a lge liv. rm. with picture window, din area, equip kit. bedrm. and tile ba*h. valk-ln closets with extra shelves. Only $1,500 cash req Bai. at 4To inspect, call Mr Goddard at TR 6662. with FREDERICK W. BEREN3 SALE8 INC . NA 914 1. —20 CO-OP A beautiful garden-type apt. 1n Sligo Park is Immediately available if you require an exceptionally well-built and well-planned apt -home, containing very large liv rm . dining area, complete kit . 2 good-sized bedrms. and complete tile bath You pav $3,500 cash and from then on only $75 per month pays all expenses including principal, interest, taxes, insurance, gas, heat, light, water and all maintenance fees. For appt. to inspect, call Mr. Conlon ♦ver. MI 5822. FREDERICK W BERENS BALES, INC., 1528 K st. n.w., NA 9141. HOUSES TO SHARE 1 GOVT. GIRLS will share nicely furn”. 1 4 bedrms.. 2-bath house, in Alex with employed couple or girls. OV. 4904 aftei 6 p.m _19 1 WANTED—JEWISH COUPLE to share home with elderly Jewish lady, $50 month. 56:5 Georgia ave. n w _HOUSES FURNISHED. WESTOVER, Alex Va—Possession with title; owner leaving town: completely fur nished with an excel, grade of furniture; 6 rms , 3 bedrms., bath, full-size basement, n-w.h. oil burner, prewar const, sale price, $12,500 furn For further informa tion. A£iL appL for inspection. call BOHLAYEE A’ PULMAN, INC . exclusive agents. 105 60. Royal st., AL-x. 2422 or OV. 2215. —is 2 BF.DRMS., with use of well-furn. home for housekeeping; auto heat; owner oc cupies another bedrm quiet residential neighborhood: one acre: 1’2 miles Va •tout ?Ar° including utilities and phone. Cn. 0216 —1 s NR. OAKTON. VA.—Nicely furn 2-bedrm. bungalow, ajn.1 . din. rm., laundrv trays, 1 Phone Vienna 131-W-2 WIDOW has 2-bedrm. house to share. 10 from Pentagon, no objection to 1 child: all homeprivils TE 3993 _19 DETACHED FURNISHED hou^e. Mt Pleas ant section; living room, library, dining room, kitchen, porches. 5 bedrooms, double garage, large yard; rent, $165. OWNER, Box 111-T. Star. ]<*• 6-ROOM, 2-bath, nicely furnished. $125 per mo.; no children; refs, required. WA. 6480. ._iq S-BEDROOM BUNGALOW, large lot. ml off Balt, hwy in Berwvn. Md ; nicelv fur« : rental. $85 mo ; immediate occu pancy. ARTHUR CARR AGENCY. HY. 0159 , —19 3-BEDKM. DET. HOUSE in North Arl : quiet neighborhood, lge yard; avail. Sept 1. 1-yr ’ease. KE 6684. —20 NORTH CLEVELAND PARK—Home-owners’ neighborhood, convenient to churches, achools and stores. Phone WO. 8811. HOUSES UNFURNISHED. ELEVEN ROOMS, 3 baths, full basement; on Leroy pi. n.w.: 'a blk. from Conn, ave : would make excellent offices for non-profit organizations. embassy annex. chan ceries. etc.: $350 per mo HEIBERG CO. 1700 Eye st n.w. NA. 6677. —19 ADDISON RD.. Seat Pleasant—7 rms . b**th. garage, oil h.-w.h.: 10 inclosed lots; house In excel, cond ; conven. to schools, •hopping, transp . $175 mo Call Mr. Puffenburger. TR. 4382. with T. PAUL MUDD. . —22 3-ROOM BUNGALOW, convenience out door. Rockville 3839. FOR RENT—7-rm. bungalow, unfurn : Cottage City. Md.; modern conveniences; V* block schools and transp., $125 mo. WA. 691$ after 6:30. 4 HOUSES FURN. OR UNFURN. VIRGINIA—Charming Colonial. 4 bedrms . huge liv. rm . IV2 baths: lovely garden; unfurn.; only $186 Similar 2-bedrm , completely furn- $166. TE. 3094 after 6. —20 5-RM. BRICK BUNGALOW. 2 bedrms; Anchor post fence, storm windows, auto, gas heat. Bendix. Crosley Shelvador, Magic Chef range; children and pets welcome; *a block to school: $130 unfurn. 4118 Warner st , Kensington. PL. 0120. —2<> _HOUSES^ WANTED TO RENT. MARINE MAJOR, wife, two children desire furnished, unfurnished' house, apartment, *126. Call MAJ. WOOD, RE. 7400. Ext. 7443 or 752*. 20* RENT YOUR HOUSE to J. T. MOTOR. Realty, or sell. We will lease from you to suit your plans. Call OV. 6900. UNFURNISHED SUB. or country home, preferably in Md.; at least 3 bedrms.: up to $175 per mo. Call ST. 8513. —20 FOR SAFE RENTAI MANAGEMENT of your home, call I.URIA BROS , OW. 8500 2048 Wilson blvd.. Arlington. Va. —29 AIR FORCE OFFICER and wife wish to rent house or apartment, unfurnished, re quire dining room, two bedrooms and, if possible, garage. Call CCL. MANN. TE 1932. 18« FAMILY OF 4 (children In teens) desire roomy, nicely furnished 3-bedroom home, n.w. section, by September 15 or October 1; up to *200. HO. 0556 between 10 and 4. !«• GOVT. EMPLOYE and wife desire un furnlshed house or duplex in vicinity Mt. Rainier. Hyattsville, Takoma Park. Sliver Spring:, no children or pets: per Seated Atlantic 6075. 18* •Jf^VY COMDR., wife. 3 well-behaved chil dren. desires furnished or unfurnished house: responsible, permanent; excellent cere assured; prefer Va ; about $100 mo. unfurnished. Call GL. 3768 FOUR OR 5 ROOM HOUSE, n w . for Write Information, E. P. MESEROLE. 433 Third st. n.w.. Wash ington, D. C. 23* D<5e? ONE in s e Washington or nearby Md. have a home too large for Just themselves? Would you care to share it with a young couple with 1 small baby? We would help care for the home and grounds while you work and pay rent besides. We have our own bedroom furniture and living room furniture If your home is not fully furnished. We a™ very neat and clean and live a quiet life. Well arrive from California Sept. 1. Please call my brother at VI. 5130 If you have anything to offer. —19 PRIVATE P.^RTY wants house in Ana costia or nearby Virginia. After 6 p m., Overlook 0518. 20* SENATOR NEEDS furnished house, 4 bed rooms (1 bedroom on 1st floor or den that can be converted). 2 baths; Sept. 15-June 15 NA. 3120, Ext. 1129 —20 BUSINESS EXECUTIVE desires 3 or 4 bedroom house; n.w section preferred, excel refs DI 2755. 9:30-6 pm. 19* ARMY OFFICER desires 4-bedrm.. partlv furn. house. Sept. 1st. n.w or Md : lease; refs Box 15. Ft. Myer, or call Elmwood ha COLORED—UNFURN.; n.w\ section: 3 sober, industrious, empl adults, excep ,wrr‘ali't. .5eslrable tens>ms: highest refs. MI. 0646, _j 9 MOVING, PACKING and STORAGE. JOBS—Pers. effects, baggage, etc.; S.f./o minimum; any time. days. eves. Suns. ANACOSTIA MOVERS. AX 6446 MOVING ACROSS THE STREET or .cros. the country, safe storage in separate Phone NO 0104. UNION STORAGE CO INC. est 1906 EDELMAN MOVING AND STORAGE CO.— Reas, rates; will accept your surplus furni ture as part payment an your moving, storage. TA. 2937; after 7 p.m., GE. 1416. 1 8* MOVING by experienced veteran; furni ture. baggage; 24-hr. service; reasonable GARRETT, Owens 1751. —30 marine veterans moving co—24-hr service; furniture moving and hauling’ RFnirrrn AT 2759 0! FR 0386.’ REDUCED RATES. 3 average rooms of stored *n individual ccmpart fnrntprtatf(p'1 ?er month Reasonable rate, lor additional space. SAFETY STfi Jb ECRNrrTTrr M 5,88 or TE 1935 * , RE 'An, two expert movers: $5 fi\«ry»£le«cf guaranteed against dam MOV INC Rv vk-T cL&tlng- *x «448. BY\ 'FT—Exper. help, every PiP(6 wrapped and insured: reas. rates Call any time. MR. COOK. GL 61.37. —22 ''I—Local, long distance moving, pack w sgr* prices._LU. «2h6. _-igj HOUSES^FOR SALE—Northwest. AMERICAN l MV. PARK_New brirk £enter‘kall Colonial home: 3 bedrms •' h?a^S’ imilrii *lav - screened porch, gas r niTMvm/SAalte1„ Possession RAYMOND wrP^Mjw46-0 Wl?' ave- OR- «>»es.. WU, «> I *4 ♦) . _1 (, D??lvKlf4o-,VNT,V' PARK—Excellent buy. Only $J.S..iaO Living room with fireplace, ?llrilnh t?0"1’ kitchen, :s nice-sizc bedrooms (nn.M* screened porch, h.-it h. Rea af-i "Is L WHITE, Exclusive, . .5.. J!7:- Eves.. WI. 411411 1<1* AMERICAN UNIVERSITY I'ARK section— i p.rewa£-built det. home is located on ge. lot, near schools and transp.: 1st fl.. m. rm.. din. rm., elec, kit., screened liv porch with deep blue awnings; 2nd fl . 3 bedrms. and 2 filed baths; automatic hear Purchased elsewhere and says ** Ttiiyrn i?3 market price. 821.5(h). F A - EED C° . EM. 1 29ii till 9 pm. —21 handle. scmidetachedPbricVr fl^bedroomi! U4<lh. 'CH °VhhiV ARR Y °- ST“LE. jRE. BETHESDA—Modern brick home in new house uond . 3 bedrms.. 1 \2 baths, liv rm with firepl . excel, kit., gas heat. ige! ifJilL tree-shaded lot. low ca^h payment, balance like rent. EM. 0000 till •> d m DURANT-HILLAND-WHITE fl-i) BRH»HTV\OOD, nr. Coolioge High: corner "rick, 9 loveiy rms.: porches, rec rm.; g-as heat, garage Ige. (or. lot. owner leaving cit.v open for insp. today in am to REALTY CO GE' BRIOHTWOOD BKKiHlWOOD. Mh and Ingraham sts a»^r~»V,ac^u, 59°,tl- owner must sell this at ti active Colonial brick, o rooms, side-hall ?r)\r®rice, i inclosed and 1 open porch. Uv1i,^S:ment, oil h-w h : built-in garage. L«$£U£il!_condltion- only $13,950, terms ENTERPRISE REALTY CO . 