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EDUCATIONAL EDUCATIONAL, WASHINGTON COLLEGE OF LAW Fall Session Begins September 20 Register Now Three year day—Four year evening course leading to Bachelor of Laws degree Full Curriculum Is Offered Fully accredited school and approved for G.l. educational benefits. 2000 G Street N.W. ME. 4585 FREE PUBLIC LECTURE RUSSIAN LANGUAGE Its Origin, Phontfict and Study by Anatol J. Shneiderov, B. E. E., C. E., M. A., M. M. E.. Director of the Institute of Slavic and East-European Studies. At the International Students* House 1825 R Street N.W., 7:00 P.M. Admission Uoo by personal ticket, obtainable until Sept. 16, at the FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 17 INSTITUTE OF SLAVIC & EAST-EUROPEAN STUDIES 1329 18th Street N.W. Tel. DU. 2405 Number of seats is limited—Public is invited to reserve free tickets early, COLUMBUS UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF ACCOUNTANCY (Co-Educational) Three-Year Courses Leading to Bachelor of Commercial Science—Graduate Courses in Commercial Science and Federal Fiscal Administration Morning and Evening Freshman Classes Regiatrationa Now Being Received Approved for Veter ana Regular Sessions Open September 20th 1325 Eighteenth St. N.W. DEcatur 3545 Devitt School FOR BOYS Accredited by the Middle States Association College Preparatory Grades 9 to 12 Fall Term Begins September 15 2955 Upton Street N.W. WO. 3113 ENGINEERING TWO-YEAR DAY OR FOUR-YEAR EVENING COURSES IN Civil Engineering Electrical Engineering Aeronautical Engineering Architectural Engineering Mechanical Engineering ALSO 9-Mo. Specialized Evening Engineering Units in Air Conditioning Building Design , Basic Electrical Aerodynamics Combustion Engines Surveying Machine Design Stress Analysis Bldg. Blueprint Reading and Estimating DRAFTING MAJOR COMPOSITE DRAFTING COURSES 2-Year Day or 4-Year Evening ALSO SPECIALIZED DRAFTING UNITS Day or Evening Mechanical Machine Ship Aircraft Architectural Electrical Topographic Sheet Metal Landscape Maps Patent Office Statistical COMMERCIAL ART MAJOR COMPOSITE COMMERCIAL ART COURSES 2-Year Day or 4-Year Evening ALSO SPECIALIZED COMMERCIAL ART UNITS Day or Evening General Commerical Art Interior Decorating and Cartooning and Caricaturing Architecture Commercial Illustrating Architectural and Landscape Fashion Illustration Rendering COLUMBIA TECHNICAL INSTITUTE Vermont Ave. at N St. N.W., Bet. 13th and 14th Sts. Metropolitan 5626 and 5627 Established 31 Years Regittratiens new baing accepted. Phene er write ter cotalegues. APPROVED FOR VETERANS' TRAINING BENJAMIN FRANKLIN UNIVERSITY K | PACE COURSES SCHOOL OF ACCOUNTANCY and FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATION Forty-one years of specializing exclusively in accountancy instruction has enabled us to develop an effective and unique method by which thousands hove been trained for responsible accounting ond administrative positions. Successful graduates in public accounting, in Government agencies and in business organizations all over the country have given this school o nationol reputotion. Before you enroll—investigate. Ask for our 42nd Yeor Book ond get the facts. Day ond evening clones now forming. RIpublic 2242 1100 14tb St., N. W. Bridges to Ask Unions Overseas to Boycott Army 'Scab' Cargoes ly th* Associated Press ; SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 15.