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LADIES CONFIDENTIALLY We ell know that a properly fitted corset helps the office worker and housewife do more efficient work. The correct cor set lift supports the abdomen and gives the back marvelous support, which helps you finish the day without that tired feeling. Come in or call for appointment with our lady fitter. Also fitters for men's trusses and supports. Consult Kloman about elastic stockings, anklets, knee caps, back and abdominal supports, also trusses. KLOMAN INSTRUMENT CO. 1822 Eye St. N.W. Opp. Doctors Hospital Phone NA. 6566 HOURS: Dally 8:30 A.M. to A P.M.. SATURDAY: 8:30 A.M. to 1 F.M. Thompson's Dairy Recalls '80s In Marking 70th Anniversary With a background reminiscent of the 1880s, District officials, civic leaders and newspaper executives I yesterday joined in celebrating the 70th anniversary of Thompson’s Dairy. About 75 persons attended a luncheon in the plant, 2012 Eleventh street N.W. The meal was notable for its quantity of milk, butter, cottage cheese salad and whipped cream, all Thompson i products. The D. C. Keys, in striped-blazers and plaid trousers, added the musical touch with their barber shop songs. Girls in brightly color 1880 dresses and bonnets were on hand to greet guests. Photographs re calling the early days of the dairy and exhibits of its milk-processing system decorated the hall. Arthur L. Thompson, president o^ the company, spoke of the founding and growth of Thomp son’s. According to Mr. Thomp son, it was in February, 1881, that John S. Thompson took a par tially blind horse arid wagon and began deliveries in Washington. Five weeks later he was deliver ing 15 gallons a day. Today Thompson’s has 161 routes and delivers 27,000 gallons of milk a day. Jackson Weaver. WMAL an nouncer, was master of cere i monies. After the luncheon guests inspected the plant, which will be operA to the public from 6:30 to 9 o’clock tonight through Friday. Raleigh Gilchrist Elected By Forest Hills Citizens The Forest Hills Citizens’ As sociation held its final meeting of the season last night and elected officers for the ensuing year. xuc new uiuuud aie rvaicign Gilchrist, president; Joseph Mc Collum, vice president; Franklin T. Baldwin, secretary; Edward L Springer, treasurer; Mrs. David W. Wainhouse, recording secre tary, and Joseph A. Kaufman and Mrs. Leslie B. Wright, delegates to the Federation of Citizens Associations. The group met in the home ol' Mr. Kaufman, the retiring presi dent, at 3629 Ellicott street, N.W Taft to Address Dinner Senator Taft, Republican, of Ohio will address the 22nd annual dinner of the Inquirendo at 8 p.m. tomorrow in the Mayflower Hotel. | The Inquirendo is a group of 50 professional men and Government officials who meet twice a month to discuss current events. Furcolo to Address Club Representative Furcolo, Demo crat of Massachusetts will address a special meeting of the Constan tino Brumidi Civic Club at 8:15 p.m, tomorrow in the YWCA, Seventeenth and K streets N.W. I Nurses to Hold Supper Student nurses at Sibley Hos pital will hold a spaghetti supper for the benefit of the senior class from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. tomorrowj in Rust Hall. I You'll never know how good instant coffee can be until you try 1 The only "instant* backed by 87 years of coffee experience Instant Chase & Sanborn is Pure Soluble Coffee with Dextrine, Maltose and Dextrose added Barnard PTA to Install The Bernard PTA will install new officers at its last meeting of the year at 8 o’clock tonight in the school auditorium, Fourth and De catur streets N.W. Viiw-Blocker—Plants himself squarely in front of screen. Only budged by cup of Instant Chase & Sanborn, bio one can resist that grand flavor! TV Mechanic—Expert at mak ing ghosts and snowstorms on anyscreen. Can’t make anything with instant Chase & Sanborn but wonderful cups of coffee. Wife agrees. Station Switcher—Tries every body’s patience—wastes every body’s time? Only thing he saves on is Instant Chase & Sanborn— up to 30^ over pound of ground coffee. New Set Owner—Ends up with neighborhood in living-room. Wife burnt. Solves refreshment problem with pot of Instant Chase & Sanborn. Situation saved! ———-1 ■■ Let Our Experts Do Your Spring Cleaning! Seat bottoms re-webbed chair___0*^ sofa_IT*®® Sofa and 2 chairs Chemi-Foam cleaned 1995 Rugs and Carpets Chemi-Foarn Cleaned, just 8c square foot Don't discard upholstered furniture or rugs because they're grimy, drab, old-looking! Don't be uncomforta ble in those sagging sofas and chairs another day! Let our experts restore their original beauty, usefulness, comfort. They'll do it right there in your home. No fuss, no inconvenience, no waiting! Phone today for an appointment NA. 5100, Ex. 5669 THE HECHT CO. 0 b ' Lansburgh's... Tomorrow! See an exciting fashion line-up for summer in town, for weekends, vacations! You'll be saying, "Make mine a McKettrick"! % 'Fashions of the Hour"... Wednesday, 11 A.M., 2 P.M., 4 P.M. Second Floor of Fashions Come meet Sheila Hawkim ... in person .. . McKettrick's own stylist. She'll give you fashion tips on everything that's new, accessory change-abouts, on looking fresh and cool all sum mer long! Left to right: Bora-top dress with stole to wrop so many enchanting ways! Shadow plaid cotton: navy, brown or green predominating. Skirt has giant pocket! Misses' sizes 10 to 18 included__1_14.95 Shirtwaist dress in Celanese* rayon Sondswept, crisp as potato chips! Demurely scalloped collar and hipline pockets. Lilac, aqua, pink. Women's half-sizes 16 Vi to 24 Vi included_14.95 Sheer, breezy-cool voile . . . prettily fagotted for even more open-air coolness! Shirt-dress with billowy-full skirt. Navy, deep green, black pnd grey. Misses' sizes 12 to 20 included_14.95 Scoop-neckline dress done up in check sheer cotton . . . pink, aqua or rnaize . . . plus contrasting spun bolero jacket. Wear the dress alone, end the jacket with other dresses! 10 to 20 included_12.95 Dreamy shirt-dress in sheer, peekaboo voile with detachable white or gandy collar. Push-up sleeves, triple-tucked skirt- Grey, forest green er black. Sizes 10 to 18 included_14.95 ^ • See 20 dazzling styles designed for misses and women! • Famous-name fabrics! Celanese* and Bur-Mil rayons, Dan River Wrinkl-shed cottons, pure Irish linens, pure silk shan tungs, Egyptian voiles (Tebelized* for crease resistance). * All the right colors to fit into your personal color scheme * Shapeliness in every line to do your figure justice! * Beautifully finished inside and out, easy to care for! •Rett. a. S. Pat. Off. 1095 to 1995 LANSBVRGH'S—.Misses’ and Women's Dresses—Second Floor X > 7