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Mrs. A. L De Moss Reveals a Secret About Canning Pears! People always rave over the canned pears at Mrs. De Moss’ house at Elm Grove, West Virginia. Yet, Mrs. De Moss’ secret is simple. You see, she uses only Franklin Sugar, and thus gets: Fnmklia's "Famous Fhre" Advantages 1. 100% Fun Sugar Cant Sugar. 2. tiriro-fina Granulated. 2. Fo$f-Dnielvmg. 4. Fno-Muiag. 5. lunch— Food flavor*. There’s a Franklin Sugar'for every use. Get some Franklin Confection ers XXXX, too, for quick, creamy smooth icings. What a difference! FRANKLIN Pur• SUGAR CANE Sugar Ah.viiiofew... Guild California Sherry A FIFTH Part, Muscatel, Tokay ... Look for bJ«,r*d man on the label. tut iiiiiii mu • mi. utittnii NEW...CREAM DEODORANT,,/,/, STOPS PERSPIRATION 1» 3 DAYS 1. Instantly stops perspiration, keeps armpits dry. A«s safely, as proved by leading doctors. 2. Does net ret dresses or men's shirts. 3. Removes odor from perspiration on contact in 2 seconds. Has antiseptic action. 4. Dees net irritate skin. Can be used light after shaving. Preferred by 117,000 nurses. 1 5. A pure, white, stainless vanishing cream. Arrid, with the amazing new ingredient, Creamogen, stays smooth and creamy, will not crystallize or dry out in the jar. ' f ’■* v •> A D Din. 39* <t,ut tex‘ niliiiti A,s°jo*and 59* I [ Marriage License Applications Under D. C. laws couples must apply for a marriage license on one day, wait three full days and receive the license on the fifth day. Sundays and holidays are counted the same as other days. Preston Dorsey. 23, 1426 T »t. n.w, and Margurite Dorsey, 2«, 1345' Girard it. n.w. Leo Woods. 49. 1420 Ames pi. n.e., and Helen White, 48, 1840 T at. s.e. Clyde Vaughn. 31. 850 Newton pi. n.w, and Alma Pendleton, 27, 1127 C st. s.e, Lawrence Greene. 19. 1259 Stevens rd. s.e., and Jacouelyn Giles. 18, 540* Conn, ave. n.w. Prank Wright. SO. 818 Taylor st. n.e, and Minerva Naples, 26. 813 Kentucky ave. ! s.e. Francis Taylor. 33. Fort Meyer. Va, and Phoebe Yetter. 29. New .York City. George Rollins. 25. 318 McLean ave. s.w . and Ruby Madison. 22. 325 Virginia ave. s.e. Alan Holliday. 30. Carol Arms Hotel, and Margaret Bakken. 23. Hagerstown. Md. James Demins. 20. 720 13th st. n.e, and Doris Jones, 10, 1910 New Hampshire ave. n.w. David Wardlaw. 52. 702 Otis pi. n.w, and Mary Woods. 46. 727 Howard rd. n.w. John Maxwell. 68. 3034 R st. n.w, and Alma Sticfel. *7. 2019 42nd st. n.w. Carl Schneider. 38, 1889 Ineleside ter. n.w, and Estelle Calabro, 37. 1900 Sunderland pi. n.w. William Wynn. 29. Indian Head. Md. and Mildred Bullockus. 20. 1010 C st. s.e. William Henderson, 21. Marine Barracks, and Betty Thobe. 21. 1333 E st. n.e. William Dawson. 28. Heathsvllle, Va, and Winifred Bradshaw, 21. 2009 36th pi. n.w. Clarence Best. 29. 324 9th st. n.e, and Lillian Hill, 24, 842 Louise pi. n.e. Ernest Graves. 36, and Lucille Mitchell. 28, both of 748 Irving st. n.w. Pericles Jacobs. 24. 1204 48th st. n.e, and Ellen Washington. 23, 1316 You st, n.w. Lewis Darlln, Jr, 27. 4443 Alton pi. n.w, and Margaret Rogers. 21. Oxford. Ohio. Porter Zandt. Jr, New York Ctty. and Betty Cypert, 24. 5426 Connecticut ave. n.w. Janies Hagens. 20. and Eunice Downnell. 25. both of 1419 You st. n.w. George Sims, 22, 28 Logan Circle n.w, and Emma Burrell, 24. 27 Logan Circle n.w, James Coleman, 22. and Frances Riner. 19. both of Arlington, Va. Freston Murphey. 40. Arlington, and Corinne Hall. 20, Arlington. Herbert Faulconer, 28. 1368 Newton st n.w, and Charlotte Kimball, 28, 3500 14th st. n.w. Ernest Dill. 32. Arlington. Va, and Lois Goode. 