— Despite only limited success so lar. the Army today sought to sign up Pacific Coast dock workers to move (military cargo piled up during the 14-day maritime strike. Harry Bridges, CIO longshore mens leader, labeling all those who signed up with the Army as strike breakers, declared he would request unions in all foreign ports to re fuse to handle ‘ scab” ships. This cast an international im plication into the crippling tie-up and made uncertain the unloading of Army food and supplies destined for Pacific areas. Bridges Heads Pickets. Army action to hire men directly was taken yesterday after shipping employers refused to load or sail as long as they had to deal with what they called ‘‘Communist Party line leadership.” Mr. Bridges has refused to sign a non-Communist affidavit under the Taft-Hartley Act. Mr. Bridges personally led lines of his white - capped longshoremen forming virtually a shoulder-to shoulder barricade in front of the Army employment office at the Fort Mason Port of Embarkation here. Men seeking work —mostly non unionists—were told they would be considered strikebreakers and would be fired by the Army as soon as the strike ends. But there was no violence. If they insisted on sign ing up, they were allowed to pass. Truman Intervention Urged. An Army spokesman said only 30 men signed in the first two hours, but the signup went on all day and continued today. The total was not announced, but clearly was far short of the 250 men the Army says it needs here. The longshoremen's union re affirmed its willingness to work Army cargo under conditions pre vailing before the strike and asked President Truman to intervene to change the Army’s altitude. Addressing his longshoremen in front of the Fort Mason office, Mr. Bridges declared: ‘‘Let’s make sure this thing flops. They (the Army) are offering a com plete open shop. This is strike breaking 1948 style—the Army and the shipowners.” 150 Vessels, 28,000 Men Idle. The strike, basically over wages and interpretation of the hiring hall, has made idle 150 vessels and about 28,000 men in Pacific Coast ports. Foodstuffs were reported jamming freight termihals all along the coast. Meantime, the National Labor Re lations Board planned to reopen hearings today on employer charges that the longshoremen's union is guilty of unfair labor practices by virtue of insisting on a hiring hall made illegal by the Taft-Hartley Act. Churchill Passes Up $8,000 Due Him as Yearly Salary By the Associated Press LONDON, Sept. 15. —Winston Churchill is passing up an income of 2,000 pounds ($8,000) a year which he is entitled to draw from the Government, a financial report dis closed yesterday. He has a right to this sum either as pay for his services as leader of the Conservative opposition in Parliament or as a former prime minister. But Britain’s annual balance sheet, published as a white paper today, showed he had taken none of the money since he was last paid as opposition leader for April, 1947. The white paper, for the fiscal year ended last March 31, disclosed the national debt at the year’s end as £25,722,387,153 ($102,889,548,612). Wartime advances to Allied gov ernments still outstanding included: Russia. £35,710,000 ($142,840,000) and France, £99.684.693 ($398,738, 772). Excavation Begun on Site Of United Nations Center By th« Associated Prw»« NEW YORK, Sept. 15.—Excava tion has begun on the site of a new $65,000,000 United Nations head quarters. While a few hundred spectators watched, Benjamin Cohen of Chile, acting U. N. secretary-general, turned the first spade at ground breaking ceremonies yesterday. Mayor William O’Dwyer said he is confident there “will be established here a plan for peace so that the little children of today will never know what it is to have a World War.' The 13-acre site on Manhattan’s East Side was donated by John D. Rockefeller, jr. Building of the new world capitol is to be financed with a $65,000,000 interest-free loan to the U. N., re cently appropriated by Congress. A skyscraper secretariat building is expected to be ready for occupancy in 1950. EDUCATIONAL INTERSTATE COMMERCE LAW Tuiidiyt and Thursday* 6:30 P.M.-8:40 P.M. NATIONAL UNIVERSITY 1225 New York Ave. N.W. Registration Now Open SPANISH iM»n< far Veteran Training. Native teacher. American college graduate. 