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* Qlarhs of aijattka " ABRAM. WALLER. I wish to thank the neighbors, friends and relatives for their kindness, sympathy and many floral trib utes at the passing of my husband. ABRAM WALLER. WIFE, NEVADA WALLER. PAINE. SARAH ELIZABETH. We wish to thank the many friends lor the beauti lul flowers, telegrams and cards of sym pathy at the passing of our beloved daugh ter and sister SARAH ELIZABETH PAYNE, who passed away on Tuesday. January 4. 1949. THE FAMILY. RI BINO, S SERGT. JOSEPH . F. RU BINO. V*’e wish to express our sincere thanks and appreciation to our many lrimds and relatives for their floral trib utes telegrams, ietters and cards of sym pathy on the reburial of our son. S SERGT. JOSEPH F. RUBINO, in Arling ton National Cemetery. GUS R’JBINO AND FAMILY. • Seaton ADAMS. WILLIAM SCOTT. On Wed nesday. January 5. 1949, WTLLIAM SCOTT ADAMS father of Mrs. Mary K. Baber, brother of Mrs. Ruth L'Hommedieu, Joseph Harry and Gaorge F. Adams. Funeral services at the James T. Ryan Funeral Home. 317 Pa. ave. s.e.. on Tuesday. Jan uary 11, at 10 a m. Relatives and friends invited Interment at Arlington National Cemetery. 10 AFFOURTIT. SALOME A. On Sunday. January 9. 1949. SALOME A. AFFOURTIT <nee Fereit) of 2010 Franklin st. n.e.. be loved wife of Daniel L Affourtit. mother of Mrs. Genrgp H. Dp Loruif. jr.; Mrs. Arthur McGrail. jr.: Noel F. and Rene J. Affourtit. Friends may call at William J. Naliey's Funeral Home, 3200 Rhode Island ave. at Eastern ave. n.e. Funeral on Wed nesday. January 12. at 9:30 a m., thence to St Francis de Sales Church where mass will be offered at 10 a m. for the repose of her soul. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Arlington National Cemetery. 1 L ARTIS, JAMES IVEY. On Thursday. January 6. 1949, at his residence. 529 Lamont st. n.w . JAMES IVEY ARTIS, husband of Emma Artis, father of James C . Jahne. Hubert. Lowell. Lydia B , Floyd. Ruby Walters, Ethel Johnson and Gwen dolyn Artis and brother of Ida Marble. Minnie Edwards. Floyd and Arthur Artis; he also is survived by ten grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. Friends may call at the Malvan A Schey Funeral Home. N. J. ave and R st. n.w., after 10 a m. Sunday. Services from the above funeral home Monday, January lo 1 p.m Interment Lincoln Memorial Cemetery. * ARTHUR. ANNA A. On Sunday Janu ary 9. 1949. at her residence. 5813 13th st n.w., ANNA A. ARTHUR, beloved mother of Charles O Arthur Friends may call at the Lee Funeral Home. 4th st and Massachusetts ave. n.e.. where services will be held cn Tuesday. January 11. at ‘1 D m Interment George Wash ington Memorial Park. BAKER. LT. JACK R . V. S Nav>. Suddenly on Saturday. January IS. 1949. at his residence. LT. JACK R BAKER. U S Navy of 64H6 Elliott pi., Hyattsville. Md . beloved husband of Alice M Baker (nee Gilcrest) and .son of James A. and Margaret Maple, Baker of Chariton. Towa. Services at the S H. Vines Co. Funeral. *1901 14th st. n w. Wednesday, January l*:. at *’ p.m. Interment Arlington National Cemetery. 1 1 BAKER. COL. LESTER D . V. S. ARMY. On Wednesday. January 5 1949. at Walter Reed Hospital Col. LESTER D. BAKER. U S. Army, retired, of 3*J3*J Reservoir rd. i r. w., beloved husband of Mrs. Beatrice F. Baker. Friends may call a’ the Wastler Funeral Home. :>01 East Capitol st . until] 1 p.m. Tuesday. January 11. Funeral services will be held at Fort Myer Chapel on Tuesday. January 1 1. at *.1:30 p m. In- i ferment Arlington National Cemetery- with 1 lull military honors. 10 BELL. CHARLES F. Suddenly, on Sat- ; urday. January H. 1949. at Bealton. Md . CHARLES E. BELL, the beloved son of Elizabeth Bell and devoted father of ■ Ruth E Travers. Virginia A. Ward and Lloyd E Bell. Also surviving are five ; brothers, four sisters, twelve grandchildren and many other relatives and friends.. Requiem mass will be said Wednesday, j January 1'.'. at 9 a m . at Holy Re deemer Catholic Church Interment in ! Mount Oliver Cemetery. Arrangements bv Walter E. Hunter Co. 11 BELT. FRANCIS. On Tuesday. January 4 1949. in New York City, after a pro tracted illness. FRANCIS BELT, beloved1 ►on of Armstead <deceased* and Nellie Carrick Belt. He leaves to mourn their loss a devoted mother. Mrs. Nellie Carrick Beit, two sisters. Miss Viola Belt of Wash ington. Mrs. Marie B Aragon of New York City; two brothers. Sylvester Belt of Washington and Roy Bel* of New York C :ty one uncle. James R. Mathews of: Washington. one nephew. Hunberto Aragon, one niece. Miss Barbara Aragon, and nu merous cousins, including Mrs Mabel A. i Masten of New York City. After 10 a.m. Sunday. January 9. friends may call at the McGuire Funeral Home 18-9 9th n w\. where American Legion services! will be held at 8 p m Interment Arling ton National Cemetery, Wednesday. Jan uary l-:. at 9:30 a m. 3 1 BENSON. HARRY E On Saturday January 8. 1949. at Garfield Hospital. HARRY E BENSON of 4<>71 9th st. n.w.. beloved husband of Lillian M Benson step-son of Mrs. Ernest Harris and brother of Mrs. Clara Hudson. Mrs. Ritchie Mathews and Paul Benson. Serv ices at the S. H. Hines Co Funeral Home. 7901 14th st nw. Tuesday. January 11 at 7 p.m. Interment Cedar Hill Ceme tery. 11 BENSON. HARRY ELISHA. A special com munication of Erightwood Lodge. No. 4M F A. A. M.. is hereby called at 1 p.m. Tuesday. Jan i uary 11. 1949. for the purpose of Conducting the funeral of our late brother and past master, HARRY ELISHA BENSON. FRANK W. CUMMINS. Worshipful Master. Attest: ELMER F. STEIN. P. M.. Secretary. 10 BENSON. HARRY E. A special conclave of Washington Commandery 1 f. A No. 1. K T.. is called for 1 p.m Tuesday. January 11. i 1949. Masonic Temple. SOI l.tth st. nw. lo conduct; Knights Templar services, for our late frater. HARRY E. BENSON. Sir knights are urged to attend in full Templar uniform. EMERSON B. WISE Attest Commander. WM. T. BALLARD. Recorder. BRAXTON. JAMBS L. On Thursday. January H. 1949. in Newark #N J. JAMES L. BRAXTON, the beloved brother of Hattie Hawkins and Mary Courtney: he also is survived by other relatives and friends. Remains resting with L. E Murray A: Son. 1 A37 10th st. n.w. where services will be held Tuesday. January ll.( at 1 p.m. Intetrment Lincoln Cemetery.' 10* BURNETT. DR. EDMUND CODY. On Monday. January 1". 1949. at Sibley Me morial Hospital. DR EDMUND CODY BURNETT beloved husband of Mrs. Eliza beth Susong Burnett and father of Ed mend C Burnett. 1r. Dr. Thomas J. M. Burnett. Mr; Harold J. Wiens and Miss Sue Stokely Burnett. Friends may call at Hysong's Funeral Home. 13oo N st nw. until, Monday evening. January in. at jo p.m. Funeral services and interment will be held at Newport. Tenn. CHAPMAN. WILLIAM. On Sunday. January 9. 1949. at his residence. Upper Marlboro. Md . WILLIAM CHAPMAN, hus band of Maud Chanman. father of Mar caret Curtis. Mildred Simmons, Juanita. William, ir ; .James and Le Roy Chapman. Also surviving are three sisters, four brothers, other relatives and many friends Notice of funeral later. Arrangements by McGuire. 