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Erallta ALBRITTA1V ALBFRTA M. Suddenly »t, her residence. La Plata. Md . ALBERTA M ALBRITTAIN mee Carpenter >, the be loved wife of Warren M. Albrutaln and mother of Mason C Albrittam of Balti more. Md., and Dr. John W. Albrittaln of New York. Funeral on Wednesday, Sep tember 8. 1348. from her late residence. Services will be held at Christ Church. La Plata, Md.. at 11 a.m. Interment Mount Rest Cemetery. ALLEN. HENRY BROADDL'8. On Sun day September .V 1948. at Emergency Hospital. HENRY BROADDUS ALLEN, the beloved father of Virginia Ann Allen, brother of Mrs. Elmer F. Em brey Mrs Everette B Allen. Taylor B. and A. Thomas Allen. • Remains resting at Chambers’ Funeral Home. 1400 Chapin st. n.w. Graveside Services at Arlington National Cemetery on [Thursday, September 9. at 3 p.m. * ATKINSON. WALTER. . On Monday. .September 6. 1948, at the Masonic and •Eastern Star Home. 6000 New Hampshire »ve. n.e.. WALTER ATKINSON, beloved husband of Fredia Atkinson. Services at the S H Hines Co Funeral Home :l!)0l I4th st. n.w . on Thursday September 9. at 10 am. Interment Baltimore Ceme tery. Baltimore. Md. (Baltimore Sun please copy.i 8 BASSETT. JAMES'T. On Friday Sep tember 3. 1948. JAMES T BASSETT of Pot: Columbia rd n w husband of Emma Bas ett. father of James T.. jr ; Sylvia Emily J and Patsy Bassett. He also is survived by three brothers and three sis ters. Friends may call at the Malian & Schrv Funeral Home N. J. ave and R st. n w where services will be held Tuesday, September 7, at 8 p.m. Interment Ar lington National Cemetery. * BISPH.AM. ISABEL PINKNEY (NEE GRAY!. On September 5. 1948, at her home in the Northway Apts.. Baltimore. Md ISABEL PINKNEY mee Gray I. wife of the late Col. William Newbold Bispham. Medical Corps. U. S. A Funeral services at the above address on Wednesday. Sep tember 8. at 11 a m. Please omit flowers. Interment, Arlington National Cemetery. BREWER. CHARLES K. On Saturday September 4. jS48. at hts home. 8 Capitol View ave.. Forest Glen. Md CHARLES K. BREWER, beloved husband of Gertrude M Brewer, lathe- of Charles F. Brewer and Gertrude E Ftncham and grandfather of Jeanette Elizabeth Fincham Mr. Brewer rests at the Warner E Phmphrsy Funeral Home. 8434 Ga ave., Silver Spring. Md. Graveside services on Wednesday. Septem ber 8 at 3 p.m.. Arlington National Ceme tery 7 BROWN. ROBERT. On Saturday Sep-: tember 4. 1348, at Freedmen's Hospital, j ROBERT BROWN, brother of Mrs. Mary C. Banks of '1130 South Pollard st.. Arling ton. Va Remains resting at Chinn's Fu-i neral Home. 3805 South Seminary rd., j Arlington. Va. until in p.m. Wednesday ! September 8. Interment in Bedford. Va. 8 BROWN. WILLIAM. On Saturday, Sep tember 4, 1348. WILLIAM BROWN of 30J Oakdale pi. n.w. beloved husband of Eloise E Brown and devoted father of William T. Brown jr ' Also surviving are a sister. Rosa Anderson: grandson, Leroy Brown, daughter-in-law. Annie Brown, and a host of other relatives and friends. After 13 noon Thursday. September 3. friends may call at Frazier s Funeral Home. Inc. 383 R, I. ave. n.w.. where fu neral services wiil be held on Friday. Sep tember 10. at 1 p.m. Rev. William Wil liams officiating Interment Lincoln Me morial Cemetery. 3 BROWN. WILLIAM E. On Saturday. September 4. 1348. WILLIAM E. BROWN of 1810 Kendall st. n.e passed into: eternal rest. He leaves to mourn their loss a wife. Mary C. Brown: adopted daughter. Travola Hearns: other relatives and many friends. Remains may be seen Wednesday. September 8. after 5 o'clock p m . at George B. Clarke's Funeral Parlor 1418 Florida ave. n.e . where funeral will he held- Thursday. September 3, at 1 o clock p.m Interment Payne's Cemetery.. Rev Pogue officiating. • CHARLES. SEWARD On Monday, Sep tember 0. 1348. at his residence. l.'i'M Randolph st. n.w.. SEWARD CHARLES, beloved husband of the late Marguerite Winifred Charles, father of Mrs. Marion 1 Futterman and Mrs. Helen Clark, brother of Miss Myrtle Charles. Edd and Wililam Charles Remains resting at the S. H Htnes Co. Funeral Home. 3301 141h st. n w Graveside services and interment on Wednesday. September 8 at 11 a.m , at Rock Creek Cemetery CROSTHWAIT. BETTIE BELLE. Oil! Monday, September 3 1348. BETTIE BELLE CROSTHWAIT of 4305 Sheridan, st.. University Park Md.. beloved wife of th» late Edwin R. Crosthwait and mother: of Olivia C Maddox. Lucy C. Wallace and Ritchie W. Crosthwait. Friends may call I at Gasch's Funeral Home. Hyattsville. Md.. where services will be held on Wednesday. September 8, at 3 p m Relatives and friends invited Interment Fort Lincoln Cemetery. Dl RLOO. IS ABELL A WOOD On Mon day. September rl. 1348. at Holly Knoll Sanitarium ISABELLA WOOD DURLOO; of 8)8 South Globe rd.. Arlington. Va. beloved wife of the late Charles Augustus t Durloo She is survived by five sons,: Charles A Durloo and J. A. Durloc. I both of California. W. N. Durloo of ; Washington. D. C : J. V. Durloo of: Edgewater, Md.. and L. H. Durloo of Arlington. Va.; three daughters. Miss Zettle Durloo of Georgia, Mrs. H. W. Ward of Highland Springs. Va.. and Mrs. Buren Kern of Kinston, N. C a large number of grandchildren and great-grand children Remains restina at the Ives Funeral Home. 3847 Wilson blvd., Arling ton. Va Funeral services and interment in Tennille. Ga. