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APTS. UNFURNISHED (Cont.) hillwood manor apts. Public opinion proves these are the ®nest and most desirable in entire Washington area. FEATURING: 1-2 bedrm. apti. with 4-5 large closets Radiant heat (no bulky radiators in rms.. each apt. individually con trolled to suit you). Colored tile and bathroom fixtures. Aluminum casement windows with tiled sills throughout. De luxe kitchen, including full 36 gas range anci 7-ft. Westlnghousr refrigerator, dortle sink and exhaust fan. Master television outlets at no cost. De luxe laundry rms . ample storage lockers and Dlay areas. $81-$93.50, Including utilities. Directions: Out Columbia Dike to gaileys Crossroads, turn right on tesburg pike to Glen Carlyn drive »nd left to our sign and project. Arlington Realty Co. 2204 Wilson Blvd. OW. 9300. ALEXANDRIA, VA. FAYETTE COURT APTS. CORNER FRANKLIN AND FAYETTE CONVEN. TO PENTAGON BLDG. IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY New, large. 2-bedrm. ant. with dining space. $95. INCLUDING UTILITIES Apply Mr Taney. 718 Fayette St JONATHAN WOODNER CO. RE. 2388. RE. 7226. —3 UNIVERSITY HILLS NEW APARTMENTS Located corner of University Lane and Old Colesville Rd., J/2 mile from U. of Md. BEAUTIFUL VIEW Ultramodern efficiencies. 1 and 2-bedroom apts for im mediate and future occupancy. SPACIOUS ROOMS. DINING SPACE. 5x11 HOLLYWOOD PICTURE WINDOWS. PAR QUET FLOORS. SLIDING CLOSET DOORS. DOUBLE AND TRIPLE EXPOSURES. EXHAUST FANS Efficiency apts., $67. $89.50 i-bedrm. apts., $78.75. $81.50 2-bedrm apts., $89.50, $92 INCLUDING UTILITIES Visit our beautiful grounds, fenced-in play areas: fully eoulpped for children’s recre ation Resident Mgr. on Premises Directions: Out R I. ave. to Balto. blvd, left to U. of Md. last gate, left through U. of Md. campus to develop ment. Or out New Hamp, ave. to University lane, turn right on Univ. lane to Old Coles- | ville rd. and our project. JONATHAN WOODNER CO. 1200 18th St. N.W. _RE. 2388. RE. 7228. —3 DISTRICT HEIGHTS APARTMENTS DE LUXE APTS. AVAILABLE MAY 15th AND FOR FUTURE OCCUPANCY A perfect plan for modern living; featuring bright hos tess kitchen with gleamtng whlte enamel sinks, lots of eablnet space and equip with 7-cu.-ft. elec. refrigerator, beautiful gas range with broil er and heat control, large elosets with sliding doors, Ve netian blinds. Vets preference. GARBAGE-DISPOSAL UNITS IN EVERY KITCHEN Bright spacious rms.. beau tifully landscaped areas for children; schools, stores near by. 1-Bedroom Apts.—$69.50 8-Bedroom Apts.—$80.00 AT.T. UTILITIES INCLUDED Drive out Marlboro pike to District Heights, left on Gate way blvd., about 7 blocks to Ramblewood. drive left on Ramblewood. drive about 3 blocks to project. Near An drews Field and Sultland. OPEN DAILY. SUNDAY 1 TO 4. For further information, Slease call MR. SACKS, JO. -8750. RIGGS MANOR APTST Riggs and Ager Roads HYATTSVILLE, MD. We have three. 2-bedrm. apts., at $97.50 per mo. and three 1-bedrm. apts. at $83.50 per mo., utilities in cluded, in this desirable development. All apts very large with double closets in all bedrooms, fully equipped kitchens with garbage disposal units and exhaust fans: new shopping center next door and transportation direct to apts See resident manager, 1902 Van Buren st. UN. 7851. Hours, 10 to 5 H G. SMITHY CO. $11 15th St. N.W _ST. 3300, SLIGO PARKWAY APARTMENTS SLIGO CREEK PARKWAY Manchester and Schuyler Rds. Silver Spring, Md. Plenty of ventilation—Convenient to theaters, schools, shopping: ample parking space; play grounds for children. 1 bedroom, spacious living room, large kitchen, dinette, bath. From $80 t bedrooms, spacious living room, large kitchen, dinette, bath. From $90 ALL UTILITIES INCLUDED All Apts. Equipped With Master Television Aerial Resident Manager on Premises To reach: Out Ga. ave. to Plnev Branch rd.. right on Piney Branch rd. to Sligo Creek pkwy.. left approx. Vi mile to our sign to property. GLASSMANOR 15 min. to downtown over the new South Capitol St Bridge. LOCATED ON SOUTH CAPITOL 81 AT D. C-MD LINE NEW DE VELOPMENT I AND 2 BEDRM APTS FOR IMMEDIATE ANO FUTURE OCCUPANCY PHONE LO 3-8100___ GARDEN-TYPE APTS. AVAILABLE NOW. Ltving room, dining area. 2 bedrms , tile bath and shower, exhaust lan. floor-to-ceiling close's with sliding doors; located near Shirley hgy . outside of Alexandria; combining the advantages of a convenient modern apt. with country atmosphere; $72 50 per mo., lncl. heat and hot water. Tor further Info, call KI. 8-8550, NEAR SILVER SPRING Living room, bedroom, dinette, kit chen and bath. $82.50 per month, Including utilities. Evenings. SH. 8381. Frederick W. Berens, Inc. NA. 9141. —4 SLIGO PARK HILLS 8000 Manchester rd, apt. 32. con sisting of living room, bedroom, di nette. kitchen and bath. Overlook ing Sligo Park. $82.50 per month. Including utilities. Frederick W. Berens, Inc. NA. 9141. —4 UPLAND IN THE DISTRICT Several choice 2-bedrm. acts, avail able from $89.50, Including utilities. New garden-type development near Congress Heights. A few minutes from downtown via New South Capi tol st. bridge; A-8 or A-6 bus at 10th and Pa. ave. to door Resident manager at 57 Galveston st. s.w. SHIPLEY PARK APTS. 23nd and Alabama S.E. IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY Bus on corner, close to shopping within the District; beautiful de lux< apis. lav. rm . bedrm., kit bath. $8<*: liv im., 2 bedims., kit., bath. $89.51 nd $95 INCLUDING UTILITIES A few minutes from downtown, vli new So Capitol Bridge, or take am A bus at 10th and Pa. ave.. transfei flth and Va. s.e. to W-fl bus to 23r< and Alabama ave. and our project Apply Mr. Waldron, resident manager 3341 23rd si. s.e.. JO. 2-3133. Jonathan Woodner Co. 1200 18th ST. N W. BE. 238b, BE. 7228. APARTMENTS UNFURNISHED NORTHWEST PARK APARTMENTS Offers Private Living Similar to Your Own Home On New Hampshire Ave. Extended, North of University Lane Ready for Immediate Occupancy EXAMINE THESE FEA TURES, COMPARE THEM WITH OTHER APARTMENTS, AND BE AMAZED! I. Private entrances, and broad, private terraces for family living, face a whole mile of cool, wooded parkland. . . . Twenty individual spa cious layouts of one. two.and three-bedroom units. some with bedrooms upstairs. . . . 3. An unusual roadway sys tem provides safety for chil dren. with one-wav traffic, and " brings the car to your own front door. . 4. Almost half the units are end units, with sun. air and long views on three sides. . . . 5. Masonry walls between units provide complete sound* proofing. . . . 6. Stair-climbing reduced to a minimum, as private en trances <70 per cent of total) enter directly at ground level. EXCELLENT BUS SERVICE THROUGH THE COMMUNITY One bedroom, living room, dining room, kitchen and bath. $77.50 Two bedrooms, living room, dining room, kitchen, and bath $94.50 Three bedrooms, living room, dining room, kitchen and bath $112.50 (All Utilities Included in Rent) Sample Apartment at 443 8 Hampton Drive. Furnished by MALCOLM SCATES REPRESENTATIVE ON PREMISES Directions: Drive out New Hampshire Ave. 7/10 of a mile north of the traffic light . at university lane to the sign on the property. B. F. SAUL CO. ... ... Rental Agent 92o 15th St. N.W., NA. 2100 JAMES C. FINNEY Resident Manager .55 Southampton Dr.. JU. 7-9383 - —14 ' COLORED—LARGE FRONT RM_ For business only; also living quar ters In rear: *05 mo. 917 Florida "V-F. EX. 5821 or TA. 0737 COLORED—7 RMS., KIT.. SEMIPVT. bath; no children Call LI. 0-0489 bet, b and 9 o clock p.m.; ref. * APARTMENTS EXCHANGED PLEASANT ENTIRE 2nd f!„ 2-bedrm, liv. rm„ kit., private bath. *75; ex change for small apt. in apt. bldg Box 38-H, Star. • APARTMENTS WANTED UNFURN. EFFICIENCY APT. or l.h.k rooms, not over $45. by widow, no children, no pets. Box J6-H, Star. 4* GOVT. EMPL COUPLE, permanent status, with .IVi-year-old girl (nurs ery school during day), desires 2 bedroom apt., unfurnished, n.w. apt bldg.; ref. WA. 7315. 4* WOULD LIKE TO SHARE the apt of congenial lady, 35-40; n.w.; reas , close ln. VI. 3318 eves. • SOBER COUPLE wish 3-room furn. apt., preferably ln n.w. apt. bldg., by May 15 or June 1. HO. 0767 after 6 p.m. 4* EMPLOYED SETTLED COUPLE, no parties, liquor or tobacco used, de ^e„snV\11 apt- ln »Pt- bldg. Bog *o*il, Star. • APT—2 rms.. kit. and bath. Par tially furn. Dupont Circle area, 2 men. Approx. $80. Box 15-H, Star. 3« GOVT. ATTY. and wife, expect 1st baby: desire 2-bedrm. unfurn. apt., $85 max. TR. 2885. 