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B-16 THE EVENING STAR, Washington, D. C. _TUESDAY, MAY 8. 1961 ADAM A. WESCHLER & SON Auctioneers-Appraisers ATTRACTIVE SALE OF NEW HIGH-GRADE ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES, LIONEL TRAINS FANS AND ACCESSORIES Consigned To Us In Original Cartons Large Assortment of Late Model Fans, Including Desk, Floor, Window and Emerson 24-Inch Ad justable Pedestal Types; by G.E., Westinghouse, : Vornado and others. Universal Half-H.P. Power Drill || Portable Electric Sewing Machine li BY AUCTION : (In Detail) L at WESCHLER’S 905 E ST. N.W. i SATURDAY May 12, Commencing 10 A.M, \ Late Model Lionel and American Flyer Train Sets, Accessories and Construction Sets. Also I Appliances include Toastmaster and other Pop-up Toasters, Toast master Hospitality Sets; Mixmasters, Percolators, Waffle Irons; Automatic and Travel Irons, Coffee Makers, G. E. Clocks, Remington ;c Shavers, Fire Extinguishers, Flashlights, Lanterns, Floor Waxers, r Westinghouse Hand Vacuum Cleaners, Motor Tools, Portable Drills, J Door Chimes, Fountain Pen Sets, Leather Pocketbooks, etc. a Autographic Counter Register s ELECTRIC TWO-BURNER RANGE it On View, May 9-10-11It --—-c c Look Cool.. r ii feel Cooler.. ; c c r c s s 1 Flexees has the grandest solution for your cool comfort , with shapelier corves... it's Coo hire! Welcome as air-condi tioning on torrid days, this sheer, open-weave . Nyralon mesh with leno lastique is Flexees-fashioned ^ Into beautiful Bras, Girdles, Pantie Girdles, Combinations—all magnolia-white—perfect * with your sheer fashions. CSoom your Cooloiro today , ... your fovoriU itorol COOLAIRE STRAPLESS BRA: $2.95. GIRDLE (also Pantlek <8.93 ^ > ^ Movie Cameras Will Grind Here As Ringling Show Opens May 15 Frank Braden has now made spring official. Mr. Braden, as any circus fan night suspect, is the fast-talking nan of the Ringling Bros, and 3arnum & Bailey Circus. Arriving in Washington yester iay, Mr. Braden not only could joast of the usual stupendous super-spectacles, but also of s vhole cast of Hollywood, charac ers on hand for the circus. First signs of spring, circus va iety, will reach Washington early Friday when two circus trains iarrying the Ringling tent city ar rive from Sarasota, Fla., for the opening appearance of the circus inder canvas. The big show itself will roll in rom Boston early May 15—open ng day of the circus. m iivuig irom nouywooa me ame day will be Cecil B. De Mille nd the cast filming Paramount’s The Greatest Show on Earth.” imong them are Betty Hutton, \ Georgetown Progressives lack D. C. Vote Bills The Progressive Citizens’ Asso iation of Georgetown last night eiterated its stand in favor of ome rule for the District by in orsing the Kefauver-Taft bill and sveral other bills introduced in iie House. The association also favored na ional representation and urged he Senate and House District ommittees to hold early hearings n the bills. In another action, the associa lon sent a letter to the District ■ommissioners, urging them to •Move some 10,000 outdoor privies 1 the city’s slum districts. The group voted to contribute 250 to help defray costs of the ;cent bicentenary celebration in reorgetown. Grosvenor Chapman, president, onducted the meeting in the arish hall of Christ Episcopal hurch, Thirty-first and O streets ;.w. New Zeland’s price program eeks to hold butter, milk, bread nd flour at the present retail ?vels. Imported or Domestic LIGHTING FIXTURES We her* one of tile Ixrteit end most complete eelectlone of llchtlnc fix ture! to the Weibtncton tree. Vases Wired Into Lam fit Cotlin's New York Are. 1124 N. Y. Ave. N.W., NA. 0992 oAmerica’s II MOST DISTINGUISHED COUNTRY HOTEL II Ian now for your finest vacation the supremely comfortable II fomestead Hotel, 2,350 feet up n the mountain coolness of the Virginia Alleghenies. Our delight* 11 ul summer climate means extra sleasure from The Homestead's H I iuperb golf courses, tennis courts H1 md other sports facilities ... and ;ome of the beet sleeping since ^B rou were a child. Write for our illus- RI rated folder and full information. « I kvwogi July-Aug. Tpmptraturp it 61.5° HI I ADVERTISEMENT. 