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Place Sunday Classified Ads Early! Classified ad customers de siring to place ads in The Sunday Star are urged to call them in early in the week. This will eliminate the last minute rush to place ads and will assure every one prompt and efficient service. Your co-operation will be appre ciated. Remember The STar's New Telephone Number Is STerling 5000 HELP MEN (Cont.). PAINTER-PAPER HANGER. first-class combination man, who wants top *aiai> I Only real mechanics need apply. UN. IRll after h30 pm today. —21 TAlNTERS. white. fir:t class only. Temple 6*77 PAINTERS—Sober and reliable white men for yrar-around maintenance work. Ex cellent working conditions and many em ployment benefit Apply personnel office. 1. street entrance. HOTEL STATLER -20 TARTS RUNNER, must have, motorcycle permit and know city. Cali Mr Sauer, Lee d butler, inc., jj?i 21st st. rt. DI. fllKl, —22 THAFMACIST. capable prescription man. for active professional Rx dept excellent opportunity. HIGGERS DRUG INC.Soi; Conn ave n.w - -2d PIANO PLAYER. 8^ ninety type prefei red, one who can entertain Call in per-, son #39 Bladensburg rri. n e —21 PLASTERERS — For apt house project: long job. tj-day week top wages. Apply with tools to 52ol 3Sth st . Hyattsville, Md MASTER BUILDERS. INC —25 PLUMBER, jobbing man. JOE HIGH, INC., 3 215 13th st n w. —22 PLUMBER'S HELPER, white must be ex perienced in repairs and remodeling work. Must have driver* permit, and good refer ences. good wages and steady work J. C FLOOD CO. 2o J 2 14th st. n w —22 PORTER, for liquor store. REX LIQUOR STORE. 5319 Wis ave. n w. APP.v in perlbn only. PORTER-DRIVER for drugstore must be exp careful driver, some knowledge of thus neighborhood Apply in per.,on only. SHEPHERD PARK PHAR T 723 Ga ave —20 PORTER Young colored man for light porier work for store Bring references with you Apply Sat morning. 10 o clock only. 52! 13th st n.w TRESSF.R* <3) Experienced in wnoj pressing Apply BLUE BANNER LAUN DRY 530 ;th if. se 22* PRESSMAN WANTED able to lock up frrms. make-reac'. turn nut good w<vk from Mifhl® and Babcock; sober, good ref erence? Write Box 1 47-L. Star PRINTER—Part or full time compositor pnd pressman. CAP presses, commercial experienre necessary. Call HO 77 1 1 or MT 0688 —21 PRODUCE MAN, rapable. sober, reliable mar. to assume charge of dept, in super market: good pay, good hours, chance for advancement to ihe right man m Apply m person. 4508 Lee hwy.. Ail . Va. --27 RADIO and television salesmen, exp com mission basis with weekly drawing account,' 20er discount on purchases. Apply em ployment office. 4th fir, S KANN SONS CO —20 RADIO MECHANIC, age 20 to 30 to do maintenance work on FM radio telephone aystenn must have at least a 7nd-tla.vs radio telephone operator's license. * 1 .'.l P**r hour to start, with periodic wage in creases. p\p pref Apply Employment Of Vcp WASHINGTON GAP LIGHT CO. 1 I no. 73»h st nw, Mon. through Fri 8:30' am t<> 5 pm. —22 RADIO REPAIRMAN, experienced, ablp to lake complete charge of small shop. <om mtssinn oasis MF. or NA 7 115 7 t RADIO REPAIRMEN We have rvrral po ut- ns availah> to rxpei rpen Ideal working conri and enmlnve benefits. Fnc salary and npnori for advaneemrn' Phop^ 4*r 1 <15 for anpt REAl, ESTATE SALESMAN Excellent op porttjntt’- for salesman with ear For int.»n iew. call CHARLES H. OMO SL «1??, eves. OL 5720 - -°o REAL ESTATE SALES opportunity -An opportunity to min the sales force, of 'Washington* complete Pea: Fstafe In stitution' Due to expanding business we need capable and energetic men. (’all aalcs department for appointment I.EO M. BERNSTEIN A* CO. Realtors. 1415 K fit. n.w.. ME. 54t>0. -70 ROAD SERVICE MAN. nigh* work. 8 days. 847.50 wk to start. Apply SINCLAIR SERVICE STATION. 10th and E sts. nw - -7 1 ROOM CLERK. experienced, not ovei 40. for large hotels, good salary. Box 3J1-.V1 Star KOUTEMEN fui established laundry routes. Apply AMBASSADOR LAUNDRY 1478 Irving *t. n w bet. 12 anil 4 p.m . no phone calls j SALESMAN, part time, no canvassing; leads are furnished and some appoint ments Come in now with a \ourrg and growing distributorship Call RA 7070 Eet 10 and for further information. -73 P4UESM4N for local wholesa'r roneern; must know the hardware business: exeel. opportunity na 3nn5 .70 SALESMAN for farm equipment; knowledge ef farmin , required, ou' -ide contact work rotl«t hate rgr. liberal ro.rtrpJS'ir.n scaipst drgw excel fTrnH Annh- at oqre, nrr • rnpei pflSr SEAR? ROEBUCK A* CO Pi 3 S!?dengbur? rd n * ?n SALESMAN. h»’ ^np^r* for young man who ,s e>-p«r ip ^.eiijpg m*n « b’gb S^ad* hat* Apply offic* THF VOTING MEN'S SHOF 1313 F st p w —-?4 SALESMAN, liquor excellent opry'’’* for ambitious trsn who t* exner m selling food jalar" oerm. advancement CEN TRAL 618 3*h *f r w- —26 SALESMAN, wholesale, very good side line, take orders from your customers for f'-aree bass. cups, napkins, paper and Janitor supplies; good comm., we del 1 Reply at once. In strict confld . Box • 384-S. Star SALESMAN-COLLECTOR for industrial In surance route; average aient's commission for 1347 and 1st 8 months of J348, 8107 per wk automobile necessary. Ap £lv 503 Victor Bldg . 774 3th st n.w -78 ALLMAN for modern apartment house hr.v 7:30 a m ro 4:30 pm See man ager. 18no 18th st n.w. SALESMAN -We are seeking engineer and technical college giaduale as a jt. sales man in mechanical engineering work. Must be capable of drafting aid inter ested In air conditioning heating, mid ventilating business This Is contract sales work and provides splendid oppor for advancement In reply state age, educa tion and e\p Box 37 8-8. Star —77 SALESMAN We have jan excel oppor tunity for a lst-clasa man who has sold an- product* successfully, especially hv canvassing Such a man can dble his earn ing* ,n r„s| estate, and to help him over rb« rough spots, we now have 30 new boijert for sale, and next r<>ar will build between anotner 50 or j no to be aold exclusively hr this office The man we ■ eek must, he energetic, good appearance, educated and own a car For apot . call Mr Prather. LURIA BROS . OW 8500. '*300 Wilson blvd —27 SALESMAN. outside work, for retail elec toral r-npliance store, excellent ooport : lead* furn refs reo. Apply GARY APPLIANCE CO. 2375 R I. are tie. SALESMAN. LIFE INSURANCE-—We can guarantee a good income and a substantial future to one man who is 75 to 35 and who ha* lived In Washington for at least years. He must be a college man who is dissatisfied with his present connection If he passes a series of preliminary tests he will be thoroughly trained to become a professional life underwriter. He will be guaranteed an adequate salary, plus com missions In excess of It. until he is com pletely established For appointment apply to Box 3n3-R. Star, stressing your back ground and experience. —70 SALESMEN for shoe dept large retail organization Liberal commission against draw, pleasant working conditions; em ploye benefits. Apply at once, personnel office. SEARR ROEBUCK A CO. Oil Bladensburg rd n e. —20 SALESMEN. furnishings: excellent opport for ambition* young man who Is exper Ip aelling men'* furnishing* Apply office. TW1 YOUNG MENS SHOT, 1SIP Pit n w - SALESMEN for malor appliances, exn pref ; rommls basis with wklv drawing •ermjnt. ear essential: 20^ disc on pur chases Anply employment office. 4th floor. P KANN SONfl GO —20 SALESMEN for oat., meat and provi fion house. State age and exper. Box tP-B Star —20 SALESMEN-CANVASfirRS. white or col ored. Do you want to earn more than an average living? We have several open ing* for ambitious men who. can do house fo-housa canvassing for new installment account*, white or colored Attractive aarnlngs assured to full or part time dependable men. It will pay you to Investi gate. Experience not necessary Call RE 4308 —2« . SALESMEN to aall complete line of Hot rolnt appllancaa and Admiral televlalon; must have car: lg*. territory in rural dis trict: good comm. A real opport. to right men Call Clinton 507 for appt —22 SALESMEN, uaed cars A real opportunity for experienced used-car men to make excall, money, buying and aelling on comm for Ford dealer. Commis.-lon on cars bought is 20«r of gross and $35 per car •old See Mr Barnes. NORTHEAST MO TOR CO P70 Bladensburg rd. n e , AT. 0700 _oq RALE* REPRESENTATIVE — Large estab lished national concern has opening for 1 igh-grade business methods man. Oen e>*l knowledge of office and factory sys tems routine essential Should have good background and be well poised in anv busine** atmosphere Write full details in request, for confidential Interview. Box •-S Star. — SFCRFT AH T-ROOR KEEPER—For perma nent position, with opportunttv for ad vancement in well-established firm: good •alary, fi’a-day week Box «i-s. Star.—72 SECURITY SALESMAN—Many security salesmen have made good in a big wav selling real estate. Investigate this lucra tive field and you will find a bigger and better opportunity; we will teach you the business providing you alreadv know' how in sell See MR. DIXON at 1022 17th st n.w . ST. 7200. SECURITY SALESMAN, with some local aelling experience: plenty of leads and co-operation Phone MR. KAHN or Mr Brown for appt RE S67d —28 SERVICE SALESMAN, excel, oppor. for competent man. must have mechanical exp. aa well as sales ability excel salary flu* com See Mi Sauer. LEE D BUTLER. SC.. 1121 ‘Mat st. n.w. DI. 0110. —22 SERVICEMEN—Refrigeration and air con ditioning servicemen wanted by local dis tributor of nationally known lines. Ap plicants must have car and tools and in l-eplv should state age. exper and starting • alary expected Box RO-S Star. °3 RFBVHT STATION ATTENDANT wanted tub-ic*non expei Required Applv HFR R t NO TON SERVICE STATION. 4 77 5 Coon • '* r, w. —25 f-. HELP MEN. SERVICE STATION attendant and lubri cating man wanted, experienced; good working conditions. «-day wk.; must have D. C. operator's permit: no other neec apply. Apply m person bet. 10 and 11:30 am. JOHNNY S TEXACO STATION. '.’Oth and N. Y. ave. n w —22 SERVICE STATION manager to take charge of station; either with experience as manager or a good opportunity for a man now employed as second man or assistant manager; good salary and per centage? to right man See MR. DILLON. 2.3<11 14th st r. w SERVICE STATION ATTENDANT—White. *xp with D. C. permit. 