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Presbyterians Plan Fellowship Meeting On September 18 The Washington City Presbytery will launch a new fellowship pro gram for young adults at a confer ence on September 18 at the Chevy Chase Presbyterian Church. This program is a part of the new faith and action program adopted by the Board of Christian Education for the Presbyterian Church, U. S. A. and is to be known as "Geneva Fellowship.” Delegates from all the Presbyterian churches of the area have been invited. The program will begin at 1:30 pjn. with an outline of "Conference Objectives” by the Rev. Lloyd G. Brown, chairman of the Young Adult Work, and director of the University Work for the National Capital area. The keynote address will be present ed by Dr. Richard E. Plummer, di rector of Adult Work for the Board of Christian Education. Other lead ers of the conference are Dr. Earl F. Fowler, pastor of the Sixth Church; the Rev. James F. Lundquist, pastor of the Lewinsville Church; the Rev. C. Stewart McKenzie, pastor of the Western Church; the Rev. Richard M. Mussen, pastor of the Sherwood Church; Dr. Thomas V. Stone, as sistant pastor of the National Church, and the Rev. Wendell S. Tredick, jr., pastor of the Warner Memorial Church. Dr. A. P. Davies Returns Dr. A. Powell Davies, minister of All Souls’ Unitarion Church, re turns to his pulpit and will preach at 11 a.m. tomorrow on “A Time for Fortitude.” Officers and teach ers of All Souls’ School of Reli gion, under the leadership of Miss Mercedes Jordan, are spending the week-end at Blue Ridge Summit, Pa., In preparation for the opening of the school on September 19. Epworth Methodist Reopens Following a summer closing for extensive improvements, Epworth Methodist Church will reopen at 11 a.m. tomorrow. During the summer, the sanctu ary was redecorated, new carpet was laid and the furnishings refin Ished. The congregation worshiped In the Sunday school room while the improvements were being made. The pastor is the Rev. James A. Dudley. Church Federation Radio Programs Sunday—WINX. 11 to noon, the Rev. John R. Anschutz, pastor, Christ Epis copal Church, speaking. „ Tuesday—WRC. 12:15 to 1-..30 p.m.. ‘•Look to This Day.” the Rev William Rirth, pastor, St. Paul Methodist Church, Wednesday—WGAY, 10:15 to 10:30 a.m., the Rev. George Hoyer. pastor. Cal vary Lutheran Church, speaking. WRC; 12:15 to 12:30 D.m., ' Look to This Day, ^Thursday—WRC. 12:15 to 12:30 pm., “Look to This Day.” Mr. Firth. Friday—WASH-FM. 4 to 4:15 P.m., “Radio Edition of the Bible. , QlaHtolir ST. MARY'S Bth St. Between G and H St». N.W. Sunday Masses, 7, 8:30, 10:15, 11:15, 12:15 MIRACULOUS MEDAL NOVENA Every Monday Masses. 8 and 10 A.M. Devotions at 11:30 A.M.. 12:05. 4:00. 4:30. 5:00, 5:30. «:00. 6:30. 7:15, 8 °°8:004'Broadcast BOver WWDC. ST. DOMINIC'S Sixth and E Street, S.W. SUNDAY MASSES: S. 8:45. 7:30. 0, 10. 11:15, 12:15. DAILY MASSES: 7, S. 8:30. Holy Hour, Wednesday Evening. 7:30. Rosary Every Evening, 7:30. Organized Bible Classes By Dr. Page McK. Etchison The Organized Bible Class Asso ciation will conduct the YMCA service in Lincoln Park tomorrow at 4 p.m. The Friendship Class of Eldbrooke Methodist Church will be taught by Dr. Etehiaoa. Mrs. KoDert Har per. The annual picnic will be held in Grove No. 24, Rock Creek Park, to. morrow at 2 pjn. William S. Jones, vice presi dent, Organized Bible Class As sociation, will be the guest teacher of the Trillrf B. Young Class of Western Presby terian Church. The J. O. Y. Class of Epworth Methodist Church will hold its monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Sallie Davey on Tuesday, at 8 pm. Mrs. Ross Brewer will teach. The Rev. Frederick H. Sabrlnger, superintendent, Baptist Home for Children, will be the guest teacher of the Burrall Class of Calvary Bap tist Church. The Potomac Ladies’ Class of Po tomac Methodist Church will hold a business meeting at 8 pm. Tuesday at the home of Mrs. William Lynch. Floyd Davis will be the guest teacher of the Pinkham Bible Class of National Baptist Memorial Church. The Class of Friendship of Emory Methodist Church will hold a meet ing Monday at 8 pm. at the home of Mrs. Helen Mauger. The Box Bible Class will hold a business meeting Tuesday evening. The Templemen’s Bible Class of Temple Baptist Church will be taught by the Rev. Virgil M. Hobbs. The susannan wesiey uiass ox Mount Vernon Place Methodist Church will hold its monthly meet ing at 4 p.m. tomorrow at the home of Mrs. G. E. Chapman, Jr. The class elected Ruby Seaman presi dent, Virginia Ring vice president, Mary Ellen Herring corresponding secretary, Emily Lloyd recording secretary and Mildred Chapman treasurer. John Harmon will speak to the Rustin Couples Class. Paul Selbv will speak to the Graham Couples Class. The Jaynes Class elected Mrs. Martha Shirkey presi dent, Mrs. Edith Bowers vice presi dent Mrs. Blanche R. Buhrman sec retary, Miss Lois M. Moss assistant, Mrs. Edna Schneider treasurer and Miss Mary Laws assistant. The Gleaners Class of Columbia Heights Christian Church will hold a business meeting at 8 p.m. Wed nesday at the home of Mrs. Jo Rider. The Friendship Class of the Me morial Evangelical United Brethren Church will hold its monthly meet ing at 8 p.m. Monday. The Harrison Bible Class of St. Luke’s Methodist Church will have Attorney I. H. Linton as guest: teacher. The Timothy Class of Ninth Street 1 Christian Church will be taught by Hubbard Quantrille. L. T. Jones will teach the Every man’s Bible Class of Petworth Meth odist Church. CCtjriHtaMptjtan Christadelphian Ecclesia S. S. 10 ».3J. Service. 11 a.m. 1012 9th St. N.W., 3rd FI. Public Invited. Christadelphian Chapel 732 Webster St. N.W. Pnblic Invited S. S., 10 a.m. Services. 11:15 *.»• (Eattynltr ST. PATRICK’S CHURCH I 10th and G Streets N.W. SUNDAY MASSES—6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 12:15. WEEKDAY MASSES—7, 7:30 and 8.A.M. Daily Exposition from 12:00 Noon to 5:30 P.M. Daily Rosory and Benediction at 5:30 P.M. TRIIHJlJM-SORROWFtJL MOTHER Monday, September 13—Wednesday, September 15 Services each everting 7:45 P.M. Conducted by REV. LAWRENCE CALKINS, O.S.M of the Servite Father*, Chicago, III. IMMACULATE CONCEPTION CHURCH 8th and N Streets N.W. Sunday Masses 2 A.M., 7:15, 8:15, 9:15, 10, 10:45, 11:30, 12:15. Daily Weekday Masses 6:45, 7:30, 12:15 noon. (Cljurrh of (Christ The Word of God in Conversion The Bible teaches that the Holy Spirit works through the word of God in converting sinners. One illustration will show that this is true. In Acts 2:1-4 we learn that the Spirit came and enabled the apostles to speak the languages of their auditors. But the people were not convicted of sin until the word of God was declared. They were "amazed," and "pricked in their hearts," but what brought this about? What convicted them of sin, and caused them to want to know what to do? Note some of the verses between 14-42: "But Peter, standing up with the eleven, lifted up his VOICE and SAID unto them . . . hearken to my WORDS . . . Then Peter SAID unto them, repent, and be baptized every one of you . . . And with many other WORDS did he testify and exhort... Then they that gladly received his WORDS were baptised: and the same day there were added unto them about three thousand souls." (Acts 2:14, 22, 29, 36-42.) The word of God is essential in converting souls to Christ. This is further proved by the fact that where the word of God has not gone, the Spirit of God does not make Christians.