, 1 Weather Forecast Guide for Readers Mostly sunny with highest about 78 today. paK*- *r8e‘ Clear and cool again tonight with lowest Amusements-A-12 Obituary .A-io about 58. Tomorrow, sunny and warmer. Church News—A-7-9 Radio ..--A-J3 (Pull report on Page A-2.) • ' Cross-word-B-Z4 Real Estate ~B-1-16 - „ _ „ „ _0 Editorial .A-« Society, Clubs—A-4 2 a.m-62 8 a.m.59 Noon 73 EMitonal Articles A-7 Spo ------ 4 a.m_60 10 a.m_67 1 p.m.I 76 Lost and Found..A-3 Where tb GO—. B-lt - , An Associojed Press Newspoper 96th Year. No. 255. Phone STerling 5000 ** WASHINGTON, I). C., SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1948—THIRTY-EIGHT PAGES, sundry™s?3oT*iu«h*Kn*°mium.$i.3o»nd$i.*op«rMonth CENTS _ __ ■ — - - -- -- - ■ — ■ ■ -- .. . , . ,, ... . ... ■■■ " " " "" T """ ’ Western Allies Incite' Berlin, Reds Charge Communist Press Warns of 'Serious Consequences' By the Associated Press BERLIN, Sept. 11.—The Soviet military administrations’ official newspaper today accused the Western Allies of “inciting” Ber liners against Russia and Com munism. The entire Communist press railed against anti-Communists in the most abusive terms it has yet used. It warned that Thursday’s bloody street fighting, which followed a huge anti-Communist demonstra tion, might have "serious conse quences.” The obvious aim was to build up tomorrow's Communist counter rally in tte Soviet sector and in tensify Communist demands that Berliners must kick put the elected anti-Communist city government. Spies Reported seized. Meantime, the Russian-licensed news agency ADN reported last night that a German-led spy ring • supported” by American and Brit ish authorities, had been smashed in Eastern Germany with the arrest of 15 agents. (In Washington there was no official comment on the an nouncement, but some officials suspected the reported smashing of a "sp#' ring” was yart of a Communist effort to suppress op position in the Soviet occupation zone.) The report said all the arrested agents were under orders from Kurt Schumacher, Social Democrat lead er in Western Germany, and had "the fullest support of American and British occupation authorities.” It hinted that Schumacher's So cialists operated an underground throughout the Russian zone. Reached in Hannover, Schumacher refused to make any statement on the Soviet agency’s charges. Mail Allowed to Go Through. Earlier, it wa6 announced in Frankfurt that an American court had sentenced Count Heinrich Von Einsiedel, 26, great-grandson of Bis marck, Germany’s “iron chancellor,” to six months in jail for carrying false papers. He had been arrested as a suspected "contact man” for the Russians in the United States zone. Railway officials in Hannover said last night the Russians allowed eight railway cars of mail to travel from blockaded Berlin to the Brit ish' rone of Germany during the day. A British transport official in Berlin said it had “no sig nificance as far as the blockade of Berlin is concerned.” TKe official said the westward movement of mail posted in the Russian sector of Berlin has been going on all summer “in dribs and drabs.” He said the mail trains do not travel over the blockaded international Helmstedt line, but along a northerly route which has never stopped such traffic. Taegliche Runschau, Soviet mili tary administration organ, spear headed today’s Communist press attack. "Completely irresponsible Fascist elements in the Berlin city govern ment are up to tricks which nat urally can lead to serious results,” the paper warned. Talks Apparently Deadlocked. "It is inadmissable that in the former capital of Fascism repre sentatives of the occupation powers not only do not act against rowdy Fascist rabble, but even incite it and take it under protection.” Neues Deutschland, newspaper of the Soviet-sponsored Socialist Unity Party said "We believe the Soviet government well knows how to dif ferentiate between war agitators in Berlin and the peaceful Berlin popu lation, “We expect now as .before that negotiations in Moscow will have a favorable outcome," it said, “but every Berliner should see clearly that with this city government and is Mayor Berlin can only expect isadvantages.” With the situation in Berlin oisening, there still was no indi uion when the four military gov nors would meet here again to Dntinue discussions toward settle lent of the 79-day Soviet blockade (See-GERM A N , P age A -2.) 1S. Turns Over Millions In Assets to South Korea |y th# Associated Press SEOUL, Sept. 11.