Newspaper Page Text
Dulcan Named Hechf Co. Executive Vice President Charles B. Dulcan, sr., vice pres ident and general manager of the Hecht Co., was elected to the newly created post of executive vice president at the annual meet ing, it was announced yesterday. Elected executive vice presidents In addition to Mr. Dulcan were J. Jefferson Miller and Robert H. Levi. Samuel M. Hecht was re elected president. Harry Davidow, vice president and general merchandise man ager, and George M. Quirk, vice president and operating manager, of Washington, were re-elected directors. WALLPAPER NORTHWEST WALLPAPER & PAINT CO. 1014 7th St. N.W. Washington, D. C. RE.»0054 SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PAINTS OPEN SATURDAYS TILL A WANTED HOMES TO SELL OR RENT To Colored T. R. SIMS REALTY DE. 7605 Eves., DE. 3465 Senator Hill Proposes Complete Inquiry Into Hiring of Undesirables A resolution calling for a “full and complete” investigation of the employment of homosexuals by the Federal Government is pending in the Senate today. The resolution was introduced late yesterday by Senator Hill. Democrat, of Alabama, on behalf of the District Subcommittee of the Senate Appropriation Com mittee. Earlier, the subcommittee unan imously had indorsed the sug gested investigation on the basis of reports submitted by Senator Hill and Senator Wherry, Repub lican, of Nebraska. The two Sen ators, at the direction of the sub committee, have been looking into the matter for several weeks. Both Senators submitted sepa rate reports, quoting Lt. Roy Blick. head of the Metropolitan Police Vice Squad, as estimating there are at least 5.000 homosexuals in Washington and that 3,750 of them are employed by the Federal Government. The police officer also was quoted as estimating that “be tween 300 and 400” suspected homosexuals are employed in the State Department. Sought Names. The Department quickly said that, to the best of its knowledge, there are no sex perverts on its / 1350 TAYLOR ST. N.W. \ FIVE (5) BEDROOMS—2 BATHS FIRST TIME OFFERED! An outstanding “buy” in large attached brick home — 22 ft. wide. House features large liv ing room, dining room, sun room, kitchen on 1st floor; 5 bedrooms and 2 baths; GAS HEAT; 2-car detached brick garage. Close to schools, near best transportation, convenient to stores. Owner Mutt Sell and Will Take Back a Large let Trust OPEN TODAY AND SUNDAY, 1 TO 6 P.M. \Legum & Gerber Realty Company a Exclusive Aaents—Realtors 2637 Conn. Ave. N.W. ADams 7800 f NEAR COOLIDGE HIGH Owner*Built Home in Manor Park 429 Rittenhouse St. N.W. One of the better homes of Manor Park , . . first time for sal e. Spacious living room with f i r e p I a ce, large kitchen and dining room; 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, finished 3rd floor with large dormer window, rustic stone fireplace in paneled recrea tion room, oil air-conditioned heot, slate roof, insulated and weather stripped throughout. Large lot with fruit trees. Detached brick garage, A real value, $26,500. OPEN TODAY AND SUNDAY 1 to 7 P.M. AMERICAN UNIVERSITY PARK OPEN SAT. AND SUN., 1 TO 6 4221 Van Ness Street N.W. 7 rooms, 3 baths, library with fireplace, maid's room and bath. 3518 Conn. Ave. jUTOliS WO. 7900 Realtor 3®3J3/S/SJSISIS.ri!'L3®EJSJe!J5J5fEJ3I5fE.r^3E®SIS®SM3J3J&r'r3®f3)3ISISISIS®)SIS.'l;!3Ef§ Shepherd Park near 16th on Floral St. N.W. I (One block from Walter Reed Hospital) i mj hj r . m s 1428 Floral St. N.W.—$27,950' I . A DEFINITE BARGAIN—UNUSUAL CHARM—SPACIOUS . § COMPLETELY RECONDITIONED Bedroom, with complete private bath, and additional | powder room 1st floor. Large living room, fireplace, den, side porch, large dining room, G solarium, kitchen, 2 pantries. 2nd floor: 4 bedrooms, 2 baths and | 2 sun decks, sewing room, sleeping porch. Oil h.