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Police Siill Baffled By Critical Injury Of Arlington Boy, 2i Arlington police today were still unable to explain the critical in jury of a 2 Ya-year-old boy who was found yesterday lying in a neighbor's yard, a pool of blood beside his head. He is Howard Bills, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bills, of 5328 North Fifth street. , The boy was taken to Arlington Hospital with a head wound and other injuries. His condition was still critical today. A neighbor found Howard lying in the yard next to his home, about 40 feet from the street. Father Blames Car. Police said they are investigat ing the possibility that the boy was struck by a hit-and-run driver or met with foul play. The boy’s father said that How ard had left home with a branch from a flowering locust which he planned to show to a neighbor. When v he was found semicon scious, he was still clutching the blossoms in his hand. Mr. Bills said he thought that the boy had heard his malher call and then, instead of enter ing his own yard through a gate between the properties had run into the street and was struck by a car. Foul Play Also Investigated. Police said they had checked on several cars known to have passed by the home about the time the boy was injured, but were satisfied the vehicles had not hit him. Because of the distance be tween the street and the place where the boy was found and be cause no trail of blood was found, police also were investigating the possibility that the child met with foul play. Mr. Bills is employed at the Naval Ordnance Laboratory. White Oak, Md: Howard has a brother, Walter Lee, 8, and a sis ter, Judith Lee, 7. Austin Asks Return To Vandenberg Ideas By th« Associated Press NEW YORK. May 17.—Warren R. Austin, chief United States delegate to the United Nations, called last night for a return to the bipartisan foreign policies championed by the late Senator Vandenberg. Mr. Austin, also a former Re publican Senator, credited these policies with producing what he called “successful co-operation” within our political community on international questions. Mr. Austin’s remarks were in a\ address at the Watson Trophy dinner, International Business Machines Club, at the Waldorf Astoria. He did not mention the Truman - MacArthur controversy specifically, but informed sources said this was what he had in mind. “The non-partisan approach to international problems is an es sential source of national strength,” he said. “It has been important throughout the crucial postwar period. It is vital today. On the question of our national security there can be no division of pur pose among our people.” Up in the morning—active all day! You and your family need a con tinuous flow of food-energy. Ask your grocer today for Domino Extra Fine Granulated Sugar more than 99%% pure food energy! No wonder Domino is America’s favorite sugar! 0/?/y@£$$ Sugar is f \ . <j)O0° ?<"*•' AMERICA S LARGEST SELLING SUGARS the Name to go "buy"— Get the best - - for less Ideal on food, like Sterling on silver, is a name you can trust. Only food of finest quality, dependable quality, bears the Ideal label It is carefully selected expertly tested, then kitchen tested by our Home Service Bureau. It costs YOU less and our Guarantee Tho Cream of Amorica’t Butters - - Prize Winner Ibctn lli|g quarter* It takes the cream from 10 quarts of milk to make a pound of Louella Butter and that sweet, freah cream elves It a richness of flavor that Is th* peer of America’s butters. Try a pound and you’ll TASTE why It won over BOO