11 CHRISTIE. DR MILTON HUGHES. On Sunday. January 9 1949. at the home of his son. Di A. C Christie of Unity. Md , DR. MILTON HUGHES CHRISTIE, hus band of the late Harriet J. Christie and father of Dr A C. Christie. Dr. L. M. Christie of Silver Spring. Md., and Mr. C- L Christie of Arlington. Va Dr. Christie rests at the Warner E. Pumphrey Funeral Home. 84.44 Georgia ave . Silver Spring. Md . until 4 p.m Monday. Jan uary in. Services on Wednesday. Jan uary 17. at 1" am., at the Bracken & Keating Funeral Home. Corry, Pa. COLEMAN, NETTIE IRENE. Departed thi.' life on Saturday. January 8. 1919. at Freedmen's Hospital. NETTIE IRENE COLEMAN of 8770 Livingston rd , Chapel Hill. Md. She leaves to moun their loss a loving husband. Mr. James William Coleman one sister, Mrs Lillian Marshall: two brothers. Charles and Willie Henson: two sisters-in-lawu Mrs. Retha Fletcher and Mrs. Kat’^ Walters: one daughter-in law. Mrs. Mamie Coleman; two grandchil dren a host of other relatives and friends. Relatives and friends may call on Tues day. Januarv I 1. after 4 p.m . at the John T. Rhines A: Co. Funeral Home. 4rd and Eye st.v s.w. Funeral Wednesday. January 17. l'.'jo p.m . from Grace Meth odist Church. Chapel Hill. Md . Rev. Hall officiating. Interment church cemetery. 11 CONWAY. FRANCIS A. On Saturday. January 8. 194.9. at his residence. 079 11th st. n.e . FRANCIS A. CONWAY, the beloved husband of Mary C. Conway and father of Mrs. Dorothy A Fowler and Mrs. Mildred C. Miles Prayers at Cham bers Southeast Funeral Home. 517 11th ft s.e. Tuesday. January 11. at 10 a m. Interment Glenwood Cemetery. 10 FUNERAL DIRECTORS. FRANK GEIER'S SON Ca mncRta. home S605 14th St. N.W. HObart 3IS9 NEW ENLARGED PARLORS Formerly at till 7th St E.W _EatablUhed 1881_ V. L. SPEARE CO. Nelthdr aneooaaor to nor eosnoeted with the original W R. 8 pea re eatabllahmant 1009 H St. N.W. ^ J. William Lee’s Sons Co. 4th and Mata Art. M.R. LI B8M FUNERAL DIRECTORS Crematorium FUNERAL DESIGNS. ~ GEO. C. SHAFFER, EXPRESSIVE FLORAL TRIBUTES A1 MODERATE PRICES. PHONE NA 0106 Cor. 14th & Eye and Sunday* | CHACONAS FLOWERS Beaatlfa) FLORAL PIECES, 85.00 and ap DELIVERED 8500 14th St. N.W._Phene DP. 7181 GUDE BROS. CO. Individually deaitned Wreathe and Spraye Charge accoante opened by phene i 1818 r St N.W.—NAtionei dJ7# Sratlja CRAVEN', GEORGE. Departed this life on Friday. January 7. 1949. at Garfield Hospital. GEORGE CRAVEN of 1899 Cali fornia st. n.w.. devoted husband of Mrs. Mary Craven, loving brother of Mr. Charles Craven. Other relatives and a host of friends also mourn his passing. Remains resting at the John T. Rhines & Co. Fu neral Home, 9rd and Eye sts. s.w.. where relatives and friends may call on Mon day. January lo, after 4 p.m. Funeral Tuesday, January 11, at 1 p.m.. from Chantilly Baptist. Church. Chantilly, Va . Rev. Oliver Hall officiating. Interment church cemetery. CROFTON. DR. GEORGE HENRY. Sud denly. on Saturday. January 8, 1949. at his residence, I sort :17th st. n.w,, Dr GEORGE HENRY CROFTON. beloved hus band ol Josephine I. Crolton, iather of Miss Mary Patricia Crofton of Holy Cross Academy, brother of Joseph M. Crofton, the Misses Mary Emma and Gertrude M Crofton, Mrs. John Sullivan. Mrs. Jeffrey O'Brien and Mrs. Arthur O'Connor, all of Fall River. Mass. Prayers at the above residence on Tuesday, January 11, at 9:9(1 a m.; thence to Holy Trinity Church. 9<Sth and O sts. n.w., where the holy sacrifice of the mass will be offered at 10 a m. for the repose of his soul. Interment Arling ton National Cemetery. 10 CROFTON. DR. GEORGE HENRY. t Members of Washington General Assembly, Knights of Columbus, 4th Degree, are notified of the death of Sir Knight DR. GEORGE HENRY CROFTON. and are re quested to assemble at his late residence. 1S0B 97th st. n.w.. on Monday. January JO, 1949, at 8 p.m.. for the recitation of prayers GUY R MOORE. F N. CHAS. M. CONNER. F. C 10 CROFTON,. DR. GEORGE HENRY. Members of Washington Coun cil 774, Knights of Columbus, are notified of the death of Brother DR GEORGE H CROFTON. and are requested to meet Monday evening. Janu ary lo. at 8:15 p.m.. at 1800 i 97th st. n.w., to pray for the repose of j his soul. CHARLES E McCUSKER. G. K EUGENE C BACZENASAM. F. S If); CROFTON. DR GEORGE HENRY Members of the Holy Trinity Holy Name Society, Georgetown, i D. C.. will meet a! the late home of the deceased. ISdB 97th st. n.w. Monday, Janu ary Id, at 7:45 pm., to re . _ cite prayers lor the repose oi | the soul of their late brother member, ] ! DR. GEORGE HENRY CROFTON. I WILLIAM R CROSS. Pres | CARL F. TURVEY. Secy. 10 DENNY, LOUIS E. On Monday. January I 10. 1949. LOUIS E. DENNY, beloved hus-j J band of Margaret Denny, father of s J j 'and Louis E. Denny, jr.. and Mrs. Celeste' Bartemeiers. Private services a( the Lee1 Funeral Home. 4th st. and Mass, ave j n e.. on Tuesday. January 11. at 7:90 p.m ! ! Please omit flowers. Interment private, ill DEUTERMAN. AGNES VIRGINIA On Friday. .January 7. 1040, AGNES VIRGINIA* pEOTteRMAN of 909 North Glebe rd„ Ar-1 , Iingtbh, Va,. beloved wiie of the late ; Charles W, Deuterman and mother of Rob ,ert M„ Herman F.. Milton E. and Charles ,Deuterman. jr.. Mrs. Pearl Hilleary. Mrs.! .Ruth Clayton and Mrs. Virginia Payne, i ; Remains resting at the Ives Funeral Home.; 784, Wilson blvd., Arlington. Va . where! | funeral services will be held Tuesday. Jan-1 iuary 11, at 1:90 p.m. Interment Columbia 1 Gardens Cemetery. 10 .IKH'GfcAS. JOHN EDWARD On Sun day. January it. at his residence, Hl1 * S. lfith st.. Arlington. Va . JOHN EDWARD DOUGLAS, beloved husband of the late Ada Conneliee Douglas. He is I j survived by four daughters. Mrs Alena I ! Estell Davis, Mrs. Minnie Branhan Nichols. Mrs. Mabel Murlean Ridgeway, i Miss Julia Virginia Douglas: fourteen grandchildren and six great-grandchildren Remains jesting at the Ives' Funeral. Home, •:«4T Wilson bUd.. Arlington. Va . until Wednesday, January l at n :>0 am; ther.ce to the Arlington Bapti.'t Church. Kth ano Monroe sts. South Ar lington. where funeral services will be held at in a m. Interment Henderson t^iapel Cemetery. Northumberland County. 1 Virginia. 11 ; ELLISON', LENA. On Monday. January 10. 1949. at New York. LENA ELLISON, beloved mother of Mrs. Burt Rosenberg. Funeral services at the Bernard Danzan sky & Son Funeral Home. 35ol 14th st. n.w,. on Tuesday. January u, at 1:30 p.m. Interment Ohev Sholom Cemetery. EPPS. J-\NIE C. On Sunday. Janttarv 9. 1949. after a lingering illness at her resi dence. 