101 Upshur s; ” w. 20* SHEET METAL MECHANICS and tin rooter*, wmte, must be exper. and sober men. Rejs. ana driver's permit required. No others need apply J C FLOOD CO., 2012 14th St n.w., DE. 2700. —22 SHOE SALESMAN, experienced, for women'? shoe?. Wonderful opp for an aggressive man to manage leased shoe dept. Apply o MR REISER. H14 J2th st. nw —22 SHOE SALESMAN, must be experienced, excellent salary and commission. Apply 15.30 7th st. n.w ‘20 SHOE SALESMAN, exp ; good oppor for advancement. Applv Mr McCoy. E D EDWARDS SHOES. 1.325 H st. n.e. —21 SHOE SALESMAN, steady job. good sal ary. must be thoroughly experienced. Re ply confidential. Box 150-M. Star. ■—22. SHOW-CARD WRITER, experienced; assist ant window trimmer; chance for advance ment. good .salary. Applv to Mr. VVald schmidt. SPORTS CENTER. Sth and D sis. n.w v —22 SPOTTERS to work on rough work, experi enced only need apply Steady job. good pay. Apply PREMIER CLEANERS, rear R.3.3 H st. n e —21 STATION ATTENDANT and washman Apply in person. SLIGO SERVICE CENTFR. 2 !R New Hampshire ave. —°0 STOCKROOM CLERK for Chrysler parts: xp. good pay and working conds See M: .1 V Birch. FALLS CHURCH GARAGE, INC . Palls Church. Va —22 SUPERINTENDENT OF REPAIRS, white, by established real estate office, steady employment; must be handy with tools, nondrinking, have drivers license <we furnish can. Give age, experience, ad dress. phone Box 97-S. Star —22 ; SUPERINTENDENT for office bldg Capa b.e oi all maintenance work Must be able to take charge and follow through Age unimportant if capable. *150 mo. Box J02-S. Star. —25 TYPIST-CLERK, young man for business office, must be good typist. Write P O Box .3U.35. Georgetown Station. Give de tails including ase, education, qualifica tions. exper., salary expected and tel No for personal interview appt. -—20 l PHOI.S TEREK WANTED. experienced good pay. t^oocl working condition PAULS UPHOLSTERY, 7.32 5th st. n.w.. EX. 9289. VETERAN to learn interior decorating and .'.aies work; must have driver's permits A.PPlV 17 11 14th st. n.w , AD. 0741. Age MASHING MACHINE and appliance serv icemen wanted , by local distributor of na tionally known lines: applicants must have car and tools and in reply should state ac.r exper. and starting salary expected. Box t>o-S. Star __.»3 1 WATCHMAKERS for the trade, work at how or in shop, piece work. Call AX. M ATCHMAKER—Experienced: N] oo week ' MONGELLI BROS . 805 G st. n w . Room «o». RE. 0957 *»4 WHITE TRUCK DRIVERS Apply HARRY L. CLARKE. 1001 O st. n w YOUNG MAN with some roofing and gut-1 ter experience, steady work, good chanre for advancement. Phone 5 to H pm ALex. 1222 •>() YOUNG MAN for small fountain: 3:30 to must be hard worker; over 19; 1 rapid adv ancement to right party. FR. 4455. YOUNG .MAN. 19 to 2.3. neat appearing, free io travel, to assist on trio to Cali loinia and return doing publisher's con *H1 ' work excellent earnings, with im mediate drawing account and ttairpor i a lion furnished See MR. CUMMINGS between .3 .30 and 5 .30. afternoons only. Hole; Harrington. No phone calls. 20* Y OI N(• MAN. tu work on sales floor, in old* materials Wisiness. Call Mrs. Bar bour for appt. HECH1NGER CO. I5th ano H n.e.. AT. 14oo. _05 YOI NG MAN. some college training pre 1 o telliKen t. accurate. energetic, ubip 10 'vpe and keep accurate record?, responsible position m office, 5-day wk. Reply, stating age, education, exper. refs Box 1"7-S Star. _•»•> YOUNG MAN. over "0 years, to learn power business Wonderful opening fo* nvht party RT.ACKISTONE FLORIST •'i I.J Wilson hlvd . Arlington. Va See Mr Elliot? _L'l YOUNfi MAN to learn ice cream and candy making. R2.3I Georgia ave n w .. —20 > fm NG MAN. work in large auto part* warehouse; eood salarv S*»e Mr Benner PACKARD MOTOR CAR CO. 1242 'Mth st n.w RE 0123. _20 tOI NG MAN. 25-T5. with a driver's li cense. as a supervisor for a retail shop-! pna service, no experience necessary; onisr he free to travel. Apply Evening Star Bldg . Jlth and Pa. ave., Room 52.'L 4 0l'NG MAN. high school and or voca ■ school graduate. On? anxious to develop in mechanical engineering in conh ai tor's office Must know draf'ing. some stock nn. duties Good uppor. lur advancement Reply in own hand w riling. stating age. education, txp ami • lary exp-ct'd Box :r, 7-S. Star - YOI .N'G M AN desirous of learning book keeping and parts department of auto motive business. Excellent opportunity week to start MOTOR SALES CO*, ‘••ti.i Wes' Virginia ave n.e —**•.’ 4 01 NG MAN. '.’(i to 25. high school grad . lor position with color photo lab. in order dept. Work will vary and is not monoton ous. We arp looking for a responsible individual with an interest in color pho 'ogrsphy Apply at 2«5J Conn ave n w '.’nri floor, between Pam and 4 pm Mon through Fri *'0 4 01 NG MAN. under TO. free in travel a« Held auditor for life insurance romrajiv. cermanent position, must he good -Bf flgurcs and nme training or exn in ac rountanrv Arnly pm 700 sm j4th at n.w bef 12 noon and T pm . 25 4oi \g Man. high school graduate, not ovpr "T rears of ace. who 1? either pftrnd tn* night rlasse* m college or nlans to do so permanent notion m home office nf ill*’ insurance company: good chance for aovancem^nf. Apn y Room Ton bet o a m. and 1C noon. Kjfl 74th *t. n w —25 40TNG MAN', must be exp driver, opport. 1 to learn the automotive part* business; . must be perm, resident of D C . to pick up and deliver pans: good opport. for the right man Box 2K-S. Star YOUNG MEN—Clerical position with old established firm: some accounting ability.' Permanent position with future 5-day Wf^k Apply 4T02 14th st. n.w. No phone coll* accented _ 4 01 N'G MIN. is to 25. single, free to ‘[»ve.. tor 'itimatifni positions, which in-, ‘ luct- Florida and Western States for fir-: dilation saie. Drawing account. $140 a in -nMi Transportation furnished. See IR> (X4LEMAN emp’over rep >t U s Employment Service. T2A 15th st nw in am, to 1 cm. 20* ’1 YorVG MEN. IK to 25. single, free to ’ravel circulation sales. big comm transp, paid. See MH; BAKER. Ebbitt Hotel. 10th and H st* n.w . 7 to » p m . Room TO.', Do not phone 20* 4 01 NT, MEN. mechanically inclined, to service and install photocopying machine* pho’oeraphic knowledge helpful but not essential car required: 5-day week; ex cellent working condition* Phone MR CROSS NA. 204* fern interview. —22 JALESMEN._ | AI TOMOBILE SALESMAN — Experienced man to work with one of Washington's MR'murphy"™ S-M7 aDPOin,mtnLSf,11 BUI DING MATERIAI,.’hardware. paint.’ olumbmg. lumber, estimating: exper neces sary; inside floor work Call Mrs Bar oour. AT. 1400. HECHINGER CO. for appointment. SALESMAN, part time, with used-car ex perience. COLUMBIA MOTORS. Colum bia Die and Glebe rd Ail.. Va SALESMAN, retail with sporting goods and model builders supply experience. Apply i 933 G st. n.w _**o i SALESMEN TO RETAILERS—Car esien tial New merchandising Idea on proven item. Will prove that $Oti draw ulus bonus makes earnings over $Kmi weekly easily possible Write briefly. Cellocraft Corp . 411 Albee Bldg, or phone Etherfon. I for appointment today. • >HOE SALESMAN—Experienced onlv Sal ary and comm. Apply JOSEPH DeYOUNG. 1 220 F st n.w _24 TRICK SALESMAN, experienced onlv a real opportunity to Join the best .selling organization in the automotive field, out standing earnings and a real future See Mr Davis OURISMAN CHEVROLET. INC . *»ln h st n.e * _oo ARLINGTON real estate: with young pro gressive organization. JL W. MULLEN. Columbia pike and Glebe rd . Arlington, Vn OX IS8*'’ ARLINGTON RFAL FST.ATE- -Established builder and broker DICK TRACEY. 1510 North Adams, at Wilson blvd., OW 155: and OX 077 l SALFSMFN to xell local, regional, national. advertising features. Contact MR GALLUCCI ST. 725*. mornings only ■—23 AGENTS. AGENTS, full time, part time: pre-Xma* specials $10 to $15 daily: special arrange ments tor clubs and organizations. Phone NA_3040 for a p p t_ - 23 _HELP MEN AND WOMEN. COUPLE. white, large room free In eiT change for doing small odd Jobs, any hours ualnting. cleaning, sewing, etc 111 D st. n.w . FX 3X75 CREDIT COLLECTION MANAGER (man or woman', exper. In handling public, pleasing personality; hrs.. 12:30 pm to 8:30 pm weekdays: good salary, op portunity unlimited to proper person. Box 321-M. Star. —20 FARM COUPLE (whited for residence near Rockville. Md . must be Industrious and sober: man for outside work, wife for household duties Room and bath in main house, board and g^ood salarv re 7655 Rockville 2550. eve? Sat. and Sun. —24 MAN AND WIFE, white, run restaurant, near W’inrflestpr Va cook and serve, salary, room and board. Call evenings. 7 pm. FR 5947 2°* TELEPHONE COLLECTOR, must be'ex NA*f493*0 surroundings. 0Call _ HELP W0MEN._^ BANK bookkeeping machine operator— Goon working conditions. 5-day wk.; excel, oppor. for advancement. Give age. edu cation. exper . if any Only applicants interested in perm position will be con sidered Box 407-M. Star 20 ASSISTANT PASTRY COOK, coloredT 10 J,®-' P-ni off Mondays. For details see MRS. BRYAN, 1034 Conn. ave. n w No phone calls. ,oi BE.Al TICIAN WANTED LT 5548. —21 BEAUTY’ OPFRATOR. full or part time; i steady position; salary and comm, guaran teed. 1400 Monroe st. n.w —22 BI .41 TY OPERATOR — Steady position, good salary and commission: hours. 