7* COUPLE, both empl., desire 2-rm.. k and b.. turn., pvt. apt.; apt. bldg, pref., n.w. sec. GE. 8875 after 6 jj.m. VERY DESIRABLE young working couple need nicely furn. apt., good area: $80. Box 20-H. Star. 2* YOUNG WORKING COUPLE desire nicely furn. apt. in good area: no pets, children or drinking: max. $80. . Before 9th. Box 21-H, Star. 2* YOUNG couple desire 1-bedrm., liv. rm.. kitchen and bath apt. in n.w. section after May 15. Furn. or un furn.; refs furn. Box 12-H. Star. 2* QUIET, educated young couple want furnished 1-bedrm. or studio apart ment for about 3 mos.; vicinity Conn. ave. Box 11-H. Star. O’ PERM. GOVT. EMPL. desires sm. apt. reas. rental; respectable neighbor hood; refs. furn. Box 36-H, Star. 4* YOUNG LADY, employed Walter Reed, desires l.h.k. rm. or small apt., vie. Kith st. n.w., Irving to Silver Spring. $40-$45. SH. 4134. Ext. 154, 8:]5 a m. to 5 p.m. week days. MISS DEAN. —4 3 OR 4 RM. unfurn apt. or flat, vic. Walter Reed; couple. JO. 8-2118. MARRIED COUPLE desire 2-3_rm. apt. in Georgetown, Conn, ave., 18th st. vie.: desirable rear yard; have small dog. TA. 5701. —4 APT., small, pvt., furn. or unfurn; empl. cple. GE. 8229. SMALL APT. for young married cple., nearby Va. preferred. Call HU. 7474, Ext. 309, bet. 9 a.m. and 2 P.m. —3 REFINED WOMAN and two daughters wish unfurnished apt. HU. 7143. • YOUNG MARRIED COUPLE, both FBI employes. Derm. Wash., desire 1-bedrm apt., furnished; prefet n.w. Box 28-H. Star. 8* YOUNG COUPLE getting married in June would like 1-bedroom apt. ln n.w. section immediately. Rent not more than $85 monthly; excellent references. AD. 8358,_—8 CO-OPERATIVE APTS. FOR SALE NAYLOR GARDENS—30th and Nay lor rd. s e.—Available May 1, 2nd fl., B-l type: also a 3rd fl , 3 bedrms. Lowest mo. charges in D C.; DRURY REALTY CORP . RE. 1133; evenings, GE, 9220 or TW. 1191, TILDEN GARDENS—2 BEDROOMS, BATH. KITCHEN. DIN. RM.. LIV. RM.. ALL GOOD SIZE. GROSS PRICE. $18,500. MAY BE SEEN BY APPOINTMENT. PHONE WO. 5334. HOMER N. LINK.•_ CHOICE LOCATIONS CONN. AVE. AND PORTER ST. 16th AND HARVARD STS. ARLINGTON. VA. SILVER SPRING. MD. 1 and 2-bedroom apts. Price. $9,600 to $22,000. Down payment. $2,000 to $5,000. Call DI. 1015 till 9 p.m. Wm. H. Saunders Co., Inc. _o GOING TO N. Y. CITY? Will sell or trade for D. C. property or co-op apt. my Manhattan co-op. apt. Has 1 bedroom, l.r.-d.r.. foyer, kitchenette, bath Located adjacent Park ave. in E. 70s on high-floor front 10 min. to Grand Central. OWNER Hudson 4954 or DE. 8751. 3» MOVING. PACKING b STORAGE -1—-— - —.. .. MARINE VETERANS MOVING CO.— BROWSERS EXPRESS, light and heavy hauling, full or part loads: minimum $3. For free estimates call FR. 3121. EX-C.I—Local, long-distance moving, packing, crating, lae.. sm. jobs: any thing, anywhere. JOHN, HO. 5819. PARK’S TRANSFER, moving at your conven : reas. rates. Call anytime. AD. 1537. 3* SAMPSON BROTHERS—Reasonable rates. 24-hr. service, day. LI. 4 6801. LI. 7-1007; eves.. FR.1491. —3 EDFI.MAN MOVING AND STORAGE —Will accept surplus furniture as part- payment on your moving, stor HO'JSES FURNISHED CHEVF.RLY, MD.—Furn . 3 bedrms., Uv. rm.. din. rm.. kitchen, tile bath; from June 1st on 1-year lease at $125 per mo. Write Box 477-E. Star. —3 CHEVY CHASE CIRCLE area—Beaut, home. 6 rms.. bath, powder rm. a.-c. h.: May 15th lease, $200. Also n.w. 6-rm.. $150. MR CLYDE C. DUN NINGTON. WI. 2635 . —4 BUNGALOW, Silver Spring area—5 rms. (2 bedrms). tile bath with built-in tub and shower, hot-water heat, oil burner, elec, refgr.; ga rage; $125 per mo. L. T. GP.A VATTE. 151$ K st. n.w NA. 0753. 1 ARLINGTON — 2-bedrm. bungalow, garage; near Colonial Village; conv. to bus and shopping; 1-yr. lease; $1 ”5 mo. CH 2165. —4 WHEATON. MD.—Attractive bunga low. 2 bedrms.. large let., garage and gas beat. Newly painted and In i eludes storm windows, screens and j washing machine. $150 mo. Call firoperty manager, WEAVER BROS.. NC.. Wash Blda.. DI. 8300. —4 I DETACHED BRICK, best section of Cheyy Chase. D. C 6 rooms, bath, i lavatory. 1st floor; storage attic; nicely furnished: 1-year lease; $200 a mo. F. A. TWEED CO.. 5504 Conn. ave. n.w. EM. 1290 ’til 9 p.m. —3 WESLEY HEIGHTS. June 15 to Sept. 15. furnished 6-bedrm. house, best electrical equipment, $300 a month, i OR. 7482. —4 • HOUSES UMFUKHttHtP WOODRIDGE—Large 6-rm and bath detached house. $90 month: ex change lor 2-rm. kit. and bath apt in apt. bldg.; not over $52.50. Phone 7:30 to 9:30 pm. MI. hntfo.l 4* KENWOOD—Lovely del. brick home in this beautiful suburb. May l posseasion. 1st flr. has center hall, liv. rm., din. rm.. library bath, kitchen, butler's pantry and 2 porches; 2nd flr.. 4 bedrms.. 2 baths, maid's quarters and bath; 2-car ga rage; $275 mo rental. Cali MR MACHT, EM. 1290. —3 FOR RENT—3-bedrm house gas heat, IV* baths Inquire 2104 Ravenswood st.. W. Hyattsville. 3-5 pm. —4 TWO-BEDRM. BUNGALOW in Viers Mill Village for $90 per mo. 8H 5555; WOODMOOR AGENCY —3 NEW TWO-BEDRM. HOUSE with kitchen furn.; modern; oil heat, knotty pine paneled, nr Lorton. Va., 2 miles off new Shirley hwy . nr. D C workhouse, ready to move In. Lorton 85-F-21. —4 5-ROOM BRICK— Arl Va partly furn., nr Pentagon Navy Annex. 1 yr. lease. $100 mo.. 3 mos. rent in advance HU. 7925 aft. 0 p.m. —31 PETWOBTH—Semidet.. 4 bedrms.. rec. rm.. garage: immediately avail able. *125. GE 6801. —2 ROCKVILLE—1-bedrm house on bus line; $100 per month. WI. 5441. ■I BEDROOMS. FIREPLACE — Over looking Nation's Capital. 1 mile Irom Lincoln Memorial Bridge; $11 o mo.; call after 8 p.m ; avail, immediately. JA 2-2388. - —3 SEMIDET. BRICK HOUSE, in perfect cond.; liv. rm.. din. rm.. kit.. 3 bedrms. daylight bsmt., deep rear yd.: vie Nayior Gardens: good trans. and shopping facilities: $135 per mo. RE. 1306 or VI. 6406. POTOMAC AREA—4 bedrms., 2 baths, gar : totallv improved: avail. May 1: $135 per mo. Phone Rockville 2043. —2 New Hampshire Ave. Near Masonic Home Large living room with fireplace, din ing room, kitchen, powder room three bedrooms and bath, second floor: jcreened porch off kitchen: gas heat: available at once. Si50 j moath. Call BEITZELL, DI. 31 OU. MICHIGAN PARK New ^-bedroom brick home, full; basement; lovely neighborhood; H4f> Farragut st. ne.: rent $90 per month. Frederick W. Berens, Inc. NA. 9141. —4 344 ONEIDA PLACE Out New Hampshire »ve.; 3 bedrms.. liv. rm.. kit. and 2 baths, incl. stove and refgr.: det. home, only 2 yrs. old; conv. to shop, and transp.; $140 monthly. To inspect, call FEDERAL RENTAL CO.. 915 N. Y. ave. n.w., NA. 7403._—6 NEW DETACHED BRICK—6 rms.. 3 bedrms.. full bsmt.. lVa baths, gas heat. Call LU. 4-5566 or AX. 8642. THE GABLES CO. 2423 Minnesota ave. s.e. —5 HOUSES EXCHANGED MOVING TO N. Y. AREA? Will trade for N. W, D. C. house or sell at sacrifice my N. Y. suburb house. Has 4 bedrms., deep .ot, fireplaces, oil h.-w.h.. 4 blks from shopping, school, church and r. r station. 1 hr. from Times Square.; OWNER. EX 2113. office hours. —3 HOUSES WANTED TO RENT CPLE., both doctors, need 6 or 7 rm unfurn. house, close to downtown. CH. 3t50tj. —2 GOOD CARE will be given your small. 5-rm. unfurn house, renting for about $85: prefer n.w. area. Will discuss your offer Consider partly turn., mature people, research. Put your phone no. on a card to Box 414-D, Star. 2* RETIRED Army general, wife and 16 yr.-old son, desire spacious, unfurn. house in excel, cond.; vicinity of Wesley Hgts., Cleveland Pk. and American Univ. Park. Max. $175 for right house; excel, refs. EM. 5/05. ARMY CAPTAIN and family desire 3 bedrm. house with yard for their children; n.w. location preferred. OW. 9400, Ext. 461. 4* AIR FORCE COLONEL desires long term lease. 3-bedroom, unfurnished i house: effective July 1; $150 max. RE. 7400, Ext, 6-1831. HOUSES FOR SALE—Northwest AMERICAN UNIVERSITY PARK— Very nice center entrance brick home, containing 3 bedrms., 1 bath •2nd fl.: liv. rm.. dinine rm., kit. and POWDER ROOM and porch I st j fl. Small amount of cash required. | lge. 4cr 1st trust. Eves., Miss Huey, WI. 3630. RAYMOND B. DUNN, | OR. 7632. —4 CHEVY CHASE. MD.—Truly a charming home in this most sought after location; 4 bedrooms. 3 baths, den on 1st floor, center hall, recrea tion room with bar: fine garden, j garage, h.-w.h. We can recommend this home as the finest. F. A. TWEED CO.. 5504 Conn. ave. n.w. EM 1290 ’till 9 p.m. —3 CHEVY CHASE. D. C-4 bedrooms, •Z'/i baths Almost new brick home. Good-sized kit., plenty of closets, fine location. Convenient to the Lafayette School. Owner anxious to sell. Priced $26,500, or best offer. Shown by appt. only. F. A TWEED CO.. 5504 Conn. ave. n.w., EM. 1290, •til 9 p.m. —■> CHEVY CHASE, D. C.—Unusually lge. home in excel, location; liv. rm.. dining rm., kit., bedrm., 1 / bath 1st fl.: 4 bedrms.. 