____ ARLINGTON, VA. 20 North Irving St. HARRY W. PICKUP. Sr.. Minister. 10'OOt.m.—Bible School. 11:00 a m.—y*£rreisiYe.,chmtlVlii«. 7 45 p.m.— The Kingdom and It« Righteousness.”__ AVALON HEIGHTS 28th and Douglas Straats N.l. At Bladansburg Road OLIN L. STOUT. Minister. 10:00 am.—Bible School 11:00 a m.—Morning Worshlo 7 00 p.m.—Young Peoples Meeting. 8:00 p.m.—Evening Service. FOURTEENTH STREET 3460 14th. Street N.W. GEORGE D. TIPP8. Minister. 10:00 t.m.—Bible School. 10:50 a m.—“Christ's Sonshin.” 7:00 p.m.—Young People Meet. , 8:00 p.m.—“Christ’s Superior Minis try.” MT. RAINIER 3321 Vt Bunker Hill Reed Brodie Crouch, Minister. 10:00 r.m.—Bible School. / 11:00 e m.—Sermon. 8:00 -i.m.—Sermon. Wed.. 8:00 p m.—Bible Study. ALEXANDRIA, VA. Lee Room, George Mason Hotel Paul Ellis McGaugher, Minister lO OO^.m.—Bible Study. 11:00 em.—Moraine Worship. 8:00 pm.—Evening Worship. SILVER SPRING, MD. New County Offioo Buildine. 8512 Colasvilla Road. Bible Study—10:00 u.m. Mornins Worship—11:00 u.m. Eventn* Worship—8:00 p.m. Fountain Memorial Baptist Congregation * In Its 40th Year; Started as a Mission Edifice at Naylor road and Q. street SJ5. One of a series of sketches by Star Artist Leslie Bonta. By Caspar Nannes Fountain Memorial Baptist Church at Naylor road and Q street S.E., is now In Its 40th year as an active congregation. The nresent edifice Is a far cry from the small building Col. Arthur E. Ran d 1 e permitted the original group to use as a mission In 1903 at Nichols and Minnesota avenues S.E. On January 14 that year 21 persons met to organize the Minnesota Avenue Baptist Mission. G. J. Harrover served as mode r a t o r Rev. F. B. Burress. and William H. Reed as secretary. On January 23, the church was formed, and the first pastor and officers were named. The Rev. Alias Auger was called as pastor, with Mr. Reed as clerk, D. C. Foun tain as treasurer and trustee and Samuel T. Utz as deacon. The con gregation took the name of Beth lehem Baptist Church. A few months later the name of the church was changed to Randle Highland Baptist Church in honor of Col. Randle, who gave two lots on which the first building stood and the present structure stands. On November 2, 1922, the church’s name was again changed, this time to its present one of Fountain Me morial Baptist Church in honor of the late Mr. Fountain. A member and Sunday school superintendent of the East Washington Heights Baptist Church, Mr. Fountain was among the first to recognize the need of a Baptist church in the area where the congregation bearing his name now is situated. One of the founders of the church, he also served as treasurer, trustee and Sunday school teacher. The presAit edifice was built in 1941, replacing the original structure erected in 1908. Pastor of the con gregation at the time ws the Rev. W. B. King, 1936-1945. Architect of the new church was Dana B. Johannes, jr., of Silver Spring, Md. Builder was one of the church mem bers, S. E. Snyder. Those who have been members of the church for more than 25 years are Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Blakeslee, O. H. Blakeslee, Mr. and Mrs. S. Dixon, Mis. George Curtis, sr.; Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Elmore, Fred Wynn, Mrs. Walter Dyer, Clifford