Reds' Lawyers Win
New Delay in Serving
Contempt Sentences
"■V- By th« Awociol»d Pr«*t
NEW YORK. May 2.—Five law
yers. sentenced to jail for con
tempt of court during the Com
munist conspiracy trial last year,
have won a new delay in serving
their terms.
They were to have begun serving
their sentences today.
The United States Circuit Court
of Appeals granted the stay yes
, terday pending decision on a mo
tion made by the five lawyers and
by Eugene Dennis, a defendant,
who served as his own counsel.
The six men moved for a stay
of their contempt sentences until
15 days after the Supreme Court
has ruled on the convictions and
prison sentences of 11 Communist
leaders on conspiracy charges.
Fined $10,000.
Dennis and 10 co-defendants
were convicted in Federal Court
last fall on charges of conspiracy
to advocate violent overthrow of
the Government. They were fined
$10,000 each in addition to prison
sentences—five years for 10 of
them and three years for one.
Paul L. Ross, counsel for the
aix men sentenced for contempt,
said he would ask the appeals
court for a rehearing today on its
previous decision upholding the
contempt sentences. If the re
hearing is not granted, Mr. Ross
said, he will appeal to the Su
preme Court.
Mr. Ross argued that the law
yers should remain at liberty so
they could prepare their clients’
cases before the appeals court and
the Supreme Court, and also their
own cases. The conspiracy cases
of the 11 Communist leaders are
scheduled for argument in the
appeals court on June 12.
Prosecution Opposes Delay.
The five lawyers involved are
Harry Sacher and Richard Glad
stein, sentenced to six months;
A. J. Isserman and George W.
Crockett, jr., four months each,
and Louis F. McCabe, 30 days.
Dennis drew six months.
Government attorneys opposed
delay in the contempt sentences
on the ground the application
was premature and designed to
cause a "prolonged and unneces
sary stay.”
In another court move, the 11
Communist leaders filed with the
appeals court a lengthy brief in
support of their move to have the
conspiracy convictions reversed.
The brief attacked the consti
tutionality of the Smith act, un
der which the 11 men were tried.
The brief also cited many other
issues. A supplemental brief at
tacked the Federal jury system
Chrysler Negotiators
Will Try Again Today
By tK« Associated Press
DETROIT. May 2 —Negotiators
In the stubborn Chrysler strike,
now at the start of Its 98th day,
gave in to exhaustion early today.
But it was only for the time
being in the marathon drive to
write a full agreement and send
89,000 strikers back to work.
At 4 a.m. (ESTi the spent ne
gotiators called a five-hour recess.
Bargainers for management and
the CIO-United Auto Workers at
that time had been in almost con
stant session for 62 hours.
Resumption of talks were
scheduled just one hour before
the start of the strike's 98th day.
Neither side had anything to say
at the recess as to when an agree
ment might be reached. In
around-the-clock sessions they had
been trying since 2 p.m. Saturday.
The only comment was from
Federal Mediator E. Marvin Scon
yers who. without elaboration, said
“it doesn't look any better.”
Mr. Sconyers’ meaning wasn’t
However, yesterday Chrysler and
the union had differed over the
cause of the continuing deadlock.
Chrysler said that only technical
wording of contract clauses was
, holding up a settlement. The
UAW said there were still “unre
solved issues.”
The fundamentals of a $100
monthly pension plan, major orig
inal issue of the long strike, have
long since been agreed upon.
Two Stories of South Picture
Approaches to Race Relations
Saipan Veteran Asks
Father to Rebuild
Bombed Home
By the Associated Press
BIRMINGHAM. Ala.. May 2.—
Negro teacher, who dodged sni
pers’ bullets on Saipan, wrote his
father to rebuild his dynamited
Birmingham home—“if you have
not lost your courage."
The father, Dr. J. A. Boykin, a
56-year-old dentist, said yesterday
he plans to have his house com
pleted on the spot where it was
wrecked by a blast April 13.
The house is across a street
from three white residences. Its
interior was damaged by an ex
plosion before he could move
into it.
