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r #. .4 60 Orig. 3.95 PLAID RAINCOATS Goy ploid plastic raincoats with de tachable hood, carrying case. Sizes small, medium, large. 30 orig. 1.39 Vanitoes to keep your feet dry._79c LAN SB URGH’S—Umbrellas—Street Floor 65 Orig. 10.95 to 14.95 Budget Fashion Center Dresses Dresses to wear right now! Gleaming rayon tissue failles, crepes, prints, spuns. Darks plus pretty colors. Misses' broken sizes 12 to 20. women's half-sizes 14 Vi to 22 Vi. LANSBURGH’S—Budget Fashion Center Second Floor 12 Orig. 29.75 Budget Fashion Center Suits Wool check suits, blue and beige tones, rayon crepe lined. Sizes 10 to 18 included. LANSBURGH’S—Budget Fashion Center Second Floor 15 Orig. 14.95 to 22.95 Less Than Half Price JUNIOR-MISS DRESSES Print rayon crepes, pure silks, rayon faille. Variety of styles. Broken sizes 9 to 15. 4 orig. $25 and $29.75 forma s, rayon taffeta in black and navy. Strapless bodice. 9 & 13 included _ _ . . . 14.88 LANSBURGH’S—Junior-miss Dresses Second Floor 35 Orig. 8.95 to 22.95 JUNIOR-MISS DRESSES Less Than Half-Price Dressy and tailored one and two piecers. Pure silks, rayon taffetas, gabardines, crepes, prints, checks. Black, navy, assorted colors. Sizes 9 to 15. LANSBURGH'S—Junior-miss Dresses Second Floor WOMEN'S DRESSES Orig. NOW 13 Two-piece Silk Shantung Dresses; aqua or luggage; broken half-sizes 161/2 to 22 Vi_ 16.95 12.88 14 Pastel Print Pure Silk Dresses; light or dark background; broken sizes 14Vi to 24Vi _ 16.95 12.88 12 Pastel ond Navy Tucked Rayon Crepe Dresses; broken half-sizes 14Vi to 22Vi _ 17.95 12.88 18 Rayon Crepe Dresses; solid colors navy 22.95 to black; broken sizes 14 Vi to 22 Vi_ 25.00 17.00 LANSBURGH’S—Women's Dresses—Second Floor 70 Orig. 4.95 and 5.95 BLOUSES HALF-PRICE OR LESS Rayon tissue failles, nylons, silk prints. Classic and dressy styles. Broken sizes and colors; 32 to 38 included. 36 Orig. 4.95 and 5.95 Blouses in Leno weave cotton with pique collar and French cuffs. Birdseye pique blouses with detachable tobs, white only; 32 to 38 _ _ . . . 3.88 LANSBURGH’S—Blouses—Street Floor 171 Orig. 2.95 and 3.95 COTTON BLOUSES Cotton broadcloth, cool, washable. Classics, pleated-back shirt included. Pink, blue, white, rust, maize, aqua, green, tangerine, stripes. 32 to 38 included. LANSBURGH’S—Blouses—Street Floor Misses' Dresses Reduced to Clear Orig. NOW 14 Rayon Faille Suit - Dresses; navy, black, beige; broken sizes 10 to 18- 17.95 12.88 5 Rayon Crepe Dresses; solid black or navy; 12 tc 18 included - 17.95 12.88 10 Rayon Sheer Dresses; dark with pas tel trim; broken sizes 12 to 18_ 25 00 17.00 18 Cotton Dresses; some sunbacks; one and two-piece; broken sizes 12 to 18 17.95 12.88 LANSBURGH’S—Misses’ Dresses—Second Floor 300 Orig. 59c Men's Linen Handkerchiefs Snowy white Irish linen hanker chiefs, exceptionally fine quality; ^ ^jC Va" and Vs" hems. Buy