1224 Eye st' n_w.. EX 3400. Eves., GE. 5711 ( HEW CHASE. D. C\—Seirudei tapestry bnck. 4 bedrms.. den: nice yard. b.-i. c0*ld • reasonably priced. JOHN ZIR\\ES. INC. Realtors, 2005 K St. n.w.. FX. 5050. RE. 0345 .—”0 PHEVY CHASE MD—Brick. 7 rms'., 2 aaths. gar., fruit, evergreen trees; redec. vacant: 821.<M>(> OWNER. RA 0387 _19 fHKvy CHASE—New brick home. 3 bed ims. . baths, la\. 1st fl.: finished attic: DAvunx-n5 hpaJ. immediate possession. RAYMOND B DUNN. 4 029 Whs ave , • WO 0140. —at CHEVY CHASE. D C.—Prewar brick Co lonial home, 3 bedrms., 2 baths. Ige liv rnr din, rm.. kit, den. lav. 1st fl. stairs to finished attic, firepl. in bsmt.; 2-car ?arage: Voce Ipvp! lot; immediate posses sion. RAYMOND B. DUNN. 4 020 Wis OR. 7032: eves. WO 0140. —1!» CHASE—A truly charming brick Colonial home designed and located to suit the most discriminating buyer. Features Ige center hall, den with powder rm.. spacious liv. rm and din. rm., charming kit with Disposall and dishwasher, with nmDle space for breakfast set the 2nd fl has 4 excel bedrms. and 2 baths, excep tional closet space 3rd fl. is attractively nmsheri as game rm. or dormitory: excel bsmt with partially finished rec. rm.: gas heat. Ige. level lot. 2-car aar ; substantial :ash req. DURANT - HILLAND - WHITE. EM. 0000 till 9 p m. _*»0 CHEVY CHASE. MD.—Attractive brick, almost new; 3 bedrms. (2 of twin-bed size); arge lot and garage, modern kitch dishwasher and disposal unit. THOS L PHILLIPS, WO. 7900 until 0 p.m . 3518 conn. CHEVY CHASE. D. C — Delightful location, nr. Chevy chase Circle and all conven iences. The home contains, on the first 5 • JK(‘ entrance hall. liv. rm. with firepl.. dm. rm . good kit., breakfast rm. and nice screened porch On the sec. fl. there are 3 twin-bed sized bedrms. and 2 baths. There is a finished bedrrn. on the third fl faster bedrrn has firepl. and dressing rm. The fenced yard is of good size and con tains a 1-car det. garage. Eves. Mr Harper. WI. 1575 K J. KORZENDORFER CO INC OL 5330. —20 C11EVY CHASE, I). off Utah ave on a dead-end street—Beautiful brick, cusr tom built First floor has liv. rm. with fireplace, din rm . excel, kit . bedrrn . bath and study. Second floor. .3 bedrms , dress ing rm and bath. Basement has rec. rm . bath, usual utilities Oil a -c. heat: ga rage grounds are beautifully shrubbed. This is one of the highest points in Wash Eves Mr. Harper WI 1575. with H. J KORZENDORFER CO, INC, OL 5330. CHEVY CHASE. D. C.—Large. welTkep older home, near circle. Convenient to everything. First floor, liv. rm . din. rm . mod kit . lavatory, screened porch. Sec ond floor 4 bedrooms, bath and screened porch Third floor. 3 bedrooms and bath. Oil heat. 2-car detached garage: 824.959 Eves Mr. Jones, WI. 2414. with H J KORZENDORFER CO., INC . OL 5330. CHEVY CHASE. MD — 2 ample bedrms., spacious liv. rm. and din rm and kit., screened potch. gar exceptionally conv. location LARL T WRIGHT, WI 0990; eves . WI 074'.. WI. 2028. —19 CHEVY CHASE. I). C.. within block of wonderfully equipped playground, ideal for family with children: attrac center hall plan, semidet brick: 4 bedrms . 2 baths, lst-fl. den. space for powder rm , garage Splendid value. CO. 3417, CH 4«4 7. HELEN NORRIS CHEVY CHASE CIRCLE AREA—Nice fi rm 2-bath brick home with screened porch garage, floored attic, oil h.-w.h.; in desirable location, close to transp . shopping and schools. WALLACE B. AGNEW. INC. DI 8580; eves., OL 4918. —21 CHEVY CHASE. D. C.^ Beautiful brick det. home, loc just off Nebraska ave , close to schools and transp . this lovely home has attract liv. rm . den, extra Ige, din. rm . kit and Va bath on 1st fl : 2nd fl.. 4 Ige. bedrms. with connecting bath to each rm.: stairs to well-insulated attic, suitable for additional bedrrn ; 3-car det. bric% garage: deep, fenced-in garden, awn ings. storm windows, gas heat. Call us now t« see this excellent value. F A. TWEED CO . EM 1"90 till 9 p m —21 CLEVELAND PARK. facing Cathedral grounds—Extremely attractive town house with dble liv. rm . din. rm.. butler's pantry and kit : 4 bedrms. and 2 baths on 2nd fl : servant's rm and bath on 3rd fl built-in garage. Eves . Mr. Jones, WI. 2414. with H J. KORZENDORFER CO, INC OL 5336 —20 CLEVELAND PARK — Modern detached brick town house, off Conn, ave . nr. Up town Theater. Excel location Contains liv rm.. din. rm.. kit., den. >2 bath on first, floor. 3 bedrms.. 2 baths. 2nd floor Finished a:tic: full bsmt. with re~ .rm. and oar Oil h -w h Vacant for immed. poss Cali HENRY HOOD. 3432 Conn, ave • OR 0109 ._ GEORGETOWN—Charming old brick house near 31st and N sts. n.w ges he?.:. Price. 813.590. BOSS A: PHELPS. INC. 1417 K st. n.w., NA. 9300. —18 GEORGETOWN—A very attr. house, com pletely remodeled and occupancy with title. Price, 820.000. We also have 2 very nice houses m good locations: priced under SIT.000 TOWN REALTY CO.. HO 4808 or AD. 1058. —19 GLOVER PARK HOME with income. Own er moving says Bring Me An Offer." This is the cleanest little home in town. Finished rec. rm. and nice garden. Pick up the key. look it over- yourself and be convinced. Call Mr Fox with JAMES L DIXON & CO. 1022 17th at. n.w. 8T. 7200; avea, 8H. 5257. —20 MISTER BREGER —By Dave Breger! I \\ U lr* • *^ocwTJh!Ht«em!| “And now, sir, if you will just put-put-put-put-put-put vour name here . . HOUSES FOR SALE—N.W. (Cont.). GLOVER PARK—Possession in time to enter children in nearby schools. 2216 Tunlaw rd Three bedrooms, plus large inclosed, insulated and heated sleeping porch: inclosed and heated sun room and breakfast nook. All hardwood floors: oil h-w.h.. garage. Near all conveniences. Will show by appt. day or night. L. H. MAURY, AD 8926. DI. 3346. GLOVER PARK. 39th st.—Colonial. 6 rms . tile bath. ige. rear screened porches, semirec. rm . lavatory; garage, gas h.-w.n ; exc cond terms or trade CLIFFORD SHERTZER. WO. 9191 'til JO. MASS. AVE. EXTENDED—To enjoy the comfort of suburban life and be near fast t'ransp. to town and shopping centers, in spect this well-designed rt-rm. mod. brick. EARL T WRIGHT. WI. 690U; eves., WI. 5564. WT. 2628. MASS. AVE. EXTENDED—New det. brick homes. Some will be completed in 10 days. Gl-approved, alto available for civilians. Built by BARKLEY BROS. 6 and 7 rms . gas heat. elec, reigr., gas stove: screened doors, window’s, and well insulated, some have buijt-in cars. For inf. call Mr Nolan. NA. 9250: nights, DU. 6637, Ext 304. To reach: Drive out Mass. ave. to 5700 blk., turn left, follow sign 11,2 blks. to homes. Open Saturday and Sunday. MT. PLEASANT, near 16th st.—Detached. 11 rooms, 3 baths; bedroom, bath 1st fl.; new'ly equipped; ideal rooming house; 3-car garage, sizable lot. Call Mr. Lewis eve., WO. 4070. with WM M. THROCK MORTON. Realtor. DI. 6092. —20 MT. PLEASANT—We have several very fine homes in this section, reas. priced; possession. AUERBACH & CO.. 1424 K st. n.w. DI. 6501: eves., Mrs. Wasser. OR. 0888. —20 PETWORTH; $1,500 DOWN—2-family row brick, oil heat. det. garage; owner must sell; immediate possession. Open lor insp. today. 10 a m. to '» pm. by appt. Call GE. 2270, BRIGHT WOOD REALTY CO — 19 PETWORTH HOME—Brick home. 6 lovely rooms, 2 inclosed porches, gas hot-wTater heat: fine residential section, close to schools, transportation, etc.; garage; priced right Mr Williams. GE 1108. MAR SHALL J. WAPLE CO. 1224 I4th st. n.w., SHEPHERD PARK—Owner, leaving city, will sell this attr., well-built home of 7 rms. 21 baths, rec. rm.. det. garage; priced below the present market; excel, financing with a low cash payment. MR. CHAMBLISS. OL. 4 724. —20 SPRING VALLEY AREA—This is a dream of a home, located just off Mass, ave.; you will like this modern house; 1st fir., bed rm and lav., liv. rm. and din. rm. comb, with beaut, picture windows, modern kit.. with breakfast nook; 2nd fir.. 3 bedrms. I and unusual tiled and glass brick bath; i bsmt. compl w ith rec. rm. and tiled bath, above-ground level, gas a.-c.h.; priced to sell quickly F A. TWEED CO. 5504 Conn. ave. EM 1290 until 9 p m —21 ST. GABRIELS PARISH—20-ft. row brick, fine condition; upper and lower rear porches, oil h.-w heat, garage; $10,500 Call MR. LYON, EM. 4570 • with Thomas L. Phillips) —19 TAKOM \ PARK. D. C —Lge det. 11-rm. home on big lot; oil heat, 2 baths: 2 kit? ; 1 $15,950. KAY REALTY CO. INC.. RA. 2200. —20 BY OWNER—$13,500. Brick. New Hamp shire ave. .?<c : s.d.. 1. r., kit., d. r., bath. 2 lge b r big closets, full bsmt .. brick forch: awning, storm wind fend drs. mv down payment. TA. *5890 —20 CERTIFICATES OF TITLE: prompt and efficient service PUBLIC SERVICE TITLE COMPANY. 909 Oth st. n-w- DI. 2015. 