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*15.95 Down Filled Rayon Taffeta COMFORTS *12.99 \ Luxurious comforts beautifully covered with Celanese rayon taffeta. Plumply filled with pure imported down, light as a thistle and warm as toast. Pretty re versible combinations and solid colors. Cut size, 72x84-inches. Karin1*—Blankets—Street Floor BUDGET SUITS AND COATS Rayon Gabardine and Sharkskin Suits-$14.88 Unlined. Black, brown, wine, green, grey. 10 to 20. Sheen Gabardine Suits-$23.88 60% rayon, 40% wool. Fully lined. Sizes 10 to 20. All-Wool Covert Coats_$23.88 Black, brown, grey, wine, green. Sizes 10 to 18. All-Wool Zipout, Gabardine or Broadcloth Coats, $31.88 Wool lining. Grey, green, black, wine. Sizes 10 to 18. $39.95 All-Wool Suits_$28.88 Sheen gabardine, some menswear worsted. Sizes Misses', Women, Juniors. \ Kann’s—Second Floor HOSIERY Closeout and Samples of 39c Sr 50c Socks, 5 prs. $1 Perfect quality. Misses’, children's. Sizes 7 to 11. Irregs. of $1.35 Nylon Hosiery-pr. 77s Famous name, 15-denier, 6*4 to 10V,. $1.50 "McCrary" Nylon Hosiery-pr. $1.20 15-denier, 51-gauge, sizes 8ft to 11. $1.35 "McCrary" Nylon Hosiery_pr. $1.08 51-gauge sheer beauty, sizes 8M to 11. $1.15 "McCrary" Nylon Hosiery-pr. 92c 45-gauge dress sheers, sizes SH to 11. Kann’s—Street Floor SUITS $39.95 All-Wool Suits_$28.88 Sheen gabardine, menswear worsted. 10-18,14^-22^, 9-15. $49.95 & $55.00 Gabardine Sr Worsted Suits, $38.88 AU wool; black, brown, green, wine, grey. 10-18. Kann’s—Second Floor * BLANKETS, COMFORTS $15.95 Down Comforts, 72x84-ln_$12.99 Rayon-taffeta covered. $8.95 Beacon All-Wool Blankets, 72x84-in. —$6.88 Rose, blue, green, cedar or wine. $14.95 Kenwood All-Wool Blankets -_$11.88 Size 72x90. Pastel shades. $7.95 Patchwork Type Quilts_$5.99 Reversible; rose, blue, green. 80x84P. $19.95 Down Comforts_$17.99 Rayon-satin covered, reversibles, plain. $2.99 Quilted Mattress Pads, 39x76-ln._$2.39 $5.99 Quilted'Mattress Pads, 54x76-in._$3.39 Kann's—Blankets—Street Floor WASH FABRICS 49c 80-Square Percales-1_38c Plain and printed, 36" wide. 98c Printed Indian Head Cottons, plaids_yd. 58c Discontinued patterns, 36-inch wide. 89c Plaid Cotton Ginghams, 36 in. wide_yd. 69c Colorful plaids, various colors. $1.00 Rayon Gabardine, crease-resisting_yd. 79c 2,000 yards. AU 41-in. wide. Kean's—Fabrics—Street Floor / MILLINERY 49c—80 Square Percales- 38c Plain and Printed 36" wide. $6.95 to $7.95 Pine Pelt Hat*__$4.88 Better millinery, smart styles, fashion odors. Kami's—Second Root JUNIOR SHOP Dressy end Casual Rayon Crepes-$6.99 One and two piece styles. Sites 9 to 16. One and Two Piece Rayon Dresses-$10.88 All fall shades, better dresses in group. One-Piece Dale Dresses- $4.74 Rayon taffeta; solids and stripes. Kami's Second Root * STATIONERY \ $1.00 Box Assorted Christmas Cards-79c 50 French Fold Cards, Envelopes, One Quire Boxed Stationary--33c Assorted styles and colors, $7.95 Poker Chip Racks, 200 Chips, Cards.. $6.79 Revolving rack, 2 decks cards, interlocking chips. 