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■ typ A Page from the FRANKLIN Cookbook I Ibw h make. Moist,Terrier 1 DEVUS FOOD CAKE CUP THIS RECIPL TOR TOUR PILES jVi teaspoons baking sod* 14 cup warm water Va cup shortening 2 cups Franklin Granulated Sugar 3 eggs, separated • 2Vi cups sifted all-purpose flour 6 tablespoons cocoa 1 cup sour milk or buttermilk % teaspoon vanlll* extract Dissolve baking soda In warm water Cream shortening and Franklin Granulated Sugar You'll find Franklin dissolves quickly, mixes easily. Beat egg yolks; add. Sift together three times flour and cocoa; add alternately with milk to creamed mixture. Add vanilla extract. Beat egg | whites stiff: (old In. Add soda and B water mixture. Pour Into 2 greased f 9" layer pans. Bake In moderately > hot oven. 350°F., 35-40 minutes ? For best results In all your baking. 5 use Franklin Sugar and get; FRANKLIN'S “FAMOUS FIVE"ADVANTAGES S 1. 100% Fur* Sugar Cans Sugar 2. Extra-Fin* Granulated 3. Foit-Diisolving 4. Froo-Mixing 9. Enrich*! Food Flavor! FRANKLIN Pare SUGAR CANE Sugar 27 Radio-TV Awards Are Made to Network Stars and Programs By th« Associated Press NEW YORK, May 8.—The Academy of Radio and Television Arts and Sciences has awarded “Michaels” to 27 stars and pro grams. The awards—similar to the mo tion picture “Oscars”—are made for outstanding achievement in the network radio and television industry. Presentations were made last night at a dinner at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel. Proceeds of the dinner, expected to be abou* $40,000, will go to united cerebral palsy’s $5 million May campaign. New awards went to 11 of last year’s initial winners. The repeat ters were: Milton Berle, television come mail, iuum ui uic xuwu, lcic vision variety program: Philco Playhouse, television dramatic program: John Cameron Swayze, television news commentator; Walter Winchell, adjudged best consistent radio news commenta tor; Jack Benny, radio situation comedy; Groucho Marx, radio comedian: Homer Pickett, radio producer-director; Dinah Shore, female vocalist; the Telephone Hour, radio classical music pro gram, and Theater Guild on the Air. radio dramatic program. Winning their first "Michaels” were the Alan Young Show, tele vision situation comedy program; Suspense, television mystery pro gram; What’s My Line, television panel quiz; Super Circus, televi sion children’s program: Fred Waring Show, television musi cal variety program; Max Lieb man, television producer-director; Lucky Strike cigarettes, television commercial presentation; Perry Como, male vocalist: Bud Collyer, announcer; Bill Stern, sportcaster; Sam Levenson, most promising television star; Edward R. Mur row, news interpretation: Dragnet, radio mystery program; Quiz Kids, radio children’s program: Amer ican Forum of the Air, forum pro gram, and Meet the Press, discus sion program. The academy also presented sev en special citations to the Ke fauver Committee, for national BY DELUXE CONSTELLATION-TYPE CLIPPER* This h the Rft—just 3 hours from New York by Clipper! Seeing the sights is so much fun when you’rt Jogging along in a Victoria with the fringe on top! Only Pan American— • gives you a choice of both deluxe and tourist air service to Bermuda ... Your round-trip fare includes connecting airline be tween Washington and New York. ® offers 300-mile-an-hour, luxuri ous Constellation-type Clippers to Bermuda. Daily flights ... special $99 round-trip fare.* • provides the benefit of 12 years* experience flying to Bermuda. That’s the kind of experience you can put your confidence in! • flew 47,034 Bermuda passengers last year-more than twice as many as any other airline. *Tr»d*M«**, Rtf C. I. Fat. Off. m — mu AND ALSO DAILY -fcfch Si&u/ictr onLj 85 JL You can leave any day of die week : I. Ply to New York by connecting airline—to Bermuda by DC-4 Clipper. Save $41 over the regular $126 round-trip fare. One-way tourist fare is now $50 Call your Travel Agent or Republic 5700 Tie'r*t °*‘*: C«rt»«f Burtdmj, It I K StrMtt, N.W. Pan American World Airways K- WORlrtS MOST EXPERIENCE* AIRLINE . ..,^Trl I Stanton Park Citizens Protest Gas Case Fee t The Stanton Park Citizens Association last night joined ir protesting fees for attorneys whc successfully fought a gas rate in crease here. The members approved a mo tion “oppossing acceptance of any compensation by the president or any other members of the Fed eration of Citizens’ Associations for services performed as a civic duty for the federation.” The action stemmed from $55,000 in fees and $12,000 ex penses awarded Herbert P. Lee man, Vernon V. Baker and "Wil liam A. Roberts last week. Mr Leeman is president of the federa tion. Judge T. Alan Goldsborough or dered the fees paid to the lawyer' out of the $1,250,000 refund for public service; Bob Hope. Amer icanism, Arthur Godfrey “Mr Mike”; Eddie Cantor, humani Barry Gray. Rublic af & IrTg Mansfield. Television du ZT !p’ and Dr- Allen B Du Mont, pioneer television award consumers of the Washington Gas Light Co. The group also urged,an appro priation to restore the six child day-care centers here. The association expressed grati tude that Pvt. Joseph Junghans of No. 9 Precinct had been selected fo: a special policeman of the month award. The association sponsored Pvt. Junghans for the award. This was the final meeting of the group until next September. Gateway Citizens Hit Compulsory Health Plan The National Gateway Citizens’ Association last night supported a resolution submitted by the Chevy Chase Citizens’ Association condemning compulsory health in surance. The association held its final meeting of the season in the Church of Christ, Twenty-eighth and Douglas streets N.E. Lefejo-lo-ffiat lOonderful spot urficre ue had such Of course! Meet me ef the Staffer!^ t ■ 'I ★ I STEVE 1 KISLEY and hit orchestra :i i ★ 3 FOR FINE FOOD—HERE’S A GOOD SUGGESTION: Breast of Chicken and Vir ginia Ham in Cream with S AsparagusTipsSousCloche. it (Entrees begin at $2.00) Embassy Room HOTEL STATLER f STQBM milY1 lgyF.lMiEMk MURINE Monarch I . For The II II msopiEsi™ m_"i TODAY thru THURSDAY ONLY! -- --- __ I i * * PONDS TISSUES 1 Box IQc 1 of 300_ |y I Johnson's PASTE WAX I 85e CQc J PflunH J 2r IAMMIDENT UIIU 50c MENNEN Ammoniated IV1 U IV* RARY TOOTH CREAM ST, , POWDER DEODORANT O I L I 39'c “—37c 33' I ~ vlu* tax pius tax LAVORIS WILDROOT •ssr hVr" WAin . TONIC 50c Size "™!1 iomU.K-. J/./o Value Oc I T"T, 12 by 12 Inch Size WASH CLOTHS \10c Value 7< M Each VI SYNERAL DROPS &C $019 1 45 «e Abbotts DAY AM IN MULTIPLE VITAMINS $0.69 $4.95 Bottle of 100 CARTERS Little *)lc Pills, 33c Size I ^ ZINC ' Oxide f OINTMENT f 25c Tube f Ac 30c EDWARDS ai |VF SOe Pe°pu* V/l"1 V C Aromatic TABLETS SPIRIT of Tin of 30 Ammonia 3-Ounc«* 23c