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CCarb nf tEkattka S^3rov. LEE. Mrs L?e Toy and family Sifratefully acknowledge receipt of all flow Slte, letters and cards of sympathy in their SSJpent bereavement. 16 it SralltB ;2?54bBOTT. KATHRYN K. On Monday. February 14. 1P4S. KATHRYN K. ABBOTT beloved wife of William Glen Abbott and mother of Mrs. Kathryn F Waesche and sister of Mrs. Charles Kalbfus Friends mav call at Funeral Home. 4th st. and Massachusetts ave. n.e. Notice of funeral 'later. 15 BACON. MARY E. On Monday. Feb ruary 14. 1949. Mrs. MARY E. BACON of 18*21 4th st. n.w . wife of the late Nathaniel A. Bacon, sr. She is survived by two daughters. Mrs Alcinda B. Lyles and Mrs. Antoinette B. Taylor; two sons. I. Walker J. Bacon of New York and . Nathaniel A. Bacon, jr.; seven grand Udren. two great-grandchildren and tier relatives and friends. Remains King with L. E. Murray & Son. J937 th st. n.w. Funeral notice later. • BACON. MARY. Bethel Household of ith. No 1710. G U. A. of O. F. is reby notified to attend a called meeting esday. February 15. 1949. at 8:30 p.m.. the Odd Fellows' Hall. 9th and T sts. r., to arrange tor the funeral of In ite MARY BACON. Household services 11 be held Wednesday. February 16. at 8 n . at 63 Quincy pi. n.w. Funeral on lursday. February IT. at 1 o'clock, from » Galbraith A. M. E Zion Church. 6th it. between L and M sts. n.w. SISTER EDNA WALLACE. M. N. G. MARIAN C. HODGE. W. R. BALDER SON. FLORENCE B. On Mon day. February 14 1949. at her residence. 6316 Kingston rd.. Capitol Heights. Md . FLORENCE B BALDERSON. beloved moth mr of William E. and Herman W. Haider 'S© n Friends may call at the Lee Funeral Borne. 4th st and Mass ave. n.e . where Mrvices will be held on Thursday. Feb ruary 17. at 11 a m. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. 16 BEALL. W1LBCR DEWEY. Suddenly, on Sunday. February 13. 1949 at St. Augustin?. Fla . WILLIAM DEWEY BEALL, aged 50 years, husband of Ethel Mae Beall. He also is survived by one son. Wade Beall of Damascus. Md one brother. Ar thur Beall of Purdum. Md four sister*. Mrs. Leslie Wright of Damascus. Md.; Mrs. Willett King and Mrs Guy Hurley, both of Purdum. Md and Mrs Ray Moxley of Clagettsville. Md. Funeral services Wed nesday. February 1H at ‘2 p.m . at the Montgomery Methodist Church. Interment church cemetery. BEECHLER. MARY EILES. On Tues day Februaiy 15. 1949. at her residence. *805 Ga. ave. n.w,. MARY EILES BEECH LER. beloved mother of Mrs. Francis J. Clark and grandmother of John W. Clark Remains resting at the Collins Funeral Home 3R-21 14th st. nw. until 7 p.m Tuesday. February 15. Funeral from the Zurbick FMneral Home. Lancaster. N. Y.. on Friday. February 18. BILON, MARTIN. On Sunday. Febru ary 13. 1949. MARTIN BILON of *-’013 Perry st. n.e , beloved husband of Mary E Bilon <nee Achstetter*. lather of Mrs. Charles Hungerford and Mrs. A. J. Zugel and grandfather of Clyde M. HungerforaJ Friends may call at Wm. J. Nalley's Fu-.j rrral Home. 3*1 (>0 Rhode Island ave. at Eastern ave. n.e. Funeral on Wednesday. : February 16. at 9 30 am: thence to St.; Francis de Sales Church where mass will be offered at 10 a m. for the repose of I his soul Relatives and friends invited. Interment Fort Lincoln Cemetery. lo BLACK. GELSTON R. On Sunday. February 13. 1949. at Providence Hospital. GELSTON R BLACK, beloved father of Bruce C. and Charles N. Black. Washing ton. D C.. and Arthur W. Black. Hyatts ville. Md., and grandfather of Lucille I. Hartman and Harry G. Black, both of Silver Spring. He also is survived by five grandchildren. Friends may call at Hysong's Funeral home. 13oo N st. n.w..; where services will be held on Wednesday. February 16 at C p m. Interment Glen wood Cemetery. lo BOONE. MARTHA. On Monday. Febru-! try 14 1949. MARTHA BOONE of £03; Delaware ave. s w devoted sister of Mrs. Lillie Jackson and Mrs. Addie Henderson, aunt of Mrs. Alice Ferguson and William Jackson, foster sister of James Kager. She also is survived by other relatives and friends Remains resting ar Barnes A: Matthews Funeral Home. 614 4th st. s w. Notice of funeral later. BRANTHAVER. HOWARD L. On Mon day. February 14 1949. at his residence. 503 B st. n.e , HOWARD L. BRANTHAVER. beloved husband of the late Mary F. Brant haver. father of Vera Branthaver. Friends rr.av rail at the Lee Funeral Home. 4th st. , and Mass. ave. n.e where services will be held Wednesday. February 16, at 3:30 p_m. Interment private. 15 BROWN. KATHLEEN M. On Tuesday.! February 15. 1949. at Homeopathic Hos pital. KATHLEEN M BROWN, beloved wife of Claude W. Brown, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Ma;ze and sister of. Mrs. Ernestine Kearns. Mrs. Lucille Otis. Mrs. Florence Ward. James E. and Joseph W. Maize Friends may call at the Lee Funeral Home. 4th st and Mass. ave. n.e. Notice of services later. BRYANT, SYLVESTER. On Sunday Feb ruary 13. 1949. at Galhneer Hospital. SYLVESTER BRYANT of * ~6 16th si re., husband of Lettie Bryant, son of, Carrie Bryant, father of Albert. Melvin, f Sylvester, jr., and Samuel Byrant: brother of Ethel Smith: He also leaves other rel atives and friends. The late Mr. Bryant may be viewed at the above residence from 4 p m. Tuesday until 4 pm. Wednesday.. Funeral and interment Orangeburg. S C. Services by Stewart s. 16 CARROLL. HENSON. On Monday. Feb ruary 14. 1949. at Gallinger Hospital. HENSON CARROLL aon of the late Henry and Jane Carroll, husband of Ida Carroll, j Also surviving are two cousins. Agnea Rossj and Ernest Marshall. Remains resting at] the Johnson & Jenkins Funeral Home,, a)53 Georgia ave. n Notice of funeral) later. CASSIDT VIRGINIA CUNNINGHAM. Departed this life. Friday. February 11.; 1949 at Gallinger Hospital at 4 p m . VIRGINIA CUNNINGHAM CASSIDY. She leaves to mourn their loss a devoted hus band. Jessie Cassidy, mother. Lillie Wal ters. three children. Juanita Collins. Doug las and William Cunningham, two brothers John and George Walters, four aunts, four; uncle?, two grandchildren and other rela tives and friends. After 4 30 p.m Tues day February 15. friends are invited to call a' the Taft H Williams Funeral Home, 17o,? l-Vh st. nw. where funeral sir vices tn'i'be held on Wednesday. February 1H. at 1 p m Interment in Payne's Cemetery The familv in mourning at the home of Mrs. Annie Long. 2238 11 th st. n.w. • CHEATHAM. FELIX G. On Sunday February 13. 194'.