Newspaper Page Text
ROOMS FURNISHED—MD. b VA. MLVER SPRING. MD.—-Attractive, cool rm for empl couple or gentleman. Phone and iaund privils.; bet. 2 buslines; 845 mo. 8H. 744m. —20 HEATTSVILLE—Lge double rm.. clean; pref. couple or will exchange for dav rare of children WA. 1508 after H. —>4 ATTRACTIVE ROOM and porch, com pletely furnished, for employed woman; $35 mo . near bus and shopping center, meals are served extra if desired, 5 days a week. SL 7141. —22 MASTER BEDRM , pvt barh. plenty rloset space, nicely furn ; 2 doors from bus; unlim phone with extension, suitable for 2. $.30 ea . home atmosphere. GL 3010 —21 SILVER SPRING. MD — Large bedrm double bed Private family 3 blocks from heart of 8il Sp Laundry and phone priv ileges. 8H 8843. —22 ONE PBLF. RM . next to bath; conven location. TF HO 8 4 LARGE ATTRACTIVE BEDROOM and living room in private home, nearby Ar lington: share kit. with employed couple, unlimited phone. CH. 2120 after 7 pm., wk. days —22 FtflfcN. RM , employed couple, single per-' sons. hot plate prlvil., 1-fare zone WA 880ft.—21 ~ ROOMS UNFURNISHED. LARGE FRONT ROOM. 3 windows. 2nd floor, share bath. 535 per month. 1225 Randolph st. n.w . HO 7200 —20 612 6th ST. N.E.— 3 rooms unfurn . with gas range, semiprivate bath. 555 month. __ 2 1 • _ROOMS_F URN. OR UNFURN. COLORED-—LARGE FRONT ROOM In lovely home for couple; must bp neat and refined, ail privileges. NO. 2312. —-20 COLORED—31 r> FLORIDA AVE. N.W — 2 large rooms for working couple. Call in person, excellent transportation. ROOMS WANTED. GENTLEMAN, convalescent, desires living Quarters, meals and homo privileges. In private home, vicinity Takoma Park ci Silver Spring; with middle-aged coUIPe preferred, no nursing care required; will par gererouely for desirable accommoda tions. Box 159-S. Star —23 * REFINED YOUNG LADIES desire bcdrm ar^ri 11 v. rm . N W. preferred, twin beds Call bet. 6 and 10 pm. DE. 9611. ^ EMPLOYED MIDDLE AGE LADY desires single room in Christian home, or apt. N.W. section by Sept. 2. Box 214-T Star - -21 • REFINED LADY. gentile. permanent Govt, employe, desires attractive room with pvt bath in n w section, excellent references Box 249-T, Star 21* MAN wants furnished room, vicinity of the National Bureau of Standards: *25 $.30 per mo. _ Box_2.35j-T. Star_22*_ COUNTRY BOARD. Vacation on a f arm- -swimming pool.! tennis, riding, etc Delicious meals; 538 weekly or daily rates; 1 hour from D. C.; 22nd season. THE RANDALLS. Clarks ville. Md VACANCY in pvt home, for boy. age 3 A. monthly or permanent; reference SH 4767^__—21 ! ROOMS WITH BOARD. SLAUGHTERS—1627 l»th n.w. 'pear Dupont. Circle); double room, semi-private1 bath, suitable girls or married couple a'.so 1 girl to .chare double maid and switchboard service. 2 meals daily in cluding 2 on Sunday. HO. 6767. —21 ARLINGTON—Vacancies, close-n Claren don, good >ran*p., excellent meals. GL. 2106. —21 THE MAR-LEETA, 1325 16th st nw — Nicely furnished rooms with running wa’er for young ladies and voung men. also triple, showers, elevator, switchboard; ex cellent board, beautiful home. 21* 1409 16th ST. N.W.—Sgles . dbles and to share, for young men. quiet place, good food and transp MI. 2740. DU. 9267. —20 rEVERLY HALL, corner Mass ave. and 2nd st. n.w Rated one of Washington's finest guest homes; pleasant double rm, opp bath; 557.50 mo. with 2 meals. MRS CLARK HO 9363. —20 WORKING MOTHER Riid 5-yr-old daugh ter want rm . bd. and care of child: vie. | Langdon Park. n.e. or n w. pref. Box 160-T. Star. 20* FOUNTAIN COURTS, guesthouses select clientele, educational directives for manor residence MARTHA WASH SEM MGT., CO 0294. ' —25 1406 LAWRENCE RT. N.l, near Catholic University; double room and board. ^Du ront 0855. 101 16th N W. Well-appointed residence for business peon e I^e. double rm. for girl to share with another girl, small single; ; excel food and service, switchboard. VACANCY in private home for boys and girls, ages 3-5 monthly or permanently. Write MRS JAMES BAKER. Mt. Jackson, ▼ a.. RFD 2 — 22 1 G.UF MASON. 1726 N H ave n.w.— | e. dhl rmv for ladies, men, or married epl Live ar Wash » finest guesthouse, famous for its food and service. MRS. SAMPLE. NO. 67 70 —23 : 1722 LAMONT ST. N.W.—Large front room for ladies newlv decorated, twin J beds. Southern cooking: :4 block from carline.__•—1 ROOMS WITH BOARD WANTED. For RETIRED COUPLE Its OVt. horn.: 3 meals daily. Box 194-T. Star 20* BROTHER AND SISTER, veil behaved dog. wish rm. and board in private family. Apt 204. GE 9109 —26 EAIPL. F ATHER desires room and boaid for *eif and ]0-yr.-old son in suburban home or farm, including supervision of son in absence of father School facilities must be accessible, also D C. bus. Box J54-T, .. i iROOMS. APARTMENTS TO SHARE. RrtO lflth N.F.—Will share modernistic S- . rm, 3-bath apt with 2 other congenial women, age 3<>-40. TR 5547. —20 FtHMSHi n APT TO SHARP 2 refined ftrla to share apr with another girl . Call Glebe 5H27 after 0 pm GOVERNMFNT GIRL to share a 3-room furnished apt with another. $40. FR. nR40 before 3:3o daily 22* INTELLIGENT. congenial Jewish tin. 25 30 to share spacious 2-hedrm. apt . a e , with 3 girls LU. 5030. , - 23 j RM WflITTTF.R PL NW. vie Walter' Reed Hoep.—Dble. and acle . kitchen to ahare; dble., $00, ag’e . $30. RA. 3570. REFINED YOUNG WOMAN to share Rt trarrivelv furn 4-rm apt . piano, with 1 other lady. 4073 Minn, ave. n.e . TR. 5003. —20 ONE GIRL to share attractive ant. with another girl LI. 86*0 —22 APT. TO SHARE--Twin beds Vic. Ken nedy-W'arren. Prefer girl bet 35 and 40 yrs $55. Box HB-S Blur —22 I COLORED—1 H1 I S ST NW. Aut 402—; Comfortably furn. sleeping rm . in modern J apt for man. HO. is.’.s after 4:30 urn. 1 20* COLORED—NEAT. RELIABLE GIRL to share room with one other girl _ DE _*797. APARTMENTS FURNISHED. b'UPONT CIRCLE, 2110 R st. n.w. Lite, studio and kit. mo pvt. bathi. nicely furn for 2 adults. $78.50 mo SILVER sprint, -American plan hotel, located on ciose-ln 10-acre e-tate. can accommodate couple or small family. < all Sligo 258 1. -—20 THREE ROOMS. ba’h pvt entrance fur nished, m’ddle-aged empl. couple, no chil dren of pet*. 4203 31st st.. Mt. Rainier, Md. 20* BEDROOM and kitchen e-• e for couple J 713 Irvine t nw CO 535.Y 20 1305 RHODE ISLAND AVE. N.W. Nice v furnisher! room in basement for l.h k for employed couple, no drinking —20 4 ROOMS. RATH. POKCII. all utilities furnished will lease to’responsible party, no children MR GEORGE. DI. 0350.! —20 NICF1.Y FT RN HOT SF. $125: large vard: no objections to 1 child or older children. Apply IS R. I ave n.w . 3rd floor After *; 30 p m . Don't knock, come on up ■'<» 2-P.FDROOM API . furni. hed nr Waiter Reed Hospital. *>-37 Dahlia st. n w ; $125 mo . utilities inc luded For appt . call OF HARDMAN PARK vicinity: 2U32 Garfield a n.w .; large dble. l.h k rm all utilities, elec*, refgr . maid service ': v p?r w eek. NO 4 338 before 1“ after d 3" 2 4 NEAR (iEOKOKTOHN. :: 13': Wisconsin aw n w —3 rms and tiled bath, garage, telephone, linens, china, sliver, all utils . au:'able 2 respons. adults: *1.30. OR n:»30 —21 ATTRACTIVE BF.DRM APT »o share with another refined business girl 25-30; rnnv located lfith st. n.w . $00 ref exchanged. AD 1807 22* W ANTED WHITE COITl F. for g.h u and i a’-c of eldrrlv iady in exchange for bed living rm . kitchen apt , we!! furn small *a! 1343 Newton st n.w . AD 5583. SOLTHF.AST. near Barney Circle, fur iM.hrri 4-rm. apt. adults. Phone TR. NICFIT FI RN. 3 ROOM APT. employed connie preferred, semipvt. bath, located in - e FR RST8 i*.»•* 15th $T NF, -Completely furnished »P! . a!! utilities; $80. I 1 to BUCHANAN ST. N.W For 3 adults tmmac.ulatclv clean, floors reflnirhed. entire 2nd floor 1 master bedroom, twin beds. .1 single bedroom, liv. room dinette, kitchen, bath, modern furniture. GE. B.i58 or GE 7427. 22* OCEAN-FRONT APT. 3 bedrm' : reduced rates lor Sep: : Ocean City. Md Phone Ocean City 37J -W-4 —22 ! BEDROOM ai.ri kitchen. >emihath: quiet, employed couple: $•>.'> DU. 7 024 21* 1UU 18th ST. N.W. Office and 1-rm apt . completely furn all utilities supplied: 1 bik from Conn ave 2nd fl $l«>n per tpon’h. GERA I I) RFALTY CO. 4!2 nth a’ n w DI 5!>85 22 1.311 p st. N.W -Furnished apartments, ♦nr rent —22 ' 4 117 3rd ST N W 2 rm? k.t and semi pvt ha’ll, utilities suitable for cple or 2 or .3 girls. FA 8050 —22 1103 R I AVE. N.W 1-room studio at’ enll privilege* new furniture. 0 window* entertaining privileges; private entrance 2 nr 3 refined people, see any t’me or call PF OS-’* ALEXANDRIA Attract ve furnished apt for 2 cirls. romp kit, pvt. bath, util.; turn . $70 TE fcfi.v; —22 SITTER SPRING Bsmt an* and extra bed^m aerommodate empl adult*: eon yen’ppt t ranr-portaMon . gentile family. SH. 7050 afre*- 7 pm 8 ROOM APT ■ furn $17.50 rer wk. 1301 P st n w APT.. FT RN.— Liv room, bedroom, kitch en semipvt. bath, employed couple, no children or pet*. ?ran*n *t door, near all conveniences ref req . $7 5 Box 228-T. Star 22* DI PONT CIRCLE. 1740 Riggs pi n.w—. Beautifully furnished apt . living room with fireplace, tiled bathroom, modern kitchen, dinette on 2nd floor, private; including gas and e’er Ring Apt. 4 from 1 to 8 pm. HO 0207. —22 3120 IStb ST. NW. Mt Pleasant—For 3 or 4 employed persons. 4 rms . 1st floor. THREE RMS., nicely furnished apartment: 1st floor, with modern eas stove and Frieldaire. piano, with use o? unlimited phone. 418 Irving st. n w . RA 1S82 —23 18io FYF ST NW.-? rooms, small kitchen and bath. C h w , $75 mo.: 1 h k. room. $.35 mo. • GEORGETOWN—Rxcl . furn . new 2 rm* . ba’h. kitchen bar fireplace. porch, pvt Vntr . all uMls.: $150 gentleman or em ployed couple NO 7188 22 J«3f* R ST N.W I,re frop* studio room for i gentleman new all-tile pvt hath pvt entrance, towels Rnd linen. $75. APTS. FURNISHED (Cent.). 