2 baths 2nd fl -; 2 bedrms. and bath 3rd fl. This is an older home that needs some re pairs and redecorating. Can be bought right. Eves.. Mr. Nalle, WO. 7817. RAYMOND B. DUNN. OR. 7632. —4 CHEVY CHASE. D. C.—Brick, det. center entrance. 28-ft. litf. rm.. firepl. and screened norch, den. 15-ft. din. rm.. mod. kit. with garbage disposal and dishwasher; 3 lge. bedrms. and 2 tile baths on 2nd fl., full bsmt.. gas a.-c. heat. gar. and situated on lge. landscaped lot. For appt. call OR. 0048 till 0 p.m. REALTY BROKERS. INC . 5506 Conn, ave CHEVY CHASE. MD.—In the finest section of this area near Rosemary School, a beautiful white brick Dutch Colonial in perfect condition. Wide, full cent® hall, large living room, full diniiw room, kitchen, breakfast nook: 3 large bedrooms. 2 baths, 2nd floor: stairs to large attic with finished room, large recreation room in basement, full bath, garage. This is truly a beautiful home. W. B. WRIGHT. EM. 5600. , _ _ CHEVY CHASE TERRACE, detached custom-built center hall brick: 3 bedrms., 2 baths: 1st fl.. powder rm.: modern kit.; storm windows. THOS. L. PHILLIPS. WO. 7900, un til 9 p.m . 3518 Conn. CHEVY CHASE, D. C., close to Conn, ave This wide spacious, semidet. brick home, in excel, cond., lge. liv. rm.. firepl.. din. rm., kit.: 2nd fl. 4 lge. bedrms.. bath: garage: oil heat. W. B. WRIGHT. EM. 5600. CHEVY CHASE. D. C.—Det. 4-bedrm. home in a nice area close to Conn, ave.- 1st floor has recep. hall. liv. rm. with firepl.. din. rm.. kit.: 2nd fl.. 4 nirp hprfrms. and bath, excel- cond,. 2-car det. garage. Priced reasonaoiy. Call W. B WRIGHT, EM. 5600. CLEVELAND PARK—Close to Conn, ave. and all conv.. brick home with 4 bedrms. and bath on 2nd fl.. reception hall. liv. rm.. dining rid den with v, bath and kit. on 1st fl. Full bsmt.. oil heat and garage. Price $16,950. Call OR. 0048 till 9 p.m. REALTY BROKERS. INC. 5506 Conn. ave. EDGEMOOR. Bethesda—1st offering of detached 9-room home located on large corner lot near schools, stores and transportation: 1st floor, large living room, dining room, kitchen, breakfast room, butler's pantry, sun room or solarium; 2nd floor, 4 bed rooms, glassed-in room and 2 tiled baths; 3rd floor, one large bedroom, bath and storage Exclusive, F. A TWEED CO.. 5504 Conn. ave. n.w. EM. 1290 ’til 9 p.m. —3 KENWOOD—Home beautiful. Lo cated on large, level lot with for mal walled-in garden. This is an aichiuctural gem designed and built for present owner prewar. First fl.. center-hall entrance, large liv. rm.. din. rm., oaneled library with flrepl.. le.rce rcc rm. on 1st fl level, butler's pantry, kit., powder rm and large screened porch. Sec ond fl. 3 master bedrms. and 2 tiled baths, also a large pvt. bed rm and bath for servants. 2-car built-in gar. Purchaser must be approved. No address will be given, shown by appt. only. F. A. TWEED CO. 5504 Conn. ave. n.w. EM. 1290 till 9 p.m —3 MT. PLEASANT, row brick, 6 rms.. 2V$ baths, 2 closed back porches, gas h.-w h.. one-car gar., rec. rm.. storage attic. DON BLAIR, RA 9400. PETWORTH HOME of 4 bedrooms: semi-detached brick with corner sun room, modern kitchen, open porch, built-in garage: priced down to $14,950 as family is moving away. Good terms R. P. RIPLEY. Realtor. 8L. 6111; open eves. ST. GABRIEL’S PARISH — Excel, side-hall, rt-rm.. 2-story and bsmt. brick, with incl. and heated rear porch: oil h. w.h.. chestnut trim: storm windows, awnings: priced at only $12,500. $2,500 cash. $75 per month. Call DI. 1015 till 9 p.m. WM. H. SAUNDERS CO.. INC. WEBSTER ST. N.W.. west of 16th st Vacant. Homes for gale are few In this ideal location. Colonial brick. 9 rms.. den. sewing rm.. 2 baths, 2nd fl,; powder rm. on 1st floor Lge. yard, garage: gas heat. $2,000 down. URCIOLO REALTY. ME 1971. Eves.. TA 5150. —2 WESLEY HEIGHTS—This beautiful home can hardly fail to sell now for the price at which it is ob tainable; lo yrs. old and structurally perfect: built by Frank S. Phillips: 9 rms.. 4Va baths: library with flrepl. and powder rm.: butler’s pantry: 4 bedrms.. 3 baths on 2nd fl.; paneled clubroom. servant’s rm. and bath. 2-car b.-i. garage: lovely lot approx. 75x140. Eves., call JO 2-8760. FRANK S. PHILLIPS. DI. 1411. VIC. COLORADO AVE. and 16th at.— Colonial-type brick home in fine resi dential neighborhood; 5 bedrms., 3V$ baths, spacious liv. rm.. din. un finished recr. rm. and bsmt. with maid’s room and bath: oil h.-w.h. Approx. 19.000 so. ft. of ground. Owner leaving country, must sell. Call CRANE & HELAN, a. 4000.—6 HOUSES—SALE—N.W. (Coat.) ■ i ■ i i ■ ■— .. i — NEAE SHERIDAN and Finer Bd. rd. n.w—Beautifui det. brick houae on lovely landscaped lot; 3 lie. bcc rms. and 2 modern baths, spacious finished room on 3rd fl.; lie. liv. rm with fixepl.. real din. rm . kit and breakfast room, hall entr.; entire; house professionally redecorated: gas h.w high, dry bsmt. garage. Appt. only Call Mr. Maury. TU. 3926. MARSHALL J. WAPLE CO 1224 14th st n w . DI. 3346. THERE ARE BIT FEW houses lr. Glover Park that have had the excellent thought of rearranging as this semidet. brick, consisting of 8 rooms. 2 baths, club room cemer.t front porch, oil hea:. storm windows and screens. Venetian blincss. Th:s home can be well financed and terms arranged Call M. B. Weaver, WG 4944 or DI 3830 MARSHALL J WAPLE CO . 1224 14th st. nw DI. 3346. $2,000 CASH will handle this 3 siory brick, in excellent condition: Mt. Pleasant section. 4 rms. and bath. 1st fl.; 4 rms. and bath 2nd fl 2 rifls. on 3rd fl ; oil h. LOUIS RUDDEN. EX. 5707. NR. fth AND MADISON—Semidet brick. 8 rms.. 14 oaths: wall-to wali carpeting, plus many other extras. <23.500. LOUIS RUDDEN EX. 5707. NEAR 14th AND KENNEDY—Beauti ful ccrner property in absolutely i perfect cond charming, thoroughly' modern white clapboard Colonial; slate roof; center-hall plan; 5; bedrms.. 3 full baths: gas h.-w.h.: every imaginable convenience; ideal tor doctor or dentist; real value at $22,500. Eves., call Mr. Mannakee. RA. 1558, FRANK S. PHILLIPS. DI. 1411. —7 . JUST BEYOND GEORGETOWN— Small det. all-brick home of superb quality in the highly convenient MacArthur blvd. area; 3 yrs. old; new-house condition; 6 rms. (3 bedrms), tile bath, full basement partially finished into delightful: rec. rm., lavatory, lge. concrete screened porch inclosed rear yard gas heat; 24 blks. to Hardy Grade School; 10 min. to downtown; owner already has purchased larger home; priced low for quick sale. Eves.. call GE. 3079, FRANK S. PHILLIPS DI 1411. —4 FIRST TIME OFFERED—Good n.w area' very clean row brick; 3 bedrms.: finished rec. rm. in bsmt.: nr. transp . schools, etc. Priced low at $13,750. LEGUM & GERBER REALTY CO., AD. 7800 till 9 p.m —3 1123 CRITTENDEN ST. N.W.—2- { story brick, 4 bedrms., 2 baths, oil h.-w.h. Immediate possession. $16. 50U. FRANK M. DOYLE. Realtor. DI. 7965. VICINITY 1«TH AND MONROE N.W -—Most attractive brick, rather new, arranged as two complete apart ments (one with two baths'): com pletely furnished: owners leaving for California; built-in garage, hot water heat, oil burner; only $4,000 cash payment: just let us show it to you. THOS E. JARRELL CO Realtors, 721 Tenth street n.w., NA. 0765: evenings. GE. 4355. NEAR WALTER REED hospital, semi det. brick: 8 rms- can be 2-family: 24 baths: oil h.-w.h.: ear. built-in: convenient area. DON BLAIR. RA 9400. NEAR BUREAU OF STANDARDS; brk. colonial: 3 bedrms, 24 baths; finished 3rd fl.; 1st fl. lav.: screened porch: rec. rm.: gas a.-c h.: garage. THOS. L. PHILLIPS. WO. 7900. until 9 p.m.. 3518 Conn. OWNER WANTS QUICK SALE—Six rms- row' brk- extra bath: oil heat equip, kit- incl., heated porch; gar.: nr. busline: $86 mo on terms. Cal’ SHERIDAN REALTY. RA. 1143. 2037 1st ST. N.W’.—Corner brick: 8 rms.. bath. Good for doctor, den owner; $2,500 down. Call after 2, n.m. HU. 4434. —3 8th ST., NR. KENNEDY—Lovely home, arranged as 2 apts., 2 baths; oil heat; garage; priced at $13,750 on terms. JOSEPH E. BRUNO, INC.. 003 H st. n.w.. ST. 3320. —3 3-BEDRM., 2* z-BATH white brick home on corner lot: small cash req. above $17,000 1st trust at 4%; house has manv attrac. features, picture window in din. rm., built-in bookcases and cupboards in liv. rm.. tile floored entr. foyer with coat closet, etc. Built-in garage. Call OWNER. OL. 34 08. —7 1353 INGRAHAM ST. N.W. — De signed for large family or enter taining. spacious 10-room home, beautifully decorated, boasting 5 bedrms.. 2Va baths, large modern kitchen wtih separate breakfast rm . den or lst-noor. bedrm., gas h.-w.h.. 2-car det. garage: lot 40x 130. Under $20,000; excellent fi nancing. Mr. Clark. GE. 0011. MARSHALL J. WAPLE CO., 1224 14th st. n.w., PI. 3346._ BRIGHTWOOD 14th and Rittenhouse, 20-ft. brick in new house condition: completely redec.. absolutely exquisite; 7 rms. and end porch. 