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Little’s 'Beauty and the Beast’ Is True Screen Enchantment By Joy Cormody. The screen* long suspected, seldom used power to enchant Is fascinatingly employed In "Beauty and the Beast," which opened today at the Little Theater. Here Is the beauty of poetry set in motion before the eyes and the Imagination. Here is the long-awaited delight In the cinema that such an achievement represents. The genius behind this quite wondrous thing is that of France s Jean tjocieau. a aseptic wno scorns to believe that imagination dies with childhood, who has taken a classic fairy tale and adultized it into a new power to captivate and charm. Because it is, and is not, the tale that has been read to generations of children. It would be best to leave the young at home; merely to read them the original by Mme. Le » Prince de Beaumont, while parents go themselves to see the Cocteau version. Freud and Faustus seem to have touched the latter. They make a difference lor which It might be ad visable to let the children wait. * * * * Cocteau’s reading of “Beauty and the Beast” Is an Inspired sensuous assault upon the Imagination. It casts a spell upon the spectator with a flow of hypnotic images that sweeps matter-of-factness out of experience and unshackles both the mind and the heart. It combines pity and terror in a blend that should sear the souls of lesser dramatists with envy. The single reservation to its eloquence is that It might have been even more en trancing in color instead of Coc teau's economical black and white. The central characters in Mme. De Beaumont's story are far more deeply revealed in Cocteau's per ception of them than they ever EVENING PARKING Af%e *rM T° CAPITAL GARAGE 1320 N. Y. At*. N.W. Between 13th and 14th ITT* .. GAS RANGES Mogic Chef—Toppon Ropef—-Calorie—Hardwick Refrigerators Gai and Electric Treey Sinks and Cabinets Ratail — WholttaU Umsm4 ImUUcr TNOS. J. CROWELL REpublic 4411 _r,»UMi»>tC i »i«_ E. MORRISON PAPER 00. 1009 Panne. Are. N.W. and BLANK BOOKS Office S applies, Paper, Stationery, Typewriter Ribbons and Typewriter Paper. n»nelVA.t»4S *a \ tfww BARGAIN AIR FARE HAVANA e#»new *115* phu*. I ROUND TRIP Lew, low resort prices, top speed DCS service, stop-over privileges in MIAMI Coll Sterling 5454 or your trovtl 4grnt • BEAUTY AND THE BEAST/' a Lopert Film* raleaaa of Andre Paulve-Diactna production, directed and adapted bv Jean Cocteau from the atory by Madame Le prlnce de Beaumont. At the Little. The Caat. Beauty -:-Joaette Day Avenantl Beaat V_Jean Marala Prince j Merchant_Marcel Andre Felicity_Nane Germon Adelaide_Mila Parely -1 have been before. His Beauty, Jo sette Day, is brilliantly chosen for the role. In Cocteau's wise eyes, there was a quest for something be yond outward loveliness. There was a need for shining innocence and an