1310 EMERSON ST. N.W—2 rooms. screened porch, private bath, l.h.k ; 3 adults. $77 each. RA. 6157. —21 WARDMAN PARK VICINITY—Finely fur nished large apt.; four congenial high , class Business girls. $35 mo.; available Sept. 1. ref. rea. Box :53-T, Star. 22* 303 E ST. N.W’.—Bedroom and kitchen cur: $lO week. —22 ATTRACTIVELY FL'BN. bachelor apt . comb. Uv. rm . bedrm.. pvt. bath: Karate if desired, pvt entr ; conv location; suitable for 1 or 2. VI. 9260. 1317 KENYON* ST N.W.—Desirable 1-rm. apf for settled lady, heat, elec., ga*. refer . -iS wk SUBLET APT . Aut. 23, for 3 wks . compl • furn. Parkfairfax. $75. Phone TE. 8590. *>•> DUPONT CIRCLE. 1632 19th st —Desir able rm , twm beds, share bath, use of k;t . *14 wk : close in. WI 2562 —26 • 7<m* 16th ST. N.W.—2 rms., kit. and bath; $9o mo HO 9390. 1305 R. I. AVE. N.W.—Nicely furn. rm and kitchenette for employed couple, no ■ drinking. —22 1JIK N ST. N.W.—5-room furn. apt. for, :4 bovs or girls, $100 per month; also; singJp room and double room In basement. ST 6594. SILVER SPRINGS—Llv rm.. 2 bedrms.. i kitchen with dinette, bath; adults. SL. i 191* —22 ! FERN. APT. Arl—3 rms and bath: em-i ployed couple, 5103.50 mo. After 2 pm. Sat. . 1230 N. Vernon st. NEW—Available Sept. 1 or sooner if de-1 .vied. Nicely furn. liv. rm . bedrm . kit., i dinette, bath 7onv. to transp. and stores. Bollinc and Andrews Field. 3806 2nd st. s.e *125 -no. including utilities. No ob jection small child KE. 5188. —21 ATTENTION DOCTORS and dentists apt. in the heart of Bethesda $125 mo : no others nepd call, WI 8686. -—21 3-RM. APT. for adults, working people; $Ioo mo 3120 18th st. n.w , Mt. Pleas ant section —21 SOCIABLE YOCNG MAN to share modem, attrac home in suburbs, only lo mins, from town completely furn . facilities in clude television and maid service. Call OW 17 58. bet. 6 and 8 p.m —22 1 109 ORD ST. N.E.—Settled employed cou ple. no children, no pets Pvt. home, conv to cars Phone between 9 and 11 a m or eyes, VI 3296._— -21 APARTMENTS UNFURNISHED. VROOM AND BATH. 2nd-floor apt. 6534 Conn ave n w. Telephone OR. 2051. —24 LARGE APT. in Rockville; consisting of liv rm., din. rm, bedrm.. bath and Tcit.; on bus route. Phone Rockville 2101. —20 I BLOCK FROM l*th ST. and Columbia rd -Liv. room, bedrm.. kit., dinette and bath. *75. Hobart 7239. —22 ONE LARGE ROOM—Pvt bath, bsmt of apt house. Hyattsville Heat, light, water and gas partly furnished. $35. WA. 1908. DOCTOR OR DENTIST, arranged for bus iness and residence; 5-rm.. bath apt.; separate entrance, nice residential section; opening for either profession; 2ryr. lease at *125 per mo. 4710 Edgemoor lane. Bethesda To Inspect, call MR. PFIEFER, OL 6867 or WI. 6822. —22 APARTMENT, unfurn . entire 2nd fl. 2 bedrm*.. living rm, bath, kitchen, elec, rrfgr , heat. gas. Electrolux; available Sept 15. $90. Call after 6 pm. only, GE 017 1._—21 APARTMENTS SUBURBAN. ARLINGTON- Now available, in apt. bldg Hi min. to White House; efficiency and 1-bedrm apt. furn. and unfurn.; adults only P O. Box 4, Arlington, Va. —22 APARTMENTS EXCHANGED._ EXCHANGE UNFURN. 3la-rm.. 1-bedrm". apt. * e. lor 1-room apt. n.w. FR. 6229, 8 to 10 p.m. —20 WILL EXCHANGE new 8-rm unfurn. apt. in s.e Washington for 1-bedrm apt. in Manhattan. RE. 2388 days. DE. 3678 eves. —22 WILL EXCHANGE furnlahed 2-bedrm. du plex m Alexandria, Va . for suitable apt. Call TE. 1487._—22 APARTMENTS WANTED. BUR. OF STANDARDS employe and wife desire 1-bedroom housekeeping apartment. | unfurnished, in n w. section. Call EM. 4498 after 6 pm. and all day Sat. and Sun. 21* I ABOUT ONE HUNDRED veterans and ether employes of Capital Transit Com pany ueed bouses or private apartments with private bath and kit., renting under i $75 per mo Please phone MI. 6363, Ext *'72 (or 652), Monday to Friday from 8:30, am. to 5 p.m (Thest employes are no;; looking for rooms to rent or houses to i buy. they need family homing to rent) MAGAZINE EDITOR, wife, small child, greatly need two-bedroom unfurnished apf ; n.w.: long-time Washington residents with e -client eferences. DU. 5471. 22* UNFURNISHED. 1 or 2 bedroom apt , pref erably n.w., Georgetown; max. $90; Naw emp, wife and infant. Tel. RE. 7400, Ext 4166. Box 1 .’6-T. Star. 23* RETIRED ARMY OFFICER desires 2-bed room hskpg. apt., unfurn. Two adults, no children, no pets. Box 124-T. Star. 20* BEDROOM, living room, kitchen, bath; wanted by two refined girls; n.w. sec . vie. Dupont Circle; up to $90 mo. RE. 7400, Ext. 3789, between 8 and 4:30. 20* URGENT—Young lady and mother desire uniurn. apt ; empld. Call eves., GE. 2113. —20 STUDENT VET AND WIFE desire 2-rm . kit. and bath apt.; furn. or unfurn.; up to $IHI Call FA. 2872 after 6. —21 VETERAN wants 2-bedrm. apt.; pay up to $75 per mo. Call AD. 7725. —21 ATTENTION—Widowed mother and vet son desire unfurn., 2-bedrm. apt ; modern air-cond. bldg., n.w sec.; year s lease or longer, beginning Oct. 1; no pets, no children: highest refs. SH. 6942. —21 COUPLE. NO CHILDREN, desire 1-bedrm. apt.; n w . furn. or unfurn , careful ten ants references. OL. 1820. —21 GOVERNMENT SCIENTIST and wife de sire 1-bedrm. unfurn. apt. n.w. or near by Va . top. $75; consider furn.; refs. OR. 6094, 8 a m. to 12 noon, and eves. —20 BACHELOR APARTMENT wanted: com mander U. 8 Navy desires unfurnished living room, bedroom, kitchen, bath; first preference Arlington-Alexandria. second Georgetown: top. $70. Please phone CH. 7500. Ext. 697. or AD. 2039 any time. 22* REFINED SINGLE GIRL desires efficiency or one-bedroom apartment, in Northwest section, unfurn. pref. Box 130-T. Star. 22* TREE REGISTERED NURSES desire fur ished apt., vie. Georgetown Unlv. Hosp., about $90. OR. 2268 after 4:30 p.m. • NAVAL OFFICER, no dependents or pets, desires comfortable, furn. apt until Christ mas. in S E. Wash or nr. NAS; $100 max imum. Box 494-S. Star. —22 VET AND WAR BRIDE need 2 or 3 bed room. unfurnished apt. or house, n.w. sec., under $85. preferred. Phone TA. 4777. •>2 • ENGAGED COUPLE desire 1 or 2 room kitchenette apartment, furnished or un t in nished. now or by Oct ; $50 maximum. EX 4120, Ext. 2533. or OR. 5314 eve nings '’2* STATE DEPT. OFFICIAL, best references, desires month sublet furn. 3-bedrm. house or apt n.w. while searching permanent quarters Adams O70u. Ext. 501F. 22* I IFAUIIER. einpi wife, desire 1-bedroom, f un . unfurn apt.; to $75. n w. section. Call TO 5279 21* PERMANENT Government employed cou ple. middle-aged, no children, no pets, de s.:e .’.-room and bath apartment, furnished or unfurnished: immediately. DU. 7315 af*er li pm . all day Sat. and Sun. 21* NAVAL OFFICER, wife 6-month son. de s;re unfurnished house or apartment, nearby Virginia Ludlow 5831. 22* NAVAL OFFICER'S WIDOW and adult daughter desperately need efficiency or small apt. furn. or unfurn., by Sept l; j excellent references. OR. 796t 22* | VETERAN, wife and child desperately need one or two bedroom apartment. Decatur. 2 805 • FRENCH GOVT OFFICIAL and wife, no children, desire 1 or 2 bedroom apt . pref erably unfurnished. GE 3137 or DE. 8300. Ext 784. 25* MIDDLE-AGED EMPLOYED COUPLE. 1 or 7 bedrooms, unfurnished, to $65; no chil dren or pets Box 731-T, Star 27* TWO YOl NO WOMEN, good Govt jobs, desire attractive three-rougn furnished apt,, prefer under $05; Georgetown, Du P >: i Circle areas After 7 p.m. weekdays, WI 4iis7 or any time week ends. • 2 REFINED GENTILE GIRLS prefer un furnished apartment. Call EX. 6115. Ext. 7 77. or Glebe 1573. 23* GOING ON VAC ATION? Officer desires *: or 3 bedrm apt or house. Aug. 23 to Sept 15. Call EM. 2559 NAVY COUPLE desires one-bedroom apart ment; furnished CH 6997. • JOINT. COUPLE, with small child, des perately need 1 or 2 bedrrn. apt : furn or unfurn nearby Va. OV. 5337. —22 Vi T. beginning law school Georgetown, school teacher wife, need apt. close in r w. or Anarcstla vie. Call MR BROOKS. NA. 9716. Ext 707. G W I NIGHT STUDENTS. girls, Onv? employed urgently need 2-bedrm. unfurnished apartment n.w. Call RE. *>3Sl 22* PERM AGRIC. EXEC, wants unfurnished 7 o- 3 bedrm apt . prefer Arl. or Falls Church Northwest Wash, acceptable Wife registered nurse: boy. girl passed de structive pee. good elementary. Jr. high school necessary. MR. AUSTIN. OW. 2074. NAVY LIEUT., wife, child under 2. desire 7-bedrm house or apt . unfurn ; max. $90; will be here 3 years. OW. 7217, bet 6-9 p.m. —22 \ FT STUDF NT. employed w’ife. desire one bedroom furnished apt ; kitchen and bath: n w. area or Chevy Chase. Silver Spring. Bethesda. Phone WI. 1246. 21* VETERAN AND WIFE and 8-mo baby urgently need one or 2 bedrm. apt. MR. WIF.R. PL 0450. 7 GIRLS. Red Cross worker and FBI em ploye. college grads . urgently need J or 2 room furn apt . n.w.. immediately: maxi mum. S90: references furnished RE 830p Ext. 409. ME 7100. Ext. 517 after 5 p m 7 GIRLS desire apartment, furn or un furn Call Republic 6700. Ext. 72912, be fore 4,:;o MISS KAPUSINSKI NFWLY MARRIED COUPLE needs apt urgently: 3 mu. and bath; pref. n e. ser tion. :p in «55 mn Call DU. 7704 —20 SMALL APT with kitchen and bath, in Washington or Va Call DU. 7942 after 6 30 —79 PFRMANENT. EMPLOYED Government worker wishes l-room furnished apart ment. including kitchenette and bath, in modern apt. building, n.w vicinity. Conn. preferred moderate rental. Call RE 1820. Ext 697. days. OR 5932 eves. —70 YOUNG CANADIAN GENTLEMAN, em bassy associate, wishes furn. bachelor apt. or equivalent, in n w. section. Phone CO. 5050. Ext. 130. 