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5000 •the ■a LOUISIANA V n W New*$hine meter'tests prove BRILLO gives TWICEfeSHlNE i^HALffeTIME/ Make pans gleam with a Brillo pad-with-soap! Fast. Easy. Neat! A square, metal-fiber Brillo pad just lifts of gummy crust! And Brillo contains jeweler’s polish. Shines pans twice as fast as other cleansers tested! Wonderful for glass baking dishes, too! RED box—soap-fillad pads CREEN box — pads plus cake soap* Brillo now lasts longer/ MORE SHINES IN EVERY PAD' M'Arthur Debale Stirs Call lor Firm Policy, News Writers Agree By the Associated Press NEW YORK, May 17.—Several top newspaper and radio person alities largely agree that the great debate stirred up by the ousting of Gen. MacArthur has led the American people to demand a more vigorous Far East policy. A foreign policy discussion was held last night at the 12th annual dinner of the Overseas Press Club of America at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel. Taking part in “The Press Looks at United States Foreign Policy” were: Barry Bingham, editor, the Louisville Courier-Journal and Times: Hal Boyle, Associated Press columnist; Edwin D. Canham, edi tor, the Christian Science Moni tor: Robert Considine, Interna tional News Service: H. V. Kal tenbom, National Broadcasting Co.; Mrs. Helen Rogers Reid, pres ident, the New York Herald Tri bune: Quentin Reynolds, editor, United Nations World; and Gideon D. Seymour, executive editor, the Minneapolis Star and Tribune. Sees Administration Change. Commenting on the MacArthur dismissal, Mr. Kaltenborn said the principal outcome of the debate on this issue has been that the “administration already has ac cepted some of Mac Arthur’s poli cies.” Mr. Considine said the admin istration has “come around to Mac Arthur’s thinking very vivid |ly,” and added: ,,rrKwAA AW gAltW V...W Jw. J XI_ • ... vv VU UO~ jand words have been said and | the boys have talked themselves into the same point of view.” Mr. Boyle said he regarded the great debate as ”a good thing.” Mr. Canham declared the ad ministration had not taken any of the steps proposed by Gen. MacArthur which it felt would risk the danger of spreading the Korean conflict. The dinner also served to honor seven persons who were presented with the club’s 1950 awards for outstanding foreign coverage in the fields of press, radio and photography. Seven Are Honored. The awards went to: Homer Bigart, New York Herald Tribune, for best consistent press reporting from abroad. Mr. Boyle, for best war report ing (press, radio and television). David Duncan, Life Magazine, for best picture reporting judged from its interpretive quality. Marguerite Higgins, New York Herald Tribune, the George Polk Memorial award to foreign corre spondents for courage, integrity and enterprise above and beyond"* the call of duty. The Polk award was established in honor of George Polk, CBS correspondent murder ed in Greece in 1948. Erward R. Murrow, Columbia Broadcasting System, for best radio and television interpretation of foreign news. James Reston, New York Times, for best press interpretation of foreign news. Howard K. Smith. CBS, for best I consistent radio and television re porting from abroad. HURRY !H FOR YOURS I E oz. mmsmurm with 3 cans of Nedicks Concentrate for Orange Drink! » I This lovely, frosted Shaker Bottle helps you make 6 glassfuls of delicious Orange Drink from Nedicks Con centrate. No muss. No fuss because the right amount of water to add, is marked on the side. Fits conveniently into your refrigerator. So hurry! 