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(Carft of ahattkfl FENDLETON.THOM.AS R We wish to ex press our sincere gratitude to our friends, relatives, neighbors and co-workers of the Waller Reed and Freedmen's Hospitals for their kindnesses shown, cards of sym pathy. beautiful floral tributes telegrams, use of cars, donations and soloist at the passing of our husband, father and grand father. THOMAS R. PENDLETON MARY PENDLETON, MARY DIGGS, VIOLA. ACIE AND LAWRENCE RICK ARD. 0ratljn ABELL. WALTER C. Of 637 Allison st. n.w . son of Merritt and Pauline Abeil. Services at Chambers' Funeral Home. 1400 Chapin st. n.w., on Wednesday. March 14. at 2 p.m. Interment Washing ton National. ALEXANDER. LILLIE. On Saturday. March 10. 1051. at Blue Plains. D C., LILLIE ALEXANDER. She leaves two de\oted friends. Mrs. Ethel Wormsley and Mrs. Annabelle Wingo. and many other friends Friends may call Tuesday at the Funeral Home of A^ander S. Pope. 414 15th si. 6 e.. where funeral services will be neld Wednesday. March 14. at 1:30 p.m Rev. Paul L Moore officiating. Interment in Woodlawn Cemetery. • AI DRICK. LAI RA V. On Tuesday. March 13. 1051. at 9:45 a.m, at St. Anna's Episcopal Home. 2224 N st. n.w., LAURA V. AUDRICK. beloved mother oi William Audrick. grandmother of William H. AUDRICK. jr.. and C. Reginald Audrick. and Dianne Ethel Audrick She also leaves other relatives and friends. Friends may call at the W. Ernest Jarvis Fu neral Church. 1432 You st n.w., after 11 a.m. Friday. March 16. Funeral serv ices Saturday March 11. at 1 pm., al the Mount Zion Methodist Church. 29th at between O st. and Dumbarton ave. n.w., Rev. J. O. Foy officiating. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Lincoiu Memorial Cemetery. 13,14,16 BEAIJ.. JOHN FRANKLIN. On Monday. March 12. 1951. JOHN FRANKLIN BEALL, beloved husband of the late Mar tha Daisy Beall and brother of Oden Beall of Baltimore. Md. He also is survived by the following children John Clayton. William Leo. Joseph Leslie. Clarence Vin cent. Bernard Carter. Pious Milton. Thom as Benjamin. Charles Virgil. James Regi nald. Mrs. Josephine Fowler, Mrs. Bertie Machande. Mrs. Mary E. Smith and Mrs. Thelma Tippett. Friends are invited to call at the Ritchie Bros. Funeral Home. Upper Marlboro. Md. Requiem mass will be offered in Holy Family Catholic Church, Woodmore. Md . on Thursday, March 15, j at 9 a.m Interment in Mount Carmel Cemetery. Upper Marlboro, Md 14 BERNARD. JOHN. Of 1220 Wisconsin ave. n w . on March 12. 1951. husband of Nellie Paris Bernard, father of John E. Bernard. Prayers at Chambers' Funeral Home, 3072 M st n.w. on Wednesday. March 14. at 11:30 a.m. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. BENNETT. JOHN D. Suddenly, on Sun day. March 11. 195L JOHN D. BENNETT of 1407 W st. n.w.. beloved brother of Kallie Bennett and Ella Lee. Hr also is survived by one cousin. Beatrice Tabor: other relatives and friends Notice of funerki later Arrangements by the Taft H. Williams Funeral Home, 1702 12th st. n.w. BINGHAM, ANDERSON. On Sunday. March 11. 1951. ANDERSON BINGHAM, beloved husband of Catherine A Bingham of 1332 Vermont ave. n.w. He also is survived by a stepmother. Mrs Hattie Bingham ot New York City: three sisters, Lucy Wheel er of Reidsville. N. C.: Mrs. Bessie Gallo way of Mitsland W. Va., and Mrs. Gay land Galloway of New* York City: xour brothers. Robert. George. William and John Bingham. After 5 p.m. Wednesday. March 14. friends may call at the Dovie G. Brooks and Otis F. Allen Funeral Home. 12th st. and Florida ave n.w where services will be held Thursday. March 15. at 1 p.m.. Rev. Robert Ander son officiating. Interment Reidsville, N. C. BLACKMAN. SAMUEL STOCKTON. On Mondav March 12, 1951, at his resi dence 9303 Saybrook ave.. Silver Spring. 1 Md.. SAMUEL STOCKTON BLACKMAN, husband of the late May Stewart Black- i man. father of Mrs. Pearl Levis. Mrs. Ida ! Mandley. Herbert L. Blackman, all of ; Washington. D C.. and Mrs. Anna M. Dickhout of Silver Spring. Md.: brother of Mrs. Laura E. Burdette and Mrs. Viola ; Poate. both of Washington. D. C Serv ices at the 3 H. Hines Co. Funeral Home 2901 14th st n.w . on Thursday. March 15. at 2 p.m. Interment in Rock Creek Cemetery BORDEN. EDITH MAY. On Tuesday March 13. 1951. EDITH MAY BORDEN of 4900 Argyle ter n.w . beloved mother of Mrs. Esther B. Duffey. Miss Elberta E Borden and Elbert E Borden: sister of Miss Estella H Watkins. Services at the 8 H. Hines Co. Funeral Home. 2901 J4tb *t. n.w.. on Thursday. March 15. at 12 noon. Interment Fairfax Cemetery, Fair fax Va. 14 BROWN, MAYOLA. Departed this life suddenly, on Saturday. March 10. 1951, at her residence. 404 K st. n.w.. MAYOLa BROWN She leaves to mourn her de voted mother, Mrs. Mary A. Ross; two sisters. Mrs. Naomi Johnson and Miss Adelaide Ross; two brothers. Albert and Charles Ross; a hast of nieces, nephews and friends. Remains at her late resi dence after 5 p.m. Tuesday. March 13. Funeral services Wednesday, March 14. at 2:30 p.m.. at the W. Ernest Jarvis Funeral Church. 1432 You st. n.w., Rev Edward Thomas officiating. Relatives and lrientis invited. Interment Lincoln Memorial Cemetery. BOURKE, JACK G. On Saturday. March 10. 1951. at 571 L 25th ave . Hillcrest Heights Mq.. JACK G. BOURKE. hus band of Lois E. Bourke. father of Patrick A. and Sharon A. and Suzan I Bey Bourke. brother of Raymond Bourke. and Mrs. Lillian Bonkoski, stepson of j Ernest D. Willet. Remains at Chambers’ f Funera Home. 53 7 11th st. s.e.. until Wednesday. March 14. at 9:30 a.m. Services in Arlington National Cemetery at 10 a.m. 3 3 BOURKE. JACK G. Members of the Amer ican Legion are notified of the death of Comrade JACK G. , EOURKE of Harvey Sease I Post. Miami. Fla. Legion services will be conducted by the National Guard of Honor _ at Chambers' Funeral Horne 517 11th st. s.e., Tuesday, March 13. 1951, at 8 p.m GAIL T JUDD. Captain. Attest: ALDEN DAME. Adjutant. BRITTLE. CORPL. MELVIN EARL. On Tuesday. February 13. 1951. at Frank furt. Germany. CORPL. MELVIN KARL BRITTLE, son of Leroy W. and Elsie C. Brittle. Funeral services at Port Myer s Chapel on Wednesday. March 14. at : 11 a.m. Interment Arlington National: Cemetery. 13 BROWN. BERTHA D. On Monday March 12, 1951. at her residence. 9809 New' Hampshire ave. Takoma Park. Md.., BERTHA D. BROWN, beloved wife of T Wells Brown and mother of Edythe M. Austin and Ralph W. Brown, and sister of Mrs. Gesiene Skinner. Mrs. Antionette Fischer. Mrs. Frances Brown and Charles De Buhr. She also is sur vived by four grandchildren. J. Harlan Austin, Joseph K., Shirley and Ensign Ralph W’ Brown, jr. Services at the above residence on Wednesday. March 14. at 2 p.m. Relatives and friends in vited. Interment Rock Creek Cemetery. 13 BROWN. BERTHA D. The officers and members of Adah Chapter, No. 25. O. E. S . of Maryland, arc hereby notified of the death of Sister BERTHA D. BROWN. 1 Funeral from her late resi- ! dence. 9809 New Hampshire ; ave.. Takoma Park. Md.. on Wednesday. March 14, 1951. at 2 p.m. By order of EDITH L. KOEPPER. W. M. NANNIE E. WOHLFARTH. Secretary. CARLETON, JESSIE. On Sunday. March 11. 