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efttiMd by travol motion, roliovod with i third it < ciitirj MlllllllSil.. FURS lt’» been a long time since we have been able to offer fur coats of every description at savings up to S9%. We bought early, we bought right. These savings are yours during eur AUGUST FUR SALE. Budget Plan and Lay-Aways. A small deposit reserves your selection, BASKIN FURS, COR. *th A G STS. N.W. —_ PURE CASTILE IS THE BEST i SHAMPOO*! Conti1 CASTILE SHAMPOO •Vow too chock thl» ifotomonf , In your public library. Rood I whet loading beauty author- 1 Itio* and dormatalogiitt toy about the care of your hair. TRY TH1 NIW ICONOMY SIZt 794 Dr. Parran Reports Disease in Far East Has Become Critical s ■y th# Aueciotcd Pr*»» LAKE SUCCESS, Aug. 20.—Health conditions throughout the Far East have reached a critical state since the war, a United Nations medical survey shows. Malaria, tuberculosis, syphlllis and infant mortality rates have in creased to alarming proportions. In some areas entire populations suf fer from malnutrition. In India alone, malaria causes 1, 000.000 deaths a year. It is the prin cipal killer of children in many ether Pacific countries. In Rangoon, Burma, 40 per cent of women cared for in maternity hospitals sufTer from syphlllis. In Bangkok, Slam, 20 per cent of ma ternity cases were affected by the disease. Political Situation Blamed. Reporting on a two-month sur vey, Dr. Thomas Parran said these grave health conditions were largely the result of the aftermath of Jap anese occupation and continuing political strife In several countries visited. Dr. Parran, former United States surgeon general, made the survey to determine how best to use a *3, 300,000 grant allocated Far Eastern countries outside China by the United Nations Children’s Emer gency Fund. China will be aided by a separate *12,000,000 allocation. The survey, the report said, is the first large-scale medical study of the Far East since the war. Dr. Parran described Indonesian health conditions as "fantastic.” As the result of an effective Dutch blockade of ports held by Indone sian republic forces, he said, med ical supplies are almost absent from that area. Situation Described. "It is a common thing,” he said,! "to see babies suffering from dysen tery in Indonesian hospitals lying on bambo mats because there are no sheets or medical supplies.” He said there was a desperate shortage of milk, but that disputing republi can forces refuse, or are reluctant, to use small supplies of canned milk because they bear labels of Nether lands relief organizations. In areas occupied by the Dutch government, Dr. Parran said, stren uous efforts are being made to im prove medical aid. The health situation in northern pPPPPPB^TT-'- ^ . -r1 I black alk • black tuada • brown auada 4 to 9, AA to 6 Order by MeH er Phene Please send me "Ballet" at $3.00: I Pairs_ Celor_ Size_j Noma _J Straet . I City- Stata-. □ M. 0. □ Check D C. 0. D. j ALEXANDRIA, VA. 3819 Ml. V*rnon Av». SILVER SPRING, (MD. 8549 G*orgi« Av*. SW Jsss^sssf | nober &coI 1205 G Str«#t, N.W. . ■(■.