* at n;s residence 2,24 1 Lth St. nw. Apt No. 23. FELIX G CHEATHAM beloved husband of Georgia E Cheatham and uncle of Bruce Dawson rf Indianapolis, Ind After 12 noon Wed nesday friends are invited to call at the McGuire Funeral Home. 182** 9th st. n.w., wbert services will be held Thursday. Feb ruary 1'. at. 1 pm. Interment Lincoln Manorial Cemetery. CHEATHAM. FELIX G. Columbia Lodge. NO 85. I. B P O E. of W . is hereby notified of the funeral of Brother FELIX G CHEATHAM, from the McGuire Funeral Home. 1820 9th st. n.w. on Thursday. February IT. 11*49 at 1:30 pm Elks' services Wednesday. Febru arv'T* at 8 pm. at ‘he above funeral home Session of sorrow Wednesday. Feb ruary 16 at* 7:30 pm. at the Elks Home, 301 Rhode Island ave. n.w JAMES L WATSON Sr., Exalted Ruler HARRY R. PRATT. Secretary. 16 CHERRINGTON. DOROTHY FOX. On 8unday February 13. 1949, DOROTHY FOX CHERRINGTON. wife of the iaU MaJ. William P. Cherrington. u. 8 A. I»7 mother of James P. Cherrington and jrt U Henry w. Cherrington. Services will be held at St. Thomas Church. l*th and Church sts. nw. on Wednesday. Feb ruary 16. at 2:30 p m Interment Ar lington National Cemetery. ’n ~ FUNERAL DIRECTORS. V7L.SPEARE CO. Neither successor to nor connected with the original w. R Speare establishment. 1009 H Sr. N.W. National * 1991 j. William Lee’s Sons Co. 4th *nd Mas? Ava. N E. LI. 5100 FUNERAL DIRECTORS Crematorium FRAN K G EIE R'S SO N CO. FUNERAL HOME 3605 I lth ST. N.W. HObart 2326 NEW ENLARGED PARLORS Formerly at 1113 Lth St. NW. Established 1861 FUNERAL DESIGNS. _ GEO. C. SHAFFER, Ine. EXPRESSIVE FLORAL TRIBUTES AT MODERATE PRICES. PHONE NA. OlOfi Cor. 14th & Eye and Sunday 'CHACON ASFLOWERS Beautiful FLORAL PIECES. 85.00 and up DELIVERED 8500 14th ST. N W._Phone Df. 1121 GUDE BROS. CO. Individually deiirned Wreaths and Sprays Charfe accounts opened by phone 1212 F St. X.W.—NAtional 4276 Blackistone. Inc. Z”™ BEAUTIFUL FLORAL TRIBUTES, $5 up Phene and Charge It 'C_&_C_FLOWER STORES FLORAL SPRAY. *3.05 L’P DELIVERED Charfe Accounts Incited Two Convenient Locations 80S 14 th St. N.W. ME. 7133 923 F St. N\W._ ME. .401 CONNIE’S ,nr£“ House of Flowers Funeral Sprays-$2.95 18 .lads in 82.95 pes. Casket cover pcs. 6 ft. long, $12.95 Open 9 AM. to 10 PM. Doily Eratlja COLLINS. MART. Departed this life on Monday February 14. 1949. MARY COL LINS of 311 L st. s.e.. cousin of Mrs. Marian Williams. She also is survived by one niece. Mrs. Helen Tolson: four other cousins, Mrs. Bernice Jefferson. Mrs. Myrtle Dixon, Benjamin and Nathanial Williams; other relatives and a host of friends. Remains resting at the John T. Rhines & Co. Funeral Home. 3rd and Eye Sts. s.w., where relatives and friends may call on Thursday, February IT. after 4 pm. Funeral Friday, February IS. at 1:30 p m . from Rehoboth Baptist Church, 1st st between N and O sts. s.w., Rev. A H. Johnson officiating. Interment Woodlawn Cemetery. IT COOKE. ANNIE E. Suddenly, on Sun day. February 13. 1949. at Casualty Hos pital. ANNIE E COOKE (nee Hattoni the ! beloved wife of the late Norman A. Cooke | and mother of Mrs. Rose H. Catlin. Louis A Cooke. Mrs. Edna Crespel and Mrs Goldie Rose Funeral services at the Timothy Hanlon Funeral Home. 641 H st. n.e . on Wednesday. February 16. at 2:30 p.m Relatives and friends invited. In terment Cedar Hill Cemetery. CONN, ALBERTUS BENERDINE. On Sunday. February 13. 1949. at his resi ' dence. Columbus, Ohio. ALBERTUS BEN ERDINE CONN, beloved son of Ada and | the late Harry Conn, husband of Roberta (Conn and father of Yvonne Conn. He also is survived by two aunts. Mrs. Marion Freeman Andrews and Mrs. B Brown; | three nephews. Clyde, Thomas and Harold Freeman, and many other relatives and friends. After 4 p.m Thursday friends are invited to call at the McGuire Funeral i Home. 1820 9th st. n.w. Interment Har [mony Cemetery. IT CURTIN. REGINA VIRGINIA. On Sun day. February 13. 1949. at the home of her son, Mr. Howard Curtin. T. B . Md , REGINA VIRGINIA CURTIN, beloved wife of the late William L Curtain and mother i of Mrs. Elizabeth Whittington. Mr. Robert Curtin Mrs. Ida Brady. Mrs. Evelyn i Clark. Mr. Howard Curtin and Mrs Nettie i Assmusen Friends are invited to call | at Ritche Bros.' Funeral Home. Upper Marlboro Md Requiem mass in Holy Rosary Catholic Church, Rosaryville. Md.. i on Wednesday. February 16, at 9 a m. Interment church cemetery. 15 DUNLAP. REBECCA FOWLER. On Monday. February 14. 1949. REBECCA FOWLER DUNLAP of 935 P st. n.w. She is survived by three brothers Walter. Henry and John Fowler; four sisters. Christine Calhoun. Ella Phillips Mar | caret Makle and Florence Johnson, and 'other relatives and friends. Remains (resting with L. E Murray .V Son. 1.331 10th st. n.w.. where friends may cal! to ' see the late Mrs. Dunlap after 4 p.m. Thursday. February IT Funeral on Fri day. February 18. at 11 am., from the' [Tenth Street Baptist Church. Rev. J. L. Henry officiating. Interment Paynes! (Cemetery. IT* | EHRMAN. JULIUS ALBERT. On Mon ; day. February 14, 1949. at his residence. 11215 O st. n.w.. JULIUS ALBERT EHR MAN. beloved son of Minnie M. Ehrman and brother of Laurice Ehrman. Prayers at Chambers' Funeral Home. 1400 Chapin st. n.w.. on Thursday. February 17, at 8:30 a m. Mass will be offered at the Immaculate Conception Catholic Church. 8th and N sts. n.w . at 9 a m. Mount Olivet Cemetery. 16 r tnuuSON. DOROTHY LEOLA. On Sunday. February 13. 1949. at Emergency Hospital, Washington, D. C . DOROTHY LEOLA FERGUSON of 6603 Brook ville rd.. Chevy Chase. Md.. formerly of Ar lington, Va.. beloved wife of the late George W. Ferguson, mother of Thomas Maurice and George Warren Ferguson. Mrs. Ruth Hufnagle and Mrs. Mary Louise Norman. Remains resting at the Ives’ Funeral Home. 2847 Wilson blvd . Ar lington. Va., until Wednesday. February 16. at 1:30 p.m : thence to the Trinity Episcopal Chapel. Columbia pike and South Wayne at.. Arlington. Va.. where funeral i services will be held at 2 p m. Inter ment Columbia Garden Cemetery. lf> FERGUSON, HENRY. Departed this life Thursday. February in. 1949. HENRY FERGUSON, husband of Lucille Ferguson, brother of Alfred, Alex and Galbert. Also surviving are one sister. Luvinia: one aunt.i Mary Ferguson, and a host of other rela tives and friends. Remains resting at the1 W. Ernest Jarvis Funeral Church. 1432; You st. n w where they may be seen after, 6 p m. today. Funeral Wednesday. Feb ruary 16. at 2 p m. Interment Payne s Cemetery. • FICHETTE, AMADEO. On Monday. February 14. 1949. at Arlington Hospital. AMADEO FICHETTE of 2706 South 8th st., Arlington. Va . beloved husoand of .t Constance Fichette and father of B. John , Fichette and Mrs. Theresa Hostetler He also is survived by three grandchildren Funeral from tne W. E. Fitzgerald Funeral Home. Arlington. Va.. on Wednesday. Feb ruary 16. at 9:30 am. followed by requiem mass at St. Thomas More Church at 10 a.m. Interment Columbia Gardens Ceme- 1 tery. FLEISCHMAN. WILLIAM W\ On Mon day. February 14. 