907 .".rd st. s.w . JANIE C EPPS, precious wife of .Tame* F. Epps, lov ing si' ter of John Lee Dent, davoted aunt, of Alma C. Hawkins, entered her eternal home She also leaves to mourn her passing a devoted cousin. Hannah Ros>. and other loving relatives and friends Remains may be seen at her late residence Tuesday. January I I. aHer 4pm Funeral services Wednesday January l w at 1 p m at the Mount Moriah Baptist Church. • .rd and L st*. s.w . Rev .1 H. Randolph officiating Interment Lincoln Memorial Cemetery. Arrangements by Eugene Ford. 1 I EPPS. JANIE. Members of the Lily of Valiev House No. 4994 G. U. OOF are notified of the death of Inm JANIE EPPS Call meeting on Tuesday, January ll. 1949. at 8 pm at Odd Fellows Hall. 9th ar.d T sts. n.w INM VIOLA LEE M N G. INM. LOUELLA JOHNSON. W. R. * FRANKLIN. HATTIE LILLIAN. Op Thursday. Januarv rt. J949. at her resi dence. o s\ s.w . hattie Lillian FRANKLIN, wife of Harry Franklin, mother of Ellen Taylor. Catherine Shad rick. William and Charles Franklin and beloved friend of Thomas Hall. Friends may caH at the W. Ernest Jarvis Funeral Church. 143*1 You st. n.w.. after 1 p.m. Monday. Jan-ary 10. Funeral services Tuesday. January 11. at Z p.m.. at Queens Chapel, Muirkirk. Md.. Rev. Johnson offi ciating Relatives and friends invited. In terment church cemetery. GAEDE. MILTON O. On Sundav. Jan uary 9. 1949. MILTON O. GAEDE. be loved husband of Margaret Gaeae <nee Rabenau*. Funeral from his late resi dence. 44»H 13»h pi. n.e., on Thursday. January 1.",. at JO a.m Relatives and friends invited Interment Loudon Park Cemetery, Baltimore. Md. 1" Gardner, capt. william f.. r. s. A. Tank Corps. Killed in actiou December 31. 1944. in the Battle of the Bulge. CAPT WILLIAM F. GARDNER. U. S. A Tank Corps, bf loved son of Albert D and Grace B Gardner of 8*13 In graham st n.w.. end brother of A. Dudley Gardner anu Mrs. James p. Huss. Funeral services Wednesday. Janu ary 1 *!. 1949. at 11 am In Arlington National Cemetery. Relatives and friends invited. 1 i gray. pec. Edward george (SHAG>. On Tuesday. May 'Z 1. 1940, in Munich. Germany. PFC EDWARD GEORGE GRAY, known as Shat, of 18-J7 9th st. n.w. He was th-1 beloved son of the late Edward George Gray and M^blp D Gray, beloved bro'her of Clarence W. Grav and Mrs. Zenobia Rodney uncle of Sergf Reginald R.. U. S. A : Tallalah R Vanita R and James E Rodney; great-uncle of Barbara. Regi nald. jr. Arnice and Evonne Rodnrv: brother-in-law of James R. Rodney. He also leaves a host of other relatives and many friends. After 11 am. Fridnv Jan uary 14. friends mav call it I8*f7 9th st n.w. F meral services Saturday. Janu ary 13. a’ I pm. at the W. Ernest Jarvi Funeral Church. 14"" U si. n w. Rela tives and friends invited. Inteimenr Lin coln Memorial Cemetery 10.1 U 4 HALL, KATHERINE M. On Sunday. January 9. 1949. at Sibley Hospital,1 KATHERINE M. HALL of *2357 Rhode j Island ave. n.e.. beloved wife of James 1 A. Hall and mother of Jame^ M. Hall, ! sister of Miss Nellie T. Merrick. C. P . W R. and J. B T. Merrick, all of Queen Anne County. Md. Services at the S H. Hines Co. Funeia1 Home. *2901 14th st n.w.. on Tuesday. January 11. at 1*2 noon Interment Fort Lincoln Cemetery. HARRINGTON. MARIE E. On Thurs-! day. January «. 1949. MARIE E HAR RINGTON of 1109 r>7th ave. n.e. beloved, wife of Orlean Harrington and devoted mother of Ezriah Ellerebe. Also surviving are her father. Mando Rcdfern; lwo broth ers. Brazell Bostic and Carey Robinson: a s rpmother. Mary J Red’crn: other relatives and many friends. Prom 4 p.m. Monday. January 10. to 2 p.m. Tuesday January 11. friends are invited to call at the McGuire Funeral Home. 18:20 9th st. n.w. Funeral and interment at Rocking-; ham. N. C., on Wednesday. January 1*2. II HAWKINS. RUSSELL A. On Monday, January in. 1949. at Sibley Memorial Hos pital. RUSSELL A HAWKINS, beloved hus-1 band of Lottie Hawkins. Friends are in vited to call at the Lee Funeral Home. 4?h st and Mass. ave. n.e . until 1*2 noon ; Tuesday. .January II. Services and in terment Wolftown. Va. HAYWARD. JOHN. On Friday. January T. 1949. JOHN HAYWARD of 1*237 Hth st. n.w., husband of Ethel Hayward and father of Geneva. Charles and Henry Hay ward and Geraldine Washington. Notice of funeral later. Arrangements by Mal ; van A: Schey. • HENDERSON. JAMES L., JR. On Sun day. January 9, 1949. at his residence, 4«».-* Richardson st. n.w.. JAMES L. HEN DERSON. JR., son of Mary F and James L. Henderson: husband of Constance C. Henderson and father of Joan Marie and Barbara Jean Henderson Also surviving are three aunts, three uncles and other relatives and many friends. He was mayor and active vouth leader of Junior Police end Citizens’ Corps. From Jo am. to 4 p m. Wednesday. January 1*2. friends are invited to call at the McGuire Funeral Home. 18*20 9th st. n.w. Funeral and interment Newberry. S. C. 11 HILLARD, GEORGE DAVID. Suddenly, on Sunday, January 9, 1949. at Boyds, Md . GEORGE DAVID HILLARD, infant son of George Thomas and Katheryn Breeden Hillard, grandson of Mr. and Mrs Herbert Breeden. Boyds. Md.. and Mr. and Mrs. John L. Burdette. Boyds. Md. Friends may call at Gartner’s Funeral Home, Gaithersburg, until 1 D.m Tuesday. Serv ices at the Presbyterian Church, Boyds, Md.. 2 p.m. Tuesday. January 11. Inter ment Boyds Cemetery HOLLAND, THOMAS. On Sunday. Jan uary 9, 1949. THOMAS HOLLAND of Lan ham, Md.. beloved husband of Louise G. Holland, father of Virginia Louise Holland, brother of Arthur C. Holland. Services ai the S. H. Hines Co Funeral Home, *2901 14th st. n.w.. on Tuesday. January 11. at 3 p.m. Interment Fort Lincoln Cemetery. HUGHES, HATTIE M. On Saturday, January 8, J949, at Gallinger Hospital, HATTIE M HUGHES of 14:21 Edson pi. n.e., beloved mother of Mrs Viola Hunter, Mrs. Ethel Hales, Mrs. Edith Ross. Mrs. Ariminta MeAbee, Charles E. and Ralph H. Hughes: also surviving are eight grand children, two daughters-in-law. four sons in-law, other relatives and many friends. After 10 am.. Tuesday. January 11. friends are invited to call at the Mc Guire Funeral Home. 18*20 9th st. n.w. Funeral Wednesday. January 1*2. from Mount Pisgah Baptist Church. 1818 Gales st. n.e . at 1 p.m. Interment Arlington National Cemetery. XX JESSEE. MILES A special communi-; ^ cation of Washington Centen-i Mk nial Lodge. No. 14. F. A. A. M., is called for 1 p.m. Tuesday., January 11, 1044*. to conduct; TWa the last Masonic rites for our late brother, MILES JESSEE. All members are urged to attend. FLOYD L. GALBRAITH. Master. Attest: LELAND W. WARNER. Sr., Sec. 1 o KING, JOHN S. On Sunday. January 0. 1040. JOHN S KING, beloved husband of the late Rosalie King, father of Elsie Kitig Moreland and brother of Annie K. Harris of Falmouth. Va. Friends arp in vited to call at the W. W. Deal Funeral Home. 4812 Georgia ave. n.w. ' Notice of I time later. KRECHTING. WARREN E. On Sun day. January 0. 1040. WARREN E. | KRETCHTING of B20U ltith st. n.w .. be loved husband of Beulah H Krechting. i father of Mrs. Phillip H. Matchett. Serv ices at the S H. Hines Co Funeral Home. 2001 14th st. n.w., on Wednesday. Jan uary 12. at 1 p.m. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. 11 KULDELL. LOUISE EMMOND. On Sat urday, January 8. 