Dr. Boykin’s almost completed
$11,000 residence-office was the
last of six Negro houses in border
line areas to be bombed in the
past 14 months. None of the
bombings has been solved. State,
county and city officers are con
I tinuing investigations.
Tried to Make Things Safe.
The dentist received a letter
from his son, Joel S. Boykin, a
| teacher at Union Springs, Ala.,
which said in part:
“I served in Saipan during the
war, risking sniping from all
; angles, trying to help make things
I comfortable and safe for the folks
back home, and perhaps for those
who were implicated in doing us
damage, or on the other hand
felt themselves too good to live
near me.
“I have looked forward and sac
rificed too much. If I stood it at
Saipan, I surely would be less a
soldier to shirk my duty at home,
especially when all local require
ments have been satisfied.”
Dr. Boykin said in a statement
the house which was bombed "was
the answer to the dream of my
wife and myself” and "I have de
cided to again make the sacrifice,
whatever it may cost me.”
Believes Harmony Possible.
“I still believe,” he added, "if
enough of the square thinking
whites and blacks will stick to
gether and decide, we are going to
make our home place the most
harmonious community of our
“We can do so. in spite of all
outside and inside influence to
the contrary.”
The dentist said Detective Capt.
Charles L. Pierce had promised
“all the protection the depart
ment can reasonably afford.”
Dr. Boykin said a paved street
between his home, on the corner
of a Negro block, and the white
residences affords “our usual pat
tern of separation or segrega
(Continued From First Page.)
I Pleasant Citizens’ Association, and
Mrs. Helen M. Porter.
Miss May P. Bradshaw, who re
tired as principal of Roosevelt
High School last year, told the
board members that Roosevelt had
; never opposed welcoming the Cen
tral students into the schol but
did object to changing the name.
Miss Bradshaw stated that when
Cooldige High Schol was opened,
some 600 pupils were transferred
from Roosevelt in a group with
“heart breaks” but no name
Joseph M. Basso, president of
the Business-Roosevelt Alumni
Association, said that a commit
tee from his group and a com
mittee from the Central Alumni
Association had discussed the
I question of changing Roosevelt’s
| name at a conference last month,
j He said the two groups agreed
basically that the name change
would not be a good thing and
he stated that the Central Alumni
“were not on record” for changing
the name of Roosevelt.
Others Opposing Change.
No one from the Central Alumni
group appeared at the hearing to
1 testify.
Others opposing the change to
Roosevelt-Central included: John
A. Reilly, James C. Wilkes, Miss
Elaine Langerman, all Roosevelt
alumni; Mrs. Malcolm Scates,
president of the Home and School
Plantation Workers
Honor White Owners
At Huge Party
fty the Associated Press
SHERARD, Miss., May 2.—Six
hundred Negroes on a 6.000-acre
delta cotton plantation pitched a
big party for their bosses. J.
Holmes Sherard and his sister,
Mrs. Mallie Sherard Rawles. *
The festivities were held Sun
day at Mount Zion Baptist
Church, one of three trim churches
built on the plantation for its 150
tenant families.
Mr. Sherard, his wife and his
sister were greeted by the 32
piece Negro high school band from
nearby Clarksdale.
Give Testimonials.
Then came Bible readings, band
music, hymn singing, prayers, ora
tory and “testimonials” from
many of the workers for their
Mr. Sherard responded:
“Why people cannot live and
work together, treat each other
fairly, iron out their differences
and be happy while doing it, I just
can’t understand. Neither can I
understand how character, morals
and sense of honor can be legis
lated into a human being. . .
Originator of Party.
After the ceremonies, hot dogs
and soda pop were spread on ta
bles in the church' yard.
Ida Mae Jackson, wife of Mr.
Sherard’s Negro cook, originated
the party.
“We colored people,” said she,
"thought it was about time to do
something to show, our apprecia
tion to Mr. Sherard and Mrs.
Aside from the three churches,
Mr. Cherard and his sister also
have built a 10-grade school—on
the plantation.
The farm was-established in
1874 by Mr. Sherard’s father.
