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REAL ESTATE WASHINGTON, D. C. W SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1948 CLASSIFIED ADS - ■■ - -- -. - - — - - - - __ _ _ ■■ - ■■ ■—■■■■■... ■■ 1 ' ^.. 1..■■■■■■—■ 11 M More District Area Builders Turning Out Houses in $9,000-$l0,000 Price Range Shown are several District area developments of houses priced at* $10,000 or less. Above, Jefferson Manor homes. Strong D. C. Area 'Mass Market' Is Seen for $10,000 Hpme By Robert J. Lewis Real Estate Editor of The Star. More and more builders are getting Into the $9,000-$10,000 price field. This Is the remaining strong “mass market” for Washington Metropolitan Area home build ing, observers agree. Right now many houses are being completed In that price range. And there are plenty of Indications that other builders want to take advantage of pos sibilities In this field. One of the big reasons, of course, Is that the Government's emphasis for future financial ■ids Is on the lower-cost house. Up to now, however, only about eight home-building firms have been concentrating on the $9, 000*$10,000 range in this area. As a result, they are fairly well under way as the market for higher-priced properties begins to soften. Mass Output Needed. About the only way for build ers to get prices down to the lower level is to build smaller houses on a mass production basis. That generally means that the houses must be built in groups of 25 or more, and cannot have more than two bedrooms. In each district area under *10,000 development only one or two basic home designs are used, thus permitting swifter “belt line” production. In manj; cases, houses vary only in exterior de tails. Yet most developments meet high FHA standards as to neigh borhood development, with wide streets, curbs, gutters, landscap ing and other refinements seldom provided a generation ago. Until recently, most builders have preferred to build the type d District Rental Housing Picture A .total of 576 applications for housing was received during the last week at the pistrict Housing Center, 1400 Pennsylvania avenue N.W., of which 504 were for dwell ings. and 72 for rooms. Of the total applications, 368 were new and 208 were reapplica tions. Of the new applications, 98 h persons listed themselves as new 1 arrivals in Washington. In the same period. 304 housing accommodations were listed for rent, of which 204 were dwellings and 90 were rooms. Reported during the week as housed through the center were 35 persons. Georgetown Office Opened Walker & Dunlop. Inc., real estate firm, has opened a Georgetown bran(£i office at 3207 O street N.W., | in charge of Mrs. Lillian McGinniss. Real Estate LOANS TO BUILD TO BUY TO RE-FINANCE In Washington, D. C. and nearby Maryland or Vir ginia. A discussion of i your requirements is cor | dially invited. Consult Mortgage Loan Dept. EQUITABLE LIFE INSURANCE CO. j, 816 14th St. N.W.-RE. 6161 of larger home to sell m the $12,000 to $20,000 range, and at prices even higher. Financing Difficult. But today that market has shrunk considerably, owing part ly to, the fact that financing in this field has become more diffi cult, partly to satisfaction of ex treme demand, and partly to buyer resistance, observers report. That is not to say that buying and building do not continue in the upper range, for some buyers always will prefer the higher priced houses, and some builders specialize in this field only, and will continue to do so. But the "mass market" as pects of the upper price range which existed since the war have markedly changed in the last few months. Among sizable developments concentrating on the house priced at $10,000 or less in the Metro politan area, the address, and name of builder, are: Bellemeade, Defense highway, 3 miles from the District line, Bos well-Miller Construction Co. Eastpines, East Riverdale, Md., Standard Properties, Inc. Glenmont Forest, 12000 "block Georgia avenue, Glenmont Forest, Inc. Huntington, off No. 1 highway, 1 miles south of Alexandria, Banks & Lee. Jefferson Manor, off No. 1 highway, 2 miles south of Alex andria, Monroe Development