Newspaper Page Text
SITUATIONS MEN (Cent). Fart-time bookkeeper or audtg. post tion tax services. CPA and retail store exper : married Box 408-V, Star l*;* PAPERIf ANGER-PAINTER. wants con tract, or cost plus jobs; 20 years' experi ence; white. Call any time. LU. 8334 12* PAYMASTER, young man. 4 years' exper. head timekeeper, asst paymaster with lge. construction co . West Coast. GL. 1707. 12* RETIRED GOVT. EMPLOYE wishes full or part time work, exper. bookkeeper, ac countant, stenographer. Box 428-V. Star. 12* SALES EXECUTIVE, proficient in territo rial potentiate and zoning, cost distribution analysis by customer groups and territories, customer relationship 8nd warehouse pro cedures. Can handle men. administrative ability, adaptable, resourceful: have had several years of diversified contacts. Top ability to efficiently co-ordinate activities of distribution organization Desire con nection offering definite financial future Highest references Box 439-V. Star 13* STUDENT wants iob as ele\ator and PBX operator VI. 3128. • YOUNG MAN. 29. desires permanent posi tion: life resident of D C married office and personnel experience. Box 462-V Star. _ _13* SITUATIONS^MEN AND WOMEN. COUPLE, colored, desire work as cook and houseman; city references and exper. AT. Hi73. 12* MAN AND WIFE. 2 children, wan* part time janitors Job. with quarters: best refs. DAVID. TW. 2 407._— 12 SITUATIONS WOMEN. BOOKKEEPING MACHINE OPERATOR and general office worker would like position. Monday through Friday; can assist book keeper Box 477-V. Star 12* DRESSMAKING AND ALTERATIONS done quickly and very reasonably Call Sterling 7 132 before 2 or after 6 evenings. 12* DRESSMAKING, design, remod altera tions: eve. gowns a specialty; reas. MISS BERT. 1630 Irving n w . Apt. 4. AD 2238. EDITORIAL OK RESEARCH WORK, writ ing. rewriting, etc . in economics. Govern ment and public affairs, part or full time during academic year, by experienced highly qualified scholar WI. 6564. —12 EDITORIAL WORK, research administra tion. 15 year.-.' experience; *3.600 mini mum Send phone number to Box 403-V, Star 12* GIRL, colored, wishes work as waitress, exper. CO. 8515 —12 GIRL, colored, desires job as a companion for an elderly person or ca#ing for child or children. TR 2276 12* GIRL, colored desires position as file clerk or package wrapper in store. IU 61 |4. JORDAN t yrs' experience. 12* HAND LAUNDRESS, experienced, desire* laundry work at home. NO si 89. Will puk up. —13 NURSE, colored, practical, prefers mater nity case or chronic invalid; will book cases in advance. LU. 2369, FLLENORA WEIGHT 1|* NURSE—Capable practical nurse available for mild mental or elderly semi-invalid. Ordway 2«>7 3 13* PRACTICAL NURSE, colored, want* work, day or night, exper HO. 6352. —12 PRACTICAL NURSES available trained graduate1 dav o: night- duty: reasonable ra es. Dl. 4384. MISS DAVIS, weekdays only. REGISTERED NURSE, with business and, medical .secretarial experience, wants re sponsible position Box 374-V. Star. 12*' SEAMSTRESS, colored, prefer children's! clothing, whole or part time. Box 364-V, Star 12* sEc RETAI L, with 4 yrs exp • desires 5 c!av wk position. Box 157-X. Star. - 13 SECRETARY, experienced, efficient with detail. 33. available Sept. 20; start SOU. Eon 308. *.14! Eve st. n.w 12* SECRETARY desires 5-day week position: experienced in fur trade and exporting: college education, local references. Box 4 i *;-V. Star 12* MOTHER Your children will be safe and happy with me while you work, shop or enjoy an evening out. MRS. O CONNOR. GL 5835. —12 WIDOW'. i*h . school-age children, de al rr1 position av resident manager or rooming house manager GE. 6633. —12 WOMAN wants typing of any kind at home. NO 8ii39. 12 W'OMAN. no encumbrances, practical nurs ing expel., desires care of bed pat.ent woman pref : references. TO. 6163. —12 EXPERIENCED MILLIN'FR desires work in exclusive shop workroom. Box 468-V. Etar 13* SITUATIONS DOMESTIC._ GIRL, colored, experienced, with refer ences. desires lob nursemaid LU. 8728. 11* 1 GIRL- colored- wishes job as baby sitter and cleaning apt.* . mornings or eves NO 4s::2. —12 GIRL, colored, desires g h w ; 5 days a w live out. CO. 2764. GIRL, colored, wishes g.h.w : references. CO 8515. GIRL, colored desires job working 4 or 8 hours a day 5 days a week. Trinidad 4611. * GIRLS i.T» colored, students, want job**; live m mind children or help housework. WI 2-12". HOUSEKEEPER, refined, settled, whitp woman, live in. experienced and fond of children MRS. SIMPSON. EM. 2'. 21. —12 WHITE HOUSEWIFE will do general housework, care for children or an invalid during day; hours in exchange for living quarters for her* elf. husband and two children. Box 4G6-V. Star 12* WOMAN, colored, wants part-time work; ligh' house cleaning. Cal! DU. 8709. * WOMAN, colored, honest and reliable, wishes day'.1, work: S5 per day and car fare. AD. 7052, BEULAH. WOMAN, colored, wants g.h.w : go home Rights, plain cooking; references. ME. 284 6. WOMAN, colored, exp. part-tijne work; 9 to 1 pm.. 5 days week; refs. TA. 58j8. WOMAN, colored, wants dav's work clean ing or laundry. Mon.. Wed . Thurs. and Cat.. S5 day and carfare. VI. 4725. WOMAN, colored, wants work mornings, 9 to ! pref. n.e. or s.c. AT. 1998. WOMAN, colored, wishes g.h.w.. adult fam ily. hours 9 to 5 or 11 through dinner; ref Call AT. 1072. * WOMAN, wishes 5 or 5’ 2 days’ work: exp . ref., reliable. DI 8682. 12* EXPER. PRACTICAL NURSE desires day or night duty. VI. 5902. —1‘~ PAY’S WORK. 2 or 4 days work, by a worn a n. PhFR. 7462_* INSTRUCTION COURSES._ MODERN TRAINING In Deauty culture, all subjects taught. Approved by Government for GI training WAR-FLYNN BEAUTY COLLEGE. 1210 O st nw DI 1762 HIGHLY CULTURED WOMAN teaches English, self-confidence, freedom from self ronsciousness. Pvt. tutor. MI. 2550. 12* LEARN TO DRIVE m Washington a oldest, largest ar.d most, modernly equipped auto driver training school: 1948 model ears, patented dual controls, permits secured D r . Md Va EASY METHOD NO 1794 GATEWAY TO OPPORTUNITY—Business, technical, high school and trade courses. 499 courses to choose from Approved un der GI Bill of Rights. Free catalog on request. INTERNATIONAL CORRESPOND ENCE SCHOOLS. 210 Bond Bldg. Phone ME 8166 15* PIANO INSTRUCTIONS, harmony and composition, children a specialty. DE 6279 —12 ATTENTION. children and students—: Yeung French girl wishes to give French 1 lessons: conversation, grammar and home j work, repetition: reas. Cail WI. 1995. —12 PIANO INSTRUCTION, by former faculty member Orlando Music Academy. Fla.; stu dent of Viennese masters._ME. 2614. 1 / i _ EMPLOYMENT SERVICES._ _BUSINESS.__ ADAMS TEACHERS AGENCY has the bet ter school and office positions 204 Col orado Bid*.. 14th and G._RE_3038._ _ _____ DOMESTIC._; RUPHER’S EMPLOYMENT AGENCY has these iobs open—9 to 1 MU, 2 adults. $25; I to 6. $15. fare: S to 7. 2 adults. 1 child. 5>; days. $25; 10 to 7. 2 adults. $25 10 to 2. no cooking. $!2 and fare; 9 to 7. small apt 2 adults 5*2 days, $25; II to 7. 6 days, no cooking. $22. fare; 9 to m. M days. 05c per hr . fare: I to 7:30. cook well. M adults. $18. fare: Il:Mu to ♦i mo. 2 ’adults, l child 0 months old to help with. $ 1 o. 1 sM*, llth St. n.w. —14 AVI. HAVE ALL TYPES of experienced do me t ic help DE _004 5_ - 14 PERSONAL._ TWO-YEAR-OLD GIRL would like home with loving, intelligent family. Box 351 -V, Star 12* \ LAV AND MODERN—Infant and small children nursery, by week or month: trained nurses and dietitians on 24-hour dutv. Ml MO R. I ave . Brentwood. Md. UN Mb' •—1 1 Pillows AND COMFORTERS renovated sterilized and recovered. Large selection of materials. KING'S. .*1510 Conn. ave. call OR 1812 for pickup service. —17 h A1.OR.AM A CONVALESCENT HOME for ambulatory convalescents. Private, semi private and small ward rooms. Registered nurse in attendance. Supervised diet. PE 2681. —13 ELDERLY REFINED LADY, handicapped or convalescent: excellent food. care, in lovelv private home. reas. Box 400-V.^Star. PRACTICAL NURSES available—Trained graduates, nieht or day duty: reas. rates. DI 43 84 MISS DAVIS, week davs only. PARSONS COUNTRYSIDE SCHOOL, day and boarding: 18th season opens Sept. 1; punditv and weekday registration, lu a m to u pm. nursery through 6th Rrade. ciadv transportation "door-to-door”; hot lunches Approved by Maryland State Hoard of Education Literature mailed upon reouest. 9401 Georgia ave SH. 1674. VAC ANCY IN NURSING HOME; 24-hour nursing care SH 6040. MEADOWS REST HOME is now open and will admit a limited number of eldeny patients. Clean. comfortable. cheerful, homelike atmosphere. Best food 24 hour nursing care. Licensed and doctors a proved DE 4S96. I**, OAK SPRINGS KGTN. and nursery school, oten Sept. 13. in Berwyn. Md. Profession al teachers, education through Play, cul tural and creative activities Daily transp. and hot lunch provided. 5 days hrs^_ 8 to 5 Children 2 to 6 yrs. $10 wkly Enroll now TO 5237 bet. <> and 8 D.ra. —16 HERNDON CONVALESCENT HOME. Hern don. Va has vacancies. Reasonable rates Call Herndon 298. PERMANENT WAVES. 54: snampoo and finperwave. 50c No appointments AH work done by advanced students WAR FLYNN BEAUTY COLLEGE. 1210 G st ALTERATIONS on all ladies* garments: prompt anc. efficient service; open eves 3109 14th st n.w . CC 2221 DENTAL TECHNICIAN—JOSEPH RICE Prompt service on dental plate repairs 805 14th st n.w 14th and F NA 0773 VACANCY for elderly ladies det corner home; front and side front rooms: board, tray service Tel. RA. 9143. 1504 Dela fleid pl n.w. 11* THERE'S MORE TO DRESSMAKING thar just sewing Only Qualified skill anc expert fitting can bring out that pro fessional smart look you admire in others LEA ENGEL can resryle or alter youi wardrobe with that method Originally or f>th ave N. Y. now centrally located ir Loew s Bldg, at 1110 F st. n.w., Rm. 20 Tele. EX 1803 , , REST HOME, specializing m cate of frac ture and para!\:ic cases has vacancy foi me lady Bid patients only. References J3d. 1905. 12* 4 _PERSONAL (Cont.)_ WANTED—Child residing in Westmoreland Hills vicinity to share car pool to Bethesda Community Nursery School, with my 2-vr-old. FABLE. WI. 9062. —13 EXCLUSIVE SUBURBAN HOME has ade quate rccommoda lions lor elderly ladv or couple needing individual attention OL. JOir, —12 GRAPES. $3.50 bushel; apples. *2.25 bushel. HEYSER’S ROADSIDE MARKET. Colesville p,ke. 1 mile north of Coiesville. ALTERATIONS AND DRESSMAKING* done expertly and quickly and reasonably. MRS. RIDDLE. 2(M»4 Forida ave. n.w.,- tele phone DU. 6639. 12* BUTTONS COVERED, buttonholes made. ; also dressmakers notions, supplies, dry coods, tailor ' findings. 2606 Florida ave. n.w.. DU. 2006. 