—The United states turned over property and icdits worth hundreds of millions of dollars to the new republic of _outh Korea today. The first financial agreement be tween the two countries was reached after three weeks of nego tiation. It was signed by American Ambassador John J. Muccio and representatives of the republic. Mr. Muccio said 11 departments of the military government will be taken over at noon Monday by the Ko reans. About $250,000,000 worth of reha bilitation supplies was written off as a gift to the new republic and dis tributed in South Korea as one part of the agreement._ Warehouse Fire Imperils Amsterdam Food Supply By tfoo Associated Press AMSTERDAM, Sept. 11.—A huge fire broke out this morning in the Blaufnes cold storage warehouses, the largest in Europe, and threat ened to destroy Amsterdam's winter stocks of food. The fire raged in two sections of the enormous warehouses and threatened to spread to a third one. Five firemen were overcome by the greasy smoke and had to be treated with oxygen. Another fell from a ladder without being seri ously injured. The cause of the fire was not known Immediately. Berlin Crisis Reported Going To U.N. if Plea to Stalin Fails Western Power Ambassadors in Moscow Said to Be Seeking immediate Conference By the Associated Press LONDON, Sept. 11.—Western power diplomatic sources re ported today that the United 'States, Britain and France will ask the United Nations to in vestigate the Berlin crisis if a new direct bid to Russia for a settlement fails. The source said Western power envoys in Moscow had been in structed to request an Immediate new meeting with Prime Minister Stalin to reach a settlement. Whether the request actually had been submitted was as yet not known here. (Moscow dispatches said the three Western power envoys were reported exchanging important messages with their home cap itals on the next step in the four power talks. However, there was said to be little chance of such a meeting over this week end.) If the new appeal to Mr. Stalin fails and the Western powers resort to the United Nations ma chinery, the step could be taken either through the Security Council or the General Assembly. The Security Council is scheduled to meet in Paris September 15 and the General Assembly session opens there six days later. The Western powers presumably would pick the Assembly since Rus sia could block a Security Council inquiry by exercising her veto—if she wished. There is no veto in the Assembly. Chief issues in the Berlin dis pute are reported to be Russia's demand for the veto in decisions affecting Berlin’s currency and the Soviet blockade of Berlin. The Western powers Have held out for majority rule on the curency ques tion. Instructions to the three Western envoys in Moscow were sent two days ago by American Ambassador Lewis W. Douglas, French Ambas sador Rene Massigli and Sir William Strang, chief of the German sec tion of the British Foreign Office. The action was taken, the source reported, only after consultation with top-ranking Allied officials, in cluding Foreign Secretary Bevin and Secretary of State Marshall. The talk with Mr. Stalin, if it materializes, would be the third in which he participated. Diplomatic officials here still nurse hopes, even though they are slight, that Foreign Secretary Molotov may agree over (See 1DIPLOMATIC, Page A-3.) Vandenberg Pledges A United America On Foreign Policy Issues Statement After Talk With Dewey and John Fostfr Dulles By a Staff Corrtspondtnf of Tht Star NEW YORK, Sept. 11.—The world was on notice today from i the Republican high command that America will continue to stand “united against aggres sion’’ in these critical times, de spite an impending presidential campaign. The statement came from Chair man Vandenberg of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee as he emerged last night from an hour long conference here with Gov. Dewey, the Republican standard bearer, and John Foster Dulles. Mr. Dulles is an American delegate to the United Nations organization as well as one of Mr. Dewey’s chief ad visers on foreign affairs. The statement obviously was in tended to serve notice on Moscow: that no matter how much Demo-1 crats and Republicans may differ over the question in the next seven weeks, they will stand together on the Berlin crisis. Won't Weaken Foreign Policy. Even before these two leading Republican spokesmen on foreign policy—Senator Vandenberg and Mr. Dulles—met with Gov. Dewey here last night it had been made clear by reliable sources in Albany that Gov. Dewey would no nothing in his campaign for the presidency to weaken basic American foreign pol icy in Europe. When Gov. Dewey came to New York yesterday morning from Albany to register as a voter in the Novem ber election, there was no advance Intimation that an important foreign policy confeience also was scheduled to take place. But Senator Van den Derg was already en route to New York by plane, and at 7 p.m. last night he and Mr. Dulles entered Gov. Dewey’s rooms in the Roose velt Hotel. After they had been closeted to gether for an hour, Senator Van denberg came out with the follow ing prepared statement: "I have flown to New York for a final conference with Gov. Dewey and John Foster Duiles before Mr. Duile.