-w.h. 2-car de- j| tached garage. Landscaped lawn and yard. Lily pond in beautiful j| setting of giant oak trees. Immediate possession. Owner sacrifices e I below market at $27,950, or best offer this week end. OPEN SUNDAY, 2 TO DARK 1 Direction.i: Out 16th St. N.W. btvond Walter Reed 1 block to Floral St., R j turn riaht to third house and sign. GEorgia 3764 ilSlirSIFrn'SEI5J®SlS®£IE^"Ma'£ra®3jSffljSJSo:;"''2j3fSJE®aiSfSJa/aiF!:"dS/SlSJaiSiSlSfn 'Red Plot' to Sabotage Capital Revealed in Report to Senate Testimony from Washington police that they have obtained a “purported” plan of Com munists “to sabotage and damage the Capital of the United States in event of war with Russia” has been re vealed by Senate investigators. The testimony was revealed in a report by Senator Wherry, Republican, of Nebraska deal ing with homosexuals in the Government. It came from Sergt. James K. Hunter of the Metropolitan Police Special Investigations Squad. Details of the plan and how I it was obtained were not in cluded in the report. roll and that if any are found they will be dismissed summarily. “The Department learned some time ago that such a figure had been mentioned to the Senate Ap propriations subcommittee,” the State Department said in a state ment. “The Department imme diately asked Lt. Blick for the names of any persons in the De partment against whom he had any evidence of homosexuality. No such names have been furnished to the Department.” It was uncertain which Senate committee would be assigned the investigation, if one is authorized. The resolution called for an in quiry by “an appropriate” com mittee, since the Appropriations group has no jurisdiction over legislation or personnel. Senator Hill, in his report, sug gested that the inquiry be as signed to the Senate Expenditures Committee. Immediate Action Asked. Senator Ferguson, Republican, of Michigan, a member of the Ap propriations subcommittee, told the Senate “The evidence is so shocking that action should be taken immediately.” However, no action can be taken before next week, since the Sen ate is in recess until Monday. Senator Hill noted in his re port that “It is accepted and agreed that . . . homosexuals are bad security risks and should] not be in sensitive positions or in any positions in the Govern ment where they might in any] way aid or abet or be party to subversive activity." Senator Wherry emphasized the! point and said homosexuals are!* generally regarded as bad security ] risks because of their suscepti bility to blackmail. The Wherry report also said that, in testimony before the sub committee, "there was a fleetingj reference to a trail of homosexuals j leading to a foreign embassy’ here. There was no elaboration on the point, and the embassy was not identified. 1,000 “Bad Security Risks.’’ Sergt. James K. Hunter, head of the Metropolitan Police Special Investigations Squad, a witness before the subcommittee, was: quoted in the Wherry report as estimating there are “1,000 bad security risks now walking the streets of Washington.” On the basis of testimony by Lt. Blick and Sergt. Hunter, Sen ator Wherry suggested that con sideration be given for an emer gency appropriation for the Police Department “for suppression of the crime of homosexualism and surveillance of subversive forces.” Lt. Blick was quoted as saying only four officers were assigned to detection of homosexuals. Sergt. Hunter was reported as saying only two policemen were detailed to checking on subversives. Senator Wherry criticized the; lack of a system that would pre vent homosexuals discharged by, one Government agency from ob taining employment in another. 13 in New Jobs. In this connection, he said a check had revealed that 13 out of 91 persons discharged by the State Department as homosexuals since 1947 were employed thereafter by other Government agencies. As a result of his complaint, the re port said, the Civil Service Com mission investigated and found it had jurisdiction in nine of the cases. He added that seven of them were ordered dsmissed, one resigned while under investigation and one case is pending. Senator Wherry said that, while these incidents emphasize laxity “in cleansing the Government rolls,” there is “much more to the GOOD POSITION OPEN Real Estate and Building Experience Required Good position with salary and opportunity for advancement open to experienced real estate man who understands contract and title work with knowledge of building and land development. Give experience, age and reference in letter. Strictly confidential. Box 451-H, Star Medgewood Road in WOODBURN New Ramblers (EXCLUSIVE MASS. AVE. EXT. AREA) - - . ONLY $18,950 ON TERMS These new well-built modern ramblers feature 3 bedrooms, large living room with fireplace and picture window, dining room, beautiful and fully equipped kitchen, powder room, Venetian blinds throughout, copper spouting, gas heat and attached garage. OPEN DAILY, 1 TILL DARK Out Mass. Ave. Ext. to Goldsboro Rd., and right to Wedgtwood Rd. BUILDERS AND DESIGNERS Lentini and Kremkau 742IinWAve.on' J- MBLE BOAZ, Realtor BETHESDA OPEN SAT.