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Prama News and Reviews American Woman Spy's Story Told in Keith's Film By Jay Carmody The movie version of Claire M. Phillips’ story of spying in Manila during the Japanese occupation opened at Keith’s yesterday with the heroine present in person and with a prestige audience attending a special premiere performance last night. These ceremonial rites Vere deemed justified by the drama of Mrs. Phillips’ experience as a spy and the popularity of her adven ture m two previous story lorms. a magazine article and a novel. They are, Indeed, more justi fied on these grounds than on any notable merit of the film, “I Was an American Spy,” as produced (by Monogram. Monogram’s ver 'aion is a thin and sketchy affair which is more concerned with movie boxofflce fromula than wltn ant special qualities Mrs. Phillips’ experience may have had. It begins, indeed, with a 25 minute stretch of the heroine’s romance with a sergeant which suggests that this dalliance is more likely to cost America the Philippines than that Mrs. Phil lips could ever help win them back. It is an opening that seems deliberately calculated to alienate the audience’s affections for Ann Dvorak in the title role before her daring espionage begins. This is no way to treat a girl so bravely identified with our side. It nullifies to a considerable extent the impact of a prologue and epiloque in which Gen. Mark W. Clark pays official homage to Mrs. Phillips for her courage and resourcefulness. * * * * As adapted by Sam Roeca and directed by Lesley Selander, Mrs. Phillips story is almost totally lacking in the excitement of au thenticity. Miss Dvorak's heroine comes off rather as. just another movie spy, a girl whose patriot ism is belatedly aroused more by anger toward the Japanese than any real feeling for her country. Actually, this cannot have been ine case dui Dy me mne 1 was An American Spy” establishes its motive for her spy activities. Mrs. Phillips looks less heroic than is good for the movie of her ad venture. * * * * The woman Miss Dvorak por trays is a night club entertainer in Manila when the picture opens. The day is Dec. 8, 1941, and the Philippines’ Capital is waiting for the Japanese planes. The latter come and the Manilians take to the hills, the heroine more to be with the man she loves than for any other other reason. That she might impede him in his duties as a sergeant, and not only him but his impatient buddies, never occurs to her. The turning point in the hero ine’s romantic obsession comes when she sees her man shot dur ing a weak sequence in the film which purports to recall the Ba taan Death March. After this, she cannot wait to get back to Manila, return to her old night club and begin the task of mulcting the higher echelon Japanese occupiers of useful in formation. The one of whom she especially makes a monkey is an AMUSEMENTS. lalawd Hayward pras*«tf« ★TOD ANDREWS★ of*d Mm Naw York Com pony lm 'Mister Roberts' Carnal k» THOMASHEGGENtJOSHUALOGAN «M>Wt »T*E ■yea.; Orch, 4.