10 to 7 557 Le Baum st. Ae. (formerly Or ange). LI 0533 21 BEAUTY OPERATORS —All around 5-dav Apply ALBAN TOWERS BEAUTY SHOP. 37no Mass, Avp. EM. *300 BEAUTY orFRATDR. experienced; license not r*nmred FOX S BF.Atrrv SHOT INC.. 5*45 North Washington. Arl . KE. 69no. —26 • HELP WOMEN (Cent.). BOOKKEEPER, full charge: bookkeeping machine exper preferred. Apply in per I son. INDIAN SPRING COUNTRY CLUB, 1 Stiver Spring. Md. —23 BOOKKEEPER AND TYPIST. A',4-day wk., $50: must have aome real estate exper. Apply Mr. Aylor, A. A CAROZZA CO. 2227 Penna ave. s e.. AT. 8941. —20 BOOKKEEPER, junior, with aome experi ence in account? payable, some typing re quired: salary, $40 for 40 hrs.. 6-day wk lor further information, apply at CARRIER SERVICE SHOP 607 18th at. .South. Ar lington, or call Miss Reiners, CH. 6878. ■>■> BOOKKEEPER, with secretarial exper Apply in person. W. W THOMAS. Jr . ex cavating contractor, 700 Lee hwy.. Falls Church. Va. —20 BOOKKEEPER - For retail jewelry store: experienced: salary commensurate with ability. ROGERS JEWELRY CO. 3172 Wilson blvd.. Arlington. Va. —21 BOOKKEEPER, for National Cash Regis ter bookkeeping machine State age and experience. Salary, $2, <>00; 6-day week. Box f’-T. Star. BOOKKEEPER. $50 wk. We have an open ing lor accounts receivable bookkeeper, 5»* days per wk . vacation with pay; pref. one living in vicinity of S. S . Md. See Mr Brookbank, STERRETT MOTOR SERVICE. INC., 1237 East-West hwy., S. S . Md . SL. 7808. —22 BOOKKEEPER, beginner, must type, learn to operate bookkeeping machine and han dle customers' accounts; permanent Job with good future. Box 136-T. Star. —21 BOOKKEEPER—Excellent opportunity with national organization; small set of books: pleasant working conditions. Apply Evening Star Bldg, 11th and Penna ave, Rm. 523. —26 BOOKKEEPER-TYPIST — Young woman just out of school preferred, dbl. entry! bookkeeping, some typing. Permanent po sition in pleasant air-cond. office, good salary with insurance and hospitalization benefits. Opportunity for advancement. Answer, giving qualifications. Box 317-8. Star .—22 BOOKKEEPING machine operator, age 20 to 20; an old-established local food prod uct company is in immediate need of an efficient Burroughs bookkeeping machine operator, one who can type req.; starting salary. $45 wk. or better, according to ability; 40-hr. work week: cafeteria in bldg air-cond. office. Call ME. 4792.—20 BOOKKEEPING MACHINE OPERATOR, ex perience NCR No. 2.000. permanent posi tion established concern. See MR. WILKINS. Edmar Bldg., 702 H st. n w.. third floor. 21 BOOKKEEPING MACHINE operator wanted —MAURICE ELECTRICAL SUPPLY. 1124 11th st. n.w. ._•>() BOOK KEEPER-TYPIST—For moving and storage office; must be capable and effi cient; attractive salary: references re quired: give all particulars in first letter Box 160-S. Star. __2o CAFETERIA and coffee shop managers. exp?r. in cafeteria, restaurant or coffee shop supervision. Call OX. 2123 for appt. CAFETERIA COUNTERGIRL wanted.^ex perienced Apply KIT CH ENTER IA. Har nn«ton Hotel. 11th and E sts. n.w. —20 CASHIER - BOOKKEEPER, experienced permanent position: 5'_>-day week: salary open, chance for advancement; pleasant working conditions. EX 7548 20 part timp; some tvping, hours. ro *om weekdays. Apply pK n * after 1 n m. — ;0 C4SHIER—*40 per wpck. KOPY KAT rjSrp Wpar Store. fJ.'l H st n e —:ii HJER' good, salary with opportunity lor advancement.: pleasant working rond Apply office, YOUNG MEN S SHOP, litly 0 A SHIRK--—For lark* real estate office hfL'?'er ?° y'‘ars 0,di must be eapable of B ™ ,»r« volume of business. Salary. WvH*h'» stale full details of experience. Fite-dav week. Box 44-J, Star CA SHI F.R-TYPIST, F st. Jewelry store exper. Some knowledge of NCR No machine. Delightful office: 43-hr. wk v.salar,yit0 slalt- Steady employment. Ftee hospitalization. Air-cond. office. Per 'iU»JMrrwetc,h.all?*I'<: purchased at cost. MK * ANDY, K12 F st. n.w, _,,5 CHtCKERS for super market: good "pay short hours, plus a weekly bviius Applv Lee hwy.. All.. Va. _-•*•’ 1 HII.DRFN s NURSE or governess, white ' n !uc“‘ references; J35 wk. Call EM. 6124. _j L KH AL-ASSISTANT, interesting awlgn RMrimi ii auditing dept.; knowledge oi iJitriouKhs calculator or comptometer es sential pleasant working conditions, 40 “r • O'day wuc.; employes’ discount and other liberal benefits Apply at once, per SEARS ROEBUCK Ac CO . 4. *<m Wis. ave. n.w. _ CLERK soda fountain. e*Der. and refs : no sundhV work TR 2180, CASUALTY HOSPITAL DRUGSTORE -- CLERK to learn switchboard and rornp tomrter operation, high schord graduate: .-> --da\. 40-hour wk : perm position with opporrunitv for advancement. starting salary S3S stair acc. exner., education, Box 471 -S. Star _2« CI.ERK- We have a permanent position *or * ladv 2j> to 4ft years old in our store, located at 30, N. Glebe rd., Arl . V» This is a fine opnortunity for a resident the Buckingham area. Apply El ITE LAUNDRY. 21 11) 1 4fh st. n.w. . —2d C'LERKS, white; general office, no tvping, o-day week permanent positions Apply in person. THE TOLMAN LAUNDRY. 5248 Wis. ave n w C I.ERK for estimating department; typing essential; five-day. 40-hour week, perina rORPPOi m°nv , App1 v STONE STRAW CURB, boo franklin st. n.e. NO .’5loo f'ER? ,l?r.,.*‘f*r aIld newsstand. hours * , m • to •» ..o, relerentes required Au i KJstfrATLER HOTEL LOBBY, 1 ttth and CLERKS. white, for stuffing envelopes evening and Sat. work. State age. tel and txpn anv- Work, starts Mom tuning, ah*, ’hi. Bo* 4114-8. Star Ann'RK,"Ty,’IST ST, r°r acc°nnting office" TIFRB TvrS- shoreham hotel.—-:i CLERK-TkPIST— 5,..-day week; prefer some one living vicinity 14th and Spring rd. nw. Call HO. *100 between y and n. rt.ERK-TVPIST, with small airport office mns,. he wniiing to work odd hours on a shifting srheduie; resident of Riverriale nr V,mn"y preferred. MRS MILTORD Union CLERK TYPIST, hr insuranre age’nrv, tirat V'vp?It”v* n rr ra)1 BX. *fi*«, 4LERK-T4 PF^T. general insurance nffir. «JoO rer monrh fn start, with regular in rre,6,s if work .*.isfartory"hospital and ,1.f* insurance benefits; interesting and w^rkins mnditinnv Call ME. JVPl.,ST fnr ,nsl,r*nr* office. 5-day 5, h; *tart Apply 50.3 Victor Bldg_ ,24 ftth at. n.w. _2.3 young woman 20 to .30, fllinc. permanent posi tion. MERCURY PRESS. EX. 77B5. CLERK-BOOKKEEPER, white, some typing, no Sundays: meals included in salary J pply P m • TALLY-HO RESTAURANT 81 ; I . th st. n.w. C LERK-T1PIST, 18 to 35. 6-day wk 8 hi to 4:30; congenial surroundings in’ large ms. co. home office; good opport. for advancement retirement plan, paid vac. and sick have, allowance: permanent posii tion Apply Room 702. J343 H st n w. T* . smaI,l office: pleasant aui i oundlngs; 5-day wk. State age and exper. Box 409-M. Star COLORED PIANO PLAYER — Prefer " one who can entertain. d-day wk. Call In person 839 Biadensburg rd. n e —*>1 COMPTOMETER OPERATOR, experienced, for permanent position in business office of large motion picture organization: 5-dav 57ek Sop MR SHAPrEL, 7th floor, Warner Theater Bldg. _«(i COMPTOMETER OPERATORS—Immediate permanent position open for qualified girls with national food concern: must be in perfect health, white, age 19 to 30; ex cell£i]t working conditions; starting aalary at $45 per week: 35-hour week. 5 days: air-conditioned office, benefits under group insurance, yearly bonus and 2 weeks vaca tion with pay. Apply In own handwriting to Box 371-8. Star. _*»4 COMPTOMETER OPERATOR. 5-dav wk ,,140 per month to start, plus bonus. THE H B. GILPIN CO. wholesale druggist. ■ . th st. s.w _•>.» COMPTOMETER operator age 20 to *30; an old-established local food product com pany is in immediate need of an efficient comptometer operator; one who can divide req., starting salary, *47.50 per wk or better, according to ability: 4o-hr. work wk : cafeteria in bldg., air-cond. office Cal! ME. 4793 _20 COMPTOMETER OPERATOR; perm posi tion: excel, oppor. for advancement; inter esting and varied work: 5‘a-day. 4()-hr a starting salary. $43. Apply Box 395-8. Star. _O'j COSMETIC SALESGIRL, exper. pref. but not nec. CARRIERS PHARMACY Co’. Pike at Glebe rd _oo DECORATOR-SALESWOMAN — Wash's most prog, uphol. co. req. 2 more sales people to round out. their sales force earn, above aver DAVIS UPHOLSTERY CO. 1501 1 4fh n.w. DE. 9400 — DENTAL ASSISTANT. experience pre- 1 ferred, but not necessary, call Overlook 1742. •> 1 • DRUG CLERK—Excellent aalary. excellent l°ral references Apply OALLAU £,y£HMACY. 1009 Florida ave. n e FILE CLERKS, under 30. newspaper office; knowledge of typing necessary; starting salary $34.50; 5ra-day week, advance ment. EX. 5340 FITTER - SEAMSTRESS, colored, must, be thoroughly exper.; better clientele: perm, position; excel, salary. Apply at once. 102*’ Conn ave _23 FOUNTAIN GIRL, colored, exper . for 3 or 4 nights weekly. SMITHS PHARMACY. 14th and Clifton n.w —22 FOUNTAIN GIRL— Excellent salary, excel lent hours: local references Applv OAL LAUDET PHARMACY. ] 000 Florida ave n e. FOUNTAIN GIRLS and waitresses colored exper., no night or Sunday work, meal furn Apply at once. VERMONT PH ARM . Vermont and L st. n.w. FOUNTAIN GIRL, white: 3 evenings a week, ,5c per hour, ti 'tii lu CONCORD PHARM 18!« N. H. ave. n.w. -T-Vi GENERAL CLERICAL WORKER some typ ing; good working cond . good pav. vac and hospital benefits. Applv Mr Schultz FIRESTONE TIRE A RUBBER CO . rt<»4 R. I ave. n e. —°1 GENERAL OFFICE WORK, with exper : good pay and working conds. See Mrs Sharp. FALLS CHURCH GARAGE. INC.. Falls Church. Va. 2° GENERAL OFFICE CLERK, knowledge* of typing and switchboard required. 5-dav wk . salary $42.50 per wk. Applv Mr Doran. KASS REALTY CO. 4481 Conn. ave. n w . 03 GENERAL OFFICE WORK and filing. Sen ate Office: $210 month; give complete de tails first letter. Box 490-8, Star. —21 GIRL WANTED with sales ability. Applv at LIVINGSTON A CO , 1423 H at. ^n.w GIRL for office work: qualifications. high school graduate, good salary while learn ing. with opportunity to become head cashier within 3 to 4 months. H L GREEN CO . 400 7th st. n.w. —22 HOSTESSES and cashiers for evening work .n large modern dining rooms; experience desirable but not essential: salary de termined at time of interview. Apply in person, personnel office. HOT SHOPPES. INC. 1293 Taylor st. n.w --22 HOUSEKEEPER-COOK. white. live in: attr. modern, air-cond. apt.: separate rm.; $20 wk AX 5186. —24 HOUSEWIVES, widows, white: earn money part time. Call EX. 1247 bet. 10-12 for appt —22 HOUSEWIVES—Need school funds for chil dren’ 4 hours a day representing Avon cosmetics in your neighborhood will pay von well Call GL. 8889 —21 IBM SORTER OPERATOR; excel working '•nnditlor* good saiary. frequent pay in -reases. Apply WESTERN ELEC GO. INC. Mr. M. L. Schlrmer. Jill N. Capitol st. — 24 |HELP WOMEN.| LADIES, white, earn money daily: pert, i time. takin* orders for Maisonette i frock* Write P. O. Boa 4036. Wash , for style*. —22 1 LADY to train for bank, clerical duty. Previous business exper. helpful but not essential. Only sppllesnts Interested In perm, position will be considered. Box 408-M, Star. 20 j MANAGER, lady, for bakery: experienced 4344 Lee highway, Cherrydale, Va. Apply all day Sat. 21" MARKERS—White, experienced or Inexpe rienced. Apply WASHINGTON LAUNDRY. 