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Washington women are telling us: j}C says Mrs. Joseph Nevius, 5614 N. Capitol St., Washington, D. C. “THE FLAVOR’S SO WONDERFULLY RICH ...that’s why I changed to EDWARDS COFFEE” When you change to Edwards you, too, will discover the delicious "difference” only richness brings. Edwards is made under the tamous Edwards formula to give you the one richest flavor...from not one or two, but many rich coffees. And be cause it is so rich, Edwards goes farther: you get 10 to 12 more cups per pound. Try Edwards now... taste the difference. ^ For an exciting change in coffee, change to EDWARDS! FEATURED AT SAFEWAY STORES Senator Lucas Urges Closer Co-operation With Franco Regime •y th« Auaciated Pros* ROME, Sept. 7.—Senator Lucas, Democrat, of Illinois said here to day that “in my opinion, we ought to look forward to closer co-opera tion with the Spanish government.” The Senator is a member of the American delegation to the 37th conference of the Interparliamen tary Union. With four other mem bers of the delegation, he made a brief halt in Spain en route here in the White House plane. With Senator Fulbright, Demo crat, of Arkansas, Senator Lucas Is planning a postconference trip to Palestine, Yugoslavia, Trieste and the Soviet and Western sones of Germany. Urges European Unity. He said he would probably decide for or against the trip in the next 24 hours. They also would like to visit Greece and Turkey. Senator Lucas said he thinks that European countries should begin to unit to make the European Recov ery Program work. He said he found agricultural con ditions in Spain "appalling.” "During a short drive outside Madrid, we found that they appar ently had learned nothing new in the last 300 or 400 years,” he added. “However,” he said, “I understand the Franco government is making headway with social reforms, and I think it is time, for a number of reasons, that we got a little closer to them.” Fulbright May Shift an ERP. Senator Fulbright said he may not be able to support ERP in the next session of Congress unless “there are concrete results.” He said he considers Western European unity the basis of Euro pean recovery. “It seems to me that the time has come when it is politically feasible to begin the process of uniting Europe,” he said. “The only justi fication for American aid to Europe is that it result in some unity, mak ing for a body that could defend and support itself. "I am going to find it very hard, personally, to support ERP in the next session of Congress unless there are concrete results.” French Count Gets Hearing On Canadian Deportation •y th« Associated Press OTTAWA, Sept. 7.—A French count, battling deportation to his homeland for trial on charges that he was a major collaborationist during the German occupation, will have a hearing tomorrow on a writ of habeas corpus. The deportation order applies to Count Jacques Duge de Bernonville, his wife and two daughters. Issuance of the writ Saturday granted the family a temporary reprieve from deportation. Tomor row the crown will be asked to show cause for the count's arrest. The count and two daughters are being held in Montreal for deporta tion sometime after mid-September. His wife was released on $1,000 bail to get in touch with a third daugh ter traveling in Ontario. Diesel-Powered Feature Trains: To PITTSBURGH and CHICAGO Capitol Limited • Columbian Shenandoah To CINCINNATI LOUISVILLE and ST. LOUIS Notional Limited • Diplomat To PITTSBURGH TOLEDO A DETROIT Ambassador To PHILADELPHIA and NEW YORK Royal Slue • National Limited Shenandoah • Capitol limited Diplomat • Marytonder SAVt TIME... SAVE TROUBLE «SE BIO S """.'"