^ leaves for his critical re sponsibilities in the General As sembly of the United Nations at Paris. We have canvassed the foreign policy problems which con front our country including the sit uation in Berlin. United to Protect Rights. "Regardless of political differences at home we are serving notice on the world that America is united to protect American rights every where and through firmness in the right to seek peace with justice for ourselves and the other peace-living peoples of the world. "It is of the greatest importance that other nations which do not understand our political system should not be misled by our political campaign at home. We shall be in internal controversy regarding many phases of foreign policy. But we shall not be in controversy over the basic fact that America is united against aggression and against the foes of freedom. “I am happy to say that Gov. (See VANDENBERG7~Page A-2.) Division of ERP Funds Agreed On by Nations Of Western Europe $1,223,000,000 Allocated To Britain; France Will Get $989,000,000 By the Associated Pres* PARIS, Sept. 11.—The nations of Western Europe today reached the first milestone in working together for mutual recovery when their delegates agreed on the division of $4,875,000,000 in American aid funds. The decision for the first year of the European Recovery Program embraces a system of intra-Euro pean assistance which has still to be filled out by an agreement on currency exchanges. The council of the European Eco nomic Co-operation Organization prepared these agreements in a six hour session last night. Work on the scheme for currency payments will continue today. Details Due September 25. As soon as the council agrees on the currency proposals it will go to work on the details of the 1948-9 recovery program for submission to the American Economic Co-opera tion Administration. Each partici pating nation is to alter its program to conform with the aid allotments drawn up last night. The complete program should be ready by Sep tember 25. The proposed division of American aid for the first year, as revealed by the council, gave Britain the great est amuont—$1,223,000,000. This was a cut of $10,000,000 from the British portion in the schedule originally drawn by the council’s subcommit tee of experts. This reduction, along with cuts in the amounts granted France, Italy, Sweden and the Netherlands, went to make up $50,000,000 extra granted to the British-American bizone of Germany. France’s allotment was reduced $20,000,000, the Netherlands $10,000,000 and Italy and Sweden $5,000,000 each. France Gets Second Amount. France drew the highest amount after Britain—$989,000,000. Other allotments included: Italy, $606,000, 000; the Netherlands, $496,000,000. of which $84,000,000 is earmarked for the East Indies; Belgium, $250,000, 000; Austria, $217,000,000; Denmark $110,000,000; Norway, $84,000,000; Eire, $79,000,000: Turkey, $50,000,000; Sweden, $42,000,000; Trieste, $18, 000,000, and Iceland/$11,000,000. The bizone of Germany drew $414,000,000. An additional $40. 000,000 is set; aside by the schedule to purchase sterling in Britain for the bizone. The French zone of Germany will receive $100,000,000 under the schedule. No allotments were made for Portugal or Switzefland, since it was agreed that neither country is in need of American dollars. Under the proposed intra-Euro pean assistance program, six “credi tor" nations—countries which are expected to export more than they import—are to open credits in their own currencies to other nations in need of imports. „ The six nations which are to set aside $565,000,000 In their own cur rencies for this purpose are Britain, the bizone of Germany. Belgium, (See ERP, Page A-27) Miner's Wife Says Her Daughter Will Wed Hitchcock Scion By the Associated Press WINDBER; Pa., Sept. 11.