Rannings, Mrs. Marlon Brannon, Mrs. Pearl Bunyea, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Bunyea, Mrs. La Rue Collins, Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Snyder, Miss Bertha Lucas, Miss Allene Lucas, Mrs. Florence Edwards and Mrs. Mildred Miles. George W. Blakeslee served as treasurer for 18 years. Mrs. Grace F. Blakeslee is the only charter member still active. Mrs. H. A. El more has been president of the wom en’s society for the past several years. Pastors succeeding Mr. Auger were the Revs. Hubert Bunyea, E. Ram sey, Walter Hubbard, O. Eure and W. B. King.. The present pastor, the Rev. Frank B. Burress, came to the church in September, 1945. A native of Bald wyn, Miss. He is a graduate of Hardin - Simmons University and Southwestern Seminary. He served pastorates in Texas at Ponder, Italy, Carlisle and Hawkins. He is a Mason. • Mr. and MrS. Burress live at 2215 Naylor road S.E. They have three children, Tom Frank, 10; Virginia Neelye, 5, and Tempy Dell, 3. Hnitgh Irgtljrgn ; Ev. United Brethern North Capitol and R Sts. REV. IRA SANKEY ERNST, D. D. 9:30 a.m.—Sunday School. 11 :00 a m.—Sermon by Pastor. "Divine Discontent." 7 ^0 p.m.—Vespers Service. Stet fflctliaiiat ROBERTS MEMORIAL 4th and Van Buren Sts. N.W. REV. MARK SHOCKEY, Pastor. 6307 3rd St. N.W. GE. 1223 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School. 1 1 :00 a.m.—Morning Worship. 7:15 p.m.—Young People's Meeting. 8:00 p.m.—Evening Service. Wednesday, 8:00 p.m.—Prayer Meeting. Rrgtfrrgtt WASHINGTON CITY CHURCH OF THE BRETHREH 4th and North Carolina Ave. g.E. REV. WARREN D. BOWMAN. Minister. 8:45 and 11:00 a.m.—“A Witnessing Church,” Dr. W. D. Bow man. I 9:45 a.m.—Church School. 11:00 a.m.—Youth Church. 8:00 f.m.—“The Two Sleepers,” Rev. Joseph L. Glick. FIRST BRETHREN Twelfth and E St*. S.E. JUST OFF PA. AVE. SUNDAY SERVICES 9:30 a.m.—Sunday School. 11:00 a.m.—Rev. Leon M. Myers. 8:45 p.m.—Youth Fellowship. «:4o p.m.—Rev. Leon M. Myers. _BRING YOUR BIBLE. Unitg This Center Affiliated With Unity School, Kansas City, Mo. Margaret Ann Feldt,' Minister SUNDAY SERVICE— HAMILTON HOTEL 11 :00 a m.—"Deep Water." Unity Periodicals and Books New Colonial Hotel. DI. 3436. 1733 Eye St. N.W. Sunday Service, 11 :00 A.M. Subject: "A GOOD MAN." Ann Sandefer, Speaker. Unity Literature Available. QUfriattan (Eljurrljfa Oiariplfa) COLUMBIA HEIGHTS harry SSL 9:45 a.m.—Bible School. 10:50 a.m.—"IS RELIGION A PROP?" 7 :00 p.m.—Young People. The NATIONAL CITY CHRISTIAN CHURCH Thomas Circle J. Warren Hastings Minister Myron W. Chrisman Associate Minister 9:45a.m.—Church School. 10:50a.m.—Morning Worship. "What Gold Cannot Buy" Dr. Hastings 6:30p.m.—Young Adult Fellowship. DR. HASTINGS - I BETHESDA tWitconsln and Hunt Avet.) ^ 4608 Hunt Ave., Chevy Chen ROBERT W. SHAW, Minister 9:45 am.—Bible School. 11:00 a.m.—"God Speaks in Christ.” Ninth Street Christian » Church K.9th fir D Sn. W N.E. J. LLOYD BLACK. Minister RHODES M. ARTZ. Associate Minister. S:30 a m.—Bible School MT. RAINIER Banker Blit KA REV. MARION B. BRINSON. Minister. 9:30 am.—Bible Cl asses. 10:46 a.m.—"The Shortness of Tima" 0:46 o.m.—Christian Endeavor. 745 pm.—"God's Blessinn. ’ x FIFTEENTH STREET 1.1th St. and Kentucky Aye. S.E. REV. DAVID L. WATTERWORTH. Minister. 9.4fl a m.—.Bible School. _ 10:50 a.m.—“Shlftins the Responsi bility." 7:00 pm.—Youth Fellowship. PARKVIEW CHRISTIAN CHURCH Cor. Eastern Are. fir 12th St. N.W. One Blk. West of Georcie. Alaska Term. George Martin Anderson, Minister. 9:45 a.m.—Church School. 11 :00 a.m.—Morning Worship. 7 :Q0 p.m.