for . J Father's Day! W LANSBURGH’S—Handkerchiefs—Street Floor ' Handkerchiefs Reduced to Clear . Orig. NOW 24 Men's Irish Linens with cordea borders, hand-rolled hems- 1.00 59e 24 Women's Sheer Swiss Cottons, hand rolled hems _ 1.00 59e 100 Women's Colorful Cotton Prints, scalloped hems_ 39c 25c 15 Women's White Swiss Cottons, col ored embroidered _ 1.50 1.00 LANSBURGH’S—Handkerchiefs—Street Floor f Special Purchase 200 Reg. 75c* ‘ TALCUM POWDER From a famous maker . . . ideal chance to get a good supply of this grooming accessory that's especially popular in summer. LANSBURGH’S—Cosmetics—Street Floor CLEARANCE OF NOTIONS Orig. NOW 14 Prs. Washable Chintz Scuffs; small size- 1.00 10c 50 "Silver Crystals" for silver chests.. 50c 10c t75 Buttons; assorted sizes and 40c to • 20c i. colors- 2.50 to 59e 10 Yds. Pleating ond Ruffling; rayon 69c to satin, net and crepe, yd_ 1.95 25e LANSBURGH’S—Notions—Street Floor * Plus 20% Federal tax. *♦ Property labeled for material content. \ 4 CLEARANCE OF FOUNDATIONS Orig. NOW 4 White Nylon Foundotions; boned front, Tolon closing; sizes 41 ond 42-15.00 6.99 5 Famous-make White Nylon Foundo tions; sizes 34, 38, 40_ 12.50 5.95 1 Famous-make Nylon Girdle; size 28-_ 12.50 3.95 3 Rayon Satin Lastex Panty Girdles; small size _ 5.95 3.95 LANSBURGH’S—Corsets—Third Floor KNIT LINGERIE, REDUCED Orig. NOW 10 One-piece Rayon Pajamas; sizes 32 to 34 ..-_ _ 3.95 1.97 10 Nylon Gowns; coral; sizes 9 to 15„_ 7.95 4.75 80 Royon Bond-Leg Briefs; sizes 4 and 5 _ --- 85c 29c 20 Rayon Gowns; net trim; sizes 32 ond 34 - 2.99 1.47 8 Nylon Loce-trimmed Slips; white; size 38 - 6.95 4.95 LANSBURGH’S—Knit Lingerie—Third Floor 70 Originally 2.50 to 5.95 SLIPS AND PETTICOATS Drastically Reduced! $1 to |50 Rayon crepe slips, tailored, dark colors . . . nylon crepe slips in brown, with lace trim and applique trim . . . rayon taffeta slips and petticoats in block . . . also petti-kilts. Sizes 32 to 36 in group. LANSBURGH’S—Lingerie—Third Floor 200 Originality 2.95 to 19.95 LINGERIE V* Price ’j 47 to Q97 In this big group: rayon crepe gowns, slips, petti coats . . . nylon crepe slips . . . rayon satin gowns and slips . . . silk gowns, slips and petticoats . . . cotton batiste and crinkle crepe gowns. 32 to 46 in group. LANSBURGH'S—Lingerie—Third Floor Famous Name Sterling Silver Flatware Orig. NOW 25 Salad Forks . 3,65 1.95* 2 Dinner Knives _ 3.85 1.95* 9 Butter Spreaders - 2.95 1.95* 16 Cream Soupspoons_ 3.75 1.95* 2 Iced Tea Spoons . _ 3.50 1.95* 2 Sterlina Rimmed Glass Ash Travs __ 13.25 6.50* LANSBURGH'S—Silverware—Street Floor STATIONERY AND GIFTS Orig. NOW 6 Leather Pen and Pencil Cases- 65c 29e 2 Boxes Writing Paper_ 3.75 1.19 6 Boxes Writing Paper_ 2.00 89e 10 Metal Typewriter Tables; damaged. 4.95 98c LANSBURGH’S—Stationery—Street Floor 20 Orig. 7.99 and <¥.95 PRINT HOUSECOATS Long-sleeve rayon chaIIis . . . cap- I" sleeve rayon French crepe. Sizes 12 7 7 to 20, 13 and 14 included. 