2637 K at. n.w. 03 MODEL, part time: matronly type, size 38: for tearm and special style show-; modeling. Apply employment office. 9th fL . WOODWARD Si LOTH^OP. 9:30 to 6 Mt iflLITH OPERATOR, white, some' ex per. req.; perm, position, 6-day wk.; free insurance, other benefits In reply state age. education and exper. Box 410-M Star. NURSE for doctor’s office: 5Va-day week, $200 mo. to start. Box 105-T. Star. 22* NURSES (white), R. n. and practical, for 11 p m. to 7 a m. shifts: 4(>-hr. wk.; small hospital m South Arlington: $175-3200! loi R. N.. $ 125-$ 1 .'{7.50 for practical 1 CH. lflOO, MISS TONER or MR. DEAN. .—2.5 NURSE WANTED for doctor's office. Apply in person. 1825 N H. ave. n.w. —22 OFFICE ASSISTANT, to run adding ma chine and general office work. Applv Mr Harold. ARISTO CLEANERS & DYERS] 1220 S Capitol. _20 OFFICE MANAGER-SECRETARY. small office, congenial surroundings. 5-dav week some college training preferred: state age,! education, exp, refs. Box 406-S, Star.1 _90 PART-TIME evening work: soda fountain:! nc Suns.; uniforms furn ; white DRUG STORE. 3rd and Kennedy st. n.w. I PAYRORL CLERK, accurate with figures I some knowledge of typing. Apply general: offl-e WARDMAN PARK HOTEL. 2«0Q Woodley rd n.w _o,» H PERSONNEL ASSISTANT for small mknu- 1 factoring concern ability to interview ' type and keep records: some exper #nce necessary. WASHINGTON INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY. INC., College Park Md CLERK—Good typist, wom , ?“ A" ,° hlgh ®-hool graduate: oppor tunity to learn personnel procedure, de tails and records. Nonrouiinc. Oppor i tunity to use initiative and meet the public Pleasant working conditions and employe benefits: 40-hour week. Future advancement and a professional career Apply personnel office. SEARS ROEBUCK ^ CO.. 4500 Wis. ave. n.w. —20 silk. exP : »ood salary. Apply ONITED CLEANERS. 410 Neal pi. n w.—21 REAL ESTATE SALESLADY—Cox & Co. will accept 2 more women agents at their branch office, opportunity to be thoroughly trained in modern methods or selling real estate: drawing account on commission. Call Mr. Sebra. Union 1520 COX Si CO, INC.. 34 14 Rhode Island ave. n e,. Mt Rainer. Md RECORD DEPT MANAGER, must be ex perienced in selling records, good salary, li°!™nl*slon SHEPHERD PARK PHAR.. .« * 13 Ga. ave. n.w. _20 i RESIDENT MANAGER. 54-unit bldg . Ar-1 nngton: thoroughly exp : state qualiflca-1 *.?.?*« Salary, $100; pay own rent. Box 4.52-M. Star. _*»0 SALESCLERK for new Hot Shoppe pantry houses in D C , Md. and Va.: highly in teresting work with good pay. delicious neals also provided without charge Annlv personnel office. 1203 Taylor st. n w anrt Colorado st. car.) —25 a ° i “ ****r : good pay. good hours: i;ri"y »>. Apply SHIRLEY'S SMART ^HOP. '25 Penna ave s.e. _20 SAI.ESdRL—For bakery; exp. Phone^CH. i SALESGIRL for bakery: 5*2-day wk 'ST H.trruv - ApB:,y ln Berson, SCHUPP S a/vriE.HY. .-.o, ; Conn. ave. n.w. —->4 SALESLADY; $45: experienced in women’s! apparel; conveniently located across from 1 Uptown Theater. Y VEL, 1)415 Conn. ave. SALESLADY, exp ln fur,, full or part! jiime. excepiional pay: perm, employment ' Apply ZLOTNICK THE FTJRRIFK. I'ltH and G ,ts. n.w. | SALESLADY—For retail Jewelry store- ex perience preferred but not essential Pleas- ! i SL'm"'-, ROGERS JEW MJtY CO., dl.a Wilson blvd.. Arllnston. :11 ^ __•> j SALESLADY for coat and suit dept.: profit-1 ?,.LiBeim Position for one with out-' I R?5dD?f’ ?!',?,V/IL »*»Hity. JOSEPH R. HAR Kish CO., 1224 F st. n.w. _2l SALESLADY. exp in furs, full or part time, excepiional pay. perm, employ ■?pi!!y ZLOTNICK THE FURRIER. I -«n and G stv n.w SALESLADY, experienced sellins ladies'! coat, and dresse,: permanent posi-! Mon. $1.-» week to start Aon’v hot t v WOOD CLOTHING CO . 703 "Vh " n y SALESLADY, personal leather soods dept . Position. 40-hr. week. BECK- i ER8 LEATHER GOODS. J .714 F it. n.w, i SALESLADIES—Oper.ines In our variety dents,: permanent positions, pleasant working conditions. Anply 8. 8. KRESGE Circle! ” C°nn' *vf' <nyar chevy Chase! SALESLADIES, experienced; wonderfurop portunitv for right person. Apply WASH INGTON LINEN CO . 800 F st n.w —24 ' SALESPERSON. ready-to-wear; hikhest ; salary, ptrin. position: must be class A :s'eeyMr ‘ “BENTLEY S. 4'.'6 7 th st o w SALESWOMAN. experienced. part-time Phone .W ?,nf'KSVwOMA'N: ,or coats'"and Sciu.v Exv necessary. Good salary ami Comm. KRASNERS. SH4.I Hth A n.w SALESWOMAN for Arlington's most popu lar dress shops, good salary and commis sion. prefer party under 35 yrs. of agp Applv si WYNNS. 3134 Wilson blvd. Arlington. SALESWOMEN for millinery dept full or SUi, efA?pi^rmD,ovment ©«<*. 4 th floor. S KANN SONS CO SALESWOMEN. 5-dav. 40-hcur week: n0'% *i£c0U,?Iwn« nurrhas**. Anply employment office, t h floot. S KANN RONS CO -°0 SALESWOMEN—Experienced for bet.;? f *ygLtm:nt- Arplr -TELLEFFH. f *x n * • Personnel Office, « tn floor. _99 SALESWOMEN, various departments: ~full nme positions, good salary, ^-conditioned '« nr? ei?-hplLr k• Aonly personnel of fice. SEARS ROEBUCK * CO.. 4500 Wis consin ave. —oo SALESWOMEN—For millinery department. Adp y JELLEFF'S- 1214-1220 F st n w Personnel Office, 7th floor. —22 SEAMSTRESS for draperies: must he thoroughly experienced. CHERRY St GALLAGHER. INC. 01 7 E st. nw—”4 SEAMSTRESSES, experienced: union shop; AM Apply CORRADOS . INC., MtjH 20th st n.w. _ SEAMSTRESS, experienced on draperies Also sewers who wish to learn the trade.’, Good salary. W. E CLARK 4 CO . I 1 «rt I H‘h st. n.w. -—22 i SECRETARY to director of nurses avail- : able immediately; permanent position. . » per mo., noon meal. If 22 or over, icply in own handwriting, giving previous StarreiKC and refet ences. Box 433-M, SECRETARY — Interesting position *" in newspaper advertising department, for in telligent personable young lady. °1-3.V shorthand ana typing required. Pleasant' ’ Rgiungmnffiions: o-day wk. Phone MR., He AM . DI. 17,7 for appt. *»0 i 10 ®dltor of business research organization, under 30; typing and short.-1 i.ViS re,Qutlrfd’ # Excellent opportunity to j call EX a/l 88 °f BOvernment to business. SECRETARY. experienced. alert. 'last shorthand and typing, for interesting pirt e5if»^lgJ?ment*- DI. 5601. —25 SECRETARY, knowledge of shorthand, ex Penence ot necessary. DE. 2414 _*»i SECRETARY, experienced, shorthand and typing, some knowledge of bookkeeping desirable; p a m. to 5 p.m., 5-day wk ; resident n.w. Wash, preferred: good sai *™- >!??Ply„Mr Doran- KASS REALTY CO. 44»51 Conn. ave. n.w •»;» SECRETARIAL STENOGRAPHER for edi torial department of national business magazine: college education or publication experience preferred; 5V2-day week: salary. $185 to >tart: interesting work with op portunities for advance. Box i»6-T Star SECRETARY-BOOKKEEPER, good salary and working conditions; office conveniently located: college educ. preferred: 5‘-a-day ! wk. Call DI. lion _.»•> SECRETARIES, STENOGRAPHERS. tVp ' wk APP!y employment office. 9lh fl . WOODWARD & LOTHROP. 9:30-6 dally. •».» SHIRT PRESS OPERATOR, experienced only salary open. Apply 3024 Hamilton st. Hyattsville. Md. WA. 6464. SODA DISPENSERS, exper pref. but not nec CARRIERS PHARMACY, Col. pike at Glebe rd oo SOLDERERS. experienced, for light work in the manufacture of record players; * good opportunity; five-day. 40-hour week: HOc hour. Apply BOWEN Si CO.. 4712 • Bcthesd^ ave . Rffchesda. Md —23 STENOGRAPHER-CLERK-TYPIST, perma nent position with opportunity for ad vancement: excellent salary plus bonus and retirement plan; 40-hr. week: air ^OI\dLtioned offlcp- HOUSEHOLD FINANCE CORP . 7914 Ga ave. —21 STENOGRAPHER—Age 25 to 35. good working conditions. Opportunity for ad vancement Salary commensurate with ability. Call NA. 9289 for interview. —21 ! STENOGRAPHER, bookkeeping background or theory, wanted by zone office of one of Americas long-established motor cars: 40-hr. wk., pieasant workinr cond. Write Box 374-S. Star, stating education, exper., age. when available, etc. —22 i STENOGRAPHER—For large downtown office; must be experienced and capable Salary. $2.40o 6-day week. Give com uieie detai s in letter. Box 43-J. Star STENOGRAPHER and insurance clerk for real estate and law office. 6-day wk ; sal ary open P J. WALSHE, INC . 1115 Eye st n.w . NA 646S —27 STENO.. 30-45 yrs, public steno. office: *55 wk . 4o hrs.. 5la days Do not apply unless experienced. DI. 3141, Rm. 2oi. 1925 Vt. a\e. n.w. —25 STENOGRAPHER, under 30 yrs.. hdqts estab. prof, org ; rapid typist, able tr^n scr’be notes, acc : attrac. working conds.. In small office; o-day wk.: $180 to start: immed. opening. NA. 1727. Ext. 7. —22! STENOGRAPHER for merchandise office, large retail store: 40-hr. wk.; empl. ben-’ eflts: excel working cond. Apply person-i nel office. SEARS. ROEBUCK A CO.. 4500 Wis. ave. n.w —20 STENOGRAPHER, for accounting office Applv general office. WASHINGTON PROP ERTIES. INC.. 2600 Woodley rd n w. —20 STENOGRAPHER, age 21 to 38. to take dictation, transcribe notes, type and do i eneral office work: $200 per month to start with periodic wage increases. Applv employment office. WASHINGTON GAS LIGHT CO.. 1100 29th at. n.w., Monday through Friday. 8:30 a m. to 5 p m —22 j STENOGRAPHER—Excellent opportunity i for competent young lady with experience t in stenography, checking bills and other I 1 wo;k involving figures; 5-day. 40-hour wk.. planned promotions and excellent working conditions In newspaper office Apply j Room 604. Star Bldg.. THE EVENING! STAR 1101 Pa. ave. nw. —22 STENOGRAPHER — Immediate permanent position open for qualified girl with na- \ tional food concern; must be in perfect health, white, age 1» to 30; excellent* working conditions; starting salary at $50 per week. 35-hour week. 6 days: air-1 conditioned office, benefits under group insurance, yearly bonus and 2 week* va- I ration with Pay. Apply in own hand writing to Box 372-8. 8tar. —24 STENOGRAPHER, efficient, part time, 3 or 4 day* « w*ek <3 hour*). Phone DE ' 736R before 10 « m. —22 j STENOGRAPHER — Experienced part time. 9 >o 1. Good salary. NA. 62<3, A IHELP WOMEN.! , STENOGRAPHER, permanent Job If good:1 I five and a half day week; salary rate, i $2,400 per anum. Phone District 0797 or 0799 for appointment Saturday. • STENOGRAPHER — Experienced. 