2 baths, and base ment lav.: built-in garage; oil h.-w. heat: Vacant, immed. possession. AUERBACH Sc CO.. DT. 6501. 1424 K St. N.W., AD. 5760. AD. 5907 _•» CHEV Y “CH ASE. D, C. A row brick home, close to every con venience including recreation cen ter; liv. rm.. din. rm.. kitchen, porch. 4 bedrms. and 1% baths. Call Mrs. Dawson, with INEZ CUSHARD. Realtor __OR, 4232 —4 MOUNT PLEASANT Row brick of 6 rms. and 1 bath; owner purchased larger home and priced for quick sale. ARLIE L. JOHNSON REALTY, INC.. 3402 Conn, n.w. OR. .7100 till 9 p.m.—3 MT. PLEASANT Distinctive, modern, studio-type home of liv.-din. rm. combiriation. kitchen. 2 bedrms and bath: English bsmt. with additional living space. See this house of charm today. Eves., OL. 2439. SIGLER AND CO- HP. 3313, 4000 BLOCK 9th ST. N.W. What a buy! Large row brick near Georgia ave.. in excel, condition; 10 rms., 2V2 bath. 3 kits., rec. rm. with bar, oil heat; yard, gar. Unusual income possibilities. Priced to sell quick at $17,500. RALPH D. COHN, EX. 5705: eves.. TA 8135. 14th AND SHERIDAN STS N.W. A gem of a house, modern English br.. 6 large rms.. 2 colored tile baths gas heat, gar.; enticing recr. rm. with bar in bsmt. Priced to sell. RALPH D. COHN, EX. 5705; eves., TA. 8135. WISCONSIN AVE. AND ORDWAY ST. A home of informal charm. This semidet. tapestry brick home is a home that is designed to make your living pleasant. Has 8 large rms., 2 baths, very modern kit., nice yard, br. gar., gas heat. Superb condition and excel, equipment. Real fireplace in liv. rm. Priced right at only $20,000. RALPH D. COHN, EX. 5705; eves.. TA. 8135. OLD GEORGETOWN WOULD you like to live in a quaint old home built in a bygone age? Would you enjoy the charm of a spring garden? Would the chimes of the universiity clock be music to your ears? If you have a yearning for such an atmosphere you willl be interested in this old home. Eng lish basement with din. rm. end kit., liv. rm. with fireplace on 1st 11.: 2 bedrms. and bath upstairs. Auto, gas h.-w.h.; garden has many plant ings and bulbs. $4,000 down pay ment. balance in one trust. 4I/2‘3, 20 yrs. Shown by appt. only. Ex clusive. Call W. B. WRIGHT. 501 So. Glebe rd. JA. 4-0550; eves.. TE. 0309 _ _3 SEE COMPACT BRICK HOME With 5 bedrms.. 2 baths, on pretty street overlooking estate, George town area. Price, $19,500. For dr-! tails, call Mrs. Peck of SANDOZ. INC., DU. 1234, or home phone, ! OR 4923.___ AMERICAN U. PK.,—$15,950 This 0-rm. det. home has price, lo cation and Quality: features spa cious liv. rm.. lg. attractively land scaped yard. Phone today. VICTOR WICKERSHAM Realtor. OR. 2100, Open !)-». —2 American University Park NR. ST. ANN'S SCHOOL Detached Colonial brick home in one of Washington’s most desirable resi dential areas. Center entrance. Ige. living rm. with fireplace, dining rm., kitchen and powder rm. on 1st floor: 3 lovely bedrms. upstairs: gas heat: price. $19,950. Call Mr. Bouscaren. EX. 24SO or EM. 4413. Excl. with FRED A. SMITH CO. Realtors. 1113 17th St. N.W American University Park Center-hall detached brick on excel- j lent, level lot. Slate roof. Pine living ; room, pine-paneled den. lavatory, blight dining rm. and kitchen. 2nd floor has 3 bedrms. and 2 baths.| bo,h with glassed-in showers. Large attic. Attached garage. Immediate occupancy. Price. $26,850. To In spect. cal! JAMES E. SCHWAB. OR. 5800. After (i p.m., call Sligo 2576 or WO, 1408._—4 AMERICAN UNIV. PARK $14,950 Semt-det. brick home conveniently located near shopping, schools and transportation: 6 rms. and bath, full bsmt.. oil h.w. heat, built-in garage and porch. PHILLIPS. CANBY & POLLER. INC. 1012 15th ST. N.W., ST. 2400. AMERICAN UNIVERSITY PARK SIS.500. This home is just right for family with school-age children. The lot is deep and attractive. R. h Liv. rm.. din. rm. and lge. kit.: 2nd floor. 3 twin-sized bedrms., modern bath: slate roof: 2-car garage. Ex cellent financing. Can be seen any- i time by appt. Billingsley & Korzendorfer 5211 Wis, ave., OR. 232H 'til f*. —3 j BETHESDA RAMBLERS. $18,950 to $22,500. Sample house. 5803 Will- 1 met rd. Open 1 to 6 daily. Reception hall. 24-ft. living-dining room com bination. 3 bedrms.. 2 baths, won derful kitchen, stairs to large stor age attic. Out Old Georgetown rd. to 1 Beach ave and left 1 block to house on right. Billingsley & Korzendorfer OR. 232H. OR. 0822 till 9 p.m. —3 BRIGHTWOOD 4 BEDRMS., iy2 BATHS Large semi-det. brick home with side hall entrance, Uv. rm.. din. rm.. kit. and porch on first floor; full bsmt.; deep lot: garage; gas beat: convenient to schools, shopping and transp. Owner will consider offers. Call Mr. Stolar. teves.. SL. 7586). Leo M. Bernstein & Co. 1415 K. St. N.W., Realtors. ME. 5400 HOUSES FOR SALE—Noithwwl BRIGHTWOOD SPECIALS CALL FOR APPOINTMENT NOW TUCKER MAN 8T„ $13 500 Allowance for decoration wonder ful location, fine semldet 6-room brick, hardwood floor,, built-in ca rafe oil h -w.h ; possession. Hurry —this can't last. INGRAHAM ST English style semldet. brick: 6 lovely rooms 2 screened porches beautiful paneled walls finished rec room. 2 fireplaces, step-up dining room LONGFELLOW ST Lovely 6-room det Onck home: only $16 950; 2 baths finished ree room; this is a really fine home near all conveniences. Auerbach & Co., DI. 6501 SL. 0345, OR. 0888, AD. 5169. CHEVY CHASE CIRCLE 3 BEDRMS., 2 Vi BATHS Inspect this immaculate center-hall, det brick home, featuring spacious liv. rm • ultra-mod. kit.. 1*. screened porch, overlooking beautifully land scaped yard; double gar. Excellent terms. VICTOR WICKERSHAM Realtor, OR. 2100. Open 9-9. —2 “CHEVY~CHASE, MD. Excellent brick prewar English archi tecture. Lge. liv. rm. with flrepl., good din. rm and kit.; plus lavatory on 1st fl.; 2nd fl. has 3 fine twin sized bedrms. and 2 tiled baths: storage attic: built-in garage; full bsmt.; oil h.-wJi. Owner leaving city. Priced to sell right. Eves.. Mr. Given, OL. 7740. SAMUEL BOG LEY, INC.. WI. 1320. “ CHEVY CHASE, D. C. ' 6 RMS.. 2 BATHS 2 blocks east of Conn. ave. and Davenport st. n.w.: det. brick, tudor style; center hall. liv. rm. with fireplace, rear screened porch off liv. rm., spacious dm. rm . 3 large bedrms. 2 full baths on 2nd ft; full bsmt. with gas h.-w.h . det garage; lot 55x150; vacant. Call Mr. Weiss (eves , TU. 4036*. Leo M. Bernstein & Co. 1415 K. St. N.W.. Realtors. ME. 5400 CHEVY CHASE New listing; between the country clubs. 4 bedrms., 2 baths on 2nd fl.. 3rd fi. has 2 finished rms. with built-in bunks; powder rm. and paneled breakfast rm. with lge liv. rm on 1st; 2-car garage, oil heat. Walking distance to schools and transp. Eves., Mr. deSibour, OR. 3824. SAMUEL E. BOGLEY, INC., WI. 1320 “CHEVY CHASE, D. C7~ NR. LAFAYETTE SCHOOL Excel. 3 bedrm., 2% baths, det. brick home, plus den and other extras; drastically reduced to $21.95o to settle an estate. For immediate ap pointment call Mrs. Guarino with JAMES L. DIXON CO. 1022 17th st. n.w. ST. 7200; eves., WO. 1378. CHEVY CHASE CIRCLE East of Conn. ave. an outstanding 4-bedrm. and 2 bath, center en trance detached brick home near all conveniences; 1st fl.; has liv. rm. with flrepl., din. rm., large kit., den and living porch; finished room on 3rd fl.; maid's rm. and full bath in bsmt.: 2-car detached garage; level lot. Call till 9. EM. 1800. CHEVY CHASE REALTY CO. —3 CHEVY CHASE. D. C. CORNER BRICK HOME This lovely home consisting of liv. rm. with fieplace. din. rm. with picture window, liv. porch, den with full bath, mod. kit., on 1st fl., 2 extra sized bedrms., tiled bath and storage rm., 4 closets on 2nd fl., stairway to expans, attic.; full bsmt. with Vi bath and gas heat: det. gar.; can be had immed. Call Miss Smith, RE. 1633 'til 8, P.m. COX & CO. CLEVELAND PARK Attractive semidetached brick home; conveniently located near the Ca thedral. shopping, schools and transportation: 1st fl.. hall, living room, dining room, kitchen, break fast room and 2 porches; 2nd fl., 4 bedrooms, 2 baths: 3rd fl., 2 bedrooms, bath and storage room; full basement with maid’s room and bath, oil h.-w. heat, gar.: $26,600. Call Mr. Mackintosh, jr.. with WEAVER BROS., INC., Washington Bldg., DI. 8300; eves., GL. 7fl56. CLEVELAND PARK “ HIGH ELEVATION, NR. CATHEDRAL On a large and beautiful corner lot, opposite large estate; a well-built masonry home with tile roof; center hall. liv. rm. with flrepl. and adj. porch, cheerful din. rm., 1st fl. lavatory; breakfast rm. and large kit. 4 bedrms. and 2 baths; nr iraosp., shopping center, school and recreation arear; owner leaving Washington. To inspect call JAMES E. SCWAB. OR. 5800, after 5 p.m. call SL. 2575 or WO, 1408. —4 COUNTRY CLUB AREA In Chevy Chase. Md„ on very large corner lot; this distinctive center hall brick home has been reduced for prompt sale. Features a splendid big library or bedrm. with bath lust a few steps up from 1st floor level. 