Newspaper Page Text
•USINESS OPPORTUNITIES (Cowt.). DRY-CLEANING STORE in shopping cen tr, wonderful oppor no exper needed t~ opera**. 5310 Balto. ave , Hyattaville. Md —22 i ORNFR APT. BTTLDIN’G. can be remod r>d into 18 excellent units, downtown i-ra. $25,000 cash required. See plans today. RE. 1539. —22 M ILL SFJ L FATFNTS to household gadget . r: assign to manufacturer on royalty, basis Box 2K«-T, Star 22* MOTOR STORK, 1st offering, downtown; ea-v propos. for 1 man. HARRY DREI §EN 81A Bond Bide. NA. 7772. rn ICATKSSFN. in market at nth and Fla ■ vp nr must be sold at once, as I have r her :n:err>’v; $2,000 cash Pal handle. Call TA. 2938_ 22* DI F. TO OTHER business Interests, owner Trust sell this very profitable store, han ding childrens wear exclusively, one of the most desirable and excl. n w. locations approx. «40.ono gross sales for 1947; est 7 y rs by present management; leasp for vrs wi'h renewal option obtainable, rrr mthly. approx. $10,000 stock: r .crd to sell :n exper. operators. To in spect all Mr Pastor EX 2555 PASTOR-LUTZ, INC. _I1J10 Vermont Ave N W. MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE. 4fCKSSORlFS for Deep Freeze—Packag Wr. hoses. bags wrappings FR 3.703 AMERICAN PAPER CO, 1496 H ne. Wash 7. D c ACCORDION. Lyric. 4* bass, good conril t’nn. reasonable. DE 0860. 417 W st. n e.. Ant C 2nd floor. —76 Ar CORDloN, WurFtztr piano, never ued, ■ ' !ty finish, double ;one control, .$375 or best offer MI. $817. —22 ACCORDION. Excel jor, concert grand, in pe;f. cond . lor $795. Call RA .77."3. —22 UR-C ONDITloNI K. »*-h p Phiko. KUar. a-.'er-o and greatly reduced. DISTRICT FI ECTRIC CO WO 4902 AIR CONDI I lONER, brand-new Ph:lco. v. ndow rr;odei, 5-h p , $.350. RA 79*5. —21 AIR CONDITIONER. ’ ,-h p . P easanta re ’ tidrr sr: vice contract since purchase, -ice n» . *: :DU 5.7 2. -- 22 MR CONDITIONERS— New Phtlco* and Carriers ;n all sixes. U-ed rcconrlitloned u- *n of all makes, Puli installation ano .eiAjrp fnrflitirr-. It pgv* to deal where drprndahiJo v is nmr-prov en since JK'5 A •” JOHNSON m . RE 1687. —.31 AIR CONDIIIONER PjeRsant Air. Vs hr; r'-renprijtioo; s 1 65 lO 9161. — .’(I AIR CnMlIIlOMRs, pr v Phliro. !rh.p. ’t, window model. *".'5 L-h p , *35 n •‘t-n p Carrier (onso'e. $*75 mimed rr I!v e* v Pijv now and save , on these ptid-of-.npy-on prices NATIONAL ELEC CO. 808 11th st rw. NA 377o 71 AIR-CONDITIONING UNIT. Frl-o York -hr window model, excellent cond 19t —71 AIR CONDITIONERS. L and 5 hp. only eft guar bargairf- 1.718 1 ith st. r w . DF 36: 0 Wt st rvice ANTIQUES marble-top wash stands. 2 tables. 7 cheats .'17 to '7 1 large ward robe. $35 la ve sr-c , mahog . $68. IK 7ih st n e . LI. 69* 9. Open till 9 p m. APPLIANCES Philco air cond loner, floor s .tuple, a • 706 savings. ALPERSTEI VS < 1 r-PRICE APPLIANCE STORES, lo2u ?h s' n w . NA 8559. APPI IA N l I S—GE electric ranges and w. .‘hers, refrigerators. mixers, toasters and roasters, on hand for immediate de livery Shop and save at AI.PERSTEIN’S CUT-PRICE APPLIANCE STORES, 1079 7! h u n w . '.A "559 AsphaLI TILE . 9x9 in., \ of in thick; a box of 3.7 o ft . $5. Warehouse close out. DIENER S. INC.. 1771 22nd st. n w. —24 ASPHALT TIUF New material, in small ln ‘. at rrai barcam prices. JOHN H HAMPSHIRE CO. UN 0.700 - 25 r utV i RIBS, .'trollers, piny pens, feed ing table-, also carriages. for sale or rent BABYS BUTLER SERVICE. 60 Canal st s w . FX. 4 7,70. BAR,, suitable for office or rec. room, C'-mch iv.:h'y poli-h Bakelite. a cohnl proof matching wall shelve-, and swivel har stools, pi; itrim with brass trimmings, also silver plated, t’ner.. icw bow.. to‘al, «1*»0. FX 6971. TE 4161. —7.7 BAR-RF.I.LS. York big twelve special. Cal! KEnmore 5555 before ' p m —72 BATHTUBS, ni w. used, built-in. legs; sinks. basu s. to ets. PEERLESS SALES CO. 7’7‘3*. Ga ave. DE .V,;o. BATHTl BS. new i,ml i. -• • ci. *1 u up: hac!ns. toilMs. showeru , pipe. BLOCKS 395*1 Mm n w . Mi Ml. BE AUTY PARLOR i olirr. for sale Call OR 537.1. BIDS. Hollywood. 3* size, fire condition. 8" 7. c'ud;o com h so: a ;-new Armv en' " 7.; pnvau Pal’tv Slf ri'.ng lilt] • BlDs i twin m» ■, i with spriue ar.d nvat t re - - Good eondi’iou. $]o fh flee. f,x. for liv. and din. rm. SH. Oslo —7 1 P.un. DO CP. I r. M API F. roil spring', new mat Mr-; $.19 romplrtp. DtJ. I 989. BID U| GS Hollywood beds can oe made Com your con or box springs. We install. i ’*o 1571 HLIROOM DINING ROOM, living room: t r 1 I i akfi - . i • rtfri^era’oi comb u, ’ion radio, twin b<’i,r FDET M AN. 7593 (ieorvia ave "(I* BFDROOM. I IVINE. ROOM and kitchen - A most new. solid maple firmture. owner being transferred. No dealers. LU. OKotf. 74 • RUPRAT.-LIVING RM-DINETTE Shop a? Turner's. 1*775 G st. n u.. for the lowest p’ rr- available for brand-new furniture Turner's offer you a 3-room outfit for as low as Si 69 this out fit eons.vis of a rioiible bed. 5-drawer chest, rirc-t with plate-glass mirror, or the choice of a vanity in stead of the dresser for the living room Turner's furnish you a com fottable divan, all-spring . miv i m :‘-d. which can a o be used a1- a b* d. and two matening comfortable chans for the dinette. Turner s furnish you wiM> a d'-op leaf tabl* and 4 chairs; ail the above merchandise is brand-new and ran be had for the advertised pme of $169: should you have a I -room apartment Turners can furnish same for a; low as $79; terms arranged to suit vnur budge*; no interest or finance charges inr credit Turner - is onen ewnings until 7 p m Mondays and Thursdays until 9 p.m. TURNER'S. 973 G r n w NA 8157 BICYCLE g-ri s 76 in.. « 70: Wash.-Lee. H F cader uniform complete. 38 long, •ike pew OW ’69.; —22 Pit A CT,EN Ctrl's 71;-1n.. balloon tires, good rnnri , 875. 3D»5 Carpenter s‘. «e. VI. Binoculars. Henso'dt ^German*. six row rr. featherweiffhi. perfec cond GHasses f'■ d carrying rr<- • like nc-.v. Cost $160 -ar*ficr $*;«» QP ’988 BIRD STAND, rrli bag cowhide Jcffry :or Bible sewing rn.ach . rugs and other articles PI 858.7 -7<* BOILER. S-h p FVrammaster return sy« trm. used $ mo compiete Goodv<-a r.hoe machine outfl* TA. 95.71. 7 7 BRICK—1.000.099 hard brick, av,viable at our yard easv load; - g on your tri; k a 8! 8 per thouset d PeLverv a* a mb’ charge ACE WRECKING A* BUILDING MATERIAL CO 4‘• N* Minn av<*. n e. For your convenience. ;--:j i.l. 797.’. LI. 7116 P.RICK—Used aT brick from Washing ton's larges? • !■ 0 *rs of irrd in >k: 1 * nous and ' • a ini'. . Call on ter vou: brick. ARROW ii"i S. Capitol II. ;•.»*; BRICKS—Immediate delivery ALASKA COAL A: • BRICK CO, tail NA. f.Ss;, or (II 7?0»» BITLDING ACCFS80RIF.S—HFCHINGER 2S have the iargent selection of all kind? of build.ns ma.erials in ‘he city For « our troiis. prompt, reliable service and squa-e draiuig come to the "Little White Hnu:e" h» arn II sis n.e Inspection m vi'M. nr eai: AT. .22 r.i ii m\G maifkiaLs—Hard to get now in voi ic Cedar closet lining. 21c per board 11 4\8 fir pUvvoi'd. *« . 17c so. It.; ".T sq f* . . 2!• c Jq ft ; 32C o ft , 1*4 ::I»c sq ft.: dry wh:e pine lv‘-'v ng. 15c hoard foot; whir as br ‘os shingles. $12' 50 sq , gray-mottled a vesto- slut cics. "11 50 -q : 21 d lb?, as phalt shingle?, red. green, black, $o sn , Gear white pine. 4 I. ii 4. 8 4. 35c bd. ft: 5 Mi Pl.vscord sheathing at 1 2c a ?q ft : V' 'dear oak flooring. :3c sq. ft.. 2 or 3 jnnoled fir door- $?• HO each, flush door?. *10.00 each cron e .creen wire. 10c sq. It.; «»" redwood '.dine, 15c board ft ; 8 redwood siding, 1 7c board ft : amazing Kimsul insulation, 10 and 24 in., double thi k. 7c sq ft.: 0 raised panels. 1 „-:n Colonial door.-, interior. $l:;5«f ea.: 4- n rock wool baits. $<‘»r# p< r thousand sq. ft : 1 1«-i*. Frcin ii doors. $12 .*u. open. 1 3« ;n French doors. $l . 5n, open; 8 2.5 sugar Pine. 40c It D • nun; f»>r quautitv pur > u.f-es. BALTIMORE LUMBER CO., LI i ■ • • I. Ifimi N< w Yolk ave lie. HI ILIHNG Ai \ l I RIALS We have a com puue of new and used building' mete • a', tier. sash, steel beams, radiators, bo:!; rs. plumbing, brick, lumber, doors, windows, gas stoves, reinforcing rods and <uhrr items We have in stock 4x8 plas ter board, 1 fix I S rock lath, 15x4 8 Rock wool hart ;i •iti.'iOn, plywood, hardwall, '■'fi f n in s and shingle.?, screen doors A F WRECKING A- BUILDING MATE 17 T A T rn 4 • >* > • * M mn. ave n e. For your • o 1 rirrrc call I I 70 * ’. LI. 7 11 »i.-20 < A Ml R\s, new Pnd used, bought and 1. Un-v markup means better price tor '■flinera? sold nn consignment See '• m■’'dmnn «< lTMFKEErKIUH CAMERA ■ ' op *’ • Emma. ave nw . RE 0717. i AMI R\>. Robot, with F. ! 2 en-. case • d Day phone WI. fi‘*00: eve.-. C)t 5 8»; . ->2 * AMFKA8 Complete stork of pew and r camera? available lor cash or use our t m.f-pavmnu plan When you wan! to c o: fade- v:?:: us and see why we ■■ in n ;on for fair deauns. r.Ai.KfU WHELAN Co. 8.; ! i; ii *p.w. > < A MLR.A. German with Eveready case, both like p* 1 osl $!fid. -hi i lfice $•;.', OR. 2«t8H (AMI K \ I 1)1 1P MI \T Bolex Itt-mm '•'•'Ii "- nch V .■ ... ,:i S3 5 telephoto. $28., \\ • on II m- • Glebe yihr. < \A1IRA Revere 8-uui; tunret model \\o':< m as : , ., and ! ■ _• m . r.u ;» telephoto nil?".- iV-'.-.n light meter, $115 VI p 2.»2 alter noon. _*» \ C'Vr.RA. CniMiy F2 Sonnar lens*, light m r. ivuse finder, r u ryinB ca.'e: like M v _ Ifi-nim. TV.*:» movie camera. < \M»’R\ rmvax tit. fl 5 Sonnar 'and I r per■ < n»,<j Pined j icht a’ * *> : 50 I’l’TOWN I’HOTO SUnPT . > 1 p,<» ! ■ • in- .» m n MO ■ " i I AMEK * Rr’ H b*and-n*w mod**! v ease • ■ ■ •>• : rnr, RolletkMi knob- ril - • a*T* i *et •. >;-fd pnlv 1 nprk ~ ’ *‘l IF' pvi, \ T’H(*TO SUPPLY. JSH9 Irvnc r n^. HO *722. : rAFPF.TrSG and padd nr Rnrmvinntriv *2 &q yards, u °d no ree ^nable rfTrr refused. *SH 630ft- —°] FF.GISTF R. u~rd *ft*> a'so nrt 4-»cta! and new 2 ,<"‘al register. 1178 fsh ft p w NA. OflO'i nsH REGISTER—N»»i«pr: I»c,r.-;n~ zrn. cfry store. $605. Value. GF <;014 GASH REGISTERS <3U new National; price, *10<>, register 1c to *5.9*1. derail tape; never hern used. Call SL 660u. Ext. 24 during office hrs. daily, except 6«r and Sun _ . —25 < HANDELIER. crystal. $PS: Chinese desk and chair, 5250; pair 5-drawer lamp ta bles. $75; barrel-back chair. 560: mirrors LORRAINE. 3520 Conn.: Apt. "1 WO. 3869 CHAIRS <2>, occasional, blond wood, good •ondition 1 yr. old $35 sola bed. tur quoise upholstery. $60. UN. P792. -—21 CHESTS, under-bed style, sturdy wood construction; shellacked; casters: 36x18x9 $8 50 Basement. 1224 Mass ave n.w. • CHRIS-CRAFT 1941 mahopanv runabout. 