21* FOR SALE BY OWNER, 1831 Irving st. n.w'—4 bedrms : 24-ft. row brick: con crete porch, foyer, liv. rm., din. rm., kit., screened back porch on 1st fl.: 4 bedrms . sun porch. 2 inclosed back porch eg. 2 full tiled baths on 2nd fl; additional bedim in. attic: full bsmt with gas h.-w.h r bath, maid's rm . det. gar. on paved alley;; newly dec.: vacant. DE 2585. —20 NEAR ROCK CREEK PARK—Modernistic row brick professionally furnished and decorated, sophisticated atmosphere. Excel lent for career woman or busirfess couple.; Phone for details. THOS L. PHILLIP8. WO. 7900 until 9 p.m . 3518 Conn 1884? NEWTON ST. N.W.—Detached, corner: 5-room apartmertt on the first; floor occupied by owner second floor has: ornate entrance and rents for $130 month- : ly; large, porches on both floors; lull base ment: oil hot-water heat. Completely: furnished and immediate possession of first-floor apartment. R. V. MARCERON. NA. 8588. —21 EMBASSY SEC. OF MASS.—Lge. house ol 5 bedrms . 5 baths, drawing rm., dining rm and library, slu’able lor use as em bassy chancery, headquarters of national ! association or doctor's office and residence lor sale or lease. ROBT. L. McKEEVER CO.. Realtors, Shoreham Bldg , NA. 4750; eves , FM 6317. —19 1917 KENYON ST.—Best buy In Mt. Pleasant area. Six rooms and one bath. Room in attic and basement. Detached brick garage: oil h.-w h ; excellent financ ing. MURRAY CO., J 229 L st. n.w. NA. 7266. 18* NEAR CONN. AVF..—Live In this desirable neighborhood, master bedroom with com plete bath; 4 other generous size bedrooms: Jst-floor den, brick, English style; det. narage: nice lawn. A bargain. Priced undir $20,000. Terms or will wade on your property. John McRae. ALex. 8719. with BROWN REALTY CORP . DU. 8558. NEAR THOMAS CIRCLE—Must sell: 10 rms.. 3 baths, new gas furnace, newly re decorated. EX. 4861. —21 ! 13th AND HAMILTON ST.—7-rm. brick, det.. 4 bedrms , 2 tiled baths, lge. living rm. with firepl . lge. dining rm., equip, kit., brick gar., oil h.-w.h.. nice lot. Shown by appt.; $2J,50o; very clean. SH. 6440, SH 00J 0. If no answer. SH. 4362 'til 9 p.m.. WOODSIDE REALTY CO. —18 16th ST.—Pretentious stone house, of 3 8 rms and 5 baths, remodeled into apts. and pvt. rms.; oil h.-w.h; $40<» per mo.! income, plus apt. for owner. Mr. Tolson. FR 0390. O’BANNON REALTY CO.. FR. 5119. —18 ATTENTION. VETERANS—We have over 300 homes for sale at all locations, all prices: down payments as low as $950. Call at once. DREISEN-FREEMAN. INC., Sligo 1700. —22 FIRST TIME ADVERTISED—1408 Quincy st. n.w.—Lovel.v row brick having 6 rms., built-in gar . new oil burner, incl porches, excel, cona immed. poss.; reas. priced. Call MURRAY LEVINE REAL ESTATE CO.. FX 4967; eves. HO. 9899. —18 6105 20th AVE., Green Meadows. Md.— $3,000 down •maybe less': our family has outgrown this smart little bungalow. We have bought a larger home and must sell and move this month. Drive by and take a look. We will show any time. For fur ther information and terms, call Charne Jeter, with JAMES L. DIXON A CO., 1022 17th st. n.w. ST. 7200; eves., RA. 2068. —19 5th AND HAMILTON STS. N.W.—$1,000 down: 5 rms and 2 inclosed porches: row brick; gas heat; only $12,750. KAY REALTY CO INC,. RA. 2200 —20 5018 NO. CAPITOL ST.—This 6-room brick house is just 8 yrs. old and has beep kept in immaculate cond. by original owner; ia:8e basement and rear yard, gas h.-w.h.: pow in 30 days; priced at $15,950. on terms Eves, rail John Moser. TA 8881, with KAY REALTY CO.. INC . FA 2200. —20 FINE HOME just off of upper 14th st.— 7 rooms. 2 baths, gas h -w.h., fireplace: better see this house before buying Call Mr. Davis. GL 4603. MARSHALL J. WAPLE CO. 1224 14th st n w. THE NEW HOMES IN WHITEHALL offer a standard of excellence in design, planning, material, workmanship and equipment that will delight those who appreciate and de mand quality. Designed by Gertrude Saw yer. architect, they contain 3 bedroom? tall twin-bed size). 2 full baths, first-floor powder rooms, closets you can live with, large-screened living porches, garages sized for modern cars: kitchens designed for wemen by a woman: GE garbage disposal. Westinghouse range and 9-cu.-ft. refrigera tors. gas a.-c. heat; 45-gal Ruud water heaters: flr lumber in joists; adequately wired, and very fairly priced. All lots in Whitehall ’4 acre or larger. Exhibit home at 6907 Bradley blvd. open daily 1 to 8 pm To reach: From Wisconsin and Bradley blvd. uhe Chevy Chase Golf Club course) drive west 1 Is miles to "open” sign. PAUL J. FRIZZELL, 6901 Bradley blvd., Oliver 6900. 35th ST. N.W., 2800 BLOCK—First floor contains large reception entrance, living room, large dining room, spacious kitchen opening on a lovely porch. Second floor contains 4 bedrooms and 2 baths, steps leading to a floored attic," two bedrooms open or. large rear Dorch. bsmt. contains a maid's room and bath. Owner leaving town, must sell. For particulars call D. B Guynn. EM. 7792. MARSHALL J. WAPLE CO . 1224 14th st. n.w., DI. 3346v 3133 OAKWOOD TERRACE—Lgf. dft* frame, in this most conv. Mt. Pleasant section; 12 huge rms.. 3 baths, oil h.-w.h cormletely redecorated inside ar.d out; on y $3,000 down, with immed. poss Eves Mr. Beers. CH. 2000. Ext. 611. DRURY REALTY CORP., 1737 K st. n.w. RF 1133. TWO VERY DESIRABLE 4-bedroom houses in excellent Northwest section; priced at $20,000 each Mr. Rhodes. RA. 7239. will be glad to give full details. LOUIS P SHOEMAKER. 1719 K st. n.w., NA. 1166. HOME AND INCOME—K st. n.w.; 2 apts rented: English basement vacant; good first commercial location; $16,500. FA. 7564. —24 Is.-FLOOR B. R. AND BATH, brick Cape Cod; 2 b r. and bath on 2nd floor; large living room, dining room and kitchen with breakfast nook. 2 fireplaces, recrea tion room, maid's room and bath; located in nearby Arlington, near Wash. Golf Club. JAMES E. TUCKER. Realtor. Call Mr. Reavis, OR. 2221 or NO. 1032. 20* HOUSES FOR SALE—Northwest. j POSS. 10 DAYS—4 bedrms.. semldet.,1 excel, location, Chevy Chase. D. C.; lge. din. and liv. rms., breakfast rm.. mod. kit.; gas h.-wh.: gar.; deep lot. To be sold: offer considered. 8. M. ORRISON, RA. 54 L6. —19 • 11,550, •18*28 MO.—4Va% Interest: det. 2- story, 2-bedrm. brk.. fenced, large yard gas heat, gas refgr. This one is nice for children; will not last long. W. A. NEU MANN. TR. 4382 or HI. 6511 eves. —22 3- UN IT APT., *345 per mo. income: best of material and workmanship; $27,500 on ’4 7 costs. Figure the investment yourself. SL. 7560. —22 « 36 V ST. N.W.—$1,000 down, $110 mo.; 9 rms . 2 baths, oil h.-w.h.; row brick. Call Win. Travis, with A. M. DRAlSNER, 1404 L st. n.w., NA. 8036. Home, HO. 5977. YOL HAVE AN APPOINTMENT to in spect 7805 Custer rd , Bethesda. this Sunday from 1 to 6 p.m. A really beau tiful det. 4-bedroom brick home, priced unbelievably low. WEITZ REALTY CORP., 8T. 4655. • "COUNTRY HOME IN THE CITY.’* 7 yrs old. Beaut. Williamsburg Colonial, with bedrm. and bath on 1st fir., attract, liv. rm. with screened living porch, din. rm. with bay window, de luxe kit.; 2nd flr., 2 twin-sized bedrms., 1 with open firepl.. and full bath; gar.; lge. lot over 260 ft. deep, with veg. garden, fruit trees, grape arbor; located close to schools, iransp. and shop ping; priced very leas. F. A. TWEED CO, 5504 Conn, ave EM. 1290 till 9 p.m. —21 C. FRED KELLEY offers this immaculate 2-story brick home in vie. of Bureau ofi Standards. Corner lot. Den with half bath, 3 bedrms., 2 baths, 2 fireplaces, and j many unusual features. Ideal for Dhysi-1 cian. Approx. $14,000 cash; $132 mo. WI. 86/6: eves . OL 2095 —19 NEAR SOLDIERS’ HOME—Lovely new 5 rm. brick home, tile bath, bsmt., gas heat i Priced reasonable; terms. FR 7717 'til s. ACE REALTY SERVICE. Realtors. —20 BEAUTIFUL DET. BRICK bungalow, near District line: containing 2 bedrms . large floored insulated attic, full bsmt. and other modern features: poss.; priced low with easy terms. Call ’til 9 p.m., TA 40(H). HAMILTON REALTY CO.. 5025 Georgia ave. n.w. —20 *233 5th ST. N.W—Sensational buy at $13,500; lovely row brick, containing 3 bedrnffc., compl. redec. dc luxe kit,, de lightful rec. rm., 2 porches, gas h -w.h. For information, call DREISEN-FREED MAN. INC. Sligo 1700 .—19 $1,950 DOWN. $'9.50 mo—Peabody st., nr. N. H. ave.—This 5-yr.-old attached brick home is in immaculate cond. and ready for immed. occupancy; liv. rm., din rm.. kit., full bsmt.: 2 lge bedrms. and bath on 2nd fl. Call RE. 1988 ’til 9 p.m.. GOLDSTEN BROS.. 1429 L st. n.w. —20 1659 HARVARD ST. N.W.— One of the : finest row brick residences in one of the 1 best and convenient neighborhoods in D. C. Owner must sell immediately; leav ing city permanently: unfurnished im mediate occupancy. DU. 4795 21* •35.000 HOUSE reduced to $27.000—Det. brick. 