Newspaper Page Text
PROPOSALS. Federal works agency. Public Build mgs Administration. Washington. D C., September 9, 1948—Sealed bids in dupli cate for furnishing and driving test piles at the site of the new United State Court House for the District of Columbia. Con etitution Avenue and John Marshall Place. Washington, D. C. will be received until 1PM. Standard Time, on September 23. 1048. in Room No. 1125. Federal Works Agency Building. Washington. D. C.. and then publicly opened in Room No. 112b. Bid guarantee is required If the amount of The contract exceeds $2,000, U. 8. Standard Form No. 23. Construction Con tract. will be used and performance and payment bonds will be required Upon request one set of Prebid Documents and 1 set of drawiiTfcs and specifications will be supplied without charge to each gen eral contractor interested in bidding on the complete project, all of which must be returned Additional sets of iWawings and specifications may be obtained by general contractors at a charge of $5 per set, which will not be refunded. Checks .offered as payment must be made payable to the order of the Treasurer, U. S. Upon request and in the discretion of the under signed one set of drawings and specifica tions will be furnished to builders’ ex changes, chambers of commerce and other similar organizations, with the under standing that the set will be retained on their premises and made available for Inspection by any interested sub-contractor or material firm. W. E REYNOLDS. Com missioner of Public Buildings. Federal Works Agency__—1 5 SEALED PROPOSALS will be received by the Board of Engineers for Rivers and Harbors. Room 1325. Building T-7. Gravel ly Point Washington 25. D. C. until 2 p m Eastern Standard .Time 3<» Septemoer. IfHh. and then nuoliclv opened and read for the following items for sale. Two auto mobiles: One 1939 Buick 4-dr. sedan. Model 41. Motor No. 43,?7 2.4til. Sena! No 33,582.155: and one 194 1 Chevrolet 4-dr. sedan. Mot'-'- No AA705.1T9. Serial No. 14AG03-24H59. Items may be in spected. at the U. S. Engineer Wharl. Ilth and O sts.. .ve.. Washington. D. C from P. a m to 3 pm Monday through Friday until the date of sale. Invitations to hid may be obtained at inspection point or at Boom 1325. Building T-7 LEGAL NOTICES. ROBERT L. MARSHALL A PHILIP E. SHAPIRO- Attorneys for Petitioner. 1010 Vermont Avenue N.W., Washington. D. C. Filed Aug. 30. 1948. Harry M. Hull. Cleric. IN THE- DISTRICT COURT OF THE United States for the District of Columbia. —In re APPLICATION OF EMMANUEL PIETRO MARTIRE 1616 55nd Street N.W . Washington. D C. FOR CHANGE OF NAME.—Cm! Action No. 3556-48 — Em manuel Pietro Martire. having filed a complaint for a judgement changing his name to Peter Emmanuel Marten and hav ing applied to the Court for an order of publication of the notice required by law In such cases, it is. by the Court, this 30’h day of August. 1948. ORDERED that all persons concerned show cause, if any there by. on or before the 55th day of September, 1948. why the prayers of said complaint should noi be granted: PRO VIDED That a copy of this order be pub lished once a week for three consecutive weeks before said day in THE EVENING STAR and THE WASHINGTON LAW RE PORTOR <S> R. B KEE~H Justice. 'Seal > A TRUE COPY. TEST HARRY M HULL. Clerk. By ELIZABETH M. KOWALSKI, Deputy Clerk. Sc 1.8.1 5__ __ __' BUCKLEY A DANZANSK Y. 1106 G St. ’ N.W.. Attorney. DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED * States for the District of Columbia — Holding Probate Court—No 71684. Ad ministration.—This is to Give Notice: Tha’ the subscriber, of the State of Florida, has obtained from the Probate Court of the District of Columbia Letters • of Administration on the estate of Minnie May Hard'-, late of the District of Colum bia. deceased All persons ha\ing claims against the deceased are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, legally authenticated, ’n the sub scriber. on or before the 56th day of August. A D. 1949. otherwise they mav by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate Given under my hand this 56th day of August 1948. GEORGE D HARDY 4 154 Dover Rd . Jacksonville. gla. 'Seal ) Attest MELVIN J MARQUES. eputv Register of Wills for the District of Columbia, Clerk of the Probate Court. >eK, 1 5.55 itifhard E. Shands and Earl *G. Jnnacher. Shoreham Building. Attorneys. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE United States for the District of Co lumbia. Holding a Probate Court—In re Estate of Janet Buchanan Grover. De ceased.—Administration No 68.556 Order of Publication.—The object of this auit is to obtain a construction of certain provisions of the last will and testament of the above named decedent and a de termination of the rights of the respond ents thereunder for the purpose of a final distribution of the estate4 Upon motion of the petitioners and good cause therefore having been .shown, it is. by the Court, this 54th day of August. 1948. ordered that the respondents. Cuvier Grover Flint, i Susan Willard Flint. Fred W Wilson. Lucy1 Wilson Peters. Genevieve M. Dodd. Wallace C Taylor. Lucy Mays Taylor. Superintend ent of the United States Military Academy. Presiding Bishop of the Protestant Epis copal Church of the United States of America. St. Paul's Episcopal Protestant, Church of Rome. Italy, also known as St ' Paul's American Protestant Episcopal Church. Rome Italy; a corporation, and Her Majesty Queen Elena of Italy, non residents. cause their respective appear-, ances to be entered herein on or before 1 the fortieth day. exclusive of Sundays and' legal holidays, occurring aft"r the day of t.he first publication of this order, and that the unknown heirs at law and next of kin of Janet Buchanan Grover, deceased and • 11 others concerned, cause their appear ance to be entered herein on or before* t.he first rule day occurring after the ex Biration of three months after the dav of le first publication of this order, other-, wise this cause will be proceeded with as • In case of default: provided a copy of this order be published in The Washington Law Reporter and The Evening Star twice a month for three successive months before •aid rule day. R B KEECH. Justice (Seal > A true Copy. Attest: MELVIN J MARQUES Deputv Register of Wills for the District of Columbia. Clerk of the Prc.bate Court._se 1.1 5.oc 1.1 1.1 5_ JOSEPH J. LIMAN. Attornry. If!* K Street N.W ©FDER OF PUBLICATION—CHANGE OF NAME. Filed Sept 13. 1948 Harry M. Hull, Clerk. UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR (he District of Columbia —In Re Ap plication of James Eugene Miller _For Change of Name.—Civil Action No 3735 MS—James Eugene Miller, by his mother and next friend. Lois Rutledge, having filed a complaint for a iudgment changing bis name to James Eugene Rutledge and having applied to the Court for an order of publication of the notice required bv law in such caces. it is. bv the ('our- thi; 13th dav of September. 19 18. ORDERED that all persons concerned show cause, if snv there be. on or before the 9th day of October. 1948. why the prayer* of said complaint should not be granted Provided. That a copy of this order be published once a week for three consecutive week* before said dav in The Evening Star and The Washington Law Reporter <S > F DICKINSON LETTS. Judge. »Seal.> A True Copy Test; HARRY M HULL. Clerk, By ELEANOR E. JOBE. Deputy Clerk aepJJi/23.39 WALTER H E. JAEGER. Attorney. Utonelrirh Court. Suite 311. Washington. D C ORDER PUBLICATION—ABSENT DE FENDANT Filed Sept. 13. 1948 Harry M. Hull. Clerk IN THE UNTTED STATES DISTRICT Court for the District of Columbia.— Frances Andrews Hunt. 3R03 New Hamp ahuc Ave N.W.. Washington. D C.. Plain tiff. vs. Charles Hunt. 5th Engineer Con struction Group. APO 59*’. c o P M . San Franri'co. California. Defendant. — No. 3090-48 —The object of this suit is ab aolute divoice on th<* ground of desertion for more than two consecutive years On motion of the plaintiff, it is this 13th day of September I9»K. ordered that the de fendant Charles Huni. cause his appear ance to be entered herein on or before the forUefh day. exclusive of Sundays and legal holiday*, occurring after the day of first publication of this order, otherwise the cause will be proceeded with as in cgse of default Provided, a copy of this order be published once a week for three successive weeks in the Washington Law Reporter. and The Evening Star before said day <S> F. DICKINSON LETTS. Judge CSeal.» Attest HARRY M HULL. Clerk By ELEANOR E JOBE. Deputy Clerk. sep 1 5.33.39___ J. E. BIN DEM AN. Attorney, 1037 Woodward Ride. UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR the District of Columbia. Holding Pro bate Court.