9:30 to 5:30. —21 3-RM FURN. APT.. N.W.. needed by re sponsible young businessman; to >65. TR. 8930 until 7 p m. —24 RESPONSIBLE, employed mother and adult ; son desire unfurn. 1-bedroom apt., n.w.' or Arlington refs WO. 6210. —20 IN SILVER SPRING or close by. wanted1 2 or 3 mi furn. apt. by congenial, responsible couple with 2 children tl8 mos. and 5 mos >; highest refs., will lease if desired. Kindly call MR. HENDRICKS, SH 9761. 11 a m. to 3 p.m —21 ANDREWS FIELD PERSONNEL need furn. or unfurn apt? or houses: prefer a.e. or j n e HI 3100. Ext 5122, 8 to 5. —23 AIR FORCE CAPTAIN, assigned Penta gon. wife. 2 boys. 3 and 6. desire 2-bedrm furn. house or apt : consider unfurn.: Ar lington Falls Church, pref.; max. >100; possible l-year lease: excel, pare assured. AD. 2400. CAPT. P*ANK F. WORMWOOD. YOUNG employed eouple de«1r» I-bedroom unfurn ant: prefer ant building in n e. or n w. section. RA. 2746. 23* (GLAMOUR GIRLS —By Don Flowers FASHION ^ FORECAST V**\l W VT.CC/ corn I**J1 KIW* rKATtrtKR WNUCATr 1 r-/ UMRI I. fcll.MT j< Kl» "I'm afraid to look! What are they going to do to us THIS fall?” APARTMENTS WANTED (Cont.). | YOUNG MARRIED COUPLE desire three-' ! room furn. or unfurn.; $60 furn., $5i> un | furn. AD. 7027 any time. 20* NEWLYWED VETERAN desires furn apt Sept. 16; prefer apt. building: sublease considered; $125 maximum. Box 131-T, Star. 20* RADIO ANNOUNCER desires pvt. apt. or room with bath, near W. M. A V. bus. HAL BANK8. Owens 7800 between 8 a m. and 3:30 p.m. Pay up to $60 per mo. 20* FAMILY OF FOUR ADULTS and one child one adult employed, two vets attending school, would appreciate 3 or 2 bedroom apt. by Sept. 1; rent mo.. $00. Phone Atlantic 8025. 20* FURNISHED 2-bedroom apt . prefer Conn. 1 ave. or Friendship Heights; references. LEGGETT Dodge Hotel 21* j VET, WIFE, two children, need 2 rooms.' kit. and bath, unfurnished, up to $60. AD. 7941. 21* GOVT. EMPLOYED LADY desire* fur nished or unfurnished efficiency apt . In apt. bldg.. Northwest. Box 106-T, 8tar 20* ! YOUNG COUPLE desires 3-rm. furnished apt., n.w. section. Call RE. 6700. Ext. i 72885; after 6. call MI. 865$. 21* j HAVE RESPONSIBLE TENANT for furn apt. in Georgetown. Mass. Park, Wesley Heights, Foxhall district, or any good re stricted area. FREDERIC L. PATERSON, DI. 4871 or OR. 4242. 20* FAMILY OF 4 urgently need 8-roora and kitchen apartment; must move by Aug. 20th. EX. 5604. WILLIAMS. 20* TWO-BEDRM. APT., conv to cross town bus. Call OL. 2273. or UN. 9102. —20 RECENTLY MARRIED FBI employ# de sires furn. (1-bedroom; apt Petworth sec ; $80 mo. HU. 6108 (10-3 pm.). 21* GI AND WIFT wish to sublease pvt. apt. j for 2 mos : will pay up to $00 mo.; desire liv. rm„ bedrm . kit and bath; prefer n w. section: can furnish excel, reference, no drinking Please call RE. 0343 bet. 10 and 5. or WO. 7546 bet. 6:30 and 10 pm. QUIET MIDDLE-AGED COUPLE, no chil dren. no pets, nondrinkers, nonsmokers; desire 2-room furnished apt. and garage, husband employed at Pentagon Bldg. Phone RAMSON. HU. 8084. or Box 210-T. Star. 20* MARINE AND WIFE (expecting child in Nov.), urgently need 3-rm. furn. apt. by Sept. 1. Cali MRS. HUTOHERSON. any time. AD. 3310. ' —23 GIKL8 desire 2-bedrm furn. apt... up to $100 MISS BOOTHE. UN 4749 after '6:30. or RE. 7400. Ext. 61074 bet. 8 and 4 30. —20 COLORED—COUPLE desires a 2-room, private bath end kitchen; willing to pay reasonable terms. DE. 0178 after 6^ p.m.; COLORED UNTV. INSTRUCTOR, wife7 ln j fant daughter, desire 3 or 4 rm. unfurn. I apt.; excel refs. NO 5063._—21 APTS. SUBURBAN WANTED._ YOUNG LAWYER and school-teacher wife desire 2-bedrm. apt. or house within conv. ! distance to Colmar Manor School. RA. 7!»78 after 6:10 D m —21 , COUPLE desire perm, apt., furn. or un-| furn., in suburban area, near College ! Park, or Beltsville; employed at Plant Industry Station. WA. 4 74 5._—22 i CO-OPERATIVE APTS.—SALE. overlooking rock creek park— Beautiful corner building at I860 Clydes dale pi. n.w. l rm., kit., full dinette and bath, $4,500 up. 2 rms . kit., full dinette and bath, $6100 and $6,800. Tile bath with built-in tub and shower, laundry with Bendix washer. Open daily 1 to 7 p.m Directions: From ]8th and Col. rd, go, north on Adams Mill rd.. 2Va blocks to, our ,,Open” sign at. Clydesdale pi. HOME REALTY CO Afternoons. AD. 0025. —20 TILDF.N GARDENS—Attrac apt. with 1 pxpostires, 1 bedrms., liv. rm, solarium, din. rm., kit. and 2 baths; immed. oe- ’ iftipanry price of equity. $28,500. MR. CORNELBON. WO. 5114, Apt. 101 -D —22 1832 BILTMORE ST. N.W.—$6,500 to $7,000: front basement office, Saturdays, 10 to 5, or GE. 4528.___ NR. U. 8. SUPREME COURT—This destr able apt. is located close to downtown area and yet In a very quiet neighborhood. It contains a Ige. entr. hall, liv. rm, fully equip, kit., bedrm and bath. All applicants Investigated. Only $600 cash needed. Loan balance at 4*7. Nr. Bolling Field—Owner transferred to N. Y brings this attr. apt. on the market at only $7,350. It consists of a lge. liv. rm. with picture window, din. area, equip, kit , bedrm. and tile bath, walk-in closets with extra shelves. Only $1,500 cash req Bal. at 4*7. To inspect, call Mr. Goddard at TR. 6662. with FREDERICK W. j BERENS SALES. INC., NA. 014 1. —20 CO-OP A beautiful garden-type apt. In Sligo Park is Immediately available if you require an exceptionally well-built and well-planned apt-home, containing very large liv. rm, dining area, complete kit., 2 good-sized bedrms. and complete tile bath. You pay $3,500 cash and from then on only $75 per month pays all expenses Including Krincipal. interest, taxes, insurance, gas. eat. light, water and all maintenance fees. For appt. to inspect, call Mr. Conlon eves . MI 5822. FREDERICK W. BERENS SALES, INC., 1528 K st. n.w., NA. 0141. MOVING, PACKING ond STORAGE. SMALL JOBS—Pers. effects, baggage, etcT; I $1.75 minimum; any time, days, eves , Suns. ANACOSTIA MOVERS, AX. 6446 MOVING ACROSS THE STREET or across the country, safe storage in separate rooms; expert packing. Phone NO 0104. UNION STORAGE CO, INC, est 1906 MOVING by experienced veteran: furni ture baggage; 24-hr. service; reasonable rates. MR GARRETT. Owens 1751 —10 MARINL VETERANS MOVING CO—24-hr. service: furniture moving and hauling trunks and baggage. AT 2759 or FR 0186,' REDUCED RATES. 3 average rooms of furniture stored in individual compart ment for $3 per month. Reasonable rates SAFETY STG. & V1?- 6188 0r TE 1935 H RMTlRE VAN. two expert movers; $5 hour; every piece guaranteed against dam-: age; also packing, crating. AX. 6446 MOVING BY VET—Kxper. help; every piece wrapped and Insured: reas. rates. Call any time, MR. COOK. GL. 5137. —22 EX GI—Local, long distance moving, pack ing and storage. No job too large or small. GLOVER TRANSFER, RE 5460. 20* GENERAL HAULING—Anywhere, any time; new truck ready for work; reasonable prices. LO. 7266. —*>4 EDELMAN MOVING AND STORAGE CO— Reas, rate*; will accept your surplus furnl- ; ture as part payment on your moving, storage. TA. 2937; after 7 p.m., GE. 1416. 20* j FOR LIGHT HAULING and delivering, evenings Saturdays and Sundays. Call NO. 8009. _21 HOUSES FURNISHED. 3-BEDRM. DET. HOUSE in North Arl ; quiet neighborhood: Ige. yard; avail. Sept. 1. 1-yr lease. KE. 0084. —20 REDECORATED 8-room. 2-bath, detached house. 10th St. Heights, $260 month. WI. 2182. 22* 1501 NEBRASKA AVE.—Det. brk., 3 bed rms.. 2 baths Call 8 Loveless, with J. RUPERT MOHLER. Jr.. Realtor. 1223 Conn, ave., NA. 4080; eves., GE. 1535. —22 322« WOODLEY RD.—Brk.. semidet.. 0 bedrms . 3 baths. Call W. Taylor, with J RUPERT MOHLER. Jr . Realtor. 1223 Conn, ave., NA. 4080; eves.. WO. 4904. CLEVELAND PARK—Main fir.. 2 liv. rms.. rim. rm . kit. and porch, den and bath: picture windows, pleasant outlook; 2nd flr . 3 Ige bedrms . bath and sleeping porch; terrace garden apt., bath and refgr.; walled garden. $350. WO. 0189. 7-ROOM BRICK—Beautifully furn.: owner ♦ o maintain 1 bedrm . $200 mo. May be seen Saturday WO 2871 BOLLING FIELD AND ANDREWS FIELD personnel: 2 bedrms.. liv. rm , kitchen full basement, attic: furnished, oil heat. *128 m0 ; ne*r Suitland, Md SP 0656-J. • COLONIAL BRICK. 6 rms . modern ktf and bath, automatic gas heat, completely furn. Located in Cheverly on Shady lot. Conv. to transp. and school* $160 per mo . 2 mos. in advance. Poss Sept. 1. UN. 4013 i 3-BEDRM. nicely furn. home, for adult family: long lease; *158 per mo Call E. M. FRY. INC.. Realtor. WI. 8700, 4028 East West hwy. jo SILVER SPRING—Close in: completely and nicely furnished; 2 bedrooms, child's Elay room. liv. room. din. room, large itchen. large beautiful fenced yard: ga rage; basement, auto, gas heat: bus at cor ner: three blocks to downtown shopping section: *157.50 LUTHER L. MILLER, 1ST. 0501. 9 to 12 noon daily. 25* : LARGE HOUSE on Kalorama rd.—Very , near Conn, ave.; completely, attractively, nicely furnished, in addition to separate : entrance apt. in basement of 3 rms., kit. and bath; the house ha* 6 bedrooms. 2 i baths, liv. room, reception room, dining room and kitchen: this property suitable 'for large family an employed co-operative group, club, two families, etc.; *325 LUTHER L. MILLER. 8T. 6501. 9 to 12 j noon daily. 25* ' ! HOUSES FURNISHED (Cont.) 402 PEABODY 8T. N.E.—Attached brick, about 7 yrs. old. in excellent condition and i in good neighborhood; nicely and fully i furnished: liv. rm., din. rm.. kit., bath., 2 bedrms ; basement, auto, gas heat, screens and storm windows: :t blocks to bus; I $132.50. LUTHER L. MILLER. ST. 6561,! 0 to 12 noon daily. 25* FALLS CHURCH. VA.