Newspaper Page Text
COMMERCIAL PROPERTY FOR SALE.! 17 MILES FROM WASH., on Route 211. Fairfax. Va Beautiful commercial lot, containing 8 10 of acre: approx 150 ft. j on Lee hwy . priced very reasonable, additional land could be had if desired. For further information, call METZLER S VA OFFICE GL 7533, OX. U878, eves, and Sun.. FA. 2P0iv Ht-COMMERCIAL LOT on Wis. ave., Be thesda. Md , 35 ft. by 200 ft. Call WI. 1 082_—22 7-ROOM HOUSE Hear Intersection of Lee blvd. and Glebe fd House contains bath, hot-water heat: j over 5,000 sq ft. zoned commercial and over 4.00o sq ft residential; priced at i 15.000 for Immediate sale. George Mason Green Co. CH. 3838; eves, and Sundays. GL. 3838. . . . -« COMMERCIAL PROPERTY FOR RENT APPROXIMATELY 3.000 FT. In excellent basement of fine commercial bldg.; cen trally located at 316 F st. n.e : premises ha? Ige toilet and is light, clean, airy and dry; good front entrance: ?135 per mo. to substantial tenant. Call owner, RAY MOORE. OL 4131. —25 Li 13 13th ST. N.W.—Comm. bldg, for rent, to whit* or colored on monthly basis for approx. 6 mo. House with •nace for 4 cars; will rent together or separately. Call BROWN REALTY CORP., Realtors. DU. 8558 • COMMERCIAL PROPERTY WANTED. WILL Bl'Y from owner 2nd com house or h'dg. for cash, usable for small busi ness. RE. *573, day; eve. NO. 7332 REAL ESTATE WANTED. I WILL BL’Y OR SELL YOUR HOUSE, I frame or brick, white or colored; 14 years’ experience Call MR. WALTER MILLER. ME. 5400 or DE. 5346. I PAY CASH for houses, lots or acreage; free appraisal SCOTT SANDERS. 3918 So Cap st TR 756.3; eves.. VI. 0990. ATTENTION, GI—If you wish to sell your house. I will buy or sell it for you. Please call MR. WALTER MILLER, ME. 5400 or DE. 5346, i WAREHOUSES FOR RENT. STORAGE AND DISTRIBUTION service of pkge. mdse. incl. local del. and out-of town shipping, via truck or rail, is the modern method for broker factory rep. or natl distrib. METROPOLITAN WARE HOUSE CO 50 Fla ave ne. HO. 0082. LGE. WAREHOUSE SPACE, approx. 10.000 sq. ft ; first and second firs., all or part; will remodel to suit tenant; has railroad siding with loading platform, on U S. Route 1, Jefferson Davis hwy. Apply POTOMAC TILE & MARBLE CO. 2811 Jefferson Davis hwy . Arl., Va . phone JA. 1800. Peter S« Alban —21 *?r» PER MONTH rent—Commercial 2 story brick, approx 600 sq ft. for storage or small shop 1315 Linden court, in the rear of Atlas Theater, 1.300 block H n.e. _ —23 WAREHOUSES FOR SALE ALEX., VA.—Fireproof bldg with over P ooo sq. ft. 3 years old: r. r. siding for car unloading; 15-ft. truck entrance May be leased Immed. poss. Call Mr. Frank-j lin. WEAVER BROS, INC. W'ash. Bldg. DI 830Q. eves., GL. 4450_—20 INVESTMENT_PRqPERTY FOR SALE, j FOUR-FAMILY APT., only $21,950 with $2 900 annua! income and $15,000 1 st trust, convenient to stores, bus and the- . atPr a real investment. MITCHELL QUICK, owner, SL. 77.31, eves , RA. 3418. 21 • FIVE UNITS Masonry apartment house, located in Washington Grove. Md.. con- : tains four 5-room units and one 4-room, unit; building :n excellent condition;1 within walking distance to transportation; desirable terms can be arranged, price easonable at $25,000. SAMUEL BOG LEY. 7004 W’is. ave., Bethesda. Md. WT. 6500. —22 WE HAVE several small apt. houses, all of which show excel, returns also several ige rcw bricks in various sections of the city, which are suitable for rooming houses or conversion to apts. Some are 1st comm SHOCKEY & MOORHEAD, AD. 002 J. Open until 9pm —20 8-UNIT BRICK, cor. det., off 10th st. n.w . tel. any eve. after 0:30 p.m., 6L 1 P2.3 or write Box 185-8, Star FIRST COMMERCIAL. Kenilworth ave—! 09 07x128, corner; an unusual oppor tunity. THOS. E JARRELL CO, Real tors, 721 10th st. n.w., NA. 0705; eves , i OE 4355. SPECIAL BARGAIN, attention specula tors and investors. Income. $4,908.' Price only $22,500. 5-apt bidg Lot 150x150 This is a rare opport. to se cure a good investment. Act today RE 5210 -_20 4- UNIT APT BLDG —Will pay all rash, direct from owner for modern building Te! VI. 9046 22 5- UNIT APT . first time offered, nr Walter R*ed Hospital Owner must sacrifice due to illness Cali Mr Higgins. GE. 2270 till Ppm BRIGHTWOOD REALTY CO. —2<> t MODERN DETACHED 14-unit apt bldgs All 2-bedroom apts. renting only $85 per month. Excellent FHA financing of *190 -! <•<><■. Balance of purchase price in cash or term* or mav accept smaller proper!v as part payment. Ray Morse. SH 8300. with BROWN REALTY CORP . Realtors. 1 DU 8558 NEW BRICK 18-UNIT APT . yearly in-1 eome 7*2 times price Call E. F. TRIPP. Real Estate Broker. NO. 4550. -—2o SILVER SPRING—Frame house, large lot: near commercial: rented $15o, owner will i sacrifice SH. 7834 2o* 3-STORY BRICK on K st n w.— By owner: less than times annual income; imme diate posses nf ground fl good 1st comm. ! location; $10,500. FA. 7504 —24 I Apt. HOUSE— Real oDPor. to purchase a unit with ti apts and 3 extra sleeping ’•ms monthly income over $450 a real sa< riflt e Call today for details WORTH INGTON REALTY, exclusive agents. 8427 V'M ,*Ve . SL. 3700, if no answer cail^SH APTS., 1 1 UNITS, close In MacArthur hive! overlooking the Potomac Palisacus and less ’han 10 min to downtown whAp j •he K st overpass -s finished Yearly rents $0,500, KFLLEY At BRANNER. DI. f 740. eve* . OR 5280 or GL 3545. —20 , RARF OPPORTUNITY—15*2% return on mnnev invested new warehouse, leased responsible tenant for 5 yrs . first trust of $20,000. approximately $12. Of M) .ash required Call RE i 988 until 9 p.m GOLDSTEN BROS . 1429 L st. n w. —73 APARTMENT HOUSE, containing nine units, loth st. se if you have $ 13.000 cash you ran buy this building, subject; to a $32,000 long-term first trust, will show an excellent return on amount ,n vested G G DUTY 1024 Vermont ave .1 NA 4482 or OR 3059_—22 4-FAMILY FLATS" All-brick bldgs, less than 7 yrs. old: pres-, ent income. 5236 per mo. with $14,600 1 FHA financing available: very conveniently located and fairly priced These uni’s may also be financed to veterans under the GI plan_Call BFITZF.LL. DI 3100 - 21_ I TODAY’S SPECIAL House* completely furn . with income W* have 2 houses with income from $200 ’n $250 per month: one in n.w.. other in m , both priced to sell Take your rhoire nf location TODAY’S REALTY. EM 0947. RA 3296._--20 < Takoma Park, Md. Near the Washington Sanitarium and Just off Carroll ave Perfectly arranged for home and investment 5 apartments1 in all. 3 consisting of living room bed room. kitchen and bath; 1 apartment of living room. 2 bedrooms 11 i baths, kitch en. pantry and porch; J apartment of 2 bedrooms, kitchen and bath Oil heat Annual Income just under $3,000. Ask ing price, $19,500 reasonable offers considered Call Mr Robev 'evenings. EM 4 919' THOS. J FISHER A CO. INC. Realtors DI 0830. N F GROUP OF 9 2-!amilv brick apt* Less than 0 yrs old No expenses. Good income. Will sell or trade. Reasonably priced DIENER. EHRLICH & CO. __ ST. 3381. GE. 1887._ 2-FAMILY FLATS Nr Minn ave se —Lower apt. has 2 b*»d rms. and upper apt I bedrm . Ih rm . kit <nd bath also r^ar porch: good renting section. $13 T50. Call Mr Fairbairn. with CONNER & RYON. INC. j P-’7 l»th ,t_n «• . RE^.TMR._—71_ HOME WITH INCOME Two 4-family units, brick semide' . Con ires* Heights. * e . each apt consisting of ->edrm living rm . kit . dinette and bath, rrar porch, oil h -w h excel, renting ser j,.?1? . t0 stores, theater and transp., CONNER & RYON, INC. ! _ 027_1Sth st. n »■ . RE. 3216. —22 20'r NET CASH RETURNED completa furn. brick apt. bldgs, in good cop.rL in n w D. C . conv. to everything, ^ne 7 units, the other 5 units: down pav uer.ts required. $lonOO or $13,000. bal ance o. oi rents, which will cover all ex penses and monthly mortgage payments and irave a re: ta*h return of 20'> on money n\es:ed plus substantial equity gain Call Mr Tar \er. SL. 8890, with E. M FRY,' INC.. WI 0740_ —21 j _LOTS FOR SALE._ CALIFORNIA ST. near 24th—100-foot fruitage on grade: side and rear alleys I W OROOMES. 1 Sth and Eye sts. 300 LOTS in good subdiv. in Md sewer water, gas and elec. Prewar prices Will sell in any quantity. Am retiring. Dav. call WA 2205. Night, call UN. S418. —20 APARTMENT HOUSE LOTS. 72 ft wide, cnlv $2950 if sold today, excellent loca tion: water and sewer in Near N H a\e and Ager rd. n.e. OWNER, SL. 2150. TWO ADJACENT CORNER LOTS In'ex clusive ind neighborhood well wooded w th beautiful trees, free of assessments, ideal location for homesltes: requires only $ »<K) cash Call Mr Benjamin Miller at ME 5400 bet 8:30 and 5 p m. LEO M BERNSTEIN A CO., 1415 K at. n w„ Realtors. ME. 5400. —20 FINE RESIDENTIAL SECTION. 5730 Mac Arthur blvri—50x100. $2,900 Call MR DOUGHERTY, OW. 8500, eves., OW. 4083. ROLLINGWOOD — We have several lots in this choice location priced from $3.non to $6,500. WALLACE B. AGNEW. INC.. 1930 K st n w . m 8580 —20 TWO BEAUTIFUL CORNER LOTS, located at 11th and Taylor sts. N. Arlington, priced at $2,000 cash or terms. ALex 1470. —2 4 WESTMORELAND HILLS. Mn.—Lovely wooded lot. Owner will sacrifice, $3,500. WI. 6438. _24 GREENWICH FOREST. Bethesda—6.521 sq ft., all utilities in: working plans for 6-rm . l’^-bath Colonial house included; $2,250. Phone WI. 6696; eves . WI. 4857. _o<> tlX MILES FROM WASH In Fairfax County—Nice level lot. nearly 1 acre. $1. $00. Exclusive with METZLER. GL. 7533 or OX. 0878. UNIVERSITY PARK, MD . 4400 blk Wells parkway—65x135 utilities In. >a block to frig _ WA 245“ —25 vETHESDA—Cn Oreentrea rd . 