5 - day week, good salary. Apply 917 15th st. n.w.. Room 704. STENOGRAPHER, interesting varied work I assisting public stenographer, part or full i (time, hours arranged your convenience.; Box 279-T. Star. STENOGRAPHER — Some shorthand re- i quired. good hours, bet. 21 and 30. For; ! interview call FR. 5700. Ext. 2041. OF , FICERS' MESS, U. 8. Naval Gun Factory, illth and O sts. s.e. —22 i STENOGRAPHER, beginner or person with' 'little experience; 5-day wk., Mon. through' Fri.; excellent opportunity for advance ment: permanent position with many em ployment advantages including paid vaca tion. paid sick leave, free insurance. DI. 1 2900. Ext. 215. i STENOGRAPHER-RECEPTIONIST, intelli gent, attractive. for law office: $200 per month; permanent position beginning Sept. 1. Box I66-M. Star. • _ STENOGRAPHER - TYPIST. automobile manufacturer in central city has open ing lor young lady. 19-30; high school graduate pref.; perm, position; ideal working conds.: special employe benefits; B-day wk. Reply stating age. education and business background. Box 260-S. Star. _•>,, SWITCHBOARD OPERATOR, white: mod ern apartment house; good working condi “ons. Apply resident manager. THE EVERGLADES. 2223 H st. n.w. —21 TABULATING EQUIPMENT OPERATORS University of Maryland. Excellent work ing conditions. Mr. Morrlas. Union 3320. TEACHER for 3 and 4 yr. group, co-oper ative school. McLean. Va.. morning ses sion: sal., $135. Call MRS. JOHNSON, Elmwood 525. ._22 TYPING and telephone soliciting to'be done at home; residing Petworth area.; TA 0595. RA. OH4H bet. 4-7:30. TYPIST for a perm, position in large.: air-conditioned office in n.e. section; conv I transp.; 5-da.v. 4o-hr. wk.. vacation with pay and other benefits. Apply SAFEWAY STORES, INC.. 4th and T sts. n.e. —19 TYPIST, must be accurate, mostly sten cils. copy work; $36 per wk. JOHN DUKEHART, Duplicating Service, 1127 18th st. n.w.. EX. 0656. —23 TY’PIST, general office worker, white, per manent. Reply, stating qualifications Box 236-T. Star. _22 TY’PIST. Spanish. English, for interna tional organization: must be exper . ac curate. neat, under 36. Latin American citizen; 5-day week, air-cond. office: sa.ary *2.200 per yr.. tax free. State qualifica tions. Box 270-8, Star. _ TYPIST desired by large general insur ance office, perm, position, 35-hour, 5-day week, pleasant working conditions and! opportunity for advancement. Box *92-3,' star. TYPIST, fast, good at figures. Apply MAURICE ELECTRICAL SUPPLY CO.. INC.. 1134 J 1 tli st. n.w. —**•> TYPIST—Five-day week, stencil experi ence desirable. Warner Bldg., salary, *150. ME. 0180. — 20 TYPING and telephone soliciting, to be done at home. TA. 0505 between 8-9 i TYPIST for large casualty insurance co.. ! n-day week, pleasant working conditions : See Mrs. Cassidy. 5th floor. HARTFORD ACCIDENT & INDEMNITY CO., 925 loth st. n.w. 25 TYPIST, general offlce work. AMERI CAN SERVICE CENTER, 585 N. Glebe rd.. Arlington. .—22 TYPIST. IBM proportional spacer; experi enced only. NO. 3800. —20 TYPIST, general offlce work, contracting firm. Silver SprinR: $35 wk. THE WHEA TON CORP., SL. 7 812. —22 TYPIST, experienced. Catholic preferred: start $45 for 5-day week. Box 233-T, Star. _ TYPIST—1 to 8. 5 days per week; $30 for settled and experienced Catholic. Box 232-T. Star. 02 TYPIST-RECEPTIONIST, for Arlington Must be neat in appearance, qualified to handle telephone, meet the public and type efficiently: flve-day week, steady employment: age preferred. 21 to 35 Fo, appointment call OX. 1208 -22 TYPIST-RECEPTIONIST, high school grad uate; 39-hr. wk.. day alternating Satur days. Duties inc.ude PBX board, typing and handling mailing lists, *175. Call KF 05 1 2. 24 VARIT YPI.STS (2), permanent positions, :>-day wk.. interesting work in radio school, located at 18th and Park rd. 11 w ! For appt,. call HO. 1520, Ext. 5. between' 9 and 5 weekdays. —20 I WAITRESSES, experienced: good working conditions. PACIFIC RESTAURANT. 3023 South Capitol st. —20 WAITRESS, white. 21 or O'ver: fast and exp ; excel tips: for evening work. 1 LEWIN S RESTAURANT. 5002 1st st n w. RA 9821 after 1 I a m. - 25 ‘ WAITRESSES, white. 18 to 40; 8 rlnvs a week. *25 a week; two shifts. 8.30 a m to 3 p.m ; 1 I :3o a m. to 8 p.m Tips, two meals a day. laundered uniforms free, excellent working condition*. Applv in person. YMCA COFFEE SHOP, 1738 G st. n.w. Ask for Mr. Schleln. —24 i WAITRESS, part, time, while exper., over 21 Apply SOUTHEAST TAVERN. 1248 Penna. ave. s.e. —21 WAITRESSES, white, for nightwork. in private club, must be attractive and will ing to work. Apply 3135 K st. n.w. after 8 p.m. 21 l WAITRESSES, alert, neat appearing girls, for full and part-time work. in the WHITE TOWER RESTAURANT, in Silver Spring Apply Mr. Hendricks. 8828 Coleaviile rd.; 10 am. to 3 pm. daily. —22 WAITRESS, white, experienced: good earn ings. Apply LONGFELLOW FOOD SHOP. 5o21 Colorado ave. n.w. —20 WOMAN, white, able bodied, middle age. tu care for semi-invalid lady 5 days wk.; personal interviews onlv, alter 7 pm. refs req. E. J. NEWCOMB. 3125 Nichols ave. s.e. —20 WOMAN, exper. in club management, full knowledge of buying and preparing food: must be able to take full charge of ail work involved in management of club. Call HO. 8151. Ext. 205. —22 ’ WOMEN to address envelopes by hand: work miiM be done on premise*. Apply SLOANS. 735 7th at., n.w. —20 WOMAN, splendid opportunity to represent widely known mfgr. in leading P C. dept, store, salary and commission. Thonp At lantic 830n 9 a m - J p m —22 WOMEN who need tn make money Let us show you how Avon representative* are earning good tncome working part, time 45.000 women meeting thnr financial need* the Avon wav RE. 0795 . 21 WOO!/ PRFSSERS. colored: must be expe rienced Apply WASHINGTON LAUNDRY. 1 2827 K st. n.w —23 WRAPPER, experienced In parcel post, shipping white girl about 30 years old: permanent Job. 40-hr. week BECKERS LEATHER GOODS, 3 314 F st. n.w. —22 YOUNG LADY’ to answer telephone and to do light offlce work Call bet. 12 and 1 and 4 and 5 pm.. GE. 0999 —21 Y’OUNG LADY for counter work for busy laundry and dry cleaning offlce. Apply WEST END LAUNDRY. 1723 Penn. ave. n.w. —20 YOUNG LADY, Intelligent, experienced, for general work in real estate offlce, 5 days a week liberal salary, etc. See Mr. Frazier, with JESS FISHER & CO. INC., 1420 K at. n.w —20 YOUNG WOMAN. 25-35. as an Investi gator for a retail shopping service: no e>perience necessary: must be free to travel. Apply Evening Siar Bldg . 11th and Pa. ave. Room 523. —28 «CT NOW. GIRLS. Here'* a Job that'* hard to beat. Good wages: no experience | required: paid while learning; 5-day week: regular pay increases. There are openings now. Visit our employment offlce. 918 G st. 11.w. CHESAPEAKE <b POTOMAC TELEPHONE CO PERMANENT POSITION for qualified woman as manager of local branch of na tionally known chain of retail candy stores; 1 applicants must be between ages of 30 and 45. pleasant personality, neat appear-, ance. must have some experience in meet-, ing the public. Apply In own handwriting, giving age. previous positions and phone number to Box 487-L. Star. —21 1 ROOM AND BOARD In pleasant suburban : home, plus modest salary, to mature white woman for preparation of evening meal; and care of 8-year-old schoolboy during absence of working parents: no laundry, no housework: character reference re quired Box 129-T. Star. 20* RECENT HIGH SCHOOL GRAD, for cleri cal and sales work Must have neat ap pearance, but business exper. unuccess. Interesting work. 40-hr. wk. Pleas, work ing conds. Starting salary. *180. See MR. KIRKWOOD. 1815 N st. n.w. —21 PHYSICIAN NEEDS clinical assistant on part-time basis; training available; tvp ing required; state qualifications. Box 4H8-S. Star. —22 SMALL NATIONAL EDUCATIONAL organ ization wants secretary, dictaphone oper ator, journalistic training preferred: pleas ant offlce; no Sats ; nonsmoker; $2 400. NA. 9283 for appt. —20 INTERESTING POSITION at COURTESY ASSOCIATES for Intelligent, personable lady, under 35; permanent; typing req. EX 5834. —22 FRANKLIN-SIMON—Opening soon at 4250 Conn, ave.: have 2 key aelling positions open, in gloves and corsets. Today is the last, day for interviews: after Aug. i 22. tel. OR. 7825 for appt : 5-day. 40-hr. wk. Apply today only. 9 a m. to 8:30 p.m.. Suite 102. Willard Hotel. BUSY REAL ESTATE OFFICE seek* young ladv to take charge of offlce work. Knowledge of typing, bookkeeping and varied offlce experience necessary. Call MR. BROWN. RE. 353 \ for appt_ HELP DOMESTIC. COOK AND GENERAL HOUSEWORK. Not1 over 40 References required. $30; live in Upstairs fm. and bath. Box 92-8. Star. —20 COOK, 1st class; live in: lovely 3rd-floor room and bath; downstairs cleaning; $36 j week. Call EM. 5134 —1 COOK, g.h.w., experienced, local refer- j ences required. Shoreham neighborhood. : Call DU. 3322. —20 t COOK AND GENERAL HOUSEWORKER experienced; live In; good bsmt. room andi bath; no heavy cleaning or -ronlng. help; with 2 babies: health card req ; $25 per week. Call OR 1307. —22 COOK-G.HW.. age .30-35, to go to At-, lantic City until Sept. 10: good with chil- , dren. must have exc. refs, and health card Call Fri. or Sat. RA. 0978. —21 | COOK—G.H.W'.. $28 week, live In up stairs room, private bath. Fond of chil-1 dren. excellent references. WI. 7748 —2 ft G.H.W., Small laundry, cook 3 adults; 12:30 thru 6 dinner. 6-dsy wk , $15. car f»rp Only healthy non-drinker with ref. need apply- Sat. and Sun. after II a m. GE 7743. G.H.W.-COOK: small family; auto, washing machine, off Thurs and every other Run.; live in: city references GE 2489 —21 G.H.W.. PLAIN COOKING; small apt ; care of 1 child; stay 2 eves and every other Sun : ref* and health card req. CO. 7706. GIRL, colored, g.h.w. and help care 2 children- live In pref ; $18. plus carfare. SH. 5108. —20 HOUSEKEEPER, white, live In. room, board and salary. TA. 3138. —22 HOUSEKEEPER, white, live 2ta. care for 19-mo.-old baby girl; references. BM. I 9226. —20 HOUSEKEEPER—Care old lady, not an i invalid, part or full time; refg. Apply [1751 L st. n.e. after 7 »p m. all day Saturday and Sunday. _ 21* MAID wanted. French. Swiss or German; I I»ve in: $60 month. Apply WI. 3052. -—2ft ! MAID. gen. housework, live in. fond of children, recent local ref. EM 1144. —20' i MAID, to live In; must like children. local 'ref Good salary, health card. Call T*. none. —22 MAID, clean, capable. Intelligent, fond of children: good home, beautiful rm ; live in; vacation with pay. CH.