—A stout and jolly little coal miner’s wife today announced the betrothal of her daughter, Stephana Saja, 23, to Francis Hitchcock, wealthy polo player and brother of the late Tommy Hitchcock, famed polo star. Mrs. Mary Saja Turk, 58, whose first husband died a few years ago of miner’s asthma, looked up as she did her household chores In this small mining community just 10 miles southeast of Johnstown and said, “I don’t think 'Steffle' was happy in Windber. I don't think shell ever return.” She said her daughter, who went to New York to become a secretary of a Wall Street brokerage firm im mediately after her graduation from Windber High School in 1943, told her of her betrothal when she re turned home on a visit last week end. Mrs. Turk, who married Steve Turk, 60-year-old miner last year, said she understood her daughter had flown from New York to Florida today. She said no wedding date had been set but expected the mar riage to take place in about three weeks. Mr. Hitchcock was divorced in 1934 from the former Mary Atwell and later married a model, Mary Grammer. The Rev. John Loya, pastor of St. Mary’s Greek Catholic Church, said Stephana had visited him to obtain special dispensation to marry Mr. Hitchcock. Results of her talk with the priest were not disclosed. Mrs. Turk said her daughter had invited her to attend the wedding but the little coal miner’s wife de clined. She said she thought it was too far to travel at her age. * Financial Plan Offered by New French Premier Queuille Confirmed, 351 to 196; Seeks Centrist Cabinet By the Associated Press PARIS, Sept. 11. —Premier Henri Queuille today offered France a program of budget re ductions and increased taxes in an attempt to get the nation back on its financial feet. Backed by a National Assembly vote of 351 to 196, confirming him as a premier, Mr. Queuille sought to form a new Centrist government. He cffeied the nation a financial policy along the same general lines as his two predecessors, Andre Marie and Robert Schuman. The same policies caused the downfall of the two governments. Election to Be Considered. To adherents of Gen. Charles De Gaulle, the premier tendered a vague promise to consider the gen eral elections which they are de manding. He said the question of elections will be taken up with the Assembly after the country’s finan cial difficulties are solved. This apparently was not enough to win the support of the De Gaul Usts, but they refrained from voting against Mr. Queuille. most of them registering abstentions. Demands for elections were voiced again yesterday by Gen. De Gaulle as he started a political tour of Southeastern France and Corsica. He is scheduled to make almost 100 speeches in eight days. In an ad dress at Avignon, he said: “I am ready to assure the destiny of the country. I am sure of the country’s choice when it is given a chance to express itself.” Economies Planned. To bring order out of the nation's financial plight, Mr. Queuille said he planned economies in both the civilian and military establishments of the government, revision of sub sidies, reorganization of national ized enterprises and raising of an additional 80,000,000,000 francs of new revenue to balance the budget. Mr. Queuille, a Radical Socialist (Conservative), said he would start forming his government today. He is expected to take the important Finance Ministry himself, in addi tion to the premiership. Mr. Schuman, a Popular Repub lican, is expected to retain the For eign Ministry he held in the Marie | government and in his own short-; lived cabinet. The cabinet will be a combination of Radical Socialists, Socialists and Popular Republicans, with possibly some independents. Communists, extreme right-wing deputies and followers of Gen. De Gaulle will be excluded. Motorists in West Rationed As Oil Strike Continues By th* Associated Press SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 11.—The CIO Oil Refinery Workers’ strike against six major California pro ducers entered its second week today with no settlement in sight. An oil industry allocation com mittee announced after a meeting in Los Angeles that motorists would get three-fourths of their normal supply of gasoline. As the pinch began to be felt, this State assumed; a new role and began to import gas-: oline from Oklahoma. Negotiations continued in an ef fort to end the strike of 16,000 work ers. The strike started September 4 and has threatened to dry up gas oline stocks in the five Western States, mainly dependent on Cali fornia production. Two developments, meanwhile, complicated the situation: A superior judge at Redwood City yesterday issued a temporary order prohibiting the strikers from inter fering with movement of tank trucks from* t>3 Standard Oil dis tributing plant. Boeing Strike Called Off; Jurisdictional Clash Begins By the Associated Press SEATTLE, Sept. 11—The Aero nautical Mechanics’ Union, inde pendent, called off its 140-day-old strike against the Boeing Airplane Co. last night, but complications hit return-to-work plans. These were the complications: 1. The union appeared headed into a full-scale jurisdictional bat tle with the AFL Teamsters’ Union. 2. The company placed a ban on rehiring of ”a small number of subversives.” 