1951. in Freedmen s Hospital. MRS. JESSIE CARLETON of 1300 58th ave. n.e.. beloved mother of Earl Carletor,. Leanna Mallory, Francis Stringfield. Marie Surese. Genevie Young and Marion Harley. She also is survived by a brother Earl Gresham, and other rela tives and friends. Remains resting with L. E. Murray <fc Son. 1337 10th st. n w. Funeral Thursday. March 15. at 1 p.m., from Metropolitan Baptist Church. Rev. J. P. Nichols officiating. Interment in Wood lawn Cemetery. 14* CHASE, ELIZABETH VV. On Sunday. March 11. 1951 ELIZABETH W. CHASE, beloved wife of Arthur H. Chase and mother of Mrs. Margaret C. McKnight. Rockville Center. L. I.: sister of Miss M Claudia Williams. Durham. N. C.; Mrs. Maude Daniel. London, England, and Mrs. Grace W. Atherton. Chevy Chase. Md. Funeral from W. W. Deal Funeral Home. 4812 Ga. ave. n.w.. on Wednesday, March 14. at 2 p.m. Rela tives and friends Invited Interment Glenwood Cemetery. 13 CHRISMAN. MARY C. On Sunday, March 11. 1951. at Sibley Memorial Hospital. MRS. MARY C. CHRISMAN. fnee Newman), widow of the late Harry Chrisman and beloved sister of Carrie L. Flaherty. She also is survived by seven nieces and one nephew. Friends may call at her residence. 231 Missouri ave. n.w. where funeral services will be held on Wednesday. March 3 4, at 2 p.m. Rela tives and friends are invited to attend Interment Prospect Hill Cemetery. 13 FUNERAL DIRECTORS. FRANK GEIER'S SON'S CO. 3801 14th ST. N.W. TUCKERMAN 2328 NEW ENLARGED PARLORS Formerly at 1113 7th St. N W Established 1851 V. L. SPEARE CO. Neither successor to oor connected with the original W R. Spears establishment. 1009 H St. N.W. Nations/18892 J. William Lee’s Sons Co. Crematorium FUNERAL DIRECTOR 4*h and Maes. Ave. N.E. LI. S-8SM FUNERAL DESIGNS. GUDE BROS. CO. Charge Accounts Opened by Phene Individually Designed Wreathe and Snran 12118 F St. N.W . NAtlenal 4878 GEO. C. SHAFFER, INC. Expressive Floral Tributes. Moderate prloes. Open dally Sun., holidays Phone orders also accepted 0:30 to 9 p.m week nights 900 14th St. N.W NA 0100 BEAUTIFUL FLORAL TRIBUTES, $5 up Phona and Charga It Blackistone. Inc. 1407o7 i3<£w 0. ft C. FLOWER STORES FLORAL SPRAYS, $3.95 BP DELIVERED | Charge Accoant* Invited •01 14th St. N.W. ME. 74331 Hr alba DAVIS, JOHN M. On Monday. March 12. 1951. at Georgetown University Hospital JOHN M. DAVIS, beloved husband of Mildred B. Davis and brother of Mrs. John W. Durham of Yorktown. Va.. and Wil liam E. Davis of Wilmarnock, Va. He also is survived by several nieces and nephews. Funeral services will be heid at Hysong s luneral Home. 1300 N st. n.w.. on Thursday. March 15. at 2 p.m. Relatives and friends are invited to at tend. Interment Congressional Ceme tery. 14 DAVIS. JOHN M. A special communica tion of Harmony Lodge. No. IT. F. A. A. M.. has been called for Thursday. March 15. 1951. at 1 p.m.. at Masonic Temple, for the purpose of at tending the funeral of our late brother. JOHN M DAVIS. Tne members of the lodge are requested to at tend by order of the master. EDWIN S HARTMAN. Master. Attest: JOHNSTON R. ZIMMERMAN. Secretary. 14 DE MSI. JEROME. Suddenly, on Tuesday. March 13. 1951. at his residence. 5013 Belt rri. n.w.. JEROME DI LISI. beloved husband of Edythe De Lisi. father ol Dor othy Anne and Ronald De Lisi. son of Mr. and Mis. John C. De Lisi of Washington. D C. Remains resting at the S. H. Hines Co. Funeral Home. 2901 14th st. n.w. Seivices at the above funeral home on Friday. March 10. at 10 a m. Interment Arlington National Cemetery. DEMAREST LILLIAN EATON. On Friday. March 9. 1951. at Chicago. 111., LILLIAN EATON DEMAREST. beloved daughter of Volney Eaton and sister ol Mrs. David G. Biown. Mrs. Frederick P. Wells and Mrs. Michael Buckley Friends may call at the Takoma Funeral. 251 Carroll st. n.w., Takoma Park D. C., after 1 p.m. Tues ray. March 13. Services on Wednesday. March 14 at 2 p.m. Interment Fort Lin coln Cemetery. 13 DILL. LLOYD. On Sunday. March 11. 1951. LLOYD DILL o: 1237 G st. n.e.. oeloved husband of Mrs. Lutena Dill, father of Annabelle Dill, stepfather of Charles, brother of James. Hu>-h. Jasper, Wilbur and Enuniti Dill, and Mrs. Joella Daw son. He also leaves ether relatives and friends. Friends may call at his late resi dence after 5 P.m. Wednesday. March 14. Funeral services Thursday, March 15. at 1 :30 p.m., at the Galbraith A. M. E Zion Church, tith st. between L and M sis. n.w.. Rev. j. L. White officiating. Rela tives and friends invited Interment Lin coln Memorial Cemetery. 14 DORSEY. SUSAN A. On Tuesday. March 13, 1951. at her residence, til9^2 Newton pi. n.w.. SUSAN A. DORSEY beloved wile of the late William O. Dorsey and mother of Olive M. Holt and Maud A. Cook She also is survived by four grandchildren. Funeral from the above residence on Thursday. March 15. at 8:30 a m Re quiem mass at the"Shrine of the Sacred Heart Church at 9 a m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. 14 DRENNAN, LUCY F. On Sunday. March 11. 1951 at the Whitehall Sanitorium. Falls Church. Va.. LUCY F. DRENNAN. wile of the late Daniel O. Drennan and mother of Miss Lulu M. Drennan. Mrs. Eleanor R. Kneessi and grand mother of Mrs. Evelyn D. Leeman and the Rev Merrill W. Drennan. Mrs. Drennan rests at the Warner E. Pum phrey Funeral Home. 8434 Ga. avc.. Silver Spring. Md.. where services will be held on Wednesday. March 14. at 9:30 a m. Interment Arlington National Cemetery. 13 ESKRIDGE. THEOPHLIUS W. On Satur day, March 10. 1951. THEOPHLIUS W ESKRIDGE of Glenarden. Md- son of the late Martha and William Esk ridge fathei of William Eskridge, biother of Mrs Elizabeth Williams and Mrs. Mary Davis. He also is survived by three nieces. Mrs. Katie Stewart, Mrs. Quin tella M. Harley and Mrs. Viola Hamilton, other relatives and a host of iriends. Re mains may be viewed after 5 p.m. Tuesday, March 13 at 2818 Bruce pi. s.e. Funeral Wednesday March 14. at 1 p.m. from Ehianuel Baptist Church, 2409 Ainger pi. s.e.. tne Rev. Earl Tyler officiating. In terment Harmony Cemetery. Arrange ment by Barnes & Matthews 13 FORTUNE. JULIA O. On Sunday March 11. 1951. at 1430 E st. s.e.. JULI\ O. FORTUNE, wife of the late Charles E. Fortune, mother of William W. Curtin. Mrs. Julia O. Schaub and Mrs. Josephine F Hinson sister of James A. Curtin. Mrs. Adeline Curtin and Mrs. Stella May Fletcher Remains a* the abo\e residence until Wednesday. March 14. at 10 a.m. Services at t ie Church of the Nativity. 14th and Mass. ave. s.e . at >0:30 a.m. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. Services by Chambers. 13 FRY'E. EFFIE E. Suddenly, on Monday. March 12. 1951. at Washington Sani tarium. EFFIE E FRYE of 17 East Wash ington st.. Kensington. Md.. beloved wife of the late Harry W Frye and mother of Herbert 1. and Dwight H. Frye. Remains resting at the Bethesda-Chevy Chase Fu neral Home of Robert A. Pumphrey. Be thesda. Md. where serivices will be held Thursday. March 15. at 1:30 p.m. Inter ment George Washington Memorial Cem etery. 14 FULP. NANNIE E. On Saturday March 10. 1951. NANNIE E. PULP of 1223 Oth st. s.w . mother of Morris H.. Edgar F.. James Y . John W., Claude W. and Evelyn V. FULP. Mr^. Kathleen E. Burkett and Mrs. Dolores L. Smith, and sister of Mrs. Carrie L. Fulk. Services at Chambers’ Funeral Home. 517 11th st. s.e.. on Wed nesday. March 14. at 1 p.m. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery GARDNER, MAMIE D On Monday. March 12. 1951. at her home. 5107 Willard ave., Bethesda. Md.. MAMIE D GARDNER, be loved wife of Stanley L. Gardner, sister of Mrs. S. M. Howie of Fayetteville, N. C. Mrs. Pearl Mays and Mrs. Nixie Stevens of Lovington. Va.; Mrs. Bessie Ward of Arlington. Va.; Mrs. Helen Golladay of Camp Springs. Md.: Julian of Salem. Va : Charles H. of Lynchburg. Va : John E. of Danville Va.. and Percy M. Wills of Glad stone. Va. Remains resting at the Be thesda-Chevy Chase Funeral Home, ot Robert A Pumphrey. Bethesda. Md.. w'here services will be held Thursday. March 15, at 4 p.m. Interment private. Please omit flowers. In lieu of flowers, make contributions to the TB Association of Montgomery County. Md. 14 GATELY. THOMAS R. (BUDDY). Of New York City. N. Y.. on March 9. 1951. brother of Richard L. Gately. Mrs. Ella Bailey. Mrs. Julius Tolson. Mrs. Kenneth Lar.don. Mrs Emilie McShane. Mrs. Mary Burch and Mrs. Margaret Gately. Pray ers at Chambers’ Funeral Home. 1400 Chapin st n.w.. on Wednesday. March 14 at lo a.m Interment Mount Olivet. GLOVER, LANDON J. Suddenly, on March 13. 1951, at Freedmen’s Hospital. LAN DON J GLOVER, beloved husband of Mary Ella Glover, father of Paul Landcn Glover, son of Lewis F. Glover and the late Maggie Glover, brother of Lewis Glover. Evelyn Glover Grant. Blanche Dyson and Helen Carter. He also leaves a host of other relatives and friends. No tice of funeral later. Arrangements by W. Ernest Jarvis Co. GREEN. AMT MATILDA. On March 13 1951. at »J25 4th st. s.w.. wife of Joseph Green, mother of Mary Green. Remains at Chambers’ Funeral Home. 517 1 Ith st. se. until Wednesday, March 14. at. 5 p.m Interment Conway. S. C. 14 GREEN. HARRY K. On Monday. March 12. 1951. at his residence, 1407 North Barton st.. Arlington. Va., HARRY K. GREEN, beloved husband of Anna A. Green, father of H. Bruce Green and Mrs Virginia G. Foltz. He also is survived by one brother. Richard F Green of Ken sington. Md.: two sisters. Mrs. Nettie Mc Kinney of Arlington. Va. and Mrs. Jennie C. Mullen of Raleigh, N. C.: six grand children and one great-grandchild. Friends may call at the Ives Funeral Home. 2*47 Wilson blvd.. Arlington. Va.. until Thursday. March 15. at 12 noon: thence to the Community Methodist Church, Key blvd. and North Bryan st., Arlington. Va., where funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Interment Colum bia Gardens Cemetery. 14 uKttx. hakky K. An emergency com munication of the Grand Lodge. A. F. & A. M., Is called at 1 p.m Thursday. March , 15. 1951, at the temple of Columbia Lodge. No. 285, Ar lington. Va.. for the purpose of conducting Masonic services at the funeral of our late brother. HARRY K. GREEN. RUDOLPH REYNOLDS COOK. Grand Master. Attest: JAMES N. HILLMAN. Grand Secretary. 14 HAISMAN. EMIL JEROME. On Monday, March 12. 1961, EMIL JEROME HAIS MAN. beloved husband of Helen M. Hais man of 739 Newton pi. n.w.. Apt. 101. Remains resting at the Timothy Hanlon Funeral Home. 3831 Georgia ave. n.w. Notice of funeral later. HARPER. GEORGE ALLEN. Entered into eternal rest on Tuesday, March 13, 1951. at his residence, 208 H st. s.w., GEORGE ALLEN HARPER, beloved husband of Re becca Harper, devoted brother of Abra ham Harper, uncle of Harold Edward Harper. Three nieces and many other relatives and friends also survive. HAWKINS. MRS. MAGGIE. Departed this life March 12, 1951. at her residence, 9130 Old Fort rd., Chapel Hill, Md., Mrs. MAGGIE HAWKINS She leaves to mourn their loss a devoted husband. Mr. James Hawkins; one daughter. Mrs. Ada Davis: one son, Mr. James Contee: one son-in-law. John Davis, sr.: one sis ter, Mrs. Annie Crutchfield; five grand children. Emma, John. Chester and Rich ard Davis, and Gladys Hicks; six nieces, seven nephews, two stepdaughters, one stepgranddaughter. Mrs. Thelma Edwards; two great-grandchildren and a host of other relatives and friends. Friends may call at the John T. Rhines & Co. Fu neral Home. 3rd and Eye sts. s.w.. after 6 p.m. Wednesday, March 14. Funeral services on Thursday. March 16. at 1 p.m.. at the Grace Methodist Church, Chapel Hill. Md., Rev. B. F. Hall officiat ing. Interment church cemetery. 14 HEROLD. LUDWIG. On Monday, March 12, 1951, a* his residence, 612 6th st. s.e.. LUDWIG HEROLD, beloved brother of Elise Wall. Friends may call at the Robert A. Mattingly Funeral Home, 131 lith st. s.e. where services will be held on Thursday, March 16. at 11 a.m. Rel atives and friends invited. Interment Congressional Cemetery. 14 HILL. JOSEPH E. On Monday. March 12. 1951. JOSEPH E HILL of 1763 Willard st. n.w.. beloved son of Lewis McK. and Mary J. Hill. Also surviving are three sisters, Miss Mary Travola Hill. Miss La Verne E. Hill and Miss Gwendolyn M. Hill: four brothers. Pfc. Clinton A. Hill. Mr. Kermit T. Hill. Mr. Lawrence Curtis Hill and Mr. Lewis McKinley Hill, jr.: other relatives and many friends After 1 p.m. Wednesday friends are Invited to call at the McGuire Funeral Home. 1820 9th st. n.w. Reouiem mass will be cele brated Thursday. March 15. at 9 a.m., at St. Augustine’s Catholic Church. Inter ment Mount Olivet Cemetery. 14 CEMETERY LOTS CEMETERY LOTS in Washington National Cemetery; 2 lots. 8 sites; reasonable. AT. 8262, after 6:30. —19 SratljH INGE. MAJ. BERKLEY. SR.. IT. S. A. On Monday. March 12. 1951. at Walter Reed General Hospital. Maj. BERKLEY INGE. Sr., U. S. A., retired, the beloved husband of the late Lillian Inge (nee Galleher* and father of Mrs. Robert J. Barrett and Berkley Inge, jr Services at the resi ; dence cf his daughter. 5811 7th st. n.w.. on Thursday. March 15. at 12 noon Services at Fort Myer Chapel at 1 p.ia. Relatives and friends invited Interment Arlington National Cemetery, with full I military honors 14 INGE, MAJ. BERKLEY. Members of Na tional Capital Post, No. 127. Veterans of Foreign Wars, are notified of the death of Comrade Maj. BERKLEY INGE retired, on Monday. March 12, 1951. Services will be held by the V. F. W. National Honor Guard Wednesday, March 14. at 8 p.m.. at the home of his daughter. Mrs. Robert J. Barrett, 5811 7th st. n.w. WILLIAM R READING. Commander. GERALD DOLAN. Adjutant. INGE. MAJ. BERKLEY. Members of Sergt. Jasper Post. No. 13. American Legion, are notified with re gret of the death of our com rade. Mai BERKLEY INGE. All members may pay respect at his late residence. 5811 'Uh _ st. n.w. Aimy services will be held at Arlington National Cemetery on Thursday. March 15. THOMAS M. LEE. Commander. CODER ASCHER. Adjutant. JACKSON, ALICE. On Sunday. March 11, 1951. at her residence. 2219 8th st. n.w., ALICE JACKSON. She is survived by two devoted daughters. Mrs. Winnie Edwards and Mrs. Mary Tyson, two grandchildren, three great-grandchildren, other relatives and many friends. Remains resting at Horton’s Mortuary. 1322 You st. n.w.. where services will be held Wednesday. March 14. at 1 p.m.. Rev. Robert Ander son officiating. Interment Woodlawn Cemetery JAMES. ANNIE. On Friday. March 9, 1951. at her residence. 