8 corner ,t*ts. all utilities in, paved street. $i M»o ^Ach. WI. 67 5S. —21 j LOTS FOR SALE <C=nf.>. 32nd AND STEPHENSON PL. N.W., 45* 16(1; beautiful location; reasonable. Call WO. 8354 —21 FT FOOTE RD. near O*on Hill Manor, overlooking majestic Potomac River; 4/10 acre, perfect bungalow site. Excl.. GEO S KING CO. Est 1895, Real Estate and Insurance. LI. 2501. Realtor. WE WILL BUILD your home on any lot In our subdivision, or you can buy your lot now and build later; convenient s.e. sec tion. Just over D C. line; wooded lots, high elevation; terms as low as $360 down, balance monthly. Call Mr. Allman. PR 3904, for details. MARSHALL J WAPLE CO., 1224 14th st. n.w. DI. 3346. —22 DOCTORS:—Idea^kr home and office on ! different levels. 5 min. to new Georgetown :U. Hospital; utilities. Bo* 482-R. Star. BEAUTIFUL WOODED building sltiv In well-restricted "Wakefield Forest subdivi sion. located on hard-surfaced main hwy., 2 wiles west of Annandale, 12 miles from Wash.; lots 100 ft. front, approx. 200 ft. death; price. $800; terms, $100 cash. $20 per mo. B. M. SMITH. Realtor, 2408 Columbia pike. Arlington. Va. OX. 2038. BUILDERS. ATTENTION—Group of 22 lots in the heart of Arlington, Va. All improvements, average 60-ft. frontage on ;'F5. GL. 8423; eves. GL. 3606. TERRELLL <Y GLAZIER. —22 I BUILDERS, ATTENTION— 6 building lots. Silver Spring area. 1 block from bus; Ideal location, beautiful homesltes. SH. 4379. I by OWNER—Park-llke Dogwooded lot.2 In i growing Paint Branch Farm Development iGo / miles from Silver Spring out Coles vile Rd ; right on first street past Coles ai1, ,CIO, of mii* t0 Iot on right side. SLlgo 3706. _o■> i SIP F9» RAMBLER. >4 acre In Bra"d"ley wills rail trees, numerous dogwoods, small brook. Priced well under current market. Box 109-T. Star _oo. 1-ACRE CORNER BUILDING SITE. Spring brook Forest; near Four Corners. Md., ‘Silver Spring area; paved roads, protective restrictions. WHITEHOU8E RABBITRY, Ei,Ifix™\S.Wv£hone Fairfax 350-J-2. NEAR CLINTON, MD., on main highway, about 2»a acres. Front acre cleared. Has i well, many roses, etc ; ba! beautiful slop- i ing woods. Ideal for park. Wooded sec-: , tlon should sell in lots to pay for all. Re I cash. A real buy. DAN ABBOTT. Clinton 87. .—2° WOODSIDE PARK —Level lot 100x275. on Alton pkwy., nr. Noyes dr. Price reduced for quick sale. McDEVITT, SH 07-fiO. —2b 1 TWO ACRES, wooded, on good gravel street. 1 two blocks from main highway, w’ith bus service About 10 miles from downtown Washington. Many houses already built on street but still country atmosphere; 20 minutes to Washington. Phone GE. 7037. W’OIJI.D YOU LIKE TO BUILD vour home in Chew Chase. Md.? Let us help you. We have the lots and can arrange financ ing Call DI 5230 or EX. 4700. Ext. *811.3 a m. till 8 p m. _"•> ; above Kalmia—Approx Tbx l-?'1- »,o500^_ HARRY DREISEN. 616 Brad Bldg., NA. , , , 2. HILLBROOK ESTATES—Buv now at pre war prices, build later. Cash or 25% ! down, ba! 3 years, j to 3 acre tracts on ».?r>;''aXaS0,r‘ Men'oriai hwy.. connecting with Shirlev clover leaf, by 2 miles at Lineolnia These sites are very highly re-, -stricteri and will afford you enjoyable liv-f mg Call our representative. Mr. Wentzel torsinFAeCt^fi"o EASTMAN & SEAY, Real AT $1 3WW EACH—Close in, North Arling ton DICK TRACEY. CH. 8311 or OX b * s J . I'r ACRES—Pm State maintained, all-' weather hwy.; near Fairfax. 14 miles D c.; enormou* oak trees and flowing streams; conv. to stores, schools, trans ; too, only $100. balance monthlv. J.> B DEMING. 1037 «j. Glebe rd., Arlington. GL. 047 J . i FINEST LOCATION—Burnt Mills Hills', In Md . mce view, lovely homes, 156 ft. on 3 acrp" Flne b-y from owner. VERY NICE BUILDING LOT — 102-ft frontage, 215 ft. deep, with peach and apple tiees; >2 block off Lee hwy., Centre ville. Va. Call SH. 6724. —•>•> rit, LOTS—$750 Colmar Manor. Md ; $l,.;i° for top of 56th st.. near Chav-, erly Theater, concrete rd.; $1,500 each for; • (side by side. University Park; $9oo per lot for 11 lots. Daniel Park, College Park. Md._ A. STANLEY MOREAU. V.’A -n.t, 401. Annapolis rd., WA. 6880 CHEVY CHASE A IEIV, Ml)-On paved Glenrose st.; wooded lot. 100x148 Wi-ft elevation: $2,660. OWNER. "WI 7»7l"_•>•■ MT. RAINIER. MD.—4104 28th st.' ad joining KaywoOd Gardens, on paved st.:: convenient to bus, cars,' modern shopping renter and movie, schools and churches $2,000: owner, A. c. ROGERS. WA. ->673, WA. 9836. _ _:,o LOTS LOTS LOTS Cash or terms. Will build for you. Wooded home sites, streets cut through, utilities available. $350 down and $25 per month if you desire terms builders’ attention also l!?uJ . wl11 build tc your plans. Out Nichols ave s.e. to South Capitol sf 4 blocks past D. C. line to Livingston road. ;eft on Livingston 2 blocks See our sales m*n at office for inspection. Phone SP 0404 MARSHALL J. WAPLE CO. _1"-4 14th st. n.w. PI, .3346. —25 LANHAM PARK Beautiful lots 100x150 feet $750. $100' down. $15 monthly: city w'ater. electricity. Phone, mail service, tram and bus con nections Directions- Bladensburg rd to Peace Cross, out Defense hwy . 5 mf]es to arge sign "Lanham Park” at office on left side of Defense hwy. office open daily™n^Sunday- 10 a-m. until dark THOMAS F. HALLEY Broker. Phone Hyattsville 0107 or Union Write or phone for beautiful free folder showing advantages of Lanham Park. CHANTILLY ESTATES ~ $35o up. Beautiful landscaped Chantilly Estates of one-acre lots; close to stores transportation to town; 20 mi. or 30 min • mountain view, high elevation: all improve ments me . builders available for const CU reel ions: Route 5o across Memorial Bridge to Fairfax, right, to Winchester. 'l WJleS signs CHANTILLY ESTATES^ Pick your lot today, not many Jef.. Call Herndon 39-J-4. Bring deposit • WOODED HOMESITES * Located nearby Kensington Heights. Md : OWNER^Oe'. ^7?15°0' te,mV “Hamlet”—Chevy Chase, Md. Glendale and Blackthorn. ],.5N0 sq. ft., l block east of Conn, ave DRURY REALTY CORP . 1737 fc su nV, RF 1 1«> 3___—%21 ! 4900 BLOCK CONN. AVE. , Turn right on Fessenden. J block to 34th st. n.w. Several beautifully wooded lots do to 100 ft. frontage, $3,450 up Rep resentative on grounds daily, d to 8 p m SHARPIRQ, INC. ME. Kit or TA. 7511. OFF MacARTHUR BLVD. Close In, near Poxhall rd ; ample for two houses, streets, water, sewer in. $4,000 pmii’ip^D? ?4E,,:10;h; wllh FRAX.^3 BUILDERS, ATTENTION | Silver Spring. Cameron Hgts.; for sale In Us entirety 29 lots, recorded, all on one U.rt L' • 'ewer, water availab'e: $600 each.' Jtoo cash on each lot; owner will hold1 balaire as deferred purchase monev trust, H J. KCRZEN UORFER CO INC . OL. 6336; evenings, Mr. Harper. WI.J676.__2 j HILLCREST GARDENS Drive out Branch ave s e , across D C. line, and enter this lovely home section at our sign: 50 to 00 ft. building lots, rang ing in price from $500 to $1,500. wooded and naturaily landscaped, level, rolling or hillside lots. Visit us today. Open dally 10 am. PAUL P. STONE. Realtor _HI. 4243. NA. 7379. VI, 3S76. _22 I HAWTHORNE N.W. A 70-ft. lot; #2.400, in a section across the street from Rock Creek Park, a wood .and setting with natural landscaping for your home, in a planned and regulated subdivision where property values will be mamtampd. Call Mr. Holmes after 7 p m., i ‘ PAUL P. STONE, Realtor 1 _NA._7370. —22 LOTS OF ROOM To build that rambler or any other type home you have been dreaming about on these half-acre lots, located in Luxmanor. a community of character. 10()-ft. front age .1 minutes from Naval Hospital. Bus line to Bethesda and District line. Paved street Both wooded and cleared lots. WICe* uf’i ‘5°V terms’ Cal1 Mr SHANNON & LUCHS CO. ! _1666 H sL n.w.. NA- 2346._ COLORED—LOTS FOR SALE in all gee-1 i1£2i,„0l„ruy' reasonable CLARENCE BE.RRY. DU. 9653, TR 2.311. —21 LOTS WANTED._ PRIVATE PARTY wants immediately cheap lot; must be on busline and wide frontage Phone or write Box 447-R. Star —23 BY BUILDER: utilities and streets in and ready for immediate construction* prefer Arlington._Call OW HI Hi Lots Wanted By Builder Zoned for row houses only. Submit de scription. location, price, terms. Box 32-S. Star._—2H ACREAGEFOR SALE. IO-ACRF TRACT, enchanting view of the' Potomac River, within 45 minutes of the White House and 15 minutes to Congrts sional Club; Potomac hunt area tract ex tends from River rd mow being hard surfaced) to river. Call Mr. Smith. DE 4101 or Vienna 103-J-4 (eves.) for details and appointment to inspect FRANCES POWELL HILL, exclusive agent. ] H08 20th st n.w. _21 H OR Ifi ACRES. Mont. Co. Md , near Clarksburg, part timber. SH 8704 • 24 ACRES—12 acres in nice large timber. Timber to do all building you need On State Road to Ft Wash. Elect . phone bus service 4 miles D C. Price $200 per acre, or best offer for cash No phone calls Write to owner. A. WINFIELD 1785 Columbia rd. n.w.. Wash. 0. D. C _O J • CLERMONT. VA.. Lot No 33. 1 acres on top of the hill. $1,100 Vernon M Lynch and Sons. Lincolnla, Va . Alex 5000 Closed Sun. OXON HILL-—Just the spot for that dream house, five or more acres, overlook ing beautiful valley; quick price. $1,600 per acre P. F SKINNER, 580H Livingston rd. s e . Washington, D. C. —22 H ACRES, 4 cleared land; telephone and jelectriclty available; 15 miles from D C; 300-ft. frortage, good gravel road. Phone Daleview 8842. _22 AN UNUSUAL BARGAIN, in 80 acres' In Fairfax County. 22 miles from Washing- } • ton on good gravel rd. a ahort distance from paved highway, not far from proposed ; Monticello boulevard. All timberland with i much of it readv for sawmill. Land will double in value in few vears. For quick *ale. $05 per acre Phone GE 7037. —22 i 12-ACRE TRACT in Lyon Village, suitable for 45 building lots, bordering on paved street. 