1949, WILLIAM W. FLEISCHMAN. beloved husband of Agnes I. Fleischman and father of Harrie W. Fleischman. Mrs John M Culllns and Mrs Culver De Shazo Fimeral from his late residence. 1413 West Virginia ave. n e . on Thursday. February 17. at 2 pm. Rela tives and friends invited to attend. Inter ment Fort Lincoln Cemetery. 16 ! FULLER. SYLVIA. Entered Into sterna! jgMt. pry Sunday. February 13. 1949. 3YL VIA FULLER of 519 North Pitt st. Alexan dria. Va . beloved daughter of Mr. -and Mrs. William Fuller, davoted sister* of Mrs Bernice Baddy and Mr. Wlmam Fuller, jr : granddaughter of Mr. Waner ■ Moselv; also surviving are other relatives and friends Remain* /fating at the John T. Rhines & Co. Funeral Home. 331 North Patrick st.. Alexandrifr-Va., until Tuesday. February 15. at 4 p.m.: thereafter at her late residence. Funeral Wednesday. Feb ruary 16. at 1 p.m..' from Third Baptist! Church. Alexandria. V*.. Her Samuel B. { Ross officiating. Interment Union Ceme tery. GADSON. PEC ELIJAH. Killed In ac-1 tion on April 14, 1943. at New i Guinea. Pfc ELIJAH GADSON. beloved ion of Elijah S. and Essie Gadson Besides his pirents h» is survived by six brothers, three sisters, miny other relatives and friend' Reburisl in Arlington Cemetery Wednesday. February , at 2 p.m. Relatives and friends GANNON. MILDRED LAMBERT. On Tuesday February 15 1949. at her resi dence. MILDRED LAMBERT GANNON, be loved wife of Dr. James A. Gannon. She also is survived by one daughter. Mrs. Ed ward Detgen of Toledo, and two sons. Dr. James A. Gannon jr. and Mr. Robert I Gannon, both of Washington, D. C . and seven grandchildren. Funeral service' at St Paul's Catholic Church Friday. Feb ruary 18, at 10 am. Interment private. IB GARNER. EVERETT L. On Sunday. Februarv 13, 1949. at Sibley Hospital. EVERETT L. GARNER, beloved h’sband of F. Pauline Garner tnee Teteri and brother of Ernest W. and W. Frank Garner, Mrs. Bessie Naylor. Mrs. Evelyn Noord and Miss Olyve Garner. Friends may call at the Lee Funeral Home. 4th at. and Massachusetts ave. s.e.. where services will be held on Wednesday, February IB. at 10 a.m.: thence to the Brookfield Methodist Church Naylor. Md., where services wlil be held at 11:30 a.m. Inter ment church cemetery. 15 GEORGE. ELIZABETH. On Monday. February 14. 1949. at her residence. BIT 7th st. n e . ELIZABETH OBORGE, beloved wife of Preston W. George, mother of Ray mond V. George. Friends may call at the above residence, where services will be held on Thursday. February 17. at 1 p.m. In terment Cedar Hill Cemetery. 16 GRAT. BERTHA A. On Saturday. Feb ruary 12. 1949, at her home, Brandy wine. Md . at 9:35 a.m. BERTHA A GRAY, beloved wife of the late Charles M. Gray. She Is survived by eight chil dren. 36 grandchildren and five great grandchildren Friends may call at the residence of Lawrenca E. Gray. Brandy wine. Md , afier 13 noon. Tuesday. Feb ruary 15. Requiem mass at St Peter's Catholic Church. Waldorf. Md . Wednes day. February 16. at 9 a.m. Friends and relatives invited. 15* GINN. PERCY. Departed this life sud denly Monday. February 1-4. 1949, at his residence, 331 T st. n.w.. PERCY GUNN, husband of Marie Gunn, beloved father of Norman. Theodore and Garnie Gunn. Also surviving are one sister. Mrs. Callie Dab ney. and other relatives and many friends. Remains resting at the Morrow <fc Wood ford. Inc.. Funeral Home. 1632 11th st. n.w . where friends are invited to call after 3 p.m. Tuesday. February 15. Services will be private. Wednesday. February 16. Rev Whiting officiating. Interment Wood lawn Cemetery. HALE. MARK JOSEPH. On Monday February 14. 1949. at his residence. 422 Butternut st. n.w.. MARK JOSEPH HALE, beloved husband of Margret Hale, father of Elenor V. and Dorothy Hale, both of Washington. D. C. Services at the S. H. Hines Co. Funeral Home. 3901 14th st. n.w.. on Thursday. February 17. at 6:30 a.m.: thence to the Church of the Nativity, i 13th and Peabody st-s. n.w.. where the holy sacrifice of the mass will be offered at 9 a.m for the repose of his soul. Inter jmer.t Mount Olivet Cemetery. 16 HEARD. ABRAM T. On Friday. Feb ruary 11. 1949. ABRAM T. HEARD, be loved husband of Mrs. Viola Heard, fa ther of Helen Heard of Jacksonville. Fla.; brother of George D. Heard. Mrs. Rosa Denniston. Mrs. Mamie Stinson. Mrs. Wil , lie Mae Dounavent. all of New York City. ■ H* also leaves a host of other relatives ' and friends. Friends may call at the W. Ernest Jarvis Funeral Church. 1432 You st. n.w.. after 12 noon Wednesday. Feb ruary 16, Funeral services Thursday. Feb ] ruary 17, at 1 p.m., at the above funeral I church. Relatives and friends invited. ; Interment Arlington National Cemetery. 16 HILL. ALMEETA. Departed this life I Saturday. February 12, 1949. at Gallinger ! Hospital, ALMEETA HILL. She leaves to mourn their loss a devoted husband. Har vie Hill; loving mother, Mrs. Belle Perry: mother-in-law. Mrs. Elizabeth Hill, and a host of other relatives and friends. Re mains resting at 1326 V st. n.w. Funeral Wednesday, February 16. at from I the above address Interment Arlington 1 National Cemetery. Arrangements by the R. N. Horton Co 1322 *ou st. n.w HOFFMAN. HERMAN R. On Sunday February 13. 1949. at Naval Hospital. HERMAN R. HOFFMAN, husband of Rose E. Hoffman, father of lone Hoffman. Friends mav call at the Lee Funeral Home. 4th st. I and Massachusetts ave. n.» . where services ; will be held on Wednesday. February 16, j at 10:30 a.m Interment Arlington Na I tional Cemetery. 15 HOLMES. VIRGINIA. On Friday. Febru ary 11. 1949, VIRGINIA HOLMES of 1734 1st st. n.w.. daughter of Isaac and Willie Anne Holmes, sister of Antoinette Turena and Harvey Holmes. A host of other rel atives and many friends also survive. After 5 pm. Tuesday. February 15. re mains may be viewed at Frazier's Funeral Home 369 R I ave. n.w., where funeral services will be held on Wednesday. Feb ruary 16. at l p m. Interment Lincoln Memorial Cemetery. 15 I Eratha JAMES. THOMAS. JR. On Sunday. February 13. 1949. at his residence. 609 N st. n w.. THOMAS JAMES. Jr., devoted husband of Julia James and father of Mrs. Bertha Shepherd and Leon James. Also surviving are two sisters, three brothers, six grandchildren, other rela tives and many friends. After noon Wednesday friends are invited to call at the McGuire Funeral Home. 1*20 9th st. n.w.. where services will be held Thurs day. February 17. at 2:30 p.m. Interment Harmony Cemetery. 16 JOHNSON. MAUDE C. On Saturday. February 12. 