425 Neal pi. n.w., ANNIE JAMES, beloved sister of Mrs. Louise Templemon. devoted aunt of Mrs. Ada Johnson. Josephine Franks. George and James Templemon. She also leaves to mourn her passing other relatives and many friends. Arrangements by the Jonn T. Rhines & Co. Funeral Home. 901 3rd st. s.w. Notice of funeral later. JOHNSON MURRAY ALEXANDER. On Saturday. March 10, 1951. at the Na tional Non-Sectarian Old Folks’ Home. 103 4 S st n.w MURRAY ALEXANDER JOHNSON, age 7-4. for 25 yens faithful butler at the Edes Horn''. 2929 N st. n.w. Friends may "all at the W. Ernest Jarvis Funeral Church. 1432 You st. n.w . ; after 11 a.m. Tuesday. March 13. Fu ■ neral services Wednesday. March 14 at' ! 1 p.m at the above uneral church. ; Friends invited. Interment Mount Lion . Cemetery. 13 JOHNSON. MURRAY N A special com munication of Hiram Lodge, No. 4. F. & A.M.. is called for i 1 a.m. Wednesday. March 14, 1951, at the Masonic Temple, 10th and You sts. n.w.. for the purpose of attending the funeral of our late brother MURRAY N. JOHNSON. Funeral services will be ! held at the W. Ernest Jarvis Funeral i Church, 1432 You st. n.w.. at l p.m. THEODORE WILSON. W. M. THEODORE A. BELL Secretary. KELSER. HERBERT M. On Monday. March 12. 1951. at his home. St. Peters burg. Fla.. HERBERT M. KELSER. for merly of Silver Spring. Md.. beloved husband of Agnes M. Kelser and father of Herbert M., jr.; Raymond D. and Miss Shirley M Kelser. Mr. Kelser will rest at the Warner E. Pumparey Funeral Home. 8434 Georgia ave.. Silver Spring. Md.. after 11 a.m. Wednesday. March 14. Notice of services later. KINNEY. JOHN W. On Monday. March 12. 1951. JOHN W. KINNEY of 3909 Jefferson st.. Hyattsville. Md., husband of Mae H. Kinney, brother of Miss Helena M. Kinney and uncle of Mar 1orie Oliver. Edward. Francis and James Kinney. Prayers at Chambers’ Fureial Home. 5891 Cleveland ave. Riverda’*'. Md., on Thursday. March 15. at 9:30 am Mass at 8t. Jerome’s Church. Hyattsville. Md., at 10 a m. Interment Bath, N. Y 14 LEVY. NORMAN H. Suddenly on Satur day. March 19. 1951. NORMAN H. LEVY of 5195 Crittenden st.. Hyattsville. Md. ! beloved brother of Mrs. Rubin Cohen and ' Miss Hilda Levy and Milton Levy. Fu ! neral services at the Bernard Danzansky & Son Funeral Home. 3591 14th st n.w . ' on Tuesday. March 13. at 2:39 p.m. In | terment Arlington National Cemetery. 13 MARKLEY HERBERT EDGAR. Suddenly on Sunday. March 11. 1951, at Fruit land. Md., HERBERT EDGAR MARKLEY of 3334 Lancer dr.. Hyattsville. Md.. beloved husband of Susan Markley. father of William K. Markley. Mrs. Puth E. Buckner and Mrs. Phyllis L. Heitmuller Services at the S. H. Hines Co. Fuller'll Home, 2901 14th st. n.w on Wednes day. March 14. at 2 pm. Interment Fort Lincoln Cemetery. 1.3 MARSDEN, FRANKLIN I. On Monday March 12. 1951. at Emergency Hospital. FRANKLIN I. MARSDEN of MacArthur blvd.. near Great Falls. Md.. beloved husband of the late Gertrude Lee Mars den and father of Mrs. Bertha Ander son. Mrs. Irene M. Carper. Mrs. Claire M Kitchen. Frank and Bernard I. Mars den: brother of Mrs. Lessie Arnold. Also surviving are six grandchildren. Remains resting at the Bethesda-Chevy Chase Fu neral Home of Robert A. Pumphrey. Be thesda. Md.. w?here services will be held on Wednesday. March 14. at 2.39 pm. Interment Potomac Church Cemetery. McKEE. GLEN D. Of Irdian Head. Md.. on March 12. 1951. father of Mrs. George L. Thompson. K. Marpene and Karen S McKee. Service! at Chambers’ Funeral Home. 517 11th at. s.e., on Thursday. March 15. at 2:30 p.m. Interment Ar lington National Cemetery. 14 MOORE. THADEUS W. On Saturday. March 10. 1951. at his residence 1515 5th st n.w.. THADEUS W. MOORE He Is survived by one brother. Gordon Taylor of Norfolk, Va.: one sister. Jessie Taylor of Asbury. N. J.. other relatives and many devoted friends Arrangements by Dabney & Garner Funeral Home. 442 M st. n.w., where relatives and friends are invited to call Tuesday. March 1.3. after 3 p.m On Wednesday. March 14. the remains may be viewed at the Second Baptist Church. 3rd and H sts. n.w.. from 9 a m. until 1 p.m.. at which time the funeral service will be he’d. The Rev. J. L. S. Holloman will officiate Interment Lincoln Memorial Cemetery 13 MOORE. THADDEUS W. The officers and f members of Morning Star Lodge. No. 49. I. B. P. O. E. of W . are requested to meet in a session of sorrow lor our late brother. THADDEUS W. MOORE, st the Htme. 1539 15th st. n.w. on Tuesday. March 13. 1951. at 8 p m. Funeral Wednesday. March 14. at I p.m from the Second Baptist Church, 3rd and H sts. n.w CHARLES YOUNG. Exalted Ruler. LAWRENCE 8. HARRIS. Fin. Sec NUMBERS. HARRY O. Suddenly, on Monday. March 32. 1951. in Alexan dria. Va., HARRY O NUMBERS, hus band of Mary Greenawalt Numbers, father of Mrs. Elinor N. Berger of Shir ley Duke Apartments and brother of Guy W. Numbers of Washington. D C. Funeral services on Thursday. March 15. at 2 p.m.. at the Wheatley Funeral i Home. Alexandria, Va. Interment. Ar lington National Cemetery. Remains resting at the above funeral hojne. ‘Lan caster. Pa., papers please copy.) 14 OREM. J. LEONARD. On Monday, March 12. 1951. J. LEONARD OREM, beloved husband of Julia Orem, father of Mrs. Catherine Barger and Mrs. Sue Heberle and grandfather of Richard and Barpara Heberly. Funeral from the W. W. Deal Funeral Home. 4812 Georgia ave. n.w., on Wednesday. March 14. at 11 am. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. PALMER, PRINCE EDWARD. On Sunday. March 12. 1961, PRINCE EDWARD PALMER of 1510 5th st. n.w., devoted husband of Malinda Palmer, beloved fathe- of Mrs. Mozelle Amos, devoted lather-in-law of Mason Amos, brother in-law of Mrs. Rebecca Williams and Mrs. Alice Lucas. He also leaves to mourn his passing one aunt, one cousin, one nephew. Henry Willis, and a host of other relatives and friends. After 4 p.m. Tuesday. March 13. friends may call at the John T. Rhines & Co. Funeral Home. 901 3rd st. s.w. Funeral and ! interment private on Wednesday, March 14. 13 POE, WILLIAM M. On Monday, March 12, 1951. at 4065 Minnesota ave. n.e., WILLIAM W. POE. beloved father ot Mrs. Teresa Reeves, Mrs. Annie Martin, Mrs. Elsie Lundy, Mrs. Ruby Roby. Paul W. and Joseph A. Poe. Also surviving are three grandchildren. Friends may call »l the Lee Funeral Home, 4th st. and Mass, ave. n.e.. where services will be held on Thursday. March 15. at 1 p.m. In terment Cedar Hill Cemetery. (Clifton Forge. Va.. papers please copy.) 14 POLEN, MARGARET F. On Sunday. March 11. 1951. MARGARET F. POLEN of 5009 Addison rd., Kenilworth. Md., be loved wife of George E. Polen. mother of John E. and Edna M. Poien, sister of John McLaughlin of Washington, D. C.i daughter of Mrs. Hannah McLaughlin of Leominster, Mass. Friends may call at the Lee Funeral Home. 4th st. and Mass. ave. n.e., until 8:15 a.m. Wednes day. March 14. Requiem mass will be offered at Our Lady of Mercy Catholic Church. 4615 R st.. Kenilworth. Md., at 9 a.m. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. 13 PRIMAS, HARRY S. On Saturday. March 10. 1951. at Washington, D. C.. HARRY 8. PRIMAS, loving son of the late Thomas and Marla Primas of Thoroughfare. Va., beloved brother of Sadie Cornish, Effie Brown, Evelyn Toler. James and Lawrence Primas. He also leaves a host of other relatives and friends. Remains at his late home. Thoroughfare, Va.. after 12 noon on Tu«day. March 13. Funeral on Wednesday. March 14, at 1:30 p.m.. from the Oakrum Baptist Church, the Rev. Fairfax officiating. Interment Thorough fare. Va. 13 RODLER. ANTHONY V. On Monday, March 12. 