Mrs. Vandenberg Remains
In Serious Condition
Mrs. Arthur H. Vandenberg.
wife of the Michigan Senator, re
mained in a serious condition
today at Georgetown University
Hospital. Officials said she was
Mrs. Vandenberg has been ill
intermittently since she under
went two major operations in 1947.
She entered Georgetown Hos
pital Sunday, and is in a room
adjoining that of Senator Van
denberg, who is recovering from a
tumor operation.
Association of Roosevelt; Miss
Esther Galbraith, representing the
Roosevelt faculty, and Harvey O.
Graver, representing the Petworth
Citizens’ Association.
Mr. Craver read to the board
members a short note from Mrs.
Alice Roosevelt Longworth, the
daughter of President Theodore
Roosevelt after whom the school
is named. The note said “I would
like to see the name continued.”
Lie and Schuman Talk
On World Situation
ly th* Associated Press
PARIS, May 2.—Trygve Lie,
secretary general of the United
Nations who is on a “save-the
U. N.” mission in Europe, con
ferred here today with Foreign
Minister Robert Schuman. In
formants said they discussed the
entire world situation.
Mr. Lie came here from Lon
don, where he had similar con
ferences with British officials. He
will decide in Paris whether to
go on to Moscow for a meeting
with top Soviet leaders in an at
tempt to end a Russian boycott
of U. N. meetings protesting con
tinued representation of the Chi
nese Nationalists.
'Annie' Closes in London
LONDON, May 2 (JP).—'The mu
sical play “Annie Get Your Gun”
closed here last night after 1,304
performances, a record run for
the London Coliseum.
The Weather Here and Over the Nation
District of Columbia—Rather
cloudy with scattered showers
likely today and highest temper
ature about 66 degrees. Mostly
cloudy and mild tonight and to
morrow with occasional rain.
Lowest tonight near 56 degrees.
Maryland—Mostly cloudy with
occasional rain tonight and to
morrow. Little change in temper
Virginia—Mostly cloudy with
occasional rain in north portion
and showers and scattered thun
derstorms likely in south portion
tonnight and tomorrow. Contin
ued rather mild.
Wind velocity at 11:30 o’clock
this morning, 7 miles per hour:
direction, east.
Five Day Forecast (or Washington
and Vicinity, May 2-7.
The temperature will average a
few degrees above normal (or the
period. The normal maximum
for the Washington area is 72 de
grees, normal minimum 51 de
grees. Warmer Thursday, cooler
Friday and warmer again over the
week end. Scattered showers
Thursday and again Sunday total
ing about one-half inch.
Showers and a few thunderstorms are in store tonight for
nost of the country. The exceptions will be the Northwestern
and Middle Atlantic States and the Rio Grande Valley. It will
be warmer in the East and colder la the far West.
1 J^AP Wirephoto Map.
Hirer Keren.
(From United States Engineers.)
Potomac River cloudy at Harpers Ferry
snd at Great Falls; Shenandoah cloudy at
Harpers Ferry.
(Reaaings at Washington National Airport !
35?*"- rV* mIabSm
I IS:*5 18 IS Sf
High and Law of Last 24 Hoars.
High. 72, at 4:30 p.m.
Low, 48, at 12:45 a.m.
Record Temperatures This Tear.
Highest. 80. on April 4.
Lowest. 15. on March 3.
Tide Table*.
(Furnished by United States Coast and
Geodetic Survey.)
. Today Tomorrow
High - 7:48 a.m. 8.36 a.m.
Low - 2:02 a.m. 2:50 a.m.
High -8:18 p.m. 9:06 p.m.
Low - 2:45 p.m. 3:35 p.m.
The San and Hen.
Rises. Seta.
gun. today- 5:10 a.m. 7:01 p.m.
Sun, tomorrow _ 5:09 a.m. 7:02 p.m.
Moon, today -12:07 a.m. 5:06 p.m.
Automobile lights must bo turned on
one-half hour after sunset.
Monthly precipitation in inches la the
Capita] (current month to date):
Month. 1950. Avg. Record.
