I DON'T WAIT UNTIL WINTER REALLY ARRIVES! Now is the time to get your home in readiness for the cold, cold days ahead. Come in while stocks are complete . . . take advantage of the exceptional values on all winterizing needs ... at Sears low, low prices! • ' » .:.: .....<.. s.ammmm ■■vz-zrma j Complete With Thermostat • Compact, Economical • Clean, Efficient, Silent jf Deluxe type Jacket in* Combustion ; sulation P Safety Pilot and Gas Valve Control, Gas Pressure** j Regulator !. #■ ...... ;olve your winter heating problems with this compact, completely automatic gas boiler! It's carefully designed h> give you the utmost in heating comfort, as well as l cleanliness. Equipped with adjustable strap*on aquastat vhich serves as a high limit control. Complete with all ccessories. Installation arranged. 0 Heating Dent., Stan 4 Storeg tr*;- - Entrance Canopy Slant Roof Type Sears Low Price 1925 Add* a new look to doorways, protects doors, keeps houses drier. Sears k Stores \ ^nii ir»Tr iQiijiwfc.x. Rock Wool Pellets Eosy to Install 40-lb. Bag_ 139 Cover* area 20-ft. 3-in. Jeep. Easy to install! Saves fuel! Seart 4 Storei Tilt Boord 4x4 and 4x6-ft. Sheets Per sq. ft.-31c Til* and streamlined beard. At tractive enamel surface. Water, dirt, grease resistant. Colors. Sears i Stores rv . -.a,.-.;::-:-:**:;;.:.:::. 'V ^pp Asphalt Floor Tile 9^9-in. Block or Brown Eoch Tile_ Qc Easily claanad, takas hl*h palish. Rad, taa, groan, groy,--oa. 11c Blue or ivory-color-aa. 12c Sears i Stores Clear The Air You Breathe With Homart Dust Filters ,* Size 16x25xl-in. 16x25x2-in. size . . . 1.65 Filters trap dust, dirt and pollen wherever air is removed mechanically. Fit any furnacq equipped with blower using standard size filters. Faced with metallic grille; stiffening bars on both sides. Heating Devt., Sears l Stores Compact and Efficient Oil-fired Floor Furnace $11.50 Down % Up to 30 months to * -> poy under F.H.A. s •*» . i ■ > A compact unit that delivers 6,250 cubic feet of heat! Complete with burner and non-rattle floor register. Fits snugly under your floor. Low cost, dependable heat this winter! Sears own famous Homart quality. Heating Devt., Sears t Stores Famous Homart Gas-Fired Air-Conditioning Furnace $32.25 Down Up to 30 Month* to Pay ^F ^F Under F. H. A. Regulation* Entirely automatic; burner* and control* mounted in front compartment. Heavy gauge combustion chamber* for long service. Filters remove dust, dirt and particles from air. Modem air-conditioning unit, law, low priced! 100,000 B.T.U. capacity. Heating Devt.. Sears i Stores Famous Homart Oil Fired Air Conditioning Furnace $37 Down Up to 30 Months to Poy Under F. H. A. Regulations Modern winter air-conditioning unit, filters, heats and circulates the air. Entirely automatic. Accurate air volume adjustments assure proper mixture of air and ail. Quiet blower fans circulate warm air. Cabinet of 20-gauge steel. 80,000 B.T.U, capacity. Heating Dept., Sears 4 Stores' • ■ ■ ■■ »——m Homart Ponderosa Pine 2-Light Wood Storm Sash 241/2x391/2-in. Size Plan a more comfortable, economical winter now! Install sturdy weath ertight Homart storm sash. Mortise and tenon joints; unpainted. One of the most economical types of storm sash you can buy! 39 other sizes proportionately low priced! Ipwww.T”1111ill.jii i Installed Aluminum Combination Windows - ■ / 12 Windows for A A A _ A Average 24x36-ft. house OQfj5v as low os_ V One* you inttall thoic window* . . . you forgot thorn . . . You novor worry about refiniihing . . . you ehango from wraent to window* in •acondt . . . intide the haute. And, you taro money on fuel, yet enjoy greater comfort the year 'round. Beat Winter's Cold With « • * _ ■ Hercules Coal-Fired Boiler $23 Down Up to 30 Months to Pay J MAs Under F. H. A. Regulations ■ Roomy firebox, with large coal capacity. Large ashpit eliminates neces sity of frequent ash removal. Ample combustion space in firebox. Long fire travel through flueways formed by numerous water tubes insures operating efficiency. 470-ft. capacity. Damper Regulator, 6.50. treating Dept., Sears i Stores Lightweight, Easy to Carry Portable Electric Heater $2 Down m #%95 $5 Monthly | Usual Carrying Charge Chilly, hard-to-heat rooms can be made comfortably warm in a hurry with this heater. Has high-rating 4500 BTU. Heating element totally enclosed, cannot freeze, it does not contain water. Plug into any AC or DC outlet. Heating Dept., Sears i Stores Building Dept.. Seart 4 Storee Building Supplier Dept., lean 4 Storee Store Hours: Monday through Thursday 10 to 6, Friday and Saturday 10 to 9 Easy Terms on Purchases of $20 or more! Free Parking! ( ^_ T V f .• 911 Bladentbjirg Rd. N.E. (2) Lincoln 7-7500 Wisconsin Ave.'at Albemarle (16) ORdway 1122 2800 Wilton Blvd., Arlington, Vo. OWens 4900 8455 CoJfsvjlle Rd., Silver Spring. SHepherd 9010