100% 100% DELICIOUS! ■ I TO TOW No artificial color ever gets into Nedicks H Concentrate. You serve even the youngest child all he wsnts. AT YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD FOOD STORE! I Look in the Fruit Juice Section I A. I% 1 KmSLsg&sM .'•.\§'I? j "What helicicuA JteA Jlaficr!" A & P's Fresh Fruits and Vegetables! The Fresh Fruit and Vegetable "Department of your friendly A&P Super Market has good values galore. You’ll see ripe, juicy fruits and tender, young vegetables—all f' ? harvested fresh, delivered fresh and sold fresh. And because they’re fresher, they’re naturally better. Come in today for your fresh spring favorites. You’ll find them priced to please your budget! EXTRA FANCY, TENDER, GREEN FRESH I A A A __ mm LARGE ORIGINAL BUNCH JV ASPARAGUS Zl M FIRM, RIPE CELLO. CARTON f j TOMATOES New Cabbage «outh«NoR»n *. 5* Pascal Celery «»r«hn jgc Presh Peas cai|k*nia 2 h... 35c Pt*esh Spinach ReoAi°washed jj- 25c I Juicy Oranges .JfSU 1' 39e Sweet Potatoes jersey 3 «... oqc fancy Cucumbers 3 hr jk. iE.GALO R&° «GAto Z5c Pistachio Nuts 6r 39c Cole Slaw *'01- c#,,° I Kg *sgalo salted p b°9 '5o Cashew Nuts 59e frosted foods McKenzie Brand Sliced jI Strawberries £"39* f j Corn-on-the-Cob ■»» - „ i Mixed 2*0r,19c vegetables bijdseye io«,.99 j . Lemonade snow crop ** I f Lima Bean. ,£*** if Tender Pea. • «•»«;. u» "* j f Green Beans ■'■oseybcut pk«- £ ; Prime Soft Cr.b~’ - 22c ? f Ocean Perch Fillet. »"< ’*"”35c $4 JOHNS *>-4/C ' S Customers’ Corner To be good, food must be fresh. For even the best of food loses flavor and quality with age. Here are the steps we take to insure the freshness of A&P foods t We buy only the freshest food direct from farm or factory. We buy only for current needs. We ship it quickly to store or warehouse. We keep it under proper temperature and humid ity conditions. We price it as low as possible so that it will sell quickly. We guarantee everything you buy at A&P to be fresh and flavorful. Please tell us if it isn’t. Please writet CUSTOMER RELATIONS DEPT. A&P Food Stores 420 Lexington Avenue, New York 17, N. Y. _ The New Extra Rich t . r>_i_ June ruiivci BREAD is 13< "s i9« JANE PARKER COCOANUT Layer Cakes •och 65c JANE PARKER SPANISH Bar Cakes each 41c JANE PARKER BROWN 'N SERVE Rolls PLAIN OR POPPYSEED pkg. 19c JANE PARKER Nut Rings DANISH FILLED each 45c JANE PARKER Angel Food Rings 39c JANE PARKER CINNAMON Raisin Treats »*■ 29c i ■ BENCH-CURED ■ Sharp Cheese | ’*■• 63c CHEESE FOOD . Ched-o-Bit ' ^89e CHEESE SPREAD Pabst-ett 6 pig27 c PHILADELPHIA BRAND Cream Cheese 17c KRAFT DELUXE SLICED American Cheese v^; 36c CASINO DOMESTIC CHEESE Sweitzer the piece »> 65c SUNNYBROOK Large Eggs grade a «)<». 65c CRESTVIEW Large Eggs grade a dei. 60c A6P Close Trimmed, Top Quality SUPER-RIGHT MEATS! i j Im I OIRLWin STEAK § lb. 99c — BELTSVILLE HEN TURKEYS NEW YORK .. DRESSED ,b* l|WC (5 to 8 lbs.) W M Freshly Killed £ Fryers £L5 ">• 45* f b!°.n Fres.h i Picnics ,b 49« Armour** Bonner Brond Bacon SLICED pkg- 49* 1 Super-Right Smoked Picnics 49* n •vX'X Midget Brainischweiger,o°‘41e Briggs' or Armour Skinless Frankfurters pkg. 59« Luncheon Meat £££ 15c Fancy Seafood Chesapeake Bay FRilSH SHAD BUCK lCc ROE 07r lb. (With Roe) Fancy Saa Scallops * 69c Soa Bass fancy dressed h>. 