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Meet // \\ of 1950 at The Hecht Co. Washington Store THE PLACE: 6th Floor, Washington Store THE DAY: Thursday, Moy 4 THE TIME: 10:30 A.M. to 12:30 P.M. end 3 P.M. to 5 P.M. The Hecht Co., and Lane Cedap Chests bring you glamorous Jacque Mercer of Arizona . . . the nation's reigning Beauty Queen. See her. Meet her. Hear why every girl wants a romantic Lane Cedar chest. Then see our collection from 39.98 to 69.98. Woodward & Lojhrop - North Building (yuihlyinjhs/ion MoJcrdtly IricatJ C Swru^T lit. WiiDWOTtH >S.OC 0«T*<T S300 Choice... Choosing your hormone cream? Don't try experiments . . . trust experience. Choose Endocreme. This cream has proved itself since 1937 by giving so many women a younger looking complexion. If you are asking for proof . . . not a prom ise ... ask for Endocreme. Including 20% tax_ U'SfL—North Building 'Toiletries, Aisles J, 3, 5, First Floor — — — — — — — — — — — • WOODWARD (r LOTH ROP—North Building 11 th and G Streets, Washington 13, D. C. Pleas* send m*-jar* of Endocreme at *4.30 j Name_ J • Addies*______ | Telephone __ j City -State_ I □ Cash 11 Chari* □ c.OJJ. | Please add 2% sale* tax for delivery tn D. C. or Maryland. | — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — ——i Pickets in Pittsburgh Withdrawn as Strike Against UP Continues AFL - Commercial Telegraphers today conrtinued their strike against United Press bureaus here and across the Nation, but with drew pickets in Pittsburgh as the Press of that city resumed normal publication. Because the Press is located in the same building with the Pitts burgh UP bureau, six striking teletype operators picketed the place yesterday. j Many printers, stereotypers, pressmen, mailers and truck driv ers refused to cross the picket line until management explained that the strike was directed not at the newspaper, but at the news serv ice. The Press missed all but its ( final edition yesterday. 18 teletype operators and three maintenance men remained off the job at the Washington bureau. The UP said it was able to main tain "almost normal’’ service. J. H. Nieberdlng, chairman of the Washington UP local, said his information did not bear this out. He said clients of the Washington City News Service had complained and that the regular news report was not complete. Mr. Nieberding said the UP had imported teletype operators from Memphis, Nashville, Atlanta and Jackson, Miss., to man the ma chines. Altogether, 265 opeartors and maintenance men are striking for j higher wages. Distilled Spirits Bills Break 8-Year Record CHICAGO.—A record number of bills or resolutions dealing with distilled spirits—1,671 of them— w#ere introduced in State Legis latures last year. This was 85 more than the previous record, established in 1941. Of tte measures introduced last year, only 58 were enacted or adopted. -—-j pm/m taste better. mduhatqood (OOP wot Americas finest margarine I r I Protect your precious Furs as carefully as you select them! CERTIFIED Cold Storage Vaults . Are the Last Word in Fur Storage Protection! |NAtional 1647 - - . * . . . . our bonded messenger will coll for your Furs. • Give your Furs the finest beauty • Estimates are made without care ... the Saks Custom Clean- charge on Saks expert Repairing ing Process! ond Remodeling. SAKS at 610 Twelfth Street Wushingfu’s Mest Distinguished Furriers Siuee 1M Publishers Oppose Boost in Mail Rates as Unfair •y 4+» Associated Press Spokesmen for publishers pro tested yesterday that a proposed boost in postal rates would be unfair to many newspapers. They appeared before the Sen ate Post Office Committee, which is considering a House-passed bill to raise second-class rates by $15 million annually. The Post Office Department says the increase is needed to cut down the depart ment's deficit. Newspapers make up about half of the second-class matter. Rate increases in the House bill vary according to the zones of distri bution. Frank A. Daniels, general man ager of the Raleigh (N. C.> News and Observer, who spoke for the American Newspaper Publishers' Association, said the ANPA be lieves the zone increases would put "an undue hardship on the average newspaper” and an even "greater burden on the medium sized newspaper." Charles McD. Puckette of the Chattanooga (Tenn.) Times, chairman of the Southern News paper Publishers Association's Postal Committee, suggested that if the Senate finally decides in creases are necessary they should not total more than 25 per cent. Ed M. Anderson of Brevard. N. C., chairman of the National Edi torial Association’s Legislative PHYLLIS BELL PRESENTS "Fashions from the Avenue Shown On the Avenue" CROWN ROOM This Thursday, May A—1 P.M. GALA MAY POLE SHOW Featuring New Look Accessories From J&J SLATER For RESERVATIONS Coll MISCHA HUdson 6000 You'll adore the luxurious cloud-like softness of this graceful lightweight sandal ... so exquisitely crafted. Smart spring-summer footnotes in red, toast or blue cobra. Handbags to Match BGDleRY 1038 Connecticut Ave., s.w. Corner of L NA. 2891 Committee, said his group strong ly disagrees with contentions that low second-class rates constitute a subsidy to newspapers. New 3,000-horsepower airplane engines have as much power as a big locomotive. Airliner Carrying 13 Crashes in Ecuador ly ^r*» GUAYAQUIL. Ecuador. May 3 —An Avianca airliner with 11 persons aboard crashed in flames yesterday near Catamarama be tween Quito and Guayaquil, the government telegraph service said today. The Avianca line, a Colombian concern, announced in Cali yes - t ' I...- :ie plane was missinc on a flight from Quito to Guaya quil. Among the passengers waa Napoleon Prado, manager of th# Bank of Commerce here. Crime in the United States in 1949 was 4 5 pet cent above 1948. continuing... PBE-INVESTOBT CLEARANCE wonderful values.. .for every room... for every need... V upholstered pieces V tables V dining room furniture V lamps V bedroom furniture V accessories V carpets and rugs ALL SALES FINAL. BUDGET FAYMENT FLAN AVAILABLE. NO C. O. D.'S. ALL GOODS SUBJECT TO FIIOF SALE. W4J SLOANE mmmm 1217 connecticuti • want • to • know • • •? • # I lie third . . . and last ... of • SInane » Spring Lecture Series . will tell you. \ou'll learn what to look for w hen vou huv ... all about • • • wood*, construction, finishes. 1 hercs no charge, of course. Be sure to come! • the time: Thursday Afternoon May 4th — at 2»30 tin speaker:* Mr. John Griswold New York authority on ' Furniture Construction _“’SLOANE 1317 CONNECT1CU Tl