3 other large bedrms. and bath on 2nd floor; 2-car garage. Price re duced to $29,500. Eves., Call Mrs. Allen, OR. 5737. Gorman P. Young, DE. 4444 GEORGETOWN AREA See this to believe it. only $16,500— 2-story semidet. brick, living rm., kitchen and dining rm., 2 bedrms., bath and 2 glassed-in porches; gar den and garage; you can move right in. Can be seen by appointment only. Call Virginia Bentley, NO. 6600. ROXANNA B. DORAN —2 GEORGETOWN Drastically reduced! 3 or 4 bedrms., 2 baths, large garden: Brick: imme diate possession. STEVENS REAL TOR. MI. 2908. 3* GEORGETOWN First time offered, this home was re stored several vrs. ago apd lust re decorated In the true Georgetown manner. To inspect call MR. LUECK. NA, 2040; eves.. WO. 5733._ MACOMB STREET 5 BEDRMS., 2 BATHS In a well constructed older home, '/a blk. west of Conn, ave.; priced far below comparable new construction, less well located; Ideal for the large family requiring excellent schools, transp. and shopping; beautiful yard adjoining park: only $4,000 down; Immediate occupancy. Call Mr. Cavin with H. G. SMITHY CO., ST. 3300, residence. MI. 5004. —4 MT. PLEASANT BARGAIN 3147 17th ST. N.W. OPEN DAILY. 2 TO 5 P.M. Vacant, immediate possession, 8-room brick, 5 spacious bedrooms. 2 tiled baths, oil h.-w.h. Trades consid ered. Easy terms. Call R. 8. Wash burn. TU. 2091. MARSHALL J. WAPLE CO. 1224 14th St. N.W. PI. 3346, NORTH CLEVELAND PARK This beautiful semidetached corner brick, in excellent condtiion. offered by owner who is retired and moving to Calif. It has 4 large bedrooms on 2nd floor with steps to floored attic. Reception hall entrance, large living room, spacious dining room, also restroom or den. Now. the kitchen is what every woman de sires. Plenty of cupboards and light with cozy breakfast nook. It is Impossible to describe all the fine features about this home. You must see it. Priced to sell this week. OPEN 1 TO 6 EVERY DAY 3829 VEAZEY ST. N.W. MR. GUYNN. EM. 7792. MARSHALL J. WAPLE CO. 1224 14th St. N.W. PI, 3346. POTOMAC PALISADES A nearly new smart center-hall 2 bedrm. rambler for only $16,950. including rugs and drapes, red brick fireplace in lge. L-shaped liv. rm., corner windows, yards of kitchen cabinets. Eves.. WO. 8488. J. Leo Kolb Co., Inc. MI. 3100. _—3 SAUL’S ADDITION Detached home with first floor sun or bedroom and Va bath. 3 good bedrooms and bath 2nd floor, large living room with fireplace. Deep lot. garage. 4% first trust. Eves., call Mrs Herring. MI. 4919. RID DELL REALTY CO.. Realtors. DI. 7900, exclusive. _ Shepherd Park—Charming! Nr. loth—Custom-built: 4 bedrms.. 3 baths, den; crystal chandelier; car peting: extremely modern features; gas h.-w.h.; price. 536.500. Seen by appt. Irene Understine—ST. 2220. o SPRING VALLEY 7-BEDROOM AND 4-BATH HOUSE IN EXCELLENT CONDITION English design, of stone and half timber trim, situated on a desirable corner lot with 129-ft. frontage. Contains center hall, spacious living room, dining room, library, butler's pantry, kitchen, excellent recreation area in basement, screened porch end stone patio: gas heat. 2-car bulit-ln garage. Spring Valley school bus passes the door. NEAR AMERICAN UNIV. OWNER DESIRES IMMEDIATE SALE ATTRACTIVE TERMS TO RESPONSIBLE BUYER Pour bedrooms. Dutch Colonial of brick and Colonial siding; Miller built in 1941. In very desirable loca tion. close to Massachusetts ave., transportation and shopping. Posses sion with settlement. W. C. & A. N. MILLER DEVELOPMENT CO. Builders and Developers of Wesley Hts., Sumner A Spring Vtllgy 48.30 Mass. Ave. N.W. OR. 4464 Evening. Telephone WI. 6538. (List Your Homes With Usl HOUSES FOR SALE Niith—« MASSACHUSETTS AVE* EMBASSY SECTION A handsome residence well planned (or entertaining Spacious rooms with high ceilings, fine detail work ; Elevator. Excellent location (or an embassy. Priced below reproduc tion cost. Available immediately Call Miss Alexander. NA 9300; evenings and weekends. OR. 0P86. BOSS & PHELPS. INC. 1417 K St. N.W WAKEFIELD 7 RMS.. 2^ BATHS. DEN Inspect this immac. det. stone and brick, center-hall Colonial home in this exclusive, conv section. Fea tures spacious liv rm. with mirrored flrepl., broadloom wall-to-wall car peting. paneled recr rm.. attached garage Very Ige. 1st trust. Phone today to inspect VICTOR WICKERSHAM Realtor. OR. 2100. open 9 to P. WESLEY HEIGHTS Beautiful brick and stucco house, in excellent condition, located on terraced lot. tn convenient restricted locality. Correctly priced 1 or quick sale. $27,500. For further informa tion call Mr. Silvester, eves . NO 1240 J. RUPERT MOHLER, Jr Realtor. 1223 Conn. ave. NA. to ho. WESLEY HEIGHTS FIRST FLOOR LIBRARY OR BEDROOM An impressive residence o( stone and brick with flower garden of unsur passed loveliness: gracious, hospitable entrance (oyer, drawing room 20x24 ft.. handsome library or bedrm. with adjoining bath on 1st floor: the upstairs bedrm. and bath are ex ceptionally attractive; maid’s quar ters and bath. 2-car garage An attractive brick summer house, charmingly set amid the trees and flower beds. Contains a barbecue fireplace, with adjoining patio. To Inspect this lovely home, call Mrs d'Amecourt. with JAMES L. DIXON & CO 1022 17th 8t. N.W. ST. 7200 _Eves., WO. SOSO._—4 Modern Detached Brick Near Coolidge High School $21,500. Fronting on wide ave nue in the popular upper north west community; close to schools, stores and transporta tion. Two stories, seven rooms, 2 full baths; stairway to fin ished attic. Has every modern convenience: air - conditioned oil-heat, slate roof, insulation, copper plumbing and gutters, screens and awnings. See this fine home today. Call Mr. WY VELL. WO. 3242. SHANNON & LUCHS CO. 1505 H 8T. N.W. NA. 2345. D. C. RAMBLER The outstanding 3-bedroom brick rambler, tn or ground Washington: excellent con struction. with Intelligent plan ning; close-in location: living room: separate dining room. 3 bedrooms. 2 baths and kitchen with dining ibace on one floor; unusual features In clude full basement with lava tory, large attic with pull-down stairway, gas heat; close to transportation. schools and stores—completes the picture. Priced low at $22,950. For Information, call Frederick Schwab, WO. 0684. SHANNON & LUCHS CO. 1505 H ST. N.W. NA. 2345, 4-Bedroom corner Brick Chevy Chase, Md. Situited near the Columbia Country Club, on lot 130x130 ft., close to transportation and schools; center-hall plan, with 4 bedrooms and 2 baths on the 2nd floor; has side porch, air-conditioned oil heat, slate roof, complete modern equip ment and a 2-car attached ga rage; excellent value at $29. 600. Phone Mr. Evans, WO. 0290. SHANNON & LUCHS CO. 1505 H ST. N.W. NA. 2345. “4 BEDROOMS—2 BATHS” OUTSTANDING VALUE Big Colonial row brick home: near every convenience. First floor den or sunroom: paneled recreation room with bar: hot water heat with gas furnace: 2-car garage: excellent con dition: price *16,500. For in formation call Mr. Brill. WI. 7105. SHANNON & LUCHS CO. 1505 H ST. N.W. NA. 2345. BEAUTIFUL SPRINGFIELD KENWOOD COUNTRY CLUB SEC. 5609 RIDGEFIELD RD. Center-hall white brick, spacious living room-dining room combina tion; large kitchen, powder room, screened porch; 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, storage attic; full basement with outside entrance and half bath: gas a.-c. heat: good transportation; ex cellent. school facilities; attractive financing. Open 1 to 6 daily. RUT LEY A BAIR. ST. 2911: eves.. CO. 7381. Ext. 21,__3 PRICE REDUCED Excellent Income home, inch modern furniture for all bedrms.: immed. poss.; reasonable terms; open daily 1-6. OWNER. 1754 Kenyon st. n.w.» 13th and Jefferson $15,950—8 rooms, 2 baths, gas hot water heat, large lot with 2-car brick garage. This home must be seen to be fully annreciated. Call Mr. Northern. Sligo 1689. with BEITZELL, DI. 31011._ UPPER 16th ST. AREA NEW LISTING 180 ft. frontage, attractive brick house; 4 bedrms., 2 baths on 2nd fl.: 2 bedrms. and bath on 3rd; den and powder rm,; 2-car garage: gas heat: well priced. Eves, Mr. Lebling. Jr., OL. 2720. SAMUEL E. BOGLEY. INC.. WI. 1320 —5 Nr. St. Gabriel’s Church POPULAR PETWORTH LOCATION INVITING IN APPEARANCE Side hall tapestry brick in splendid condition; roomy 3 bedrooms: Iront and rear porches; 2-car garage: gas h.