*0; Bala., S.SO, S.M. *.40! tnd Bale.. l.tO. Mai: S.M. 1.00. * 40, 1.S0! 2nd Bale., l.*0. r! Tonight 8:30 LADIES' NIGHT SOUL DERBY \\w ffc* «?e* ■ ,tilU y g&p MASGAHRA "I WAS AN AMERICAN SPY.” a Mono tram (Allied Artists) picture, produced by David Diamond, directed by Lesley Se lander, screenplay by Sam Roeca. based on Reader's Digest story. "I Was an Amer ican Spy.” and novel. "Manila Espionage." by Claire Phillips and Myron B. Gold smith. At Keith’s. The Cast. Claire _Ann Dvorak Boone _ Gene Evans PhUUpt -Douglas Kennedy Col. Masamoto_Richard Loo Paclo_..._Leon Lontoc Lolita ___ Chablnt Cant. Arlto_ Philip Ahn Pely--- Marya Marco Dlan ___Nadene Ashdown Dorothy _ Lisa Perraday Kamurl _Howard Chuman Zlg Zag_Freddie Revelala Army colonel who apparently is inept enough to reveal Japanese strategy without thinking to practice any on the friendly girl. Mrs. Phillips, whose code name was ‘‘High pockets” for*b none too subtle reason, seems to have been extraordinarily successful as a spy. She turns up all sorts of valuable war plans for the American guerilla radio station, including the Japanese attack on Rabaul. The effect of the film is to sug gest that her skill in this is due more to the dull-wittedness of the Japanese than through her own cleverness. Obvoiusly. this cannot have been the intention of Monogram in making ‘‘I Was An American Spy.” The shallowness of the perform ances in the melodrama at Keith’s is something that will have to be charged more to the screenscript than to the performers. Miss Dvorak is never inspired to do more than go through the familiar motions of an actress playing a spy, and the same is true of Gene Evans as the sergeant leader of the guerillas, Richard Loo as the Japanese colonel, and Philip Ahn as a Nip admiral. They and the others can do very little to make “I Was An American Spy” look like a genuine tribute to a courageous American woman. It just keeps looking like a movie in spite of them. * * * * Bulletin board: Montgomery Players will close their season on Saturday night with a perform ance of “Goodbye, My Fancy,” at Leland Junior High school auditorium. . , . Ten performances of Jean Anoulih’s “Antigone” will AMUSEMENTS, TY’S TOUGH—Actor Power plays a rugged role in “ Raw hide,” which opens today at the Palace. Susan Hayward is his co-star. be given by Theater Lobby, 17 St. Matthew’s Court, starting tomor row night.... These will be offered in two series, May 18-22 and May 25-29. . . . “Heaven Can Wait” opened a series of three perform ances at the Alexandria Little Theater last night. ... It will be presented again tomorrow and Saturday nights. .. . "As You Like It” will be the outdoor theater attraction at American University May 13 through May 25. . . . Per formance will