15 orig. 7.95 Rayon Gabardine Dresses. Sizes 12 to 20. _ _ 3.88 LANSBURGH’S—Leisure Fashions—Third Floor HOSIERY AND ANKLETS Orig. Now 50 prs. pure silk hosiery, full fashioned. Mostly dark colors, firoken sizes_ 1.65 59c, 2 prs. $1 150 prs. nylon hosiery, full fashioned. Broken sizes $1 to and colors_ 1.75 59e, 2 prs. $1 50 prs. cotton anklets, broken sizes and colors_39c 10c LANSBURGH’S—Hosiery—Street Floor I CLEARANCE OF COSMETICS Orig. NOW 100 Tweezers _ 25c 10c 25 Heavy Nail Nippers_ 2.59 1.98 60 Hair Brushes with nylon bristles, lucite back __ _ 1.00 69e 40 Famous-make Bath Oils_ 1.50 39c* 400 Cakes 1 8 for 4c eo. Bulk Soap_ 1.00 6 for 21c LANSBURGH’S—Cosmetics— Street Floor JEWELRY REDUCTIONS Orig. Now 68 Necklaces, single or double strand jeweler's link chain, with disc that can be monogrammed at no addi tional charge_•_ 1.95 1 & 2.95 50e* 60 Valjean Simulated Pearls. Adjustable dog collars, chokers, 1 to 3 strands, glittering rhinestone clasps- 1.88 1.39* LANSBURGH’S—Jewelry—Street Floor HANDBAG REDUCTIONS Orig. Now 35 Plastic Patent Handbags, black- 3.88 1.99* qn I onfhor Rnnt Hlr-ir-U nfluv/ Krou/n tan. Inside zippers, rayon linings. - 3.88 1.99* 25 Rayon Faille Bags, pouch and boxy styles. Black, navy, brown_ 3.88 1.99* LANSBURGH’S—Handbags—Street Floor 40 Oris. 14.95 3-PIECE DRESSES Rayon gabardine, summer weight, navy, black; blouse, jacket, shirt. 10 to 18 included. LANSBURGH’S—Sportswear—Second Floor LUGGAGE CLEARANCE 48 Pieces Orisinally 1.98* to $30* Less than Half-Price 59c*toi4"‘ Some floor samples, some slightly damaged pieces, some with wrong initials. In the group are week end and Pullman cases, wardrobes, brief cases and carryalls, vanities and suiters. LANSBURGH’S—Luggage—Street Floor % l I Tots' and Toddlers' Dresses 150 Originally 3.99 and 4.99 Tots' Cotton Dresses; many pretty styles. 3 to 6X. 75 Originally 2.99 Toddlers' Cotton Dresses—broken sizes 1 to 6X LANSBURGH’S—Tots and Toddlers—4th Floor SO Originally 7.95 to 14.95 GIRLS'SUITS Rayon checks . . . wool bolero suits. Girls' and sub-teen sizes 7 to 14. LANSBURGHS—Girls’ Wear— Fourth Floor CLEARANCE OF GIRLS' CLOTH ING Orig. NOW 14 Spring Wool Coats, navy and colors, fitted and boxy styles; 12 and 14-_ 19.95 8.00 15 Cotton Dresses, 7 to 14--- 5.95 3.88 6 Chubby Rayon Dresses, 10Vi to 8.95 & 14 Vz _ 10.95 3.88 20 Cotton Knit Pants, 10 to 14_pr. 59c 35e LANSBURGH’S—Girls’ Wear—Fourth Floor SO Oris. 2.50 BOYS' BLUE JEANS Sanforized for no more than 1 % resid ual shrinkage—sturdy 8-oz. denim. Sizes 4, 10 and 14. LANSBURGH’S—Boys’ Wear—Fourth Floor * 500 Orig. 49c and 59c BOYS' SUMMER UNDERWEAR 3 f°r $1 Summer weight full combed cotton briefs and shirts. Briefs have full elastic waist, reinforced seams . . . athletic style shirts. Broken sizes 24 to 34. LANSBURGH’S—Boys’ Wear—Fourth Floor 17 Oris. 18.95 