12* NEW’ AND MODERN infants* and small children's nursery: by week or month; famed nurses and dietitian or. 24-hour duty. 3736 Rhod^Island ave . Brentwood, Md UN 7410 —14 DRESSMAKING AND ALTERATIONS done by experts: exclusive designing done by us reasonably .so as to slenderize and flatter the wearer. MRS RIDDLE. 2664 Florida ave. n.w DTI 6639. 12* THE GIFTED HAND of The Dyework Specialist takes vour fabric, adds fine dyes, mixes exactly to the shade you want and brings out rhe garment that you will never gue-.s it has been dyed EXQUISITES dyeing is like from heaven. Call Georgia Nine Seven Seven Seven HYATTSVII EE CONVALESCENT HOME, beautiful estate for bed and convalescent patients. 20 min. drive from downtown D C. all new throughout. 5X61 42nd ave Ph UN. 9497. 12* ENROLL NOW! Star speech classes for OES begin Sept. 14. seven 2,2-hr. sessions tor *12 50. Voice recordings made CH. 3454 1 _ 12* _MOTOR TRAVEL. WOMAN desires ride to Cleveland and points West. Sept. 13 or earlier: shart expenses and drive WO. 1668. —11 DRIVING to North Dakota Sept. 17, would take one or two; share driving and ex penses EM. 41 57. — 16 COUPLE LEAVING FOR EOS ANGELES about Sept. 14th. rake 2. share expenses and drive RA 294 1 until 6 pm. • ALBUQUERQUE. NEW* MEXIC O-leaving Sent 17th. Packard sedan, ran take 3; relerences required. Box 4X2-V, Star. DENTAL STUDENT driving 1948 Chrysler. Los Angeles, take 3 or 4 excellent rets.: >avr Monday. RE 5322. MR. JORDAN * COLLEGE STl'DF.NT needs ride to Mis soula. Mont., immediately. Share expenses and driving; refs. WI. 6366. JOSEPH Rl’RKF —1*' DRIVING VIC. KANSAS CITY first of wk tan take passengers. Write Box 151-X, Sjar. gning name and telephone no. —12 _BUSINESS SERVICES. *OI.LECT ION SERVICE: courteous, con-i struct! ve. at reas. rates. AMERICAN COLLECTION AGENCY. CO. flUou —-M (OliPOKATIO.Vs formed complete, ary state and D. C . reasonable, THF FED ERAL MERCANTILE BUREAU, KOS G n ex r,<ikii or hi. a:■:•; ...15 _REPAIRS ANDJERVICES. ADDING Mai HINES, calculators cleaned, oiled and adjusted. All work guaranteed Rn.r t , Vv.v,UNITED TYPEWRITER CO kkk Kl.AYING is our business; individual homes or commercial work: free estimate Call WA. 57 98. j.j* BRICK WORK, houses, garages, chimneys, etc : whne mechanics, 20 years' experience MR BURBAGE LI. 0124 —14 ' CABINET MAKING. cuMom-mnde book cases, etc.: upholstered window cornices, head boards and furniture repair. AD 9003: eves.. CO 4505 _] «* CAMERA REPAIRS—MB lOtb et n w* '27 year.-’ experience: factory Darts. PUL LER A: d’ ALBERT. INC NA 4711 CARPENTRY. remodeling. repairing. Term.-;. AT 19t>9. —13 CARPENTRY'—Porches. closets. stairs, roofing and painting done in a workman hkp manner. For an estimate, call WIL SON. DI 0880 _17 CARPENTRY'—Repairing and remodeling of all types. Ist-class work guaranteed Call MR. K ARDS SON SH 283>* after 5 pm. except Sat. or Sun - _13 CARPENTRY—Attics finished recrea’ion room:, porches inclosed, stairways, dormer window-: residential or commercial. J. E. HEADRICKS. Union -.'491 CARPENTRY’. PORCHES, rcof repairing, painting, guttering, downspout Call MR. SWANN. DI. 3090 after 5 p m. ( ARPEXTRY. roof repairs, cement work, repairs of all kinds. Free estimates. BLOCK. AX. 5199 _11 CELLAR OR WALLS WET? Roof leak’ Any size jobs. Expert work guar., low prices. NEVINS. LU. 2444. 17* CEMENT WORK, all kinds; damp water prooflng Inside, guar. 1 year; reas. prices WM. S WEST. LI. 0595. —17 CLEANING UPHOLSTERED furniture and rugs machine-done on premises. E.\timates Call MR. CRULEY any time. NO. 5081 ( OMP. REPAIRS—Carpenter plaster, fire proof. roof rep. cement, paint, paper: ^^.^rvuce WILLIAMS. MI. 1918. 17* ELECTRICAL REPAIRS and installations; lor prompt, courteous, guaranteed service call f C ELECTRTC CO. »a 5858 ELECTRIC WIRING, commercial, residen tial. old. new work. Extra outlets, repairs. ?.E£A£oELECTRlC :{*><>9 Ga RA 8491 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING, light and servic'e" CO1 ati°Dns-..nS,8 c °- ELEC,^IC ELECTRICIAN, licensed, colored; wiring and repairs in accordance with D. C reg ulations. DE. 4825. J3* MOOR SANDING and finishing, superior workmanship at reasonable prices. W E. BROTHERS. Falls Church 9583. .—18 • LOOKS SANDED and finished; firs, made bkc new: work done Md Va and D C GEORGE TAYLOR. WA. 1205. — f| IORMICA, porcelain on steel or linoleum, is the thing to replace your old sink top. We also install aluminum or plastic tile 3.» colors to choose from. Call ST 8559. BETTER HOMES & KITCHENS CO 8o5 FURNITURE SPRINGS retied in your home, furniture shampooing: also Kern-Toning, white mechanic, veteran. Dial FR 9189. GENERAL CONTRACTING—All kinds of carpentry and painting. R. E. DULANEY HI. 8081. is GENERAL REPAIRING, painting Kem Toning. floor sanding, free estimates. MILLER. EX 9591. 14* HOUSE PAINTED, papered, plastered in distinctive and decorative colors. Special ize in new or old work. TR. 4908. 12* PAINTING, interior decorating, exterior; 30 years’ exper.: free estimate, fine work. DI 0432. J. D MAPLE 11* PAINTING. CARPENTRY, cement work or exterminating, reas. Estimates free. FR. M94. J ROBINSON. —12 PAINTING. PAPERING. PLASTERING, also floor reflnishing: quality work; prompt at-1 tention; reasonab.e rates. TA. 0881. PAINTING, first class: residential work only: at reasonable prices: do my own work RE. 2295 daytime. 9* PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING; 1st-I c jass w ork, white mechanics; reasonable. Call after 4 p m weekdays AD 8397 —10 PAINTING AND PAPERING—We go Vir ginia. Maryland and D C.; estimates free' prempr service Better work for less money’ guaranteed. TA. 4887. TA 7918 PAINTING, PAPERING. Kem-Toning ana 1 plastering, floor finishing and wat.erp-oof mg; white help. Days. HO. 1029; eves i HO 3481. HULME —13 PAINTING. PAPERING. Terms HY PAINTING AND PAPERING—Fast, effi cient work? satisfied customers for 25 vears. J R. LAWRENCE. RA 970.3. PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING—Call W. F O'NEIL. AX 5418. PAINTING AND PAPERING. 1 st-class work best material: free es'imates: 36 mos. to Pay. E P SELBY. UN 2042. —14 P4PER HANGER and painter, good work, reas.; free estimates. TA. 9174. TA. 1979. j PAPERHANGING, this week only S? and up per rm : 1948 washable sunfast papers; j work guaranteed GE 4283. GF 2461 1 PAPERING—Prompt service, reasonable prices. A T. GEORGE. DI. 0106. 13* PAPERING AND PAINTING; reliable tree estimates Call RA 1117 PAPERING ONLY—See MR. VAN. VI 7595 —12 PAPERING. PAINTING, scraping, plaster ing. interior and exterior. Have own portable scaffold. Estimates day or night. JACK R TATF EX. 8571. —16 PAPERING AND PAINTING—A-l work, estimation free. Call MR. BECKETT. DU. 4 053 PAPER HANGING. PAINTING, remodeling. FHA terms if desired Call MARLOWE, Tower 494 7. —16 PAPER HANGING AND PAINTING. Rea sonable prices; white mechanics. NA. 13 JOHN TOLSON 30* PIANOS tuned and repaired, in Washing ton suburbs and rural areas Call TE 54 60 —1*2 PIANOS TUNED. $5; D C . suburbs. 25 yrs. exper repairs guaranteed: estimates. CUNNINGHAM ME. 1234. OV. 6947. PIANO TUNING and repairing, all work guaranteed, free estimates. AHMET'S PIANO CO. call HY 0085 PLASTERING. plain. ornamental and stucco: white mechanics, we specialize in patching TR. rtK72. 14* PLASTERING A SPECIALTY; all types new old. lgc. or small. Also carpenter work and remodeling White mechanics. Free estimate. TR 3039. —16 PLASTERING AND REMODELING—Ceil ings patched or renewed, walls and parti tions moved. TR 3069 after 6. 12* PLUMBING AND HEATING, water heaters, bathrooms, kitchens modernized, electric sinks; terms arrarteed. free estimate. J. SHAPIRO NO SOt to. PLUMBING AND HEATING, lobbing, and : remodeling- water heaters a specialty. THOMAS McKNEW. Adams 1314. Reg. 18* REFINISH, remode’ and repair furniture and woodwork; satisfactory work guaran teed Call FR 0523. any time. 13* REFRIGERATORS. MOTORS, washing ma chines: 24-hour service; household and .'commercial; guaranteed work. DEPENDO REFRIGERATION CO. UN 1612 REFRIGERATORS, all makes, repaired; reasonable Call OL. 4718 ROOF LEAK? Wall^ or cellar wet? Small • jobs done. All work guaranteed. F. P. WADDELL. TR. 4979. —15 ROOF LEAKS? Call us. we have a roof coating we wily guarantee in writing 3 to 5 'ears Depends on condition of your , roof Free estimates HI. 4670. ROOF REPAIRING, all types, new roofs of all kinds; guttering, spouting, general Meet metal work No monpy down 36 iutos. to pay. C. W. BROWN. AD 1941. 12* ROOFING—All types of roof repairs, new siate. slag and tin roofs, general sheet metal work, guttering and downspouts: • Hi', down. 36 mo(. to pay. Call HU. 1182. Free estimates. A D. THOMAS —17 ROOFING and other carpenter repairs by private contractors PAUL KLAASSEN. Sr... 13S 5th st nw. Sterling 7»00. 12* ROOFING REPAIRS, painting, gutters, .pouting, work cone reasonably; free est. MURRAY ROOFING CO DI 2704 11* sINK TOPS replaced with Formica or . Mainless steel, kitchens remodeled with Youngstown Hotpoint or American cabinets ■»U 8262. MASTER APPLIANCE CO. STONE. FLAGSTONE AND CEMENT -Spe cializing in stone retaining walls and flag *cne. also cement drives, porches, walls, i steps, walks, cellars, etc. For free esti mates. call JERRY AT. 9266. TILE—-New installations and repairs. TA 26*mi or RA 3038. ARMANI BROS TYPEWRITERS cleaned, oiled ana adjusted All work guaranteed RE 1177 UNITED TYPEWRITER CO 813 14th nw COOPER AND SONS (colored*. A-l paint ers. desire outride painting ta specialty); 130 yrs’ experience, references furnished AD 4**41 “Air Clean Quality. Submarine Prices. Cal any time, also Sundays. —12 I f REPAIRS AND SERVICE (Cent.). WASHING MACHINES bought, told »Dd serviced: automatics our specialty. TE. 1537. JA. 151S-M. —17 HOME IMPROVEMENT COMPANIES. I ATTIC'S FINISHED—Remodeling; estimates I furnished free. Call Sligo 3942. W. D. TAYLOR „ I ATTIC TO YARD—New low prices; all, types fencing, retaining walls, decorating, interior and exterior, carpentry and con crete; terms BILT-RITE CONSTRUC TION CO.. ST. 7000. —16 BRICK WORK—Homes, walls, chimneys and fireplaces, pointing up. etc. C. WARD. 3307 Que st. n.w . MI. 2678. 12* CARPENTER, contractor; good work of all kinds: prices reas. GE. 8730. —12 CEMENT WORK, stone walls, flagstone terraces, walks, chimneys, fireplaces, ce ment driveways, porches, retaining walls, 1 high drainage, all kinds waterproofing. F. MARCUCCIO, Rr. 5, Horners lane. Rockville, Md. Phone Rockville 3588. —15 | CONCRETE CEMENT WORK, footings, 'driveways, porches, bsmt. firs., steps, re taining walls: old and new ’work. C. GALEA. AT. 2804. —14 CONCRETE. FLAGSTONE — Driveways, porches, walls, walks, terraces, base ments. footings, etc Call VINTON DOVE, tve'erans). EM. 1674. day or evening. FLAGSTONE A SPECIALTY, cement and stonework, all kinds, walks, steps, terraces, i fireplaces, porches, drives, retaining walls, drainage, tiles and waterproofing. AN- I GELO MARCUCCIO. 