-Opid. -p-.l WOMAN. Colored, refined- 30 to 45. for g.h.w.. small family. Bendtx washing machine. I.ive in. Priv. room and hath ly>cgi references required. Good salary for right person. WI. Sftoo. —23 a HCJ» DOMESTIC (Cirt.). I WOMAN, white, Protestant, refined, as working housekeeper, in country home; excellent Uvint and working conditions. In nearby Va ; perm, job, good salary. OX. 4770. —21 WOM4N MAID, general housework, live In. city references: must like children; good home. TA. 7062. —20 RESPONSIBLE woman with refs., take complete charge of one-year-old baby TE. S732. —32 SITUATIONS MEN. ACCOUNTANT, expert: books started, kept part time; tax returns prepared, state ments. audits: reasonable OR. 2074. AUTOMOBILE SPECIALIST. 28, recently owned and operated successful used-car lot: college graduate; desires responsible managerial position with substantial reputable firm. Box 1-S. Star. —20 BOY, colored, high school student, honest and reliable, desires job after school hrs Call RE. 0397. COLLEGE SENIOR desires work until October. Good typist, newspaper experi ence. Call SH. 6974. —22* EDITORIAL WRITER, newspaper back* ground. House organ editing, promotion, sales letters, speeches, rewrite. CH. 0515. ST. 8367. —22 • ENGINEER, lst-class D. CT license, desires change: 22 years' Aperience in the opera tion. maintenance of power plants, re frigeration and buildings; 15 years’ experi ence in supervision of men. Box 170-T, Star. 2i • GI. MECHANICAL ABILITY, ambitious, nondrinker, wants to become A-l auto me- i chanic; will start as helper; refs. Box 21 7-T, Star. 22* MAN, colored, automobile painter, first class. desires position. Call MI. 92S5 alter 6 p.m. 22 MAN — Care efficiently property, boats, horses. sportsman's requisites. valet, steward, drive, handy. ROY, OR. 2008. MANUFACTURER'S REPRESENTATIVE' or trade association field desired. Thorough trade association experience. Administra-i live, plannin?. labor relations, statistics, law degree. Have initiative, can furnish excelient references. Age 33. married, children. Available now. Box 214-T Star. MECHANICAL ENGINEER. 3 yrs. too? and die design. 2 yrs.' sales exper.. desires po sition in Washington area, hours and sjl nLyvTvSecimdary t0 *ulure PO&ibilities. Box hp-i, Star. oo* prater-linotype operator. Jobor, dependable. Box 250-T. Star ■>•>• i SCHOOLBOY, 21 yrs. of age, desirerpo-! “lt ?" •ny kind, office or domestic. Call EX. ,4i6 anytime. 22* WAREHOUSE traffic manager, experlencea in receiving shipping, marking and in .v,f,r:MU'y:„ able t0 direct personnel. Box 201-T, Star. o(). YOLNO MAN (COLORED!, married, wishes J"b , 9r'yerb llas. P C permit. Cal! ME. 1,45 from ti to J2, 5 to JO p.m. SITUATIONS MEN AND WOMEN. ■ COUPLE, colored, desire job with private - L... Call JAMES. HO. j)6:» ._j: I • _ SITUATIONS WOMEN. ACCOUNTANT-BOOKKEEPER desl7eT~pm SivS0011 ref; BoJ 1»7-T. Star. 21 CASHIER, experienced, desires work with hours 8 to 4 or thereabouts. WQ. 487<*. CASHIER-HOSTESS. 7 years' experience: da£fiwork- Call MR. FERGUSON, North DISHWASHER or kitchen helper. col7 girl ELLEN, TRd ~40y ^ nltht' 0,11 DRESSMAKING, design, remod., altera nwoi °rWn" a 8DPclaltv: reas. MISS BERT, 1636 Irving n w.. Apt. 4. AD. 2238. EXECUTIVE SECRETARY. desirimTs*1 ot changing position; if you are looking for a person with years of experience in all branches of college and diplomatic corps service, write Box 20O-T. Star. 22* GIKL. colored, experienced, desires Job as waitress. Call all day Friday, CO. 48Su. GIKL. colored, desires Job as checker in .a undry, dry cleaners, maid In store or beauty parior: experienced. TA. 6152. HOUSEKEEPER, settled white ladyTjdok capable nurse; small adult family; live in *25 week. Box 218-T. Star. ' JOI RNAMST. college woman seeks posi tion with publishing liouse. preferably trade journal. Box J93-T. Star. *»o« N1 KSE. practical, colored, wishes work arod experienced; can live In. Box 45.J-S. Star. _ 81 f'KFTARY-RECEPTIONIST. experienced vountr. attractive, dependable, also exper' .r^f-dlqvalSrlaboratory *ork; no stenog Box STENOGRAPHER - SECRETARY, expert; available afternoons, 4 hours; *1.56 hr Call DE 8111. TE. 7591. - *’0 STENOGRAPHER wishes nieht work: le-ai and newspaper experience: local ref erences. Phone Chestnut 2660. Ex’ 16 21 • TYPIST, fully experienced. college grad uate, can edit: can work some evenings. Box 278-T, Star. 22* TYPING to do at home; statistical or form letters a specialty, Hobart 6668. 26" WIDOW, white, desires position carinr T°r children and assisting at housework EM. 7612. _21 WOMAN, colored, honest and reliable, wants job cleaning office at n.fcht, refer ences. TR. 1288 • DO YOU NEED part-time assistance’ Washingtonian, wiili newspaper, promotion buckiround ST. 8367. DE 3318. 22* ATTR., AMBITIOUS young womaa. selling aptitude, desires position .selluig idea or product with repeal contact. Selling and teaching exp. Social work degree. SH 404 6. 22 NE IT. A ITRACTIVE colored girl desires ; lob as elevator operator; h. a. graduate., DU 5f>43. _ 1 SITUATIONS DOMESTIC. COLORED WOMAN wants day s work or part time DU. 7731. • COOK AND HOrSFKEFPFR (white); eco nomical and efficient., desires position in small adult family. l ive in. Best loral references. OF 3886. • DAYWORK nr laundry w«rk for 3 dav« a week; good references. Call DU. 7731 * GIRL- colored exper . want* ros'd work, rooming rouse, hotel or ant. cleaning. F*fs\ TK 7 405. GIRL, colored, wants inb. in store, as maid. ’/» day Th«r« ; no Bun.; live out. HO 91«i GIRL, colored, wants job as nursemaid or mother's helper. TW 2154. LADY, colored, wants g.h.w. work, live In. WI. 7408. • WOMAN, colored, wlshe* 2 dav*’ ironing work. LI. 4777. WISH A PLACE; any excl. daywork, for Tuesday and Thurs . pref. Chevy Chase Bethesda area. QL. 7878._—20 PERSONAL. PERMANENT WAVES. 54; shampoo and flngerwave. 50c No appointments. All work done by advanced student*. WAR FLYNN BEAUTY COLLEGE. 1210 G at n w ALTERATIONS on all ladies' garments: prompt auc. efficient service; optu eve* 31011 14 tb tit nw. CO 2221 DENTAL TECHNICIAN—JOSEPH RICE Prompt service on dental plate repairs 605 14th st n.w . 14th and F NA 0773.: PARSONS COUNTRYSIDE SCHOOL, day and boarding: 18th season opens Sept l:j Suhday and weekday registration. 10 am.; to 6 p.m : nursery through tHh grade; t dailv transportation "door-to-door", hot; lunches. Approved by Maryland State Board of Education. Literature mailed1 upon request. 9401 Georgia ave . SH. 1674. RADIO STAR Introduces you: voice rec ords: speaking scripts; trains for radio. Ca ' NA. k424 (days); WO. 3258 (eves). 20* WANTED—Foster boarding home for, brother and sister. 3 and 4 yrs,. by Meth odist child caring agency. Box 304-R. Star.* PERMANENT, f4. shampoo and finger wave. 50c. No appointments. MABELLB HONOUR SCHOOL. 1340 N Y ave. VACANCY for an elderly person in amall rest home. Lovely grounds, porch, best food arid care: clean and comfortable. Vienna. Va.. 446-J. 73* ‘OLD AT 40. 50. 60?*' MAN! You’re craz.v! Thousands peppy at 70 O.strex Tonic Tablets pep up bodies lacking iron For rundown feeling many men. women call old." New "get acquainted" size only 50c. At all druggists—In Washing ton. at Liggett Rexall Stores. ANY CHILD under 18 years wanting to appear on radio, who can play musical instrument, sing or dance, call UN. 8058 or UN. 0558 —20 DRESSMAKER’S AND TAILOR’S supplies, notions, dry goods, fur cloths, yard goods, button* made, belts and buckles made; we are opening our new and larger store today. RIDDLES. 2006 Fla. ave. n.w , DU. 7006. DU. 0039. 22* ALTERATIONS AND DRESSMAKING done expertly, quickly and reasonably. MRS RIDDLE. 2004 Florida ave. n.w. Telephone DU. 6639. 22* PLEASE HELP ME—Will the person or persons who witnessed an automobile acci dent on Sun.. Aug. 15 at 5 p.m.. cor. Mo and 3rd st*. n.w . betw. blue Plymouth and Capital Transit bus please call AT. 75.’4 or TR 9169. SUGAR CORN for freezing or canning. Fri . Sat and Sun.; peaches, apples, vege table*. HEYSERS ROADSIDE MARKET. Colesville pike. 1 mile north of Colesville. ft 1,500 BUYS well-established skin treat ment business on second busiest corner in town; big money maker, low overhead, latest equipment, furnishings, linen, etc.: direct from owner, terms. Call evenings and Sunday. OR '048. 22* SLIP COVERS. DRAPERIES professionally tailored from your or our material. Work manship guaranteed.;_ST. 7 000._- 76_i MOTOR TRAVEL WANTED reliable couple or mature man to drive new car to Ark. or Okla.: gas allowance LU. «314, 0 to a p m. 2<>* IWItt DODGE with new tires: leaving non stop for Miami. Fla., Sunday, two singles to help drive *15 each. TA. t585l. 20* NAVAL OFFICER desires ride to Califor nia or points West, in pr.’vate car; to share expenses; depart between August 25 28 Call Owens 3H80. 22* DRIVING TO SCHOOL, stopping Blowing Rock. N. C.; Grand Canyon. Los Angeles. Wash.; take two; share expenses; all. part way; leaving Tuesday. GE. 8S27. 21* Bl’ICK 1 J*47 convertible; for rent for week end; in excel, cond.: must be of Rood character and a careful driver. Bet. rt-P call TA. 4012 DRIVING TO JACKSONVILLE, FIJI., Aug 2tf '47 Chevrolet: desire two paiwengers; *12 one way. OW. ROT5. 22* JEWISH—Going to Loa Angeles. Sunday or Monday; will take 2 passengers, sharing expense: must have solid reference. TA. S362 or RA 7700. 21* DESTINATION. WICHITA. KANS.—Need ride to CTiigaco or Kans. City; leaving SegJt. 4 or 5 Call MISS LAWRENCE. AT. Si 13 week ends: RE. 6181 dally. 22* EMPLOYMENT SERVICES. _ BOSDCEgg. SECRETARIES. *2.400 to $3,600: trpUt. ?140 to *180: clerk-typilts. *140 to 160. Many exceptional opport. for a better lob contact NATIONAL EM PLOYMENT SERVICE. 1708 O it. n.w. ADAMS TEACHERS AGENCY can place ele mentary teachera; 8220 to *370 month. Colorado Bid*.. 14th and O. RE. 3»38. —31 TEACHERS' POSITIONS Open In (1) chemi.try and phyaica. (2) civil entineer lna. <31 aecountln* and economic*. * 4» orep achnol Eneliah. (8i home economic*. m> public achool art. (7> physical educa tion, i*' commercial, tat hi*tory, boerd (n* achool. 'lot primary trade* ADAMS TEACHERS' AGENCY. 704 Colorado bid* . 