intense feeling for all natural good ness and in Mile. Day, the director of "Beauty and the Beast” found that which he sought. It is in his conception of the Beast that Cocteau magically manipulates the acceptance of the story's un realities into the reality for which his film aims. This cat-like creature, a complex of sub-human and super-human qualities, is no purely terrifying monster. He can commit the foul nesses of a soulless animal, but he can agonize at the lack of a soul which permits him to do these things. Somewhere within him he is aware of the transforming power of Beauty’s love, and that he must spare her if he is to become the human whose shape he wears. She is at once his single hope and great- j est terror and in this relation be tween them, he becomes an object of dramatic sympathy and suspense. The infallible casting instinct which made Cocteau choose Mile. Day brought him Jean Marais for the role of the Beast. He could not have found a more qualified man. i ▼ ^ + The production of “Beauty and the Beast” Is a singular compliment to the collective Imaginations which went Into it. Except possibly in the case of the Beast’s make-up, it has drawn upon no recognized established sources of Inspiration. It is a masterpiece of integrated detail, of mantle figures whose eyes rove knowingly, of statues that smile suddenly, of palace rooms and gardens which alter from the eerie to the beautiful with the speed of light, and of candelabra held in hands that sud denly become human and mobile and Just as quickly resume marbled rigidity. Against the background of en chanting contrasts, Beauty and the Beast act out their story of the simple country girl and the mon ster who found the transforming power of love. It is a story of many moods, shift ing in a rhythm that is unfailingly dramatic. A dozen times, paralyz ing terror bursts into tender pity, and strident anger overreaches Itself and turns into harsh comedy. Cocteau plays his story for every thing that is in it, which is much more than any one ever suspected. * * * * An eloquent expression of the universal imagination which Coc teau has caught in “Beauty and the Beast" is that although its dialogue is in French, it is so understandable that the subtitles seem almost superfluous. It would be bad Judgment not to listen to what so eloquent a man has to say in such an enchanting story. Star-Gazing Kept Star From Getting Sleep By Hit Altectatvd fr**t HOLLYWOOD. Actor George Sanders always napped between scenes during the i early weeks of production on "The Pan." But after the picture reached : te halfway mark he seemed wide awake. This puzzled others in the cast, and finally someone asked him to explain. Sanders said he and his brother. Actor Tom Conway, had Just sold their >10,000 telescope. Stargazing had kept the brothers up most of the nights before they gave up their instrument. Sanders and Conway built the telescope themselves. Sanders was a mechanical engineer before he be came an actor, and he is known as something of a mathematical wiz ard. He writes mystery stories, too. THF FIRST OF THI NFW FALL SIASON HITS!! /jM Ow*/ A SECOND WEEK AT 7 / DUOKEITH s 1% ft I5TH AT 6 .