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Ittt*rdrturattaattottttf (Etjr CUijitrrij , Of fly* &aaimtr 1 W.Sr&ri?#1 KW. Washington. 9. D. C. Tet. MI. *609. Newton Gordon Coaby, Minister Sunday Worship. 11 a m. and 4:30 p.m. Children's Hour. 4:30 p.m. Fridays—School ol Chriattan Urine. Supper 7:30 p.m. Classes 8:30 p.m. Tan Are Invited. La= —1 - Maofrriiig* filgrim WOODRIDGE PILGRIM 24th end Franklin Sts. N.I. Phone CO. *303 THOMAS M. WEIR, Minister 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School. 1 I :00 a.m.—Morning Worship. 7 :45 p.m.—Evening Worship. Wednesday, 8:00 P.M. Christian Fellowship and Prayer. Friday, 8:00 P.M. Program Youth Service. Stuitt* &ri*nr* First Divins Sciincs Church Sheraton Hotel, 15th & L St*. N.W. - THE RFV. AUDIE REA PEOPLES. Sunday. 11 am. "Now Is The Accepted Tim*." Thursday. 8 p.m. "Christ Influence.” CHURCH OF THE HEALING CHRIST 2600 J 6 th St. N.W. Sunday, 11 a.m.—“First Principle Of Divine Science—Omnipresence." Grace L. Faus. Speaker. Wednesday, 12:1.%—Prayer Ministry. Thursday, 8 p.m.—Devotion and Healing. Grace L. Faus, DS D., Minister, AD. 8218. Aoormblitti of dob TRINITY CHURCH 916 F St. N.E. REV. HERBERT A. NUNLEY, Poster RidS a.m.—Sunday School. 7:46 p.m.—Evangelistic Service. lilOOa. m—Worship and Sermon. Wednesday. 8:00 p.m.—Prayer. Friday, 8:00 p.m.—Young People. .—' The Full ~~.i Gospel Tabernacle 915 Mom. Are. N.W. - 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School. *TT :00 a m.—Worship. Jf,:45 p.m.—Evangelistic. Tt*es., 8:00 p.m.—Young People. ' Wed., 7:45 p m.—Prayer, Praise Message. Broadcast Sunday, € P.M., WWDC B. E. Mahan, Pastor ( Sunday I wook |b= !5 A.M. Prmcntad br T)» tomnMm ti Ctd Bethel Tabernacle, Sponsor North Capitol and K Streets 5 Missionary Guest Speaker* MISS HILDA MEYRICK. MISS JUANA ANDRADE, of South America and REV. and MRS. E. V. BERQUIST, of Louisville. Kentucky. Sunday. J I 00 A.M. and 7..I0 P.M HARRY V. SCHAEFFER, Pastor. K ——i BibU Clots Uriw Mrs. M. S. Laster Bible Class Teacher at Keller Memorial Mm. Madeline 8. Letter believes that woman's place Is teaching a Bible class as well as being In the home. "I believe women should teach BiDie classes oe cause they carry their teachings back to the home and influence the family,” Mrs. Lastsr, teacher of the North Bible Class at Keller Memorial Lu theran Church, said. The New, York born teacher has been carrying out her theories as an active Bi Mr*. M. I. Uitir. ble class teacher ever since coming to Washington In 1929. She uses the discussion and' lecture method in her classes, first giving the Bib lical background for the lesson of the day and then pointing out its present-day applications. She also likes to ask questions of the group Annual WSCS Seminary At Trinity Methodist The first annual WSCS Seminar and Missionary Institute of the Washington East District of the Methodist Church will be held at Trinity Methodist Church on Tues day, beginning at 2 p.m. The afternoon sessions will be of particular Interest to the women and will include several topics led by competent leaders. The evening] session, following supper at 8 p.m. has been planned with general pub lic, especially for men. Beginning at 7:15 p.m. the Institute will get under way with the singing of some of the great hymns of the church. At 7:30 p.m. the meeting will be addressed by Nelson T. Johnson, former Ambassador to China and at present Secretary-General of the Par Eastern Commission. To con clude the evening’s program the new color film, “A Letter from China" will be shown. PROGRESSIVE CHURCH OF SPIRITUALISM Pythian Temple, 1012 tftb St. N.W. Sun der Services. 8:00 p.m Followed by messages—Open nil Sommer. __ KEV. ETHEL JANET HIgHSHItH 2805 «th St. N.E. DO. 8430. Readints bv appo 1 ntment. fl:0i) A.M. to 8:i>0 P.M. flnjrlBtUm &piriUralt0t | 1220 Mas*. Are. N.W. REV. OTTO RENTER, Pastor. Sunday, 8 p.m.