Newspaper Page Text
MISCELLANEOUS WANTED (ConM. MOTORCYCLE WANTED, must be in good working condition: will pay *100 to *150. GILL, 5-9. NO. 22BB. Ext. 2. 11* PIANOS—Grand, upright, spinet, or apt. gize. snt stze. any condition; well pay -*-sh. Blito 5264 PIANOS WANTED — COLONIAL PIANO "> pays highest cash prices. Phone NA. -V70 after in am for courteous wppraUaJ. PRIVATE I.IftR/tRY. classical anu serui classical music; must be in good cond. P.E. BBS*. —11 SECTIONAL BOOKCASES, the Moses or Macey; top and stand and 3 sections. No. W4. finish No. 8 or mahog. Cell Sligo 2161 any time. —14 SEWING MACHINES—We buy all types; repair hemstitching. buttons covered, pleating. 716 11th it. n.w, RE. 1900. RE 2311. SHAVER for cylinder! of dictating jr.e chine; good condition; priced reasonable Box 144-X. Star —11 WANTED—Better grade of household fur niture. antiques and office furniture. NA 5529; evenings. GK. 6447 AM INTERESTED 10 During gllverware. any condition. Oilna. bric-a-brac, eld Jewelry. DORA KR0P8AW MILESTONE. 1335 G st n.w. Sterling 749B WANTED 2-wheel luggage trailer, 8x4 preferred; about *50. MI. 0330. ■—12 MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT. BABY'S Bl'TLER SERVICE — Complete rental service on folding cribs, strollers. Olay yards, feeding tables. BABY'S BT7T IPR SERVICE BO Cana! st s.w . EX 4370. ELECTRIC REFRIGERATORS. washing machines, waxers. etc. DISTRICT ELEC TR1C CO . WO. 4902._—14 DOGS, PETS, ETC. KITTEN'S, male, free for good home. 1306 Emerson st. n.w. Phone RA 1306 great DANE PUPPIES. 8 weeks to 4 months old; beauties, some show prospects; fawns and brindles. also older Danes left with us for sale; all AKC reg ; priced $50 up. Come out and see them. ELPAW KENNELS Alex . Va Duke st. extended 3 miles out, adj. Quartermaster Depot. TF 2430 BROWN FRENCH POODLES—Perfect and delightful, male and female: rhampion bloodline, so affectionate. Call OV. 6736. —13 COLLIE PI.PPIES. sable and white. AKC reg males, excellent, dispositions for pets: reasonable. Phone Herndon (Va ) 27-W-ll • GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPPIES, sired by Champion Dennis of Longworth. Cham pion Nox of Ruthlanri. Campion Lachen von Grafmar Assard. reg Daleview 8R84 oc2* FRENCH POODLE puppies, black stand ard 1308 Tracy pi. Fails Church. Va. F \ 0507 —14 BEAUTIFUL cocker spaniel puppies and grown dogr AKC registered best blood line'- Rockville 2644 - 10 BOXERS. AKC outstanding litter of Ch Baron Trevor puppies. *75 up. FA 0063. — 13 BOXER PI P. hrindle male, 8 month nd. champ stock AKC registered. CH. S:;n. COCKER PUPPIES. supenor. stylish, ehowv WI 36<;f —12 ENGLISH SPRINGER SPANIELS, liver and white. 13 weeks old; champ, blood lines: AKC reg. Ask operator for Bowie 3366. —1 2 COC KER SPANIEL PUPPIES — Mv o « n Brucie strain, home raised beauties, buffs and blacks WI. 3178. —1*2 DACHSHUND. 6 months old red male, has completed vaccine inoculations; rea sonable. must sell RA 1428 —12 COCKER PUPPIES, b'ack. purebred, reg istered AKC. phone WA 7431 or write H R SHIPLEY. Univ. of Md . College Park Md. —13 WEEPING WILLOW KENNELS—Cockers, reg puppies of fine quality reas . all colors, hoardin'* stud services MRS FIELD 5490 Auth rd. f e, SP. <*616. —13 GERMAN SHEPHERD, male white. 8 mos vprv reasonable Call Roc kville 3919. —13 GREAT PYRENEES MALE PIT. pick of litter. AKC registered <Ser this week's Collier's cover > WA 0736 —16 WISH TO BUY Welsh terrier, female. 3 to 6 mos. reasonably priced WI 7617. — 1 I TWO CUTE PUPPIES want home, we are blaek 7 wks old. red setter and retriever Cad SL 5183 from 9-1 or SL. 6709 in eves •— ii GOLDIN RETRIEVET PUPPIES Beautiful 1 tier, champ sirea idea! ret. gentle dic po ition; fine hunting stock Call WI 8193 nr inspect at 7 406 Bradley blvd. —13 BOXER PUPPIES. AKC leg . fawn, cham pion sired, docked, cropped and innoru lated WI 2216 —12 KITTENS, good homes wanted for kittens; free Glebe 6886. • ENGLISH BULLDOG PUPPIES, champion sired, good selection, reasonable. Call EM 7536 after JO a.m. —13 8COTTIE PUPPIES. AKC regictered. 3 mos old. 2 males, l female, sacrifice im mediately. SH 814 1 —13 IRIStfl TERRIER PUPPIES. 3 mos old 1 male, 1 female, reg. AKC Call CH. 6739. —12 BOXFR PUPPIES. fawn, Inoculated cropped all males. AKC Priced very reasonable AT 9296. —13 BOXER PUPS, by Ch Mister Tutt. AKC reg . docked, cropped; 2V* mos . beauti fully marked. PL. 0370. •—12 fOCKl.R SPANIEL- AKC registered, female. 4 vrs old. light red. sirea by champion. GL 3002. —12 COCKERS, narti colors, black and red; reasonable 100 East Underwood ?t., Chevy Chase Md —12 ENGLISH SETTER PUPPIES—Sired by Champion Led of Haon out of field-broken dam. AKC and field dog stud book regis tration; also field tramed stock. HUNT STONE KENNEL, Rockville 3619. —13 ENGLISH BULL PUPS. 3 months excel lent. bloodline, real sour mugs; AKC reg. and pedigreed; ¥75 each. RA. 14.35. —13 REGISTERED CHOICE cocker puns, a* color? inocu ated and wormed; Sunday 2 to 5 p.m Monday 1 to 9 p m. SHORE HAM PET SHOW. 2627 Conn, ave n.w. COON HOUNDS, male and fentale. 2 and 4 years old WO. 3754. —12 'IRISH SETTER PUPS, registered, lnoc . ■wormed, red. beauties, from country s greatest champion?. Elmwood 439 —13 COCKER SPANIEL PUPPIES and stud services, finest bloodline?, all color;-; rea sonable prices. We deliver anywhere. Ashton 3286. —12 DOBERMAN PINSCHER, female: also 2 11 wrek Dictator puppies <choice of litter): full champion bloodlines: AKC reg. trimmed, ready to go. FA 7764. —13 BOXER, laree. male. 16 mos. papers; loves children, good watchdog. CO. 9179. — 12 PAMOYEDE AKC registered: 1 male and 1 female. 11 weeks old. excellent blood line a grand tempered dog, for pet or show purposes EM. 1473. —13 BEAGLE PUPS. AKC registered, 7 mos. old Call WI 643 7. —13 BOXER PUPPY, iemaie. ace 1 1 mos , f.iwn color. AKC rec priced reasonable SFI 548.3. 9113 Louis »\e . Silver Spring. Md. —13 BOSTON BULL, well marked, registered, male puppy. Call DU. 1 769 after 2 pm. —13 BOXER, female. 18 mo?. ¥156. Ask nnera lor for Marlboro 367 8 —13 t\ ANTED, good home for 2 young hound dogs, innoculated: used io children Call SH 1 01 3. —13 DALMATIAN, male. 3 mos . AKC reg . ♦beautifully marked Dial KE 5483. —12 BIRD DOGS Puppie? and trained dogs: reasonable. Dial operator for Clinton 689-W-2. 12* CHESAPEAKE PUPS, 2 mos. old females; wormed. ¥15; ready to go. Union 7686. 12* DOBERMAN PINSCHER PUPPIES. AKC registered: 25 champions in pedigree; rea sonably priced. Call Eneleside 34-J-2. —17 REGISTERED. PEDIGREED German short haired pointer, well broken and 4 puppies; • 11 for $300. or puppies, ¥50 ea. LU. 3629. —12 BOSTON TERRIERS. 7 wks old, 2 females. 3 males; beautifully marked. AKC reg.; ¥56 up. FA ,3337.—12 FARM and GARDEN. CASE CORN BINDER, power driven, ex cellent condition. Call CH. 0522 after 6 p m —1 2 DAFFODILS, narcissus, jonquils. large ■bulbs, mixed varieties; excellent for natur alizing- $1 25 per gallon. Phone. Vienna. Va . 135-J. FEED MILL with breaker and new burrs. In good condition. MR WENTZEL. FA. 2670 17* ROTOTILLER—Jaquea Frazer—Rntoette— Choirmaster walking and riding type -tractors oower mowers. Bargain price*. CENTRAL MOTOR CO . 3200 L<>e hwy . Arlington. Va CH 7000. FLAGSTONE A SPECIALTY—Cement and Stonework, all kinds, walka. steps, ter races. fireplaces, porches, drives, retain ing mall*, drainage tiles and waterproofing. ANGELO MARCUCCIO. 328 Diamond ave . GaOhersbure. Md. Phone Gaithersburg 727. —13 1018 GARDEN TRACTOR with rubber tires. l’a h p . including 34-inch power field mower. 22-inch power lawn mower and cultivator attachments: $275 cash for all: will demonstrate. WI. 8332 —12 HOLLAND BAILER for sale, uspd two wessons, good cond. Vienna 120-W. —13 LANDSCAPE GARDENERS and contractors, grading, seeding, sodding, spraying shrub*, evergreens, tree* trimmed and removed. Free estimates Union 1763. —14 t'fiED FARMALL-A with plow and mower. 2-row power-driven corn binder. MA LONEYS. INC. 8126 Ga. ave., 8tlver Spring. Md. 6H 3330 —11 TOP 80IL—Fill dirt. sand, manure, blue ttone. and road gravel, by yard, ton or nad. SH. 5110 or FR. 5578 —15 TRACTORS, all equipment, corn picker*, truck*. barb wire. Forgr harvesters. OWNER FA. 2190 30* TAKING DOWN TREES—Sodding. mixed topsoil. $10 a vd well rotted manure. $14 a yd Brick and cement work L BOOZER. DU. 1541 —J 7 LANDSCAPE SERVICE, sodding, trading and seeding: sod and topsoil delivered. Ask operator for Ashton 2182. —13 COW MANURE, well rotted. 5 bushels $3.50; 10 bushels. $6: 15 bushels. .$8 50, delivered. Top soil. WA. 4593. —17 HARDY AZALEAS, all size* and colors. 50c un 2510 17th st. n e. —12 POULTRYEGGS^_ JAMES FEED STORE. SIP K (t. n.w.. ME. <1089. Baby chicks, feed and poultry aup jrllcs_ :. CATTLE AND LIVESTOCK. BOAS FOR SALE, registered Duroc, 2 yrs old. suitable for shoving. WILLARD MARLOW. RFD No. 2. Box 111. Laurel. Md. Phone Ashton 2128 —12 SADDLE MARE, seven-eighths thorough bred, brown. 7 years old. very stylish, well mannered, lady can handle: $100 or best offer under: will board. Call Hickory 9056 BAMS, registered, yearling. Southbound good duality and conformation. Call El licott City 046-W-S —1.1 BALOMINOS. stud colts. $150 to $950: also other weaning colts, yearling Allies palomino stallion. P. BOSWELL, Thorp land Farm. Ask operator for Marlborc SOT 8 —12 AVIATION. STEARMAN. PT-177 perfect for acrobatic! and sports, matchless condition. newl< rellcensed. must be seen $1,150 or a cat tn trade. Call WO 2785 any time. —It 1046 TAII.ORCRAFT. slightly damaged $500: can be financed CONGRESSIONAL AIRPORT Rockville Md —12 IL'SCOMBE SILVAIKE. S-D. 75 font 8 factory special, fuel Injection, sens Alt t and b. r of e. 2-wav Bendix radio, sound proofing auto upholstering, starter, bat Eerv. gen. nat’ light he until S-T! 49 Many ether extraa. $1.7*5. HI 4094 _AVIATION (CbiH.I. AERONCA CHEP L. B model, fabric only 1 yr. old. licensed until JUit, 1949. C»n be seen it Queens Chtpei or eill CLYDE LI VESA Y. Warfield 9S40. 