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(tarbis n! atjanka ALEXANDER. HARRY MILTON (BUDDY). We wlih to gratefully acknowledge and thank the Rev William McLean, our friend* and neighbors lor their sympathy, beautiful floral tributes and many kind nesses at the passing of our dear son and brother. HARRY MILTON (BUDDY) MRfPcOBffli ALEXANDER AND FAM ILY. REID. WILILAM A. We wish to thank tha many friends and relatives who were ao sympathetic and loyal during our re cent bereavement. _._ MRS MARTIB REID, MRS MARY REID LILY AND FAMILY 3 Bfattja BRADLEY. CHARLES F. On Monday, May 1. 1850, CHARLES F. BRADLEY ci 224 3rd st. s.e.. beloved husband ol Mar garet Orlflin Bradley, father ol John Henry (Harry) Bradley of St. Petariburg, Ifla.. and Mary Edna Renno ol West {'aim Beach, Fla. Funeral from the ames T. Ryan Funeral Home. 317 I'a. vt. a.*., on Thursday. May 4. at 8:30 a m. Requiem mass at 8t. Peter’s Church at B a m Relatives and friends invited. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. 3 BROWN. ZELIE L. Departed this life Saturday, April 29. 1950. at her resi dence. 004 Division ave. n.e., ZELIE L. BROWN. She leaves a devoted husband. Prank M. Brown; one son, Emory Turner, and a host of grandchildren and many 6natives and friends. After 4 p.m. Tues ay. May 2. friends may call at her late reaidenee. Funeral services Wednesday, May 3. at 2 p.m.. at Allan A. M. E. Chapel. Alabama ave. and 25th st. s.e. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Wooalawn cemetery. 2 CALHOUN. SARAH ELIZABETH. On Sunday. April 30, 1950. in Ripley. Tenn.. Mr* SARAH ELIZABETH CALHOUN. Widow of the late Rev. 1 E Calhoun and mother of Mrs. Dennis I Boggs. Robert N Calhoun of Silver Spring. Md.. Lewis Calhoun of Mayfield. Ky.. Mrs. W M Vaughan of Dyer. Tenn.. and Mrs. Emma Laura Thornley of Ripley. Tenn. Fu neral services will be held at Hysong s Funeral Home. 1300 N st. n.w . on Thurs day. May 4. at 11 a m Relatives and friends Invited to attend. Interment George Washington Memorial Cemetery. CARRICO. JOSEPH M. On Monday. May 1. 1060. at his residence, 818 4th st. n.e.. JOSEPH M CARRICO beloved husband of Mary Carrico and father of Mrs Ber tha Bryan Friends may call at the Walsh Funeral Home. 741 11th st. s.e.. where services will be held on Thursday, May 4 at 8:30 a m. Requiem mass at St. Aloyslus Church at 9 am. Inter ment Cedar Hill Cemetery. 3 COINER. EDWARD L. On Monday. May 1, 1950. at his residence. 1020 Monroe at n.w . EDWARD L. COINER, father of Walter F Coiner and Mrs. Edna C. Houston, both of Washington. D. C., and Edward C Coiner of Detroit. Mich. Re mains resting at the S. H Hines Co. Fu neraJ Home. 2901 14th st. n.w. until 3 p m. Wednesday Services at Staunton. Va . on Thursday. May 4, at 11 a m. Interment Tinkling Spring Cemetery. DOUGLAS. GILLESPIE. Departed this life on Saturday. April 29. 1950, at his resi dence. 300 Dixon ct. s.w., GILLESPIE DOUGLAS, beloved father of Lenora Carter and Portia Rector. Also surviving are four grandchildren. Reginald. Mitch ell. Felix and Quintln Carter, two sons in-law. Mitchell Carter and William Rector; two devoted friends. Mr. and Mrs Beniamin Davis; other relatives and a host of friends. Remains resting at the John T. Rhine* & Co. Funeral Home. Srd and Eye sts. s.w., where relatives and friends may call on Tuesday. May 2 after 4 p.m. Funeral Wednesday. April 3. at 1 p.m.. the Rev. Brown officiating Interment Arlington Na tional Cemetery. 2 FALCONER. CLARA GRIGG. On Monday. May 1. 1950. at her residence. CLARA ORIOG FALCONER of 12 Randolph pi. n.w . beloved wife of the late Sydnor Matthew Falconer, mother of Sydnor M. Falconer of Norfolk. Va.: Mrs. Ella F. K'rks and H. Hainc6 Falconer of Wash ington. D. C.; Mrs. Charles R. Hodges, Arlington. Va.. and the late Robert G. Falconer, sister of Mrs. L. M. Boswell of Petersburg. Va.; H. H. Grigg. Gainesville, Ga Services at the S. H. Hines Co. Funeral Home. 2901 14th st. n.w . on Wednesday. May .1. at .1 p.m. Interment Glenwood Cemetery. 2 FIELDS. LUTHER. Suddenly, on Satur day. April 29. 1950. at his residence, 81 o E it. s.w.. LUTHER FIELDS, devoted father of Mrs. Grace Whitaker. He also Is survived by other relatives and friends. ?ematns may be viewed after 5 p.m. uesday. May 2. at Barnes & Matthews Funeral Home. HI 4 4th st. s.w.. where funeral services will be held Wednesday. May .'1. at 1 o.m.. Rev. R. M. Randall officiating Interment Payne's Cemetery. FISHER. ROBERT. On Saturday. April 29. 1050. at Gallinger Hospital. ROBERT FISHER of 425 Elm st. n.w.. devoted friend of Mrs Jessie Johnson. Many other friends also survive. Friends may call at the Malvan & Schey Funeral Home. 424 R st. n.w.. after 4 p.m. Tues day. where funeral services will be held Wednesday. May 3. at 1 p.m. FITZGERALD. CLEOPHAS W. On Mon day. May 1. 1950. at his residence, 8413 Cunningham dr., Berwyn, Md., CLEO PHAS W FITZGERALD, beloved husband of Adeline A. Fitzgerald and father of Minnie Hall. Adeline Zook. Carrie Rich ards. Ruby Kendall. Beulah Powell, Emanuel. Roy and Leonard Fitzgerald Remains resting at Gasch s Funeral Home, Hyattsvlile. Md.. where services will be held on Wednesday. May 3. at - p m. Relatives and friends Invited In terment George Washington Cemetery. GARDNER. ALONZO. On Sunday. April 30. 1050. at his residence. 1203 O st. n.w. ALONZO GARDNER, beloved son of Mrs Eleanor Gardner, brother of Joseph Gardner and Mrs. Olivia Mat thews. nephew of Mrs. Daisy King. Mrs. Dorothy McGee and Mrs Mary Chap man. He also leaves a host of other relatives and friends. Friends mav call at the W. Ernest Jarvis Funeral Church 1432 U st. n.w., after 10 a.m. Tuesday, Mav 2. Funeral services Wednesday. May 3. at 2 p.m.. at the above funeral church, the Rev. R. D. Grimes officiating. Relatives and friends Invited. . Interment Lincoln Memorial Cemetery, 2 GARNER. DELLA. On Monday. May 1. 