1 fi-foot. double planked, new Gray 75 rhanlom engine, r^d upholsterr a^d two extra shafts and propeller, spotlight, •tren a^d tan cover also ‘’-wheel trailer with n*w tires; priced *l.5nn rr b«-<t offer Docked CeO’snn * r^r. appi- BFRNARn iOHNSON Marn rd. ar.d ave . ererly Peach. Md. —22 !MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE (Cont.). 1 1 CLOTHES LINE POLES, heavy duty, welded j [ steel. 314 in. dia., drilled for 6 lines $5.25 ea Del. and installed in 2 ft. con-; 1 crete, $8.75 ea. LU. 6957. 24* CLOTHING—Mens suits and topcoat!.: $7.50, $8.50, $12.50 up; all shades, colors, styles and sizes in stock; out-of-pawn clothing means bargain prices. DIXIE PAWNBROKERS’ EXCHANGE. 1100 H st. n.e Open to 7:30 p.m CORNET “Olds", ir. perfect condition; am 1 leaving country, must sacrifice imme diately for $85 DU. 2034. 20* CROSS EOX FURS. 2 skin, new. $150. Olympic 9591. —20 DESK. Tomlinson. American informal, and antique ivory distressed finish, green leather top. new. cost $250. Will sell for ; SI SO. OTi.s 8071. —22 DIAMOND, ladies beautiful diamond r ng. bought for $500 a year a<?o will sacrifice for $300; have original bill of sale Phone RA. 7720. ask for MR. DUNNJOAN —22 DIAMONDS—Ladv’s sol.. ^a-ct., $100; lady's 12-ct.., $125; lady's '«-ct., $150: Cady's 34-ct,., $175, man's J^-ct, $250 lady's, nice color. 1 '♦-ct., $350; lady s j perfect l'j-ct. $450; man's 2-ct.. $500; I lady’s fine-color. 2U-ct.. $675; lady's per ! feet, fine-rut, 3-ct $1,000. Ali prices include mtgs LIVINGSTON Ac CO . 1423 . H st T1 w ME 3440. —21 DIAMOND RING. 2 stones, £5 point each iT.ffanv setting, sacrifice Call AD 2725. —24 DINETTE SET, mahog table with leaves, buffet, and 4 chairs, odd tables, bicycle and electric mixer GL. 9019. DINING ROOM SUITE. 1 0 pc . good cor.di , Don. sacrifice, must sell. AX 5170. —21 DINING ROOM SUITE, mahogany; table. 1 buffet, server, china cabinet, six chairs. Newly upholstered seats. A-I condition $300 Q jvf - 2680 - -22 DINING ROOM. 9-piece mahogany Duncan Phy.'e. errdenza break-frofit type china closet, table. 6 chairs; new cond. TA. 2112. ABBOTT A: LANDON. DINING ROOM SUITE. 7-pc . beautiful Honduras mahogany; also Kirastan 4x6 rug. Temple 1236. —22 DINING ROOM SUITE, hand-carved Ital ian mahogany, large size. A nglo-Persian and other rugs, all sizes; mirrors, hist; carved chest, wardrobe trunk and kitchen tables EM 9116 —22 DOUBLE BED. dresser and wardrobe, reasonable Call HO 3604 —21 EM C. IRONER. '60: Gibson mandolin. *1 1" WA. 6313 after 6 p.m * El M TRIG RANGE. Westinehouse, $69. uarantced. DISTRICT ELEC. CO. WO 19 r’ —21 II.RTRIC RANGE. Hot Point de luxe used 7 months- excellent cond 521 Hilltop ter , Alexandria. TF. 852". -—22 ELECTRIC RANGE. 4-burnrr. large oven, good condition. Price. $7 5. UN. 0139. ELECTRIC RANGE. GE. 4-burner, excel cond . HI. 3100, Ext. 2201 or Ext. 2233. ELECTRIC RANGE, dining and bed"onm furniture. glider GL 0388 —22 Ef FCTRIC R ANGES. greatly reduced brand-new. floor samples, ail sizes; West inghouse. Universal. Elpctromaster. Norge aid many others; convenient terms STANDARD TIRE A BATTERY C'O . JOth a; d H sis. n e Open every evening. LI •.'983. T.T 874! FI.EC. REFRIGERATOR. Crosier Shelvador. white enamel, good cond.; $75. Call DE. 0440. —22 ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR. Kelvinafor *: i ub:r feet, excellent condition, $100 cash. Hillside 0758. —22 FI ECTRIf SINK. Hot Point, combination dishwasher and garbage disposal: brand new. easy terms. ELECTRICAL CENTER. ■">’4 loth st n w NA 8872. 1 \( AVATION EQUIPMENT for sale ‘,« vard shovel, back-h he. 0-yd. pan. bull dozer. shrrn-foot roller, ten-ton roller mortar mixers, single drum hoht. Cal! 5X 8400. .—26 F\NS <2'; C4 In., direct rurrent. ventilat- I r on fl stand. $50: 12 in . oscillating, n-’-ret current. $10. 807 Barr Bldg , 010 ; ! . th sr n.w -—20 | FREFZERS Frozen custard, ire cream famous Taylor a l-purpose freezer, com mercial and domestic frozen-food cabinets a' o avai’able at low prices CAPITAL FREEZERS CO., INC, 1523 Wisconsin a ve . MI 8800 IRFTZ1R. used. International. 11 ru. ft ■nninc . practically new. $.309. Call SII dav>. eves. GE. 1231. I UR SCARI . mink, cost over $ 1 50■ sacrl : c for -75 or be.'* offer: from Jelleff x: P’.; liv new. SH. u779. - -.’2 I I II 4 OAT. beautiful black Persian lamb worn only l mo.; orig. cost. $1,000; size : or it; must sell big sacrifice. ^MI • I UN.— New and used: s’erilized under D C law thanks folks, not so mflTh left, b;:' 1 plenty of good buvs; bedrm 1 . Mtu 95 comp: liv rm . $7 9 95 beds, studios, sofa bed. $19 95 Many odd , p< ■ Free n C delivery, terms. Open . 9 20 12 14th at n w. El RMTI RF Dinette, bedrm and 11 v. : m . modern, perf cond. Leaving ritv, • * *ril. Call GL. 5170, Fat. and Sun net ! and 7. —22 FURNITURE SAFE of better-grade furni ture some slightly used from storage and some brand-new unclaimed freight and other -ourres: bedroom, din rm. liv rm . r-r a I! a' great sat mgs. LION STORAGE CO 100 New York avr nw. dailv ]o to ; Saturday until 4. Phone RE. 4310. —20 FURNITURE—New maple and mahogany corner wahinets. chest of drawers, studio < ouches* mahogany Duncan Phvfp dining room ■:!? To buy or sell, see Sic Glaser. ADMIRAL FURNITURE. 243b J8th st. n.w. —20 FURNITURE — Bedrooms, iiving rooms. modprn desks, pianos and fine selection of all types of lamps: terms can be ar ranged SMITH'S TRANS FER A' STOR AGE CO. 13.13 Ypu si. n.w.. 1258 W;s. aw nw 250 1 Wilson blvd.. Arlington. Va., and 100 No. Ijpp. Alexandria. Va —3! I I RMI URE—Save up to bO'V on ail new furniture Specials on sofa beds, studio couches, bedroom, living room and dinette suites. See us before buying Easy terms I HE CROWN CO.. 827-829 7th st. n.w. FURNITURE 9 atudio and sofa beds. $15 'o $•> 2-pieee Pullman sofa bed. $135. '.‘5 chests of drawers. $8 to $15. JO book r.ose.s. $3 lo $15; 8-pr. dining rm . rnahog.. n°w. $14 5. ]<> tables, din. rm . $5 to $15; 15 dressers. $0 t0 $12: 0 record cab . new. M2 to $18; IS rugs, all sizes. $0 to $35; 9 k:t cab. $0 to $22. 8 desks. $9 to $”S 18 7 th fit. n.e., LI. 9969. Open to 9 p m. —20 FT RN.—Din. rm suite, kit. table and chairs, cabinet, dishes, bedrm. suite, sgle. and dble beds, pom and pans; reas. price. RE *.’570. 520 20th St. n.w. —20 FURNITURE —Sofa bed. $29: atudio couches and Hollywood beds. $15; beds :,'id coil springs. $5 ea ; lounge chairs. ' 15-$25: kne»ho> desks. $20 and $25: -n'?. $79; Duru an Phyfe drop leaf tabh-s '*;25-$35. breakfast set. $17; rugs. rm. size.' fibre. $5. sisal. $10; wool. $10 and $15, ism. green broadloom. $7 5: wool runner. $5-$8; youth's bed. $15. box springs. $10: legs. $.5. chests. $ 1 7. dressers* $15-$25; Duncan Phyfe sofa. $39. needs recovering oniy. springs excel., maple sofa. $29; maule dresser. .$79: platform rocker. $15. p w aii.•:: bedrm. set. $79: extia piece. v"<' Like new. 1745 I, st n.w. RE. 899 1. I I RMI l RF. Ixmiige chair, maple end mli floor lamp, coffee table: ail excellent condition. $175. EX. 0571 after 5 pm —2! I l RM 11 RE Enamel and chrome dinette. > ;.b chair, studio couch, dresser, book c.t.-- small tables. 2 cabinets, reading tamp 2801 15th st. n.w. Apt. fill. 22 I I KNIT! KF Sola, matching love seat up:;;: piano, small Frigidaire; all In rood condition. PL. 005(5. —22 I I KM IT RE - Pair Colonial bedroom I.unp Picture. laurel design: round cocktail table, glass top. Colonial chest of drawers. EM. 1379. —22 FURNITURE---Studio couch. 4 living room ■■hairs, dinette se'. maple bed. 3 chests of drawers. TE. 8750. 20* FURNITURE-- 5-plece maple bedrm suite,' includes double bed with box springs, chest of drawers, dresser and night stand. •$lt»5: also single bed. maple with coil springs. $20. couch. $20 dinette table with 2 chairs. $10; double Hollywood bed, $30 1013 Mass. ave. n.e. —20 I UKMTURF Mahog. bedrm suite, in ehiding bed. springs. Mr. and Mrs. chests, with mirror. Like new. HO. 4320. __no FURNITURE Elegantly furnished modern ap' mcl. linens, dishes and everything, complete. $7,250. includes Ue luxe hotel. ap 1. r.. hr. d. r. kitchen and large • rout mtceiled porch at $7 2 mo Box P S 22* II KM'M'HI. Mahogany wardrobe, dresser w-Uiout mirror. Simmons twin bed.-, com pete pin- -ppng table: reas. GE 9532 * FIKNUIIRE Lan-e studio couch. >50: love seat and cover. $95; blue Dura-Twist ti- and pad. 9x12. $75. tea cart, mahog.. $'.*5: coffee table, all like new. lamps, red drapes etc WO. 5334. Ext. 205. • FUKMTI Rl Leaving town,, baby's furni tiMf* $ pi. rlectric fan. $S: lamps. $l.5u. Cord table $1.50: Majestic radio-phono graph (hanger, $15; Phiico radio, $15.: 735 F St. R e. 7 ! • FI RMTURE Antique, white postrr bed and chest, fireplace set. ebonv and chrome porch or reerration furni*tr\ :amp. desk, draperies. shower curtains. *’ small rhests. end ‘ables. mirror; corn, bric-a-brar. OW. K939 _ -72 FURNITURE L child's desk with swivel ; chair. $5. M small chairs. $1 ra ; 1 pr ’.vhie figure skates, size “. $5. Easy wash ing macn . $.35 1 fire screen. $5; scooter. *5. firep! acres $1 50; l lawn mower. .'mall Lawson sofa. $70; all in good erjrd SL 4 87,3. —21 FI RMTI RF Period sofa with Belgian : apes':v and mahog 'rim. $70. Arm chair mod cond. 2718 N Pershing, Dr.. A OU 94 28 -22 I I RMTURE Down sofa, blue velvet: din ing room su!' electric lurnace blower, n unable GE. SPt»9 Ft KM II KF Round table. 4 chairs, green with yellow sea'.-. "Peter Hunt" style. V\< ern motif. $.35: ti cu ft GE refgr . t ouu cond . $7tt, porcelain-tup table. $7. LU. 9ot»0. H»ul E Capitol si. after 7 pm. —‘ft» FI KMTt’RE •14 springs. $10; mahogany ♦ -poster bed. $25. single iron bed. comp. #1. walnut swivel-back chair. >15; cab inet. #2<»; end table. $15. gate-leg table. #l.i WO. 8894. —21 ; FI RNITI Rl Bed. spring and mattress, *65; short-wave Zenith radio for $35; '--ton trailer, all excel, conn. FA 5922. GARAGE OOOR8. 4 double 4*S ft';' 6 g 1 a • s window-, white pne with all h&rd wai® and tra. k-, • ornnlcte; fin? condition;. . 1 V ! ’ ’ GARf>F\ THHTOR4 patinnailT adv^ruvd PUKC -n nrK fnr jrnmrdiate delivery R-jv r^u qrd prepare fo- soring renting J R TVpiFTON A- SON 11770 Ga ave GA* r A\f.| s. grppt'v reduced• brand-new fioor -amp*'- all sizes Tanran. Norge M a v t a r % Grand. Well Built and manv ntlic comrn lent terms STANDARD TIRE A* BATTERY CO 10th and H sts nr Onen c. cry evening. 1,1. 2983, LI 8 7 4!. GAS RANGE, four-burner, high oven, drawer, ivory and preen. #20. TE. 3587. 21 • GAS RANGES—New and used; $19 50 li£~.rLecllt ana liberal trade-ins. ACME STO\ E CO 1011 7th at. nw. NA. 8952 GAS RANGES, new. used, all sizes. $19 50 ;p; registered installation. PEERLESS it-ALES 2237 Georgia ave.. DE. 5670 GAS RANGE. 38 inches wide, cabinet stvle. porcelain good automatic baker. #40 CO 9836. 