1040. at her residence. i:*«15 Davis st. n.w.. LOUISE EMMOND KULDELL. aged 8t>. beloved mother of Simen L., Emil E . Carl F. and O^car F. Kuldell. all of Washington. D. C ; Gen. R. C. Kuldell of Houston, Tex., and Mrs. Lloyd R. Rogers of Baltimore. Md. Also surviving are nineuen grandchildren and nineteen great-grandchildren. Services at the above residence on Tuesdav, January 1 1. at 2 p.m. Interment Cedar Hill Ceme tery. <Pittsburgh. Pa.: Baltimore. Md . and Hartford County papers please copy.i LEGG. CLARENCE B. On Sunday. Jan uary 0. 1040. CLARENCE B. LEGG ot McLean. Va.. uncle of Mrs. Elsie M. Scott. David and Clark Stockstill. Remains rest ing at the Birch Funeral Home. :tu:i4 M |st. n.w.. where services will be held on Tuesday. January 11, at 2 p.m. Inter ment Lewinsville. Va. Please omit flowers. l.EHR. ELLA B. On Monday, January | In. 1040. at Doctors Hospital. ELLA B. LEHR, beloved mother of Milton A. Lehr. Funeral services will be held at Hines’ Fu neral Home Wednesday, January i*>, at B p.m. Interment Thursday Spring Grove Cemetery, Cincinnati. Ohio. • LEHR. ELLA B. The officers and mem bers of Ruth Chapter No. J, O E. S.. are requested to at tend funeral services lor our late sister. ELLA B. LEHR, at !1 the S. H. Hines & Co. Funeral Home. M901 14th st. n.w.. on Wednesday. January 1*J. 1949, at 1:15 p.nv EDTTH W. MEYER. W. M A. MARGARET KNOTT, Sec. „ LEITH, JOHN R. On Friday. January -• 1949. at Georgetown University Hos pital. JOHN R. LEITH of I\\T5 Potomac 1st. n.w., beloved husband of Mrs. Helen {Leith and stepfather of Mrs. Mane iScrivener. Mrs. Ella Scott. George F. and iKarry F. Brawn. Funeral from the George :W. Wise Co. Funeral Home. \.’9oo M st. n.w.. on Wednesday. January 1 at 9 a m. Relatives and friends invfced. Interment 'Arlington National Cemeterv. JI LOMAX. HERBERT E. On Wednesday. January 5, 1949. HERBERT E. LOMAX ' of 4I st. n.w , beloved husband of , Oertruae Lomax and step-son of Mis , ' Mamie Lomax; he also is survived bv; I other relatives and friends. Remains mav be viewed after p.m . Sunday. Janu-1 ary 9. at Barnes & Mattnews Funeral! Home. 814 4th st. s.w.. where funeral services will be held Tuesday. January II. at l noon. Intetrment Arlington Na | tional Cemetery jo MAYER. WII.LIAM GROVER. On Sat urday. January b, 1949. at his residence. ;’584;» *th st. No.. Arlington. Va.. WILLIAM i i GROVER MAYER, beloved husband of Ethel Mayer tnee Larmond' and father' of Mrs. Jeanne M. Moser of Falls Church, Va., and William F. Mayer of Arlington, iVa . and brother of Mrs. John U. Gardi 1 ner of Berwyn. Md.. and Miss Pauline J. Mayer of Washington. D C. Also surviv ing are five grandchildren. Remains rest-I mg at the B*es Funeral Home. 'JH4 7 Wilson blvd . Arlington. Va.. where funeral serv-■ .ices will be held Tuesday. January 11, at] 1 1 a m Intprment Presbyterian Cemetery, i Alexandria. Va. —10 MOLTON. WILLIAM El tiENE. On Fri day. Januarv 7. 1941*. at the Nava! Hos pital. Bethesda. Md.. WILLIAM EUGFNE , MOLTON. beloved husband of Mary E Molton: brother of Bertha Page. Rowena jDay, Ursaline Shelton. Mildred Thompson ■ and Robert Beit He also leaves other ( relatives and friends. After II a m Tues day. January 11. friends may call at r.\'>9 . | ‘-5th st. n.w. Funeral services Wednesday. January 1*’. at 1 ::t(j pm. at ihe above residence. Relatives and friends invited.' | Interment Arlington National Cemeterv. Arrangements bv W. Ernest Jarvis Co. 1 I NEEDLE. GERTRUDE GARFINKLE. On Sundav. January 9. 1949. GERTRUDE GARFINKLE NEEDLE of 14*M Crittenden' st n.w.. devoted wife of Philip Needle and belovpd daughter of Annie and the late Morris Garfinkle. She also is sur- : vived by eight brothers. Hyman. William. Irving Milton. Herbert. Ralph, Mvron and Leonard Garfinkle Funeral services at the Bernard Danzansky &. Son Funeral Home. .'{501 14th st. n.w . on Tuesday, January 11. at 11 a m Interment Tal mud Tcrah Cemetery. Please omit flow'ers. NEWBERRY. HARRY F. On Wednesday January 5. 1949. HARRY F NEWBERRY of n'.'A'l Ames st ne. beloved husband of Pparl Berkeley Newberry. brother-in-law of Mrs. Frances Butler. Miss Leona Berkeley, Mrs. Julia B. Renyolds and Mrs. Della B Barron. Friends may call at the Ralph i Barber Funeral Home. 4* K st. n e . after p.m. Tuesday January 11. where serv ices will be held Wednesday. January i.\ at 9 am. Interment Arlington National, Cemetery. 10 O’NEILL. JAMES ERNEST On Tues Tia v. January 4. 1949. a? Bay \mtSSi Pines. Fla . JAMES ERNEST iSg£S O'NEILL, beloved lather of Mrs. Harry Butler and Jame* Edward O'Neill. Prayers at Chamber’s Funeral Home 517 llth st s.e.. on Tues day. January 11. at am Interment National Memorial Park Cemetery. Falls Church. Va. JO POWELL. J. ERIS. On Saturday Jan uary x. 1949, at his residence, rt Quint y st.. Chevy Chase. Md.. J ERIS POWELL, beloved husband of Mary C. Powell, father of John E Powell Brother Ralph Powell. O P F De Sales Powell and Jerome Powell: brother oT Austin T. Powell of Brookesville. Md Mrs Lillian P Beech of Chevy Chase, Md : Mrs. W. J. Martin of Denton. Md.: Mrs. L. L. Garrett of Berkeley. Calif. Funeral from the above residence on Monday January 10. at 2 p m. Interment private. 10 QUARLES. ANNIE. On Monday. Jan uary 10. 194 9. at her residence. i:?0“ R st n w ANNIE QUARLES. Surviving are three cousins. Mrs. Laura Graves. Mrs. Louise Blackwell. Mrs Rose Holmes and many friends. Notice of funeral later. Arrangements by McGuire. J 1 RAINEY, M GRAYSON. On Sundav January 9. J949. at Freedmen's Hospital. M. GRAYSON RAINEY, beloved husband of Dorothy Robinson Rainey and brother of Catherine Rainey. Notice of funeral later. Family may be seen at 1921 ll'h st. n w. Arrangements by W. Ernest Jar vis Co RAMER. NANNIE F. On Sunday. Jan uary 9. 1949, at th*» horn** of her son. William A Ramer 4910 Hampden lane. Bethesda. Md.. NANNIE E RAMER. be loved uife of the late William W Ramer. Remains resting at the Bethesda-Chew Chase Funeral Home of William Reuben Pumnhrpv Bethesda. Md. Notice of fu neral later. RICE. LEROY S. On Sunday. January 9. 1949. in Washington. D. C. LEROY S. RICE, husband of the late Catherine Rose Rice. Funeral services af H W. Mears A; Sons. Konf> N. Calvert st.. Baltimore, on Wednesday. January 12. at 2 pm. Inter ment Mount Olivet Cemetery. Baltimore. 1J RYAN, WILLIAM H. On Saturday. Jan uary 1949. at Doctors Hospital. WIL LIAM H. RYAN. beloved father of Eleanor A Reid. Gertrude V. Eastbum and Rosemary Kimes. brother of Katie Shepherd and James Ryan. Prayers at Chambers’ Funeral Home. 517 llth st. s.e.. on Wednesday. January 12. at 9:90 a m. Mass at St. Peter s Catholic Church. 2nd and C sts. s.e., at lu a m. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. 11 SABBS. JOSEPH WILLIAM. On Satur day January x, 194!