7 min from Washington. D C Price reasonable for whole tract. Brokers protected. J. A LA PORTE, GL. 2212. —^ DOUBLE TROUBLE —By Bill MacLcan 7 lopr 1"^8, Kirg I cat ute> Syndicate, loc^| JJ*V!djnghur«>efvMl^7 _I ACREAGE FOR SALE jCont.) 15 ACRES, approx, located nr. Fairfax Station. 300 ft. front on hard surfaced road, about half wooded. Stream, excl. hunting grounds. $450 per acre. Terms. PENTAGON REALTY CO., Fairfax 396. OVER FIVE ACRES, beautifully wooded land in fast-developing section of Fairfax County, H miles from downtown Wash ington. Water main within two blocks of this property. Ideal for small estate or for smaU development. Priced lower than nearby acreage. Phone GE. 7037. •—22 loo ACRES, ideal for low-cost homes. 5 acres zoned for business. School, ga,s. water, bus serv. and elec . 1 mile high way frontage. Trunk line sewer crosses the property for a distance of 1.500 ft. 4 miles from Pentagon Bldg Can be sold in part on builder's terms. Brokers in vited Call CH. 9666, WM. P. PARRA MORE. owner. —22 9 CHOICE ACRES. 7 10 mile from Arling ton County line, suitable for small estate, development, almost any purpose you de sire: $10.800. Call OW. 6289. _ —22 FAIRFAX COUNTY 5 acres, 300 feet fronting on Lee hwv : 3 acres dear, balance in woods; price re duced from $3,500 to $2,750 for quick sale; 23 miles D. C. Also 7‘2 acres. 4 acres clear, balance in large oak timber; lovely stream through center of property; 14 miles D C. A G- Anderson, manager. BURNERS REALTY CO. 4401 Fairfax dr., Ar 1 in g ton ._V a. CH .2363._—22 OUT-OF-TOWN REAL ESTATE. NEAR PITTSBURGH. PENN A.—6-room modern brick complete with furniture. Price. $12,500. 2-pc. living room set, barrel back chair. 2 rugs, new vacuum cleaner. 5-pc. kitchen set with cabinet; refrigerator, gas range, washing ma chine. 2-pc. bedroom set. 194 1 Chevro let truck. Write MR. SAMUEL PAN TOCCHI. 405 Dersan st., Portvue Boro, McKeesport, Pa_ .—22 STORES FOR SALE. DRY-CLEANING STORE. 3015 M «t. n.W. Must sell. reas. priced. Call MI. 12J4. _—23 STORES FOR RENT. CONGRESS HEIGHTS. 2745 Nichols ave s e.—New store. 20x80; any type business, parking. LOUIS PEARLSTEIN. DI. 5414. 4 MODERN STORES to be built off* S Capitol, also lovely new modern store. N. Capitol and N. Y. aves.; available approx imately Sept. 15. AUERBACH At CO, 1424 K st. n.w., DI. 6501. —20 911-913 9th ST. N.W'., downtown—4-story bldg . store on 1st floor and N rooms, 2ra baths on the upper floors; rent. $260 mo LINKINS CO., 1818 N st. n.w., DI. 8688. 3155 MT. PLEASANT ST.—Ist-flr7~apt ; nr. loop; zoned commercial: suitable lor ■•adio. baby, gift, dress, valet shop or professional offices: over 700 so ft ■ $120 per mo, EM, 3044. MR. ARTHUR. -—20 IOth ST. N.E., NEAR H — Corner store with 4 rms., kitchen and bath above suitable lor grocery, etc.; vacant: $175 mo.: busy location. DIENER-EHRLICH As CO., ST, .1381. Eves.. GE 1887 _21 * ST NAV.—Basement: $75 per mo. A. D. TORRE REALTY CO.. HO. 7200. CONN AT M ST.—Lge. modern (treat it—1 Rt01 e: balcony and cellar. L. E P PRINCE. MI. 4466. ARLINGTON FOREST. VA—Approx. 17x so loc. next to Peoples Drug Store, in well-established shopping center; suitable for variety store, haberdashery, ladies' ?£RarlU' e,tc' THOMAS J. FISHER A CO. INC., Realtor. DI. 6830, Ext. 405. _23 1218 H ST. N.E.—lst-floor storeroom, ap Pr°* 16x70; rent, $175 month. HOHEN STEIN PROS.. PR. 3000. _".i ARL , VA.. Lyon Park—Store lflx!7~ft; 1 vino mo.: heat turn.; suitable delica tessen. beauty shop, bakery, cleaning Mrs. Rich, ME. 147 8 or MR. BARBER, OX. 299/._ _oft CORNER NICHOLS AVE. and RaIei*h~*I i se; outstandingly beautiful; just com pleted: 2.200 sq. ft. plus bsmt.; ideal for restaurant, delicatessen, clothing, etc. 1 1515-1517 Good Hope rd. s.e.—Two fi rm. dwellings, for lease; commercial; $150 mo. each, will consider remodeling; vacant JAMES ^ CARROLL. 653 Lebaum st. s e.' STORE VALUES 215 Indian* ave. n.w.—Store and bsmt ; $80 month L365 Kennedy at. n.w.—1.(500 aq. ft.: 4o:tfl Minnesota ave. Be.—New store; $ 1 2 5 8746 10th at. n.e.—35x75, 2nd oom-; merciai, in large shopping center; $300 i month 7 40 6th st. n.w--Suitable for any small business; 15x35; $65. R A. HUMPHRIES. Realtor, 808 No. Capitol. NA. 6730. —27 DUPONT CIRCLE BLDO 12x60. next to Dupont Theater; also avail. 10.000 sq. ft. of basement space. 1346 CONNECTICUT AVE. AD 3200. COLORED—LARGE STORE and apt., suit any business; $75 mo, LISS REALTY. RE. 8264_ _—20 ~ STUDIOS WANTED. PIANO TEACHER desires unfurn. atudlo,, 2 or more rooms w>ith liv. quarters, in n.w. FRAZIER. 2218 Wls. ave.. EM. 9791. —20 _OFFICES FOR RENT. lt»38 CONN. AVE.—Offices or studios, ap- : prox. 3,000 sq. It. Available Immediately. 1*10 .YE ST. N.W.—First floor front of fice room. 30Vfcxl3. heat, light, lavatory; *100 month THE WASHINGTON LOAN St TRUST CO rental dept.. 900 F at. n.w., NA 3440 OFFICE SPACE AVAILABLE—Single rms or large suites for immediate occupancy: all space redecorated; Ideal downtown lo cation; /reasonable rental; rental agent on premises See MR KOCH, Room 112, Atlantic Bldg . 930 F st. n.w. DESIRABLE SPACE for rent near busy 14th & Park rd.. suitable for most any business or profession. B. J. CRIVELLA, INC. AD 0600. —21 ATTRACTIVE 2-RM. SUITE, facing Far ragut square; rooms lend themselves to fine appointment, near Army and Navy. Metropolitan Clubs. Mayflower and Stat ler Hotels. Call NA. 5318. —22 CONVENIENT DOWNTOWN LOCATION; one room. 11 by 18. $45 a month, in cluding heat, electricity and janitor serv ice For further information, call RE. 8384 —29 i CONVENIENTLY LOCATED office rooms, available In large modern office bldg . situ ated near Municipal Center and Munici pal Court. THOS J FISHER CO , INC . Realtors. 738 15th st. n.w., DI. 6830, Ext 405. UPPER GA. AVE. N.W.—Large 2nd floor suite uf offices in brand-new bldg.; heat, electricity and show window included. Can be rented all or part; also large office in professional bldg uptown; reason able rental KAY REALTY CO., INC., 5505 Ga ave. n.w. RA. 2200. —20 FOUR ROOMS. 1 large and 3 small; ad jacent to House of Representatives Office Bldg, and Congressional Library. Call AT 2656. _22 2 RMS., choice Conn, bldg . near May flower; furn. or unfurn.; receptionist-tel. I'lIAPje. EX 0211; eve., CH. 3561. —24 OFFICE AVAILABLE, reas. rent. Call ST. 4990. _21 STUDIO OR LABORATORY and 2 rms. with private bath; 1807 H st. n.w.: will make some alterations; rent, $80. D. E BARRY. MF 2025. —20 N. ARL.—Very attrac. lst-fl suite: 2 offices and reception rm.. good location; re**. EX 7294. or GL 1654. PRIVATE OFFICE and use of larger office and facilities of real estate co. on ground floor at 11 th and K sts. n.w.. for nominal rent. Phone NA. 9296; eves., TA. 3434. AIR-COOLED GROUND FLOOR. 16iTk st n w —Ideal suite, show' window with mez zanine and basement; 3 private lavatories, steam heat, auto parking and custodial services provided; very reasonable rental. ST 6255. _23 750 SQ. FT. of attr. open floor space— 2nd floor, ultramodern bldg., suitable for office or wholesale display in the heart of downtown, call EX. 0717. —22 OFFICE. 2 rooms and bath, in air-cooled oldg ; suitable for professional man. Apply manager, 601 19th st. n.w., or call BREUNINGER & SON. INC., NA. 2040. —20 9th AND G STS. N.W—2nd and 3rd floors available, bright, large rooms, com pletely renovated; reasonable. Call Mr. Franklin. GL. 4456, with WEAVER BR06 INC . Washington Bldg . DI. 8300. —20 TWO-ROOM SUITE in corner office build ing. fro a month, with all services furn. Call DU. 8568, BROWN REALTY CORP., Realtors. —20 2nd FL., NEW BLDG.- In Georgetown, approx. 1.000 sq ft. In rm , which can be divided to suit tenant: parking facilities can be arranged. ME. 1236. —22 OFFICES FOR RENT (Cont.)| CHOICE OFFICE SPACE, in modern bldg , with elevator, adjacent to Mayflower Hotel, 1737 De Sales st.; approx. 1.000 so. ft. on 2nd and 3rd firs ; reasonable rent. FRANK S. PHILLIPS, DI. 1411. —26 ARLINGTON—Several rooms, about 1,300 sq. ft., all or part; in new bldg., center of Clarendon. GL. 9012. —22 TWO ROOMS, 7404 Baltimore ave.. Col lege . Park, Md. Suitable for lawyer, draftsman, etc. UN. 9802. —21 NICELY AND NEWLY FURNISHED, com pletely remodeled ground-floor office apace, 2 or 3 desks, telephones, unlimited park ing. P st. near 26th st. n.w. (George town!. DE. 0712; eves., OR. 7477. FINE OFFICE SPACE or studio, on 20th near Eye st. n.w.: 1st commercial zone; a fireproof building, 2 lavatories. 2 large exposures, small freight elevator: $210 a month WOODWARD <fe NORRIS, 723 20th st. n.w.. RE. 6585. —22 OFFICE SPACE, entire rm. in suite, or desk space, sec. services Included; reas rent. C. E. JEFFERSON CO. 18 Carroll ave., Takoma Park. Md. SL. 1785. —22 OFFICE CONTAINING 260 SQ. FT., avail able September 1. in Riggs Bank Building, 14th and Park Road n.w. Call Mr. Bur nell. RANDALL H. HAGNER & CO. INC., 1321 Conn. ave. n.w., DE 3600. —22 , DOCTORS—First floor front apartment.! near Columbia rd. and 18th st., would i make good location for office; $76. HO. 7239. —22 2 SUITES OF OFFICES, for rent In Silvei Spring: 2 and 3 rms. each; $76 and $85, monthly. COFFMAN REALTY CO., SH.j 4123 or SH. 3928. —22 i 1002 11th ST. N.W.