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\ Drama News and Reviews 'Mr. Roberts/ Its Zest Intact, Delights Gayety Audience By Joy Carmody Looking back on it last night from seat B-2 at the Gayety.l it was a mistake on everybody’s part three years ago not to have given all the season’s play prizes to “Mr. Roberts." The winner that time was “A Street Car Named Desire,” I and good as it was. it does not reallv eomnare with tho.Thnmas Heggen-Joshua Logan drama of Navy life in the Pacific in 1945. This is a play with everything, high and low comedy, truth that is frequently fine and always blunt, and pride in the uproarious | energy, resourcefulness and indeli cate decency of American seamen No play in years, maybe never, has provided a more hilarious closeup of that side of war which produces heroes in mobs, instead of in small clusters of two or three. Its characters are the crew of the now famous AK-601, men who triumphed over the boredom of transporting equipment to the i relatively fighting few who tri umphed over the Japanese. It is one of the theater’s fine, soul-satisfying evenings and the citizens who neglects to see it might have a shiver of doubt as to his complete loyalty. Loyalty to the duty he owes himself, that is. * * * * It makes no difference to anyone, except the fanatical Henry Fonda fans that his old role of Mr. Rob erts is now being played by Tod Andrews. Mr. Roberts is a far big ger man than any one actor and while he asks a lot of the one who impersonates him, it is an I LUZIANNE Famous Southern COFFEE 'Maq’tudet 1138 Conn. Are. N.W. 4860 Mom. At*. N.W. 1357 Wise. Are. N W. HURRY! SPECIAL THIS WEEK! DMK «g8 Learn to dance the amazingly simple Dale Speed way. Rumba, Foxtrot. Mambo, Waltz, Lin- 1 dy, and Samba. , Come in or phone TODAY 1 for a FREE , trial leiton. 710 14th St., near G Street, 8th FI. i NA. 2-2402 i Nationally Famona for Over 30 Tear* I with Studios In Major Cities 11 a. m. to 10 p. m. _ MR. ROBERTS,” a comedy drama In two acts, by Thomas Heggen and Joshau Logan, produced by Leland Hay ward. directed by Mr. Logan with set tings by Jo Mielziner. At the Gayety. The Cast: Chief Johnson Ted Jacques Lieutenant (jg) Roberts Tod Andrews Doc _ Robert Ross Dowdy _ Steve Morrowr The Captain_ Rusty Lane Insigna __Ted Beniades Mannion _Steve Holland Lindstrom _Gene Darfler Stefanowskl_Prank Aletter Wiley '_Don Dubbins Reber •_ Metro Welles Ensign Pulver___Lawrence Blyden Dolan . _ Ray Parker Gerhart _ Thomas Walsh Lieutenant Ann Girard Sara Anderson Shore Patrolman _ Louis Crlss Military Policeman _Mendall Scott Shore Patrol officer _Hal Riddle honor and a delight that cannot fail to inspire any performer. Andrews is a superb Mr. Roberts, a credit to a great average Ameri can. and he is supported by as lusty a crew as fought fate to a standstill. To a man. they are playing "Mr. Roberts” to its original hilt, a pro