-w.h. Inviting your immediate check, Mr. Tolson, KELLEY & BRANNER, DI. 7740; eve., OR. 1199. 5th St DECATUR, $13,950~ A 20-ft. Colonial row brick in a strictly white neighborhood, large living rm.. dining rm.. kitchen, den. 3 bedrms.. bath and inclosed rear porch. Home is in evcellent condition. To Inspect call Mr. Engle. OE. 5883 with BEITZELL. DI. 3100. NEAR CHEVY CHASE CIRCLE—4 bedrm. detached brick home; recep tion hall, large Uv. room, din. room, fully equipped kitchen, den and Pantry; finished attic; 2-car garage; side screened porch; A-l condition. Billingsley & Korzendorfer cm. 2326, OR. 6822 till 9 p.m. —3 IDEAL LOCATION IMMACULATE ROW BRICK 7 large rms.. bath, full bsmt., gas h.-w.h. Easily converted to ants. HOWARD R. SCHAFER 7425 Wis. ave.. Bethesda. WI. 544L 519 CRITTENDEN ST. N.W. OPEN EVENINGS, 6-9 At Sherman Circle, 3 blocks from St. Gabriel’s Church and School. One block elementary public school. This beautiful row brick home has 8 rooms, m baths, full bsmt.. oil h.-w.h.. long back yard. 1-car garage on wide alley. Priced right for quick sale. R. A. HUMPHRIES 80S N. Capitol. Realtors. NA 5020. 2304 Calvert St. N.W., NA. 5020. RAMBLERS Another group of 2 and 3 bedroom homes, modern as tomorrow; tiled bath. liv. rm., din. rm.. kit., bsmt. with lavatory: wood-burning fire place: nice wooded lots: GI or con ventional financing with moderate cash An Inspection will convince. Directions: Mass. ave. n.w. to 5800 block, left to Namakagan rd.. right Vi block, left to ramblers. Mr. Bailey on premises or at 5804 Mass. ave. BARKLEY BROS. OL. 2429. _I Lovely white brick A real picture book home on level corner lot fh the desirable Brook dale area at Western ave. and the D. C. line. Has charming 1st floor plan with lavatory. 3 lge. bedrms. and tiled bath on 2nd floor. Beauti- , fully finished pine paneled ree. rm. 1 with fireplace in bsmt.; h.-w. oilj heat; attached garage. No better value anywhere tods'?. Eves., call Mr. j Mcllwaine, NO. 1332. Gorman P. Young, DE. 4444 UPPER 16th ST. 1501 ROXANA RD.. N.W. New brick homes in beautiful 8hep- J herd Park; 2 lovely corners; « and 7 rooms, center hall, full basement and attic: must be seen; open daily 10 a.m. to 9 p.m SHAPIRO, INC., ME. 1717, TA. 7511. BIG PROFITS Lge. guest house; 4-story brick: Du pont Circle: fine cond.; attractively furn.: monthly income. $840. Always filled: bargain; $5,000 cash: easy terms. OWNER. CO. 4729. —1 FOR COLORED. NORTHWEST—Kan sas avenue, between Spring road and Quincy, facing park: brick, three bedrooms, closed-in upstairs porch: you will be proud to be living in this home. THOS. E. JARRELL CO.. Realtors. 721 Tenth street n.w., NA. 0765; evenings, GE. 4355. COLORED—VACANT corner brick, 8 rms. and bath; oil beat. suit, for dentist, doctor or rooming house; newly decorated; $2,500 down. RA. 1339: after 2 p.m., HU. 4434. —6 COLORED—Sth ST., nr. Randoloh —Detached brick. In beautiful cond.; modern, sturdy, fine loca tion: 6 rms.. recr. rm - ice. yard, garage: low terms. URCIOLO REALTY, ME. 1971; eves., RA. 2805. —3 HOUSES FOR SALE—Northwrt COLORED—* LGE. RMS. rear porches, new far hasting system. dbl. garage *1.500 to *2.000 cash Cone to stores, cars etc. OWNER T*. 7010. —2 COLORED—S RMS. and bath h .w h bsmt : on 24th at. n.w between Pa. and K n w S 1.000 down, bal ance In payments NELSON RE ALTY CO.. 418 Evans Bldg.. 1420 New York ave. NA. 7180 or CO. 8037. COLORED—ROME and investment 3 apts. in row brick on 13th st.. separate baths: *13.500 with *2.600 down P KLIOT MIDDLETON. Realtor. RE 1181 COLORED—NR 7th AND NEW HAMP ave n.w.—Semidet brick, in mod cond. arranged as 2 apts 10 rms.. 2 baths gaa h.: 2-car ga rage LOUIS RUDDEN EX 5707. COLORED—ROW BRICK. 2-famlly 2 kits., 2 baths, front entrance to bsmt : 1-car gar., convenient area DON BLAIR. RA Mon COLORED—1315 OTIS PL. N.W.— Beautiful brick home and bath in very desirable location: automatic gas heat, many other attractive features For private Inspection cal! TU 2100 SHOCKEY A MOOR HEAD Realtors. —4 COLORED—1ST OFFERING—1300 blk. Fairmont: 3 story house, liv. rm.. din. rm.. kit.. 1st fi : 3 bedrms and bath 2nd and 3rd fls. Small cash payment Well financed Shown by appt only. Mr. Walkerman. STORY A CO. ME 4100, eves Sun OR. 2845 —4 COLORED—ROCK CREEK CHIRCH RD. and Tavlor st. n.w.—Corner 8-rm. brk. home, perfect cond . can be arranged aa 3 apts.: oil heat, storm windows. *15 950 on terms ALFRED WEINBERG. CO. 5534. eves.. TA. 1463. —4 COLORED—2203 FLAGLER PL. N.W —Near Howard Univ., 8-rm. and bath home, new furnace, oil heat. *1,500 cash down, balance like rent. To inspect call PLANT A GORDON. INC. 1374 Park rd. n.w. CO. OS37. —4 COLORED—3rd AND IPSHIR 8T — 3 apts.. finished bsmt.: gas h.-w.h,: 3 stoves, refers. Priced rivtu. only *2.000 down, easy terms. ST. 3057. GE. 7804. BRETTERMAN REALTY CO. —4 COLORED—1st COMMERCIAL Have a store of your own and rent another store and live ail In the same building. In good condition, this brick property Is offered on unusually good terms. Call Mr. Humphrey. EM 9154. with INEZ CUSHARD Realtor. _OR 4232. —4 COLORED—LIVE FREE Only *500 down buys a lovely 8-untt apt. with over $200 per mo. income Separate meters. Nr N J. ave. and O st n.w. Call for further details JOSEPH E BRUNO. INC . 903 H st n.w.. ST. 3320. —3 COLORED *495 DOWN 412 K ST N.W. _ 2nd COMMERCIAL This 10 rm row brick home with 2 baths and coal h.-w h. offers income possibilities of $225 per mo to some enterprising person: reas mo. payments. SURETY REALTY CO.. AD. 0531 till 9—5 CORRECTION Property at 50i Allison st. n.w was listed for sale to colored Friday. Saturday and Sunday. April \!fv '29 and .‘HK In error. This property should not have appeared under the colored for sale column. ___—3 Colored, income Property 25th and M sts. n.w.—>9 extra-large rms. and bath; 3-story brick: full bsmt.: h.-w.h.. coal. Ideal section for home plus income. Priced to sell this week. Act today. Call till 9 p m. weekdays. Sun. 12 to 5 Wm. Calomijis Inv. Corp. 1912 17th St. N.W. PI, 1655 —2 COLORED—$195 DOWN BRICK—$6 950—N.W. Hurry or you'll lose this clean brick house in convenient n.w. section. 5 rms, gas. elec.: only $69.50 mo - Cal1 new. RE, 3531. UN. 9759. CORRECTION Property listed for sale to colored at 822 Gallatin st. n.w. in Monday's Star was in error. The property is not for sale to anyone. ____ —3 _ NEAR SOLDIERS’ HOME Colored: large brick Colonial semi detached. arranged for two (2) families. In excellent condition. Two baths, three porches, and garage, new gas hot-water heat: second fl. income $199 per month, $2,599 down payment. Owner occupied Phone Major Lane NA. 9390; eves, WI. 6289. BOSS & PHELPS, INC. _1417 K St. N W _4 COLORED PETWORTH WIDE ROOMY BRICK One of the better homes in a highly desirable area. 8 spacious rms. and tiled bath, including excellent mod ern equipped kit, with pantry. Screened sleeping porch, full bsmt, nice back vard Home in perfect cond. Vacant and ready to move into. Only $13 950. with low down payment. Call NA 9797. LU 4-3342 Eves, call CO. 8382. CAPITAL VIEW REALTY CO. Realtors. 925 N Y. Ave. N W COLORED FIRST TIME OFFERED Near Ga ave. and Upsher st., excel. 20-it, semidet. Colonial brick. Con taining liv. rm, din. rm, modern kit, and 3 bedrms, new modern tile bath, paneled rec. rm. in bsmt, gas h.-w.h, possession. Priced to sell with low down payment. Call Mr. Cummings. Phillip B. Key Co, Realtors SL. 3910. RA. 2275._—4 COLORED—VACANT ONLY $1,009 DOWN 38 U st. n.w.; H-rms, bath. aut. gas heat, front and rear entrances to bsmt. To inspect call ME. 0005 or RE. 2144. — ..4 ~ COLORED—1st COMM' 1324 11th st. n.w.; home an income; j 12 rms., 3 baths, h.-w.h., full bsmt, only $1,500 down, easy terms. To inspect call ME. 0095; eves . PR. I 3770._ _4 j .COLORED Beautiful 20-Ft. Row Brick Nr North Capitol and V sts. nw.— This Is the best home we have had to offer in years, 6 rms.. 2 baths. Colonial front porch, parquet floors, new gas h.-w.h., front entrance to recr rm.: priced to sell, possession; ! terms can be arranged. DI 1311: i after fl. TA. 1388. BAKER REALTY CO., INC., 1511 K st. n.w, HOUSES FOR SALE—Northeast MICHIGAN PARK—Det. brick Colo-5 nlal in perfect cond.: slate roof, 22-; ft liv. rm., flrepl.. lovely recr rm I with bar; 3 lge. bedrms., 2 tile baths j on 2nd fl.: screened porch, fenced; rear yard, new kit. equip, plus dish washer. Disposal and Bendix: priced to sell. Eves- call JO. 2-8760. j FRANK S. PHILLIPS. DI. 1411. ROW BRICK, near 4th and Franklin sts. n.e.: B rms. and bath, colonial front porch: closed-ln rear porches Auto h.-w. h- rec. rm.; nice lot. garage. ROGER MOSS. Realtor. 