start at 8:30 pm. nightly. . . . “Back Stage at Clar endon Methodist Church” will be presented on Sunday evening at 7:30 in the social hall of the church. ... It involves a cast of more than 100 and tells the story v/i uau cv Ui kxuwlxi ttllU activity in the church’s history. AMUSEMENTS. GOLDEN TREV0R HOWARD1 8^ it duponfzz'z ^ r«« co*oncMQ Flaming Guns and a Red Head Beauty... Setting The West Afire! ZBFJtEBHEW MndlHECOWBOT OUNN IOMOND RHONDA FORD O'BRIEN FLEMING Fust Showing m Washington i 4 r . [ WERE SIX I 5 AND THEY 1 1 FOUGHT I LIKE SIX 1 HUNDRED..!! H| AtSOSTAMNMC I ] X BARBARA PAYTON I \» WARD BOND 1 -Oft GIG YOUNG I fl'figjjft ION CHANEY back from H 1 theCanvonwM ofDrnimm ALSO the love of Bugs Bunny Cartoon | AIR HAIRED HARE” ' M j MOUNT VERNON l ftA \ By the Delightful Water Route I _ m ■ 1 Two Trips Dally: 10 A.M. ft 2 P.M. i 0■ RX ■ I 1 Adults »0c, tax Inc.; Children 10c. I MBBlV \ Admission to Grounds: Adults SOe. ■ ■•p^,««jiNGS 1 Children Under 13 Free. fef:^SMMoonK9hS Nightly 8:30 PM. I prea I J»mesC*Or'ehestra,,***T I 1 Rabbi Metz to Give Talk Rabbi Emeritus Solomon Met: of the Adas Israel Hebrew Con gregation will speak at a Younj People’s Synagogue service at 8:3( p.m. tomorrow in Tifereth Israe Synagogue, 1401 Euclid stree N.W. "I didn’t know you liked flowers, John IM "OH ! AMELIA* •toning DA NULLS DAM! lux • It's frisky! • ft's saucy! • It’s naughty! Jost Iturbi ploying Chopin, Afbeniz and llizl S= Roth's PL A2A an NEW YORK AVE. AT UTH ST. WATCH FOR HIM! America is thrilled as he sings “Be My Love" HE SINGS MORE LOVE SONGS IN ^ "THE GREAT CARUSO" From M-G-M...TECHNICOLOR AMUSEMENTS. WASHINGTON PI WWW Night, May 20 jfXPJIWWTJR!!^ %\S392S IN 7 PERSON STARS Hollrwood'a Groat la Action! See BETTY BUTTON. JIMMY 8TEWART, DOROTHY LAMOUR. CORNEL WILDE. CHARLTON HES TON. GLORIA GRAHAME. LYLE BETTGER. ao CECIL B. DeMILLE, hlmeelf. ftlma PARAMOUNT'S Screen Epic, “THE GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH,” ander the warld'e larreit bit top daring orerr performance In WASHINGTON. Reeerred Scat Ticket! on eale at Peoples Drug Store, 717 14th Street, N. W. Hoara, 9 A.M. to A P.M. |AMUSEMENTS. MATINEE TODAY AT 2:30 Tales of Hoffmanri itorring MOIRA SHEARER color bv TECHNICOLOR Reserved Seats at ail Performances. Daily at 2 30- $1.20. $1 SO $ $110 Evenincat 8 30-$l 20 $180. $2 40 '«PLAYHOUSE [iii JS»b.AN0 H ST»!fTS • ST 8500 ACCOTO ^feMoAl* CONDITIONED anaaBBSSS iREmrs ? MUlliEI A.M.I SUN* itiM N. um show ton tom i i® owi wbii C ECI PARADE BURLESQUE WASHINGTON MIMIIKI -- ■ ^-1 NOW ■ ON KRm I UilfOEff teatmk 12 maun MUfre /mum omly • mm m a. «l 1 | TYRONE Al_ susan HAYWARD INI MARLOWE • KAN 1ASKI • EMU MCNANAN DirtOtd by Prodvcd by NEWT NATNAWAT SAMVEL I. ENGEL Writtpm by Dudl»y Niehptt TODAY ,vs . . . . .npi t ii w tit.iiOiOiO.yy> ( M——if ACTIVITIES IN FRONT OF THEATRE J 8:30 P M. , LIGHTS—MUSIC—100-PIECE ARMY BAND * TONIGHT All QTACr ^u^or *n^ Director of "GO FOR BROKE" \^UN OlAht^^ ROBERT PIROSH Regular Ceatinuous Showing* at “Ba Far Iraka" Fra* 11 A.M. TODAY ~ ON £7XG£. .TONIGHT ONLY *1 9 P.M. > L gjWb. M.G.M.’s Glamaraus Star af "Tam Carnival” ESTHER WILLIAMS I _ M-G-M's great successor to famed "Battleground" 'They made the I pants too longl I * S...means Shoot The Works!" And they shoot the worb with lead, love and laughter! Star of "Battleground" 1 in an even greater role! | aiHoillLCOflUElt WRITTEN AND DIRECTED BY ROBERT PHOSII * PRODUCED BY DORE SCHARY A METRO GOIDWYN MAYER PICTURE JjiGUS VAN Tha Original Melody Man I AipA piM ii a and His Orifinal Latin \S tlKU KIMAt Rhythms & Revut with CHARLIE BOY • REINITA & RUBITA HARRIS&SHORE Satirically Yours I PAT HILL & LARRY DELMA Holiday on Strings SAM JACK KAUFMAN A Famain Capital Thaatra Orahaitra A ! AMUSEMENTS. |AMUSEMENTS. WtmuwoFTtUil ments. free parking. fr{» picnic grounds. Glen Echo or Cabin John streetcar goes *<ght to park. Open at 1 p m. 1 SCARF JOHN IRELAND MERCEDES McCAMBRIDGE STARTS TODAY t*M am. TODAY'S NEIGHBORHOOD MOVIES - - nanir Savannah St. at 13th St. S.f. I rnnA } block oH A|a. Av.. J0. 2-2233 ! Last Chance to See BUD ABBOTT AND LOU COSTELLO as They "MEET THE INVISIBLE MAN." Features at 6:15. 8:05. 9:50. CAROLINA n* on?,.N3.C447Ar “ “BRIDE OP FRANKEN8TEIN,” “SON OF FRANKENSTEIN STANTON -ft cJ!S«N t VAN HEFLIN In “TAPROOTS ’' ROBERT STERLING In “BUNCO 8QUAD.,, CIRCLE 2105 Pa. Av*. N.W. RE. 0184 j Last Day: RICHARD TODD. RUTH RO MAN in "LIGHTNING STRIKES TWICE." at 6, 7:50, 9:40, FAIRFAX THEATER "GROUNDS FOR MARRIAGE," VAN HEFLIN. KATHRYN GRAYSON. GREENRELT VAN HEFLIN In "TOMAHAWK." JOAN DAVIS In "TRAVELING SALESWOMAN,” at 7. 8:30. CFQRGFTflWN 1351 wis. a».. " UbllBtlfclUWIV Air Cond. AD. 8100 "THE COMMUNITY ART CINEMA LAST DAY! By Arrangement With RUPERT D OYLY CARTE GILBERT & SULLIVAN’S “THE MIKADO” , In Technicolor with MARTYN GREEN. KENNY BAKER and the D'OYLY CARTE | CHORUS. Doors Open 5:45 P.M. Fea ture at 6. 7:56. 9:52._ HISER-BETHESDA 74,4,wit«Av* JANE RUSSELL in “THE OUTLAW” " At 6. 7:60. 9:45. News. _ WARNER RROS. THEATERS lor Information Call JUpubHe Otit AMBASSADOR ant.” 1. 3:10. 5:20, 7:30, 9:40. ftVftl f)N John Lund. Oena Tier n Tftlaun ney ..The Matlnl 8ea. son." 6, 7:50, 9:45, ftVF CRAW) Oorts Day. Oene nvis. UflHflU Nelson, “Lullaby of Broadway,” 6:35, 9:25. Robert Rock well, “Prisoners in Petticoats,” 8:10. Rl'VrUI V ,rte Parking. Oene DLlUUil Tierney, John Lund, “The Mating Season,” 2, 5:45, 9:35. Alan Ladd, "Branded." 4:10, 8:00. CALVERT-SHERIDAN S? Tech-: CENTRA! Marlon Brando. “The VWIIHIUI Men,” 11:16, 9:40, 6:06, 9:30. George Montgomery, “Iroquois Trail," 1. 4:25, 7:50. CM ANY John Lund. Oene Tierney, vvasvn I Thelma Ritter. “The Mat lng Season." 7, 9:30. KENNEDY *lchar<1 Todd- Ruth a Roman, "Lightning Strikes Twice," 2, 3:56, 6:50. 7 45 9:45._ PEM-VPT0WH li':,' 1:15, 6:20. 