-^Christian Endeavor. WILSON BOULEVARD Wilson Blvd. at N. Piedmont St. ARLINGTON. VIRGINIA GLENDALE BURTON, Minister 9:45 a.m.—Church School. 11:00 a m.—“The Unfailing Christ. Nursery During Service. • :00 p.m.—Christian Youth Fellow ship 7:00 p.m_Yount Adult forum. ©rutty (Ertttrr A TRUTH CENTER MRS.. APPLETON, Leader. UTiS Mass. Ave. N.W. Services: Sunday, 11 A M. Subject: “Concerning This Center." Tuesdays. 8:15 p.m.—Bible Interpreta tions. Interviews Tuesdays. Wednesdays. Thursdays, C to 6: Wednesdays and Thursdays, 6 to 9: by appointment. • Nazarm* First Church 7th and A St*. N.E. ERNEST E. GROSSE, Pastor. 9:45 a m.—Bible School. 11:00 a.m.—Morning Worship. 6:30 a.m.—Youth Devotions. 7:30 p.m.—Evangelistic Service. Wednesday, 7:45 p.m. Midweek Prayer Meeting. Tune in WPIK Sunday Morning "Showers of Blessings." 730 Kilo.—8:05 O'Clock Special Church Announcements ' St. Thomas’ Episcopal—The Rev. Harold Bend Sedgwick, rector, will preach at 11 a.m. tomorrow. He has just returned from a vacation in New England. Celebration of the holy communion at 8 am. Chevy Chase Baptist—Dr. Edward O. Clark, pastor, has returned from his vacation and he will preach at 11 am. on “Spectator or Partici pant?” Chevy Chase Methodist—On Tues day at 8 pm. the official board will meet on Wednesday at noon. The Women’s Society of Christian Serv ice will meet for luncheon: topic, “By His Light”; speakers, Mrs. Wayne A. McDowell, Mrs. Louis R. Maxwell. Mrs. Charles G. Muradian. Church of the Holy City—Services will be resumed tomorrow. The Rev. William P. Wunsch will preach. St. Paul’s Lutheran—"Salt of the Earth,” a sound moving picture film with Sound .effect will be shown at 8 p.m. Petworth Methodist—“A Clean Heart” is the topic of Dr. John C. Miflian at lk am. tomorrow. The combined evening service will be in Fellowship Hall at 7:30 pm. Dr. Million will preach on “Youth and the Church.” People’s Congregational — The Rev. A. F. Elmes will preach to morrow on "New Men for a New Age.” Asbury Methodist—Dr. Robert Moten Williams will return from a vacation in Mexico City and will preach at 11 a.m. on "If I Be Lifted Up” and, at 8- p.m„ “Religion In Mexico.” Dr. Williams made a special study of race relations and the economic conditions in Mexico. Transfiguration Episcopal—Senior Women’s Guild wilrmeet at 3 p.m. September 15 at the rectory. Sun day School reopens September 19 at. «:au a m. Memorial Evangelical United Brethren—The first on a series ol sermons on the Beatitudes entitled "Divine Discontent” will be given by Dr. I. S. Ernst at 11 a.m. tomorrow Fifth Baptist—The Rev. John T. Cobum will return to his pulpit to morrow after his vacation and preach at both services. Universalist National Memorial— Dr. Seth Brooks will preach at 11 am. on "The Help of Religion.” The Church School will resume sessions at 10 am. The Women’s Associa tion will meet at 11 am. Tuesday. Church of the Reformation—Dr. Oscar Blackwelder has returned from a vacation and will preach at FRIENDS MEETING OF WASHINGTON. 2111 Florid* Are. Meetings lor Worship First Day (Sunday) at 11 am. All interested are welcome. Young people. 6:30 p.m. FRIENDS MEETING. 13th and Irving Streets N.W. 11 a.m.—Meeting for Worship. Welcome (Elfnatiitn lUfnrm?fr i ■ i Christian Reformed Chureh Minister, REV. J. M. GHYSELS. Morning Worship, 10:00 o'clock. Vesper Service, 4:30 p.m. Place of Worship, 1010 17th St. N.W. Neor K St., Opposite Y. W. C. A. £tratt0*liral ani» jUfamarh GRACE REFORMED 15th and O N.W. REV. ROBERT OLEWILER, I*»it»r. 4 na irativnai Be/orm«a Church 9:40 AM. Church School. 