14th and G. RE. 3938. INSTRUCTION COURSES. LEAKS TO DBTVK in Washington* oH«M. largest and most modernly equipped auto driver training school: 1948 model cart, Patented dual controls, permits secured (D. C.. Md.. Va. EAST METHOD. NO. 1794 BEAUT! oriRATORS NEEDED—Modern training In all subject*: day. night and £ art-time classes. Get our free catalogue. IABILLE HONOUR SCHOOL. 1340 N. Y ave.. ME 7778. Established 1918. JEWELRY REPAIRING, manufacturing and diamond setting taught in all phases: an uncrowded, highly paid Held; approved i for GI training. SCIENTIFIC SCHOOL OF JEWELRY REPAIRING. 817 14th st. I n.w., ST. 3773, 31 • **?<**.***' TRAINING In beauty culture, all 1 tnnlgcts taught. Approved by Government &,,GJL'ramm« war-flynn beauty COLLEGE. 1810 G st n w.. DI 1768. SPANISH NATIVE TEACHER—Reasonable ^or‘s !n your °*n home or office. ! -_8< 95 between 1 and 3 p.m. 22• _REPAIRS ANt» SERVICES. “fiSSjj^S^KafiSSSa »Cu°r: and ttahed. repaired quickly: reg ion* ble: machines for sale, standards and a?.,'!: ,efk12 yrs. office machines lftth n w - lns Bldg.. RE. 8888. 813 14th *t. n.w. BRICKLAYING, small jobs, specialists; Im mediate action; first - class work only; reasonable. UN. 7151. *>3* BUILDING, repairing carpentry of all kinds, porches inclosed, shelving parti f1T0n^.pl,astermg’ cera<*nt work, screening. Lai. ln.l.l, •>»> CAMERAS, movie equipt. (foreign or’do S1oi£iJ'Jr'w-.wJeBa.,re(* own service dept. BRENNER. 933 Pa. ave. n.w . RE 2434 CAMERA REPAIRS— MR 10th st n w i-seJe?rs:.^!^Pce;J,actory oarts PUL LER A: d ALBERT INC . NA 4711 CARPENTER — Repairs, large or small jobs, reasonable; prompt service. ST. 7Prt$. CARPENTRY, roof repairs, cement work, °L all» kinds: frp<' estimates BROCK, phone Axminster 5199. •—26 CARPENTRY, screening, porches, ateps and roof repairing: done reasonably Call MR SWANN. DI. 3090 after 6 pm CARPENTERS—General contracting. Rea sonable prices. TA. 4585. 1. POLAY. _28 CARPENTRY — Attics finished, recreation rooms, porches inclosed, stairways, dormer windows, residential or commercial. J E HENDRICKS. Union 2491. CARPENTERING, PLASTERING, fireproof ing. cementing, root repairing Quick service. Call MI. 1910. WILLIAMS •*<*• CEMENT WORK DONE—All kinds; drive ways. walks, steps, floors, porches: also plastering; prompt service. AT. m7 23. • CEMENT WORK, stone walls, flagstone ter races. walks, chimneys, fireplaces, cement driveways, porches, regaining walls, pipe uiamag.e. All kinds ot waterproofing. F MARUCCIO. Route 5. Horner's lane. Rock ville. Md . phone Rockville 3588. —23 CEMENT WORK, all kinds; damp water proofing inside, guar. 1 year; r*as. prices. WM. S. WEST. LI. 0595. —17 CLEANING UPHOLSTERED furniture and rugs machine-done on premises. Estimates. Call MR. CRULEY any time. NO. 5081. ELECTRICAL REPAIRS and installations; lor prompt, courteous, guaranteed service, call A C ELECTRIC OO.. RA 5858 ELECTRIC WIRING, commercial, residen tial. old, new work. Extra outlets, repairs. REGAL ELECTRIC. 3609 Ga. RA. 8391 FLOOR SANDERS, edgers and waxers rented; new and used waxers for sale RA 4.*440. KENNEDY FLOOR A TILE CO*. 7 09 Kennedy st n.w . RA. 4346. FLOORS SANDED and finished Old floors made like new. Work done Md.. Va . and D. C. GEORGE TAYLOR, WA. 1129. FURNACES AND OIL BURNERS cleaned repaired and adjusted for winter, addition al radiators Installed. EARLY HEATING: CO., phone ST. 4444; after t>, phone TW 7484. —2o FURNITURE SPRINGS retired in your home: also Kem-Touing: veteran, white mechanic. Dial EK 9)89. LINOLEUM and asphalt tile work ’none reasonably. Cull MR. DORONY. DI 89ul. OIL BURNER REPAIR SERVICE -Takolna Park. Silver Spring, nearby n.w. section SII. 189 7. PAINTING, paneling. Ketn-Toning piaster* mg. fl. finishing and waterproofing. while help. Days, HO. 1029; eves, HO. 3 ini. PAINTING—lst-class white mechanic5'rea sonable prices; nails and celling of aver age-size r;n., SI 7.50. DU. 474 .*. :t PAINTING. Interior or exterior; paper hanging; carpf ntering. repairs. Reliable white mechanics. Mr. Ridenour. GE «94.» 70* PAINTING AND PAPERING—We Bo Vir ginia. Marvland and D C . estimates frrr prompt service Better work for less money" guaranteed. TA. 4667, TA. 7!»|s PAINTING AND PAPERING— Fast."effi cient work: satisfied customers for 25 years. J R. LAWRENCE. RA 9703. PAINTING—-Specialize In Kemtoning. Fine, neat work. Honest prices. FR. 5190. WA 7747. 21 PAINTING, interior and exterior. Promo' efficient service, mil R. f\ BUCKNER Fir estimates. OV. 4493. —77 PAINTING, interior decorating, exterior; 30 years' exper.; free estimate; fine work. DI. 0437 J. D MAPLE. 71 * PAIMiNG. PAPERING. FLR. SANDING; kike up to 3 yrs. to pay. prompt service. Cali MR MALHOYT. CO. 1387. PAINTING, interior and exterior: best materials: lst-class workmanship; Tice estimates. SELBY BROS., UN. 2047. VI. 0319 23 PAPEUHANGING. immed service; you can shvc money by calling me White mech Free est. MR. WILLIS, ME. J734. 70* 2d* PAPERHANGING, this week only J7 and up per rm : 1948 washable sunfast papers; work guaranteed GE 4783. GE 2461 PAPER HANGING AND PAINTING—For better work, less money, white mechanics call FRANK J. TOLSON. HU 7600. - 20 PAPERING. 5-room, ’‘-story ball house. ?85 complete good work with refs.: white mechanics DU. 9058. . 26 PAPERING. *12: painting, waterproofing, caulking, floor sanding. I do m.v own work AT. 84 19. PAPERING. TAINTING. PLASTERING, a Go floor vefinishing: qualify work; prompt ‘ention, low rate? during August. TA. 0881 _1 PAPERING. PAINTING AND SCRAPING, first-class white mechanics; reasonable prices; free estimates AX 1077. —20 PIANOS Tl'NF.D: repairing guaranteed. Factory expert. 75 years experience Esti mates. CUNNINGHAM, ME. 1234. OV 694 7. PIANO TUNING and servicing. J. B POvVER. formerly of Campbell s, member Natl. Assn. Piano Tuners, MI 3043. 20* PIANO TUNING and repairing, all work guaranteed; free estimates. ARMET'S PIANO CO . call HY. 0085. PLASTERING, patchwork a specialty: carpenter work done right way. Phoue HI 3631. alter 5 p in. —24 PLASTERING, lathing, stuccoing and re pair work. tile. RA. 7666. MIELE. ALex. 7797 .—70 PLASTERING, new or repair Free esti mate. No Job too small. Call AX. 3403. i PLASTERING and painting and repair work, expert mechanics. KING. CO. 9091. , — 23 PLASTERING, repair and new work; free estimates: reasonable price*, work done j immediately. TW. 2308. —30 PLASTERING AND REMODELING—Cell-1 lngs patched or renewed, wall* and parti tions moved. TR. 3069 after 6. 23* PLUMBING AND HEATING. Jobbing and remodeling: water heaters a specialty. THOMAS McKNEW, Adam* 1314. Reg 21 * REFRIGERATORS. MOTORS, washing ma chines; 24-hour service; household and commercial: guaranteed work DEPENDO I REFRIGERATION CO. UN. 1612. REMODELING, additions, extra rooms, baths. Reliable workmen. Est. HI 4834. _no • RESTAURANTS—Ore*.,, duct, »nd" fan, cleaned. Also furnaces. At low cost. Michigan. 0404. —20 - ROOFING—Ali types of roof repairs; new j slate, slag and tin roofs, general sheet metal work, guttering and downspouts; no money down. 36 mos. to pay. Call •TR ; 6807. Free estimates. A. D. THOMAS. ROOFING, repairs. painting. gutters, .spouting Work done reasonaoly. Free est. MURRAY ROOFING CO. DI. 2704 21* j ROOF REPAIRS. gutters and downspouts. i all types, painting and waterproofing. | prompt service. MR. WRIGHT, RA. 9446. 2<* i ROOF LEAK? WALL OR CELLAR WET? Small jobs done, all work guaranteed F. P WADDELL TR 4 979 -25 ROOFING. TUNING, ROOF PAINTING, re i pairing guttering and spouting. Call MR. | SHIPLEY. GE. 4158. —31 | SINK TOPS replaced with Formica or | stainless steel, kitchens remodeled with ; Youngstown Hotpoint or American cabinets NO 5808. MASTER APPLIANCE CO stone. FLAGSTONE AND CEMENT—Spe cializing in stone retaining walls and flag stone. also cement drives, porrhrs. walls, steps, walks, cellars, etc. For free esti mates. call JERRY. AT. 9766. ! TYPEWRITERS cleaned, oiled and adjusted. All work guaranteed. RE 1177. UNITED TYPEWRITER CO. 813 14th n.w VENETIAN BLINDS CLEANED, 98c UP 10 j 3 ft wide and 7 ft. long Have your blind* thoroughly cleaned by our modern machine method WASHINGTON SHADE «b AWN ING CO. 2021 17th st n.w DU. 6600. FIRST-CLASS PAINTING at absolutely lowest cost, inside or outside Painters immediately available. Call TR. 7964. 20* REDECOR ATOING of residential and apartment buildings: papering, painting, flooring, removing doors; speclallstfon cre den/.ia. DE. 2414, general migr., D BALDASSARI 1 —21 S EM BOWER ft MOORE. Builder*, erect new and remodel old buildings in Fairfax and Arl. Counties only. FA. 9562 --22 FOR THE FINEST OH Heating Equipment and Engineering call RALPH R. HUM PHREY FA. 4920, for home survey No obligation. —22 HOME IMPROVEMENT COMPANIES ADDITIONS AND ALTERATIONS to resi dential or commercial buildings, custom built homes: plans and permits with con tract, estimates free. J. S. YOUNG. TR. 56.14 or FA 8607. 20* ATTICS FINISHED—Remodeling; estimates furnished free. Call Sligo 8942. W. D. TAYI OR, BUILDER-CONTRACTOR—Oeneral repairs of all kinds; bars and recreation rooms a specialty. CARL W. SNIDER. Jr., GB. 6172. —22 CONCRETE-CEMENT WORK. footings driveways, porches, bsmt. floors, steps, re taining walls, old and new work. C GALEA. AT. 2864. , , —23 FLOORS sanded and finished: skilled white floor men; very low prices. CHAS R COVER. DU. 6718. any time FLOOR SERVICE—Nothin* nut the best; layinr. sanding, finishing, cleaning par quiet installations. Bruce finishes FLOOR ING CONTRACTORS. INC.. 1812 Wiscon sin sve. NO 2215 - KITCHEN REMODELING, Planning and complete Installation, cabinets, sinks. Hot Point appliances. SUB. CONSTR. CO. UN. 3352 days or evenings. NEW BATHROOMS installed: old bath rooms remodeled: tile work; gas water j heaters; kitchens streamlined. T. J. PITZ ! MAURICE. Dupont 5.181 —20 REMODEL YOUR CLOSET or storage space into an attractive, convacient bath or powder room. Let us help you; esti mates given free J. 8HAPTRO. Reg Plumber D C. Md. NO 8001). —28 REMODELING, flreoroofing, roofing, siding, general home Improvement work, cellar to roof, small monthly payments if desired Call HT. 3366 for free eetimi'es. NA TIONAL DECORATING CO- 602 12th at. n w. % HOME IMP. COMPANIES STORM WINDOWS, clear heart Calif, red wood. custom-made year-round combina tion Self-storing storm windows, as low as Sid. 85 installed. ALL WEATHER STORM WINDOW CO. SH. 4071 —21 WATERPROOFING WET CELLARS, walls, floors: masonry repointed: roofs repaired: ! low prices: euar. NEVINS. LU 2444. —23 HYATTSVILLE CONTRACTING CO. — Painting, papering, roofing and siding: all work guaranteed; monthly terms: fret esti mates. WA. 8486. days or evenings —31 ASKEW’S HOME SERVICE — Painting, caperhangine. floor sanding: modernising bsmt to roof: reas. OR. 7900. 