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Dangerous Relic, This Salamander Gets An Archeologist Into Trouble "OOLDEN SALAMANDER,” a J. Arthur Rank picture, produced by Alexander Gal person; directed by Ronald Neame. screen play by Lesley Storm, Victor Canning and Ronald Neame, from a novel by Victor Canning. At the Dupont. The Caat. David _Trevor Howard Anna _ . Anouk Rankl _ Herbert Lorn Douvet_Miles Malleson Berafli_ Walter Rilla Max_ Jacques Sernas Agno __Wilfred Hyde-White Aribi_ Peter Copley French Chief of Pollea_Eugene Deckers Jeffries _Henry Edwards Dominic _M«rcel Poncin Mme. GulHard _Percy Walsh Madame Labree _ Sybllla Binder Madame Gulllard_Kathleen Boutall Ben Ahrim _Valentine Dyall By Horry MacArthur The advisability of paying at tention to old Greek proverbs carved on gold relics dug up for museums is demonstrated with some force in “Golden Salaman der,” the new import from Brit ain at the Dupont. The hero of “Golden Salamander” is a young archeologist sent to a North African town to salvage omjI nni-nlnmin a eVimmont /\f »rnl_ uable mementoes of the past in terned there during the war. One of these turns out to be a large golden salamander, on the base of which is a Greek prov erb to the effect that you do not conquer evil by ignoring it, but going out to meet it. This stabs his conscience several times and before long he is embroiled in sinister underworld machinations which almost lead him to his doom. The benevolent scenario writers lead him ultimately to a beautiful French girl instead of his doom, but it is a rough road he travels getting to her. On his way to his museum as signment, you see. he has on s dark and rainy night run afoul of a landslide and a wrecked truck loaded with obviously contraband automatic pistols. More and mors evidence turns up that something shady is going on around that little African town on the Medi terranean Coast, but the arche ologist manages to mind his own business until he runs across that salamander with the messages. Director Ronald Neame. who collaborated with Leslie Storm and Victor Channing in writing the screenplay of “Golden Sala mander,” has woven a fair amount of suspense into his adventure yarn. His opening sequence of that rainy night in Africa, for instance, is a minor masterpiece of building tension and interest. The chase sequence which winds things up in a lively affair which could bring you to the edge of the seat, too. These are stretches in between, though, when Director Neame’s leisurely British pace is downright aggravating. There can’t be too much complaint about this, how ever, since it permits the sampling of a great deal of local color, which departs from authenticity only in being cleaner and not smelling like the real thing. Tevor Howard plays the arche ologist and does a thoroughly I satisfying job of it. The French crirl n/hn ie V»ic romor^ fnr* /haImit Instead of ignoring evil is played by a newcomer named Anouk. Anouk is a fine figure of a French girl, for whom a man might very well take on a gang of gun-run ners. Herbert Lom, Miles Malle son, Walter Rilla and Wilfred Hyde-White are others who lurk around the premises lending vary ing degrees of the sinister. “Golden Salamander” is no clas sic among English supense-adven ture dramas, but it will do. Dance to Be Held For Officers Tonight The Unification Society will give an Armed Forces Day dance for all service officers and their guests at 9:30 o’clock tonight in the Shoreham Hotel. Candlelight buffets, also observ ing the day, will be held at 8 p.m. tomorrow in Fort McNair Recrea tion Center No. 1 and in the South Area of Fort Myer. Dances will be held at 7 p.m. Saturday in the new ballroom at Quantico, Va., and in the enlisted men’s recreation club at Patuxent. Md. DANCING. MARION’S DANCE STUDIO 36 322, $14 A Complete Dancing Courte HOTEL CHASTLETON f||| AAAf* 16fh and R Sh. N.W. UU >1449 Where and When Current Screen Attractions and Time of Showing Stage. Arena—“Mr. Arcularis"; 8:30 p.m. New Gayety—“Mister Roberts”; 8:20 p.m. Screen. Ambassador—“Only The Val iant”; 1:00, 3:10, 5:20, 7:30 and 9:40 p.m. Capitol—“Go For Broke”; 11:00 a.m., 1:35, 4:10, 6:50 and 9:45 p.m. Stage Shows: 12:45, 3:20, 6:00 and 8:35 p.m. Columbia—“You’re In the Navy Now”; 11:30 a.m., 1:35, 3:35. 