328 Diamond ave..! Gaithersburg. Md. Phone Gaithersburg’ FLOOR SERVICE—Nothing but the best; laying, sanding, finishing, cleaning par-, quiet installations. Bruce finishes FLOOR ING CONTRACTORS. INC . 1812 Wiscon sin ave NO 2216 GARAGE, single car. clear bevel siding.; "10-lb. composition roof, overhead door, j service door. 6 light casement windows; ! built complete; $539. Call PROCTOR. SL. ."*422 —16 KITCHEN REMODELING, planning and; complete installation. cabinets. sinks, j Hot-Point appliances Recreation rooms. SUB CONSTR CO . UN. 3352 days or eves. ! PAINTING, interior and exterior, also pa pering; work guaranteed: white mechanics; free estimates. TA. 7720. —17. REMODELING, fireproofing, roofing, siding, general home improvement work, cellar to: roof: small monthly payments if desired.: Call ST. 3366 for free estimates. NA-' TIONAL DECORATING CO., 802 12th' *t. n.w LET US CONVERT your porch into a love ly den. complete with knoty pine walls! and hardwood or tile floors; estimates on ! request HYDALE CONTRACTORS. Home Remodelers. WA 8887. UN. 4241. guard:. grill plates, metal canopy. T-lrons.! bar joist. ARLINGTON IRON WORKS. INC Phone GL. 3484. Quick service. Free estimates. —4 ! ASKEW’S HOME SERVICE — Painting, paper hanging, floor sanding; modernizing, bsmt to root: rea*- OR 7900. 15* REMODELING ALL KINDS -Home or commercial property. Free estimate. J A. JORDAN. WO. 27 28. —JO ATTENTION, home OWNERS—For any work from foundation to roof ca 1 THE PROPERTY OWNERS’ IMPROVEMENT CO. ST. 7489 or TA. 7991 any time Terms if desir- d _____ ' BANK AND BUSINESS References required from every advertiser seeking capital through advertise ments in The Star. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES SMALL DOWNTOWN HOTEL, permanent] and transient guests: a money-maker for the right party. Terms. Box 258-V. Star. 17* GROCERY STORE and building. Howard rd. s.e. near Nichols ave.—This grocery J store, business and property, for sale at $6,500: can be bought on terms or owner will sell business for $2.00o and lease to responsible party. Excellent opportunity i to enter business with small cash outlay. Call Mr. McCarthy, with WOODWARD A: NORRIS Realtors, exclusive. '25 20th ' st n.w.. RE. 6585. eves.. WO. 5226. -—12 1 DI E TO OTHER BUSINESS interest. ! which causes me to leave the city. I am ' offering my rooming house business for sale, a nice money maker, ideal loca tion. 1400 block R I. ave. n.w. Fur further information call NO. 98616 Buy direct from OWNER. ■—12 [ ALEXANDRIA — Highly desirable floor space available in ultra-modern bldg, in heart of downtown: office space or light manufacturing. Reas, rental, light and; heat inch KING BLDG , 417-419 King st —12 SHOPPING CENTER—Grocery store, dry 1 goods, barber shop, garage: i store to be i rented. 6-rm apt. overhead, can be pur- | chased very reasonable, due to death in family Property located on main Va. hwy.. 25 miles D C. This is a Rolrien op portunity for some ambitious couple. See today by calling PENTAGON REALTY CO.. Fairfax 596. —12 | GROCERY STORE in busy n e. location: ideal for couple; living quarters available. , Only $5,500. on terms KAY REALTY CO . INC.. RA 2200. —17 DRY CLEANING STORE—Fine business, in beautiful bldg.. Conn, ave.: low rent: plenty alterations: leaving city, very cheap. Box 440-V. Star. 12* i DRY CLEANING plant for sale: old-est concern, new and modern equipment. Box 457-V. Star 12* | BOOK STORE—Best downtown location.] owner quotes $400 weekly, excellent op portunity for alert and aggressive party: j possibilities for improvement: quick buyer can purchase an $$.ooo inventory and | $1,500 worth of fixtures for only $4,500 with $2,000 down, balance easy terms, i Shown bv appointment only. HERMAN GRENADIER. OV 657 5 or ALex 7222: , eves., TE. 545o. Brokers co-op. invited. —12 i I MM) Bl.K. PARK RD. N.W.—Store handl- | ins ice cream, drinks, candy, papers and essentials; good leads. MI. 1854 or DU. 5264. —15 MODERN SERVICE STATION for lease in n.w. residential section: exper. and flnan- ! ciallv responsible operators only. Apply ; CITIES SERVICE OIL CO.. Rosslyn. Va. I —15 SERVICE STATION. GARAGE, HOME—Ex- | cel. oppor. afforded here to a party de- j siring to own and operate own business: ■ station completely modern with hydraulic ! lift, air compressor and repair shop space, doing good business now: can be improved: home is in an attractive 2-bedrm . frame bungalow-, completely modern in every respect, including fireplace, oil h.-w.h . det. I gar ; located in a small Mont. Co. village ! and priced to sell qu.ckly at only $17,000; j $4,500 cash. DOMINION INSURANCE A: . REALTY AGENCY. GL. 6558. OX. J779. — 1 1 ! IDEAL PART-TIME BUSINESS, earning $110 to $150 monthly: consists of 82 stamp-vending machines; needs only I day per wk. to operate: sell to right buyer! for $2,500 cash. CH 9142. —12 ! AUTOMOBILE DEALER FRANCHISE—Tf you are interested m procuring an auto- , mobile dealer franchise and you have the : required working capital and now have or can arrange for a suitable building, you j should contact us at once We have the following roints open Culpeoer, Wood- ' .'lock. Middleburg and Shenandoah.. Va. Also n.e. Wash.. D C . and either Hyatts vilie. Riverdale or College Park. Md. Gross profits should average from Sin.000 to $20,000 per month with our dealer fran chise at one of these points. Telephone Adams 2270 or write C. L. Pursell. whole sale manager, for interviews. WASHING TON MOTOR SALES CORP. Kaiser Frazer distributors, 1512-16 J4th st. n.w. Wash.. D. C. —12 i'*»» .> lm.1.1 it. in ati : exceptionally good buy. fine location; good lease: tan be1 bought cheap. Sat., call GL. 8335. Sun., i GL. 224*, —12 GASOLINE STATION, new location on main hwy. of Va.; all 1949 equipment, J 2 lifts, washrm.. showrm.. pumping 20.00<) Rais ; bad health by owner; selling $ for $.; $0,*M)0 down, balance on terms. Call OWNER at ALex 5070 or ALex. 9589.1 —12 f GROCERY STORE, corner No money! down; guarantee >7» weekly; long lea^e; I «heap rent. RA. 5014. —12 j DRY CLEANING STORE and pawnbroker’s : exchange; $500 or best offer; long lease, low rent RA. 5014. TR. 3831. —12 TAVERN with class C license, doing good, business: building and adjoining building; in colored section: can be bought reas-1 onable. Call alter 4. LI. *>100. —12 OO'T’ TO 80*7 OF INVESTMENT quoted as annual net for year-round frozen cus tard business, in a good Arlington loca non: about $JO,oOo worth of equip, and long lease; reasonable terms. For details, call W D. McAFEE. FA. 3582. —12 TRUCK CENTER, on main highway north and south. 1941 gross S220.000, modern bldg, and long frontage opportunity and show room space for auto sales agency. I $50,000 cash required; good reason for selling Box 400-V. Star —12 CINDER BLOCK PLANT, railroad siding, approx. 1J4 acres, capable of producing around 4.*100 blocks per day. mod. ma chinery. 35 racks, curing mi. with furnace. 1 lathes, welding equip, gas and elec, unit; opportunity for man with capital to turn into real money-maker. Brokers co-op in vited Call THOMAS F. HALLEY. Realtor, JN. 7049 cr Hyattsvilie 0107. —11 BY OWNER—Restaurant-sandwich shop, well established, in downtown corner lo cation, easy to operate. Call after 8 p m. FR. 9*147. 12* CHILDREN’S SHOP, next to Peoples Drug Store, in Arlington Shopping Center; priced $2,500, stock and fixtures. CH. 4515. —12 COUNTRY STORE—At junction of 2 State roads: store, gas station, barber shop, living quarters. 2 acres of ground, nicej road frontage, good proposition Marl- ] boro 3003. O. B ZANTZINGER CO. —11 INTERIOR DECORATION SHOP, main | thoroughfare. Complete line of outstand ing fabrics, custom furniture, lamps, art wallpaper; finest market connections; es tablished fixtures, lease. Owner leaving Washington oecause of ill health. Box 313-V. Star. 11' SMALL GARAGE and service station, stock and equipment, on Route 29 North: $2,500.; I Call TR. 3910 after 7 p*m.. all dav Sat urday and Sunday. —14 DRESS SHOP in Arlington's iargest de velopment; rent. $250. suitable lease: all new fall stock, national advertised mer chandise: beautiful fixtures annual gross| $5o.OOO; volume running above last year's sales. For appt. call DAVID R. WALLACE! & CO. RE 4949; eves., GE. 3989; 207- i 208 Union Trust Bldg. —12 SERVICE STATION: exceptional opportu nity: facilities include accessory store, lubrication bays and garage; excel city location. prominent corner; large shopping area, together with extensive residential ares Box 105-X. Star -—12 CIGARETTE. NOVELTY, hat check conces sion lor rent. Phone for appt.. ST. 5599. M* BIG MONEY-MAKER—Big house and lot seimdet . 11 bedrms.; 2 apis.; income ap prox. <t»oo month Will sell business and property for 4 times annual income. OWNER. North 9715 —12 CHILDRENS STOffE—From infant to teen age. clothes and shoes; in growing community in Silver Spring. Md . no compe tition. Busi. doing net. $000 and $700 weekly. Forced to sell because of illness. Excel, lease available, inventory approx, j $0,500 to $; equipment approx. $2 - ooo. Priced fer immed. sale or uest offer under $11,000 Call JULES LAFFERMAN. 418 Fla. ave. n.e. TR. 4437 or GE 5931. —12 GROCERY STORE in excellent n.e. loca tion $1,200 to $1,400 weekly cross. Mer chandise approx $2,500. Off-sale beer, mixed trade. 3-rm. apt above store incl. : Owner wishes to get into something else. 'Priced for immed sale or best offer under $8 000. Call JULES LAFFERMAN. 418 Fla. ave. n.e., TR. 4437 or GE. 5931. —13 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES (Cont.). GROCERY STORE In good ».r neighbor hood location. Owner quotes S600 weekly bus. 1/OW rent with lease 3 more years to run. $3,000 in brand-new equipment. $2,50o approx. Inventory. Must sell due to illness. Priced for immed. sale; $7,000. Call JULES LAFFERMAN. 418 Fla. ave. n.e.. TR. 4437 or GE. 5931. —12 NIGHT WATCHMAN BEAT for sale with salary around $200 per mo. Call after 5 p.m TR. 3274. —12 GROCERY STORE—11th st. se—Weekly gross approx. $150; monthly rental. $40; yfars to run. Owner must sell due to illness. Priced for immed sale; $2,500 or best offer under. Call JULES LAFFER 118 *ve- TR. 4437 or GE. 12 AUTO REPAIR and body shop—Busy auto mobile section of n.e. Washington. This shop is absolutely complete with modern explosion-proof equipmenf in accordance with D.' C. laws. Owner has other inter ests. Priced for quick sale at $5,000. Call JULES LAFFERMAN. 