January - 1.28 3.55 7.83 ’37
February - 2.72 3.37 8.84 '84
March - 4.17 3.75 8.84 91
April - 1.88 3.27 9.13 ’89
May - .12 3.70 10.89 ’89
Tune - __ 4.13 10.94 ’00
Tuly -- 4.71 10.63 ’86
August - ___ 4.01 14.41 ’28
September-- 3.24 17.45 ’34
October - — 2.84 8.81 ’37
November - ... 2.37 8.69 ’89
7e comber ... 3.32 7.6# ’01
Temperatures In Varioas Cities.
High. Low. High. Low.
Albuquerque 79 53 Milwaukee. 51 33
'Atlanta. 80 60 N. Orleans.. 83 71
: Atlantic City 58 46 New York _ 50 45
I Bismarck . 48 33 Norfolk_ 84 56
i Boston_ 48 41 Okla. City . _ 67 So
Buffalo_ 49 40 Omaha. _ 58 42
■Chicago __ 55 37 Pittsburgh. 58 47
! Cincinnati.. 58 46 Portld.. Me. 46 40
Detroit . 57 35 St. Louis 54 50
Galveston 80 73 S. Lake City 59 38
Harrisburg 85 53 S. Antonio. 76 69
Indianapolis 59 46 S. Francisco 58 42
Kansas City 69 39 Seattle_ 66 36
Louisville.. 56 49 Tampa_ 91 69
Miami_80 75 T
Electron microscopes show par
ticles about 1/8-millionth of an
inch in SlBf
Nourse Says 'Scares'
Hay Defeat Nation
In Battle of Budget
Dr. Edwin G. Nourse. former top
Government economist, warned
the United States Chamber of
Commerce today that military
over-spending caused by Soviet
"scares” could cost this country
the “battle of the budget bulge.”
This nation, the former head of
the President’s Council of Eco
nomic Advisers declared, must bor
row the historic retort of Gen.
Anthony C. McAuliffe at Bastogne
and say “ ‘nuts’ when an in
dustrially primitive and illiterate
eountry tries to bluff us.”
Dr. Nourse s speech, which op
posed tax cuts at this time, was
one of three at a panel discussion
on the Federal budget. Others on
the panel were Senator Ferguson,
Republican, of Michigan a mem
ber of the Senate Appropriations
Committee and Assistant Secre
tary of Defense Marx Leva.
Panel Held on Cold War.
The panel, one of five on vari
; ous economic topics at luncheon
sessions in the second day of the
chamber’s 38th convention, fol
lowed a morning meeting dealing
with “Winning the Cold War.”
The Federal budget figured in
much of the morning discussion
but was treated in more detail by
Dr. Nourse. Forecasting a $7 bil
lion deficit this year he declared:
“The battle of the budget bulge is
greater in its scope and menace
than the Bastogne break through
of World War II.” The danger of
overspending in an armament
race, he said, is particularly
acute but could be lessened if the
United States would not pile up
new outlays “every time Joe Stalin
throws a scare into us.”
Senator Ferguson said deficit
spending can be stopped only if
Congress looks more closely into
money requests from executive
agencies and weighs more care
fully the possbile long range re
sults of every appropriation bill
! provision.
Mr. Leva reported the economy
program carried out this year by
the Defense Department has saved
almost $1.6 billion.
Vorys Urges Enforcement.
Stronger world government and
the enforcement of world law
were urged earlier by Representa
tive Vorys, Republican, of Ohio,
as a means of winning the peace.
Speaking in the same panel dis
cussion, Economic Co-operation
Administrator Paul G. Hoffman
predicted Moscow-controlled coun
tries will throw off Soviet rule
when Western Europe is on its
He called for a “full-fledged
miracle” during the remaining 25
months of the European Recovery
Program. Europe, he said, must
form a single large market in
which “quantitative restrictions
on movement of goods, money
barriers to the flow of payments
and eventually all tariffs will be
permanently swept away.”
Predicts Turbulence in Russia.