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. V. L. SPEARE CO. Neither successor to nor connected with the original W. R. Speere establishment 1009 H St. N.W. J. William Lee’s Sons Co. 4th end Mut Are. N.E LI. 6200 FUNERAL DIRECTORS Crematorium FRANK GEIER'S SON CO. FUN EH AT HOME S605 14th 8t. N.W. HObsut 2U6 NEW ENLARGED PARLORS Formerly at 111S 7th St N.W. Betebliehed l»5l In Cot* of Deoth Coll OhaoL Ob* of th* Ltrf««t t7nd*rttk*n In tn* World Complete Funeral* $95 to $2,000 Pour Lartt Pu**r«l Hornet Phone CO. 0432 FUNERAL DESIGNS. FLOWERS CHAMBERS hoj completd Flower Shop. Funerol Design* Speciol! $1, $4, #, $6. S7. $10, up to $200 -CALL CO. 0432 Blackistone, lnc« *m*. BEAUTIFUL FLORAL TRIBUTES, $5 up Phona and Chart• It C & C FLOWER STORES TTORAL SPRAT, SS.SS CP DELIVERED Chant Account* Invited Two Convenient Locations *08 14th St. N.W. M*. 2}5? •M t St. N.W ME 7404 "CHACONAS FLOWERS Beautllnl FLORAL PIECES. S5.00 and up DELIVERED ,. ot tftOO 14tli St. N.W. Phone Pt. GUIDE BROS. CO. Individually designed Wreath* and Spray* Charge accounta opened by Phone 1212 P St. N.W.—NAtitnal 40.8_ GEO. C. SHAFFfR, Inc. KXPRRBSIVE FLORAL TRIBUTES AT MODERATE PRICES. PHONE NA. OIOS sauuctnn a rgwvafc'- - — -- Cor. 14th & Eye °Vtfd gffllS" AMBULANCES AMBULANCES DOCTORS CALL • CHAMBERS • Per Ambulance, CO. •4SS. One of the flnest fleet* In the world. Rotes: »1« op to 1» »wlU radius. Expert sMsMfh. CALL CO. 0432 Bratha EVINS. ELOL'ISE. On 8unday. Septem ber 5, 1P48. at J107 «th st. n.e ELOUISE EVINS. beloved daughter of Willu Tucker and the late Minnie Tucker devoted wife of Waddle Evms. 8he also is survived by two daughters, five sisters, four brother* fi’-e aunts, five uncles and a host of other relatives and friends. Remain* resting at; Johnson «fc Jenkins Funeral Home 3053, Georgia avt. n.w. Notice of funeral later. faelkner. Cordelia, suddenly on Sunday. September 5. 1P48. CORDELIA FAULKNER, beloved aunt of Dorothy L. Prestel* and Russell Woodend: great-aunt of Grace Prestele. Friends mav call at the Robert A Mattingly Funeral Home. 131 j 11th st. se. where services will be held on Wednesday. September 8. at 2:3o p.m Relatives and friends invited. Interment Glenwood Cemetery. 7 FOSTER. ESTER. Departed this life on Saturday. September 4. 11*48. at her residence. 804 :trd st .s.w.. ESTER FOS TER. beloved wife of Mr. William1 Foster, devoted sister of Robert Gross. She also is survived by one niece. Mrs. Elsie Hart Walton; one nephe*. Benjamin Green wood. and other relatives and friends. Remains resting at the John T Rhines & Co. Funeral Home. 3rd and Eye st*. s.w.. where relatives and friends may call on Wednesday. September 8. after 4 p.m. Funeral Thursday. September P. at 11 a m Rev. J. W. Bundrant officiating. In terment Harmony Cemetery. 8 FUGITT, R. PAYSON. on Sunday. Sep tember 5, 1P48. at his residence. 4233 Nebraska ave. n w., R. PAY80N FUGITT. beloved father of R Payson Fugitt. jr.; son of Agnes J and the late Robert E. FuRitt and brother of Dr. Elmer W Fugitt Services at the Chevy Chase Funeral Home. 5101 Wisconsin ave. n.w.. on Tues day. September 7. at 3 p.m. Interment Rock Creek Cemetery. 7 GAITHER. JOHN. On Thursday. Sep tember 3. 1048, at Gallinger Hospital. JOHN GAITHER of 1233 Delaware ave. s.w.. devoted father of Ruth Johnson. Katherine Eallie, Sadie Johnson. Mary An derson. Howell, Harry. Douglas and Jo seph Gaither. He also Is survived by two sisters. Irene Gray and Mary Gaither; two brothers. James and George Gaither: nine grandchildren, other relatives and friends. After A p.m. Tuesday. September 7. friends may call at the Morris A. Carter & Co. Funeral Home. 2nd and F sts. s.w.. where funeral services will be held Wednesday. September 8. at 1 p.m. Interment Payne's Cemetery. GALBRAITH. JENNIE L. On Monday September 0. 1948. in Johnstown. Pa.. JENNIE L. GALBRAITH of 27*27 Ordway st. n.w. Washington. D. C. She is sur vived by one daughter, Miss Laura Gal braith of Washington. D. C. four sons, Walter Galbraith of Dallas. Tex.. Clark Galbraith of Atlanta Ga.: Ralph and Ed gar Galbraith of Johnstown. Pa. Serv ices at the Henderson Funeral Home. Johnstown. Pa . on Wednesday. September f*. ai 2 p.m. Interment Grandview Ceme tery. Johnstown, Pa. HARTUNG. ALBERT LOUS. On Sun day. September 6,^948, at his residence. :{;i0 Warren st^n-W.. ALBERT LOUIS HARTUNG belov® husband of Rose Hver Hartung; broth*# of Moritz and Carl Hartung. Mrs Albert P. Fenton of Okla homa and Mrs Arnold P. Fenton. Serv ices at the S H Hines Co Funeral Home. 2901 I4ih st. n.w., on Wednesday. Septem bpr 8. at 2 p m. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. 7 HARTLNG. ALBERT L. The New Je rusalem Lodge. No 9. F A A. M will hold a specia1 commu nication on Wednesday Septem ber s. 1948. at 1 p.m . at -the Masonic Tempi*, for th' purpose of conducting the Masc* ic burial services for our late brf'her. AL BERT L HARTUNG. WILLIAM E. MARKEY, W. M. HICKS, IRVING THOMAS. Departed this life on Sunday. September 5. 1948, at Freedmen s Hospital. Washington. D. C . IRVING THOMAS HICKS. He leaves to mourn their loss a loving wife. Mrs. Katie Hicks: three sisters. Mrs Minnie Jefferson and Mrs. Sadie Hamlet of Montclaii* N. J., and Miss Marie Hicks of Washington. D. C.. one brother. Eddie Hicks, also of Wash ington. D C : one niece. Mrs. Eva Fare heimer: one nephew. Percy Palmer, and other relatives and friends Funeral serv ices Wednesday. September s. at 11:45 a m st the Third Baptist Church- Rev. F. D Ross officiating. Interment Arlington National Cemetery. HILL. LEWIS T. On Sunday. Septem ber 5. 1948. at his residence. 