—Ideal offices; 10 rms , as whole building or in part, next to corner of K at.; immediate possession; 4 stories and basement; good condition; printer, real estate, any 1st commercial use; $250 per month for whole: have 1st fioor tenant available at $100, if vou want subtenant. GEORGE Y WORTHINGTON & SON, Active Realtors Since 1892. 1719 Eve st. n.w., NA. 3326. —22 COLORED, for Drs. or Dentists. Real Es tate or any kind of business. Georgia ave. and Irving st. n.w. Call NO. 8346 or, TR 9528 _23 720 17th ST., N.W. Mail and telephone; service day and night. Excellent address. Office also available. ST. 8367, DE. 3318. _,o 2 • 1710 G ST. N.W.—2 rooms, reception hall, first floor, lavatory; $60 per month. Call NA 0964 —23 TAKOMA TARK. 16 Carroll ave.—Furn. rm. or desk; receptionist, secretary; reas. JEFFERSON. SL 1785._—22 Barr Bldg., 910 17th St. N.W. ! Near Conn, and K st.—New, modern, attractive desk space, for those who want! the best; receptionist, mail, switchboard i and stenog. service. Call PI. 2704, —20 DUPONT CIRCLE BLDG. Offices available for business, professional, I medical or trade association and others. 1346 CONNECTICUT AVE. I _AD._320TL_ I OFFICES WANTED. : 1,800-2,000 SQ. FT. for office and studio space In quiet location. Wanted for small radio station. Call RE. 8888. —20 j OFFICE WANTED in suite with secretarial | ‘ and telephone service; Conn, and K area preferred._NA. 8785. —22 DESK SPACE FOR RENT. ' DESK SPACE including secretarial serv ice. on 1st floor of downtown office bldg.; reasonable rental. MRS. SIMMONS. MB. i | 5800. —22 1610 EYE ST: N.W.—3 basement rms . air conditioned, approx 300 sq. ft.: i rental. $76 mo Call LEGUM & GERBER I REALTY CO ■ 2837 Conn, ave., AD. 7800 I DOWNTOWN 4]n Bond Bid*. Desk, telephone and secretarial eervlce available. DI. SariL.—in FARMS FOR SALE. I NR. FREDERICKSBURG, VA.—81 SCTN, i 50 clear. 7-rm. house, outbldgs., electricity; 1 immed. poss.: $8,260. WO. 7076. SMALL FARM, two acres and independ ence; $50 down, $15 mo.: fronting on a ! State road <You seldom can buy prop erty like this right on a State road.) ! Beautifully wooded acres with big tree*, j near fast-growing town, store, school. I churches, bus. etc. Plenty of room for chickens, garden, vegetables, fruit, etc. : Picnic here or park your trailer until you are ready to build. You can use your land as soon as you pay the $50 down. 35-min. drive out Lee blvd. or Lee hwy., 1 ] jmi. past Centreville See our big sign on i right. Center Heights. 4-lane highway : from Wash. No turns. Open every day. 12 p m. till dark. Bring $10 deposit. Trail ways bus passes us on Lee hwy. —23 STROUT S SPRING-SUMMER FARM cata 1 log free Green cover, over 2.800 bar gains; Coast to Coast. 8TROUT REALTY, i r31-A Woodward Bldg., Washington, Met ropolitan 7548 24 ACRES FINE LAND, nice 6-room and bath, fully insulated house; rood road; must sell this week. Apply GELL LEITE, Chatham Service Center, Chatham Heights, Fredericksburg, Va. . 22* IDEAL VIRGINIA HOME in perfect shape with 67 acres, partly cleared, 45 min. from 1 Washington, on hard road convenient to : pike; 8-room house, large living room with ' fireplace, electricity, bath, oil burner; at tractive grounds with view; barn, garage, 1 outbuildings; Immediate possession. Price. $18,000. Shown by appointment. Phone Herndon 38. BUELL FARM AGENCY, i Herndon. Fairfax Co., Va. 20* ! MONTGOMERY COUNTY. MD —3 acres, i 8-rm. house, plumbing, elec., 600 ft. front I age on 18-ft. rd.; full bsmt., outbldgs., I smoke house. 500 capacity hen house; Va mile from church, stores, r.r. station; abundant shade on high hill; 23 miles 1 from D C. Price reduced $2,000 for quick sale. Immed poss. $12,000, Call Charles Jamison. Poolesville 2016. with SAMUEL E BOG LEY. Realtor. WI. 3320. —22 250 ACRES; 70. good tractor-farm land: 80. pasture and brush; 100, woods and good timber, 3 wells, two springs and stream: 8-rm. house, part cellar; lge. barn and other buildings; elec, in house and barn; 05 miles from D. C.. near Rt. 60: beautiful mountain scenery. An unusual i oppor. at the low price of $6,000. Only reason for sale, owner too old. Call ! OR 5310 after 5 p.m. ^ —21 'ALL THE CHARM and atmosphere have been preserved In this remodeled 8-room i house, partly log; 10 acres of land facing on highway, house Is secluded; bedroom and bath on first floor: large masonry 1 building equipped as machine shop; nestled ; on the hillside amid beautiful flowers with stream at the foot of extended lawn. This house Is an artists vision and a poets dream. MR. TRUNDLE. Ashton 5563. 23* BEAT HIGH COST OF LIVING—Here is I an assured income, the way this farm is ; operating, with a tenant; located near Damascus. Md.: easy commuting distance from D C.‘ approx. 175 acres of fertile, ! rolling land, with lovely modern 8-room. t‘i>-bath home; oil heat; 240x60 bank s barns, 1 with 32-stanchion dairy: only '$27,500. For further information, or ; to inspect, call Mr. Talbert, MAX C. SCHWARTZ. TA 2500 _ _ OPPORTUNITY OF A LIFETIME—Tourist home and farm, located on main hwy., I about 25 miles north of D. C ; approx. 190 acres with several thousand feet road frontage; lovely modern 13-rm. and 3 bath brick home, with splendid view; large barn and other outbuildings For further | information or to Inspect, call Mr, Talbert, ;MAX C. SCHWARTZ. TA. 2500. OVER 200 ACRES. SS.B60; on hard road; ! 7-room house, bank barn, hog and chicken houses, fenced. CAPUTI, Realtors, phone FA 2122. —22 10 MI. TO D. C.—19V* acres, ideal truck farm, rich, productive and well kept, in clud. barn, hog and chicken bldgs., 6-rm. home, all modern conv.: bargain. CAPUTI, Realtors, phone PA. 1415. —22 HANDSOME AND DIGNIFIED 8-rm. home, located on beautiful gently rolling land, fronting on modern highway, within com muting distance of D C; house newly re modeled. all conv.; 4 bedrms., 2 and A* baths, oil h -w.h : large lawn well kept, with 2 acres; $19,500; more acreage avail able: tourist home or tearoom location. I MISS KING, CH. 0723. 10 ACRES and modern 4-rm. bungalow at Lanham. only $9,000 ; 2 acrea and modem 4-im bungalow at Glenndale. only $7,000, only $1,500 down. A. STANLEY MOREAU, WA. 2571, 4617 Annapolis rd.. WA. 6880. 30 ACRES. 7-room house, electricity, base ment, large workshop. 2-car garage. $3,700. On State road. 13 acres. 7-room house, all modern: 4-room tenant house. 2 to bacco barns and other necessary outbuild ings. Pr.ce, $12,500. _ . On State road. 136 acres, 7-room bouse, garage. 2 tobacco barns and all other necessary outbuildings. Price. 36,500. W. E. HARDESTY. UDDer Marlboro, Md., Marlboro 3366. Call Mr. Burroughs. Wel dorf 3081.___ —20 We Have Farms, Farms, Farms CLARENDON REALTY CO. 313410th St No., Arlington. Va„ OX. 1997, CH A346 FARMS FOR SALE (Cow*.* FAUQUIER COUNTY, VA. 286 acres. 8-room house: elec, lights, water In house: 2 large cattle and horse barns, machine shed. silo. 3 tenant houses, one 7-rm., two B-rm. bungalows; this Is sn Ideal grazing farm, well fenced, lovely stream: 45 miles D. C.; a real bur at 521,500: excel term,, to right party. BURNERS REALTY CO.. A. O. Anderson, manager, 4401 Fairfax dr., Arl.. Va.. CH. 2363.—22 SUNNYSIDE Near Triangle, Va. Farmette, one of the brightest little bungalows on No. 1 hwy.; stone foundation, 4 rms. and bath, large kit., hardwood double flooring, liv. rm. : 12x16, large closet in bedrms. and hall; water pump from 2 wells, lovely lawn; wonderful place for business; built by car penter of 39 yrs.’ exper., owner of home. A real bargain. CHESTER COGSWELL OX. 1633. —22 WATERFRONT PROPERTY—SALE. I DRUM POINT BEACH—Washington’s larg est beach development. No need to worry about crowded and congested beaches and facilities; at Drum Point Beach there is ample room tor all. without crowding! Drum Point Beach has some of the most beautiful beaches ever developed; mtles and miles of white sandy beaches on the Chesapeake, that even have shade trees! Georgeous forestry, too, plus 4 fresh water lakes and many' other features, too numerous to mention: superb location, easily accessible from any part of Wash ington: lots are generously proportioned. | none less than 10.000 sq. ft. in area. Prices unusually low, too! Prom $495 (terms available). Get the entire story first-hand. DHRUM POINT CORP , own ers, developers. Washington. D. C Cal vert Realty Agency, sole sales agents, 220 Southern Bldg. RE. 8438; week ends, phone Prince Frederick 108. —20 SOUTH RIVER, MD.—0 rms., bath, powder room, copper screened porch; perfect cond.; lot 100 by 100, beautifully landscaped, fruit trees, will sell or trade. GEORGE SIMMONS, HO. 8516, RE. 0493. —21 SOMETHING NEW—Actual harbor-front lots in new Sections “C” and “D,” facing new Flag Harbor at Long Beach. Large beautifully wooded homesites where you may watch your boat sway gently at anchor in new harbor under construction; restricted, high-class residentfal commu nity. Fine white sand beach for bathing, excellent fishing, crabbing and hunting. Long Beach has year-around oiled streets, central water system, lights, telephone service and garbage collection. A 15-min ute inspection of Long Beach will con vince you of it* pre-eminence among bay front colonies. Low prices, terms if de sired. Drive 8 miles south of Prince Frederick on Solomons Island road, turn left at St. Leonard and follow Long Beach signs to office. M. E. ROCKHILL, INC., or address 207 Commonwealth Bldg., 1625 K st. n.w., for further information. —22 NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY a cottage or lot at Cedarhurst on Ches. Bay, 31 miles from DC., near Shady Sidp. Md. Refined, restricted and well developed; nice mod ern cottages $4,950 up; lots $250 to $850; easy terms. Boat harbor, pier. etc. Circu on request. WALTER M. BAUMAN, 1727 K st. n.w., NA. 0229. —21 YOU’LL LOVE IT and want to own it the ; minute you see it—a charming new log 1 cabin in breath-taking location on scenic ! Cedar Rock. 32 mi. from D. C.. 3 rms. and bath, furnished. Modern in every respect. Over an acre right on water front. Fish, boat, swim. Extra features, too many to mention in this ad. Price, $6,750. terms. VI. 0804. ATTRACTIVE YR.