Mr. Hoffman said a “great pe
riod ot turbulence” may occur in
Russia after the death of Marshal
Stalin. He predicted that satellite
states will then begin to break
away and "we will see the crack
up of the most evil dictatorship
ever to dream of enslaving the
Other panel speakers and the
courses they charted for winning
the peace were: *
Eugene Holman, president of
the Standard Oil Co. of New Jer
sey—Increase imports, not only
as a means of helping other
nations, but as a positive contribu
tion to domestic prosperity. Win
ning the peace, he said, “requires
industrial and financial strength
in the United States and high
levels of world production and
Walter Lippmann, columnist—
Pin down the Soviet military pow
er—prevent it from marching—
by the deterrent power of our
long range striking force.
Two dinners were held last night
by organization members and their
associations, the American Trade
Association Executives and the
American Chamber of Commerce
Executives. The dinners were in
the Statler and the Mayflower
Hotels. Commerce Secretary
Sawyer told the delegates and
guests that the American public
must be reminded that its pros
perity depends on a “profitable
and constantly growing business
The wealth of its fisheries gave
the Golden Horn at Istanbul, Tur
key, its name, says the National
Geographic Society.
- News in Brief
Bethesda Parking Lots
Authorized in Bill
An $800,000 bond issue for pub
lic parking lots in Bethesda would
be authorized in a bill before the
195G legislative session of the
Montgomery County Council.
Under its powers, until recently
reserved to the Maryland Gen
eral Assembly, the council also is
considering a method to make It
easier for citizens to demand
referendums on public issues.
President Frederic P. Lee offered
a resolution reducing from 10 to
5 per cent the number of quali
fied voters necessary to petition for
a referendum. Mr. Lee’s proposi
tion, however, first would have to
be passed by a referendum.
Bethesda businesses would be
taxed extra to finance the parking
lot proposition. Nine bills were
introduced at the opening session
* * * *
Mrs. Baylor on School Board
Mrs. Ben B. Baylor, jr., Bethes
da, education chairman of the
Maryland Division, American As
sociation of University Women,
has been appointed by Gov. Lane
to the Montgomery County Board
of Education.
H. Stanley Stine, Silver Spring,
was reappointed for a second six
year term. Mrs. Baylor fills an
unexpired term ending in May,
1952. She lives at 6705 Glenbrook
* * * *
Election Upsets Recorded
Municipal elections in 10 Prince
Georges County towns yesterday
saw reversals in Capitol Heights,
! Morningside, Cottage City and
District Heights.
Three mayors were returned to
office and one new mayor was
elected in eight Montgomery
County communities.
Biggest upset came in Capitol
Heights where Mayor Thomas A.
Shaw was ousted by Harvey E.
Ennis and two of the four incum
bent Councilmen also were de
In Rockville, the Montgomery
County seat. Mayor G. La Mar
Kelly, jr., was re-elected without
opposition in the largest turnout
in history.
* * u, U,
Offers $1 for Naval Base
Maryland is willing to pay $1
for a $12 million—yes, $12 million
—Navy base at Solomons Island,
popular fishing resort for Wash
The Board of Natural Resources
at Annapolis passed a resolution
! authorizing a deal with the Fed
eral Government, if the latter is
willing. The State has an oper
ating permti on the 117-acre base
which cost $5,000 in 1947 but the
Government can revoke it at any
time. The board wants to build a
“conservation education center”
Its counsel, Richard W. Emory,
advised: Don’t be too optimistic.
Innocent Bystander,
In Auto, Suffers in
Cops-Robbers Chase
ly »K« Associated Pros*
DETROIT. May 2—The inno
cent bystander—this time he was
driving a car—takes the rap again.
Maurice J. D’Haene, 28. cruised
along happily yesterday in his
shiny new car. The sun shone
brightly and in a few days more
he would be married.
Suddenly, z-z-zing, a bullet
whipped into his front seat. Mr.
D’Haene was eaught in a cops and
robbers chase.
He braked his car to the side of
the road and stepped out with his
hands held high. The pursuing
officers, who had been chasing a
stolen car, rammed their patrol
car into the side of the new car.
It took Mr. O’Haene 5 minutes
to explain that the car was his.
Then the officers apologized and
helped unhook the two vehicles.
