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Directors' Meeting Set for Opening of Franklin Simon Store By Nelson M. Shepard Washingtons newest specialty shop for the family, a branch of Franklin Simon Store, Fifth avenue, New York, opens tomorrow in the attractive new quarters built for it at 4250 Connecticut avenue N. W. A feature of the opening will be » Board of Directors meeting at 3:30 p.m. It will be the first direc tors' meeting held outside the New York store in half a century of business. Here in Washington for this oc casion are all the members of the board: J. Howard Denny, president of Franklin Simon; Boyd L. Hatch of the Atlas Corp.; Joseph Igeihart, chairman of the board of W. E. Hut ton & Co.: Joseph Klingenstein. partner of Wertheim & Co.; Oswald Johnson of Simpson, Thatcher & Bartlett, attorneys, and Leo G. Levin, executive vice president of Franklin Simon. Parking Facilities Planned. In the center of one of the fastest growing shopping districts in the suburban Northwest area, the new Simon store will have adequate parking facilities. It will be under the management of William Bailey, a special representative of the New York firm and manager of its Bridgeport, Conn., store at one time. The assistant manager is Harold Boyce, also of New’ York. Mr, Denny and the directors gave a cocktail party for business friends, associates and the press yesterday afternoon on the terrace of the Shoreham hotel. Hartwell F. Taylor, national vice president of the ...— American insti tute of Banking, will be principal .speaker at to night's e d u c a tional meeting of Washington Chapter at 6:30 o'clock in the Mayflower Ho tel. He is with the Bank of Vir g i n I a, R i c h mond. Standard and prestandard cer tificates will be Mr. Taylor. presented to is students wno nave completed the course. The program foi the opening fall term on Octo ber 4 will be announced. Stephen O. Porter, chairman of the Educa tional Committee, will preside. A. S. A T. to Be Honored. Daniel W. Bell, president of the American Security <fc Trust Co., will receive the coveted bronze "Oscar of Industry" on behalf of the Wash ington institution at a banquet in New York on October 21. This un usual honor comes from A. S. & T. having been judged as issuing the best 1947 annual report of any trust company in the country. In a national survey sponsored by the Financial World, reports from more than 4,000 corporations were submitted and examined by an in dependent board of judges. The vo luminous number of reports were judged in 100 industrial classifica tions for "best of industry” awards. Runner-up in the "trust companies” category was Giard Trust Co. of Philadelphia. Third place was won by the Detroit, Mich., Trust Co. Chairmen of the jury who made the final selections was Dr. Lewis Haney,, economics professor of New York University. Weston Smith, vice president of Financial World will present the trophies. Loan League Reports Gain. A gain of more than 10,000 cus tomers as of the close of business August 31 was reported today by the 27 savings associations compos ing the District of Columbia Build ing and Loan League, compared with the same period of 1947. The total was 216,018 customers, F. Wil liam Camp, secretary, reported. This considerable gain increased combined resources to $350,101,598. an increase of $36,300,000 over the 1947 statement. Of total resources, first mortgages on improved prop erties in the metropolitan area made up $321,000,000. Cash and United States securities made up the rest. It was reported that savers main-) tained balances in excess of $2ift, 000,000. an increase of $22,000,000. j _ Business Briefs | Edison Electric Institute reported power production for Labor Day week ended September 11 declined to 5.166,126.000 kilowatt hours from 5.469,539,000 in the preceding week. The institute also said 97% of the Nation's 39.750,000 occupied family dwellings now have elec tricity available and 94% actually are taking service. Dun & Bradstreet wholesale food Index turned upward on September 14 for the first time since the peak of July 13. The index at $6.95 on September 14. compared with $6.86 a week earlier. $7.12 a year ago and $7.36 on July 13. The index repre sents the total cast of a pound of each of 31 foods in general use. Lake Carriers’ Association re ported Great Lakes freighters set a new all-time record for coal car goes and a peacetime mark for iron ore transportation during Au gust. The Treasury said its August market transactions in its own se curities resulted in net purchases of $4,369,000 compared with net pur chases of $5,436,050 in July. United Foundation Corp. was low bidder at $273,914 for construction of four conduits for the Cumber land. Md„ flood-control project. Sharp and Dohme announced op ening of two new subsidiaries in' Cuoa and the Philippines. Sun Oil Co. said its $16,000,000 expansion outlay at its Toledo. Ohio, refinery will include an improved catalytic cracking process. Chickasha Cotton Oil for year ended June 30 earned $616,449 or $2.43 a share vs. $521,533 or $2.04 in 1947. Fox Brewing Co. for year ended June 30 earned $750,153 or $1.50 vs. $1,018,468 or $2.04 in 1947. Franklin Stores Corp. for year ended June 30 earned $1,311,646 or $1.75 a share vs. $1,070,574 or $1.47 in 1947. Mercantile Stores Co. for half ended July 31 earned $1,600,056 or $1.07 a rhare vs. $1,410,196 or 94 cents in 1947. Minneapolis A St. Louis Railway for 7 months ended July 31 earned $793,455 or $1.32 a share vs. $1,084. 697 or $1.81 in previous year. National Battery Co. for quarter ended July 31 earned $592,000 or $1.77 a share vs. $583,000 or 11.74 in 1947. Chicago and Southern air lines reported » net profit of $391,980 for the first eight months of 1948. The net profit for August was $68,674. K N. Y. STOCK EXCHANGE (Famished b? the Associate* Press.) fiaiM Stock and Add Net Diridend Rate 00 High. Low. 3:30. cnee ; ABBOTT L2.60a 3 67 67 67 -1 I A C P-BriU Mot. 1 4% 4% «% Adams Kxp >/4* • 19% 19% 19% + % Addressog-M 2a 6 35% 34% 35% + % Admiral Crp.45ex 3 15% 15 15%+ % Air Reduction 1 6 32% 22% 22% Alaska Juneau 6 3% 3% 3% Alleghany Coro 16 3% 3% 3% + % Alleghany Co of 6 32% 52% 52% - % Alleg Lud 1.20e. 2 29% 29 29 +% Allen Inc 20e . 2 9% 9% . 9% - % Allied CftDye 6a 3 163 182 182 -% Allied Kid Ilia. 1 19 19 19 Allied Strs 3 8 32% 32% 32%+ % I AlliedStore pf 4 1 82 82 82 - % Allis Cnalm I 60 5 33% 33% 33% Alpha Portl *,4e_ 2 30% 29% 30%+% : Amerada Pet 3. 