Corp. Twinbrook, Viers Mill road near Rockville, Md., Sauter & Gingery7. Viers Mill Village, Viers Mill road, near Wheaton, Md., Haris Construction Co. Welbilt Homes, Viers Mill road near Wheaton, Md., Kay Develop ment Corp. Henderson to Speak Fred E. Henderson, special assist ant to the chairman of the National Security Resources Board in charge of industry relocation problems, will address the Washington Building Congress at 12:30 pin. Monday in the Mayflower Hotel. Firm Opens Branch Here Bates & Rogers, a large Chicago construction corporation, has opened a Washington branch office in the Washington Building in charge of D. W. Beman, sr. TRUST NOTES Reasonable Rates Prompt Service IDe Will buy Second Trust Notes Secured on Improved Property Nati o nal Mortgage ^investment corp 1312 N Y, AVE..N.W.-NA 5833 3J5JSI3I3IBJBIBJSIBISJSIB(SISJBJSI3I3l3JBJp I I ;j Everything in Real Estate, some of the best buys. Listings Invited. Mortgage Loans — Mortgage In vestments. Property Management —economical methods. Just give u« an opportunity to demonstrate.' Moore & Hill Co. Since 1900 804 17th St. N.W. WM. A. HILL PAUL ".'WAN Real Estate Sales—Rentals Insurance Mortgage Loans i Property Management Randall H. Hagner & Company Realtors 1321 Connecticut Ave. N.W. Telephone DEcatur 3600 Above (left), Is view of Welbilt Homes development. At right Is section of Twlnbrook development. ' —Star Staff Photos by A. C. Chinn. Aid to Houses— Expert Answers Queries From Householders By Roger C. Whitman Question: I put a plaster paint on my kitchen wall and am having an awful time covering It. It did not go on very well over the old enamel. I was going to have it covered with oil cloth, but “the man” said every little pin-point of the rough finish w'ould show through. He suggested using varnish re mover, but that would be an awful job overhead. I read one of your suggestions about using "spackle” on a rough plaster wall. Where can I ouy this spackle and wliat should I appiy it with? Answer: Spackle is a powder to be mixed first with water to a putty-like consistency, working' it until all the lumps are smoothed out. Then add a small amount of paint, mixing it thoroughly and keeping the putty consistency. Var nish is sometimes used in the same way, instead of paint. Complete instructions are given with the product on the container. It can be applied with a trowel or a putty-knife. Before applying it, go over the walls with coarse sand paper wrapped around a flat piece of wood to rub off the roughest parts of the plaster. Then follow with the spackle, which should fill in the slight irregularities that will be left. The wall should then be smooth enough for the oil-cloth. Re-caning Chair Seat®. Question: I would like to re-cane the seats of my antique chairs. It i Sec FIRST “AID. Page“ B-2.) Average Householder Is Able to Install Beamed Ceilings By W. Wadsworth Wood A beamed ceiling is most appro priate to some of the rooms of e house, particularly the dining roon or living room. When mission furniture and deco rating was in vogue, almost all dining rooms were beamed. But su the style passed away, the darl beams were repainted In lightei shades and resulted in even a bettei effect than when they were dark To install a beamed ceiling in anj room is an easy task, once the pro cedure has been pointed out. The first step is to nail a contin uous strip of 1 inch by 4 inch wooc finishing strip all around the foui walls and butting up against the ceiling on edge. The second step is to measure the floor (which will be the same as the ceiling) and divide it into sections so that the beams will be equally spaced apeirt. The third step is tc nail strips up against the ceiling se curely and at the correct locations The fourth step is to construct s long hollow, trough, of 1 inch by 4 inch strip of the exact dimension that will make it fit spanning the room. The trough will slip up against the ceiling and should be nailed into the ceiling strips. Every item of this job is straight cross-cutting and plain nailing, and there is no reason why the average homeowner could not do a good job There are at least a