12* JOIN CESSNA FLY»NG CLUB—Hyd» Field. sx. nsss. ^—i2 I AERONCA Champion. 1 Scout, l de luxe Tsylorcraft, low time excellent condition: tacriflcini »t jiriats 1mm $770: will uiiinw FaLus CJKJRcn AIR PARK. FA 2!>S9._—12 BOATS. SPEEDBOAT. Oldtown. 14-ft., mah. deck: will sacrifice. VI. 1334. —12 STAR BOAT. 22-ft. keel sloop, in good cond . 2 suits of sails, one new this sea son: 4-wheel trailer and complete equip ment. Located at Annapolis. $850 or best offer GE. 4573. .—12 CABIN CRUISER, fishing boat, reas.; Chrysler marine engine, fully equip. OLD DOMINION BOAT CLUB. Alex, Va.. TE 6015. TE 0650. Mr Mills. —12 BOAT WANTED—Will trade $4,500 equity in house located at 3801 Military rd. n.w for desirable boat. Semidet.. 8 rm§.. 2 baths, gas heat: vacant: immed. poss TotaJ price. $1 P.500, trusts. $15,000. Open for inspection Sun., l to H p m. NA. P743 or GE 5520 _ •38-FT. CABIN CRUISER, built for ocean fishing. $.3,300, 2 Chesapeake 20' sailboats. NIEMAN BROS. Phone West River 63P1. 36-FT. 8 F.M IDE AD RISE fishing boatTexcel. cond: $1,700. Call WI. 6418 for infor mation _12 SPEEDBOAT. 20 ft., brand-new. PO-h.p engine, white cedar hull, sears for 6. Bev offer takes. DU 5005. —14 BOAT LUMBER—Marine plywood, boat plans Open all day Sa: and Sun, ROB INSONS, 1730 Kenilworth ave. n e. AX 1700 __O-j WIZARD OUTBOARD MOTOR, perfect running condition; first $75. LU. 0563. SIDE-BY-SIDE TAYLORCRAFT. licensed $585: ran be financed. Hyde Field. Clin ton. Md Spruce 0888. —12 RICHARDSON 25-ft. cabin cruiser, good condition, just been painted and varnished: priced lor quick sale. $2,050, Leonard Rogers Boat Yard. Shady Side. Md. —12 COMET, Nimbus.” fine racing record, ex cellent Ratsey. Larson sails, first-class condition throughout bronze C B . ready f<rr President's Cup and fall racing CO 4819: if no answer CO 1091. —11 .‘{9x11 BAY-BUILT CABIN CRUISER, head galley, sleep 0. owner leaving State Kircheners' Pier. Chalk Point. West River Owner aboard Saf and Sun. $1,500 or offer FR 0294 12* MAHOGANY SPFEDBOAT. JO-ft Century inboard, gray marine engine. late model, like new $850 Hudson 7947. —1 1 "SANS COI'CT”—Lightning class sloop. 2 sets of working sails, one new. stainless steel shrouds, nylon sheets and manv other extras. This is the ideal boat for racing or day sailing. Must, sacrifice Only $915 DU. 134 8 —15 MARINE SUPPLIES, palnti. rope, fire tx tinguishers. outboard motor*. Scripps ma rine engines. 50 to 300 h.p : fishing tackle. FRANK DF1 VECCHIO & SON 1212 11th st se LI 4493 FISHING PARTIES, day or night. Chesa peake Bav, Herring Bay. Gooses. For reservation, call CAPT A. V. KING. WA. 4192 ALUMINUM OUTBOARD BOATS. 12 feet long 4 feet wide; $99 50 MAYFLOWER MARINE SERVICE INC.. 1300 Maine ave. s.w. ST 9390. —12 LIFE PRESERVER CUSHIONS, all colors, approved. $2.09 each MAYFLOWER MA RINE SERVICE, INC. 1300 Maine ave. S.W. ST 9390. —12 18 SEA GULL. exc?llfiit condition. $350: 2o' fast sailboat. cutter rig. good condi tion. $25o PAUL J. HEISTER. boat builder. Chester ave and 5th st . Eastnort. Annapolis. Md Annapolis. 0189. 12* MERCURY OUTBOARD MOTORS. all sizes in stock for immediate delivery. MAYFLOWER MARINE SERVICE. INC . 1300 Maine ave s w. ST. 9390 —12 OI TROARI) MOTORS. Scott Atwater, at a new low price; 7’2-h D $135; 31 j-h D $95; only a few left at this price MAY FLOWER MARINE SERVICE. INC.. 1300 Maine ave. s w ST. 9390. .—-12 10-1 T. YACliT. twin Gray marine engine, siren*. 8 bum 1929. in daily use. $3 750. EWELL, at Harter s Boat Work.'. Annap olis 5980 —12 MATTHEWS, double-deck cruiser. 38 foot, fore and alt cabins, fully equipped, excel, condition. dra! for Florida trip; jive aboard Call DE 8880 or TE 1353 .—11 25-FT. HILL- need' some work before using. $5o or make offer. UN 3373. —12 CANOE. 2 month' clo. 13-foot aluminum. *75 2131 S 12th .st . Arl. Va 12* SUOOP-T4PI Marconi rig centerboard sailboat; ieneth JO’., feet; six-foot b<am; Egyptian cloth sails. bronze fittings throughout; boat and sails practically new. used only one season The right boat for bay and river sailing. Price. $485. Phone Annapolis 9483 12* BOAT BUILDING, repairs, storage. Out board and inboard motor boats in stock CADEL CREEK BOAT WORKS. Mayo. Md 01 TBOARD ' MOTOR. Martin 40”: 4'2 h.p 4 mos old. *115 ll’a-ft. plywood skiff. $85 CH 8143. —12 SAILBOAT; good condition throughout: priced right Call OV. 2758 —17 18-FOOT HOUSEBOAT for sale: all con venience. $3.8011; will deliver Write E G. FARLOVV. Saflcs Boat Basin. Ex port Md 13* SACRIFICE—Evinrude. 32 hp. $50 Also 28-h.p Elio (very fast'. $125. Will dem onstrate OW 940n Ext 449 —13 CABIN CRUISER, 30 ft . 8 cyl.. Gray ma rine sleeps two. galley, sink, toilet, life preservers; sac $875. or trade for car. Boat No. 13Y2P3. ROSE BOAT YARD. 12th and O s.e 13* DAWN CRUISER. 47 ft. (Golden Days), new twin Chrysler Royal motors, boat re flnir.hed by Trumpys this spring and has not been used, owner has moved from city and will sacrifice for $11,000 if sold by September 13. Call DU. 1000. —L2 32-FT. FISHING CRUISER, ready to go: a steal at $l.p(Ki. Call FRED RODEN HOUSEN. WA. 1033. Will demonstrate. _FK SPEEDBOAT. 22 It., V-8 engine: sacrifice. Call AX 0194. 12 1918 OWENS 27-ft. custom sedan. You must see this beautiful almost-new cruiser. Complete cruising facilities for 4. Has compass. spotlight, barometer. cockpit cover, deck chairs. 110-volt wiring. Ve netian blinds. Cost $5,700: will sell for $4,900. See Mr. Hughes. STEELCRAFT DOCK Maine ave. and M st. s.w., or call ST 4145 —14 HAGERTY SEA SHELL, prefabricated boat kit. complete in 1 package ready for your assembly. $35 f ob Open Sat.. Sun. and eves. BLACK AND SHAVER BOAT CO. Ui2 Sligo ave., Silver Spring. Md. Phone CABIN"CRUISER. Ill ft: 2 bunks, loi.nd battened con: truction hull, large cockpit, leatherette seats, windshield and awning, excellent Willys marine concussion. $795 Phone Marine Barracks, Quantlro. Ext 2 «93. j •» • Hi-FT UTILITY RUNABOUT: 1', years old; -S-h.p. Universal marine engine. See at Columbia Yacht Club Sunday. WA. TT.'iS. I.i-FT PLYWOOD RUNABOUT: haiTspot i’ght and '1 decks, ist-eiass cond.; sacrifice for Call WJ list _l;_> MATTHEWS .'IS SEDAN: A-1 shape: ready to CO anywhere: Chrysler 141-hp reduc tion cear: new 1 .Sdd-watt. .'i'l-voit Onan generator: new horns: mile ray spotlight: biowers. auto bilge pumps; interior redone this year electric head and galley: s-ft. dinghy; inner-spring mattresses: gas stove: .1 anchors: nylon line, fulir found: priced 10 sell. HUGH ALEXANDER. INC., ME. 53.VJ. _\*> S T E E LCTlAFT-WASH-CO 8 PECIAL—1948 Steelcraft sedan, excel, cond.. $3,000. 20 ft. Cruise Along, large engine: awning, spotlight, compass; sleeps 2; A-1 cond. 1P47 Steelcraft, like new, many extras. 1948 Steelcraft. lmmed. delivery. $2,785 UP Also other cruisers and runabouts at good prices. Wanted, listings on all type boats See Mr. Hughes. STFELCRAFr DOCK. Maine ave. and M st. s.w., or call ST. 4 1 4o_ _j 4 ROOMS FURNISHED—Northwest 1901 K ST. N.W.—Air-conditioned rooms, each room with GE air-conditioning unit; be comfortable ail summer; running water; 1 ear new shower-bath: single or HOTEL Ex' UP PRINCE KARL If An GIRARD "st. NW Thr Palmrr House—Corrf single or double rms,. near bath; Sin *k. _j I1*?1 £9>*N- AVE-—Large well-furnished *318 KIT LID ST. N W . Apt 24—Pvt. entr romfortable rm . summer or winter; for perm person: quiet home: conv. transp.; next fo ba’h «s. MI 7131 _14 SCOTTS HOTEL. 2131 O st. n w . near Dunont Circle—Transient rooms avail, at and $7 50 daily, some at $11.50 wkly. avail, later. Your home for a year or a aav in a 250-rm. modern hotel: exclusively for women; all rms single with running water, tele in rm . ldry. rm. on each fl . coffee shon with reasonably priced, well cooked food Come in and fill out an ap plication for future residence. You will enjoy the -friendly atmosphere at SCOTTS Phone HO 91 no. _11 1814 G ST. N.W.—Air-rooled rooms, each rm. with air-cooling unit, running water: near new shower bath; lighted and fur nished garden, free laundry facilities: singles, weekly $14 and up. doubles, weekly $17.50 up. GEORGIAN HOTEL. EX. 8821. 2714 CATHEDRAL AVE.. off ConrT^-At tractive .’nd-floor room with running water AD 4795. —14 1321 SPRING RD. N.W.—Beautiful room, twin beds. 2 closets, next to bath; grill, laundry privtls. RA. 8483. 12* 1810 19th ST. N.W.. 2 blocks from Conn, ave—Two large double rooms, nicely fur nished- excellent transp MI 4027. —11 AMERICAN UNIVERSITY PARK. 4711 Albemarle st—Attrac. room. 2 exposures semipvt. bath. kit. privil., empl. young ladies EM 0523. .—13 1300 BLK SHERIDAN ST. N.W.—Nicely furnished master bedroom, pvt. bath, ’win beds RA 8482. —13 1326 MASS. AVE. N.W.—Gentlemen, most desirable, modem conveniences, downtown location; $10 single, si 5 double, weekly. Call after 5 pm. MR GORDON. RE 13111. 12• 1827 LAMONT ST. N.W.—One 2nd-story front room, for 2; semipvt. bath. 12* 1926 3rd ST. N.W. — Master bedroom with pvt bath, in quiet home of 2 adults, all conv; gentile gentleman: f38. GE. 0307. 12* 1126 14th ST—Girl or woman: attractive room. 1 other person, in Jewish home: reasonable RA. 7590 or RA. 0667. —13 CHEVY' CHASE, D. C.—2 single or dble. next to bath, nicely furnished, phone privil.: conv to bus. EM 2457. —12 3207 ADAMS MILL RD—Master bedrm overlooking Rook Creek Pk . pvt. lav , gentile home, en 2 buslines. Gentleman or empl couple. DE 6381. —13 5513 NEVADA AVF..—For gentleman nicely furn clean room with pvt. bath *5<> WO 9123 —12 THE GILL-BERT. 2460 16th at nw — 2nd-floor front, se corner, dble. or triple rm.. pvt. bath, tub and shower, 2 large elosets. npwlv furn CO 7381. —17 1317 INGRAHAM 8T. N.W.