—2-bedroom Cape! Cod cottage, well furnished; rent until' Dec. 1. possibly longer; no children or1 i pets; $130 per month FA. P524. —22 4511 GARRISON ST. N.W. American Univ. Park—Beautiful location: all new houses; nicely furn., <5 rms. and i2 baths: brick garage; now vacant; rent, ! $250; keys here Howenstein Realty Corp. _1 41 8_H St. N.W . DI. 7877. —22 ROCK CREEK PARK i located on over V* acre of lovely lawn ir. exclusive section of upper Rock Creek Park; 4 stunning bedrms., 3 baths up stairs; 18x26 living room: den with ’/a bath; dining room, screen porch down. bar. I rec. room, fireplace, maid's rm. and full 1 bath in basement: $40^ per month; 1-year ' lease or longer. OW 8500. LURIA BROS., i 2046 Wilson blvd . Arlington. Va. —2 1 HOUSES UNFURNISHED. ADDISON RD.. Seat Pleasant—7 rms.. bath, garage, oil h.-w.h.: 3 0 inclosed lots; house in excel, cond.; conven. to schools, shopping, transp ; $175 mo. Call Mr. Puffenburger, TR. 4382, with T. PAUL MUDD. —22 2554 MASS. AVE.—Partly furnished, for private residence. 10 rooms. 3 baths, oil heat. 1-car garage, available Sept. 1; *325. For details, call Mrs Matthews Finn. DU. 3 234. SANDOZ, INC., 2 Dupont Circle. —22 NEW BRK. HOUSE, in Clinton. Md—4 rms and bath. auto, oil ht . elec, range and refrg.: available Sept, ist; will rent only to desirable people with refs.; $125 per mo. Call Brandywine 2322 after 0:30 pm. —21 NEW HOME. Braddock Hgts. section—5 rms . including 3 bedrms.; excel, location: $150 per mo.; refs. req. BOHLAYER A PULLMAN. INC., agents, 105 S. Royal st., i ALex 2422. OV. 2215. —21 I-RM. FRAME DWELLING, including 4 bedrms. and bath: downtown Alex : excel. | neighborhood, *105 per mo. BOHLAYER A PULMAN TNC agents. 105 S. Royal1 st . ALex 2422. OV 2215. —21 I LARGE STONE HOUSE on beautiful corner! lot; 3 bedrms. 1 full and 2 one-half baths.' lse. den. all rms. Igp. and entire house In 1 perfect cond.: built-in garage, oil h.-w.h.; choice N. Arl. location; rents for $200 mo. on long-terms lease (3 yrs. or more). Call MR. COLLIER at OX 0033. SEMIDETACHED BRICK HOUSE, excellent condition. 3 bedrooms, closed-in back porch, living room, fireplace, dining room, breakfast porch, large, bright modern kitchen; gas heat; 2-car garage, near Soldiers' Home <n.w.); convenient shopping and transportation; $125 per month. Box 194-S. Star. —21 3- BEDRM. HOUSE. In Falls Church. $150: 4- bedrm., 2Va-bath brick, in Arl. $250; 4-bedrm. furn. house, in Falls Church. i EASTMAN A SEA Y. ReaItors. RA. 2H20._ HOUSES FURN. OR UNFURN. VIRGINIA—Charming Colonial. 4 bedrms., huge liv. rm . 4 1 a baths; lovely garden; unfurn.; only $185. Similar 2-bedrm, completely furn . $105. TE. 3094 after fl. __ —20 HOUSES TO SHARE HOUSE TO SHARE, with woman willing to do some work and carry responsibility for inexpensive living in Alexandria. Box 152-T. Star. —22 HOUSES WANTED TO RENT. MARINE MAJOR, wife, two children desire furnished, unfurnished house, apartment, $125. Call MAJ. WOOD, HE. 7100. Ext. 7443 or 7522. 20* MINIMUM, 3-BEDROOM, 2-BATH HOME for business man. wife and 2 rhildren; willing to pay about $200 per mo.; Sept. 1st occupancy; exceptional care guar anteed. Bethesda Post Office Box 5975. RENT YOUR HOUSE to J T. MOTON. Realty, or sell. We will lease from you to suit your plans. Call OV. 6900. FOR SAFE RENTAL MANAGEMENT of your home, call I URIA BROS., OW. 8500. 2046 Wilson blvd . Arlington. Va. —29 FOUR OR 5 ROOM HOUSE, n.w.. for family of 5. Write Information. E. P. MESEROLE. 433 Third st. n.w., Wash ington. D. C. 23* SENATOR NEEDS furnished house, 4 bed rooms < I bedroom on 1st floor or den that can be converted), 2 baths; 8ept. 15-June 15 NA. 3120, Ext. 1129. —20 AGRICULTURAL PROF. EMPLOYE, wife. 3 daughters, want 3-bedroom unfurniohed house; good care; references. CH. 2000, Ext. 962. SIX MO. RENT In advance for 2 or 3 bed rm house; $100 per mo. max ; have 3 children. Phone DI. 8822. Ext.. 522. 21* STATE DEPT. FAMILY just returned from abroad desires 2-3 bedrm. unfurnished house; willing to provide guarantee of property care and pay 6 mos. or more rent in advance Sligo 3742. 21* TWO OR THREE BEDRMS.. unfurn . In n.w. area; 3 adults, no children or pets; will pay good rental in adv. WO. 7541.22* SIX TO EIGHT RM. HOUSE, furn. or un furn , 2 baths: $100 to $175. Call 8T. 3570 or WO. 9354. —20 HIGH RANKING DIPLOMAT will lease well-located, furn.. 3 or 4 bedrm., det. I home; must be n.w.; will pay up to $400 for something choice. Call my agent. MRS. DIXON. ST. 7200; eves.. CO. 7515. HAVE RESPONSIBLE TENANT for small furnished home in Georgetown. Wesley Heights, Mass. Park or other restricted location; pay up to $350 per month FREDERIC L. PATERSON, DI. 4871 or OR. 4242. 20* BY SEPT 1—4-bedroom house for 7 lovely children, aged 6 to 16, and desper ate parents; up to $100; perm.; refs. TR. 8064 eves, or week end. 22* WANTED nicely furnished 6-room house. 4 adults. NA. 9010. Ext. 604. —22* MINNESOTA FAMILY of 4, homeowners themselves, desires unfurn 3 or 4 bdrm. house by Oct. 1. approx. $115. UN. 4536. or write Box 87-T. Star. —26* HOUSES and Apartments Wanted. For free listing with a Government agency, call EX 6300. Ext. 2990. * DETACHED HOUSE wanted to rent or buy; 4 bedrooms minimum; Chevy Chase area. Phone Wisconsin 5706. 21* STATE DEPT. OFFICIAL and family re turned from assignment abroad needs 3- 1 bedroom house or bungalow, unfurnished, in n.w.; conv. transp Year or more. Best refs Adams 070u, Ext. 501-F. 22* NAVY CAPTAIN, wife, three school-age daughters, need 3 nr 4 bedrooms furnished or unfurn., Arlington or Northwest. D C, prior Sept. 15. Approx. $150. OW. 9040. 22* U. S. GOVT. ENGR., expectant wife and two children. 6 and 7, need 2 or 3 bed room unfurnished ($95 max.) or furnished ($120) house in Hvattsville or vicinity pref. for one year or longer. HY. 0450. oo» AMERICAN CONSULAR OFFICIAL return ed from abroad, wife and 12-year-old child seek unfurnished 2 or 3 bedroom apt. or house, preferably n.w. Phone WI. 6090. UNFURNISHED 2-bath house or small apt., good n.w. section: idults: permanent ten ants. RE. 5353 bet. 5-10 p m. 22* RENT UNFURNISHED—3 bedrooms. 2 baths, detached, n.w.. good condition. No children, no pets. $175. Call Sat.-Sun. 10 to 5. Michigan 7203. * PRIVATE PARTY will pay cash for a home in Mt. Pleasant or Cleveland Park, would consider one with income. DU. 6826. 22* PERM. AEiRIC. FXFC. want* unfurnished 2 or 3 bedrm. house, not to exceed $100: until now home owner, good care guaran teed: 2 children passed destructive age. need good elementary and jr high school; prefer Arl’nctdn «r Falls Church. MR AUSTIN. OW 2074._—22 ALL CASH In « hurry for any house in any sec Mon I clients waiting. FIRST NATIONAL REAL TY CORP. 1125 K st. n.w.. RE. 3631. UN. 0759.________ COLORED CPU. AND 1 CHILD. 8 yrs.. de sire 2 or 3 rm. apt. or house, unfurn. ; Call LU. 4T0T. —21 HOUSESFOR SALE—Noetjiwwt. _ AMERICAN UNIVERSITY PARK section— This prewar-built det. home Is located on Ige lot, near schools and transp.; 1st fl.. liv rm . din. rm.. dec. kit., screened liv. porch with deep blue awnings; 2nd fl.. 3 bedrms. and 2 tiled baths; automatic heat: owner has purchased elsewhere and says sell at the low market price 521,500. F. A TWEED CO: EM 1290 till 9 P.m. —21 BETHESDA—Modern brick home in new house cond.. 3 bedrms 1V4 baths, liv. rm. with flrepl.. excel, kit., gas heat, lge. level tree-shaded lot. low cash payment, balance like rent. EM. nfiOO till 9 P m DURANT-HILLAND-WHITE. ~:(1 BRIARTLIFT—A real oppor. to own a beautiful bpme All master-siaea rm» . nr. transp. schools, stores. Call eves . Mrs Sutton. CO 0241 J RUPERT WOHLER. Jr.. Realtor. 122* Conn, ave.. 'NA. 4080. * —32 HOUSES FOR SALE—N.W. (Gout.). BRIGHTWOOD—8427 2nd pH immed. oc cupancy; 2-storr det. brick, fl rm«.. tile bath, lav., rec. rm.. lge. vds„ oh a.-c. heat, gas h.w.. awnings, acreens. shrubs; nr. 3 schools, rec. center. UN. 7046. BRIGHTWOOD AREA, near New Hamp shire and Kennedy st.—Must be sold at once. Lorety 6-room det. brick; gas heat, Venetian blinds: beautilul eond.; deep lot; POSS. Sept 1; only $18,960. terms. RAF FELL REAL ESTATE. SH. 1103 till 9. BRIGHTWOOD—Semidet. brick. 8 rooms. 1% baths. 2TCar det. garage, oil h.-w.h.; I priced tor immediate sale. Exclusive, KENNEDY REALTY CO.. INC.. OE. 9302. ; RA 8034 —21 CHEVY CHA8E. D. C.—Semidet. tapestry ! brick; 4 bedrms.. den; nice yard. b.-i. garage; excel cond : reasonably priced 1 JOHN ZIRWE8. INC. Realtors. 2005 K |*t. n.w., EX. 5056. RE. 8345. —20 CHEVY CHA8E—A truly charming brick Colonial home designed and located to suit the most discriminating buyer. Features lge. center hall, den with powder rm.. spacious liv. rm. and din. rm., charming kit. with Disposall and dishwasher, with ample space for breakfast set; the 2nd fl. has 4 excel, bedrms. and 2 baths, excep tional closet space: 3rd fl. Is attractively finished as game rm. or dormitory; excel, bsmt. with partially finished rec. rm.; gas heat; lge. level lot. 2-car gar.: substantial cash req. DURANT - HILLAND - WHITE. . EM. 6600 till 9 p.m. —20 CHEVY CHASE, D. C.—Owner leaving city, must sell his immacualte detached atone and brick home, located in a most desir able neighborhood. Contains large liv. rm., din rm., modern kitchen on first floor. Three nice bedrms., two nice baths on second Attic, beautiful recreation rm., gas heat, large yard with shade trees, can be bought furnished. Don’t miss this opportunity. For aDPt. to inspect, call HENRY HOOD, 3432 Conn, ave., OR. 6100. —-21 CHEVY CHASE, D. C.—Charming brick corner detached home for gracious living at 3400 Garrison ave. n.w.. Chevy Chase: 7 large rms., 2% baths, oil h.-w.h.. full bsmt.. 2-car garage. 2 screened porches, fireplace, maid’s rm.; *32,500, reasonable terms. T. D. BURGESS CO., VI. 2802 til 8 p.m. —22 CHEVY CHASE. D. C.