1949. MRS. MAUDE C. JOHNSON, of 607 Harvard st. n.w . sister if Mrs Channie Jones of Pittsburgh. Pa.: Mrs. Lena Curtis and Mrs Florence Smith, also surviving are a brother-in law. Frederick Smith, her nieces, nephews, other relatives and many friends. Alter noon Wednesday friends are invited to call at the McGuire Funeral Home. 1*20 9th st. n.w. Services Thursday, February 17. at 1 p m., at the Shiloh Baptist Church, 9th and P sts. n.w. Interment Linpoln i Memorial Cemetery. 16 KEYS, KA1TE. On Sunday. February I 13, 1949. KATIE KEYS, beloved mother ! of Mrs. Annie Covington, grandmother of Mrs. Nellie Smith, great-grandmother of Miss Lucretia A. Smith. Other relatives and friends also survive. Friends may call ;at. Frazier’s Funeral Home. Inc. 3*9 R. I. ave. n.w. Funeral Wednesday. February 16. at 2 pm., from the First Baptist | Church. West Washington. Rev. T. E. Hop kins officiating. Interment Woodlawn Cem etery. KIRCHHEFER. PAUL. On Sunday Feb ruary 13. 1949, at the United States Naval Hospital. Bethesda. Md . PAUL KIRCHHEFER. beloved husband of Helen C. Kirchhefer. He also Is survived by one daughter, Judy Cabel Kirchhefer; four brothers and one sister. Remains resting at the Hall Funeral Home. Occoquan. Va Services Wednesday. February 16. at 11:30 a m . at the Post Chapel, Quantico. Va. Interment Arlington National Cemetery. KNOX. HENRY LEE. On Friday Feb ruary 11. 1949. at his residence, 1102 O st. n.w.. HENRY LEE KNOX, son of Price and Carrie Knox and brother of Viola ana Pearl Gordon. Rachel. Willie. Evelyn. Brownie. Christine. Edward and Price Knox. jr. Arrangements by Malvan & Schey. . • LONG. ELIZABETH. On Monday. Feb ruary 14 1949. at Galltnger Hospital. ELIZABETH LONG of 120 Heckman st. s e . loving mother of Mrs. Catherine Sin gleton. mothei*in-law of Mr. Harry Single ton. She also is survived by other rela tives and friends Remains resting at the John T. <fe Co. Funeral Horn**. 3rd and Eye sts. s.w. Notice of funeral later. MARSHALL. JOHN SAMUEL. On Thursday. February 10. 1949, JOHN SAMUEL MARSHALL of Helen. W. Va. He is survived by one brother. Robert Mar shall; six sisters. Mary Lamar. Elizabeth Preston. Virginia Hedgeman. Blanche Marshall. Eva Howerton and Pauline An drews. and other relatives and friends. Remains resting with L. E. Murray & Son. 1337 loth st n.w. Funeral notice later. • McCRANEY. W. dan. Reinterment services for W. DAN MrCRANEY, staff sergeant, U. 8. Marine Re serve Corps, ,6th Battalion. 1st Division, will be held in Arling- I ton Cemetery Wednesday, Febru-1 ary 16. 1949. at 10:39 a m. He is survived by his mother. Mrs. ; Katherine Dunham. San Francisco; sisters,; Mrs. Marv Ann Jones, Westfield. N. J ; Mrs. A C Wade. jr.. Athens. Ga and brother, Jack McCraney. Andrews, N. C. , 15* Mcknight, nancy Jacobs, on Sun day. February 13, 1949. at her residence. 3037 Dumbarton ave. n.w . NANCY JACOBS McKNIGHT Service* will be htld at the above residence on Wednes-1 day. February 16, at 3 p m. Interment Danville. Ky. McMORRiS, REV. JAMES RAYMOND. Departed this life Sunday. FeDruary 13. i 1949. at Gallinger Hospital. Rev. JAMES RAYMOND McMORRIS. He leaves to mourn their loss four sons. John E . Isaiah L. Bennie J. and Robert E McMorris., three daughters. Misses Daisey L and Alice L. McMorris and Mrs Gwendolyn Stewart; ; seven grandchildren, one sister and a host of other relatives and friends. Remains resting at 1326 V st. n.w. Tuesday. Febru ary 14 after 6 p m Funeral Friday. Feb ruary IS. in Newberry S. C. Arrange ments by the R. N. Horton Co., 1322 You st. n w. McNAMARA, JOSEPH a. On Monday. February 14. 1949. JOSEPH A McNA MARA of 4506 38th st . Brentwood. Md..! beloved husband of Madeline Bauman1 McNamara, father of Paul J. and Jo Ann McNamara Funeral from Collin?- Fu-, neral Home. 3821 14th st n.w . on Thurs- j day. Feoruar.v 17. at 8:30 a m. Requiem mass at St James' Church. Mount Rainier. Md . at 9 a m Relatives and friends in- r vited. Interment Fort Lincoln Cemetery. 16 MOON, GEORGE. On Monday Febru ary 14. 1949. at Gallinger Hospital, GEORGE MOON of 1126 Howard rd s e. Notice of funeral later. Arrangements by the Walter E. Hunter Co., 2512 Sheridan rd. s e. MURRAY. ALBERT. On Sunday. Feb ruary 13, J 949. at his residence. 1124 Morse st. n e ALBERT MURRAY. Fu neral from the T. F Costello Funeral Home. 1722 North Capitol st.. on Wednes day. February 16. at 10 a.m. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. PALMER. KATE. On Saturday. Febru ary ’2. 194!*. after a short illness. KATE PALMER, beloved wife of Nathan Palmer, devoid mother of Mrs. Elnora P Weekly, sister of Harrison Matthews She is also survived by five nieces*.- three nephews, oth**r relatives and friends.. Remains may; be viewed after 4 pm. Tuesday, February) 15, at Baines A Matthews Funeral Home. 614 4ih j^t s.w*. Funeral Wedneaciay February 16. at 9 a m. from the St* C*p rians Church 13th and C sis. sc. Ijl* • PALMER. KATE. Officer? and members of St. Thomas’ Ladies’ Auxiliary. No. 64. and District Auxiliary. No. 2. Knights of St. John. Are notified of the death of Sis ter KATEJ»ALMER Cali meeting toniRhL Tuesday. February 15/1949. at 8 o’clock, at Barnes 4: Matthews' Funeral Home. 614 4th st. s w.. where prayers will be recited for the repose of her soui. Funeral Wed* nesday. February 16, at 9 am., from St. Cyprian’s Church ^GENEVA TIPPETT. District Pres SARAH M F BROWN. Auxiliary Pres. MARY A. QUANDER. Aux. Sec. RAMSDELL. PALL CHARLES. Sudden ly on Monday February 14. 1949. a# Miami Fa.. PAUL CHARLES RAMSDELL. beloved husband of Frances Wade Rams dell of Cloppers. Md.: father of Mrs. Ellen Key McNally. Mrs. Anne Kingsley, Mrs. Barbara Jones and Charles B. Ramsdell: brother of Hobart H. Ramsdell. Mr. Rams dell will rest at Gartner s Funeral Home. Gaithersourg. Md Funeral services Thurs day. February IT. at St. Roses Catholic Church. Cloppers. Md . where requiem mass will be said at 9 a m. for the repose of his soul. Interment church cemetery. REELING. ETHEL ANN. On Monday February 14. 1949. ETHEL ANN REULING (tree Coleman i of Sift 1 hth st. n w . be loved wife of the late Walter Reuling. mother of Mary Dolores Reuling. sister of Edward F. Coleman and Mary Ella Soo, Friends may call at the Robert A Mattingly Funeral Home, 131 J lth st. s.e. Notice of funeral later. RIDGEWAY. ARTHUR C Suddenly, on Monday. February 14. 1949. at his resi dence. 421 Marietta pi n.w.. ARTHUR C. RIDGEWAY, teloved husband of Lily H. Ridgeway tnee Pickelsi. father of Arthur C. Ridgeway, jr., and Walter H. Ridgeway brother of Mrs. Eva T Miller, Mrs. Sadie R. Evans. Edward S. and Elmer C. Ridge way. Services at the S. H. Hines Co. Fu neral Home, •>901 !4th st n.w., on Thurs day, February 17. at 2 pm. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. Kt ROBERTSON. LOUISE K. On Sunday February 13, 1949. at her son's residence. 333ft Baker st. n e.. LOUISE E. ROBERT SON. beloved mother of Robert H. Robert son. grandmother of Mrs. Elizabeth Love less and Mrs. Dorothy Rhiem. sister of Peyton. Joseph, Frank and James Manuel. Mrs. Alice Brown and Mrs. Sara Brown ing stepdaughter of Mrs. Merty Manuel. Services at Chambers' Fundral Home. 517 11th ft. it. on Wednesday. February 1R. at 11:30 a m. Interment In Bristow, Va IS RODMAN. BERTIE LE0. On Monday February 14. 1949. at her home, 4901 Newport ave . Glen Cove. Md., BERTIE LEE RODMAN, beloved wife of Romulus Rodman and mother of Mrs. Pearl Lauder milk. Mrs. Annie Mae Dellinger, Everett, Russell and Sherwood Rodman Remains resting at her late residence. Services on Thursday. February 17. at 1:30 the Wisconsin Avenue Baptist Church. 42nd and Fessenden sts. n.w. Interment Fort Lincoln Cemetery. 17 RUNDVOLD. THOMAS T Suddenly on Sunday. February 13. 1949. at his resi dence, 2«V2 Carroll ave. Takoma Park Md . THOMAS T RUNDVOLD. beloved husband of Malene N. Rundvold and father of Inga R. Hook, Helen J. Walsh and Telma R Sheridan. Friends may ca at the Takoma Funeral Home. 254 Carroll st. n.w.. Takoma Park. D C. where services will be held on Wednesday. ‘Feb ruary lfi. at 1:45 p.m. Interment Arling ton National Cemetery. 15 RCNDVOl.D. THOMAS. A special com munication of Chlllum Castle Lodge, No. 188, A F. and A. M., will he held at the Temple, Chlllum. Md . on Wednesday. February 18. 1949. at 1 P.m., for the purpose of conducting fu neral services for our brother, THOMAS RUNDVOLD „ WARREN A. THOMAS. Worshipful Master T. WESTON SCOTT. Secretary. 15 SAI.TF.R. HORTENSE E On Saturday. February 12, 1949. HORTENSE E. SALTER, wife of the late Samuel Salter. Services at Chambers’ Funeral Home. 517 11th st s.e.. on Wednesday, February 18. at 2;.S0 p.m. Interment Glenwood Cemetery. 15 SAUNDERS. BROOK. On Tuesday. Feb ruary 15. 1949. BROOK SAUNDERS. No tice 01 funeral later. Arrangements by Frazier's Funeral Horn*. Inc. SCHRACDNER. HESTER A. On Sundav. February 13. 1949. at ner residence, 830 Jefferson st. n.w.. HESTER A. SCHRAUD NER. beloved wife of Henry J Sehrandner Funeral from the W. W. Deal Funeral Home. 4812 Georgia ave. n.w,. on Wednes day. February 18, at 1 p.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. 15 SCOTT. SAMUEL. Entered into eternal rest on Tuesday. February 15. 1949. at Gallinger Hospital. SAMUEL SCOTT, lov ing husband of Mrs. Hattie Scott and devoted brother of Walter. George. Glenn. Daniel and Charles Scott. He also is survived by other relatives and i/ian.v friends. Remains resting at the John T. Rhine* Funeral Home. 3rd and Eye sts. s.w Notice of funeral lat»r. SIRCAR. JOY BUSHON. On Monday. January 31. 1949. JOY BUSHON SIRCAR of 12 R st. n.e., brother of Mrs. Ella Biswas of Bosra. North Benstal. India. Also surviving are two brothers of India. Services at the S. H. Hines Co. Funeral Home, 29(il J4th st. n.w.. on Wednesday. February 18. at 11 a m. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. 15 SMITH. ROBERT. On Friday, February 11. 1949. at Gallinger Hospital. ROBERT (GREENIEI SMITH of 4827 Gault pi. n.e. He Is survived by his father, two brothers and many other relatives and friends. After 4 p.m Tuesday, February 15. friends may call ai Henry 8 Washington & Sons Funeral Home. ’4925 Deane ave n.e where services will be held Wednesday. February] 18. at 1 p m Relatives and friend* in vited. Interment Woodlawn Cemetery. | - Srat&a STEELE. EFFIE. On Monday. February 14. 1949. at her residence. 501 N. High land st.. Arlington. Va.. EFFIE STEELE fnee Small), beloved wife of the late Claude W. 8teele. mother of Ernest C . Robert L , Russell L. and Leroy Steele and Mrs. Helen S. Jones. She also is S survived by three brothers. John H. Schyler and Robert Leonard Small; three sisters, Mrs. Viola S. Florence. Mrs. Lucy A. Druckenmiller and Mrs. Catherine Ger trude Johnson. Remains resting at her } late residence until Wednesday. February 16. 3949. at 1:30 pm.: thence to Ives' Chapel. 2847 Wilson blvd . Arlington. Va . I where funeral services will be held at 3 p.m Interment Oakwood Cemetery, Falls Church. Va. 3 5 STEINBACH, JOHN THOMAS. On Sun day. February 13. 1949, JOHN THOMAS STEINBACH. beloved son of Ralph G. i and Ruby Ellen S Steinbach (nee Wil- I i liams*. Friends may call at Wm. J. Nalley's Funeral Home. 3200 Rhode Island ave. at Eastern ave. n.e . where services will be held on Wednesday. February 16. ! at 1:30 p.m. Relatives and friends in ; vited. Interment Glenwood Cemetery. 15 STEVENSON, SUSAN B. Suddenly, on Monday. February 14. 1949. at Children's Hospital. SUSAN B. STEVENSON of 2617 Myrtle a\e. n.e . beloved daughter of Rich ard B. and Esther Jamieson Stevenson, sis : ter of Richard E. and David A. Stevenson. Services at the S. H. Hines Co. Funeral Home. 2901 14th st n.w., on Wednesday. February 16. at 2 p.m. Interment Fort! , Lincoln Cemetery. STUHMANN. HENRY LOUIS. On Mon I day. February 14. 1949, at his residence. 2948 Upton st. n.w. HENRY LOUIS STUHMANN. beloved husband of Carrie Bandell Stuhmann. father of Mrs. Joseph S. Wasney. jr. Also surviving are two granddaughters, and his mother, Mrs. Anna Stuhmann of Baltimore, Md Serv ices at the S. H Hines Co. Funeral Home, i 2901 14th st. n.w.. on Thursday. February j 1*, at 3 p m. Interment private. 16 . STUTE8MAN. FLORA ELLEN. On Sun day. February 13. 1949, at the residence of her daughter. FLORA ELLEN STUTES MAN of 1331 Belmont st. n.w.. mother of Mrs. Albert L. Gibbons of Washington. D. C : E J Stutesman of Hampton. Va. ; Services at the S. H. Hines Co. Funeral Home 2901 14th st. n.w., on Wednesday, February 16, at 3 p.m. Interment pri vate. 15 ! TAYI.OR. ODDIE On Sunday. Feb ruary 13. 1949, at Casualty Hospital. ODDIE TAYLOR, sister of Isaac, Charles E and Mary Elian Wren and aunt of Ruth Pace and Emory Chase She also leaves other relatives and friends. Serv ices at Stewart's Funeral Home. 30 H st. n.e., on Thursday. February 17. at 1 p.m. Interment Woodlawm Cemetery. I in ; TAVENNER. MURRAY D. (RAY). On' Monday, February 14, 1949. at his resi dence. 540(1 7th st. n.w.. MURRAY D (RAY) TAVENNER. beloved husband of Mary Hoffman Tavenner. son of Ashton Tavenner. brother of Marvin and Charles Ashton Tavenner. Friends may call at the Lee Funeral Home. 4th st and Mass, ave.! n e . where services will be held on Wed nesday. February 18. at 12:ffO p.m. In-, terment Fort Lincoln Cemetery. 