1950. DELLA GARNER, beloved wife of Irving Garner, devoted mother ol Ralpn Garner. She also Is survived by one brother. Benson H. Goldman; five sisters. Mrs. Sophie Cohn, Mrs. Lillian Simon. Mrs Rose Corman. Mrs. Debbie Kaufman and Mrs. May Dodek. all of Washington. D C Services at the Goldberg Funeral Home, 4217 9th st. n.w.. Wednesday. May 3. at 2 p.m Interment B'nai Israel Cemetery. In mourning at 931 New York ave. n.w. 3 GRAHAM. FREDERICK GORDEN. On Sunday. April 30. 1950. at his father s home, in Buckland. Va.. FREDERICK GORDEN GRAHAM, son of Cora L and John F. Graham. Remains resting at the Baker Ar Son Funeral Home. Manas sas. Va. Services Wednesday. May 3. at 2 P m.. at the above funeral home. Interment National Memorial Park Cem etery, Falls Church. Va. HALL. BEATRICE L. On Saturday, April "9. 1950. at Galllnaer Hospital. BEA TRICE L. HALL of 39 Fenton st. n.e., daughter of Mary E. Simms, sister of James H. Simms and William E Chisley. She also leaves one adopted sister. Jean Clements, and a host of other relatives and friends. The late Mrs. Hall may be viewed at Stewart's runeral Home. 30 H at n.e.. after 5 o.m Tuesday. Mass will be offered Wednesday, May 3. at 9 a.nv. at St Cyprian's Catholic Church. 1.1th and C sts. s.e. Interment Harmony Cemetery. HALL. FRANCES O. On Sunday. April 30. 1950. at Freedmen's Hospital, FRAN CES O. HALL of 1243 Walter pi. s.e . daughter of the late Charles and Hattie Hall and loving sister of William Hall. Also surviving are a host of other rela tives and many friends. After 4 p.m. Thursday. May 4. friends are invited to call at the McGuire Funeral Home. 1820 9th st. n w Solemn high requiem mass will be celebrated at St. Cyprian's Cath olic Church. 13th and C sts. s.e.. on Sat urday. May H. at in am. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery tLos Angeles. Calif papers please copy ' n HIGGINS. BENTON WILSON. On Fri day. APrll 2S. 1950. BENTON WILSON HIGGINS, of Glen Echo. Md.. brother of Clarence H Higgins. Remains rest ing a* the Bethesda-Chcvy Chase Fu neral Home of Robert A Pumphrey. Be thesda. Md.. where services will he he.d on Tuesday. Mav 2. at 2 p.m. Interment Forest Oak Cemetery, Gaithersburg. Md FUNERAL DIRECTORS. ”J. William Lee’s Sons Co. Atb and Max. An. N.E. LI 3-5200 FTNEHAL DIRECTORS Crematorium FRANK GEIER'S SON'S CO. 3605 14th ST. N.W. TUCKERMAN 2326 NEW ENLARGED PARLORS Formerly at 1118 7th 8t. NW Established 1 8.M_. y7l. speare co. Neither auceexor to nor connected with the original W R Speare establishment 1009 H St. N.W. National0 2892 FUNERAL DESIGNS. GEO. C. SHAFFER, INC. Brices. Open dally. Sun., holiday*. Phone orders also accepted. 6:30 to 9 p.m. week nights. 900 14th St N.W NA. 0106 Expressive Floral Tributes. Moderate GUDE BROS. CO. Chaise Account* Opened by Phone Individually Designed Wreaths and Sprayi 1212 F St. N.W WAttonal 4278_ C. & C. FLOWER STORES FLORAL SPRAYS, $3.95 UP DELIVEREC Charge Accounts Invited S08 14th St. N.W. ME. 7433 Blackistone, Inc. BEAUTIFUL FLORAL TRIBUTES, $5 up Phone and Charge It CEMETERY LOTS. fEMETERY LOTS, National Memoria Park, by estate. Any reasonable offer ac ccpted. ME. 5526. * FOUR SITES; In Fort Lincoln. Mlcbteai '‘985. __—3 tlTES, FT. LINCOLN CEMETERY. For and clock section, greatly reduced. SH 6329.—5 pATL. MEMO. CEM.—Will sell lot ll L aec and in HH tec; S300 each; $1(M Having on each. PARTRIDGE, NA. 2483 S* • * Statljfi HOPKINS, ROBERT. On Tuesday May 2. 1950. at Freedmen's Hospital. ROBERT HOPKINS, beloved husband ol Beatrice Hopkins ot 924 P st. n.w. Also surviv-; ing are a brother, a slater, other reia-, tivee and many friends. Notice of fu-1 neral later. Arrangements by McGuire. | Inc. 4 | IRELAND. PROF. GORDON. Suddenly, or. Sunday. April 30, 1950, at his home, 4700 30th st.. Mount Rainier, Md.. Prof. GORDON IRELAND, beloved husband of Helen Maynard Ireland. Services at the 8. H. Hines Co. Funeral Home. 2901 14th at. n.w.. on Wednesday, May 3. at 8 p.m. Interment Springfield, Maas. Please omit flowers. 3 JACKSON. ETHEL T. On Friday. April 28. 1950. at Alexandria Hospital, after a brief illness. ETHEL THOMPSON JACKSON, beloved wife of Oliver Jackson, daughter of the late Randolph and Eliza beth Thompson. 8he leaves to mourn their loss several cousins and a host of friends Remains resting at her late residence. 810 Wolfe st., Alexandria. Va., after 2 p.m. Tuesday. May 2. Funeral services Wednesday. May 3. at 1 p.m„ from the Third Baptist Church. Alex andria. Va. Interment Douglas Cemetery. Services by the Lewis Funeral Home. 2 JENNINGS. ANNA. On Monday. May 1. 1950, ANNA JENNING6. beloved wife ot the late James Jennings, mother of Ger trude Wade, grandmother of Doris Smith and Joseph Wade. Friends may call at the Walsh Funeral Home. 741 11th st. s.e.. where services will be held on Wed nesday. May 3. at 8:30 a.m. High re quiem mass at 8t. Mary’s Church at 9 am. Interment Washington National Cemetery. JOHNSON, CARL. Suddenly, on Saturday April 29. 1950. CARL JOHNSON of 4503 Rhode Island ave . Brentwood. Md.. be loved husband of Mrs Edelle Johnson, brother of Mrs. Amy Matthews, Mrs. Evelyn Craig. Mrs. Louise Dailey, Mrs. Irene Carter, Mrs. Pauline Hebron, Sam uel, Gordon Leon and William Johnson. He also leaves other relatives and friends. Friends may call at his late residence after 5 P.m. Wednesday, May 3. Fu neral services Thursday, May 4. at 2 P.m., at the St. Mark's Methodist Church, Dorsey. Md., the Rev. J. D. Pair officiat ing Relatives and friends invited. In terment Asbury Church Cemetery, Asbury. Md. Arrangements by W. Ernest Jarvis Co. (Baltimore News please copy.) 3 JONES. JOHN WESLEY. On Monday. May 1. 