and 19.95 BOYS' SPORT COATS All wools and wool-and-royons**. Ideal buy to team with odd pairs of slacks. Broken sizes 13 to 17. LANSBURGH'S—Boys’ Wear—Fourth Floor 400 Oris. 2.50 and 2.99 BOYS' CLOTHING 2 for $3 Hard-weoring wearables: Plastic raincoat sets . . . fancy dress shirts, Sanforized for no more than I % residual shrinkage . . . Hawaiian print rayon sport shirts. LANSBURGH’S—Boys' Wear—Fourth Floor TEEN SHOP REDUCTION Orig. NOW 20 Cotton Knit T Shirts, assorted styles and colors; small, medium, large __ 2.99 1.55 12 Cotton Blouses, 10 to 16 _ 3.99 99e 6 Wool Toppers, checks, 10 to 16_16.95 10.00 LANSBURGH’S—Teen Shop—Fourth Floor 20 Orig. 16.95 to $25 TEEN SUITS Checks and solids . . . rayon-and- _ wool** . . . fitted and boxy styles. CJ XR Broken sizes 10 to 16. LANSBURGH’S—Teen Shop—Fourth Floor CHILDREN'S SHOES Orig. NOW 100 Prs. Teens' Sport or Dress Shoes; white, red, brown or black; broken 6.95 & sizes 4 to 9 _ __ 7.95 2.99 40 Prs. Children's Sandals and Camp _ Moccasins; white, red, brown; 3.99 to broken sizes 6 to 12_ 4.50 1.49 150 Prs. Misses' ond Teens' Multicolor Fabric Sandals; rubber soles; sizes 8 to 3 and 5 to 9_ _ 2.99 1.49 LANSBURGH’S—Children's Shoes—Second Floor BIG SAVINGS! SPRING SILK AND RAYON FABRICS Orig. NOW 350 yds. Coham a, Mallinson's, Belding plain and novelty rayon sheers; wide assort- 1.39 to ment of bright colors_yd. 2.50 98c 50_yds. Woven Plaid Pure' Silk Organdy, 44 in. wide_ 2.95 1.39 70 Yds. Pure Silk, pure dye prints 1.69 98e m \/ i rs • . i r* i i /•« -> • vio. i .. ixuyuM 7ciacy-- i 7 70v i L *'rSBURGH’S—Fabric Center—Third Floor FABRIC REMNANTS Vz PRICE Moke your selection from a wide variety of fresh spring and summer fabrics. Lovely colors and weaves. Shantungs—Silks and Rayons Printed and Plain Rayon Crepes Rayon Taffetas and Nets and many, many others LANSBURGH’S—Fabric Center—Third Floor CANDY SHOP ITEMS Orig. NOW 20 Party Horns _ 10c 2 for Sc 60 Party Trees, suitable for table dec orations or party favors_ 49c 29« LANSBURGH’S—Candy— Street Floor 60 Originally 2.19 BAR QUARTET Contains one glass jar of maraschino cherries, jar of pickled onions, a jar of stuffed olives and a jar of green maraschino cherries. LANSBURGH’S—Candy Shop-Street Floor i 16 Orig. 13.50 Room Size Fibre Summer Rugs S'x^ size 895 Reversible plaid pattern in rose, blue, grey or wine. Use in living room, dining room, playroom. LANSBURGH’S—Rugs—Fourth Floor RUGS 12'x9', damaged, as is, less than I Broadloom Rug, Wilton weave, Orig. NOW Vx price_ 148.20 48.95 1 Broadloom Rug, Axminster weave, beige tone on tone, 9'x8'6"_ 53.15 41.95 1 Broadloom Rug, twist weave, silver blue, 4'6"x6'_ 39.95 18.95 2 Broadloom Rugs, Wilton weave carved, grey or rose, 4'6"x6'_ 34.75 14.95 1 Fibre Summer Rug, woven texture, blue, 8'x10'_ 21.95 14.95 3 Loop Twist Cotton Rugs, blue or rose, 6'x9' _ 29.95 12.95 16 Loop Twist Cotton Rugs, grey, 