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Women Pin Champs Seek More Honors In City Tourney Two recently crowned bowling league champions, Lorraine Gull: of the Capitol Major Ladies and Jane MacCord of the Ladies’ Mi nor District, will be the leading contenders for the Class A all events title in the 30th annua] Washington Women’s Duckpin As sociation tournament tonight al Bladensburg. Miss Gulli, with a six-game to tal of 750 in teams and doubles also will be seeking the A singles championship while Mrs. MacCorc with 733 in teams and singles wil gun for the B doubles title witt Catherine Quigley as her partner Bethesda ”40” Alleys of the Cap itol Ladies’ Major won the Class / team title last night with a 1,68< count ted by Clara Benson's 35t set. Hi-Skor was second witt 1.631 as Ronnie Knoblett postec 344. King Pin, with a 1,674 score captured the Class B team cham pionship aided by Ann Carlson'; 352 set. Silver Spring gained thi runnerup honors with 1,633 a; Marion Hamilton hit for 354. Pour teams are needed to com plete the 12-team Wednesday I night handicap summer league, which opens June 6 at Bladens i burg. A number of leading women bowlers will help make up the | teams with a 560 average limit. Bladensburg Manager Karl Goch enour also is seeking both men and women rollers for a Thursday night mixed loop to open June 7.1 Team average limit is 500. Both ■leagues will roll at 7:30. New Lafayette Coach EASTON, Pa., May 17 (/P).— | Bill van Breda Kolff, assistant coach and chief scout for the New ■ York Knickerbockers of the Na tional Basketball Association, was | named basketball coach at Lafay ! ette College yesterday. He re ’ plapes Ray Stanley, who resigned the basketball job last March to become connected with a Phila ■ delphia business firm. All-Time GW Greats to Attend Letter men's Reunion T omorrow All-time stars in several sports will gather at Heurich’s Brewery at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow in the first reunion of George Washington University athletic lettermen. There will be enough past foot ball stars there to field a good pro team. Tufly Leemans, GW’s great star of the mid 30s, who went on to become a pro star with the Giants, will be there with Ends Bob Nowaskey and Ray Hanken, Tackles Harry Deming, now coach ing Bullis School; Walter Slaird, Carl Butkus and John Konizew ski, Guards Guy Hottel and Zuzu Stewart, now coaching Anacostia High; Centers Denny Hughes and Edsal Gustafson ajid Backs John Fenlon, Jay Turner, Fuzzy Fedore and Frank Seno. Also on hand will be Dave All shouse, who was in the line in 1927, the time that Coach Maud Crum had about 12 players on the squad. Hardy Pearce of the District public high school ath-1 letic department, a former star tackle for GW, will be present, as will Fred Mulvey, football coach at Western High. Joey Gallagher, popular coach at St. John’s, will head the former basketball stars, who also will in clude Red Auerbach, vice president and coach of the pro Boston Cel tics; Otts Zahn, Matt Zunic and Ben Goldfadden. Even marksmanship will be rep resented with Frank Pearsons, who was on several United States Olympic rifle teams representing that sport. Baseball players expected to at tend include Roy McNeil and Hoggy Albert, while tennis will be represented by such stars as Dr. David Johnsen, Elwood Davis and Bus Fleming. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦<* Auto Repairs ♦ On Credit ♦ Your car or truck does not have ♦ to be paid for. J Everything for your car at cut + price. 4 Chicago Cardinals Sign I End Don Stonesifer By the Associated Press CHICAGO, May 17.