1950. JOHN WESLEY JONES ol 1104 Irving st. n.w.. husband of Mrs. Birdie Jones, fether of Mrs. Mary Minor, Aubrey Jones. John W. Jones, Jr.; Mrs Lula Henderson and Mrs. Alice McKinney; brother of Mrs Alice Latney. grandfather of Harry Bowman. Nina Elaine Jones and Wiliiam Henderson, Jr.; father-in-law of Mrs. Christina Jones, brother-in-law of Mrs. Nona Walker and James R. Lat ney. Many other relatives and friends also survive. After 5 pm. Wednesday. May 3. friends may call at his late resi dence. Funeral Thursday. May 4. at 1 p.m., from Frazier's Funeral Home. 389 R. I. ave. n.w . Rev. E. C. Smith officiat ing. Interment Harmony Cemetery. 3 JONES. LUTHER D. On Monday, May 1. 195n. at his residence. 1347 G st. s.e., LUTHER D. JONES, beloved brother of George Jones of Vienna. Va.. John Jones ol Detroit, Mich.; Curreht Jones of Los Angeles, Calif.; Mrs. Debbie Clark of Vienna, Va.. and Mrs. Mary E. Williams of Washington. D. C. Friends may call at the Lee Funeral Home. 4th st. and Mass. ave. n.e., where services will be held on Thursday. May 4. at 11 am. Interment the Sanctuary, Cedar Hill Cemetery. 3 KELLAM, BESSIE E. On Monday. May 1. 1950. BESSIE E KELLAM. beloved mother of Evelyn M. Holt. Eva L. Gal lows. Edward L. and Robert L. Kellam, and sister of Mrs. Olive Bratt. James W., William M. and W. O. Hagan. Funeral from the W. W. Deal Funeral Home, 4812 Georgia ave. n.w . on Thursday, May 4, at 2 p.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Fort Lincoln Ceme tery. 3 nuonvni i. un iviwjju a j • Hiaj 1. I960, NELLIE T. KOSACK tnee Ma loney), beloved wife of the late Qua Kosack and aunt of Joseph M. Maloney of Berwyn, 111. Funeral from the W. K. Hurtemann Funeral Home, 5732 Georgia ave. n.w.. on Thursday. May 4. at 9:30 a m.: thence to the Church of the Na tivity. 0006 19th st. n.w., where the holy sacrifice of the mass will be offered at 10 a m. for the repose of her soul. Rela tives and friends invited to attend. In terment Mount Olivet Cemetery. 3 KRACKE. RICHARD HOUSER. On Sun day. April 30. 1950. at Glenn Dale Sani tarium, RICHARD HOUSER KRACKE, father of Mrs. Jaequeline D. Bottoms, Oakland. Calif.; son of John and Charl setta Houser Kracke of Washington, D. C : brother of John Kracke. 1r„ of this city Also survived by one grand son. Services at the 8 H. Hines A Co. Funeral Home, 2901 14th st. n.w., on Thursday. May 4. at 1 p.m. Interment Fort Lincoln Cemetery. 3 LAWSON, MABLE SHAW HALLIDAY. On Wednesday. April 26. 1950, at the Let terman General Hospital. San Francisco, Calif., MABLE SHAW HALLIDAY LAW SON, aged 67 years. She is survived by two daughters. Mrs. L. L. Paige of San Rafael. Calif., and Mrs. William W. Dick, jr., of the G-l Division. Tokyo. Japan: one sister. Mrs. Lawrence Scott Carson of Washington. D. C.; one broth er. Dr Charles H. Halllday of Charlottes ville. Va three cousins. Mrs. Samuel Kimberly. Mrs. Frank Haden and Miss Eunice Haden, all of Washington, D. C. Funeral services Wednesday. May 3. at 10 am . at Fort Myer Chapel. Inter ment Arlington National Cemetery. MACKENZIE, JOHN THOMAS. On Satur day, April 29. 1950, JOHN THOMAS MACKENZIE, beloved husband of Jose phine W. Mackenzie, father of Jean - Marie Mackenzie, sow of Elsie R. Rollins, stepson of the late Joseph L. Rollins. Fnends may call at hit residence. 5235 New Hampshire ave. n.w. Requiem mass at Nativity Church on Wednesday, May 3, at 9 a m. Relatives and friends in vited. Interment Arlington National Cemetery. 2 MAYNARD. MARY. Departed this life on Saturday, April 29, 1950, at Casualty Hospital. MARY MAYNARD of 76 K st. n.e., sister oi Mrs. Katie Brown. Mrs. Raveetta Berkley, Joseph and Westley Maynard, aunt of Mrs. Gladys Holt, She also leaves two devoted friends. Mrs. Adele Jarvis and David Warner, and other relatives and friends.* Remains resting at Ralph Barbour's Funeral Home. 48 K st. n.e., where friends are invited to view the remains after 3 p.m. Tuesday. May 2. Funeral Wednesday, May 3. at 2 p.m.. from the above funeral home. Interment Payne's Cemetery. MeCALLIP, CARRINGTON ALLEN. On Monday. May 1. 1950, at his residence, 3 Glen or.. Belle Haven. Va., CARRING TON ALLEN MeCALLIP. beloved hus band of Dr. Mildred Dickerson (Mc Callip). Friends may call at Gawler's Chapel. 1756 Pa ave. n.w Services at i Fori Myer Chapel on Thursday. May 4, at 10:30 a m. Interment Arlington Na tional Cemetery. 3 MCDONALD. HAROLD LEROY. On Mon day. May 1, 1950. HAROLD LEROY MC DONALD. Notice of funeral later. Ar rangements by F’razier's Funeral Home. MEADS. JENNIE ESTELLE. On Monday, May 1, 1950. in Mountain Lakes, N. J., JENNIE ESTELLE MEADS, widow of the late Charles Meads, mother of Estelle Meads Crane and sister of James Albert Reeves of Champaign. III. Graveside services in Rock Creek Cemetery on Wed nesday. May 3, at 1:30 p.m. 2 MELLBERG. KATHLEEN H. May 1. 1950, at 4009 Branch ave. s.e„ wile of Ber nard L. Mellberg, mother of Wesley T. and Gary M. Moger, Mrs. Jacqueline Petro. Miss Kay D. Moger and Miss Karen L. Mellberg; sister of George and Woodrow Wilson. Mrs. Nell Pargoe and Mrs. Jane Lanham. Services at Cham bers' Funeral Home. 517 11th st. s.e., on Thursday. May 4. at 1 p.m. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. 