—Services. "Spiritualism's Future," By Rev. Penter. Priyafe Int. by Appt. Message Service Wed., S P.M. Tbs Church wf Spiritual Guidance. * spiritual &rtrnr* of Jf.l* First Brasck Spiritsal Seines Motker Chsrck, lie., of Now York 1000 F 84. N.W., Washington.. D. C. REV. ALICE W. TINDALL, Faatar. Private Annolntmenta. Spiritual and Healing Meetings with Message. Sunday. Tuesday. Thuraday, • p.m. Tuesday. 2:30 pm.. Developing Classes, wed., 3:30 & 8 p.m. ,/fel ME. 0640. AfiarmblifK af ($ah YOUNG PEOPLES CRUSADE * Every Night, 7:45 P.M. Except Saturday EVANG. JOHN WILKERSOH ' OF MANSFIELD, OHIO CALVARY GOSPEL CHURCH 3213 Q Street N.W. D-2, D-4 Butt! and No. 30 Streetcar* Pan Door, Quo St. at Wiicomin A Vo. D. G. SCOTT, MINISTER I ■ 11 ■ .— ' —— 1 ■■■ ■1 11 i(gfrrtflttett jfrrifttrg CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHT7RCHEB AND READINQ ROOM3 IN OREATKR WASHINGTON Branches of The Mother Church >>>'• The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Massachusetts Except as noted, Sunday .S»ri>ic*i 11 A.M. and t P.M. Sunday School 11 A.M. Wednesday Evening Meetings at S P.M. include testimonies ol Christian Science healing. JOINT READING ROOM—1601 I STREET. N.W. .. Wkdys. 8 a.m. to 9 p.m.—Wed. 8 to 7—Sun. Jk Hoi. 2 to 6 All are invited to attend our services and use our Reading Rjoms Subject of Lesson Sermon, September 12 SUBSTANCE Golden Text: Romans 8:21, 25. We are aaved by hope: but hope that is seen is not hope: for what a man teeth, why doth he yet hope for? Rut if we hope for that we see not, then do we with patience wait for it. DISTRICT OP COLUMBIA FIRST CHURCH: Columbia Road and Euclid St. N.W. Reading Room, 914 17th St. N.W. Week days, 9 to 9 (Wed. to 7), Sun day and Holidays, 2 to 6. SECOND CHURCH: 111 C St N.E. Reading Room, 111 C poo St.. N.E., Weekdays, 10 to 9 (Wed. to 7), Sunday and Holi days, 2:30 to 5:30. THIRD CHURCH: 13th and L ' Sts. N.W. (Sun., 11 AM. and 5 P.M.) Reading Room, Col orado Bldg., 14th and O Sts. Weekdays, 9 to 9. (Wed. to 7:30.) Sunday and Holidays, 2 to 6. FOURTH CHURCH: 16th and Oak Sts. N.W. Reading Room, Riggs Bank Bldg., 14th and Park Rd. N.W. Weekdays, 9 to 9 Wed. to 7). Sunday and Holi _ days, 2:30 to 5:30. IflFTH CHURCH: 1238 Sisk St. * N.W. (No Sun. Eve. Service). ■*' Reading Room, 1626 Wisconsin Ave. N.W. Weekdays. 12:30 to 5 (Wed. to 7:30). Closed Sun days and Holidays. » SOCIETY: 1517 R St. N.W. (No Sun. Eve. Service). Reading Room 1517 11 St.. Wed. 6:30 to 7:50. (SOCIETY: 3563 Mas*. Aye. N.W. Sun. 11 A. M. No Sun. School. Wed. 8 P.M. MARYLAND CHEVY CHASE FIRST CHURCH: 5908 Conn. Ave. Sunday School, Chevy Chase Elementary School. Rosemary St. Reading Room. 7 Wilson lane, Bethesda. Weekdays. 1 to 5. Closed Sundays and Holidays. . HYATTSVILLE FIRST f CHURCH: 6221 43d Ave. (No Sunday Eve. Service). Wednesday meeting, 8:15 P.M. Reading Room, 6221 43rd Ave. Weekdays. 1 to 4. Closed Sundays and Holidays. SILVER SPRING SOCIETY: Sil ver Spring Intermediate Sch., Chicago and Philadelphia Avea. (No Sun. Eve Service.) VIRGINIA _ ALEXANDRIA FIRST CHURCH: 1709 Russell Rd. (No Sun. Eve. Service.) Reading Room, 108 N. Patrick, Alex. Weekdays, 9 to 5:30. Closed Sun. and holidays. ARLINGTON FIRST CHURCH: 6843 Little Palls Road. East Falls Church. (No Sun. Eve. Serv.) Wed. meeting, 8:15 P.M. Reading Room, 3248 Wilson Blvd. Weekdays, 12 to 5. Closed Sundays and Holidays. ARLINGTON SECOND CHURCH: 1913 Wilson Blvd. (Colonial Vill. Ballroom.) (No Sun. Eve. Serv ). R. Rm., >030 N. 16th St. Weekdays 11 to 4 except Fri. Eve., 7 to 8. Closed Sunday and Holidays. to stimulate their thinking about the day’s lesson. Mrs. Laster, who first taught a