418 Fla. ave. n.e., TR._i4.'iT_or_GE _59.'t 1._—12 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE. ACCESSORIES FOR ANY CAMERA, dark foom or movie outfit. Largest selection of cameras, projectors, enlargers, electric ex posure meters, Bash guns. Cash or terms Rangefinders, films, color films, photo papers, chemicals, photo books and 1,500 more Items. We buy and trade. BRENNER PHOTO CO., 933 Pa. ave. n.w. (opp. Jus tice Dept.) ADDING MACHINE. Victor 8-row hand operated. like new. used 3 months, new price. SI65. sell at bargain. OV. 4310 12* ADDING MACHINE, iaie desk model Remington Rand, electric, like new. 9 columns. adds. substracts. multiplies; private owner. Phone CO. 7857. —15 ADDING MACHINE, Barrett desk electric, 9 column. Tower 4949. ADDING - BOOKKEEPING MACHINES— Burroughs electric, for wide-range ac counting work. Excellent condition, priced righr WO. 4902. —15 A-FRAME, for children's swing. 3-lnch pipe, 18 ft. long. 7 ft. high. $10. UN. 0483. AIR CONDITIONER. Philco 7fi-D. >Th'p : bought July 15, 1948; new price, $460; sell for $.{70. RE. 1400. Ext. 1105. —12 AIR-CONDITIONING EQUIPMENT, 15 h.p.; very desirable make, complete with all accessories: suitable for average size store, restaurant, etc.; now in operation, avail, for inspec. Will sacrifice as I must vacate premises. Apply HENDERSON’S. EX .‘{998 —v: ANTIQUES, choice collection in home set ting. "AT THE SIGN OP THE BLACK BULL” Laytonsville, Md., 6 miles west of Olney. Route 108. —17 ANTIQUES, ART. SILVER. Distinguished private collection Meissen and Vienna porcelain and figures, plates, cups, etc; important etchings, miniatures and oils: sterling tea set: Peruvian costume jewelry; alpaca fur robes. 1424 K st. n.w . Room 510. Open 7 day8 a week. —1.‘{ ANTIQUE CANDELABRAS, pair, brass with marble base. 24 hand-cut prisms on each, sacrifice. S50. Your inspection invited. 2/08 Woodley pi. n.w. Phone NO. 7H77. ANTIQUE CHINA STATUETTES, boy and girl. 14 in. high. WR. 7200, Ext. 502 Bo. Call Fri . 6 to 8 p.m,. Sat. and Sun. 1-4 pin. J2* ANTIQUE FURNITURE and bric-a-brac Adam chairs. 6; Oriental rug; sofa. MI. 1586. —12 ANTIQUES, orig. design—Cane rocker. 2 chairs to match Also Dlanl:-bottom chairs. Other household articles. .*).{.{< MacArthur fclvd. n.w. EM. 9589. —12 APEX WASHER, used 9 mos.. perf. cond.. $70; also Premier vacuum, $25. HI. 7240. —J 1 alto radio, Motorola (new), $55. tw. (U67. —12 BABY BUTLER FEEDING TABLE, $29.95; Carry cart stroller, $14.95; cribs, full size, $29.95 up. Play yards. $21.95, $29.95. Scales. $9.95: steri'izers. $4.95 up. New equipment only. Demonstrated and deliv ered to the home. BABY'S BUTLER SERV ICE. 60 Canal st. s.w. EX. 4370. BABY CARRIAGE. Thayer, collapsible, ex cel. cond.. $20. LI. 3553. —11 BABY’ CARRIAGE, folding, and crib, used only 5 months: practically new: reason able. MRS. DORIS HINES. ME. 5955. —12 B4BY CARRIAGE, twin, reasonable. 3117 Wells ave.. Mt. Rainier. Md. —12 BABY’ CARRIAGE. Thayer, collapsible, with mattress, perl, cond.; $25 TA. 6257. —12 BABY' CARRIAGE. Hedstrom, practically new. $25. GL. 2589. —12 baby CARRIAGE, folding. $25: will de liver. Overlook 5187 after 6 pm. —12 BABY CARRIAGE, good condition, very reasonable. WA 3415. —12 BABY CARRIAGE. Storkline, with mat tress and net cover; also scales; new condition, all for $26. WT. 8913. -—12 BABY' CARRIAGE. Whitney, new. >35. Also evening wrap, long inner lined velvet, size 14. $12. CO. 1786. —12 BABY' CRIB. Mayers, white, apt. size. $12; new bathinette, $12; Detecto scales. $3; dozen Curity diapers, $2: other misc. items. Call WI. 5536. —1 1 BABY CRIB, inner-spring mattress, high chair, toidy chair, clothes hamper, ma ternity clothes, size 9; short fur cape, all reasonable. OV. 2283. —13 BABY' CRIBS—Apt. size, $16.98; jr. size. $19.98: full size. $22.98: full-size wetproof mattress to fit. $1 6.98. New children’s furn. BERGER'S. 3412 14th st. n.w . DU. 3444. Open eves. —12 BABY FURNITURE—High chairs. $9.49: play pens. $9.95: full sized paneled cribs, $23.49: water-repellent mattresses. $7.95. We deliver. LI. 9303. SHULMAN S. 1351 H st. n.e. —11 BAR, *4 circle, suitable for corner of game rm.. exceptionally strong construction of plywood and linoleum, metal trim, price, $35. CH. 8467. —13 BATHTUBS, new and used. $10 up; basins, toilets, showers, stalls, pipe. BLOCK'S. 3656 M st. n.w . MI. 7141 BATHTUBS, built-in type. 60 and 43 in.: basins, toilet bowls and medicine rabi) cts with fixtures. Rm. 933, Dupont Circle Blciu —15 BEAUTY PARLOR EQUIPMENT. 75-gal. Ruud hot-water tank, $50: 2 Rilling hair dryers. $30 each; 2 shampoo bowls, >25 each: 2 beauty parlor chairs. 3911 In gomar st. n.w. OR. 5331. —12 BED, solid mahogany, double. Beautyrest box spring and mattress; good condition; $35. CO. 1434. —12 BED, youth s. maple, practically new mat tress, reasonable TR. 4540. —13 BED. maple, double, box spring and mat tress, $15. Call eves., CH. 20(H), Ext. 1014. —13 BED. metal coil springs and mattress. $15; double pedestal 60-in. oak typewriter desk and chair. $15: 6-ft. Frigidaire. perfect mechanical condition. $40; new '48 wringer-type Thor washing machine. 2 months old. $95. CH. 8467. —12 BED, modern walnut, inner-spring mat tress. box spring. $50. OV. 2910. —12 BED, dblc.. spring, mattress, excel, cond.. $25. WI. 7280. —12 BEDS, single (2), metal, mah., springs and mattress, excel, cor.d.. a'so maple che? t of drawers TA. 6015. after 7 p m. BED LEGS—Hollywood oeds can oe made from your coil or box springs. We install Slico 4371. BEDROOM, maple; dining room, living room, girl's bicycle, sofa bed. washing machine. Foldaway. combination radio, gateleg table. 'EDELMAN. 3303 Ga. ave. J 2* BEDROOM SET. modern, blond: also mod ern upholstered living rm. chair; perfect condition. GL. 4400. Ext. 807. 12* BEDROOM SUITE, double bed, recently new spring and mattress, 3-pc., painted ivory. $150. SL. 8986. —13 BEDROOM SUITE. 9 piece, $55: violin, reproduction Strad.. bow\ case and music stand, all for $50; dresser, $20. VI. 54 93. —12 BEDROOM SUITE, walnut. 3-pc.» with spring and mattr.; brand-new Thayer .stroller: pop-up toaster; pedal aeroplane; odd pieces; all excel, cond.; reasonable. OR. 3869. —12 bedsteads, 2. twin brass, complete with mattresses, spring. $150; 1 Wilcox «fe Gibbs sewing machine. $50; all in good condi tion. Call FEDERAL STORAGE CO. or GL 8153 —13 BEER (OIL BOXES (2). Apply 1246 Pa. ave. s.e. —12 BICYCLE, boy's 28-inch, good running condition, balloon tires, bookrack. WI. 7275. BICYCLE, boy’s, excellent condition. $30. Ludlow 5004. —12 BICYCLE—Rollfast. 24-in. boy's; genera tor light, bell, new tires; good condition, $25. EM. 2495. —12 BICYCLE, boy's. 26-inch, reconditioned. $25. OI.. 1*178. —12 BICYCLE. 28-in., balloon tire, Schwinn built. cond. like new; also 3 golf clubs 'woods), in good shape. WO. 4 672. —12 BICYCLES (2), boys' Schwinn bicyc es, full size, both like new in every respect, $30 each CH. 6342. —/l2 BOOKCASE, very handsome, large ma hogany. Call CO. 4187 Sat. all day; Sun. before 4 p.m and after 8 p.m. —12 BOILER. 585 ft.. 8 radiators, pipe and valves; oil burner and controls, summer and winter hookup; complete, $385. KLOMP AIR SYSTEMS VI. 5800. —17 BREAKFRON’T. beautifully carved. From W & J Sloan. 6 .3 x4 4>2 xl3" thick. $250 or best offer. No dealers. WI. 9023. —12' BRICK—Used hard brick from Washing* ton's largest suppliers of used brick: 1 thousand to a million. Call on us for your brick. ARROW. 1101 S. Capitol. LI. 2602. BUILDING ACCESSORIES—HECHINGER S have the largest selection of all kinds of building materials in the city For cour teous. prompt, reliable service and square dealing, come to the “Little White House” at 15th and H sts. n.e Inspection in vited. or call AT 9632 BUILDING MATERIAL SAV E to make room in our yard. Flooring. $35 per M; 3-in. lumber. $40 per M. All kinds of lumber, .structural steel, doors, windows, etc., at low prices. ABCD CORPORATION, 1331 Jefferson Davis hwy., Arlington. Va. Jack son 1604. —16 BULLDOZFR (Cletrac). all Diesel: old but in fine condition, $1,950 or best offer. HI. 5777. 13* BULLDOZER. AC-HD7. fine condition, can be seen at 35th and Albemarle sts. n.w. or call WO. 6607. —13 (ABINETS—Wall and base, for kitchens, work tables: new. slightly damaged in transit: Youngstown quality, all sizes; tre mendous savings. BLOCK'S. INC.. 3056 M st. n.w.. MI. 7141 —14 CAMERA—Zeiss ' Maximar'* 120, 2,*x3,4. roll and film-pack adapters: 7 cut-film holders: Zeiss Tessar f4.5 lens. Compur shutter Meyer range finder: Kalart. auto matic flash outfit; 2 cases for all. Com plete. $100. Also good enlarger. ILXL 6.3 lens. $2o. MR. BERG. FR. 0031. 12* CAMERA. Mercury I. 35 mm.. F.35. E r. case, filter attach., all only $25: bicycle, boy's, excel, cond.. $25. EM. 0153. —12 CAMFRAS—Complete stocK pf new and used cameras available for cash or use our time-payment plan When you want to buy. sell or trade: visit us and see why we have the best reputation for fair dealing PARKER WHELAN CO.. 827 14th st n.w RE CAMERA BARGAINS daily. For best buy in new and used cameras see Bill Good man at the TIMEKEEPERS CAMERA SHOP. 913 p* ave n.w. RE 0717. —30 < ASH REGISTER. National postwar; rings hvndred: $195 cash. Phone ME 2161. Ext 161 11* CASH REGISTER, 8 total. $99.99 ring-up. National, receipt printer, sales slip. $250 best offer under 3009 R. I. ave n.e. —12 CASH REGISTER, combination adding machine. Burroughs: $110; will deliver. Overlook 51 8' after 6 p.m. —12 CASH REGISTERS. $40. good condition, also new 4-total and new 2-total. 1178 18th st. n.w. NA. 0600. CEDAR BOARDS for shelving, many other uses Special lot. only 10c sq. ft. Delivered. Widths to 12”. No phone orders. RUCKER LUMBER 1320 Wilson blvd , Arlington. CHANDELIER, all crystal. $150: Gov. Wm throp secy . $100; Fr. curio cabinet, $150; mirrors and Chinese furniture. LOR RAINE. 3520 Conn.. Apt. 21. WO 3869. CLARINET, b-flat Conn, wood: French Selmer tenor saxophone. Reasonable. WI. 7236. • MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE (Cont.J. CLARINET, Conn (wood), almost new; cost $352. will sacrifice. $125. JOE VAR RELLA. PR. 6797 or AT. 4731. 12 CHEVROLET MOTOR. 1937. $35; Nixon apt. washer, $15. Call WA. 5109. CLASSICAL RECORD COLLECTION, per 1 feet cond.. rets. Call WA. 7865 all day i Saturday and Sunday. —12 i CLOTHES, lady’s, slightly worn. 16 and S 18: shoes, in narrow, including pair of ! golf shoes. AD. 7639. 12* , CLOTHES LINE POLES, heavy duty, welded steel, 3*4 in. di&m.. driUed for 6 lines, $5.25 ea.; del. and installed In 2 ft. con i Crete. $8.75 ea. LU. 6957. 