3 MILLER. ANNIE MAY. On Saturday, April 29, 1950, ANNIE MAY MILLER of 1632 S st. n.w . wife of the late Kelly Miller: loving mother of Kelly Miller, jr.; Mary M. Sullivan, Irene M. Reid and Paul B. Miller; grandmother of Anne May Newman. Gloria McIntosh. Kelly Miller III. and Suzanne Miller; sister of Harry Butler, Mrs. W. A. C. Hughes, sr.; Mrs. Frederick Ttldon. Mrs. Rachel Fleet and Mrs. James Bynum. She also is survived by 3 great-grand children. a host of other relatives and many friends. After 1 p.m.. Tuesday. May 2. friends may call at her late residence. After 10 am.. Wednesday. May 3. the remains will lie in state at the Fifteenth Street Presbyterian Church. 15th and R sts n.w.. where funeral services will be held at 1:30 p.m Rev. H. B. Taylor officiating Interment Lin coln Memorial Cemetery. Arrangements by Frazier's Funeral Home. 2 MILLER. ANNIE MAE. Officers and mem bers of Prince Hall Chapter. No. 6. O. E. S.. are hereby requested to attend the fu neral of Sister ANNIE MAE MILLER, from the Presby terian Church, 15th and R sts. n.w.. on Wednesday, May 3. 1950. at 1:3(1 p.m. BLAINE THOMPSON. W. M. DANIEL P. MOSELY. W. P. , GENEVA DENNEY. Secretary. I MORRISON. MARY WOODSIDE. On Tuesday. May 2. 1950. at Garfield Hos pital, MARY WOODSIDE MORRISON of 1774 North Troy st.. Arlington. Va.. be loved wife of Lee Morrison, mother of Gretchen W Costello. Services at the S. H. Hines Co Funeral Home. 2901 14th st. n.w.. on Thursday. May 4. at 11:30 am. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. (Sacramento. Calif., and Oxford, Pa., papers please copy.) 3 MYERS. DANIEL P. On Monday. May 1. 1950. at the residence of his son, Joseph K. Myers. 0228 20th ave., Green Meadows. Md . DANIEL P. MYERS, be loved husband of the late Annie F. Myers (nee Kelly), mother of John F. Myers. Ella M. Tyson and Joseph K. Myers. Funeral from the T. F. Costello Funeral Home. 1722 North Capitol st., on Thursday. May 4. at 9:30 a.m. Requiem mass at St. Aloysius Church at 10 am. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. 3 I MYERS. DANIEL P. Members of Keane Council. Knights of Colum bus. are notified of the death of Brother DANIEL P. MYERS, and are requested to assemble I at T. F. Costellos Funeral Home. 1722 North Capitol st., at 8 p.m. Wednesday, May 3. 1950. ROBERT N NOLAND. Grand Knight. JOSEPH J GOSSELIN. Fin. Sec 3 mmwm ' *65®P MARKERS»25*p EAJLVEY LGRANITBCO.INCL , Established-1886 209 UPSHUR SIN.W -5^- iMctr Ak* Cm* Cemetery M®423*LTAYt0RI«00 BratljB NALLEY. WILLIAM J. Suddenly, on Sun day, April 30. 1950. at his realdence. 522 Mh st. s.e . WILLIAM J. NALLEY. beloved husband of Annie E. Nalley 'nee1 Armisteadi, father of James A.. Edwin' J. and William L. Nalley. son of the late Thomas R. and Kathryn H. Nalley. brother of Mrs Mary A. Deppe. Mrs. Lillian Lockeman. Rufus and Charles G Nalley. Mrs. Catherine Peddon and Eleanor H. Moor of Los Angeles, Calif. Prlends may call at 3200 Rhode Island ave at Eastern ave. n.e Funeral on ■Wednesday. May 3, at 9:15 a m., thence to St. Peter s Church. 2nd and C sts. s.e.. where mass will be offered at 10 a.m. for the repose of his soul. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. 2 NALLEY, WILLIAM J. Officers and mem - . . bers oi Columbia Lodge 126. Loyal Order of Moose, are advised of the death of RAJHI Brother WILLIAM J. NAL LEY and are requested to flKy attend Moose funeral serv ices at Nalley Funeral Home. • 3200 Rhode Island ave., Mt. Rainier. Md . on Tuesday. May 2. at 8:30 p.m. JOHN 8CHOLL. Governor. LESLIE HAGAN. Secretary. 2 NALLEY. WILLIAM J. Washington Lodge. ®No. 15, B. P. O. Elks, will assemble at the William J. Nalley Funeral Home. 8200 Rhode Island ave. n.e.. on Tuesday. May 2. 1960. at 8 p.m., to exemplify the funeral ritual of the order over the remains of our late brother. WILLIAM J. NALLEY. By order of WILLIAM H. CADE Exalted Ruler. Attest: L. M. YODNG. Secretary. OLIVES. ANNIE F. On Tuesday. May 2. 1960, at the Whithall Sanitarium. Falls Church, Va.. ANNIE F. OLIVER oi 6511 Church st:. Baileys Cross Roads. Va.. be loved wife of Claude W. Oliver, mother of Garland and Woodrow W. Oliver, Mrs. Constance O Bator and Mrs. Courtney Byram. all of Baileys Cross Roads and Falls Church, Va. Friends may call at the Demalm Funeral Home. 520 South Washington st.. Alexandria. Va.. where services will be held on Thursday. May 4. at 10 a.m. Interment Ivy Hill Ceme tery. PAYNE. REV. BENJ AMINE FRANKLIN. On Saturday. April 29, 1950. entered into perfect rest at his residence, 525 21st st. n.e.. REV. BENJAMINE FRANK LIN PAYNE, late pastor of Mount Olive Baptist Church. Dniontown. Va., and New Hope Baptist Church. Wellington, Va.. devoted husband of Ada W. Payne: father of Mrs. Virginia Allen. Mrs Mary Brooks. Benjamlne. Atona. Easton and Leonard Payne. Also surviving are fifty grandchildren. thirteen great - grand children; a brother. Fred Payne, and other relatives and friends. Friends may call at Dovle G. Brooks and Otis F. Allen Funeral Home. 12th and Florida ave. n.w.. from 5 to 11 p.m., Tuesday. April 2. Remains will lie in state from 11 a.m. until time of funeral. 2 p.m.. Wednesday, April .3. at Mount Calvary Baptist Church. Ralrfax Courthouse, Va. Rev. Milton Shepherd, pastor. 2 PINCHUM. ELLEN H. On Saturday. April 29. If 150. ELLEN H. PINCHUM of 335 You st. n.w.. devoted wife of Jerry G Plnchum. Also surviving are a host of other relatives and many friends. After 6 p.m. Tuesday. May 2, friend* mav call at her late residence. Funeral Wednes day. May 3. at 1 p.m.. from the Third Baptist Chuich. the Rev. G. O. Bullock officiating. Interment Lincoln Memorial Cemetery Arrangements by Frazier's Funeral Home. 2 PINCHUM, ELLEN. The officers and members oi the Women's Auxiliary of the General Baptist Deacons’ Association of Washington and Vicinity are hereby notified of the death of our late sister, ELLEN PINCHUM. Funeral services on Wednesday. May 3, 1950. at 1 p.m . at the Third Baptist Church, n.w., Rev. G. O. Bullock, pastor. Please wear badges. SISTER IDA 8. BURKE. rresmeni. DEACON ROBERT ROBINSON. President of Association. SISTER ELIZA BROOKS. Secretary. PINO. JOHN B. On Sunday, April 30, 1950, at his residence, 929 Sheridan st. n.w., JOHN B. PINO, beloved husband ol Mrs. Angelina Pino and brother of An thony and Frank Pino and Mrs. Anna Rotella. Remains resting at Hysong’s Funeral Home. 1300 N st. n.w.. until 9:30 a.m. Wednesday. May 3; thence to the Church of the Nativity. 