dozen ways of 7 See WOOD, Page B-2.) I / For Home Improvement Loans for Home Im | provements, without mortgaging your property, will be ar \ ranged promptly to: • Enlarge • Repair • Modernize • Renovate For details, call, write or phone | District 2370 FIRST FFDflMt invmcs HDD LOAD USSOriflTIOD Conveniently Located: *10 13th St. N.W. (Bet. F & G) (Ns Branch Offices) ..mmmmmmmmmmmmmrnmy Realtors since 1888 Mortgage Loan Correspondent ) Metropolitan Life Ins. Co. REALTOR 1113 17th STREET N.W. RE. 6657 [ Mortgage Loan Correspondent Occidental Life Insurance Company of California SALES RENTALS • - .REAL ESTATE ) LOANS • COMPLETE INSURANCE COVERAGE Home Gadgets— By D. M. Derwin Many home-owners have long desired to install railing for porches and stairways because of the safety factors, but have hesitated on the installation because the safety fac tor would be outweighed by contin ual upkeep and an unpleasing ap pearance. A new railing, made of aluminum, can be used wherever the combined effect of appearance and utility is desired for the home. By using the hollow shape, torsional rigidity of tubular sections is obtained, result ing in maximum strength. This aluminum railing, the manu facturer claims, is little affected by jthe atmosphere, and requires only routine work to keep clean. The railing has been tested for strength, requires no painting, and is rust proof, corrosion resistant, strong and attractive. These hand rails for porches en hapcq the beauty of any home. The danger of Staining adjacent surfaces is eliminated. They are finished in natural aluminum color in lengths of 30, 36, 42 and 48 inches, with a height of 31 inches. The stairway railings are fur Aluminum Railing Developed for Homes . nished in new design, enabling them to fit any anple on a stairway. This represents a considerable saving, compared with custom-built railings. The railings are made in multi ple sections, and keyed together. The units are packaged with the required accessories, such as floor castings, fittings and complete in structions for simple installations. Driving Nails in Plaster Walls. Question: How can nails be driven into plaster walls without chipping the plaster? Answer: Plaster is too thin and brittle for nails to be driven into it successfully. If you need to hang | anything on the walls, get a special device for the purpose at a hardware store. To make a hole in plaster, work a screwdriver into the plaster, making the hole about a half-inch I wide. Fill the hole with wood putty. I When dry, a wood screw can be j worked in. |; Window Woodwork Turns Black. Question: The Inside woodwork on my windows turns black, even when varnished, and when painted, the paint peels off. The windows open and close O. K„ and in winter (See GADGETS, Page B-2.) LOANS ON REAL ESTATE Various plans at favorable rate. FIRST DEED OF TRUST ONLY RENTALS—SALES-INSURANCE GEORGE I. BORGER 643 Indiana Ava. N.W. NA. 0350 FENCES | CONTINENTAL CHAIN LINK | WOOD — i— IRON | Easy terms arranged S Soli and Erected br LANE & MacBRYDE, Inc. ] 9th & Evarts Sts. N.E.—HO. 6600 | Regarding RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES Consult John R. de Sibour & Co. REALTORS I IT DUPONT CIRCLE MI. 6300 We bay deferred purchase money second trust notes se cured on improved property. COLUMBIA MORTGAGE COMPANY 916 Woodward Bldg. RE. 7330 Real Estote Sole* I Residential and I Commercial ■ » »"*UT°"eeeof 1 Every type u I Insurance 1 Loons o ,rt Mortgage VST Loans . • r..i w**.; • : ssssr * Commercial Center photo, above, shows Viers Mill Village view. Above, right, is vista in Huntington development. $50,000 Warehouse Permit Largest issued During Week A permit for a $50,000 warehouse was the largest building permit issued during the last week by the Central Permit Office in the District building. A total of $147,072 in permits were issued. Among permits were: Review and Herald Pub. Assn., owner, 6856 Eastern avenue N.W.; H. H. Hubbard, builder, 35 Laurel street N.W.; Ronald S. Senseman, architect, 327 Carroll street N.W.; to erect one 2-story masonry ware house, 308 Vine street N.W.; to cost $50,000. W. C. & A. N. Miller