2125 R. I. ave. n.e. HO 8020. Eves, and Sun- call DE. 2693. VA APPROVED $15,000, $1,500; down; attractive Michigan Park home; 2-story brick: six large rooms, tiled bath. elec, refgr- gas furnace, furred, insulated: large reer yard inclosed with Anchor fence: built about 2 yrs. It is outstanding in the area. Eve, phone Mr. Gordon. Woodley 1935. L. T. GRAVATTE, realtor. 1518 K at. n.w.. Natl. 0753. ROOMING HOUSE BARGAIN j NEAR STANTON PARK 9 rooms. 3 baths, row brick, apt. available for owner; oil h.-w h ; 4 rooms have running water. A real buy; substanttal down payment LA SALLE PARK Lovely 2-story Colonial brick with a bargain price of $17,950 and excel, financing attached. Only 10 yrs. old having nicely shrubbed lot. fenced in rear: 3 bedrms. and stairway to attic; rear screened porch; full basement with rec. rm- lavatory and auto, oil heat; 1 blk to very good transp. Call RE. 6650 9 to 9. Colonial Investment Co. MICHIGAN PARK Most appealing fully det. brick, now vacant: Ctb baths; Just redecorated throughout; near Monastery and Catholic U.: out of city owner savs sell at once on easy terms see this valuable property and make us a reasonable offer NO. 7203; eves UN. 3507. WOODRIDGE REALTY CO- INC MICHIGAN PARK ! Prewar detached brick, center hall plan. 7 rms. lth baths. Dowder room on 1st fl.. open fireplace; gas, h.-w.h- slate roof, det. gar- pice condition: near campus and priory schools: price *17.500. PECK COMPANY 3816 12th ST. N.E. LA. 6-6666, MICHIGAN PARK Nearly new semldet. brick: 3 bed rooms, colored tile bath, living room, dining room, kitchen, beautiful rec reation room and gas a.-e. heat; assume 4% 1st trust loan; priced for quick sal*. PECK COMPANY, LA. 6-6666 HOUSES—SALi—N.t. MICHIGAN PARK Be rt newly decorated, a charming white- painted brick, near Yarn urn and So Dakota ave.. center-ha. 1 six room* bath with built-in tub and ahower. knotty pine recreation room with axphg'.t tiled floor glassed-in rear porch; oil burner, insulated, screened, larve Jot. Price Sid.950. Webing phone T1 ITflt* L. T. GRAVATTE 1518 X St. N W„ Realtor. Nall. 0753 WOODRIDGE, VACANT Civilian ran assume a OI loan at 4<V on a iovelr 4-bedrm bungalow htah elevation: coolvst apot in Washington in :hf good oT aum art list. Only $2,ooo dn. Cali Mr Blackwood. NO 0597 —2 WOODRIDGE Dvt asbestos ahlngie: 6 !ta. rms and bath, sun parlor. 1st floor, closed-In porch 7nd floor, open fireplace auto h -w h . l«e lot. ga-1 rage price $13,500: terms ar-1 ranged ROGER MOSS Realtor, 3125 R I ave. ne HO #020. eves and Sun call DE 2893. “ REDECORATED—N Jt" BARGAIN ~ 2428 4th ST. N.E. Brick, completely redecorated through out. 5 rms. 3 porches. Ige. back; yard, lull bsmt ; new gas furnace, garage; immed doss. $10,950, terms. Mr. Mushlnsky, RA #912; eves . Mr. Pekover TA 4679. with MAR REALTY. RA 6912. —5 REAL BUY Lovely row brick with 8 rooms: full basement oil h-w.h beautiful modern kitchen: det garage: ex cellent n e location All for $11,950 i PECK COMPANY, LA. 6-6666 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Beautiful Woodridge bungalow with rm$. and bath, all on first floor. :t finished rmi upstairs oil h-*h. long back Yard; ideal for a large family; near all conveniences Owner moving PECK COMPANY. LA. 6-6666 ~ 3 BEDROOMS 2 TILED BATHS This det brick Colonial has been re cently renoviged and is ready for immediate occupancy and the price is right. Call RF flrt&O. h *111 P Colonial Investment Co. ! —3 | “ 224 17th PLACE Brick. 8 rms and bath, bsmt , built in garage gas h.-w h terms, WIL LOUGHBY REAL ESTATE CO 809 Mass ave. n.e. AT. 7043. 1919 OTIS ST. N.E. 6 rms. and bath, oil heat, garage lovely neighborhood, terms WIL LOUGHBY REAL ESTATE CO . Sun Mass. ave. n.e. AT 7043. $11,750 BUYS CORNER~BRK. THREE-BEDROOM HOME NR. 4TH AND LINCOLN RD NX Exceptionally well equipped: full base ment; oil burner heat: screens and storm windows: det. garage on al ley Interested? Call Mr Tolson, KELLY A BRANNER DI. 7740 Eves . OR. 1199. —t $11,950 8000 Blk. Eastern Ave NX Semtdct. brick, 2 yrs old. 2 bedrms and tile bath; nice liv. rm.. flrepl., din. rm and mod kit : full bsmt steel fence inclosed lot. 38x110; gas a.-c. heat storm windows and doors and metal blinds $50 12 per mo Don't miss Cal! now ST. 3333 | PHILLIPS & COMPANY ___4 VETERAN! WOODRIDGE, N.E. We offer with pride this fine, clean, ‘-.’-story row brick home, desirably and conveniently lo- > cated near the Village Shop ping Center and fast, direct i downtown transportation. Built In the good old days 9 years ago, it was originally intended as a 3-bedroom home but the owner removed a partition to make two large bedrooms. There are three rooms on the first floor; full basement; air conditioned gas heat: electric refrigerator. Immediate pos session. Priced at only $12. OOO. Call Mr. Terns. HU 8865 SHANNON & LUCHS CO. 1505 H at N.W. NA. 2345 COLORED—$12,500. 100 block of Todd st. n.e. 8 rms . brick house, cement front porch, hardwood floors lavatory In basement, built-in ga rage front and rear yard. Call agent AT. 5804. —4 I COLORED—BLAINE ST. N.E —Mod ern prewar semidet br : 5 rms . mod kit . tile bath with shower, j hardwood fl . lge. bsmt.. partly fin ished. Gas a-c heat storm win dows Ven. blinds fenced vsrd. Price j $'2.9(10, reasonable. DRURY REALTY I CORP RE 1133. Sun and eves EM. 5386. —2 COLORED—100 YOU 8T. N.E.—8 rms., row brick, full bsmt recr rm . priced for quick sale with reas down payt Open 2-8 pm. RE-1 LIANCE REALTY CO.. DU. 0928. LA. 8-8702. —2 COLORED—NEAR 17th AND D STS. N.E.—7-rm. row brick with good in come possibilities! bsmt. is finished j and has bath, oil h.-w heat: garage, bus tii blk.; perfect location: good for home and income; terms. Call DI. 1015 till 9 p.m. WM. H. SAUN-; DERS CO.. INC. COLORED—MODERN 4-bedrm. row brick home: nr stores, schools and transp.; reasonably priced. Call WI. 8908. —2 COLORED—KENILWORTH. D. C.— Vacant; large detached frame, con sisting of three lots: priced right; reasonable down nayment. RELI ANCE REALTY CO.. Dunont 0928; eves.. LA 8-8702 or LI. 3-5219. • COLORED—BLAINE ST.—Semidet. brick; 6 rms.. lVi baths: gas a.-c. I heat. det. garage, excel, cond . easy terms To inspect call MR LUECK. NA. 2040, eves., WO. 5733. COLORED—GI ATTENTION — Only $450 cash (Including settlement! and $80 mo Including taxes, will buy this six-room and bath home; close-in n.e. MITCHELL QUICK, ST 5989; eves.. RA. .1418 • COLORED—BLAINE ST„ off Minn j ave.—5-rr.i brick semidetached i home on nice fenced lot. Gas a.-c.. 1 dishwasher, disposal unit, storm I windows, metal awnings: vacant. Shown by appt. Reasonable. NA 1813: eves., LI. 3-3085. COLORED—1800 M ST. N.E.—Row bricx; 6 rms., bath. auto, heat; gar.) In excel, cond. Possession. Price, $13,950. with small down payment. KENNEDY REALTY CO.. INC., ex clusive, GE. 9302 until !l p.m. —5 : COLORED—M-RM. BRICK HOME, In perfect cond.: oil heat; all nice large rms. Located just off of North i Capitol and Rhode Island ave. NA. 1813; eves., LI 3-3085. —5 COLORED—708 A ST. N.E—9 rms . 2‘/i baths, oil heat, A-l condition. A real bargain for home and in-1 come; excel, neighborhood. Terms. ; WILLOUGHBY REAL ESTATE CO.. 1 809 Mass. ave. n.e. AT 7043. COLORED—8-ROOM BRICK HOME that has been kept in perfect con dition by original owners. Call RE ; 1633; eves., LU. 4-2454. COX & L/U. COLORED—NORTH CAPITOL AND FRANKLIN STS. N.F... vacant— $1,500 down can buy this attractive 20-ft Colonial brick: tj lge. rms., modern kitchen, attic, full bsmt., with lavatory and faont entrance, gas h.-w.h.; excel cond ENTER PRISE REALTY CO , 1324 Eye st. n.w. EX. 3400. __— 3 _ , COLORED—BEAUT. DECORATED 1700 blk. of Lyman nl. n.e : must act fast for this: loveliest home you've ever seen: mod. tanestry brick, con crete front norch, 3 lovely bedrms. with all tiled bath, full bsmt.. gas a.-c. heat. gar., nice front and rear yards. Mr. Atino. LI. 7-9377, ZA OAMI REALTY, RA. 4450 COLORED 1200 BL. EAST CAPITOL 8T. Facing Lincoln Park—Imposing row br.. 9 rms., 2 baths. 2 kits., oil heat: excel, cond. Income possi bilities or Ideal for professional man. Easy terms. RALPH D COHN, EX 5705: eves.. TA. 8135. COLORED 10th AND R. I. AVE. N.E. Vacant—Det. shingle bungalow in Im maculate cond: 5 rms. and bath, modern kit., stairway to floored attic: full bsmt.. oil ht and gar.: deep yard Only $1,500 dn RALPH D COHN. EX. 5705; eves., TA 81.35. COLORED—RIVER TERRACE 20-ft. brick. 8 rms. and bath flnlahed 1 reer. rm.. scr. front porch; oil h - w and only *1.500 down. Don’t! wait and be aorry. call now RALPH D COHN. EX. 5705; eyes.. TA, 8135 j COLORED ~ ' * ( 2nd AND R. I. AVE N.E 6-rm. brick row house with gar . gas! h.