1315 Eye1 st. n e., LEWIS T. HILL beloved husband ; of Minnie L. Hill, father of Martha Ter rill. Laurena Washington. Omega Tunstill. • George Iantha and Rev. Emmett Hill: | Gertrude Whitley, Josie Matthews and Caroline Harper He also leaves oiher relatives and friends. Friends may call at i the W Ernest Jarvis Co. Funeral Church. 14:12 You ft. n.w.. after 3 p m. Tue-day. September 7. Funeral services Wednes day. September 8. at "I p.m . at the above funeral church. Rev. S G- Spottswood of ficiating Relatives and friends invited. Interment Louisburg. N. C. 8 HORN. HENRY TAYLOR. Suddenly, on Saturday, September 4. 1948, at Gallinger Hospital. HENRY TAYLOR HORN. He leaves to mourn their loss a loving wife. Mrs. Margaret Louise Horn; five children, one sister and a host of other relatives and friends. Remains resting at the George W. Lewis A* Co. Funeral Home. 1226 11th si. n.w Notice of funeral later. Please omit flowers. JOHNSON. MATTIE ARMISTEAD. Sud- j denly. on Saturday. September 4. 1948 . i MATTIE ARMISTEAD JOHNSON, beloved wife of Aubrev C. Johnson, mother of: William T. Armistead and sister of John J. Turner of Pennsylvania. Friends may 1 call at her late residence. 2314 Naylor rd , s.e.. after 2 p.m. Monday. September 6 Funeral on Wednesday, September 8. at* 10 am.: thence to Christ Episcopal: Church. G st. s.e. between fith and 7th sts., where services will be held at 10:30 a m Relatives and friends invited. Inter ment Congressional Cemetery. 7 JOHNSON. EDWIN JOHN. On Sunday September 6. 1948. at his home. 3520* South Dakota ave. n.e.. EDWIN JOHN JOHNSON, beloved husband of Lucy Marie 1 Johnson, father of Mrs. Martha A. An drews. Remains resting at the above resi dence. Funeral services at the above resi- . dence on Wednesday. September 8. at 111 a m Interment Rock Creek Cemetery. Please omit flower*. JONES. IVOR. Suddenly, on Satur- j day, ,eptember 4. 1948. at Front Royal. Va IVOR JONES of 2169 Florida ave. n.w.. beloved son of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd G. Jones and brother of George. William and , Jennie Jones. Services at the S. H. Hines Co. Funeral Home. 2901 14th st. n w., on t Wednesday. September 8. at 10 a m. In terment Arlington National Cemetery. KINCHEN, STANLEY C. On Monday. September 6. 1948. at Emer gency Hospital. Annapolis. Md , STANLEY C. KINCHEN. the be loved son of Saxe B and Louise Kinchen and brother of Mrs. Gertie Louise Keith. Services at Chambers' Funeral Home. 5801 Cleveland ate.. Riverdale. Md., on Thurs day. September 9. at 1:15 P m, Interment Arlington National Cemetery. 8 KINCHEN. STANLEY C. On Monday. September 6. 1948. at An napolis. Md., STANLEY C. KINCHEN. member of Columbia Typographical Union. No. 101, and Weather Bureau Chapel. - Funeral services at Chambers' Fureral Home, 5801 Cleveland ave„ River dale, Md.. on Thursday. September 9. at 1:15 p m. Interment Arlington National Cemetery. , _ JOSEPH Z, UNS. Secretary-Treasurer. KIRCHNER. HELENA KLCG. On Mon day. September 0. 1948, HELENA KLUG KIRCHNER ot 901 Lawrence at.. n e., be loved mother of Josephine Klug Kuhn and grandmother of John G. Kuhn. Jr. Fu neral from the Geier Funeral Home. 8«0n 14th st. n.w.. on Wednesday. September 8. at 930 a m. Requiem high mass at St. Anthony's Church at in am. Relatives and friends invited. Interment St. Mary's Cemetery. Please omit flowers. t LANG. ANNIE O. Suddenly, on Satur day. September 4. 1948. at the residence of her granddaughter. Mrs. Philip H Car son of Springfield, Pa.. ANNIE O. LANG tnee Van Derlehr), beloved wife of the late Louis H. Lang, mother of Mrs. Loretta G McCloskey. sister of Mrs. William Mor ris of Washington. D. C Services at the 8 H Hines Co. Funeral Home. -:901 14th st. n.w., on Wednesday, September 8. at 8:30 a m thence to the Shrine of the Ba rred Heart Church, lfith st. and Park rd. n w where the holy sacrifice of the mass will be offered at 9 a.m. for the repose of her soul. Interment Glenwood Cemetery. I.El.AND. CHARLES G. Suddenly, on Monday. September 6, 1948, at his resi dence. 4654 Hillside rd. n.e.. CHARLES G.. LELAND, beloved husband of Hazel G. Leland son of Alice Leland of Brooklyn, NY.: brother of Mrs. Thomas Donahue of Brooklyn. N. Y: Mrs. Eunice *Benson and Mrs. Hannah Wilson of Lansing. Mich. Services at the 9. H Hines Co. Funeral Home. '1901 14th st. n.w.. on Thursday. September 9. at 1 p m. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. 8 LELAND. CHARLES G. A special com munication of Fort Dupont Lodge. No. 5*1. F A. A. M . is hereby called for Thursday. Sep tember 9. 1948. at 1 p.m in the Minnesota Avenue Christian Church Minn. are. and C sts. n.e.. for the purpose of conduct ing Masonic services for our late brother and charier member. CHARLES G. LE LAND ROBERT E HANNA. Worshipful Master Attest. WARREN C. KELLY, Secretary. 8 LITAS. SARAH. On Sunday September 5. 1948 SARAH LUCAS of 1926 Temper ance ct. n.w.. beloved mother of William Lucas Other relatives and friends also I survive. After noon Wednesday friends I are invited to cail at the McGuire Funeral i Home, 18-0 9th st. n.w . where services will be held Thursday. September 9. at i p.m Interment Payne's Cemetery, s LITAS. SARAH. On Sunday. September 15. 1948. SARAH LUCAS of 1916 Temper 1 ance Court N.W.. beloved mother of William I Lucas Other relatives and friends also j survive. Notice of funeral later. Arrange i ments by McGuire. MADARIS, MISS SYBIL. On Tuesday. September 7. 