3 95 94% 94% Am Agrlcul 3a 4 45% 45% 45% + % Am Airlines .. 43 7% 7% 7%+% Am Alrl nf 3% 3 50% 50% 50%+% AmBankN 1 60a 2 25 24% 24% - % Am Bosch V*e 2 13 12% 12% Am B Shoe 1 'ie 3 39% 39 39 +1 Am Broadcast 3 7 7 7 — % Am CaDle ft Rad l 4% 4% 4*%+% •Am Can of 7 40 166 167% 168 +1 Am Car&Pdy 3e 4 39% 38% 38% - % Am Car&F pi 7. 1 93% 93% 93% - % Am Chicle 2a l 44% 44% 44% + % tAmCrvstl p!4% 10 90 90 90 -1 AmCyanamid la 8 38% 38% 38% - % AmCyamld3Vaol 1 101% 101% 101% + % 4m Export L 2 3 15% 15% 15% Am ft Prgn Pwr 5 3% 3% 3% ■ SKrrwr /PIO 4 K X o»% OS e» t-1 Am&FPJGpf 41 ik 1 59 59 59 -2% t> ^ e ;n 0. 2 11% li% 11% 1 Am Hide ft Le* 1 5*4 5% 5% - % i AmHomePr 1 "0 17 23% 23% 23% Am Intern* .20* 4 13% 13% 13% + % Am Loco 1.40 5 22% 22 22 - % Am MchftFd 80 4 16 16 16 Am Power ft L' 21 10% 10% 10% - % Am PftLtSRpfRk 2 90% 90% 90% - % Am P&Lt55pf5k 2 *0% 79% 80% Am Radiator ’se 16 14*4 14 14% + % Am Safe Raz %. 5 8% •% 8% — % Am Seating le 1 25 25 25 + % Am Smelt&R 3e 4 56% 56% 56%+ % •Am SmAH of 7 40 151 150% 150% Am Snuff 2 __ 1 32% 32% 32% Am 8teel Fdry 2 3 29% 29% 29% + % Am Stores 140a 2 23% 23% 23% — % Am Stove 1.20e_ 1 16% 16% 16% Am Te) ft Tel 8 29 152% 152% 152% Am Tobacco 3a 6 63% 63% 63% + *4 •Am Tob of 8 . 20 135% 135% 135% - % Am Viacose 2a 5 68% 68% 68% + % AmWatWks 30e 9 8% 7% 8 - % Am Woolen 8a- 11 49% 48% 48% + % Am Zinc ,20e _. 1 7% 7% 7% - % Anaconda 2tie- 9 36% 36% 36% — % •Anac Wire le 30 35% 35% 35%-% Arch Hock G1 le 3 28 27% 27% -1% And-Prich la x 5 26% 26% 26%-% Arch-D-M 1 a 3 28% 28% 28% - >/« Armco Steel 2b 17 29% 28% 28*4— % •ArmcoStl Df4% 10 96% 96% 96%+ % Armour&Co.OOp 53 10 10 10 Arm.stCrkl.20e 1 51 51 51 •Armatng of 3% 40 94 94 94 ArnoldConat tie 1 15% 15*4 15*4 Assd Dry G 1 80 3 15% 15% 15% + % •Asso D G 1st 6 10 106% 106% 106% + % Ass octet Inv 2 * 2 29% 29% 29%+ % Atch T ft 8 P 6 8 117 115% 116%+1% Atch TftSF of 6 1 102% 102% 102% A T F Inc toe . 2 17% 17% 17% + % Atl Coast Line 4 3 54% 54% 54% Atl Refining 1 % 16 39% 39 39 - % •Atl Refln of A 4 90 109% 108% 108% - % •Atl Ref ofBS’i 30 95% 95% 95% Atlas Coro 1 80 2 21% 21% 21% - % tAtlas Pwd ltie 190 51% 51% 51% Austin N of 1.20 1 14% 14% 14% Autocar Co tip 2 10 10 10 Auto Canteen 1. 1 13% 13% 13%+ % Avco Mfg .35e . 21 6% 6% 6% Baldwn Loco tie 8 14% 14% 14% + % Balt* Ohio 9 15*4 14% 14%-% Balto ft Ohio of 6 25*/« 24% 24% BangorftArostk l 27 27 27 + *4 BarkerBros 1 %e 2 24% 24% 24% + % Barnsdall 011 2a 22 39% 39% 39% + % Bayuk Cit l'ia 3 19 19 19 + % Beatrice Fds 2a 1 34% 34% 34%+ % Beaunlt Mills 2. 1 19 19 19 Beech Aircraft *1 13*4 12% 13 +1 Beech-N P 1 60. 1 36 36 36 + % Beldlng-H 1.20. 1 16% 16% 16% - % Bell Aircraft Is 4 15% 15% 15%+*/* Bell&Howell *ja 1 18% 18% 18% Bendix Avia 2a 14 341,4 34 3* — *4 BndxHcmeA 1 % 3 13% 13% 13% - % Ben IndLnl.27e 1 4 23% 23% 23% Best ft CO 2 ... 3 28 28 28 Best Foods 2a 4 32% 32% 32% - % Beth Steel 1 80h 34 36% 36 36 - >4 Beth Steel of 7 1131% 131% 131% Bigelow-San lh 1 29% 29% 29%-% BirmghmEI .30p 3 10 10 10 + % Bliss E W 1 . . 1 13% 13% 13% + % Boeing Alrol le- 20 25% 25*4 25%+% tBon Ami A 4* 10 75*4 75*4 75*4 + *4 •Bon Ami B 2%l 20 38% 38% 38*4- % Bond Stores 2 * 22% 22% 22%+ % Borden Co 1.80e 3 41% 41% 41%+% Borg-W*rner4 15 60 59% 59% Boston ft Me_ 7 2% 2% 2% — % Brtnlff Air .. 14 8% 7% 7% - *4 Bridged Bra *s 5 9% 9% 9% — *4 Briggs Mfg 1%* 5 34% 34*4 34*4 Brlgg8*Stra la 1 30 30 30 + >4 Bklyn Dn Gaa - 32 22% 22>4 22% + % •Brown S of3.R0 l 94% 94% 94% + % Bucyrus-E 1.03e 6 18% 18% 18% — *4 Budd Co ,30e _. 7 9*4 9% 9% - % Buff Forr 1 f*5r 1 36 36 36 Buf Nias Of 3 60 1 83 83 83 +1 Bullard Co’it .. 2 xo% va Bulora Wteh 8a 1 38% 38% 38% + % BurllneMlU* 1 % 8 21% 21% 21%+ % ♦Burling M pf 4 30 88% 88% 88% + % Burr Add M .80 10 16% 16% 16% - V6 Butler Bros 9 12 11’+ 11% ♦ButierBropf4% 30 80 80 80 ♦CALPCKpf2% 30 54% 33% 34%+1% Callahan Zluc 12 2 > Calumet&H ,10o 7 6 6 6 - % Can Dry GA .60 15 10% 10% 10%-% tCan Southn 3_. 70 42% 41% 42% + % Canad Brev 2 . 1 17% 17% 17% - % CanadPacl%e 16 14% 14% 14% CannonMllls.'tUa 1 41% 41% 41%+ % CapitilAirUnes. 4 4% 4% 4% ♦Caro C ft 0 5 30 104*4 104% 104% -1 Caro Pwr & Lt 2 1 29% 29% 29% + % Carrier Corn . 2 16% 16% 16%+ % Case J I Co 2e . 4 40 39% 39% - % CatemllTract 3 3 54% 54 54 - % Celanese 1.60e x!3 34% 34% 34%+ % 'Celan 7% pf 7 xlO 127 127 127 -% Cent Fndry Va* 4 10% 10% 10% + % CentHudGas 52 8 7% 7% 7% cent R R N J • 4 29% 28% 78% - % Cent Violeta 'it 2 13 13 13 + % CerrodePasl% 11 75 24% 24%+ Va Cortn-td Pd 60s 3 15% 15% 15%+ % cites & Ohm 3 13 37% J7V» 37% + % Chrs&Ohpf3’i 4 82% 82% 82% -2% Chi Corp Ml 15 11% 11% 11% Chi & East 111 4 7% 7% 7% — % Chi & Bill Ale 1 13% 13% 13%+ % Chi Great West 1 10% 10% 10% — % Chi Ind ft L A 5 14 14 14 + % Chi Ind ALB. 17 8% 8% 8% Chi Mil St P&P 20 10% 10% 10% - % ChlMSP&P Pf4t 6 35 34% 34% - % Chi ft N W Ul 4 20% 20% 20% + % Chi ft N W Of 6 3 45 44% 44% + % Chi Pneu T 1 '/,* 3 31% 31% 31% - % Chi R I * Pac 3 9 40% 39% 39% - % Chi R I&P Of 6- 4 67% 67% 67%+% Childs CO _ 2 3% 3% 3% Chrysler 4_ 17 39% 58% 38% — % Cln Oft E 1.40 22 29% 28% 29%+ % Cln Mill M 1 4»V 2 22% 22% 22% - % CIT finance 2 2 42% 42% 42%+ % City Storee 1.20 2 1* 1* 1* + % Clerk Equip 2 l 33 33 33 Cley El HI 1.65e 3 39% 39% 39%+ % »Cley E 111 of4% 10 107% 107% 107% + % Climax M 1.20 6 15% lSi/a 15% Clinton ind 2 4C 2 27% 27% 27% Clooxy Corp 70 4 8 8 8 Cluett Pbdv l%e 2 33% 32% 32%+% Coca-Cola 4 2 150 150 150 ♦Coca-Cola A3. 30 62% 62% 67%+ % Colaatr-P-P 2a 2 36% 36% 36%+ % ♦ColX-P-P Of3% 30 88% *8% •*%+1% Colonial Mills 1 2 27% 22% 22% Col Puel ft Ir la 50 19% 18% 18%-% Col Puel&Ir of 1 3 19% 19% 19% ♦Colo ft South 10 13% 15% 15%+% Colum Gas 6ha 30 12% 12% 12% ColumPlct pf4‘/a 1 66 66 66 —3% ColumCarbon 2a 3 33% 32% 32%+ % Col&SOE 2.10a 1 42% 42% 42% Coml Credit 3 11 45% 45 45%+% 'Coml C ol 3 60 1 97 91% 91% + % Coml Sola 1 ’if 3 22% 22% 22% Jomvi Edls I 40 23 26% 25% 26% + % t'omwl ft South 160 3% 3% 3% Cmwlth&So pfStk 6 98% 98 98%+ % Conx-Nairn 1 %. 6 35 34% 34% Cons Cop ,15e.. 3 4% 4% 4% + % Cons Edls 1 60 17 23’+ 23% 23% Cons Grocer* 1 2 15% 15% 15% + % I icons Nat Gas 1 10 45% 45 45% - % ! Cons RRCuba of 1 26% 26% 26% — % ConsRetStr 1 20* 1 12% 12% 12% - % [Cons Text 120b 3 11% 11% 11% + % Com Vuitee 31 10% 10% 10% , Consum Power 2 2 + % 'ConsumP cf4% 20 1 OO’e 100' e 100'a — 4 \ Conteln Coro 2» 5 37 36 37 +14 Cont Baklnt * * 4 154 154 154 + 4 Cont Bak pf 54 *20 904 90% 904+1% Cont Can %e 6 34% 344 34% + % ContDlaPlber 1 1 104 104 104+ 4 Cont lnsurance2 5 574 564 564 — 4 Cont Motor? 