—Comfortabl# single room for gill; semiprivate bath; near 14th and Colorado car —13 GEORGETOWN—2 large lovely rooms arranged as kitcheniess apt.: working couple 2 men or 3 girls; breakfast il desired Ml 8905. —12 GRANT CIRCLE AREA—Sale, rm with adjoining inclosed sunny porch: for gentle man: gentile pvt home: no other roomers; express bus at door TA 9587 —13 LARGE front ROOM, twin beds; aemlpvt. bath: single or double: good transp. RA 8164 —17 5378 KANSAS AVE. N.W—Large double front room sermhath. twin beds. 2 closets: nicelv furnished: laundry privi leges. J-6 bus stop. iaaiea on.y. GE 4812. I FROM NINE TO FIVE —By Jo Fischer, A t | £ c % m | * ‘‘Four weeks of my lunch money should buy it and that should make me thin enough to wear it.” ROOM) FURN.—Northwest. (Cowt.l. .3827 I Oth ST. N.W.—Pvt. home. dble. rm.. with screened Dorch. unlim. phone; suit for 2 girls; kit. privils. can be ar ranged; $40 mo. GE. 678ft. —13 CONN. AND MACOMR -Single rm , dble. bed. also double rm . twin beds; unlim. ; phone WO. 7410. —12 ! 1852 BILTMORE ST. N.W.—Nice lge. front rm.. next to bath: suit, for 2 or .3 persons; clean and comfort, bed CO. 0826 —12 NEAR DUPONT CIRCLE. 160! 21st st. n w —Washington's most desirable guest house; nice double and triple rooms; ex cellent meals: vacancies for men and girls. HO. 7300. —17 *7.50—Nicely furnished room- next bath, j in apartment: near 14th st. carline; kitchen privileges. Michigan 1960. 12* MT. PLEASANT. 1656 Hobart st. nw—! Lge single rm.. 2nd fir., good furn . gentle man only, gentile home; l block car and busline. $35 month. DE. 057 3. —12 VICINITY PA. AVE. and 21st st.—Attrac tive comfortable studio room, semiprivate; bath: plenty hot water; settled girl; ref-j erences exchanged; $35. Box 4K4-V. Star, i 12* SINGLE ROOM, near bath: good transpor tation. Call AD 2230 —12 1322 LONGFELLOW ST. N.W —Front bed room. twin beds, next to bath; also single room. GE. 7493. —12 MASTER BEDROOM private bath, twin beds, employed couple only, husband and wile only need apply TA 1863. FALKSTONE. 1401 Fairmont nw.. Apt 317—A lovely lge dble. front rm.. nr ba'h: con. < ransportation. AD. 8464. —13 DOWNTOWN- 91 ft L st. n v . No 45 Large rm.. adjoining ba*h. largp closet double bed. gentleman. Govt empl . per manent. gentile home. no other roomer; ■Mo month. ME. 3028 —12 LARGE FRONT RM.—Twin beds, quiet people, near transp: near Conn. ave. be tween L and M: $45 per month. 1719 De Sales St. n w. —12 LARGE DOUBLE RM.—Twin beds, corner house: unlimited phone, couple; kitchen privileges TA 5189 —17 NR. WALTER REED—Dble. sleeping rm.. next to bath, new furniture. *•? blk from carline laundry privil , $25 a mo ea uE. 0585. —13 MT PLEASANT. 3104 19th st.—At tractive dble rm.. 4 windows, nicely furn . suitable empl. coupe, next to bath. $45 mo. MI 8840. —13 DUPONT AREA. 2019 N st.—Single room next to bath. $30 mo Call DU 5533. DUPONT CIRCLE, 1 735 Riggs pi —Small, newly decorated, single studio rm . $23 mo.; references required. —12 , 1707 CONN. AVE., Apt. 316—Lge. rm.. next to bath, gentleman, $45 mo. —12 : 1819 K ST. N.W.—Southern exposure; i»e. 2nd fl. front, 4 windows, twin bed6. newly dec. 1 or 2. ME. 0502. —12 16th AND COLUMBIA RI).~ Nr. bath comfortable, newly turn., for 1 h.k , 2 lge. ..-msecs: 2 persons AD. 0060 —13 I.SbS INGLESIDE TER. N.W., Mt. Pleasant section—Comfortable single room near lOatn; housekeeping privileges. Call AD 1494 —12 DOWNTOWN. 414 6th st. nw—Clean dble. rms. with kit. privils., $4.50 per wk. ea. Children accepted. Also single rm., $5 me. 7246. 518 RANDOLPH 8T. N.W.—Newly dec orated rm. with beautiful porch combined; i kit. and laundry privils.; residential sec 'tion. ladies only. Call TA 1174. —12 5303 3rd 8T. N.W.—Well-furn. mabter , bedrm.. 2 closets, next to bath; pvt. home, lacing park. RA. 0276. —12 THE JAMES, 1721 P st. n w.—Nicely furn.! ! dbl. rm.. twin beds, large closet, ldry. privil., $22; girls only. DU. 9496. —16 426 RITTEKHOtSE ST. N.W,—Single rm. for gentlemen, excel, loc.; good living accomodations. GE. 1678. —11 7*4 QUEBEC PL. N.W.— 1 room for light housekeeping couple: Frigidaire Easy parking. Nr. York theater. Nr. Ga. wve. and New Hampshiie n w. LGE. FRONT ROOM. pvt. bath, beauti-! fully turn.; gentleman; references; $50. I OR. 4562 after 7 p m. and Sunday. —12 i TWIN BEDS. pvt. tile bath, garage, suit able for employed couple or 2 women; 1 blk. from Georgia ave. nr. Walter Rtfed, $60. GE. 4932. —12 1172 NEWTON ST. N.W.— Lge. front rm . 2nd fl . newly dec., tw-in beds, clean. HO. 9569. —12 911 EMERSON ST. N.W.—Dbl. room for employed couple or 2 gentlemen, kitchen privileges, conv tran.sp. TA. 3325. —12 137 VARNUM ST.—Single room in gen tile home, day employed lady; good trans.. unlimited phone $20 mo. TA. 2836. —12 20! | KALORAMA RD. N.W.—Single and double room for refined employed people, also garage DE 3421. 130 M ADISON ST. N.W.—Bedrm . pvt. j bath. phone. excellent transportation, gentile gentleman. GE. 2903. —16 MASTER BEDROOM, private bath, nicely lurn . I blk. to express bus. unlim phone. 5 7 26 6th st. n w RA 7210. —12 1 DUPONT CIRCLE—-Culture gentleman to share beautilul double airy room, twin ! beds, private home. $30. HU. 7818. —12, ‘GLOVER PARK—Convenient to transp,' restaurants and Georgetown Univ ; at tractive. single room, maid service, con-! genial atmosphere. DI. 2740 or maid. OR. 3358. —12 1605 161b 8T.—Large front room; at tractively furnished; twin beds; unlimited phone reasonable; married couple or 2 men. Se« 3 to 7 p.m. or phone TA. 1831. ' —12 1120 VARNUM ST. N.W.—Lge. front bed rm . nr. shower, in a beautiful pvt. home; very reas., gentleman pref. TA. 0315. 2231 QlTE ST. N.W., near Dupont Circle— Second-floor front room, comfortably fur nished. for gentleman, quiet. J2* NEAR 11th ST.—Nicely furn. front room for gentleman with shower bath; only $35. OF 5314 —12 I 133 DECATUR ST. N.W.—Large front twin-bed rm . also single rm.; good loca tion and transp.. pvt. home. GE. 4*64. —13 bath, twin beds; gentile home, express bus. gentlemen or employed couple. GE. 6944 —12 VERY’ LARGE, comfortably furn. double ; room, bright, clean, twin beds. 2 closets; unlim. phone; bus by door. TA 68;;$. —12 AMERICAN UNIV. TARK—Bedroom with pvt bath: *40; convenient to bus and shopping center. EM H114. —17 THE MAURY'. 70] 19th at. n w—Large double and single rooms, running water each: 3 blocks from White House: rea sonable weekly rates —17 DOUBLE RM.. twin beds, sleeping porch; small adult family. Jewish home; unlim. phone; conv. transp ; meals If desired. RA 5377 —12 ATTRACTIVE BEDROOM with twin beds for 2 young ladies, modern brick home, located on spacioug wooded grounds in beautiful Kent, near American University; laundry privileges, aemipvt. bath and shower, sun deck. 2 window*. 2 closets, radio, unlimited phone: bus and street car transp. available within 2 blocks: *25 month each. OR. 8524. —12 17 49 LANIER PL. N.W. -Large, elean rm , near bath; conv. to all buses and street cars. also one single rm. GE. 9783. —12 237 MISSOURI AVE.—Girls only; 1 dbl rm.. 1 sgl. rm.: open onto porch: break , laund. and phone pnvils. GE. 1609. —12 1476 MERIDIAN PL. N.W.—Lge. front rm.. newly decorated; pvt. family; sgl. or dbl.: conv. location CO 4787. —12 1320 15th ST. N.W.—Clean, l.h.k. rm., twin beds; Frigidaire; hot plate: empl. couple or 2 girls. —15 PETWORTH—Single attractive room. Sim mons bed. use of phone, laundry privils : on bus and car lines, reas. TA 6259. —11 STUDIO. TWO ROOMS, grand piano: near Conn, ave bus and stores; *30 per week .>816 Military rd . Chevy Chase. EM. 2123. ]«• 1119 RHODE ISLAND AVE. N.W.— Com fortable Quarter* for men; 1 with refgr. and stove for settled man or woman, showers, study rm . downtown location. >25 per month each and up —12 1352 OAK ST. N.W., on 14th st. carline— cneerful front rm . pvt. gentile home of 3 adults. NO 7450 —13 5302 NEW HAMPSHIRE AVE. N.W.—Attr rm.. pvt. bath, gentile home, double *60, single *50 mo. RA. 1048 —12 5233 CONN. AVE.—Nicely furn front room, continuous hot water, semiprivate bath; gentleman. —11 1120 13th ST. N.W.—One single room, for gentleman only. —12 CONN. AVE., vie. Wardman Park Hotel Attractive room. adj. bath, for responsible gentleman CO 0065. Ext. 603. 12* 1323 QUINCY ST. N.W.—Double or triple room, private bath; V* blk- 14th st.; em ployed people only. GE 1904 —12 TWO CONNECTING BEDROOMS, next to shower bath, also use of small study; 2 gentlemen preferred, permanently empl For further particulars call GE. 0997 or HI 8794. —12 2222 QUE ST. N.W.—Master bedroom, pri vate bath, cross ventilation, twin bed5: gentile home; no other roomer*. MI. 6898. EUCLID ST. N.W.—Single room ff>r young man; cheerful furn.: private home; next to bath, phone privi! CO 5329. —12 CONVENIENT N.W SECTION—Nice iingle or double rooms, twin beds, next to bath: grill privileges arranged. NO. 5535 12* 1760 EUCLID ST. N.W.—Private bath with comfortable bed-living room and small dressing room, very convenient, just off Columbia rd . aorry, no cooking: gentile home. *65 double. CO 7701, Apt 606. 12* I RJTTENHOrSE ST N.W.—For gentleman, lovely master bedroom, private bath; 2 to family. GE. 7335. —13 ROOMS FURNISHED—Northwest. THE SOUTHERN CLUB. 1765 Mass. ave. n.w . exclusive guesthouse for business women or couples. Singles, doubles and large rooms with private baths, suitable for groups of 3 or 4; reconditioned from basement to attic: beautiful place —16 1121 ALLISON ST. N.W.—Large front room, nicely furnished; conv. transporta tion. gentleman. 530 per mo. TA. 7661. —12 DUPONT CIRCLE. 1617 21st st—Front room, twin beds. 2 closets; also single; conv. transp.; hot water at all hours. —12 4318 15th ST. N.W.