1948. a! her residence. 47-:<i 141th st. n w.. Miss SYBIL MADARIS. sis I ter of Mrs. Minnie M, Wright, aunt of Mrs Ravmond A Hull, both of Washing ton. D. C. Remains resting ai the S. H Hines Co Funeral Home. '1901 14th st. n w. Notice of funeral later. MOHl’N, JOSEPH F. On Monday. Sep ! tember 6. 1948. at Georgetown University Hospital. JOSEPH F. MOHUN of 47 Ob servatory Circle n.w.. beloved husband of Claire Kengla Mohun and father of Hilda Claire Mohun. Remains resting at his late residence Services Thursday September 9 at Holy Trinity Catholic Church. 36tb and O sts. n.w . where requiem mass will be offered at 10 a m. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery 8 CEMETERY LOTS. 'EMETKRT LOT with 4 sites, oppositi lock. Fort Lincoln, bronie markers, ete t695 or beat oiler. LU. 8783. —7 Dr. Freeley Rohrer, District Church Pastor For 20 Years, Dies The Rev. Dr. Preeley Rohrer. 79. pastor of the Metropolitan Presby terian Church for 20 years, died yesterday after an illness of eight months. He lived — at 1121 East Capitol street. Dr. Rohrer was pastor of the Metropolitan Church, 201 Fourth street' S.E., from 1917 to 1937 and held many important positions with the Washington and other pres-j byterles. / A native o; Dayton, Ohio, he' received h i s ft- . I Dr. Rohrer. Dacneiors, masters and doctor's de grees from Heidelberg College at Tiffin, Ohio. He later studied theol-! ogy at McCormick Theological Seminary in Chicago. In 1894 Dr. Rohrer became an' ordained minister and married Lillie i A. Miller of Dayton, who survives him. He then accepted a call to the First Presbyterian Church at j Paulding, Ohio, and later served in pastorates at Marion, Ind., and Greenfield, Ohio, before coming to the Metropolitan Presbyterian Church here. Was Synod Moderator. Dr. Rohrer was moderator of the! Muncie, ind., Chiliicothe, Ohio, and the Washington City Presbyteries, serving two 1-year teams as head of the latter. About eight years ago he served a term as moderator of the Baltimore Synod and had held the same position with the In diana Synod. He was a past president of the j Central Union Mission, serving until j about four years ago when poor eyesight forced him to retire. He 9*atl|0 MOHUX, JOSEPH. Members of the Holy Trinity Holy Name So ciety, Georgetown D C, will meet at the late home of the) deceased. 47 Obseravtory Circle! n.w.. on Wednesday. September, 8, 1948. at 8:30 p.m.. to re _ cite prayers for the repose of t* ir iate brother member, JOSEPH MOHUN. WILLIAM R CROSS. President. 1 CARL F. TURVEY. Secretary. 8 MULLOY. THOMAS E., SR. On Sun-’ day. September 5, 1948. at his residence. r.’8 11th St. n.e , THOMAS E. MULLOY.' Sr . beloved husband of Mary E. Mulloy1 and father of Thomas E. Mulloy. Jr.; brother of William Mulloy and grand father of Betty Mulloy. Jane Flaygare and William R Higgs Services at Chambers* i Funeral Home. 517 11th st. s.e., on: Wednesday, September 8. at 11:30 a m.1 Interment Washington National Ceme tery. 7 PINCK. MARGARET V. On Sunday. September 5 1948. at her residence. MAR GARET V PINCK of 3606 20th si n.e . beloved wife of Thomas M. Pinck. daughter of Susan C. McGrow, sister of Eva H Gibson, Ethel D Brubaker. Hilda N. Shine Hattie C . William Edward. Car rington B and Douelas C. McGraw. Serv- } ices at the S. H. Hines Co. Funeral Home. I '190] I 4th sr. n w . on Wednesday. Septem ber 8. at 1 pm. Interment Arlington National Cemetery. 7 | PINCK, MARGARET V Goodwill Chap ter. No. 36. Order of the East ern Star, will assemble for ritual services in last respects to our departed sister, MAR GARET V. PINCK. at the S. H. Hines Co. Funeral Home, 290] 14th st. n.w.. on Wednesday, Sep tember 8. 1948. at 1 p.m EVA M YOUNG.- Worthy Matron. HAZEL WAKEFIELD, Secretary. POLASKO. EMMA G. On Monday. Sep tember 6. J 948. EMMA G. POLASKO. be loved wife of John Polasko and mother of Glenda Freas. Funeral from the W. W. Deal Funeral Home. 4812 Georgia ave. n.w . on Thursday. September 9, at 2 p m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Rock Creek Cemetery. 8 PRICE. JAMES A. On Sunday. Septem ber 5. 1948, at the Naval Hospital. Be thesda. Md.. JAMES A. PRICE, beloved husband of Mabel Price, brother of Mary Thomas, Annie Johnson. Helen Patterson. Dellie, Horace. Louis. Aloysius and John Price. He also leaves a host of other relatives and many friends. Friends may call at the W. Ernest Jarvis Funeral Church. 1432 You st. n.w . after 3 p.m. Thursday. September 7. High mass at the Holy Redeemer Catholic Church, New York ave. near New Jersey ave. n.w,. Thursday. September 9. at 9 a m. Interment Arling ton National Cemetery. 8 RICE. EMMA G. Suddenly, on Monday. September 6, 1948. at her residence. 17 11 C st s.e.. EMMA G. RICE, beloved wife of Orenzo R. Rice, sister of Mrs. Bessie Moran of Baltimore. Md. Friends may call at the Lee Funeral Home. 4th st. and Mass, ave. n.e,. where services will be held Wed nesday. September 8. at 1 p.m. Inter ment Loudon Park Cemetery, Baltimore. Md. RINEHART. CATHERINE LUCILLE. On Saturday, September 4. 1948. at Children’s Hospital. CATHERINE LUCILLE RINE HART. beloved daughter of George W. and Mary V. Rinehart and sister of Margaret. Frances Lee, George W.. jr.: John Edward and Robert Patrick Rinehart. Remains resting at Chambers Funeral Home, 3072 I M st. n.w.. until Tuesday. September 7. at 9:30 a m. Mass at St. Thomas Moore Catholic Church. Arlington. Va., at 10 a m. Interment at Columbia Gardens. 