3. Boeing said it will try to re employ the rest of the strikers as rapidly as possible, but indicated that expansion of assembly opera tions will have to await stepped-up production the. shops. The union voted to return to work Monday. The company has been hiring all workers who would pass through the picket lines and has claimed more than 8,000 production workers were on the job. About 14,800 went out on strike April 22. The strike was called in support of demands for an hourly wage increase of 30 cents an hour. Wage scales at the time ranged from $1 to (1.80. Retention of seniority provisions also was ~a basic issue. Guam Expects Typhoon Within Next 24 Hours By the Associated Ptess GUAM, Sept. 11.—A typhoon with winds up to 45 miles an hour in its center threatened Guam today. American Navy personnel here were battened down, expecting high winds some time within the next 24 hours. The typhoon was placed at 10 degrees north latitude and 154 de grees west longitude. It was mov ing westward at 10 knots. 4 ’ r.r. n/ TICKETS iWAKE ^ ,T / J VACATION! L_j »*— More Contracts Won, By Truck Drivers in New York Deadlock Employers' Front Cracks As 285 Operators Accept Union's Latest Terms By the Associated Press NEW YORK. Sept. 11.—Striking AFL truck drivers today con tinued their inroads against a once-solid employer front, sign ing additional operators to their modified wage demands. The agreements, reached Individ ually with the trucking concerns, further loosened the 11-day tieup which had threatened the Metropol-; itan Area’s supply channels. jonn E. strong, me sensing local s | president, said today that 285 oper ators, employing 2,278 of the union’s j 9,400 struck members, had signed contracts accepting the scaled-down terms. Agree to 17%-cent Increase. More than 120 firms agreed to terms yesterday, some within an; hour after the strikers decided to lower their wage increase demands from 25 cents to 17% cents an hour. The companies signed up under the new contract are among some 1,812 trucking concerns with which the union, Local 807 of the APL International Brotherhood of Team sters, had contracts before the strike began. Although union officials seemed confident that many of the other firms would soon agree to the terms, a spokesman for the major truck employer associations didn’t lgree To Stand Pat On 15 Cents. Joseph Adelizzi, chairman of the Employers' Labor Committee, said the truck owners will refuse to budge beyond their offer of a 15 cent hourly pay increase. This was turned down by members of Local 807 on September 1, and approximately 10.000 of them walked off their jobs. The strikers then demanded a 25-cent hourly wage boost, plus an employer-financed welfare plan. The now scaled-down demands, adopted at a mass meeting of strik ers yesterday, call for insurance, accident and sick benefits, special pay differentials, in addition to the 17%-cent hourly increase. Previous pay rates ranged from $53.90 for helpers to $71.40 for trailer-truck drivers. The range of pay rates is for a 40-hour week. John E Strong, president of Local 807, the city’s largest, said the new offer would enable the local “to get as many men as possible back to work as fast as possible.” He predicted 2,000 of the drivers and helpers will be back on their jobs Monday. Eric Johnston in Moscow, Hopes to See Stalin By the Associated Press MOSCOW, Sept. 11.—Eric A. Johnston, president of the Motion Picture Association of America, ar rived in Moscow by air today. “I have come here to try to sell some pictures,” he told reporters at the airport. He added that he hopes to see ! Prime Minister Stalin. He last saw Mr. Stalin on a trip to Russia in ; 1944, when Mr. Johnston was presi dent of the Chamber of Commerce of the United States. Small Tropical Storm Reported in Indies By th* Associated Press SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico, Sept. 1.—Weather observers kept watch on a small tropical storm in the Atlantic today. The storm was about 325 miles east northeast of Antigua, British West Indies, moving westward at about 14 miles an hour. That would place it about 1.900 miles east south east of the Florida mainland. The storm had shown little change in course or intensity in several hours. Anne Morgan Returns To U. S.; Is Reported III By the Associated Press NEW YORK, Sept. 11—Miss Anne Morgan, daughter of the late J. P. Morgan and founder of the Amer ican Friends of France, returned from France yesterday "a very sick woman.” a friend reported. She went to Europe last spring. A | Sunny Week End Predicted, With Temperature in 70s A perfect week end, with "sun shine all day long" and temperatures in the 70s, was promised today by the Weather Bureau. The mercury today was expected' to reach a high