18 j THOMAS, ROSA. Entered into eternal rest on Monday. February 14. 1949. at her residence. 47 Ivy st. s e . ROSA ThOMAS. daughter of the late Henry and Henrietta Thomas, sister of Mrs. Elizabeth Spencer and William E Thomas. She also us survived by other relatives and friends Remains resting at Barnes & Matthew's' Funeral Home, 814 4th st. a.w. Notice of funeral later. TOLIVER. DAVID. On Sunday, Febru ary Iff. 1949 at 1 SIP 4th st. n.w . DAVID TOLIVER, husband of Josephine Toliver, uncle of Mrs. Lillie Morris and Mrs. Sarah Mouzon. Other relatives and friends also survive. Friends may call at the Malvan Se Schey Funeral Home. N. J. ave. and R st. n.w.. where services will be held Wed nesday. February 18, at I p.m. Interment Harmony Cemetery. • TURNER, LUCY ELIZABETH. On Sat- j urdav. February 12. 1949. LUCY ELIZA BETH TURNER. She leaves to mourn their loss her mother. Mrs. Ida E Turner; three brothers. Veola Lee. Herbert War ren and the Rev. H. Ellis Turner: four aunts, two uncles, five nieces, one nephew and a host of other relatives and friends. 1 Friends may rail at the W. Ernest Jarvis Funeral Church. 14ff2 You st n.w . after 10 a m. Tuesday. February 15. Funeral services Wednesday. February 18. at 1 p m . at the Salem Baptist Church. N st between 9th and loth ats. n.w., the Rpv R D Grymes officiating Relatives! ann friends invited. Interment Lincoln Memorial Cemetery. Family may be seen 1 at 154 Thomas st. nw. 5 6 WATSON. JAMES HENRY. On Monday February 14. 1949. at his residence. 192ff North Cameron st., Arlington. Va . JAMES HENRY WATSON, husband of Hattie E. Watson, father of Emmett Watson and Mrs. Anna Onley. grandfather of George E Onley. jr : father-in-law of George E Onley. si After ff p.m. Thursday. Febru ary 17. friends may call at Frazier's Fu neral Home. Inc . ff89 R I. ave. n.w. Fu neral Friday. February 18. at 1 pm. from the Third Baptist Church. Rev George O Bullock officiating. Interment Lincoln Me morial Cemetery. 17 WEBB. DAVID WILLIAM. On Tuesday. Feoruarv 15. 1949. at Casualty Hospital. DAVID WILLIAM WEBB, the beloved son of Mrs. Mary Webb and brother of Mrs. Carrie L. Domer. Mrs Edna M. Weakley and Mrs. Dorothy E. Kmnamont. Notice of funeral later. WHITE. FLORENCE DEAN. On Satur day. February 12. 1949. at Suburban HospiWH. FLORENCE DEAN WHITE. 54*20 Alta- ^HSta rd . Bethesria, Md . beloved Mrs Ertoeh G. Johnson. Re mains resting at the Bethesda-Chevy Chase Funeral Home of Robert A. Pumph rey. Bethesda. Md . where funeral serv ices will be held on Tuesday. February 15. at 2 p.m. Interment Rockville Union Cemetery. 16 -In 4$Umnrtam BEHGLING. WILLIAM W. In lovin* r« membrance of our dear husband and fa ther. WILLIAM W. BERGLING. who departed this life one year ago today, Feb ruary 15. 1948 YOUR LOVING WIFE. BESSIE. AND DAUGHTER. VIRGINIA MAY CLARK. SAMUEL C. In loving memory of our clear husband and father. SAMUEL C. CLARK, who departed this life nine years ago today. February 15. 194<». He bade no one a last farewell, Nor did we see him die We thank God for the comforting thought Of seeing our loved one on high HIS DEVOTED WIFE. COZY. AND CHIL DREN. C OLEMAN. BENJAMIN. FRANCES E . WILLIAM A. AND ANNIE E. Sacred to the memory of some of those whom we have loved and lost, fathei. BENJAMIN COLE MAN. November 3<». 1919: mother. FRAN CES E. COLEMAN. October 10. 1935: brother. WILLIAM A. COLEMAN. February 14. 1935. and sister, ANNIE F COLEMAN. December M 1947. THE COLEMANS. • DAVENPORT. JOHN H. In loving mem ory of my dear husband. JOHN H DAVEN PORT. who passed away one year ago to day. February 15, 1948. May he rest in peace. HIS WIFE. LILLIAN P. DAVENPORT. DE VOLL. DIANE MARIE. In sad hut loving remembrance of our dear grand daughter and niece. DIANE MARIE DE VOLL. who pased away six years ago to day. February 15. 1943. No one knows the silent heartache. Only those who have lost can tell Of the grief that is borne in silence For the one we loved so well HER LOVING GRANDMOTHER AND UNCLE. ERNIE. FRAZIER. AGNES M. In sad but loving • memory of our dear mother. AGNES M. FRAZIER, who passed away eleven years ago today. February 15. 1938 Some may think we have forgotten Our dear loved one laid to rest. But little do they know the sorrow Of the on*s who loved her best HER SONS. CHARLES E. AND LAWRENCE MILLER. GREEN. NETTIE E. In memory of my dear wife. NETTIE E GREEN, who de parted this life seventeen years ago today. February 15. 193*2. Just a loving thought. Just a silent tear Just a beautiful memory Of the one I loved so dear DEVOTED HUSBAND. CAPT W. M. GREEN. Retired. D. C Fire Department. CORNELL* HARRY L. In sad remem brance of my beloved husband. HARRY L. GOSNELL. who departed this life eleven years ago today. February 15 1938 HIS WIFE. EVA. • HERNDON. LAVRA. In loving memory of our dear mother and grandmother. LAURA HERNDON, who departed this life twelve years ago today. February In. ipOT. Just a line of sweet remembrance, Just a memory fond and true: Just a token of love and devotion That our hearts still hold for you. HER LOVING DAUGHTER. MAMIE JONES: GRANDSON CLIFTON JONES. AND SON-IN-LAW, WILLIAM JONES • JONES. EVA J. In loving memory of our dear wife and mother. EVA J. JONES, who passed away three years ago today. February 15. 1040. We stood beside her bedside And watched her soul depart. And when we saw that she had left us. It almost broke our hearts. Although her soul is now at rest And free from care and pain. This world would seem like Heaven If we had her back again. DEVOTED HUSBAND AND SON. JOHN AND VERNON JONES. * LEWIS. ROBERT B. C. In loving re membrance of ROBERT B. C. LEWIS, bet ter known to friends atd associates as "Little Bobble" Lewis, who suddenly de parted from this life seven years ago. Feb ruary 15. 1342. HIS WIFE MRS SADIE M LEWIS: CHIL DREN. ROBERT M. LEWIS. MRS. EDNA M BARNES: GRANDDAUGHTER. BAR BARA M. BARNES. LIJSBY. ROBERT H. In loving memory of our dear father. ROBERT H LUSBY.! who passed away five years ago today. February IS, 1044 LOVING DAUGHTER AND 80N-IN-LAW. FRANCES AND BEN WALZ. MARKS. CAPT. SIDNEY J. A tribute of loving devotion to the memory of our beloved husband, father and grandfather. Capt. SIDNEY J. MARKS, who departed this life five years ago today. February 15 1044 Anniversary mass will be offered at the Church of the Nativity and also at S*. Ann s. Somewhere there is no parting, Dark clouds are rolled away; In that eternal somewhere We 11 meet again some day HIS DEVOTED WIFE. DAUGHTER AND GRANDSON * SMITH. CLEMENTINE. In loving mem ory of our sister, CLEMENTINE SMITH, who left us five years ago today. February 16. 