—Delightful location, nr. Chevy Chase Circle and «U conven ience!;. The home contains, on the first fi . lge entrance hall. liv. rm. with flrepl.. din rm.. good kit., breakfast rm. and nice I screened porch. On the sec. fl. there are 3 twin-bed sized bedrms. and 2 baths. There Is a finished bedrm. on the third fl. Master bedrm. has flrepl. and dressing rm. The fenced yard is of good size and con tains a 1-car det. garage Eves.. Mr. Harper. WI. 1575. H. J. KORZENDORFER CO. INC., OL. 5336. —20 CHEVY CHASE, D. C.—Four bedrms., 2Va baths on second floor or three bedrooms and large library with fireplace: 3rd floor i finished into one big room 19 by 31; pre war white brick Colonial corner home in lovely exclusive community; all rooms are exceptionally large: features Include fine screened porch off living room. 2-car built in garage, oil a.-c. heat and slate roof. To inspect, call OL. 1065 until 9 p.m. SYDNEY KARR, Realtor. CHEVY CHASE. D. C., off Utah ave. on a dead-end street—Beautiful brick, cus tom built. First floor has liv. rm. with fireplace, din. rm . excel, kit., bedrm., bath and study. Second floor. 3 bedrms., dress ing rm. and bath Basement has rec. rm.. bath, usual utilities. Oil a.-c. heat.; ga rage; grounds are beautifully shrubbed. This is one of the highest points in Wash. Eves.. Mr. Harper, WI. 1575, with H. J. KORZENDORFER CO., INC., OL. 5330. —20 CHEVY CHASE. D. C.—Large, well-kept, older home, near circle. Convenient to everything. First floor, liv. rm., din. rm., mod kit.. lavatorv. screened porch. Sec ond floor. 4 bedrooms, bath and screened porch. Third floor. 3 bedrooms and bath. Oil heat. 2-car detached garage: *24.950. Eves.. Mr. Jones. WI. 2414, with H. J. KORZENDORFER CO., INC., OL. 5330. —20 CHEVY CHASE CIRCLE AREA—Nice fi rm., 2-bath brick home with screened porch. aarage. floored attic, oil h.-w.h.; in desirable location, close to transp., shopping and schools. WALLACE B. AGNEW, INC., DI 8680; eves., OL. 4918. —21 CHEVY CHASE. MD.—Beautiful det. brk. built in 1941; 6 lovely bedrms., 3Vi baths. 1st fl. powder rm., den, screened porch; wooded lot. bordering shallow brook; Ideal for children, near all schools; oil a.-c.h., copper plumbing, slate roof; owfler leaving town must sell. CO. 3417, CH. 4647, HELEN NORRIS. CHEVY CHASE. D. C.—Beautiful brick det. home, loc. just off Nebraska ave.. close to schools and transp.; this lovely home has attract, liv. rm . den, extra lge. din. rm.. kit. and '/a bath on 1st fl.: 2nd fl . 4 lge. bedrms. with connecting bath to each rm.; stairs to well-insulated attic, suitable for additional bedrm.: 3-car det. brick garage; deep, fenced-in garden: awn ings. storm windows, gas heat Call us now to see this excellent value. F. A. TWEED CO.. EM. 1290 till 9 p.m —21 CLEVELAND PARK. facing Cathedral grounds—Extremely attractive town house with dble. liv. rm.. din. rm.. butler’s pantry and kit : 4 bedrms. and 2 baths on 2nd fl.; servant’s rm. and bath on 3rd fl ; built-in garage. Eves., Mr Jones, WI. 2414, with H J. KORZENDORFER CO.. INC , OL. 5336 —20 CLEVELAND PARK — Modern detached brick town house, off Conn, ave., nr. Up town Theater. Excel, location. Contains liv. rm.. din. rm., kit., den, V4 bath on first floor. 3 bedrms.. 2 baths. 2nd floor Finished attic; full bsmt. with rec .rm. and oar. Oil h.-w.h. Vacant for immed. poss Call HENRY HOOD, 3432 Conn. ave.. OR. 6100. —20 EMERSON. NEAR 4th—Beautifully main tained; 20-ft. row brick, front porch, double rear screened porches, oil h.-w. heat, garage: $16,500. TH08. L. PHIL LIPS. WO. 7900 until 9 p.m., 3518 Cohn. FAIRMONT ST., near 14th—3-story brick house. 3 baths, automatic heat, furnished. Now producing good income. Immediate possession. $ cash required, balance like rent WOODWARD & NORRIS, Real tors. 723 20th st. n.w., RE. 6585. FOXHALL RD— New and beautifully de signed det. brick home, with spacious rms.; 1st fl . center hall. liv. rm., din. rm., kit., lavatory and porch; 2nd fl.. 3 bedrms. and 2 baths: slate roof. elec, refgr., gas a.-c. heaf. priced under $25,000, in section where homes sell for twice that figure. Eves., phone Mr. Adams. WO 5713. L. T GRAVATTE, Realtor, 729 I 5th st. n.w., NA. 0753. GLOVER PARK HOME with income. Own er moving say* ’’Bring Me An Offer.” This is the cleanest little home in town. Finished rec. rm. and nice garden. Pick up the key. look it over yourself and be convinced. Call Mr. Fox with JAMES L. DIXON & CO. 1022 17th st. n.w,. ST. 7200; eves, SH. 5257. —20 GLOVER PARK. 39th «t.—Colonial, fl rms . tile bath. lge. rear screened porches, semirec. rm., lavatory; garage; gas h.-w.h • exc. cond : terms or trade. CLIFFORD SHERTZER. WO. 9191 ’til 10. MASS. AVE. EXTENDED—New det. brick homes. Some will be completed in 10 days. Gl-approved, also available for civilians. BUilt by BARKLEY BROS., 6 and 7 rms., gas heat. elec, refgr., gas stove: screened doors, windows, and well insulated. some have built-in tars. For inf. call Mr Nolan. NA. 9250; nights, DU. 5637, Ext. 304. To reach; Drive out Mass. ave. to 6700 blk., turn left, follow sign 1 Va blks. to homes. Open Saturday and Sunday. MASS. AVE SECTION, near Spring Valley shopping center—A beautiful brick Co lonial center-hall home; has 24-ft. living room with fireplace; off the rear of this, room is a large screened porch; spacious dining room, modern de luxe kitchen and powder room on first floor; 3 large bed rooms and 2 baths on second floor. Stair- i way to floored attic. Full basement. lava-{ tory. gas a.-c. heat, detached brick garage ' Large level landscaped lot. Call for ap-! poSntment to see. E M. FRY. INC., Real tor. 4628 E.-W. highway. WI. 6740. —22 MASS. AVE. FXT.—A brick home of 3 bedrms., 1V* baths; in a lovely wooded section, lge old oak and dogwood trees; on a nice-sized lot that slopes beautifully into the woods beyond; a challenge to the garden lover EARL T. WRIGHT, WI. 6900; eves.. HU 7893, WI. 2628. —20 MT. PLEASANT—6-bedroom brick home, good location; full basement, front and rear entrance, garage; $15,950, terms. Call MR. LYON, EM. 4570 (with Thos. L. Phillips). MT. PLEASANT, near 16th st.—Detached, If rooms, 3 baths, bedroom, bath 1st fl.; newly ecmipped; ideal rooming house; 3-car garage, sizable lot. Call Mr. Lewis eve , WO. 4070. with WM. M. THROCK MORTON. Realtor. DI. 6092. —20 MT. PLEASANT—We have several very fine homes in this section, reas. priced; possession. AUERBACH & CO.. 1424 K st. n.w.. DI. 6601; eves., Mrs. Wasser. OR. 0888. —20 ROCK CREEK PARK ESTATES, half blk off 16th st., next to the park—Lovely brick home, modern in every detail: re ception hall. lge. liv. rm. and patio, excel, for entertaining: lge. din. rm. and very modern kit., powder rm. and side liv. porch; 2nd fl., 3 spacious bedrms.. 2 beau tiful modern baths; reasonably priced for immed. sale. Call Ted Bair, with JAME8 L. DIXON & CO.. 1022 17th st. n.w., 8T. 7200: eves., GE. 5909 SHEPHERD PARK—Owner, leaving city, will sell this attr., well-built home of 7 rms., 2Vi baths, rec. rm.. det garage; priced below the present market; excel, financing with a low cash payment. MR. CHAMBLISS. OL. 4724. —20 SPRING VALLEY AREA—This is a dream of a home, located just off Mass, ave.; you will like this modern house: 1st flr., bed rm. and lav., liv. rm. and din. rm. comb, with beaut, picture windows, modern kit. with breakfast nook; 2nd fir.. 3 bedrms. and unusual tiled and glass brick bath; bsmt. compl. with rec. rm. and tiled bath, above-ground level; gas a.-c.h.; priced to sell quickly. F A. TWEED CO., 5504 Conn. ave.. EM^ 1290 until 9 p.m —21 TAKOMA PARK, D. C.—Lge. det. 11-rm. home, on big lot: oil heat; 2 baths; 2 kits.; $15,950. KAY REALTY CO.. INC., RA. 2200. —20 BY OWNER—$1.3.500. Brick. New Hamp shire ave. sec.; s.d , i. r.. kit., d r.. bath, 2 lge. b. r . big closets, full bsmt.. brick porch; awning, storm wind, and drs Low down payment. TA. 0890. —20 CERTIFICATES OF TITLE; prompt and efficient service. PUBLIC SERVICE TITLE COMPANY. 909 6th st. n.w. DI. 2015. 21* FOR SALE BY OWNER, 1831 Irving at. n.w.—1 bedrms : 24-ft. row brick; con crete porch; foyer, liv. rm.. din. rm.. kit., screened back porch on 1st fl.: 4 bedrms.. sun porch. 2 inclosed back porches. 2 full tiled baths on 2nd fl; additional bedrm. in attic: full bsmt with gas h.-w.h., t4 bath, maid's rm.: det. gar. on paved alley; i newly dec.; vacant. DE. 2585. —20 1980 NEWTON ST. N.W.—Detached, corner: 5-room apartment on the first floor occupied by owner; second floor has nrlvate entrance and rents for $130 month ly; large porches on both floors; full base ment; oil hot-water heat. Completely furnished and Immediate possession of first-floor apartment. R. V. MARCERON. NA. 6688 _ _ _ _ 1409 QUINCY ST. n.w.—Row brick, 0 rooms, j: baths, full basement: new oil burner, built-in garage; near all trans portation; reasonable; excellent condition. Call MURRAY LEVINE REAL ESTATE CO EX 4967: eves.. HO. 8999. A LOVELY HOME in new-houae cond.. close to Chevy Chase shopping area. 4 bedrms., 2 baths, 3 porches: flrst trust at 4%. payable $105 per mo. lncl. taxes and ins. It is Impossible to find anything else as good on today's market. Call MI. 2764 or OL. 6026. after 0. A. L. JOHNSON REALTY CO- 3402 Conn, ave- OR. 7100. —22 FOR A BEAUTIFUL HOME In a desirable section, don t fall to see 1375 Locuat rd. n.w . Sat. and Sun . 2 till 7 p.m. "PENNY APOSTOLIDES. RA. 3790. RE. 6224. —22 COME TO 1378 LOCUST ED N.W., Sat and Sun . 