11.00 A.M. “All Ali»e And Kicking.” Nursery During Service Everybody Welcome. FIRST REFORMED ItreetaN.W0* I REV F. NELSON BCHLEGEL. Pastor. 9:45 a m.—Siihday School. 11:00 a.m.—Sermon bv the Pastor._ CONCORDAT EVANGELICAL I! 50th and O Sts. N.W. CHARLES ENDERS. D. D.. Pastor. 9:45 a.m^—Sunday School. REOPENING SERVICE. 11:00 am.—Sneaker. Rev. G. Slegen thaler. president ol the Potomac Senate. (Stye (Cnttijrajatuntal <Eliurrl|e!i PLYMOUTH 17th and P Sts. N.W. L. MAYNARD CATCHINGS. Minister. 11:00 a.m.—Worship Service. Thursday. 8 p.m.—Service of Inspira tion and Instruction. COME, WORSHIP WITH US. First Congregational Church 10th and G Streets N.W. Carl Heath Kopt, Hubert S. Beckwith Whitford L. Hall 11 A.M. Holy Communion MEDITATION by Rev. Hubert S. Beckwith PEOPLE'S 034 M St. N.W. 0:30 a m.—Graded Church School. 11:00 a.m.—Worship and Sermon. "New Men For A New Ase.” Thursday. 8::10 p.m.—Midweek Serv ice. Arthur Fletcher Elmes. Minister. "The Friendliest Church in the City.” MOUNT PLEASANT CHURCH 1410 Columbia Road N.W. Ministers FRED SHERMAN BUSCHMEYER, EDMUND ROBERT STRAIT. 11 :OOa.m.—Morning Worship. Sermon Subject: "The Universal Chnrch in God's Design" (A Report on the World Council of Churches Assembly.) _All Are Welcome CLEVELAND PARK 3400 Lowell St. N.W. ALFRED W. HURST. D. D., Minister. ] 1 :00a.m.—"The Three R's Of R e I i g i o n," Dr. Hurst, preaching. Nursery for Children. IN ARLINGTON. The ROCK SPRING CHURCH Ski Serin* and Little Fall. Rd. North 2 Worship Services—2 Sunday Schools 9:30 A.M. and 11:00 A-M PAUL R. HUNTER. Minister. Ciithfratt (Missouri Synod) YOU ARE INVITED LUTHERAN SERVICES SUNDAY SCHOOL AND BIBLE CLASSES »:45 A.M j BETHLEHEM (D. C.) 2407 Minnesota 6.E. Rev X. C. Rakov, 11 a.m. CALVARY (Silver Spring) Jr. High School. Second Ave. and Seminary Rd. Rev. George W. Hoyer. 11 a.m. CHRIST (D. C.) 16th and Gallatin. Rev. Wm. 9. Bruening. 8:60 and 11 a.m. CHURCH FOR THE DEAF At Christ, 5101 16th 8t. N.W. Rev. W. A. Westermann. Call TA. 9552 for time of service. , IMMANUEL (Alexandria) 1801 Russell Rd . Rev. WUner D. Menslng. 11 a.m. MOUNT OLIVET (D. C.) 1325 Vermont ll.W. Rev William Schlebel. 8:30. and 11 a.m. OUK SAYlUUtt taruniwii) Ninth and South Taylor. Rar. Paul Kavasch, 11 a.m. PILGRIM (Westfmte, Mi.) Jamestown Rd and Flint Dr Rev. A. Karl Boehmke, 11 a.m. TRINITY (D. C.) Fourth and E N W. Rev Huso Hennig. Services 8:30 and 11 a.m. TRINITY (Mt. Rainier) 30th and Bunker Hill. Rev. B. Pieplow. 8:30 and 11 a.m. GREENBELT MISSION At School 12:30. Rev. *- PMPlow. Sunday School. 11:25 a.m. ASCENSION (Landover Hills) 4219 70th Ave„ Rev. K Pieplow, 9:46 a.m. 1ST LUTHERAN (Hyattsville) 38th and Longfellow. Rev. B Pieplow. 10 a.m. Sunday School P a .m Tmn, In "Thm L^thmrmm Hornr" 12.30, WOL mnd 3:30 WPPK^j 11 am. tomorrow on “Remarks of a Healthy Mind," and at 8 pm. on “You Are New.” Wesley Methodist—The Rev. C. Stanley Lowell will return tomorrow, following a vacation. Third Baptist—Annual Church Day tomorrow with Dr. George Bullock preaching. Musical pro gram at 8:30 pm. Lincoln Congregational—Dr. Rob ert Brooks will preach at 11 am. on “The Keys of the Kingdom.” Dr. St. Elmo Brady of Fisk Uni versity, will address the Brother hood at 10:15 am. on “Where Are We In History: At The Beginning of the End of an Era?" First Colored Baptist—The Rev. T. E. Hopkins will preach at 11 am. on “Forgotten Waterpots.” Hymn sing at 7:30 pm. Full Choir Will Sing At Washington Cathedral The full choir of men and boys, under the direction of Paul Calla way, will sing at 11 am. and 4 pm. In Washington Cathedral tomorrow. This will be the first time they have sung since the