11 74 7% 74+ 4 Con Oil Del 2'ae 6 574 57 57 Coorwld St! 1.20 6 19 19 19+4 ’CornExcb 2 80 10 56 56 56 Corn Prod 2 70e 2 61% 614 614 - % CorntneGlass % 3 194 194 194 Coty Inc_ * 4 3% 4 +4 Coty Int 20k - 1 2% S% 2% Crane Co 1 60a 6 324 32% 32% — 4 Crm of Wh 1 60 2 24% 24% 24% + % Crown Cork *«h 5 21 20% 20% tCrown Z of*.20170 994 99 99 Crucible Steel 3 244 244 244 tCuba R B Df 40 304 30 30 - % Cuban-A S 2Vie x 5 164 16 16 + 4 CudahyPack.60t 3 10 9% 10 Cuneo Press la 1 14% 14% 14% + 4 Curtis Publish 9 10% 104 10% Curtias-Wr 2e 20 104 10 10 -4 1 Curtlsi-Wr A 2 11 254 24% 24%+ 4 ■ 1 Davis Chem 1 Vi 5 24 234 234 1 ' Davtn P*L 1 *11 2 26% 284 284 + % 1 Dayton Rub I 20 3 104 104 104 1 Decca Record Vi 2 84 84 84 Deere At Co 1 _. 3 344 344 34% - 4 Deere of 1.40 _. 4 30% 30% 30% | Del LAW ' 4# 8 10% 1C4 104-4 ' [ Den&RGWRR2e * 334 33 4 334 + 4 DeniRGWoflOe 4 50 494 494 -4 . Detroit Ed 1.20 « *1 *1 *1 De Vilblss >40 - 1 1*4 124 124+4 De»o* * R A 2a 1 234 234 234 i Dl* Match !4a * 4? 42 42 +4 DlaMtch of 1 ‘ia 1 4(4 464 4(4+ 4 DiamTMoila 1 1* 13 15 + 4 ■ Dlst Co-Sea 60 14 154 15% 154 + 4 ■ Dixie Cud 1 . 1 31 31 31+4 , Dr Pepper 45e 2 13% 13% 13% — 4 Doeh-Jarvis 2 2 344 34% 34% + % Dome Mine .85# 1# I4 13% 14 | Sale*— Stock and Add Vet Dividend mta. 00. Kith. Lew. 1:80. east. Dow Chemical 1 33 47 46% 46% - % *DowChm2pf3',« 2103% 103 103 Dresser Ind 1 % 5 27% 26% 26% - % Dunlin Core Vib 5 14% 14% 14% + % Du Pont tie_ 4 173 172% 172% - % Du Pont of 4%. 2 117% 117% 117% - % EAGLE-PI 1.80 3 20% 20% 20% Eastern Air Line • 15% 15 15% + % Eastm Kod 1 60 21 43 42% 42% - % Eaton Ml* 3a . 1 63% 63% 63% Edls Br Sir l %* 1 17% 17% 17% + % Ekco Prod 1 SO 1 13% 13% 13% - % £' Auto-I.lte 3 6 47 46% 46% + % ilee Boat I * 15% 15% 15% El Power ft Lt * 21% 21% 21%+% El P&Lt J6pf tik 1 139% 139% 139% - % El StoraveBat j 1 30% 50*% 50%+% I Elliott Co 32e 2 23% 23% 23% lElllOtt cv 2% . . 1 63 63 63 i Elliott of 2% 1 46% 46% 46%+1% I ElPasoNGs 3 40 4 70% 70 70 - % Emer Elec M 1 1 16% 16% 16% + % Emer Radio .80 2 11% 11% li% - % EmoDlsEMI? 3 15% 15% 15%+% Endleott-J 1.60» 5 33% 33% 33% ’End-Jobn nf 4 120 101 100% 101 Eauit 08 Bide 120 5 4% 5 Erie R R I 11 13% 15% 15% tErle&Pitt 2%e 20 62 62 62 +3 Eureka Wms >/.p 3 5% 5% 5% + % Eversharo %f 2 8 7% 7% + % Exch Buff ,60b 2 5% 5% 5% + % Farnsworth 13 7 6% 6% Fedders Qul .80 12 14% 14% 14% + % Federet n Stra 2 4 29 29 29 + % 'Fed D 8 of 4% 130 96% 96% 96% - % Pld Pboenx P 2a 6 62% 62% 62%-% Firestone T*R 4 5 45% 45% 45%+ % Firth Carpi.60a 1 18% 18% 183b Fliutkote 2a 3 33% 33 33%+ % Florida Pr.w I 3 14% 14% 14% PollansbStl 2%ex 4 30% 29% 29%+ % Food Mach I'.h 11 37% 37 37 -% ♦FoodMch 3%pf 10 89% 89% 89% ♦Food Mch pf.'l’.a 50 99 99 99 Poster Wheel I 5 32% 32% 32% - % tPostr W pf 1% 10 22% 22% 22%-% Prank Stra .60a. 2 9% 9% 9% — % “'ruehauf Tra 1. 4 21% 21% 21%+ % GABRIEL 10a- 2 7% 7% 7% + % Galr Robe 40 8 7% 7% 7% + % Gamewell Co la 1 15% 15% 15% — % Gamb Sko pf2Va 2 45% 45 45 -1 Oar Wooa Ind 9 7% 7% 7% + % Gar Wd of lVak. 1 37 37 37 +1 Gaylord Co 1% 3 20% 20% 20%+ % Gen Am Inv .40 x 8 16% 16% 16% — % Gen Cable >«e 1) 11% J1% 11%-% 'GenCable lof 4 1 74% 74% 74%-1 Gen Ciaar la 3 20 19% 19%-% Gen Elec 1 .1 Oe 24 40% 40% 40%-% Oen roods 2 6 38% 37% 37% — % Gen Foods DI3V4 » 92 92 92 + % Gen Mills 2*_ 3 50 50 50 + % tQen Mills Of 6 60 122 121% 121%+% Gen Motors 2 lie 60 62% 61% 61%-1 Gen Motor of 6 1 121% 121% 121% - % Hen Mot of 3». 2 96 95% 95% - % Gen PortldC %e 7 22 22 22 GenPuoSvc .20s 6 3% 3% 3% + % Uen Pub Ctll 80 15 12% 12% 12% - % Gen Ry Siena) I « 22 21% 21% - % tGen Ry SI* otB x40 120 120 120 -2 Gen Realty .30- 16 5% 5% 5% Gen Refrac l'/at 3 26% 26% 26%+ % Gen Shoe •<:% 3 26 26 26 + % IGenStlC pf6*.ik 10 128 128 128 +1 GeD Telenh 2 2 25% 25% 25% + % tGen TAR 33/4Dl 10 78 78 78 -2 Gillette Sat 2%a 8 32% 32% 32% Glmbel Bros 2 8 20% 20% 20% - % GoebelBrew .20a 3 5% 5% 5% Goodall-San 1 % 2 19% 19% 19% - % Goodrich B F 3e * 58% 58 58 + % GoooyearT&R a 4 44% 44% 44% + % Goodyear pf A 7 104% 104 104 — % □rahatn-Pilee 17 4% 4% 4% GranCitStI l'ae. 3 31% 31% 31%+ % Grant iWD la 2 24% 24% 24%-% tGrantWT on* 30 93% 93% 93%+1% Gt Nor By cl 3 3 43% 43 43 GtWstSug 1.60a 16 20% 20 20 - % tGtWestSUf p!7 10 135% 135% 135% + % G.rThound 1 23 11% 11 11 ’Greyhnd pf 4% 40 95 95 95 + % Grumman lh 19 21 20% 20% Guantan Sug la 1 4% 6% 6% Gulf UobAO %* 19 17% 17% 17% + % GulfMoAOh offi x 2 56% 56 56 + % Gulf 011 8 ... 11 67% 67% 67%+ % Gulf Sta Otll 1. 2 17% 17% 17%+% Hall Print la 5 14 13% 13% — % HALLIBURTON 1 22% 22% 22% Hamltn Watch 1 2 13% 13% 13% - % Harb-Wallc 1%« 1 24% 24% 24%+ % Hat Corp A’,4*.. 16 6 6 Hayes Ind '/ie.. * • 7% 7% - % Harel-Atl 1 20a x 3 22% 22*4 22% + % 'Hecht Co Pf3% 50 49 89 89 Heinz 1.80... . x 1 37 37 37 + % 'Heinz of 3.65. x250 99‘4 98% 98%+% Helme G W 4 2 59% 59% 59% - % Hercules P 1.05* 7 49% 49 49 - % Hershey Ch 1 ’A 2 27 27 27 + % Holland Purn Sax 1 27% 27% 27% — % Holly Sugar 1 . * 25% 25% 25% - % Homeatk Min 3 13 3* 33% 33% - % Hooker Elec .80* 3 30% 30% 30% + % Houu-Hersh V«* 2 14 14 14 — % Household Pin 8 2 30% 30% 30% + % Houston LAP 2. 4 44 45% 43)4- % Houston 011 1*.. 7 31% 31% 3l%+ % Howe Sound 4 40 39% 40 + % Hudson A Man 2 4% 4% 4% - % Hudson A M of. 1 10% 10% 10% + % Hudson Bay 4. . * 44% 44 44% + % HudsonMot 40* 3 17% 17% 17% + % Hunt Poods 1_ 1 13% 13% 13% — % HuopCorn * 3% 3% 3% HussmnRef 80* 1 12% 12% 12% - % IDAHO PW 1 80 3 34% 34% 34% 111 Cantral — 7 38% 38 38 — % 111 Cent pf 6e.. . 2 85 85 85 Illinois Power a. 92 26% 26% 26%+ % tndust Rayon 8 2 46% 45% 46% Inger-RandlVah * 69 69 69 + % Inland Stl l%e 8 44% 43% 43%-1 Inspira Cop 1%* * 19 18% 18% Intereh C .30b. l 17% 17% 17%+% Interlakelr .60a. 10 14% 14% 14% + % Int Harrst 1.40. 15 28% 27 27 - % 'int Harr* pf 7. 160 164% 164% 164% + % Int Hydro HA. 1 7 7 7 + % Int MACb 1.60 5 29 28% 28%+% Int Mining_ 5 3% 3% JH Int Nickel 160 30 31% 30% 30%-% 'Int Nickel pi 7. 10 136 136 136 int Paper 4a .. 12 58% 58 58 + % LntRyCenAm. 9 9% 9% 9% + % Int TelA Tal 23 13V. 13 15 IntTATfornct 7 13% 15 13 Inter Deo Strs 9 3 21% 21% 21% — % IsCrkCoal 1 35h 2 35% 35% 35V. + % JACOBS PL 4 6% 6% 6% Jewel'lea 2 40a 1 44% 44% 44% John-Man 1.05e 13 34% 33 3a + % Johns-M of 3% 1 103 103 103 Johnson A J .40 7 31 30% 31 + % Jones A L Stl 2 13 35% 35% 35% + % loy Manic 2 40a 5 35% 35 35 + % KALAM20 70e 2 15% 15% 15% rKCPALt P13.80 10 95% 95% 95% + % Kan City 8outb. 4 43% 42 «2 -I K.Tser J 1 a ... 