2 till 7 pm . and see a horn* that la Just a dream come true. "PBrNTr APOSTOLIDES. RA. 37PO. RE 5224. —22 % HOUSES FOR SALE—Northwest. SPECIAL BARGAIN—Attention, specula tors—Income, S4.96S. Price only *22.500 5-apt. det. bide., lot 150x150. beautiful trees. This is a rare combination for a home and investment. Conv. to schools, stores. Act today to secure this bargain. RE. 5216. —26 UPPER 16th ST. AREA—Attention, embas sies. diplomats, doctors, lie. families; lie. lovely stone and brick home, spacious rms throughout, newly dec.. Immaculate; Ideal for entertaining, reception hall, music rm , oversired liv. and din. rms., den. 5 lge. bedrms.. 2 baths, full bsmt.. garage; fine imposing lot; this lovely home has been on the market for months: disiusted owner says "Bring me an offer." Low down pay ment will handle. Call Ted Bair, with JAMES L. DIXON & CO.. 1022 17th st. n.w.. ST. 7200; eves.. OE. 4497. Exclusive. near 14th AND EMERSON STS.—Spa cious detached home: 1st 0.. reception hall liv. rm . din. rm., kitchen, front and rear porches; 2nd fl. has 4 bedrms., bath and sleeping porch; 2 finished rms. on 3rd fi.: gas heat, detached garage; priced most reasonably and terms comparable to rent. INEZ CUSHAHD. OR. 4233 or DI. 2740. ._22 NEAR THOMAS CIRCLE—Mutt (ell: 10 rms.. 3 baths, new gas furnace; newly re decorated. EX. 4861 —21 ATTENTION. VETERANS—We hare over 300 homes for sale at all location!, all Dries*; down payments as low at $960. Call at once. DREI8EN-FREEMAN, INC., Sligo 1700. —22 6018 NO. CAPITOL ST.—This 8-room' brick house is Just 8 yrs. old and has. been kept In Immaculate cond. by original! owner; laraa basement and rear yard.' gas h.-w.h.; poss. In 30 days; priced at | $15,950. on terms. Eves, call John Moser. TA. 8881, with KAY REALTY CO..1 INC . RA. 2200. —20 i NEAR 7th AND WEBSTER. Tic. St. Oa-! briel's—Vacant. Newly redecorated Sub stantial Colonial brick, 8 rms. and bath: incl. porch on 2nd 11.; h.-w.h : full bamt with front and rear entrances: conv. and close to everything. Mod. cash payment and good terms. BIRON & CONRAD. INC . ST 3440. Residence. RA. 4388 or SL. 8976. —21 CORNER or MaeABTHUR BLVD—Un usual pleasant home, attractively dec : 12 rms., 3 baths, lge porches, h -w.h., bsmt with laundry traya and servant's toilet. OWNER. EM. 0358. —21 3207 38th ST. N.W., on# block weal of Wls ave. and Macomb st—Semidetached orick. 4 bedrms.. 114 baths, built-in gar . oil heat, excel, financing to approved buy er; subject to offer. Call Mr. Crockett. LEOUM & GERBER REALTY CO . AD. 7800 or SH. 6374. —21 $1,000 DOWN for a 7-rm. row brick, gas heat; full price, $12,500. KAY REALTY CO. INC., RA. 2200. —23 5613 8th 8T. N.W.—Very desirable H-rm. semidet. brick, new gas heat and auto matic hot-water heater, tile bath: posses sion with settlement; owner Occupied; only $13,000 on terms. KAY REALTY CO., INC., RA. 2200. 23 718 ROXBORO PL. N.W.—Beautiful 6-rm. semidet. brick in very convenient location: 1 rm. contains mirrored panel; only $11. oOO on terms. KAY REALTY CO., INC . RA. 2200. 23 1325 JEFFERSON 8T. N.W_Det. 8 r. 114 b. tlst-fl. bedrm.); alley cor.; h-w.h. (oil);1 !**• „lot. 2-car isr.. slate roof; under $20,000. Open any eve. and Sun., 1 to 6 WO. 3273. *>•'• HOME AND INCOME—K st. n w : 2 ants, rented; English basement vacant; good first commercial location; $16,500. FA 7564. —24 Is,-FLOOR B. R. AND BATH, brick Cape Cod; 2 b.r. and bath on 2nd floor; large living room, dining room and kitchen with breakfast nook, 2 fireplaces, recrea tion room, maid's room and bath; located in nearby Arlington, near Wash. Golf Club. JAMES E. TUCKER, Realtor. Call Mr. Reavis. OR. 2221 or NO. 1632. 20* •'COUNTRY HOME IN THE CITY," 7 yrs. old. Beaut. Williamsburg Colonial, with bedrm. and bath on 1st flr.. attract. Uv. rm. with screened living porch, din. rm. with bay window, de luxe kit.; 2nd flr.. 2 twin-sized bedrms.. 1 with open flrept.. and full bath; gar.; lge. lot over 260 ft. deep, with veg garden, fruit trees, grape arbor; located close to schools, transp. and shop ping; priced very reas. P. A. TWEED CO. 5504 Conn, ave . EM 1290 till 9 p.m. —21 NEAR SOLDIERS- HOME—Lovely new fi rm. brick home, tile bath, bsmt, gas heat. Priced reasonable; terms. FR. 7717 ’til 8. ACE REALTY SERVICE. Realtors. —20 BEAUTIFUL DET. BRICK bungalow, near District line: containing 2 bedrms.. large floored Insulated attic, full bsmt. and other modern features; poss.: priced low with easy terms. Cal! 'til 9 p.m., TA 4000. HAMILTON REALTY CO., 5625 Georgia ave. n.w. —20 *1,950 DOWN, $79.50 mo —Peabody st.. nr. N. H. ave.—This 6-yr.-old attached brick home is In Immaculate cond. and ready for Immed. occupancy; llv. rm , din. rm., kit., full bsmt.; 2 lge. bedrms. and bath on 2nd fl. Call RE. 1988 'til 9 p.m.. GOLDSTEN BROS.. 1429 L at. n.w. —20 1659 HARVARD ST. N.W.—One of the finest row brick residences in one of the best and convenient neighborhoods In D C Owner must sell Immediately; leav ing city permanently; unfurnished: Im mediate occupancy. DU 4795. SI* NEAR ROCK CREEK PARK—Modernistic row brick professionally furnished and decorated, sophisticated atmosphere. Excel lent for career woman or business couple. Phone for details. TH06. L. PHILLIPS. WO- 7900 until 9.p.m., 3518 Conn. NEAR CONN. AVE.—Live In this desirable neighborhood; master bedroom with com plete bath: 4 other generous size bedrooms; lst-floor den; brick, English style; det. garage; nice lawn. A bargain. Priced under $20,000. Terms or will trade on your property. John McRae, ALex. 8719. with BROWN REALTY CORP.. DU. 8658. THE NEW HOMES IN WHITEHALL offer a standard of excellence In design, planning, material, workmanship and equipment that will delight those who appreciate and de mand quality. Designed by Gertrude Saw yer. architect, they contain 3 bedrooms (all twin-bed size), 2 full baths, first-floor powder rooms, closets you can live with, large screened living porches, garages sized for modern cars; kitchens designed for women by a woman; OE garbage disposal. WesUnghouse range and 9-cu.-ft. refrigera tors; gas a.-c. heat; 45-gal Ruud water heaters; flr lumber In Joists; adequately 2.1ifdv*P<1.,,,erT f»lrlT priced. All lots in Whitehall '/, acre or larger. Exhibit home at 6907 Bradley blvd. open daily 1 to 8 S-HL To reach: From Wisconsin and radley blvd. (the Chevy Chase Golf Club course) drive west 1V, mlies to "open" PAUL J FRIZZELL. 6901 Bradley blvd., Oliver 6900. 3423 OAKWOOD TERRACF—Lge det frame, in this most conv. Mt. Pleasant section; 12 huge rms.. 3 baths, oil h.-wh.; completely redecorated inside and out; only $3,000 down, with immed noss. Eves. Mr Beers. CH. 2000. Ext. 611 DRURY REALTY CORP., 1737 K st. IT.W. RE. 1133. 36 V ST. N.W.—$1,000 down, $110 mo ; 9 rms.. 2 baths, oil h.-w.h.; row brick. Call Wm. Travis, with A. M. DRAI8NER. 1404 L st. n.w., NA. 8036. Home, HO. 5977. YOU HAVE AN APPOINTMENT to In spect 7805 Custer rd.. Bethesda, this Sunday from 1 to 6 p m. A really beau tiful det. 4-bedroom brick home, priced unbelievably low. WEITZ REALTY CORP.. ST. 4555. • 16th AND UPSHUR 8TS —Newly painted 2-story and bsmt. brick: 6 rms. bath, aun Eorch. sleeping porch, elec, refgr . h.-w.h , uilt-ln garage; convenient to Roosevelt Rec. Center and schools; vacant: $16,950 Eves., phone Mrs. Dlls. TA 0296 L T ORAVATTE, Realtor, 729 15th st. n.w., NA. 0753. OVERLOOKING ROCK CREEK PARK— Charming rambler on about 14 acre of ground; L-shaped living room, dining room, kitchen. 2 bedrooms, bath, full basement: oil air-conditioned heat; detached garage. INEZ CUSHARD, OR. 4233 or DI 2740. —*’2 161*1 SUDBURY RD., Colonial Village," ad jacent Rock Creek Park—-Authentic Co lonial home in one of Washington s finest residential communities; first floor has center hall, living room, dining room, kitchen, large bedroom and bath and 2 screened porches; second floor has 3 twin ,jz',.btdr00ms and 3 baths; basement has daylight recreation room, maid’s room and bath; oil heating plant; 2-car garage and cold room. Open 8unday, 2 until 6pm For Information and appointment at other times please call INEZ CUSHARD, OR 4233 or DI. 2740. .—22 BUNGALOW, 3rd st.. near Peabody; 1st time offered; unusual buy: consisting of lovely llv. rm. with fireplace, din. rm.. kitchen and Bath, 2 bedrms., also 2 rear built-on rms., large recreation rm with tile flooring, attic, auto, h.-w.h Call MR HYMAN, RE. 3379 or LU. 5027. —21 3-UNIT APT., $345 per mo. income; best of material and workmanship; $27,500 on ’47 costs. Figure the Investment yourself. 8L. 7660._—20 McDEVITT REALTOR 8ALE8 BULLETIN. Cleveland Park bargains—Open Sat and Sun.. 1 to 6—3307 Newark st. and 3100 Highland p]„ at cor. Newark st. These are lovely Southern. Colonial and Victorian del. homes; each has in lge rms , 3 baths, oil h.-w.h., 3 porches, ga rage. Takoma Park—7-yr-old brick bunga low: 6 rms. and an expandable attic, oil h.-w.h.; $12,966. Det. brk . $15,500 Just 2 blks. from bus and shopping: off Plnev Branch rd in Silver Spring: 6 rms. bath, side porch, gaa heat; possession 30 days, about $2,500 rash. McDEvriTS personal service available to buyer and seller. SH. 6760, RA. 4422. _no A. U. PARK—FIRST OFFERING Plnest location, near St. Ann's Church end Horace Menn School: 3 blks. to Spring Valley shopping; det. ell-brlck home in beautiful cond. Liv. rm. with fireplace, din. rm., Danelled dep and completely equipped kit on first floor. Two very large bright bedrm., tiled bath on second floor: full basement with maid's rm. and lav.; gas heat. Perfect home for couple or small family seeking prime location and convenience. Call AD 4234. with FRANK S. PHILLIPS _PI. 1411._ i AMERICAN UNIV. PARK" In St. Ann’s Parish and easy walking dis tance of Mass. ave. shopping center; lovely ; detached brick home built by a very fine builder and now ready for inspection; center hall, large living room with fire- r place, dining room, beautiful kitchen with 1 breakfast nook, powder rm.. rear screened ! porch; second floor. 