7 ! ROHRER, REV. DR. FREE^ET. On Monday. September 6. 1948, Rev. Dr FREELEY ROHRER. minister, retired, of 1211 East Capitol st., beloved husband of Lillie M. Rohrer and father of Mrs. Dor othy Rohrer Scott. Mrs. Sarah Rohrer Shane and Samuel H. Rohrer. Dr. Rohrer also is survived by a brother and sister and seven grandchildren. Friends may call at the Wastler Funeral Home. 301 East Capitol st. Funeral services will be held at the Metropolitan Presbyterian Church on Thursday, September 9. at 11 a m. Relatives and friends invited. In terment Cedar Hill Cemetery. 8 SANBORN, HARLAN PAGE. Suddenly, on Thursdav. September 2. 1948. in Mon treal. Canada. HARLAN PAGE SANBORN of 5027 41st st. n.w.. beloved husband of, Martha L- Sanborn and father of Mrs.: James D. Appel and Miss Joan Lawtcn. Sanborn. Remains resting at the Be-: thesda-Chevy Chase Funeral Home of Wm. I Reuben. Pumphrey. Bethesda. Md. Serv- • ices Wednesday. September 8, at 2 p m.. ! at Fort Myer Chapel. Arlington. Va. In terment Arlington National Cemetery. 7 SCOTT, WALTER F. On Monday. Sep tember 0. 1948, at Leland Memorial Hos pital. WALTER F. SCOTT, late residence. 4507 Queensbury rd.. Riverdale. Md . the beloved husband of Emma F. Scott, father: of William E. Scott. Services at Chambers' , Funeral Home, 5801 Cleveland ave. River-, dale. Md., on Tuesday. September 7, at 7:30 p m. Interment Walden N. Y. SMALLWOOD, LILLIAN B. Departed this life on Sunday. September 5. 1948. LILLIAN B. SMALLWOOD, beloved wife of, Guy Smallwood, jr.: devoted mother of1 Linda A. Smallwood and precious daughter' of Mrs. Mary B Hart and the late Wil liam H. Brent. She also leaves to mourn their loss a loving grandmother. Mrs. Cecelia Lomax: grandfather. William Lo max: stepfather. Earl Hart, and a host of ; other relatives and friends. Remains may be viewed at her late residence, 1219 Dela ware ave. s.w.. after 5 pm. Wednesday September 8 Funeral Thursday. Septem ber 9. at 12:30 p m., from the Zion Baptist Church. F st. between 3rd and 4th sts. s w.. Rev. A Joseph Edwards officiating. Interment Arlington National Cemetery. Arrangements by Barnes & Matthews. 8 SMALLWOOD. LILLIAN. Officers and members of Peter Boston Lodge. No. 35, Chaldeans, will attend a call meeting Wed nesday. September 8- 1948. at 8 p.m . at Fishermen's Temple. F st. s.w.. to arrange for the funeral of our departed sister. LILLIAN SMALLWOOD B' order of the lodge. SAMUEL HUBBARD, W. L E G. TURNER. 8ecretarr. • I SMILEY. SAMUEL L.. Jr. Suddenly, on Friday. September 3, 1948. at Children's Hospital. SAMUFL L. SMILEY. Jr., age 3 years of 1418 6th st. n.w., beloved son of Mrs Ida Bell, grandson of Mrs Helen Crew and Mrs. Mary Newman, brother of Leonard and Sandra Bell and great-great nephew of Mrs. Mary A. Wiems: also sur viving are other relatives and many friends After 4 p m.. Tuesday. Septem ber 7. friends are invitee' to call at the McGuire Funeral Home. 1*20 9th st. n.w.. where prayers will be said on Wednesday. September 8. at 10 a m. Interment Mount | Olivet Cemetery 7 WALKER. LUCILLE. On Saturday. Sep tember 4. 1948. at Garfield HospitaP. LU CILLE WALKER of 617 M st. n.w., loving daughter of Susie Thomas. She also is survived by three children, four sisters, three aunts, three uncles and many other relatives and friends. Remains resting at Henry S Washington A: Sons' Funeral Home 467 N st. n.w . after 4 p.m. Tues day. September 7. where services will be held on Wednesday September «. at 1 p.m . Rev. Eugene Brooks officiating. Rel atives and friends invited. Interment Lincoln Memorial Cemetery. WARD. WILLIAM A. On Monday. Sep tember 6. 1948. at George Washington University Hospital. WILLIAM A. WARD, beloved father of Ralph B and Jane E. Ward Friends may call at the Lee Fu neral Home. 4th st. and Mass ave n.e.. until 8:30 am. Wednesday. September 8. Requiem mass at Holy Comforter Church i at 9 a m. Interment private. WEISGERBER. GEORGIAN* LOUISE. On Monday. September 6. 1948. GEOR GIANA LOUISE WEISGERBER <nee O'Neill) of 3502 16th st. n.w . beloved mother of Aloysiua J. Weisgerber. Mrs Rita H. Lyons. Bernard J O'Neill. Joseph Ia., Leo B and Louise G. Weisgerber. Fu ; neral from the above residence on Thurs Iday September P. at P 30 a m Requiem mass at St Aloysius Church at 10 am 'Relatives and friends invited. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. S G. Phil Hanna, Who Conducted 72 Scientific Hangings, Dies By In* Aiteciatcd rr«» EVANSVILLE, Ind., Sept. 7— G. Phil Hanna, 78. who made hangings a precise science, died here last night. Relatives of the wealthy farmer oilman, from Epworth, 111., said he had conducted 72 executions in the Middle West with' equipment he carefully devised himself. Mr. Hanna credited his interest in the gallows to a hanging he saw as a young man in McLeansboro, 111. He said the hanged man, Cliff Boehne, died such a lingering death that he resolved to make hangings quick and painless. Working on his home farm, young Hanna designed a steel trap to eliminate the friction of a wooden gallows trap. He cured ropes pains takingly to prevent undue stretch ing and he tested them with sand bags. Mr. Hanna was hired to execute; dozens of Federal and State prison- | ers, but he always had some one else pull the trap. He said he had never accepted pay except for ex pense money for himself and two assistants. He collected an assortment of weapons which had brought the • doomed men to the gallows. His collection ranges from tommy guns to