1316 Fairmont st. nw 2i* GAs STOVE. table-tOD Caloric, for sa e: d:"i; cVLbe ^en V/1 ~ flower a\ e . Takoma Paik. Mri * SL. 6964 • GAS STOVE. 194 1 Caloric. 4-burner, table top. A-i condition: #50. PL. 9683. _20 GENERATORS and starters. #6.50 up. small charge for installation. B. C ARMATURE. ?rt1 H sr n e GENFRATORC-STAKTEFS. #7.50 u„. Ifgt assort install, immed . smaU charge; eTer repairs. 34th r^r, rARTY. 1 fit's 14th GOLF. «e* ; clubs nqr* steel- $17. lady’s fcet, $10. calfskin bag. $7. ME. 4646. • MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE. GOLF CLUBS. 3 Wilson championship woods, like new. $18. 1133 9th st. n w. before 5 p.m. ME. 7148. 20* GUITAR, electric. Hawaiian; amplifier, steels and picks; $50. Glebe 8734. —22 HEATERS, new and used toil. gas. coal, wood, kerosene, elec ). ACME 8TOVE CO. 1011 7th st n.w . NA. 8952. HEATING SYSTEM. Columbia jacketed hot water boiler. 585 ft. radiation, 6 new type low radiators, pipes, valves, etc; $245 complete. KLOMP-AIK SYSTEMS. VI. 5K00. —25 HOT-WATER HEATER, used. Pittsburgh, automatic gas hot-water heater, 20-gal.. $20. Oliver 8454 —22 ! ICE—Put 20c in the slot and cool off. See page 37 0 of yellow pages of telephone book for address of Terminal Packaged Ice Vendor located nearest you ICE ( REAM MACHINE, mills and freezer donut machine and cabinet, all new; bar gain for quick sale. Call RA. 9847 after, 2 pm —21 IRONERS. elec . «29.5o up; guaranteed. DISTmCT ELECTRIC CO. WO. 4902 IRONERS. brand-new. as low as $49.95, also for Immediate delivery GE. Bendix. LIronri?a. Apex and Thor, liberal trade-in ] easy terms. ELECTRICAL CENTER. 514 H'th St. nw. NA. 887?. •MIKE” BOX—Seeburc. 12 record: ideal for recreation rcom or club. Shmherd 4229. 21* KITCHEN SINK—54-inch. 2 wall cabinet, one broom cabinet, 4400 W. Va. ave. Bethesda WT 5879 —22 LAMPS t2>. ruby glass bases and beautiful, shades, brand-new. $35 each «r best offer. 1 GE. 07 19 LAWN MOWERS, 10; Government surplus property mowers, sharpened and recondi-; tioned. $9 each; 1 power mower, $85. Call after 0 p m , Greenbelt 3273. —22 ' LEILA CAMERA, brand-new. never used, Leica Summitar 5 cm. f;1.2 lens; $350. Call E GARTNER. Gaithersburg 12. —2o LIVING ROOM. BI DRM. and dinette, $200 I or best offer under. Union 9378. I IVING ROOM SUITE, two-piece, green, modern. good condition. Reasonable. x5oo Greenwood ave., Takoma Park. 61. 0315. —22 j LUMBER—Special low price on flooring and 3x4s. $40 per thousand: all sizes fram ing lumber, sheathing, flooring and siding ACE WRECKING & BUILDING MATERIAL CO. 4002 Minn, ave s e. For your con venience call LI. "7022, LI. 7 116. —20 j LUMBER—Pine, direct mill shipments or in smaller quantities: steel windows, hard wood flooring, insulation, xheetrock and other building materials; Immediate de livery CATLIN LUMBER CO., 1504 N Quinsy st.. Arl GL 8888 LUMBER—An amp e supply of used hard brirk lumber and other building materials from manv wrecking Jobs Get our auota ,i-. n before buying For courteous, prompt reliable service and square dealing come to the “Little White House” at 15Hi and H sis n.e Inspection invited, or call HECHINGER CO.. AT. 9632. IJ MBER AND BUILDING MATERIALS, all kinds, both new and used, at Robinson s. Open all day S^t. and Sun. Free delivery; 2x2x8 fir. 35c ea.; 2x4x8' pine. 50c ea : interior and exterior doors, white pine combination screen and storm doors; bea verboard. 5c sq ft.; 4x8 genuine Celotex insulating wallboard. $2.10 ea.: 4x6 ply wood. $3.79 ea : 4x8 plywood, $5 89 ea.; 12 white pine shelving. 12c It., clear white pine; fine-mesh bronze screen wire, loc sq. It.; house paint. $2.7 9 per gal., porch and floor enamel. $3.49: 1-coat enamel. $3.49 per gal.; used bathtubs, sinks, basins, new toilet outfits. Now. then —try ROBINSONS NEW AND USED BUILDING MATERIALS 1239 Kenilworth ave. n.e.. AX. 1200. One call does all. MAHOGANY Queen Anne library tablP. 3x5 ft . $25; mahogany poster single bed. $2*5; spring and mattress. $15; Simmons ivory metal single bed, $15. Olympic 9591 . —20 MATTRESSES—2 twin and 1 double. Sim mons. leIt. $19 each. Call Overlook 5567., MEAT CASE. 6' d d., porcelain: a real I buy, #495. Also 4' d^lic and florist cases.' Immed. del. 1318 14th st. n.w., DE. 3610.1 -—20 MIRROR—3 panel full length walnut frame, good condition, attractive. $65. Also walnut secretary bookcase combina tion. bargain #15. HObart 8864. MOTORS, all sizes, new and rebuilt; $9 50 up immed exch.; air comps., pumps.: ELECT EQUIP CO . 2 4 73 Sherman ave NORGE AND WESTINGIIOUSE KEEGRS.. good woi king cond ; $69.95. term - : 311 day guarant'-e LUBAR RADIO Ac APPLI ANCE CO . 1332 G M. n w. —21 OUTCE FURNITURE — Reconditioned desks, chairs, filing cabinets, tables, etc. 4 29 9th st s w ME 4 665 - OFFICE I UR MTU RE— Lawyer giving up office will Sell furniture, complete. $200. lnd. typewriter. 10 to 12 Saturday. 407 Munsey Bldg. 20* OFFICE FURNITURE—2 executive desks. 1 double pedestal center-drop secretarial desk. 2 straight chairs. EX. 3805. —21 ORGAN. Hammond, new condition. $1. 650; also several floor sample organs. 1 and 2 manual, at greatly reduced prices. KITT MUSIC CO.. 1330 G st. n.w. —20 ORGANS See and hear the new Conn organ, an elect-ionic organ of unusual tone quality, equal to 16 ranks of pipes, now on display only at KITT MUSIC CO., 1330 G st. n w —20 i OZiTE. practically new, 50 yards. UN. 446U 5 to 8 p.m. —21 LEANT T MACHINES (36), some on loca tion. Will sell a: #1,100, or best offer. Call EVES. FA. 1955. —22 PEARLS. #500 string of lovely lge. pearly insured for 1 yr. Will sacrifice for $325 cash. Write P. O. Box 7590 for appt.^ PIANETTE, apt. size, upright. 5 octave walnut finish, bench to match; perfect j condition: $195. MI. 4247. * PIANO. Acrosonlc spinet and console models, built by Baldwin; embodies fea . tures of small grands and upright; full resonant tone, responsive action, dura bility and eye appealing case designs in mahogany, walnut, ebony, light oak and prirna Vera finish. Exclusive at HUGO WORCH. 925 G n w PIANOS —Grands, spinets and uprights, from $7 5 up Steinwav. Checkering. Sf.ieff. Story & ( lark and others. See LAWSON GOLIBART. in American Storage Bldg.. 2801 Georgia ave AD. 5928 day. RA. 049! night. We buy and take pianos in trade. 20* PIANOS—We are now holding a big clear ance with dozens of fine pianos of good makes offered at worthwhile reductions Wide choice of styles in various wood finishes RE. 6212 KITT S. 1330 G st. n.w. (Middle of the block.* -—20 PIANOS—During our big clearance we Rre offering several nice spinets at prices from $385 to $47 5. Values you don't want to miss. Terms. RE. 6212. KITT S. , 1330 G st. n.w. —20 PIANO, upright. Cable Nelson, ebony fin ish. beautiful tone, excellent condition; one owner: cash. $325. Call after 6 p.m. Phone Woodley 7562. 20* PIANO. Davis A: Lester; upright; very good condition; must cell: #70. DE 8002. PIANO. Wentworth, upright, with bench, beautiful tone. $250. WA. 8189 —22 PIANO Large gray upright: ideal for prac tice or recreation rrn.; $50. MI. 3964. , —20 PIANO, medium upright, good cqnd , suit able rec. rrn. or practice. $7 0: also saxo phone. C melody, $35. 1319 Buchanan st n.w. —20 PIANO. Parklyn. mahog.. npeds tuning. $48. Capehart turnover changer. #125. 18 7 ill it. n.e,. LI. 6969. Open till 9 p.m. —20 PIANOS—On our floors at greatly lowered prices (from $385 up for spinet and con sole pianos* you will find a wonderful se lector! of new and used instruments of such makes as Knabe. Everett. Cable Nelson. Wurlitzer. Checkering. Ivers & Pond. Weaver. Jannsra, Starr. Krell Hob son. Gulbrasen, Fischer, etc. Easy terms. Allowance for old pianos Phone RE. 6212. KITT S 1330 G st. n.w. —20 j PIANO, used: full keyboard spinet; $295. NA. 3223 JORDAN PIANO CO., 1015 7 fh si. n w —20 PI ANOS FOR RENT—Spinet sf consoles, grands at special low summer rates. All ; money paid as rental applies on the pur chase price if you decide to buy later < up to six months limit*. Phone NA. 3223.; JORDAN PIANO CO.. 1015 7th st. n.w. tJust above the Library * —20 PIANOS—Buy now and take advantage of our low summer payment plan: as little as $25 down and $14 monthly for a brand-new piano. Phone NA. 3223. JORDAN PIANO CO. 1015 7th st. n w. (Just* above the Library.' —20 PIANOS The Jordan Piano Co. of 1015 7th st n.w.. is the exclusive local agent for such fine, well-known makes as Mason A: Hamlin. Chlekering, Story Ac Clark. Musette. George StecK Huntington. Lester. Betsy Rot H M. Cable. Bradbury, etc. Complete selection of styles and typo Verv easy terms. NA. 3223. JORDAN PIANO CO. 1016 7th si. n.w. (Just above i the Library.' —20 PINE FLOORING, used. Apply constr. office, GEO. A FULLER CO., 1 724 D n.w. 29* PIPE, structural steel angles, channels, radiators (used*. WASHINGTON RAG & BAG CO . 215 L st. s.w. DI. 8**07 PIPE. BLACK, GALYANIED. new. used We rut and thread, plumbing fixtures BLOCKS. 3056 M st. n.w.. MI. 7 141 —31 PLUMBING -Tubs, complete wnh new fit tings. $24 95; basins. $5; toilet, outfits.1 urinals, soil ripe'-, steel pipe and fittings ACE WRECKING A BUILDING MATERIAL CO.. 4**02 Minn, air nr. For your con venience. call LI. 7022 nr LI. 7 116 .—20 PRESSING MACHINE, boiler pressure tank and exhaust fan oH 2067, —21 QUATEMALAN DOITS, wearing apparels, fabrics, leather bags, beautiful colors, smartly designed. FA. 8184 or GL 2133. RADIO—NCI01X received with 12-inch speaker. $80. TIENRV WEAVER. WA. 387o after 6 pm UN. 84 18 • RADIOS Combination FM-AM phono ' graphs, standard makes: floor samples at drastically reduced prices NATIONAL ELEC. CO., 808 11th st. n.W., NA. 3729 - 28 RADIOS AND COMBINATIONS preally re duced. brand-new floor samples; ail na tionally advertised brands all sizes conv terms. STANDARD TIRE A. BATTERY CO.. 10th and H Ms. n e. LI. 2983, LI 874 1 Open every evening. RADIO-PHONOGRAPH- Caoehart de luxe model with the exclusive turnover changer. 1 st-class condition. $495. KITT MUSIC CO . 1330 G st. n.w. —20 RADIO PHONOGRAPHS of the better makes in a variety of cabinet style? in cluding some period models; special clear-' ence up to 50T off of nationally adver tised prices. KITT MUSIC CO.. 1330 O st n w — 20 RANGES. elrrtric. hrand-ncw as low as 599 97 ai r* for immediate rjphverv; OE. West Inchon-.p, Hntpolnt and Kelvtnator liberal trgdp-’,n. easy *erms ELFfTRirAL CENTER 714 19th ?t n w. NA 887 ’ RFCORDfNG EQI irMFVT. por'aMr K..8 extra turntable permit" continuous record, inc and dubbing. *7 miL-ps. stands, err wonderful for rhurrh. dramatic croup or ronressionai»-e: excellent condition. TW 8300 Ext 324. after * 21* REFRIGERATION for store*, cafes new. used, boxes, cases, beverace coolers, com pressors. water coolers, etc : bargain prices 1318 14th St n.w., DE. 3«to —20 REFRIGERATORS, brar.d-new. as low as 5169.95. also for immediate delivery; GE, Hotpoint. Kelvinator. Philco. Norge and Westing house, liberal trade-in. easy terms ELECTRICAL CENTER. 