—Sgl. front rm . in pvt. home, occup. by 3 adults. 2 baths; gentleman; excel, transp ; $36 mo. TU. 0616 —12 HARVARD ST. AT 16th—Comfortable rm., twin beds, next bath, .shower; for 2 sober employed men; excel, transp. NO 8548. —12 MASTER BEDROOM. 2 blocks from Walter Reed Hospital, convenient transportation. Call TA. 4031 . —12 NICELY FURNISHED LARGE BEDRM., with meals if preferred, for refined gen tleman; Jewish homp. Call TA. 9336. -—12 622 RITTENHOISE ST.—Govt, employe, dble. room with porch in pvt. home, 535. '2 blk. from bus GE 3463. Ml. PLEASANT, 2nd floor—Master bedrm. with pvt. showrfcbath, 550 month; gen tleman DU. 5989. —12 C.VIHFDRAL AVE.. convenient to transp.— Attractive room with private bath, for em ployed lady: 556. MI. 1501, 16 to 5 pm. Sai and Sun. —J*‘ SGLF. OR DBLE. RM., next to bath, suit for settled empl lady or 2 men. kit. and launch privils., or boaid if pref.; nr. transp. AD 7943. —12 HI I INGRAHAM ST. -Nicely furn. twin bed rm., suitable for 2 adults. TA. 4467. THE GILL-PURT. 2466 !6th st. nw' — Single or dble . lst-fioor room with run ning watoj-. nex‘ m bath CO. 13*1 —17 HOTEL HAWTHORNE. 2154 G st. n.w — Sgl*\ rms . *6. 516 and *10.5o wkly . dbl. rms 515 to 511. all with running water: pienty bath and showers, elevator service. 1315 21st ST. N.W.—Beautiful~ms.. sgls. and doubles: baths, showers, hot water; clean and Quiet. CC. 5576. —13 1353 MONROE ST. N.W.—Large rm . com fortable double bed, next to bath, 2nd fl ; 2 empl persons. AD. 3367. 13* DUPONT CIRCLE—1745 Qur st.—Lovely single •front room, newly decorated; run ning water After 5 p.m. DOWNTOWN—1317 R. I. ave n.w . Apt. 504—Lge. front, next to bath and shower, unlimited phor.e; gentleman. —17 1725 RIGGS PLACE N.W.—Lovely double room, newly furn.. twin beds, large closet, well-kept house, 2 girls or couple. AD 6776. CLEVELAND PARK SECTION—2923 Ord way st.. off 3460 blk. Conn. ave.—Bedrm with sleeping porch in refined pvt. home, for gentleman. OR. 3435. —12 CHEVY CHASE. D. t\. 3S21 Jenifer st. n w. Attractive double rm. in pvt. home, near bus; gentleman only: 546 month. —12 1832 BILTMORE ST. N.W., Apt 41—At tractive. lgo scle. rm for employed per son; £d.i. bath, phone and laundry privils : no otner roomers; best transp. CO. 6473. —12 ! GLOVER PARK BUS—Private bath, sale unlimited phone; s.w. exposure, 511.50 weekly Phone EM 1526. —12 ALABAMA APT.. 11th and N Sts. n w . Apt. 367. downtown—Twin beds, next' to bath, pvt, family; elevator. HO. 9166. • FREE ROOM and weekday board to re- i tired lady in exchange for companionship to sixth-grade girl before and after school EM 1691 12* 504—Lge. front, next bath and shower; unlim. phone; gentleman. —16 PETWORTH—'Young lady share lge. rm with lady: twin beds, uni ph . md. serv.: 15 min. downtown.; $22.66 mo. GE. 8902. j —16 THE KENWIN 1758 Que st. n.w.—Attrac-1 tive double rm.. twin beds. laun. privil.. 1 maid service; $20; girls only. MI. 9420. j DOWNTOWN-—Across Statler: large airv rooms. low rates: suitable GI students, j 1H01 K st n.w. ST. 3588. —12 i 5717 COLO. AVE. N.W.—Attractive front twin-bed room, next to shower: laundry; privileges: private home. TA. 5799. —14 1755 P ST. N.W., “Dupont Manor”—Com- ; fortable single sleeping room, near bath; 525 month. —13 1221 MASS. AVE. N.W., downtown loca tion—Nicely furn.. single or double room, near bath: *9 week —13 WARDMAN PARK vicinity—Master bedrm., twin beds. 556 nm. CO. 6864. ■—1 1 ALTCKAS HOTEL. 1509 1«tb st. n.w.— Large, cool, double rooms. 2 exposures; single rooms, from 51.50. Dinin* room In building NO 8145 FARMINGTON HOTEL. 1624 18th at — Cool, shady street; large, airy rooms; daily maid service. 24-hr. switchboard service; phone in all rooms; summer rates; singles. 58 75 per wk. up. doubles. $12.50 per wk. up. DE 4750 SUMMER RATES—Potomac Hotel, 800 18th st. n.w., NA 9216. Single. $15; dble , S18 and up per wk. Complete hotel service. 3111 18th ST. N.W.—Newly decorated dble. rms., bus nearby; unlim. phone. HU. 6258 or DE 9838. —15 BOLIVIAN CLUB, 1633 lfith at. n.w.— Accommodations refined businesswomen; clean, beaut, furn. rms. and mod. bath. —16 i./iiuit n/iMtK DLURoi., pvr. Dam, pvi., clean, detached. Gentile home; near ex press bus: gentleman. GE. 6886. 11* GAYTOMA 1513 16th st. n.w.—Clean, comfortable; electric fans; $2 single. $3 and «4 double weekly and family rates. 1228 M ST. N.W.—Lge. front rm . twin beds, newly decorated; walking distance downtown. —15 GLOVER PARK—Large rm., private bath: newly decorated, new Venetian blinds: spa cious, dct. home; 1 or 2 gentlemen: jref. req WO 0113 —12 DOWNTOWN. 1134 12th st. n.w.—Large front room, twin beds also room with dble. bed: laundry privils. —11 5126 CATHEDRAL AVE. N.W—Clean, comfortable room: near bus and carlines; convenient to Map 8erviee and American University; reasonable. EM. 8254. 11* 212 C ST. N.W.—2-room apt . furnished, $55: 1 lane sleeping room (third floor), $40. Apply to ladv in basement ■—11 NR. MAYFLOWER. 1226 17th st. n.w — Dble ims.. $20 mo. per person: all rms. newly decorated: next to bath; suitable for couples. 2 young ladies or 2 young gentlemen: must be empl . sober and hon est. refs ; also share for young lady. $20 mo ; transp. at door —13 109 1th ST. N.W.—Furnished room, kitchen facilities, next bath, employed couple: no rhildren no drinking; $10 wk. 12* 2327 ASHMEAD PL. N.W—Lge. rm., mar ried cple. or 2 persona; $46 mo. Call aiternoons. DU. 9114. 31* THE CHURCHILL. 1740 P at. n w—Dble. rms. attrac. furn., running water; $10 week: maid service. NO. 9868. —13 6219 4th ST.-—Master bedroom in private Jewish home; twin beds; 1 or 2 girls; 2 express buses GE. 3587. —11 1366 EUCLID ST. N.W—For ladies; com fortable room, adloining bath. 2 windows. 2 closets, twin beds: laundry prlvil.; excel lent transp.; $30 single. $40 double. Phone CO 7857. —15 SIXTH ST.. 6814—Refined girl bet. 23 and 33 to share twin-bed room with girl; gentile home; J-6 bus. GE. 8139. —13 CONN. AVE. (1 blk. west) 2910 28th st. n.w.. rm . semipvt bath, gentile home: gentleman only. AD 4129. —13 3360 18th ST. N.W.—Lge. single front rm for gentleman Newly decorated. Clean, quiet, comfortable: $30 mo. CO. 6143. —13 1722 MASS. AVE., near Dupont Circle— Accommodations now available for high type students employed gentlemen or couple. Absolutely nondrinkers. Double looms only, beautifully furnished and serviced at moderate rates. If interested In exclusive living quarters, please call in person between 11 a m-7 p m. and in quire for MRS BANNON. —12 6108 COLORADO AVE.—Newly decorated, comfortably furn. dble. rm., 2 closets; next bath; $20 ea. per mo. OE. 8368. —19 3117 N ST. N.W.—Comf. furn. rm., nr. bath, on 3rd fl ; $30; gentleman only. —13 1834 COLUMBIA RD N.W—Men. sgle., $6 and $7 wk each; clean, comfortable bed. showers and baths: c.h w.; on Mt. Pleas ant carline. AD. 4330. ROOM for single person, with conn. bath. $50 mo. Fireproof 2nd stone house, back in the woods from Porter st. and Conn, ave. nw WO 573 8. —13 RITZ HOTEL. 920 F st. n w —Dble. rms.. $20 wkly downtown, in center of shop ping district: complete hotel service. 3 STUDENTS WANTED—Young men: con\ to G. W. or Georgetown Univs. Call WO. 8770 2515 Wi.v ave. n w. —12 4116 17th ST. N.W.—Nicely furnished corner room, adjacent to bath: one block to bus; refined gentlemen; $40. RA. 6683. —13 SGLE. RM. for refined lady or gentleman. AD. 6809. 8 a m. to 8 p m. —12 3854 CALVERT ST. N.W.—Master bed room. private bath; direct transp : non drinkers; employed couple. 2 gentlemen or 2 students. EM 5338. —13 193! K ST. N.W., corner of 20th and K sts.—2 large rooms, second floor, heat, light Janitor service. BRODIE & COL BERT. INC. Realtor'-- NA $875. —17 LARGE CORNER BEDROOM in tpaeloue turn apt ; n*ar Chevy Chase Circle; kitchen and other privileges, lor woman of quiet taste*. WO. 1971. —12 ROOMS FURNISHED—NsrtliwMf. *Otb AKD PASS BO. lt.w—Nleqly furn. rm. for gentlemen; crow town bus et coi ner. Call CO. 3030. —13 I #24 PENNA. AVE. N.W.—Large room, for 1 or 2: new double Inner-spring mattress; maid service; oil heit; $40 per month. Other vacancies. EX. 9011. 1.411 Mh ST. N.W.—Front room, twin beds; private family RA. 9396 —12 717 INGRAHAM ST. N.W—Large rm with serened porch, for 1 or couple; excel, transp.: reas. TA. 4059. —12 i LOVELY FRONT ROOM; one or two em-j ployed ladies; private home; excellent i transportation OR. 8694. —13 1313 PARK RD. N.W—Double or single rm , near bath; unlim. phone. CO. 3582. —13 , CHEVY CHASE CLUB VICINITY—Attrac-1 tive. comfortable suite of rooms, private | bath, cross ventilation, overlooking garden: det. house: family of 3 adults: quiet lo-. cation; for 1 or 2 gentlemen. Phone Oliver 2916. —12 III MADISON ST. N.W.—Dbl. or sgl. rm . pvt. bath: quiet home; conv. transp., tel.;! reasonable. GE. 7819. —13 I WAROMAV PARK SECTION—Nicely furn rm.. porch; conv. transp., refs. Ml. 5945.' COLORED—29 N ST. N.W—Nicely furn. rm . conven. transp. AD 4388. —15 COLORED—SINGLE ROOM for empl. re fined gentleman or lady, some prlvila.; no cooking. CO 3278. COLORED—1630 CORCORAN ST. N.W — Small furn room. nr. bath and phone conven ; hot water; all privils.; $7 wk. MI 1326. —11 COLORED—NICE FURNISHED ROOM, next to bath, for couple or 2 quiet men. twin beds; no cooking. TA 2095. —12 COLORED—RENT FREE to student: down stairs rm. and bath for some baby sitting: Ga ave. carline Call mornings, GE. 0183. COLORED—TWO FURNISHED ROOMS— 1 double and I single; no cooking. RA. 5405. 12* COLORED—.3221 WARDER ST. N.W.— Furn. rm. for sgle. person, in pvt. home; conven to transp RA. 8345 —12 COLORED—-64 4 IRVING ST. N.W.