crudely improvised pistols. By 1936, when he retired from his j unusual hobby, he had supervised; dozens of hangings in Indiana,. Kentucky and Michigan. He and his second wife. Martha, had been living in a wooded retreat on the 2,100-acre farm he and his brother, Harry S. Hanna, operated in White County, in Southeastern Illinois. Several oil wells are lo cated on the farm. Mr. Hanna had been in Welbom .Baptist Hospital here a week. also retired as stated clerk of the Washington City Presbytery, a posi tion he had held for 10 years. On retirement, he was made clerk emer itus. He was also president of the Ministerial Council of Washington. Dr. Rohrer was secretary of the board of the Presbyterian Home and was chairman of the Building Com mittee several years ago when the Laura Hartmann Lisner Memorial addition was added to the building at 1818 Nrwton street N.W. Was Master Mason. A 32d degree Mason of the Dayton Consistory, Dr. Rohrer was a master Mason with Lebanon Lodge of Wash ington. In addition to his widow, Dr. Roher is survived by two daugh ters, Mrs. Dorothy Scott of Charles ton, W. Va., and Mrs. Sarah Shane of Pittsburgh; a son, Samuel H. Rohrer, who lives here; a brother, Dr. J. W. Rohrer of Granville. Ohio; a sister, Mrs. G. A. Morris of Dayton, ind seven grandchildren. Funeral services will be held at 11 a.m. Thursday in. the Metropoli tan Presbyterian Church, with burial in Cedar Hill Cemetery. Officiating will be the Rev. Walter F. Wolf, pastor of the Arlington Presbyterian Church. The body, now at the Wastler funeral home, 301 East Capitol street, will lie in state at the church for an hour before the services. Seward Charles, 66, Dies; Retired Civil Engineer Seward Charles, 66, a retired civil ?ngineer, who worked for the Vet nans’ Administration until early this year, died yesterday at his home, 1324 Randolph street N.W., after an illness of four months. A native of Grayville, 111., Mr. Charles came to Washington as a boy. He was graduated from Cen tral High School and attended Co lumbia University, now George Washington University. Mr. Charles worked as an engineer with the Public Buildings Adminis tration and with a private firm on construction of the annex to the Library of Congress in 1939. He joined the VA in 1945. He retired in January of this year. His w'ife, Mrs. Marguerite W. Charles, died in 1935. Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. Marion Futter man of Baltimore and Mrs. Helen Clark of the Randolph street ad dress; a sister, Miss Myrtle Charles of Hollywood, Calif.; two brothers, Edgar Charles of Hollywood and William Charles of Colorado Springs, Colo. Graveside funeral services will be held at 11 a.m. tomorrow in Rock Creek Cemetery. Arlington Rites Tomorrow For Corpl. Roberts. Nicely Graveside services for Corpl. Rob ert S. Nicely, 26, who was killed In France on November 12. 1944, will be held at 2 p.m. tomorrow at Ar lington Cemetery. Carpi. Nicely, who lived at 609 Fourteenth street N.E., was grad uated from Stuart Junior High School and attended McKinley High School. He worked as a railroad car Inspector at Union Station before he entered the Army in 1942. Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Jean Elizabeth Nicely, 1838 M street N.E.; twin daughters, Joan and Joyce, 4; his mother,' Mrs. Maude Nicely, and a sister, Mrs. Mildred Stanley. , UratlfH WHELAN. BERNICE HELEN. 8uddlnly. on Friday. September 3. 1948. at her resi dence. 1106 9th st n.W.. BERNICE HELEN WHELAN, wife of William J. Whelan, mother of Evelyn Lee Whelan, sister of Elizabeth Compton and Contrance Farrell. Prayers at Chambers* Funeral Home. 1400 Chapin st. n.w., on Wednesday. September 8. at 8:30 p.m. Mass at the Church of the Immaculate Conception. 8th and N« sts. n.w.. at 9 am. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. WILSON, PRESCILLA. On Saturday. September 4. 1948, at her residence. 1*110 Mass. ave. n.w.. PRESCILLA WILSON, wife of Augustus Wilson and mother of Walter Edmonds. She also is survived by one brother, Louis N. Boone: one sister. Marion Miller; two grandchildren and other rela tives and friends. Remains resting with L E. Murray A: Son, 1337 10th st. n.w. Funeral notice later. • In Urmoriam CARTER. EMMA E. A tribute of our everlasting memory of our precious moth er’s. EMMA E. CARTER, love and protec tion. who went home to be with her Maker ten years ago today, September 7, 1938. We try not to mourn too sadly. But with loving hearts await. Knowing there is joy and gladness Just beyond the heavenly gate. Without a mother, yes, ten years*without a mother. We have traveled this journey all alone. Sometime so friendless, heartaches are many. So many sorrows we have known. But we know our Lord will call us To that mansion in the sky. To be with our loving mother forevermore In that sweet home, by and by. YOUR LOVING AND LONESOME CHIL DREN. ETTA. BUBBY. MARY. MYRTLE, AND ADOPTED SON, SONNY. FACLKLAND. BERTA J. In loving mem ory of our dear aunt, BERTA J. FAULK LAND. who lett us so suddenly two years ago. September 7, 1946. Somewhere back of the sunset, Where loveliness never dies, She lives in a land of glory With the blue and gold of the skies. And we who have known and loved her, Whose passing has brought sad tears. Will cherish her memory always, To brighten the drifting years. HER LOVING NIECES AND NEPHEWS • JOHNSON, JOHN H. In loving mem ory of my dear husband. JOHN H JOHN SON. who entered into rest two years ago today. September 7. 