49c Smooth Point Fountain Pens-33c Self-filling. Colorful cases. $1.69 Metal Silent Butlars-$1.19 Yellow, green, wine, rose, black. $7.95 Onyx Desk Sets, 4-Pc_$5.79 Pen Base, Pen, Rocker Blotter Calendar, Knife. 43c Avon Playing Cards, Slip Finish 35c, 3 tor 97c Picture backs tuck cases. 1.98 Plastic Bridge Table Covers, shell design $1.39 Drop sides, nylon thread quilting, plastic lined. $1.00 Plastic Chair Pads, Bridge Style_79e To match shell design covers. ' 69e Plastic Chair Backs, Bridge Style_39c To match shell deslen copers. $1.00 Christmas Cords, French Fold Stock_ 39c Dicken’s Christmas Carol Prints, white envelopes. 59c Writing Paper, White, Colors, 47c, 3 boxes $1.25 Letter sheets, single and folded styles. Notes. , Kaxrn’s—Street Floor FABRICS 49c-69c Cottons, 36-inches wide_:-yd. 38c "Ginghams, broadcloths, flannelettes, percales. 98c Printed Indian Head Cottons, Plaids ___-yd. 59c Discontinued patterns, 36-in. wide. 89c Plaid Cotton Ginghams, 36-in. wide_yd. 69c 1,000 yards, various colors. $2.95 to $3.95 Woolens_yd. $1.69 Crepes, flannels, checks, plaids, novelties, etc. $5.95 to $6.95 Wool Worsted Gabardine yd. $3.79 Dress, suit, coat weights. 54-60-in. wide. 53.95 to $5.95 Quality Woolens_yd. $2.39 Tweeds, coverts, crepes, 54-in. wide. $1.95 Quality Rayon Gabardine-yd. $1.69 Sheen gabardine, crease-resistant 54-ins. S1.69-$1.95 High Grade Rayons --•-yd. $1.48 Taffetas, failles, crepe-black satins. Many colors. 69e-79c Rayon Dress Fabrics-yd. 54e Spun flannels, gabardines, serges, 39-ins. $1.75 Pinwale Corduroy-yd. $1.39 Fine quality. 36-in. wide. $3.00 Cotton Velveteen--yd. $2.68 All popular colors. Extra fine quality $1.29 Rayon Dress Gabardine -yd. 79e Crease-resistant. 10 shades. 40-in. wide. Kann's—Street Floor LINENS $8.95 to $11.95 Lace Tablecloths-$4.99 72x90, famous make, choice of patterns. $2.95 Printed Tablecloths, 54x54 _$1.99 Of spun rayon and cotton or linen. $3.95 Printed Tablecloths, 54x72 _$2.99 Of spun rayon and cotton or linen. Napkins, 49c. $3.95 Chenille Mat, Lid Sets_$2.88 Yarn-dyed solid colors, white. Sec. 89c Bath Towels, 20x40 -64c Heavy quality, absorbent. $1.19 Jumbo Size Flour Sack Towels, 6 to pkg. $1.00 Made from cotton bags, 20x37-in. Sec. $1.69 Martex "Golden Jubilee" Bath Towels, 99c Assorted colors, 25x46-in. size. $1.00 Printed Plastic Tablecloths __79e Attractive colors. 54x54-in. $3.49 Table Sets, Functional Design_$2.79 54xS4-in. cloth. 4 napkins, boxed. Sec. 69c Cannon Bath Towels-49c Big 20x40-in. size. *59c Dish Toweling_44c yd. Imported, linen. Kann's—Linens—Street Floor vi "Tht Av*nu«" “ 7th; 8th ond 0 Sts. N.W. BOYS’ WEAK ' $10.95 Hooded Snow Suits, 4 to 19-$7.99 Water-repellent poplin, Melton ski pants, $10.95 and $12.95 Sheepskin Lined Coats..