-SUN., 1 TO 6 P.M. 5300 ROOSEVELT STREET 6M! » -- HH II IIITW mi IWi H ll —■ ■ i i u in .1 1. 6 large, immaculate rooms plus powder room. 2. Brick—Slate roof—Copper gutters and downspouts. 3. Beautiful, large, well-landscaped corner lot. 4. One block to bus. 5. Fine neighborhood. 6. Garage attached—Full basement, bone dry. 7. Rear porch with new aluminum screening. 8. Many other fine features in this completely insulated housa. $20,500—Should Sell at Once Directions: Out Wisconsin Avenue to Bank of Bethesia, bear left on Old Georgetown Road to Roosevelt St., rtoht on Roosevelt Street one block to our open sign. sordid situation that will shock the Amencan people. . His report said that Lt. Black had testified that, in one night, police arrested 65 homosexuals in Lafayette Park “directly opposite the White House" and that all of .them pleaded guilty. It also stated that Park Police have the names of “some 200 Gov ernment employes who have been arrested in Capital parks on the charge of moral perversion.” N’avy Figures Quoted. The Wherry report quoted rep resentatives of the Office of Naval Intelligence as saying that over, the last nine years a file of 7,859 known or alleged homosexuals, both uniformed and civilian, had been accumulated, all of whom have been separated from the service. The report added that 95 per cent of this total resided within the United States and a total of 1,740, at the time of the investiga tions, lived In the Washington1 area. “Army intelligence officers." the Wherry report continued, "dis closed they have accumulated the names of 5.000 persons, in and outj of the military forces, within the Military District of Washington, who are known or alleged homo sexuals. The names were said to have been gathered since 1946.” j It added that the Military Dis trict of Washington was “reported; to be weeding moral perverts out of the service at the rate of one every six days.” Prevalence Here Not Unusual. Senator Hill, in his report, in cluded a letter from Dr. R. H Felix, director of the National In stitute of Mental Health, saying: “I have been unable to find any evidence whatsoever which in dicates that homosexuality is more prevalent in the District of Columbia area than in other sec tions of the country." Jr BURNT MILS HILLS, MB. A Community of Small Estates If you are looking for a home with some ground, you must come out and see this lovely home on Harper Avenue with approximately three acres of level ground, fenced, land scaped, and a large garden plot. The house is a center-hall plan with large living room, dining room, kitchen, den, full bath, and large porch on first floor- Four bedrooms and two baths on second floor. Recreation room, maid's room and bath in basement. Two-car^ garage. General Electric oil hot-water furnace. Owner leaving city. Can be purchased for less than reproduction cost. For information, call Mr. Lueck, OPEN SUNDAY, 1:00 TO DARK Directions: Out Colesville Pike to Burnt Mills Ave., right three blocks to Harper Ave. Left to "open” sign. Sons JjjP* NA. 2040 1730 K ST. N.W. jffiF BETHESDA RAMBLERS—ONLY 2 LEFT *17,450 Corner House With 1 V2 Baths, $17,950 . .—www———— Open Saturday and Sunday, JO to Dark These homes offer you the most in easy living—Large, partly paneled living room with specially designed fireplaces; picture window overlooking terrace at rear; 3 good-sized bedrooms; built in vanette in bath; paneled breakfast room in modern kitchen; gas a.