9:26. Errol Flynn. Hum phrey Bogart, “Virginia City." 3:16. 7:1 o. SAVnV Joan Blondell, “Lady for a wsaevi Night.” 6:15, 9:30. Stephen McNally. “Air Cadet.” 8x SECO 811ver Spring," Md. Free Park lng. Van Johnson, Katnryn ,:85 SILVER 8Uver 8prlDB' Md ~Pre"e P»rklng. Richard Todd, Ruth Roman. “Lightning Strikes Twice," l. 3:05, 6:20. 7:25, 9-40 “ 6.40, 9.25. (Academy Award w<"n»r ) The first 100 lady patrons will BeH elven a beautiful “Oscar” corsage courtesy HUkrest Plorlgt. Takoma TIVOLI Rtchard Todd, Ruth ftoman , "Lightning Strikes Twice" 1:30, 3:30. 5:30, 7:30, 9:30, S. U. LOEW’S MT. VERNON OPEN A1B DRIVE-IN Rt. 1, 3 Ml. 8*. ef Alex., AL. TOOO Show Starts 8:40 D.8.T.! DAVID BRIAN. RUTH ROMAN In ‘XIGHT NINO STRIKES TWICE.’’ at 10:05. plus ‘‘BLONDIE’S HERO," at 8:40. Coma Early. Doors Open 7:30! Kids Free. Playxround, Pony Rides, Candy Free to Every Child! Starts Friday: "OROUND6 FOR MARRIAGE." SUNSET DRIVE-IN *7^“ Bet. Calambla Pike A Shirley Hwy. Open 7:30. Today. Tomorrow: MAR LON BRANDO TERESA WRIGHT In “THE MEN." at 8:30. Plus COR NEL WILDE In “POUR DAYS LEAVE." at 10:05. SI,00 Plus Tax a Cartull, AIRPORT DRIVE-IN "ft® “TOAST OF NEW ORLEANS." In Technicolor. MARIO LAN8A. KATH RYN GRAYSON, at 10:30. Plus “D. O. A ." EDMUND O’BRIEN. PAMELA BRITTON, at 8:56. Added: “AND THERE WERE FOUR" Friday: “AIR CADET" and "OUTRAGE.” DRIVE-IN °pen 7:45 p.m. RICH *" ARD TODD RUTH ROMAN. ZACHARY BCOTT lH gL]°H™ING STRIKES TWICE," i.“ HYATTS VILLE MAN" » 8COTT In ‘VIRGINIA CITY. Plus Cartoon 8how with Tim and Jerry, Donald Duck. Pluto, CREVERLY '^Dro££T£ .r°eYAL 8%TD^40" ^T*chnlco'or>* MARLBORO •'HUIUJIinV JOAN BENNETT. ELIZABETH TAYLOR In “FATHER'S LITTTiE DIVIDEND." at 7:25. 9:17. VAYWfMin “ABBOTT AND Cos" S1IIITVUU TELLO MEET THE INVISIBLE MAN." at 6:30, 8:07, 0:45,_ Tomorrow: All-Family Show" ERROL FLYNN, RANDOLPH 8COTT In "VIRGINIA CITY." plus Cartoon Show with Tom and Jerry, Bugs Bunny and Popeye. FAMPfl open 6745 p.m" JOAN vmibV FONTAINE. JOSEPH COT TEN In "SEPTEMBER AFFAIR" and DORIS DAY. GENE NELSON In "LULLABY OF BROADWAY." Last Complete Feature 7:52. AI I Fll RICHARD TODD-RUTH ftbbbn roman In "LIGHTNING STRIKES TWICE." at 6:15. 8, P:4S, Tomorrow: All Family Show! ER ROL FLYNN, RANDOLPH SCOTT. HUMPHREY BOGART In "VIR GINIA CITY,” plus Cartoon Show with Bugs Bunny. Tom and Jerry, Doanld Duck. _ RTTHFCna “ABBOTT AND COS OblBLMlA TELLO MEET THE INVISIBLE MAN." at 6:16. 8. 9:45. VIEHS MOL In "LIGHTNING STRIKES TWICE." at 6, 7:45, 9:35, Saturday. 1 Day Only—All Family Show! ERROL FLYNN. MIRIAM HOPKINS. RANDOLPH SCOTT HUMPHREY BOGART In "VIR GINIA CITY." plus Cartoon Show with Tom and Jerry. Donald Duck. Popeye._ Mil flPDICK POWELL. RHONDA I UlsU FLEMING, In “CRY DAN GER." at 7:30. 9:30. Fairtawn A—>—I C» ■nun BUSAN HAYWARD, WILLIAM LUNDI GAN In "I'D CLIMB THE HIGHEST MOUNTAIN.” In Technicolor, at 6:16, 8, 9:46 _ ATI AWTir Nichole Ave. A Atlantic A1 LAN 1 Ur Sf jo 3.3000 "ABBOTT AND COSTELLO MEET THE INVISIBLE MAN,” at 6:25, 8:10. 