26. 1433 Columbia rd. n.w. Tong Yee. 30, West Haven. Conn, and Yut Lee. 23. 131 North Carolina ave. s.e. James Lindsay. 20. and Glays LiFegglns. 18, both of Arlington. Va. Richard Getsinger. 21. and Nancy Adkins, 20, both of Chevy Chase. Md. Charles Scott. 21. Henderson. N. C . and Barbara Williams, 21. 1249 Morse st. n.e. Linwood Adams. 45. Pittsburgh, and Helen Ardan, 33. 142 38th st. n.e. Oren Daugherty. 38, and Annie Martin, 45, both of 1447 Fairmont st. n.w. Scott Doyle. Jr, 20. 2107 S st. n.w, and Regina Hurt, 19, Roanoke, Va. Paul Faucheux. 26, and Evelyne Hamilton. 28, both of 1446 Rhode Island ave. n.w. Rooert Hutchins. 22. and Betty Moore, 18. both of 235 1st st. n.e. Thomas Wilson. 19. 4015 Que st. s e, and Doris De Board. 18. 500 7th st. s.w. Deaths Reported (From D. C. Bureau of Vital Statistics.) Mary Cogswell. 85 1401 Columbia rd. n.w. Mary Clothier, 82. 3315 Wisconsin ave. n.w. Henrietta Brewer. 80. 1350 Perry pi. n.w. Emma Peerce. 74. 4707 Connecticut ave. n.w. Donald Duncan. 71. 617*4 Park rd. n.w Joseph Benard. 60. 638 G st. s.e. Mary Phillips 68. 644 Pth at. n.e. Lewis Ancel* 67, 143* Ames p!. n.#. Calogero Ffacco. 62. 83 K st. n.w. j'fwton Inabinet. 58. Arlington. Va. Abraham Oppenheimer, 57, 4827 46th st n.w, Roy Bracken, 53. Arlington, Va. Bertha Robey. 54. 1328 Shepnerd «t. n.w Claude Dellinger, 58. Arlington. Va. Basil Goode. 44. Indian Head. Md Ruth Hickman. 43. 3000 Nelson pi s.e. John Mingee. 41, Franklin Park. Va. Anna Krenitsky. 30. Butler. Fa. Clafence Newman. 20. Silver Spring. Md Infant Allan. Arlin«ror v". Janie Starks. 77. 1445 Smith pi. s.e. Robert Dodson. 71. JPOJ :tra t*. .v. James Garfield, 67, 623 M st. n.w. William Rufus. 65. 1500 10th st. n.w. Virginia Johnson. 47. 516 R st. n.w. Bertha Howard. 46. 2034 Georgia ave. n.w Janie Ross. 44. 1834 S st. n.w Alberta Milledge, 41. 1303 Oth at. n.w. John Shorter. 38. 1101 New Jersey ave. a.e. Dovie Petty. 35. 416 Kenyon st. n.w. In three months Slam has ship ped $508,956 worth of shellac to America. Births Reported (From D. C. Bureau of Vital Statistics.^ Julius and Anne Akman. bo*. Leo and Marianne Alpert. girl. Charles and Mary Ash, girl. Walter and Georgianna Basye. girl. Courtland and Mary Bolt. girl. Robert and Margaret Brnnahan, girl. Richard and Nancy Brice, bo*. Robert and Betty Bryant, girl. Gilbert and Thelma Cameron, girl. Carson and Mildred Chapman, girl. Robert and Helen Chickering. boy. Mason and Edith Comer, girl. Nicholas and Dorothv Costanio, boy. Richard and Mary Crouch, girl. John and Mary Cumberland, girl. John and Bernadette De Jarld. girl. John and Maria Doukas. girl. *]E | HisJnoAsrgP ?m$fys'I t **• ’*• *0*Y.,u.l»,«« »«•»««• »“ (.l"" JR ^(§) ,4 '*" "I HH»tM .tt* ,IM M’M,*'“- 11 ^ ^2|| | fcg^,w:‘;or0:: ^‘aTr Taft* Beverly without rtifc I Union you're limply delighted with the Beverly you buy. the •tore will refund your money. prevent oil separation! I fj protect 1 that wonderful I fresh-roasted flavor! spread smooth as a dream! 0 a John and Dorothy Driver, bey. Eaynel and Virginia Orlsne;. girl. Beniamin end Kristbiorg Eiriksscn, boy. Car] and Mary Elbin. girl. WUMam gird Kathleen Estabrook. girl. Thomas and Verna Estep, hoy . William and Priscilla Foster, boy. Joseph and Fannie Oalifaro. girl. Joseph and Mary Gallagher, boy. Rudolph and Elisabeth Gomes, girl. John and Constance Goodman, boy. Rulus and Vlrtinig Griffin, girl. Joseph and Hasel Hagarty. boy. Grant and Ellen Haliock. girl. Francis and Hattie Harrell, boy. Wilton and Winifred Harwood, bey. Needham and trie Howard, boj . Francis and Mary Kemp, boy Tbadiut and Thelma Kisielnlekf. elri. Malcom and Mary Lawrence, eirl. Harry and Estelle Levine, eirl. Edward and Marguerite Long. boy. Walter and Catherine Makofske. girl. Raymond and Mildred Mangold, bey. David and Dorothy Mann. girl. James and Catherine Martin, boy. Hugh and Agnes McDermott, girl. Thomas and Jane McFarland, boy. DIAMOND BARGAINS That Arc Difficult to Duplicate ' DIAMOND PRINCESS RING. APPROX. lVi CT. .