13th and Peabody sts. n.w.. where mass will be said at 10 a.m. for the repose of his soul. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend. Interment Fort Lincoln Mausoleum. PROCTOR, MARY LOll. On Saturday. April 29, 1950, at her residence. 4529 41 ave.. North Brentwood, Md., MARY LOU PROCTOR, daughter of the iate Addison and Fannie Saunders, sister of the late Annie Seaburn and Lillie Mason, aunt of Mary Thomas. Gladys Hobbs and Anniebelle Jennings. Many other relatives and friends also survive. Friends may call at her late residence after 4 p.m. Tuesday, where funeral services will be held Wednesday. May 3. at 1:30 p.m., the Rev. J. D. Pair officiating. Inter ment Harmony Cemetery. • RICHIE. 8ADA JOHNSON. On Monday. May 1, 1950. at her residence. 3431 Oakwood ter. n.w.. SADA JOHNSON RICHIE, sister of Mary E. Johnson and Clara Elizabeth Johnson. Services will be held at Gawler's Chapel. 1756 Pa. ave. n.w., on Wednesday. May 3, at 11:30 a.m. Interment private. SAUNDERS. AUSTIN C„ SR. On Monday, May 1, 1960. at Homeopathic Hospital, AUSTIN C. SAUNDERS. Sr., of 3007 10th st. n.e.. beloved husband of May M. Saunders, father of Fred Saunders. Ger aldine Kirkland and Austin C. Saunders. Jr.; brother of Mrs. Mary Dyer of Wash ington. D. C.. and Mrs. Anna Coats of Colonial Beach, Va. He also Is survived by four grandchildren and four great grandchildren. Services at the S. H. Hines Co. Funeral Home. 2901 14th st. n.w., on Wednesday, May 3. at 2 p.m. Interment Fort Lincoln Cemetery. SHEA. JAMES A. On Tuesday, May 2, 1950. at his residence. 35 You st. n.w., JAMES A. SHEA, beloved husband of Catherine L. Shea. Funeral from the T. F. Costello Funeral Home. 1722 North Capitol st., on Thursday. May 4, at 8:30 a.m. Requiem mass at Bt. Martin's Church at 9 a.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Mount Olivet Ceme tery. 3 SHERWOOD, JAMES E. On Sunday, April 30, 1950, JAME6 E. SHERWOOD, ai his residence. 300 Channing st. n.e., beloved husband of Olive Ward Sher wood. father of Mrs. Marion Hill and Mrs. Bessie Gray. Brother of Mrs. Car rie ElifI and Emma Warren. Services at the S. H. Hines Co. Funeral Home, 2901 14th st. n.w., on Thursday. May 4. at 2 p.m Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. —3 SMITH, GENEVIEVE A. On Monday. Mav 1. 1950, GENEVIEVE A. SMITH, widow of the late Charles E A. Smith, sister of John M. Shine and Hazel I. Purdy Funeral from the T. F. Costello Funeral Home, 1722 N. Capitol st., on Wednes day, May 3, at 8:30 a.m. Requiem mass at St. Anthony's Church at 9 a.m. Rela tives and friends invited. Interment Arlington National Cemetery. 2 SMITH, GEORGE A. Suddenly, on Sun day. April.30, 1950. at Casualty Hospital, GEORGE A. SMITH of 2110 Eye st. n.e.. beloved husband of Ella Smith, father of Merix Smith. He also is survived by one brother, one sister, a host of other relatives and friends. Remains resting at Latney's Funeral Home. 1328 V st. n.w.. where friends are invited to call after 12 noon Wednesday. Funeral serv. ices Thursday, May 4, at 1 p.m., at the above funeral home. Interment Lincoln Memorial Cemetery. 3 SMITH, JOSEPH J. On Sunday, April 30. 1550, at New York City. JOSEPH J. SMITH, husband of Mildred Smith, fa ther of Mary J Smith and devoted son of Mary Smith. Also surviving are four sisters, two brothers, other relatives and many friends. After 5 p.m. Wednesday, May 3. friends are invited to call at his late residence. 1532 32nd st. n.w. Re quiem mass will be offered at Epiphany Catholic Church. 2712 Dumbarton ave. n.w.. at 9 a.m. Thursday. May 4. Inter ment Mount Olivet Cemetery. 3 STODDARD. THEODORE LOTHROP. On Monday. May 1. 1950, at George Wash ington University Hospital. THEODORE LOTHROP STODDARD, husband of Mrs. Zoya Stoddard and father of Mary Alice Smith and Theodore Lothrop Stoddard, jr. Friends may call at Gawler’s Chapel. 1756 Pa. ave. n.w.. between the hours of 7 p.m. Tuesday. May 2, and 12:30 p.m. on Wednesday. May 3. Services will be held at St. John's Eolscopal Church. Lafayette Sauare. on Thursday. May 4. at 2 p.m. Interment private. owviKiiotnun, iudiss snnA.Ti. un Saturday. April 29. 195o. at his resi dence in Abingdon, Va . TOBIAS ABRAM STOUTENBURGH, beloved husband of Rosa Kerr Stoutenburgh. father of an adopted son. Thomas Kerr: brother of Mrs. W. M. Donnelly. Mrs. E. B. Prang ley. Mrs. E. E. Werner, Sister M. Anita R. S M.. S. J.: J8mes A and Charles I Stoutenburgh Remains resting at the residence of his sister, Mrs. E. E. Werner 1*135 Webster st. n w.. at 12 noon Tues day. Funeral from the above residence on Wednesday. May at 9:30 a.m. Re oulem mass at the Shrine of the Sacred Heart at 10 a.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Mount Olivet Ceme tery. 2 THOMPSON. LILLIAN LOUISE. On Sun day. April 30. 1930. LILLIAN L. THOMP SON. beloved wife of the late Albert C. Thompson, mother of Myrtle Balderson Velva Riley. Alice Pickral. Lawrence Elmer. George, Albert and Ralph Thomp son. Friends may call at the Robert A. Mattingly Funeral Home. 131 11th st s.e. Services at the Bradburn Memorial M. E. Church, 1341 K st. s.e., on Wednes day. May 3. at 2 p.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment at Congres sional Cemetery. 2 TINKEY, HOWARD M. On April 29. 