*. in Freedman’s Hos pital. JOSEPH WILLIAM SABBS oi 17o5 N. J. ave n.w., beloved husband of Juan ita M. Sabbs and devoted father of Fred erick J Sabbs. sr.. and Mamie S. Greene: grandfather of Gwendolyn S. Banks and Frederick Sabbs. .ir. He also is 'survived by four sisters-in-law. four nieces, cousins, a son and daughter-in-law and a host of other relatives and friends. Friends may call at his late residence after 4 pm. Tues. January 11. Funeral serv ices to be held Wednesday. January 12 at 2 p.m.. at Columbia Lodge Mo. X5. .201 R. T ave. n.w. Interment Lincoln Me morial Cemeteiv. Arrangements by Mal van A' Schev. 1 l • SABBS, JOSEPH. Officers and members fof Columbia Lodge No. 85, I. E. P. O. E of W.. are hereby noti fied of the death of our brother, JOSEPH SABBS. 1705 New Jer sey ave. n.w. Funeral Wednes day. January 12. 1040, at 2 P.m., from the Elks' Home. 301 Rhode Island ave. n.w Session of sorrow on Monday. January 1<>, at 8 p.m., at Elks' Home. 301 Rhode Island ave. n.w. JAMES L. WATSON. Sr.. Exalted Ruler. HARRY R. PRATT. Secretary. I 1 SELBY. JULIAN M. Suddenly, on Jan uary 8, 1040. at his residence. 1823 L st. n.e.. JULIAN M SELBY, beloved hus band of Lillian Baumann Selby, father of Mrs. Ethel Selby Miller and Albert Julian Selby, brother of Blanche Mobley and Mrs. Achsah Brown. Services at the S. H. Hines Co. Funeral Home# 2001 14th st. n.w., on Tuesday, January 11. at 1 p.m. Interment Forest Oak Cemetery. Gaithers burg. Md. 10 SHEA, AGNES SIMMS. On Sunday. January 0, 1040. at Gallinger Hospital. AGNES SIMMS SHEA of 14 E st. s.w., devoted wife of the late Edward Shea, beloved mother of Mrs. Marie Casson. Evelyn Shea. Albert and James Simms. She also leaves six brothers. Walter. George. Glenn. Daniel. Samuel and Charles Scott; six grandchilrden. one sis ter-in-law, Mrs. Ethel Gray; other rela ! fives and a host of friends. Remains rest ing at the John T. Rhines Ac Co. Funeral Home, 3rd and Eye sts. s.w. Notice of funeral later. SMITH, ARLINE VIRGINIA. On Tuesday, January 4. 1049. at Gleen Dale Sanitarium ARLINE VIRGINIA SMITH She leaves a mother. Mrs. Elizabeth Anderson, and father. Clarence Smith, jr.; two brothers, two grandmothers, one grandfather, one great-grandmother, three aunts, eight uncles, one great-uncle, four great-aunts, a godmother and other relatives and friends. Funeral Monday. January 10, at 2 p.m. from Janifer's Funeral Home. 1141 22nd st. n.w. Interment Payne's Cemetery, the Rev. William R. Stewart officiating. Remains may be seen after 2 P.m. at Janifer's Funeral Home. 10 CEMETERY LOTS. CEMETERY LOT for sale. Fort Lincoln Call LU. 6292 after 6 p.m. or Sunday. —11 LOT FOR SALE In beautiful Cedar Hiil Cemetery: composed of 3 sites in Masons' and Shrlners' section. Call CH. 79,,3.1 —18 0ratI|H STECKLEIN, JOHN L. On 8unday. January 9. 1949. JOHN L. STECKLEIN. be loved husband of the late Lottie A. Steck lein. father of Frank J.. John L. Albert A. and George A. Stecklein and the late Mrs. Charlotte M. Heironimus. and brother of Mrs. Thomas J. Vessels of Clinton Md.; Mrs. Frank Wilson of Coro nado. Calif., and Joseph I. Stecklein of St. Petersburg. Fla Funeral from the W K. Huntemann Funeral Home. 573*2 Georgia ave.. on Wednesday. January 1*2. at 8:30 a.m. Thence to St. Joseph’s Catholic Church. ‘2nd and C sts. n.e . where the holy tacriflc* of the mass will be offered at 9 a.m. Relatives and friends invited to attend. Interment Rock Creek Cemetery. 3i STEWART, JOSEPHINE. Entered into eternal rest on Sunday. January 10. 1949. at Gallinecr Hospital. JOSEPHINE STEW ART of 0*29 :2nd st. s.w., devoted sister of Mrs. Alice Jones. William and Shirley Hamilton. She also is survived by one niece, Evelyn Brenner; other relatives and a host, of friends. Remains resting at the John T Rhine* & Co. Funeral Home. 3rd and Eye sts. s.w. Notice of funeral later. THOMPSON. SHIRLEY M. On Monday. January in. 1949. SHIRLEY M. THOMP SON of *291 Chinquapin Village. Alex andria. Va.. beloved mother of Mrs. Max Harris of Newark. Ohio; Mrs. Garland Hammerer of Washington. D. C John W. Staples of Kernersville. N. C.. Mrs. C. M. Robinson of Statesville. N. C.. Miss Billea Staples of Washington. D. C.; Miss Edith of Lone Island. N Y.: Gilbert Staples of Snowsville. Va.; Mrs. John Howard of Alexandria, Va., and Willard Staples of Alexandria. Va. Mrs. Thomp son rests at the Chevy Chase Funeral Home. 5101 Wis. ave. n.w. Notice of services later. 11 TROTTER. FRANK H. Suddenly, on Saturday. January 8. 1949. at 51!2 Rhode Island ave. n.e.. FRANK H. TROTTER, beloved son of Mrs. Mary Ellen Trotter and the late Milo H. Trotter, father of Mr.-. Donald F. De> Ermand and Mrs. Girard I. Miller, brother of Charles H , James E Trotter and Mrs. Eleanor Ahern. Funeral from Collins’ Funeral Home, 38:21 14th st n.w , on Wednesday. January 1 '2, at 7:3o a.m. Requiem mass at St. Mar tin's Church at 8 a.m. Interment Ar lington National Cemetery. 11 TURNER. HAROLD E. Suddenly, on Saturday. January 8. 1949. at his late residence. Boyds. Md.. HAROLD F. TURNER, beloved hu-band of Louise C. Turner son of Arthur and Lurnmie Turner. Also surviving are one step daughter, one sister. Beatrice Cooper: four brothers. Edward. Oscar. ,1r.; Robert and Ernest Turner; grandparents. Richard and Alberta Turner: a greatmother. two aunts, four uncles, nieces and nephews and a host oi other relatives and friends. Fu neral Wednesday. January 1*2. at :2, at. st. Mark's Church. Boyds. Md.. Rev. Smallwood, pastor Services by Rev. Sherman Mason. Arrangements by Snow den &, Davis. 1 1 VON BRIESEN, R. Suddenly, on Sun day. January 9. 1949. at his residence, 40-20 10th st. n.e . R. VON BRIESEN, be loved husband of Violet Maude von Brlesen and father oi Dorothy Edaline. Carol Joan and Cynthia Marilyn von Brlesen. Re mains are resting at Dailey’s Funeral Home. *20*25 Rhode Island ave. n.e. No tice of funeral later. WARREN, l. BRISCOE. On Sundav. January 9 19*9. at his residence. 20 P st. n.e., U. BRISCOE WARREN, beloved son of Mrs. Thomas. He also is survived by two brothers, other relatives and friends. Arrangements by the Taft H Williams Funeral Home. 1702 12th st. n.w. Notice of funeral later. 11" WARTHEN. LEE ROLAND. On Sundav January 9, 1949. at McLean. Va . LEE I ROLAND WARTHFN of Melrose dr.. Me- i Lean. Va.; husband of Ferol Sibley ; Warthen and father, of Sibyl Warthen. Remains resting at Pearson's Funeral Home. 4 72 Washington st., Falls Church. Va Notice of funeral later. WASHINGTON. DOUGLAS. On Satur day. January S. 1949. DOUGLAS WASH INGTON of 203 M st. s.w., brother of . Mrs Ida Pratt. Lawrence and Henry 1 Washington. He also is survived by two uncles and many other relatives and friends Friends may call at the Malvan A Schey Funeral Home. New Jersey ave. and R st. n.w,. where services will be held Tuesday, January 11, l p.m. Inter ment Woodlawn Cemetery. • WATERS, WILLIAM HENRY. On Sat urday. January s, 1949. WILLIAM HENRY WATERS of 539 Randolph st. n.w., the beloved son of the late Richard and La yma Waters and brother-in-law of Mrs. Francis Waters. Services at Chamber's Funeral Home. 1400 Chapin st n.w . on Tuesday. January 11. at 1 p.m. Inter ment Burionsville. Md. 10 WENGER. LULA F. On Sundav. Jan uary 9. 