Bible class at Advent Lutheran Church In New York, was employed by an Insurance company in her native city before entering religious work. She took her training at the Lutheran Deaconess Mother house in Baltimore, and upon grad uation went to Zion Lutheran Church, Waynesboro, Pa., as a dea coness. She served there two years, 1927-1929, before coming to Wash ington. For the next 12 years Mrs. Laster served as deaconess at Keller Me morial Church. She gave up that work on marrying Allan M. Laster in 1941. For the past five years Mrs. Laster has been serving the church as a parish worker. Mr. and Mrs. Laster live at 3918 R street S.E. , Dr. L. R. Tabor Plans Series of Sermons Dr. L. Ralph Tabor’s sermon ab both services Sunday is the first of a series on present-day messages from the life of Moses. It is entitled •Who—Me?” The fellowship supper is held at 5:30 p.m. On Mohday evening there will be a meeting of the 75th Anniversary Committee to discuss plans for the remainder of the year. The brother hood will have a dinner meeting at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday with Nathan Bushnell speaking on "A Man and His Church.” A Workers’ Retreat and Planning Conference is planned for all officers and leaders of our parish on Sep tember 18 at Camp Nawakwa, Arendtsvllle, Pa. Nearly 10,500,000 persons have joined India's National Congress this year. j ■ I Nall Spiritualist Aflfltt. Message Service At 210 9th St. S.E. Thuriday, 8:00 O’clock P.M. REV. IDA STRACK Phone HI. 43%8. Spiritual £>rt?ur* DR. Z. A. WRIGHT 450 New Jersey Avenue S.E. Consultation Dally, TR. 80H3 Church Service Sun. and Thurs., 8 P.M. 3423 Holmead Place N.W. __Messages_to_All_by Clergy. « ffrtttttg spiritual United We Stand With God _ 713 Van Buren St. N.W. REV. DR. CLARA M. PHILLIPS Sunday. 7:30 P.M. GE 6641 _S PIRITU A L_Cl RE E TIN G S_ National #pirttualiat The First Spiritualist Church 131 C Street N.E. Sunday 8 P.M. REV. ALFRED H. TERRY, Paster DEVELOPING CLASS Subject "SECOND SIGHT" With dark seanre. All welceme. Con sultations by appt. LI. 1872. • Memorial Windows Sot At Pilgrims' Church Pour memorial stained glass win dows were completed this week in ths Church of the Pilgrims. The windows are on the south side of the nave, and illustrate, respec tively, words of Jesus recorded in the Gospel of John; "I am the Way" —"I am the Light of the World"— “I am He of Whom Moses and the prophets did write”—"I am the Son of God.” These windows, designed by Henry Lee Willet, have been presented by Charles G. Lueck, in memory of his wife, Mrs. Lida Cooper Lueck; by the family of Samuel H. Boyd, in his memory; by Mr. and Mrs. Thad S. Page, in gratitude for their son, John Hinton Page; by Mrs. Hobart T. Walker, in gratitude for her son, Hobart T. Walker, jr„ captain in \he Army Air Forces, who was killed in China while flying over “the Hump”; by Maj. Gen. and Mrs. Walter K. Wilson, in memory of their son, Lt. Col. Newton Wilson, killed in battle of St. Lo, Normandy, while com manding 219th Battalion Field Ar tillery, 35th Division. The pastor, Dr. Andrew R. Bird, has returned from vacation and will preach at 11 a.m. on "The Leader ship of Jesus” and at 7:45 p.m. on "Matching the Crisis of the Hour." Former Rector Guest At Christ Episcopal Homecoming Sunday will be cele brated at Christ Episcopal Church, Washington Parish, at 11 am.m. to morrow with morning prayer and sermon. The Rev. Edward Gabler, rector of the church for 18 years before his resignation in February, 1946, will be the preacher. The present rector, the Rev. Car ter S. Gilliss, and the vestry have extended an invitation to an in formal buffet luncheon in the parish hall afterward for all the old and new friends.