-OXr.-.w. - ■ Extra t H(At “WMOt AKAIO 0» THI HI IAO woir WALT DISNEY'S UmW*'**!' “1H TWO UTTLE HSS’ to T.fW-Wo’’ ■ I f M i RAINBOW PRODUCTIONS. INC. prtstMl I GARY ANN COOPER SHERIDAN . LEO McCMEV'S W ^ with RAY COLLINS • EDMUND LOWE V JOAN LORRING • CLINTON SUN0BER6 &&S7V0yiQ'• • • r LORETTA WILLIAM * ROBERT YOUNG HOLDEN MITCHUM to Hachd Stranger , MISS HUMANITY—Is the tre mendous role Josette Day is called upon to act in "Beauty and the Beast.” Under the inspired direction of Jean Cocteau, she brings off the as signment exquisitely. Martha, Army Child, Had Lived Her Part By the Associated Press Martha Hyer had no trouble por traying the daughter of a United States Army post commandant in "Gun Runners." As the daughter of Col. J. C. Hyer, she lived at Army posts in Fort Worth, Dallas and San Antonio, Tex., long before she ever thought of coming to Hollywood. Hyer was judge advocate of the United States Army in Germany after World War II. JL — - - Where and When Current Theater Attractions and Time of Showing Ambassador — "Beyond Glory”; 1:40, 3:40, 5:40, 7:40 and 9:50 p.m. Capitol—“That Lady In Ermine”; 11 a.m., 1:40, 4:25, 7:10 and 9:55 p.m. Stage shows; 12:55, 3:40, 6:25 and 9:05 p.m. Columbia—“A Southern Yankee”; 11:50 a.m., 1:45, 3:45, 5:45, 7:45 and 9:45 p.m. Dupont—‘‘The Good Earth”: 2:30, 4:50, 7:10 and 9:30 p.m. Hippodrome—“Nais”; 2, 3:50, 5:30. 7:50 and 9:50 p.m. Keith’*—‘‘Good Sam"; 11:15 a.m., 1:30, 3:30. 5:40, 7:50 and 10 p.m. Little—"Beauty and the Beast”; 11:25, 1:25, 3:30, 5:30, 7:30 and 9:30 p.m. Metropolitan—‘‘Two Guys From Texas”; 11:30 a.m., 1:30, 3:35, 5:40, 7:45 and 9:50 p.m. Palace—“A Foreign Affair”; 11:25 a.m., 1:55, 4:30, 7 and 9:35 p.m. Pix—"Will It Happen Again?”; 2:10, 4:55, 7:45 and 10:30 p.m. Playhouse —“Escape"; 11 a.m.. 12:25, 2:20, 4:10, 6:05, 7:55 and 9:50 p.m. Trans-Lux — News and *horts: continuous from 10:15 a.m. Warner — “Beyond Glory”; 11:35 a.m., 1:40, 3:45, 5:45, 7:50 and 9:55 p.m. AMUSEMENTS Cont. from 7:45. Open 7:00. Rory Calhoun. “Adventure Island' J feo1or>, 7:4ft, 10:30. f John Garfield, Fare Emerson, Nobody Live* Forever," 0:1.V Adults * 50c, incl. tax. Chil _ dren free._— cayetyW^IM msMBm LnNBBBRRII! DUMBARTON COOL—Air Conditioned | Be Sure of a Seat Buy Tickets in Advance | Adm : Mats., S5e; Nites. 95e ? Mail Orders Accepted |wQME^-7p.w.