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Menuhin Acquires Unknown Concerto By Mendelssohn By the Associated Press NEW YORK, May 17.—Tht manuscript of a hitherto unknown violin concerto by the German composer, Felix Mendelssohn, has been acquired by Yehudi Menuhin the American violinist. Mr. Menuhin, who announced his discovery yesterday as he de parted for a recital tour in Aus tralia, said the work was written when the composer was 13 years old. He said the concerto, in D minor, “has already all the germs —in fact, more than germs—of Mendelssohn’s genius.’ The violinst said he obtained the manuscript from a descendant of Mendelssohn with a friend acting as intermediary. French Forest Exhibit Standing forests formed by miniatures, with all of France’s commercial trees represented, will be provided at the first interna tional forest exhibit in Lyon, France. Givtdineus / OF SMITHFIELD, VA. / PAGAN HAMS The ham from the Land of Peanuts! Wonderful flavor through and through. Your dealer has Gwaltney’s gen uine Smithfield Sausage and Sliced'Bacon too. Ask for GWALTNEY’S. P. D. GWAITNEY, Jr. & CO., Inc. Smithfield, Va. Learned Hand, ‘Judge's Judge/ Will Retire From Bench June 1 ■ 79-Year-Old Jurist Says He Will. Still Continue Work ty the Associated Press NEW YORK, May 17.—Chief Judge Learned Hand of the United States Second Circuit Court of Appeals in New York—who became known as the “Judge’s Judge” during 42 years on the bench— will retire next month. The 79-year-old jurist’s request for retirement was announced yes terday in Washington. The White House said that President Tru man’s approval will become effec tive June 1. Judge Hand coihmented that “it doesn’t mean I’m going to quit being a judge. I expect to continue to work, mostly in the District Court." Retired Federal judges always are on call for assignments. The late Supreme Court Justice Benjamin N. Cardozo, in referring to Judge Hand, once said “the greatest living American jurist isn’t on the Supreme Court.” Judge Hand’s best known opin ions of recent years were in the cases of the 11 Communist leaders convicted of conspiracy, and Jud ith Coplon, former Government employe convicted of espionage. In the case of the Communist leaders, Judge Hand’s court denied; their appeal and upheld the con sutuuonamy oi tne amiui Act, which makes it a crime to teach and advocate violent overthrow of the Government. The court’s decision written by Judge Hand reversed the convic tion of Miss Coplon on the ground that the FBI agents who arrested her did not have a warrant, and had had ample time to get one. Born in Albany, N. Y., in 1872, the judge was christened Billings Learned Hand, but he dropped the first name in favor of his middle name—the maiden name of his mother. His grandfather, Augustus Hand, was a justice of the New York State Supreme Court. His father. Samuel, was a noted law yer who served briefly as an asso ciate judge of the New York State Court of Appeals. Two uncles were noted lawyers. A cousin, Augustus N. Hand, 81, has served with him for many years on the United States Court of Appeals. Learned Hand was appointed to the Federal district bench by Communist War Plans Denied by Korean Radio By th« Associated Press TOKYO, May 17.—The Korean Red radio charged today that Gen. Matthew B. Ridgway’s re port on Communist war plans was “false and fabricated.” , The Allied commander reported to the United Nations May 2 that captured Red documents proved the North Koreans issued their final battle orders on June 18, a week before the invasion of South Korea. It is estimated that about 24 per cent of all coal mined in Amer ica comes from Pennsylvania. —AP Photo. JUDGE LEARNED HAND. President Taft in 1909. President Coolidge appointed him to the Circuit Court in 1924. He has been senior judge of the circuit since 1939. Many of Judge Hand’s opinions have become standards in law schools. I /Win / FRESH JUICE Y / FLAVOR... NATURAL 1 VITAMIN "C" AND \ MINERAL CONTENT I V ...ALWAYS THE / Y SAME! a! 6 BIS eotDQl BISCUITS OF HONEST fQOD, honesft/^ooj and^ood-Wng/ Now-for a lower cost than you’d ever imagine-you can get the one and-only Nabisco shredded wheat! Ye*, 6 of the same, crisp biscuits, for a few pennies—a tiny price any budget can afford! 