514 10th st. n.w. NA. 8872. REFRIGERATORS, elec • GE and Westing house: 549 up. DISTRICT ELEC. CO . WO 4902/ —21 REFRIGERATORS, greatly reduced, brand new floor samples. Serve! refrigerators, all sizes. Convenient terms. STANDARD TIRE & BATTERY CO . 10th and H st* n.e. Open every evening. LI. 2983. LI 8741 REFRIGERATOR. 1947 Weatinghouse. 8 jcu. ft.. In perfect condition. W7. 8734. RFFRIGERATORS. «** *nd ejee . pew ana ‘used, a c.. d.r . all styes, makes reeond . guar : trade-in accepted farms ELECTRI CAL REFRIGERATION SALES & SERVICE CO.. 1316 14th *t. n.w. DE. 3610. MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE, REFRIGERATORS — New Westing ho use: guaranteed, recond. boxes. P. O. SMITH. Sales and Service, 1344 R at. n e.. LI. 2545 LI 6050. REFRIGERATOR. Cold Spot, good cond . good appearance* $65. MI. 8773. —20 REFRIGERATOR, elec . 6 ft.. $50; excel lent working order. RE. 6147. 26* REFRIGERATORS—GE and Westinghouse in stock; immediate delivery; easy terms. PROCTER & HUTCHINSON. 3714 14th at. n.w. —23 REFRIGERATOR. 4Va cu ft.; running cond.. $3*. Call AD. 0258. REFRIGERATOR, gas. Electron.x, excellent* condition; 5 cu. ft.; $05. 1873 Ingieside ter., n.w. —22 REFRIGERATOR. 8 5 cu. ft : Pr gidaire. perfect cond., clean, porcelain finish, inside and outside; sacrifice ler QUKk sale: SH. 0211. —22 i REFRIGERATOR. Servel. perfect cond.. film. Call AX 040* —21 REFRIGERATOR, 48 Servel; terms. TR 1337. —22 REFRIGERATOR, Universal, good condi tion: Just spent $65 for reconditioning, which includes 00-day guarantee; reason for selling, just purchased new Philco $75. AD 0662. —20 REFRIGERATORS (7). completely over hauled and rebuilt, perfect, condition. If you want somethin? good, this is it. Call Sligo 1904 after 2 pm. 20* REFRIGERATORS — Kelvinator, Crosley ana others: brand-new, easy terms. LIVINGSTON APPLIANCE RADIO CO.. 4409 So Capitol st.. TR 3856. —20 REFRIGERATOR, gas. Electrolux, water cooled. 5 cu. ft., excellent condition. $40. GE. 8108. 20* REFRIGERATOR. Servel, all porcelain 5 cu. ft . $75 PL. 9683. —20 REFRIGERATOR. Coldspot, excellent run-, ning cond.; $luO; 6!«t cubic ft. OR. 3150.' —21 REFRIGERATOR, large family size, excel lent condition. $125; 2 dustom-built library chairs. $15 each. Owens 8947. 22* REFRIGERATORS (3). gas Electrolux, wa’er cooled, about 5 cu. ft., now in per fect working order. $25 ea. RA. 2036.—25 REFRIGERATOR, Philco advanced model. 7>2 cubic ft., one year old. $250; also bicycle. Schwinn, girl's, 28-in., one year old. $25. Sligo 4598. 20* , REFGR.. Universal, dinimr room suite: both in good cond. No calls Sat. SH. 2886. —22 REINFORCING RODS, for concrete woik 1 inch in diairetpr, 20 ft. long KISINGER * BUILDERS SUPPLY CO., 7327 Wisconsin ave.. WI. 3233. —22 f ROOM AIR-CONDITIONERS—2 or 4,| Carrier floor model, suitable for cooling large or small areas Excellent condi tion. Prieed very low. Available imme diately Call MR. PHIFER, NA 7379. Rl’G. 9x15, with pad. $40; desk, modern walnut, like new, with chair, $35. Phone Oliver 8454. —22 i RUGS, Oriental: half-price summer sale; $45 and $95 each. ARMENIAN ORIEN TAL RUG CO. 2409 1 $th st. n.w. —24 LUG — Beautiful green broadloom. 9x16. Perfect condition. CH. 3153. . —22* RUG, Wilton broadloom. 9x15: burgundy fern pattern: bed Englander, duo inner spring mattresses. OV. 4 14 i. —22 RUG. Eurasian, Townhouse. Pastel blue, with beige baroque scroll pattern, 9 by 18 ft., $150 OTis 8071. —22 , RUG SAI F.—200 large and small Oriental*; reduced prices. RARE RUG SHOP. 2421 18th st. n.w. Open till 9 p m. Kl GS, Persian antique, also Bigelow. OF. 9109. Apt. 204 —22 SAFE, Sargent, 24 in. deep. 30 in. wide, 36 m. high; document drawers, compart-’ ments for bonks, etc.: perf cond. For quick sale. $95. McMAHON CHEVROLET'. 124u Upshur st. n.w. SANDERS, edgers. saws—Porter-Cable. ! Rebuilt. 12-ln . floor. $125; General floor polishers. 16-1$ in. CARTY. 1608 14th SANDING MACHINE. American; thinner, roller and cables. Tower 4921. —21 I SEWING MACHINES. Singers, sale nr rent: immed delivery. SEWING MACHINE EX CHANGE 2412 18th st. n.w., CO. 3245 SEWING MACHINE, Wilcox and Gibbs portable, in perfect condition, new case and motor. North 6003. • i SEWING MACHINE SALE—Singers, elec-' trie portable. $59.95; console. $79.05; desks. $99.95; 5-year guarantee. Other electric makes from $39.50; free home demonstration: terms. $1.25 weekly. MOD ERN VACUUM STORES. 904 10th st. i n v . NA. 91 12. NA 5642 SEWING MACHINES. Singer electrics: ! sale or rent. We also electrify any make sewing macnine: immed. delivery Open eves. 310!* 14th st. n.w. CO. 2221. SEWING MACHINES, portable and console models: brand-new domestics; easy terms.' LIVINGSTON APPLIANCE <V RADIO CO.. 4409 So. Capitol st., TR. 3856. —20 i SEWING MACHINES. fine portables. >39 50 to $99.50. We electrify. $13.95: cash or lay-away. Why pay more? NORTHWEST SEWING MACHINE CO., 915 loth st. n.w.. EX 6844. —22 SEWING MACHINES-^ Special anniversary sale; extra-fine Singer consoles and por tables and other nice machines. Singer consoles, were $135. now $115: nice por table?. $38.95; nice treadle. $37.50. We electrify your machine for $22.50. Open Fri. eve. 3812 Lee buy . CH. 4914. 20* SEWING MACHINES—Two portable?, choice. $37.50. All other treadles, port able? and consoles. I<*'p discount; one elertrk tailor's machine. Rentals, re pair specialists. PENN A. AVE SEWING MACHINE CO., 2119 Penna. ave. n.w., NA. 1083. —22 SEWING MACHINES. Singers: electric portables, consoles, desk models; terms, 5-year guarantee. $5 mo. New machines, 20-year factory guarantee. Immed. del Free home demonstration. NO. 2100. 24 14 14th st. n.w Open eves till 8. —31 SHOES—Cancellation and samDles; suo stantial savings on famous name shoes for your family: sturdy school shoes for children, Dr. Posner. Playpoise. Edwards, eic.; Fortune and .Jarman for men; Bnn wit Teller. Sbicca. Sacks, etc. for women. LIEBERMAN. INC.. 3412 14th st. n.w. 2nd fi Opf n ](* to 9 p.m. CO. 2521. —23 SINGER SEWING MACHINE, treadle type. $38; secretary. 3-drawer. $35. AX. 6580. SINKS, new and used, all sizes; faucets, pipe. showers. toilets. tubs, basins BLOCK S. 3056 M st. n w.. MI. 7141. SKILSAW TOOLS, hand, power, bought, sold, rented. 1222 7th st. n.w.. EX. 7859. SLATES—7V* squares, used slate. $10 per square. At 1207 N. Edgewood st., Arling ton. Va. Phone CH. 8473. 22* SOFA BED and chair, like new. wine broc. tapestry; cost $195. take $135. 130 Third st. n w . Apt. 2. EX. 6799. —2o SPEED GRAPHIC ANN., 4x5. case: Old Sol gun and ext .. F. P. A . C. J*. H . Alters, sun shade, GE meter, extra leas, excellent condition; bargain for $100. Sat. and Sun.. DU. 0625. 21* STAIRS, heavy wood construction, com plete. good condition. 7'? In. risers. 16 ft. long, 44 Inches wide, $50. WO. 4902. —20 STEEL reinforcing rods, rhannel irons, beams. angles. 4718 Bethesda ave., Bet head a. Md. OL. 47 IS. —24 SIENOTYFK 4NI) STENOGRAPH for ale Excellent condition. Reasonably priced.: Call Glebe 4400. Ext. 916. 21* STOVE Magic Chef gas range, automatic: heat control, late model, like new. $100; available Saturday. 4104 Longfellow st., Hyattsville. • STI DIO COUCH and electric stove. 9502 Columbia blvd . Silver Spring. Md 20 SUN LAMP, ultraviolet, new. cost $98. sell $50; dinette set. 5-piece, light oak. $25. TW. 8300. Ext. 393. 22* SUN LAMP, Ha no via Quartz Tube, practi cally new. UR. 4606 eve*. —20 TELEVISION demonstrators at greatly re duced prices: sold with the orig. 1-yr. guarantee: shop us first for best deal in town: easy terms.^ELECTRICAL CENTER. 514 10th st n w. TELEVISION SETS greatly reduced: brand new floor samples; all sizes, Philco. GE. RCA. Motorola. Stromberg-Carlson. Crosley and Farnsworth, conv. terms STANDARD TIRE BATTERY CO. 10th and H sts. n.e LI. 2983. LI. 8741. Open every eve. TELEVISION. FM-AM. radio and phono graph combination. GE model. 802-D: cost $725. will sacrifice for $550: 6 wks. old Call TE. 2256. —20 TELEVISION SET — Philco. 1001. new Price includes installation by television engineer $350. DE. 2714 —22 TIKES, factory recon., all sizes. $3.45 ea.: 6 mos. unconditional guarantee; used truck tires, $9. Open weekdays and Sun. till 8 P nj. ALL SERVICE TIRE CO.. 3019 Ga. ave. n.w. RA 9850 TIRES and tubes. (5). 6 50x16 and 1 50x2o: reasonable, other roisc. articles. 907 Prospec t ave Takuma Par!: SL. 6135. TOILET OUTFITS, flush tanks, closet bowls Galv. and black steel pipe. ATLAN TIC CO 807 .V st n.w., NO. 3921. TRACTOR. International. 102o, in run ning condition; chain saw. 11 h p.. Diston. Excellent condition. Laurel 87 0-J. > i TYPEWRITER. Remington 17. A-l cond,. late model, ser. 400314. Phone NA. 9070. Ext. 321. BRIGGS. • TYPEWRITER, portable. Remington, noise less, 1940 model; will sell $35. Call OL 0624 • TWI’FiW'RITERS—3 Remingtons purchased, in 1947; $85 each. Call SL. 6600, Ext. 35. during office hours. —‘21 TYPEWRITERS, standard* and portable*, new and rebuilt: 1-yr. guaranty; $20 up; terms. Our 38th year AMERICAN TYPEWRITER CO.. 1431 F. Cantoi *t LI 0<*82. 8:30 to « including Sa urday TYPEWRITERS — $25 allowance on your old typewriter on purchase of a new Remington - Rovai - Corona or Underwood portable. Cash or terms CF1NTRAL TYPEWRITER &z ADDING MACHINE CQ.. 2019 14th st. nw MI 4400. VACUUMS — Hoover vacuum cleaner. $18.50 guaranteed: w° deliver other fa mous make> as low as $9.95. Call BEST BRANDS CO.. 805 U»h st. n.w.. NA. 77 73. —-2 6 j VACUUM CLEANER, Apex. In perfect con dition. $25; free delivery. Shepherd 7009 after 6 p.m —20 VAl UUM CLEANERS, brand-new as low as $29 95. also for immediate delivery; GE. Eureka. Westinghouse Royal. Premier. Lewyi and Universal, liberal trad.-in easy terms. ELECTRICAL CENTER. 514 10th si. n.w NA 8872. VACUUM CLEANER — Eureka. recondi tioned and guaranteed. only .