fane, unabashed revelation of how it was with the men who saw their jobs as one of transporting toothpaste and toilet paper through the watery wastes of the Pacific. No group of players ever created a more vivid impression of enjoying the ribald jests that kept them from going mad with boredom. This even created the vaguely uneasy impression at times that rhov nmrrv Ipcc ahnuf. tho temnn jf the play than they should to| ?et the final curtain down at a reasonable time. If this sounds even faintly! rhurlish, consider it never was! said. * * * * The surprising freshness of “Mr. Roberts” probably should not be surprising at all. It stems from ;he fact that the Heggen-Logan sharacters are solid individuals rhey are an enormously busy lot if men, fighting listlessness with i fury that would do credit to men lighting a more material enemy They are led in this fight by i remarkable human being in ‘Mr. Roberts.’’ He likes his fel low men and the affection is mu :ual. He respects their rights to sum telescopes and other visual aids on nurses’ quarters on a nearby island, to hate the tyran nical captain, to wreck any shore an which they are given shore leave, and their right not to work when work is really not impor ;ant. Anything they can do to turn wretchedness into a wonderfu’l ;ime—especially for audiences^-is ill right with him. The fact isj ihat he will help them in all ways! aossible, especially fighting back with the captain, helping the ihip’s doctor to make and con-1 lume explosive alcohols, and earn ng an “E” for excellence in their ifficial duties. The dialogue accompaniment of hese antics is a tribute to the >lunt simplicity and expressive-, less of the English language. Ail hree-letter words are called! hree-letter words and ever so nany others of more letters come langerously close to the same ilunt treatment. It would have been sheer injus ice to such an honest, decent and II HI I JO Restaurant & Garden H21II 7th & K Streets S.W. A llfllih V Specializing In »•» LARGE MAINE LOBSTERS W We Are Now Serving Shad Roe W "Also Fresh Shad" • "HUSH PUPPIES” With Yoor Meal Upon Request HAVE YOUR LUNCHEONS AND DINNERS In Haifa Hiatoric Gaa Light Atmoaphere SEE THE ORIGINAL BAR AND DINING ROOM AS tr WAS AT THE TURN OF THE CENTURY. "THE FRESHEST OF SEA FOOD" Our Variety of 75p Special Luncheons # up Upstairs Dinlnq Rooms for Private Parties Steaks • Chops • Chicken • Mixed Drinks Open Daily Except Sunday, 11 tu 11 . ME. S1S9 ME. 8S80 Mrs. Frank C. Hall, Prop. i 1 XJUj&u Lipstick by 17 beauty-right shades that • gire you new lip.tUun! 2 4 color-right cases that har * moniae with^your costume! Yes, you can be lovelier —without extravagance with Park * Tilford Cosmetics. They are superior in quality .; i superfine in color and texture ... exciting in what they do for you! ■ - 1 -- MOTHER-HERE’S THE GRANDEST BABY SKIN CARE EVER INVENTED! New, Sanitary, 6-Way