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Good news for Mother's Day shoppers! MOJUD \ stockings at new low prices! Special "3-Pair" Sale at both Harris Stores! 0.90 3 Prs. 1.45 Mojuds w 3 Prs. 1.65 Mojuds 4 «• ^ Make a handsome gesture! Give Mother three, six or a dozen pairs of Mojuds. At these prices, it's easy! Glamorously sheer Mojuds take a world of wear because extra give and springback is knitted right in. Proportioned leg sizes for smooth, perfect fit. » JOSEPH B. HARRIS » Experienced Advertisers Prefer The Star Secrets of Charm Carry Head Beautifully By John Robert Powers iof your neck appears longer than There is powerful appeal in a the front- you can be certain that well-carried he.d. Its one char- ™at" SSr1'"1 ^ actenstic that models, movie stars ^ .. , Raise your head until the un and all distinctive women have in derside of your chin is parallel to common. It is also the preventive the floor and the tip of your ear and antidote for crepy neck and lines UP directly over your shoul double chin-two dreaded dis- der blade’ j*0"' your Posture fault x XT . !s corrected—yes, it’s that easy! toiteis of beauty. Not age, but Maintain this position as you go fprmTnPQ y thpC&™ head dej about your daily duties, and you termines the youthfulness and win SOon see a noticeable improve beauty of your neck and chin. ment in your neck and jaw con Why do so many persons let tours their heads jut forward and down- You can hasten this happy mo ward? Bpprukp nf thp h PQ H ’c ment Kv rtnmViinmn AVAM»{n« ...UU weight (10 pounds or more) and correct posture. One of the best the delicacy of the neck bones and for tightening the muscles and muscles which must support it. skin of the neck is this: Lie flat But if you give in to this tendency, on your back on the floor. Raise soon the muscles in your neck will your head very slowly off the floor, slacken—so will your jawline— being sure to point your chin di and then you’ll be seeing a double rectly toward the ceiling. Then, chin in your mirror. lower your head very, very slowly Are you already plagued by such and relax. Repeat 10 times daily, a woe? Much can be done to ef-j All heads turn toward the worn face it by a simple posture correc- an with a magnificently-poised tion. Let me show you exactly how head. That flattering attention you should hold your head: might just as well be yours! Stand so that you can see a j _ sharp reflection of your profile in -your ideal measurements." a large mirror With the aid Of a This easy-to-use table shows you how hand mirror Tf mil oro calculate your ideal measurements from liana mirror, il }OU are nolding head to toe. Its use will make figure re your head correctly, your necki?d-,'J5tments Bnd »ccurate For a i_„i, . .Ifree c°Py of “Your Ideal Measurements” Will 100k the Same length in front send a self-addressed. stamped envelope as in the back. But if the back Evening" ma°r'rt Powers ln c,r' of The Poetry Influence By Angelo Patri No child should grow up with out being influenced by poetry. Children are susceptible to influ ences of beauty in their early years and that influence creates a taste for lovely thoughts, de lightful images, musical language. It opens the way for spiritual de velopment. makes the minri re. ceptive to thoughts that reach be yond the drab actualities of this world. That is something that, lasting a lifetime, makes trouble seem lighter the harsh facts of! life take on softer outlines and finer meaning. People need to free themselves, now and then from the demands of living. The household routine, the same yesterday, today, year after year, its interruptions of ill ness, disappointment, unrewarded effort, becomes a bit dreary. Tc read a poem, to remember one that brings beauty of thought, image, music and language, is to open a door to a world where care is but a shadow, trouble a pass ing cloud, delight immediate and fulfilling. There is a great wealth of poetry within reach of anybody who cares to stretch out his hand for it. Open the Bible to the Twenty-third Psalm and read it aloud. “Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil.” Read it slowly and listen to the music, to the faith and neaee nf it Read to the restless child who does not want to sleep Stevenson s; “A Child’s Garden of Verses," especially the poem in which the child complains about having “to go to bed by day.” Read him some of A. A. Milne’s verses. The rhythm, the rhymes, the lovely words themselves, will send him to sleep with a good taste for life in his mouth. Older children, once their relish for poetry has been cultivated, will like to listen to poetry thar is read, read well, by their teach er. Ballads, narrative poems, selec tions from the great poets, if read properly to children, dis cussed with them, will influence their attitudes, their tastes, their language. i Start the little children on Mother Goose, advance to the easiest of Lear’s nonsense verses, to Milne’s, then to Stevenson, Longfellow, Noyes, and the rica field that stretches on and on before them. Poetry is the language of the1, spirit. Let us not forget about it ! blend of Mallinson spun rayon with a look of sheer linen: “Linisette," the fabric that's airy and lovely in new, new shades! left to right: J White-piped Casual, a town-or- \ country classic with deep unpressed front pleat giving it soft grace. / Coral pink, hemlock green, foam of beige Or navy. 12 to 18. \ Scooped-neck Afternoon Style with c/ eye - appealing lattice - work trim | . . . slim-lined and lovely for any occasion. Aqua or coral pink with I white, white with coral. 