-ROUND HOME on well , kept corner lot overlooking water. Nice (Shade trees; 2 bedrooms, living room, kitchen and bath; oil heat, elec, refgr.. gas stove, laundry. Sacrifice for immediate sale. $0,250. BOND, ME. 9510. 22« SHOREHAM BEACH COTTAGE—4 rms. and bath, screened porch, gas. electricity, running water; reasonable. Call SH. 1234. _oo COMPLETELY TURN. COTTAGE and xuest house; bath rm.. hot and cold runnlna water: shower rm., 2 nice lawna. Pvt. community with 2 nvt. beaches and 2 new piers. South River Park. 25 miles from District line. Must be seen to be appreciated. WA. . 1100 or Annapolis 0430. —22 25 ACRES WITH NEARLY 1 000-ft. water front just off West River near the bay. 28 miles to D. C Price. $10,500. Terms. A splendid buy. Call Hobart 0043. 8 ACRES with 145 ft. direct frontage on South River, within 25 miles D. C. M C GIBSON, DU. 4271. —2« LAKE JACKSON—3-rm. furn cottage, knotty pine, 4 built bunks: dble. lot. near lake; $.(.800; terms CO. 2876. —21 COLONIAL BEACH, VA.—To close an estate, will sell lots 1, 2 and 3, in Block 05: size of lots. 50x150 ft : $700 each. Sell one pr all. Lot 8, Block 103. size 60x 150 ft., facing on 2 streets; $800. 8L. 5677. —24 *4.200 BUYS LONG BEACH cottage. 4 rooms and bath, screened porch. Lot lOOx 100 on oiled street, connected to centra! water, lights: phone available. Reasonable down payment and terms. May be inspect ed any time. For Information, write M. E. ROCKHILL. INC. 1625 K st. n.w.. or phone Prince Frederick 308-J. —22 WILLOWS BEACH COLONY offerg sound protection of property and social values; nne summer and year-'round homes built hero have established this development as well above average: 42 ml. from White House; on Chesapeake Bay deep shaded beach, dedicated to property owners Call HO 8235 for folder with lot plat and1 road map. WILLOWS DEVELOPMENT CO. LAKE JACKSON, VA., 4 ml. south of Manassas. ‘The Anchorage"—Most beau tiful lodge on Lake Jackson. Located In high hill at the Panorama. Consists of 105 ft. lake front. 190 ft. deep, rustic bridge leading to picnic grove consisting of 2 large lots with stone barbecue, swings, picnic tables, etc. Lodge has 3 bedrooms, large living room with stone fireplace, rec reation room with bar, kitchen, dinette and bath. Lodge Is completely and ele gantly furnished, including linens and silver. This place must be seen to be appreciated. Full price $16,800. Substan tial down payment required. Owner will take first trust on balance. See MR. LESTER at Lake Jackson office all day Saturday and Sunday. —22* NEAR ANNAPOLIS—Doctor's newly deco rated water-front home, furnished; pleasant boating community; vacant; asking $17, 500; easy terms. GL. 8004 day or night. BAY RIDGE—A bay-front, year-round home, with living rm . dining rm.. kitchen, 2 bedrms., bath and porches on first floor; 3 bedrms. and bath on second floor; elec tric refgr.. stove and water heater, oil heat, garage and 2 shower bathrooms, shaded lot. OR. 2433 or DI. 2740. —22 DRUM POINT BEACH has opened Its harbor section! Now sportsmen can have a water-front homeslte. where plans for a pvt. dock and harbor can become a leality. where pleasure craft can be moored, almost at the front door step; where you are but a stone’s throw from Solomons Island; Drum Point Beach; you're right in the center of lust about everything nature has to offer and you’re within easy commuting distance of Wash ington; lots are generously proportioned, none less than 10.000 sq. ft. in area; price* unusually low. from $495 (terms available). Get full information now. DRUM POINT CORP . owners, developers. Washington, D. C., sole sales agents, Cal vert Realty Agency. 220 Southern Bldg., RE. 8438; week ends, phone Prince Fred erick 10R —20 NORTH BEACH COTTAGE—-Nice, clean. 3 bedrms.. Inner-spring mattresses and lge. kit., Frlgldalre and range; at $66 wk. RA. 0078. —20 WATERFRONT PROF. FOR RENT. COTTAGE, NORTH BEACH. MD.—4 room*; sleeps 10: excellent condition; batlT; refrigerator, tas atove; Aug. 21-Sept. 11. Call after 7 p m., AX. 4430. —20 SEVERAL, EXCELLENT cottages for rent in North Beach. Chesapeake Beach and West Beach; available from August 21st until after Labor Day, priced from *30 to *65 per week. Call WO. 8716 after 6 S m. or see J. E. TALBERT, Agent. Wash lvd., West Beach, Md., Saturday or Sun day 22* COLONIAL BEACH. VA.—Cottage for rent furn., running water, elec. Avail. Aug 22 to 29 and after Labor Day. Call LI 0498 after 7_p.m. —20 SELBY ON THE BAT—Large modern cot tage; available from August 28. Call SH 0978 after 6. ARUNDEL ON THE BAT—4 miles from Annapolis; a modern 4-rm. cottage, new bath. elec, range. Frlgldalre. instantaneous hot water, neatly furn.; sandy beach; *60 per wk.: available Aug. 29 through Sept : special rates for fall season. MI. 7809. _on BUNGALOW ON WATER—Sleeps 107’all modern conveniences: beautiful grounds: available Sept. 15 through Sept. 29. MI 1943 BREEZT POINT BEACH—Lge screened cottage, a m.)., sleeps 10; Sept. 6. Sept 19: #85. Inquire STEAD'S COTTAQE or call CH 1651. Monday, after 6 pm. COTTAGE. NORTH BEACH, weeks Aug 21 to Sept. 4. *35 per week. FR 3692. BANK-PERSONAL LOANS. LOANS FOR SEASONAL NEEDS. Purchase your winter fuel supply now and avoid the rush, delays or possible scarcity later. Per sonal loan dept.. LIBERTY NATIONAL BANK. 15th and Eye sts. nvt--21^ MONEY TO LOAN. CONTINUATIONS OF TITLE. 24-hour service. PUBLIC SERVICE TITLE CO , pop st. n.w„ PI. 2615.21* MONEY WANTED._ 1st MORTGAGE on Suburban Md. home; *6.400 pays $68 monthly & 6%; will dis count Box 117-T. Star. 22* HAVE *7.500 FIRST TRUST on water front property. Recently sold for $12,500. Will sell for $6,800 cash. Box 28-8. Star. —20 TWO *1.0*0 FIRST TRUST NOTES, 4<4 and 5% Interest, well secured on im proved property. UR. O'BANNON. PR l Slip. —20 SECOND TRUST, yielding 6*. Reduced! from $3,500 to $3,428.46. payable $35! monthly. Income producint apartments | , Will sell at 20*- discount. OE. 8083. 20* REAL ESTATE LOANS. 1st AND Sad TRUST LOANS—Courteous service, ressonsble rstss. prompt cloelnsi SECURITY HOME INVESTMENT CORP., 1427 E>e st. n.w. DI. 8080. TRUSTS, 1st. 2nd and Srd: Md„ Vs snd D. C wk. s service. ADAMS REA1/TY CO.. 905 N. T. eve. n.w. RE. 1812. SI* riRST-TBUST LOANS on reel estate: low rates: S or 6 rear terns snd monthly psymenti. P. J. WALSHE. INC., 1115 Eye let AND 2nd MORTGAGE LOANS. BAR TOW REALTY CO., Realtors. 1331 O st. MONEY*" ON9SECOND TRUST—We will buy second-trust notes. D. C.. nesrljy Md. or Ve. Ressonsble rstes. NATIONAL MORTGAGE * INVESTMENT CORP.. 1318 mTAND*" tad TRUSTD,LOANS—Prompt ?f.1 OTSM&UI5SS? SETS?? cjsHtr5iTtad,TRu8T>NOTES (whits or colored)—Quick settlement. Prefer Per ral cells to telephone calls. PULTON GORDON. 1427 Era st. e.w. DI. 5230 Brokers attention. —31 let AND 2nd TRUST LOANS on real es tate in D. C . Md. and Vs. MR. DRAIBNBR. 1404 L st n w, NA. 4167. WILL BUY 1st OB tad DEED Of trust notes, up to S10.000. ALEX S. CLARKE, 1427 Eve st. n.w. —20 AUTO LOANS. FINANCING private sales our tpeclallr* ll roo are buying or selling an automobile, let us finance It for tbo purchaser NOLAN FINANCE CO.. 1102 New York are n.w. Republic 1200. AUTO PAINTING. COMPLETE JOB. $36 up; work guaran teed. GILBERT. 4102 Pa. are. ext. s.o. SI. 4524. EPART MENTAL 1ZED SERVICE la beg for your car reiardless of make; super one painting, fender and body work at reasonable prices. ALEXANDRIA NASH CORP.. 600 Monttomev at.. Alexandria 3330. AUTOMOTIVE MISCELLANEOUS. BULLDOZERS. Allls-Chalmers, Model WM. angle blade; excellent condition: price. $1,800. also 1943 Cletrac. Model BDH; price. $2,600; and a,-yd. Hanson shovel $3,260 or best offer. Terms if live In Md. Call NO 9413 or AT. 2894. —1 MOTORCYCLES. 2—1946 MATCHLESS; 600 c.c.'s; In excel lent cond.: these are exceptional buys: trade and terms. ALLIED MOTORCYCLE SALES. 2014 M St. n.w., RE. 6073. —20 1944 INDIAN "CHIEF”; in good condition: trade and terms. ALLIED MOTORCYCLE SALES. 2014 M St. n.w., RE. 6073. —20 1918 ARIEL "Red Hunter' : this is truly a fine sport machine: trade and terms. ALLIED MOTORCYCLE SALES. 2014 M at. n.w.. RE. 5073. —20 1946 HARLEY-DAVIDSON; "74" In.: o h v : buddy seat, crash bars, and saddle bags: an exceptional machine; also 4 other good used Harleys; trade and terms ALLIED MOTORCYCLE SALES, 2014 M at. n.w., RE. 5073. —20 SALSBURY MOTOR SCOOTER, less than year old. with less than 1,000 ml.: perfect condition; original owner; $350. GL. 6059 after 6 p.m —20 1947 HARLEY-DAVIDSON 61. o h.v., ex cellent condition, lots of extras, $650. After 5 p.m. call ALex. 0446. —20 HARLEY-DAVIDSON 1939 45: good cond : plenty chrome; $225 or best offer Call Atlantic 7574. 21 INDIAN CHIEF 1939; runs and looks good; saddle bags, new transmission: a real bar gain at $295. Call Shepherd 6060, 9 a m. to 7 p m. • HARI.EY-DAVIDSON 1947 "74" overhead: plenty of chrome: reasonable price. LI. 7943. _2° POWERBIKE, English <21, $100 each. Victor 1623. —22* INDIAN 1947 Chief, only 1.800 miles; used less than 3 mos windshield, fog lights, every other extra. Not a scratch on this beautiful red job. Must sacri fice for only $696; small down payment. Pay as you ride. LEEDS MOTOR CO , 6120 WlB. ave., OR. 4407. Open till 10 p.m. —21 MOTORCYCLE, Harley. 