1044 Forget you. sister we never will. We always loved you and always will; Your memory is as fresh today As in the hour you passed away. JERRY AND MYRA. • Arthur Ridgeway, 67, Insurance Agent and Church Leader, Dies Arthur C. Ridgeway, 67, an in surance agent here for 30 years, died unexpectedly yesterday at his home, 421 Marietta place N.W. A Washington resident for 60 years, Mr. Ridgeway w^s born in Loudoun County, Va. Before entering the insurance business he was a salesman for Baltimore wholesale meat firms in this area. Mr. Ridgeway was an agent of the Aetna Casualty & Surety Co. in the Investment Building. »He also was agent for the Atlantic Life Insurance Co. Mr. Ridgeway was active in the affairs of the Columbia Heights Christian Church, 1435 Park road N.W., of which he was a charter member, trustee and elder. For many years he was superintendent of the church's Sunday school. He also had been on the Board of Managers of the Capital Area Christian Missionary Society and served as treasurer of the State Convention of Christian Churches in Baltimore in 1943. Surviving Mr. Ridgeway are his widow, Lily Pickles Ridgeway; two sons, Walter H. Ridgeway, 100 Jefferson street N.W., -and Arthur C. Ridgeway, jr„ of the home ad dress; two brothers and two sis ters, Edward S. Ridgeway and Elmer G. Ridgeway of Riverdale, Md.; Mrs. Eva T. Miller of Mc Lean, Va„ and Mrs. Sadie R. Evans, 1914 Calvert street N.W. Also surviving is a grandson. Wal ter H. Ridgeway, jr„ of the Jeffer son street address. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Thursday at the Hines funeral home, 2901 Fourteenth street N.W. Burial will be in Ce dar Hill Cemetery. Pfc. Norman Vigderhouse To Be Reburied Friday Services will be held at 11 a.m. Friday for Pfc. Norman Vigder house, son of Mrs. Mary Vigder-! house, 4811 Fourth street N.W. I He was killed in action in Italy on April 21. 1945. at the age of 24 and w a s recently returned for reburial here. The services will be in the D a nzansky funeral home, 3501 Four teenth street N.W., and will be followed by reburial in Pfc. Vigderhouse. Ohev Sholom Cemetery. A native of Washington, Pvt. Vigderhouse was a graduate of Roosevelt High School and worked for the Federal Housing Admin istration before entering the Army in July, 1942. He had been over seas 28 months, serving in North Africa. Sicily, Anzio. Casino and Northern Italy. He held the Purple Heart with Cluster. In addition to his mother. Pvt. Vigderhouse is survived by a brother. Nathan, and three sisters. Lillian. Mildred and Naomi, all of the home address. Nicholas R. Brewer, 92, Portrait Painter, Dies By tK« Associated Press ST. PAUL. Minn.. Feb. 15.— Nicholas R. Brewer, widely knowm artist whose works included por traits of Presidents Grover Cleve land and Franklin D. Roosevelt died last night. He was 92. Mr. Brewer had painted portraits of Governors of 27 States, includ ing Govs. Hammond and Johnson of Minnesota. He also painted portraits of Minnesota's first six chief justices. The artist was born in High Forest, Minn., came to St. Paul in 1875 and since had lived here. Recently he had made his home with one of his four sons. Francis A. Brewer. Other sons, all artists, are Edward V. and Ruben J. of St. Paul, and Adrian L. of Little Rock, Ark. Funeral services will be Thurs day in St. Mark's Catholic Church. Dr. H. S. Hulbert Dies; Leopold-Loeb Witness By th« Associated Press AURORA, 111., Feb. 15.—Dr. Harold S. Hulbert. 62, psychiatrist in the Leopold-Lieb case in the 20s. died yesterday. He was stricken with a heart attack, last Wednesday. Dr. Hulbert was a denfense wit ness in the trial of Richard Loeb and Nathan Leopold, who were convicted of killing young Bobby Franks. Deaths Reported Frances McCathran, 00. 4415 17th si. n w. Elizabeth Hurd. 8«. 3244 38th st. n.w. Emma Baird, 84. 4770 Grant st. n.e. Leonard Seib. 84. 1:135 Janouil st. n w. Mary Bannon 80, 3725 18th st. n.e. Leola Ferguson. 75. Chevy Chase. Md. , Marv Mason. 73. 5871 Nevada ave. nw.. | Maurice Eikfr, 05, 557! Colorado ave. n.w. Ruth Loving. 58, 1302 East Capitol st. Clarence Whetzel 53. Baker. W. Va. : Annie Neil. 50. 1322 Park rd. n.w. Joseph Baumbach. 40. 1477 Irving st. n.w Hilda Magaziner. 42, 1.750 Tewksbery pi Ernest Christman. 30. 1004 B st. n.e. Max Powell. 30, Avondale. Md. Margarct Cross. 38, 157 12th st. s.e. Bertha Revells. 44, 1200 4th st. n.w. In Utmoriam STOREY. EMMA B In loving memory of our dear wife and mother. EMMA B. STOREY, who passed away one year ago today. February 15. 194S. HUSBAND. JOHN. AND CHILDREN • TRIMBLE. RILIE R. A tribute of our love to our dear mother and grandmother. RILIE R. TRIMBLE, who left us six year ago today, February 15. 1943. Sweet memories shall linger forever. HELEN. MILTON. WARREN. • WEAVER, MARY MARGARET. In lov ing memory of my dear daughter. MARY MARGARET WEAVER, who left me twenty years ago, February 15, 1929. Dear God. you called my daughter home twenty years ago today. Pray help me as I journey on to meet her there some day: I know that she is resting safely in my Saviour's arms. Still tenderly watching over me to keep me from all harm. LONESOME MOTHER. MARGARET E WEAVER * WELCH. DR. W. H. In loving memory of our dear son and brother. Dr. W. H WELCH, who passed away six years ago today. February 15, 1943. Some may think we have forgotten When at times they see us smile, But they do not know the heartaches We sutler all the while. If all the world were ours to give, We'd give it, yes. and more, To see the face of our dear boy Come smiling through the door. But he really hasn t left us. He has just gone on before, Around the corner waiting To guide us through Heaven's door I HIS LOVING MOTHER, FATHER AND BROTHERS. • Kirk Brown, Founder Of Tire Company, Dies By th» Associated Press NEW YORK, Feb. 15—Kirk Brown, founder of the Dunlop Tire Co., died Sunday in Braden ton, Fla., it was learned here yes terday. Mr. Brown also was an organiz er of the Bakelite Corp., makers of synthetic resins and plastics., The corporation now is part of the Union Carbide & Carbon Co. He reputedly introduced the pneu i matic tire in America. Lt. Corbett Reburial Rites Set Thursday Reburial services for First Lt. John R. Corbett, former Catholic University track star who was killed in action in New Georgia July 20, 1943, will be held in Arlington Cem etery at 2 p.m. Thursday. A requiem mass also will be offered at 8 a.m. Thursday in the Shrine of the Sacred Heart. The 24-year old Marine raider was the son of Mr. and Mrs. John T. LI. Corbett. j Corbett. 