of about 78 degrees.; and tomorrow will be slightly warm- i er, according to the forecast. To night, the bureau said, will be clear, and cool, with a low of about .58 de grees. The high temperature yesterday was 71 degrees, registered at 3 a.m. The low today was 57 at 7 a.m. House Probers Check New Twists in Leaks Of Atomic Secrets Committee May Delay Its Public Hearing Slated for Wednesday By Miriam Otfenberg The House Committee on Un American Activities will decide within the next 24 hours whether it has enough evidence to start public hearings into atomic espionage on schedule next Wed nesday or postpone them again, it was indicated today. While the committee took a week-end recess, its investigators were instructed to work on what one committee member described as "new twists” in the committee’s in vestigation of “leaks” of this Na tion’s atomic secrets. The results of the investigators’ work will determine whether the committee will be ready to open its doors to the public Wednesday. The public hearings already have been postponed once. More Witnesses Called. “We are checking testimony in connection with this new spy case,” Chairman Thomas told reporters. "We still are aiming at Wednesday, but there is a possibility of a week’s postponement. “We’ve had to call in additional witnesses to verify testimony. A lot depends on whether we will have to call in more of them.” Another committee member said testimony taken by the committee in closed session this week has pro duced “new twists” which require thorough checking. One of the closed session wit nesses was Lt. Gen. Leslie R. Groves, wartime head of the atomic bomb project. The retired Army officer, after testifying yesterday, hinted to reporters that there may have been some breaks in the wall of atomic secrecy. He said it was obvious that not every one of the 600,000 em ployes on the atomic project had the ■utmost integrity.” Scientist Questioned. Mr. Thomas said another witness yesterday, whose identity he refused to disclose, was brought in to ex amine certain documents the com mittee has obtained. “These documents," he said, “were in connection with the atomic bomb, (See PROBE, Page A-2.) Police Rookie Slpin In Alexandria; Several Suspects Questioned Patrolman, on Force Only Three Weeks, Surprises Prowler at Restaurant A rookie Alexandria policeman was shot and killed early today by an unknown prowler encoun tered In a routine check of an Alexandria restaurant. Several suspects are being held. The dead man, Pvt. Robert B. Harris. 22, had been a .member of the police department for less than three weeks. A bullet from a high-powered pistol pierced his groin and severed a major artery. The shooting oc curred at the rear of the Howard Johnson Restaurant, North Wash ington and Montgomery streets. Mr. Harris was pronounced dead a few minutes after being taken to Alexandria Hospital. Inspector Russell Hawes and Lt. qgorgt RJIveriy said the PVT. ROBERT B. HARRIS. escaped in the darkness before a fellow policeman could rush to Mr Harris’ aid from across a side street. Bloodhounds Put on Trail. Every policeman in Alexandria was called out in a search for the killer. Bloodhounds from the Dis trict Department, of Corrections at Lorton were put on the trail. An alert was broadcast to police in neighboring counties and States. Police said they had taken “a number" of men into custody foi question in connection with the slaying. One man, 25, was arrested after an eight-block chase on foot in taxicabs and private automobiles The police said, however, there was nothing to link him with the crime The police said the man, a colored janitor, suddenly emerged from a clump of bushes in the vicinity of the restaurant, where 15 members of the department were searching for the slayer’s pistol or other clues. Automobiles Commandeered. They said their attention was fl;st attracted when a passerby cried out an alarm that a man was fleeing from the scene. The police pursued in patrol cars and commandeered (See MURDER, Page A-3.) Hundreds of Birds in Flight Hit Empire State Building and Die By th« Associated Press NEW YORK, Sept. 11.