11 iCLOTHING. girl's, size misses 10; very good condition. Winter coat, suits, skirts ! and dresses. EM. 0260. —12 1 CLOTHING—Navy blue overcoat, size 38 iloi'g: navy blue overcoat, size 42 long, i Army officer’s overcoat, size 38 long: grav stripped suit, waist 39 inches; reasonable. ITE. 5206. • CLOTHING, little girls, size 12 to 14; S/KSiiSPJ1 condition. Cal! RA. 9548. —11 CLOTHING—Lucky you—Ii you are medi lum or short, size 12 or 14. A large se lection of dresses, suits and coats; good !styJes; excellent condition; the leng.h will be right CL. 0653. —12 COAT, nearly new black wool Chesterfield. i$lo. size 14; also several silk dresses, sizes i 12 and 14. VI. 8096. COAT, lady's black suede cloth, beaver I trim, size 12. worn one season, cost $312; will sell for $135. Call UN. 9372. —12 I COAT for woman under 5 ft. 5. black un trimmed cloth, size 38. GE. 7117. —]•* 1 COCKTAIL TABLE, black lacquer, lge. mod ern; must sacrifice; also modern love seat.. Sligo 1716 —11 CRANE. Milwaukee hydro-crane, mode! H-2 with 3o-ft. telescopic boom mounted on 1947 1’i--ton International truck. 5 4 yd. clam-shell bucket and accessories. Telephone DI. 0319. —12 CRIB iStorklinel with Kantwet mattress and matching wardrobe of waxed birch, like new. Call TA. 7436. —12 IDEEP-IREEZE. brand-new floor sample. i6*2-cu. ft. complete with racks; was $249.95, now $199.95. Cash or terms. Call RA. 5174. —1 •» i DEEP FREEZE, 8 cu. ft., brand-new; pri vate party will sacrifice, $250; value $330 , EX. 5550. DE 4101 —13 DIAMOND ENGAGEMENT RING, ^bargain : at $190 Call OL. 5621. —14 DIAMONDS—Lady's sol., 3* ct., $100; lady’s. >2 ct.. $125; lady's. ct., $150; i lady's. 34 ct.. $175; man’s sol.. 1 ct., $200; i lady's fine color plat., "« ct., $250; lady’s, i 1 ct.. $350; lady's, perfect plat , l*.4 ct., ! $450; man’s, fine color. 2 ct.. $500; ladv's ' blue white. 2 ct.. $650: lady's blue white, I 234 ct.. $875; lady's perfect. 3 ct.. $1,000. All prices include mtgs. LIVINGSTON & CO.. 1423 H st. n w . ME. 3440. —11 DINETTE SET, map.e, 5-pc , good cond. CO. 1117. —13 DINETTE SET. 2 chairs: kitchen set. steel, chrome finish: 2 bookcases: 1 steel folding bed; 1 radio; summer rug; baby carriage, play pen; bridge lamp coflee table; 1 cemetery lot at Port Lincoln, will sacrifice; and other misc. articles. GEO. S. WAGERMAN, Rt. Box 702, Annandale, Va 12 DINETTE SET, gray birch: oval table, pad. 4 chairs, excel, condition. $65; 3 occ. tables. $25: 2 occ. chairs, $25: Hollywood bed. $35. SL 3891. —12 DINING RM. CHAIRS, 8; solid mahogany: good cond. CO. 4187 all day Sat. or be fore 4 p.m. or alter 8 p.m. Sun. —12 DINING ROOM SET. 10 pieces, mahogany. Duncan Phyfe table; $250. WA. 4640. — 1 f DINING ROOM SET, 10-piece, mahogany, $135. WO. 4318. —12 nuujti sis.t. manogany. table wun extension leal. 4 chairs, buffet, china closet, coffee, table. ALex. 5865. —12 DIN. RM. SUITE. 10-pc. William and Mary design. $100. So/a bed. chairs, small tilt top tab'e. other household articles. 5337 MacArthur blvd. n.w. EM. 9589. —12 DINING RM. SUITE, oak. 6 chairs, leather seat, dining table, buffet with mirror. Sacrifice lor quick sale. ME. 3646, 1004 N. H. ave. n.w. DINING ROOM SUITE. 10-piece. $150: 2 inner-spring, twin-bed mattresses. $15 each. Call GF 1904. —12 DINING ROOM SUITE, beautiful, 10 pieces: all-white- floor lamp, attractive sunroom suite. DU. 8499. 11* DISHWASHER, DISHWASHER. Fastray. 2 copper tanks, 3 faze, a c. current: glass v ashcr. Colt, single basket, copper door type a.c. cur.: best offer. Call CO. 7200. HOTFT 2400. 16th. —15 DOORS, white pine, interior. 2 panel; ex terior French: all sizes and styles. GL. 4 011. ARLINGTON WOODWORKING. “Mfg doors exclusively ” DOUBLE BED. coil springs, mattress, $50; baby buggy, $5; hand sweeper, $1. SH. 6408. —3 2 ELECTRIC CLOTHES DRYER, Hot Point reconditioned. guaranteed. DISTRICT ELECTRIC CO. WO. 4902. —13 ELECTRIC FANS—Lge. 6-ft. ventilating fan and several smaller fans, from 24-in. up. LUBAR. INC.. 1300 G st. n.w. —11 ELECTRIC MANGLE—Apex de luxe model. 1 yr. old. $140; elec. Apex vacuum cleaner, 1 yr. old. $40 SH. 3 452. —12 ELECTRIC RANGE, brand-new. complete with clock and auto, timer. $269.50 in cluding installation. Buy on easy credit terms. Call RA. 5174. —12 ELEC. RANGE and refrigerator practically new; double rinse tubs, apt -size washer. Call PL. 1381. —13 ELECTRIC REFRIGERATORS. washing machines, waxers. etc. DISTRICT ELEC TRIC CO.. WO 4902. — 13 ENGLISH SADDLE (2), blankets, hahers. GL. 1772. —13 I AN. Laufan 24-inch. 1 month old. in excellent condition. 2705 Arundle rd Ant. 3. Mr Rainier. Md. UN. 9111. —12 FILL DIRT AND BROKEN CONCRETE— Trucks now being loaded at 14th st. and Park rd. n.w. 11* FLOORING. Bruce blocks. 9x9 in., pre finished. select white oak, fine quality. L. T. FOLK. 4632 Wis. ave. n.w. —J2 FRIGIDAIRE. 6 cu. ft., new. never been used, best offer: 5-pc. maple breakfast set. $30 CO. 5245. 12* FRIGIDAIRE. 33l 8th st. n e. LU. 07 14. —12 FRONT-END MACHINE. Weaver; also Stewart-Warner electronic wheel balancer, new; will sell at substantial savings. For further information, call RELIABLE AUTO SERVICE CO.. NA. 0079. —12 FURS, pair, practically new. perfectly matched silver fox furs; Persian paw coat with muff, size 14-16; sealskin cape. Call DU. 1612 bet. 6-9 p.m. for appt.—12 FUR COAT. Alpine dyed lamb, size 9: 1 r. old; perfect cond.; $45 or best offer under. Call bet. 9-11 a m.. NO. 9543. — 11 FUR COAT, gray mouton, new. size 12-14. $200; moving to Florida. TW. 0659. 13* FUR COAT, 1 1 striped, sheared beaver, will sacrifice this beautiful coat for $500. Call LU 217 2. —12 FUR JACKET, silver fox. and black coat with silver fox collar. 2 black dresses, practically new.-sizes 10 and 12. Will sell very cheao. AX 4524 —12 FUR JACKET, silver fox, $60, size t4: sacrifice. 1364 Girard st. n.w.. Apt. 203. CO. 0833. 11* FUR SUARF. silver fox. Misses’ fall ward robe. size 14: moving to Florida, oppor tunity. WI. 9366. —12 FUR STOLE, genuine Russian sable, ex cr.lrnt condition, length over 6 ft.. 3 full skins wide. $900. Call FA. 4956 Mon. only between 10 and 12 a m —12 FURNACE, Lennox. Q. C. 420, been used 5 months. FA. 6929. —12 FURNACE and basement ducts, used one year, also buckei-a-day water heater. PL 0998. —12 FURNACE. Superfex (Perfection Stove Co ), cabinet type, oil burner; 140.000 B.t.u.; installing larger size. OR. 2299. —13 FURNACE—Hot air. coal fired, gravity. CcmD.ete with ducts and registers for 0 room bungalow Call WA. 3935 11* FURNISHINGS (red), rug, 9x12, $25; scat ter rugs: fine condition: radio desk. beds, metal chaise lounge, upright piano, odd chairs. 30 Hesketh st., Chevy Chase, Md. Cfl 11 n m • FURN.—Complete household furnishings. Also boy’s Monarch bicycle; owner leaving city. UN. 2775. —11 FURN.—Sofa bed, Kroehler. and chair: both good cond.; $76 or best offer. CH. 7500, Ext. 558 after 7 p.m. or Sat. or Sun. —12 FURN.—Reasonable. Antique cabinet, bedrm. suite, dishes, piano, etc. 2218 Wis. ave. n.w., EM. 9791. —12 FURN.—3-pc. dinette set. $10.95: gas stove, $16.95: 2-pc. liv. rm. set, $39.95; beds, complete. $19.95: studio couches. $19 95; sofa beds. $24.95: chests. $12.95: lamps. $1.95; straight chairs. $1.95: end table*. $2.95; 10-pc. dm. rm. set. $119. DU. 4429. 2622 14th st. n.w. Open 9 to 9. Terms. —19 FURNITURE—For 1 bedrm. apt., or by piece Cheap din. set. liv. rm. suite, occasional chair. Hollywood bed. lamps, feather pillows, etc. WO. 4542. —12 FURNITURE. 3-pc. living suite, metal twin bed complete; youth bed comp.: chest of drawers. KE. 4885. —12 FURNITURE—Bed double, and dresser, walnut: good mattress.' coil springs; rea sonable. RA. 8541. —12 FURNITURE. 3-piece modern living room suite, summer slip covering: reasonable price. CH. 9755. —12 FURNITURE for 3-room apt . including linens, etc.: only $500; owner leaving town immediately. OW. 1487. 12* FURNITURE—Complete house furnish ings. part or all. some practically new; i must sell. UN. 1929. —12 ; FURNITURE—Dim rm. set. mahog.. 10 pieces: table. 66x42; 6 chairs, 2 round front corner cabinets. 78 ins.; buffet. 65 ins. This set like new. $800 value; will sacrifice, $500 or best offer. UN. 2813. —13 FURNITURE—Solid mahogany. 4-dr. chest and 2-dr. library table, several low tables and chairs; also some brass hinges, pulls and rings. 134 Grant ave., Takoma Park. 12* FURNITURE, compl. 3-room apt., reas.; vacating, must sell. CO. 6120. —12 FURNITURE—Mattress. single, inner spring. and heavy coil spring, both for $25: clock. Sessions mante. dual-chime. $15; rugs. 8x10 and 9x12, ea. $15: lounge chair. 2 loose cushions, upholstery prac. new. excel, cond., $35 OV. 3964. —13 FURNITURE — Buffet, china closet. 6 chairs, mahog. veneer. $225. 3 tables. 1 end. 1 coffee matching. $35. Blue barrel back chair, $45 Drum-top table. $20 Good cond. CH. 9177. —12 FURNITURE—Sofa, love seats, chairs, tables, mahog. single bed and dresser. Call Oliver 4224 —13 FURNITURE—Complete furnishings for 1 bedrm. apt : bedrm.. liv. rm., kit. and foyer; $1,500. CH. 4905. —13 FURNITURE—Dining room suite, medium size, nine pieces, with table pads * to fit. mahogany on gum. $100; Detroit Jewel gas stove, $65 Glebe 0886. • FURNITURE—3-piece living room suite, good condition, clean, with custom-made slip covers: must sell. $50 for all. 4615 Alton pi. n.w. Emerson 8676. 12* FURNITURE-*-Studio couch. 2 radios. 2 occasional chairs, one with foot stool, floor lamps. 2 wall lamps, breakfast set. 4 chairs, porcelain-top table, Maytag alumi T um-tub washing machine, mangle, ironer 1 * Maytag*, end table. AX 5943. —12 FURNITURE—Sofa. 2-pc. living rm. set. ki*chen set. table and chairs, lamps. GE refer, and stove. Ca.l RA. 4325 at 5 p.m. —12 FURNITURE—Reasonable; 3-piece maple ibed davenport and l chairs* living room suite; also maple bed and coil springs and layer felt mattress. 1451 Park rd Apt. 409. after 2.30 Sat . and all day Sunday or evenings after 6 r.m. 13* FURNITURE—Dinette, liv. rm. and bed rm.. light oak. modern, perfect condition Call GL. 547<i Sat.-Sun. bet. 1-7 p.m. —12; FURNITURE—Kit. table and 4 chrome chairs. 1 whit#* enamel cabinet, bedrm . 2 Hollywood beds, vanity and bench, twin maple beds, chair and chest. 1 dbl. wal nut bed. walnut dresser, desk and chest; all Beautyrest mattresses: liv rm- 2 divans, 2 wing chairs, 1 baby grand piano. 1 cocktail table. 1 round cock tail table, 3 lamps, 2 lamp tables. 1 nest of tables. J mirror; din. rm., oak. rec tory table, 5 chairs, buffet, china cabinet. 1 Duncan Phyfe table and 4 f)**1”;. screen, 1 odd chair, 1 rug. 9x1 sy*° 3167. —13 9 • MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE. FURNITURE — Solid mahogany dining room suite, banquet table, sideboard, server. 