* United Ledge of Theosophlsts Hill Bldg., 17th and Eya Sts. N.W. Wed- Sept. 15, ot 8:15 P.M. "Man's Relation to Nature." I.IBEAET, Sit., IrSO t. 4 T.M. THE THEOSOPHICAL SOCIETY IN WASHINGTON, D. C. 726 llfh St. N.W. Public Lectures Discontinued during September. Library open every Tuesday and Wednesday from 6:30 to 8 p.m. flnttfprgaligt UNIVERSALIST NATIONAL MEMORIAL CHURCH Cor. 16th and S Sti. N.W. REV. SETH R. BROOKS, D. D„ Minister. 1 1 o.m.—Worship. "THE HELP OF RELIGION" WELCOME REV. JOSEPH L. GLICK. Dr. J. W. Rustin to Speak At Mt. Vernon Methodist Dr. John W. Rustin will preach at Mount Vernon Place Church to morrow at 9 and 11:15 a.m. on “Goodness Can Be Attractive” and at 8 pjn. on "Power for Daily Need." Next Wednesday will mark the first "church night program” for the fall season. A dinner is served at 6 p.m. An hour of Bible study and devotional follows at 7 p.m. Dr. Rustin is planning a new series of Bible studies for this season and will make the opening address next Wed nesday night. The forum will feature in Its pro gram tomorrow morning a discus sion on international relations, with Mrs. Mary V. Smith speaking on “History Repeats Itself.” j National (Tahmtarlr Soul-Stirring Services at The National Tabernacle 6440 Pinoy Branch Road N.W. REV. Do LOSS M. SCOTT, Pastor I Rct. Dc Loss M. Scott "And I Say Unto You, Ask, and it Shall be Given You; Seek and Ye Shall find; Knock and it Shall Be Open ed Unto You." Luke 11:9. SUNDAY SERVICES 9:45a.m.—Bible School with its motto, "More About Jesus in His Word." 1 1 :00 a m.—M o r n i n g Worship Service broadcast over Station WOOK, Pastor's Sermon: "The Whole Armour of God." 7:45 p.m.—Great Evangelistic Service of Sermon and Song. Pastors Sermon: "The Judgment Sent of Christ." Wednesday Eva., 8:00 P.M. Prayer, Praise and Bible Study. The Pastor begins a series of messages on: "The Gospel of John" Welcome To Our Servicee _S prwtrgtfrian prfubytfrtan The National Presbyterian Church (Covenant First), Conn. Ave. ot N St. N.W. Ministers Edward L. R. Elson. Thomas A. Stone, t, Theodore Schaefer. 9:45 am.—-Combined Church School Session. 11 :00 a m.—"God’s Gift to Imagination," Dr. Elson. 6:00 ond 7:00 p.m.—Youth Groups. N-2, L-2 Buses, Cars 40, 42 Stop in Front of Church New York Avenue Church 13th, H ond New York Avenue N W. Ministers: Rev. Peter Marshall. D. D., and Rev. Robert T. Bridge. Rev. James D. Bryden, Director of Religioas Educ. Charles D. Beaschlcr, Director of Music. William Watkins, Organist 9:30 A.M. Church Bible School. "A Namesake af Jesus'." Dr. RobeiJ B. Whvte. Old Stone Presbyterion Church, Cleve land, Ohio. 5:45 p.m.—Youth Groups. SIXTH Sixteenth and Kennedy Sts. N.W. Earl Franklin Fowlar, D.D. , Clarence G. Shaw. Orranlet 9:45 AM., Church School. 1 1 AM., Morning Worship. Nursery During Service 7':30 p.m.—Westminster Fellowship. CENTRAL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Inteiiection 15th. 16th b Irving N.W. GRAHAM GORDON LACT. Minister. 9:80 in. Church School. 11:00 t.m. "Desire the Beit." 7:00 p m. Young People'! , Conference Echoes. GUNTON-TEMPLE Iflth and Newton Streets N.W. Dr. Bernard Braskamp. Minister. Paul D. Gable, Minister of Musie. 9:45 a m —Church School. 11:00 a.m.—Sermon by Dr. Braskamp. “The Secret of Joyous Living.“ 7:45 p m—Young People's Meeting. everybody welcome. THE FOURTH CHURCH iSth and Fairmont Sta. N.W. JAMES H. MIERS. Minister. •Holding Forth the Wort ot Lite" 11:00 a m.—"He Did It Well." Broadcast Orer WOL. 11:36 A.M. • :00 p.m.—Broadcast over WOOK by Dr. Miers. 6:45 p.m.—Young People ! Society. 8:00 p.m.—"At The Feet O t Ged.” (Daniel’s Series.} Washington Heights Columbia aad Kalorama Rds. N.W. REV. ROBERT E. SHERRILL. Minister MR. CLIFTON OLMSTEAD. Assistant to Minister. 9.45 am.—Church School. 11:00 a m.