9:50. CONGRESS 2W,JSt&r#J FRED ASTAIRE. JANE POWELL In "ROYAL WEDDING." In Technicolor, I at 6:15, 8:05. 9:55._ | ANACOSTIA Two Reissue Hits! ERROL FLYNN, RANDOLPH SCOTT In "VIRGINIA CITY," at 1. 5:06. 9:10; "DODGE CITY." at .1:20. 7:30.__ Pflll AT Marlboro Pike at Diet. Line VUnnie H| 3151 Free parking RUTH ROMAN. RICHARD TODD In "LIGHTNING STRIKES TWICE." at 6:15. 8;05. 9:55. laurel a f!f PAUL DOUGLAS In "FOURTIIN HOURS'* CAPITOL CapitolHe^h,.. Md Double Peature. BETTY GRABLE, DAN DAILEY In "CALL ME MISTER." In Technicolor, at 6:15. 9:50; CARY GRANT in “TALK OF THE TOWN,” \ at 7:55. THE VILLAGE «[ V & Today. Tomorrow: BUD ABBOTT, LOU COSTELLO in "ABBOTT AND COSTELLO MEET THE INVISIBLE MAN." at 6. 7:52, 9:44._ NEWTON ,l* * Trtam MJ Today. Tomorrow: RUTH ROMAN. RICHARD TODD In "LIGHTNING STRIKES TWICE." at 6, 7:50. 9:40. JESSE THEATER Phone DU. 9861 Today Tomorrow: DORIS DAY. GENE NELSON in "LULLABY OF BROADWAY,” in Technicolor, at 6:20. 9:32; LEE J. COBB, JANE WYATT in "THE MAN WHO CHEATED HIMSELF " at 7:53. THI: VrnMnil 3707 Mt. Vernon N*W Avo.. Alex.. Vo. 1 Block Pram Presidential Gardena Phone Alee. 2424 Last Day: ERROL FLYNN. MIRIAM HOPKINS in “VIRGINIA CITY." at 6:35. 8:20. APFT 4813 Mass. Ave. N.W. ““ WO. 4400 2 Blf Hits with ERROL FLYNN. ANN SHERIDAN. HUMPHREY BOGART, OLIVIA DE HAVILLAND In "VIR GINIA CITY.” at 1:25. 6:35. 9:40 "DODGE CITY,” at 3:60, 8. ATLAS 1331 H *»• n.e. at. 8300 AIleAa Cont. , tQ ,, It's the Real Korean Story: “STEEL HELMET.” ROBERT HUTTON. 8TEVE BRODIE. Plus JOAN FON TAINE. JOSEPH COTTEN In "SEP TEMBER AFFAIR,” PI nvrn Plney Branch ltd. and a leWrebn y|ow(f Ay, IU 7-7017 Doors Open 6 P.M. 2 Star-Packed Hits. ERROL FLYNN. OLIVIA DE HAVILLAND in “DODGE CITY.” at 6. 10; ERROL FLYNN, HUMPHREY BOGART in "VIRGINIA CITY." 7:55. HATLOH M,h ‘ 11 Doors Open 6 P.M. Two Great Ac tion Hits. “DODGE CITY," at 8:20; "VIRGINIA CITY." at 7:20. MacABTHUB T^StSS Doors Open 6:15. JANE POWELL. FRED ASTAIRE in "ROYAL WED ?INO.” In Technicolor." at 6:30. :10, 8:50. ,* *1 > 3 STMT “MY forbidden past." ainib ROBERT MITCHUM, AVA GARDNER. 1 pp A LIFE OP HER OWN1 “““ LANA TURNER, RAY MIL LAND. «uwfBrs^gRE: ARTHUR 8TORY." ; WVI SAN "MY FORBIDDEN l niuvn past.” Robert I MITCHUM. AVA GARDNER. . ASHTMI "GHOST OF FRANK ! "“n 1 Un ENSTEIN" and “SON ! OF DRACULA." ■ CVIKr "ROY'aL Wedding." , jane POWELL. FRED ASTAIRE. i BUCKINGHAM ! ARTHUR STORY." ! pvnn the Woman on pieA • DI nv 13," LORRAINE DAY. ROB ERT RYAN. trrrrncnw ■■ abbots a n o ju r maun costello meet THE INVISIBLE MAN." ABBOTT and COSTELLO. t reed 1723 Ki:9 **• 3445 » hhphp Parking Space » STEWART GRANGER, WALTER PIDGEON In •‘SOLDIERS THREE.” j VIRGINIA M-mo7LBlvt,343 u' * . MARJORIE MAIN. PERCY KIL BRIDE in "MA AND PA KETTLE | BACK ON THE FARM."_ CENTRE :airiington, Vo. TK. 1000 “BIRD OF PARADISE." DEBRA PADGET. LOUIS JORDAN. SH1RLINGT0N r°£a\™ J,A"