—No 71703. Administration.— This Is to Give Notice- That the sub scriber of the District of Columbia has obtained from the Probate Court of the District of Columbia. Letters of Adminis tration. C T. A. on the estate of Osbert Ed Jones also known as Osbert E Jones, late of the District of Columbia, deceased. All persons having claims against the de ceased are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof*, legally authenticated, to the subscriber, on or before the 3rd dav of September. AC. 1949: otherwise they may by law be ex cluded from ail benefit of said estate Given under mv hand this 3rd dav of September. 1948 ALICE S JONES 383.3 Northampton St N.W <Seal » Attest: MELVIN J MARQUES. Deputy Register ot Wills for the District of Columbia Clerk of the Probate Court. sei 5.33 30 _ auction^ sales._ ADAM A. WESCHLER A SON. auctioneers. —Household furniture and miscellaneous personal effects, modern Remington-Rand typewriter, adding machine, desks, file ease, decorators' equipment, tools and supplies, etc.—Bt order of Harry Said m»n. Trustee in Bankruptcy of E. S. Dove, Jr & Co. Bankrupt No 4475: George W. Edmonson, administrator es tate Sandv Edmonson: storage companies and other consignors. By auction at Weschler's 90S E st. n.w . Friday com mencing at 9:.'tO a m. Groups for dining, dinette, bed »nd living rooms: twin, bunk and double beds, box and coil springs, in ner-soring and felt mattresses, chests of drawers, dressers bookcases, studio and sofa beds, mirrors, table and floor lamps tables, rhalrs. etc.: also extension and step ladders, extension boards, rope falls blocks, window jacks, roof hooks, drot cloths, typewriter, adding machine, desks etc., by order Trustee in Bankruptcy in::tn a_rm ___—16 AD\M A. WESCHLER A SON. auctioneers _Bankruptcy Sale of Interior Decorators Equipment. Toots. Supplies. Office Furnitun and Filing Cabinet, etc., by auc tion at Weschler's. 905 E st. n.w . Friday September 17. 194R. 10 :tn a m. Extern slop and step ladders, extension boards rope falls, blocks, roof hooks, winder lacks, drop cloths, gasoline torch, par cans paint, brushes, caulking guns, etc also modern Remington-Rand typewrite Ho J951944. flat-top and typewrite desks, chairs. Burroughs adding machine fluorescent lamp, steel letter filing rabinet *tc. In re: E S. Dove, jr . and Herber NT Brooke, trading as E S. Dee. Jr . am Company Bankrupt No. 4475 Terns Cash. HARRY SAIDMAN, Trustee. Colo ifcdo Building. —16 i AUCTION SALES «Cont) THOS. J. OWEN it SON. auctioneers. 435 Southern Building.—Trustees’ sale of valu able two-story brick dwelling being known as Premises 1406 C street. Northeast.— By virtue of a certain deed of trust duly recorded, in Liber No. 8377. Folio 199 et seq.. of the land records of the District of Columbia, and at the request of the party secured thereby, the undersigned trustees will sell, at public auction in front of the premises on Friday the fenth day of September A.D. 1948. at three-thirty o’clock p.m., the following described land and premises, situate in the District of Columbia, and designated as and being Lot 214 in Charles H. David-, 'sen's subdivision of Lots in Square 1054. j as per plat recorded in the Office of the Surveyor for the' District of Columbia in i Liber 40 at Folio 8. With improvements thereon known as 1406 C Street. North-, east. Terms: Sold subject to a prior building association deed of trust for $6.106 54. further particulars of which will be announced at time of sale, the purchase price above said trust to be paid in cash A deposit of $500.00 re ouired Conveyancing recording, etc.,1 at purchaser's cost Terms to be com plied with within thirty days, otherwise deposit forfeited and the property may be advertised and resold at the discretion of the trustees ELLIS EDLOWITZ AL BERT BRICK, Trustees. au24.28 sel .4.8. i X'f The above sale has been postponed until Friday, 'he seventeenth day of Sep tember A.D 1948. a; the same time and the same_piace By order of the trustees. THOS. J. OWEN it SON. auctioneers. 