*150 LADY’S SOL.. Ya CT.*125 LADY'S s* CT. _ *150 LADY’S PINE COLOR, PLAT. SETTING, % CT. _*250 MAN’S I Vi CT., PERFECT *275 LADY’S PLAT., PERFECT LADY’S 1H CT. .*450 LADY’S PLAT. V/t CT., PERFECT .-.*450 MAN’S WHITE; 2 CT._*500 LADY’S PLAT. 2Vt CT., PER FECT, SLIGHT COLOR. *675 LADY’S BLUE WHITE, 2 s* CT. _*875 FINE COLOR. 1 CT._ - *350 LADY’S PERFECT 3 H CT., *1,200 "Prices Quoted Include Mountings.” "Trades Accepted” Above Prices Do Not Include Tux. These extremely lew prices are made possible by our vast purchases of exceptionally fine ferns from estates, banks, bankruptcy and sacrifice sales. You don't pay fancy prices for overhead here. LIVINGSTON 6 CO. M;. 3440 1423 H ST. N.W. ME. 2905 Samuel and Grace Miller, boy. fflurasft Joseph end Janice Noel, boy. Raymond and Marybelle Osborne, boy. John and Yvonne Porterfield, ytrl. Lido and Helen Sari. girl. Phillis and Edith Schwarts, airl. Ctrl and Winnie Sherwood, boy. John and Barthela Shouse. boy. Robert and Patrlela Sornaon. airl. Henri and Madeleine Soudee. boy. Robert sod Norma Stereos, tlrl. James sod Marian Stoutenburth. boy. l td and Bliiabetfc Taller, bey. Lawrence and Rama Tellier, bey, Clifford sad Barbara Thom at. boy. Niek and Lula TianH. tlrl. Butene and Geraldine Veltle boy. Thoms* and Jean Wsthen. tlrl. *——* M— Wetchler. tin. toula and TTrtJa WoJoatn, rtrl. V«Vl4 k<au t. oria 1 a ncry boy Uoorsc and Qracj Abbott boy. Ranry and Mary Ball. boy. '"(?>« ana b«i Leo. eirl. David and Martha Turner, boy. —auu Audi wnito. boy. { and the fabric of these style plus garments are famous Pa cific woolens— assured a prom inent place in the finest col lections. • Trilby Suit-drest ■—Costume of Pacific wool. Rayon crepe top to dress. Separate fitted jacket— the first fall ensemble. Wear it as a suit, wear it os a dress. Green, smoke grey, brown, black. Sizes 12 to 20. $25.00 { Coats—Third Floor \ Dresses— • Second Floor • Pacific Needlepoint Coat— Coped with precious block-dved Persian lamb. . Interesting diamond slit pockets. Block, grey, green. Also some fitted needle point coats. A half-size prize. Sizes 31 Vi to 43’/j. $88.00 ;* * ' ' ' '•* "IV' & y sir ,«-.v , f- • Tomorrows silhouettes in • PACIFIC FABRICS ! The impeccable smartness and excellent quality of Pacific Wools assures them a • prominent place in the collections of the country’s top-notch designers and manufacturers. This assures you, in turn, the very newest i r styling and most dependable workmanship in / garments which you’ll find at your % favorite store. Look for the Pacific label when you shop! * / * Where you will find THE PACIFIC LABEL You will find a variety of garments, made of Pacific fabrics, in ready-to-wear departments of \ the stores. In high-fashion garments, look for the Pacific Craft Fabrics iabtl. In popular price ger- / \\ ments for women, misses and children, look for % the familiar trada-mark shown directly below,.. in skirts, the skirt labal also shown. LOOK TO THE fecjfrue, FIRST “ PACIFIC MILLS, Worstod Division, 261 Fifth Avenue, New York 16, N.Y.