*MEN ■ , . Hollywood: Taylor Sought For Top Role In ‘Sirocco’ By Sheilah Graham Robert Taylor is No. 1 choice on Director Charles Vidor's list to play the terrific top role in ‘‘Sirocco.” | Now the question is, will metro loan him to Vidor and Columbia? At the moment the answer seems to be yes. Sonja Henie dashed off to New York over the weekend to buy some clothes—$350,000 worth— for her skating troupe! Sonja, who starts her ice tour November 20 in Indian apolis, told me shell end it next! spring in London and Paris. "Our| transportation will cost us $100,000,’” says Sonja. But that’s only a drop in Sonja’s bucket. * * * * Now Burt Lancaster wants to do a western! He say’s he’s played every other type of hero and heel1 and his fans now clamor to see him in the wide-open spaces. So Harold Hecht and Norma Productions are in the market for a horse opery. Ray Milland is not yet back on the Paramount payroll, although he reported for work last week. He soon will be, though. I understand three scripts are now in prepara tion. Ray hopes they’ll be good. -Maureen O’Hara has made a really big hit with the British crew on her picture “The Affairs of Adelaide.” On her birthday, the AMUSEMENTS * The greatest man hunt the west has ever known RUST SHOWING inj Wuhimtow I JOEL J McCREA te United ArtteU’ fol/fl with TRANCES DEE maims BICKFOR d^T TIMES ™*W MORGAN CARSON “Two Guys From Texas” I I last day * alan lapp i -‘Beyond Story' LAST TIMES TODAY! CORAL THEATER Marlboro Plko at District Lino Hillside 5151 CONTINUOUS SHOWINGS • STARTING AT 4:50 AND t:50 boys gave Maureen a party from thdlr own rations! Robert Ryan Is wanted for the i leading-man role in "Flamingo Road” and he would be ideal for the part—it's that of a rangy Irishman. Everyone wants to borrow Robert ! from RKO these days. And it couldn’t happen to a nicer guy. * * * * Did you know that A1 Jolson originally offered Warners the right to make "The Jolson Story”? The studio’s refusal lost them $12,000,000. Al. if you remember, put Warners on the map with the first full feature talkie, "The Jazz Singer.” Bette Davis, now in the East.' wants to find out from Jack Warner what cooks in her new deal with him. I understand that Bette’s pic ture price is $175,000. Now, the question is, does she get more or less? It will more or less depend AMUSEMENTS | Mumt I (MfTHOI SM MICtflt V "IM MUMKTt MWCHKTl ! on the reception given "June Bride,” Bette’* comedy with Robert Montgomery. Dennis Morgan wants to see Mr Warner to decide Us future in the "Two Guys” series. "I don’t object to making them,” Dennis tells me, “when they have a good script. Otherwise, what’s the point?" The point seems to be the suspension that follows refusal. Linda Darnell’s “Forever Amber” was murdered by the British press which describes it—among other choice things—as a distortion of history. * * * * Jack Benny plans to go to Europe again next year and this time he’ll AMUSEMENTS IpIxSW |-i'fVA'S PRIVATE PQ»i5 j [ Sncrwt mevtet tfiunemml fcy Arm* Nmt kfw nf M. Hoe's aUibeti m hmw sit* r%ms K«tto etw in "LYDIA" f "CtUntM a fcalMay far Hm taufinatiaa . . . LITERALLY OUT OF THIS WORLDI" —WALTER WINCHILL A -ft** , FA$CINATI A TENDER W MAIDEN!" —M. Y. SUN A l*»*rf Mint. IM- i IiKM Ac iwi ,,,-»AA--_-J -*»-».