435 3outhern Building—Trustees’ sale of valu able 2-story row brick dwelling, being known as Premise* 306 Massachusetts t Avenue Northeast. By virtue of a certain deed of trust duly recorded, in Liber 8541. Folio 241. et sea. of the land records of the District of Columbia, and at , the request of the party secured thereby. ! the undersigned trustees will sell, at pub lic. auction in front of the premises, on Thursday, the 9th day of September. A.D i 1948 at 3:30 o'clock p.m the following- i described land and premises, situate ini the District, of Columbia, and designated as and being Lot 6 in Henry Jaeger's sub- , division in Square 781, as per plat re corded in the Office of the Surveyor lor j the District of Columbia, in Liber 13, at i Folio 217. Terms: Sold subject to a prior building association deed of trust for | approximately $4,769.54, further particu lars of which will be announced at time; of sale: the purchase price above said trust to be paid in cash. A deposit of $560 required Conveyancing, recording, etc. si purchasers cost. Terms L6 be, complied with within 30 days, otherwise deposit forfeited and the property may; oe advertised and resold at the discretion of the trustees B/7UCE S QUIGLEY. NORMAN FREEDENBERG. trustees. au27.30,sc2.4,8. i'Z The above sale has been postponed until Monday the 30th day of Septembe:. AD 104 K a r the same time and the same place Bv order of the trustees. _sc 1 5.1 H.___ THOS. J. OWEN A SON. auctioneers. 435 Southern Bldg —Trustees’ sale of valuable brick building, being known as premises No 1010 14th st. n.w. By virtue of a certain deed of tru t duly recorded, in Liber No 8H33. Folio 4 44 et seo of the land records, of the District of Columbia, and at the request of the party secured thereby, the undersigned trustees will sell, at public auction within the office of Thos. J Owen A: Son. Room 435. Southern Bldg. 15th and H sts. n.w, Tuesday, the 3*th dav of September. A.D I04N. at 3 o clock P M . the following-described land and premises, situate in the District of Columbia, and designated as and being Lot 33 in John D, Kidwell’s subdivision of Square No. 317. as per plat recorded in the Office of the Surveyor for the District of Columbia in Liber R W. at folio 113 Terms: Sold subject to a prior first deed of trust for approximately >70.Him (Mi and a prior second deed of trust for approximately $35,000,00. further particulars of which will be announced at time of sale, the purchase price above said trust to be paid in cash. A deposit of | >5.000.00 required. Conveyancing, record ing. e:c.. at purchaser s cost. Terms to j be complied with within 30 days, other wise deposit forfeited and the property may be advertised and resold at the dis- ' cretion of the trustees. WARREN G LATTA. W. H. VALENTINE. Trustees. , sel5.30.35. _ THOS. .1. OWEN * SON- auctioneers. 4Mo ; Southern Bide—Trustees' sale of valuable unimproved lot located on Albemarle st. n.w . between Connecticut ave. and lMth st.. having a frontage of 77.72 feet by a depth of 280.25 feet and containing 21.781 square feet. By virtue of a certain deed of trust dulv recorded, in Liber No. 8.M 19. Folio 4MM et seq . of the land records of the District of Columbia, and at the request of the party secured thereby, the undersigned trustees will sell, at public auction, in front of the premises, on Monday, the 27th day of September, A.D. 1948. at M o clock P M . the following described land and premises, situate in the District of Columbia, and designated as and being part of the tract of land known as Azadia" described as follows: Beginning for the same on North line of Albemarle st.. as dedicated and shown on plat recorded in Liber County No. 17. folio 115 of the Records of the Office of the Surveyor of the District of Colujnbia. at a point distant 466.M feet West from its intersection wuth the West line of 30th j 6t., as dedicated and shown on plat rec orded in Liber County No. 17 folio 114 i of said .Surveyors Office Records, said; point beinR also the Southwest corner of the Tand coBveyed to Willis L. Palmer amd jut.rla Ch White >by Deed recorded *in ! *floir TfcTflGWolio 57 of*, the L»mf Records of the District of Columbia: thence With the North line of said Albermarle st. west 77.72 feet: thence North 280.25 feet: thence East 77.72 feet and thence Sou.h 280.25 feet to the beginning. Note: At the date hereof the