4 bedrooms, auto. heat. ‘2-car brick garage, west of 16th st. RE. 0493. EM. 0303 _ik MrOEVITT REALTOR SALES BULLETIN. Cleveland Park bargains—Open daily, fl to 8: Sun.. 1 to 6—3307 Newark st and 3100 Highland pi., at cor. Newark st These are lovely Southern Colonial det homes; 10 lse. rms., 3 baths, oil h-w.h.. 3 porches, garage. Takoma Park—7-yr.-old brick bunga low: 5 rms. and an expandable attic; oil h.-w.h.: $17,960. Dot. br*., $15,750: lust 2 blks from I bus and shopping, off Piney Brtmfch rd. In Silver Spring; fl rms. bath.- side porch, gas heat; possession 30 days; about $3-000 cash McDEVITT’S personal service available to buyer and seller. SH. 6700. RA. 4422. | A. U. PARK—FIRST OFFERING Finest location- near St. Ann’s Church and Horace Mann School: 3 blks. to Sprin®: Valley shopping, det. all-brick home In beautiful cond. Liv. rm. with fireplace, din. rm., panelled den and completely equipped kit. on first floor. Two very large bright bedrms, tiled bath on second floor; full basement with maid’s rm. and lav.; gas heat. Perfect home for couple or small family seeking prime location and convenience. Call AD 4234. with FRANK S. PHILLIPS _PI. 141 L_ AMERICAN UNIV. PARK In St. Ann’s Parish and easy walking dis- ' tance of Mass. ave. shopping center, lovely detached brick home built by a very fine builder and now reaoy for inspection Center hall, large living room with fire place. dining room, beautiful kitchen with breakfast nook, powder room, rear screened porch; second floor. 3 large bedrooms. 2 , very attractive tile baths; stairs to large, finished third floor; cas a.-c heat. Price. $28,500. Call Mr. Billingsley, eves., WO. 1695. Billinesley & Sanderson Co. _41l.",4 Wis. Ave- OB. 232fl._ BARNABY WOODS Inspect these brick Colonial houses in this delightful section; large living rm . dining rm.. modern kitchen, powder rm. and screened porch. 3 fine bedrms., 2 baths and , finished attic; full basement, with fireplace; 1 exceptionally large lot: priced right on today's market: 6630 31st pi. n.w. Open from 6 to 9 p.m. Call EM. 1800. W CHEVY CHASE REALTY —ip BARNABY WOODS, 6420 Barnaby st.—Attractive det. brick home, center-hall plan; 6 rms. and 2 baths; full stairway to floored attic; fire place in liv. rm., rec. rm. with flrepl in bsmt. This home is completely insulated, storm windows, slate roof, copper gutters and downspouts, oil h.-w.h. Det. gar. Very conv. to transp . schools and churches. Inspection by appt. only. Phone WI. 5743 or SL. 3153. J. MERRILL CONNER, _PI. 2002. Realtor,_DI._504o —19 BARNABY WOODS Chevy Chase. D. C. A fine modern red brick center-hall home; in excel, cond , about 8 yrs. old; lge. liv. rm. with attrac flrepl. and screened porch overlooking beautifully landscaped area, spacious din. rm. and well-equipped kit. with spate for breakfast table, flrst-fl. lavatory; 2nd fl. has l?e. master bedrm. and bath. 2 other excel, rms. and bath: 3rd fl. beautifully paneled in knotty pine and divided into 2 rms., double insulation; extra-lge paneled rec. rm. at garden level; built-in gar ; auto. heat. 70-ft. lot. nicely developed. To inspect, call JAMES E SCHWAB. OR. 5800. After 5 P.m., call SL. 2575 or WO. 1408. __—19_ BETHESDA-EDGEMOOR A truly charming center-hall home in one of Maryland’s best subdivisions, situated on a nicely landscaped and wooded lot. This home contains 70-ft. living room with lovely fireplace, 14-ft. dining room, large kitchen and a pleasant sun porch; 2nd floor consists of 2 large bedrooms, plus 7 single bedrooms and 2 complete tiled baths; stairs to large storage attic. Full basement with toilet and outside en trance. oil hot-water heat. 1-car detached garage. Close to stores, transportation and schools. Very reasonably priced. For further details, call Mr. Jackson. NA. 9300: eves, and week ends, WI. 2933. BOSS & PHELPS, INC. _1417 K St. N.W._—IP BRIGHTWOOD—$11,950 fi-rms., semidet. brick, built-in garage; redecorated. 2 blks. from Coohdge High School. WM- C. RUTLEY, SH. 4589 _—2<) BRIGHTWOOD—VACANT This charming detached brick home of Cape Cod styling features large* bedrm. and bath on 1st fl : rec. rm. with bar. oil n.-w.h . built-in garage: large beautifully landscaped grounds Priced to sell, on ex cellent terms. Call till 9 p.m., TA. 4000. HAMILTON REALTY CO. 5825 Georgia ave. n.w._ Brightwood Home Center of everything; semidet. brick with gar.; 3 bedrms.. bath, on 2nd fl.: bedrm. and full bath in bsmt.: elementary, high, jr. high, parochial schools, rec. center, swimming pool, shopping, all in walking rone; bus blk.; perfect for growing fam ily and income. Price reduced $14 250. Phone WA. 3512: eves.. NA. 2557 daily. JOHN H. MILLER, Jr. & BRO.. Realtors. 1812 K st. n.w._^_—19 CHEVY CHASE. D. C. Lovely 4-bedroom. 3-bath, detached home. Modern in every detail. Gas heat, recre ation room, built-in television set. detached garage; Anchor fence: perfect condition. Convenient to shopping, schools, churches. Good terms. 3768 McKinley st. n.w. <at Conn ave.K OWNER._—18 CHEVY CHASE Detached brick. 2-year-old, center-hall plan home of fl ipactou, rooms, living room 25 ft., dining room lfl ft., lovely modern kitchen, screened back porch, powder room. 3 large bedrooms and 2 baths, attic, gas air-conditioned heat. Designed for gracious living. Phone Mr. Clements. WO 3514, with SHANNON & LUCHS CO. 1506 H at. N.W.. NA. 2345. 4 HOUSES FOR SALE—Northwest. CHEVY CHASE, D. C. j Lovely det. center-hall homo* on quiet street; large living rm. with fireplace and* side screened porch, din. rm and modern i kit., 3 bedrms.. 2 baths and 2nd-fl. den with fireplace; full bsmt. with maids’ rms. and lavatory; oil a.-c.h.; 2-car garage. For information and appt. to inspect, call A. L. JOHNSON Realty Co., OR. 7100. 3402 Conn. Ave. _—19 I CHEVY CHASE, MD. In an area of other fine homes, this det. ■ brick, built in 1940 by one of Washing-1 ton's best builders, is excellently planned.! On first floor, has extra-large liv. rm. I opening onto a lovely screened porch, over-* looking the well-landscaped and private; grounds in the rear; - din. rm . powder > rm. and large kit. Second floor has 3! excellent sized bedrooms and 2 tiled baths.i There are stairs to a lae. storage attic. Att. garage. Shown by appt only. • W. B. WRIGHT . . EM. 3380 till 9 p.m. CHEVY CHASE, D. C. 4 bedrms., 2 baths; under $21,000: 2 blocks off Conn, ave., walking distance of schools. Tapestry brick, excellent cond.; built-in garage, entrance, living rm., den. dining rm.. modern kitchen: 4 bedrms.. 2 baths on 2nd fl.. finished rm. on 3rd floor. Call EM. 1800 until 9 p.m. CHEVY CHASE REALTY _—19_ CHEVY CHASE, D. C. ' This- is for some one wanting something nice, something different and unusual. A bea itiful brick home with bedrm. and bath on 1st floor, also Ige. library. 3 ex cellent bedrms and bath on 2nd floor; a lge. lot among beautiful homes. If you want a fine home see this. Owner leaving. Priced. $35,000. Office open today, week days till 9 p.m. Call WO. 2300. Ed. H. Jones & Co., Inc. —18 Chevy Chase. D. C., Nr. Neb. Ave. Det. brick closely located to shopping centers and elementary, high and paro chial schools; 1st fl.. din. rm., pantry, kit., lavatory, liv. rm (27x15* and side porch: 2nd fl., master bedrm.. 3 bedrms. (twin bed siie), 2 baths; 3rd fl.. attic with maid’s rm.; house in excel, cond. Its in terior Is well planned to offer a most com fortable and gracious way of living. Call Mr. Semmes. eves., DE. 5878. SANDOZ, INC. 2 Dupont Circle. DU. 1234. —20 CHEVY CHASE, D. C. This lovely corner white brick homer is one of the best buys in Washington today. Has Ist-floor powder room and large screened side porch. 2-car garage; 2nd floor has 4 bedrooms (3 will take twin beds, 1 has fireplace), and there are 2 baths; recreation room with fireplace. Sharply reduced to $32,750. Let us show you this today. Billingsley & Sanderson Co. 4934 Wls. Ave., OR. 2326 Until 9 PM. CHEVY CHASE, D C. 4131 Harrison *t. n.w.—This conv. lo cated home, in perfect condition, on lot 55x110, consisting of a large living room with open fireplaces- dining room, kitchen and pantry on 1st floor; 4 bedrooms and bath on 2nd floor; large bedroom and bath on 3rd floor; large front porch, screened sleeping and breakfast porches, oil h.