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■ 4m,n,y /fs\7 # 11 - v <**,*»•* irvfiMTimiiiijl LlncoIrrT361 • 1600 N. Y. Av% ! Special Discounts to' Quantity Buyers .:: '% EVER NEED MONEY QUICK? TWO EASY WAYS TO GET IT |' Use Our Hurry-Up Leon Service... Money Available Today Simply phene the oHice near you. Tell them whet you want. Step in on your way home from work and get $25.00 to $1,500.00 Signature Loam ta employed persons, married or single, an terms easy to repay. 2, U*e our Cosh Reserve Service . . . Money Always Available We will establish a Cash Reserve Ac count and issue you a cash reserve book in the amount of t $750.00 with absolutely ua cost or obligation on your part. Sn onn then make withdrawals _em this account at any time. whenever vea want Extra Money • imply atop in the office and aet it. The only cost is when yoa make withdrawals and yoa pay only for the money yoa use for the time yon a so it. Simply mail or h'tac «, coapon to our nearest office. (Leone end Coen Beeerve accounts user *300.00 in maryiana emces only) • rtentlemen The following information to astabllsh a Cash Reserve aoaountl 5 is confidential lor jour *ea. i , o i J Name .... **•—■flfen . ♦ address_'-—----—- Phone Jtir employed by-—------Salary— tun employed by--..■■waw.___Salary—— _ if/we haea accounts with-_ ************************11111111^11111112Iim iasoo Rhode bland Hi. Rainier, Md. Dleatnr 8853 j 1 7893 GMrcto Silver Spc., Md. SBepherd 8890 •is kiu ft ■; Airlines Will Confer With CAB Tomorrow On Operating Costs Spokesmen for domestic airlines claiming e combined loss of up to $20,000,000 lest year were to meet in executive session with the Civil Aeronautics Board here tomorrow to discuss passenger fares and oper ating costs. All certificated trunk carriers, with the exception of Eastern Air lines, reported losses last year. Several have requested passenger fare in creases of approximately 10 per cent. Others have sought increases in temporary rates for carrying airmail. Meal* May Be Discussed. While no formal agenda has been announced, subjects for discussion will Include the possibility of charg ing for meals served in flight. In some quarters it has been estimated that this free service alone costs the airlines some $10,000,000 yearly. Other questions will be whether some airlines are operating too many flights on certain routes and the prospect of effecting economies through further consolidation of ticket offices and Joint use of ground facilities. The board invited the airlines to send two representatives each to the conference after turning down applications from United Airlines and Trans World Airline for up ward adjustments in air mall pay ments. Permanent Rate Passible. The CAB'S action in denying the petitions at this time was taken | in view of generally more favor- j able earnings reports for May andi June and the prospects for in creased revenues from air parcel post to be inaugurated September 1. The CAB announced efforts are being made to expedite the pro cessing of the “Big Five” mail case with a view to setting up a per-j manent rate. Studies also are being j made to separate the cost of carry- j ing the air mail from so-called subsidy payments to the airlines. The board reassured other car riers with petitions pending that seme adjustments may be made In temporary air mall payments if establishment of permanent rates is further delayed. Admiral Carney Gets British Empire Award Vive Admiral Robert B. Carney has become an honorary commander of the .military division of the Most Excellent Order of the British Em pire. Admiral Sir Henry Moore. British Joint Services Mission, presented the insignia, on behalf of King George .VI, at a ceremony in his office at the Pentagon yesterday. The award was made “for dis tinguished service as chief of staff to the commander-in-chief in the Pacific during a period of many joint operations by British and United States Pacific Fleets.” Admiral Carney, Deputy Chief of Naval Operations for logistics, now is working with the Joint Chiefs of Staff.Ip connection with the formu iatlon-'offbc 1950 fiscal year budget. EllicctfCity Mao* Dies Of track Craitnnjuries »y th* Associated Pratt BALTIMORE, Aug. 18.