—Dou ble front rm . twin beds, laundry and phone, no cooking; nr. Howard U ; 2 young men or 2 girls; $4.50 wk. ea. RA 4926 —12 COLORED—1 OR 2 REFINED LADIES or couple—Nice room, home privileges. HO. 5289 —12 COLORED—1267 N. J. AVE. N.W., No. I — Rm for employed couple or 2 sisters: cooking prlvtle ; conven. to transp. COLORED—1829 CALIFORNIA ST.. APT. 34—Room, nicely furn.. for quiet couple; home privileges HO. 1094. —12 COLORED—2814 GEORGIA AVE. N.W — Large rm.. next to bath; for sober gentle man only. NO. 7464 —12 COLORED—NICELY FURN. RMS. for 3 girls—Twin beds, cooking and laun. privils. AD 3783 —13 COLORED—3537 19th ST. N.W., APT. I — Professional person. MI. 5984. —12 ROOMS FURN ISH ED—Northeast SINGLE RM.. newly furn . large closet; privileges, conv. transp.; $28 mo. AX. 5151. i —12 ■ifilfi RHODE ISLAND AVE. N.E.—Single room with lavatory for reflned employed lady. Hobart 1722. 12* BROOKLAND. near Michigan ave.—Pvt. home. 1 single- I double, with twin beds; on 2 buslines; ladies only. DE. 0700. -—12 907 TAYLOR ST.—Double room for 1 or 2; in private home: bus at corner; convenient neighborhood. DU 2079. —13 LARGE. BRIGHT, CLEAN, cool, front bed room. pvt. entr ; unlim. phone; ice water; lovely vicinity; gentleman only. DU. 4492. 917 EVARTS ST.—Large front room, next bath: ladies only; newly dec ; new maple iurn ; close to transp. AD. 2303. —12 UROOKLWD—Nice single furn. cor. room with porch, near bath; rnnv. transp.; small quiet adult family; no drinking; $25 mo. DU 7850. 12* 309 V ST. N.E.—Nicely furnished twin bed room. In private home; next to bath; near 4th and R. 1. n e., shopping and transportation _ 11* >902 Bl.ADENSBl'RG ROAD N.E—Front bedroom, nvi home: young lady; kit. privil . bus stop at door AT 1807. •—12 3105 r HANNING ST. N.E.—Largr front, rm, next to bath; unlim. phone; non drinkers. Do not phone. ■—11 TWO BEDROOMS. $3(1 and $35 monthly: 'a blk. off Ml. Rainier carline. Men only. AO *><;«•• —11 25 R ST. N.E.—Large front double room twin beds: also single room; 1*1 blk. to carline. Call HO. 8221. —12 1015 KEARNY ST. N.E. -Lge . comfortable, (rout rm, semipvt. bath, unlim. phone. DE. 1740 —12 i THE MARICK. 138 R st. n e—Comfortable room, newly decorated- new furn, laun. privils.; double. $25-$27.50. LI. 5870. — 1 h 906 48th ST. N.E.—Dble. rm. in lovely^ name, home privil. VI. 5063. , 1 132 C ST. N.E.—Front rm.. single. $6 wkly maid service; cool, good transpor tation. LU 6133. ... a*. NEWLY Pl’RN. twin bedrm . next to bath, radio, fan, unlim. phone; gentleman only. NO 90] 5. -—1- , TAKOM A PARK. 116 Park ave—Single rm . pvt. bath and shower; $26 mo.; close to bus SH 7078. —11 , 30 R. I. AVE. N.E.—Lame front rm,. twin beds, laundry privil., 2 min. transp ; girls only. AD 1232. —12 WORKING GIRL OR WOMAN; clean, new lv furn rm. in private home; good transp. Call CO 3348 after 6 p m. r—11 321 AOAM8 ST. N.E.—Apt. 4—Lge. sgl. rm . closet, next bath: 1 block from 4th and R I on 3 carlines: $6.50 wk. 12* FRONT ROOM, furnished; home privileges; conv. bus and streetcar. Call FR. 4153. —12 1039 SOUTH DAKOTA AVE. N.F.—Double front room. 1 or 2 persons. DE 4039. 3110 SO. DAK. AVE.—Master bedrm.. twin beds, large cedar closet and storage closet: blk. to R I. ave : kit. privil. if desired, empl adults only: $50 mo.: see, any time; available Sept. 15. NO. 6452 —13 | *31 6th RT. N.E.—Girls or couple: 1 rm. j double bed, 1 rm. twin beds; shower; porch. —12 | 3977 BLAINE ST. N.E.—Bedrm., adjoin-! ins semipvt. bath, shower, kitchen privil.. good transp., PO . movies, complete busi. center nearby; prefer empl couple; $43; will rent single. $35. VI. 7437. —13 126* PENN ST. N.E—Furn. rm. next to bath. J blk. from bus; telephone; gentle- | man only: $7 wk. AT. 7283. —13 13 7th ST. N.E.—Dble sleeping rm. next to bath: privils FR. 2151. —3 2 GIRL TO SHARE lovely double rm., twin beds, pvt. bath, with another girl; $22.50 mo. DEL 3058. —12 | 13*1 CHILDRESS ST.—Large front room, for lady or gentleman, or married cple.: ; kit. privil : private family. AT 2917 —12 COLORED — 2802 12th ST. N.E.—Large furnished room for couple, with private! kitchen, in first-claw home; must have references. MI. 0044. —11 i COLORED—LIGHT HOUSEKEPING ROOM for quiet couple. TR. 5957. —12 i COLORED—1149 7th ST. N.E.—Large.! nicely furnished front room for refineo couple: light housekeeping. LU. 7006. 12* COLORED—NEAR NO. CAPITOL ST.— Larne room, next to bath, for quiet coup'e or 2 girls; conven. to carline. DU. 6893. — 12 COLORED—DOUBLE FRONT RM.—Nicely, furn. for employed reflned couple or! gentlemen: conven. transp LI. 5306. —12 COLORED—FURN. ROOM—Quiet: home privils.; no children; $10 week. TR. o939 12* COLORED—520 F ST. N.E.—Single and double furn. rooms. LU. 5958. j ROOMS FURNISHED—S.E. and S.W. HILLCREST, 3336 Denver at. a.e.—At tractively furn. front rm , in practically new home: $35 a mo VI. 0513 —12 878 YUMA ST. S.E.—Furn. rm. for rent in new home; suitable for 2 girls or couple: kit. privils. available; unlim. phone: i/j block from bus stop. TW. 8514. —12 616 G ST. S.E.—Conv. transp., nicely fur. dble. or single; next bath in clean, pvt. home. FR. 4912 after 1 p m. —13 ATTRAC. RM. for gentleman; conv. to Pa. ave. transp.; must be seen to be ap preciated TR 8677. —12 252 8th ST. S.E.—Room, next bath. $25 month, man only. Call after 4 p.m . or Sunday. —13 123 6th ST. S.W.—Lge. front Toom. twin oeas: excel, transp ; nr. Govt, bldas.: $35 mo. ME. 9811 — —17 151 13th ST S.E—Room for 2 men. with references. LI. 6940 or AD. 8008. —12 3105 LIND ALE PL. S.E.—Room for 2 re fined Jewish men, in nice home: meals if desired; reasonable Victor 1126. • 1459 ALABAMA AVE. S.E.—Dble. rm.. nicely furn.: bus stop at door; unlim. phone. VI. 5061. —13 711 E. CAPITOL ST.—Dble. rm. for girls; laundry privil , use of phone; Lincoln Park car by door. LI 0012. —11 723 KENTUCKY AVE.—1 room, double bed kosher food. AT 2831 —12 12*2 PLEASANT ST. S.E.—L«e. front rm.. comf. furn. blk. to transp.: centrally located: gentleman only. AT. 8176. —11 ROOMS FURNISHED—MD. b VA. FRONT RM., private bath; private family; no other roomer*; available Sept. 15: 5 min. to bus: gentleman. Call WI. 2913 —12 ARLINGTON—Nicely furnished front bed room in private home: double bed; next to bath near 2 buslines; convenient to Penlagon and Navy Bldg.; refined gentle man OX. 0932. —12 ATTRACTIVE RM., pvt. home; agle. or dble.; "a blk. Arlington Hall: 15 mins from Pentagon and Navy; bui at door: Christian girls. GL. 6462. CONVENIENT to the Pentagon: next to bath, in clean private home: dble. or sale.; no drinking. CH 7164. ROOM WITH BATH, In pvt. home, near Westmoreland Circle. Call WI. 4164 betw. 11 and 1 p.m. —12 LEE BLVD. HGTS—For those looking for something unusually attractive, large, beautiful furnisnea room with bath and sun deck. In new brick home. FA. 3510. — 12 IF TWO REFINED GENTLEMEN are inter ested In a large front bedrm. with twin beds, call CH. 9550 Conv. Jransp —12 N. ARLINGTON—Attractive room for two Govt, girls in pleasant gentile home: good transportation: $40 CH. 0641. —11 BEDROOMS in private home for men. students preferred: living rm privileges, phone and refrigerator furnlahed: may use hot plate: tk block from downtown bus GL. 6807. —15 2 ROOMS for Quiet employed couple. Call GL 8971 after 6 p.m. —11 ALEXANDRIA AREA—Lovely room In small country home. 2 meals and laundry if desired. TE 5666. —11 S. ARL.—Attract, dbl. rm In gentile home, nr Navy Annex, new single beds, working cpl. or 2 gentlemen; refs. desired. CH 2670. —11 ARLINGTON—Front rm. sdl. bsth, pvt. home: gentleman only; $30 mo. GL. 2216. —12 ARLINGTON—Lge. uptltirs studio rm.. pvt. bath; also small alcove for I.h.k ; oref. very auiet empl. person. CH. 8123. j ARLINGTON, SO.—Lovely lge room,' 4 windows, ad) bath; private home; conv. to Pentagon and airport. Bus at door. JA IHJ3-J. —12 ALEXANDRIA—Room. pvt. bath; all privli TE 2585 —12 SILVER SPRING—Large room adi. bath for empl. cpl.: twin beds. 2 closets, unlim. phone, laundry privlis; garage if desired. 8H. 5464. —12 SILVER SPRING—On busline; large room, twin beds, pvt. bath, unlim. phone; open fireolace. 8H. 7695. * ARLINGTON—Young gentleman to share room, twin beds, with another gentleman. Call OW 9441 after 6 p.m —13 ARLINGTON. North Glebe rd—Large room with 4 windows. 3 exposures; 15 minutes from Pentagon: well furnished: bath with tub and shower; gentleman. OX 1746. —12 ONE ROOM With cooking facilities private home, no children 6337 Tuscarawas rd.. Glen Echo Hgta.. M4. —12 RMS. FURN—MP. fr VA. (Cont.> 1*27 NO. UTAH iT- Ayl. V» —Attne. front rm. newly dec.: K. bui; llrit n.; city fere. —IX GIRL TO SHARE Uric twin bedroom, laundry privilege, eonven. transp , S25 per mo. 3024 N. 4th St., Arl. OL. 0756. 12— CHEVY CHASE. MD—Lovely 2nd-floor rm : in quiet neighborbewl laundry and Kitchen privileges WI. «'172. —13 LARGE PLEASANT RM.. employed couple oreterred. no children PA. 3365 —12 LOVELY DOUBLE RM. next to bath, in new home, pvt ent : close to buses, shop ping center. GL. 6353. —12 NICELY FURN. single rm. In pvt. home: conv. transp to Pentagon and Navy An nex; near shopping center. CH. 0551 —12 FURNISHED ROOM, next to bath, in pri vate home: lady only; 10c fare to D. C. ALex. (1607. 