-i A^ wf ITIfl PwW wnvlfW Py JEAN COCTEAU ;* AII-CONDITIOMfA LITTLE (tmWolfman. Dwula^fth* Monster / HAYID IY HAYID AY HAYID AY I LON CHANEY BELA LUGOSI GLENN STRANGE I 1 LENORE AUBERT * JANE RANDOLPH * irifiui Scnmiir >r HIEIT tics • FRicctic •. 1 II Mill 0 • JMN CI ANT • Ikictri tl CIAILES T. SAITON • Nwl M HIEITHU II. J .. I LES BROWN - VIRGINIA O'BRIEN Musical Slwrt I I r I PASSING PARADE • MGM Ntwt »«the Day | J TOMORROW'JceW'S PALACE 1 End* - JEAN ARTHUR • MARLENE DIETRICH Today * ' JOHH LUND “A FOREIGN AFFAIR" qgg Bgn5IEIPl .Winner of Cosmopolitan official citation as top-picture \ of the month r tayt loutlla Partons foromvM F—ftm RAY ANN MIUiAND-JOE® GERALDINE l FITZGERALD I hi H AL WALLIS’ I "So Evil, LMvLove Lk>£|S7 r~ mxam EDDIE PEABODY JSV+ ROCHELLE A BEEBE • ABALYHHE Satirical Madcati «nt Si** CiwiSwa* TED A FLO VALLETT WarM Q«an»i*n »*»** Twbfcrs r„ I. Betty Grabl* • Oovylat Fairbanks, A, 0B StBfO Ends T0u3y»THAT LADY IN FAMINE Tackniolt I 1&CSKELTON *S0Um* I MK&M stay longer. Jack and wife Mary Livingston took more than S80 pounds of food with them so as not to eat up the rations of the British. There was enough for Jack and Mary. Alice Faye, Phil Harris and several of their hungry British friends who came to breakfast every AMUSEMENTS • PEIS tnau Wans W Ssrioas Time*. Hints Keslies Juliana, diets ef Netherlands Dramatic Coronation Senas Own for Nsw, rears tar Old dm | NATIONAL AIR SHOW EEPSPNS DEFEAT BAMS Kiddles’ Show every Sat. 1S:1S Wim. Wswsmsts • lost Shew lSt5 I day an Jack's ddkdona ml sags and bacon. (lUlrtaod by North America* NwatpC Alllaac*. Inc.) AMQgEMKNTg 7%8> mm A **iu wwiih* «*«u. • • a M "On of the finest films Holly- ' ■ weed over mo do!"—N.Y. Times. I A row mark for oil future film I amkors to shoot ot!"—N.Y. Fait. ft Feature skoum: 12:15, 2:35, I 4:55, 7:15, * 35. mtfm *** ■ aa-aat-tAsa TODAY'S NEIGHBORHOOD MOVIES piBAimi ha a h. c. av». s.i. kUUUHA Lincoln 4471. Air Con4. ■ BIO CITY ' MARGARET O BRIEN. ROB ERT PRESTON. Plus "JINX MONEY, LEO QOBCEY. HUNTZ HALL __. mn P 2105 Po. Avo. N.W. H. 01*4 vIBvU Comfortably Cool. Last Day DANA ANDREW8, JEAN PETERS. CAESAR ROMERO In "DEEP WATERS." at S:P0. 7:48, 8:40._ OPEN AU , MAll.T7^ri¥*,n CALHOUN lnr"ADVENTUREe ISLAND^ color), at 7:48. 10:30. JOHN^OARraEJ7 PAYE EMERSON In "NOBODY LIVES POREVER.” at 8:16. Adults, 60c. lnel. tax: Children Free.___ DUMB ANTON ,Mr STn&Av*’ Air Conditioned. “MOM AMD DAD.” Three show* daily: 2 and 7 pm., women only; 9 p.m., men. Admission: Metlnee, Sftc; nlfhts. 96c (tax included). Tickets for all ehowe now on sale at box office. FAIBFAX THEATER Phono 714 Routo* *0, 20. 