$8.99 Sizes 6 to 18. Students' $34.50 and $37.50 Wool Suits_$24.88 Flannels, coverts, plaids, sizes 33-38. Students' $34.50 and $37.50 Zip-Lined Coats, $27.88 Coverts or gabardines. Sizes 33 to 38. Youths' $29.95 Zip-Lined Overcoats-$23.88 Gabardines and coverts, sizes 14 to 20. $1.95 to $2.95 Long Sleeve Sport Shirts_$1.79 Famous make, sizes 8 to 20. $1.95 Cotton Flannelette Pajamas-$1.69 Two-piece style, sizes 8 to 18. $1.95 Cotton Flannel Plaid Shirts_$1.38 Sizes 10 to 16. $12.95 Jackets with Mouton Collars_$8.99 Tackel twill or cotton gabardine. 8-20. $4.95 and $5.95 Corduroy Slacks_$3.79 Junior sizes 6 to 12; boys' sizes 10 to 18. $7.95 and $8.95 ^laid Hooded Mackinaws_$5.99 Sizes 4 to 14. $7.95 and $8.95 Navy Pea Coats..—$5.99 Sizes 6 to 16. 79c E. Z. Winter-Weight Shorts...65c Sizes 6 to 16. Boys', Students' $7.95 to $10.95 Slacks_$5.59 XU wool; 26-32 waist in group. . , Youths' $19.95 and $24.95 Wool Suits_$13.88 Sizes 8 to 16. 59c Ties, assorted colors and patterns..29c; 4 for $1 $1.95 Long Sleeve Basque Shirts-99c Famous make. Sizes 6-18. Kann’s—Boys’ Store—Second Floor RIGS $159.95 Wilton Rugs, 9x12-ft_$94.00 Oriental pattern, fringed ends. Red or rose grounds. $11.95 Carved Wilton Broad loom, sq. yd.-$8.99 Rose, biege, green, grey. 9 and 12-ft. widths. $6.95 Axminster Broadloom, sq. yd.---$4.88 Green, rose, grey, wine and biege. 9 and 12-ft. widths. Katin’s—Third Floor MEN'S FURNISHINGS J9e-75c Hose and Anklets-27c Variety of patterns,.sizes 10,12. . $1.00 and $1.50 Fall Tiesi___——69c A fine assortment, new patterns.- • r $1.50-$3.50 Silk or Rayon Ties_ -89c Fine quality, anniversary-pricedI $19.95 Lined Rayon Robes-$11.99 f Jacquard rayon, navy or maroon. S, M, L. $4.95 Rayon Pajamas--$3.59 Solid colors, piped. A, B, C, D. $2.95 Cotton Flannelette Pajamas-$1.99 Coat or middy styles. A, B, C, D. $3.50-$4.95 Leather Gloves.._$2.88 Lined, unlined. Sizes 7%-10%. 79c Cotton Tee Shirts- 59c White combed cotton. S, M, L. $4.95-$6.95 Long Sleeve Sport Shirts-$2.88 Rayons rayon mixtures. S, M, ML, L. $2.95-$3.95 White, Fancy Shirts_r._$1.88 > White and fancies. Sanforized,* 14-17 in group. •Shrinkage ten than 1%. I 79c-89c Shorts—I-1-ea., 58c Boxer or gripper style. $2.95 Nylon Shorts—_ $1.99 Boxer style. $5.95 All-Wool Coat Sweaters......$3.99 Ribbed interlock style, 36-44. $5.00 and $6.50 Fur Felt Hats.:_$3.79 Lined, unlined. Bound and welt edges, 6%-7%. $1.95 Weatherised Sport Hats---$1.29 Poplins, gabardines, tan, cocqg. 6%-7%. Kann’s—Street Floor MEN'S CLOTHING $7.95 Men's Gabardine Slacks - $4.88 77% rayon, 23% wool. Solid colors. Sizes 29 to 42. $50.00 Wool Zip-Lined Topcoats -_$38.00 Gabardine, covert. Reg., Shorts, Longs. $40.00 Zip-Lined Trenchcoats--._$31.95 Water-repellent, tan. Reg., Shorts, Longs. $10.95 Cotton Gabardine Raincoats-$7.77 Water-repellent, raglan sleeves. Reg., Shorts, Longs. $13.95-$16.95 Wool Slacks, Pants__$8.84 Coverts, flannels, worsteds, etc., 29-42. Kann’s—Men’s Store—Second Floor BEDROOM FLRMSHWGS "Foster" Innerspring Mattress . _$33.88 Damask-covered. 