$19 95. PROCTER HUTCHINSON, 3714 14th st. n.w. —23 \ ACUUM CLEANER. Westinghouse. up right, automatic; new. with attachments: *60 TE 9 159 —-24 VACUUM CLEANERS, tank type, new dis- , play models: Universal. Royal. Eureka; reduced for clearance. NATIONAL ELEC. CO. 808 ]1th st. n w., NA 3720. —25. V4CUI M CLEANER SALE — Brand-new Rnval. $39295. other rjpaprrs thl" week $9 95 up 3812 Lep hwv CM. 4914 20* VENFT1AN BLINDS washen. repainted, reraperi. rp-corded FARK AVE VENETIAN BLIND CO.. ON 1345 WASHERS. Sift up. Guaranteed. DIS TRICT FT EC CO WO. 4902 —21 WASHERS, greatly reduced; hrand-n®w. floor "ample?, all sizes. Thor Mavtas. GE Westinehouse and many other?, conven ient term?. STANDARD TIRE A: BAT TERY co. loth and H xts. ne open every evening LI 2983. LI. 8741. WASHER. Gainaday. ?nlid copper tub: ThUr mangle, 42-in roll both good cond.. Gibson refc • perfect cond SH 2928 —20 WASHER, apt size Easy Whirl Dry. prac tically new. $40. Call Falls Church /674. WASHER. Bendix. stand, model, used 1 yr.. family of 2. perfect condition. $125; also gas stove, $35 TE 3935. —22 WASHERS, immed. delivery on GE. Biack j stone. Norge. Thor, Universal. Bendix. Generous trade-ins. liberal terms NA TIONAL ELECTRIC CO., 808 11th st. n.w., NA. 3720 —22 WASHERS, used: GE spinner, wrineer type Maytag. ABC ironer. NATIONAL ELEC. CO., 808 11th at. n.w., NA. 3720. WASHERS -Bendix. Maytag. Easy. Wesf tnehouse »nd ABC Spinner?, rebuilt. $49 95 up; also for Immediate delivery, brand-new Bendix GE. w>stinghouF* Norge. Vo*? and Maytag. $12? 4ft up J C HARDING. 617 loth st P.* , NA. 2160. 7008 Wl». tve. n.w., OL. 2160. —25 I MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE, ; I WASHING MACHINE, Thor, good cond j i OL. 7990 —22 WASHING MACHINES at grrtUly reduced prices, Apex, regular $139.60. sale price $100; Speed Queen, regular $149.50. sale price. $115; Thor, regular, $150 50, sale price $120; Thor, regular $139.50 sale! price $100. PROCTER Sc HUTCHINSON ' 3714 14th *t. n.w. —23 WASHING MACHINE—Lge. ABC wringer j type. Used 1 month. $115. Call UN. 0322. WASHING MACHINES, brand-new. as”Tow as $77. also lor immediate delivery, the mew GE. Bendix and Westinghouse auto matic washers: also Maytag. GE. Apex, ihor, Speed Queen. Hotpoint. wringer washers: libera! trade-in. easy terms. ELECTRICAL CENTER, 614 10th st. n.w. NA. 8872. WASHING MACHINE and wrtncer. $2.7. Handy Hot apt. size. 3 lbs dry clothes. Little Magic wringer. VI. 3263. —22 WASHING MACHINE. GE: in good cond.. wringer, just overhauled, with pump; $45 or make offer. GE. 4903 WATER COOLERS, electric, bottle type, as low as $139.95; also GF, Westinghouse. Krlvinator and Norep for immediate de livery, easy terms. ELECTRICAL CENTER. 514 1 nth st. n w . NA. 887 2. WATER COOLERS, greatly reduced. Brand new floor samples; suitable for offices, -tores, shops and institutions: Wrstinc house, Norge and Sunmck. Convenient terms. STANDARD TIRE AND BATTERY CO. 10th and H *ts. ne Open every evening. LI. 2983. LI. 8741. WATER COOLERS, reeond . guar., as low as $95. bare Also new ones at reduced prices. 1318 14th st. n.w.. DE. 3610. —20 WATER COOLERS. GE. oottle and pres suie t.-pe. size to fit your needs. NATION AL ELEC. CO.. 808 11th st. n.w,. NA. 1720. —25 WATER HEATER, automatic, in good con dition, burns oil, $25. Call Elmwood 691. WATER HEATERS, electric, brand-new 42-gal.. $99.96. also for immediate de livery; GE. Hotpoint. Westinghouse in all sizes, easy terms. ELECTRICAL.CENTER. 514 10th st. n.w. NA. 8872. WATER HEATERS, gas or electric: any sizr at anv hour: monthly payments. ROBERT T WE H RLE Sc SON. 7830 Wis. ave WI 6271-72 WATER HEATER, Prnicn, 30 gal . elec.; fl sample; $89.50. NATIONAL ELEC. CO., 80S 11th st. n.w.. NA. 3720. —25 WHITE OAK FIREWOOD, cut and uncut, cosh nr shares. NA 4349. —21 YOUTH RED and mattress. In excel cond <6 mo. nld> $50 RA. 9149. —21 j TWO-ROOM PORTABLE, prefabricated bide . 10x20. suitable for lake cottage nr to add on to hous**. furn. and all. $350. HEETER WALDEN TRAILER SALES, phone TO. 5111. —23 USED BUILDING MATERIAL—300 doors (not mortised for hardware). 2'0”x0'6". 1‘V’, 2 panel. $3 each; cleaned 2x4s. ran dom lengths. 2c per lin. ft.; cleaned 2x0.c. random lengths. 3c per lin ft.: clear yel low pine, l'li" thick, suitable for step treads; ’t" asbestos board. 2,2C sq. ft.: 35.000 ft. No. 1 fir and yellow pine tim bers, 0"x6". 8’ to 16'. $50 per M 100. ooo ft. I1/' gypsum sheathing. 22x82 $25 per M; I asbestos stage curtain, size 15x 2o ft.. $25: 3 Trane hot-air circulating units. $50 each; seven 30-gal. coffee urns, stainless steel. $35 each: electric globes, ceiling type, all size*, 25c to $1 each. Overlook 57 60. —22 ROW JORDAN sectional davenport, gray freize. like new. $1,75. Call OR 4543.—21 SET OF 8 handsome Chippendale din rm., purchased in Fd nborough. also 4 : copies. Seen a- HOLLAND HOUSE. '4 15 Wolf st.. Alexandria TE. 2*288. —21 j CAMERA FANS -Omega enlarger. D 11. with color head, new. $150. TA. ^9252. LGE. SAFE CABINET, in good cond ; rea sonable. ME. 1 236. SUITE OFFICE FURNITURE — Couch leather bag. trailer body, telescopes, binoc ulars. van body, machine attachments. OR. 126s. TWO SINGLE Innersprlng mattresses and springs, very good condition. DU. 88Sn —29 | APT. SIZE FRIG IT) AIRE, de luxe baby carriage. Storkline crib. Kant Wet innec spring mattress: S lb 8 A: L Zeiss binocu lars; fly rod reel. etc. 3837 Warren it. n.w. OR. 6400. * I OK SALE 1 KW. ham. xmitr. not junk not cheap. PT loo class C. hySlz's class B. complete exciter. Linear Standard speech, remote control. Write, W3 NVE. State Col ege. Pa P. O 374. __ —22 MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT. | BULLDOZER, with loader and backhoe' combination- for hire by the hour with oper.: $6: exfjpvating. grading, land clear ing, loading dirt, digging for septic tanks. Phone SI1 1024 or write KENSINGTON HOTS. CORP.. Capitol View ave., Kensing ton. Md. -—-31 HOSPITAL BFDS. IDEAL REDDING AND FURNITURE CO.. 62:; E st n w. National 4094 MISCELLANEOUS WANTED. ACCORniAN, must, be in excel, cond. CAMPBELL. HO. 4160. '—22 ADDING MACHINES, typewriters, calcu lators, bought and sold and rented RE 1177. UNITED TYPEWRITER CO. 813 14th st n.w ANTIQUES—Furniture, bric-a-brac. china glassware, rues. silverware, paint inns: highest ca'h prices paid. Call MURRAY Taylor 3333 ANTIQUES, bric-a-brac, china, silverware, old jewelry, cups, saucers. Any amount. DORA KRUPSAW MILESTONE. 1333 O n.w . Sterling 7406. BEDROOM, dining room or contents of home; will pay cash; we do moving, stor age. TA. 293;. after 7 p.m . GE J4iH. • BENCH VISES, several swivel base, at least. 4-in. jaws. Call EX. 0033. - -22 CAMERAS, all types, movie equipment, all, accessories bought at highest prices. BREN NER PHOTO CO.. 933 Pa. ave. n.w.. opposite Dept of Justice. RE. 2434. CAMERAS—Highest cash prices paid for Leica. Contax Rolleiflex and other good cameras; also complete camera outfits. BRENNER PHOTO CO., 933 Penn. ave. n w RE 2434. CLOTHING—Top prices paid for men’s used clothing, typewriters, musical instru ments. etc. MORRIS PAWNBROKERS SALES. lon^Florida ave. n.w . MI. GO 14. Open evenings, will call to give estimate 23* CLOTHING—Highest prices paid for men's used clothing HERMAN'S. 1122 ?tn st n.w ME. 3767 Open eves W1M call DESKS, two, OO-in. Call RA. 018*. '-er 4 n m. —-2> DIAMONDS, silver, gold. We pay hipest prices. Ask for MR. OPPENHEIMER. 917 F st. n.w DIAMONDS. Old gold and silver: diamond watches and discarded iewelry Cash paid ERNEST BURK. INC. 014 lSth St nw lURNilTRE—House, apartment or single piece. highest cash price: prompt removal MI 97 78. (We do moving ! FURNITURE—Your entire nousehold con tents or odd pieces: highest prices. S. E. I URN. EXCH , 210 7th st s e.. AT 0585 Ft RNITI RE—Will buy entire contents or odd pieces. Also old glas. ware, china, bric-a-biae. Buying and selling for over 50 years. HOP WOOD'S, 8th and K sis. n w. ME. 5287. - 1 FURNITURE Household goods, all kinds: china, brit-a-biac. cut glass, highest prices. Cali REV 7904. 25* FURNITURE Highest cash prices for household furniture, etc. will buy entire contents of fair-sized amount. For best results call MR. DOUGLAS at UN. 1587. GAS REFRIGERATORS wanted, in good condition, 4-5 cubic It.: also gas range fqr small apt. Call RA. 2050. - -20 GOLD—Bring your old gold, platinum, teeth, discarded jewelry. We pay cash. A. KAHN. INC . 55 years at 955 F st. n w MOVIE CAMERAS, movie projectors, sound i and silent; lenses, editors, etc . wanted. BRKNVFR, 955 Pa ave. n.w . RE. 2 454. NEWSPAPERS WANTED — Highest prices paid for newspapers, books, magazines and house rags. WASHINGTON RAG & BAG CO . 215 L st s.w DI. 8007. NEWSPAPERS WANTED — Highest pricn paid for newspapers, book', magazines and house rags. ACE JUNK CO . 222U Georgia ave n w. AD. 5457. PIANO, small upright, spinet or console, finish to go with blond furniture prefer able RA 1081. —22 PIANOS—Grand, upright, spinet, or apt size any size, any condition; well pay c-tsli. Sheo 520-1. SCRAP IKON WANTED—Highest prices paid lor scrap iron, scrap metals, house utfl and auto batteries. II you cannot de*iver your accumulations, please phone ■ us ACE JUNK CO., 2220 Georgia ave. 'n.w, AD 5457. scrap IRON, cast iron. $2 per ion pounds; auto batteries. $2 75 each, house rags. *4 per 100 pounds, delivered to our warehouse. Highest prices pa*d for : scrap iron, st rap metals, house rags and auto batteries. If you cannot deliver your aci umulations, please phone us WASH 1 INGTON RAG & BAG CO., 215 L st. s.w., DT S(»»7 SEWING MACHINE—Electric portable, ex cellent condition: reasonable; ^private part\ no scents please WO. 5095. —92 SEWING MACHINES — Wc buy all types. , repair hemstitching. but'ons covered. ptraUne. 7 10 11th st. n w . RE. 1900 RF -’til TYPEWRIT F.R —Private partv *rhen tn purchase used typewriter; standard or portable. Call VI. 9292 bet. 9-5 p tn. --2 4 ATTENTION Haulers arid accumulators of scrap iron, auto hattcrip* and scrap metals, see ns before you sell. We always pay the highest merkrt prices. WASHING TON RAG & BAG CO . 215 L st. S w.. DI 8007 WANTED—Better grade of household fur niture. antiques and efiice furniture. NA 5.729. evenings. GE tJ4 4 7 AM INTERESTED in ouylnsr silverware nnv condition. Chit-'a bric-a-brac, old ie-'elry DORA KRUi’SA W MILESTONE 1555 O st n.w . Sterling 7490 WE PAY TOP PRICES for old gold, silver. Iewelry. diamonds, firearms men's cloth ing. luggage photographic equipment, mu sical instruments, engineering instruments and what have you? Will eali MA 9 ZWEIG SONS. 937 D st. n.w.. ME 9113 _POULTRY and EGGS._ JAMES FFF.D STORE. «U» K ?t. n.w., ME. fiOKW. Baby chicks, feed ai d poultry sup plies r»« Pl'U.FTS Aiictra whit**; dr luxe Won derlev mating*. best layer?: 11 wk«. old; yi c,.-, p.% rhnne Fa'r'ax 34”-M 2'* j FARM ond GARDEN! STEEL BrnniNC. for farm, industrial nr warehouse?. ?i?fs fi ft bv £ ft tn f)p*lQO. : 3m us fnr rrmes on romnlete erect'-or* MALONEY B BUILDING CO- INC. 8^26 Ga ave . Silver Serins. SH. 3330-. GARDEN IB ACTOR. 1« h p new wi»h )low. 51 £3.50; field mower, lavn mower, cultivator, etc Available: immedi ate delivery; demonstration. WI. £332. LANDSCAPE PERFECTION — A» the artist brines out every dptail of a beautiful painting. we also constantly strive to solve vour Individual problem with a service so general as to covei every phase of your need. Bulldozer grading preparation of law»s. seeding, rolling, special manured topsoil, acid woods earth: well-rotted cow manure. £10. 