10 IRREGULARITY H0W~ IFTER YEARS OF MISERY “For years I had been taking many kinds of laxatives. Then I tried all-bran. It not only keeps me regular ... I really injoy eating it every lay!” Rudy R. \dler, 141020thSt., Miami Beach, Fla. One of many unso icited letters from ill-bran user*, ifou, too, may ex pect to overcome mnstipation due to lack of dietary sulk if you follow this advice: Eat m ounce (about cu p) of crispy Kellogg’s all-bran daily, drink i plenty of water! If not completely ] satisfied after 10 days, return empty I Mrton to Kellogg’s, Battle Creek, Mich, doublx tous momit back! ' **> Jimmy Stewart, Dorothy Lamour, Cornel Wilde, Charles Heston, Gloria Grahame and Lyle Bettger. According to Mr. Braden, any one who can take 'his eyes off the animals and acrobats long enough to look will see the stars all over the circus lot. He said they will be shooting scenes day and night under the big top. And because the show is being Aimed, Mr. Braden added, the costumes will be the most gorgeous ever. He had several other super latives—naturally. The show will be on view from May 15 through May 20 on a two a-day basis—2:15 p.m. and 8:15 p.m.—at Twenty-sixth street and Benning road N.E. Anybody curious about the haunts of movie stars when there’s a circus to see might be inter ested in Mr. Braden’s other inci dental intelligence. The girl members of the Hollywood con tingent will stay in the Hotel Statler, the men in the Mayflower. Seal Awards Tonight Some 78 organizations which participated in the recent Christ mas Seal sale campaign will be' presented Certificates of Merit by the Arlington Tuberculosis Asso ciation at 8 o’clock tonight at the Health Center, 1800 North Edison street. IN NEW YORK... PROM PENN STATION I TO YOUR HOTEL in 33A MINUTES! *r tat fat/ A Private bath A (imitating it. water A 4-ttation radio * tip-raving Sarvidar Rflll'ltrlTlirB WjfiffiyiyM Pfh Avenue and 31st Street (Olntlly appetite Pwm Station! NEW YORK CITY sa root mtmir rum tear The moment you step aboard the new Super Chief, Santa Fe hospitality takes over. Aboard this smoother-riding, all-room train, you'll find new niceties of luxury travel, the distinctive Turquoise Room . .. the for turquoise room Fred Harvey', famous food ... and, as your hosts, the Santa Fe “courtesy crew “ * fria*h friJZij dm** jmt N» txtrm dtmrgt Jmr mmnmms, ^ H. N. ECCIESTON, District Passenger Agent, SANTA FE RY. •525 Sboreham Bldg, WASHINGTON i, D.C, Phones; District 7984-5 - ---- NOW! YOU CAN ACTUALLY ENJOY YOUR DEODORANT! Chew away body odors and bad breath in seconds! Both with amazing new Chlorophyll chewing gum! Not just a candy confection—not a pill, liquid, cream or spray —but a delicious new chewing gum called Clorodets! Rids you of body odors and bad breath for full day—both at same time! » ✓ All you do is pop one delicious Clorodet in your mouth in the morning, or any time you eat strong foods, smoke a lot or drink alcoholic beverages, j In seconds, as you enjoy your chew, Nature’s own deodorant—Chlorophyll—aerates odors away! Not a perfume, doesn’t just cover up the odor. In minutes, wonder-working chlorophyll enters your system, purifies your whole body from head to toe! Does not stop perspiration—simply deodorizes it. So you simply can’t offend for 12 to 18 hours! You’re sweet as honey all day and all evening long! Nature’s Deodorant Nowjriple Strength You read about chlorophyll in August Readers’ Digest story, medical journals and other magazines. It’s Nature’s own deodorant. Scientists have now succeeded