First Prizes for superiority. And remember, the best costa no more. THIS IS NOT A CONTEST No Limit on the Number of Sets Your School Can e..ndp.rfn#Mnch—I IDEAL TOMATO SOUP a 10>/2-oz cans JQ,. beta ID-inch PHILCO TELEVISION RECEIVER and Have It Installed FREE OF CHARGE If you moroly savo our Salot Chocks We repeat - • Thle la not a contest. Simply save your register receipts from any of our markets and as soon as your school has accumulated the required number of votes a brand new 18-in. Philco Tele vision Receiver will be de livered and completely in stalled without charge. That’s all there is to it. Heat-Flo Roasted ssn« Win-Crest Coffee ,b 77c Heat-Flo Roasted ha. Asco Coffee * /" Nueo Yellow 0% m> _ MARGARINE lb 35* Dole’s I8-02 a M. m Pineapple Juice can lO Libby's 48-oz Tomato Juice on <9U Eveready 12-oz a •« Carrot Juice can |J York County Dutch Stewed Onione can All Niblets Brand 12-os a qc Golden Corn can lo ar i2* Glenwood 12-oz a aa Grape Jelly gi l“c Hom-de-Llto pt M •% MAYONNAISE J«r *3C Hom-de-Lite pt am. Salad Preeelng >r J# Fresh Virginia Lee Bakery Treats \ DIVILSFOOD DECOROTE fh BAR CAKES -39* Chocolate Iced Layer Cakes 65e GOLDEN POUND CAKES •quart •• 43< Chocolate Iced Angel Cakes M 49c Almond Coffee Cakes •• 39c I Pooan Honey Buns _ Apple Coffee Cakes 39c | Pk«9 39c Today's Supremo Value - - ——wm, Enriched IDEAL PEANUT BUTTER i#-orj.r 39e IDEAL MARGARINE Ya"™w* ib 36c IDEAL APPLE JUICE 46-oz can 28c ; IDEAL PRUNE JUICE 32-ox bot 30c IDEAL ORANGE JUICE F,a is-o*can 14 IDEAL GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 18-oz can 13c IDEAL PORK fir BEANS 2 18-oz cant 23c IDEAL FANCY PEAS Blue Band 2 17««"» 37e IDEAL KERNEL CORN Go,d*” 16-oxe.n 17e IDEAL TEA The Finert Imported Get Ideal for enticing flavor and bouquet - - why pay more? Ideal Orange Pekoe Tea '27* 9J52* Ideal Tea Bags Si 45* A 87* IDEAL COFFEE The Best - - - For Less All the rich flavor sealed In vaeu* um cane • • drip or regular grinds lb vac can 85c Why Pay More? Ideal Instant Coffee Flavorful •• quick - • economical 1f.r *143 supreme Bread 2? 14* Th« loaf that toaata batter, taatea better and ataya eoft longer. Cracked Wheat or Wheat Bread l0,f 17c Vienna or Rye Bread p'*lnor««d«d loaf Crispy Brown 'n Serve Club Rolls pkB 8 22c Qtondato Club Wise. Loaf Cheese 2 89c It apreada, It alicea, It'a perfect for all cheeee diahea. Try a box on our guarantee. IDEAL APPLE SAUCE PreP*red 2 29c IDEAL PEACHES 0ld Faahioned Halvas 20-ox can 33^ IDEAL PEACHES Clin8 Halves or Slieaa 80-ozean32c IDEAL ASPARAGUS AI|G',«e"Cut 15i/a-ozean 43c IDEAL CHERRIES R°y*,Ann« 8%-ozoan jgc IDEAL CRANBERRY SAUCE !5C IDEAL STUFFED OLIVES 8P*"'»h 4/a-o«jar 36c IDEAL SLICED BEETS 18-oz jar 15c IDEAL CIDER VINEGAR quart bot 18c IDEAL WHITE VINEGAR quart bot 1 C, You Can Depend on the Acme for Fresh Produce Savingt If. S. 1 GRADE A FLA. NEW WHITE » ^ H POTATOES 5 25* GOLDEN CORN Fresh Florida £ ears 29* PASCAL CELERY Crisp, Fresh 2 stalks 25* GREEN BEANS Carolina Valentines ft 19* FRESH CRISP CALIF. ai m , CARROTS 2 19* NEW CABBAGE T nder, Green ft I Krispy Crackers ,?.30° Cheez-lt Crackers >Pk« 18c Mild Creamy Cheese * 50c Sharp Cheddar Cheese lk 69c Cream White Shertealaf ,b#*"39c 3,be*"1.09 Delrich Margarine Y«n°w w’« ft Jy JUNKET RENNET POWDER pkg 10o JUNKET TABLETS pkg 12o FREEZING MIX pkg 12* SHERBERT MIX pkg 1«o DANISH DESSERT pkg11e QUICK FUDGE MIX pkg 3Se NABISCO QRAHAM CRACKERS lbpk° 33c Shredded Wheat Pke I9e . Rggi FANCY RIB ROAST Special U s CHOICE TfftC 7-INCH CUT lb. CUT UP, READY TO FRY MT 0^ Chickens - 63c GRAPEFRUIT Larga Florida—S4‘t 3 29* VALENCIA