22 bu : Wondergro. 51 o; specimen yews, azaleas, holly, rhododen drons. magnolia, dogwood, pyracantha. bamboo, all types of conifer and broad leaf evergreen, shade, ornamentals, flow ering shrubs, perennials, roses, vines: ground covers, selected plants, locally grown, hardy; dug. delivered, planted same ■fay. grading, drainage, maintenance, tree pruning, surcery. transplanting, removal fencing, brick, stone, flagstone, cement; cinder block walls, steps walks. t#*rrares. pool*; designs, plans advice and estima’es. LT 422ft. OV 0005. 20* PEONIE5. full grown. country-raised plants, self dug. ft*V. otherwise. 51 Out CoJesvtlJe rd to Coiesrille, left 1 ml. to HOLY FAMILY SEMINARY. FARM b GARDEN (Cowt ). I SOD, almost free of weeds, crabgrass. cut thick from rich land, delivered in carpe' : rolls, laid to make an even smooth, per fect lawn. LI. 4225. OV. 6005. 20* . WARNING—Good gardeners everywhere will tell you that late summer and early fail days have been especially set aside by nature as the ideal season for the preparation and seeding of old and new lawns. Your co-oT>eratlon will be re warded not only by a thick green more beautiful and permanent lawn, but also by a very green carpet, almost free of weeds and crabgrass. Estimates without obligation. LI. 4225, OV. 6005. 20* ROTOTILLER—JaQUes Frazer—Rotoette— Choremaster walking and riding type tractors, power mowers, hammer mills manure loaders, milkers. Bargain prices Many Items below cost CENTRAL MO- 1 TOR CO . 3200 Lee hwy., Arlington. Va. ■ CH. 7000. —30 GRAVELLY GARDEN TRACTOR. 5-h.p., | practically new. has sickle attachment, 5400. UN. 9802. —21 j TOP SOIL, nn dirt. sand, manure, blue j stone and road-gravel, by yard, ton or load. SH 5110 or FP 5578. —25 V. A. C. CASE TRACTOR, on rubber, hv- ! draulie lift, lights and starter: ornctically 1 new; 51.500 or best offer. Ashton 2118. j BANK RUN GRAVEL for driveways'and lane.', delivered and spread. WA. 2728. j GARDEN TRACTORS—Planets Jr,. n o.. >187; Gardenaid. 2.4 h P.. 5265.! MALONEYS. INC., 8126 Georgia ave.. Silver Spring. Md., SH. 3330 LAWN MOWERS—Eciipse 20-in. Rocket power mowers. $145. MALONEY S. INC.. 8120 Georgia ave.. Silver Spring. Md.. SH. 3330. FREEZERS—International. 11 cu ft.. $399; Victor, 18.5 cu. ft . $.498; Wilson 15i cu. it.. >475. Free frozen food with freez ers. MALONEY S. INC., 8126 Georgia ave., S11 ver Spring. SH. 333(>.__ j AVIATION. PIPER CUB J-4 for sale. $650;; privately ', owned; m excel, cond. Being sold to set-: tie a bill. CONGRESSIONAL AIRPORT. ! Rockville. Md . OL 888$. —24 J-2 CUB. in No. 1 condition; licensed until June 25. 1.049; $400 or will trade ior car. ALcx. 7441. • -22 EIvCOlTi:. 4 6. just relicensed, air worthi ness guaranteed by factory; all bulletins complied with: special attractively painted interior. $1,050. Erco Field, Riverdale. Md., IJN. 11*1. —22 ERCOI'PE. late ’46; overall blue and cream paint job: sensitive altimeter, turn and bank indicator, airline type. 8-day clock. 2-way RCA radio newly refimshed , propellers, SIMM). Erco Filed. Riverdale. Md.. UN 144 1. —22 PIPER cm J4 A-IO; re-covered in 1946 j new adjustable prop; just relicensed. $560. 216 loth St. s.W.. ME. 0145. 22* i CATTLE AND LIVESTOCK._ STOCKER and feeder, cattle, steers and' heifers. 400 to 850 lbs. Any amount, rea sonably pricea. SH. 2114. ME. 1244. —20 WANTED—Feeder cattle for 172-acre farm, m Uiunaoun County, Va.. DU. 4459. —24 TONY, 9 years old, very gentle, will sell or trade for small pony. See at pony ring. V Washington and Madison st.,; Alexandria. Va., next to Howard Johnson, until 9 p.m. any day. —20 RIDING HORSE, a:l black, white blazed lace; gentie. Call SH. 1914. —20 REGISTERED ANGUS BULL. 4‘a years old, good conformation, weight about 1, 200 pounds. $400. G. CALVERT HOWIE. WI. 4700. —21 HEREEOKDS—7 young cows with calves and rebred; also 7 purebred cows. OAK MONT FARM. Aldie. Va. Phone Middle burg *224 or DE. 2S4S. _22* REGISTERED saddle-bred chestnut brood mare. 14 years old. excellent breeding, four white stockings and .blaze, fine producer, color and markings passed on to all colts; gentle; suitable for lady; 15.2 hands; bred to Copper King. May. 1948; $500. 7-year-old palomino quarter horse. 15 hands, very gentle, suitable ladies or chil dren. color light; bred to registered chest nut thoroughbred. Chiefs Teddy, to foal April. 1949; $250. Yearling chestnut walking colt, not al tered. excellent natural walking gait; $125. Beautiful yearling chestnut filly, out of registered mare, Miss Chievous by Upweys King Pevine. 4 whitp feet amt blaze, good color, marvelous disposition, natural rack, a beauty: $5<mi. TUX ENT FARM, mile east Ednor Post Office on Colesville pike. 12 miles center Silver Spring. Ashton 4149 22* DOGS, PETS, ETC._ BOXERS, pups: ready for your selection; excellent quality. ALex. 0805. 21* GERMAN SHEPHERD DOGS—Puppies surd by Grand Victor. Champion Nox of Ruthland and Champion Dennis of Lon:; v.-rrth A S’ aid (reg.). Dale view 8884. 1 * BOARDING—A vacation for your dog, while you're away R D. I.INDSLY. Colcsvillc. Md Silver Spring 0498. KE KENNELS invites you 1.0 see red. buff and black cockers. Rockville ’.62$. —21 < OLLIF PI I IMF S, AKC ree., pedigreed; born July 2. 194$; $50. E. BALDWIN, Ednor. Md Ashton 5414. —22 GREAT DANE, mate, fawn eolor. 8 mos. old. nas papers, loves children; won hi? first show, price, $150 or best offer. Call TR 444n or OR. 8165. —22 | I N'GLISH BULLDOGS, sale. 9 weeks o d. male and female; AKC registered. VI. 1894 alter 6 p.m 22* j COCKER SPANIEL PITPIES. all colors, sizes and ages. AKC registered and inocu- , lateri. We deliver. Rockville 2644. —2(1 i BOXER, female. 2Vi yrs ; also boxer fe male puppy, 2 mos., both champion sired j RA 4817. —22 | DOGS AND CATS, available for adoption to good homes. Phone Sligo 5184. week days 9-4, Sat. 9-12. no Sun. MONT ! GOMERY COUNTY ANIMAL SHELTER I SPRINGER SPANIELS. II weeks. AKC registered, champ.-bloodlines, liver and ; white. Phone Bowie 4466. LIVER AND WHITE POINTER, female.1 distemper inoc., ready for fall breaking; long line field trial winners, both sides, $150. Ashton 5672. —20 COCKER ri PPIE.S. reds, buffs, regis. AKC. j innoc. reason.: also older breeding stock. STUD SERVICES Mrs. Field. 5*90 Autfa * rd. s.e. SP. 0616. —20 TRENCH POODLES. AKC, Rumplest ilkin line. black standard. beautiful litter. ALex. 2892. —25 , COLLIE PITS. AKC registered, $75 each. Call before noon. TF 1758. —21 COCKER AND BOXER pups. AKC reg : lively type, ch. sired, ch. bred; males and females. Laurel 496-R —22 SAMOYFDE. female reg. pre-stud serv ice. very gentle and lo\eabie; 2 yrs. old. $75. OW. 6946. 22 BOXER PITPIES. AKC registered, fawn, champion sired. docked, cropped and inoc d WI. 2216 BOSTON TERRIER. CH. Pageboy's Grand Sun a proven producer siring the eorroc: type puppies with grand personalities. If you want results, after all that is what! counts, breed to this little dog. J. H. PEAK. 6105 44d avt-. Hyatts . Md ENGLISH Bl LL DOG—Pups and grown doK Genuine sour mugs. Plenty wrinkles Excellent blood line. AKC. RA. 1445.^ SPRINGER SPANIEL. 12 wks.. AKC reg istered Champ blood line, liver and while. Phone BQwie 4466. -22 POINTER PUPPIES. Thoroughbreds. 14 wks. old. Males. $15; Females, $10. 2700 So. Arlington Kidze rd.. Arlington. Va. COLLIE, White. Registered AKC at s’ud. WO "'Ml —22• PEDIGREED SILVER PERSIAN CAT. male. 6 mo., gentle and lovable; $25. Call after 6. RA. 0472 —21 COCKER SPANIEL PITS for sale, parents reg. AKC; inoculated and wormed; 9 wks. md: 2 b.ond inales. $45 each: L female 'blond and black. $25. FA. 84 8.”. TRENCH POODI.E. 4 months black, fe male; AKC registered; imported dam of Toy town strain, sire of Misty Isies strain: $ 1 .')»>. OW. 1754. WANTED POLL PARROT, one that ta'ks ICO. 1 24 9. —22 SAMOYED PITPIES—The beautiful, wnite smiling dog: ideal for children: 7 wks. old. eligible AKC; reas. 6704 4th st. n.w TA. 4045. . , DALMATIAN PIPPIES. also full-grown ' mule and fema <• 22 v C st. n e. —22 BOXER WANTED Children v.ith Ige fen. ed yard, give good home to 1 or 2 ‘boxers. SL. 1755. -22 CAT, for kind. ,.b. homes; young »at altered male, yellow also dogs and pups r'ox tcrii'-i type; female must b. spayed; 2. part collie, male and female. AX. 4850 Inquire rout* : donations. I HEEKY Hll.L, breeders and exhibitors or qualiiv cocker spaniels, offer some choice puppies for d m runmutlnu buyers. DOT : JOE JONES-. WI. 4964._—25 _ COAL, WOOD AND FUEL OIL. get' TOUR “coal NOW—As coal has . gone up. By the ton or bushel. Wood ■ by thp cord, cut any length, or by the load, with good boards. J. D. MADDEN. ;i J2«no __ BOATS._ MARINE si'PFl IES. paint*, rope, flr* •*« ..v-j 'hers. outboard motor*. Perlpp* m» ;■;ne engines. nO to 300 h.p : fishing tackle. FRANK DEL VECCHIO <fc SON. 1212 11th sr ' e LI 4493. FISHING TARTIFS, dav or night, Chesa peake Bay. Herring Bay. Gooses For reservation cail CAPT. A. V. KING# MA 4 192 ts* FT. CABIN C RUISER, sleeps fi: with toilet, kit. and dinette, large cockpit zor fishing: roomy bridge; very well eon at: .'.i-ted. fully equipped’ S'» 990 or beM offer: must sacrifice. Call VS A. 37 V.*^ or GARWOOD SPEEDBOAT, almost-new con dition. tH.M.'iti; vse carry all kinds ol boats mid i-a nucw*s in s.ock at lowest Prices. MAYFLOWER MARINE SERVICE, INC.. 13tMi Maine yve. s.w. ST 9390 — ALUMINUM OUTBOARD BOATS. 17 feet loni 1 in:- wide. vi:> :,ti MAYFLOWER MARINE SERVICE. INC . 1300 Maine ave. ! s w ST 9390. — LIFE PRESERVER CUSHIONS, mil color*, approved. '••7.H9 earn MAY FLOWER MA RINE SERVICE. INC. i300 Maine ave r w ST n39'F — OUTBOARD MOTORS. Scott Atwater, a: * new low price 7*» h n . *135: 3Vs hip . voi nniv a few jrff at tHi' prl'-r. MAY FTOWFR MARINE SERVICE. INC.' 1 ’-00 Maine nvr w NT 9390 - MERCURl OUTBOARD MOTORS. *11 ;n Fork, fer trpm^d'atp delivery. MAY FTOVVEH MARINE -SERVICE,. INC . . J -"0 ST 9390 BOAT I UMBER. BOAT PLAN*. marine pH ■ wood re’dv-cu* fr=»mp? for l3*?-ft. run abnuts f: s. rowbnpt end canoe vr^t open ?tl dav -c-?t 3r*d Run ROBINSON'S lumber bi do materials and boat SUPPLIES. 1739 Kenilworth ave, n r, AX ; 1200. W ANTED_Out beard motor, regard;**.'-, of size or condition, ca h for same 737 J , c| <10. fob SALE— 14-It. bout, inboard Brisas *■ Brratton ename. eood condition. Also ifSt. rowboat MR. FRIEL. TR. 8247, Wert River 6012. 26* SPEEDBOAT. 