—Morning Worship. "TO BE, OR NOT TO BE!" George A. Myers, Soloist. _Gertrude Mockbee. Organist. CHEVY CHASE Chevr Chut Circle Minister _ J. HILLMAN HOLLISTER Franklin B. GUlespIt. Minister ts Tenth Harold W. DickenlheetsTMIaliter at Marie 11:00 a m.—Sermon. "Greeting the Un seen.” Rev. Donald L-1 Leonard T:30p.m.—Youth Groups. WESTERN 1906 H St. N.W. C. Stewart McKenzie, Minister 0.4f> am.—Sunday (School. 11:00 a m.—"Words That Come to Lite.” Nursery During Service. 8:00 p.m —Young People's Meeting.. Wednesday, 8 p.m.—Prayer Meeting. Church of the Pilgrims On the Parkwoy at 22nd and P N.W. Gift of the Presbyterians of the South to the Nation’s Capital. ANDREW R. BIRD, D. D„ Patter ) 10:00a.m.—Sunday School. I 1 :00 a m.—"The Leadership of Jesus." 6:15p.m.—Youth Groups. 7:45 p.m.—"Matching the Crisis of the Hour." Dr. Bird, Preaching. The Public I* Cordially Invited. NORTHMINSTER ALASKA and GEORGIA AYES. WILLIAM H. KEPLER, Minister. 9:30 a m.—Sunday School. 11:00 a m.—“Lord Teach U* To Fray.** Surgery Durino Service | 7:00 p.m.—Westminster Fellowship. GEORGETOWN” 31 IS F St. N.W. Res. JOHN BALEY KELLY, D. D., Faster. Church School at 10 *.m. Mornint Worship at 11 a m Sermon Topic: “The Garden of Naboth.” fefjertoooti Rhode Island Ave. at 22nd St. N.E. RICHARD M. MUSSEN, Minister. 8:50 and 11 A.M. “Brass for Gold.” 9:45 a.m.—Church School for Yount People and Adults. 11:00 a.m.—Church School for Children. EASTERN Maryland Ave. at 6th St. N.C. REV. WILLIAM N. VINCENT. Minfiter. 9:30 a.m.—Church School. J 1:00 a.m.—"Chritliana Are Different.’’ RIYERDAI.E 4609 Rittenhoust St. W. KEITH CUSTIS, Ministar 11:00 a.m.—Moraine Worship. Nurserv During Servie* 9:30 a.m.—Sunday School. 7:00 p.m.—Youth Groups. ECKINGTON North Copitol and Flo. Avo. REV. HENRY I. WOODING, Miniitor 9:45 o.m.—Sunday School. 11 :00 a.m.—Morning Worship. METROPOLITAN "On Capitol Hill" 4th and B Sts. S.E. JAMES CURTIS FAHL. Minister. MARION ST. JOHN ALDRIDGE, Minister of Music. 9:30a.m.—Church School. 1 1 :00 a.m.—"Unnecessary Pain." Nursery During Service 7:30 p m.—Young People's Fellow ship. GARDEN MEMORIAL 1«I8 Minnesuts Are. S.E. Psstnr. LEV. LESTER V. BAUGUESI f>:30 s.m.—-Bible School. 11:00 a.m.—Morning Worship. Hurtert Dvrino Service 7:00 p.m.—Westminster Fellowship. 8:00 p.m.—Evening Worship. Congress Heights heath Capital and Chesapeake Sts. i.W. REV. RICHARD B. PURSEL, Minister 9:45 s.m.—Sunday School. 11.00 n.m.—■‘Building Friendship That Lasts.” TAKOMA PARK Maple and Tulip Avm. R. PAUL SCHEARRER, Minister 9:30 a.m.—Church School. 11:00 a.m.—"The Vision and the Verdict." 7:00 p m.—rYouth Groups. BETHESDA The Church That Named the Community Wilson Laoe and Clarendon Road BETHESDA. MD. JAMES S. ALBERTSON, Minister B:4S am.—Church School 11:00 a.m.—"Life At Its Best" 7:00 p m.—Westminster f ellowship._ FALLS CHURCH E. Broad and Fairfax Sts. ALTON B. ALTFATHEK, D. D„ Minister. 11:00am.—"tiod’s Infinite Patience.’’ Dr. Altfather. Preaching. Nurtery During Service. 9:4» a.m.—Sunday School. 7:30 p.m.—Westminster Fellowship. First Church Arlington Glebe Road at Wilson Blvd. George Hilemaa Yount, Minister Worship—At 9:00 and 11:00 a.m. “Let’a Talk This Over." Mr. Yount, Preaching CLARENDON 1300 Block of North Irving and t Jackson Sts., Arlington, Va. REV. ISAAC STEENSON, Minister. 11 :00 a.m.—Worship ond Sermon. (Nursery Pur Ins Service.) ARLINGTON Columbia Pika and So. Lincoln St. WALTER F. WOLF, Postor. 0:4ft a.m.—Church School. ll:OOa m.—"I Believe.” Nursery During Service. 5:30 p.m—Jr. High Fellowship. - 7:00 p.m.—Sr._HiEh Fellowship._ THE BIBLE BIBLE PRESBYTERIAN 303S QUE’ STREET N.W. REV. JAMES M. McCLINTOCK, Minister 9:45 a.m.—Bible Schcbl. 11:00 AM. and 7:45 P.M. Rev. MeClintork. 6:45 p.m.