Protection Checks I Diaper Odor, Diaper Rash Called magic because it works magic—New Mennen Baby Magic Skin Care! Every application checks diaper odor—checks diaper rash— cleanses—soothes—smooths— beau tifies! Contains a wonder-working ingredient—protective“Purateen.” Nursery-Safe Squeeze-Bottle No mess, no waste motion, with the ■oft, unbreakable Squeeze-Bottle! It’s safer—more sanitary. Fast dispensing. Comes in charming colors for baby’s room. Mothers Borrow from Babiesl What’s good for baby is good for you! Mennen Baby Magic is so luxurious, so fragrant and fast absorbing— mothers love it for personal use. As a hand lotion powder base; to help prevent chapping. Buy a bottle for your dressing table, one for the kitchen, one for the nursery. After baths and at diaper time, treat your baby to Mennen Baby Magic. Start today 1 only 49p ■HP - ADVENTURESS—Evelyn Keyes has an important part in the intrigue which makes up the melodrama on “Smuggler’s Island,” starting tomorrow at Keith’s._ imaginative man as Mr. Roberts to substitute any less accurate speech. Playwrights Heggen and Logan were even less tempted ini this respect than the history-mak- '• lng authors of "What Price Glory” j after World War I. The result is never quite so shocking as it is funny, and this , is as it should be. ' * * * * There is far more of depth to "Mr. Roberts” than is suggested in its renown as a comedy. It is a play of many moods and with a lot to say of the relationships be tween men at war, of understand ing and friendship, and of the multitude of , differences whicr. cannot keep nien apart from one j another. It demands more of its actors ' than a skill in uprorarious com edy. It gets no less than it de mands from everv one in the cur- 1 rent cast, most conspicuously to . be sure from Andrews In the title : role. Robert Ross is equally ex- ' pert in the simpler shading of the ship’s Doctor; Lawrence Blydenj1 is riotously youthful as Ensign Pulver; Rusty Lane is magnif:- ' cent as the despicable captain; and a number of the others de serve a mention that space will not permit. Jo Mielziner, the theater’s mas ter-builder, designed the set ot ‘‘Mr. Roberts” and his drab 9K-601 is a Navy transport that will be remembered when thou sands of more spectacular wai vessels have been permanently zippered. Where and When Current Screen Attractions and Time of Showing Stage. Arena—“Mr. Arcularis”; 8:30 p.m. New Gayety—“Mister Roberts”; 8:30 p.m. Screen. Ambassador — “Raton Pass”; 1:35, 3:30, 5:30, 7:30 and 9:35 p.m. Capitol — “Inside Straight”; 11 a.m., 1:45, 4:30, 7:15 and 10:00 p.m. Stage shows: 12:55, 3:40.1 8:25 and 9:10 p.m. Columbia—“Father’s Little Div idend”; 11:00 a.m., 12:45, 2:30,i 5:05, 8 and 9:55 p.m. Dupont—“Border Street”; 1:00,i 3:05, 5:15, 7:25 and 9:35 p.m. Keith’s — “Tokyo File 212”; 11:45 am., 1:45, 3:45, 5:45, 7:45 and 9:45 p.m. Little—“Kind Hearts and Coro nets”; 