1937. “74 "; very good cond.; buddy seat, saddle bag; $125. HO. 8905 bet. 6 and 7. CUSHMAN 1948 motor scooter: transmis sion: 3 mos. old, perfect cond.; lots of access.; $295. Phone NO. 5455. —22 MOTOR SCOOTERS. CUSHMAN late 1946 motor scooter; gears, side car, buddy seat; recently overhauled; $175. SH. 0939.—22 OARAGES FOR RENT. PARKING SPACE for 2 cars, near Dupont Circle; $6 mo. Phone manager, HO. 5881. —20 WE HAVE TO OFFER storage space for possibly 25 or 30 trucks or passenger cars in downtown location. Apply Box 166-M. Star. —24 PARKING SPACE for 2 cars, near Dupont Circle; $5 mo. Phone manager. DE. 1585. TRAILERS. AT RICHTER’S, engineering skill reaches a new high in the 30' tandem wheel Spar tan Mansion that makes it the choice of those who desire a combination of the extremely practical and the very beauti ful. Imagine the livability of our 33’ Su perior, 6 sleeper with shower and toilet Luxury, beauty and efficiency are the key note to the designers of the 29' Vindale Direct factory distributors of several other leading trailer coaches in both masonite and aluminum: priced from $1,495 to $4,495. We carry a large line of acces sories. RICHTER TRAILER SALES. 2 lo cations, Wash.-Balto. blvd.. Berwyn. Md. Telephone Tower 6035 NEW LIBERTY TRAILERS with many out standing features on display. HEETER WALDEN TRAILER SALES, Wash.-Balto. blvd., Berwyn. Md. TO. 6111 HORNER’S TRAILER CENTER. 5th and Fla. ave. n.e. See the new Vagabond Royal and Palace house trailers on display at HORNER’S CORNER. FR. 1221. i TO RENT—House trailers, luggage trail ! ers and boat trailers. AMERICAN TRAILER CO., INC., 4030 Wis. ave. n.w., | WO. 3231. —31 ; USED TRAILER, good condition. Phone day, CO. 6971; eves., 2304 Lee hwy , Apt. 308. —20 TWO-WHEELED. 6-FT. TRAILER; good lires, spare and tarpaulin. 619 South 23rd. Arlington. Va. JA. 1625-W. —20 TRAILER, 1943 Silver Dome. 23 ft., sleeps 4. excellent condition; $1,295 cash. Lot 263, Temple Trailer Village, Alex., Va See after 6 p.m. 21* 1948 TRAILER. 3-rm . 25-ft., complete with fitted carpet, electric refgr . bottled gas and many extras; located in Bethesda. This trailer is like new. will sacrifice for auick sale. Call WI. 4389. —21 GLIDER, TRAVELITE, GOSHEN — Inside and out they are the trailers of the year. In these smart-looking, apacious models are floor-plan Ingenuity, construction fine point and finishing skill. For a comfort able trailer at low cost. COLIE TRAILER CO.. 8200 Ga. ave. n.w , SL. 8202. UNITED GENERAL and Mitco trailers— Several beautiful models on display, priced from $1 760. WAHL TRAILER 8ALES. 2nd ave. at Colesville rd. bet. Ga. ave. and 16th st.. Silver Spring. Md.. SH 8565. —26 COTTAGE—Beautiful modern movable cottage; liv. rm , kit . dinette, bedrm. and bath, completely equipped with refgr., hot water heater, gas stove: price. $3,350; delivered Wash. area. WAHL TRAILER1 SALES. 2nd ave. at Colesville rd. bet. Ga.: ave. and 16^h at., Silver Spring. Md., SH.! 8566. —22 i 1946 SPEN \<i TON PICKUP with canvas cover in excellent condition. Also 7-ft. linoleum covered kitchen sink with all accessories, including spray. Prise bar gpin. Call Oliver 4315. after 7 D.m LATE 1947 ZIMMER house trailer 81eeps • six. Dinette, Frigidaire. bottle gas’stove. I New condition, sacrifice for quick sale: by owner. Emerson 4469. 29* ALL-STEEL ‘Marville" monowheel lug- j gage trailer; 1946 model; new tire, excel., cond. $50. OW. 5877. —22 ; TRAVELO trailer for sale. 2flVr-ft. long.: cash or terms; new elec, refgr., hot-water I heater, oil stove. 4-burner bottle gas stove, 2 beds; insulated and In excellent cond. WA. 4405. —22 6^x10 FT. stake body luggage trailer, reas. offer. TO. 9611, 8620 Baltimore blvd.. Beiwyn, Md, MR. SWINDLE. —22 ! 1946 VAGABOND house trailer. 26 ft. long, electric brakes, electric refrigera tion. h.-w. heater, bottled gas, bargain at $2,695. 1947 Alma 21-ft. house trailer elec tric brakes, electric refrigeration, bottled gas: bargain at $1,996. Visit our trailer lot at Triangle. Va. Alexandria Trailer Co., branch CAPITOL AUTO A TRAILER SALES, 1942 Bladens burg rd. n.e., FR. 0636.—20 | WASHINGTON TRAILER HEADQUARTERS invites you to see 5 great names In trailer makes. American Trailer Co., Inc., 4030 ! Wis. ave. n.w., WO. 3231. Largest stock • of trailer parts and accessories In the East! 1948 American 25 Tandem_$3,011.62 1948 Howard Mansion _ 5.184.93 1948 Schult Luxury Liner_2,041.46 1948 Travelo 25 Tandem _ 3.476.46 1948 Zimmer 30-ft., 4-pass_ 3,530.92 1942 American _ 1,395.00 1942 National _ 1.795 00 AMERICAN TRAILER CO., INC , 4030 Wis. ave, n.w., WO. 3231. TRAILERS WANTED. LUGGAGE TRAILER, 4x6, and accesso ries Contact T. E. JACKSON, 2509 26th st. n.e AUTO TRUCKS Mg SALE. FORD 1934 1-ton panel. It looks as good as a 1946; only $246: terms, cash or trade. HKRSON'S AUTO A APPLI. CO, 8th and O sts. n.w.. DE 470(1. —20 INTERNATIONAL 1941 ‘4-ton panel; very low ortg mileage; brand new heavy duty tires; this baby Is ready to roll: only $595. Drive It and you will buy it. Terms, cash or trade. HKRSON'S AUTO A APPLI. CO. 8th and O sts. n.w , DK. 4700. —20 FORD 1939 1‘4-ton dump, new tires. This Is a steal Practically the price of the tires: $445 Terms, cash or trade. HERSON S AUTO A APPLI. CO . 8th and O sts. n.w, DK. 4700. —20 FORD 1947 114-ton stake; you can't tell It from new. This Is a steal; only $1,296. Terms, cash or trade. HERSON'S AUTO Ac APPLI. CO., 8th and O sts. n.w . DE 4700. —20 CHEVROLET 1940 114-ton dump, new tires. D. C. inspection guaranteed A bargain, $695 Terms, cash or trade HERSON'S AUTO A APPLI, CO., 8th and O sts. n.w . DE 4700. —20 DODGE 1939 pickup, new motor, looks like new D. C Inspection guaranteed; $596 Terms, cash or trade. HERSON'S AUTO * APPLI. CO., 8th and O sts. n.w.. DI. 4700. —20 FORD 1941 1‘4-ton dump: good eond. Call from 8 to 6 daytime. AT. 5931 —21 TRACTOR 1948 OMC model ACRX-623; complete with airbrakes. 5th wheel. 125 gallon saddle tank and 30' Fruehauf semitrailer, closed van; priced for quick sale; owner planning to leave country. Phone OR. 2700, Ext. 609 after 8 p.m. —22 I CHEVROLET 1940 114-ton van body truck:! in good condition; pvt. owner: $395 Call NA. 8559.. ask for MR. NATHAN. —22 CHEVROLET '41 14-ton; new transmission;! new tires; good motor, good appearance; $505 or best offer. PA. 3037 or PA. 9658. —23 | IF ITS FRICES YOU WANT, see us now Cemoco has a large selection, all klnda and sizes of good used reconditioned trucks:; ! 50 to pick from 1938 to 1947, some ] through inspection. This month we re selling at wholesale and the first ones here get the best of the lot; good trades and terms. CENTRAL MOTOR CO., OMC ! truck dealer. 3200 Lee hwy.. Ar . Va. CH. 7000 Other good truck bargains and army truck parts and service at our Alex andria truck plant. 1201 Oronoco at. Alexandria, Va. OV. 1600. —23 8TUDEBAKER 1948 la-ton plekup; about 3 mos. old- Call WA. 6912. 2 INTERNATIONAL *« panel dellverg; new, motor, splendid tires, best condition, ready for work. Ideal for any type of service., $395: terms, $135 cash. $38, month.! "ROPER," 1730 R I- ave n.e. ’ 20* , BANTAM '40 panel truck; $300. Call ■ Emc°liovING VAN, 1935; 500 cf. bodyJ 1943 factory rebuilt engine SECURITY E-Um^lry f «ei:-enCd0sSeclaL“$ir945 COLrEMbTOR A TRAILERCO.. 8232 Georgia INTER'NATIONAL*! 948; flC695 COLBB MOTOR * TRAILER CO..' 8232 Georgia ave.. Silver Spring, jgi., a1liC?<M0dtt 823. 1948 tractor. 10*20 tires. Air brakes. Vary low mileage. Moat sell, going into service. Ckll Ov.^4993. dodge 34 panel; *8^ motor, new rubber; good mechanlco! condition, damn, H60. 1948 14-ton ntudebaker; eleen; completely overhauled. 4-speed trmnsmla S55rS1.075. OV. *287. , —23 AUTO TRUCKS FOR SALE (Coat.). WHOLESALE PRICES, low as *75 down. on all cars, station wagons. panels, stakes, etc. Com# early, ACTION AUTO SERVICE, 8th and M its. n.w. NA. 8418 —22 INTERNATIONAL 1940 *,-ton panel: good shape, new paint Job, Just passed inspec tion. TA. 8203. —26 FORD '37 pickup: excellent mechanical condition; *300. Call OW. 6289. —22 CHEVROLET new 2-ton; long wheelbase, stake body; for sale at attractive price; ; would consider a pickup truck as part pay ment. WILSON, ST. 3767. —23 I DODGE 1941 sj-ton stake; very good mech. condition; body and cab like new; sac.. $o95. TR. 9007 or LD. (U46. —22 CHEVROLET 1 l2-ton panel body truck, dual wheels, 1947. very good cond . low mileage. For information, call ALex 1031 or ALex. 7861. _22 TRUCK BARGAINS— 47 Ford. van. lVi ton __ *1,645 '41 Ford, stage. 1 Vj ton_ __ 299 '40 GMC panel, >,2 ton _ _ 4"5 '37 Ford, stake, 114 ton__ 425 '37 Ford panel. >2 ton__ 350 '39 Fqrd pickup, '4 ton_ 445 '40 Ford, panel* IV, ton___ 795 '39 Ford. van. 1V, ton_ _ 595 '40 Ford panel, l ton __ 300 Most of the above in flrst-class condi tion and ready to roll. STEUART MOTOR CO., 6th and N. Y. ave. n.w,. NA. 3000 ■__—30 JP5JP. ’**' brahd new, F-3 1-ton pickup; j $1,895. ^1 Ford '48, brand new, F-l Va-ton pickup; _ 7°rd ’4,<i: F-l Vg-ton pickup, driven 8,000 careful miles by our company, special this week end. $1,495. Ford ’48, brand new. 2-ton truck. 2 speed. axle. COE.; special. $1 995: this is $450 under dealer's list price COLIE MOTOR TRAILER CO . 