-w.h.. laundry trays and toilet in basement, det. garage. Conv. to Woodrow Wilson and other schools, etc. Priced $24,500, attractive financing. R. G. DUNNE, Realtor _ 2385 R. I. Ave. N.E.. HO. 0700. CHILLUM—$14,950. Clean, solidly constructed all-brick de tached home in this splendid close-in lo cation: 0 rms., lVa baths; 3 lae. bedrms.. lull basement: inclosed concrete porch; built-in garage: oil heat: less than 1 a bik. to bus; 2 blks. to stores. Minimum cash required. S3,500, Call RA 5024 or FRANK S. PHILLIPS. DI. 1411 CLEVELAND PARK Lovely home in wonderful location, new house condition. Reception hail, liv. rm. with fireplace, beautiful din. rm.. wonder ful kitchen, breakfast rm. and den; 2nd floor. 4 bedrms., 3rd floor, 2 bedrms.; all baths modern, oil h.-w.h.. det. garage, porch. Quick possession. Good financing. Billingsley & Sanderson Co. 49.34 Wis, Ave . OR. 2320 Until 9 P.M. DELAFIELD PL. N.W. fl-rm. brick house, plus 2 heated sleeping porches; gas h.-w.h.. bath. rec. rm., Vene tian blinds; insulated; good cond. sub cash req. Call Mr. Weinberg, office, PAUL J. MILLER 922 14th st. n w.. EX. 7070. After 5 p.m dial TA, 24HS._■—18 DELAFIELD ST. N.W. 13<K) block—New det. center-hall brick, fi large rooms. 2 baths, fin. attic, full base ment, recre. room, gas h.-w.h.: excellent location, conv. to schools, transp and shopping. Constructed of finest materials and woncmanship. Call eves., Mr. Weiss, AY ATF.n LEO M. BERNSTEIN & CO. 1415 K St. N.\Y. Realtors. ME. 6400. GEORGETOWN New listing of a 3-story (own house. In exclusive section. House features maid’s rm. and bath. Jst-fl. powder, rm.. large drawing rm. with firepl . 2 bedrms. and 2 baths. May be purchased for less than $28,000 and represents outstanding value. CalL-Mr. Hams, with LEGUM 6c GERBER REALTY CO.. AP. 7800._ ___ —JO Georgetown—$4,500 Cash” In an area of restored homes; attrac tive brick row, with living room, dining room, kitchen on Jst floor; 3 bedrooms and bath on 2nd: hot-water heat: good condition; reasonably priced at $14,500; excellent » financing. Mr. Hunter. NA 9300; eves, and week ends. GL. 5285. BOSS & PHELPS, INC. _ 1417 K St. N.W. —19 ‘ GEORGETOWN Attractive brick home, in excellent loca tion; o rooms, bath; full basement, with oil heat: unusually large garden; $18,500. Exclusive. GEORGETOWN REALTY & IN6 CO., INC., MI. 5577. Eves.. WO. • 9115._—20 GEORGETOWN 3033 Cambridge pi. n.w Open daily 1 to 4 p.m. Owner leaving city, offers this well-located home at a most attrac tive price for immediate sale; contains 0 large rins.. finished basement above grade with street entrance, gas h.-w.h.: $ cash required: balance approx. $150 monthly. FRANK S. PHILLIPS. DI. 14 LI. __—20_ LEROY PL., NEAR CONN. Beautiful semidetached brick; 31 rooms, kitchen, pantry. 3 baths, full basement, oil heat: excellent condition. HEIBERG CO.. 1700 Eye st. n.w„ NA. 0677. —19_ MacARTHUR BLVD. AREA Brookmont—Unusual 2-story, near new homes, with liv. rm.. fireplace. 2 bedrms.. tiled bath. din. rm. and kit. on 2nd floor; porch, recreation room and garage on 1st floor. You have to see this attractive, modern home. Eves.. WO. 4845. J. LEO KOLB CQ. _MI. 2100._—21 MT. PLEASANT Close to everything; a 3-story. 8-room. 2-bath brick house- with oil burner and 2 electric refrigerators; ideal for renting rooms or apartments, now vacant; price, $16,500. $2 500 cash. $100 a month until paid Phone Mr. Ray. DE 187 2. with SHANNON.& LUCHS CO. _1505 H st. n.w., NA. •,’343._ MT. PLEASANT Brick home containing 4 bedrooms 2 baths, oil hot-water heat, 2-car garage; conv. to stores, transp, schools and churches; excel, condition; $10450. BARTOW REALTY CO. Realtors. 3331 G st. n.w. ME. 2495; eves,. DE- 9745, MI. 2572._—21 NORTH CLEVELAND PARK This attractive all brick. Colonial home of prewar construction consisting of en trance hail, living room with open fire place. dimng room and modern kitchen with lovely living porch which is screened. Second floor has 3 very large bedrooms and two baths. There is a paneled recrea tion room with open fireplace in basement: nir-conaitioned automatic heat, 1-car at tacncd garage. Situated on a lot 77' front, with trees and within walking dis tance of elementary, junior high and Woodrow Wilson High School. House is in good condition and possession can be had immediately. Priced at $26,500. For further information call Mr. Leigh. NA. 9300: and Sundays, WI. 3799. BOSS & PHELPS. INC. Realtors. 1417 K at. n.w. NA. 9300. —20 " PINEHURST CIRCLE First presentation of this beautiful stone and brick dream home, only 8 yrs. old; immaculate cond ; spacious center hall, library and powder room, breakfast room; 3 twin-sijje bedrms.. 2 baths on 2nd fl : recreation rm with fireplace, opens on terrace servant's rm. and bath: delightful lot. 70x260. with beautiful shade trees. Excellent financing; extraordinary value at $35,000. Call RA. 5924; with FRANK S. PHILLIPS. DI 1411. PINEY BRANCH RD„ D. C. Greatly reduced. A splendid, large, roomy, semidet. Colonial brick, located on spa cious corner lot, close to schools and every conv . 2 blocks from Ga. ave. Strictly a quality home with 4 fine bedrms. All rms. are extra-large and attractive. Oil h.-w.h.. built-in gar.; ~Ocr* first trust available with low down payment. For details, phone until 6 p.m. Capital View Realty Co. 925 N.-Y. Ave. N.W., Realtors, NA. 9797. —19 SAUL’S ADDITION Attractive, spacious home with living rm , dining room, kitchen and pantry on first floor. 4 bedrooms and tiled bath on the second floor, and bedroom and storage room on 3rd floor; oil heat, excellent condition; prempt possession: near Mc Fariand Junior High. Roosevelt High Schools, shopping and transportation. Call Mr Mackintosh, jr . WEAVER BROS . INC.. Washington Bldg . DI. 8300; eves., WO. 3716. SHEPHERD PARK 8 rms„ center hall, reception rm. with firepl., nice din. rm. with outlet to tile porch and den. mod. kit., pantry and screened back porch: 4 bedrms. and s.eep in* porch; plenty of closets, hardwood ns7 full bsmt. with lavatory and exit, oil h.-w.h.: lie. level lot .Shown by appt. 9 'til 9 Call Craver. OB. 48.35. with ROBERTS B. LATIMER. 7733 Alaaka ave. n.w.. GE. 1270. — I .'K - Fw.1 CALE—K .rtnweit. SAUL’S ADDITION On 13th st. n.w., near Roosevelt HJgh—3 atory detached home, with 5 bedrooms and bath, oil heat; beautiful lot facing 2 streets: excellent condition. Call Mr. Franklin, WEAVER BROS., INC., Wash ington Bldg., DI. *300; eves., GL. 4456. .__—19 SHEPHERD PARK Open for inspection daily 30 a m. to 8 p m. Modern Dutch Colonial home, set in'beau tiful surroundings, center hail. 8 lovely rms.. gas heat; owner must sell, leaving town. Call GE. 2270 'til 9 p.m., BRIGHT WOOD REALTY CO .—18 SPRING VAJ-LEY, $24,950 Nearly new. white-painted brk. residence; first fl.. liv. rm.. dinette, sunrm.. kit., powder rm. and porch; 2nd fl . 3 bedrms., with ultramod. bath: beautiful rec. rm. with flrepl., 'opening onto terrace, also lge. tiled bath: oil a.-c. heat. You will have to act fast on this one. To inspect, call WO. 2300 till 9 p m EDW. H. JONES & CO., INC. UPSHUR ST. N.W. 1700 blk. Det. 6-rm. home on deep lot; 3 bedrms. and 2 colored tile baths; many extras. Venetian blinds, weather-stripped and insulated, also Mercury noiseless switches. Call eves.. Mr Weiss. AX. 5760. LEO M. BERNSTEIN & CO. 1415 K st. n.w.. Realtors, ME. 5400. WEST CHEVY CHASE A lovely Colonial brick home of 2,/ii baths; 1st floor, full center hall, tile lavatory. The liv. rm., din. rm. and kit. are all lge. 2nd floor. 3 bedrms., 2 tiled baths; lge storage attic; maid's rm . porch: ga rage: slat" roof; copper pipes: deep lot. Price, $27,950 Veterans preference. W. B. WRIGHT EM- 5380 till » p.m. WESTMORELAND HILLS Open daily. 2 until 5—Four new Korzen dorfeT-built homes. 3 and 4 bedrooms, well worth inspecting. To reach: Out Mass ave. to Westmoreland Circle, con tinue out Mass to Duval dr. (1 street be yond circle), left to Elliot rd., right to Farrington rd. and our “open'' sign. H. J. Korzendorfer Co., Inc. _Ob. 5336._—20 WOODLEY PL. N.W. Near Conn. ave. and Calvert st. An unusual value in a brick home. Contains living room with fireplace, dining room, den. kitchen. 3 bedrooms, an upstairs so larium which may be used as bedroom if desired: 1*6 baths, full basement, base ment lavatory. Reasonably priced. $19 - 95o. Call Mr. Holmes after 7 p.m. EM. 6635. PAUL P. STONE, REALTOR _ NA, _—20 MEMBER OF CONGRESS We are privileged to offer a lovely 8-rm . 2-bath home; located in conv. neighbor hood and conv. to Capitol .Hill: gas heat and garage. Please call and let us show you this property. POTTS REALTY CO. _FR. 670(1._—18_ In Heart of Cleveland Park One of the famous old landmarks of this fashionable community, situated on an acre of ground, between Conn. ave. and Reno rd.; 3 stories. 11 rooms. 