1951. at his residence. 1354 Ritchie pi. n.e., ANTHONY V. RODLER, beloved husband of Frances A. Rodler (nee O'Brien) and father of Joseph A. Rodler. Funeral from the Timothy Hanlon Funeral Home. 3831 Georgia ave. n.w., on Thurs day, March 15. at 8:30 a.m. High re quiem mass at St. Anthony's Church at 9 a.m. Interment Arlington National Cem etery. 14 SANFORD. FREDERICK D. Suddenly on Monday, March 12, 1951, FREDERICK D SANFORD of 1114 61st pi. n.e., beloved husband of Mrs. Charlotte Sanford. He also is survived by six sons, three daugh ters, two brothers, William and Oscar Sanford: a sister, Mrs. Olivia Davis, and other relatives and friends. Remains resting with L. E. Murray & Son. 1337 10th st. n.w. Funeral notice later. • SCHULZ. SARAH CATHERINE. On Mon day. March 12, 1961, at her resdience. 3811 Warren st. n.w.. SARAH CATHER INE SCHULZ (nee Dowbiggin). beloved wife of Ferdinand H. Schulz, mother of Miss Edna I. Schulz of Washington, D. C.; Henry C. Shulz of Hagerstown, Md. (Services at the S. H. Hines Co. Funeral Home, 2901 14th st. n.w. on Wednes day. March 14 at ll a.m. Interment Congressional Cemetery. 13 Sratba SEAL. MARTHA CAMPBELL. On Tuesday, March 13, 1951, at Garfield Hospital. MARTHA CAMPBELL SEAL of 9618 4th st. n.w.. beloved mother of Eleanor Camp bell Seal and sister of Morton L. Talley of Westtown. Pa. Friends may call at the Takoma Funeral Home. 254 Carroll st.. Takoma Park. D. C. Notice of serv ices later. Interment, private, at Bir mingham. Pb SHAY. MINNIE D. On Sunday. March 11. 1951. at Sibley Hospital. MINNIE D. SHAY beloved wife of Earl E. Shay and mother of Dolores Shay. Friends may call at the Lee Funeral Home. 4th st. and Mass. ave. n.e.. where services will be held on Wednesday, March 14. at 1 p.m. Interment Mona View Ceme tery. Muskegon, Mich., on Friday. March 16. 13 SIMPSON. LOUIS ROSCOE. On Monday. March 12. 1951, at Arlington Hospital. LOUIS ROSCOE SIMPSON of 1 735 North 17th st.. Arlington. Va . beloved husband 6f Mary Enright Simpson and father of James Enright Simpson. Notice of fu neral services later. SKIDMORE, HARRY L. On Sunday. March 11. 1951 HARRY L. SKIDMORE, be loved brother of Florence Boyd. Elsie Ely. Fletcher. Vera and Earl Skidmore. Friends may call at the Rober1 A. Mat tingly Funeral Home. 131 11th st. s.e., where services wdll be held on Wednesday. March 14. at 2 p.m. Relatives and friends Invited. Interment Congressional Ceme tery. STROUSE. JACK E. On Monday. March 12, 1951, at Sibley Hospital. JACK E. STROUSE of 991 Rhode Island ave. n.e.. beloved husband of Floy Strouse Re mains resting at the S. H. Hines Co. Fu neral Home. 2991 14th st n.w. Grave side services at Arlington National Ceme tery on Thursday, March 15, at Jl:30 a.m. 14 SULLIVAN, ALPHONSO. Suddenly, on Sunday. March 11 1951. at Georgetown University Hospital. ALPHONSO SULLI VAN of 1318 35th st. n.w., father of Miss Edith F. Barry of Washington D. C\; Mrs. Rhoda V. Wright of Arlington. Va.. and Marcus T. Sullivan of Hempstead. Long Island, N. Y. brother of Mrs. Grace Carter, Mrs. Rita O’Leyear and Julian Sullivan. Services at the S. H. Hines Co. Funeral Home. 2991 J4th st. n.w.. on Wednesday March 14. at It) a m. Inter ment Cedar Hill Cemetery. TANNER. ERMA EVELYN. On Tuesday. Marcn 13. 1951, ERMA EVELYN TANNER of 1314 Rhode Island ave. n.w.. beloved mother of Irving Davis Tanner, sister of George Perry Davis and Hubert Shoderiek Davis, niece of Mrs. Annie Green. Mrs. Rachel Coleman and George Henderson: beloved friend of Peter David Smith She also is survived by other relatives and friends. Remains resting at Barnes & Matthews' Funeral Home, til 4 -1th st. s.w. Notice of funeral later. TUTT. JAMES EWING. On Monday. March 12. 1951, at his residence. 394 Maryland ave. n.e. JAMES EWING TUTT. beloved husband cl Emma L. Tutt and father of Ralph W. Tutt. Friends may call at the Lee Punera1 Home. 4th st and Mass. ave. n.e where services will be held on Friday, March 16. at 1:30 p.m. Interment Odar H:ll Omptprv i •; VEILLEUX, GEORGE. On Monday. March 12 1951. at Providence Hospital. GEORGE VEILLEUX. formerly of Lewiston. Me., be loved husband of Laura C. Veilleux. broth er of Mrs. Lucy Michaux, Sister Mary Ei leen and William and Ovila Veilleux. Friends may call at the Walsh Funeral Home, 741 11th st. s e., where services will be held on Thursday, March 15. at 9:30 a.m. High requiem mass at St. Peter's Church at 10 a m. Interment Port Lincoln Cemetery. 14 WADDELL, JOHN J. On Sunday. March 11. 1951, at Bethesda Naval Hospital. JOHN J. WADDELL of 2028 North Kenmore st.. Arlington. Va.. beloved husband of Bessie L. Waddell, brother of Mrs. Joseph Griffin and Mrs. John Kay son of Mrs. James P. Cooke of Arlington, Va. Friends may call at the Ives Funeral Home. 2847 Wilson blvd.. where funeral services will be held Wed nesday, March 14. at 2 p.m. Interment National Memorial Park, Lee hwy. near Falls Church. Va. The family requests in lieu of flowers please make contribu tions to ’he Heart Fund. 13 WADE, BARBARA I. On Saturday. March •10. 1951, ft her residence. 3.322 Sherman aye. n.w BARBARA I. WADE, daughter of the late Mary R. and James E. Ma gruder. Surviving are four sisters. Mrs. I’nogene T. Scott. Mrs. Mable E. Barker Mrs. Louise M. Smith and Mrs. Molis M. Brown. After noon Tuesday, friends are invited to call at the residence of her sister. 1447 S st n.w. Requiem mass will be sung on Wednesday. March 14. at 10 am at St. Augustine's Catholic Church. 1-15 15th st. n.w Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. Arrangements by McGuire. Inc. 13 WADE. BARBARA IOLA. The Miner Aium" m Association announces the death of BARBARA IOLA WADE. rlass of 1913. Funeral services will be held on Wednes day. March 14. 1951 at to a.m . at St. Augustine's Catholic Church, 1715 15th st. n.w BRADFORD A. TATUM. President. HARVEY J. BULLOCK. Exec. Sec. * WALDRON, RICHARD W. La Fayette Lodge, No. 19. F A A. M.. will hold a special communi cation Friday. March 10. 1951, at 1:15 p.m., at the Masonic Temple, for the purpose cf conducting the Masonic burial service for our late brother. RICHARD W. WALDRON. HERBERT D. LAUT. Worshipful Master. 15 WARREN. COL. GEORGE 8. On Sunday. March II, 1951. at Walter Reed General Hospital Col. GEORGE S. WARREN of the Berkshire Apartments, Washington. D. C beloved husband of Mrs. Laura Littebrant Warren, lather of Miss Marian L Clark of Washington. D. C.. and Mrs. Elizabeth C. Gessner of River Edge. N. J.. and brother of Mrs. Ruth Weireter of New York and Mrs. William Beck of Summit. N. J. Funeral services will be held at Fort Myer Chapel on Wednesday. March 14. at 2 p.m. Interment Arlington Na tional Cemetery, with full military honors. WILHELM. LOUISE VERNA. On Sunday, March 11. 1951, at her residence. 322 Allison st. n.w.. LOUISE VERNA WIL HELM. beloved wile of Charles W. Wil helm. daughter of Mary E. Davis, sister of Edith D Kilmain and Warren G. Davis Services at the S H. Hines Co Funeral Home, 2901 14th st. n.w. on Wednesday. March 14. at 12 noon. In terment Providence Methodist Church Cemetery Kemptown. Md. 13 WILLIAMS. LOTTIE. On Sunday. March 11. 