3 large bedrooms. 2 very attractive tiled baths; stairs to large, finished third floor; gas a -c. heat; price. $2*500. Call Mr. Billingsley, eves . WO. 1695. Billingsley ti Sanderson Co. 4B34 Wig, ave.. OB. 232A. A. U. PARK—MUST SELL Now an exceptional value In thla fine, eon : venient location: 2Vi bike, to Spring Valley shopping at 48th end Maes, eve.; excel-1 lent construction; slate roof, copper pipes end gutters: contain! 7 ran., 2Vi bathe; Includes den end breakfast nook on first floor; 3 bedrme.. 2 baths on 2nd fl.: recreation rm.. garage. P«le*fl£0.rlr2.ul5,k gale. Call AD. 4234. with PRANK 8. PHILLIPS, PI 1411. BRIGHTWOOD—$11,950 6-rme.. aemidet. brick, built-in garage: redecorated. 2 blks^ from Coolldn High School. WM. C. ROTLEY. BH. 4588. —20 BRIGHTWOOD Semidetached corner home In convenient section ol Brightwood: center-hall plan; ITrooms 4 bedrooms. 2 bathe; hot-water beat with modern gas furnace, hardwood floor,. 2-car built-in garage: out-of-town owner is anxious to sell, has priced ac cordingly at $19,750. Phone Mr. Peek, "shannon a luchs CO. 1506 H at. B.w., NA. 2346. HOUSES fOK SALE—Northw»t. CHEVY CHASE, D. C. Owner transferred. This beautiful de tached brick home contains 7 rooms )4 bedrooms), 2 tiled baths, pine-paneled recreation room with rubber tiled floor, oak floors, hot-water oil heat, slate roof, copper downspouts and gutters, detached brick garage. Open Saturday and Sun day. To inspect, call JOHN W SCHAEFER. AD. 3236; Sun. and eves., DU. 1000. Ext. 621.—21 Chevy Chase, D, C., Nr. Neb. Ave. Dct. home, closely located to shopping centers and elementary, high and paro chial schools; 1st fl.. din rm.. pantry, kit., lavatory, liv. rm. <27xl5> and side porch; 2nd fl., master bedrm.. 3 bedrms (twin bed sise). 2 baths; 3rd fl.. attic with maid’s rm.: house in excgl. cond. Its in terior is well planned to offer a most com fortable and gracious way of living. Call Mr. Semmes. eves., DE. 5878. SANDOZ, INC. _2 Dupont Circle. DU, 1234. —20 CHEVY CHASE, D. C. Priced $21,000; 4 bedrms., 2Vi baths: 1st floor has living room, dining rm , kitchen, library and large pantry closet: this house is in perfect condition, and a new gas, hot-water furnace and hot-water heater have just been Installed. Call Grant Boss. NA. 9300; eves, and week ends, EM 2195 BOSS & PHELPS. INC. _1417 K ,t. n w —21 CHEVY CHASE, D. C. Especially attractive: detached: 3 bed rms.. 2 baths, brick and stone; stairway to finished attic, rec. rm. in bsmt.; good financing; owner leaving city. MRS. McCUTCHIN, DE. 9510 With James H. Prentice Co., 1101 Ver mont ave. n.w.—25 CHEVY CHASE. D. C. Detached modern prewar brick with step up bedrm. and bath and den on first floor: second floor. 2 bedrms. and bath with extra small room paneled rm. and bath in basement: outside fireplace, terraced! lawn; $35,000, with excellent 4®t flnanc-! mg. Call Mr. Crockett. 8H. 6374. with! Legum & Gerber Realty Co.! _AD. 7800. —fl CHEVY CHASE, D. C. Det. brick home built in 1941. Close to Chevy Chase Circle. Blessed Sacrament Church and bus. It is in immaculate cond. The home contains a ige. liv. rm. with marble fireplace opening onto a huge outside screened porch: lovely din. rm. and kit. There is & 20x20 library with fireplace; 3 bedrms.. 2 tile baths and stairs tc* a completely finished, insulated and heated 3rd floor; 2-car built-in garage: oil air-cond. heat; price. $33,300. Shown by appt. only. Call Mr. DeMalman, EM. 3380, with W B. WRIGHT, eves and weekends. EM. 3003. “CHEVY CHASE” Near Nebraska ave. and Military rd.—A detached English-type brick and stone home only a few years old; 6 rm*.. 3 bed rms.. 2 baths, attic, large recreation rm garage, oil heat: near schools, stores and transp.: possession with deed. Call ME 1143 until 9 p.m J. WESLEY BUCHANAN CHEVY CHASE, D. C. Attractive library. 20x20. with fireplace. A lovely detached center-hall brick, ex ceptionally well built and in perfect con dition. 7 years old. Large living room, spacioua acreened porch, cheerful dining room and kitchen with space for breakfast table; 3 lovely bedrms . 2 baths, finished attic, fine dry basement, 2-car attached farage; near transportation, close to pub ic and parochial schools. Immediate pos session; price $33,500. To inspect call JAMES E. 8CHWAB. OR. 6800; after 6 p.m. cell Sligo 2575 or WO. 1408, —21 CHEVY CHASE, D. C. West of Conn, ave ; red brick semldet., splendid home; living rm, dining rm., library, big modern kit . 4 lge. bedrms , 2 complete baths, oil heat. det. brick gar.; fine neighborhood; price, $22,000. JAMES C. TIPTON, WO. 3211. OR. 1007. —20 I CHEVY CHASE, D. C. This lovely corner white brick home Is one of the best buys in Washington today. Has Ist-floor powder room and large screened side porch. 2-car garage; 2nd floor has 4 bedrooms (3 will take twin beds. 1 has fireplace), and there are 2 baths; recreation room with fireplace. Sharply reduced to $32,760. Let us show you this today. Billingsley & Sanderson Co. 4P34 Wis. ave., OR. 2326 until P p m. CHEVY CHASE, MD. Handsome 6-yr-old det. brick home, near Columbia Country Club; renter hall, large liv. rm. with fireplace, family-sized din. rm., paneled den with powder rm, wonder ful kit., very nice screened rear porch with awnings; 2nd fl , 3 twin-sized bedrms.. 2 large tile baths; stairs to spacious 3rd-fl. bedrm.; rec. rm. with fireplace, maid’s rm. and bath, oil h.-w.h.. attached garage, many evergreens add charm to the beau tiful grounds. Call Mr. Noyes evenings. WI. 6084. Billingsley & Sanderson Co. _4034 Wis. ave . OR. 2326. _ DELAFIELD ST. N.W. 1300 blk.—New det. center-hall brick. 6 large rooms, 2 baths, finished attic, full basement, rec rm, gas h.-w.h.: excellent location. Conv. to schools, transp. and shopping. Constructed of finest materials and workmanship. Call eves., Mr. Ewell. OR. 6378. LEO M. BERNSTEIN & CO. R«»Itora, 14J5 K st. n_w , ME. 5400._ ELDER ST. N.W. 800 block—Desirable bungalow on nicely landscaped 40x140 lot; liv. rm . din. rm, kit., pantry, 2 bedrms. and bath, screens. Venetian blinds, new gas range, refgr. In immaculate condition; finished attic, pro viding additional bedroom and much stor age space. Call eves . Mr Ewell. OR. 537«. LEO M. BERNSTEIN & CO. 1415 K8t. N.W. Rf»llor.v_ME_5400 GEORGETOWN But offer today for remodeling. excel location. 8 rms.. Karate, etc. Mr Aud dette. eve*., NO 2706. JOHN LIPSCOMB & CO . MI 08(10.—2(1 GEORGETOWN Attractive brick home. In excellent lora tlon; fl rooms, bath: full basement, with oil heat: unusually large garden; $18,500 Exclusive. GEORGETOWN REALTY A INS CO, INC., MI. 5577. Eves . WO. 9115.—2o GEORGETOWN—$12,500 2 frame buildings on 32-ft. lot, suitable for restoration; small down payment If purchaser will remodel. WOODWARD 6c NORRIS, Realtors, 723 20th st. n.v. . Rfc 6685. GEORGETOWN 3033 Cambridge pi. n.w. Open dally 1 to 4 p.m. Owner leaving city, offers this well-located home at a most attrac tive price for immediate sale; contains 6 large rms.. finished basement above grade with street entrance, gas h.-w.h . $r.00o cash required; balance approx. $160 monthly. FRANK 8. PHILLIPS. PI. 14 11 GLOVER PARK This unusually clean, modern brick home is in perf. cond.: first floor has reception hall, liv. rm. with fireplace, din. rm. and mod kit. and a beautiful screened porch 18 ft. wide; second floor has 3 good sixed bedrms. and mod. tiled bath; also lge. arreened porch opening off 2 rear bed rooms; det garage, pine-paneled rec. rm. with fireplace, oil h.-w.h.; priced reason ably at $17,760. W. B. WRIGHT __EM. 3380;_ GREEN ACRES Immaculate. 5-rm.. 1-bath, full-basement brick house; owner purchased a larger house, so this one must sell will be open Saturday and Sunday, 1 to 8 NORTHWEST REALTY Exclusive agents, Realtors, OL. 6867. —22 MacARTHUR BLVD. AREA Brookmont—Unusual 2-story, nearly new home with liv. rm., fireplace, 2 bedrms.. tiled bath, din. rm. and kit. on 2nd floor; porch, recreation room and garage on 1st floor. You have to see this attractive, modern home. Eves.. WO 4845. J. LEO KOLB CO. _MX. 2100. —21 MASS. AVE. N.W. EXT. *13,750. Vacant, Low down and monthly payments. Attr. 1 sty 2-bedrm. house on exceptional corner lot 05x175. Quick ride downttrwn on Mass ave bua at cor 3 lge. new cinder block garages which may be converted for many uses lncl If not sold this week end, this will be rented. Open 8at. and Sun. afternoons, 6001 Walhondlng rd. YELLOTT & CO. 1824 Eye at. n.w., NA. 0434._—22_ MT. PLEASANT—$18,950 West of 16th, near the lnteraection of Columbia rd.—2-story tapestry brick. 4 bedroom home. Colonial front porch, 2 • rear porches. Living room with fireplace, j large dining room, bright, roomy kitchen. • pantry; steps to storage attic; maid’s i room and lavatory, oil furnace. Exterior; just painted, interior in excellent condi-; tion. Can finance $12,000 first trust. Immediate possession. Call Mr. Condit (evenings. OR 2121). THOS J. FISHER A CO . INC.. Realtors. PI. 6830._ MT. PLEASANT Close to everything; a 3-story. 8-room, j 2-bath brick house, with oil burner »nd 2 eiee.trlc refrigerators; Ideal for renting rooms or apartments; now vacant: price, 318,500. 