close of St. Albans School for the summer holidays. Preaching at 11 am. will be the Rev. Crawford W. Brown, canon precentor, whose subject will be “What Is the Church?” The preach er at the afternoon service will be the Very Rev. John Wallace Suter, dean. Holy communion will be cele brated at 7:30 am. in St. Mary’s Chapel and at 9:30 am. in the Beth lehem Chapel. Foundry Methodist Dr. Frederick B. Harris, minister of Foundry Methodist Church, has returned from a trip to Canada and will preach at 11 a.m. tomorrow on “The Darkness Cannot Win.” The Rev. Ralph C. John, assist ant pastor, will preach in the eve nlng on "A Persistent Faith." Unitarian ALL SOULS’ CHURCH A Sixteenth and 'Harvard St*. N.W. Minister A. Powell Davis, D.D. 11 AM. ■ Mornini Worship. fltrmon by DR. DAVIES. "A TIME FOR FORTITUDE." i&mnrruriatt 5fan-&?rtarUut ROSICRUCIAN.C.R.C.G. 1606 20th Street N.W. (Near Dupont Circle) Service and Lecture, Sunday, 11:00 A M. “Occult Interpretation of the Bible." Public Invited. | ffmt-BgmmUnaltntial For two good ditcourtet Sun day, hoar Dr, FRED RILEY Sunday, 11 A.M. "THE GLORY AND MAJESTY OF GOD." Sunday, 8 P.M. "HANDLING AN INFERIORITY COMPLEX." Temple of Applied Religion (Nondenomihational Church) In Roger Smith Hotel 1 SHa and P«. Av#. N.W. 'What Gold Cannot Buy* Topic of Dr. IMings - “What Gold Cannot Buy” is tha special subject of Dr. J. Warren Hastings tomorrow morning in the National City Christian Church. This will be his last appearance here before he leaves for the Inter national Convention of the Disciples of Christ, which will be held in San Francisco. Calif, September 25-30. As the representative of the Na tional City Church, Dr. Hastings will serve on the important Time and Place Committee of the con* vention. Rev. Myron W. Chrisman, asso ciate minister, will participate in Sunday morning’s worship. Harrywood Gray, director of reli gious education for the Disciples of Christ in the Chesapeake area, will address the Woman’s Council of the church at 1 pm. Tuesday. Dele gates to the Adult Conference of the Disciples of Christ, which was held at Bethany Beach. Del., wlQ report. They include Mrs. O. B. atwood, Mrs. Thomas Meroney, Mrs. Iza Powell and Mrs. Norman B. Ames. Mrs. John Browning will be the devotional leader and Mist Margaret Beebe will sing. The business session will begin at 11 ain., followed by luncheort. Everyone is Invited. - ...... ... , — National Presbyterian The Rev. Dr. Edward L. R. Eicon, pastor of the National Presbyterian Church, returns to his pulpit to morrow after a vacation in Can ada. He will preach on “God’s Gift of Imagination." Dr. Elson and his family have spent the summer on the old estate of Alexander Gra ham Bell at Baddeck, Nova Scotia. r— i B’NAI ISRAEL RELIGIOUS SCHOOL 14th fr Emerson Sts., N.yp. Announces Daily Hebrew School Classes will begin MONDAY after noon, September 13, at 3:30. Registration is still open. A new beginners' class is being formed. Sunday School Registration will be held SUNDAY morn ings, September 12, 19 and 26, from 9 to 12. CLASSES will begin on Sunday, Oc tobe'r 10, at 10 A.M. $Untrni0tal Snlinraa We Preach Chrict 1015 D Street N.K. DALLAS M. TARKINTON, Minister. 9:00 a.m.—WWDC. 9:45 a.m.—Church School. 11:00 a.m.—Morning Worship. 7:30 p.m.—Musical Melodies. 7:45 p.m.—Evangelistic Service. The Little Church with the Bit Welcome Bulidinc the National Pentecostal Holi ness Church. 610 Maryland Are. N.E. Cuttjmm Cfjurci) of ©)e Reformation 212 Eo*t Capitol Straat Capitol Hill Pastors. Or. Oscar F. Blackwelder. Ker. Arnold F. Keller. Jr. Mr. Jule Zabawa. Minister •( Mailc. 