6 chairs, custom mtde; cost $2,000; will sell lor $275'. Call Vienna. Va.. 98-J. 12* FURNITURE—Double bed. springs, 2 mat tresses; originally Irom W. at J. Sloan. ‘ Call HO. 0226. —12 FURNITURE—Sofa and chair, with covers; in good condition; reasonably priced. Phone AD. 7831. —12 ; FURNITURE—Bleached maple extension .able and china cabinet, like new: studio ! couches and Hollywood beds, $15. $25. $35; desks, $15, $35; fiber and Delfiber rugs, j9xl2. $5-S7; practically new Axminster I rug. $,{;>; others. $10 and $15; fine studio with arms and slip cover, $49; lounge chairs, $10. $15' and $25; rollawav bed, | !*ke new. $22; youth bed, $15; mirrors. $5; i lamps, $3 and $5; dropleal tables. $25; sectional bookcases. $15; box springs, $15: legs, $o; chest and dressers. $15, $-'o and $25; rock maple chest. $39: dinette* tables, walnut china cabinet, hardwood, .Windsor chairs, wardrobes. $25 and $35:; felt and inner-spring mattress. $10. $15; ana $20: 3-pc. limed oak bedrm. set. $89:' , mtsc 1745 L st. n.w., daily, 10-7; Sun-, ciay. 1-6. _i_*» FURNITURE—Man's chifforobe. $25: sin gle bed. $16: Rollaway bed. $15; dresser i with oval mirror. $25; 9x12 fiber rug, $6: f * lRrge antique frames. $15; hand carved! antique walnut bed and dresser, best offer: lawn mower. $5; small radio. $5: packing trunk, $7.50: knitted suits. 1 size 16. 4 size 12; porch glider, $20. OR 2992. FURNITURE—4-pc. walnut bedrm. set.; reas.- priced GE 9036. 11* ; FURNITURE—Kitchen catanet. walnut vanity, blue easy chair and Hawaiian guitar. MI. 6631. _12 i FURNITURE—Bedroom, dinette and liv. room: am leaving; bargain at *185. TR. 1800. lt2* FURNITURE, Victorian love seat, beautiful ! dark walnut frame, recently upholstered1 •“.wine. $95. DE. 6100. SIMMONS. 12* FURNITURE, moving, must sell S. C. radio, LICl’°781gr” EaSy Washer’ sofa’ bed- etc-! FT RNITURE—Handsome mahog. din. rm. ; set. JO pcs,, perfect. S550; also other good pieces. greatly reduced; rugs, chairs, dressers, etc Can be seen Sat. and Sun 1 t°. or Phone MRS. CUMMINGS. WO. 10852. _12 FL RNITURE—Dinette set, table. 5 chairs, chest of drawers, living room furniture, end tables, couch, wing chair, cocktail tables, etc.; also baby carriage, in very fine condition. Can be seen Sunday afternoon. To reach: Roxanna rd., go to 8000 block, 16th st. n.w., to 1656. Phone RA. 1314. 1 FURNITURE—2 antique hall chairs,'^oc casional chairs. lamps, rugs, tables, elec i cIock w'lvh chimes: china, ultra-violet ray lamp, mirrors, pract. newr Hoover cleaner. 1 other furnishings; leaving town. Call between 4 and 7 p m . GE. 1346 _1" 1, R , including din. rm., bedrm.,’ etc. 131, Hamilton st. n.w. RA. 3658. FURNITURE, living room set. maple,' ex yi^vtTrnvUw11 ’ *?"• Cail PL' i2 riitNiiiKt. brand-new blue Chippendale sola, old rose lounge chair, and beige “°»„e£e.d barrei chair. Call TR. 7548.-13 FURNITURE, household furniture and n eglCLf$e'6TSSale' 4I'7 Minnesota are i.liroiC*E' £01*; Fin« ‘hair, and cock tail table, mah. 1220 Aspen st. at 13th 1 ■WP®??' 10-pc. walnut din. rm.“set;' walnut cabinet radio and record player' mahogany Sessions mantel c.ock; rea-' sonable. SH. 6314. _i ■> FURNITURE, green mohair sofa. *30- 1 Naxon apt.-size washer. *20; sink with swing faucet, *15. ja. 1709 i*. f,lf«N«TUR| UNCLAIMED—Queen Anne slud'° couch. *28. Dinette set,: Tllt-a-''aJ’ chair and ottoman. *28.1 Platform rocker. *25. Occasional chair.: *8. o-piece bedroom suite. *120. 5-30 . !* p m • weekdays only. 2433, J»tn st. n.w. _1 GAS RANGE. Norge, good condition, res aw n'w P“Ce' WO 57'-' ;i!Hy Mass.! GAS RANGE. 4 burner, oven, broiler. 1 utensil compartment; *17. Phone Otis GAS RANGE, white Dorcelain. 4-burner table top. thermostat controlled oven, excel, condition; reasonable. GL. 017M. __[•; | GAS RANGE. Estate. Ivory and black *4 burner broiler, oven; good condition' rea sonable. Call Atlantic 6417. _1? GAS RANGE. 4 burner. Quality make. KS£. condition: oriie, *35. See Janitor. tSA* AdaidS,Ml1' I'd. n.w . 1 blk. Irom 38th and Columbia rd. AD. 1421. GAS RANGES, apt size, used, 3 and 4 Oucucr- with ovens and broiler. BLOCK'S, •lOot) M st. n.w.. MI. 7141. _12 GAS RANGES—New and used: *19.50 tip: credit and liberal trade-ms. ACME STOVE f-9* I1!1-!- ■ 10 st. n.w.. NA. 8952. 111 GAS RANGES, new. used, all sizes. $19.50 oat installation. PEERLESS r*sE^Tr.vJ Georgia ave.. DE. 6670. t?T9VE’ Sears, In very good eond WA, PJDI. _1 •» GAS STOVE—Real Host, in fine condition; full size; automatic thermostat and pilot, *4o. WI. 4623. GAS STOVE. Beauty Range, Ist-class condition, *60. SH 5967 _1" GE ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR. 7 cubic ft. box. porcelain inside and out! in very Rood condition; *125 cash. Phone WA GIRL'S DRESSES, size 10 to 12, perfect condition. *1 each; also dolls musical crad e, *5. OR 4681 —42 GOLF' CLUBS. Jug McSpaden. 2-5-6-7-B, putter, all rustproof, 2 woods, bag; W40 TE. 5981. r —12 GUN. 22 high standard, model H-D m'i’i tary pistol, brand-new. PA. 25.30. —12 HEARING AID, Acousticon, older model, like new. OL. 7949. HEATER. Kresky floor furnace, used 7 mos.. will sacrifice. Call W. E. ELLIOTT. Annapolis 9546. ._]•> HEATERS, new and used foil. gas. coal, wood, kerosene, elec.i, ACME STOVE CO, lull 7th st. n.w.. NA. X952. HEATING EQUIPMENT—iron Fireman automatic stoker: used 3 mos.; will sacrl-! lice. Call DU. 2328. 12 I HOME FREEZER. Gibkon, new. floor sam ple. de luxe model AHF-6; list, *348.82; selling. *265 25. D. C RADIO, 3100 M st. n.w. CO. 8557. CO. 3205. —12 ! HOSPITAL BED, new condition; *35. SL. ! Io50. —1*> | HOT-WATER HEATERS—5 new automatic I Universal elec, model 7353. 52 gal,; list; price. *137.30; will sell for *90 each. I Telephone DI. 0319. 1° ICE CREAM MACHINE. Mills and FFeezer; I doughnut machine and cabinet, all new. Bargain. RA. 9847 after 2 pm —14 I IRONER, elec. Apex. *75: tea cart, *25; i 2 single bedspreads, *6 GE 457 8 1 JOB PRINTING EQUIPMENT, complete j shop. *1.000. WA 2974. 12 F KITCHEN CABINET ibasa and wall): sink. Murphy: double-hung window, comp . all in good cond. Reas.. SH. 3797. .—12 1 KITCHEN SINK, porcelain; priced to suit. Call. 10 to 2 p m. and 5 to 8 p.m . WO. •II.>o —11 KNOTTY PINE PANELING—Special lot. I only 1212C a sq. ft., delivered. Come In i and pick it out. RUCKER LUMBER CO , 1320 Wilson blvd.. Arlington. Va. LATHE, 10 in., Atlas, 36 in. center with ’n-hp. motor: pick-omatic gear change. 6-in. heavy duty universal chuck: center; rest, assorted tool holders, like new, cost ; *400; sell for *250 or best offer. AD. -441. j» j LATHE. 14 In., Hendey. 6 ft between j centers, fully equipped; $600. SL 1550. LIMED OAK DINETTE SUITE, cocktail table, bookcase, mirrors, double Hollywood bed. mirrored-top dressing table, chests, modern lamp. OW. 8182 bet. 1:30-7 pm 1 Sat. or Sun., Sept. 11 or 12. —12 LIVING KM -DINING RM . 2 bedrm sets, for sale cheap; odd pieces. 3114 Newton: st. n.e. 12 I living ROOM SUITE, 3 pieces, modern, reason for selling, leaving town: onlv 6 months old. DU. 9016. _12 LIVING RM. SUITE* 3-pc., with slip cov ers, in cut velours; sacrifice, $125. Also 2-PC. Kroehler make liv. rm. suite, with slip covers in wine, mohair frieze, $75. TA. 1858. —12 LUMBER, knotty pine paneling, shelving, plywood, mouldings. GRUVER MFG. CO.. 8001 Conn ave. Oliver 5525, weekdays and Sunday. LUMBER, building materials, both new and used at Robinson's. Open all day Sats. and Suns. 2x2x8-ft. fir. 35c ea.: 2x4x8-ft. pine, 50c ea. 1x2 yellow pine, 2*ac ft.: 1x2 w.p , 5c ft.: full *v»xl2 w-p shelving. 14c ft.: 4x8-ft. insulating wall board.! $2.16 ea.: 4x8-ft plywood. $5.89 ea : 5 ft. j by 9 ft. in. marine plywood, $15.45 ea.: 16x16-in. insulating ceiling tile. $7.89! per box; interior and exterior doors, plenty 1 of used doors. Ted. green or black U. S. G. 210-lb. roofing shingles, $6.50 per sq.: red^ green or black. 90-lb. roll roofing. $3.50 per roll; all-metal caulking guns. $2.5o ca ; refills, 40c ea.: brass and felt weather-stripping, hardware and electrical I supplies, bronze screen wire. 10c sq. ft ; « all-purpose house paint. $2.69 per gal.; new and used bath tub basins, sinks, pipe; and p;pe fittings, ready-mixed cement. 90-, lb. bags. $1.10 ea. Now then, try ROBIN SON'S NEW AND USED BUILDING MA TERIALS. 1239 KenilwDrth ave n.e. Free delivery. Open all day Sats. and Suns AX. 1200. —12 LUMBER—White ash hard flooring taken from Constitution Hall Museum, 6c foot, | 2.500 ft. FR. 6797 or AT. 4731. 12* LUMBER—ad ample supply 01 used nard brick lumber and other building material! from many wrecking Jobs Get onr auota iiun before buying For courteous, prompt reliable service and square dealing, corns to the "Little White House” at 15th and H sts. n.e. Inspection invited, or call HECHINGER CO.. AT 9632 LUMBER OF ALL KINDS, plywood of all thicknesses. 14-in. mahogany, walnut and other hardwoods plywood, at 17 cents per ft.; 1 o'c off on a complete line of Nu Enamel paint. 1 coat covers, no brush marks. Open daily and Sat. 8-6, 8un 8-3. 433 K st n.e. NA. 3569 —12 MAHOG. DOUBLE BED, with springs: Mr. and Mrs. chest with mirror: almost new, perfect cond.; $150. Call HO. 4320. MARIMBA. Deagan. four octaves, good; condition priced for quick sale. Phone Victor 3923. 12* MELLOPHONE, Holton. $45: trumpet. Ccnn, $25: Philco radio combination, 1201 style. $45: piano, upright. $100. Pvt owner. WA. 8859. Sun. or evenings —11 MICROSCOPE. Spencer, used, compact portable. 3 objectives, mechanical stage: $125 or best bid under. NO. 0550. —12 MIXMASTER. Sunbeam; car seat and nursery chair: good condition: very rea sonable. Call CH. 3911. —13 MOTOR SCOOTER, model 32. completely reconditioned, good running order, new tires, $135 or best offer. WI. 7540. —11 MOTOR, electric. h.p., for type AW GE washing machine, new; $15. UN. 0483 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS—Beautiful, rare, antique music brx: organ, bell, drum at tachments Bex 345-X. Star. —1~ MUSVCAL INSTRUMENTS—Special sum met clearance of trumpets, trombones, j saxophones, accordions, etc., at deep-rut j prices: nationally famous makes: savings up to 50%: conv. terms. KITT MUSIC CO.. 1330 G n.w. —13 OFFICE Ft'RN.—Typewriter desk and typewriter; desk chain: red leather divan and 1 chair: 4 Bank of England chairs; plastic yellow chairs: 3 desk trays: 3 brass lamps Sligo 3167. —J3 OFFICE LOBBY FURNITURE, modern, specially made. Brazilian wood; Includes 1 sofas. 3 armchairs. 3 side chairs. 2 end tables, 1 rectangular coffee table. 1 round I coffee table. 