2 15% 15% 15V4 + % Kennecott 3e . 24 57% 55% 55V. - % Kern C Land 3a. 3 44% 44 «4% + % Keystones 2a 2 43% 43% 43%+ % KimbrlT Cl l .40 1 21% 21% 21%+ % 'Kinney pf 6... 30 46 65V. 65% —1% Koopars Co 1.60 3 34% 34% 34%+ % Kresge S S 2_ 1 35% 35% 35% LACLEDE G 20 6 5% 5% 5% + % La Cons pf .68*. 6 8% 7% 8% +1 Lambert Co 1% x l 18% 19% 19%+% Lana Bryant 1. 3 11% 11% 11%+% Lane Wall* 1.60. 2 26% 24% 24% - % Lee A Sons 1.40 1 23% 23% 23% - % Lehlth CAN) 1 12 12 12 - % Leh Port Cem 2« 2 37 37 37 + % Leh V coal lpt3 3 24% 24% 24% + % Leh Valla* R B. « 6% 6% 6% Lehman 3.20e._ 2 48% 48% 48%+ % Lernar Stra Ufc 2 24% 24% 24% - % Ulb-O-P Glass 3 2 50% 50% 50% tab McNAL %*.. 3 9% 9% 9% + % Use A My 4a . 2 88% 88% 88%- % Lima Htmll 60. 1 10% 10V* 10% - % Link-Belt 3%*.. 2 63% 63% 63%+1% Lion Oil 3 17 42% 41% 41V* + % LockheedAirc lex 7 22% 22% 22% + % .oew’s Inc I % 33 16% 16 16% LoneStarC*3V-.B 1 60% 60% 60% Long-Bell A 80k 3 27 26% 26% - % Lorlllard P 1 4 20% 20% 20V. + % Lou GAE1 1.52*. 1 24 24 24 LouisviIAN 3.63 1 44% 44% 44% — % Lowensteln 3a.. 1 27 27 27 + % Lukens Stl .40*. 2 20% 20% 20% + % Mack Trucks lh 12 21% 20% 21 Macy R H 2a — 2 36 36 36 + % Magma Cop 1_. 2 21 20% 21 +1% Magnate* 1 2 13 12% 13 + % ManatiSug 1 20e 20 10% 10% 10% - % U.nrDll in. 13 9% 9 9+1+ Marathon 1 40 10 22'i 22 22 — Vk ] MarineUldl 40* 14 7*4 74 7*4 Marsh Field 2 . * 2434 24*4 2434+34 Martin O L 2 1434 1434 1434 Mart Parry 60a 1 16*4 16*4 16*4 Masonite 2a . * 59*4 59*4 59*4+ >4 Master Elec 2.40 4 21*4 21*4 21*4 + <4 Math Chem 1*4* * 36 36 36 + 34 MavDentStrB 3 44 43*4 43*4 + ‘4 'May Dept nf3ai 60 89*4 89 89*4 'MayStre ofn33i 30 88 88 an + *4 McCall Corn 3 i « 27 27-14 MeCroryS l 40a x 2 33 33 33 - *4 McGraw Elec 2a 1 35 35 35 McKess&R2*0 10 31*4 31 31 McLellan 8tr la * 22*4 22*4 22*4 + *4 Mead Corn 134e. 1 19 19 19 Melville Sb I 80 3 23*4 23*4 23*4 Mesta Uach2V4 1 40*4 40*4 40*4+ ‘4 Menxei Co la 1 16 16 16 + 14 Mer & Min .407 1 9*4 9*4 9*4 - *4 'Met Ed Dt 3.90 140 #7*4 97*4 97*4 Miami COD 3ie 1 16*4 16*4 16*4 Mld-ConPet 1 tie 20 52 51 51 - *4 Mlnn-Hon R« Sa 1 47 47 47 + 14 'Minn Hoi 3 20170 91*4 9134 91*4+1*4 Minn Moline 9 163* 16*4 163*+ 3* 'MlnnMo nf474k 20 1173* 1173* 1173* Minn A St L *4e 2 13*4 13 13*4+ >4 Minn Min A UJ 2 6434 643* 64*4+ 3* Mission Carp 1* 10 54 53 33*4 - 3* Mo-Kan-Texas 6 7*4 7*4 734 Mo-Kan-Texof 10 >9*4 283* 283*+ 3* Monarch Mcb 2. 2 24 24 24 -1 Monsanto Cb 2 16 53 53 53 — 3* Monsanto nf S3* 4 108*4 108 108 - 34 Monte Ward 2a 10 3674 55*4 55*4 - 3* M-MeC Lin 134a 3 1J6* 13*4 133*+ 3* Morrell&Co 134s i 243* 24*4 24*4-3* Motor Prod 2 2 27*4 27*4 27*4 + >4 Mot Wheel 1.20* 1 197* 19 197* Motorolalne *«e 11 16*4 16 16*4 - *4 Mullins Mfe la 2 27*4 27*4 2734 - *4 'MuOlnl Dl 7 290 11*3*114*4 1143*+ *4 Munsinswear 1 s 2 12 12 12 NASH-KEL1 OB* 7 1 73* 173* 1734+3* ♦Nash Chat 2* 70 31*4 31 31*4+1 Nat Airlines 10 634 6*4 63* Nat Auto Pi 55* 1 11*4 113* 113* Nat Aviat .15* 3 123* 123* 123*+ 3* NatBiscuttI AOa >2 31*4 303* 307* + 3* Nat Biecult Df 7 10 166 166 166 +1 Nat Can. _ 3 7*4 7 7 - 3* Nat Cash Res 2. * 44*4 433* 433*- 34 Nst Citx Lin* 3* 3 63* 63* 63* + 3* NstContaln 1 20 14 -103* 10*4 103* + 3* Nat Cvl Gtt .89. 6 133* 13 1334+6* Nat Dairy 1.80. 12 *9 28*4 283* Nat D*Pt SU la. 1 183* 1834 1*34- 3* A A inn Stock and Add . / . He* Dividend Rat*. 00. Hlch. bow. 1:30. ehce. Nat Dlatliler* 2 31 19* 19* 19* - * Nat Enamel3e.. 10 47* 47* 47*4- * NatGypaum Ha. 3 1* 15* 15* 4- * Nat Lead la « 32 32 32 tNat Lead Of A 7 00 165 105 105 4-1 Wat Lead 0(B 0 120 130 135 136 4-1 Nat Steel 4_ 10 99* 99* 99*4-1 Natsunolv 1 x 7 21 20* 20*4-* Wat Sup of 4* xio 94 94 94 4-1* Nat Tee 1H_ 90 23 22* 22*4- * Natomaa Co 1_ 1 10* 10* 10* Nehl com 1 _ 1 11* U* 11* 4- * NelanarBro 80a 1 10* 16* 16* n Bnx Ci S*st l 4 ll il 11 Nwnrt Indu lV«e 5 17* 17* 17* We*DtIndnf4’'4x20 03 83 83 4- *| Newnt NeirsS 2a 3 30H 30* 30*4 4-* N ¥ Cent R R 13 17* 16* 16* T»YC Omnibus 1 16 1« 16 + * N ¥ N H A Hart 6 12* 12* 12* I N Y N 8 4 H o» 7 35 3«* 34* - * | Noma Elec 1 20a 1 15* 15* 15* INopcoCh 1.20e 4 28 27* 27* - * i vorldiWestern 3 7 61* 60’ e 61* 4-1 No Am Avia lie. 20 11% 11% u‘«t % North Am Co lb 31 15% 15% 15% + % NoNatOaa 1.20e 17 30*5 29% 30%+ % North Pacific 1* 9 22 21% 21% + % Northwest Ain 11 11% 11% 11% + % NrtbwAlr of 1.1ft 3 19% 19% 19%+ % Norwalk Tire .. 15 5 5 .vorw Phar 60 2 12% 12% 12% fOHI ED pf4.40 90 97 96% 96% - % Ohio Oil la 19 34 33 33 — Vs Oliver Coro 2a . a 31% 31% 31%+% Omnibus V«9_ 5 10% 10% 10% - % Omnibus nf 8 40 93 92 93 +2 Oooenheim Col. 1 22 22 22 Otis Kiev lVae.. 7 33% 32% 32%-% Owens ID G1 3 3 57% 57 57 + Vs Pec Fin Cal 1 60 1 16% 18% 16%+% Pac Gas&Elec 2 12 34% 34 34 Pac Lighting 3 3 53% 52% 52% + % Pac Mills 2%b . 5 35% 35% 35% - % tPsc Tel&Tel 4e 50 97 97 99 + % Pac West oil >ie 2 42% 42% 42% + % Packard Mo 35ex46 5 4% 4% Pan Am Air Vse 80 9 6% 8% — % Panh IPLu 9 59 58% 58% Panh P * R .80 5 8% 8% 8% + % Param Piet 2 25 22% 22% 22% + % Park Otab lOe 2 2% 2% 2% + % Parke Dav 1.05a 10 27% 27% 27% “arker Rust 2% 1 27% 27% 27% - % Penlck&F l.COe 1 31 31 31 Pennts *JC‘ 2a 10 46% 46 46% + % Penn-DxCem >/ia 4 18% 16 18 - % Penn P&t 1 2i. 14 17% 17% 17%-% Penn Pwr&Lt rt 123 Ms Ms Ms Penn R R tie 38 19% 18% 18% + % Peo GL&C 5%e. 1 98 98 98 +1% Pepsi-Cola .42e. SO 12% 11% 11% - % Petrol Corn 30e 1 12% 12% 12*% + % Pfeiffer B 1.05e. 1 17Vs 17% 17%+% Pflee 1 C&t.o 2a 2 54% 54% 54% + % Phelps DodtSe 18 53% 52% 52% 'Phil C of S 30 53% 53% 53% 'Phil CO S6 Df 6 10 99% 99% 99% - Vs Phils Elec 1.20 7 22% 22% 22%-% 'Phil* E) pf4 40 10 110% 110% 110% + % 'PhlE14.3pf4.30 1 105 104% 104% - % Phlla El SI Df l 1 24% 24% 24% + % Phil&Rdg C&I 2 6 17%. 17% 17% + % Phllco Coro 8 .. 6 37% 36% 37%+1% 'Phllcopf 3*/s — 50 86 85% 85%+ % Philip Mor 1 tia 18 35% 35% 35% + % Phillips Petrol S 16 64 63% 63% - % Plllaourj Mills 8 1 33% 33% 33% - % tPills Mills Df 4 50 102 101% 102 +% Pitt Con Coal 2 6 29% 29% 29% + % PittPlateGls */se 12 36% 35% 35% Pitts Screw .20# 1 8% 8% 8% — % Pitts Steel 2 16% 16% 16% tPittStl5pf l’sk 40 87% 87% 87% + % Pitts & West Va 1 23 23 23 +1% Plttston Co 2... 2 33% 33% 33% Plough .60 .. 3 10% 10% 10% — % Plym Oil 1.40e.. 28 49 46 47%+1% Foor 4 Co B la . 1 13% 13% 13% + % Pot Elec Pwr 00 17 13% 13% 13% Pressed Btl Car. 3 8 7% 7% - % Proct & Gam 3a 3 66% 66% 66% + % PubSvcCol 2.20 3 37% 37 37 -% Pub SvE&O.40e 9 22% 22% 22% PubSE&GDfl 40 15 27% 27% 27%+ % Publickerln l’.if 10 20% 20 20 Pullman l%t— 14 43% 43 43% + % Pure Oil la 19 34% 33% 33%+ % RADIO CRP.30# 67 12% 11% 11% - % Radio Co of 3Vt 2 71% 71% 71%+ % R-K-Orph .60 . 