1930 of 9710 Columbia blvd.. Silver Spring. Md., husband of Nellie Mae Tinkey, brother of Mrs. Alice Hansen of Syracuse N Y. Remains at Chambers’ Funeral Home. 517 11th st. s.e., until Wednesday. May 3. at 2:30 p.m. Services at Fort Myer Chapel at 3 p.m. Interment Ar lington National. 2 TRAVERSE, NETTIE E. Departed this life Sunday. April 30, 1960, Mrs. NETTIE E. TRAVERSE of 1339 V st. n.w . devoted wife of the late Rev. Matthew W. Tra verse. She is survived by a devoted daughter. Mrs. Selma Woodford: a loving sister. Mrs. Grace Taliaferro: loving step children, Mr. Lewis Traverse of Havre De Grace. Md.: Mrs. Annie Chew of Annao olis. Md.: Mr. Maurice Traverse of Jamaica, Long Island. N. Y.: Mrs. Eli tenla Collins of New York City. Mr. Leonard Traverse, Mrs. Mamie Broaddus and Mrs. Lillian Bush of this city. A devoted brother-in-law. Rev. Alexander i Taliaferro; a devoted friend. Mrs. Lillian Chartie. and many other relatives and friends also survive. After 12 noon Wed nesaay friends are invited to call at the Morrow & Woodford Funeral Home, 1H22 Ilth st. n.w., until 8:45 p.m. After 9 p.m. body will rest at the Walker Memorial Baptist Church, 13th st. be tween You and V sts. n.w.. Rev. Oswald G. Smith officiating. Funeral services j Thursday, May 4, at 12 noon, at the i Asbury Church. Danville. Md., Rev. W. L. Simms officiating. Interment church cemetery. $ Lothrop Stoddard, 66; Author and Editorial Writer for Star, Dies Theodore Lothrop Stoddard, 66, noted author on world affairs and editorial writer for The Star, died yesterday afternoon in George Washington University Hospital, after an illness of several months. A well-known son of a well known father, Mr. Stoddard wrote almost a score of books, dealing with many aspects of current his tory, from “The French Revolu tion in San Domingo,” in 1914, to "Lonely America,” in 1932. His father was John Lawson Stoddard, author of the "Stod dard's Lectures” series of illus trated travelogues once widely popular among all classes of Americans. Funeral services will be held at 2 pm. Thursday at St. John’s Episcopal Church. Lafayette square. Burial will be in West Dennis, Mass. Conducting the services will be Dr. C. Leslie Glenn, rector of the church. Mr. Stoddard came to Wash ington in 1933, after serving as an editor of the Century Magazine in New York, and several years later began writing for The Star. He also gaw talks on international topics over Station WMAL, Thej Star’s radio station, for several! years. Recently Suffered Relapse. He was taken ill the day before last Christmas and was hospital ized for more than two months. On April 23, he suffered a re lapse and returned to George JJratha TOWLES, ALICE G. On Monday, May 1, 1950. at Homeopathic Hospltal/ALICE G. TOWLES of 2900 Conn. ave. n.w., daugh J?,r„0l..the late Gilbert B. and Caroline Gllliard Tcwles of Washington, D. C.; sister of Misses Bessie, Emily A. and • Caroline G. Towles of Washington, D. C.; Beverly Towles of Cllflslde Park, N. J.. and Therrett Towles of Spokane, Wash. Services at the S. H. Hines Co. Funeral Home. 2901 44th st. n.w.. on Wednesday. May 3. at l p.m. Interment Rock Creek Cemetery. Please omit flow ers; make contributions to the Cancer Tund. URBEN, ANNA MAE. Of 1433 Foxhall rd. n.w., on May 1, 1950, wile of Frank J. Urben, mother of Mrs. Gurdon Flagg. Mrs James P. Bigam, Mrs. Wilis Oster. Paul H. and Frank B. Urben. Also sur vived by a niece. Mrs. Leon T. Suscher, and fourteen grandchildren. Prayers at Chambers Funeral Home. 3072 M st. n.w.. on Thursday, May 4. tt 8:30 a m. Mass at Our Lady of Victory Church. 4835 MacArthur blvd.. at 9 a m. Inter ment Cedar Hill. 3 YOUNG, HARVEY W. On Monday, May 1, 1950, at 3007 N. 17th st., Arlington. Va.. HARVEY W. YOUNG, husband of Maud H. Young 'nee Turley), father of Richard W. and William P. Young, brother of J. Thomas Young and Sarah Y. Moffett. Services at Chambers’ Fu neral Home, 3072 M st. n.w.. on Wed nesday, May 3. at 2:30 p.m. Interment Andrews Chapel. Va ZELTMAN, MARGARET EMMA. On May 2. 1950, at her residence. 4821 Osage {< • College Park. Md.. MARGARET EM MA ZELTMAN rnee Meredith), beloved wife of William H. Zeltman. Funeral services at the above residence on Thurs day, May 4, at 1:30 p.m.. daylight sav in* tints: thence to St. John s Lutheran Church. Pfleffers Corner. Howard County. Md.. at 2:30 P.m. Interment church cemetery. 3 ZIMMERMAN, JULIA L. On Saturday, April 28, 1950, at Circle Terrace Hospital, JULIA L. ZIMMERMAN, mother of Law rence J. and Velma c. Zimmerman, sister of Mrs. Gladys Brewlngton Stewart. Friends may call at the Demaine Fu neral Home, 520 S. Washington st Alexandria. Mass will be offered at St. Mary’s Catholic Church, on Wednesday, May 3. at 10 a.m. Interment St. Mary’s Cemetery. g in ilmortam AUDRICK, ETHEL D. Sacred to the mem ory of our devoted wife and mother, ETHEL D. AUDRICK. who entered eter nal rest May 2. 1832. % Just a line of sweet remembrance. Just a memory fond and true; Just a token of love and devotion, That our hearts still long for you HER HUSBAND. WILLIAM H. AUDRICK, Sr.; SONS, WILLIAM. Jr., AND C. REGINALD AUDRICK._ ♦ FAUNTLEROY, MARTHA, Once again I pause to pay tribute of love and devotion to the memory of my beloved mother, MARTHA FAUNTLEROY. whom God saw fit to call to her reward eight years ago today, May 2, 1942. Her life is a beautiful memory, Her absence a silent grief; she’s asleep in God's beautiful garden, In the sunshine of perfect peace. L°TLERO?AlfcHTER' CORNELIA FAUN FRENZEL. MARY E. In loving memory of our mother, MARY E. FRENZEL. who passed away twenty-seven years ago to day, May 2. 