2 baths, automatic hot-water heat. For those who admire and appreciate the older type with large rooms, this can be developed into a truly attractive property. Priced $45,000 Call Mr. Schwab. WO. 06*4. with SHANNON & LUCHS CO. _1505 H St. N.W., NA. 2345. SOMETHING DIFFERENT In Chevy Chase, D. C. a Cape Cod. 2-bed room frame home. Large rooms, auto matic heat, ranch-style porch across front, full basement, detached garage. Needs some redecorating. Located in the finest section of Chevy Chase on a beautiful, wooded, level lot 91x175 ft. Here is a property being sold at prewar price at only $16,500. Call Ban,ks Murray. SL "SHANNON & LUCHS CO. _1505 H St N.W.. NA. 2345. OPEN TONITE, 6 TO 9 P.M. 3518 “S” st. n.w. Fine studio-type. 3 bedrm. brick home in desirable Georgetown section: lge. mirrored liv. rm., nice din. rm. and the smartest thing in kitchens; overlooking terrace and rock garaen; full basement with rec. rm. or maid's rm. and full bath aurase. Drive by tonight and inspect. Mr. Guarino on premises. JAMES L. DIXON & CO. 1022 17th st. n.w , ST. 7200; eves WO. 1378._ _ __—20 7219 16th ST. N.W. One of Washington's finest new homes, facing Rock Creek Park; 3 bedrms. 2*a baths, dream kitchen with “stainless steel" double sink, built-in dishwasher and gar bage disposal unit, fully auto, electric range. 9-cu -ft. refgr. with freezer com partment: all walls plastered with “Vermi culite/’ the latest in soundproofing and fire protection. Call eves., Mr. Weias, AX LEO M. BERNSTEIN & CO. 1415 K st. _n.w\, Realtor*. ME. 5*V0O._ 7234 15th PL7N.W.''"7 Distinctive brick Colonial: slate noof. cop per gutters ftnd plumbing:' bedims., 7% baths; beautfful custom 'features. Call eves.. Mr. Weiss. AX 57flfl. LEO M. BERNSTEIN & CO. 1415 K si^ n.w. Realtors^ ME ffipfc " DOCTOR OR DENTIST Or for other professional or business use. First offering. Beautiful, first commer cial. brick, excellent upper n.w. looation. Ideal for home and office or clinic. Va cant. To_inspect call ST. 7000. * UPPER BRIGHT WOOD—$13,950 Don't miss this opportunity. A modern semidetached brick house containing fl rms. and bath, plus powder rm. on first floor. Full basement, gas a.-c. heat. Call RE. 8flfl0 until 9 p m. _WM. G. LIBBY CO. ’ A. U. PARK—MUST SELL Now an exceptional value in this fine, con venient location. 2V- blks. to Spring Valley shopping at 49th and Mass, ave Excel lent construction; slate roof, copper pipes and gutters. Contains 7 rms., 2Va baths. Includes den and breakfast nook on fir^t floor. 3 bedrms . 7 baths on 2nd fl : recreation rm.. garage. Priced for quick sale. Call AD. 4234. with FRA&K S PHILLIPS. DI. 1411. NEAR 16TH AND KALMIA RD. A new house of excel, construction, equip ped with GE dishwasher and garbage dis posal units. First floor, lge. liv. rm. with fireplace, side screened porch, dining rm.. mod. kit. and first-floor powder rm.: 3 bedrms.. 2 baths: full basement, gas a -c. heat. Well financed. For information and appt. to inspect call A. L. JOHNSON Realty Co.. OR. 7100, 3402 Conn ave. — IS $18,500—VACANT A detached center-entrance brick home that has just been renovated inside and out, looks new! Located just I square off MacArthur blvd. and within 2 blocks of shopping center, elementary school, bus and carline; fl lovely bright rooms, 3 bedrooms, tile bath with built-in tub and shower, living room with fireplace, large screened porch, oil heat, built-in garage; minimum cash payment $5,000 required. Call Mr. Robey evenings. EM. 4919. THOS. J FISHER & CO, INC., Realtors. DI. 0830._ 5027 7th PLACE N.W. Brick constructed row house, in very pop ular neighborhood, nr. transp. and shop ping ; liv. rm.. din. rm. den. kit., break fast. rm. and porch: 4 bedrms., tiled bath; full bsmt., oil heal: reasonably priced. Cail Mr. R. T. West. WEAVER BROS., INC. DT. 8300. Eves, and week ends. OW. 9271. COMPLETELY FURNISHED Offering a lovely home in Silver Spring. 2 yrs. old. modern in every respect with iart:e liv. rm., din. rm . 3 nice bedrms. and tile bath; kitchen is a model of per fection witn metal cabinets, gas range and lefrig^rator; gas air-cond. heat, work benches and laundry equipment in base ment; lawn nicely landscaped with a variety of shrubbery Owners are leav ing town and are offering this beautiful home completely furnished at $15,950. Call ME. 1 143 until 9 p.m. J. WESLEY BUCHANAN 30th ST. N.W. Beautiful town house, det. brick. 2 blocks from Uptown Theater on Conn. ave.. liv. rm. with fireplace, din. rm . den with bookshelves, powder rm. and kit. on 1st floor; all are extra-large rooms; 2nd fl , 3 bedrms., 2 oversized tiled baths; 3rd fl . one iarge completely finished, heated •edrrn.; excel, rec. rm. with bar. maids rm.. splendid yard: priced by estate for quick sale Phone for details till fl n m. CAPITAL VIEW REALTY CO. 925 N. Y. ave. n.w., Realtors, NA. 9*97. _^19 _ LET IS ASSUME the full j-esponsibility of locating a home to suit Tour particu lar needs in the n.w. Wash.. Chevy Cnasc, Bethesda and nearby Maryland areas. The better buys frequently are never advertised. Call us now and submit your requirement*. OR. 0400 MARVIN J. DUNCAN & CO. | _4420 Conn, ave._—20 GI APPROVED For only $1,025 down you can be the owner of one of these new det. brick homes with center-hall plan* 21-ft. living room, fully equipped kitchen, 3 large bedroom*, full bsmt. with gas a.-c. heat: located on a large landscaped lot: these are homes you'll always be proud of: priced at only $10,250. with monthly payments of $95. Open this evening from fl till dark. To reach: Drive out Wis. ave. to Bank of Bethesda. bear left out Old Georgetown rd. 2 mi. to our sign at Beech dr., turn left and follow signs to samplelouse. 5900 Beech dr. SURETY REALTY CO.. agents for Centurv Construction Co.. Inc., EX 71*44: eves.. FA. 0259._—~(>_ Near Chevy Chase Circle An excellent home in one of the most convenient location*; prompt possession, contains a very lge. liv. rm., din rm. and kit . 4 excellent bedrms., gar aito. heat. Price. $22 500: terms ^omce open today, weekdays till 9pm Call WG ..300. Edw. H. Jones & Co., Inc. _—18 VACANT 3918 5th st. n.w.—Immediate possession, seroidet. brick. 8 rms.. i baths, lull bsmt, oil h--w h.: detached garage, possible in come. $185 per mo and apt. lor owner. $14,000 witn $11,000 first trust. $.3,000 cash il you wait, you will be late. CHAPMAN REALTY CO. RE. 3316. * ~1» \ 4 HOUSES FOR SALE—Northwrt. 6325 KANSAS AVE. New detached 6-room aad bath brick home: gas heat, lull basement, modern kitchen: large lot; best buv In D. C. at $15.7611: immediate possession. Call HARRY ROD, NA. 4515_—23 1375 LOCUST RD. N.W. Open 7 to 9 p.m. tonight and every night until sold. If you want to buy a beaut, home of charm and individuality. Don't fail to see this one. “PENNY” APOSTOLIDES Realty Co, exclusive agents. RE. .5224, RA 3790—23 COLORED—NEAR 13th AND FLA. AVE. N.W.—Semidet. brick home, oil heat; *9.500; 52.000 down. MR. HARRIS. DE. 1160, CO. 1152. —17 COLORED—NR. R. I. AVE. and 1st st.— We offer this fine owner-occupied 2 story row brick home on Thomas at., at a reasonable price on special terms; 6 Ige. rms.. tiled mod. bath, oil h.-w.h. Inspection by appt. Owner must sell. Eves . Mr. Watts. GE. 9220. DRURY REALTY CORP- 1737 K st. n.w.. RE. 1133. —19 COLORED—L ST. N.W’., near N. Capito!— Close ;o Sibley Hospital and Govt. Printing Office. 6-rm. and bath row brick home, can be purchased for only £6.600. with low cash payment. P. J WALSHE, INC . 1115 Eye st. n.w,. NA. 6468 —20 COLORED — OWNER-OCCUPIED home, converted into 3 spacious apartments; has 2 inclosed heated porches. 3 baths. 3 kitchens; Delco oil heated, fully insulated Va block from Georgia ave.. on Princeton p». Can be seen daily after 6 p.m and all day Saturday. Sunday. Tel. TA. 9853. —2o COLORED—1541 9th ST. N.W., com mercial zone. 6 rooms, bath, h.-w.h.. ga rage, back alley. LOUIS PEARLSTEIN Atty.. DI. 5414. 20* COLORED—i-NEAR No. Capitol and Adams —Tapestry brick, fine cond., 6 largp rms., 2 incl. porches, full bsmt . auto, h.-w.h ; substantial cash payment required. H. T. RANDOLPH RE. 2137 or TR. 7265. COLORED—VACANT. Move right into this <-rm. row brick home with 1 Va baths, full bsmt., coal heat. House has just been completely redecorated. SURETY REALTY CO, EX 7944; eves. FA. 0259. —21 COLORED—$1,000 DOWN makes you the owner of this j3-rm row brick home with 3 baths and coal h.-w.h.; excellent in come opportunity. SURETY REALTY CO EX. 7944. eves. FA. 0259. —21 COLORED—N.w.—2-family, large, roomy, 20-ft. row-brick home with Colonial front porch and 2 kitchens; overlooking Govt. Rtservoir; property located at 146 Brvant st. n.w ; will accept reas. cash and monthly terms NO 7660 or DI. 9080, CAFRITZ CO. 1404 K st. n.w —20 COLORED—T ST . NEAR 1st—Home and (Investment: 3 apts. and 2 Jight house ; keeping rooms; monthly income quoted at 15308; oil h.