6 7% 7% 7% - % Raybestos S’/st. 1 31% 31% 31%+ % Rayonter %e 1 32% 32% 32% + % Reeves Bros la. 3 14% 14% 14%+ % Reliance Mfg 1. 1 10% 10% 10% + % Rem Rand lb 9 12 11% 12 Reo Motors 2%a « 16% 18% 18% Rep Aviation 13 10% 10% 10% Republic Picture 13 3 3 Repub Steel la. 38 30 29% 59%-% Revere C* B1. 4 16 17% 17%+% Reiall Drug 14 6% 6 6% ReynMetais a zs 22'* as 'Rry Met Bf 6% 10 100% 100% 100% +1 Reyn Tob B1.80. 12 37 36% 56% - % -iheenMfil 60 1 20% 20% 20% - % Richfield OU 2 20 34% 33% 33% - % Rob-Fulton .70e 1 10% 10% 10% - % RbtshFlDfl 18% 1 25% 23% 25% + % Ruberoid l*4e__ 1 65% 63% 63% SAFEWAY 3T1 13 17% 17?/, 17%+% ♦sifeway pf B 10 lost * 108% 108% - % St Joe Lead 3 Vit 3 50% 49 4* -1 St L San Fran 40 13*% 15% 15%-% St L 8an F of 6 13 44% 44 44% + % St Re* Pap .80a. 16 11% 10'% ll -% Savage Armg 1*. 3 14% 14% 14% - % SchenlcrOlttl? * 21 28% 28% 28*%- % Scott paper 3.20 2 47 46%, 46% 'Scrnt El *f3.36 10 84 84 84 Seab Air Line 8 23 22% 22%-% Seabrd 0111.80. 4 43% 43% 43%-% Sears Roebck la 18 38% 38% 38?',- % SeegerRefs ,85a 4 11% 11% 11% Servel Inc %e . . 4 12% 12% 12%+% ShamroekO 1.60x11 32% 32% 32%+ 1* Sharon 6tHl 2. 2 40% 40% 40%+ % Sharp ft Dob 1 • 22% 22% 22% + % SharpeftD pf3% 1 77% 77% 77%+1% Shell On OU le. 11 37% 37% 37%+% Sheraton CP .40 23 6% 5% 6% + % Silver Ring Col- * 4% 4% 4% Simmons l%e . 2 28% 28% *8%+ % 8imonSaw 2.10a 1 38% 38% 38% S'nclalr OU 2 .. 68 23% 24% 24%-% Skelly OU 2>/ab- 3 113 112 112 - % Socony-Vae 1 67 18% 16% 18% - % So Caro E&G M> 4 7% 7% 7% - % SCE*Gcvpf2*/« 1 53 33 S3 So P R S of 2 .1 37% 37% 371* -1% SoeastGreyl CO. 1 12% 12% 12?* Sou Cal Bdts 1 % 2 28% 28 28 - % Sou Nat Gas 3 8 28*% 28 28 SouNatGoswdS » 26 28 28 South Pacific 5 20 38?i 58% 38% Southern Rwy d 11 46% 45% 45% - % Southern Ry ofB 1 64 64 64 + % Spencer Kell 2. 1 24% 24% 24?*-% Sperry Coro 2.. 8 27% 77 27%+% Spiegel Tne 3 10?* 10% 10% + % D Co *«e 3 18% 18% 16% - % Souibb & Sons 1 2 23% 73% 23% + % 'Soulbb&S Of 4 10 87 87 97 -1 Stand Brands 2 32 24% 24 24 -l 'SldBrand pf3?5120 87% 87 87 -1% Std US&E1 S4pt 2 23% 23% 23% Std GsfcEl $8 or 1 98% 98% 96% Std G«ES7or of 19 109?* 108% 109 Std Oil Cal 3e . _ 10 63?'* 62% 62%+ % Std Oil Ind Ca 13 44% 43?% 43?% Std Oil N Jer lb 7i 76% 73% 73% - % Sri OllOhlo 1 % 15 28 27?% 27%+% Std Stl Spring l 7 14% 14% 14% Sterling Dru« 8 13 35% 34% 34% - % Stewart-Warn 1 3 13% 13% 13%+% Stokley-V C pf 1 3 17% 17% 17%+ % 3tone*Web 'ie. 3 16 15% 16 - % Studebaker It— 10 24% 23% 24 Sun Chem ,40e. 4 8% 8% 8% + % Sunray Oil 1 — 12 12% 12% 12%+ % Sunrav pf B 1%. 3 21% 21% 21%-% Sunshine M 80. 10 10 10 10 + ?4 Superheater la. l 24% 24% 24% + % Superior Stl la. 2 16% 16% 16% + % SweetyC A l'/i*. 1 10% 10% 10%+% SwlftftCo 1 60a. 6 31% 31% 31%-% Swift Inti ,40p. 1 14% 14% 14% Sylvan Elec 1 40 11 22% 21% 22 + % Symlng-GId Vat 2 6 5% 3?* TENNCRP1.16* 1 16% 16% 16% + % Texas Co 8 23 36% 55% 33% - % TexGulfPrd .86a 10 19% 19% 19% + % TexGulfSul 8%a 3 62% 62% 62% - *4 TexPacLTr .70*. 14 44% 43 43 + % Textron la * 14 14 14 Textron of 1V«. 1 17X4 17X4 17X4 Thatcher 80d .2 7X4 7X4 714 - >4 »Thermod n(2>4 110 42 41 42 +1X4 Third Are Trana * 9*4 9*4 9*4 + ‘4 ThomasStl 1 aoa 1 2U4 21*4 21>4 ThompProd 2Ht 3 37*4 5«14 5614 - <4 Thompson-Star 10 314 3X4 314+ *4 Thom-Starr pf 2 2S*4 *7*4 27*4+1»4 TldeWatOll 1 SO 34 2714 23*4 27*4 - >4 *Tlde Wat pfSH 20 101*4 10H4 101*4 - 14 Tim-DetAx 1 tie 5 2014 20X4 2014 Timken RB 2144 1 50 30 30 + 14 Trensemer Ha 3 1114 11*4 11V4 Transue&WHe. 1 16*4 16*4 16*4- *4 Tri-Cont V«e - 24 6*4 8X4 8X4 + ‘4 Truax-Tra 1.20 11 13*4 14*4 15*4 + *4 TwentC-Pox 9 6 20*4 20*4 20*4 - 14 inthC-FX 01 114 1 3314 3314 3314 ♦TwinCity pr2'4 70 2614 28X4 28X4 UNDRWOD 2 lie * 52*4 31*4 31*4-1 Un Ash & Rub 1 3 1214 12X4 1214 + ‘4 Union Bax 2a ... 3 33*4 33*4 33*4+ *4 Un-Carbide lh. 37 40*4 40 40*4+ *4 >Un El Mo 0(414240 104*4 104*4 104<4 Un Oil Cal 1 32« 13 32*4 31X4 31X4- *4 Un Pacific lVah. 3 91 89*4 89*4 -1*4 Un Pacific pf 2 8 47X4 47*4 47*4 — 14 UuTankCar 2.BO 2 35*4 35*4 35*4— 14 Unit Air Line* 8 12*4 12*4 12*4 + 14 Unit Aircraft le 5 27 2614 2616 Utd Board&C le S 11X4 11 11 - *4 amt Carbon 2 11 31 38*4 31 + *4 Tntt Clear Whal 3 314 314 314+ 14 *UtdCl*-Wpf3V4 20 48*4 4714 4714-114 United Corn . 82 3*4 3 3 Unit Coro of 8 3 43*4 45*4 43X4 - *4 United Dyewood 2 614 614 614 United Fruit 2a 27 3114 3114 3114 + 14 unit MAM is 15 1414 1414 14X4 + X4 US&ForS 1.386- 7 2714 26X4 26X4-14 U S Freitht Is.. 1 28*4 2014 2014 - H U S Gypsum 3a _ 2 9814 98 98 U X Ind Chm 2« 1 34 34 34 + 14 O S Leather He. 1 3X4 3X4 3X4+ 14 U S Leath A 2a.. 4 1414 24 *4 - XX U S Lines 214 5 14X4 1414 1414 + X4 US PlnadcP 2.80. 1 4614 4614 4614 US Plywood la. 6 30 2914 2914- W US Rubber 4 . 4 4414 44 44 tU S Rub 1 pf 8- 70 13014 138 138 - >4 US Steel 3He_. 43 80*4 7914 7914- 14 US Steel of 7 . 4 133*4 13214 13214 - 14 'JSTobacieO 1 17X4 17X4 17X4 Utd Stkydl 40« 4 5X4 3*4 5*4 Ut strs2d of 14e 7 9X4 *X4 *74 + ‘4 Utd Wallpaper.. 4 4 4 4 Unlv Lab 3 6X4 614 614 - *4 Unir Pictures 1. 63 914 6X4 8X4- 14 VAN NORM He. 1 12 12 1* Vanadium He . 2 8114 21*4 21*4 7er.lrni.-C 8 2a 1 13*4 13*4 13*4— *4 Vick Chem 1 20 3 22*4 22*4 22*4 + *4 Viet orChm 1.204 2 38 38 38 + *4 Va CaroltnCbem 3 11*4 11*4 11*4 - 14 Va H&Pwr 1.20 11 17 17 17+14 Va Rail of 114 1 31*4 31*4 31*4- V4 tWALGREN pf4 10 104X4 104X4 104X4 + X6 Walker Rlr 1 Ha 4 23*4 23X4 2314 + >4 Walworth AOe 2 10X4 18*4 10X4 + *4 WardBakln* He 3 14X4 14X4 14X4 + 14 Werner Broil 18 11 10X4 18X4 Warras Pe* .88. » 24X4 23X4 23X4- 1* • Opening Rally Fails To Hold and Prices Show Irregularity ly th* Associated Preu NEW YORK. Sept. 15.—An early rally in the stock market today failed to hold, and prices turned ir regular. ’ Rails were the best performers with gains of fractions to around a point. Steels and utilities drifted lower. Oils gave ground rapidly and posted small losses. The good show ing in aircrafts and metals was cut down, but most of them remained on the upside by slim margins. Beech Aircraft responded with a 1-point rise on news of a (1 dividend on common, a resumption of pay ments of $1 last made October 31, 1945. The volume of business was brisk during the advance, but during the period of decline it was reduced. Among the stocks maintaining plus signs were Santa Pe, Orum man Aircraft, Commonwealth Edi son, J. C. Penny, Gulf Oil. Goodrich, American Woolen and International Paper. On the losing side were Wool worth. Bethlehem. Chrysler, Con solidated Natural Gas, Allied Chem ical, Union Pacific and Mission Corp. The bond market was quiet and steady with rails up slightly. Increased Production Of Steel Predicted By the Associated Press NEW YORK, Sept. 15.