1951. at her residence, 213 K st n.w.. LOTTIE WILLIAMS, wife ol Benjamin Williams, mother of Juanita and Edwin Williams and Mrs. Helen Wildy grand mother of Edwin Williams, jr. She also is survived by other relatives and friends. After 2 p.m. Wednesday. March 14. friends may call at Her.ry S Washington A- Sons' Funerat Home. 407 N st. n.w. Funeral services Thursday. March 15 at 2 p.m.. at Mount Airy Baptist Church, North Capitol and L ;ts. n.w.. Rev. E. K Tyler, pastor. Relatives and friends in vited. Interment Woodlawn Cemetery. 14 WILLIAMS. LOTTIE. Forest Temple. No. f9. I, B. P, O. E. of W.. is noti fied to meet in a session of sor row Wednesday. March 14. 1951. to arrange for the funeral of Daughter LOTTIE WIL LIAMS. to be held Thursday. March 15. at 2 p m., from the Mount Airy Baptist Church. L st. be tween 1st and North Capitol sts. n.w. MARTHA. FLOOD, Daughter Ruler. BEATRICE WEST. Fin. Sec. WROTEN. HARRY. On Monday. March 12. 1951. HARRY WROTEN of 201 D st. n.w.. husband of Maud M. Wroten and brother of Gus Wroten Services at the Chambers Funeral Home. 517 11th st. s.c.. on Wednesday. March 14. at 2:30 p.m. Interment Washington National Cemetery. 14 in HUttuiriam ANDERSON, ANNA E. In sad but loving memory of our dear sister. ANNA E. AN DERSON. who passed away so suddenly three years ago today. March 13, 1948. She bade no one a last farewell, She said good-by to none: The heavenly gates lust opened wide, A loving voice said. “Come.” Goo saw that she was suffering. That the hills were hard to climb, So He gently closed her weary eyes Ana whispered: “Peace be thine. ' LOVING SISTER. MARY. AND BROTHER. HERBERT BIFIELD. CHARLES P A tribute of iovc and devotion to the memory ql my be loved husband. CHARLES P. BIFIELD. who passed away so suddenly four years ago today, March 13. 1947. Just a loving thought. Just a silent tear; Just a wonderful memory Of the one I loved so dear. _HIS DEVOTED WIFE ♦ BOSWELL, ELSIE M. In loving memory of our dear mother. ELSIE M. BOSWELL, who passed away nineteen years ago to day, March 13, 19311. Some may think you are forgotten. Though on earth you are no more; But in memory you are with us. As you always were before. So on we linger with one hope, And that we know' is true. You can never come to us. dear mother. But some day we can go to you _ LOVING CHILDHEN. » CROW, LAWRENCE. In loving memory of our dear father and grandfather. LAW RENCE CROW, w?ho left us eight vears ago today. March 13. 1943. DAUGHTERS. M. MINERVA WYMAN AND FRANCES J. SEATON. AND GRANDDAUGHTERS. SHIRLEY M. SEATON AND MARJORIE E. SEATON DIGGS, JAMES T. In loving memory of our dear husband and father, JAMES T. DIGGS, who passed away four years ago today. March 13. 1947. Beautilul life is that whose span Is spent in duty to God and man; Beautiful calm when the course is run, Beautiful twilight at set of sun. Beautiful death with life well done. _WIFE AND DAUGHTERS. DYSON. SOPHIA. In sad but loving re membrance of my foster mother. SOPHIA DYSON, who left me five years ago to day, March 13, 194G. Flowers may wither and decay. Your memory shall never fade away. HER ADOPTED DAUGHTER. JOSEPHINE ELIZABETH CHATMAN. HELLMUTH. GEORGE j. In loving mem ory of our son and brother. GEORGE J. HELLMUTH. who was killed in action over Abbe ville, France seven years ago • today. March 13. 1944. _MOTHER. FATHER. SISTER. * HINES. ELIZABETH. In loving memory of our dear mother. ELIZABETH A. HINES, who left us two years ago today March 13, 1949. To us W'ho loved and lost you. Your memory will linger on THE FAMILY. • MAJOR, JOHN J. In fond remembrance of my beloved husband. JOHN J. MAJOR, who departed this life twelve years ago today, March 13, 1939. Oh, happy saints, forever blest. ' In that dear home, how sweet you rest. DEVOTED WIFE. ADELAIDE A. MAJOR. Col. George Warren, Veteran of 34 Years In Air Force, Dies Col. George Stewart Warren, 58, a pioneer in aviation who served 34 years with the Air Force, died Sunday at Walter Reed Hospital He had been a patient there since last Sep tember. Col. Warren was Air Force representat ive with the Mu nitions Board, a post he had held since 1946. He lived at the Berkshire Apartments. A native of New York City, Col. Warren. Co]. W a r r e n was a graduate of the Col lege of the City of New York. He was commissioned a second lieu tenant in the Army Air Corps dur ing World War I and served in Germany. In the early days of experimentation with lighter - than-air craft he wras assigned to the Balloon Corps. : Served in Caribbean and Pacific. Col. Warren was one of the first to receive all six Air Force ratings | qualifying him for all aircraft. jThey are combat observer, air | craft observer, technical observer, balloon pilot, balloon observer and I regular pilot. j Between wars he served at va jrious bases in the United States and once commanded -Brookley Air Force Base at Mobile. Ala. For several years prior to World War II he w’as assigned here at the War Department. In World War II, Col. Warren served with distinction in both the Caribbean and Pacific Theaters. He also was assigned to the Pro jcurement Board in Los Angeles and was stationed in Guam before taking the Munitions Board post. Widow Among Survivors, j Col. Warren was a member of | the Astor Masonic Lodge in New' j York City and the Jonathan Club. | a men’s organization, in 3,0s | Angeles Surviving are his widow, Mrs. ! Laura Littebrant Warren: two ! stepdaughters. Miss Marian L. : Clark of the Berkshire Apart | ments and Mrs. Elizabeth C. Gess j ner of River Edge, N. Y.. and tw.o sisters. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. tomorrow’ in Fort Myer Chapel. Burial will be in Arling j ton Cemetery. Herbert M. Kelser, Drugstore Manager Herbert M. Kelser. 42, a former District resident and Peoples Drug Stores manager, died yesterday at his home in St. Petersburg, Fla., after an illness of eight , months. Mr. Kelser was a Peoples employe for more than 20 years before re signing three years ago to move to Flor ida. He began as a clerk and after working as a traveling auditor for the Arm, served as manager of several of the down town stores. He was born in Washington and was long a resident of the North east section. He was a graduate of Eastern High School. Mr. Kelser leaves his widow, Mrs. Agnes M. Kelser: a daughter. Miss Shirley Kelser; two sons, Herbert M. Kelser, jr., and Ray mond E. Kelser, and a grandson, all of St. Petersburg: his mother, Mrs. Josie Kelser, and a sister, Mrs. Harriet M. Smith, both of 2103 Dayton street, Silver Spring, and three brothers, Raymond A. Kelser of Philadelphia: Charles Melville Kelser of Claiborne, Md., and George Kelser of College Park, Md. Funeral services will be held at Pumphrey’s funeral home, 8434 Georgia avenue. Silver Spring, Md. Arrangements are incomplete. iu iHmoriam | MAPSON. LOUISE R. In loving remem brance of my dear mother. LOUISE R I MAPSON. who left me lour year ago to day March 13. 