1946.. I lost a dear companion. A life linked with my own, And day by day I miss him As I walk through life alone. Just a thought of sweet remembrance, Jusi a memory sad and true: Just the love and sweet devotion Of the one who thinks of you. HIS DEVOTED WIFE, MABEL E. JOHN SON • KELLEY, WILLIAM H. In loving mem or yof our father and grandfather. WIL LIAM H. KELLEY, who departed this life one year ago today. September 7. 1947. Your weary hours and days of pain. Your troubled nights are past. And in our aching hearts we know You have found sweet rest at last. THE FAMILY. • PREE, REV. FRANCIS E. In loving memory of our husband, father and broth er. Rev. FRANCIS E. PREE. who left ui six years ago today. September 7, 1942. Some have forgotten you. Now that you are gone; We shall remember Mo mitt* howjgjf. 9At^w , Perley H. Boone Dies; Retired Publicist Perley H. Boone. 61, former public relations director for the Air Trans port Association, 1107 Sixteenth street N.W., died last night at his home in New York, according to the Associated Press. Mr. Boone, who was bom in Tyler, Tex., was a newspaperman in Chi cago and New York before entering public relations work as first press director of the New York World's Fair of 1939. He came here in 1944 with the Air Transport Association, the organ ization representing commercial air lines. He suffered a severe heart attack in 1946 and, after convalesc ing in Florida, retired and returned to his New York home. While here, he and Mrs. Boone lived in the General Scott Apart ments; 1 Scott Circle. Mr. Boone had been a news editor on the telegraph desk of the New York Times and at one time was city editor of the Chicago Tribune. Before going to Chicago he had worked on a number of papers in Texas. Surviving are his widow. Mrs. June Boone, and two sons. Funeral ar rangements were not announced. 1st Lt. William E. Chesser Reburial Set Thursday Reburial services for 1st Lt. Wil liam E. Chesser, 30, an Army in fantry officer, who was killed in action in France on January 3, 1945, will be held at 2 p.m. Thursday in Arlington Cemetery. Lt. Chesser was the son by a pre-1 vious marriage of Mrs. Maria Karras.' 2300 Eighteenth street N.W. He was J born in York County, Va„ but moved here with his mother and was grad uated from Central High School. A member of the District National Guard, he was called to active dutv! in 1941. Besides his mother, Lt. Chesser is survived by a half-sister, Mrs. Mar garet O'Boyle of Washington, and a half-brother, Bill Karras of Mem-! phis, Tenn. Lt. Francis M. Skinner To Be Reburied Thursday Reburial services for Lt. Francis M. Skinner, an Army bombardier who was killed over Australia March 27, 1943, will be held at 2 p.m. Thursday in Arlington Cemetery. Lt. Skinner, who would have been 33 Thursday, was born in Washing ton and attended Central High School and Greenbrier Military Academy. He lived at 1931 Thirty ninth street N.W., where his aunt, Mrs. E. A. Rowzee. now lives. His father, Francis M. Skinner, died 15 years ago and his mother, now Mrs. Joseph J. Stein, lives in Warner - [Robbin, Ga. After his graduation from the military school, Lt. Skinner served two enlistments in the Navy. He was a commercial pilot in New York before entering the Army in 1941. Capt. E.W.AbdiH's Reburial Tomorrow in Arlington Reburial services for Capt. Everett W. Abdill, U. S. N„ who was killed in an amphibious operation in the Pacific on December 13, 1944, will be held at 11 a.m. tomorrow at Ar lington Cemetery. Capt. Abdill’s widow. Mrs. Doro thy F. Abdill. lives at 3304 Gunston road, Alexandria. The 46-vear-old officer was born in Palmyra, N. J., and was gradu ated from the Naval Academy in the class of 1924. He was stationed here with the Bureau of Navigation, now the Bureau of Personnel, from 1931 to 1933. Later he served on several submarines. At the time of his death Capt.' Abdill was chief of staff to the commander of Group II of the 7th i Amphibious Force. Mrs. W. F. Turner Dies; Mother of Cartoonist By Hi* Associated Brass WICHITA FALLS, Tex,. Sept, 7.— Mrs. W. F. Turner. 70, mother of Leslie Turner, well-known cartoon ist who draws the comic strip "Wash Tubbs.” died here last night after a long illness. Mrs. Turner was the widow of a i well-known pioneer abstract man here. She had been a semi-in valid for a number of years. Funeral arrangements are incomplete. Brazil Marks Independence RIO DE JANEIRO, Sept. 7 — President Eurico Gasper Dutra of Brazil and Luis Battle Berres of Uruguay reviewed 30,000 marchers today in a full-dress parade marking Brazil's 126th anniversary of Inde pendence. i .