2x4', Vz price_ 3.69 1.69 LANSBURGH’S—Rugs—Fourth Floor FURNITURE 1 Crescent-shaped front sofa fringed Orig. NOW base green. Floor sample. -199.00 139.00 1 Barrel-Back Chair, foam rubber seat; green _119.00 59.00 1 Drum Table, leather top, genuine ma hogany; as is-105.00 64.50 1 Modern Step End Table, with drawer, blond; as is . _ — - - -- 39.95 18.95 6 Modern Cocktail Tables, blond— 13.95 7.95 1 Five-piece Modern Bedroom Set with bed, chest, vanity, vanity bench, night toble, blond _418.00 309.00 1 Modern Night Table, blond- 49.50 34.50 6 Chest of Chests, modern, limed oak_- 94.50 69.00 2 Modern Double Size Beds, limed oak- 50.00 34.50 8 Eighteenth Century Style Panel Bed, mahogany, double or twin size- 49.50 29.50 LANSBURGH’S—Furniture—Fifth Floor LINENS AND DOMESTICS Orig. NOW 60 Cannon Bath Towels- 69c 39e 36 Cannon Guest Towels- 49c 29c 72 Cannon Wash Cloths_ 29c 15e 26 Linen Damask Napkins- 1.65 89c 36 Cannon Guest Towels--- 39c 19c 2 Quaker Lace Cloths, soiled- 42.95 21.95 2 Quaker Lace Cloths, soiled- 24.95 12.95 4 Bath Rugs-- _ 5.95 2.98 4 Tufted Bath Sets- 3.98 1.98 5 Callaway Bath Towels_ 2.29 1.15 36 Callaway Guest Towels- 1.19 69c 120 Hand-embroidered Scarfs- 1.00 69c 17 California Print Tablecloths- 3.98 1.98 4 Linen, Damask Tablecloths__ 4.99 2.99 72 Colored Border Napkins_ 49c 29e 18 Linen Napkins_ 59c 39e 15 Linen Place Mats_ 89c 59e 30 Embroidered Guest Towels_ 1.00 59c LANSBURGH’S—Linens and Domestics—Third Floor n i ■ ni _i p_ /■* l: *.! ixuuiuh, riiunuyiupua u v^umuiiiunuiis 2 Single Speed 78 r.p.m. Record Players Orig. NOW in simulated leather covered portable case demonstrators_ 24.95 17.95 1 Three-speed Record Player in simu lated leather covered portable case demonstrators _ 29.95 21.95 1 1951 Webster 3-speed Record Player # Attachment, metal pan base; Model 100-55' demonstrators _ 51.75 38.50 1 1950 Webster Wire Recorder, demon strator; Model 181 __-— -- 98.50 72.95 I 1950 Revere Tape Recorder complete with one reel of tope; AM radio, por table case; Model TR200 demonstra tors _ _199.50 149.95 1 1950 Hudson 3-speed Automatic Rec ord Player in simulated leather por table case demonstrators- - 69.95 49.95 6 1950 Arvin "Hopalong Cassidy" Table Radios with 4 tubes plus rectifier; gaily decorated metal cabinet-17.95 9.95 1 1950 Emerson Console Radio-Phono graph Combination with AM radio, 3 speed automatic record player. Model 670 demonstrators-__179.95 134.95 2 1951 Philco Console Radio-Phono graphs with AM—FM radio, 3-speed automatic record player; mahogany veneered cabinet Model 1732 and 1733 demonstrators_249.95 184.95 LANS BURGH’S—Radios—Street Floor TELEVISION CLEARANCE All Are Floor Samples All with mahogany veneer cabinets unless otherwise specified. Federal excise tax and warranty charge ad ditional where applicable. 