811—Fred Parkin*. Air Conditio*od ___ "DEEP WATERS." DANA ANDREWS, JEAN PETERS _ Cl_JBELT -- BETTY HUTTON, MacDONALD CARET. "DREAM GIRL." at 7 and 9.__ I ITT1 r 7th St. Abova f ■ • “L Air Conditioned “BEAUTY AND THE BEAST." Mr! MM McLean, Va. nCubAn free Parking Elmwood 59® BINO CROSBY. JOAN FONTAINE In "EM ptror Walt«.” at 7 and 9 p.m. • ■1 H 7402 Mi Vern. Ave., Del (ay. Alax. •“PI OV. 3360 Cant, from 6:30 P.M. Air Cenditlaaed. Two Feeturea—"SHADOW OF A WOMAN" end "PILQRIM LADY " Pius Shorts, Til mLACE Phene MI. 9**7. (cient ideally Air Conditioned. "DEEP WATERS." DANA ANDREW®. JEAN PETERS._ HEWTOM ,,,hs*NNT" Scientifically Air Conditioned. "GIVE MY REGARDS TO BROAD WAY" (color), DAN DAILEY, NANCY Ja GUILD. B JESSET1EATEB,«• & *5 .*■ Phana DU. 9861. ft lantiflenllr AlrCondltlaned. H la Feature. "THE FUGITIVE.” B IT FONDA. DELORES DEL RIO C ’S LIVE AGAIN,” JOHN EMERY. F" _y brooks:--'_ M (VI f IS 1st St. A (. I. Ave. N.W L • •“Y** Phana NOrfh P65P H f Seiantlflcally Air Conditioned. H Double Feature. “ WINTER MEET ■ TpST" BETTE DAVIS. JAMES DAVIS. B rOUT OP THE STORM." JIMMY □ LTDOW. LOBS COLLIER._ H at nivill 1707 Mf- v*rn,n S new Avo.. Alax.. Vo. 9 1 Blaek from Presidential Gardena. sO Phana ALex. 2424. £' gejainlSeally Air Conditioned. ■ l‘THE BABE RUTH STORY.” WIL LIAM BENDIX. CLAIRE TREVOR g ACADEMY 5 SetantlSeally Air Canditlanad. oJ Double Peature. "BLOOD AND BAND.” TYRONE ROWER. LINDA DARNELL. "CODE OP SCOTLAND YARD," OSCAR HOMDLKA. DEREK PARR. Ptret Show at «_PM. _ STMTS* "V**17 Satanttiaalty ddr (Gandttlene®. Double Peature "THE PIOHTTNO B9TH.” JAMES CAGNEY. PAT O'BRIEN. "VALLEY OP THE GIANTS (Color). WAYNE MORRIS. CLAIRE TREVOR. -snmrY luct YUAYtts-v nnnrr m on taits. prs. % Min. IMlYb-in p„t u of Md. TO 5500 Open 8:50 Enjoy our larseet aereen In the world. Perfect visibility from all aectione. Today-Tomor. "MILLIE'S DAUGHTER," at 8:00. 10.40. Also "TRAIN TO ALCATRAZ." at 9:30. HFFCDIOME 86c Eva., Mon. thru Sat. Air Condl i tlooed, FERNANDEL In “NAM." ! m-|R Wl». Ava. A e.-W. Hwy. I ■6*1-® Wl. 2565 or 9636 ; Air Conditioned. Pres P»rkin«. La*t I Bay. LAUREN BACALL. HUMPHREY I BOGART. EDWARD O. ROBINSON, LIONEL EARRYMOR* in "KEY ■ LAROO." at 8:15, 8:06. 5:66. HIT A Sock villa, Md. Phone (eck. M34 A**1*! Air Conditlonad Last Day. JUDY GARLAND. PREP ASTAIRE In Irvlna Berlin'! "FASTER PARADE" (In Technicolor), at 7.19, 9:19. flWMIl En.tam Ave. 9at. K. I. 6** WAwll 4 MWl Aw WA ties Air Conditioned. Free Farklni. Hear ing Alda. Laat Day. ROY ROGERS. ANDREWS SISTERS^and All-Star Ca.t In Walt Dlaner'a "MELODY TIME at 8:15, 8:06. 9:60. Enjoy Tx9-foot largc icreen television In oor lounge. ■ limi M«. (oinler, Md. GAUM WA. 9746. Wo Hlttl Air conditioned. tn»t Day. IRfHF DUNNE in 'T REMEMBER MAM* Also RICHARD ARLEN In 'SPEED TO SPARE." Laat Complete Show 8:4,— Tomorrow-Priday: Double Horror Slow ALAN LADD in "BLACK CATJ Also BORIS KARLOFF in "BLACK FRI DAYS_— itAYYSYnLE lyottavllla. Md. aasa.rffi. g? HUMPHREY BOGART, EDWARD G. ROBINSON. LIONEL BARRYMORE in "KEY LAROO." at 7:06. 