—Young people's Society. Thm Only BibU Prmtbyttrian _Church_in_Waihingtoil ORTHODOX PRESBYTERIAN KNOX Granville Drive and Sutherland Road SILVER SPRING. MB. REV. GLENN R. COIE. Minialer. B:45 a.m.—Sunday 8chool. 11 00 a m.—"Tile Call af Moaea. ’ 6:30 p.m.—Machen Leagues. 7:30 D.m —“Blind Bartlmaens.” A CORDIAL WELCOME_TO_ ALL._ UNITED PRESBYTERIAN RIVER ROAD 45th fir Feisender Sts. N.W. REV. HARRY W. RANKIN. Faster. Church Bible School. 11 :00 A M. "When Jems Looked Around." Junior Church For Children 8 P.M. Combined Service at Wallace Memorial U. P. Church. WALLACE MEMORIAL N. H. At*. & Randolph St. N.W. C. I. HAWTHORNE, D. D. Minister. The Word of God from Pulpit and Classroom. 9:30 a.m.—Bible School, Classes for all ages. 11 :00 a.m.—Socroment of the Lord's Supper. Nursery During Morning Service 6 ?45 p.m.—Christian Endeavor Societies. 8O0p.m.—Evening Worship. Dr. Hawthorne Preaching ot Both Services. Rev. J. L. Glick Assistant At the Brethren Church The Rev. Joseph L. Glick has been called as assistant pastor of the Washington City Church of the Brethren. Mr. Glick comes from Bridge water, Va., and Is the son of the Rev. John T. Glick. He graduated from Bridgewater College in Au gust, 1948. While in college, he sang in the Glee Club and in the college quartet, served as president of the student body, was a member of the cross-country and track teams, and won the distinction of being chosen for Who’s Who in American Colleges and Universities. He has served as student pastor of the Church of the Brethren, Broadway, Va., and as assistant pas tor of the Church of the Brethren, Waynesboro, Va. In his new position, he will be director of youth work, serve as pastor of the youth church, assist in the preaching and general work of the church. He will preach his first sermon tomorrow evening on “The Two Sieepers.” 2$>ui Smiaalrm __(Swrteabwtim)_ The Church of the Holy City 18th St. Abnve Q N.W. REV. WILLIAM F. WUN8CH, Minister. 11:00 a.m.—Morninsr Worship. 4‘Bfor« Is _Artel of Mankind!**_ (fcmk ©rtifiiimx Churrti Saint* Constantin* and Helen Greek Orthodox Church Rev. Thomas Daniels. 6th and C Streets S.W. 10:45 a m.—Sunday School 10:00 a.m.—Mornint Services and Hist __Mass__ &rlf-&raltzatUm Swami i Premananda I •! India ^ Sunday at 11 A M. "BLESSINGS OF GOD." Public Claai In Phlloaonhy and Yota Wednesday, Septem ber 15. at S P.M. SELF-REALIZATION FELLOWSHIP (Non-Sectarian Church) 4748 Western Arenne N.W. (N-2 Bus to Chesapeake and 49th Sts.) DR. D. L. COOPER •/ Biblical Research Society BIBLE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Will Sp*mk mt 3038 Que St. N.W. Afternooiu Beginning Monday, September 13, at 2:30 P.M. BOOK STUDY Evenings Beginning Snnday September 12, at 8:00 P.M. Sunday—"Israel the Hub of the Nations" Monday—"Partitioning of Palestine and Its International Complications" Tuesday—"Israel Gathered Into the Fertile Crescent" Wednesday—'The War and the Great Day of God the Almighty" Thursday—"Will the Church Go Through the Tribula tion?" Friday—"Israel's Further Role in the World" ORGANIZED RELIGION Does the Bible teach denominationalism? Would Jesus Christ belong to a church if He were on earth today? I Robert L. Booth by SUNDAY NIGHT 7:45 Hymn Sing conducted by Elmore J. McMurphy 1200 FREE SEATS A WELCOME to ALL Capital Memorial Auditorium 5th and F Streets N.W. _ _ (Uhr HUtfroftint <gtyttrrly__ HEADQUARTERS—METHODIST BUILDING, 100 Maryland Ava. N.E. Resident Bishop, Charles W. Flint, D. D., LL. D. District Superintendent*, Fred C. Kuynulds, D. D.» *i»d Kmlph P.rli. P._ IB nsllttaooti J3ark THOMAS B. EHLERS, Minister. 9:45 a.m.—Church School. Classes For All Ages. 1 I :00 a.m.—"Our Eternal Quest." Nursery During Service 6:00 p.m.—Youth Fellowship Groups, Rock Creek Park,_ ■ J A ill IkJC 16th AND ALLISON STS. N.W. n A/Vl LIINC REV. H. W. BURGAN, D. D., Minister. 