—*The Chi cago Cardinals announced today they have signed Don Stonesifer. Northwestern's All America end ! for the 1951 season. Stonesifer was the Cards’ third; choice in the last player draft.; Contract terms were not disclosed.! Stonesifer, a 6-foot 200-pounder,! is 24 years old. An Air Force j veteran of World War II, he! played four years of varsity foot ball at Northwestern. He is: married and lives in Chicago. He captained the Wildcats last! year, setting a Big Ten record with 378 yards gained on 28 pass; receptions. — " OUTBOARDS 7.5 HP (Fleetwin) __$211.00 14 IIP (Fastv/in) _ 319.50 25 HP (Bi«;twin> 395.50 BOATS OLDTOWN—BEETLE (Fibergloss) STAR METAL-WOLVERINE 15 Models to Select Froml Prices stort ot $97.50 tor 14’ boots it Gov't Approved Lite Cushion! $2.89 each Trade—Term, S. KING FULTON, INC. 803 Maine Ave. S.W. Executive 3406 Open 7 to 7 Daily, Sunday 10 to 3 FREE INSTALLATION! Sale! SARAN PLASTIC As Nationally . Advertised in LIFE AND POST S1C.9S IJ i? ■ 529.95 FOR * N0TE * COACH, SEDAN, ^ « N0T » Pl«»*»c CLUB COUPE Coated Fibre Cover, It’* $2 Extra for Folding th* Genuine Saran Pla*tic Arm Rest in Rear Seat. mo*t Car* 1935-1951. Auto Seat Cover, I no. Intersection of Florida Ave. at 12th St. N.E. 1219 K ST. N.E. • Lincoln 3-9088 FREE PARKING STORE HOURS: 9 to 4 SPECIAL NOTICES MRS. ELEANOR HUMPHREY—It will be necessary to sell your personal belongings unless rent settlement Is paid and caah that you owe us on or before 1 P.m July 2. 1051. MR. PETER B. TRZPIS and MRS MINNIE HAYES. 1340 Potomac ave s.e . LI. 6-2046. —16 HOUSEKEEPER-COMPANION — Ma ture Jewish woman; good home; good salary. Apply In person, YOUNG & CO.. 924 14th at. n.w., 1-4 p.m. only Monday-Frlday. PROPOSALS ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS ARLINGTON COUNTY SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT, ARLINGTON. VA. I 8ealed proposals for the con struction of extensions to the Sew age Treatment Plant in Arlington. Virginia, will be received by the County Board at the office of the County Manager. Court House. Ar lington. Virginia, until 2:00 E.D.8.T. on June 25. 1951, and there publicly opened and read immediately there after. t The work will consist of providing all labor, materials, equipment and incidentals required for the con struction of the plant extensions and improvements complete and ready to operate. The plant will provide for primary treatment of sewage and will include grit removal facilities, settling tanks, sludged digestion and filtration facilities, sludge in cineration. and etc . for an aver age daily sewage flow of twenty million gallons The work will in clude all general construction, building superstructures, equipment, heating, plumbing and electrical work ft Plans, specifications, bidding and contract documents may be ex amined at the office of the Con sulting Engineers. Alexander Pot ter Associates. 50 Church Street. New York. N. Y., or at the office of the County Sanitation Division. Court House. Arlington, Virginia, and there obtained upon deposit of Eighty Dollars ($80.00). Pull refund will be made to actual bidders for return of one (1) set, in good con dition. within two weeks after clos ing date for receipt of bids: refund lor return or an other sets in good condition, within the same period, will be fifty (50) per cent of the de posit. 4 All proposals must be on the form contained In the Contract and Specifications. 