—Jesse V. Dasher, 63, of Ellicftt City died in a hospital hare last night of Injuries suffered yesterday when his light truck OtilUtled with # tftotor-traaer on the Washington-RMpnore bou levard neat WaterldipPJ 1 PolWe :ldentifled the nSver of the tractdy-OTiller as KenrtMh M. Rowe, 33. of Btgunton, va. He was un injured. langer Says G. 0. P. Chiefs Cannot 'Crack Whip' Over Congress fty th» Associated Fr*u ■> CINCINNATI, Aug. 18—Senator Langer, Republican, of North Da kota predicted last night that Re publican Party leaders would "find they are sadly mistaken” if they be lieve they can “crack the whip over Republican members of Congress to pass so-called ‘must legislation .” The Senator spoke before the con vention of the National Federation of Postofflce' Motor Vehicle Em ployes. He said Congress would not “rubber stamp” legislation for either a Republican or Democratic Presi dent. “Personally,” he said in an inter view, "I will vote for any bill that comes up, Republican or Democrat, if it is good for the people.” He said other Republicans felt the same way and he predicted at least six other Senators would stray p-om the fold if Republican leaders press for passage of the tidelands oil bill. The bill would transfer continental -—- _• NON-STOP to DETROIT ONE-STOP to MINNEAPOLIS ST. PAUL ALASKA—II TUPS wtiKlY ORIINT—4 TUPS WltKLY SAVE 10%-BUY ROUND TRIPS Mwm.- STIRLING 9000 •r yur Twl Agtrt \ i . . _i . ass- i \. ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT • V, ti HOURS IN YOUR LIFE fa For on investment of about 60 minutes worth of time, you may enjoy a life k time's peace of mind. We're speaking of the hour you can profitably spend talking over your Will with your attor ney and a trust officer of American Security. A review of your intentions concerning the distribution of your estate.. .what it is, where it is, whom you want to receive it ... should reveal the best way of leaving your property to save taxes, delay, and unnecessary shrinkage. Definite tarings ore possible undar the new tax law. Jot on your desk calendar the first possible / hour for this important matter. Then phone - 1 our Trust Deportment for on appointment. m Bttr V.S. Security Bonds It will be an hour well spent! Ante. ‘y & TRUST COMPANY DANIEL W. BELL, Prtsultm MAM OFFICE FIFTEENTH ST. A PENNSYLVANIA AVI % . 6 Conveniently Located Branch Offices vnnn pcdesal deeostt iejs.tu.nce coveovation • uium —m. uinn n mm shelf oil reserves to State control, and thus would favor large corpora tions, he contended. "Any tax legislation which also would benefit the large corporations and overlook the people will have a tough time getting through Con gress,” he added. Legislation proposing revision of wages and hours for postal em ployes received blanket approval at the post office employes convention yesterday. The group indorsed the Langer Johnson bill after Senator Langer described the intent of the measure. The bill calls for a 25-year retire ment plan, a seven-hour day and a 35-hour week. Swiss Join Labor Group BERN, Switzerland Switzer land has decided to become a mem ber of the International Committee of Co-ordination for the Movements of Migratory Europeans. The com mittee, which has its headquar ters in Rome, is concerned primar ily with the movement of labor from one country to another. _ [ Judges Asked to Give Details of Contempt ty the Associated Press BALTIMORE, Aug. 10.