above described land is designated on the Records of the As sessor of the District of Columbia for taxation purposes as Lot 808 in Square *»< 41 Subject to covenants and restric tions of record Terms of sale: AH cuh. A deposit -of $1,000.00 will be required at time of sale All conveyancing, record ing. etc., at cost of purchaser Terms of sale to be complied with Within MO days from dav of sale, otherwise the trustees reserve the right to resell the property at the risk and cost of defaulting pur chaser. after five days' advertisement of such resale in some newspaper published in Washington, D. C WILLIAM E SHAN NON. FRANK J LUCHS, Trustees. se 1 5J 7 .20,23.25. __ THOS.’ J. OWEN A SON. auctioneers 435 Southern Bldg.—Trustees* sale of valuable two-story brick building, being known as j M54 L St SE. Bv virtue of a certain; deed of trust duly recorded, in Liber No. ;• *093. Folio 429 et seq. of the land records of the District of Columbia, and at the request of the party secured therebv. the undersigned trustees will sell., at public auction in front of the premises,; on Friday.-the 17th day of Sept.. A.D !‘*4S at 4 MO o'clock PM . the follow ing-described land and premises, situate, in the District of Columbia, and designated as and being Lot numbered Ninety-nine (!•})» in Edward J Walker s subdivision of lots in Square numbered Ten Hundred and Forty-^even <1047 ). as per plat re- i corded in the Office of the Surveyor for i the District of Columbia in Liber 84 at folio 150. improved by premises 1 M.»4 L St S F Terms Sold subject to a prior building association deed of trust for approximately *•.’.884 07. further Particu lars of which will be annourced at time! of sale: the purchase price above said trust to be paid in cash. A deposit oi *500.00 required. Conveyancing, record ing. etc., at purchaser's cost. Terms to be complied with within thirty days, otherwise deposit forfeited and the prop erty may be advertised and resold at the discretion of the trustees. VERNON THOMAS HERMAN MILLER. Trustees. JOSEPH G WEEDA. Attorney for Trustees. 1012 17th st n.w._se8.■ ADAM A WFSCHLER A SON, auctioneers^ Trustee's sale of premises 14.~ l tn si n.w.—By virtue of a decree or tne District Court of the United States for the District of Columbia entered in Civil Action No 3251-4*. I will sell in *r°nt of the premises, at auction, on Friday. September 24. 1948. at 4 o clock p.nv, the property taxed as Lot 811 in Square 279. improved by the above numbered premise:- Terms of sale: All cash ' cash deposit required at time of sale which shall stand forfeited if PurchBSf defaults m his purchase, Balance purchase money to be paid v i.;o> davs after date of court ratification. If sale is not ratified, deposit will Jf returned Title to be good and unen cumbered of record Cost of fjaniinj tion o. title, conveyancing, settlement fees, recording, notary fees and revenue damps to oe paid bv purchaser Posses sion with title GEORGE C. GERTMAN trustee. 730 15th st. n.w. se THOS~jrOWF7N_*~SON. auctioneers. 435 Southern Building—Trustees sale of three valuable dwellings, consisting of two - story frame buildings and one 3-story brick building, being known as Nos MOO and 302 6th Street and 600 Pennsylvania Avenue Southeast Bv ' tue of a certain deed of trust duly re corded. in Liber No. 8558, Folio 4,6. et seq . of the land records of the District of Columbia, and at the request of the, party secured thereby, the undersigned trustees will sell, at public auction in front of the premises, on Thursday, the 9th day of September. A. D. 1948. at 4 o'clock P M . the following-described land and premises, situate in the District of Columbia, and designated as and being Lot numbered Seventy 470) in ,T. J. Mayers subdivision of part of original Lot num bered Eight <8> in Square numbered Eight Hundred and Seventy-three (8,3' as per plat recorded in the Office of the Sur veyor for the District of Columbia, in Liber 15. at Folio 156. Lots numbered Seventy-nine <79' and Eighty .