1949. ar Siblev Ho.>pital. LULA F. WENGER, beloved wife of the late Fred erick J. Wenger, mother of Alice M.. Louise C.. Charles w. and Frederick J. Wenger and sister of Clifton S. Alder. Funeral from her late residence, 1424 V st. s.e.. on Wednesday. January 12. a’ K:30 . thence to St. Teresa's Catholic Church, where mass will be offered at 9 a m. for the repose of her soul. Relatives and friends invited. Interment St. Barnabas Cemeterv. O*on Hill. Md. 11 i WHEATON. MRS. HELEN. Suddenly, ' Friday. January 7, 1949, at her residence. | * West 21st st.. Chester. Pa. MRS.1 HELEN WHEATON, aged 4* years, be loved wife of the late Arthur Wheaton and mother of Mrs. Robert Wheaton and 1 Mr Gordon Wheaton She also is sur- f viveri by three brothers. Mr. Harvev Ini- 1 lay. Mr Beniamin Imlay and Mr. Thomas1 R Imlay and two sisters. Mrs. Fred J Sieber. sr . and Mis. Roland Robinson of Wr.jhington. Funeral services in Nichols. N. Y., January 10, 1949. WIDENMYER. MARY E. On Monday January in. 1949. at her residence. 42J9 .‘fist st.. Mount Rainier. Md.. MARY E. WIDENMYER beloved wife of the late Wesley Widenmyer and mother of Beatrice E. Hamlen. Dorothea M. Alley and Violet E. De Foe. She also is survived by her sister. Anne Wismer. and two brothers. Harry and John Hoff Services at the above residence on Wednesday. January) 12. at 2 p.m Relatives and friends in vited. Interment Fort Lincoln Cemetery.! i WILLIAMS. HERBERT On Saturday. January 8. 1040. at Freedmen s Hospital. HERBERT WILLIAMS cl f548 Banner st.. Br°ntvood. Md.. beloved husband of Beitha Williams, father of James Wesley, Samuel and Le Roy Williams, brother of Frances Carter, father-in-law of Pauline and Thelma Williams. He also leaves a host of other relatives and friends After 10 am Wednesday. January if, friends may tall at the W Ernest Jarvis Funeral Church. 143f You st. n.w. Funeral serv ice*: Thursday. January 13, at f p m., at th? above funeral church. Rev. Flowers officiating Relatives and friends invited. Interment Harmony Cemetery. Jf WILLIAMS. JOHN H. On Mondav. Jan uary Hi. 1040. JOHN H. WILLIAMS of '04 E st. n.e.. beloved husband of Trene E Williams, lather of Ruby Steinbach and John Henry Williams. Friends may call at the Robert A. Mattingly Funeral Home. 131 11 th st. s.e.. where services will be held on Wednesday. January If. at f p.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. 11 WILSON. CLARICE. Suddenly, on Fri day. January 7. 1040. at Freedmen’s Hos pital. CLARICE WILSON of 4X18 Jay st. n.e,. loving mother of Clarice Anderson and daughter of Margaret and Joseph C. Shumate. She is also survived by three sisters. Bertie Wells. Esther Mixon of Chicago, Josie Salvaturra. and many other relatives and friends. Remains resting at her late residence after 5 p.m. Monday. January in. Funeral Tuesday. January II. at 1 p.m from Sargeant Memorial Presbyterian Church, ftlst and Grant s’s. n.e.. the Rev Maynard L. Catchins offi ciating. Relatives and friends invited. Intermfnt Lin< oln Memorial Cemetery. Ar rangements by Henry S. Washington & Sons. v WHIGHT, LEVI G. On Friday. January 7. 1040. LEVI G. WRIGHT of 1817 Kendall st. n.e. He leaves a wife. Annie Belle Wright: two sons. Al«er, sr., and Levi Wright; two daughters-in-law, Maude R. and Minnie Wright; eight grandchildren. Alree Blackwell. Doris. Helen and Joyce Wright; Alger jr ; Stanley. Kenneth and Donald Wright: one granddaughter-in-law. Mrs Stanley Wright: one grandson-in-law. Gelespie Blackwell, and many other rel atives and friends. On Monday. January 10. after 4 D.m lriends may call at the late residence of the deceased. Funeral Tuesday, January 11. at 1 D.m.. from the Bethcsda Baptist Church. Capitol ave. and Kendall at. n.e.. the Rev. William Williams officiating. Interment Lincoln Memorial Cemetery. Arrangements by Eugene Ford. YOUNG. ELSIE E. On Saturday. Janu ary 8. 1040. at 848 Franklin st. n.e.. ELSIE E. YOUNG, beloved wife of Carroll M Young, mother of Robert Scott Young, sister of Thomas Jones. Friends may call at the above residence until 0:30 am. Tuesday, January 11. Mass will be offered at St Aloysius Catholic Church. North Capitol and Eve sts.. at 10 a.m. Inter ment Cedar Hill Cemetery. 10 In fUrmoriam BRADIC. EDWARD. SR. A tribute of love and devotion to the memory of a faithful husband, father and grandfather. EDWARD BRADIC. SR., who died six years ago today. January 10, 1043. There are times when the world grows dark and cold. When sorrows make our life-path bleak. When we look in.vain for the smile of old And miss the voice that has ceased to speak. Oh. then let us turn our thoughts toward Him. Whose name is solace, peace and rest. Let us say when the care-cup is filled to the brim: Tis ha’-d to drain it, but God knows best. Loved in life, remembered in death. DEVOTED WIFE. MAGGIE BRADIC, AND FAMILY. BROADUS, ELLA 8. In memory of our devoted wife, mother and grandmother, ELLA S. BROADUS. who departed this life three years ago today, January 10, 11040. As sure as the night comes the morning. When the sun will shine once more, As sure as parting, a meeting On some glad distant shore. ! No one hears the door that opens. When they pass beyond our call, Soft as loosened leaves of roses One by one our loved ones fall. > HER LONELY HUSBAND, BEVERLY B. BROADUS: CHILDREN. GRANDCHIL DREN AND GREAT - GRANDCHIL DREN. • BROADUS. ELLA S. In loving memory of my devoted friend. ELLA S BROADUS. who departed this life three years ago today. January 10. 1940. Leaf bv leaf the roses fall. Drop by drop the streams run dry, One by one our loved ones pass on To make the rainbow in the sky. DEVOTED FRIENDS. ELLA AND EMMA CRUMP. • BROWN. DAVID HAY. In memory of mv dear husband. DAVID HAY BROWN, who left me two years ago today. January 10. 