«»■■ i: c-jw wiwiiiiwK^^w^ jiiKTjsa^ss^ OPEN SATURDAYS HOODED ZIP-COATS *33 Smartly flared, detachable hood coat for year ’round wear. Come winter, just slip in the all wool lining yid you’re as warm as toast. Wear It without the lining for spring and fall. 100% all wool in black, natural, green or grey.. All rises. OPEN* A HAIER » CO. CHARGE ACCOUNT V t / 4 India also reflects troubled political conditions, Dr. Par ran said. He reported camps are still filled with thousands of persons dis placed after the separation of Pakis tan. Authorities have estimated 10, 000,000 people were made homeless by the division. Throughout India, the survey showed, the high rate of tubercu losis presents one of that area's most urgent problems. Dr. Parran reported infant iftor tallty rates had doubled in parts of the east coast of the Malay Penin sula. Births Reported (From the D. C. Bureau or Vital Statistics.) Lawrence and Mary Aho. girl. Charles and Heian Alexander, boy Winston and Martha Barnard, boy Leonard and Margery Berkowiti, girl. John and Loretta Bernd. girl. Charles and Margaretta Bogan, girl. Peter and Agnes Bonk. boy. Arthur and Blanche Boyer, girl. John and Emily Bush, boy Donald and Friedericke Calder. boy. Arthur and Loretta Carley. girl. Perry and Ethel Carman, boy. Charles and Evalena Chenault. boy. ^PdiciousPnnks j Thomas and Mary Collins, girl. David and Marlon Cooke, girl. Ashton and Miriam Curtis, boy. Walter and Katie Davidson, boy John and Gertrude Dunnlgan, boy. Eugene and Doris Evans, boy Murray and Phyllis Fuchs, girt * Joseph and Dorothy Gary. girl. George and Caroline Guyer. boy. James and Molly Harris, boy. Haldon and Eleanor Harrison, boy. James and Virginia Haseni. girl. Warren and Georgia Hawley, boy. Robert and Anna Honaker, girl. George and Joan Huffman, girl. Henry and Jerry Irving, boy. Alfred and Lois Ketcbam, boy. Richard and Virginia Lehr, girl. Archie and Beatrice Llghtfoot, boy. Harry and Phyllis London, girl. Douglas and Vera MacDougall. boy. Harry and Helene Maginnis, girl. Harry and Lillian Masse, girl. Herbert and Margaret McKean, boy. John and Frances McKenxle, boy. Maurice and Mildred Mohler. boy. John and Regina Moore, girl. Harry and Dorothea Murto. boy. Joseph and Belva Nowland. girl. Ralph and Gertrude Palese. girl. Leland and Martha Parkhurst. boy. Jack and Pauline Reiser, two girls (twins!. Frank and Helen Rosenblltt, boy. Jerome and Beatrice Rubin, boy. John and Erie Schrlver, girl. ~ ADVERTISEMENT. Helps You Overcome FALSE TEETH Looseness and Worry No longer be annoyed or feel ill-at ease because of loose, wobbly false teeth. FASTEKth. an improved alkaline (non acid) powder sprinkled on your plates holds them firmer so they feel more com fortable. Soothing and cooling to gums made sore by excessive acid mouth. Avoid embarrassment caused by loose plates. Get FASTEETH today at any drug store. Allison and Dorothy Shell, boy Harold and Laura Shucart*. firL Jack and Kona Spires, boy. Thomas and Mary Turner, boy. Christian and Dorothy Voix, boy. William and Ruth Westlake, girl. Irvin and Elizabeth Zeliff, bey. Clarence and Mildred America, tlrl. Bernard and Bernice Brown, tlrl. Robert and Mattie Courtney, slrl. Frank and Shirley Jones, tlrl. Curtis and Clementine Kitt, boy. John and Mary Mason.. boy. William and Mary Morgan, boy. Oeorge and Dorsey Norman, boy. Malachle and Elizabeth Prince, girl. Robert and Bailie Reed. boy. Sylvester and Louise Robinson, boy. James and Lenora Russell, girl. Harvey and Marion Smith, boy. Kemper and Dorothy Smith, bey. Daniel and Mary Twyman. boy. Willie and Emily Whitley, boy. Wilson and Ruby Wiley, tlrl. James and Mary Bell, boy Morris and Oertrude Campbell, bor. Jerome and Marjorie' Pinch, boy. Robert and Cleo Jonei, clrl. Be ml e ana Rote Lora. clrl. Norman and Vlrlan Moon, beo. Prank and Mamie Utzon, boy. John and Annie Outi, boy. Jamea and Thelma Proctor, boy. Virlan and Marcaret Reeder, clrl. Lawrence and Callla Roland, clrl. Jamea and Adelaide lUmma. clrl. Herbert and WilhelmIna Bmith. clrl. Edward and Ruth Thomaa clrl. Allen and Bernte Walker, boa. Herman and Edith Whitlock, boy. Darld and Allen Younc, Ctrl. Deaths Reported (Prom the D. C. Bureau of Vital Btatlatlea) Anthony P. Plcnatello. 