But Mr. D’Haene said that Ma
comb County Prosecutor Fred
Nicholson told him any damage
claims would be denied because
“the officers were performing their
The Federal Spotlight
Administration Asks Repeal
Of Job Apportionment Law
By Joseph Young
The administration has asked Congress to repeal the apportion
ment law In the filling of Government jobs
Repeal of the apportionment statute would be a great help to
many District residents who have been oarred from Government
jobs because of the State quota system.
Assistant Budget Director Elmer Staats the other day told the
Senate Civil Service Committee
the apportionment statute “is con
trary to the principle of appoint
ment on merit and it is expensive
to administer.”
Not only are
deserving Fed
eral job appli
cants denied
the opportunity
of getting Fed
eral jobs, but
the apportion
ment quota im
poses serious
a d m inistrative
problems on the
Civil Service
and the various
'Government J<”,ph
agencies, Mr. Staats declared.
Mary persons in Washington
have passed civil service exams
but are unable to obtain Govern
ment jobs, owing to the District’s
relatively small Federal job quota
as compared with the rest of the
country. The latest example of
this is the recent clerical exam
ination, on which thousands of
Washingtonians made high pass
ing marks, only to be. passed over
because the District's job quota
already was filled.
* * * *
COMMISSION—John Overholt,
chief of the Civil Service Commis
sion’s Efficiency Rating and Re
duction-in-Force Division, is in
Mount Alto Hospital. His many
friends wish him a speedy recovery
* * * *
POST OFFICE—Top members
of Congress privately are predict
ing that the Post Office Depart
ment will rescind its order limit
ing the delivery of mail. Between
10,000 to 13,000 Post Office em
ployes would lose their jobs under
the order.
The legislators declare the pres
sure from citizens, business groups
and postal employe groups against
curtailment is “terrific.” They
add that, if the Post Office doesn’t
rescind the curtailment order,
Congress will.
APPROVED—The controversial
measure to invalidate the exams
given for veterans in the Bureau
of Engraving and Printing for
apprentice plate printer jobs was
approved yesterday by the House,
209 to 93.
Meanwhile, the American Vet
erans’ Committee has issued a
statement denouncing the bill. The
AVC asserts the legislation is an
attempt "to deny fair employ
ment opportunity to Negro vet
erans in the BEP.” Those sup
porting the bill declare the exam
should be open to all veterans
and not only to those in the BEP.
Differing sharply with this point
of view, the AVC declared the
bill is a "perversion of the veter
ans’ preference theory.” The AVC
added that the backers of the bill
"are so desirous of denying fair
employment opportunity to these
Negroes that they have even gone
to the extent of overlooking the
recommendation of the FEPC
Board and common sense.”
* * * *
WAGE HIKES — Incidentally,
the Treasury Department’s Wage
Board has approved pay reclassi
fication increases for Bureau of
Engraving and Printing clerical
mechanical employes and super
visors, ranging from 1 to 27 cents
an hour. The pay increases will
be retroactive to April 30. but
employes may have to wait several
weeks before the increase is re
flected in their paychecks. This
is because Congress must appro
priate the money and this will
probably take several weeks.
* * * *
Stauffacher is the new executive
assistant director of the Budget
Bureau. Widely recognized as
one of the most brilliant young
officials in Oovernment, Mr.
Stauffacher previously was an as
sistant director in charge of man
agement in the Budget Bureau.
His new job is the top career po
sition in the bureau.
Appointed to Mr. Stauffacher’s
old job is another excellent Budg
et Bureau official, William P.
* * * *
Senator Humphrey, Democrat, of
Minnesota soon will officially in
troduce the bill to permit earlier
retirement benefits for Govern
ment career employes who lose
20% to 25% SAVINGS
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Make your summer suit selection NOW.
Choose from lightweight worsteds, lightweight
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their jobs. Drafting of the legis
lation by the staff of the Senate
Civil Service Committee was com
pleted at a committee meeting
* * • *
INTERIOR—The Interior De
partment Recreation Association
this week is holding its second an
nual exhibition of paintings and
drawings by Interior employes.