8232 Georgia ave., Silver Spring. Md.. SL 8200. —22 TRUCKS—TRUCKS-—TRUCKS! '41 Chevrolet, 1-ton panel. _$795 ’41 Chevrolet pick up. _.395 39 International 1-ton van_ 145 '38 Chevrolet sedsn del. _ 495 '37 Che violet pick\ up. _ .395 .37 Dodge panel. _ 195 MANHATTAN AUTO k RADIO CO. Both sides 7th at R s_ts. n.w. North 7557. WASHINGTON’S TRUCK HEADQUARTERS offers; 1939 Dodge Vfe-ton panel, completely over hauled. newly painted, guaranteed and only $525 1940 GMC *4-ton package delivery truck, thoroughly reconditioned, new paint job; guaranteed and ready for service. $725. OURISMAN CHEVROLET. INC. «10 H st ne,. Washington 2, D. C . TR. 9930. —20 2 Brockwt^ 1947 tractors. 1 1947 trailer. 1 aluminum 1947 trailer. 3 reas. van bodies. FR. 2838._20* INVENTORY CLEARANCE SALE 1947 International K. B. S No. 5; 8.25x20 tires, 2-speed axle; price new. $2,422; sale price. $1,375 l’a-ton Dodge 12-ft. stake body, price, $625; sale price. $475. 1946 Dodge tractor; 9 00x20 tires and Trailmobile 28-ft. van trailer, price, $3,750; sale price. $3,250. 1947 lVa-ton International; 12-ft. In sulated body; new price. $3,650; sale price. $2,250. MALONEY S. INC.. 8126 Georgia ave.. Silver Spring, Md.,_SH 3330. AUTO TRUCKS FOR HIRE. NEW PATELS, vans and stakes, by the hour, day, week or year. STERRETT OPERATING SERVICE (Hertz Driv-Ur Relf). 201 Q st. n.w NO. 3311. AVAILABLE IMMED. — 1948 Chevrolet vans, stakes, panels and pickups, for hire by day. wk . or contract PUBLIC SERV ICE DRIV-UR-SELF, 1623 L st. n.w. ME. 7011 FOR LEASE—1939 Mack tractor with air and vacuum hookup. BOB BUTRICK. GE. 4583. 22* VAN TRUCK—Large or small Jobs; prompt service, reas. prices; local or long dis tance. TA. 2937, after 7 p.m., GE. 1416. 20* _BUSES FOR SALE. FORD TRANSIT bus. 24 seats; good cond. Selling because operation discontinued. See Mr. Martin, manager, CONGRESSIONAL COUNTRY CLUB, INC- OL. 5600. —22 Ail advertisements offering auto mobiles for sale must include .actual selling price of car. _AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE AMERICAN CROSLEY; new 1948s from $842 delivered; 6 body styles. Also dealer in Europe's finest cars. Henry Miller Mo tors. division of JACK PRY, 1133 18th st. n.w . RE. 5252. ANGLIA, new 1948 Ford's English-built Tudor sedan; roomy and sturdily con structed; complete only $1,406.49 deliv ered; terms if desired, with or without trade-in; delivery 3-15 days. See your neighborhood Ford dealer JOT come to HILL A TIBBITTS. INC.. 1114 Vermont ave. n.w Phone or write for catalog or demonstration. NA. 9850. AUSTIN, new. 1948; prompt delivery and a choice of colors; 35 miles per gallon; larger, roomier, safety steel bodies with a continental design; hydraulic brakes, leather upholstery. Dorset sedan, fully equipped, incl. heater and defrosters; only $1,595 delivered; terms and trade. MAN HATTAN AUTO A RADIO CO . both sides of 7th at R st n.w. Phone NO. 7567. —31 BUICK 1947 Roadmaster 4-dr. sedan; fully equipped; 8,000 miles; $2,650; can be arranged to be financed through bank. 811 Lenark way. SH. 4004 —20 BUICK 1947 8uper 4-dr. sedan: this is a nice clean car. in perfect cond . black, new seat covers, r and h . an exception ally good buy; priced $2,300. Can be seen at 1319 L st. n.w .—23 BUICK 1940 2-door sedan; radio, heater, in good running condition; $700. UN. 7330. —20 BUICK 1942 Special 4-door sedan; radio and heater, motor overhauled In our shop, car in good condition throughout; writ ten guarantee; $1,395 . STEUART MO TOR CO., 6th and N. Y. ave n.w. NA. -300(1. „ —24 BUICK: good, solid, dependable convert.; tOOO or best offer. OW 5877. —22 UICK 1946 Super conv . r and h . slip covers, w.w. tires, low mileage $2,395. 24 mos. to pay. VAN MOTOR SALES. 2201 L st. n w ST. 7788. —22 BUICK 194 1 Special 4-dr; fog lights, good tires, new motor in 1946; «*ood cond., $1,045. HI. 6613. BUICK late 1946 Super convertible: one owner, always given best of care auto matic window and top control; r. and h ; $2,395. DI. 4048. Saturday and Sunday. CH. 7500, Ext. 327. —26 BUICK 1946 black Super sedan; r. and h new white-walled tires, one owner, $1.Hu0i cash. FA. 1350. —22 BUICK 1941 sport coupe; black, gray top. r. and h . seat covers; good cond ; cash, $1,395. Call WO. 9(>70. —21 BUICK 3 946 convertible; $2,595 AT. 6464 Open Saturdays. STANLEY H. HORNER. INC., 6th and Fla ave. n.e. —23 BUICK 1947 4-dr Roadmaster; $2,675. STANLEY H. HORNER. INC . 6th and Fla ave. n.e., AT. 6464 Open Saturdays. —23 BUICK. 1948. Roadmaster, Dynaflow. four door sedan, light green. Radio, heater, nylon seat covers, white wall Royal tires. Private Owner. $3700. Call EX. 6663 after 6 p m. • BUICK. 1946. Sedanette Excel cond. Full v equipped: price. $2,200. privately owned VI. 0067. —22 BUICK 1947 maroon aedanette; Life Guard tubes, tailor-made seat covers, r and h., etc.; new-car cond . $2,500, EX 0600, after 7, WO 1501. MR. MALES —21 BUICK 1948 black 4-dr. Roadmaster Dynaflow. All extras. Low mileage. $3, 500. FA. 2318 —22 BUICK 1939 conv. Special: good tires, new clutch, new finish; ’42 motor; $1,000. Call WI. 0728. —22 BUICK 1948 sta. wagon; 6.000 miles, like inew; all acces ; sacrifice. $2 995 cash, will I accept '41 car or truck in trade. LU. 4266. —22 BUICK 1939 4-dr. sedan; r. and h . '47 motor, very clean; $695. Cash, trade or terms 1810 14th st. n w. DU 9604. BUICK 1934 4-door sedan; excellent con dition, $300 cash Phon* PR 9854. 21* BUICK 1941 Special 4-door sedan: r. and h.< seat covers, good cond.; $300 and take over small mo. payments. HI "687 —21 BUICK 1947 Roadmaster 2-door sedan; low mi.; pvt. owner; fully equipped; $3,695. Call GE. 3965. —22 BUICK 1941 Special sedanette. radio and heater; original black finish; clean through out; $l,J95. 30-day guar. HILL & TIB BITT8, 1114 Vermont ave. nw. Wash.'s Oldest Ford Dealer. NA. 9850 —23 BUICK 1942 sedanette; r. and h . spot light. new tires; motor and body perf.; must sell; $1,095 HO. 9867. —20 BUICK convertible coupe, like new; many extras, must sell; price, $3,050. Call after 7 p.m.. WA. 4176. —20 BUICK 1946 Super sedanette; radio, heater, spotlight; $2,100 or best offer. TA. 2413 or DU. 1785 —24 BUICK 1947 station wagon. $2 500: 19 000 miles. A-l condition: will sell at sac rifice. Am buying 9-pass, car Inquire ELDON GILL. Hotel Ebbitt. 10th and H sts n w.. between 7 and 9 p.m. Do not phone . , „ 20* BUICKS—Finest value in city. You owe it to yourself to compare our prices and cars—1947 Roadmaster convertible club coupe, $2,895; 1946 super-sedanette. 31. 995; 1942 super-sedanette. $1 395. Also, 1941 super-sedanette. 31.295. All equipped! with r. and h. Written guarantees Lib eral terms at low cost. COLUMBIA MO TORS. 14th and Florida ave. n.w. AD. 1572 . —20 i BL'ICK 1948 Super 4-ar. Moan: iuny equip . w w tires: pvt. owner: *3.350. Call GS. 0420 after 8 p m. —20 BUICK 1948 Super 4-dr. sedan fully equipped, low mileage: pvt owner; *3.1 ,6. Cell MS. 5154 bet. n and 8 p.m —20 BL’ICK Roadmaster conv.. late 1948; little over 7.000 mileage; garage kept, hardly broken in; *3.250. RE. 4999. —20 BUICK 1941 special convertible, good shape: *1.076. Call EX. 3252. —20 BUICK 1947 blue sedanette: like new. r . h. plastic seat covers, white sldewa’ls; *2.500. RA 5*40. —20 BL'ICK 1947 conv. coupe, beaut, yellow 1 finish with black too. r. h and s-e unit, white ■•. tires. $2,745. WILLIAMS, R. I. ave at 20th at. n.e. —'22 , BUICK 19.(7 4-dr sedan, green: r., h ; this car has low mileage and Is In won derful cond : *545 Car may be seen at WILLIAMS R. I ave. at 20th at. n e. —22 BUICK 1948 Super sedanette; beautiful dark green finish 1 owner, ell extras; *2 350, guaranteed: terms. 24 months. ROYAL MOTORS—-Packard. 15' Kennedy st n w„ RA. 7720 . —20 BUICK '47 Super convertible club coupe; radio and heater, black finlah, black top. white-wall tires, wonderful condition; *2.895; 30-day guar. HILL M TIBBITTB. 1114 Vermont ave. n.w. Wash 's oldest Pord Dealer. NA. 8850 _ —23 BUICK 1848 4-dr. seden: radio, heater, Mat cowers; eer In excellent cond.; *2.195 Call after 6 p.m , 3341 17th st. o w. -20 BUICK '47 super conv. coupe: radio, heat er. white wall tires, seat covers. Vrlce. *2.845. COVINGTON MOTOR CO . 7301 Wls. ere. WI. 4400 —21 . BUICK 1938 4-door; the small one; good BUICK 1938 4-doer Special; black fin : ecwer? AND MOTORS, 6338 Wla. are . OR. 0100. —23 AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE (Cowt.), BUICK 1941 super conv. club coupe; food cond ; best offer over $1,350. DU. 9127 between 6 and 9 p m. —20 BUCKS (2) 1946 Super 4-dr. aedan; r.. h. These cars have very little mileage and still have that showroom look. A real value for $2,296 each. cash, trade or terms BELL MOTORS. 5010 Wit. ave. n.w., WO. 8900. —22 BUCK 1937: wonderful way of transporta tion for $330. BELL MOTORS. 5010 Wla. ave. n.w.. WO. 8000. —22 BUCK 1941 Special sedanette. New tires, battery, clutch, brakes; seat covers, back-up light, radio. Prestone, chains. One owner. Selling only because cannot afford 2 cars. No dealers. $1,200. RS. 9477 between 9 and 4 or CH. 3569 after 6. or anv time Sat. and Sun. —22 BUCK 1948 Roadmaster (Dyna-Flow) 4 door; brand-new; $3,675, V3 down SIL VER SPRING MOTOR CO . 7992 Ga. ave , Silver Spring. Md SL. 3202. Open til 10 p m. —20 BUCK latest 1946 4-door Roadmaster: $2,300. RE 6007. BEUCHLER. 915 19th st. BUCK 1947 sedanette; light grav. fully I equip : $2,295. ‘3 down SILVER SPRING MOTOR CO . 