33c Fancy Shrimp «'■» •««"») *>■ 79c Crab Meat 1*1.05 Haddock Fillets FANCY lb. 45c Fresh Porgies *> 21c Halibut Steaks FANCY lb. 49c Tht Cofftt For > oil It Famous A&P Coffee Compare the flavor, compare the price of A&P Coffee with whatever brand you're now using. You'll find there's no better coffee in any package—at any price. Change to A&P now and save. MILD AND MELLOW Eight O’Clock U 77* RICH AND FUll BODIED Red Circle L‘.79« VIGOROUS AND WINEY Bokar £ 81* .- jpff ; .1 1 W—f All A&P Self-Service Stores Offer O.P.S. Group 4 Prices which are the lowest under the price ceiling regulation. Pineapple Juice --14* ““36* | Green Giant Peas N«“21‘ ! Apple Sauce a*,,'ancy ™ 14‘ Tuna Fish i,ohtmeatgrated 6-a* 28* Peaches »icb>o*haivii 29* VEGETABLE SHORTENING d*xo £ 38c 1.07 PATAPSCO Apple Butter 20c I* DEL MONTE Fruit Cocktail *^38c ASP Grape Juice ^ 40c DEL MONTE Spinach N‘n’ ISc IONA CUT Green Beane N^n* 13c I ASP FANCY Whole Beets 18c £ CRISPO ASSORTED Cookies ««“H {£■ 39c t MAJESTIC SOUR OR Dill Pickles ^SSc NABISCO | Graham Crackers Ubg.33c TABLE SYRUP | Vermont Maid 27c I PRAY BENTO'S Corned Beef 37c SUNNYPIEID Family Flour ft 41c WHITE HOUSE Milk EVAPORATED *»ii 13c OLD VIRGINIA STRAWBERRY Preserves ft- 29c WARWICK ' Thin Mints 39c CONVERTED Uncle Ben’s Rice 20c NABISCO Fig Newtons ^ 42c SUNSWEET LARGE Dried Prunes |£;27c GORTON'S READY-TO-PRY Codfish Cakes '0^| 22c DEODORANT Air Wick ft 59c NIAGARA Laundry Starch ft 18c X I ■3; •V ■;X X* I | Salad Dressing ANNPAS1 » 32e I P rese rvesSTRAWMRRY'ANN PAGE ']« 38* 1 Peanut ButterANNPAGE 34c % ANN PAGE GELATIN Pork and Beans 12c Sparkle Desserts *»■ 6c 5| % i ANN PAGE ANN PAGE I Stuffed Olives *£• 22c Mayonnaise £40e & ANN PAGE ANN PAGE I Blended Syrup ^-24c harden Relish 'LV 23c v.. AU prices ehown here (including those of items not subject to ceilings) guaranteed—Thursday, May 17th through Wednesday, May 23rd. Copyright 1951—The Great Atlantic A Pacific Tea Co. Swan Soap REGULAR SIZE 3 bars 28C Swan Soap LARGE SIZE 2 ban 31C Camay Soap REGULAR SIZE bar SC Camay Soap BATH SIZI bar 13C Tide FOR LAUNDRY OR DISHES & 32c *r 87c Joy FOR WASHINO DISHES 401 33c bottl. OJC Super Suds FOR LAUNDRY OR DISHES & 32c tx 79c Bab-0 3 cons 26c Buy two cons el Hi* regular price end gel an addilional can for only 1c. Ajax CLEANSER 2 25c Wesson Oil COR BISQUITS, PASTRY, ETC. e.4Sc & 89e Breast-O-Chicken TUNA FISH Light Meat-6 oz. can 39e Light Meat Flakes..( oz. can 34c by Keebler TOWN HOUSE Crackers 20c BELMONT CREM1 Sand. 36c CREAM CREST GRADE A Fresh Milk 2~39c Above Dairy Prices Effective in D. C. Only I.I.I.I— II II" —^1 —— 1 k J. A&P Super Markets Featuring Self-Service Meat Depts. . . . 4822 Yuma Street Silver Spring Shopping Center 6930 Wis. Ave. N.W. - , .. i. r nr 3933 South Capitol Street 3003 Columbia Pike 1800 Hamlin St. N.E. 2]41 Wis Ave N.W. 500 12th St. S.E. 2617 Penna. Ave. S.E. 3925 Minnesota Ave. N.E. OTHER CONVENIENTLY LOCATED A&P MARKETS SOUTHERN MARYLAND SUBURBAN Prince Frederick N.W. SECTION N.E. and S.E. Clarendon, Va. MaHN>roeQd 3400 Ge0r9i° Ave‘ 1729 Benning Rd. N.E. Alexandria, Va. Lexington Park 6428 Georgia Ave. Arlington Forest, Va. Warldorf 3105 Nichols Ave. S.E. ... La Plata 26 Kennedy St. N.W. Rockville, Md. L A