Develop ment Co., owner and builder, 4830 Massachusetts avenue N.W.; E. R. Spano, architect; to erect one 2 story brick dwelling, 4711 Quebec street N.W.; to cost $22,000. Joseph R. Brewer, owner and builder, 1726 Fourteenth street N.W.; Joseph R. Brewer, builder; Eaj-1 von Reichenbach, architect, 1219 Good Hope road S.E.; to erect one 2-story brick and cinder-block frame dwell ing, 2619 Branch 'avenue S.E.; to cost $21,000. Lawrence Gichner, owner, 2715 Ninth street N.E.; Eugene Simpson & Bros., builder; Edmund W. Drey fuss, architect, 1019 Fifteenth street N.W.; to erect one 1-story brick and cinder-block, concrete warehouse and garage, 2715 Ninth street N.E.; to cost $20,000. Byron D. and Iva F. Darling, owner and builder, 3606 Forty-sec ond avenue, Colmar Manor; Marcus Hallett, architect, 6525 Piney Branch road N.W.; to erect one 1%-story brick and cinder-block frame dwell ing, 1832 Tavlor street N.W.; to cost $14,000. Joseph F. Collins, owner, 106 V street N.E.; builder not selected; .W. A. Cullins, architect, 3116 Wal nut street N.E.; to erect one 2 sttory brick and cinder-block dwell ing, 2818 Thirtieth street TT.E, Baddia and Elizabeth M. Rashid, owners, 907 Roanoke avenue, Mont gomery County, Md.; builder not se lected; Marcus Hallett, architect; to erect one 114 -story brick and cinder-block dwelling, 8119 Six teenth street N.W.; to cost $12,000. Grace L. Temborelle, owner, 1607 Irving street N.W.; day labor, builder; D. M. Griffin & Co., archi tect, 1707 North Capitol street; to erect one 4-story brick and cinder block addition to store, 1607 Irving street N.W.; to cost $10,000. Hotel 1440, George C. Clark, jr.. owner, 1440 Rhode Island avenue N.W.; Warfield & Sanford, Inc., builder and architect, 913 E street N.W.; to install electric passenger elevator, 1440 Rhode Island avenue N.W.; to cost $9,000. Washington Gas Light Co., owner and architect, 1100 H street N.W.; Washington Gas Light Co., builder; to erect one 1-story steel and con crete quonset hut, 799 New Hamp shire avenue N.W.; to cost $6,000. George U. and Ruth Haight, own ers, 27 O street N.E.; builder not selected; H. W. Turner, architect, 510 M street N.W.; to erect one 2 story brick and cinder-block dwel ling, 4956 Aster place S.E.; to cost $12,000. Sydney Wolfe, owner, 6110 Third street. N.W.; builder not selected; George T. Santmyers, architect; to erect one 2-story brick and cinder block dwelling, 1529 Roxanna road N.W.; to cost $10,000. Magazine Discusses Prefabricated Closets This month's issue of Progressiva Architecture, a magazine for archi tects, discusses prefabricated closets and fronts for closets, designed by Milton Lowenthal, Washington ar chitectural designer, who is presi dent of Milo Products Co., 1319 New Hampshire avenue N.W. The products are used to replace conventional wall and closet con struction and may be installed against walls. S. NOBLE BOAZ Realtor Specializing In Hornet Since 1926 7424 Wisconsin Ave. lethesdo Wisconsin 7500 MONEY TO LOAN 1st Dood of Trust Only Minimum Interest Rates G. CALVERT BOWIE Suit* 404-8. Washington Bldg 15th and N. Y. Avt. RE. 7121 Correspondent—The Mutual Ll/a Insurance Company o/ New Tors £ Call this central real astata listing agency and list your property £ simultaneously with many outstanding Realtors. Their widespread £ offices and their scores of salesmen are your guarantee of action. F? o n 1 i flrr a r> CORPORATION Ike central real QeftOte lifting agency O. BALL COOK. PRESIDENT | 924 14th Street N.W. NAtional 8647 | Office Building Management Our wide experience in managing all types of property can be of great service to you. Let our representative explain the advantage of Smithy Co. _ management. - , : i H. G. Smithy Company 811 15th St N.W. ST. 3500 Mortgage Representative—Travelers Insurance Co. PROPERTY MANAGEMENT—SALES—LOANS—INSURANCE tunds Avatiaoie tor Construction Loans FHA LOANS (TITLE 203) Finished loans on term or monthly payment basis. If you are a builder or plan to y> build your home, consult us ^for a loan. B. F. SAUL CO. 925 15th ST. N.W. NATIONAL 2100 mn TEC ST LOAMS — PEOPEETT MANAGEMENT — INSCEANCE