-w.h . furniture included in sales price; excellent terms A LOUIS i VETTORI, 1025 Vt. ave. n w- DI. 57 46. —20 I COLORED—2300 BLK. CHAMPLAIN ST.— lmmed. poss.. 6 rms.. h -w h.. largs yard, garage, conv location; 51.000 down. MRS. ELLIOTT. DE 1160. DE 7058. —18 COLORED—712 QUEBEC PL. N.W.—Open this evening. 7 to 9. A vacant 2-story and full bsmt. brick. 6 rms. and bath, gas h.-w.h- front and rear porches, garage in reaF: immed. poss. See Mr. Burke on premises. LEGUM & GERBER REALTY CO . AD 7800. —19 COLORED—1300 BLK. COLUMBIA RD N.W.—Income property, fully equip.; good buy: terms. MRS. RENWRICK. AD. V791 or MI. 3757. —19 COLORED—200 BLK. OF D ST. N.W — Suitable for rooming house; low down payment: 8 rms . 2 baths, terms. MRS. RENWRICK. AD. 17 91 or MI. 3757. COLORED—QUEBEC PLACE N.W —Do you want a home for a largg family or for an income? This 3-story, semidetached home is the best in tl\e block, has every thing one could want for comfortable living. Call Mrs. Thompson. OV. 4384. ATLAS REALTY CO - ST. 7368. COLORED—3200 BLOCK WARDER ST N.W.—2-story tapestry brk.; 6 large rms . Colonial front porch; 2 rear porches; beautiful front and rear yards: gas h.-w.h . haretcood floors; quiet location; I block to transp Call Mr. Myers with PAUL J MILLER. DU. 2422 ’til 9 p.m. COLORED—2200 BLOCK 1st ST N.W. -3-story row bk.. 8 rms., 2 *'2 baths 2 kitchens, full bsmt ; oil h.-w.h., good condition threughout; Ideal home with an income Call Mr. Oliver with PAUL J MILLER, DU. 2422 ’til 9 p m.__ COLORED—$1,000 DOWN 6 large rms., brick, gas h.-w.h.: monthly payments like rent FIRST NATIONAL REALTY. 1426 K st. n.w., RE. 3531 or I UN. 0759._ Colored—N.W. Corner Brick This very lovely home Is arranged for 2 families. There are 8 rms. and tiled baths, beautiful oak flooring, oil heat, weather stripping, insulation, double porches, owmer occupied and pos session with settlement. GRAHAM * OGDEN. 1025 Conn, ave . NA. 3689: eve nings, QL- 31 67._ 20" HOUSES FOR SALE—Northeast. COLMAR MANOR. MD.—Bungalow. 4 rooms, bath, basement; block District line, schools, etc . $8,750, substantial cash. WA. 36i?2. —22 TENNESSEE AVE.. close to Lincoln Park— Desirable tj-room brick in very good con dition; has concrete front porch 2 screened rear porches,, mod bath and kit., gas h. w.h.; $12,950; only $2,500 down. Must be seen- to be appreciated. T. D BUR GESS. Vi. 5130 —,21 WOODRIDGE BUNGALOW—Vacant, 3811 25th pi. n.e.—-Six rooms, tiled bath, h.-w h . oil. garage, full basement; screens, storm windows awnings. House in pood cond. WM. R THOROWGOOD. DE. 0317. WOOD RIDGE—2207 Franklin st. n.e— Det. home. 6 lge. rms. and bath; h.-w 1\, oil: lot AOXl-50; price reduced for quick sale, $9,500. WM. R. THOROWOOOD. D*\ 0.517 —20 WOODRIDGE—-Pn this very desirable lo cation we can offer you a 6-room detached home with a fireplace in the liv. room and other extra features; price reduced for quick sale. Call Mrs Thompson. OV 4384. ATLAS -REALTY CO.. ST 7308. ~ —19 31 YOU ST. N.E.—6-rm row brick. 2 inclosed porches. beautiful condition throughout, gas heat. Priced for quick sale. Call CO 3333 or HO. 1449. eves PECK co —19 1300 BLOC K EAST CAPITOL ST —If you are looking for a real home, conveniently located, and in excellent condition through out. we are pleased to offer you this house; substantially built and maintained row brick of 6 spacious rooms and tile bath, possession at settlement; substantial cash required. JOHN F DONOHOE 4: SONS. 314 Pa ave. s.e . Lincoln 0984. —18 1200 BLOCK PENN ST. N.E.—Poss. Semi del. brick, ready for 2 apfcs. Oil h.-w.h. Built-in garage Wi'l sell at low price to good buyer. OWNER. GL. 6676 or RA 2281. . —19 SMALL CASH PAYMENT; balance like rent; Immediate possession. 5-rm. brick; redecorated; gas heat. 320 36th st. n.e.. River Terrace $11,500. Open for inspec tion 1 to 8 p m. HO 3804 23* FOR SALE BY OWNER—Michigan Park Brick home, 1346 Michigan ave Restricted i community. Convenient to everything. ! Fullv insulated. Finest prewar materials. ! 13 rms . slate roof. rec. rm. with flrepl.. i oil h.-w.h . lge beautiful corner lot. 3 complete baths. 2-car det garage; $32,500. Phone MI. 4046 to inspect. —19 6-RM. BRICK ROW HOUSE, close in. on Mass., ave. n.e ; zoned com!.; good home ' for the present, good investment for the ; future. Shown bv apot. only. Call EX 0347. MOT LAN REALTY CO- —19 *1.500 DOWN for this 1-yr -old semidet. 16-rm. brick home, near Greenway Apt.. 1 just off Minn ave Full basement, pas heat Call RE. 1988 until 9 p.m. GOLD STEN BROS . 1429 L st n w —22 158 UHLAND TER. N.E.—Vacant: $1,200 down, good terms: possession with full | down payment: 6 rms bath, c h-a h row ! brick. Call Morris Cohen or Milton Vin nick, with A M DRAISNFR. 1404 L st I *L*-. 8036 Homiv GE. 0297. | CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY Immediate occupancy $3,000 cash wil 1 move you into this extremely we!! locatec | semidet. brick home on a quiet short street 'This house is very well built and consist* ' of liv. rm . lge. din. rm . equipped kit open front porch and screened repr porch on first floor. 3 nice bedrms.. bath anc : scr. porch on 2nd floor. Please call Mr Conlon. eves.. MI. 5822. Frederick W. Berens Sales. Inc i_1538 K St. n W.„ NA. 9141 —3(1 DOUGLAS ST. N.E. 2800 bl 1:.: det. 3-bedrm. home, full bsmt i large front and rear yard. Beautifu grounds. Call eves Mr. Weiss. AX. 5760 LEO M. BERNSTEIN & CO 1415 K st. n w. Realtors_ME. 540( RIVER TERRACE ! Modern row brick home. 5 attractive rms ; tiled bath; condition like new attractive price and terms. Call CO. 3333 or GE •9341 eves. PECK CO. 3618 12th st n.e._—19 _ New Homes. Mich. Park N.E Cafritz built ‘•Lifetime” homes, now ! ready for early occupancy: modern de 'sign. 6 large rms, and bath, full bsmt includes 8-cu-ft. Hotpoint refgr., ga range, Venetian blinds, lge. level real Tot, inclosed with Anchor iron fence; mam j of her structural features; priced $15,450 suitable terms arranged; 4 "n 20-ycor first trust: sample house at 8th and Crit tenden sts. n.e . open daily. 10 a.m till i 9 pm. Directions: Out Michigan ave. left, at 12th st n.e. then left at Critten den. and continue to 8th. CAFRITZ CO. NO. 7000. —19 ONLY $1,000 CASH Nice, clean bungalow, in nearby Md.; 5 rms. and bath, lull basement. h.-w,h.: lot i 75 by 150 ft ; real bargain. $9,950; $00 ner mo. T. D. BUROESS CO , VI. 2803 : 'til 8_ —23 j NEAR MICHIGAN AVE. 1 Open daily for Inspection, 10 a.m. to 8 I p.m.—Modern det. brick. 0 lovely rms, l(i baths, sunrm . rec. rm.. large land scaped lot. a.-c gas heat, many extras: only *3,000 down, balance like rent. Call GE 3370 ’tU 9 p.m., BRIGHTWOOD REALTY CO. —Is 1231 OTIS ST. N.E. Nr. Catholic V—Detached, center-hall, first-floor den: 3 bedrooms. 2 baths on sec ond floor Oil heat Very attractive floor plan. Large lot. Inspection by appoint ment only. Price. *18.500. Call OLIVER T CARR NA 2865. Eves, call Don Miller. WO. 0112_—20_ DESIRABLE N.E. LOCATION—5-room bun galow, tiled bath, extra bedroom in base men!; excellent condition throughout: cor ner lot. terraced garden, fruit trees, grape arbor; just a dream of a little bungalow for only S3,000 down, balance like rent. Call EX 2565. PASTOR-LUTZ, INC. NEAR CATHOLIC UNIV. Priced low at $10,950. Semidetached fl room home in sood condition: full baae ment. detached garage; excellent value. Call DI. 1015 until 9 p m. Wm. H. Saunders Co., Inc. Exclusive Agent. —SO HOUSES FOR SALE—N.E. (Coirt. "8152 EASTERN AVE. ; Open evenings, 5 to 8: new custom built detached brick homes: finest const ruction: 7 rms., 3 baths and 3 half baths, gas * ' h AUERBACH & CO. *• 1424 K st. n.w.: eves.. LP. 8933. —7T> 6th AND FRANKLIN STS. Immaculate row brick: 6 rms.. 2 pear porches, gas heat; reasonably priced. Call CO. 3333 or RA. 6593 eves. PECK CO.. 3618 12th st. me —Qft 142 T ST. N.E. .3 Beautiful 6-rm. row brick, 2 inclosed porches; gas h.-w.h , garage; fenced yard; priced for quick sale on terms. Call "CO. 3333 or HO. 1449 evenings. PECK CO. 3918 12th St. N.E. —.go $50 PER MONTH Plus #1.500 cash will buy 2-bedrm ”*nd otth semidet brick, and only 57.900. HANEY & CO. __ EX 3443._ WHITE BRICK COLONIAL Excel, buy in n.e. Wash. Center-hall entrance, large liv. rm. with fireplace* charming din. rm.. fully equipped mod. kit., screened-in lear porch: Tlnd fl.f 3 bedrms. and bath: beautiful grounds with shrubs and fenced-m lot; excel, neigh borhood, close to shopping, schools; and transp.; immed. occupancy upon sale; owner^must move because of health; WALKER & DUNLOP, INC. _ PI. 0322._—jp Cafritz—New Lifetime Homes Michigan Park n.».