5:45, 7:50 and 9:55 p.m. Dupont—“Golden Salamander”; 1:10, 3:15, 5:25, 7:30 and 9:40 p.m. Keith’s—“I Was an American Spy”; 11:15 a.m., 1:20, 3:30, 5:35, 7:40 and 9:50 p.m. Little — “The Mudlark”: 1:30. 4:20, 7:10 and 10:00 p.m. Metropolitan- — “The Redhead and the Cowboy”; 11:50 a.m., 1:50, 3:45, 5:45, 7:45 and 9:45 p.m. National — “Royal Wedding”; 11:20 a.m., 1:00, 2:40, 4:20, 6:00, 7:40 and 9:20 p.m. Palace—“Rawhide”; 11:45 a.m. 1:45, 3:45, 5:45, 7:45 and 9:45 p.m. Pix—“Manon”; 3:35, 6:45 and 9:|>5 p.m. Playhouse — “Tales of Hoff mann”; 2:30 and 8:30 p.m. Plaza—“Oh! Amelia”; 11:45 a.m., 1:45, 3:45, 5:45, 7:45 and 9:50 p.m. Trans-Lux—“The Scarf”; 11:00 a.m. 12:45, 2:35, 4:25, 6:15, 8:05 and 9:50 p.m. WARNER—"Only The Valiant”; 11:15 a.m., 1:15, 3:20, 5:20, 7:25 and 9:45 p.m. 'Mr. Asia' Selected “Mr. Asia of 1951” selected in a contest at the recent ^.st Olym pic Games in India, is • year-old Parimal Roy, of India, selected on the basis of physical develop ment, looks and personality. The orange-colored lenses of the prairie dog’s eyes act as filters permitting it to withstand the sun’s intense glare. EVENING PANNING 50® ‘umE* CAPITAL GARAGE 1320 N. Y. Av*. N.W. Between ISth nn4 14th e$& ftafurtt thc prodigious, popular pianist MARTIN ROCKLIN Nifktlp 5 34 t* 7 St ««4 10 00 te 100 Oetstendiof l«r end Mm • leocfcoen (eckteil deer • Mseer • Nigkkop Mihhlee NO MX • M (OVEt • NO MINIUM DANCING._ DANCE BARGAIN I 4 Vi-Hr. Private Leisont PA Introductory Offer VJ| Limit—1 Course Per Perion Bw DAUMIWS 1737 Columbia Read N.W. HU. 8600 HURRY! SPECIAL THIS WEEK! 10 VrHR. VTuce to«*g -P.oSNU® *150 learn to dance the amazingly timple Dale Speed method way. Rumba, Foxtrot, Mam bo, Waltz, etc. I Come in or phone I TODAY for a FREE I trial leiton. | No Appointment | Needed I Nationally Famout tor Over ' J to Yean In Molt Motor Citlci [ 710 14th St. N.W., NA. 2402. 11 A.M. TO 10 r.M. [ M .. i and to think I could have gone to Arthur Murray !** Better make sure this can’t happen to you at lummer’s gay parties! Call EX. 4100 today for your FREE guest lesson and dance analysis! Rosenbaum Sisters Plan Dual Nuptials To Callahan Twins Twin brothers will marry sis ters in a double wedding ceremony here tomorrow night. Clyde Callahan, a sailor on duty at the Philadelphia Navy Yard, is marrying Miss Peggy Rosenbaum, 17, and his brother Clarence who works for a local service station, is marrying her sister. Hazel, 16. The youths are the sons of Mr. and Mrs. George Callahan of Bristol, Tenn. The girls’ parents are Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A, Rosen baum, 1002 Twenty-second street N.W. The Rosenbaums came to Washington a few months ago from Bristol, where the families lived within two blocks of each other. The ceremony is scheduled for 11 p.m. tomorrow at the residence of the Rev. Stephen Gill Spots wood, 1324 Q street N.W. The British coal industry was nationalized on January 1, 1947. [Friendship Heights Group j Offers Lawn, Garden Prize The Friendship Heights Citi zens’ Association will offer $25 in prizes for the best gardens and lawns in the area this summer. President Edward K. Bach i schmidt last night appointed W. [Gordon Webner, 4340 Davenport ! street N.W., to head a committee to make rules for the competition. [The association also appropriated | $50 for civil defense. It voted to [oppose the national health insur ance bill which has been intro duced in Congress. Election of new officers was postponed until fall because of the small atendance at last night’s session, held in the Janney School. Wisconsin avenue and Albemarle street N.W. — Congo Art Shown . Paintings and sculptures from the Belgian Congo recently were shown at the Galerie-Libraire Palmes, in Paris, along with a lecture on African art. Civic Association Dinner The Bloomingdale Civic Asso ciation will honor Mrs. Velma G Williams, Dr. Phillip T. Johnson and Woolsey W. Hall, members of the District Board of Educa tion, with a testimonial dinner at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow in Frazier Hall, Howard University. Revival Rally Tonight The Washington branch of the New Harlem Tenants League will I hold a mass revival rally at 8:30 o’clock tonight in the Temple Church of God in Christ, Sixth and H streets S.W. * New York : delegates of the organization will I address the meeting. Compare them with glasses sold at higher prices. BIFOv.