—Further increases in steel production are in the cards. The national metal-working week ly, Iron Age, says at the present production rate—95 per cent of ca pacity—the industry will turn out as much as 87,000,000 or 88,000,000 tons of steel ingots this year. And output in 1949 may hit 94,000. 000 tons without much new basic equipment, the weekly adds. Blast furnaces and open hearths will account for a part of the in creased production, but most of it will be due to refinements such as use of oxygen, coal washing, in creased use of sintered ore and other production techniques. For instance, United States Steel at its Chicago plant expects to turn out a million more tons in 1949 than it aid this year. And the biggest of the steel producers expects to do it with the same equipment. Iron Age says steel demand is expected to continue strong even by late next year, but adds that by that time it is almost certain that many who are not getting what they want now will no longer be in the gray market or deep in conversion plans. Washington Exchange SALES Potomac Electric Power com—30 at 13%, 100 at 13%, 104 at 13a,. 25 at 13%, 100 at 13%, 30 at 13%, 25 at 13%. Oarflncke! com—10 at 18%, 10 at 18%. Potomac Electric Power com—100 at 13%, 5 at 13%. BONDS. Bid. Asked. Am TAT con deb 2%s 1957 3 12% 113 Am TAT cv db 2%s 1901 105 105% Cap Transit 1st ref 4s 1004 90% 98 Georgetown Gas 1st 6s 1961 114 _ Pot Elec Pow 3%s 1966 _105 _ Pot Elec Power 3%s 1977_107 _ Pot Elec Pow 3a 1983 _100 _■ Washlnaton Gat os 1960 123% Ter Hi A W Cl 1st 4s 1958 102 10* PUBLIC UTILITY STOCKS. Amer Tel A Tel (9)_*153% 15.T Capital Transit_ 17 18 N A W Steamboat <t4)_168 Pot Elec Pow com (.90) *13% 13% PEP 3.60% pf "A" (1.80) *42% 45 PEP 3.600; pfd ,,B” (1.80) *43% 45 Wash Gas Lt com (1.50) . 24 25 Wash Gas Lt cu Pf (4.25) 100 102 Wash Gas L cu cv pf (4.50) 103 106 BANK AND TRUST COMPANIES. Amer 8ec A Tr ntw (tl.OO) 28 30 Bank of Bethesda (tl.50) .. 40 Capital (.80) . ... 27% 80 Commerce A Savinas (tlO) 350 _ Liberty (8) _312 _ Lincoln (t6) _ . _ 330 __ National Sav Tr (8.00).. . 420 __ Pr Geories B A Tr (tl.OO) 30 Ritas (12) _.-80S 825 Union Trust Co (tl.OO)_ 35 _ Washlnaton (6) _ 190 _ Wash Loan A Tr (12) . 330 _ FIRE AND TITLE INSURANCE. American (t6> _160 Columbia (t30) _ 12% 13% Firemen’s (1.40) 31 _ National Union (.78). 18 _ Real Estate (t«> 190 _ MISCELLANEOUS. Carpel Corp !2O0) .25 Sn Garflnckel com 11.50) *18% 19% Garfl 5%% cu ev pf (1.375) *33 25 Garfl 4%% cu cv pf (1.125) *30% 22 Hecht Co (1.60) 23 24% Hecht 3%% cum pfd (3.75) 87 90 Lanston Mono (tS.OO) 23 24'% Mcreenthaler Lino ial.50) *5<> 52 Natl Mtv A tnv pf (p.45i 8% People Dr St com (ti.floi *29% 31 Security Storaae »rfi * 116 — Ter pef a wb Corp (3) 6<i Wdwd A Loth com (t2.00). 632% 33% Wawd A Loth pf new <51 * 1 0-4 * Ex dividend, b Books closed, t Plus extra or extraa. a Paid so far this year p Paid 1947_ Market Averages STOCKS. 30 15 15 SO Indst. Rails. Util. Srks. Net change_\ +.2 .3 —.1 +.1 Noon today_91.H 45.0 40.6 08.2 Prev. day— 91.4 44.7 40.7 68.1 Month ago_ 92.3 43.5 40.7 68.1 Year ago_ 91.6 34.2 42.9 65.1 1948 high_ 98.7 48.1 42.3 72.4 1948 low— ... 83.3 34.2 38.0 80.3 BONDS. 20 10 10 1010 Low Ralls. Indst. Util. Fgn. Yield. Net change unc. unc. +.1 —.1 unc. Noon today 91.0 101.0 99.9 83.3 108.1 Prev. day _ 91.0 101.0 99.8 63.4 108.1 Month ago 91.2 100.9 99.6 63.3 107.9 ?ear ago . 93.1 102.5 104.2 67.7 113.7 948 high. 93.7 101.8 102.0 66.9 110.6 1948 low 87.7 99.8 98.0 60.2 107.2 (Compiled by the Associated Press.) Foreign Exchange NEW YORK. sept. 15 IIPi.—Foreign ex change rates follow (Great Britain in dol lars. others in cents t: Canadian dollar in New York open market. 8% per cent discount or 91.87% U. S. cents, unchanged. Europe—Great Britain (pound), 4.03%. unchanged; Great Britain, 30-day futures. 4.02%. unchanged: Great Britain. 60-day futures, 4.02%. unchanged: Great Britain. 90-day futures. 4.01%, unchanged: France (franc). .32% of a cent, off .00%; Italy (lira). September fixed rate. .001739 Au gust. .001739: Sweden (kronai, 27.85, unchanged; Switzerland (franc) (free), 25 55- off .03 of a rent Sales__ Stock and Add Net Dividend Rate OU High Lew *:30 chge WaynFump l%p 1 16% 16% 16%+% WesaOll 2.60h 9 26% 26% 28%+ % Wstllid Sue) %a 7 23% 22% 22% - % WestPenElec >ie » 17% 17% 17% - % •Ws Penn El pf7 16 117 117 117 •Ws Penn El offl 20108% 106% 108% •W PenPw nM% *0 108 108% 109 + % W Ta C&C 1 05e « 19 19 19 + % WVa PuloAP la 1 46% 46% 46%+% WesternAlr Lina 2 7 7 7 — % WestAutoSup 8 2 38% 38% 38%+ % Western Md ... 11 12% 12% 12% - % West On Tel la. 7 20 19% 19% - % West Air Brk 2 - 2 37% 37% 37%+ % Westing Elee 1 19 26% 27% 27% - % 'Wst El Pf A 3% 260 90 89% 89% Weston El In 2 1 32% 32% 32% + % Wh’ling Stl 2Vie 4 52 52 52 +1 •Wheelstl orp!6 20 85% 85% 85% — % White Mot 1.60. 1 19% 19% 19%+ % White Sewing M 2 19% 19 19% Wilcox OU ,40a. 3 12% 12% 12%+ % Willys-Overland 8 9% 9% 9H- % Wtllys Or of 4% 4 55% 55% 55% WUson&Co l%e 9 13% IS 13 Wilson-Jonea%e 2 15% 15% 15%+ % wise Elee Pwr 1 24 15% 15% 15% Woolworth 2s 8 44% 44% 44% - % Worth Pump %b 1 19% 19% 19%+ % • Wthng prpf4% 70 69% 69% 69%+ % Wrigley W Jr 8a 3 66*% 65% 66%+ % YALEATWN1. 1 27% 27% 27% York Corn % — 4 12% 12% 12% + % Young Sb&T 6a • 82 81 81 — % YneatStlDoor 19 1 16% 16% 16% ZENITH Rl%9 3 27% 27% 27% Zonite Prod .109 2 4% 4% 4% Hourly Sales on the Exchange Today: 11:00 a.m. 190000 noon 290000 1 -00 on. 380 000 Y-itOo m 480 000 UJntt of trading. 10 ahareg. *In bank Siptcy or receivership or being reorgcu rd under the Bankruptcy Act. or secur ities assumed by such companies. Rates of dividends in the foregoing table an annual disbursements based on the last quarterly or semi-annual Declaration Poles; otherwise noted, special or extra dividends are not included- eld Called x Ex dividend, xr Ex rights, a Alao extra or extras b Plus stock dividend, d Cash or stock, e Declared or paid so fy tjua year. f Payable in stock, estimated cash value on ex-dlvldend date. **fi year b Declared or paid siter stock dividend or split-up. k Declared or paid Sg^t gPgtll&S&S.JIrtftiS in stock, exact cash value undetermined on declaration data. New York Cotton NEW YORK, Sept. 15 (^.