12 year* experience. Conversational meth od. Beginners, advanced students. Small groups nay and ntght classes forming now. Senor Ramon Ramos 932 F St. N.W.RE. 3076 Enroll New far Classee Farming In FRENCH GEMMN-SPANfSH The Fertile Method 7r AeaiteWe 0*1* at TIE BEXUTZ SCHOOL af LANGUAGES *3* ITth St. fat Eva). NAtlenal *2'* 4*gro»edferG7FErx*ANTXA7N7NG Girls’ Junior Colleges Parents: Have you a teenage daughter who miaht da better school work in a private school? A junior college beginning with the 11th grade, might be the answer. We knew of many such schools located in this area, and in nearby states. All inclusive fees begin at $760 for the school year. Consult us today. Our services are tree. No obligation. I Washington Schools Ass'n. • 14 llth $♦. N.W. RE. 1715. Truck Strike«Mediafop Seeks Wage Solution On O'Dwyer Order ly the Associated Press NEW YORK. Sept. 15.—Mayor* William O’Dwyer has named a spe cial mediator in the Metropolitan! truck strike, and has told him to clear up the "cnaotic” conditions in the industry’s labor relations. The mediator, Hugh E. Sheridan, j a truck company owner and im partial arbitrator in the industry j for eight years, was called into the dispute yesterday as strike develop-! ments took a turn for the worse. The Mayor asked Mr. Sheridan to find "some way in which order can be made out of the chaotic situa tion” in regard to varying union wage demands, and diverse policies of employers in meeting the de mands. Mayor O’Dwyer said a “confusing and unhealthy condition” has re sulted. Would Need a “Houdini. Mr. Sheridan, a former truckman himself, commented that it would take a "Houdini” to untangle the present complex wage knot. Here is the situation he has to deal with: The city’s largest local of the AFL International Brotherhood of Team sters, No. 807, which spearheaded jthe two-week-old strike, is demand ing a 17>2-cents-an-hour wage in crease and various welfare benefits. On the basis of these terms, it has signed contracts with 727 in dividual trucking concerns, sending, about 4.900 of its members back to work. About 4.500 still are on ! strike. 8.300 Truckers Still Idle. Local 282, the city’s second largest, has raised its demands to 25 cents an hour, and about 3,800 of its 4,500 members have walked off their jobs without a strike call. This means that a total of about 8,300 truckers are idle—nearly as many as at the start of the strike September 1. With the two locals demanding a separate set of terms, the city’s third and smallest Teamsters Local, No. 816, has kept its members working under still another wage formula worked out by union and employer negotiators before the strike. This calls for a 15-cent hourly increase. Hauling of Cargoes Disrupted. The new walkouts yesterday caused more disruption in the move ment of food and freight. Hauling of cargo of the Pennsyl vania and New York Central Rail roads from yards to ship piers was halted as drivers charged a “lock out” by truck firms serving the rail roads in water-front operations. Milk supplies for schools and stores were imperiled after Local 807 withdrew an emergency agree ment to deliver fiber milk contain ers used generally here instead of bottles. The union said it was revoking; the agreement because the Ameri can Can Co., manufacturer of the containers, had refused to Join in meeting the 17 y, -cent terms. Drivers for the company's plants in Brooklyn and Jersey City, N. J„ quit work yesterday morning and a milk dealer spokesman said city schools would get no milk after to morrow and stores would get only 40 per cent of normal supplies. In Newark, N. J., a strike of Teamsters’ Local 478 came to an official end last night, after mem bers ratified an agreement provid ing a 15-cent hourly increase, plus any other wage gains granted to the New York City drivers. _EDUCATIONAL EDUCATIONAL [LANGUAGES and CULTURES THE INSTITUTE OF SLAVIC AND EAST-EUROPEAN STUDIES 1329 18th