-c. heat with furnace in basement. Beautifully decorpted inside and outside. To Reach: Out Wisconsin Ave. to Bank of Bethesda, left on Old Georgetown Rd. to McKinley St. (at Suburban Hospital), left to Grant St. and right to house. R. H. BEST, INC. Builder-Realtor Wl. 3633 ^JUST OFF CHEVY CHASE CIRCLiV MaM^awaMBMWMMWiiwiiMiiiiPM.jjii.mmmmammmmmm 3905 Oliver Street, Chevy Chase, Md. A large Colonial brick home within one square of the Circle and where several churches, parochial school and shopping center are but 2 blocks distant. It should particularly appeal to a settled family or Army-Navy official. Living room about 25x14 with fireplace, huge side porch adjoins, family size dining room, breakfast room' nicely equipped kitchen; 1ST-FLOOR POWDER ROOM, 4 BEDROOMS, 2 TILE BATHS; stairway to large unfinished attic. NEW GAS HEAT. 2-car garage. A-l condition. Immediate possession. Priced at $29,750. Open Sunday—11 to 6:30 Reach via: Conn. Ave. to Chevy Chase Circle, almost completely around Circle, bear into Western Ave. and then immediately right on Oliver. \Thos. J. Fisher fir Co., Inc. ^ 738 15th St. N.W. Realtors 01. 6830 | Only a Few Left in 2nd § i Section of OAKVIEW ,m. i 1 Beautiful 3-Bedroom Ramblers 1 $12,950 up I Plan 1—GI Taxes and Plan 2—Non Veterans g _ Insurance _ _ jg fi Down Payment_$950 Approximately Down Payment $1,950 3 | Monthly Payment, 63.36 14.00 Monthly Payment, 86.00 £ § Includes Principal and Interest ptr Month Includes Principal and Interest § j S> Complete Kitchens, featuring Automatic Laundry, Exhaust « Fan and Garbage Disposal I (ONLY TWO 3-BEDROOM, IV2 BATH COLONIALS 1 g i (WITH GARAGE ARE LEFT_$17,750 and $18,2501 g I OPEN TODAY AND SUNDAY, 10 TO DARK | . . . DAILY, I TO DARK TO REACH: Out New Hampshire Avenue Extended Hi miles putt University § J3 Lane and 1 mile south nf the Naval Ordnance Laboratory. 9 OAKVIEW DEVELOPMENT CORP. Joseph Light Const. Co. • BUILDERS • GE. 4151 | CAPITAL REALTY CO. I 10126 Colesville Rd. • SALES AGENT • SHe fiber d 0673 | . .■ .O" ■' | 1507 Crittenden St. N.W. p Open Sunday\ l to 6 P.M. || Spacious 7-room house just off 16th Street. First H flooi: living room with fireplace, dining room, H kitchen, enclosed porch. Second floor: 4 bed pi rooms, 2 baths and enclosed porch. Full base g' ment; oil hot-water heat. | HACK MAN-FA IRBAIRN, INC. — fiflmit. At**t | 1760 K St. N.W. ST. 5444 ^ .••••«<*,. -!f!iil-r*' $17,500 #18 FRANKLIN AVE., SILVER SPRING This three bedroom brick Cape Cod on a well landscaped lot, in one of 1 the nicest residential areas, is in immaculate condition. Attached goroge, j| large side screened porch, modern kitchen, and fireplace. A really de- El sirable home. OPEN SUNDAY, 1:30 to 6 P.M. TO REACH: Out Coleevilte Rd. approximately J mile /row Silver Sprint 1 to Franklin Ave. Right on Franklin to property. BOSS & PHELPS TO. Ml7 K ST. N.W. Exclusive NA. 9300 WEST CHEVY CHASE 4620 Norwood Drive This charming home is well located close to Bethesda-Cbevv Chase Recreation Center. Entrance hall, living room with fireplace, dinlnc room, kitchen, pantry and porch on 1st floor. 3 bedrooms, bath and Inclosed porch on *!nd floor. Maid'a room and bath in basement. Bcndli. Oil hot-water beat. Garage Please call Mrs. Lerner, OL. 6780 INEZ CUSHARD, REALTOR OR. 4232 or Wl. 5867 4839 Wiit. Ar#. N.W. Brokers Co-operation Invited Kirkside—Chevy Chase OPEN SUNDAY, 2 TO 6 4016 Oliver St. This Beautiful Home Has Everything: 1. The finest residential location 2. Close to all conveniences 3. Library and powder room on 1st floor 4. De luxe kitchen 5. 3 twin-sized bedrooms and 2 baths on 2nd. 6. Storage attic 7. Beautiful recreation ream with bar in basement 8. Maid's rm. and bath in bsmt, 9. Beautiful large lot, well land scaped 10. Many other features such at ga rage, storm windows, ownings, etc., too numerous too mention { If you want a truly lovely home come out Sunday prepared to buy. To Reach: Out Conn. Ave. to Chevy Chase Circle, to around Circle end West on Western Ave. % block to Oliver St* right on Oliver to home. Or out Wisconsin Ave. beyond Western Ave. (District Ltne) to Oliver, right on Oliver to our open sign on property. F. A. TWEED COMPANY 5504 Conn. Ave. N.W. EM. 1290 .—- ____ ■