—Cot ton futures' sagged into new low ground for the day in dull forenoon trading. Discouraged liquidation was brought out by the weakness in the cotton textile situation and the continued delay in ECA cotton export authorizations. Hedge sell ing was light, lliere was some fur ther evening-up in nearby October and switching to later months. Noon prices were 10 to 35 cents a bale lower than the previous close. October, 31.25; December, 30 88, and (March, 30.68. _ N. Y. Bond Market (burnished by the LIST INCLUDES ONI NEW YOtUk (2u 3: SO 102 FOREIGN 2:30 Australia3V*s67 90 Costa Rio Tsai 15V* Den ml 4' as 62 (4H Italian 1st 3t 77 17V* Mex4s<>4asd54n 5*/* Rome 6 Vis 52 241* Drug a) 4Vis 78 85V* DOMESTIC/ 2:30 AmAPP5s2030 92V* Am TAT 2*4*57 1121/* Am TAT 2*is61 105V* Am TAT 2Vis 73 94V* Am TAT2Vis80 92V* Am TAT 2**s*K 88V* AmTobacco3s62102V* A T S F 4s 9a 121V* A!I Dnv lst4*48 50V* B A O 6s 95 J 73V* BaltAOh 5sM96 63V« BAO cv 4V42010 52 Bang A cv 4s 61 97>/4 Betb 8tl 2*4s 70 97V* Brk U G 2ViS 76 871* BufRochAP51 st 63 Can Pac 4s perp 95 Caro CAO 4s 65 108 C Ga 4V*s2020B 50V* Cn RR NJ as 87 4V* Cn RR NJ 4s 87 63 CRIPin4V*s2019 871* ChiAW I 4Vis62 104 . ChiAW I 4s 52 103 CCCSL 4 Vis 77 71V* Cons Sd cv 3s63 107V* Cons Ed 2Vis 82 96»/4 □el A Hud 4s 63 96 DAR in 4Vi2018 66 DenAS L Inc 93 61 Det Edison 3s70 101V* Dul SSAA as 37 47VS Erie 4'.is 2016 68V* GenReAUt 4s69 8*v* G MAO 2044 B 63 HudAM rt 5s 57 59V* HudAM in 5s 67 22 I C 4V4s 66_ 83V* ICC StL 5s 63 A 951* IntGtNor 6s 52 361* Int G N Ist6s52 65 Associated Press.) I SELECTED ISSUES Kan C Sou 4s75 10244 KanCitSo3*is68 9944 LscledeGs44b63 110 Leh VI HT os 54 61* LehVaI4s2003st 374* MKT6S62A 75 M-K-T 1st 4s90 764* Mo Pac 5'*s 49 28*4 Mo Pac 5s 78 G 84V* Mo Pac gn 4s 75 464* Nat Dairy 3*70 10244 Nat Dairy 24470 9844 N E TAT 4'*s61 1154* NYC rf 5s 2013 77 NYC4'is2013A 6844 NYC con 4s 98 6544 NY Conn24**75 904-4 NYNHln44is,22 49* NYNHH 4s2007 70 NYOW rl 4s 92 10V* N Y Tel 34*s 78 104 NorflkSo 5S2014 8244 ioPar4'is 2047 894* Pac GAB 3s 74 1004* PacTAT 3',s87 ICO Penn PALt 3s75 98 PennRRg4' hs8510544 PennRR4'isR4B 994* PennRR 3'/«s32 994* Phil Co 4 '.as 61 106 Phila El 23cS 71 9844 PCCStL 5s 70 A 1074* StLSF 4>*s2022 62 StLSanFrn4s97 664* Shell Un 2'as71 94V* SoPaciflc4'*s81 93 Sou Pac 44is 69 96 SoPac S 2 VaS 61 94 SoBTAT23,as85 9544 Texas Corn 3*651044* Third Ave 5s 60 51 Third Ave 4s 60 764* Va Rallwy 3s 95 96'* WalkerH 23asOH 98>* WsPenPr34is60 107'/; West Sh 4s 2361 87 West Md 4s 52 1004* West Dn 5s 80 92'* WstEl C*2.65s73 101'* WheelStl 3' «S70 974* Wise Cent 4s 49 7144 Wis Cn 4s 36SD 404* N. Y. Curb Market, LIST INCLUDES ONLY SELECTED 1SSUF1S Aero Supply 2 Am Gas A XI 1 b 38 Am Lt A T .85a 19 Am Maracaibo 4% Am Superpower <% ArtUS Inc .30 -. 4% ArkNatGas ,20e 6 ArkNGas A 20e 6 AshlandOil 1.20 18% Atlas Corn w w 5% Babcock&Wil 4 81% Basle Refret .40 6% Blue Ridge 3% Brwn-F It nf.40 5% Bunker Hill la 20% BurdPiston ,60a 16% Burma Ltd % Cab El Prod 10e 4 Carr Cons Bisc 3% Cent & S W SO 10% Cities Service 2. 49% Colts Mfg lHg 36% Coml A Sou war %j ConsGEBalt3 BO 64 Creole Pet 2.70e 45% CrownDrug 05# 2% Cub Atl Sug 2a 18% Dennison A .ooe 12 DetGraylr 20g 3% Domestic Credit 3 El BondASh H« 13% Faulty Corp ■/«• 1% FaIrchldCm.30f 27% Fairchild E A A 4% FansteelMetVn 11% FordMFran 02g 1 OenPlywood 40 5 Gen Share .10e. 4% Glen Alden C 2 23% Hazeltlne He . 13% Humble Oil 2H« 76% Imp Oil Ltd %-. 15% Imp Oil Ltd rt_. Int Petrol % .. 11% Int Utilities 1_11 Kalser-Frseer 11% Kingston Pr .20 3% Kirby Pet ,20g_. 15 Kirk L GM .04 1% Leonard Oil Dee Me Li Material .3oe 20 Lone Star Gas 1 22% Long Island Ltg % Louis L & E la. IK* McClanahan OU 1% Mid West Crn 81 10% Mining Cp Can. 8% Monogram Plot 4 Mont-Dak U .SO 11% NwtBelHess .20e 3% Nat Fuel G 80 11% Niagara Hud Pr 7% Nor Sta Pwr A 42% NorthropAir ’it 11% i Novadel-Ag 2 19% Pancoastal Oil 2% PantepcOil 1.28 11 Pennroad 40g. 6% Pepperell 3a 59 Pltney-Bow 60s 12 PolarisMng .10e 5% R-K-Ooptwar_ 1% Raytheon Mtg _ 7%! Richmond Rad 3% Rotary El Stl 1 e 38 i St Lawrence pf 22% j SaltDotneO I ’if 8 Schulte (D A)_. 2%, Select Indus 3%. Shaw W*P 1.20 19%; Slmplle Pat .40* 8 SoCalEd pf 1.14 28% Standard Brew. 1 Std Dredg .10e 3% Std OilKy 1.40a 28% Technicolor *4e. 13 ! Thor Corp 2b . _ 18 Trans Lux .15e- 4%: Trl-Contl w w 3% I UtdLt&Rys 69< *0%. U S Air Cond 2% I Ot-IdahoSu.lfte 2% WentwthMfgVja 7% Chicago Livestock CHICAGO. Sept. 15 0P» (IJSDA1.—Sal able hogs. 7,500; total. 10.000; fairly active, steady to strong; instances 25 higher: top. 29.HO for one load choice 230 pounds; most good and choice 200 .300 pounds. 29.00-29.50; L70-100 pounds. 25.00- 29.00; 150-170 pounds. 27.00 28.25: choice 33 pounds, 28.35. and few lots 400-500 pound butohers. 34.50-25.50: good and choice sows under 330 pounds. 37.25-28.00: 350-375 pounds. 25.50-26.75: 400-450 pounds, 24.50-25 25; few 475 poundi and over. 23.00-34.00: good clear ance. Salable cattle—10.000; total. 10.000: salable calves. 600: total. 600; good and choice yearling steers and all grades heifers steady to oil lower: mature ateers dull, mostly 50 lower; many bids 1.00 lower; other killing classes scarce, steady to strong; top. 41.50; choice steers. 37.75 41.25; most good . grades. 32.00-37.00: bulk good and choice heifers. 30.00-37.75; 'wo loads high-choice 1.025-pound weight 39.75: this a new record hiah on heifers in load lots: medium and good beef cows. 21 on-35.00: canners and cutters. 16.90-18.50: medium and good bulls 23.00- 25.00: good and choice vealers. 29.00- 31 00; stockers and feedera scarce strong. Salable sheep— total. 4 noo slaughter lambs and ewes not established early bids these classes lower; market 50 lower on yearlings: good and choice ns-i tive spring lambs held around 2H.00 26.50: two loads good and choice around1 100-pound fed yearling wethers. 24 00.1 Dividends Announced NEW YORK. Sept. 15 ifPi.—Dividends announced: Pe-8tock of Pay Rate. rlod. record able. Liquidating. United Pub Util. Corp *4 0-30 10-15 Resumed. Beech Aircraft - SI __ 10-1 _ • Extra. Bronx County Trust 50c.. 10-1 pn-15 Merchants Bit of NY 10c.. 9-20 9-301 Shawmut Assoc. __ 3c . 9-22 10-1 I Regular. Bank of Cal Na_$2.50 Q 10-8 10-151 Broad 8t Invest-18e_. 9-23 10-1 Bronx County Trust. 