“'“"‘““"WiB Washington City Ticket rwR or ln at B&O’s new Street, N.W. Tell the age^wh Connecticut Ave. & H SWnT^p60 ,eave* how you wii0U, «* ^ when Steeper, Parlor Car). The agent ‘° ‘ravel (Coach, •"angements; prepare your ticket *U ne««ary you at the special "Will Call” aeeti!^ ,4 waiting for You simply come in, pick un von 7 If th® Ticket Office. of the "a^xTrTJWe’8 ^ You’ll like he 1 ^ “ ** ”» **S officethCn^;y^n:^ “ *• - There is ample parking space nearby' ”?ht 40 tb® door ” COMVENIENTl COMPLETE! COLORFUL.' To CINCINNATI Cine innation Bt*m Pow*f#d) To PITTSBURGH Pittsburgh 79 Pow*r*d) • Alt* CmvotImU StfWn »• Akrwi and Cl***l*nd • **Y Ttw***l« *#f»l«« *• C*W*f*K Oklahoma aad Tatat Washington’s Newest, Most Ultra-Modem Ticket Officel BAO's modem Ticket Office to Washington’s newest trml center—it offers everything today's traveler eon desir*. At the now Ticket Office, you can ... Purchase rail and Pullman tickets. • Mike Pullman and Coach reservations. • Obiarn assistance in planning a business or vacation trip. • Arrange for bag gage checking through to destination. • Engage an automobile through Rail-Auto Plan. • Buy Travelers Cheques. • Apply lor Vacation Rail-Traveloans. • Organize club tours and trips. • Plan convention travel—we arrange complete itinerary. • Make hotel reservations. • Apply for your Rail-Travel Credit Card—good on the 8&0 and 45 other railroads. Telephone STerling SIOO , BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD mb .. #&&&#/ • * O TICKfT ’ OWCf 4 »•«*’* bureau '* loci tid in tht Ticket Office. Here. *cmM trmlnrj *•". t®curt infor »hJ <tfvic« frw<hwnedwiomen •*P«rts. 29th Division Group Names 7 From D. C. To Executive Posts A Tow son (Md.) man was elected national commander of the Twenty ninth Division Association and seven Washington residents were named to executive posts at the concluding session of the association’s annual convention yesterday in Norfolk, Va. The new national commander is John Van Horn, who succeeds John M. Torzewski of Jersey City, N. J. The Washington men elected, as reported by the Associated Press, are John J. A. Ager, a national vice commander; P. E Heffner, surgeon; James M. Stevens, welfare officer, and J. Fred Chase, John F. Boschen, Samuel L. Barrow and Milton E. Groom, til members of the Execu tive Committee. Others elected: Vice commanders. Robert H. Archer, jr„ Baltimore; Jesse L. Coffey, Danville, Va.; Wil liam E. Guthrie, West Englewood, N. J., and Francis S. Kemp, Roanoke Rapids, N. C. Finance officer, William J. Ben SALESMAN s c0fT IS sofcj on TNI SHAMPOO WITHOUT TIAtt S« Its rich lather contains no soap er hareh alia 11 to amart children * tr«. A Clean* hair cleaner, leave* hair brighter, more luetreue than any sea* •r scan shampoo. S. Pore whit* cream In a tab*. He Jar or bottle to spill or break. No liquid to trickle la children'* eye*. ARTM “Soapiest-Lathar" Cream Shampoo at alt drug counters.I Sc also |1 1 Moohao,< Kaoffaran Id.. Old Greenwich. Conn. IT'S TIME TO SHINE WITH ..g 7H£ QU/CK & GA$y sme/ SELF'POLISHING GRIFFIN UQUIO WAX SHOI POLISH sues MOWN TAN HUE 0XH00D nington. Harrisonburg. Va.; chap lain. the Rev. George W. M. Taylor. Norfolk; judge advocate, Michael Breitkopf, Newark, N. J.; historian, Ben P. Caswell. Baltimore, and ser geant at arms, John Blake, Balti more. Guy H. Hare of Baltimore was appointed national adjutant. Executive Committee, Alex M. Shields, Kearny, N. J.; William Bruce, Jersey City. N. J.; Prank H Joskey, Passaic, N. J.; Edward G. Byrd, Norfolk; Shirley R. Shelton, Hopewell; Phillip W. Root, Rich mond; C. Arthur Eby, Baltimore; Charles M. Sinclair, Baltimore; Wal Oriental Crawl TV man to «c Mon Hk evening da net No fobbing off-no touching op. A trial «nU convince t«r E. Black, Philadelphia, and Pataa A. Gambone, Canton, Ohio. CMHMIH TO SCHOOL WITH CilAN NUKI KEEPS CHILDREN S HEADS CLEAN k SAfE-CLEAN - EFFECTIVE