4 This handy, slim package fits into even the tiniest cupboard, the smallest kitchen! A new “tuck-in top” makes it easy to reclose, , keeps the biscuits fresh! Nabisco designed it, to fill your needs! Snall-Tami t/Scaa! The convenient package for couples, all small families! Yet you get all the hearty flavor — all the whole wheat nourishment you need, from this natural food! Ask for the original Nabisco shredded wheat! i Look for Nabisco shredded wheat in the new “small family” size or the regular 12-ounce pack age. It’s . . . the breakfesf- &l( of POWER from Niagara Rl/s] B BAKED BY NABISCO • NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY Man Wounds Co-ed Wife And Her Friend, Kills Self By th« Associated Press CHICAGO, May 17.—A hus band shot and wounded his es tranged wife—a co-ed—and an other man and then killed him self on the campus of Wright Jpnior College last night. Two blasts fired from a .410 gauge shotgun by Fred Souers, jr„ 29-year-old mechanic, disrupted evening classes at the college at 3400 North Austin avenue. About 200 students left their classes and rushed to the scene. Parts of one charge from the shotgun blast struck Mrs. Mar garet Iden Souers, 25, and her friend, Kenneth Trader, 26, a roofer. Their condition was re ported not serious. Then Souers, after removing his left shoe and sock, placed the muzzle of the shotgun against his abdomen, pressed the trigger with his toe and fired a fatal charge into his body. Police said Souers had gone to the college in an attempt to effect a reconciliation with his wife, who had filed suit for divorce. The couple, parents of a 3-year old daughter, had separated seven weeks ago. International Bank Floating $14 Million in British Bonds By th« Associated Press LONDON, May 17.—The Inter national Bank for Reconstruction and Development announced last night it is floating a £5 million ($14 million) bond issue in the British market. President Eugene R. Black told a news conference it was the bank’s first issue in a member country He said further issues were being considered in Switzer land and Canada. The bonds, bearing 3 */2 per cent, are being offered at £97 ,($271.60) for par value £100 ($280) units. They are redeemable over the five year period, 1966-71. Mr. Black said the bank needed the sterlnig to meet demands for pound loans. , 20,000 Soviet Planes Soviet Russia is estimated to have a stockpile of 20,000 bomb ing and fighter planes on hand, but many of these are believed obsolete for modern warfare. 'Canal Traffic Heavy Western Germany’s Dortmound j Ems Canal now handles 10 millioi tons of traffic yearly and Is sec ond only to the Rhine River ii its total waterway traffic. • Serve a King’s Sandwich With Famous • COLLEGE INN j. Chicken a la King ; • and this delightful new recipe * ■ MTTT3,C4jr MiMrU] • € • Just see what you get in one full-packed 1 • can! Big chunks of chicken. Lots of a • mushrooms, green peppers, pimien- a • tos. Combined our special way in a a rich cream sauce. That’s why College » • Inn Chicken a la King is America's • largest seller! l|l I I 3(1 I I H . ..aaaaa.^ilHliilBIBr WWte Howe Arolesance 2 r.27« f 'A Del Monie Limas ^ “27' Schindler s Peanut Bntter 33' 41 Snnsweet Prune Juice 32' Apple Butter VIRGINIA jar 196 Mott's Apple Juice Z. 23® I Pork & Beans R,mR 2’jo*01' 29c Tomato Juice N DECANTER r 29« Whole Green Beans “3 23' Grapelrnit Juice °°Zl° 2 1? 25c ZT 28' Sweet Potatoes IN HEAVY SYRUP 1301 21® Orange JuiceDONAlD DUCK “S 33® I Macaroni al££F 2 23® Mann's Potato Chips SA;fnGA £ 33® Pompeian Castile Shampoo 1 L°.r 49® Mann's Comanchees £$!£» 4ir 25® \ HEINZ CREAM OF TOMATO 1 Soup 3< >32c BUMBLE BEE SOLID PACK LIGHT MEAT Tuna s 37c WASHINGTON SELF-RISING FLOUR 5t.491 GREEN GIANT BRAND Peas 2 r; 39* DEL MAIZ CREAM STYLE Corn2°"33c ALL GRINDS WILKINS COFFEE JSU SHINE HI-HO CRACKERS . 33e PATTIES NABISCO PEANUT CREAM W4-0Z. pkg. 26c I < CLAPP'S V STRAINED JUNIOR Baby Foods 3 *■» 31c 2 - 3 lc I America's Favorite Bleach CLOROX Assorted Desserts NY-T-FINE 3 pk&8* 25c SPRY SHORTENING 3*112 For Salads or Cooking WESSON OIL k. 47c bot. Ti # DASH DOG FOOD 211 31c AFTER SCHOOL! Contains natu ral, vital food elencn It. Squeezed from Tree-Ripe Fruit and priced Koz.TiN 29c / SOFTEX tissue *% _ -- 2 25f fBss, 2,25-* *■ reg. I *""rr I STARCH SWAN FLOATING SOAP 2131c SWAN FLOATING SOAP 3reg. )OC LUX TOILET SOAP reg. AC cake JT LUX TOILET SOAP both 1)C coke U ’t i I' * A