*LS $3 EXTRA 30 STYLES, SHAPES and COLORS REPAIRS: Yonure,Own°Cholco—»tUOneXpCrlce^th» SanuTprlcs to Bnk*il Lf7“ Everybody! No More. No Leu. Dmolleoted. • Direct From Factory , Lowest'rrtces. • Save Middleman's Profit 605 14th St. N.W. 0 Day Trial golte 303 Westory Bids. • Satisfaction Guaranteed ltth and r sts. REnebiie 8383. a# ■ k | a a^api a a | a a Hoars: 0 A.M.-6 P.M., Inch Sat. KING OPTICAL CO. Branches In Many Prlneleal Cities __ •» v. s. ana Canada. Please don't neglect me another season * * I_ Now! One convenient carton of new SEALTEST CONCENTRATED MILK satisfies most every Milk and Cream need Saves Money, Saves Space, Saves Time and Has the Same Delicious Taste as Regular Milk! TT’S LIKE having a line of dairy products right in your refriger ator! That’s what thousands are saying, that’s why thousands are switching to remarkable new SEALTEST Concentrated Milk. Need cream for coffee and tea? Like "Half-and-Half” on your cereals and desserts? Want fresh, rich, Grade A milk for your youngsters? Now you can pour them all out of the same thrift-priced, space-sav ing carton! For one handy carton of SEALTEST Concentrated Milk provides delicious homogenized milk, tasty and nutritious "Half CBS Food Expert Stumped by Taste Test! "Can’t Tell the Difference" says ELINOR LEE. After carefully comparing one creamy-rich mouthful after another, Miss Lee enthused, “I can’t tell any dif ference between the new SEALTEST Con centrated Milk and SEALTEST homog enized milk we’ve been using. It’s delicious!" Try some today, you’ll agree with Elinor Lee—SEALTEST Concentrated Milk is handier to have, more convenient to vise, easier to carry and delicious in taste! and-Half,” and coffee and cream. You just mix as you use. and you use as you like! You Must Like It as Well or Better than Your Present Milk —Or Your Money Back! Now you can lower your milk costs, without lowering your standards of quality! SEALTEST guarantees the same delicious taste, the same important food values, the same creamy richness and wholesome goodness you receive from regular Grade A homogenized milk. And to date, 95.7 percent of the thousands who tasted, tested and are now regularly buying and enjoying the world’s handiest milk, report they like it as well or better than regular milk! And little wonder, for it is fresh whole milk with water removed and the taste intact, perfected after seven long years of work by the famous Natiorfal Dairy Research Laboratories. Today taste it, test it yourself—if you’re not satisfied with every sip of rich, nutritious SEALTEST Concentrated Milk, just return the empty carton and your money will be refunded in full! ★ It's Like Having a Bigger Refrigerator When You... Just Mix as You Use! O Just add two parts cold water and enjoy milk at its very best C t It’s full-bodied, flavorful and extra rich when poured right from the carton for coffee and tea. For cereals and desserts, add one part cold water and serve-*richer, more nutri tious than regular milk. A nourishing taste treat youngsters love. Add two parts of their favorite soft drink, and they still receive all the nourishment of a full glass of regular milk. AT YOUR GROCERS-OR PHONE Michigan 1011 FOR HOME DELIVERY C ' ‘ ' ' 4 " '■ U , -*■ ' & I'S 4 Cwhihh * UEtTMT fMMS CH£ff CHASE HUT J£2£ FfttUKK. ttMUM *.** fKtnniri it nt ST. Mt KM ML H.W.VASWMfiTaN. I t M WMLoJf£r7\ Seaftest Concentrated f,LK DECANTER/ * \ ^XfSxrvsie"« I , { tractive d«ant£l ?“ at- I ^1 Bfw evaOable at yoZ L“°" I -3^J w"’,your«“teSr« I b • JTSLr- Qua»w« I TH»«t JRJ today 4th'v° *et your» I ^ of new SEALTEST'c'f* I k * J centrated Milk. Con*