1347. Some may think you are forgotten And that the wound has long been healed, But little do they know the sorrow That lies within mv heart concealed. Never shall I cease to love you. Never shall your memory fade: The sweetest love forever lingers In my heart ior you today. LOVING DAUGHTER. ROSALIE C MAP SON._ MOCKABFL. GERTRUDE In loving mem ory oi our dear mother. GERTRUDE MOCKABEE. who passed away eleven years ago today, March 13. 1940. Dearest mother, we will meet you When our work on earth is done Then we will meet to live together In that heavenly home above. HER DEVOTED DAUGHTERS. MRS. GEORGIAN N A TURNER AND MRS. PEARL TAYLOR.+ SMITH. OLIE MAY. In loving memory of our dear mother, grandmother and sister. OLIE MAY SMITH, who left us twelve years ago today. March 13. 1939. We often sit and think of you i And thing of how wou died j To know you could not say good-by Before you closed your eyes. ! DEVOTED CHILDREN. TOOTIE AND ARNOLD. I If ever a love existed If ever a sweet flower grew ; If ever a sould filled its mission on earth. Dear Granny, it certainly was you. LOVING GRANDCHILDREN. PATSY AND BUDDIE. I cannot hear your voice, I cannot see you face. But in my heart, dear sister. You hold a sacred place. LOVING SISTER, PET. • SPENCE. ERNEST. In loving memory of our father, ERNEST SPENCE, who passed away two years ago today, March 13, ; 1949. We think of you, dear father. Though on earth you are no more. Sincere and kind in heart and mind. What a beautiful memory you left behind. _LOVING WIFE AND CHILDREN * 1 TISINGER. JOSEPH B. In loving memory of our father. JOSEPH B. TISINGER. who passed away March 13. 19M7. _THE CHILDREN. *_ WANDER. MARY M. In sad but loving remembrance of our dear mother. MARY M. WANDER, who departed this li! c twenty-four years ago today. March 13, _HER LOVING CHILDREN. • WILLIAMS. ANNIE CONYERS. In loving memory of our mother and grandmother. ANNIE CONYERS WILLIAMS, who de parted this life fourteen years ago to day. March 13. 1937. God took you first and we remain To walk the road alone: We will live in memory’s garden With happy days we have known. DEVOTED CHILDREN AND GRANDCHIL DREN. • Harry K. Green, Political Leader And Arlington Revenue Chief Had Been Re-elected To County Tax Post Regularly Since 1919 Harry K. Green, 71, for more than three decades the Arlington commissioner of revenue and one of the county’s outstanding politi cal figures, died yesterday in his home, 1407 North Barton street. Mr. Green last month was a patient in Emergency Hospital, where his right leg had to be am putated because of a thrombolic ulcer. A victim of arthritis, he had been in failing health in re cent years. The veteran Democratic leader had been a guiding force in State politics as well as locally. Mr. Green was first elected commissioner of revenue in 1919. He was re-elected every four years thereafter. lriouie oy Kyra. Senator Byrd, Democrat, of Vir ginia paid high tribute to his long time friend: “I am greatly shocked and grieved at the death of Harry Green. As Governor and Senator, I have been closely associated with him and have always re garded him as one of the out standing citizens of Virginia. State Senator Charles R. Fen wick of Arlington said: “Virginia has lost a great pub lic servant and Arlington one of its greatest citizens. Many State dignitaries, includ ing former Gov, William M. Tuck, attended a testimonial dinner in Mr. Green’s honor in July, 1948. Gov. Tuck, on that occasion, de scribed the commissioner as a man who “represents all that is best and finest.” Those who were in charge of the testimonial found there was $428 left over after expenses were paid. They decided to give it to Mr. Green as a gift. Instead of accepting the money, he gave the sum to Arlington Hospital toward the cost of a children’s tonsil ward. Last November, when the Maj. Berkley Inge, Father-in-Law of Police Supt. Barrett Maj. Berkley Inge, U. S. A-, re tired, father-in-law of Police Supt. Robert J. Barrett, died of a heart attack yesterday in Walter Reed Hospital. He was 82. Maj. Inge re turned from Florida last Friday for treatment at Walter Reed. He had been taken to the hospital yester day morning by Mrs. Barrett and was to have called her when the treat ment was com pleted. Maj. Inge was active in a num ber of veterans’ organizations here. A native of Petersburg, Va„ he was a veteran of the Spanish American War and World War I, a retired Navy Yard employe and a former park policeman. Entered Army in 1889. He entered the Army in 1889 and served with the 7th Cavalry at Fort Sill, Okla., when the fort was still in Indian territory. He later served with the 8th Cavalry in South Dakota and Wyoming and was in Cuba during the war with Spain. In 1899, he trans ferred to the Signal Corps and left the service a year later. In 1901 and 1902 he was an in structor at the Michigan Military Academy and left there to join the Park Police here. He stayed on the force until 1917 when he re-entered the Army as a captain in the Quartermaster Corps and served in Fiance. In 1920 he was made a major and supply officer in the 80th Division at reserve headquarters in Richmond. Leaving the Army that year, he became employed at the old Navy Yard here, retiring in 1927. . Since his wife died two years ago, he has lived with the Bar retts at 5811 Seventh street N.W Services Thursday. He was a Mason and a member of the Woodmen of America, Spanish-American War Veterans, Veterans of Foreign Wars, Mili tary Order of the World War. Military Order of the Serpent, Military Order of Foreign Wars and the National Sojourners. Besides Mrs. Barrett, Maj. Inge is survived by a son, Berkley Inge. jr„ of 1005 Quebec place N.W.; five grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. Funeral services will be held at 1 p.m. Thursday at Fort Myer Chapel. Burial will be in Arling ton Cemetery. Joseph E. Fields, Official Of Chrysler Since 1925 By the Associated Press DETROIT. Mar. 13.—Joseph E. Fields, one of the automobile in dustry's best known elders, died in California last night at the age of 72. Chrysler Corp., of which Mr. Fields was a director for 24 years, reported his death. Mr. Fields had a winter home in Palm Springs, Calif. Mr. Fields, who retired in 1943, was an associate of the late Wal ter P. Chrysler. He had been a vice president since the company’s founding in 1925. He was a sales expert. A native of Fargo, N. Dak., Mr. Fields spent his early yeai's in the farm implement business. Sub sequently he was with National Cash Register at Dayton, Ohio, and with Chalmers, Hupp and Liberty Motors. As Chrysler’s first director of sales, Mr. Fields was credited with the sale of 32,000 of5 Chrysler’s first car model, said to be a record for the first year of any new car. —Stuckey Photo, j HARRY K. GREEN. crippling effects of arthritis made it increasingly difficult for Mr. Green to get about, he asked the State Compensation Board to re duce his salary by $1,000 because illness had kept him away from his office. In Demand as Speaker. For years he was president of the Association of Commissioners! of Revenue of Virginia and was! on the Executive Committee at the time of his death. Before; failing health curtailed his activi ties, he was much in demand as a public