1923. Fresh in our minds, dear mother, As the day you passed away. DAUGHTER. LOTTIE. AND SON-IN LAW. FRED BEILSTBIN, AND GRAND CHILDREN. • HAWES, THOMAS CLINTON. In loving S£S?i?„°L°.ur.dear husband and father. TTIOMAS CLINTON HAWES, who entered the land of pure delight eleven years ago, May 2, 1939. Beyond the far horizon The ship has dipped its sail. A brighter harbor beckoned. Where peace and love prevail. You have taken your last long journey On a beautiful ship called rest. And away from this world called sorrow To a land called peace and rest HIS LOVING WIFE AND CHILDIEN. » JONES, MARY E. In loving memory of our dear mother MARY E. JONES, who departed i this life nine years ago today, Mother, you left us a beautiful memory, A sorrow too great to be told; But to us who loved and lost you, ■s* A°d&Es STOffi ab5Sa rudisill a.nd MOTEN, LUCY. A tribute, to' the precious tn^ntorr of my dear mother,, LUCY MOTEN, who left me twelve years ago today. May 2. 1938. The love you gave me many years Shall never from me depart: Though you have gone beyond my reach. _ YOU- »re forever_In my heart. DEVOTED DAUGHTER, ANNIE BUR RELL. * RECTOR. JOSEPH D. In sad and loving remembiance of our dear husband and father. JOSEPH D RECTOR, who passed away nine years ago today. May 2, 1941. God took him. it was His will. But hearts he Is living still. _LESBIA, ETHEL AND MABEL • REEVES, GEORGE DlGGES. In loving memory of my son and our brother GEORGE DlGGES REEVES, who departed this life two years ago today. May 2, 1948. * In God’s care." LOVING MOTHER. ELIsEN H REEVES. AND BROTHERS. • I ROGERS, THOMAS H. In loving memory I of our dear father. THOMAS H ROOERS. who departed this life twenty-four years I ago today, May 2. 1929. So swiftly through death's door you went. So silently your soul passed by. That we who weep and mourn its passing, Heard no moan nor faintest sigh. Dear father, so gentle, good and kind. Look down from Heaven above i And know that the care you tenderly gave Is returned in our deathless love. LHIS CHILDREN. | SMITH. WALTER L. Sacred to the mem I 2^_2f my beloved husband. WALTER L. SMITH, who passed away seven years ago today. May 2, 1043. I ELSIE B. SMITH. ♦ . TALBERT, GRACE ANNA. A tribute of 1i'~C-,2nd d,v°U°n to GRACE ANNA TAL BERT, who departed this life eleven years ago today. May 2, 1939. May all the dreams you’ve dreamed for One by one come true. To make your years in Heaven All happy years for you. HER FAMILY. • I - - T. LOTHROP STODDARD. —Harris-Ewing Photo. Washington Hospital, where he died about 4:30 pun. yesterday. His family said he had recent ly completed his autobiography, entitled, “Butter Side Down,” which has not yet been published. In Washington, he lived first at 3318 N street N.W., moved to sev eral other Georgetown addresses, and at the time of his death his address was 3418 O street N.W Born at Brookline, Mass., on June 29, 1883, he entered Harvard in 1901 and subsequently received his bachcelor of arts, master of arts and doctor of philosophy de grees from that institution. With the intention of becoming an at torney, he read law in Cambridge, took a bachelor of jurisprudence degree at Boston University and was admited to the Massachusetts Bar in 1908. But history was his major in terest, and by 1914 he had pub lished his first book—“The French Revolution in San Domingo.” Dur ing the next quarter century he systematically studied one se quence of events after another and dealt with them in substantial volumes which, for non-fiction, won exceptionally wide popularity. Three works dealt with the World War I era: "Present-Day Europe—Its National States of Mind,” published in 1917: “The Stakes of the War,” 1918, and “The World at War” (Vol. 6, Harper’s Pictorial Library of the World War). 1919. Then came “The Rising Tide of Color,” in 1920; “The New World of Islam,” 1921; “The Revolt Against Civilization,” 1922; “Ra cial Realities in Europe,” 1924; “Social Classes in Postwar Eu rope,” 1925; “Scientific Human ism,” 1926: "Reforging America,” 1927; “The Story of Youth,” 1928, and "Luck—Your Silent Partner," in 1929. After a layoff of a year, Mr. Stoddard produced “Master of Manhattan—the Life of Richard Croker,” in 1931; "Europe and Our Money,” 1932; “Lonely America,” 1932; “Clashing Tides of Color,” 1936, and his latest, "Into the Darkness,” in 1940. Lived in New York. During most of this period, he lived in New York. His summer home at Pine Knoll, West Dennis, was the scene of many experi ments in landscaping, which he continued for several decades. In winter his principal recreation was stamp collecting. Mr. Stoddard was married in 1925 to Elizabeth Guilford Bates a contralto who also was a talented pianist. She died in 1940, leaving a son, Theodore Lothfop Stoddard, jr., and a daughter, Mary Alice Stoddard. In 1944 Mr. Stoddard married Zoya Klementinovskaya, by whom, with his children, he is survived. His daughter, now Mrs. Arthur J. Smith, and his widow live at the O street address, and his son is a student at Harvard. A Republican in politics, Mr Stoddard followed the Unitarian faith. He belonged to the au thors, Charles River Country and Cosmos Clubs, and was a member of the American Historical Asso ciation, American Political Science Association. Academy of Political Science, National Institute of So cial Sciences, American Genetic Association, Galton Society and the Washington Philatelic Society. Stafford Woman, 100, Dies FREDERICKSBURG, Va., May 2 (>P).