1 desk and 1 lamp: In need ! of reuoholstering. however, would be. suit- ] able for automobile showroom, lobby. law Offlces etc Pnce, *250. Rm. 322. No 261 Constitution ave. n.w —■ f OIL BURNER, gun type, with tank; first class condition. GE. 91.12. — 1 - OPERA GLASSES, beautiful gold and mother of pearl opera glaaaes from Paris. *100. Inquire MI. 8002. 2000 16th ^st. OUTBOARD MOTOR. »gin. £'4-h p. twin, almost new. *110. DE. 6242. ? f MISCELLANEOUS FOR SAL1. PAINT, white enamel. $3.30 gal.: white primer. $2.90 gal.: enamel undercoat. $2.40 gal.; all for spray work In 6-gal. cans; also outside forest green for brush work. »9c per gal.. In 5-gal. cans. GRUVER MPG. CO, 8001 Conn. are. OL. 6525. PHONOGRAPH RECORDS—Victor. Colom bia. Decca. Capitol and Sonora records and albums; popular and classical. Sheet mnslc. . Large stock. SPRING VALLEY ELECTRIC SHOP. 4805 Mass are n.w I EM. 1875 PIANO. Acroaonle spinet and console models. built by Baldwin: embodies fea | tures of small grands and upright; full i resonant tone, responsive action, dura-, i bility and eya appealing case design! i in mahogany, walnut, ebony, light oak and nrlma vera finish. Exclusive at HUGO ! WORCH. 925 G n w PIANO, upright. Webster, mahogany, good condition. Call between 8 am. and 6i p.m. NA. 3492. Ext. 614. 12* | PIANO. Chickerlng grand, walnut, solo; vox attached, excellent condition. Call 1 GE. 6068. —12 j PIANO. Cable, apartment grand, perfect i condition. $400. WI. 4156 —12 j PIANO, upright, good condition, excellentj 'tone. Glebe 4984. —12 ! PIANO—Upright Gulbransen. 1703 Min nesota ave. s.e. —12 PIANO, upright, excellent tune. $75. HO.1 16208. 12* i PIANO, cleverly designed end unusual. Hardman Peck spinet type, mahog. case, as used by Princess Ingrid of Sweden and Princess Elizabeth of England: owner going i abroad $275 cash or best oiler 5741 I i Lambeth rd, Bethesda OL. 8181. —12 I PIANO, babik grand, mahogany case, lovely . tone, fine action, should give years of1 Pleasure. $550. HU. 8043 or NA. 2840. I A. SMITH. 12* PIANO, Kimball upright, med. size, excel. ; finish. $80; child's crib, like new excel, fin, maple. $15; double Englander couch, j $10: 2 Clark comm. fir. polishers, new. I retail price $110 each, both for $150. I GE, 6852. —12 PIANO, baby grand, condition perfect, appearance beautiful. $595, delivered and 1 tuned. For sale by tuner. Call OV. 4627 'eves. 21 iPIN-BALL GAMES for vour rec. rm, lge assortment: 30-day gugkantee. CH 7770. FA. 1484. 12 PIPE, black, galvanized: new. used. Wo Plumbing fixtura*. BLOCKS 3056 M st. n.w, MI 7141. PIPE MACHINE, elec, cuts threads to 2 inch: dies included; b-ti.p. ac motor, excel, cond. BLOCK'S. INC, 3056 M st. n.w, MI. 7141. —14 1 ; POOL TABLE. $100; hot water or steam, boiler, 350 sq. feet. $60. Phone Bowie 133 27. —12 1 PRESS, open. 8x12: 60 cases of type and1 i misc. equipment. Price, $650. TE. i j 3506. —12 i PRINTERS’ SUPPLIES — Foundry type, j saw-trimmers, casting boxes, remelting1 , furnaces, proof presses, routers, printers' link, etc.; surplus eouipment and old type metal taken in trade. ALEXANDRIA PRINTERS' SUPPLY CO. 1004 6th st, n w EX. 2398. _11 QUONSET HUTS. 20 feet wide. 40 feet long. A few left for $550. COLUMBIA MACHINERY At EQUIPMENT CO, 620 N. Henry st, Alex,,Va. —14 I it.'iuiu, pniico r.oor model, excellent con dition. $50. OT 8131. 12* RADIO—RCA Victor, oocket size, perfect I condition; cost $29.95, will sell. $25. OR. 4081. 12 RADIO-PHONO, combination. 1948 model I RCA Victor, mahogany finish, $250: must sell. GE. 4445. _ RADIO-PHONOGRAPH, auto., table model. , AT. 1548. ]•» RADIO-PHONOGRAPH. Ainsley. 18 tubes ! AM. FM. mahog.; lo mos. old; cost $475. i sell $325. TW. 1001. —12 RANGE, Gibson, new. floor sample, de luxe i model ER-197; list, $309.50: selling. $238.25. D. C. RADIO, 3100 M st. n.w. CO. 8557. CO. 3205. —12 RANGE. Westinghouse. elec . reconditioned. I guaranteed. DISTRICT ELECTRIC CO.. I WO. 4902. —13 RECORDS—Original Enrico Caruso records. I operatic. For further details call RA. 1082. —13 REFRIGERATOR. Westinghouse. excellent condition, radio-phonograph combination FR. 0909. 12 REFRIGERATOR—Servel gas, 8 yrs. old; good condition; also small dishwashing , machine; reasonable. NO. 5014 —12 REFRIGERATOR, Servel. excellent condi tion; $125 cash. SH. 9090. —12 REFRIGERATOR. Westingnouse, 10 yrs. old, 0 ft.: $4n. CH. 0144. —12 REFRIGERATOR. Coldspot. de luxe model, new unit. UN. 7607. 5006 42nd eve.. Hvattsville. Md —11 REFRIGERATOR. Servel. box in good con dition, needs new unit; $15. SL. 1550. REFRIGERATOR. 7 cubic ft.. Hotpoint, fine condition. 9308 Columbia blvd., Sil ; ver Spring. Md. SH. 2066. —12 REFRIGERATOR, Servel. 7 cu. ft., perfect ! condition and appearance; reasonable. SL. 4309. —12 ! REFRIGERATOR. Servel, gas. 9 cu. ft., good mech. cond.. $75. Call ST. 8559. BETTER HOMES <5t KITCHENS CO.. 805 i 8th st. n.w. —12 i REFRIGERATOR, Electrolux. $80; elec, i range, $50; excellent condition. FA. 7987. —13 REFRIGERATOR. Frigidaire. 7 cu. ft., excel, condition. Call FA 6919. —12 REFRIGERATOR, Frigidaire, 0 cu. ft.: reasonable price. Woodley 5772. 3943 ! Mass ave. n.w —13 REFRIGERATOR, late 1947 Frigidaire. (used 7 mos.. perfect condition; price. $230. GL. 4400. Ext. 1244. —12 REFRIGERATOR — Genuine sealed-unit Genera] Motors Frigidaire. 4-cu. ft., excel, cond.; for immed. sale; pvt. owner. TR. 4790. , —12 REFRIGERATOR—9-cubic ft gas Servel: reasonably priced. Call TR. 1627. —I'i REFRIGERATOR, General Electric, good condition. 7-cu. ft.: price, $95. 2404 32d st. s.e . VI. 25 73. —12 REFRIGERATOR, westinghouse, 8 ft.. 3 in.. $00. CH. 3289. —11 REFRIGERATOR. Servel Electrolux, good 'condition. $40. AX. 7102. —11 REFRIGERATOR. 6 cu. ft., gas. de luxe Servel; $200 or best offer. LU. 5007 after 5 p.m. —11 REFRIGERATOR. Kelvinator. 8 cu ft., $60 or best offei; in excellent condition. CO 9474 —11 REFRIGERATOR. brand-new Werting nouse. G. E.. Plgilco, Norge, $199.95 up. J. C. HARDING CO.. INC . 517 10th st. n.w : 7008 Wis. ave.. Bethesda. REFRIGERATOR. Kelvinator. 5 cu. ft; condition guaranteed: cheap for cash. MD. ELECTRICAL CO.. Warfield 1975. 11» REFRIGERATOR, Frigidaire. 9 cu. ft., in good cond. Price, $150. 601 So. Carolina ave. s.e. —12 REFRIGERATORS — New Westinghouse: guaranteed, recond. boxes. P. O. SMITH. Pales and Service, 1344 H st. n.e., LI. ”2545. LI. 6A'0 REFRIGERATORS. brand-new. leading make?: available for immed. delivery for as little as $10 down: balance easy weekly or monthly payments. Call RA. 5174 — 12 REFRIGERATOR. Servel. gas, 8 cubic ft., used less than year Price. $250. Call ! WI 5110 or OL. 1802. —13 REFRIGERATORS. dec.. reconditioned. . guaranteed. DISTRICT ELECTRIC CO.. WO 4902. —13 REFRIGERATORS — Kelvinator. Crosley and others, brand new. all sizes: easy terms. LIVINGSTON APPLIANCE & RA DIO CO., 4409 S. Capitol st. TR. 3850. —12 REFRIGERATORS (2). gas. Electrolux, wa ter cooled, about 5 cu. ft.; now in perfect working order: $1,7 ea. RA. 2030. —15 REFRIGERATORS—Used. Kelvinator mul tiple system, in good cond., removed due to remodeling. 40 bo*xes and 3 large com pressors; will sell as is and cheap: can be seen at 1114 F st. n.e. or call RE. 1155 for details —l l rifle. Mossberg target. 22-gauge, with Deep-sight, sling and clip repeater. $16; excellent condition. ALex. 8865. —12 RIFU5—22-250 with Unertl scope and double set triggers; new condition. Falls Church 2530. —12 RING with beautiful blue-white emerald cut diamond Just under a carat. 2 large matched baguettes on sides, plat, top: appraised at $525. $400 or best offer from private party. Box 471-V. Star. Iff* RUG, !>xl2. Karastan American Oriental, rose background. recently purchased Woodward A- Lothrop. $05. also 2 pairs draperies, rose background, $25. Phone AX 7725. —12 RUGS, imported. Persian design red rose or rust predominating; deep piled. 9x12. i'55: 9 ft. runners. $15.50. MAYFAIR i SHOP. 1225 G st n.w. M*. 4424. —19 RUGS. 1 blue 11x13 Wilton and pad with 2 matching runners: I brown 9x18 loose weave: also solid walnut desk and chair. AX. 0147. —13 RUGS <7). Oriental, in good condition: i semiantique Kevac runner (with nad). $40; Hamadan. about 3x5 (with pad', | $30. WI. 4023. RUG SALE—200 large and small Orientals; reduced prices. RARE RUO SHOP. 2427 U8th st. n.w Open till 9 p.m. RUGS, all wool. excl. cond , American. I Orientals, one 9x12. $165: one 22 inches bv 4 ft . $15. Also taupe twist 9x12. j $75. Ozite pads. reas. OR. 1074 —12 RUGS—Compare our prices before vou buy Savings up to 5077. Hamadan. 2x3. regular price $19.50, sale price $12.50; Serapi. 9x12, reg. price $395. sale price $220; Sarouk, 9x12, reg. price $595. sale price. $369. Also large stock Oriental and domestic rugs SANITARY RUO CO.. 118 C st. n.w.. DI. 0356. —14 SANDER, portable electric. Craftsman, practically new, $35. Glebe 4400, Ext. ^74. SEWING MACHINE. Singer, latest deck model; recently purchased TR. 7430. —12 SEWING MACHINE—Treadle All attach ments. Good cond. $40. EM. 6453. , —13 SEWING MACHINE, portable elec.. Gray bar. excel, cond.. $35; 8-ft. Servel refgr, new. $198; Underwood No 5 typewriter. $39; Garland hotel size. H-bumer. 2-oven range grill. $175; Magic Chef 4-burner range. $89: all new or in excellent con dition. Call ST 3570 or ME. 2395. MRS. PAINTER —11, SEWING MACHINE clearance sale. Treadle. $30 and up. Portable, $47.50 And up. Consol. $79.50 and up. SINGER 8EWINO CENTER. 3421 Conn. ave. n.w. EM. 4244. SEWING MACHINES. Singers, sale or rent: : immed. delivery. SEWING MACHINE EX CHANGE 2412 lbtb st. nw. CO 3245 SEWING MACHINES—Immediate delivery ] on brand-new New Home consoles and ; portables. Singer rebuilt consoles and portables. Renting and repairing all makes Have your old sewing machine I converted into electric. $19.75 Open Wed, eve. till 9 pm CONN AVE SEWING. MACHINE SERVICE. 3508 Conn. ave. n.w. EM. 4556 or EM. 2004. —11 | SEWING MACHINE SALE—Singeri. elec tric portable, $59.95; console. $79.95: desks. $99.95; 5-year guarantee. Other electric makes from $39.50; free home demonstration: terms, $1.25 weekly. MOD ERN VACUUM STORES. 904 10th st.' n.w . NA. 9742 NA. 5642. SEWING MACHINE. Singer, electric, con sole model, excellent condition. $126. CH 9097. —13 SEWING MACHINE clearance sale Treadle $39.50; treadle. $49.50; portable, $99: portable, $125. console. $149.50. SINGER SEWING CENTER. 1340 G st. n.w . NA. j 0184. —13 SEWING MACHINES Singers; electric oortables. insoles desk models: terms;] 5-vear guarantee; $5 mo. New machines. I 20-year factory guarantee. Immed. del. i Free home demonstration NO. 2100. 24)4 14th st. n.w Open eves, till 8 SINKS, new and used, all sizes; laucets, pipe. showers, toilets, tubs, basins. BLOCKS. 