3110 list AVE.. Colmar Manor. Md—Rim dbl. beds, suitable for 1 or 2 gentlemen NEAR ANDREWS FIELD and Suitland— Furn. rm. for l person, with kit. privilege; reas Call HI. 7760._—12 ROOMS UNFURNISHED. ROOM with inclosed glass porch for em-i ployed lady; nonhousekeeping Call DE.1 I ROOM AND KITCHEN, unfurn r tralisp ■lose. 6509 Coolidse at.. Maryland Park. Kdi;« _ROOMS_ WANTED. REFINED. QUIET LADY desires small apt. or 2 large unfurn. rooms, bath, non smoker-drinker. Box ;t»9-V. Star. 12* SINGLE. RETIRED ex-soldier seeks room, about $2<) month: permanent: sober, re spectable; near Treasury. Box 407-V. Star. 12* DIPLOMAT, single, young, desires room, pvt. bath, in private home, or bachelor apt.: Rock Creek Park or similar garden section. Box 457-V. Star. 12* NATIONAL SYMPHONY VIOLINIST desires quiet, large room or small apartment: practice reasonable hours. Box 45S-V. Star. i;i* UNIVERSITY SENIOR, nondrinkei". non smoker. desires master bedroom, if possible, in home with refined atmosphere. Chevy Chase. Cleveland Park. Wesley Heights. Friendship Heights. Glover* Park. George town area preferred. Box 4H1-V, 8tar. PERMANENT GOVT. WOMAN wants'room with hot plate or kitchen privils.. bv Sept ~~ or sooner; Cleve. Park. Chevy Chase or Park pref., limit $32 month. Box 463-V. Star. 13 MEDICAL AND DENTAL STUDENTS nf Georgetown Univ desires rooms or ants in Georgetown. Glover Park. Burleith and Foxhall Village Call registrars office, WOOdley i 0(1(1. hrt Mam anrt i n m_i •> ROOMS WITH BOARD. 2«24 WOODLEY PL.. Sf Shorfham: vacancy; young man. excellent meals, good transp AD 0244. _ THE CLUB SHANNON. 2817 Conn, ave n—Double rms.; also vacancies to share with lady or gentleman; maid service, switchboard and selected menu. AD 8430. ROOM AND BOARD for couple or em ployed mother with child, day care lor child. RA 8424. _i«* 29*»5 12th ST. N.E.—Nicely furn. rm.; gentleman, in pvt home of adults; meals optional; bus at door. AD. 7659 —15 BETTY ALDEN INN, 111 1st st. ne — Lge. nicely furn. dbl. rms. for men or women: Va blk. Senate Office Bid*., 1 blk Congressiona1 Library. TR 937o —J5 LGE. DBL. RM .. couple preferred, good transp. and good neighborhood; excel. meals. DU. 0625. _15 I7.V» N ST. N.W.—For sober refined Christian young men; 2 singles. 1 larce double; $4.50 to $55: wholesome de licious food _i o CLUB MASON, 1726 New Hampshire ave n.w.—Dble. room, for men or ladies: live in Wash's finest auesthouse. famous for lts^food and service. MRS SAMPLE. NO 6 • «0. _j SHANGRILA—A lovely home In Chevy Chase; large spacious lawns, sleeping porches, southern cooking, catering to invalid*; reasonable. Call Ordway 7235. ] 8 * BELL-AIR CLUB—Near Walter Reed. 771n Blair rd. n.w : >block Georgia and Alaska bus; cnotce rooms for particular people; doubles and singles, best in food and service. SH. 3317. SH. 97 75. —12 WENDELL TERRACE—Large. <*ool. rooms to share, pleasant porches, shady lawns; superior meals. blk to 3 main transp lines: maid service: $47.50 mo. 18-*7 Belmont rd. n.w.. MI 9435. _11 ' 1401 16th ST. N.W.—Lge. dble. share rms : for men and women, w’ell-appointed residence: excel, food and service, switch board _ 1109 16th 8T. N.W.—Doubles and to share for young men. auiet place, good food and trans.: close in. MI. 2740. DU. 9267. —14 1754 MASS. AVF. N.W., Dupont Circle Vacancies to <harp for men or girls; pvt baths, excellent fond, conven transp. -—21 6906 8th ST. N.W.—Attractive dbl rm . clean hoitie. near Waiter Reed. excel. home cooking; 2 empl. people, $55. GE. 0682. 1756 N ST. N.W.—For refined young women, home-like atmosphere, tempting food; several attractive vacancies left. $50 to $55. MRS WALLACE DAVIS. house mother. _4 2 THE MAR-LEETA. 1325 16th st. n w.— Nicely furnished rooms, running water: for young ladies and young men; showers, elevators, telephones; excellent food. J2* NEAR WARDMAN PARK and Conn. ave.—• Private home, large single room, for re fined gentleman; unlimited phone and ex cellent meals CO 3127. —12 5704 14th ST. N.W.—Nicely furn. double rm. for 2 young people: det. home: friendly Southern family good transp. $10 a wk. each with breakfast. RA 3928. _1« 1 LARGE ROOM, suitable for 3 or 4. Also double room and room to share for men J9J9 16th st. n.w. AD 4737. —12 SINGLE ROOM in new home, for young woman or student, or employed mother and child over 5. HU. 5714 —12 MANSION CLUB. 2230 Mass. ave. n.w.— A few vacancies in this fine home tor young reOule. Only $50 month. 1774 MASS. AVE. N.W.—Share vacancy for young man in very large nicely furn. room; good food: $55 month. ’i BLOCK DUPONT CIRCLE—1604 19th st. n.w. Double rm. twin beds, semipvt. bath, also vacancy in triple rm for young man Reasonable. Good home-cooked food. — 17 1337 GALLATIN ST. N.W.—’Vacancies for young ladies. Dbl. or triple Bal anced meals. Unlim. phone. Piano, fge liv. rm.. home privlls. A home away from home. GE. 5976. —17 ARLINGTON—Db). and single rms., new ly dec.; 7 baths: lge grounds Excel, meals; $18 and $20 per wk. Wilson blvd. bus. Close in. OW. 6253. MRS FAY. 2 SINGLE RMS.- with or without board, excel meals, nice home, no other boarders. GE. 9199. _17 ARLINGTON—Lge outside rms.: home cooked meals: daily maid service, excel, transp parking privileges; lovely veran das and lawn. GL. 89lo_—l 7 ROOMS WITH BOARD WANTED. TWO employed young women want two bedrooms with private bath, meals; in quiet, pleasant surroundings, n.w section. MISS FREIBERG. Rockville 3033 12* _COUNTRY BOARD. SILVER SPRING—Will board boy or girl. 3 to 5 years, permanently or monthly rveferencea; licensed home. 8H 4767. LAY CARE for two children in my pvt. ome: meals and good attention: vie. Riv rdaie and East Pines. UN. 4451. ROOMS, APARTMENTS TO SHARE. YOUNG JEWISH GIRL to sharp apt. with another air!. Call Lincoln SI.10 after 8 p m . all day Sunday 12* NEAT. CONGENIAL GIRL. 24-30. to share efficiency apartment with Jewish profes sional girl. Phone AD 5020. Ext 215 before 11 or after 7. 13* GIRL TO SHARE 2-bedrm apt with 1 other girl: s.e.: gentile; state age. where employed and refs Box 154-X Star —13 CONGENIAL YOUNG MAN to share nicely furnished apt. with another young man. DuPont Circle area Call HU. 8471. —12 WANTED, Jewish girl lo share nicely furn 2-bedrm. apt. with 2 other girls. 812 Kennedy st.. Apt. 4 Phone TA 3351 after 10:30 am. Saturday and Sunday. GENTLEMAN haa modern bedrm-apt to share with another man 8T 8500.—12 BUNGALOW—2 young refined ladles to share bungalow, all privileges: 2 blocks to busline To locate Ml Rainier streetcar to Mt. Rainier. Hyattsville bus. go to 31st «ve . walk to 31st pi. Any time before 4 pm —12 MOTHER and 5-year-old daughter will share large lgt-floor. 3-rm . kii. and hath apt with 2 ladles: all home prtvil . unlim phone: only restriction no drinking; avail Sept. 18; *25 mo each. HO 1708 —12 WORKING MOTHER and 8-yr son will share two-bedroom apt. In Falrllngton. No objection to mother and child. OV. 1848. after 6 p m. —11 YOUNG MAN to share mod. 2-rm kit and bath apt with another gentleman. In upper Georgetown area. reas. rent. OR 5420. —12 LADY has nicely furn 2-bedrm. ant., n w section, to ahare with Jewish couple or woman, all privileges TA 5858 GIRL HAS APT. TO SHARE with another girl in 30s; *35, Including utilities. 1728 20th st. n w.. CO 6154. —12 YOUNG LADY wishes to share her attrac mod apt. with 1 congenial fun-loving girl bet. 25 and 30. conv. transp , Idry. privll., etc. GL. 3203. —13 YOUNG LADY to share room and private bath, twin beds, private family; *25 per month for 1. Phone WO. 0254. —13 ATTRACTIVELY dec. southern exposure In apt bldtL for refined congenial young woman Twin beds, conv. location. Colum bia Heights, excel trans Refs. Available Sept. 15. Box 228-8. Star. —12 WILL SHARE APT. with young lady by another lady: linens, silver. Bendlx, furn. Call after 1 p m , LU. 8170. —12 GIRL to share spacious 4-rm. apt. with 3 Jewish girls. CO. 0508. —12 NR. PENN. AND MINN. AVE. S.E.— 2 business girls to share furn apt with 1 other girl; twin beds. Call LU. 8748, ask for MISS LEE —12 NEAR PRESIDENTIAL GARDENS. ALEX. —Young man will ahare modern furn. apt. with another man; SSO per month. TE. 1100 after 4 p.m. —12 WE TWO WOULD LIKE to ahare pleasant n w. ant. with another young lady. Govt, employe, who would enloy own room. ^EM. CATHOLIC GIBL. 21-30. to ahare 2-bedrm. furn. apt. with 2 other girls: *45 each including utils. Phone DU. 907P Sat. and Sun after 12:30 p.m —12 CATHOLIC GIKL wanted to share twin bed room apt. with another girl, break fast included; reasonable. Box 4.12-V. Star. >-'• APARTMCNT5 FURNISHED. 58 R. 1. AVE. N.W.—1 rm . kitchenette, semipvt. bath; $40 mo, MRS WATKINS. §nNScELT*rUKN. RMS... refrigerator, run nlng water, adults SBfeF* $00 per mo g*W ^T. Bedroom. small kitchen ette; adjoining aemiprlvate bath; $10 j weekly APT. for 1 girl. bet. 18-20. to shire with 2 Others: *30 mo. Call bet. 2 tod 7 p.m. TOUNG0OGOVEKNMENT C.IRL to share lovely n.v. apt. with 2 Govt, girls. _j»35 2-KM'.,rcmN’°APT.. kit., bath and porch; j no children, no pets, cloaa in. 58<.50 mo. Box 178-3L Star. APTS. FURNISHED (Cont.i. 6-ROOM APT., completely furnished: liv. rm.. din. rm.. 2 bedrms. kit. aijl bath. $120 per mo.: no children. SL. 2229. 1.15# QUINCY ST. N.W.—2 lge. comfortable rm*.. cooking and laun. facilities; conv. transp : suitable empl. adults or couple wtth child: *75. RA .14.14. —12 I 157 FAIRMONT ST. N.W —2 lge. rms . 1st fl. near bath, to share lge. kitchen; $6i) mo. Some allowance will be made for taking care of house during spare time: also 1 lge rm with l.h.k.; $10. ST. 6572 or RA. 7047. .1420 1.1th ST. N.W.— lst-fl studio rm and kit. for 2 girls under .10; in gentile home; linen* furn, $60 per mo. AD. 0821. —11 I LARGE ROOM and bath studio apt. for 1 persons; hotel service: near legations; *65 per month each includes 2 meals per day. 7 days; selective menu. HO 7000, MR. BUTTON. —12 1- ROOM nonhousekeeping studio apt . in a"'. bl^v. near Capitol; 2 larg* r’oset'. refer in dressing c dset. bright bath, all new furniture: $70 mo.; adults only Box 169-X, Star. —12 , TWO FURNISHED ROOMS with kitchen privileges available in n.w. for religious, Jewish couple. Call 8-5. TA. 9216. —12; FURN. APT . or mdiv. rms.; convenient transportation. 724 J*th st. n.w. —1 l MODERN APT.. 4 girts. $25 ea . fast bus line stop at door, tiled bath, all conv. OW. 5958 —11 2117 F ST. N.W.