9:95. _ C9ETE9LT ‘£ZXV JEAN PETERS, in “DEEP WATERS, at 6:18. 8, 10._ NI9U9M«— Air Conditioned. LastDay WAL LACE BEERY. JANE POWELL In ' A DATE WITH JUDY." at 7:10, 9:10. „ IPPY 4013 Mat*. Ava. N.W. J5 WO 4400. Cant. 1 t» H P.M. S i DANA ANDREWS and JEAN PETERS • 5 in ' DEEP WATERS, ' at 1:25. 3:30. Ja« 5:35, 7:40. 0:45. _ u in AC 1331 H **• NX AT. 3300 ATLAS Cont. i to u P.M. ** first Northeast 'bhowino op -a DANA ANDREWS and JEAN FETBUI <i in "DEEP WATERS." at 1:00. 31#. * 5'26. 7:35. 9:45 Alao: 30 Bin. Comedy Cartoon Show. S trElffll Minn. Av*. at tannin* Q SERATDH fd N.t. tr 2400 H HUMPHREY BOGART add, BACALL In “KEY LARGO, at 1.35, 2 3:31, 5:37, 7:43. 9:49._ P ElflSS JOth 3 Alabama Av*. SX I* AAKLVB vi. 4000. C-2 Qua ta Pane DANA ANDREWS and JEAN PETERS * if!4o.D5%.roTS^t.^ M Walt Dtaney'l "MELODY TIME. -~T^-~—\ 1723 Kin* 3t. Ala*. 3445 1-1 Ak Cand. Parkin* Space JANE POWELL WAIXACE BERRY. •if “A DATE WITH JUDY."_ ► I VfPf'fVfsTMamartol Olvd. 5 ltt « TlBolSW Air Cond. A Lea. 4133 9 MYRNA LOY. CARY GRANT. "MR J BLANDINO BUILDS HI8 DREAM d House__ 3 RinrMOID •'* *•"«st.,OV.M34 I BlLBHWBV AV Cand. Mat. Pally f BEVERLY ROBERTS. OBOROE aS BRENT In "GOD'S COUNTRY AND J | THE WOMAN,”__ ij cornu agrafe* huldutWa. <££ •RETURN OF THE BAPMEN RAN DOLPH SCOTT, ANN JEFFREYS -WARMER BIOS/ TNEATEBS For Additional Information Mon* Thaattrt Dirttt ar Call Jtfpahlte Theaters Mark** ★ Air CwHllwri. ~~~ Tkwnn latlai Mattaaaa ★AMBASSADOR Alan Ladd. Donna Rand In "Bayond Glory. " at 1:40. 3:40. 4:40. 7:40. 9:10. ★BEYEBLY u. ^."iVmT John Garfleld, Pat O'Brtan In "Plowina Gold." 1. 2:40. 4:28, 6:08, 7:10, 9:36. ^.r&f vmr 3334 win. a»*. n.w. RbJUiTMl WO. 2343. Mat. I P.M. John Oarfleld. Pat O'Brien In "Flowing Oold,” 1. 2:40, 4:26, 9:06, 7:60. 9:86. wmritii. 423 pa it. n.w. WtUI I ML Ml. 2141 Open* 10:43 Lon Chaney in "Ghoat of Prankanataln." at 11:20. 2:20. 6:20. 9:26. Batty Hutton. MacDonald Carey in "Dream Olrl.” at 12:36. 3:86. 9:36. 8:40. xvnvrnv Kennedy Nr. 4«h N.W. XftUIHUlI g*. MOO. Mat. 1 P M. Victor Mature In “Purr At Furnace Creek." at 1:80. 8:80. 6:30, 7:80. 8:80. xpm Po. Ava. at 7th S.l. KrlBn PR. 5200. Mat. 1P.M. John Garfleld. Pat O'Brien In "Flowing Gold.” 1. 2:46. 4:28. 8:10. 7:65, 9.40. ★SHERIDAN Blna Croaby, Joan Fontaine In "Em poror Walt*.” 1. 3:05. 6:15. 7:25, 9:35. •4.(11 vni Ave. A Colaavllla Ptk*. XllLTLn JH 5M0 Mo, , P M Bine Croaby. Joan Fontaine In "Em peror Walti." 1. 3:15, 6:30, 7:50, 10:05. 4.TTVIH T 14th and Park Rd. N.W. * 11 TUMI co )|00 Mo, , f M Humphrey Botirt. "Ktr Largo," at 1:10, 8:10, 6:15. 7:2(1, 9:30. A nRTmUM Conn. Ave. ond Nework * vr i v ?v n wo J400 Mo, , r M Humphrey Boeart. "Key Largo." at 1:10, 3:15, 5:20, 7:25. 