1760 Park road N.W. He was born in Beloit, Wis., but had been a Washington resident since 1934 and had taken his last year of high school at Gonzaga here. He was graduated from Catholic University in 1941. A star miler, he was awarded the Harris Trophy, the university's highest award for scholarship and athletic achieve ment. He was a member of the Cave Dwellers fraternity. Lt. Corbett enlisted in the Marine Corps immediately after graduation and was sent overseas in 1943. He was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross post humously. Surviving besides his parents are six sisters, Anne, Helen, Mary, Patricia and Jeanne Corbett, all of the home address, and Mrs. Martin J. McNamara, jr., of 2515 Thirteenth street N.W. Mrs. Anna Rasmussen To Be Buried Today Funeral services for Mrs. Anna Laurene Christensen Rasmussen, 60, died Saturday at Washington Sanitarium after a long illness, were to be held this afternoon at Sligo Seventh-Day Adventist Church, Takoma Park, with burial in Glenwood Cemetery. Mrs. Rasmussen was the widow of Steen Rasmussen, secretary of the Home Missionary Department of the Seventh-Day Adventist World General Conference, who died in 1941. She was born in Norway, but was raised in Denmark where her late father, the Elder Peter Chris tensen. was a pastor. Mrs. Ras mussen lived with a daughter, Mrs. Everett Russell, 902 Jackson avenue, Takoma Park. Besides Mrs. Russell, she is sur vived by two sons, Glenn Rasmus sen, a student in California; Stan ley Rasmussen. Fitchburg, Mass.; | a sister, Mrs. M. Ellsworth Olsen, !502 Flower avenue, Takoma Park, and a brother, Dr. Louis N. Chris tensen, Orlando, Fla. Mrs. Mildred Gannon, Wife of Member of School Board, Dies | Mrs. Mildred Lambert Gannon, 64, wife of Dr. James A. Gannon, surgeon and member of the Board ,of Education, died this morning at her home, 1915 Biltmore street N.W., after a month's illness. i Mrs. Gannon was among the fourth generation of her family to be born here. Her father, the late Talmadge A. Lambert, was a prominent attorney here, as was her brother, the late Wilton J. Lambert. Educated at Sacred Heart Con vent, Torresdale, Pa., she married Dr. Gannon in 1909.. She was active in charitable work here and was long a member of the Board of Lady Managers of the Association of Perpetual Adoration and Work for Poor Churches. In addition to her husband, Mrs. Gannon is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Edward Detgen of Toledo, Ohio, and two sons, Dr. James A. Gannon, jr„ 6614 Chesnut street, Chevy Chase, Md., and Robert I. Gannon, Mount Rainier, Md. Seven grandchildren also survive. Funeral services will be held in St. Paul's Catholic Church. 1 Private burial will follow in Moint Olivet Cemetery. Paul C. Ramsdell Dies; U. S. Bank Examiner Paul C. Ramsdell, 55. bank ex aminer with the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp., died yesterday in Miami, Fla., where he harf been vacationing for 10 days. His home was at Cloppers, Md., near Gaithersburg. Mr. Ramsdell formerly was executive vice president of the Montgomery County National Bank at Rockville. Later he be came vice president of the Federal Land Bank in Baltimore. Mr. Ramsdell s mother, the late Mrs. May Brooks Ramsdell, was music editor of the Star for many years after the turn of the cen tury. His father, the late Rev. Charles B. Ramsdell. was pastor of Northminster P r e s b y terian Church here. Born and educated in Washing ton, he had lived in Montgomery County since his marriage in 1917 to Mrs. Frances Wade Ramsdell. He was a member of the Knights of Columbus. Besides his widow, he is sur vived by three daughters, Mrs. Joseph McNally, Cloppers: Mrs. Hampton Jones, Rockville: Mrs. Robert Kingsley, Bethesda. a son, Charles B. Ramsdell. Baltimore, and a brother, Hobart H. Rams dell. Washington. 1 Funeral Services Set For Herman Hoffman, Former Band Violinist Funeral services will be held at 10:30 a m. tomorrow for Herman Roy Hoffman. 66. a former prin cipal musician and concert master of the United States Marine Band who died Sunday in the Bethesda Naval Hospital after a brief illness. He lived at 505 Third street S.E. The services will be in the Lee funeral home. Fourth street and Massachusetts avenue N.E., and burial will be in Arlington Ceme tery. Mr. Hoffman served in the Marine Band from 1907 until his retirement in 1937 and had been the band's symphony orchestra violin soloist for most of that time. A native of Stockton, Calif., Mr. Hoffman showed aptitude for the violin in early life. He planned to become a violin soloist while studying music at Oberlin <Ohio> College. His prized possession was a fine old Italian violin which the late Maud Powell, internationally famous soloist, used for 15 years. Since retirement, Mr. Hoffman taught the violin and was active in music appreciation work among children at Friendship House. He is survived by his widow. Rose Herrler Hoffman, and his daughter. Miss lone Hoffman, who lived with her parents. Also sur viving is his 92-year-old father, Herman Hoffman of Rome, Italy, and a sister, Mrs. lone R. Symmes, Lewistown. Mont. W. R. Frank Hines, President Washinttan’t Fanmatt Fantral Bam* Sima* U7S !fes S.HLlff ines Compare 2941-93-95-97 Faartnath Strict N.W. CO Iambi* 7927-24 Na Breach Eiteblishmaat* mZINSm HOUSEHOLD DEODORANT! Bridgeport IT'S SAFE! . ,r* KILLS ODORS IN JUST } IT'S EASY!^ J A FEN SECONDS! ff CtmroslMd by '^N l Cowl Hoot»k*ipmy J ^^C-s-n-SS5^ Yes, a quick spray licks most household odors! * TRADE-MARK GOOD-AIRE IS FAST! No 30-minute wait... just press your thumb against the Good-aire valve cap and release immediately. That's all! Good-aire kills kitchen odors -onions, fish, cabbage; bathroom odors-most any un pleasant household odor—within seconds! GOOD-AIRE IS ECONOMICAL! It costs less then It to deodorize an average room —one quick spray does it! Good-aire is super-concentrated. It isn’t how much, but how herd-working! That fast-spreading Good-aire spray penetrates the air in your room within a few seconds. large economy suit GOOD-AIRE IS SAFE I Good-aire bears the Good House keeping Seal of Approval. It’s safe to use around food, won’t stain or spot your walls, rugs, furniture or clothes. Can’t tip or spill; you won’t even soil your fingers. ■*% Ask for It by nemo-Bridgeport Coodaire-at your Draft Deportment, Grocery. Hardware and Variety Stores BRIDGEPORT BRASS COMPANY. Bridgeport 2, Corns. so resits OF oosuTr pnoo^prs ^ KOLL DISTRIBUTORS, Wholesalers, 2012 Tunlaw Rd. N.W., WO. 0487