—Strictly modern fi rm. homes, complete in every detail;,In cluding 8-cu -ft. Hot Point ref*.. Anchor iron fenced-in rear yard. Venetian bffiida and many other outstanding features: priced $14,950 aud $15,250: $2,500 tish. 4C<> 20-yr. first trust. Sample hause located 10th and Crittenden sts. n.e. Open daily 10 a m. till 9 p.m. Buy with con fidence." ^ CAFRITZ CO., NO. 7660 COLORED —-BROOK LAND — Attractive homes, semidet. brick. 8 rms . 2 baths, hdwd. floors, h.-w h . oil; beautiful lawn, long back, yard; full bsmt and gar*ge. Has to be seen to be appreciated. By appt. Call MRS. RUTH CUMBER. NO. 4452. COLORED—900 BlK. OF HAMLINST. -N.E.—B rooms, Inclosed porch, bsmt : terms. MRS. REN WRICK, AD. 1791 or MI. 3,5,. —U, COLORED—HOUSES FOR SALE In ail Sec tions of city; reasonable. DU. 9653. CLARENCE BERRY. TR. 2311. —2l (COLORED—Mist' BE SOLD—-No reason able offer refused; excellent 4-bedrm. row 'brick: oil heat; clean as a pin: Quick poss. RAFFELL REAL ESTATE, SH 1103 till 9. COLORED-436 19th ST. N.E.—$1,000 (down, good terms; B rms., modern tils (bath, gas auto heat: row brick. Call (Morris Cohen or Milton Vmnlek. with A. t M. DRA1SNER. 1404 L st. n.w., NA. 8*36. Home. GE. 0297. COLORED—MODERN BUNGALOW, new house condition; 5 rooms, model pled (bath, fireplace, oil heat; finished attic i suitable for 2 extra rooms; 2-car garage; high-class n.e. section; good down pay ment required. Inspection by appointment. I CaU Mrs. Ramsdell, GE. 5354, with DIXIE REALTY CO . NA 8880. f COLORED—OFF N. CAROLINA AVE., on ! 14th st n.e.—6-rm. brick, arranged for (2 families: big back yard; reasonably prtced. Call Mrs Thompson. OV. 4384. ATLAS REALTY OO ST. 7368. —19 COLORED—300 BLOCK T ST. N.E.—2 family dwelling; each apt. contains 4 rms. and bath, completely renovated, private i entrances; Ideal chance to own a home ; with an assured tncome. Call PAUL -J. MILLER, DU. 2422 til 9 p.m , 1921 14th COLORED—PING ALOW, near 48th and Sheriff rd n e.—Charming white asbestos shingle: 5 rms.. bath, large master bed ims.; spacious front and rear yards; one block to transportation; ideal location for tsmall children Call PAUL J MILLER. DU. 0 pm- 1921 14th st. n.w. COLORED—HAMLIN ST N.E—6 rms. ' incl. porch, tiie bath. bsmt. easy terms. MR. RICHARDSON. MI. 3757. OW 7977. • COLORED—ABBEY PL. N.E.—6 rms, tile bath; easy terms. MR RICHARDSON. MI. 13757, OW. 7977. _ _ • COLORED—BROOK LAND—Dtt* home of 7 rms.. bath, new kitchen equipment, oil h -w.h.: on a very pretty street, .pear stoves and school one of the most attrac tive houses for sale in this section To inspect, rhone Mr Gordon. WO 1035. L. T. Gravatte, Realtor 729 15th St. N.W NA. 0763. COLORED—$1,950 DOWN 1100 block Abbey pi ne. lovely 6-room brick home with Colonial front porch, | tiled bath, h-w h . full basement, built-in garage Owner will completely decorate tc suit you Call ST 7245. eves GE. 0727. TIPP REALTY CO._—16 Colored—Trinidad Ave. N,E. Attractive row brick home, containing <1 rny>.. and bath, front and 2 rear porches, dry bsmt. with oil h.-w.h.. garage. Prop erty in excellent cond.. attractive terms. Call Mr. Loving. PE. 6661 or MI. 0169, with FRED A. SMITH, Realtor ! 1 113 17th st _ n_w_ Exclusive Colored—Brooklarid Open 2 to 7 p m daily 1016 Hamlin st. I n e.—Brick. 8 rms . lge, bsnit. can* bs arranged as 3 apts : oak firs, throughout, • oil h.-w.ti . -2 baths: beaut, lot. gar . shade nnrt flowers; prlcen very res'; Look it over today. Call MH. MAYNOR. NO. 46.5*. ___—19 COLORED 600 block 9th st. n e.—Six rooms, tiled bath, full bsirt.. hot-air heat excellent •condition: real bargain with sub cash. 1 Shown by an appt. Call Ravenscroft, eve" . DU 6641 or MI. 0212. WM H. BOAZE. 3406 18th st. ne. MI 6741. | . —1» t HOUSES FOX SALE—South,art. JSXCOSTJA—d-bedrni. brick home, {deal for children; close to schools, shopping, transp.; large back yard, detached garage. Colonial front porch • Shown by appoint ment only. CARL O. HOLLOMAN, FR. 9933. HILLCREST—Beautiful new detached cus tom-built home of stone and trick Th*s house has spacious rooms, oorch, garage and many details and features tha must be semi to be aoprecimed. To tnsoect. cpII Mr. Ruark. VI 6428. with BEF1 ZELL, | m •> i cmi HtLLCREST AREA BUNGALOW — Only ; 514,950 Just one blcck from D C line, , lovely wooded lot. wonderful neighbor hood The type home seldom offered at a pnee you can afford to buy; full big dry. basement, first floor contains large living room with fireplace, small dining : room modern compact kitchen, 2 fine bedrooms, modern bath: many closets, large unfinished attic: many extras, prompt occupancy, a real buy on good term* MAGEE. UN. 768.3 till 9. • HILLCREST—Lovely 6-rm. det brk. home, completely redecorated throughout; prewar construction, possession with settlement; priced to sell quick Ht 518.950. DIS TRICT REALTY AGENCY. Phone EX. 6848 for appointment. —16 PENNSYLVANIA AVE. nr 13th st. a.e.— 1st commercial, semidetached brick, 7 rms., oath, gas h.-w.h.. deep lot. price. $14,760. HARTMAN REALTY INC. 1345 Oood Hope rd s.e. TR 4400. VI 5976. 2011 NAYLOR RD. S.E.—Five rooms and bath, row brick; two screened porches and full basement excellent neighborhood, convenient to shopping' and transporta tion Possession at settlement Shown by appointment only. LLOYD R. TURNER. 600 7th st s w ME. 1647. 22* REMODELED. ON CAPITOL HILL—2 row brick houses. 9 rms each. nr. House Of fice Bldg. WALDO HARRIS. LI 9979. ME. 1234. —22 3312 BROTHERS PL. 8 E.—6-rm de tached frame, stor. attic, gar. compl. new h.-w.h. system, gas. immed * settle ment; $10,500; reasonable terms SCOTT SANDFRS, TR. 7563; eves . VI 0990 12 MARYLAND AVE. S.E. 'Parkland. Md > -r-5-rm frame bungalow, bath; good cond: oil h.-w.h. garage lot 90x200; i $12,000. terms SCOTT SANDERS. TR. 7563; eves . VI. 0990. 13159 25th ST. S.E.—Semldet. brick. 3 bed l rms excel cond $11,950. terms. SCOTT SANDERS TR 7563: eves. VI. 0990. 621 51 st ST S.E.—Brick 5 rms . 2 bed i rms.. gas a-c. heat; $11,500. SCOTT PANDERS TR. 7563: eves.. VI 0990 ■ FIRST COMMERCIAL—6-rm. corner house, on Penna ave . suitable for business Call AX 6867. —23 1731 A ST.—Vacant 2-family brick. In jrew-hfHise cond. 2 baths, separate en trances. meters and hot-water heaters; full basement: oil h -w h : cor lot. Mr. Tolson FR 0390. OBANNON REALTY 1 CO . FR 5119. —19 -NICE BRICK BUNGALOW, 1 yr old. afc only 512.950. It's really worth much more! Look what you get: 5 rms. tiled bath, stairway to floored attic, oil h-w.h., full basement. Anchor fence, fireplace. The flr&t trust at 4'; interest is $9,129 25. This is a “hone*." T D BURGESS CO., VI. 2802 until 8 —19 NEAR LINCOLN PARK—6 room. 7 room, and H rm. row brick all vacant; 1. 2. 3, ’family houses; reasonable down payment. Mr. Tolson FR. 0390. O BANNON REAL TY CO . FR 5J19. — 18 ONLY $1,500 CASH—Near Eastern High School; 7 rms and bath, h -w.h.. 4 bedrms. Clean as a pin Only $10,950. T D. BURGESS CO . VI 2802 until 8. —19 3003 7th ST. S.E.—Det. frame. 7 rms., bath and h.-w.h. Price $J0,000. Terms. JOHN L 8HFLTON. Realtor. TW. 2710 • 1,500 DOWN—5215 U st s.e., brand new. detached. 5 rms . tile bath. 2 dble size rms., rec rm , front porch; nice level lot. open 2 to 6 p m. HARTMAN REALTY. INC.. 1345 Oood Hope rd. a.e. TR. 4400. VI. 6976. NEW, DETACHED, corner brick. 12 rms., 3 baths. 5-rm bsmt. apt, 5 rms. 1st fl., 2 rms. 2nd fl gas heat; price. $20,000; two blocks over D. C. line s.e , Bradbury Hghts. HARTMAN REALTY. INC., 1345 Good Hope rd s.e. TR. 4400. VACANT—Detached brick, center hall, S rms . tile bath, bedrm. and lavatory 1st fl . full bsmt gas heat, concrete front porch. Ice. level lot; 2 blocks off Alabama ave. s.e., conv. to Suitland and Andrews Field; price, $13,960 Mr. Filippo. VI. 5976. TR 4400. HARTMAN REALTY, INC.. 1345 Good Hope se BEAUTIFUL LOCATION — Modem semi detached brick home; 6 rooms, tiled bath, full basement; new-house condition: situ ated in lovely park area, near golf course. ; transportation, schools; priced right at $12,600. with moderate down payment; terms to suit. Call Mr Stover, with CAMPANELLA & WOOD. EX. 4113. eves, TW 1510—20 FAIRFIELD Owner will sell. lor Immediate oe*.. Cap, Cod bungalow In Hlllcrest are*. Living rm with fireplace, dining rm . two bete rms and bath. kit. with of cute board (Dace and TaDDan de luxa rancM finished statrwar to exDansion atilM baaement with GE gas furnace: built-la garage, large fenced lot and outdoor Draw Dlace: $17,500. 15637 Greenway dr. s.fc HI. 3781.—30 T (Continued on Hext Page.) 4