9:30. Theater! Having Ermine Performances ★APOLLO %H£boNE' Dennis O'Keefe. Claire Trevor In ‘ Raw Deal," at 6:15# 6. P:50. ★AVALON Dan Dailey in "Olve Mv Retards To Broadway," at 6. 7:45. P:30. AVE. 6BAND 444 « Judy Oarlan* Fred1 Astalra In "Baatar Parade," at 7. 8:20. ★COLONY ~4 % & N w ~ ^.'•a.trfl,.niV^66.'TO Wl,th *° HOME 1230 c *»• n.i. TR. Rill Jack Caraon. Janls Paige in "Romance On Huh Beas." at 6:25. 9:20. Jackie Cooper in French Leave," at 8 06. ★MacAlTHDR Humphrey Bogart. Lauren Bacall In Key Largo," at 6:50, 7:45, 8-46. 4-fIVnV 3030 14th 5t. N.W. . CO. 4948 Parking Space ■ether William*, Peter Lawford in "On an Island With Ton," at 8, 7:50, 9:46. SEC0 9144 Ay*- JHver Spring , »«. 7848 Parking Spas. 5'« ,'F'lllJ.r Brueh Man." at 8:25, 9 40. Joan Fontaine In "Latter From an Unknown Woman," at 8. TAKflMA 4th and luttarnut Sta. IftaWFIM CE 43,2 parkin# ,Nt| Fredric March. Myrna Loy in "Best Teara Of Our Uvea," at W, 8:66. ★TORE °* Ave. *« Ovehat PI. N.W. na awaaaa gd. 4400. _P Robinson. Burt Lancaatar In All My Bona," at 8:16. 7.65, 9:40. STATE Folb Church, Ve. PA. 1JJJ. S j?AN,’pr™Sr* " DANA ^2 LEE . . «..W» Church. 1 ^- A Trout Per the Entire family. « • y*ars or our lives • toeO MYRNA LOT. FRED BRIO MARCH. i Uh A1LHICT0I Cal- wl» * * ni !MT more St. OX JPt* ' bl "ON OUR MERRY WAY." PAULETTE Eti OODDARD, JIMMY STEWART. S" WILIOH ,7If [Wilton MWL _ Phone OX 1440 M! "DEEP WATERS,” DANA ANDREWS, Jt JEAN PETERS._ 1 Hg Alimw 3ii«"wn»n »(»d.' ^Phene Oxford 11S» < Ul a "TORT AT PURNACE CREEK." Vie- i • S TOR MATURE. COLLEEN PRAY ^ pi unmciiie or. i P WWWUM Phene OX. 0444 : u a "ON OUR MERRY WAY." PAULETTE r S- OODDARD, JIMMY STEWART S| Cl fir 3130 No. St aba U gg 5 Free Parti Ina. OXferd 4364 ■ ; Krerier *I4«. RAW DEAL." CLAIRE TREVOR, i DENNIS O'KEEPS >-• Wayne K . OX. 17JJ DEANNA ————————————— Fairfswa Amm. Cs. Thsstsrt *B CONDITIONED. ncmn ^ “■ 1 DANA ANDREWS. SUSAN PITERS CEASAR ROMERO DEAN. STOCK WELL tn "DEEP WATERS,* at S:l». 8:00. 9:45._ ATLANTIC Wait Disney’a "MELODY TIME 'In Technicolor), fraturlnc ROT ROGERS ) at 6:35, A lt, 8:55_a CAPITOL M BINO CROSBY and JOAN FONTAINE In THE EMPEROR WALTZ* (In .3 Technicolor), at 8:65 and 8:25. £ Pahlawv,m3 11 Double Feature BINO CROSBY and All-Star Cast In ’'VARIETY GIRL." at 6.20. 8:40. RAT MILLAND In -IMPERFECT LAPT," at 7:65. CONGBESS *”"Tim"-™ asw WNffi WAY" (in Technieolor), at 6:16, 7:56. 6:40._ arachtu ,ru, USEES' BBS'«SHS> ?. • KEY LAROO." at 1:1#. #,20, »:20. 7:25. 8:30 PM1I Marlboro Pike at Dlitrlet Lin. LUBJUs traJkwr H#I»M*. Md.. HI. 3131 Aa.aU Fra# Parkiar. *•» Air Cet.4. At Remlar Prlcea' CLARK GABLE, VIVIEN LEIGH In ' GONE WITH THE WIND.’* In Technieolor at 4:30 and LAVBCL ; FRED MaeMURRAY JAMES STEW ART, PAULETTE GODDARD. DORO THY LAMOUR In "ON OUR MERRY Z^I-BETBBBA j SMI CONDITIONED. t EOT ROGERS hi Walt Dtenart F "MELODY TIME" At 6:30. S:10 and 8 5A TM l