7992 Ga. ave . Silver Spring. Md. SL. 3202. Open 'til 10 p m. —20 BUCK 1941 Super convert ; red; perfect cond ; $1,395. ‘n down. SILVER SPRING MOTOR CO.. 7992 Ga ave . Silver Spring. Md. SL 3202. Open 'til 10 p m. —20 BUCK 1947 Super conv : this car Just like new , should be seen to be appreciated; radio, heater, seat covers; defroster*, whit# wall tires. $2,995 COLIE MOTOR and TRAILER CO 8232 Georgia ave. Silver Spring. Md.. SL 8200. —22 BUCK 1940 Special sedan; very good imotor; light blue, good rubber. $850. Call GE. 3906. _22 Bl'ICK 1947 Roadmaster; driven only by owner; mileage 11.009. master super tires, plastic seat covers, fog lights, excellent condition; must drive to appreciate same; price. $2,500. GE 9434 —22 Bl'ICK 1947 Roadmaster conv ; fully equipped The best buy in town; $995. BELL MOTORS. 5010 Wis. ave n.w.. WO. 8900. —22 Bl'ICK 1946 Super sedanette: immaculate, like new. $2,295 BELL MOTORS. 5010 Wis. ave n.w., WO 8900 —22 BL’ICK 1941 Super; new tires; SI.395. 1022 Fiower ave Takoma Park. Md. —20 CADILLAC 1942 sedanette. $1,975. See at 7530 Georgia ave. n.w . 9 until 6; after 6. call SH 8537. .—23 CADILLAC late 1946 model 61 4-door sedan; fully equipped, very low mileage, excellent condition, price. $3,000. For in formation call MI. 3167. —20 CADILLAC 1946 four-door; immaculate; low miles: $2,700. FLOOD PONTIAC, 4221 Connecticut. WO. 8400. —26 CADILLAC 1938 convertible sedan, radio and heater, new top; $750. WI. 4359. —23 CADILLAC 1947 convertible club coupe; very low mileage, black, white-wall tires, fully equipped: almost brand-new; $4 495; written guarantee; low cost; 24 months’ terms. COLUMBIA MOTORS. 14th and V. ave n.w AD 1572. —20 ^\DILLAC late 1939 model 75. in excel, condition; seat covers, r. and h ; clean throughout, one owner; $1,100. FA. 8077. —20 CADILLAC 1947 “02 ' 4-dr. sedan, radio and heater, white side-wall tires, perfect condition, guaranteed a real buy at only $3,600. ARCADE PONTIAC CO.. Wash ingtons Largest Pontiac Dealer. 1437 Irving st. n.w AD 8500 —22 CADILLAC 1941 62 convertible 4-door J r. and h . above average; good tires; $1,995. TOWN AND COUNTRY MOTORS, 6336 Wis. ave,. OR 0100 —23 CADILLAC late 1947 "02" 4-dr. sedan; 2-tone green; lnw mileage; showroom ap pearance: $3,950. DI 8822. Ext. 311. 21* CADILLAC 1937 V-16 limousine. 44,000 miles; $350 or best offer under or will trade for jeep OW. 4625. —20 CADILLAC 1947 FlqAtwood: 8 000 original miles. This car has everything If you are Cadillac minded, you should see this beautiful car Week-end special. $4,295. COLIE MOTOR Sc TRAILER CO . 8233 Georgia ave., Silver Spring. Md , SL. 8200. CHEVROLET 1947 2-door sedan; excellent condition, low mileage, seat covers and heater, priced for quick sale at $1,745. DU. 5042. 2714 Quarry rd. n w —21 CHEVROLET 1947 2-dr Stylemaster: I heater, blue paint: another safe ana 1 sound 30-day guaranteed car. Cut from $1,950 to $1,895. NORTHEAST MOTOR CO, Ford Dealers, 920 Bladensburg rd. n.e AT 0200 —20 CHEVROLET 1940 4-door sedan; looks and runs very good: priced for quick sale; $545: terms, cash or trade HERSON'8 AUTO Sc APPL. CO.. 8th and O sis. n.w, DE. 4700. —20 CHEVROLET 1947 Stylemaster * 10' se dan. $1,900 or best offer. Call VI 7720 between 6-8 p m —20 CHEVROLET 1946 Fleetmaster town se dan: very low mil . orlg. beautiful black finish. This is a one-owner car and in the very best of condition; $1,695 KING RAY MOTORS. 1019 9th st. n.w. EX. 3082 —21 CHEVROLET 1946 Stylemaster 4-dr: heater, black paint, for a comfortable, economical, dependable ride, have this car demonstrated: it's just what we say it is— perfect , only $1,695. NORTHEAST MOTOR CO. Ford Dealers, 920 Bladensburg rd. n.e AT. 0200 —20 CHEVROLET 1941 club coupe: excellent mechanical cond.: a sweet automcdnle. $895 full price or $245 down ALAN MOTORS. 1st and N sts. n.e., HO 9781. —20 CHEVROLET 1941 Special de luxe 4-dr : orlg. 2-tone green, new custom seat cov ers. underseat heater, completely recon ditioned motor, immaculate inside and out. oustanding. $1,195: trade, term*. STONE. 1617 J 4 th st. n.w. AD. 7363. —20 CHEVROLET 1940 5-passenger Fleetmaster coupe, beautiful 2-tone finish, equip, with radio, heater, defrbsters. new seat cover* and excel, tires, this is a low mileage car [ that had the best of care and show* it in every way; priced for quick sale at only $1,095; terms. down, up to 2 yrs. to pay; carries our famous Clpco warranty, plus free D C inspection COAST-IN PONTIAC CO.. 407 Fla. ave. n e . AT. 7200. —2.1 CHEVROLET 1940 Fleetmaster 4-dr sdn : excel, cond.. r and h . spotlight, new seat rov ; $1,775. WO. 7700. 10-0. Mr King jin the garage —21 CHEVROLET 1948 4-door sedan, one week I old; radio, heater, seat covers, many other extras. $2,295 or best, offer. TA 1026 • CHEVROLET 1948 4-dr sport sedan; I beautiful 2-tone gray, w.-w tires, r. and : h . 5oo miles, if looking for a new car. i this is no compromise. $2,105. cash, trad# l or terms; guaranteed. PARKWAY (Ford i Sales and Service). .1040 M st. n.w , MI. I 0185 CHEVROLET 1948 conv 5-passenger rpe ; I like new. less than 1.000 ml.; beautiful j sea-mist green with black top, w-w. tire* and many other extras; truly a showroom . piece at $2r495. cash, trade or terms. : guaranteed. PARKWAY (Ford Sales and ;8ervice), 1040 M st. n.w . MI 0185. CHEVROLET. 1948 8tylemaster. 2 Door. $500 in extras Gray. 350 miles. $2196. ME. 7748 Room C-12. —22* CHEVROLET 1999 2-door; r and h excel lent cond ; $095. SY WAOMAN. 801 Eye st. n.w. RE 7300. CHEVROLET 1947 Aero sedan: r and h i defroster, back-up light, windshield spray, umbrella fan, low mileage; clean, perfect. Reduced to $2,195. terms or trade. SCHLEGEL & GOLDEN. Kaiser-Frazer Dealers. 203 Carroll st n w . Takoma Park, D C —26 CHEVROLET 1947 Fleetmaster conv. tan i finish, tan top. radio and heater: low 'mileage: 52,395. 30-day guar HILL A ! TIBBITT8. 1114 Vermont ave. nw. ' Wash s Oldest Ford Dealer, NA. 9850. —23 CHEVROLET 1947 conv club coupe; ex ceptionally clean car. and priced lower than a hardtop; pre-Labor Day clearance special $2,160. MAYFLOWER MOTORS, 1125 15th st n.w. RE. 0903. —22 CHEVROLET 1937 4-dr. Master de luxe; r. and h . Immaculate, new paint job, seat covers, tires practically new. 13.000 miles since motor Job excel, cond . pvt. owner; $550. Tower 5392. —22 CHEVROLET 1942 Fleetline Sportmastef sedan; r and h . beautiful gunmetal gray opalescent finish, custom seat covers, very good tires, runs and looks like new; thia is a most expensive model Chevrolet, look* like 1947 model: a fine value at $1,296. with written guarantee and low cost 18 month terms. COLUMBIA MOTORS. 14th and Fla ave. n w . AD. 1572. —20 CHE\ ROLET 1947 Fleetline 8portsmaster •;edan; attractive 2-toned color, r. and h . many other extras. Safety tires; very low mileage, new-car condition, auatan teed: $3,196. cash, trade or $746 down. WOLFE MOTORS. 12th and K sta. n.w., EX. 5502 —20 CHEVROLET 1938 3-door: runs nice a top; $355 takes It away ROYAL MOTORS —Packard. 15 Kennedy st n.w., RA 7,20. —20 CHEVROLET 1940 clean 2-dr aed.; new paint, r and h mech excel or!,, owner! *895. or best offer FA. 2341. —20 iCHEVROLET ]940 dark blue 4-dr. sedan; radio, heater, nylon slip covers; this is a lady s personal car. has had excel, car, and is In perfect cond ; one price only, $1,095 cash UN 3339 —21 CHEVROLET 1936 2-door coach: heater; good cond . excel, tires, seal-beam light,: $300 or best offer. VI. 7199. —20 CHEVROLET 1940 club coupe. attr greet, finish, extras; *895 TOWN AND COUN TRY MOTORS. 6338 Wis. ave . OR^fldOO. CHEVROLET 1938 4-door radio 'and I heater: new green finish; excellent mohair ; upholstery; *395. TOWN AND COUNTRY , MOTORS. 5338 Wis ave. n w , OR 0100. CHEVROLET 1939 2-door master de luxe: j r. and h . smooth engine; excel, interior: * new green finish Must see to appreciate; I $895. TOWN AND COUNTRY MOTORS, | 5338 Wis ave . OR 0100. . —23 CHEVROLET 1942 2-door, heater, beautiful new maroon finish, immaculate Interior, mech. perfect; $1,195; 30-day guar. HILL & TIBBITTS, 1114 Vermont Ive. n.w. Wash 's oldest Ford Dealer. NA. 9880. —23 CHEVROLET 1937 coupe; r and h ; perf. mechanically; $45(1 4K«;i MacArthur blvd. n w. WO 4809- DEALER —21 CHEVROLET 1948 buslnesa coupe; dark blue finish, r. and h , w w. tires; *1.575; cash, trade or terms, KIRK MOTOR CO ., 4(>0fi Ga. ave. n.w. .—"1 , CHEVROLET 1947 club coupe; beautiful gray finish, r and h ; very low mileage; *1.895; cash, trade or terms KIRK MO TOR CO. 4009 Ga. ave n.w —21 CHEVROLET 1947; Aero, maroon, fully equip. *2,150. i down. SILVER 8PRINO MOTOR CO . 7992 Ga. ave , Silver Spring. Md. • 8L 3202. Open til 10 p m —30 CHEVROLET 1947 Stylemaater club coupe; beige color; low mileage; *230 extras; *1,995. HO. 7212 —2,2 . CHEVROLET 1947 convertible; $2,145. AT. 9404. Open Saturdays STANLEY H. HORNER. INC.. Sth and Fla. ave. n.e. —23 CHEVROLET 1947 4-dr ; blue, fully equip : *1.840. Va down 8ILVER 8PRINO MOTOR CO . 7992 Ga. ave , Silver 8prlng, Md. 8L. 3202 Open 'til 10 p m —20 CHEVROLET 1940 coupe; r. and b.; very clean; S895. cash or terms 4899 Mae Arthur blvd. n.w. WO. 4889. DEALER. —21 CHEVROLET 1931 2-dr sedan; good con dition; price, *150. Phone between 4:30 and 7 p ro . AT. 4326. —22 CHEVROLET 1948 Stylemaster town sedan; black finish, maroon seat covert; fine cond ; *17595: guarantee, and 24-mo term. TRIANGLE MOTORS. 3010 R. L ave n.e.. DE. 6303. —21 CHRYSLER 1940 Royal 4-dr. aedan: t. and h : excel, cond : on* blue paint Ilka new new tlreg; *1.050. 8H. 9145. —22 CROSLET 1948 gray convertible; drive* only 2.000 mllea: *860. or best offer under. Call TW 0894 Sunday or after 8:30 p m. weekdays.23* | (Continued on Next Page.!