—The judges of the Criminal Court were called on yesterday to furnish de tails and particulars to radio sta tion WCBM concerning the contempt | of court proceedings recently insti tuted against it. WCBM, four other Baltimore radio stations and a radio news editor were cited by the court to show cause why they should not be held in contempt as an outgrowth of their broadcasts of news stories concern lng Eugene James, colored, charged . ADVERTISEMENT. Contact Lens Users Alter lenses era removed and If your eyes and lids feel tired, sore. Inflamed, burning and smarting—enjoy the soothing comfort of pleasant Lavoptlk. Quickly helps relieve Irritation. Tour eyes feel refreshed and clean. - Lavoptlk has been used for more than 30 years. Must de light or money back. Oet Lavoptlk today. (Eye-cup Included). At all druggists. Let us remodel your bathroom . .. NOWS If you are one of many who have had to make an old bathroom serve a growing household there is no better time than NOW to get rid of your bathroom traffic jam. Call our Manager, tell him your troubles. He'll send one of our Supervisors to your home with plans—and show you fixtures designed to make your bathroom modern—with compact lavatories that provide every convenience quiet, efficient toilets that guard your privacy. These fixtures and our services are available within your budget. Learn how the Eberfy Plan will carry out YOUR plan, even to the financing, if you desire. A. Eberly's Sons 1108 K Street N.W. Dl. 6557 OUR 99-YEAR-OLD CREED: Promise only what you can do; always do what you promise. with the knife slaying of 11-year-old Marsha Brill here and Carrol Bard weU, also 11, in Washington. The court charged the broad casters violated court rules restrict ing publication of news of crime cases. The cltatiens were couched in general terms. The court explained at the time that no details were given as to the nature of the alleged contempt on grounds such statements would vio late the spirit of the court rules. Trial in the murder case is sched uled for September 20. The stations were requested by the court not to make their answers until after the James trial. For double duty, you can*t beat this HOLLYWOOD BED Reg. $49.50 $39-50 Dress it up with a gay spread and cushions for daytime . . . and make it up as a bed for night. This one is of excellent construction with inner spring mattress on box spring, covered with striped ticking and mounted on six sturdy mahog any-like legs. It's an excellent "buy" at $39.50. Reditum e-BROUin 1729 14th St. N.W. DE. 3340 Open Daily 9 to 6; Thursday Until 9 • • downright ■ .<■ *. /t '■f ■ f ,W le car you A quarter-million KAISER and FRAZER owners have pretty much the same story to tell - about their car’s rugged, day-in-day-out, downright* all-round dependability. Because the KAISER and the FRAZER are the only new cars built since the war that have been road-proved-dependable in over 2-billion miles of owner driving, under all conditions, in all parts of the country. So if you want to know the truth, ask those who know best—the man or woman behind the wheel of a KAISER or a FRAZER. They are our best salesmen. KAISER —Wherever You Go! WASHINGTON MOTOR SALES CORF., 1510-20 14TH ST. N.W. ADomt 2270 . -METROPOLITAN DEALERS Friendship Motors. Inc. 7320 Wisconsin Ase. N.W. Bowman Motor Sale*, lae. 7539 Georgia An. N.W. Jack Kenned; Meter Sale* *•33-3* Nickels Are. S.E. Jack Pry 1539 Pennaytvaala At*. B.E. SeUeyie * Golden Cor. Carroll and Maple fit*, v w Annandale. Va. Wills. Inc. Arlington. Vo. Central Meter Co. Alexandria. Va. 2M8 Duke St Potomac Motor Vehicle Co. ■ ■■ --SUBURBAN DEALERS ■■ ■ -.. Laurel, Md. Boulevard Motor* Groveton, v*. V-Llne Motor Sales Carp. Rockville, Md. Miller * Hufhes Motor Co. Lvraj, Va. L. V. Black Motor Co. waohinrton, va. Barney Motor Sals rairrax. va. Atlas Motor Saks, too. Warren ion. v». Coart House Square Carafe ruMixnu, ni. Patuxent Motor Sale* Leeeburf, Va. WtaehMter, Vi Kera Motor Co. Qaantice, Va. IMrec Mater galea La Plata, Md. Crw total Mater Co. Brandywine, Md. Brandywine Sales and Sen lee Kokesville, V». MeMirhael* Service Center Parker Motor Sale* Front Royal, Va. Marlow Motor Co. Bladensburg, Mi 2421 Kenilworth Are. Lmmi Motor Co.