2:30, 6:05 and 9:45 p.m. Metropolitan—“The Bullfighter and the Lady”; 11:25 a.m., 1:25, 3:30, 5:35, 7:40 and 9:40 p.m. National — “The Mating Sea son”; 11:15 a.m., 1:20, 3:25, 5:30, 7:35 and 9:40 p.m. Palace—“I Can Get It For You Wholesale”; 11:30 a.m., 1:35, 3:40, 5:40, 7:45 and 9:45 p.m. PIX—“The Illegals”; 4:10, 7:10 and 10:20 p.m. Playhouse — “Tales of Hoff mann”; 2:30 and 8:30 p.m. Plaza — “The Mudlark”; 11:00; a.m., 1:10, 3:20, 5:30, 7:40 and! 10 p.m. Trans-Lux — “Second Woman”; 11 a.m., 12:45, 2:35, 4:20, 6:10, 7 :55 and 9:45 p.m. Warner — “Raton Pass”: 11:30 a.m., 1:30, 3:35, 5:35, 7:40 and J:45 p.m. AMUSEMENTS. LAST 3 DAYS! r-L——ThePLnzfi] . ' N Y *Vt At UTH St MlUT HISSt it MOW MHO IRENE DUNNE “SWAN LAKE" ALEC GUINNESS °lso . ‘TROOPING "THI in Technicolor MUDLARK” I Doort Open The Hit io 3o a m ei the Year /[ New Gayety-NOW Evei. 8:30. Matt. Wed-Sat., 2:30 ! Ultnd Htywtrd •»>«rti *T0D ANDREWS* and the Ntw Tori Company i. "HihTer Metis Comtdy by THOMAS HEGGEN t JOSHUA LOGAN jojort MSS • «wt> URL. Linnet HTBflt Eves.: Orch . 4.20; Bal.. 3.60. 3.00. 2.40: 2nd Bale.. 1.20. Mat.: 3:60. 3.00. t.40, 1.80. 2nd Bale., 1.20. -■ ' ■ - _I —■————————————■ ■ in ■ Hollywood Diary Robert Merrill Will Sing In Musical on Broadway -—-By Sheilah Graham ... ■ * ... . . ... . I HOLLYWOOD, j Robert Merrill doesn’t have to j worry too much about his future at the Metropolitan. He will star j on Broadway this fall, anyway, in the musical version of “Casey Jones.” Don’t get Robert wrong,; though. He still hopes to sing at the Met. Victor Mature goes back to Montana to star again in the pic ture in which he broke his leg it’s now titled “Red Skies of Mon tana.” The date is July, and Dick; Widmark and Jean Peters will go, with him. This time Vic will let a stunt man do the stunts. Cornel Wilde is wild to have bis new heart interest, Jean Wal lace, as his lady fair in “Califor-i nia conquest," ana wm maxe a; iest with her directly he finishes, •The Greatest Show on Earth.” |, rhe new movie, a remake of the, jld Douglas Fairbanks starrer, ‘The Caballero,” has just been: jought from the Fairbanks es j :ate. * * * * Since his wife left town, Clark, 3able looks much happier. And lere’s some news about his "Lone Star” picture. For the first time, ilmost, on record, a Texas story s going to be filmed in Texas. Jsually they shoot ’em anywhere :xcept Texas. Deborah Kerr was praying for i miracle to prevent her from! jeing sent abroad again to make mother movie. The “miracle” happened. Her expected Septem- ■ >er baby allows her to enjoy her lew home in the Pacific palisades hat she bought two years ago, md hasn’t lived in for more than! wo months in the meantime.! Slizabeth Taylor may replace Debbie in "Ivanhoe.” Jack Benny has been asked to io a weekly television show, come all. Jack says "No”—not until AMUSEMENTS. f,Washington PrcmiereTOM'Wi All tho ,uspon,o of “ttKCCA“ All tho thrill, of "G*fAT CXPCCTAT/ONS" KATINA •“ DERRICK PAXINOU OtMARNCV m A* (WO'OMO m nnnn nr UUfJUIII DUoonl 7500 <ENDS TODAY: "BORDER STREET"l "KIND HEARTS ★ "DON'T TAKE AND Jr ,T CORONETS" i TO HEART" • 4 CQN&.TIQMP V V_ihtu-m:** j mi dm WOMEN! U rams II DAVID BRIAN • ARLENE OAHL ■ MERCEDES McCAMBRIOGE II BARRY SULLIVAN - PAULA RAYMOND bON CHERRY ^a itf Shaw -THURSDAY “THE LAST OUTPOST" B Tachnkolor ) ■■■[ RONALD REA60N RHONDA flEMINC A ■ ‘ \ On Staff—In Nrsaa ______ f j DAVE APOI.LON other, 1 ^NOW^Op^Tlo!?^^^ ■Hspectacular success story n| 0Ctofa# a| V/fa&4a&; ^*1 SUSAN HAYWARD ^1 DAN DAILEY GEORGE SANDERS -THURSOAY — ■A Cecil B. DeMille’s ^|> “SAMSON & DELILAH” / Technicolor / 1 ■ I \ HEDY. LAMARR * VICTOR MATURC / GEORGE SANDERS ■ ANGELA IANSBURY / A HENRY WILCDXON af ^j’^iWW?r^eel!5s,*V^W I; SpcsckhTract ■I JQaN BENNETT l^' ^iit' l ne gives up nis rauio snow, finu I think Jack will be one of the last left on the air. * * * * Edmund Gwenn will play the . minister in “Brigadoon.” Marge and Gower Champion dance in this picture, with Kathryn Gray son and Howard Keel doing the singing. Metro paid more than 5200,000 for this musical. Sharman Douglas has somet' lates coming up with one of Prin :ess Margaret Rose’s titled beaus —the Earl of Dalkeith, who will!' stay in .the Douglas Fairbanks | LiUlUC UCiC Willie UUUg, UI oil Doug, as he is called in England, makes a couple of movies in Eu rope. Slapsie Maxie Rosenbloom gets' the role of “Big Jule” in the Coast show of “Guys and Dolls.” “I’m a thespis at last,” said Maxie vhen he signed. Released by North American Newspaper Alliance. AMUSEMENTS. MATINEE TODAY AT 2:30 " Tales of i Hoffmann* •tarring MOIRA SHEARER dor by TECHNICOLOR Reserved Seats At Alt Performances. Daily at 2:30-$U0, $1.50 A $1 30 Evening at 8 30-51 20, $1.10. $2.40 «« PLAYHOUSE -1 IJ*h AND H STREETS • ST ES00 kmrntl CONDITIONED _ _AMUSEMENTS. Hold Raton Pass and you hold the Rest of theWest by the Throat* Warner Bros Raton Pass Dennis Patricia Steve MORGAN NEAL COCHRAN Also At Ambassador Open 1 P M The Most Dangerous Game on Earth! BUIIHGHTER a//d de LADY ROBERT STACK . tOY PAGE • GILBERT • mmiuc nctiu ROLAND First Showing in Washington _ Starts THURSDAY I know a hundred socrots and each one is worth my life! T — - EAST COAST PREMIERE—LOEW'S CAPITOL Thurs., Moy 17th (Rhown ) \ The heroes of the 442nd Regimental Combat Team... Starring VAN JOHNSON and the HEROES of the 442nd REGIMENTAL COMBAT TEAM it From M-G-M— Watch for itl ★ I Tu' greatest success of the Paris stage and one a I of the most celebrated of French comedies, full I H of vivacity and uninhibited carefreeness, "Oh! |J I] Amelia " has been brought to the screen without |j II any of its French humor and situations left out. H Kj It is bright, saucy and delightfully naughty. ■ ijj It will delight those who like their mature screen N 11 fare in the Gallic manner. STARTS