— William 0. Tufts Dies; Former D. C. Manager Of Rand-McNally Co. William O. Tufts, 68, church and welfare worker here, died Sunday in Whittier, Calif. He was the Washington manager of the Rand McNally |po„ mapmakers. un til his retire ment two years , ago. j Mr. Tufts, who 1 lived at the Til- 1 den Gardens tj Apartments, was on a motor trip with Mrs. Tufts, when he became ill. A son, Ar- m thur Tufts of I Was h 1 n g t o n. I said burial will I be in Arlington I Cemetery, prob Mr. Tvfts. aDiy Monday. Funeral arrange ments have not been completed. A former map worker with the Geological Survey, Mr. Tufts opened th^ Rand-McNally office here after World War I and headed the office until hi* retirement. He was president of the Wash ington Federation of Churches from 1932 to 1934 and former president of the Goodwill Industries for three and a half years. Native of New York. A native of Verona, N. Y., Mr. Tufts came to Washington about 1907 with the Geological Survey. One summer he took a crew of men and pack mules to obtain map data of U>e Western forests. During World War I he served overseas with the Army as a lieu tenant colonel. He held that rank j in the reserves at the time of his i death. I As a church worker and head of ' the Federation of Churches, Mr. Tufts was opposed to a merger of the Frotestant churches into a sin gle church. "Let them work together as in the federation or merge as the va i rious branches of the Methodists have done, but that is enough,” he said when he received the honorary plaque of the federation in 1942. Was Chest Worker. During World War II, Mr. Tufts served as chief of emergency wel fare service of the District Civilian Defense Department. In this ca pacity he had to co-ordinate the facilities of the private welfare agencies. During the war he was also chairman of the Budget Com mittee of the Community Chest. He was a former superintendent of the Sunday school of the Mount Pleasant Congregation. Church, of which he was a member. In addition to his widow and son Arthur he is survived by another son, William O. Tufts, jr., also of Washington; two brothers, James E. Tufts of Oneida, N. Y., and Louis R. Tufts of New York; two sisters. Helen Tufts, a Baptist missionary in Burma, and Mrs. Jeanne T. Simons of Rome, N.^Y., and three grandchildren. Mrs. Leonard Replogle, Wife of G.O.P. Leader, Dies By the Associated Press NEW YORK, Sept. 7. — Mrs. Blanche M. Replogle, wife of J. Leonard Replogle, retired steel ex ecutive and former Republican Na tional Committeeman, died yester day. Mrs. Replogle's husband was Re publican committeeman from Flor ida at one time. He also was presi | dent of the Vanadium Corp. of | America, chairman of the Replogle j Steel Co., and director of steel sup 1 ply for the War Industries Board in World War I. 'Clifford D. Cheney Dies; Silk Mill Official By th. Aiiociat.H Pr.«* NOANK, Conn., Sept. 7.—Clifford D. Cheney, 71, of Manchester, chairman of the Board of Directors 1 of Cheney Bros., widely known silk manufacturers, deid yesterday at 'his summer home here. Mr. Cheney, a lifelong resident of Manchester, had been connected with the Cheney Mills ever since his graduation from Yale In 18S8. A colonel In the Army during World War I, he was a director of the Pioneer Parachute Co., a Che ney Bros, subsidiary, and of the Hartford Gas~Co. Jierrp & Walti) MORTICIANS 4*01 5th St. N.W. RA. 54*1 Famil? r««nu eaaifart aklr ideal far auetiar trieadt wha aail te aar raaaceta. D€RL FUNERAL SERVICE N 81Z 0%'orq/a Are.-N. W. Dcurq/ti 8/00 W. R. Frank Hines, President Ftrtmul F antral Hmtt Sit* ISIS IBs S.M.lffines Compami fwrUtmik Str»H S.W. ff» frmttk KumklitkmamU COlmmkta 7922-24 ' R. P. Fugilf Funeral Today; Becker's Buyer Was 42 Funeral services for R, Payson Fugitt, 42, buyer for Becker’s leather good store, were to be held this afternoon in the Chevy Chase funeral home, 5101 Wisconsin avenue N.W. Mr. Fugitt, who lived at 4233 Ne braska avenue N.W., died Sunday at his residence after a long illness. Burial will be in Rock Creek Ceme tery. A native of Washington, Mr. Fu gitt began working for the store, 1314 F street N.W., as a boy. After many years as a salesman, he be came buyer for riding equipment. Surviving are a son, R. Payson Fuwgitt, jr., of McLean, Va.: his mother, Mrs. Agnes J. Fugitt of the Nebraska avenue oddress. and a brother, Dr. Elmer W. Fugitt, 1642 Primrose street N.W. Mr. Fugitt was a member of the Petworth Masonic Lodge and the Potomac Boat Club. The United States now has more than 2.000 professional foresters at work in private forest industries, double the number employed in 1940. Stanley Kinchen, 31, Dies After Diving Accident Stanley Kinchen, >1, an employ* of the Weather Bureau here, died yesterday In Emergency Hospital, Annapolis, of a neck fracture suf fered Wednesday in diving into shal low water of the West River near Galesville, Md. Mr. Kinchen. who lived at 4311 Newark road. Colmar Manor, had been with the Weather Bureau for about five years. He served with the Army during the war, spending two years in India. Surviving are his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Bailey Kinchen, and a sis ter, Mrs. Ray Keith, all of the New ark road address. Mrs. John Hartford Dies; Wife of A. & P. Head |y the Associated frees VALHALLA, N. Y.f Sept. 7.—Mrs. Pauline A. Corwin Hartford, wife of John A. Hartford, president of th* Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co., died Sunday. • Death occurred at th* Hartford home. Buena Vista Farms, at near by Mount Pleasant. N. Y. She was a native of Anderson, Ind. A camel could take you to Kansas JCity In 33 days TO GET THERE FAST, GO LONG DISTANCE! Long Distanc rates from Washington, D. C., toi Dany Rat** . -Night Rat** Kansas City, Mo.-$1.75 Richmond, Va_ .55 Charleston, S. C._1.20 New York, N. Y. .80 San Francisco, Cal._2.50 Wilmington, Del._ .50 Boston, Mass.-1.10 Baltimore Md._ JO Chicago, III--1.40 Roanoke, Va- JO $1.35 35 .80 30 2.00 35 .75 30 1.00 * 30 ‘Patel thotcn tor three-minute itatum-te-tta tt/n colt net including federal tat NitM ratet effective after t PM. «•< all dev Sunday. Today, you can reach more people in more places than ever before—quickly and at low eoat Tke ftltesapeake & Fotemac Tekphtit ft—mi