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1 j _ I <3 LET'EM OUT 5HAMU5/ ^ WE'LL WEED ALL THE HELP J | WE'VE GOTTA SAVE MIS MAJESTY'S LIFE RIGHT HERE AMD I K E R R r o R A K E I WE BROADCASTED ABOUT |A LOST 006? TOU'D 8ETTER have the million-dollar beauty of a wonderful, work-saving Geneva Personalised Kitchen! Chances are, you can Install an all-steel Geneva Kitchen—complete with matching base and wall cabinets, stainless steel sink, and step saving accessories—for a good deal less than you probably think. Come on in now—and see for yourself. No obligation. OCnCVfi AfetfestJ FLOOD "DUZ" EVERYTHING, FINANCING INCLUDED^mhbh^ j c FLOOD co. I PLUMBING—40 Years "Just" Service—HEATING * 2012 14th Streat N.W. Call FLOOD: Dl. 2700 AMPLE PARKING FACILITIES Bnnlalarrd Planter In Maryland. Vlrcinia and Diatriet nt Calnnbla mmmmmmmm A A BIGGEST BUY ON BIRTH CAM/ML of & DEUC/OOS FLAVORS/ Experienced Advertisers Prefer The Star A 0Tut mt Y#*r ! New* Knowledge TODAY'S NEWS QUIZ 8y Tom Henry 1 Mission—Why did Trygve Lie. secretary general of the U. N., go to Europe recently? 2. HEADLINES —What re port on the United States eco nomic situation was made by the 1.200 editors and publish ers who met in New York last week’ 3. LEVIES—A bill is being prepared in Congress to re duce excise taxes. When were most of the high rates fixed? 4. GEEGEES—What horse is leading contender from the West for the Kentucky Derby? From the East? 5. QUOTES—Who said: “It is quite clear if the freedom of the press should disappear that all other freedoms will disappear? Answen. 1. To break the deadlock and bring Russia back to the U. N. 2. Business is generally good everywhere. 3. During World War n—partly to dis courage use of certain pro ducts. 4. Western contender: Your Host; Eastern contend er: Hill Prince. 5. Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower. Tom Henry’s “Quix ’Em” appears every Sunday in This Week Magaxine with The Star. Nature's Children By Lillian Cox Athey Mavpop or Passion Flowers. Wherever our native passion flower grows, it is known as the maypop, perhaps because the yel low fruit Is ripe in May. One spe cies ventures as far north as Penn sylvania, others wander southward from Missouri to Virginia and Flor ida, but the most beautiful ones are found in our Southern States and in tropical America. The early Spanish and Italian explorers, coming upon the flower for the first tme, gave to it the name passion flower. One of them, looking with awe upon the blood red-splashed petals, remarked, “Its blossoms must have been designed by the Creator that they might, in time, assist in the conversion of the heathen among which it grows." In their excitement, the men saw symbols of Christ and his suf ferings. The strange make-up and colorings of the flowers stirred them to record what they saw. The 10 colored parts of the floral envelope were believed to repre sent the 10 apostles present at the crucifixion is Peter and Judas being absent. Within the corolla is a showy crown or corona of colored fila ments or fringes which they likened to the crown or halo. The five stamens represent the five wounds or the emblematic hammer used to drive the nails; and the nails are represented by the three styles with capitate stigmas, while the axillary tendrils stand for the cords or scourges. The large digitate leaves suggested to the men the hands of the Saviour's tormentors. The column, crown and nails are pure green. The fcrown is often surrounded by a misty veil of fine violet-colored hairs, i The unusual colors of the passion flowers, with their splashes of red, appeal to every flower grower. It is not difficult to grow them. Plants may be propagated by cut tings or seeds. Rooting Is accom plished from January until mid dle April. Cuttings should be placed In a warm propagating bed until sufficiently rooted, then trans ferred to small pots filled with loam, peat and sand and returned to the bed to become established be fore being placed in a sunny win dow. Given an opportunity, the plant climbs over porches, rafters and sides of houses, their great green leaves and brilliant blossoms cre ating a dramatic, colorful effect. AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE | Bimment Employes t of Columbia) (10,000 9rattentive, Fire, illimon Coverage :urry lOMDI 7th St. N.W. 3610 pencer B. Carry, See.-Trea*. I AWNINGS I CANVAS AND ALUMINUM VENETIAN BLINDS I KRAFTEX BLINDS I STORM Windows ALUMINUM ewN« Ma4a • ftaa Ittimataa • Lawarf Maaa SOUTHERN | Vnetin DIM 8 Awah; C*. I 8027 GEORGIA AVE. RAndolph 0640 I jffcfli ng NOWtl iMli'tflilfflliH EX. 5380 j 723 9tt STREET N.W. „„ . — | BUY A CARTON TODAY! ] !l I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 MASON’S ROOT BEER BOTTLING CO. OF WASHINGTON Lmm m ..I 4 i