speaker. The commisisoner took an ac-j tive part in the establishment of j a county manager form of gov ernment for Arlington. The first of its type to be adopted in the United States, it went into effect in 1932. Mr. Green was born in Lees burg, Va., and attended the Lees burg Academy and the Spencerian Business College here. For sev eral years he was associated with an uncle here in the dental in strument business. In 1903 he married the former Anna A. Rohr of Charles Town. W. Va. They moved to Arlington 43 years ago and lived in the same house during all that time. Nearly 50 Years a Mason. Mr. Green had completed near ly 50 years in Masonry and was grand master of Masons in Vir ginia in 1932. He was a life member of Federal Lodge No. 1 in Washington. In Virginia, he belonged to Columbia Lodge No. 285, of which he was a past mas ter: Cherry dale Lodge No. 42, Glebe Lodge No. 181 and the Ar lington Royal Arch Chapter No. 35. He also was affiliated with Mary Washington Chapter No. 50. Order of the Eastern Star. Mr. Green was a member and one of the founders of the Com munity Methodist Church in Ar lington. He was on the board of directors of the Arlington Trust Co. and a member of the Na tional Association of Assessing Officers. Besides his wife, he leaves a son. H. Bruce Green, clerk of the Arlington Circuit Court, and a daughter, Mrs. Virginia Foltz, both of the home address; six grandchildren, and one great grandchild. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Thursday in the Commu nity Methodist Church. Burial will be in Columbia Gardens Cemetery, Arlington. Tire body is resting in the Ives funeral home, Arling ton. -r J. Leonard Orem, Employe Of Real Estate Company J. Leonard Orem, 66. a real estate salesman, died yesterday at his home. 723 Quackenbos street N.W. He had been ill for a year. Mr. Orem was born in Reed ville, Va., and came here 35 years ago. For the last 19 years he was associated with the Marshall J. Waple Co., a real estate firm at 1224 Fourteenth street N.W. He was a Mason and a member j of the Shriners. Surviving are his widow. Mrs. Julia C. Orem: two daughters, Mrs. Edwin A. Barger of the home address, and Mrs. Robert J. He bexde of Richmond, and two grandchildren, Richard and Bar bara Hebei'le. Funeral services will be held at 11 a.m. tomoiTow in the Deal funeral home, 4812 Georgia ave nue N.W. Burial will be in Cedar Hill Cemetery. Paul Newton, Once Headed WPB Machinery Division Paul Newton, former chief of the old War Production Board's Construction Machinery Division, died Saturday at his home in Belleville, Pa., it was learned here today. Funeral services were to Jje held today in Belleville. Mr. Newton, widely known for his work in tjie development and sale of both constnxction and farm machinery, was born in Ithaca, N. Y., and graduated from Cornell Univei’sity. After his service here with the War Production Board he became manager of the Belleville plant of the New Holland Machine Co., a farm machinery manufacturing concern. He later became the managing partner of the State Equipment Co. in Haifisburg and Wilkes-Barre, Pa„ and president of the State Equipment Co., Inc., in Albany and Syracuse, N. Y„ | construction machinery distribu tors. Maj. Gen. H. E. Knight, Began Army Career In War With Spain Maj. Gen. Harry E. Knight, who rose from the ranks, died yester day at Walter Reed Hospital after a two-week illness. He was 74. Gen. Knight, who lived at 2126 Connecti cut avenue N.W., retired in May, 1938, be cause of illness. He was born in Elizabeth. N. J. He attended Montclair Mili tary Academy and Lehigh University. Soon after the opening of the w’ar with Spain he en listed as a Pli- Gen.Knlrtt. vate in the New York volunteers, A few months later he accepted a commission as second lieutenant of infantry in the Regular Army, Was Infantry Officer. During the Spanish-American War ne served in Cuba as an offi cer of the 1st Infantry. In 1900 he was sent to the Philippines, where he participated in putting down the Philippine Insurrection, Gen. Knight, in World War I, served with the War Plans Divis ion of the War Department Gen eral Staff here. Later he served with the Army of Occupation in Germany. After the war he was in the Of fice of the Chief of Infantry. Ha subsequently became executive of ficer of the Infantry School at Fort Benning and then com manded the 26th Infantry at Plattsburg Barracks, N. Y. On his promotion to brigadier general he took command of the 18th Brigade at Boston. In 1935 Gen. Knight was made assistant chief of staff, serving first in charge of the Military In telligence Division and later as head of the Personnel Division. He was promoted to major gen eral in 1937. Attended Military Schools. Gen. Knight was a graduate of the Infantry-Cavalry School, th« Army War College and the Com mand and General Staff School. He was a member of the Army and Navy Club and Psi Upsilon Fraternity at Lehigh. Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Celeste F. Knight, and two sisters, Mrs. H. S. Mirrielees of Upper Montclair, N. J.. and Miss Grace Knight of New York City. Graveside services will be held at 1 p.m. tomorrow at Arlington Cemetery. Mrs. Knight has re quested that instead of sending flowers donations be made to the Washington Heart Association. Harry 0. Numbers, Aide to Contractor Harry O. Numbers. 66, office manager for an Alexandria build ing contractor, died of a heart attack yesterday at his desk. He lived at Presidential Gardens, Alexandria. Mr. Numbers, a native of Lan caster, Pa., had lived here since 1947. He w-as employed by the Henry A. Cheshire firm, 3834 Mount Vernon avenue. He attended Millersville Nor mal School, Millersville, Pa., and the Pennsylvania Business Col lege, Lancaster and for 11 years was employed as an auditor for the State of Pennsylvania. Mr. Numbers was a 32d degree Mason. A veteran of World War I, he also belonged to the Vet erans of Foreign Wars. He w’as a member of Luther Place Memorial Church here. Besides his widow, Mrs. Mary Jean Numbers, he is survived by a daughter. Mrs. Elinor N. Ber ger of Alexandria: a brother, Guy W. Numbers of 5109 Chevy Chase parkway N.W., and two grandchildren. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Thursday at the Wheatley funeral home in Alexandria. Burial wall be in Arlington Cemetery. Henry Hirth, Official Of Firestone Abroad By the Associated Press BUENOS AIRES. Mar. 13.^ Henry Karl Hirth, 48, newly ap pointed European manager for the Firestone Rubber Co., died early today. Mr. Hirth had been manager Qf Firestone's Argentine company here. He suffered a heart attack last night while attending a fare well party in his honor. He had been due to leave March 16 for Akron. Ohio, en route to his new assignment in Paris. He was a native of Hamburg, Germany. The Holstein cow was imported into the United States in 1857 from Holland. ^(MJMENTS $65 «P MARKERS$25t FALVEY GRANITE CO. INC. fc Established-1886 ,209 UPSHUR ST.N.W \Veor l*** Creek Cemetery W. R. Frank Hines, President Washington's Foremost Funeral Home Since 1373 IBs S.H.Hines Companii 2901-03-03-07 Fourteenth Street N.W. i Columbia 7023-24 No Branch Establishments