14 -ft. cypress. batten -warned, steerina wheel, throttle, canvas, cover: Slf, 5. LARGO SPORTS STORE.. ! Central ve. , , —20 1918 OWENS 27-ft flagship cruiser. Lo ea'ed Chesapeake Yacht Club, Shady Bide, Md Will sell or trade for larger boat., Terms. MR. McGEE Dupont 1565 20* ; JOHNSON OUTBOARD. 22 h n . late model perfect condition. K. S. MOSES. DI. 8822: j eves,. WO. 5875. ( —20 j 01 TBOARD MOTOR- «-h p Wiaard. eacel. ’ ror.dttion. will sacrifice. Call TE. 682, i —26 i CABIN CRUISES. 28-ft. Cooper-built Sport, in firtt-eiass eordition new Gray .enfioe, sacrifice for quick sale Pee BILL! JENKINS a; Buzzard* Point Boat Yard. TR 8990. —2S BOATS. (Com.) HIGGINS SPORTS SPEEDSTER. Chrysler Ace marine engine, about 30 hours; compl. with tralier: price. $2,150: will take auto :»n trade. Phone MR. GRANT after 6 p.m , WI. 1368, or during day, OL. 3000. —23 CANOE, 20-ft. Old Town Guide model, and 1 4-h.p. smgle Johnson: Ideal pleasure, fishing and hunting outfit. 910 S. 17th st., Arlington. JA. 1445-J —21 ll-FT. WOLVERINE PAGEMAKER de luxe outboard; running light, oars and anchor: complete with trailer with 2 brand-new tires; selling for larger boat. $325. com plete. Call SI. 0623 eves; RA. 0211 day. ENGINE. Gray 4-43, $200; also Lycommg. 6-155. like new. $485. Ml. 1448. —21 SPEEDBOAT, is ft.. Gray Phantom 125. fast, like new. $985. MI. 144s. —21 •55-FT. CRUISER, with 3 staterms., big galley, inner-spg. bunks, new Diesel Su perior engine: beet offer. AX 6366. —35 AUXILIARY YAW'I. 38x11*2x4 new can vas; $3,000 or best offer. Call SL. 3689. BOAT SLIPS for rent; lee new. modern wharf. CiUS BERLITZ. Deale Md Phone West River 6181 after 5:30 weekdays, all day Sat., sun. —28 FOR SALE — Comet sailboat, excellent condition; r.ylon sails; mahogany trim. Call Overlook 2758. —2° CHESAPEAKE ROUND BOTTOM. Blue Water, good racing record, 2nd for the last 2 years for the high point trophy for the bay; 9 1st and 5 2nd for the last year; ra'sey sails and other extras. CO 1282 between 9 and 6 WI. 9548 after 6 p.m.. ROBERT ORME OUTBOARD MOTOR EVINPUDE. 9.7-h.p . light fours, just overhauled, first $125 takes it. ROBINSONS, 1239 Kenilworth ave. n e . AX. 1206. W ANTED—Listings on good cabin cruisers, under $7,006. See MR. HUGHES. Steel craft dock. Maine ave. and M st. s w , or call ST. 4145. —25 14' SAILBOAT, built strongly for Chesa peake Ba' and 7 h.p. Martin outboard used but few hours, leaving country, must sacrifice both for $325 or best offer DU. 2034. 20* CABIN CRUISER for sale. Thirty-eight foot. four bunks, toilet, needs repair. Best offer or will trade for car worth about $1200. Can be seen next, to Yacht Club. Irvington. Va. Call Kilmarnock 16-F-12., RICHARDSON DAT CRUISER. reduced again. Owner must sell. Used 1 season Fast and looks like new Much pxtra equipment. Cost over $5,000. Will ac cept $3 060 or best offer for quick sale See MR HUGHES. S'eelcraft dock, Maine ave. and M st. s w., or call ST. 4 145. —23 ; CABIN CRUISER—38 ft. Johnson and Johnson designer. New Chrysler marine engine, recently overhauled and paintPd. WT. 4667. —22 ONE OF THE BEST Chesapeake Twenties ever built. Impressive racing record, orig inal owner. Boat has always had best of care anc is guaranteed perfectly sound. Price $1,506. W. W HEINTZ. Cumber stone. Md. Home phone. West River 4301; office phone. LI. 7140. —22 JUST ARRIVED- -Mercury outboards. 10 and 7*2 h.p.: Martin outboards. 4‘a h.p and 7.2 h.p.; practically new 14-ft. de luxe Wolverine runabout reduced to $275: 12 ft. runabout reduced to $125. Trade in allowance on articles above. New Master craft boat trailers. $72.50 and up. BOULE VARD OUTBOARD SALES. 4 323 Bladens burg Rd.. Colmar Manor. Md., 3* mile over the D. C. line. UN. JS8H. * —22 32-FT. CHESAPEAKE BAY cabin cruiser, full equipped and ready to so. automatic bilge pump and many extras, any reav offer accepted: will demonstrate. Call STANLEY SANDERS. WA. 9711. bet 9 a m. and 1 p.m. —26 BRIDGE DECK CRUISER.- Matthews. 38 ft fully equipped, excellent condition; ideal for Flonda winter trip, live aboard. Call DE 8860 or TE 1.358 —21 MERCURY OUTBOARD MOTORS available in .3.6. 7.5 and 10 horsepower; owners rate Mercury best.: outboard repairs. AMERICAN MOTO-SCOOT SALES CO. 17 1!* Corwin dr . Silver Spring. SH 6050 • CABIN CRUISER. 32x8*2. custom-built for ability, durability, appearance, fish ing. cruising, full headroom throughout: Gray - 6" marine motor, reduced for quick sale DU. 756.3. —23 for sai l to highest bidder. 45-ft. cruiser. V-bottom. ready to go. Gray ma rine engine. 13-v. lighting plant, large main cabin, make a grand home. 1 1 1 Boa View ave., Annapolis, Md. Phone 615s. 21* CRUISER, 47-ft.. new Chrysler Royale twin motors: completely equipped and refinished by Truinpy s tnis Spring, will sacrifice for best offer. Call COL. FXLTS. DU. lOOd. —27 OUTBOARD MOTOR. Johnson. 37 h P . completely overhauled; $175 or best offer. See RED N20 Maine ave s.w. IO-FT MAHOGANY SPEEDBOAT. Ly coming motor, ton side damaged by fire. Does not leak, enc just overhauled Best offer around $300. IAJ. 2551 betw. 6 and s p.m LIGHTNING • -One of the finest and fast est in vicinity; completely equipped, lo ca'rd Capital Yacht Club. NO 7950 STEEl CRAFT WASHINGTON SPECTAI S “ 20-ft. Steelcraft, twin cabin sedan. $3.(M>o. Cruisalong. 65-h.p . sleeps 2, perfect condition, awning, windshield, spotlight. $7,000 41-ft. cruiser, A-1 condition: $4,000. All boats guaranteed, financing and In surance arranged Make an offer to MR HUGHES. S;eecraft dock. Maine ave. and M st s.w , or call ST. 4145_—73 _ ROOMS FURNISHED—Northwest. WALTER REED VICINITY—2-room suite, semiprivate bath; couple, employed. RA. 7157. r-70 I 112 SHFPHERD ST. N.W. -Large front rm with 3 windows, lge closet suitable 2' people or couple. Telephone and laundry privilege. RA 0190 —21 MASTER BEDROOM, pvt. bath; pvt. gen tile home, nr. express bus; gentleman. GE. 6885 after 6 p.m. —21 PRIVATE ENTRANCE, shower; rlose-in: newly dec.; inner.sprg; clean; sgl. $35: dbl $4o mo. .1474 Belmont st. n w. —70 WHITKSTONE HOTEL, downtown, across from Statler. cor. 10th and L n.w.--Daily and "weekly rates; jungle, double and lam ily rooms; children accepted. RE. 0442. 2o* 1901 K ST. N.W.—Air-conditioned rooms, each room with GE alr-condllloning unit; be • comlortable a'.l summer. running water, near new shower-bath single or double. $17.50 up. FRINCE KARL HOTEL. EX 77 75. ALT! KAS HOTEL. 1509 16th at n.w. Large, cool, double rooms. 2 exposures; single rooms, from $1.50. Dining room iu buildinc NO. 8145 RITZ HOTEL. 920 F st,. n w —Dble rms . $70 per wk.: downtown in center of busi ness and shopping district; complete hotel service. KENNEDY ST. N.W.—Nr. bus and street-, car line, bath and shower, $50 per mo.' Call GE. 9783. —23 \ 17 11 N ST. N.W. — Room to share with another genl’eman; twin beds; next to bath: nr. transp ; maid service. Apply be tween 9 and 5. RE 7024 — 31 2707 WOODLEY PL. N.W. -Nicely furn. rm.. adjoining bath ini : home prlvils.; 1 or 7 girls; $20 mo AD 5934. —19 1117 MASS. AVE. N.W.— 2 bed rms. to rent separately. $5 anti $7 ; no drinking •—23 IN RETIRED PHYSICIAN'S HOME, very pleasant room, single; nice community; • entleman: refs.. $30 mo. RA 7o.w.v GEORGETOWN. 30th and Q - Well-furn. rm in pvt. apt. for 1 man or epic : adj bath: unlim. phone: excel inner-spring bed: conv. transp. Refs Call NO. 6430 aUcr 3 p.m. Sun. or eves HOTEL PARK HOUSE. 909 13th st. nw 7 bll s Greyhound sc Is $10; dhls.. $14 wk.; trans. rms.. $!.5o-$3 day EX. 9566 NR DUPONT CIRCLE Attractive'v furn singles, nr. everything. $30 mo. HO OJOK I ::;ui 21 st st. n.w . —22 |6‘!5 16th ST N.W Afl new manage ment. a few attract .ve vacancies for re fined women with good references: eleva tor service: 19 ba""': call in person. —22 3520 37th ST N.W. (cor. Porter st »— Nice larce single rm for refined empl person $1# home and .surroundings will have to b* .^een to be appreciated —26 |03o QUEBEC PL. N.W. -Large newly decorated room for gentleman in pvt home, twin b<dv, $6 per wk. RA 1704. .—76 I lot 15th ST. N W.—Wei! furn. lge. lrmit Jin walking distance 7s single. $12 double NO O'.'aAf oi DU. 5706 ■—22 1353, MON KOI. wl’. N.W. front rm . twin i beds, semibath. 4 windows, 'hid fl also : m«ie rm AD 3367. 22* 305 SHEPHERD ST. N W -Clean, com : > or table single rm., laundry prlvils: $35 mo. RA 6219. —22 725 WEBSTER ST. N.W - Lge rin . twin beds, next to bath, also porch, conv transp TA. 7228. —22 1106 llth ST.. APT. *».—Lee db!. rm with twin bed.s. Sgi. $.30 mo and dbl $50. RA 4860. —21 CLEVELAND PK Very nice single rm semi-pvt bath, conv trans Empl. young ]adv. refs,. $35 mo WO. '.’78 1 77 AC ROSS F ROM WALTER RFFD .Single rm . n^wly dec Rrau». furn Maid service. Phone. Exc. trans. TA. 5394 or RA 4440. ?7l(l ONTARIO RD., Tjre . brant furn twin beds, nr bath, matd service. Unlim. phonp. for 2 rmpl. men or couple —22 MT. PLEASANT- 3159 1*th M. n.w. Large front room. 3 windows, soml-pvt. bath large closet, young girl. $30. CO 300?. DOWNTOWN. 919 L St. NW. Apr 43 Lge. rm adj. bath lge closet, dbl. bed. Innerspring mattress Gentile home. No other roomers *1<* wk. ME 302* —22 I DOI DEL RM. and I Single rm . newly decorated, unlim phone laundry prtv leges. near convenient trails. JHuH Kil bourne p! n.w. —22 3719 ONTARIO RD., N W.—Large front rm with 4 windows suitable for 1 or 2 employed persons with quiet and refined gentile family. All conv. CO 5004 130 INGRAHAM ST N.W Master bed im. private bath, twin beds; attractively furnished best transp GE. 3500 —22 LARGE FRONT ROOM, suitable for coupie or 2 ladies: phone and laundry privileges no other roomer*. Call after 7 pm. and all day Sun . DU. 907 1. 3512 RITTENHOf SF ST. N.W.—V^rv quirt. n:rv. Ice use nf pvt. porch share bath wrh I other, bus at corner; gen tleman. *15 OR 33*.'*. “ft rHEVV f HA*F. D 4 • 1 blk Torn Ex'rs lge rm . cln-et. pv| hath, unuxual Privacy, nbortr prfvO*' OR 5470 —7.. ft! BRYANT ST NW. between 1st end Nr* r*r A tafEe front rm on 3rd floor reasonable DU I 14 ' I5|9 vaRNI.M *T N W -t-oveiy double room, twin bed,, connecting bath laundry fariiitjp? unlim. phon*- excellent tr?erp R A RAQO 3 ft mVM.v WESTMORELAND SECTION Room wuh private ba»h for l or 2 girl* Lutheran family. W1 111'1 . : - t Itii FITim ST N.w Light housekeep ing roopi. Fneitfaire and s»ove. hot and: cold water *37.50 per mo Apply 9th Rt. n.w or call DU 9534. l*»29 30 h ST. N.W.—Large room. $5 a week: very good transportation • 3900 «th ST. N.W.—Lae lft-fl rm and bath, twin beds. uni. tel 1 blk. to bus and? streetcar: gentlemen only; private home WANTED-—Man of civilized habits to oc-1 cupy comfortable English basement room, pvt bath, other home convenience*: good' res section nr transp. 