23* NOW IS THE TIME for repairing your property. Free estimate; 20 yrs. in tha building and repair business. J. A. JOR DAN. WO. 2728. 22* A-1 PAINTING and papering, floors refln ished. carpentry and general house re pairs. Free estimates, immed. serviet, IA, 4532.—22 BANK AND BUSINESS References required from every advertiser seeking capital through advertise ments in The Star. BUSINESS _0ProRTUNiTIE5._ RADIO REPAIR SHOP—Small shop in busy n.w. location; gross about $1,200 per month. Can be run by one good men with part-time help. Sacrifice. NA. 7115 or ME 0913. 21 • USED-CAR LOT. made *14.000 last 9 months, will sell for $3,500: selling for personal reasons. Reply Fox 106-M. 8»ar GARAGE. 40x60. and service station, do me good business Rt 301. Waldorf, Md. HINTZES GARAGE Waldorf 2152. RESTAURANT AND BAR, big dance hall, good business. 6-rm. apt., also cabins, on Route 301. Waldorf. Md Waldorf 2152. GROCERY STORE—*12.000. lock stock and barrel: *1,000 quoted weeklv; 2 spts. rent $150 per mo. Business cart he in creased. Call TR. 5558 wkdy*.. 7 a m .to 10.30 p m ; Sun., 2:30 pm to 6 p m No brokers. 24* VIENNA. VA.—Ice and fuel business, old. 1 established, aggressive concern; 2P4-ft. r. r. siding. 518-ft. street frontage With or without delivery equipment. Terms can be arranged Phone Vienna 154-J. RAY BARNEY, corner Park and Locust *t*.» Vienna. Va —21 CHECK ROOM CONCESSION. cigar*, cigarettes and novelties in club, opening soon Phone for appointment Sterl ing 5599. 23* WANTED AT ONCE, small haberdashery, or men's store; for client with cash Call Mr. Pastor. EX. 2555. PASTOR-LUTZ INC - —20 RESTAURANT, furn. and newly decorated living quarters; excel, location on Rome No. 1. 5 miles south of Alex. Ingleside 81-J-2. —23 INTERESTED IN LOCATING a thoroughlv exper. reliable, shoe repairman, to to mio a laundry-dry cleaning store, located where there is a Peoples Drug Store, Acme Food Mkt. and Kresge 5c it 10c. WA. 110t». —22 UPHOLSTERY BUSINESS for sale, reason able: good location, low rent, alekness reason for selling North 2376. 22* GRILL FOR SALE, 1536 7th n.W.J good buy. After 3 pm . NO. 9S44 BARGAIN—For sale, my modern raatau rant. and cottages, located 99 miles from D. C and 9 miles west of Ltiray on busy Highway 211, near Skyline dr. and various ra’erns. This is a well-aatabllsheo year-round business with beer licence Am retiring and will sell lock, stock and batre! at a sacrifice if sold by Rcptembe’ Come down and see or write C. O. JOHN SON. Route 3, Luray. Va. 92* WHY PAY GOOD WILL? We have an ex celhiu .-tore with apt above: vacant and newly reconditioned; near H §?. n.e., busy sec ion; pi iced to sell. DIENBR. EHRLICH I* CO. ST. ;j:*s 1. OE ! 887. A HEAL MONEY-MAKER—Country itote with ABC lit . acres of ground: total piK“. Mi.oon. Wonderful oppor. for ex pansion. The demanch is there. Loc. 12 unit from Falls Church. Exclusive with KASTMAN tv SFAY. Realtors. FA. 2620 FROZEN < USTAKD PARLOR and grill, larant! well located: fully *oulpped: will p sacrifice for >4 500 because of Illness: equipment alone worth over $7,000. Call DE 3ii!H or WO 9354. attorney —22 LUNCHEONETTE with soda fountain in Arlinmon: splendid opportunity for the righ: party BUSH REALTY CO.. Room 20.: Ridio Bid- . Arlington. Va. OW. 6085 GROCERY STORK Small corner grocery with living quarters doing approximately $I.‘.‘0<> per week Little money-maker in coo.-l location BUSH REALTY CO. Room 70.,. Radio Bids. Arlington, Va OW. 6085. VENETIAN REIN’D and awning manufac turing business, long established in Ar lington. for sale. reasonable BUSH RFALTY CO. Room 203- Radio Bldg, Arlington. Va Owens 6085 CORNER DRUGSTORE. soda fountain, operate as your own. reasonable »o right party: good neighborhood. DU. 4800 after 7 pm. —22 EXCELLENT GROCERY, atx days, until 0:39 pm. new equipment *1.300 to $ 1.:no wk lease, low rental, wonderful terms. HEANEY dc CO . call HO. 5663. * CSI.D-CAR LOT. wonderful location; big earnings; oil surfaced, lights, signs, low rental only $3.5o0. terms Exclusive, HEANEY & CO . call HO. 5663. GO Lf SHOP, downtown, money-maker; reasonably priced. Write Box 261-T, Star. • IDEAL PLACE for tourist home, tea rm., convalescent home: on Route 56, 12 mi. beyond Fail lax. lge., handsome home, new ly remodeled, fine porches, lge modern equip, kit . especially fine; oil h.-w h ; 2 acres. $19,500; an unusually fine buy. MISS KING CH. 0723. ATTORNEY'S CLIENT must sell valet shop on account of health; fully equipped with truck. Georgetown business district. De tails. 9 a m to 5 n m ST 7767. --25 BARGAIN Rooming or boarding house; near 14th and Euclid s»s : income quotrn. *750 a month plus whole Jst-6 ap' . price, *3.000. *1.500 down DU 56,30; eves Mrs Angel. DU 0558 DUPONT REALTY CO. 2505 Champlain *» n *. BEAUTY AAEON, near apt* . nrl* one 'n thl- see depjrahja clientele for 6 rrs Cell ox 4811 or OL. 7«93. Arlington.^V«. WATCHMAKER, tewelry rm pair. In :lont estah. pa .vnh’-nk’r's exehange. rent or com EX 7859 22* SALE- Hall or whole Interest in long* esiah. pawnbroker * exchange EX 7g,5? BEAUTY SALON. A.E.—Beet. -stab." IS yrs , good oppor. lor owner operator; $3. 500. HI 4817. —22 5 AND 10 CF.NT STORE, excel. 7th at lo cation. Illness forces sale Lge stock. Sacrifice price RAFFELL REAL E8TATK, SH. 1103 til! 9. GROCERY STORE with living quarter*, nearby Va ; long lease, low rent, grossing ! over * mo. Owner aays sell this week. Best ofler by Sun midnight gets I this store To see call Mr. Brown, YFONAS REALTY. 2300 Wilson blTd . OL 71oo. OX. 124 3 —22 FIRST TIME OFFERED -Lge. self-serv ! ice grocery store, excellent location hr Arl . Va . grossing $16,000 monthly; rent i only $135 with long lease For appt. to see call Mr. Brown, YEONAS REALTY. 2300 Wilson blvd . OL. 2100. OX. 1243. —22 COLORED RESTAURANT. C license, e* j cellent business and profits over *20.000 I yearly. Information. 1215 7th at. w. BUSINESS-HOME—Business consists of a • completely modern and equipped nelfh borhbod service station; located in a thriving Montgomery County community. ; Home Is sn attractive frame bungalow, offering ltv.-dln. rm with fireplace, t bedrms . bath, equipped kit . oil h-wh. and det gar. Must be seen to be ap preciated. Priced SI 0.son, $7,000 cash. DOMINION IN8 Si REALTY AGENCY. .1103 JOth st. no., GL. 0338. OX. 1779. _23 S.E. GROCERY BUS., stock, fixtures, lease 8 yrs. *100 mo. with ltv. qusiffer* and apt. to rent, good corner, only *7.<00. i Please call before P.30 am, 8P 0B.5B-.T, JOHN CHKONAKER, 5301 Middleton l»n# | s.e. * FROZEN CUSTARD and Ice cream busi ness. will sell partial interest in growing ice cream confection business; working partner preferred or will consider out right sale. Box 04-8. Star. —22 MT. RAINIER. MI>. -Grocery store and d-.m. home, also 3-rm. apt. in rear of I *torc: price. $20,500; $7,500 down. Call ! Mr. Srbra, UN 1520. COX Sc CO., INC GARAGE AND FILLING STATION—Excel lent opportunity; owner going West; J 50 ft. on Balt. bivd.. completely equipped, including two tow trucks, tools, stock; 5 . room and bath living quarters: consider albe cash needed. ARTHUR CARR AGEN CY. HY. 0J5P. --24 PARTNER with at least $20,000 cash for established super market doing $300.non year; attractive propoaition for right party. Box P-8 Star —-7. SPACE AVAIL FOR FRUIT STAND, maga zine*. etc., or other suitable business. 153B 7th at. n w _ 20* DRY ’CLEANING WANTED — Wholesale, rough or finished accounts. Hayes at JOHNSON CLEANER8, 323L R. I. . i Mt. Rainier Md., WA. 8794. —21 DRUGSTORE FOR SALE- Downtown lo cation rlo«ed evenings and Sunday; no agents: must have $20.oon rash for down payment Write Box 118-T. Star 23* RESTAURANT, liquor license, downtown location; 4-year lease at *225 month!*; doing $165 per day more In cooler weather. Price. *10,000: accent fft.OnO cash, balance notes. OWNER. TA. ^3409. SUBSTANTIAL CASH AVAILABLE for pur chase of small business (‘2 partners k principals only. Give details. Box JP8-T, Star 22* DELICATESSEN, on Lee hwy. vicinity Fails Church—Doing over *8,000 per mo ; good clean business, good clean equip ment: 10-year lease, reasonable rent; $8,500 plus stock, one dollar for dollar. For further information, call METZLER’S Va office. GL. 7533 or OX 0878, ask for Mr. or Mrs. Pannlll. LIQUOR-RESTAURANT, N W . doing better than $200 day, over 75'** bar alr-eond. and telev ; refined trade Will respect fully consider all rea*. offers. 8H. 1774 Defore noon. GARAGE, used ears, gas station; a going business on a main Virginia hwy.. plus an attractive spacious home; selling price will include all stock, fixture*, furnishing* and real estate; this is a splendid opportunity Please call R M Perkin'. THE BRANT CO . GL 421H nr CH 4020. ROOMING HOUAF. and property. 7 uni"; income. $405 mo ; 4 baths. 100% location; excel, rond ; ,ood ffnancint. Rnr In spec - tion. call MR. GOLDBERG. WO. 9354 or NA 5540. . — valft shot, hat blocking equip . 2 sew ing and 2 press mach.; *3.500 » Wit offer. DE. »«75. ONE OF WASHINGTON’* lar*e«t and best located aervice center Thl« >» a large operation Modern, up-to-date equipment 10 handle all type* of aervice and repaira. Will sell for stock and equipment, with good lease assured. Unless you can; raise approx. *25,000 do not apply. Owner leaving tffWn to assume control «f further interests. Box 487-S. 8tar. —22 GAS STATION, privately owned, pumpa 18.000 gals, monthly; very smell over head. shows nice profit; has apt., ampl# parking apace; for $44)00 cash down pa*j ment, bal. terms. Exclusive with SAM CHANTKER & CO., BT. 3707. Eve* . Raul Slndler. VI. 2431. —20 GBOCFRT. self-serv , beer and win*, dotn* about *1.500 weekly, near Eatrfal Village hours, s-7: no Sun ; over *3.000 tn stock, nice ftrtures A bargain at M.ooO cash down payment. Compl. pnr»- »11 500 Exclusive with BAM CHANTKER di CO. BT. 3707. Eves . Paul Slndler. VI. 2431- _ —S'* - (Continued on Next Rags ) •