OCR Interpretation

Evening star. [volume] (Washington, D.C.) 1854-1972, September 15, 1948, Image 40

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045462/1948-09-15/ed-1/seq-40/

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A Fascinating Electric Musical Toy!
$9.95 “Ring-A-Toon”
Children will love this real musical
instrument with its eight notes in
true tone and pitch, easily oper
ated by a lever that is pushed back
and-forth and motivated on 2
flashlight batteries placed in a tube
in the base. It’s easy to play . . .
just follow the dots on the charts
and you can’t go wrong. Eight
.selected song charts and two bat
teries included.
Addititmal Flashlight Batteries, 19c to.
Kann'*—Toys—Fourth Floor
Special Purchase!
Stamped Pillow Cases
Sl.39 pr.
For gift giving or for your own home
. . . good quality cotton stamped pil
low cases in several attractive patterns
. . . ready to be embroidered to give
them real distinction. 40x20J/2-inch
Kann'»—Art Needlework—Fourth Floor
$69.95 Room Size 9x12-Ft.
Just look at the savings on these deep
pile rugs, woven with imported yarns,
by one of the top mills of America!
You’ll find a wide variety of colors
and designs... suitable for any room
in your home ... ready ta bring new
charm and color . . . you save a big
r ''
*99.50 Room-Size 9x12-Ft.
Figured Velvets
Quality rugs with an expensive down-to-earth
price! A heavy grade, tone-on-tone velvet in
your choice of wine, blue, mauve or green colors.
• generous $24.50 saving!
*169.50 to *198.50
9xl2-Ft. Wiltons
Everyone who knows rugs, appreciates
there is nothing like beautiful Wiltons for
wear, for colorful designs and for a deep,
rich-woven pile. These are reproductions of
oriental patterns with fringed ends. Beige
or red tones.
Kob n i—Ruf»—Third floor.
Walnut or
Maple Finished
3- drawer, 40 in. high,
2654 in. wide and 16
in. deep.
4- drower, 42 in. high,
2634 in. wide and 16
in. deep.
5- drawer, 48 in. high,
2634 in. wide and 16
in. deep.
If you’re in need of additional
storage space for your clothes
and other belongings... these at
tractive utility chests are the
happy answer! Well built of gum
wood, walnut or maple-finished,
they’re designed with apron
front, beveled edge top and-orna
mental back rail... finished with
wooden knob pulls. Three sizes
for selection.
Kurin's—Bidding—Third Floor
Organdy Curtains
« pair
Frosty white Priscilla cur
tains with baby-headed ruf
fles and tie-backs, made of
fine organdy with a perma
nent finish that will keep
them fresh and crisp-look
ing after many tubbings...
and at a money-saving
price! They come in 54, 63
and 72-inch lengths, 84
inches wide to the pair . . .
suitable for any room.
II and 87 inch langtht' *3.39 1
Kmnn’*—Curtain*—'Third floor.

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