25 mini to business downtown; reasonable rent. WO. 04 3 ] *— - - ( 5 VV —Two lovely gdjoinlng rm« for A voung men who deelre home environmen' refined Jewish home: unlimited phone In I^I.ARGP RLRCTTNr. RM.. 1 hede. gnd I Single h»l! rm m»n only HO 7)74 - 2‘ lSnl Mh *T. N.w. < nt h «nd AH'son et* i— nm for eourle or «lng!o. RA 70*9 —72 gl.vr.ur RM . 3rd Hr.. M wk. C»n kffer 6.15. AD. 3848. —2* ROOMS FURNISHED—N.W, ( > DOWNTOWN, across—-L#rg«. airy rooms, adjoining bath; low rates. 1601 K st. n.w. ST 3568. —22 810 RITTBNHOrSE ST.—On# doubl# room. kitchen and laundry prlrtlegea. TA. 0070. _ DOWNTOWN. 735 13th at. nw—Lovely bedrm. and liv. rm. combined: ideal for couple; private entrance; continuous hot water; >7 each ME. S187 or OL. 5318. 1348 IRVING ST. N.W.—'To a quiet gen tleman, first-floor front rm. with running water, good bed; excel transp : $35. —71 179ft LANIFR PI.. N.W.—Single rm in refined home; refs required. —21 1301 RHODE ISLAND AVF. N.W.—Elegant 1 h k. rooms and suites; downtown; linens, dishes, silver etc. DU 0521. * 1628 2lst ST. N.W.—Highly desirable rm. and bath for 1 or 2 discriminating gentle men, excellent location; >55. DU. 47 70. — 26 nr PONT CIRCLE, walking distance down town—Small smgle. very lge. double, well kept: maid, etc GE. 4807. —22 19.33 RHTMORF ST N.W.—Nice, clean second-floor room for 2 sober men or couple, also man to share front room with another man AD 3842. —22 1207 CLIFTON ST. Studio bedrm. sale: no linen furn : share bath; $25 per mo. Call OW. 6502 af’er ft P m. CLEVELAND PARK. 3118 Rodman st— Sgle rms., sale. beds. $5 per person; gentlemen. WO 7975 PRIVATE ROOM, semiprivate bath, near transportation. Call HU 9543. —22 2420 PENNA. AVE. N.W.—Private home, lge comfortable front rm., twin beds; conv. location, on carline. RE 2817 152-1 YARN I'M ST.—Lovely front bedroom and pvt. bath, stall shower, desk extension phone; $50 sgl.. $rto dble also sgli room. $30 RA 8329 —22 HOTEL RMS. by day. week or month: sgle . $35. dble.. >50 per mo CASTLE INN. opposite new Walter Reed Hosp. at B A O .station, Forest Glen. Sil. Spg . Md , SL 5533 . —23 1863 WYOMING AVE. N W.—Lge. front rm . 2 closers, twin beds; conv. transp . no drinking DU. 0611. —26 1709 NEW HAMPSHIRE AVE. NW—New ly decorated dble rms.. also single. $10 per week DE 849ft. - 23 2119 CALIFORNIA ST. N.W. west of Conn —Lge double rm . 3 windows, rear bath: conven location; $1" 50 weekly* also single. $10 wk NO 9732 73 mo M ST. N.W. Nicely furnished doubl# or single rm., price, rear Apt 406. — 71 SCOTT CIRCLE. 1521 R I- Dble room, running water, also single room, evert conv.. htn.'f; $75 eR.; trans. considered. 70* 906 ALLISON ST. N.W,—Lovely rnom; kit privileges —20 COLUMBIA R!>. N W., 1834--Men. Sgle.. $6 wk . dble . $6.50 wk each, clean, comf. beds; c.h.w,. showers, bath AD. 4330. —2 FARMINGTON HOTEL. 1674 18th at— Cool, shady str#e-; large, airy rooms; daily maid service; 24-hr. switchboard service; phone in all rooms; summer rates: singles. *8.75 per wk. up. doubles. >17.50 per wk. ; ud. DE 47 50. 2022 16th ST. N.W.-—Newly furn sleep ing rms. for young men.* $6 and >7 per wk HU 9786. —21 SUMMER RATES—Potomac Hotel. 800 18th st. nw. NA 9216. 8ingle. >15: dble . >18 and up per wk. Complete hotel service. THE WILSON HOUSE. 2015 Kalorama Rd. —Excellent double rm ; $20 each. CO. i 9722. —82 NO OBJECTION TO CHILD- Kit . laundry iprivils.; employed cple . nr. transp., shop ping. theater, churches. AD. 7943. —22 iGAYTOMA. 1513 16th st. nw -Clean, icomfortahe: elertrir fans $2 single and $4 double weekly rates 71* NEAR !>I TONT CIRCLE. 1601 21st at. I n.w—Washington's most desirable guest house. nice double rooms a few ainglea: excellent meals; vacancies for men ana • girls HO 7300 - 21 ALLEN I FF. HOTEL, 2274 F at. n w — Doublp room1;, with or without prlvat# bath $7-^10 50 per week per person. 24 hour switchboard service Near Govt, bldgs . George Wash. Univ. and transp. EX 7774 —20 I02tt NF.VVTON ST. N.W.- For young busi ness men. Newly decorated double room# dressing room, shower $.30 each. —24 NR. W ARDMAN PARK 1 lge dbl rm.# nr. bath, twin beds, also 1 sgl. rm Phong MI 5196 20 iSth AND COM MB1A RD N.W - Large s.udio room, private entrance, shower, p’-iie. 2 men. 1785 Lanier pi AD. <»: * 0 —24 DOWNTOWN N.W -Newly furnished rms. with private baths, perm. Government emploves. single or msmpd couples only. See MR. JAMES in person, 1012 ,17th st. j-n.w.. DI. JIJ55. - 21 • >011.2 7th ST. NW. — Lovely bedrm, pvt. bath with kit. urivil.. empl. cotiple or 2 i girls; express buses TA. 7250. 2<* 13.3.3 COL. RD N.W. Large light house keeping rm . nitely furn., for couple; baby welcome. Ml 2HOH —20 ONF BLOCK from Mayflower Hotel. |«1T R I bvp, n w Nice double and triple room, also vacancy tor gentleman • - 22 1.308 N. H. AVK. N.W. Nicely furn 1 h L I • nv. SRl. or dbl . $15 wk —23 5.302 NFW HAMPSHIRE AVF. N.W.—Mau ler bedrm for 2. pvt. hath, newly dec ! orated, gentile home RA 1048. —21 15.33 N. H. AVF. N.W., ’ The Panamanian** Lge dble t -b rm . $12 50. 815 wk. Also '.gle . $8 75 wk Lge closet*. —23 OVERLOOKING SIIORFIIAM Liv. rm - bedrm suite, dally maid, linen, liberal use kit . breakfast, dinner. AD. 3120 a fter 10 a m. —20 1.31 l IOth ST. N.W.---Large, nicely furn. double t.-b. room. $14 wk . single. $12.50 week. * ■—23 1751 QCE ST. N W., “The Kennert"— Nicely turn, single rooms, running water, $.30 month. —23 172.3 EYE ST. N.W.—Nicely furn. •ingle ot double room, pvt bath. $15 wk —23 2111 .37th ST. (corner Wt*. and Calvert > A spacious studio rm , $40 monthly; also ’.-rm. suite available, maid service; privacy of apt. at the price of a room. DJ 2 74(» —20 2117 F ST. N.W.—Small, single, studio hall room; share elec, refer. EX. n«53. 1727 CHURCH ST. N.W.—Double room. twin beds. 2 closets, for 2 persons; near Dupont Circle. MI. 7031, —2ft 2-328 Ittth ST. N.W.—Cool, shady street facing park; large double room with a porch, twin beds, next to bath, laundry privileges, unlim phone. $45; also single room, facing park, $25. - 20 FRONT BEDRM . twin beds; conv te trans. WO 8.304 ~-2I MASTER BEDROOM, twin bed*. 2 closet*, next to bath; unlim. phone, on express bu* line. RA. 2147. —22 SCOTT’S HOTEL. 21.31 O st nw. near Dupont Circle—Transient, rooms available immediately at $2 and $2 50 dally, some at $1150 weekly available later, your home for a year or a day in a 250-room modern new hotel exclusively for women; all rooms single with running water, tele phone in room; laundry room on each floor; coffee shop with reasonably priced, well-cooked food Come in and fill out ao application for future residence You wifi enjoy the friendly atmosphere at 8COTTS. Phone HO f»I Ou. —20 LARCI ROOM in Conn. ave. apt . near Zoo. phone, elev sen ; bus at door; gentle man pref -v\ . $«r> dbl DE. 7680 OFF loth ST. Master bedrm for 2, pvt. bath. Call GE. 0242 bet. 8 and 8 m. I Pl CLIFTON ST N.W.—Larte rmT»ult able lor thre« girls or couple. $20 ea mo ; ref.; kit. pnv:! may be had; Meridian Hill .section Call SH 20.38 after 8 pm. 21* .MO I I A. AVE. N.W Sgl. and dbl rma., 'win beds, nice location and conv. trans. NO. 7117. AD 05.30. —21 I L30 R I. AVI.. N.W.. Apr 3—Lge rm. end bath, ev.-ry comfort: gentleman. —20 (.3 11 (OI.IMP.IA RD. N.W. Lge. aHrac . front studio rm vacancy for 2 girls, in gentile home. $fl »k. Call DU. P0|2 after 5:.'{(> —-21 ME PLEASANT. 1813 Monroe st. nw - Master bedroom, for ladv. A window*, cross-ventilation, larue closet; phone, laun dry privileges, private family of 2; conv. to Mi Pleasant rar, J Ot h bus. erossfown. MI 80.38. —25 M»th ST. N.W. -Lower single, for man, ' in 4-rm. 2-bath api . share bath with one NO. 144.3 bet 11-7 pm. 1021 MASS. AVF. N.W.- Lge dble. rm . well furn., running water, twin beds; nice single rm.. conv transp DE. 0700, —25 1 ft 25 F INI ID ST. N.W. Twin beds for a nic - couple or two young men. grid privileges. —20 2.327 ASILMEAD PL. N.W Large rm in private home, for inan or cple. DU. 0114. Call afternoon. 20* 18*7 PARK RD Pleasant corner rm In ine. det house uttr. furn., next to bafh. 2 closets. 2 gentlemen; near transp After 2 p in.. NO. !»225. —2ft NEAR SIIORFIIAM—Lge. front: 3 windows, twin beds. b»aut. furn . hot plate, $12 Also single. .$?. 1048 Calvert n w —25 17 1.3 Qt F. ST. N.W. . cool, comfort able aele or dble. front rm ; twin beds. nr. bath. Call after f> pm —20 1511 20th ST. N.W’., near Dupont Circle— Housekeeping rm* for adults. single. *28 50. double. V{8 50. NO P704 2ft I A R G F. < ORNFR. ground floor rm pvt,, entrance, nhnne. latindrv. kit . home orlvl lepen SH 8853 after fl n m —20 18.33 parr rD—Charmhiglv furn rm . n beautiful clean home, for young man.’ ; Ml* shower. $26 mo.; nr. rarllne. DU P$74. —21 COLORFD—1701 13th *T. NW Oh* Metropolitan House! -single and double rooms for girls: references required Applv in person. 17.38 Vt ave. nw. weekdav* from 0 am. to 5 t>.m. —20 COI.ORFT)—121 tt OFF *T NW.—Fur nished studio room bachelor preferred. DU 2418 _ _ 22* ROOMS FURNISHED—Nortti«o«t ONE LGE. KM. lor < pie or 2'people Call after 5. FR. Ho.r»ft ~20 NICELY FURNISHED ROOM for rent. V* blk. from csrilne. laundry prtvll. TR. , 4« :« —20 20.*» D ST. X.E . Aot. e -1 b k. Union Sta tion; newly painted, cheerful rm ; alngla, wk dbl. *lu. FR 7402. —21 ««3 MARYLAND AVE. N.E. Nicely fum. rm . 2nd fl will rent sale, or dble ; next l to bath; conv. transp. FR 7027. —22 120 3rd ST. N.E.—Double rm. next to ' barb, splendidly furnished, for gainfully employed rouble; u xq from fluprema ■Court. refs, required, no children. *<5. 21 • HEM KFARNT *T . VE Double *leeo?rff •nn*n p ex * to b*th in pvt home Couple $4* %tn Good t.r»n:-p Kitchen and laundry pru'*i*x AD —25 LARGE 2ND EL. corner master bedrm, ry window*. 3 exposure.*. Nicely fum. Fvt shower, c^dar rlo#et Oentlle homa. Conv. traps. $50 per mo. HO. RWP —31 4th AND R t AVE.—Room for lady. nc*t hath pvt. family of 3 adulte: *20 mo OF 4 j ? w St .. An' 4. 2nd fl —23 COLORED—VACANCIES for *P for 2 girl* *1 : per week, home privilege* TR. ! 4033_—22 ROOMS FURNISHEfr—S.t. mi S.W. FT. Dl'FOWT ST. l.E.—Clean rm, newt to bath; phone; aentleman only; union, chfne. TW. 1150 —20 LARGE double studio room and sink!* room: near Conaressional Library; kitchen orivllefes. AT. 214? —20 HILLCREST—3336 Denver St, SI At tractively lurn, rm. In prac. new home. S30 month. VI 0513 —21 I3e> F ST. S.E.—lst-floor front, alnale or double. *7 per week, 21* AN’ACOSTIA. 1313 Dexter ter. «e—At. trap. sale, rm, for man. *26 mo. LL 1003 —58* Itl «tb *T * W.—Liiht housekeeping oom for employed aentleman !n refined home: ** wk ME ?ns? —20 %TTRAfTlVFI.T FI RST comb Iiv r~im. o.Orrr pvt n**b: esc if desired: pv^ entr • conv. location: suitable i or Z. V*. 9260.