ORANGES — ->39* FRESH PINEAPPLES Swaat Cuban aa 29* WINESAP APPLES —^ 2 -25* Top Quality S««brook Green Beans eutorFr#"*h#d io-«p»<Q22e Frozen Food Seabrook Mixed Vegetables io-»« pkg jjc Seabrook French Fried Potatoes jgc Seabrook Spinach Le*f»r chopped i4*zpkg2ic FARM DALE BABY LIMA BEANS 17c Ideal Pure Orange Juice 20e We Grow Our Own Ideal Strawberries Wholt in Sugar 15-oz pkg 44^ Sand fir these PURE LATEX RUBBER MMSMPAU hi buy zipper Ht *, vh 75*; WHEN YOU BUY ANY 2 LEYER PROOUCT$ I THE NEW RAIN-SOFT RINSO G«‘"-'63c RINSO L.,a,32c RINSO ^'13° LUX F|ake« 39° Large Size MM Mm Gold Dust OCc Large Size Ai Silver Dust A Ac Giant Size U V Silver Dust O Oc Lirao ftlts aJ a3 For a Meaty Main-Dish Combination SPAM Economical All-Moat A Normal Product e,n 5 2° Saa May Family Clrda Gold Saal ^ Long Groin Rice Pk« I / Top Quality Sirloin STEAKS BUCK SHAD *tMar \SC CRAB MEAT Freshly Picked .. Af Claw Meat ... Breast '0 Chicken, White Meat Tuna s?39° Add Previous Vitamin B-1 to Food* with Krotechmor’s Toasted WHEAT GERM 12-ot A An Vacuum J«r £ Packed LAKE SHORE HONEY r 3 3° ARMOUR’S DASH DOQ FOOD •^16° Sanbrlts Clsaassr •*" 8« Nsxsn Motal Polish 23s Spssd Up Blsash ^b,t Iti Jolly Tlmo Pop Corn 20o Snndaottoo *kind* J«r I6e 7-MI NIT Complete PIE MIX I^tnoD, Comnat or Choc. Bator the contest . • details oa pkc. »■270 BROADCAST Corned Beef Hash r43° V Peter Pan Peanut Butter £‘35° hJ DOESKIN ^TISSUES too roe only 35* SWIFT'S ROAST BEEF *£’48c BLUE SUDS Bluet at It washes Pko COLLEGE INN Chicken a La King 5 9= 1890 Freaeh Drawingbot 37c Timet Dog Food 16-°* I4e Pine Jolly Soap «<J"25e A MEAL WITN MEAT 15« a wrmf'-wrvtt 2 CHEF mm 26c G L I M For sparkling, clean glassware t and dishes r 29° •■■IU.. 11_1l No Rubbing Aero Wax 1Ar 25* c,T45‘ BAB-0 CLEANSER Goto Rid of Sink Smog 2^.25° /Super RENUZItS LIGHTENS DOZENS OF CLEANING JOBS IN EVERY ROOM IN HOME HANDY LUX TC 13» Bath Size I LUX Soap Qc LIFEBUOY afiy LIFEBUOY s;.". 9C SWAN 31c Large Size 2 eke w I SWAN 28e Regular Size 3 for dkm W SURF ^ 30c No Rlnee 4^ Ai SURF -63° I 1 • Rmnfcfc! Mad MkU «W ay M « ilM 1 ' I Mall to “Rain Sandala", Box 73, Now York 4«, N. Y. OWNED AND OPERATED RY THE AMERICAN STORES CO. (ave Your Sales Checks from These Acmes ... Help Your School Get A Philco Television 1839 Alabama Ave. S.E.* 421 13th St. N.E. Jefferson Village Center* MARYLAND >32 Carroll St.( Takoma Pork* 3937 Minnesota Ave. N.E.* Lee Blvd. and Annandale Rd. University Lane and Riggs Lane, 136 Irving St. N.W. Flower Ave. Cr Piney Branch Rd. BAoroneT Bet. College Pk. and 16th and F Sts N.E.* ARLINGTON VA N* Hamp. Ave. 5722 Georgia Ave. N.W.* Washington and Lo Blvd,. Buchanan* 219 N. Commerce St., Rockville 8529 Georgia Ave., Silver Spring 1746 Lee Highway* ALEXANDRIA, VA. 4813 Annapolis Rd., 2529 Good Hope Rood* 4707 Lee Highway* Powhatan and Henry Sts. _ Blodensburg 1652 Columbia Road N.W. 89 N. Glebe Rood* King's Highway and Fort Drive Four Corners, Woodmoor* 1439 20th St. N.W. 2810 S. Quincy, Shirlingten 610 Franklin St.* Queens Chapal Rd. and 1619-21 17th St. N.W. 423 23rd St., So. Arlington 1802 Mount Vernon Ave.* Chillum* 2744 14th St. N.W. 1 1 3234 N. Washington Blvd., Baltimore Blvd., Colmar Manor 306 G St. N.W. *PARKING LOT Clarendon, Va. Viers Mill Village* VISIT THE BEAUTIFUL. NEW ACME IN THE UNIVERSITY CITY SHOPPING CENTER UNIVERSITY LANE AT RIOQS RD. K?«S8SBS PLENTY OF PARKING... PLENTY OF OPENING SPECIALS OPEN OUT 4 A.M. TO 9 P.M.... ANOTHER ACME SELF-SERVICE MEAT DEPT. • l t \ k Most of These Acmes Have Music for Your Shopping Pleasure ALL ACME MARKETS ARE OPEN FRIDAYS UNTIL 9 P.M. !' \ 4