82.600 cash. *100 a month until paid Phone Mr. Bay. DB 1SX2. with SHANNON & LUCHS CO. j 1505 H «t. n w , NA. 2345_ MT. PLEASANT Brick bom# contnlnlnr 4 bedroom, * b»th», oil hot-w«tfr he«t. 2-c»r iaru< eonv. to stores. trannn ■ schools and churches: excel, condition: $16.450 BARTOW REALTY CO. Realtors, 1331 O st n w. MR. 2495; exes.. DR. 6745. Ml. 2572._—21 NORTH CLEVELAND PARK This attractive all brick. Colonial home of prewar construction consisting of en trance hall, living room with open fire place, dining room and modern kitchen with lovely living porch which la screened. Second floor has 3 very large bedroom* and two baths. There is a paneled recrea tion room with open fireplace in basement; alr-eonditloned automatic heat, 1-car at tached garage. Situated on * lot 77 front, with treea and within walking dis tance of elementary, junior high and Woodrow Wilson High School. House is in good condition and possession can be had immediately. Priced at $2f.500. For.. further information call Mr. Leigh. HA. P3W: evening* and Sundays, WI 37PP. BOSS & PHELPS. INC. R.aitors. 1417 K st. n w. If A. 9300. —*0 [ HOUSES FOR SAH—North QUACKENBOS NEAR GA. Convenient to schools, stores and transpor tation A detached 7-rm. 4iom« with 4 bedrms . 1 bath, full basement: lane lot. Priced at a leer figure; $14,750. Call Mr. Vance after 7 p.m., EM 1581. PAUL P. STONE, Realtor __NA. 7379—2$ SHEPHERD PARK Half blit, off lflth «t.; fine Ue. *-bedrtn.. 2Mr-bath, all-brick home. Ideal for enter taining; Uv. rm. with fireplace, den. epe cious rec rm. aU-elec. tile kit.; lovely screened Uv. porch opening to garden with lily pond; 2-car brick garage; priced to aell. excel, financing Call Ted Bair, with JAMES L. DIXON A CO, 1022 17th st. n w.. ST. 7200. eves., QE. 4497. In clusive_ Shepherd Park Dutch Colonial Open Sat. and Sun. 1 to 7. 1311 Floral ave. Center hall, reception rm. with fire place. din. rm. with outlet to aide porch and den; modern kit. with pantry and screened porch: 4 bedrms. and sleeping porch. Plenty of closets. Floored attic, hardwood firs., full bsmt. with lavatory end exit. Oil h.-w h.. gar. and level lot. ROBERTS X. LATIMER. Realtor. 7733 Alaska ave. n w. OX. 1370; eves., Mr. Craver. OX. 4835._—32 SPRING VALLEY, $24,950 Nearly new. white-painted brk. residence: first fl.. liv. rm., dinette, sunrm., kit . powder rm. and porch; 2nd fl., 3 bedrms . with ultramod. bath; beautiful rec. rm. with flrepl., opening onto terrace, also lge. tiled bath: oil a.-c. heat. You will have to act fast on this one. To inspect, call WO. 2300 till P p.m EDW. H. JONES & CO., INC. _—20 UPSHUR ST. N.W. 1700 blk.—Det fl-rm. home on deep lot Three bedrms. and two colored tiled baths, many extras Venetian blinds, weather stripped and insulated, also Mercury noise less switches. Call eves., Mr. Ewell. OR. 5378 LEO M. BERNSTEIN & CO. Realtors. 1415 K ,t. n.w.. MX. 540Q WESTERN AVENUE Beautiful stone-and-brtek dream horn,. In an exclusive location. Includes den, lava tory and large breakfast rm. on 1st fl 3 twtn-slsed bedrms.. 2 baths on 2nd fl paneled recreation rm., mald'a rm gnd bath. Perfectly wonderful lot 70x200 with towering trees. Reasonably priced at $35,000. Call RA. 6924. or FRANK 8 PHILLIPS. PI. 1411,_ WEST CHEVY CHASE A lovely Colonial brick homa of 2Vi baths. 1st floor, full center hall, tila lavatory The liv. rm . din. rm. and kit. are all lge. 2nd floor. 3 bedrms. 2 tiled baths, lge. storage attic; maid s rm., porch; ga rage. slate roof, copper pipes; deep lot. Price, $27.P5t>; veterans’ preference. W. B. WRIGHT EM. 3380 till 9 p.m. ___ WESTMORELAND HILLS Open daily, 2 until 5—Four new Korsen dorfer-butlt homes. 3 and 4 bedrooms, well worth Inspecting. To reach; Out Mass ave to Westmoreland Circle, con tinue out Mass to Duval dr. U street be yond circle', left to Elliot rd., right to Farrington rd. and our ‘open" elgn H. J. Korzendorfer Co., Inc. __QL. 5338 —20 WOODLEY PL. N.W, Near Conn, ave and Calvert it An unusual value in a brick home Contains living room with fireplace, dining room, den. k’tchen. 3 bedrooms, an upstairs so larium which ml*y be used as bedroom if desired; l»/» baths, full basement, base ment lavatory. Reasonably priced, $1P - P60. Call Mr. Holmes after 7 p.m. EM H635. PAUL P. STONE, REALTOR NA. 737P. —20 5019 ILLINOIS AVE. N.W. Beautiful 19VWt. row brick home, with living rm.. dining rm.. kit., bedrm. or den. bath, all on 1st floor; 2nd floor has 3 bed rms . tile bath and rear inclosed porch, making 2 more bedrms.; other outstand ing features Include concrete front porch, hardwood floors, natural oak trim, storm windows and screens. Venetian blinds in rear, built-in garage, basement with street - level outside rear entr . gas h -w h.. metal weather-strip, insulated, caulked; in new house cond Exclusive with R. A. HUMPHRIES Realtor. 808 No. Capitol, NA. <1730: eves . TA. 8H30_—20 OPEN TONITE, 6 TO 9 P.M. 3518 “8” st. n.w. Pine studio-type. 3 bedrm. brick home in deslrtble Georgetown section: lge. mirrored llv. rm.. nice din rm. and the smartest thing In kitchens overlooking terrace and roclc garden; full basement with rec. rm. or maid's rm ami full bath; garage. Drive by tonight and Inspect Mr. Guarlno on premisea. JAMES L. DIXON & CO. 1022 17th st. n.w., 8T. 7200; eves . WO 1378 ___—20 5027 7th PLACE N.W. Brick constructed row house, in very pop ular neighborhood, nr. transp. and shop ping.; liv. rm., din. rm.. den. kit., break fast rm. and porch; 4 bedrms., tiled bath, full bsmt.. oil heat: reasonably priced. Call Mr. R. T West. WEAVER BROS., INC. DI. 8300. Eves, and week ends. OW. 9271. LOW CASH PAYMENT This practically new fl-rm. brick Colonist in Silver Spring area catj be purchased nr excel, terms, with lmmed occupancy, wooded corner lot, over 80xl00-ft. front age. $ IK,Ron EARL T. WRIGHT WT J190<V_ eves . WI RR84. WI. 2828, —20 LET LS ASSUME the full responilbilitv of locating a home to suit your particu lar needs in the n.w. Wash.. Chevy Chase. Bethesda and nearby Maryland areas The better buys frequently are never advertised Call us now and submit your requirements OR. 0400 MARVIN J. DUNCAN & CO. __4420 Conn, ave._—20 “FIRST OFFERING” Of this one-owner, prewar, custom-built. 4-bedroom home, with many convenient, modern features for gracious living situated on a commanding double corner lot at 2718 Devonshire place n.w. Just west of Conn. ave.. and opposite the Woodley Park Towers and Kennedy Warren apartment hcruses An unusual, desirable convenient location. Open for inspection Saturday and Sunday, 1 to 7 p.m. You are cordially invited to aee and inspect this rare offering, without obligation erf course. Reasonably priced, with excellent financing. HARRY I. FRIEDMAN Exclusive Broker, Woodward Bldg.. PE 11 flfl.__ WILL TRADE Your olrl house for a new det. brlek home, near Walfcgr Reed Hospital; thta lovely house consists of 6 ige rm* . 2 baths, , Isi-floor powder rm , all-elec kit. with garbage disposal unit, gas a -c. heat,, alate ! roof, quality built throughout; most con venient to stows, schools, transportation, etc., and prired astonishingly low For full particulars, call Mr. GinnettL NA. 574 0 or WO. 30«5 ! ALDON PROPERTIES 1120 Vermont ave. n.w._ 5 Bedrms.. 2 Baths—$19,500 Excellent location in Chevy Cha»e. be tween Conn. ave. and Reno rd. Spacious semidet. frame in good cond.; ft bedrooms. 2 tiled baths on 2nd floor; electric dish washer and disposal unit in beautiful modern kit., gas h-w.h Owner must sacrifice. Reasonable offer conaldered FRANK 8. PHILLIP8. DI. 1411._. CONVENIENT CHILLUM Extraordinary opportunity to obtain rest value Det. all-brick home In excel, cond H rmi, 1 Va baths, full basement, concrete porch, built-in garage, Venetian blinds Built In 1041; Ml block to bus. 2 blocks to stores. Only $3,500 cash, balance like rent. Call RA 5924, or FRANK B PHILLIPS. DI 1411._ NEAR NAVAL HOSPITAL Excellent value: a lovely brick home, on large lot. 1st. fl, Ige. liv. rm. with fire place. din. rm., complete kit., tlJe lav 2nd fl.. 3 Ige bedrms and tile bath, attached brick garage with concrete drive may; gas a.-c. heat, copper pipea and S' W. B. WRIGHT EM 3380 till B Pjn___ SOMETHING SPECIAL In ■ fine home. We ar. Pleased to offer a residence In a close-in suburban lo-ation of distinction that will appeal to a family wishing the ultimate in home and grounds A modern. Imposing bay-window Colonial brick of true center-hall plan, with large rooms throughout. Living room with fire place. dining room, kitchen, lit fl; pow der room and large porch on 1st II: 4 bedrooms and 2 baths on 2nd fl.: recrea tion room with fireplace In basement and built-in garage; stairway to large attic Featuring the finest in construction, auch as h.-wn., slate roof, copper plumbing, etc. Here is an opportunity to purchase a fine home on a large beautiful wooded lot at a surprisingly low price 8hown by appointment only. Call Mr. Schwab, WO. 0684. with SHANNON & LUCHS CO. 1505 H St. NA. 2345. “NR. 5th & LONGFELLOW” An excellent t»1u. In 8 semidetached brick home with A rm». 3 bedrm,, tile b»tn. css hest, xnd many extras. Occupied by sn owner who will glrs possession and wants an Immediate sals. Call ME. 1143 UBJ. WESLEY BUCHANAN NEAR SCOTT CIRCLE Ideal lor (uesthousa. organisation head quarters. elub or conralescent home. One of the finest homes, fronting 42 ft. on beautiful Mass ave ; a mansion In every respect with 22 lane rooms. 8V, baths, many large closets and spacious hallways: also fire escape front and rear: heavy duty electrical system with unusual number of wall outlets In every room; splendid fin ancing arranged. Phone Everett Scott, uN. 9008. with _ SHANNON & LUCHS CO. 1505 H »t. n.w.. NA. 2345 1375 LOCUST RD. N.W. Open for Inspection Saturday and Sun day. 2 till 7 p.m.; lovely det. brick Co lonial home: spacious and Ideal for lux urious entertaining; center hall, tile kit., den. finished rec. rm. and bar. finished at tlc: outside barbecue, carpeting,_ “PENNY” APOSTOLIDES Realty Co., exelustT, agents. R* 5224. RA. 3700 _ —22 _ ' (Contttrced en Next PageT *