FRIDAY 1 j Roth's PLAZA I LAST SHOWING TODAY—"TOKYO FILE 212" * PIRATE THE CHINA SEAS* They met In Macao! | ...Where gold smuggler ond pirate... ad venturer j and forsaken woman... fight for the Orient’s stolen riches! i Starring """" " JEFF CHANDLER EVELYN KEYES ! wni. PHILIP FRIEND Sacnilit t) IM LEE • lindei At HD LUDWIG • Nfcd H HD RICHMOWD • IIMBJL UTEIMMHL NOW TOMORROW SMITHS i LAST SHOWINGS TOGAY—"TOKYO FILE 212” ' - — -7-H AMUSEMENTS. AMUSEMENTS._ SEATING IHEWARITTB jfrlASW/'gl fflSpgUjggi AMERICANS FOR HAOANAH i i i MONTOOMtIT MINI CLIFT - MacMAHON «■"** NOVOTNA - «*The SEARCH4 Her#, of lost. fa fhe whole story of fhe most thrilling Odyssey .nee fhe — *"*“ Ixodus of fhe Jews from Egypt—fhe modern exodus of Europe's Jews 'o Ereti Ivoef THE REAL PLACES! THE REAL PEOPLE! THE REAL STORY! TODAY'S NEIGHBORHOOD MOVIES SUNSET DRIVE-IN1"*:;?/ Bel. Columbia Pike and Shirley Hw Open 7:30. Today-Tomor.: BRO CRAWFORD In "ALL THE KING' MEN” (Academy Award winner), pit ROY ROGERS In "TWILIGHT I THE SIERRAS.” at 8:25. $1.00 pit tax a carfull. AIRPORT DRIVE-IN qt lie “CALL ME MISTER" (Tech.), BETT ORABLE. DAN DAILEY, at 9:17 at 11:3o, plus Cartoon. “CRADLE C THE REPUBLIC." On U. 8. Route in Arlington. Eliminate baby sltte Kids Free!! E. M. IOEW S MT. VERNON OPEN AIR DRIVE-IN Rt. 1. 3 Ml. So. of Alex. AL. 7050 Show Starts 8:25 DST. LOUI8 CAI HERN and ANN HARDING In "TH MAGNIFICENT YANKEE." 10:0i 2nd Hit! LORETTA YOUNG an BARRY SULLIVAN In "CAUSE FO ALARM," 8:30. Kids Free. Fr< Candy. Pony Ride and Playgroun for Your Kiddles! (Frl.-Sat.! “TH MATING SEASON.”) FAIRFAX THEATER f°P£°? & '■ABBOTT AND COSTELLO MEET TH INVISIBLE MAN.” PARK SAVANNAH ST. AT 13th ST. S.E. rnnn Block Off Alo. Ave. JO. 2-2233 !ROBERT TAYLOR. ■ AMBUSH.” at 6:3( .0:52. Also ESTHER WILLIAMS. "DUCH ESS OF IDAHO." at 8:00. Tonight o Stage. Auction Night. The auctioneer buy anything and everything. Free Parklni TV Lounge. CAROLINA li^r“■ MELA POWERS. "OUTRAGE." RICHARJ CONTE. "SLEEPING CITY." STANTON *h JOAN CRAWFORD. “HARRIET CRAIG. RONALD COLEMAN. “CHAMPAGNB FOl CAESAR." ClfVI n 2403 Ml. Vernon Ave., UlfUeir Alax> va„ OV. 3560 WE BRING BACK THE BEST ONES! By popular demand we bring you LESLI HOWARD. INGRID BERGMAN. “INTER MEZZO,"_ GEORGETOWN “THE COMMUNITY ART CINEMA.” A Brilliant TECHNICOLOR Triumph! GREER GARSON WALTER PIDGEON In an MGM Classic! “BLOSSOMS IN THE DUST’ Doora Open 5:46 P.M. Feature at 6:00. 7:58 and 9:58 P.M. CIRCLE 2105 Pa. Ave. N.W. RE. 01(4 LINDA DARNELL CHARLES BOYER ll "THE 13th LETTER." at 6-20. 8:05. 9:5C GREENRELT gAnrb VA MD "TARGET UNKNOWN." MARK STEVENS ROBERT DOUGLAS. 7 and 9 p.m. Fairlawn Amusement Co. HIGHLAND 51 GENE TIERNEY, JOHN LUND and THELMA RITTER in THE MATING SEASON " at 6:15. 8. 9:48, ATLANTIC Niehos't‘ A£ ^n,i* GENE TIERNEY. JOHN LUND and THELMA RITTER in "THE MATING SEASON." at 1:05. 3:05. 