1 1951 Admiral Television with 16" Orig. NOW tube; Model 26X66; console cabinet 379.95 284.95 1 1951 Capehart Television with 16" tube; fruitwood cabinet; Model 325F; console cabinet_475.00 349.95 1 1951 Halicrofter TV with 16" tube; console cabinet; standard broadcast radio; Model 818 _369.95 269.95 2 1951 Admiral Console TV with new 17" rectangular tube; walnut plastic cabinet; Model 27K12_299.95 199.95 1 1951 Motorola Table Model TV with 14" rectangular picture tube; wal nut plastic cabinet; Model 14T3X1--219.95 164,95 1 1951 Motorola TV with 17" rec tangular tube; table model in walnut plastic case; Model 17T3X1-259.95 199.95 1 1951 Motorola Table Model TV with 17" rectangular tube; Model 17T4 289.95 217.95 1 1951 Table Model TV with 17" rectangular tube; maroon simulated leather covered wooden cabinet; floor sample; Model 1711_279.95 209.95 1 1951 Motorola Combination with 17" rectangular tube TV, AM-FM radio 3-sDeed automatic record player; Model 17F9_499.95 374.95 1 1951 Emerson Console TV with 12Vi" picture tube; Model 664-249.95 149.95 1 1951 Motorola TV with 17" rec tangular tube, Model 17K7_379.95 284.95 1 1951 Console TV with 16" rectangu lar tube; cabinet with half doors; Model 1616_379.95 284.95 1 1950 Video Console TV with 19" tube; cabinet with full doors; Model VS991 _ 409.95 249.95 16 Indoor Television Antennae with heavy metal base, telescoping arms- 5.95 2.95 2 Television Light and Electric Clock, walnut plastic case _ 9.95 6.95 LANSBURGH’S—Major Appliance Store (Entrance at 418 Seventh St. or Through Archway in Main Bldg.) 116 Orig. 3.95 MEN'S SPORT SHIRTS Less than half price for these fine washoble rayon sport shirts! Long sleeves, convertible collars. Popular solid colors; sizes small to large in group. LANSBVRGH’S—Men’s Furnishings Street Floor ‘ f LAMPS & SHADES Orig. NOW 9 Crystal Hurricane Lamps_ 4.00 3.00 5 Metal Table Lamps, as is_ 5.95 2.00 \ 10 Leather Table Lamps, as is_ 11.95 3.95 6 Imported Crystal Blue Overlay Bou doir Lamp Bases_ 5.95 2.95 1 Leather Table Lamp with shade_14.95 10.95 1 Modern Black Figure Lamp with shode 37.50 27.95 1 Metal Table Lamp with shade, as is. 36.50 17.60 7 Pottery Table Lamps with shades_ 5.95 3.95 LANSBURGH’S—Lamps and Shades—Sixth Floor Glassware (Discontinued Patterns) Peach Bloom Stemware Orig. NOW 61 Goblets _ 59c 30e 97 Sherbets or Champagne Glasses_ 59c 30e 49 5-oz. Juice Glasses, footed_ 59c 30e 144 12-oz. Iced Tea Glasses- 59c 30e Heisey Coronation Pattern Tumblers 15 13-oz. Soda Glasses_-_ 70c 35e 37 14-oz. Slim Jims_-- 85c 40e 37 Old Fashioneds _ 50c 25c 14 2-oz. Sherry Glasses _ 1.25 65e LANSBURGH’S—Glassware—Sixth Floor Clearance of Washers and Ironers Demonstrators and Rebuilts Orig. NOW 1 1951 Easy Electric Ironer, variable heot control, knee and hand control; Model 150, demonstrator_ 189.95 142.95 2 1951 Easy Whirldry Apartment Size Demonstrator Washers, 2-lb. capacity; Model H47___ 59.95 44.95 1 Rebuilt Simplex Ironer- 89.95 1 Rebuilt Easy Spinner