—Mrs. Mary Alice Shackel ford, who celebrated her 100th birthday February 14, died Sun day at her home near Garrison ville, Stafford County. *■ ■ ' W. R. Frank Hines, President Washington's Foremost Funeral Home Sine. 1172 S.H.ffInes Company g=gBSaggggggg=g** *■' l.i •■in I ii, mmmnJ 2901.02-05-07 Fourteenth Street N.W. Columbia 7922-24 No Branch Bstablisikmauls a Dr. Leland 0. Howard, U.S. Entomology Chief 33 Years, Dies at 92 Dr. Leland Ossian Howard, world-wide authority on insect pests, died yesterday at the age of 92 in his home at Bronxville, N. Y„ the Asso ciated Press re ported. D r. Howard headed the Ag riculture D e - partment's Bu reau of Entom ology here from 1894 to 1927. In 1927 he relin quished the di rectorship, but remained on as chief entomol ogist until 1931. While he re- Dr. ■•war*, tired from the Government in the latter year, he did not give up his interest in the insect pests of the world. He went to Paris to con tinue studies, saying at the time that he did not regard his retire ment as the end. but only the turning point in his life work. Studied Imported Pests. Dr. Howard was among the first to direct attention to the possibil ity of insects winning the battle against mankind, unless taken in control. He made many studies in Europe of pests which had been imported to America, and devel oped campaigns to increase their natural enemies. He was among the first to call attention to dis ease-spreading capabilities of the common fly. particularly as a typhoid fever carrier. Dr Howard worked with the Walter Reed Yellow Fever Com mission at the beginning of the century, and identified the mos quitoes which carried the disease. In 1931 he was awarded the Capper Gold Medal and $5,000 for distinguished service to American agriculture. Awarded Legion of Honor. One of his specialties was the biological method of insect control which set one insect to destroy another. This is said to be prac tically the only method used in Hawaii for crop protection, and is widely used among citrus fruit growers in California. Florida and Texas His insect battles included those with the boll weevil in the South ern cotton country, the gypsy moth in New England, the com borer in the Central States and the Japanese beetle along the At lantic coast. He was awarded the French Legion of Honor and six honorary degrees for his research. Dr. Howard was born in Rock ford. HI., in 1857 and was a grad uate of Cornell University. H.M. Tinkey, 55, Dies; Was Walter Reed Transport Manager Funeral »ervlce« for Howard Moore Tinkey, 55, transportation manager at Walter Reed Hospital, will be held at 3 pm. tomorrow at Fort Myer Chapel. Burial will be in Arlington Cemetery. Mr. Tinkey died of a cerebral hemorrhage Saturday while work ing in the yard at his cottage at Coltons Point. St. Marys County. Md. He lived at 9710 Columbia boulevard. Silver Spring. The transportation analyst was manager at Walter Reed for 15 years. He was cited by the Army in World War II for outstanding work in this field. Born in Richland. N. Y„ Mr. Tinkey received his education in Oswego. N. Y. He saw action overseas as a corporal in World War I and had made his home here since 1922. Surviving are his widow. Mrs. Nellie Mae Tinkey. and a sister, Mrs. Alice T. Hansen of Syracuse, N. Y. Col. George Johnston Dies CRESCENT CITY. Calif.. May 2 (/P).—Col. George C. Johnston. 78. retired army doctor and owner of radio station WDBO and WDBO-FM in Orlando. Fla., died here Saturday of coronary throm bosis. He was touring the country in a trailer. The body will be sent to Odlando for burial. Douglas M. Stanfield, Once Rich Playboy, Dies in Poverty at 81 By tK« Ataociotod Pr«u MORRISTOWN. N. J.. May J — Funeral services will be held today for Douglas Maxwell Stanfield, once New York s "most eligible bachelor,' who lost his fortune and lived out his life here as a day laborer. Mr Stanfield, playboy, actor and member of New York's high soci ety during the 1880s and 1890s, died Sunday at the age of 81 at All Soul's Hospital here. When he was 21, Mr. Stanfield inherited an estate reported to be in the neighborhood of $600,000 from his grandfather, Mark Stan field, one-time owner of New York's Victoria Hotel, the l»th century counterpart of the Astor. Born In New Orleans. Mr. Stan field turned to an acting career. His most noted performances were with Richard Mansfield in "Cyrano de Bergerac." His fortune gone. Mr. Stanfield moved to his grandfather’s coun try home in nearby Morris Plains. He sold all his valuable possessions and worked part time as an actor. His resources gone. Mr. Stan field refused all assistance from friends and relatives and became a laborer for the Morris County road department. He retired from that job three years ago after 30 years of service. He never married. Retired Controller Dies CHICAGO. May 2 UP).—Walter V. Wilson. 76. of suburban | Evanston, retired controller of the Milwaukee Railroad, died yester i day. At the time of his retlrc | ment in 1944, he had been a rail road man for more than 50 years. -- ! Michigan Editor Dies MUSKEGON, Mich.. May 2 i/Pl. —Archie E. McCrea, 69, editor of the Muskegon Chronicle, died at his home here yesterday. His death was attributed to heart complications after an attack of I virus pneumonia last December. O’BRIEN’S ^HOUSE PAINT SpmnlSafeVniaL i —'MKIm Wednesday, Thursday iU>v|ijl|A|jjApp| Friday, Saturday Only I May 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th This offer POSITIVELY trill not be repeated again thin year! A BETTER OUTSIDE HOUSE PAINT Outstanding Value • Smooth, Easy Brushing • One Coat Hiding • Extra Coverage • Lustrous Beauty White and Standard Colors Spring is the time to do your house painting— and here's your chance of a lifetime to do the job more economically than ever before! Take advantage of this special price on O'Brien's smooth flowing "75" House Paint, tops for quality. Also ■ SPECIAL BRUSH ASSORTMENT only *3.99 l (Regularly $4.95) HUB