6:10, 7:16, CONGRESS ™ S ET WILLIAM LUNDIOAN, SUSAN HAY WARD in “I’D CLIMB THE HIGHEST MOUNTAIN." (in Technicolor), at 6:20, 8. 9:4o. _ ANACOSTIA ,4s3eGooAxh<3724,'a S^A,JnH^AcRL?M^MHILG« riwtai. Morlboro Pllce at Di»t. line u Hl 3,31 Parking SST7,Yw?*atBLE DAN DAILEY In afA15. 8 “so16*’ <lD Technlcolor)> LAUREL lau?,l‘ Tzt,laurel 113 BETTY. ORABLE.^ DAN DAILEY In CALL ME MISTER. * (in Technicolor). CAPITOL Capitol Heights, Md. HI. 4740 Double Feature. JOAN FONTAINE JOSEPH COTTEN in "SEPTEMBER AFFAIR, at 6:15. 9:30. LOUIS CAI KEE," at 8™ MAONIPICENT YAN AHKZ Ave. N.W. mam WO. 4600 VAN J0HN80N. JANE WYMAN ATUS H». «. „ The Action Show of the Year_ THEY CDM?RRI?i "THETOUCiHER MHXIONGRGpiujA tile WITH ITY°U CAN'T' GET AWAY FLOWER /in,y Bronch *<4 °nd 1 Flowar A»». JU. 7-7017 Doors Open 6 p.m. Doors Open 6 P.M. That Mother-In Law Picture. “THE MATING SEA SON." with THELMA RITTER GENE TIERNEY 7:00. 9:30. Plus “SEVEN CITIES OF WASHINGTON." 6:1" NAYLOR 28,h 4 A,ab°m° Av»- s.t. nniUVIl y, 4000 P.°°r„5 Open ? P M. VAN JOHNSON, iJANE WYMAN. “THREE GUY8 NAMED MIKE, 7:0S. 9:40. COUNTRY STORE 9 P.M. ALL CHILDREN UNDER 12 ACCOM SSSiS A FARENTa AD hacAHTHUH oTTto °°°r'Z&ePjy.Si, LiNDA DARNELL. CHARLES BOYER. "THE 13th LET TER , :20. 9:60. Also “THE KE ffllB CRIME INVESTIGATION," o.30. 8:»>5. STATE “T H K M a"c A R T H“UR uantb STORY" and “CRY DAN GER/” LEE “OUTSIDE' THE WALL.” ““ MARILYN MAXWELL, RICH ARD BASEHART. snare™ BOYER. LINDA DARNELL. WILSON ‘'TITE MuARTHCR TTUawUlV STORY" and "CRY DANGER." A CUT AN “A LIFE OF HER OWN." nwaa a vai lana turner, ray NflLLAND. . — Cl rar "THE'MATING-SEASON." **"“**“ GENE TIERNEY. JOHN LUND. BUCKINGHAM BOYER, LINDA DARNELL. DVBII “AIR CADET,” STEPHEN B » HI) McNALLY GAIL RUSSELL. VOTTRCnM “LULLABY O F JUIUUlill BROADWAY," DO RIS DAY, GENE NELSON. WARNER BROS. THEATERS 3 For Information Call RFpublie 0*00 S AMBASSADOR Patricia Neal. “Raton Pass," 3:35. 3:30. 6:30, 7:30. . 9:33.__ 'o AVALON-COLONY £rhj.c.°n p Fontaine, "September Affair,” 7, 9:30, p hVT (HIAlin Bette Davis. "P»p HVua UIU1I1II ment on Demand.’* ’■ 8:15, 9:30, "Seven Days to Noon." 8. RFVFRI V Pree Parkln»- Joseph UblbHIil Cotten. "September Af fair. 3:15. 6:20. 9:30. “Footlight Varieties” 2:15. 5:20. 8:30. Pll VrRT Pree Parkin*. Louis E vfMeTMl* Calhern. Ann Harding, * "The Magnificent Yankee,” 2. 3:55, d 5:50, 7:45. 9:40. e rniTRAT Van Johnson. "Three 3 vLIl 1 Illftli Guys Named Mike.” E 11:05. 2:30. 5:55. 9:25. Alexis Smith. "Undercover Girl," 1:10. 4:35. 8 t VmiimV Thelma Ritter, John AUlflLUI Lund. ..fhe Mating Season." 2. 3:55. 5:50. 7:50. 9:45. j, —-— Pmif Pree Parking. Thelma Rlt ‘“nn ter, John Lund. "The Mating Season," 1, 3:10. 5:15, 7:25, 9:35. SAVOY Ronald Colman. “Cham . pagne for Caesar.” 8:05. s Diclt Powell. "Mrs Mike.” 6:15. 9:45. errn Silver Spring, Md. Free Park ■Jlevv jng Ronald Colman. Celeste Holm “Champagne for Caesar.” 6:15. 9:35. Paul Henreid, “So Young. So j Bad.” 8:05,_ _ \HFHinoH cnaries cover. Linda SlUiMUAn Darnell. "Thirteenth Letter." 