M A tUon, affective IntacticMa. Na*J •flyer afcfcy. Only 50c. AM Dry^hO For SO years, Chestnut Farms has stood for HIGHEST QUALITY in milk and other dairy products. Today, our Sealtest Milk is protected by 4 extra safeguards to'assure you of Taste, Purity and Wholesomeness—the true Measure of Quality. FARM INSPECTION Protection begins on the farm. Our experts regularly inspect each farm, checking sanitary conditions and health of herds. LABORATORY SUPERVISION In our Sealtest Lab- I oratory, and through •vary operation, con stant tests and in spections safeguard the purity, flavor and wholesomeness of Sealtest Milk. j GOOD HOUSEKEEPING Our plant is liter* ally taken apart daily. Pipes and utensils are scrub* bed and sterilized tosuperdeantiness to insure purity and quality. QUALITY CONTROLS I Electrical central* au tomatically safe guard such important processes as thorough pasteurization. Noth ing is left to chance or to human error. Why not serve Washington's favorite milk to your family? Order from your Sealtest Milkman, at stores or phone Michigan 1011. CHESTNUT FARMS Give Your Child This Chance to Grow Bigger and Stronger 8 Ways! With Amazing Growth and Enorgy-Promoting Wonder Broad! (hi The Interest of Your Chid, Read Every Word Printed Here) Here’s How Wondor Broad Helps Build Blggtr, Stronger Bodies S Ways! 2 Slices a Meal and a S—dwtefc My Seoalr l muscle, a* mock Prattia ManrviRg •trout •irMaotM. *. MNU A TtSTN. A* much Caldnai tor boom and tMth u contained ia a h el pint eettac* ekaaa ». M»V CKUJ. A* much Phoophorao tor edl mcubotiom «!«■ 4. HOW. At much Iren for rich rad blood u found in t lnrab chop*. t. much Vitamin Bj to Mp maintain normal hangar aa tuppliod by a nerving of frM Hvar. «• •MWTM. AJ maeh VlUmla 8t for growth proeani u idiom at ?. BRAIN. Aa ■track Niacin to help maintain mantel health a* « cardiacs. ». (MC*«r. At much EiMrn tor work tmi (Ium tt milk. TO OOCTOMl Emdmrr npporlinf Mmnli nbotr antf upon ftqunt M |nr Itjtrrkfi. Mother ...You CAN Afford Wonder Brood! PHiny far penny, Wander Braad give* yaur child 44% mara pretein than tha average af maat, milk. Mi and eggs*—'aritheut prataln na child can grew. Hdp BhM Strong Bodns 8 Ways Witt Wonder Bread! Not* How Amazing Wondor Broad Comparts With Moat, Milk, and Fish In Cortaln Growth and Enorgy-Bulldlng Contents (as stated above) I Puny fw puny, W»n<wlrM<glmynr chiM »% imn MWryy than anaafjf ita aan vps^Ik aa pJay* ’Crmfaritmu tsjed ra lalmt tmilMt priet $toHtiia from V. 8. Drpartmtnl tf Lahtr, Without protein no child etn grow in body or brain. Growing children need TWICE the protein par pound of body weight aa grownup*. The** food* are good for protein: Meat, Milk. Piah, Egg*, Nut*. And Wonder Bread. Penny for penny. Wonder Bread give* your child 46% more protein than the average of meat, milk, fish and eggs. Better For Energy Then Potatoes Without energy no child can work, ctudy or play. Potatoes are good for energy. So is Wonder Bread. Penny for penny, Wonder Bread givaa your ehild 82% more energy than potatoes. And is better in protein for child growth. Str—g Bailee B Ways The chart above proves the S body and brain-building properties of Wonder Bread. Serve Wonder Bread together with fruits, vegetables, meat, milk, fish and eggs in a well-balanced diet. Give your child every *!»*»»«■ to build body and brain. 8 ounces of Wonder Bread for a growing child cost less than a dwoe a day. Certainly you can afford Wonder Bread for your child. Doobly Freak Children love Wonder Bread. Plain or toasted. Because Wonder Bread is doubly fresh-fresh when you buy it; fresh when you eat it Be cause slo-baked—13% longer than many ordinary kinds for lasting ' freshness. Get economical Wonder Bread fresh from your grocer today—you’ll be glad you did. C**inm+1 Ca, I