in concentrating pure chlorophyll to triple strength. This is now contained in Clorodets Deodorant Gum. That’s why Clorodets deodorize every part of your body—mouth, stomach, under arm, feet! Yet Clorodets cost—not $1.25 a package —but only 39c for 15 deodorizing chews! Brightens Teeth—Aids Digestion, Too! Get Clorodets Deodorant Chewing Gum today! See how wonderfully it deodorizes all odors out of your breath and your whole body! See how it brightens your teeth and helps you digest your food at the same time! Get it on money-back guarantee: you must be delighted with the way it keeps you free from offending—or every penny will be returned instantly! Alcohol Breath Disappears In Seconds! Clears’Denture, Garlic, Onion, Tobacco Breath Almost Instantly! You’ll never again fear offending others, once you try Clorodets! Almost the instant you start chewing, Nature’s Deodorant goes right to work—banishes offensives odor from alcohol, tobacco, onions, even garlic! Even in close-ups, your breath is sweet!And—there’s no after-odor from .perspira tion. The same Clorodets actually deodorize your en tire system from top to bottom. Get Clorodets today. i ■ ...... i . Chlorophyll—Nature’s Own Deodorant—That Actually Purifies The Air Itself—Stops Odors Inside Your Body The secret of Clorodets is chlorophyll—the mysteri ous substance in plants that gives leaves their green color. Scientists say this remarkable substance is Nature’s original deod orant—the very substance that makes the air you breathe sweet and pure. In your body, Clorodets Deod orant Gum actually puri fies away all ddors at their source. Most amazing, this action continues all day and evening long! So you know you are protected no matter what the weather, how much you exercise or perspire! Get Clorodets today. “Danced For Hours Yet Never A Fear Of Perspiration Odors, Thanks To Clorodets”—Mary Nelson, Famous Television Dancer “I had to dance for 8 hours under hot light while making my last television picture,” says lovely Mary Nelson, famous television dancer and teacher. “I had no time to take a shower. But I didn’t worry because I just chewed wonderful Clorodets Deodorant Gum —so I knew I couldn’t offend.” Yes, millions bless the wonderful discovery of Clorodets! In amazing scientific tests with chloro phyll, Nature’s deodorant, contained in Clorodets—9 out of 10 perspiring athletes proved body odor was stopped for 12 to 18 hours! So—why take chances with your attractiveness? Ask today for Clorodets Deod orant Gum . . . Only 39c Model Photo for two weeks’ supply. Mod Photo “Raw Garlic For Lunch—But I Met I Customers After With No Fe$r Of Offehding,” says J. V/Lyons, Salesman Mr. Lyons is a busy salesman. He meets dozens of customers every day. Read his true experience: “A special client insisted I try a salad with raw garlic. I couldn’t refuse, even though I had to meet other clients that afternoon. Clorodets saved the day! I just chewed one Clorodet—and not a single customer knew I had that raw garlic for lunch! I’ll never be without Clorodets Deodorant Gum!” Yes—thousands of folks like you, folks who some times eat strong foods, drink alcoholic beverages or smoke too much, are now raving about Clorodets Deodorant Gum. This amazing new kind of chew ing gum actually stops bad breath at its source, inside your body, for a full day! What’s more, Clorodets are delicious to chew—tangy and minty in flavor. Try Clorodets Deodorant Gum today. Try it on the guarantee that you must be delighted with the way your first chew keeps you free from offending—or money back in full. Only 39c for 15 deodorizing chews. * ✓TRIPLE STRENGTH ✓. FASTER ACTING ✓ DEODORIZES F0R]18 HOURS ✓Now.You No Longer Have To Spend $1125 1 '* '■ , -J The amazing new deodorant Chewing GUM CLORODETS Copyright 1931 Dorchester Products €•., Isu.viivSter hwuse, Washington, 0-C. * * r * * . t