—.1 adults. $7 5" each: cool bsmt . studio rm.. sink, grill, pvt. shower television. EX 065.1. —1.1 Ist-FLOOR APT.. 2 bedrooms, exception ally large living and dining rooms, shower: $‘.50 per mo. 6725 Poplar ave.. Takoma Park Md —14 S.-.I WHITTIER PLACE N.W'.— Bas-menl I apt,. $45 a month Also 2 rooms with kitchen privileges available: can be used for single or double Call RA. 757o. —12; 4026 ILLINOIS AVE. N.W.—Furnished i basement apartment. 1 room, kitchen and! semipvt bath; $50 per mo KAY! REALTY CO . INC . 5505 Ga. ave. n.w . RA. 2200 —1,1 BAY RIDGE. MD.—Beautiful new home, well furnished: 5 bedrooms. 1 with twin! beds, 2 with double beds: large picture, window facinc bay. fireplace. oil heat, i 2 complete baths, deep freeze; $200 per: month Call Bay Vista 2256 through Sunday; MI 639n thereafter. —12 2- RM. FURN. APT.—Newly dec. and furn. share bathrm. 4428 Pth at n.w. RA. 1420. —12 SILVER SPRING — 1-rm. and bath, kit and ldry. facil. For cple ; *69 mo PL. 1192. >-12 GEORGETOWN. 1307 20th st n.w — Living room, beritoom. kit and bath, private entrance. $137.50 mo. HO 1168 ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED gentleman s suite, living room, bedroom, hath, phone extension in suite, convenient transpor tation Phone GE. 5117 for appointment to inspect. 11* DUPONT CIRCLE—Newly dec . beautifully furn. apt . liv rm . din. rm . bedim . bath, kit. and breakfast nook comb . 2 adults $160. Phone for anpt HO. 8187. —12 TWO ROOMS, kitchen, bath: partly furn with all utils . $75. For miormation call between 2 and 4:30, MR. BACAS. 727 North Capitol st —12 BEDROOM, liv. rm.. kitchen and bath. $80 per month. Shown from 12 noon to 2 pm. 729 Quebec pi. n.w BEAUTIFUL NEW FURN. lge. rms . strictly pvt. Call RA 6112 after in a m Sun. —12 2818 CATHFDRAL AVE.—For 2 girls. lge front rm., twin beds, kit. privilege, on busline. —12 2712 WOODLEY PL. N.W. -Effic apt ; share bath. util, furn.: walk in and keep house. Weekly or monthly guest.v —li TWO OR THREE GIRLS to share apt with 1 other girl; (2». $15 mo. each: (9). $27.50 mo each TR 8657 13 DOWNTOWN. 1757 N st. n.w. and Conn ave—2 spacious bright rms. pvt. hath, kit . refgr . 2-burner electric stove: $14o. Also l rm . kit . bath. $80. —12 1914 CALVERT N.W.- Lge front, and kit.; $15 per wk 2 auiet adults; avail Sept 15. HO. 2975 AVAILABLE SEPT. 15—1-bedroom apt. recently decorated, pvt. bath and screened porch DU 1699 ;\r.wi.t iim uksimi; nupon* circle; lpe 11 v- rm with balcony, complete kit and closet space, child considered. 1331 21st st n.w $23 per week —12 Mth $T. N.W.—Couple to share large apt for care of child and apt. Call DE 1 *595 or AD. 9799. —12 N.E. VIC.—2 bedrms. liv. rm . kit . pvt bath. lee. hall, screened porch. Reason able. AT. 1517 —12 4 19 IRVING ST. N.W.—2 nicely furn rms.. 2nd fl, for ih k ; conv. transp.; use of phone. RA 1892. —17 FOUR BOYS—2-bedrm ant., pvt. bath, single beds, linens and dishes furn.. 331 1 7 th st lie.. L.U. 2174. —13 653 MARYLAND AVE. N.E.—2 large rms. 1st floor, quiet young married couple, both employed, elec, refgr —17 ATARTMENT for sober, reliable persons; liv. rm . bedrm . kit. ST 3507. —12 3033 15th ST. N.W.—3 large rooms, nicely, furn. kitchenette, bath, inclosed porch., adults only; $125. 3 to 8 pm •—12 DUPONT CIRCLE—2 rooms, inci complete kit with refgr. semipvt. bath; for 1 or 2.j $50 month. '735 P st n.w. BACHELOR APT.. 1 rm and kitchenette.! for employed man, close to transportation | 3720 9th st. n.w. —12 I AFT. BEAUTIFULLY FURN.. living room ' dinette, bsth. 1 bedroom, kitchen, screened: in back porch, close to transp and stores, $1 |<t per mo Does not include linens or phone bill OR. 1232. —12 727 WEBSTER ST. N.W.—L*e attrac rm . well equipped for Ihk., conv. rransp. RA 9703. $4 7.50 mo —13 3-KM. FURN. APT., semipvt. bath, excel, transp.; empl. cpl.; $80 a mo. Box 145 X. Star. —12 SECOND-FLOOR APT., liv. rm.. bedrm . fully equipped kitchen, screened porch, semibath, all utilities; quiet nettled em ployed nondrinking Christian couple: no children, no pets, no parties. RA. 1540. 2203 1st ST. N.W—2 nice large bodrms compl kit., suitable 4 or 5 girls or 2 couples; $100 per mo. CO 9612. —12 4 113 31th ST.. Mt. Rainier. Md.-*Fir*t fl. apt., liv rm., din. rm.. kit . 2 bedrms . bath, no objections to 2 children; $100 per mo. —12 IMMACULATE 2-ROOM, kit and bath apt., on bus line. 1 child welcomed, $100 mo. 4308 Lee hw y . Arl . Va —12 2-RM. CORNER APT., 128 6th ft B.e — Kit. gas range, elec refgr . livtng-bedrm.. working couple or 2 girls employed. $53.50 per mo. —12 3 RMS. AND BATH. $95. Call DE 1184 SETTLED COUPLE, quiet, congenial with car to share unusual home, own bedroom refgr . kitchenette, small liv rm., screened porch, pvt. entr.. garage. Cabm John. $75 mo. WI. 4172. —12 LIVING ROOM, bedroom, kitchen, shower bath, accomodate 3 adults, linen included. | $35.75 ea. 1271 New Hamp ave. n.w. 12V 707 MT. VERNON PL. N.W.—At K and th sts.—Dbl rm.. near bath: l.h k with lec hot plate. $46 ST 6572 or RA 7047. COLORED—TWO UNFURNISHED APART MENTS wuth bath. 216 Eye st n.w’. —1! COLORED—1 - RM. APT. 42 G st. n.w. i Cali UN. 7693. _ j APARTMENTS UNFURNISHED. TWO BEDROOMS, living room, dinette.' kitchen and bath: lovely neighborhood, adults only. HI. 4794. —13 2 ROOMS, kit., inclosed porch and bath:1 settled working couple; no children or pets. $85 HU 7751. —12 1224 ORREN ST. N.E.—Entire 2nd floor pvt. home. 2 large rooms, kit., pvt bath, closed porch, utilities furn ; no children or pets, for quiet employed Christian couple; no refrigerator; $65 month. • ENTIRE THIRD ‘top* floor of private residence In exclusive Georgetown section; two large rooms, entrance hall and bath room. nrepl.. separate entrance, equipped for light housekeeping. Frigidaire, un furnished $125 per month. DE 4304. Box 454-V Star —12 1 NFURN. 2 ROOMS and $15 week to married white couple, husband employed, or middle-aced widow, care 2 school-age children and g h w Call AL. 8281. —11 19th AND PA. AVE. N.W.—2-rm base ment: share bath $60: day-working cou ple or 3 men preferred DI 4890 TAKOMA PARK—2 rms. and bath, utils, furn; $62 per mo. Phone SL. 7560; eves . 8H 5161 —11 TAKOMA PARK —1st flr . 5 rm* and hath. 2 bedrms. and kit . dinette, liv rm with fireplace; utils furn.. rental. $125 mo. Phone Sligo 756o: eves., SH 5161. —11 COLORED—ONE-ROOM. KIT., semiprivate bath, settled employed couple, no ehildren. tear Howard University. Box 4K8-V. Star. 1 2 * APARTMENTS SUBURBAN. SMALL APT., nearby Alex.; available Sept 11 to Oct. 2. everything included; OV. 07J*5. * COTTAGE CITV. MD—1 brdrm . liv. rm kitchenette, pvt. bath. pvt. entrance; nil modern conveniences, new apt and furni ture- yioo a month. Warfield 8411. * APARTMENTS WANTED. BY GOVT. EXECUTIVE and aSuit "daugh ;ter. 7-bedroom not or equivalent, fur Inlshed. pref n.w.; top rent. SI SO month 1 Box 372-V. Star TWO ADULTS desire 1-bedrm apt . tn apt bldg, between Conn. ave. bridge and Neb lave DU 0500, Ext. 325 after 0 pm * TWO GIRLS, refined, empl desire 1-bed room apt . furn.. unfurn ; pref. n.w . eonv to downtown Ask Opr.. RO. 3713. 12* MEDICAL STUDENT and wife, no children, urgently need !-bedrm. apt Cali AD 12916, MR OAKLEY 12* APT. FURNISHED. 3 employed girls; 1 or 2 bedrooms, living room kitchen, bath; under *100; n.w. nreferred. Tel ALex. I 2736 13* ARMY MAJOR AND WIFE desire unfurn apt. or house, conv Pentagon; very beat care assured TE. 7S36. —-12 ONE-RM. APT WITH KITCHEN and pvt. bath, n w Wash or Arlington: refined couple no children, no pets. EX /<-*>• Rm 433. —11 MARINE OFFICER urgently needs 2 or 3 bedroom furnished apartment In or south of Alexandria by October 1. Box 394-V. Star U FAMILY WITH ONE CHILD desires fur nished apartment or house n w. section. Not over $140. Call DE 5076. 11* YOUNG EMPLOYED COUPLE desire fur nished apt. for 1 month. Excel, ref OV. 1476. OV. 3860 , 12* ONE-BEDRM. APT,, pvt. bath elec refgr. Employed couple; no children or pets. Ph WO 3011 12* PROFESSIONAL WOMAN desIres 1 or 2 room apt. furnished or unfurnished. Ar Itngton-Alexandrla district. Catl TO. 5631. BEDRM . L. R APT., vie. of 16th st. and Harvard, for businesswoman. Max. *42. AD. 8845. afternoons rwo GOVT. GIRLS want furn. or unfurn. apt. Call AT 0004. , v . *2* COUPLE. 6-VR.-OLD want 1 bedroom apt. furn. unfurn. Montgomery County. Md Around *70. Important to child to start: school. Shepherd Jo5o. 17* BUSINESSWOMAN desires sma 1 'urn or unfurn apt. Prefer apt. bldg, downtown, j n.w. section Box 365-V, Star. 12* IMMEDIATELY, suitable for .3 or 4 men* •students. Vets Not too distant from Cath- j oltc Un Pre'er min. stairs 2 vets lost leu *1<I0-*I25 mo. TW. 1538. —12 1 REFINED, employed young couple must have 2 or 3 room apartment, private bath, in n w. or Silver Spring section. 8L ^7M7. WANTED 2-ROOM ArT-. pvt. bath, kit chen. furnished: vet and .wife, both em ployed; no children. LU. 6o5. —12 [ GOVT. OFFICIAL, wife ind smell child \ require 2-bedroom apartment, furnished J or unfurnished Convenient to Pentagon. CHINESE Vfc 8N.‘ OFFICIAL, firstly 'of 3 APARTMENTS WANTED (Cn».)% TWO YtUNG WOMEN, collet* ndustt desire Surn. apt. in n.w. Call CH. CM 91 RESPONSIBLE YOUNG LADY de*ire» !• room furnished apartment with kitchen ette. Will consider share with own bed room Box 391-V. Star 11* QUIET COUPLE, responsible, employed n» children, no pets, desire furnished apt.; n.w. section. MR. MIDDLEMAN EX 6360. Ex: 562. 3:30-6:30 P m.. Mon.-Pri 16* VETERAN, wife and 9-month baby, ur gently need one or two bedroom apt. MR. WIER 'NO 9752. 12* YOUNG DOCTOR, wife and child, desirt small furn. apt,, vie Walter Reed Hospital. Call GE. 9649. DR. EDWARD JAHNICX. 6 to lti p.m —12 PERM. GOVT. EMPLOYE needs 2-bedroom house or apartment, up to $100; pref. So. Arlington; consider sublease over 2 moa. RB. 4142. Ext 6047. 9 to 5. 