Washer_ 49.95 1 Rebuilt Easy Wringer Washer_ 19.95 1 Rebuilt Easy Wringer Washer___ 29.95 1 Rebuilt Easy Wringer Washer_ 39.95 1 Rebuilt Wringer Washer_ 49.95 LANSBURGH’S—Major Appliance Store (Entrance at 418 Seventh St. or Through Archway) in Main Bldg.) BED BOARDS 17 Orig. 3.9S sire 24'rtlT, 1.79 24 Orig. 4.95 size 30'x60", j .98 15 Orig. 5.95 size 36"x60“, 2.49 Make for more healthful, restful sleep. Puts new life in your old mattress. LANSBURGH’S—Domestics—Third Floor BEDWEAR Orig. NOW 1 1 Twin-size Chenille Spreads, one of a kind_ 7.95 3.59 11 Twin-size Chenille Spreads, one of a kind_'_ 9.95 3.74 2 Twin-size Chenille Spreads, one of a kind_ 9.95 5.17 2 Twin-size Chenille Spreads, one of a kind_,_ 10.95 5.17 5 Twin-size Chenille Spreads, one of a kind_ 12.95 6.19 1 Bates Double-size Spread, damaged 9.95 6.99 4 Mattress Pads, 39"x76", twin size-- 3.95 2.45 LANSBURGH’S—Bedwear—Third Floor Ruffled Rayon Marquisette Curtains in Pastels & Deep Tones Drc Wirlfh tn nr • lengths, 54”, 63", 72", 81" 4.95 to and 90” __ 5.95 1.99 pr. 10 Prs. Width, 180" to pr., 90" long _ -.. 11.95 4.99 pr. LANSBURGH’S—Curtains—Fourth Floor Curtains and Draperies Orig. NOW 50 Prs. Fine Quality Frame Ruffled style, Permanent-finish Organdy in white and pastels, 72", 81" and 90” 6.95 to lengths _ 8.95 4.99 200 Yds. Assorted Solid Color Fabrics including rayon taffetas, failles, 1.39 to moires; 48" wide_ 2.50 79eyd. 8 Prs. Custom-made White. Nylon Ninon Tailored Curtains, wide width, 81" long; os is- 16.65 5.99 pr. 9 Toss Pillows, various styles; as is.. 1.59to 69cto 4.95 1.99 eo. LANSBURGH'S—Curtains and Drapery Fabrics Fourth Floor ALL SHRUBBERY y2 PRICE! Orig. NOW 150 Assorted Shrubs _ea. 1.29 64c 200 Assorted Shrubs ____ 89c 44c 100 Assorted Shrubs_ 69c 34c 24 Cherry Trees- 2.19 1.09 18 Peach Trees _- 1.79 89c 200 Pkgs. Dahlias roots- 29c 14e 200 Pkgs. Begonias roots- 29c 14e 100 Cannas roots _ 39c 19e 300 Easter Lily bulbs_ 19c 9e 100 Tiger Lily bulbs__ 19c 9e 25 Azaleas.. 1.99 99c 125 Azaleas.,. 2.98 1.49 100 Azaleas .. 3.98 2.49 7 Evergreens _ 7.95 3.97 12 Evergreens_ 6.95 3.47 LANSBURGH’S Shrubbery Annex (Across from our Main Store, 410 8th St. N.W.) 238 Orig. 2.95 MEN'S WHITE SHIRTS Fine white cotton broadcloths in fused non-wilt collar style with barrel cuffs, large ocean pearl buttons! Broken sizes 14 Vi to 17 in group. LANS BURGH’S—Men’s Furnishings Street Floor MEN'S FURNISHINGS Orig. NOW 10 White Nylon Shirts. Soft collar style with French or barrel cuffs; broken sizes. Soiled from hon- 7.95 to dling. Less then half price- 8.95 1.69 6 Imported Electric Shavers in leather carrying cases- .. ..._16.50 11.95 219 Pure Silk or Fine Rayon Ties in wanted colors end patterns. Less 1.00 to than half price_ 1 -50 49e 173 Men's Fine Rayon Hose. Discon tinued styles from a famous maker; sizes 11 and 11 Vi only.- 75c 19c LANSBURGH’S—Men's Furnishings—Street Floor «*