50c SA 10-1 10-15 Federation Bk & Trl2V4c. Q 9-16 10-1 Oen Cable .25c. 9-24 11-1 Household Finance __50c Q 9-30 10-15 Merchants Bk of NY..50c Q 0-20 9-30 Polaris Mng_.Sc . 9-22 10-9 Shawmut Atsoc_l5e Q 9-22 10-1 Wleboldt Sirs _30c Q 9-23 10-1 Whitehall Fund ...14c.. 9-30 10-20 Increase. Lamsor, k Sessions 30e_ 921 10-2 Irregular. Superior Ptld Cem. 25c .. 9-20 9-30 Redneed. Hall Lamp _ 15c . 10-9 10-20 Regular. Armatrong Rub A _25c Q P-i« in-l Armstrong Rub B .. 26c Q 9.16 10-1 Bnk of NY*5AveBk $3.50 Q 9-24 10-1 Bloomingdale Bros-..«0c 10-15 10.25 Chicago Corp 15c ® J 2 *J Gen Baking -45c 10-15 11-1 Holonhane Co-75c 9-20 ??"} Nat Bk Det 35c Q 10-8 11-1 Philip Morris&CoLtd 37Hc Q 9-30 lo-1* Union Stkyds ofOmLtd Toe Q 9-20 9-30 New York Produce NEW YORK. Sept. 15 (*>•■—Butter. 750 - 699: firm. Wholesale prices on bulk cartons. Creamery higher than 92 score ano premium marks (AA>. i. '4 cents; 92 score (A). 7514-76: 90 score <B>. 69’i. 89 score (Cl, 66'4 (New tubs usually command '4 cent a pound over the bulk carton price, i Cheese—380,780: steady, prices un changed. . • Wholesale egg prices were firmer to day with nearby grades particularly In de mand. Eggs. 17.010; firm. Spot quota tions follow: Midwestern, mixed colors, fancy heavy weights, til-63; extra 1 large. 58-60: extra 2 large. 52-55; extra 1 medium. 51-53; dirties. 41 '4-43'4: checks, 37-40. Whites—Fancy heavyweights. 69-70: extra 1 large. 66-08; extra 2 large. oo-58; extra 1 medium, 56-58. Browns—Fancy heavyweight*, 02-64; extra 1 Urge. 59-61; extr* 2 large. 54-56: extra 1 medium. 52-54. Nearby—(Top quotation* on nearby white and brown eggs represent highest wnolesale selling prices for the finest marks available, and not paring pricea to producers or shippers.) . . . „ Whites—Extra fancy heavyweights. 76 78: fancy heavyweights. 71-i3; others. 69-70; mediums. 00-61. Pullets. 43-45. Browns—Extra fancy heavyweights. 74-76: fancy heavyweights. 70- .2; others, 68-69; mediums. 58-50. Pullets, 41-43. Chicago Grain CHICAGO. Sept. 15 (A").—Most grain .contracts held to a steady course today despite the fact that September corn wobbled into lower (round. At one tun; the nearby yellow cereal contract dropped. more than 5 cents. Soybeans ran into rather heava selling pressure on news gn Agriculture Depart ment official had warned producers to market bean* carefully or you are likaiy to tee prices fall close to support level. The national average loan leyel Is **.18 and Is estimated at *2.40 here. Mew-crop corn futures acted well de- j spite the drop In September A cash house switched from September to December con tracts. selling the former and buying the letter. Corn bookings totaled around 1 /«>, 000 bushels, while spot market prices slipped about 2 to 3 cents a bushel meat closed V. lower to Va higher. Sep tember 2 24: September corn ended 8 to 8Vs lower mt 1.87ty-*«. while deferred fu tures ware unchanged to V» lower: os is closed unchanged to H higher. September 72%-Vi. and soybeans were 5 to Sty lower, November 2.50. t INVESTMENT PLAN Are you at the age where you desire retirement in a few years, have on established clientele end would like to see them in an investment that is secure and an excellent income producer’ Then you will be interested in this plan. We ore a New York firm and exclusive distributing agents for one of the fastest growing and best performing mutual funds in the United States. Your association will be direct ond you will realize a better net income than a dealer. Upon retiring you want to feel you hove fulfilled your moral obliga tion to your customers by having them continue in good hands- and in the meantime you con earn $15,000 to $25,000 a year while getting your clientele prepared for your retirement. A personal inter view will be arranged upon receipt of full details of your past association and earnings. Writa Box 9I-Z, Star Save for the goal of independ ence. Monthly payments on shares in (he Equitable plus our substantial inter est grow quickly and easily into important savings. Come in and learn about our share-holding plan. EQUITABLE CO-OPERATIVE BUILDING ASSOCIATION 915 F STREET ORGANIZED 1179 FOR HOME FINANCING We Specialize in (tmimin lows If you're a builder, contractor, or plan to build your own home, see us for a con- ijj struction loan. Funds also available for FHA Loans (Title 203'. :j Also finished loans on terms or monthly payment basis. Consult our loan department. B. F. SAUL CO. 925 15th St. N.W. NA. 2100 First Mortgages—Loans—insurance WISHING PAYS NO DIVIDENDS Instead of wishing, act NOW by starting a share savings account that will provide secu rity against the uncertainties of tomorrow. Letter we hated to write!•.. ORDINARILY our Research Division enjoys its job ... gets a kick out of sending helpful information free to more than 15,000 people who write in each year and ask all kind* of questions about investment*. Sometimes, though, they get a job they hate—like answering a recent memo from one of our managers. The memo said a man had just come into his office with a list of eleven stocks . . . asked if we knew any thing about them . . . mentioned casually that they d all been purchased prior to 1921! Our manager looked the securities over . • . saw they were all issued by little-known .companies of many years ago ... and mentally blessed Merrill Lvncb for advocating “Investigate then Invest" so strongly. He said he was afraid the companies had “folded-up," that the stocks weren't worth a penny— but he'd send them on to Research and make sure. And that was the letter we hated to write.* Because the stocks were worthless . • • should never have been bought at alL The worst thing about that complete loss was that it was so unnecessary! Because there are lots of sound opportunities for investment. .. sensible securities to fit any investment program ... our Research Division to give you the available facts on any industry, stock, or company that interests you before and after you buy! Why not ask Research about your own investment problems... get a seasoned check on any securities you own now—or may be thinking of buying. There’s no charge, no obligation. Just send them to— Department D-8 •// you'd like to to* it together with e copy of the orig inal memorandum from our manager, we’U be glad to send it to you. It makes pretty tad reading, though. Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner k Beane 815 Fifteenth Street N.W. WASHINGTON 5 Telephone: iXecutire 2121 ( Jl