1947. De^p in my heart is a Picture Of my loved one gone to rest, in memory’s frame I shall keep it, For you were one of the best DEVOTED WIFE ZENOBIA. • Final Edition Rolls for Bill Sabbs, On 15th and G Corner 62 Years Man Who Sold Papers To' Presidents Dies After Short Illness Old Bill Sabbs, 76, has sold his last newspaper. Sixty-two years ago the colored man started a newsstand at the cor ner of Fifteenth and G streets N.W. He scarcely missed a day until he was taken to Freedmen’s Hospital seven weeks ago. He died there Saturday. Joseph William Sabbs was a native of Washington. He started selling The Star, The Post and two papers no longer in existence. The Chronicle and The Critic, when he was 15. At that time Fifteenth and G has the old Riggs House and a few shops and that was all. Once he took a job in a bank, but after a few days he went back to his corner. "I missed the fresh air,” he said. He used to come down to The Star Building for papers and carry them on his back up to the corner. Later he used a pushcart. That was be fore the days of route agents. If a man wanted a paper he went to see the newsboy. That's what President McKinley used to do, sometimes, and President Theodore Roosevelt, too. Old Bill took care of them. As the years passed Mr. Sabbs built up a following in the neigh borhood which changed into a rich and powerful financial center. All the big businessmen bought papers from him regularly. He had organi zations on his list, too, having supplied the National Press Club since it was founded. On September 25, 1941. Mr. Sabbs gave each customer a printed card. “Old Bill Sabbs celebrated his 71st birthday today,” it read. He just wanted all his friends, the route men. the stock brokers, bankers, lawyers, old Washingtonians, to help him celebrate. JOSEPH W. SABBS, At his stand in 1941. Mr. Sabbs, who lived at 1705 New Jersey avenue N.W., is sur vived by his widow, Mrs. Juanita Robinson Sabbs; a son, who as a boy helped him with his papers, Frederick J. Sabbs, and a daughter, Mrs. Mamie S. Green, both of the home address. Two grandchildren also survive, Frederick J. Sabbs, jr., 1738 Eighth street N.E., and Mrs. Gwendolyn S. Banks, 920 Forty sixth street N.E. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Wednesday at Columbia Elks Lodge, No. 85, 301 Rhode Island avenue N.W. Burial will be in Lin coln Memorial Cemetery. In iHrmnriam CARROLL, ALICE J. In memory of my devoted mother. ALICE J. CARROLL, who departed this life twenty years ago today, January 10, J9:J9. He giveth His beloved sleep. HER DAUGHTER, J08EPHINE CARROLL SMITH. CLUTE. EMMA L. In loving memory of our dear mother. EMMA L CLUTE. who passed away three years ago today, January 1U, 1946. We stood beside her bedside. And watched her soul depart. Ard when we saw that she had left us It almost broke our hearts. Although her soul is now at rest, And free from care and pain. This world would seem like heaven Ii we had her back again. We often sit and think of her When we are all alone. For memory is the only friend That grief can call its own. We can never forget you. dear mother. While in this world we stay; God only knows our feelings Since you have passed away. Sleep on. our darling mother. Oh. how sweet to breathe thy name; In life we loved yo; dearly. In death we do the same FLORA ERNEST. CORA AND GARRET. • FREEMAN. LESLIE L. A tribute of love and devotion to the memory of our dear husband and father. LESLIE L FREEMAN, who passed away so suddenly two vears ago today. January 1»», 1947. WTiat a beautiful memory he left behind. HTS DEVOTED WIFE VIRGIE AND CHIL DREN. NORMAN AND HELEN. • GOLDEN. JOHN E. AND MARY V. A sacred tribute to the memory of my dear parents, father. JOHN E. GOLDEN, who entered into eternal rest seventeen years ago today, January in. 199:2: and mother. MARY V. GOLDEN, who Joined him thir teen years later, November 1 :j. 1945. Always In mv memory. YOUR LONELY DAUGHTER. • GORDON, MARY E. In losing memory of our mother and grandmother. MARY, X. GORDON, who left us three years ago j today, January 10, 1946. She left beautiful memories of a Chris tian life well lived. THERESA. JUNE. HARVESTER. • GROSS. MARY E. A tribute of love and devotion to the memory of our dear mother MARY E GROSS, who passed awav five years «go today, January 10. 1944. Gone, but not forgotten. THE FAMILY. JOHNSON. MRS. MARY J. How sweet the memory of my dear mother, MARY J. JOHNSON who passed into the great be vond twelve years ago today, December 10. 1997. Seme dav I will see you. mother dear. ! And tell you o’er and o’er How I’ve missed you since you left me When we meet to part no more. YOUR EVER DEVOTED DAUGHTER. ELLA TH0MP8ON. * LEWIS. VIRGINIA. A tribute of love and devotion to the mrmorv of our dear mother and grandmother. VIRGINIA LEWIS, who passed away ten years ago today. January 10, 19119. You don't know the sorrow to be left alone Till God sends a message to your home Tis sad when he calls for one or the other. But the saddest of sll when he calls for mother. HER LOVING DAUGHTER. GENEVIEVE L RATTLEY, AND GRANDSON. RAY MOND C. LEWIS • MOONEY, S/SERGT. MARION M. fBOB >. In memory of our dear son and brother. S SERGT. MARION M. <BOB) MOONEY, who sacrificed his life in the service of his country four years ago to day. January 10. 1946. We do not need a special day To bring you to our minds. Th* days we do not think of you Are very hard to find. Since you went first and we remained To walk this road alone. We ll live in memory's Bardens Of happy days we've known. We want to know each step you took. That we may do the same. For some day down that golden street You will hear us call your name. LOVING MOTHER. DAD. BROTHER DAVID. SISTER NELLIE. MOONEY, S/SERGT. MARION M. 1 ‘BOB). In memory of S/SERGT. MARION, M <BOB> MOONEY, deceased four years ago today, January 10, 1946. They say time heals all sorrow And helps us to forget. But time so far has onlv proved How much we miss him yet. God gave us strength to fight it, And courage to bear the blow. But what it meant to loose him No one will ever know. HIS DEVOTED WIFE AND CHILDREN SHORTER. PRISCILLA AND EDWARD. A tribute of love and devotion to the mem- | ory of our dear parents, whom God called to theii reward. m#her, MRS. PRISCILLA 1 SHORTER. January 10, 1901; father. ED WARD SHORTER. January 16. 1923. i To a far-distant land they were taken! away. Past the shadows of night to a glorious day; And this is our comfort, though grief's hard to bear: That far country is 'home' and they await us there. DEVOTED CHILDREN. MARY E. AND CHARLES B. SHORTER WHITLEY. ELI. In loving memory of j my dear husband. ELI WHITLEY, who passed away five years ago today. Jan uary JO. 1944. At the end of the road there hangs A gate to a garden fair. A place of rest and happiness With sunshine everywhere HIS DEVOTED WIFE. MRS. ELI WHIT LEY. WINSLOW. EDWARD. In loving mem ory of our dear husband and father. ED WARD WINSLOW, who departed this life ten years ago today, January 10, 1939. Sweet to remember him who once was here, And who. though absent, is just as dear. And while he lies in peaceful sleep His memory we shall forever keep. LOVING WIFE AND DAUGHTER. BLANCHE D WINSLOW. GWENDOLYN W. HAYWOOD Mrs. Anna Arthur Dies; Active in Social Work Mrs. Anna Agnes Arthur, 82, Washington resident for 39 years, who was active in social work, died yesterday at her home, 5815 Thir teenth street N.W., after a long illness. Bom and education in Indianap olis, Mrs. Arthur came here in 1910 after the death of her husband, Wil liam Arthur. Mrs. Arthur was one of the last remaining members of a volunteer sewing group that worked for the old Friendship House at 324 Vir ginia avenue S.E. For a short time she also did volunteer work for the house when it moved to 619 D street S.E. Mrs. Arthur also was active in the Women's Christian Temper ance Union and Trinity Methodist] (Jhurch. Surviving Mrs. Arthur are a son, Charles O. Arthur, and a grandson, Paul D. Arthur, both of 4103 Twelfth street N.E. A brother, Thomas P. Shean of Chicago, also survives. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. tomorrow in the Lee funeral home. Fourth street and Massachu setts avenue N.E., with the Rev. Dr. Daniel W. Justice, former pastor of Trinity Church, officiating. Burial will be in George Washington Me morial Cemetery. Chinese Culture Group Planned in Singapore iy th« Associated Press SINGAPORE.—An effort will be made to foster an appreciation of Chinese culture in Singapore—a British Crown colony, but one of the largest Chinese centers overseas. A movement to establish a purely cultural organization to be called "The China Society" is under way. The society will be open to all races. Objects of the new society are to encourage study of the Chinese lan guage, literature, history and folk lore, art, science, industry, eco nomics and customs. It also aims to promote good will among the various racial groups represented in its membership. MONUMENTS *40 "P MARKERS US»p FALVEY .GRANITE CODIC U E«*.M»WMW ■ 209 UPSHUR ST.NW The finest . . costs no more ... JOSEPH Es,n blishr,t\JFA&riMER8 Tflephont 1850 FUNERAL DIRECTORS NA‘ 5512 17 JO PENN. AVE. N.W. Just West of the White House • * A write at one hundred and fifty dollars hus aluuyt been a part of our polity. Cremations • Lady Attendants Mrs. Katherine Hall, Long a Clubwoman Here, Dies at 69 Funeral services will be held at noon tomorrow' for Mrs. Katherine Merrick Hall, 69, active clubwoman here for many years, who died at Sibley Hospital Saturday night. The services will be in the Hines funeral home, 2901 Fourteenth street N.W. Burial will be in Fort Lincoln Cemetery. Mrs. Hall was the wife of James A. Hall, a former Bureau of Inter nal Revenue auditor who retired in 1945 after nearly 40 years Govern ment service. They lived at 2357 Rhode Island avenue N.E. Headed Langdon PTA. Bom in Ingleside, Queen Anne County, Md.. Mrs. Hall was gradu ated from Western Maryland Uni versity in 1901. She came here after her marriage in 1915. She attended Calvary Baptist Church, taught the primary depart ment of the Sunday school there for 15 years and was a member of the Burrall Bible Class. A past president of the Langdon Elementary School Parent-Teacher Association, Mrs. Hall also was a member of the PTA's Singing Mothers’ group. She was a former president of the Wocdridge Book Club, a member of the Federation of Women's Clubs here and of Bethany Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star. Son Killed in Pacific. One of Mrs. Hall's sons, Ensign Thomas A. Hall, U. S. N. R„ a Navy fighter pilot, was killed in the Pa cific during the war. Besides her husband. Mrs. Hall is survived by a son. James M. Hall of the Rhode Island avenue ad dress: a sister, Miss Nellie Merrick of Ingleside and three brothers, C. P. Merrick, Ingleside. W. R. Mer-! rick, Barclay, Md., and J. B. T. Merrick, Church Hill. Md. Editor's Wife Dies CHARLESTON, S. C.. Jan. 10 —Mrs. Gladys Withers Emerson, 63. Rife of Fay O. Emerson, editor of the Charleston Evening Post, died today after a short illness. Mrs. Louise Kuldell Dies; Widow of Retired Pastor Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. tomorrow for Mrs. Louise Emmord Kuldell, 86, widow of the Rev. Dr. A. R. Kuldell, a Lutheran pastor at Pitts | burgh, Pa., and Aberdeen, Md„ and a Bible teacher here after his retire ment. She died Saturday at her home. 3 61 5 Davis street N.VV. Services will be at her home and will be con ducted by the Rev. Dr. Oscar Bla c k w e 1 d e r, pastor of Re Mrs. Kuldfll. formation Lutheran Church here, of which she was a member. Burial will be in Cedar Hill Cemetery. Mrs. Kuldell was a native of Magnolia. Harford County, Md. She came here from Aberdeen 26 years ago. Dr. Kuldell, whom she mar ried 67 years ago, died in 1938. Surviving Mrs. Kuldelr are five sons, Simen L. Kuldell, 2215 Wis consin avenue N.W.: Brig. Gen. R. C. Kuldell, Houston, Tex., and Emil E„ Carl F. and Oscar F. Kuldell, all of the Davis street address. She also is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Elsie Rogers of Baltimore. 19 grand children and 19 great-grandchildren. Dan Holland Heads Unit For Heart Fund Drive Dan Holland, president of Auto matic Fountains. Inc., has been ap pointed chairman of the Washing ton Heart Association’s Business Men's Committee for the 1949 fund drive, it was announced today. William D. Murdock, television and sales manager of radio station WOIC. was appointed vice chair man. Tire committee is organizing busi nessmen to help participate in a 575,000 drive. The drive, sponsored by the American Heart Association, will begin February 7 and last two weeks. Night Phone Service for your convenience until 11 P.M. Flowers soy it better . . . Convey your heartfelt senti ments with flowers, their mes sage will surely be understood. Our Sprays are always made with the choicest flowers to be found anywhere. Funeral Sprays, $5.00 ard ^ 1407 H St. N.W. Until 9 p.m. phone Dlst. 1300 9 p.m.-11 p.m. phone OL. 2325 orOL. 1931 Estate and Bankruptcy Sale of FURNITURE MODERN WALNUT. MAHOGANY AND OAK DESKS CHAIRS—TABLES—LEATHER SOFAS—TYPEWRITERS ADDING MACHINES—SAFES—FANS—RUGS—FILES REVERE "8MM 500-WATT" PROJECTOR FILMO "8MM F25" EDITOR AND VIEWER NEW WHITE-ENAMELED KITCHEN CABINETS GE IRONER—ANTIQUE SUIT OF ARMOR—RADIOS CHEVROLET "1947" PICKUP TRUCK High grade twin satinwood bedroom group, upholstered chairs, sofas and bed-davenports, electric refrigerators, blonde ma hogany, walnut and birdseve bedroom groups, gas ranges, ma hogany drop leaf tables and chairs, new mirrors and lamps, cir culating oil heater, dining and living room groups, chests of drawers, dressers, twin and double beds, cod and box sprnigs, innerspring and felt mattresses, plate glass display cases, bent wood and restaurant tables, elr. Chevrolet “47” Truck Office Furniture and Machines Bv Order Trustee I" i.M By Order Estate ? PM B>/ order Frank F Long. Evecvtor estate .James L Brown Samuel M. Greenbaum and Mary, r. Steinew. Trustees in Bankruptcy: War Ac tivity Organization and other Consignors. BY AUCTION AT WESCHLER’S—905 E ST. N.W. TOMORROW Commencing 9.30 A.M., Continuing Until Late-Afternoon NOW Modern Oil Heat In a Few Hours! Yes, that is ail the time it takes for Griffith-Consumers to complete instal lation of a York-Heat Oil Burner in your home. In fact, the job will be done before your house has time to cool off. And when you sit down to dinner, you will know the joys and comfort of auto matic oil heat. , Also, you can count on Griffith Consumers for a dependable source of fuel oil, and reliable service through the years. Ask for a Free Estimate And Convenient Terms (riffith(onsumers 1413 New York Avenue, N. W.' MEtropolitan 4840