The art exhibition is being held
on the seventh floor of the Inte
rior Building. Eighteenth and C
streets N.W., from 11 ajn. to 9
p.m., through Friday of this week
Government employes and the
public are invited to attend Ad
mission is free.
* * * *
GAO—Three long-time em
ployes of the General Accounting
I Office have retired. They are
Mrs. Irene W. Colston, Miss Helen
'V Ehle and Miss Pearl Bover.
Be sure to listen at 6:45 p.m.
every Saturday over WMAL,
The Star station, to Joseph
Young's Federal Spotlight radio
broadcast featuring additional
netos and views 6f the Govern
ment scene.)
Rios Files Answer
In Plane Death Suit
Capt. Erick Rios Bridoux, Bo
livian pilot, who last November
was the sole survivor when a mili
tary plane he was piloting crashed
with an Eastern Airlines plane at
the National Airport, resulting in
the death of 55, yesterday filed
an answer and counter-claim tp
a suit against him.
In his answer filed in District
Court, Capt. Rios says the crash
resulted from Eastern's negligence
and not his.
The answer was filed to a suit
by Eastern asking $500,000. In his
answer, Capt. Rios contends the
plane belonged to the Navy, al
though it was operated by Eastern.
C^apt. Rios asks $300,000 dam
ages for personal injuries-to him
self, resulting from the crash.
Eastern Airlines and Capt. Rios
have been named defendants in
various damage suits brought by
relatives of persons killed in the
crash. Those suits still are pend
ing in District Court. 9
Capt. Rios’ answer and counter
claim were filed by Attorneys
Frederick A. Thuee and Gerald P.
Air Fime^ |
flies you to
on your Holy Year Pilgrimage I
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Lord Fairfax to Reach
U. 5. Friday to Claim
Big Maryland Estate
lv Au«(>ettd
BALTIMORE. May 2 —Thomas
Lord Fairfax, youngest member of
the British House of Lords, will
arrive in the United States Friday
to claim the spacious Southern
Maryland estate Northampton,
his aunt. Mrs. Tunstall Smith, said
The 1.000-acre tract, complete
with gardens and terraces laid out
by L'Enfant. architect of Wash
ington. was willed him by hia
aunt. Mrs. Frances Fairfax Rob
erts. who died April 21.
Northampton w%s bought during
the Civil War by an earlier Lord
Fairfax. The family has been
associated with Maryland and
Virginia history since the fifth
Lord Fairfax came to this country
in 1685 as a collector of customs
for King Charles II
The present Lord Fairfax — or
"Tommy" to his Maryland kin—is
27 years old and a bachelor. Ha
probably will remain in Maryland
for a short time, then return to
Mrs. Roberts, the late owner,
was a sister of the 12th Lord Fair
fax. who died in 1939.
He willed Northampton to Mrs.
Roberts and her husband, the late
Clarence M. Roberts, for their life
times. with the understanding it
would be passed to his eldest son
and heir to his title.
Mr. Roberts, a former 6tate'«
attorney for Prince Georges Coun
ty, served as manager of North
ampton for the late Lord Fairfax
but died only a few months after
the peer’s death.
Mrs. Roberts then personally
supervised the large-scale farm
ing and cattle operations until
her death.
Eastern Star Leader Dies
2 </P).—Paul S. Maisack. 67. for
mer Grand Patron of the Massa
chusetts Grand Chapter of the
Order of the Eastern Star, died
yesterday. A native of Hagers
town. Md., he was employed by
the American Telephone & Tele
graph Co. as wire chief here for
38 years. He retired in 1948.
Attend a free lecture
"Christian Science:
The Revelation of the
Healing Christ"
Dr. Walton Hubbard,C.S.B.
Of Lei Angelas, Calif.
Member of the Board of
Lectureship of The Mother
Church, The First Church of
Christ, Scientist, in Boston,
Thursday, May 4
11:15 a m.
650 Pennsylvania Ave. S.E.
Second Church of .Christ,
Washington, D. C.
By Popular Request Another Week
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We've o b t a i n e d
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