Street N.W. Tel. DU. 2405 FIFTY LANGUAGES AND CULTURES »Y COMPETENT NATIVE INSTRUCTORS OFFERED FOR 1948-1949 East-Asiatic Languages Wsst-Asiatie Languages Burmese, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, Armenian, Azerbaijan, Javanese, Korean, Malay, Hebrew, Persian, Turkish Siamese West-Eurepean Languages I Middle-Asiatic Languages Danish, Dutch, English, Bengali, Gudjarati, Hindi, French, Gaelic* German, I Hindustani, Kanarese Pashtu, Italian, Latin, Norwogiem, Tamil, Urdu Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish East-European Languages Albanian, Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, Estonian, Finnish, Greek (Modern and Classical), Hungarian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Polish, IB Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slavonic (Church), Slovak, jjj Slovenian, Ukrainian • | AMERICAN AND ENGLISH FOR FOREIGNERS LINGUISTICS COURSES IN SPECIALIZED TEACHIN6 DIPLOMA OF LEARNED SPECIALIST, PROFESSIONAL CERTIFICATE or |H SCHOOL CERTIFICATION it awarded upon succettful completion of the III courtet. Placement tervicc in America and abroad. Regittration September 15 to September 25. Clattat Begin October lit. |j| The George Washington University (Founded in 1821) Announces a Special Pre-Registration For All Students SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 18 9 A.M. to 7 P.M. Regular Registration Dates: September 29 and 30; Oct. 1 Classes Begin Monday, Oct. 4 The University is on the Approved List of the Association of American Universities Registration will be held in ( THE OFFICE OF THE REGISTRAR 2029 G St. N.W., Bidg. C SERVING THE DISCRIMINATING HOME OWNER SINCE 1873 WAKNINGI First Day of Foil, Sopt. 23 ----'j4 I Pkaiw ME. 1134 I f Ready for Rail Andirons, fireplace sets, firelight I ers, screens, fender and all other 1 accessories. The FLEX-CURTAIN ■I SCREEN, as shown in House and Garden Mogoxine, is available in ^>. SEVERAL styles and finishes. D. L BXOMWIU 710 12th St. (Just Abeve G> ■af/nu/uxt\ PETITE PORTABLE J $1995 .Less Batteries So incredibly tiny, so cosy to.carry. No larger than a camera, yet plays with clear, mellow tone, anywhere, on long-life batteries. Shining ebony case. Emperor red case slight additional cost. Admiral 1 TELEVISION I Fret Heme Demen- K sfrafion . . . Low H 'Term* Arranged Hi ORdwey 1800 I I Seals, Juices, Mixes. Stirs, folds, Creams, Mashes, Whips! Just flick your finger •••and Dormeyer speeds you through dozens of daily kitchen tasks . . . with effortless, time saving efficiency. Mixes cakes in 4 minutes... whips po tatoes in 2 minutes! Dormeyer mixing means finer, fluffier textures . . . lighter cakes . . . smoother frostings. 10 recipe-tested speeds . ; ; automat ically controlled for perfect results. You merely dial! Dormeyer does the rest. No guesswork. Success assured. No loss of expensive ingredients ... or valuable time. Dormeyer, owned by millions, saves time, saves effort, saves money. Included with your Dormeyer is Ethel Allison’s Electric Mix Treasures, 135 tested recipes with exact mixer speeds for each. Select your favorite Dormeyer and let it do your work today! Available in three popular-priced models. At better stores everywhere. DORMEYER "Pow*r-Ch*f’ 10-speed dial. Governor-controlled. Built-in power drive for attachments, no extra cost. F ront end juicer. Portable. 2 bowls. JQ7 Cfl Removable beaters. Still. . . Of .vU New attachments for txtro chans wilt he eoaiUhlt 100%. DORMEYER "Do Unto" Multi-apeed mixer. Flick-A-Switch control. Portable. Juicer amrnbly. 2 bowl*. mq QC Removable beaten. Still... DORMEYER "Utility” Van-.peed mixer. Flick-A'Switch control. Portable. 1 uicer auembly. 2 bowli. m< QC Memorable beaten. Still... » Darm.y.r Cerpefat.a-. 4300 N. Klt'af'lcft A**.. CMeoga 41. HI. • C*»•"«'•» U«l».d. fo.. Cr.dlt, O.U.I* T H ■ g I m » T KAMI IH M I X ■ It • • . > ' * ' .