2:25. «:1Q, 5:55. 7:45. 9:35. t CII WFD Silver Spring. Md. Free dill * bll Parking. Louis Calhern, Ann Harding. 'The Magnificent Yan kee." 1:30. 3:35, 5:35. 7:40. 9:45 „ TAVOMA Free Perking. Doris Day. - Gene Nelson. "Lullaby of Broadway." 6:15, 8, 9:50. TIVOLI Louis Calhern. Ann Hard aavwata jng -Magnificent Yankee.” 1:30. 3:30. 5:30. 7:30. 9:30._ UPTOWN Charles Boyer. "The wa a V Tv n Thirteenth Letter.” 1:40. 3:35. 5:35. 7:35. 9:30. —SIDNEY LUST THEATERS— DRIVE.IN Bol,°- Pik* 5 Min. Past UIUTC.-U1 u. of Md.—TOwer 5800 Optn 7:45 P.M. Today-tomor. BETTY ORABLE. DAN DAILEY. DANNY ‘ HYATTSVILLE Hyatts 0552 Free Parking. Air Con ditioned Today Only See Academy Award Winner JUDY HOLLIDAY. Also WILLIAM HOLDEN. BRODERICK CRAWFORD in "BORN YESTERDAY.” At 7:05. 9:28. CHEVERLY D*,,n« Highwoy “ nTrr*"* °’ l0nd°V»r Rd- Md. UN. 0100 Free Parking. Air Condi tioned. „ Today-tomor. DORIS DAY. OENE NELSON. BILLY DeWOLFE in MARLBOBO UpperMa^rlwl' Md Anr Conditioned Today-tomor. BBTTY Stable,, dan dailey. in "call me MISTER. (Technicolor), at 7:15, 9:11. KAYWOOD Eos,*rn Ay* it), r. i. ftHinilUU 4 Mich. Aves. WA 8899 Free Parking. Air Conditioned. Today fom.or BETTY GRABLE. DAN DAILEY CALL ME MISTER.” (Technicolor). »t <:].>■ :44. CAMFfl 3820 34th St., vnaaiev M*. Rainier, Md. WA. 9745 nvpS0!^duif2r*d' J«day-tomor. MAU REEN O KARA MacDONALD CAREY v2«».^OJ5.ANCHE TERRITORY." and JIMMY DURANTE. DONALD O'CON S?otp ^MILKMAN.” Last Complete ALLEN Hampshire & Allen Aves. .. 3322—Free Porkina . £?£diUoned Last Day. BETTY MISTER " DAN DAHEY in "CALL ME mister (Technicolor), at 7. 9:30. Thurs.-Fri —ALL FAMILY SHOW! LEX .?ABXER n “TARZANS lERIL Plus cartoon show with SMfa ass- j... BETHESDA »= Free Parking. Air Conditioned Last "THF °MANtt^^SF^,JOHN LUNDin THE MATING SEASON/* at 7 9 25 VIEHS MILL TIEFU?FV**°Tr.*Hm ,TT?^v;tomor GENE INORSEASON”Na^Pn K 7HEMAT MILO ,ockviM* 2434. Rockville. Md. Ai — frea Parking onditioned. Today thru Thur* Walter m?OTAJ?OMAs mitchell! at 7*?8 H0U?0TON ln "THE OUTLAW,” THE VILLAGE L307 R 1 Av* Ma'n5’ v‘an IShnSON1 to^THHEg OUYS NAMED MIKE°” at6:0™*™ NEWTON 12th & Newton Sts. N.E. ; JOAN poNTAmE.' JOSEPH St £«oN 7" •: SfiPIEMBER affair - JESSE THEATEB ISth & frving —. Oti. N.E. Phone DU. 9861 J?Say„i,ld Tomorrow: BETTE DA NEW VERNON 3707 Mt. Vernon 1 B,ock T?day aJd Tomorrow: PAUL DOUG LAS. RICHARD BASEHART In ^FOURTEEN HOURS,” St 0-00.7:4 * nrrn 1722 King s*„ aim. 3445 Parking Space ”PIe HL^EONMDA^pY^r^XWELL VIRGINIA —*• JANE POWELL. FRED ASTAIRE “ROYAL WEDDING.” (in Tech.) CENTRE Fairlington. Va TE. 1000 rkRoYnd?ASinoDICK P0well’ SHIRLINGTON JIggEWEILS^6^YSVAN^ASoNM1KE^•, USER-BETHESDA 74UwlWi^v« BETTY GRABLE, DAN DAILEY “CALL ME MISTER” at 6:00, 7:45 and 9:45 PM. PIUS THE MacARTHUR STORY" Coming Wed. and Thurs. A Picture to Remember. "THE MAG NIFICENT YANKEE." the life of Oliver Wendell Holmes. ---