3056 M st. n.w.. MI 7141. SHIRTS, men's, white snd colored, collars attached, size 14Vi. sleeves 33 and 34 ‘nches. $2 each. RA. 8433. —12 SHOES—Famous brands Cancellations and samples, for the family. Sturdy school shoes. Doctor Posner. Play Poise. Edwards, etc. Mens adB women's Jar man. Fortune, Bonwltt Teller, ffbicca. Saks, etc., at reduced prices. LXEBER MAN, INC.. 3412 14th at. n.w., second floor. Open 10 to • p.m. CO. 2621VS-+6 ( r MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE. SHOES. 10*4 and 11-B. Nunn-Buth anl excel, makes, tans and blacks. $2 to $5. RA. 8433. . jn SILVER. S4 pc. Community plate Lika new. Good weight. $45. EM. 6453 —12 SOFA. 3-pc. aectlonal. • good eond ; $126. OV. 6592. —-iy SOFA, like new. grey and roae motiS. cost $500. selling lor $200. To Inspect call OW. 5299. —12 i SOFA, flower tapestry, excellent condition. I $92: double bed. Simmons Beautyrest. brand new. $40 complete: refrigerator and l chaise lounge. FA. 1293. —13 'SOFA. 3 cushions, slip covers, sturdy! I $37.50. 2817 14th st. n.w., 2nd floor. ICO 5278. —11 SOFA AND CHANNEL-BACK CHAIR t#» match, gold velvet; $100. WO. 5757. —12 SOFA BED. $20: din. rm. iulte, William and Mary. 10 pieces, chairs; small tilt-top table, other household articles. 5337 MacArthur bird. n.w. EM. 9589. —12 SOFA-BED. tilt-back chair with ottoman. WA. 4553 evenings. —11 STENOTVFE MACHINE and case, repair kit. and book: used 5 months, excel, cond., $40. TA. 2145 Sun., between 13 and 3. STOKER. I'nk belt: also boiler; in excel len: condition; for Immediate tale HO. 6231. —12 STORE EQUIPMENT—10-ft. elec, meat case: Royal Crown elec, cooler; elec, com puting scales: all practically new; will -ell very cheap. UN. 8617. —12 STORM WINDOWS. 25 assorted sizes, $2.50 each. OV. 6580 —12 STORM WINDOWS (71. 34'ax56: » screens, French doer. 83Hx35si. Call RA 114*. STOVE. Magic Chef, excel, condition Call FA. 6919. —12 STOVES—One circulating coal heater, ex cellent condition: 1 white enamel kitchen coal range, needs minor repairs. A:k operator for Bowie 3177. —12 STUDIO COUCH and cover, makes single, double or twin beds; $30. 1704 Hobart st. n.w. AD. 2595. 12 • STUDIO COUCH and slip covers, good condition; $35. SL. 1550. —12 SUITS, men's, regular size 38. waist 34. $10 to $30. Slacks. $7: cost $15. Winter overcoat, $25. RA. 8433. —12 TABLE, drop-leaf, 3 dining room chairs. $30; drum table. $5: hassock, $8; lounga chair, gold fabric. $35. MI. 3781. —12 TABLE, library, walnut. 5x21 In., very unusual. $15; kitchen cabinet. 6 ft. high. 4 ft. across front, porcelain ton 21 in. wide when open, plenty drawers and cloaets for dishes, pots and pans, linens, knives and forks, bread box. flower bin: this is a dandv, only $40. Permanent waving mi ! chine. 36 heaters, thermostatic control, | in new cond . very reasonable. Out Wis. ave. past East-West hwy to Rosedale ave . right turn on Rosedale ave. to 5403. For appt.. phone WI. 3434. —12 TABLE, bedside, adjustable tilting top, enameled, stand on casters, slides under bed. $8. UN. 0483 —12 TABLES—Two console living rm tables land mirrors also cocktail table, bleached mahogany, reas. WO 5772. 3943 Mass. ;ave. n.w. —13 ituiiMUX otJiuxsiKAiUKS. like new, 1-year guarantee, all brands In stock, some $400 models, $249; also $560 model, $.395. etc. Open until T pm. STAB RADIO CO. 409 11th st. n.w TIME CLOCK in new condition: racks for 100 cards Call MR. LOUGHRAN. 9 to 4. at WO. 1400. —12 TIRES 14). and tubes. 7.00-10: in good condition; should give much good service. Price $30 lor all. Phone MI. 600u. Branch 455. —11 TIRES, factory recon., all sizes, $3.^ ea : :«> mos. unconditional guarantee; nsed truck tires. $9. Open weekdays and Sun. till 8 p.m. ALL SERVICE TIRE CO.. 3619 G». ave. n.w. RA. 9850. TOOLS, auto mechanic, complete set. In cluding snap-on, rol-cab and box. Call TW. 1171. 11* ! TRACTOR, H. D.-14. bulldozer blade and 15-cublc yd. scraper. Call WI. 5502, I WI. 4063. —13 TRANSIT. Dietzgen engineers' model, per ifect condition, complete sccessorles. EM. 2907. —13 TRICYCLE, chain drive, good condition. $15. Phone FA. 3341 —12 TROMBONE, b-flat. Martin, with case and lyre, gold finish, mellow tone, horn in excellent condition. ALex. 5865. —12 TRl’NK. Wheary make, excellent condi tion: cost $156. sell lor $75. Emerson 14382. j TUXEDO, excel, cond.. size 32, $20. WI. TYPEWRITER. Underwood standsrd No'5, good condition: $35. TA. 3798. —11 TYPEWRITER, portable Remington. Rem ’ ette model, recond., excel, cond.; $45. SH. 7058. —11 ! TYPEWRITER. L C. Smith portable, absolutely new. won at a typewriter con vention. $70; sells lor $87.50. Breakfronl. Chippendale. SL. 5690. —12 TYPE RITERS—$25 allowance on you* old typewriter on purchase of a new Remington-Royal-Corona or Underwood portable. Cash or terms. CENTRAL TYPEWRITER & ADDING MACHINE CO., 2019 14th st. n.w. MI. 4400. —14 TYPEWRITERS, standards and portables. ! new and rebuilt: 1-yr guarantee; $2<* j up: terms. Our 38th year AMERICAN ’ TYPEWRITER CO.. 1431 E. Capitol st. LI 0082. 8:30 to 0. Including Saturday. UNIFORM. Fork Union, size 36; never worn: $30. CH. 5689. —11 UNIFORM—Valley Forge, complete: used ! 3 months: cheap. CH. 7659. .—12 UNIFORMS and accessories for all schools I m stock. Also buy and exchange um ! forms. KOPERWAS UNIFORM SHOP, 1816 7th st. n.w.. Washington. Open 1 evenings and Sundays. Phone DE. 2594; ! residence, TA. 3309. VACUUM. Hoover upright 6 mos. old. all attachments, just overhauled. $40. OL. 7182 —1* VACUUM CLEANER. Premier, model PK21; peri. attachments. $25. ^HO. VACUUM1 CLEANER, good condition, best ofier Phone North 8039. —12 VENETIAN BLINDS washed, repainted, retaped. re-corded PARK AVE VENETIAN BLIND CO UN 1345 WARDROBE TRUNK, fine condition. Uit* make Phone Lincoln 7374 —12 WASHER, Bendix. excellent condition. SP. 0489-J. . . —13 WASHER—ABC. perfgct condition; reai onable. VI. 1841. , . —12 WASHING MACHINE. Westlnghouse Laun dermat: washes, rinses, extracts auto matically; excel, condition. WO. 6^461. Washing machine, spmdry. Apex. un. ;667, 6006 42nd ave.. Hyattsvlllo. ^Md. WASHING MACHINE. ABC. good condi tion; btst oflcr. DL 4927. -—12 WASHING MACHINE. ABC spin drier, al most new. only year old. Phone Hugo WASHING MACHINE and wringer. Easy electric old-style plunger model; $35. ^UN. WASHING MACHINE. 1942 Norge, wringer type, perfect condition, best offer. AX. s:n>. .*{04 34 th : t. s.e.. An«. 3. —1’’ WASHING MACHINE. Norge, wringer typa, new; best offer. 37*23 D st. *.e.. Apt. 1|)L. TW. 01207. , —] ’ WASHING MACHINE, Easy, wringe r-typg. good condition. Call FA. 6919. — 1 W’A>HING MACHINE. ABC. *19.50: wash* ing mach.. Kenmore. 1947 model. $8*.So; washing mach.. Primer. $37.50. in perfect cond . also U-h p motor. $10.50; also 1 compressor and motor. !4-h.p.. $‘25; one jear heater. Will se.l or trade. What hava you to offer? GE. 4996. t —1-, WASHING MACHINE. General Electric* good, recently overhauled, $125. SH. 46^10. WASHING MACHINE, electric, modern wringer type. 2 yrs. old. in excellent me chanical condition. Price, $65. WO. 89o7« WASHING MACHINES, reconaiuonen. guaranteed; Maytag. Kenmore. Easy. Apex. Apt. Midget Handyhot. DI8T. ELEC . CO., WO. 4902. , . —l-1 WATER HEATERS. gas or electric: terma month' Oayments. ROBERT T. WEHRLe Si SOW. .83(1 Wis. ave. WI. 8271-72. WEDDING GOWN with veil, size 11 to 13. like new; best offer. Phone NO. 8030.—12 WOODWORKING MACHINERY—One 10 inch table saw with extension; one 12 inch band saw; one 6-tnch Jointer; all with motors. UN. 6907. —12 , WRIST WATCHES—."> men a and 4 ladles I 14 k. gold, nationally adv. make: sacrifice, off lor cash SAM ORBACH, 414 Buchanan st.. Taylor 4354. _* * TWO FROZEN CUSTARD MACHINES, t lge . 1 small. 1 yr. old; and one walk-la i cooler with blower and 4> horsepower! ivory cheap. Call NA. 4187 or TA. 9870. MR. LISS , , —1! 2x8 I BEAMS. 8 and K ft. long: miscel laneous 2nd-hand lumber; glazed steel sash and 2 doors. Ml. 4779. —11 GREEN TOP-GRAIN LEATHER SOFA with 12 cushions, new: also blond hickory porch table and 4 matching chairs and 1 loung ing chair; will sacrifice lor quick sale. 71816 Van Ness st. n.w. —11 FOR SALE—Adjustable banquet table, from ’ it ft to 30 ft.. 12 sq sections. 2 round sections; imported oak; reasonable. 1 B.akeslee cake mixer, with 4 extra bowls. i;t p h , i h.o. Ho-cy. 8n quarts. Slightly used Reasonable. 305 H st. n.e. —12 PREWAR STOVE, table top. excel, cond., been In storage, clock control oven; best offer. AT. 3501. —13 V. P. I. OVERCOAT and blouse: excellent condition size 38; very reasonable. Call Alexandria 1798. —12 COMPLETE MEDICAL OFFICE EQUIPT., and laboratory paraDhanalia for sale. 5 years old, in good condition. Call TE. 2288. —12 I MAN’S BLUE PIN STRIPE SUIT—Practi cally new, size 38. $15; also brown over coat. $10. EM. 0698. 13* : FOB SALE. 2-story fire escape with utility ] steps, complete. Apply 528 1st st. n.w. ■ABC electric washing machine, 10-lb ca pacity. excel, condition, $45. WI. 0970. —12 WILL TRADE a piano accordion. Le Mar de luxe. 120-bass. 1 shift, for a piano. HI 4353. —12 COMPLETE MINIATURE DARKROOM for sale: very reaa. Call eves., 8 to 8. UN. 0150. —13 MISCELLANEOUS WANTED. ANTIQUES, bric-a-brac. Jewelry, silver, furniture. KAY, 1713 K st. n.w., EX. 4886. — 18 ANTIQUES—Furniture, bric-a-brac, china glassware, rugs, silverware, paintings! highest cash orlcel paid. Call MURRlY. brle-a-brae. china, silverware, old jewelrr. cups, saucers. Any amount. DORA KRUPSAW MILESTONE. 1335 O n.w.. Sterllnv 7496 BEDROOM, dining rm. or contents of home; <1.1 pay cash. We do moving, storage. TA. 2937; after 7 o m.. GE. 1416. J2* CAMERAS, all types, movie equipment, all accessories bought at highest prices. BRENNER PHOTO CO.. 933 Pa. ave. n.w., opposite Dept, ol Justice. RE. 2434. CHAIN FENCING. .300 ft. approximately, 4 ft. high. Call WA. 5109. CLOTHING—Highest prices oald for men’s used clothing. BERMAN S. 1122 7th it. n w ME 3767 Onen tves Will call. CLOTHING—Top prices paid for men’s used clothing, typewriters musical Instru ments, etc. MORRIS PAWNBROKERS' SALES. 100 Florida ave. n.w. MI. 6914. Open evenings: will call to give estimate. FURNITURE—Your entire Household con tents or odd nieces; highest prices. S E. PUTIN EXCH 210 7tb st s.e.. AT 0685. FURNITURE—Will buy entire contents at odd pieces. Also old glassware, china, bric-a-brac Buying and selling for over 60 years. HOPWOOD'S, 8th and K sts. n w ME 5**87 FURNITURE—Good clean household effect* of all ktnde, old china, cut-glaaa: top prices paid Call Republic 7904. 11* FURNITURE WANTED, bedrm . dlnlnf an, cheats, secretary, breakfront .ana other odd piecea. TA. 2112. .—I* GOLD—Brin* your old gold, platinum, teeth, discarded Jewelry. We pay cash. A. KAHN. INC.. 55 years at 035 F at. n.w, (Continued on Nert PagW)