81, 1484 jr. Capitol at. Marcaret M. HaU. 77, 6418 6th at. n.w. Mary X. Helnbuch, 77, ArUncten, Ya. Max Orona, 70, 8010 3rd at. n.w. FILMS DEVELOPED AND ENLARGED 8 EXPOSURE ROU IN THE 0% 0* - NEW RITZPAK ALBUM FANFOLD, DECKLE EDOE COMPLETE EXCLUSIVE AT RITZ CAMERA CENTERS <li 12th N.W., let. E 6 G. • REPRINTS 4c EACH Utim Csoparanlth, M. 41U Connecticut IW. 1.1. «j2£i7S£.“«'*SSi'1SWS, 2“3» M*Tirad»r»n,W|si?,t5»,%art m. SiS?® *; Mojrlaon. 64, Ralatah. X. C. WllllaS II Shiaitr, ‘to* Alexandria; Ta Thomaa CoapUn. 75. 1810 18th at. m.v. Jot H. Carpantcr, 84. 1810 F at. a.a. noranca Jordan. 48, 1185 7th at. a.a. Oratory Wlttaraon. 1. 617 X at. a.a. FLOOR SERVICE ■RUtE FINISHES Flaarlac Caatraataw* laa. ISIS rnm. Aw. H.W._WK SS1S 5 DAY WATCH REPAIR GUARANTEED SERVICE! <5 WI AM WATCH ft (PAIR IXFfftTS! • Waf'fcts ELECTRONICALLY TlUfO /T\\ :sssaws?* gtJsb lieffs Feature VALUES, tomorrow at our Bethesda and' Shirlington Stores VALUE? Judge for yourself! * * Northern Back Muskrat Coats A. Hollander blended Full, sweeping length coats made from the back pelts of northern muskrat . . . and that means full-furred, beauty and wear. You'll like the generously rippled back fullness of these ccats, their soft sleeves snugged in by wide cuffs, their handsome collars. Jelleft's muskrat coats are a fur investment you must see and try on to appreciate completely. Tomorrow—at Jelleff’s Shirlington and Bethesda Stores New Coats Whose Fullness Sweeps Down From Fur-lavished Necklines Beautiful and most wearable, these coats which climax th'eir softly controlled, new-season full ness with flattering, face-framing collars and yokes of fur. The answer to your wish for a coat that's dressy and right-priced, too! Juniors . . . A whole deep front yoke of Block dyed Persion lomb and o tiny all around collar for this junior coat that is smartly, dressily oil-black. Fine broadcloth wool. Sizes 9 to 15, $98.75 Misses . .. Big Barrymore collar and patch pockets of black-dyed Persian lamb for this back-gored coat for misses. Block, grey or green suede wool. Sizes 10 to 16- $98.75 Women . . . Soft, luxurious, the new ploite front yoke and pouch collar, the 4-inch band cuffs of Mink-dyed squirrel . . . so lavishly trimming this suede wool coat for women. Black or smoke grey. Sizes 12’/? tc 20’/?, $9875 Tomorrow—at Jelleff's Shirlington and Bethesda Stores iwnmiiiiinn mi i ii ii him i ii ii i i .mi ■■■■■! i—min — mu——ii mini minify—11—m iiib—i—iiii ■■■in i mi iiniiini i—niTrun— Falls New ... Nyladoe Cloves *2 Bracelet length Nyladoe gloves of double-woven Dupont nylon fabric are smart choice for Autumn. Impeccable tailoring, and whip-stitching. Easy ♦o suds spanking-fresh, they hold shape as fine gloves. Black, brown, smoke grey, natural. Tomorrow, at Jelleff's Shirlington and Rethesda Stores Gold-toned, sparkling, Wadsworth Compacts *\ Morning, noon, night—there's a bright Wadsworth compact for your best companion. Big squares, slim rectangles, gran'pappy "watches" ... oil fitted for beauty-duty. Engraved designs of jeweler inspiration prompt you to choose them also os gift*. Tomorrow, at JrllrfT* Skirlinfton and Botkrsda Qtorrs Sleek, smooth-tailored . . . % Nylon Panties *1.65 Tailored all-nylon parities . . . short snug and beautifully opaque. At this price you'll be smart to have all you need. They dry like quick-magic . . . retain a perfect fit. Rayon elastic ot waist and legs. White, pink and blue in sizes 5, 6 and 7. Tomorrow, at JellefTs Sktrlington and Bethesda Stores