-w.h , new gas range and hot water heater; 1st floor, front and •< rear porches, liy. rm.. din. rm.. kit. and flrepl.; 2nd floor, 3 bedrms , bath and rear porch. Easy terms : WOODWARD A NORRIS. Realtors RE. 6585. 723 20th St. N W -dL\t COLORED— 13TH ST. N.E j ' Off Lincoln Park. 2 apts.. 6-rm ; t brick in spotless cond. 2 modern: ’ kits., full bsmt Priced at only $11,500 for quick sale, ao call early Mrs, Cox. VI. 8136. ATLAS REALTY. ST. 7368 —2 ., COLORED 1 . $250 DOWN $65 MONTH 1 Buys a 4-rra. and bath apt In con- - vcnlent n.e. location Coal h-w h I SURETY REALTY CO.. AD. 0531 i till 9._—5 I COLORED—GI No Down Payment 2-bedrm brick home—lit rm—din • rm —kit.—oil heat—good location— $47 52 per mo. to qualified buyer— YOU BETTER HURRY: OBce hrs 9-9. LI. 3-1023. COLORED ! RIVER TERRACE 5-rm. brick home with full bamt.. , gas heat, tiled bath, front acreened porch, nice yard: may go OI Cal! Mr. Sm:ley. AP. 3920. with ROGER MOBS. Realtor. 2125 R. I. are. n.a.. , HO. 6020. —2 ’ ONLY $9,500 Colored—Anacostia. D. C S-rnr. I row brick, with full bsmt.; large lot: front porch; cat heat; mod kit,; 5 rra. old. J. EVERETT ROBERT* ' BON, WA. 4980. WO. 7787. —4 HOUSIS FOR SALS—MwHmmI COLORED—OI $300 DOWN •rick—8 yra. eld—3 !•» bedrms — bsmt vsUi outside entrance—OA RAGE — stove — refgr — toe loca tion—3*8 per month to qusltfl*. buyer—Otter hra, #-» LI 3-1023. COLORED—VETERANS $500 DOWN. $«0 MO, NEW brick aemtdet homes on E Capitol st . refrigerators (as stoves and clothes washing machlnss tile baths picture windows Cali Mr Llewellyn, NA *740. OU *Tin. eves. and Sun ALDON PROPER TIE* COLORED OPEN TO OFFER Cr V St and R. I. Avf N *. A very wide home, with Colonial front porch 10-ft. center hall fin ished in solid oak. 2nd floor has * bedrms and bath eery largs base ment h.-w h This is an excellent location. Ownet will take Aral rea sonable offer for oulek sale MR. ALUN SL 2iS0*_ or EX 1.713. —7 COLORED—LIKE NEW 8-YR -OLD BRICK Blaine err.—only si. mo down Lovely modern brick house in beau tiful n e. section: « lovely rms . con crete front porch, new hardwood firs . modern kitchen stove, refer . tile bath, bullt-m tub and showet. full bsmt. lovely large front and rear yards Hurry and call for lev price. RE. 33.71 UN !>?*»_ COLORED—VACANT f\ *00 down—2nd and R eta. ne— 2-atory 22-ft. wide tape*try briek. fl targe rms. and bath, front en trance to bsmt.. h -w h. coal: 2 rear porches, priced to aal! this week. Cal! till t> pm. weekdays. Sun. 12 to S Wm. Calomiris Inv. Corp. 1012 l?lh at. N W. Dl IBM _ __- -2 COLORED—GI $500 DOWN Brick — *3 bedrms — 8 yra ©14 — bsmt — stove reftr — $5*! so to Qualified buver - YOU BBTHR HURRY! Office hour* 0-0 LI. 8* 1028._ _ COLORED LYMAN PLACE N.E. Modern Colonial brick home B rms and bsth 3 bedrms.. full bsmt : css h -» h . front porch, new-house con dition Immediate possession. Price. 912.BAO Terms Call Mr Btoter, CAMPANELLA A WOOD EX 41 i t eves TW 1810 —-8 COLORED-RIVER TERRACE $9,500—01 Phone now for appointment to see this veteran’s bargain Priced for quick sale. J2.00II lower than mar ket price Henderson. DU. 30*2; COX * CO . RE lrt.t.i COLORED NR. 18th ANDCN.E. 2-FAMIL7 BRICK 2 MODEHN KITS AND 2 BATH* A splendid modern home in new house cond : large living rm . dining rm . tiled bath and marvelous kit on 1st fl 2 perfectly finished and floored bedrms. in bright above ground bsmt Complete ,7-rm apt. with separate entr. Equipped kit. and Hollywood tiled bath on 2nd R. Oas h -w h Rear deck porch and front porch Aluminum swnlnga. Very low price with res.* down pay. ment. Don’t miss this one NA. l>7»7. LU 4-3342. Eves , call CO. CAPITAL VIEW REALTY CO. Realtors. !»*:.*> N Y. Ave N.W. RIVER TERRACE COLORED 3-btdrm. home. 1 blk from Banning rd a special bargain for OI with $1,500 down don't mias thig FEKBJTB Ac CO.. FR 4040, —* COLORED 6 lovely rmi., In nice neighborhood, everwytfilng new »nd modern; full bsmt. auto heat, concrete front porch, nice yard $1,000 TO $1,500 DOWN Call Mrs Morrison. UN 8417. COX A CO . PI, 4254. _ COLORED Conveniently located In • nelahbor hood of lovely homes, a brick with 6 lge. rms . tile bath, full bsmt., many extras; reasonable down pay ment and terms Call LI. 7-4413. AB8HER * HENRY COLORED—$1,850 DOWN 325 17th PI. n.e. brick, modern, equipped for 2 famlllee, live In I apt rent other, vacant possession In 15 days. Call AT. 7043 to see this HOUSES FOR SALi—Sertheert CONGRESS HEIGHTS—20-ft front., semldet. brick tl rms tile bath, rec rm . gas heat; deep lot; PH A financing. HARTMAN REALTY. INC.. 1345 Oood hope rd it, LU. 4-3400 VI. 5076. VR. MASS. AND MINN. AVE8. S t_ New det brick. 2-femllv fiat with 3 bedrms each; full bsmt . gas heat, vacant HARTMAN REALTY. INC., 1345 Oood Hope rd. se LU. 4-3400, VI 50711 —3 NEAR TEXAS AVE. AND RIDGE ED., semidetached brick, 5 mos. old. 5 rms , gas heat. bsmt.. mod beth end kit Payments only $6.3 per mo.. In cluding taxes and Insurance Small down payment, assume AT- financing. ST. 3057. OE. 7804. BREITERMAN REALTY CO —4 »».||.»0— Lovely fi-rm„ semldet. brlcki oak floors, tile bath, beautiful bsmt , oil a -c h , fenced yard, easy terms. ROYCE L. PARKS. 3317 12th it. n.e , LA 6-4470 till 0. D. C.—Only $11,050: 58 new all brick, seml-det.. 5-rm. houses, col ored tile bath, fully equip kit. with garbage disposal, full bsmt Call FREDERICK REAL ESTATE. RE. 2401 _* TWO-BEDRM., semldet 2-story brick. Full bsmt . Inclosed rear porch, gas heat. Oskwood st. OWNER. JO. 2-0455. —3 40th ST.—Corner semldet brick, t stories. 1 >/j baths, full basement, $12,»5(V for quick sale. UN. 7045. —4 RANDALL HIGHLANDS NICE HOME AND INCOME Semldet. brick, for home and Income. Ist-fl apt.. 6 rms. and bath: 2nd fl.. 3 rms and bath. Income. $132.50 per mo A very good Invest ment. Only $1,500 down ANNENBERG REALTY CO. 1317 Ps. ave. s.e.. LI. 7-8357 till t. 8UITLAND—BUNGALOW Lovely modern 3-bedrm. bungalow with expansion attic. 1 blk from Gov't, bldgs. Large llv rm. with flrepl. oil n.-w h V* acre level lot. A bargain at only $11 500. Mrt. Cox. VI 8138. ATLAS REALTY. ST 7368.—2 NEAR BARNEY CIRCLE Semldet. brick, tl Immaculate rms . 8 baths. 3 bedrms. screened porch, full bsmt. with handsome knotty pine rec. rm.; 7 large closeta. Penced yard Oas h.-w.h Only $14,850; $2,500 down ANNENBERG REALTY CO 1317 Pa. ave. s.e., LI 7-8357 till 8. __—4 ONLY $1,000 DOWN 142 Huron dr , Forest H*tt> . In near by Maryland, about 1 mile from Bolling Field—Shingled bungalow. 4 rail ana bath, expansion attic, oil heat. Lot 70x125 Only $8,950; $07.83 per mo. incl. taxes and In surance: 4r'„ loan Act quick! ANNENBERO REALTY CO 1317 Pa. ave. s.e.. LI. 7-8357 till ». __ —4 __ 4013 E ST. S.E. Year Ridge rd Owner will redecorate. Semidet. brick. 0 rms.. tile bath, 3 bedrms.. gas a.-c. heat, full bsmt.. nice kit Hollywood terrsce enhances scenic chaim A real buy, only $12.7641; $1,600 down. Don't fall to are this. ANNENBERO REALTY CO 1317. Pa. Ave. B E U 7-8357 til! •. NEAR ANACOBTIA HIGH lovely brick, 5 rms.. 114 baths, tea h.-wh.; full bsmt., beautiful rerc. rm.. refrigerator and stove. Good location. Only $11,500; $1,500 down. $80 per mo ANNENBERO REALTY CO. 1317 Pa. Ave. BE LI. 7-8357 til! *. _ - —4 Colored—-729~l*th~st-gTs.^-oniy $395 down. 8 rooms, semidetached frame, h -w.h A real bur for small family RELIANCE REALTY CO. 1820 11th st. n.w., DU. 0928; eves., LA. 8-8702. * lOLORED—ONLY $895 DOWN—Red brick: 8 rms.. bsth: gas. elec.. oil h.-w h.. full bsmt . gar : easy tarns. Call ME. 0005 or RE *144. —4 OLORED — BARGAIN — Completely furnished 7-room brick home, now used for housekeeping apartments. Excellent income-produclne home. Beautiful location, right at Lincoln Park: easy terms MITCHELL QUICK. 8T. 5989; eve.. RA. 8418. » Colored, Safe investment ear 17th and Mass. ave. 2-tamlly brick 8 rms.. 2 complete kits.. 'uU bsmt.. gas b.-w.h ; 2-car garage: income. $135 per month: priced low for quick sale. H. T. RANDOLPH, RE. 2137. TR 7285._—2 tOUSES FOB SALE ROOMS AND DINETTE—4 bed rooms; 189 Chesapeake st. s.w.; 8 to 9 p.m only; no agents —3 HOUSES WANTED TO BUY ASH BUYERS WAITING—For sev eral modern, reasonably priced houses In Northwest or Mont. Co. Please call MR MANNAKEE. RA. 1558. —5 CITABLE FOR ROOMING BOISE purposes. 10 rms. or mare, lgn. yard; small down payment DR 0472 alter 8:30 —3 IIRECT FROM OWNER—6 or 7 ra. louae In D. C. or nearby Md.; have substantial cash: no agents. Box itnCR wllMse the action In buvme your home for cash MITCHELL QUICK. BT. u089: eves . RA. Wit. PAT CASH FOR BOU8C8. gay con dition. any eectiae MR B UK, RRS284__ (Continued on Next Page1