10 to 16. / \ Two-piece Suit Dress, your perfect traveler, career or vacation-wise, / with stitched braid-like trim. of Hemlock green, tobacco brown, 1 XXjob-to(xeDx/ By Eleni Fashion Editor It’s your approach to the warm weather that determines whether you win or lose the battle of the torrid days ahead. An organized appear ance can aid tremendously in combating the heat. Sometimes it takes only a little item to perk up your spirits on a hot summer day. It may be a pair of bright, white gloves. It might be a new hat worn at just the right angle. It could be a complete outfit so well put together that it gives you joy to wear it. A navy blue butcher linen duster trimmed in white is both a sophisticated and a wise summer purchase. It is dark, does not show every smudge immediately, and'can top all your summer clothes when you want an “organized look” for town wear. Novelties can add a lot of Si wmmsmsmmrneesssmimsmmi fun to your summer outlook. Take for example, the little round straw handbag. It’s “different” looking, holds a goodly supply of cosmetics, etc., and will go beautifully with all. your summer cos tumes. Or you might like a birdcage handbag” with your favorite silk square tucked in side for “carry-all” purposes. That’s one way to add color to your costumes and achieve an original fashion approach. Our pictured hat is a new silhouette in the Panama hat lineup. This breton has a whited jeweled flower trim ming the stark black velvet band. Designed by Knox, it is just one of a collection being featured by an F street shop. Call Sterling 5000, extension 395, between 9 and 4:30, for shopping Information. Fashion Show In Havana Eleni, Fashion Editor of The Star, is in Havana to attend he “international fashion show’ o be held today at ,the Hotel 'Jacional. Sponsored as a charity >enefit by Creche Habana Nueva he city’s outstanding organization or work among children, the ■how will feature summer style? or 1951, staged in lavish tropical lettings by a Washington depart nent store in a co-operative indertaking with one of the arge airlines. The show will be filmed, and vill be shown subsequently on elevision here in Washington, and tfter its Havana premiere the en ,ire show will be returned to Washington, to be repeated at the ocal store on May 25. rake Your Choice You can take your choice of louring or not flouring your meat vhen you’re preparing a pot roast: jut whichever method you use. be >ure to brown the meat well in a ittle fat before adding the liquid, rhorough browning helps to make ich gravy. Baby’s cotton wrappers, knit ihirts, and flannel nighties may be vashed easily in the washing nachine, like any other cotton. Recipe Notebook Rhubarb Conserve Spring is a jam-making sea ;son, too, and here is a favorite i quickie recipe for “Rhubarb Con | serve”—as pretty to look at as it | is good to eat. I Rinse and drain 1 cup of seed less raisins. Cut 1 pound of cleaned rhubarb into 1-inch pieces. Combine with */2 cup of water % cup of crushed pineapple, 2 cups of granulated sugar and the raisins. Cook until the mixture is of conserve consistency—that is, the liquid should sheet from the spoon. Add y2 cup of finely shredded, blanched almonds for the last 10 minutes of cooking. Pour into sterilized glasses and seal. Especially delicious with little hot biscuits for supper! Roast Kid In our Southwest, as well as in the Eastern countries of the world, a roast kid is considered a delicacy far superior to lamb or mutton. In Mexico it is done to perfection. Get the butcher to order for you one leg of kid, with the chops on. Make incisions all over the meat, and stuff into each one a barb of bacon and a sliver of garlic. Mix together some salt, pepper, a bay leaf, minced fine, and one onion, minced. Rub this mixture over the entire surface of the meat. Mix 2 tablespoons of melt ed butter with 1 tablespoon of seeded raisins and % cup of ma deira. Put the leg of kid in a paper bag, and pour in the madeira mix ture. Start baking at a high tem perature, then reduce heat, and roast as you would a leg of lamb of equal poundage. t * Veal With Tarragon If there is a hot house or herb farm in your neighborhood, it will pay you to purchase a little pot of fresh tarragon, which is indis pensable around the well-ordered kitchen. You may use it to make super Sauce Beamaise—or even to dress up a bit of leftover veal. Like this: Melt 2 tablespoons of butter in a pan and stir in un til well blended 2 tablespoons of flour. Let the flour brown—but be sure that it does not burn Add a eup of water and half a eup of dry white wine, and season well with salt, pepper and imported paprika. Keep stirring until the sauce is nice and smooth. Now add slices of cooked veal, with 2 tablespoons of chopped fresh tarragon. Reduce the heat and simmer for & hour. Serve the sliced veal hot with the sauce poured over. <* 4* t Moccasin-easy ^ OLDMAINE TROTTERS I pay their way in looks and service Step into the busiest shoes ever—OLDMAINE TROTTERS make you certain to say: Let's walk! Supple polished leather uppers glove your foot and snug your heel . . . flexible leather soles make light of all extra miles. 1 Handsewn vamp originals—sizes 4 to 10. 1 1 m Buckle Moc kick off in brown.