(80) in Theodore J Mayer's subdivision of lots in Square numbered Eight Hundred and Seven! y-t hree * <873 >, as per plat recorded in the Office of the Surveyor for the Dis trict of Columbia, in Liber 18. at Folio J All three properties to be sold as an entirety Terms: Sold subject to a prior ibuilding association deed of trust for ap proximately $18,936.15. further particulars of which will be announced at time of sale the purchase price above said trust to be paid in cash. A deposit of $500 required. Conveyancing, recording, etc.. at purchaser's cost Terms to be complied with within 30 days, otherwise deposit forfeited and the property may be ad vertised and resold at the discretion of tha trustees R O. WEED. S P NICHOLS, trustees. au27.30.se2.4.8. C^The above sale has been postponed until Friday, the first day of October. A D 1948. at the same time and the same pUcc By order of the trustees. _seH.l 5.1*2.*2P__ C. C. SLOAN A fO.. INC., auctioneers. Tin 13th st n.w.—Sale of household Roods personal effects, etc . for storage charges Notice is hereby given that on Saturday. October 194s. starting at 10 o'clock AM and continuing each Wednes day and Saturday thereafter until all is disposed of there will be sold at public auction in the auction rooms of C. G. •SLOAN A CO. INC.. 715 13th st. n.w Washington. D C to enforce liens for storage and other charges due and unpaid all furniture personal effects, etc . stored with us in the following names: Annette Belville Benjamin Bryant. Grace Hesse Mrs J T. Millsap and Rudolph F Mitchell ferms. cash Union Storage Co., Inc . 705 lorida ave. n.w., Washington, D. C. •el5.24. i Democrats in Texas j Oust States' Righters From Party Posts By th« Associated Presi FORT WORTH, Tex., Sept. 15.— The Democratic Party of Texas has house-cleaned itself of members and especially leaders who would not pledge themselves to total party loyalty. This complete party-line purifica tion. and formal certification of Representative Lyndon B. Johnson as nominee for Senator were the chief accomplishments of yester day’s 12-hour State convention. Just before midnight, convention officials sent the Johnson certifica tion by registered mail to the sec retary of State at Austin. This, Representative Johnson's attorneys said, was to forestall possible legal action by Coke Stevenson, defeated in the Senate race by a record close margin of 87 votes. Clear-Cut > ictories. It took the Truman forces five hours to beat the stubborn States' Rights minority down and sweep into control with two clear-cut vicr tories on test votes. Then they ejected anti-Truman delegates from four counties. States Rights' sym-, pathizers from five other counties walked out in protest. Pro-Truman delegates from Har ris, Dallas, Tarrant and Harrison Counties triumphantly,streamed in-, to the hall and took the seats va cated by those who were kicked out. The party aimed these hard-fisted jabs at members who were even suspected of unwillingness to vote' the ticket straight: 1. An overwhelming vote recom mending that the National Commit tee replace Wright Morrow’ of Hous ton as a member of Texas, substi tuting for him Byron Skelton of Temple, floor leader of the Truman supporters. Mr. Morrow has been under attack as a States’ Rights smypathlzer. 2. Ousting of Mrs. R. A. Thomp son of goliad — openly 'a States Righter—as vice-chairman of the State Executive Committee and re placing her with Mrs. Claude Hud speth of San Antonio. 3. Election of what amounts to a brand-new executive committee, minus any one with' States' Rights1 leanings, and including a sprinkling of liberals. 4. Giving the State Democratic Executive Committee full powers to require its members, county and precinct chairmen, and members of county executive committees to sign party-loyalty pledges or be removed. 5. Ousting of five of the 23 presi dential electors named in May be cause they have “not made it clear that they will support the nominees of the Democratic Party.’ Stevenson to Fight. Robert W. Calvert of Hillsboro refused the convention's persistent demand that he continue as chair man of the -State Executive Com mittee. John C. Calhoun of Cor sicana, a close friend of Gov. Beauford H. Jester, took his place. The convention paid standing trib ute to Mr. Calvert for his service in the party loyalty fight. Mr. Stevenson's strategists junked their plan to fight Representative Johnson's certification on the con vention floor when it became ap-j parent that the House member's, fnends had an unbeatable ma-! jority. They said, however, they have not given up the fight. Almost all the delegates Jumped to their feet cheering and clapping when Representative Johnson and his wife came to the platform. "This is a gerat night for us, ’ he beamed. “I have so much grati tude in my heart that there is no room for bitterness. I pledge here and now that I will-devote every ounce of my strength to make you all and all those who voted against me the kind of Senator Texas is entitled to have.” Landon School Appoints Three Faculty Members Appointment of an athletic direc tor. an assistant athletic director and a professor at Landon School for Boys, Bethesda, was announced today by the school. James E. Curran, former football coach at Notre Dame High School at West Haven, Conn., has been ap pointed to the faculty in charge of athletics and as head football coach. He was graduated from the Univers ity of Notre Dame in 1940 and re ceived his master’s degree there in 1947. Named assistant athletic direc tor teas William J. Fowler, jr„ of Baltimore, who was graduated from the University of Maryland in Feb ruary. Arthur W. Defenderfer, jr„ of 7 East Kirke street, Chevy Chase, a graduate of Lehigh University in June, has been added to the faculty as professor of social studies. For Laboratory Classes & Pro fessional Use Laboratory Coats Laboratory Aprons Reversible Gowns Interne Shirts White Duck Coats White Duck Trousers STEIN UNIFORMS 1704 L St. N.W. RE. 7810 Why Mountain Valley Water Is Recommended for ARTHRITIS KIDNEY and BLADDER Condition Thle nstnral mineral water (ram Hot Springe. Arkansas, helps to— 1. Stimulate kidney functions. 2. Soothe bladder irritation. 3. Neutralize uric acidity. 4. Discharge wastes. Phone for a Cate Today MOUNTAIN VALLEY MINERAL WATER MET. 1062 904 12th St„ N.W. I Gleem LAMINATED Heut* Point give* "life"... glerieui new "life"! Reawaken the charm and beauty af your home with rich, fresh color while you protect your investment by adding ta its lifetime! Because Gleem is LAMINATED it sett up a reinforced multi-layer film that with stands the ravages af weather and tun far better than ordinary paints. What's more, Gleem it "self-cleaning" thanks te its special color-fast surface that cleanses at it wears! See your Gleem dealer now ... choose from 12 popular shades and whit*. For home beauty, for home protection . f . plan now to paint for "life" with Gleem LAMINATED House Paint! Baltimore Paint £ Color Works 150 S. Calverton Road—Baltimore 23, Md. UNION WALLPAPER & PAINT CO., INC. 1322 New York Avenue N.W. northwest SHERIDAN HARDWARE CO. 6135 Georgia Ave. N.W. M. L. WARREN 3213 Georgia Ave. N.W. northeast DEANWOOD Mt'SIC * HARDWARE 4802 Deane Ave. N.E. MORTON STEINER HARDWARE 707 H Street N.E. SOUTHEAST HOMEMAKERS HARDWARE 413 8th St. S.E. E. S. BCRGESS * SON, INC. 236 7th Street S.E. KERREY'S VARIETY STORE 4411 Bowen Rd S.E STEVENS SERVICE STORES 2759 Nichols Ave. S.E. SUBURBAN HARDWARE STORE 7105 Marlboro Road ARLINGTON, VA. UNION WALLPAPER A PAINT CO.. INC. 2801 Wilson Boulevard L. C. SMITH, INC. 3330 N. Washington Blvd. ALEXANDRIA, VA. E. W. WALKER 115 S. Henry St. VIENNA, VA. J. L. MILLER BERWYN, MD. BERWYN HARDWARE A SUPPLY CO. 8204 Baltimore Boulevard COLLEGE PARK, MD. COLLEGE PARK VARIETY STORE 7319 Baltimore Boulevard Guardhouse Fugitive Seized By G-Men After Car Chase Here • A 19-year-old soldier said to have escaped last Sunday from the stock ade at Port Bragg, N. C.. was cap tured last night by agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation after an automobile chase through the northeast section. Metropolitan police said the soldier, identified as Pvt. Paul R. Parker, 300 block of Tenth street N.E., struck two other vehicles be fore abandoning the car he was driving and attempting to escape on foot. FBI officials said they went to Parker’s home last night to pick him up On a stolen car charge, after being notified the youth had escaped from the Army post. As they drew up, they said. Parker saw them and sped off down the street. At Eleventh street and Maryland avenue N.E., they said, his car sideswiped a tank truck and then a parked car at. Fourteenth and F streets N.E. Parker attempted to run from the scene, the report said, but was apprehended by FBI agents. FBI officials said Parker wac Real Estate Loans Apply in