8:30 a m—MATIN SERVICE: Sermon, Pastor Keller. 0:30 a m.—SUNDAY SCHOOL _ ... 11:00 a.m.—MORNING WORSHIP: Sermon—"The Marks of a Bealthr Mind." Dr. Blackwelder. 8:45 p.m.—LUTHER LEAGUES , .. 8:00 p.m —EVENING SERVICE: Sermon—"Ton are New." Dr. Blackwelder. The Public le Cordially Inrlted. Seller jWemortal Maryland Avenue and Ninth Streat N.E. DR. CARL R. SIMON, Pastor. 9:30 a.m.—Sunday School. 11 :00 a.m.—Morning Worship, "I Bow My Knees." The Homelike Church_ (grace 16th and Varnum St*. N.W. Gerhcyd E. Lenski Paster. 8:30 and 11 AM. "ClTiliaatlon on Trial." 0:48 AM Church School. 0:00 P.M. Fellowship Supper, You ng People. AUGUSTANA V St. N.W., East of 16th CLARENCE t. NELSON, Patfor. 9:30 AM. Church School. Identicol Services. 9:30 and 11 :00 A.M. "Alive and Living," Pastor Nelson. Confirmation Clas* begins Sat urday, Sept. 25, 10:00 A.M. ATONEMENT No. Cop. and R. I. Ave. Rev. Paul L. Reasar, Paster 9:00 and 11:00 a.m—Film: "Salt Of The Earth" 9:00 a.m.—Children's Sunday School 10:00 a.m.—Adult Sunday School. TAKOMA LUTHERAN Seventh and Dahlia Sts. N.W. (Three Blocks East of Walter Reed) New Chareh Site: S.W. Center 13th St. and Eastern Ave. N.W. REV. J. ADRIAN PFEIFFER. Pastor. Sunday School at 9:45 AM. Mornlns Worship at 11:00 A.M. ZION New Hamp. Ave. and Baehanan St. N.W. REV. EDWARD R. BLEY, Paster. 9:40 am.—Sunder School. 11:00 a.m.—Sermon by the Pastor. ST. PAUL'S Conn. Ave. at Everett St. N.W. HENRY W. SNYDER, D. D., Minister 9:30a.m.—Church School. 11 :00 a.m.—"Gad's Grace." 7:00 p.m.—Luther League. LUTHER PLACE MEMORIAL Thomas Circle, Uth and N. N.W. L. RALPH TABOR. D. p , Faster. JAMES M. SINGER. Assistant. Matins at 9:00. Sureh School at 9:45. e Service at 11:00. "WHO—MR" 5:30 p.m.—Fellowship Supper. 6:30 p.m.—Youth Meek ms Georgetown Lutheran Church (Fmmndtd 1799) Wisconsin Ave. and Volta M. N.W. HAROLD E. BEATTY, Raster. 8:46 a.m.—Sunday School. Mr. Edwin P. Heinrich. Superintendent. 11:00 a.m.—“The Beautiful Faradeu.ef The Gospel." J Church Nursery 11 So 1 • Note tht Sfgn—Thy Old Bvll ST. MARK'S AND THE INCARNATION 14th and Gallatin Sts. N.W. (Maryland Synod. United Lutheran Church) in. HENRY MANKEN. Jr.. D. 8. Faster. 8:46 a m.—Worship and Sermon. 0:46 a m.—Bible School, all ases. 11:00 to 12 a.m.—Church Time Nursery. 11:00 a m.—Worship and Sermon._ ST. STEPHEN'S LUTHERAN toil Brentwood Rd. N.E. (1 Block N. of R. I. Are.. W of 17th) LUTHER M. SCHULZE. Paster. Sunday School. 9:30 AM Worship and Sermon, 11 AM rilDIGT Of Bethesda E'lllllSI Chevy Chase Old Georsetewa Road at Gleuhrook. REV. OTTO C. SCHUETZE. Pastor. 9:46 am—Sunday School. 11:00 a.m.—“Cbtony of Heaven.**_ ST. MATTHEW’S Kentucky Are. at 16th BE. REV. T. RENE MEYER. Pastor. 8:30 a.m.—Sunday School. 11-00 a m.—Morning Worship. iNuneru iurino 11 o'clock cervical A Cordial Welcome to All. 6t. Uufet Corner Coleeville Rd. end Highland Drive, Silver Spring REV. ROBERT E. LEE, Paster. 9:30 a.m.—Sunday School. 11 :00 a.m.—"The Meaning of Per sonal Adequacy," Pastor Lee Preaching. Solo by Mr. Wal ter Eggers, baritone. Church Hour Nursery far small children 7:30 p.m.—Luther League. _ The Friendly Church With the Bed Peer. GOOD SHEPHERD Braddock Read ar Luray Ava. ALEXANDRIA, VA. UV. A. B. GYSAN. racier. P’45 a.m.—8unday School 11:00 am.—Mornint Service. Arlington—Resurrection DANA H. JOHNSON. Paster. 8:30 and 11 AM. _ “b. The Peer Atheist.’’ Wurierv Purine Service 9:4.5 a m.—Sunday School—Rally Day. The Church or the Lighted Steeple FAITI - Lee Bird, ut Jackson 84. ARLINGTON' VA. UT ROBERT W. LONG. Pastes 8:30 and U^oeM?^ f :4fl a m.—Church School.