310 coils to double size. "Foster" Damask Box Springs to Match_$33.88 $89.50 "Simmons" Modern Sofa Beds_$66.00 $89.50 Bedroom Suites Solid Maple 3-pc.-$79.95 $39.50 Upholstered Lounge Chairs, 3 styles.. $29.00 $69.50 Innerspring Studio Couches, 4 styles .-$55.00 $27.50 Boudoir Chairs with Matching Ottomans, $17.88 , $47.50 High-Back Platform Rockers, upholstered, $38 $55.65 Innerspring Bed Outfits, 3-pc.-$39.95 $64.50 Hollywood Headboard Bed Outfits, twin size, $44.00 "Hotel Special" Innerspring Mattresses with rubber "Tulapad" _ $23.88 $16.95 Cricket Chairs, wing-back style-$13.88 $9.95 Goodyear Airform Pillows, zippered cover, $7.99 $6.95 Framed Pictures, Florals, Scenes, Moderns, $4.49 $14.95 Framed Plate Glass Mirrors, 3 styles $11.99 $5.95 Pillows, White Goose Down and Feathers, $3.99 Kann’s—Third Floor TOILETRIES 23c Kann's Facial Tissues-5 boxes 89c Green, blue, peach or white. 300 to box. $1.25 Kann's Hardwater Soap--—box 98c 12 cakes to box. Ass’t. colors, cold cream base. $6.95 A. C. Gilbert's Hair Dryer. _$5.88 Electric, lightweight; has hot and cold switch. $1.39 Kann's Economy Tinted Toilet Tissue, doz 98c Soft, single ply, 1,000 sheets to roll. White, colors. 19c Bleached Paper Towels 6 for 85c Absorbent, large 7^x11" sheet. ISO to roll. 50c Consumer Special Toiletries ea. 29c, 3/85c* Creams, lotions and makeup; famous make. $3.00 Lucite Hair Brush fir Comb Set_$1.69 ffylon bristle, two styles. Boxed. . $1.39 Seiberling Hot Water Bottle -98c Famous make, pure rubber, 2-qt. size. Boxed. $23.50 "Sunbeam" Electric Razor _$15.95 Discontinued model, “S" style, AC. Full motor. $1.49 Plastic Shampoo Tray -r_69c Use in any basin; Ideal for children. •Plus 30% tax Kann’s—Street Floor Men’s *1.50 to *3.50 Famous Make NECKTIES « * An outstanding array from famous makers. Pure silk foulards and crepes as well as fine quality rayons in prints and woven ideas. A truly unusual oppor tunity to stock up on some fine neckweor at an unusually low Anniversary pride. Karin's—Men’s Store—Street Floor *4.95 Plastic BATHROOM CURTAIN SETS $1.99 Give new beauty to your bathrooms with smart plastic sets. They're printed in one or two colors. The tub curtain is a standard size. The window* curtains are trimmed with ruffles. Kami 'a—Houseware*—Third Floor a •59.95 Solid Brass FIREPLACE ENSEMBLES *29.95 All are large pieces, all tops in quality. They're polished and lacquered to pre vent tarnish. Set includes log-burning 21 Va" andirons, 4-pt. tool set, extra wide 3-fold screen of $ood quality mesh. It's bound at aN ends and sides with solid brass tubing. Kann’B—House Furnishings—Third floor Men’s *65 TWO TROUSER WORSTED SUITS *48 Sharkskins and clear cut worsteds In single and double 'breasteds drapes or conservatives, trousers with pleated or plain fronts. Zipper closures. Colors: Bark tan, Canadian blue, cocoa brown, steel grey, teal. Sizes: Regulars, shorts, longs, stouts and short stouts. Kami’s—Men's store—Second Floor