—Hundreds of songbirds winging South in dark ness apparently crashed into the Empire State Building early today and plunged dead in the street around the world's tallest structure. After dawn, workers still were col lecting the bodies of the brightly plumaged birds. They included thrushes and warblers. Many landed on auto tops and smashed against windshields. The incident was duplicated in Philadelphia, where hundreds of small birds fell dead to the streets during the night after striking tall buildings. Ornithologists agreed the biyds. principally warblers, met death while making their seasonal migration. They theorized that weather conditions confused the birds and drove them down from safe altitudes. Lee S. Crandall, general curator at the Bronx Zoo, also said the birds mav have crashed into the Empire State Building during a migratory flight. He said the autumn southward migration of warblers, thrashers and other songbirds has begun, and tiiat it is possible a large flock hit the building. The songbirds fly in close-packed, large flocks at night, he said, and are sometimes attracted by bright lights high in the air. Mr. Crandall said migratory flocks 1 have been known to crash into light houses, after being attracted by a ' flashing beacon. He said the lighted ! windows in the upper stories of the Empire State may have attracted the birds. The Empire State Building seemed to be the center of the area in which they dropped. Some came to rest, disabled, on ledges and abutments of the building. Their chirping was heard above the early morning traffic. Police said a large number also fluttered down in adjacent Thirty-fourth street. Small crowds of curious spectators gathered in the early morning hours, some of them examining the birds that fell to the sidewalks or in the, streets. 1 Dewey to Follow Truman to Three Western Cities Brownell Outlines Speaking Schedule For Tour This Month By J. A. O'Leary Star Staff Correspondent NEW YORK, Sept. 11.—Gov. Dewey’s Western itinerary, an nounced today, shows he will follow President Truman into the strategic cities of Denver, Los Angeles and San Francisco, as well as into Iowa. Herbert Brownell, jr„ manager for the Dewey-Warren ticket, made public the details of the Repub lican presidential nominee's speak ing tour. It had been announced earlier that Gov. Dewey would open his campaign in Des Moines. Iowa, on Monday, September 20, just two days after the President speaks at Dexter, Iowa, a short distance away. The new itinerary puts Gov. Dewey in Denver September 21 and President Truman will have spoken there the day before. Then their paths separate for a day or two, with the President go Dewey Urges Ending Of Conflicts Between U. S. and States 'Ey a Staff Corraspondant of THo Star NEW YORK, Sept. 11.—Gov. Dewey today called the elim ination of wasteful conflicts be tween the Federal and State governments one of the im portant tasks the next admin istration should undertake. He listed possible changes in overlapping Federal and State taxes, and improved methods of administering social security programs as illustrations of what he has in mind. The Republican nominee made the statement after con ferring with Gov. Bradford of Massachusetts on Federal-State relationships. He explained that Gov.* Bradford has worked with him on these questions in the Governor's Conference. Gov. Dewey said the co-ordi nating of Federal and State programs might be one of the tasks assigned to Gov. Warren if the Dewey-Warren ticket wins. ing on to Salt Lake City on Septem ber 21, while Gov. Dewey turns south to Albuquerque, N. Mex., for a speech on September 22. Dewey Going to Arizona. By September 22 the President will be delivering a major address in San Francisco. Gov. Dewey, meanwhile, will move to Arftona to speak at Phoenix, September 23. On September 23 Mr. Truman will speak in Los Angeles, and again the two main contenders for the White House meet, as Gov. Dewey's cam paign train pulls into Los Angeles September 24. Gov. Dewey then moves up the coast to San Francisco, where he will speak on September 25, just three days after the President. After resting on Sunday, Septem ber 26, Gov. Dewey will proceed I north for speeches at Portland, Oreg., at noon Monday, September ! 27, followed by talks at Takoma, i Wash., in the afternoon and Seattle jthat evening. Details of the return j trips of both remain to be an i nounced. May Enter West Virginia. Political observers here were bet ting today that Gov. Dewey will in clude West Virginia in one of his later campaign trips even though Senator Revercomb, Republican, of that State did not see eye to eye with the New Yorker on the need for liberalizing the displaced persons law at the special session of Con gress. j Walter S. Hallanan, West Vir ginia's veteran member of the Re publican National Committee, came ihere yesterday to urge Gov. Dewey I to speak in that border State, and presumably to iron out any differ ence that may still exist between the Republican nominee and Sena tor Revercomb, who is engaged in a hot fight for re-election this year. Mr. Hallanan told reporters he received no promise of a • Dewey visit, because the Governor’s move ments after he returns from the West have not been settled. The West Virginian bore down heavy on the importance of re