person to the American Home Mutual Life Insurance Co. 1757 K St'. N.W. GEORGE I. BORGER Loans on Real Estate Sales, Rentals, Insurance 643 Indiono Avenue N.W. NA. 0350 I ‘ 1 — COMMON STOCK DIVIDEND 54tb Consecutive Quarterly Payment The Board of Directors of the Seaboard Finance Co. declared a quarterly divi dend of 45 cents a share on Common Stock payable October 10,1948 to stock holders of record September 23, f948 PREFERRED STOCK DIVIDEND Stb Consecutive Quarterly Poyment The directors also declared a regular quarterly dividend of 65 cents a share on Convertible Preferred Stock, payable October 10, 1948 to stockholders of record September 23, 1948. A. E. WE I DM AN August 26, 1948 Trtasurtr sought on a charge of violating the National Motor Vehicle Act. They said two juveniles implicated the soldier, and James McGuire, 19. of the 1400 block of Harvard street N.W.. in a car theft last May. McGuire was apprehended at his TRUST I NOTES Reasonable Rates Prompt Service UJctllill buy Second Trust Notes Secured on Improved Property NATIONALMORTGAGE & INVESTMENT CORP. 1312 N Y. AVE..N.W.-NA 5833J — -. ■ ■■ ■■ INSURED SAFETY plus liberal earnings are.. (Unto* to you ad yau/i poAtman We will gladly handle your savings account by ma>!... no noed for you to maka trips in person to our office. pheyy Phase BUILDING & LOAN ASSOCIATION 6940 Wisconsin A vt. Chevy Chase. Mi. Wl. 24SS All,vino fino... Guild California Sherry * FIFTH Port, Muscatel, Tokay . . . Look for'h* bi«red man on the label. vine iimu iiiii . tin. iineiiin home early this morning. Beside the auto theft charge, Parker has been booked as having no District permit, leaving after colliding and as a fugitive from a Federal institu tion, police said. PAPSON1 KITCHtHS I • Complete ultra-mod ern kitchen in § sq. ft. of floor space. Includes range (gas or elec.), re frigerator, sink and storage. Beautiful, all metal. fc reproof. Ideal for apartments, small homes, cottages, rec reation rooms, offices, dubs, motds, touiN cabins. \ Ask Yomr Architect. AVAILABLE NOW Fhone as today for farther Information HO. 5373 Douglas Distributing Carp. OOl Girard St. N.E. Jf you Vt looking for the BEST in COLUMNAR BOOKS 0uilh will give perfect satisfaction 2 Columns to 36 Columns 150 pages • - 300 pages SUPERIOR . LEDGER PAPER IT arp-Proof Laminated Binding Board Site* 14*4 *9*4 10*4 * 8>4 14 V4 * 11 ' 4 13 x 15*4 ERASURES CAN BE MADE WITHOUT INJURING SURFACE OF PAPER STOCKETT FISKE CO PRODUCING STATIONERS 919 E *T- -INI • W WASHINGTON D C PHONE NA. 9176 AVAILABLE MANAGE* or EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT, merchandiser, supervisor, with good understanding of labor and public relo tions. Capable man, 42 yrs. old, ag gressive, energetic, ambitious, congenial personality, college business administra tion, seeks permanent position where hard work and initiative will pay divi dends. Proven obility. Interview invited. Box 46-Z, Star. Insured Savings plus Substantial D ividends Bath ara yaura at HOMEMUTUAL BUILDING & LOAN ASSOCIATION 931 15th St. N.W. Member: Federal Savin,i A Lea a Insurance Car*. CALL NAtianal 4131 A M O c O M p A N V INSURANCE 1700 EYE ST. N.W. WASHINGTON ME. 399« Waste no time«.«^j find out if your 1 home is adequately covered with INSURANCE k at today's J Ilk values Jm. WEAVER BROS., INC. L fw-rj EYEBY DOLLAR ON YOUR FUEL BILL WILL BE THERE WITH YOUR FULL PERMISSION * HEATING YOUR HOME THIS WINTER WILL EE EXPENSIVE UNLESS ALL-METAL' 3■ORnffl ynSII yaj^BaH YOU RTTCPfl SELF-STORING W ¥lllalljlfl INSTALL ■■ ^ COMBINATION & SCREEN 1,u" YOU WILL SAVE UP TO % OF YOUR FUEL BILL it Self Storage—Nothing to Change, Noth ing to Store it Fingertip Ventilation Control. ★ Patented "Thermolok" Closure Frame for a tight permanent Seal against Air Leakage. it Cleor Vision, Finest Quality, Flat-Drawn Glass it No Cold Zones, and Control over Conden sation and Frosting on Your Windows. A “RUSCO” installation means permanent savings, permanent protection Be a wise homeowner—Save Guarom««d all winter long CALL NA. 4151 DON'T PAY AN EXCESSIVE PRICE* FOR AN "ALL-WEATHER'' WINDOW GET A “RUSCO” .ESTIMATE FIRST—NO DOWN PAYMENT TAKE 36 MONTHS TO PAY—GET A FREE DEMONSTRATION i.^ CALL KA. 4151 AMCO PRODUCTS CO. N'caTlS hoNbartU«2A7YS 1812 M St. N.w. Just Off Conn. AvC.