9:45 a.m.—Church School, Sporkman Bible Class. 1 1 :00 a m.—"God Is Man's Strength." 7:00 p.m.—Methodist Youth Fellowship. CHEVY CHASE M\e^XMaSS!^' CLIFFORD HOMER RICHMOND, S. T. D., Minister. 9:30 and 1 1 :00 a m.—"Daylight Living."_ v 16th Street Near P Street jrounorp >«»«■«f.»w» "The Church of the States" 9:45 a.m.—Church School. REV. JOSEPH FORT NEWTON, D. D., Guest Preacher. 1 1 :00 a.m.—"THE DARKNESS CANNOT WIN," Dr. Harris. 8:00 p.m.—"A PERSISTENT FAITH," Rev. Rolph Condler John. rif VAHV 1459-63 Columbia Road N.W. M. DR. ORRIS GRAVENOR ROBINSON, Min. 9:45 a.m.—Church School Classes, all ages. 1 1 :00a.m.—"Christianity's Dividends," Dr. J. T. Spicknall, District Supt., West Baltimore District. 8:15p.rrC—Evening Worship, J. Thoburn Bard, Director of Methodist Student Work at Maryland University and George Wash ington University. __ Metropolitan Memorial THE NATIONAL CHURCH Nebraska and New Mexico Avas. N.W. EDWARD GARDINER LATCH, D. D., Minister 9:45 a.m.—Church School. I I :00 a.m.—"The Way to Faith." 6:30 p.m.—Youth Fellowship. (Nursery Held During Church Service) Kj,'K7’ 9:45a.m.—Church School. M 7:15pm.—Young Adult Fellow Conn. Ave. Cr Jocelyn St. N.W. ?hl<> 11:00am.—Sermon: "THE RE C. Stonley Lowell, Minister TURN TO DUTY." Music: "At Thy Feet," choir; James L. McLain "Jesus Calls Us," Robert Nicholson Wesley Choir Director. and choir. AIVACOSTIA ,4th Y*« 51 W. KENNETH LYONS, Ministar. JOHN W. TRAVIS, Minister of Music. 9:30 am.—Sunday School. , II :00 a.m.—'Tha Hatad Prophot." ' Nursery During Service ML Vernon Place1"TuJmn.w.** Ministers: John W. Rustin, A. N. Worher TWO MORNING SERVICES 9 and 11:15 A.M.—"Goodness Can Be Attractive." 8 p.M —"Power far Daily Need." Dr. John W. Rustin. Opening Church Service WHEATON METHODIST CHLRCH HAROLD R. LANMAN, Minister 3 P.M. SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1948 Sermon by Bishop Charles Wesley Flint. Service held on thq church location. 10710 Georgia Avenue, Silver Spring, Maryland ROCK CREEK FOREST East-Wast Highway, Opposite Rock Creek Garden Apts. Opening Tent Servicea of New Church 9:45a m.—Sunday School. 1 1 :00 a.m.—"The Ring of Reality." REV. EDWARD B. LEWIS, Minister._ A. B. PUSH BIBLE CLASSS Meets Sunday 10:00 A.M. Pnrcell Storey Associate Teacher, Speaker. Mt. Vernon PI. Methodist Chnrch Fared! Harry. KSH. N.W. letois itlemorial 4th and Hamilton St*. N.W. CLARENCE E. WISE. Minister. 9:45 a.m.—Church School. 11 00 a m—Baccalaureate Service for Sibley Memorial Hospital School of Nuraini. N*Tiers Dunns Semtee. 7:00 D.m.—Youth Fellowships. ST. PAUL 47M 13th St. N.W. WM. E. FIRTH. Minister. LSlfl^qKriit It, Reel " EMORY MIS Ceerria Are. N.W. EDGAR C. BERRY. p. B. Minister. 9 30 a m.—Church SehooL _, 11:00 a.m.— The Way to vielery. Sermon by Dr. Beery. -——— PETWORTH New Hampshire Are. at Grant Orel*. JOHN CUBBY MIIXIAN, D. D. 9:30 a.m.—Church School. 11:00 a.m.—"A Clean Heart.” _ 7:30p.m.-9omb.n,dJv&.n^Serely. DUMBARTON AVE. Mother at Metho&Hm tn Waihinrton 3133 Dumbarton A*e.. Georaetewn all Wieeeneln. Bet. N and O. DE. CHACNCEY C. DAT. Minluter. 11:00 a.m.—^Ancient Dr. JekrU and 7:30 p.m.— "Eeeer rent lee.”__ UNION 29th St. Near Penna. Are. N.W. <102 Yeara at Thla Location) 8ELWYN K. COCKKELL. B. D. 11:00 a.m.—Mornina Worahlp. 9:45 a.m.—School7 p.m.—Youth. ELDBKOOKE Wisconsin A vs. and Rivas Rd. N.W. Take Car 30 (Friendship Heights) REV. F. FAUL HARRIS, Minister, j 9:30 a.m.—Church School, all ages (note change in timei. 11:00 a m.—"Tomorrow Is Here." 7:00 p.m.—First Meeting of Youth Fellowship. _Welcome to Visitors_ &t. lobe’s (GEOBcrroww) _ Wisconsin An. snA 35th St. K.W. c. howabd uxnn. tw«. »:« s.m.—Church School 11.00 s.m.—Mornins Worship. 7:0Op.m.