11* TWO ROOMS, kitchen and bath, near tramp. first or second floors, apt. bldg, preferred: $55 adults FR. 6228. 11* QUIET COUPLE. !7-year daughter, urgent ly need 1 or 2 bedrm apt . fum. pref J reasonable TONKINS. TR 5938 II* FURN. APT —l or 2 bedrm* . for middle aged couple. no children, no pets. 1 or I months or ionger; n.w. or Md. OL. 8^863. ONE-BEDROOM APT. desired for Govt. employe and mother. Call MISS RES NICK. AT. 4327 or write 1323 I it fl i 13* PROFESSIONAL WOMAN, single, perma nently emnloyed small apartment ip n.w.; preferably unfurnished. Vienna 316. Box 465-V. Star 12* ONE OR TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT, furnished or unfurnished, desired bv 3 settled businesswomen. Call DI 1531 <9 to 6 daily except Sun.) or EX 3515. Ext 3982; evenings. ME. 4043. 13* QUIET COUPLE, best reference*, deaire apt . furn. or unfurn ; approx. $60. NO. 4559 UNITED AIRLINES SALES EMPLOYE and rrrployed wife desire 3-room furn apt., private bath. TR 1612. —12 SETTLED EMPLOYED middle-aged lady with high-school-ace daughter wishes 1 bedroom living room, furnished or un furnished apt . by Oct. 1st . must be con venient to transportation and school Call MI. 5240 alter 6 pm. 12* student COUPLE, both vets, desire 2 or 3 rm. 1 h k. apt vie American University; pref unfurnished OW 2282. —13 STUDENT VETERAN, wife, child, need t rooms, bath and kitchen. Derm. D C resi dents to $80 EM 2740. 12« ARMY OFFICER, wife, and 6-year-old daughter, desire 2 or 3 bedroom apt . un furnished. in Va , about Oct. 1. RA 8558. 13* APT. WANTED, unfurnished, pvt bath; s e or n e . near Gallinger Hospital. FR. 5360 12* CIVIL SERVICE 14 years, transferred berg permanently, middle-aged rouple. no chil dren. nets, need unfurnished 1-bedroom apt mod bldg references BUCHANAN. DE 4400 12* ATTORNEY (VET), wile desire 2-3 room furnished apartment, kitchen. pvt bath; maximum, $125 Box 381-V Star 13* ARMY OFFICER, employed wife and mother. desire •’-bedroom apartment, furnished or unfurnished, no children, petg or drinking. Cal! CO 913ft. 12* VETERAN STUDENT, wife and adult sis ter. wish ! or 2 bedroom art. or housa. within 5-min radius Catholic University. DONALD E CURREN GE. 5326 —12 VET. wife and daughter, age 5. urgently need 1 or 2 bedroom apt. or small house, unfurnished; prefer Arlington, reasonable rent Call LI 5028 12* APT. WANTED. Arlington or Northwest D C . by disabled veteran, wife and baby. Home sold, must move by Sept. 30. Call FR. 1296 12* EMPLOYED COUPLE want 1 or 2 bedrm. unfurnished apartment in apartment bldg . n.w. section only, up to $125 rent no children or pets. CO 4155 12* W ANTED—Unfurnished apt . 2 bedroom*, or small house, n.w. section, for 3 adults. Phone RA 7555 12* URGENTLY NEEDED 2 bedrooms living room, furnished apartment. 2 children; n.w.; maximum $125 Dl. 7868 13* ONE-ROOM EFFICIENCY APT. —Yount lady, employed Netherlands rovt . n w sec tion. preferably apt building, no sharing. HO 422i). Ext. 2 from 9 to 5. CO 2000. Ext 484 after 6 13* YOUNG COUPLE expecting baby soon, de sire suitable apt furn or unfurn $66 to mo Call FM 1547 13* TWO PROFESSIONAL WOMEN desire furn. aot . n « Cal! EX 2902. . —J J* . WAlvi r,U HI i ' m'ri,r» * or two bedroom apart merit, furnished of unfurnished HO 1271. Room 4 1 12* JR MEDICAL STUDENT. wife and child, needs 1 or 2 hedrm apt ; vie. Georgetown or Arlington WI. 5316 —*2 TWO VETERANS, ree nurses, attending C U ; desire small turn apt ; n w sec i not to exceed 860. WO 9664. *—12 CORPORAL, wife and baby, desperately need furn or unfurn ant bv 15th of Sept : max. 866 LI. 3525 —1" TWO-BFDRM. FERN APT . private bath: empl. cple : desirable n w. sec. Phong Sat. Monday, after 6 nm; Sun. 9 to 6. DU 2461 — 12 YOUNG FMPL. CPLE . no children, smok ing. drinking desRc small unfurn. apt S Arlington or n w. FA 051®. —1* COUPLE DFSIRF. bedroom apt ; no chil dren and ro pets DU 7988. —12 GEORGETOWN or nearby n w -Furn apt , 2 bedrooms or equal accommodations for 3 responsible, permanently employed young women: urgently needed Oct. 1. Ml 0334, Sat.. Sun and evenings. 12 PROFESSIONAL WOMAN desires unfur nished efficiency apartment in n w are*. Box 476-V. Star. 17* GOVERNMENT EMPLOYED MOTHER. 5 yr -old daughter < all day kindergarten), need 1 bedroom, living room, private bath, kitchen Glebe 2394 before 4 pm. of after 6:30 pm Monday . 12* BY OCTOBER 1st—4 to 6 rooms, kit and bath, unfurnished, apartment or house; tn n w three responsible employed adulta. EX 9072. 12* ^ EMPLOYED COUPLE, gentile, quiet and responsible, desire 1 -bedroom furnished apartment, no pet«. HU. 9127, 10 a m to 6 p m. , . , 12 2 REFINED single girl*, perm, employed, urgently need furn. studio or 1-bedroom apt . In s e section near Pa. ave ; excel, refs. Box 472-V. Star 19* COUPLE, responsible, quiet, no children* no pets, desire 1-bedroom or efficiency apartment unfurnished Glebe 3062 12* YOUNG EMPLOYED COUPLE, need 2 or 3 rm. apt.; furn rr unfurn.; must vacate present home by Oct. 1. Call HO If Id any time —lft VETERAN STUDENT and wife (expecting), need 2 or 3 rm. apt ; in vicinity or Catholic Univ.. n e. Call NO 2677 —13 BRITISH COUPLE, daughter 5. requirw year lease, furn. apt. or house. 2-ft beda; n w or n.e : urgent DE 0120 —12 REFINED CPLE., empl. wife, student hus band. want*! 1 -bedrm . liv rm . kit. and bath apt . nr. Md. or n w ; excel, refa. 8H 2328 —12 RESPONSIBLE GENTILE CPLE . childlesg but with cocker spaniel pet. desire one or two bedrm apt must be clean and pleasant, and in desirable location, rent to SUM); mec; your terms, unfurn HO. 6503. —12 GOVT-EMPLOYED WIFE and 5-yr -old son. need 2-bedrm unfurn apt ; n w. section or ant or unail home in nearby Md or Va COLBORN TA 9204 —12 ^ MIDDLE-AGED BUSINESS CPLE.. need one. or two rm. unfurn. apt : no children. GE 5359. —13 GOVERNMENT GIRL and mother desir# unfurnished one-bedroom apartment im mediately. Reasonable. Telephone North 6836. 13* UNFURNISHED modern 2-bedroom apt wanted by naval officer and wife. Just re turned from diplomatic post abroad. Pleaag rail Ordway 8262. . 13* NAVAL OFFICER, wife, two children, de sire furn or unfurn. two-bedrm house or apartment. Washington or vicinity. Over look 0125 or Dupont 54 56 12* TWO-BEDROOM APT. or house; conv to transportation. 4 refined adults. Tei. HO 7000. MRS SINCLAIR 11* 2-BEDROOM. APT . unfurnished; young couple. 18-month-old child, nondrinkers, up to $89. Call Randolph 4935 between 6:39 and ® pm. 11* ABOLl ONE HUNDRED veterans and ether employes of Capitt] Transit Com pany * eed rouses or private apartment! with private bath and kit. renting under $75 per mo Please phone MI. 6363. Bit. i 672 (or 652>. Monday to Friday from 8:30 a m to 5 p m (These employe! are nol tonkins for rooms to rent or houses to buy. they need family housing to rent.) TWO QUIET. REFINED business girls, perm. Wa*h . desire 1-bedroom or studio apt. (furnished), pvt. bath and kitchen; n w. arc.. Georgetown Preferred. 87ft max.; refs. Box 393-V. Star II* MD. U. VETERAN STUDENT and wife need conv. lhk. room or apt. Sligo 5102 anv time —12 [nrixmn ciu-nz »na *rnooi-age wn need furn. apt . pvt kit and bath, prefer n w\ or nearby area, Cell MRS. HILLEARY, FM 48(H) from 8.10 am. to A p m. LU. 44.'14 after tl and on Sat. and Sun. —13 i AN. Wife. perm, employed, dealiea one-bedroom apt. unfurn . kitchenette nvt. bath, near Nsti Airport; refa. Phono Silver Spring 0073. 12* VET. wife. 2 rhlldren. 15 mo* and 3 yri. old. desire unlurn. apt. Permanently em* ployed LU. 2980 13* YOUNG COUPLE and 3-moa ton need 1 bedrm apt . furn m unfurn . by Sept. 15. HU 7(144 —14 NEWLY WED. O W medical student and wife, also O W student, both vets, seek quiet ant with pvt. kit. and bath: prefer n.w. section, max . *85; best refs. HA. 5800 after 4 pm —11 EFFICIENCY or 1-bedrm apt. for busi ness woman; n w. section; furn. or unfurn. RE 11(150 or OV 2398 —12 UNFURN. OR PARTLY FURN. APT. dea oalately needed by young congenial cple. Call CO. 3896. —12 OFFICIALS international organization ra mming to Washington from abroad require furnished 1 or 2 bedroom apt.; sublet or lease, by Oct 1: n.w. location preferred; reference*. Box 171-X. Star. —12 MARRIED TECHNOLOGIST urtently need* bedroom, living room, kitchenette; vicinity Dupont Circle. Box 427-V, Star. 12* WOMAN TEACHER desires unfurnished 1 - bedroom apt. in n.w. section apt. bldg br Oct 1. Call CH 7915 Sunday. 12* MIDDLE-AGED. REFINED couple desper ately need 3 or 4 room unfurnished ant. by Oct. I; n.w. section preferred RB. 8175 Box 423-V. Star 12* GEORGETOWN FOREIGN SERVICE stu dent and bride need I or 2 room apt. with kitchen DE 8590 12* BY EMPLOYED WOMAN. 2 room*, kitchen. ba*h. or 1 larae room, dressing room, kitchen, bath, unfurnished. In apartment house Call Hobart 4184. MRS. dl ZKREGA. * PATENT EXAMINER and medical atudent wife want 1-bedrm. apt . close In. furn or unfurn CO 9136. 12 QUIET TOUNG COUPLE desire 1-bedroom apt.; no smoklnt or drinking NO 2266. Ext 32. after 5 D.m. , . _ 12* ONE OR TWO completely fumiahed room!, with kitchenette, sublease In apt housg pref ; bachelor, former diplomat: n.w. only. WILSON. 1727 R st. n.w., HO 6429, eves, only 12* VIC. COL. PIKE—Efflc apt ; reas pvt. entrance pref : nondr or smok : neat, re fined Marine girl. Write Box 434-V. ^tsr. URGENT—Purn apt , pvt bath, for rouplg expecting baby; not over $50. RA 9050. —12 ARMY offleera being married prior depart, overseas desire furn. apt.. Anacostla of t.e. vicinity. Oct. 15 to Dec. 8 TW 1447. 12* COLORED—YOUNG physician with famll? urgently needs unfurn 2-bedrm. apt. lit nice neighborhood DU 7611 —14 COLOR ED—-MOTHER and 10 -Tear-old aoa desire la or 2 room, kitchen and bath, un furnished apt . Petworth vtetnitT. Bor »41-V. Star 12* - COLORED—EMPLOYED COUPLE want UR furnished 1 or 2 bedroom apt. ffl.jit. Hobart 8519. if*