—Youth Fellowship. . Psion o/ AUerttmtt. Conlrtf It. esA Mt. Tiber Cburcku FRANCIS ASBURY 1146 16th St. N.W. O. BRYAN LANGRALL. Mlni.ter. 11:00 am—“The Value of Self Cantral.” Nursery During Sendee 7:30 p.m—Combined 8ervice With Youn* People ( Wednesday. 8 00 p.m -Midweek Service. RHODE ISLAND AVENUE Rhode Island Are. and First Ft. N.W. REV. W. ARNEM ROBERTS, Minister 9:40 a.m.—Church School. 11:00 a m.—"The Fifth Gospel.” 8:00 p.m.—“My Strength and Font.” Thursday. F p.m.—Prayer Service. FIRST METHODIST Bradbury Hrta.. Bowen Rd. at Ala. Avt. REV. DORSET K. STURGIS, Mini,tor. B:45 a.m.—Church School 11 :Oo a.m.—Holy Communion 11.00 a m.—Nursery and Brunners. B OO p.m —"The Thirst for God. _ WILSON MEMORIAL flth Below G St. S.B. H. H. HOYT. Minister. P 45 a.m.—Sunday School. 11:00 a m.—Morning Worihlp. HYLAND Branch Are. and S Ft. B.B. (At 8”00 Blnek renna. Avt.) MELVIN E. LEDERER. Minister., DEAN B. THOMAS. Director of Mnale. 9 45 a m —Church School Classes. 8:30 and 11:00 a.m _ "What Yon Believe Pees Matter.” CHongrraa Birigltta Mh and Alabama Are. S.E. GEORGE L. CONNER. M. A., Minister. Rev. James M. McCauley. Assistant. 9:30 a m.—Church School. IX.09 a.m.—Morning Worship., ) Nursery During Bervice. 1 - 3 JCrmitp Mh and Seward Souare II. Re, Daniel W. Ju.tlee, D. D . Mlnieter. 9:30 a.m.—Church School for oil ages. 11:00 a.m.—"Tha Right to Baliav* In Your*alt." 8:00 p.m.—"Th# Mae# of R« eov*ry." Iv*,y On* Always Walcom*._ EPWORTH 13Ht St. and North Carolina Art. N.E JAMES ALLEN DUDLEY. Minister Reopening Services After Extensive Improvements. 9:30 a.m.—Church School, Classes for all ages. 11 :00 o.m.—Holy Communion, Med itation. "My Lard I and My God." 7:00 p.m.—M. Y. Fellowship. 8:00 p.m.—"God's Covenant with Epworth." Rosedale Methodist Church Tennessee Ate. Near D St. N.I. ALLAN r. MOORE. Pastor In Charts. 8:45 a m.—Church School 11:00 ajn.—Morning Worship. 8:00 p.m.—Evening Worship. _ LINCOLN ROAD At Lincoln Road and Too St. N.E. REV. ROBERT K. NEVITT. Minister. 11:0O a m —"Looking Ahead. ’ 7:00 pm.—Vesper*—Theme A Strict Account.” Mrs. Ralph Smith. Ouest Speaker. _ BROOKLAND 14th and Lawrence N*. HARRY C. MARSH. Mlnhtar. 9:45 a m.—Church School. Bible Cl*Rg** 11 :oo a m.—“A Double Portion Of Tne Holy Spirit.” „ .. 9 00 p m.—Me**aite br Jame« H»»km. DOUGLAS MEMORIAL 11 th and H Sts. N.I. FRANK Y. JAGGER8. Minister. Worship at 11 a m. and 8 P m._ WAUGH METHODIST Third and A Street* N.E. REV. HIKL A. KESTER. Minister. 8:45 a m.—Church Schoo 11:00 a.m.—Morning Worship. 6:45 p.m —MVF._ GORSUCH “A Beacon ot God In Sonthtegsl Washington" Fourth and L Streets GEORGE COPFAGE. ** nlsUr. 11:00 a.m.— 'The Book of Light ’ 7:30 p.m.—Singing with guest “hslcjans. Mr and Mrs. Floyd Murphr McKENDREE ■-» ?/.*$ HORACE E. CEOMBB. D. D.. Mlnlater. 9:45 a.m.—Church School. „ 11:00 a m.—“Ceme And folle* Ma. 9:00 i m —"I Hare No One._ aARENIMN Nerth Irvin* end Siath Street! REV. C. rRrED*V^ILLIAMS. B. D. 9 00 and 11:15 a m —Mornlnd Worahlp BETHESDA, MD. Norfolk and St Elmo Araa. HARTWELL F CHANDLER, Fatter. 9:45 a.m.—Church School 11:00 a. m.—Mornln * Worth lp._ hyattsville first ASM BaKlaaereBenleeMd *EV. EDGAR W. SEC RETT. **lalater. 9:00 and 11:00 a.m.—'M## ef the S:00 p m —'%th**That Meree _Mean tains. - hyattsville MEMORIAL 431? Farrs *at SL DR. HARRY EVALL. Mlnlater. 9:45 a m.—Church School. 11:00 a m —Chaplain Lolahton R. Ramil WOODSIDE SSI I Ga. Are.. Sllrer Sprint. Md. FHILIf C. EDWARDS. M. A.. Mlnlater. f):Mi to 10:45 * m.—-Church School. 9:00 A 11:00 a.m.—"The Eternal Llaht. 715 pro—Youth FClioarahipa._ GAITHERSBURG EPWOBTW ARTHI R e” EWE*'^Minister. ll oi * *m—"^haractor^BHtdera." GR\CF .GA.TH»»»0«e) MARL G. NEWELL, fa.tor. 9:45 a m —Otureh SehnoL „ 11 Too a.m.—"DeSnltelr ChriaMaa." 0:45 p m.—Youth Fellowship _ , Wednesday. 9:Oo pm —Dr Harrr Halnee, Methodtat Advance.