4 Contractors, whether resident or non-resident in Virginia will be re quired to show evidence of a certi ficate of registration as required bv Chapter 7 of Title 64 of the Code of Virginia before their bids will be considered. If the bid is $20,000.00 or more. 6. All bids must be accompanied bv a certified check or acceptable bid der s bond In an amount of not less than Five Per Cent (6%) of the amount of the bid made payable to the Treasurer of Arlington County. Virginia. Said checks will be re turned to the unsuccessful bidders within fliteen (16) days after open ing of bids. T. The successful bidder will bs re quired to furnish a Performance Bond conditioned upon the faithful terformance of the contract and Don payment of all persons supply ing labor and furnishing matenali on the construction of the work. * No bidder may withdraw hl« bid within thirty (30) days after actual date of opening thereof. » The County Board of Arlington County. Virginia, reserves the right to relect any or all bidi and tc ■ any informality In the bid ARLINGTON COUNTY. VIRGINIA By: A. T. Lundberg. County Mana Dated May 25. 1951 mylT.lg. AUCTION SALES C. G. SLOAN A CO., INC. A oetloneers-Appraisers. LARGE STORAGE SALE Household goods and personal ef fect* of every description. Including In part 8telnway grand piano, or gan. radios, rugs, paintings, sofas tables, bureaus, chairs, pictures china, glassware, bric-a-brac, bar rels. boxes, cartons, chests, trunki and Ibeir contents, etc. At Public Auction At SLOAN’S Tift KUh St Saturday May 19th _ _ At 10 AM ■2 of the Federal Storage Co . the Colonial Storage Co gnt many private owners. Terms: Cash S.O SLOAN & CO., INC . Aucts Established 1891. myl7,l8. STORAGE SALE New. Modern and Used FURNITURE Groups and Odd Pieces Kimball and Gulbransen UPRIGHT PIANOS Large Reach-in GE REFRIGERATOR AEOLIAN ORGAN—RUGS Electric and Gas HOUSEHOLD REFRIGERATORS Statler Hotel UNCLAIMED BAGGAGE _ . etc. By order 8. J. McCathran. Committee of Mary Regina Pollock: United States Storage Co.: Hotel Statler •na other Consignors BY AUCTION at WESCHLER’S 905 E ST. N.W. TOMORROW A-M. Until Mid-alternoon. NEW FURNISHINGS INCLUDE High-grade upholstered chairs, love seats, sofas, living room and bed ®ne selection of tables, studio and sola beds, etc. _ Also Ured groups and odd pieces 25 chrome frame chairs and settees modern electric range, refrigerators °eCD INSPECTION niNVITED”*' *tC royl 7. ADAM A. WESCHLER A SON. Auctioneers—Appraisers Consolidation Bale RESTAURANT, BAKERY AND CONFECTIONARY FIXTURES AND EQUIPMENT SODA FOUNTAIN CASH REGISTERS „„„„ AIR CONDITIONER --unrxt, UVId’iB PANS—DISHWASHER SILVER BURNISHER WATER HEATER BRENTWOOD CHAIRS—TABLES , 8LICER—DISPLAY CASES WATER COOLER—GREASE TRAP! WALK-IN COOLERS BY AUCTION AT GARDEN T SHOPPE 3334 14th ST. N.W. MONDAY May 21. 1061 10 A M. Sixty-four high grade walnut tables 178 Bentwood chairs. 2 Nattona cash registers. Liquid Carbonic sod: fountain (stainless steel inserts) walnut paneling and marble ton walnut back bar; pedestal, wall an: exhaust fans: stainless steel wate cooler with compressor, walnut an plate glass floor and wall case: plate glass wedding cake dlspla case, Toledo scales, floor lamps. Ai Kem air-conditioning unit. 4-hol ice cream cabinet with seif-containe compressor, coffee urns and stanc •team table, slicer, grease trap: range and hood. 2 walk-in cooler With compressors, meat block, sink; bakers’ tables, gas oven. McCray Te frlgerator, cooking utensils and re suisltes. china, glass, platedwari Lawson "No. 250” (Booster) wate heater, etc. PROMPT REMOVAL REQUIRED Terms: Cash BY ORDER: Garden T Shoppe, Inc who are abandoning operations a 14th and Monroe stg. N. W„ bu continuing business at 1836 Colum bla Road, K.W. 01717.19. Classified Ad Rates Local Advertisers Three Lines (Minimum) 1 time. 38c Der line. 3 to 6 time* consecutively. 85e Der line. 7 time* consecutively. 83c per line. Special Notices and Personal. 6c per line additional. New Automobile! 66c per line. 4-llne minimum AUCTION SALES (Cent.) ADAM A. WESCHLER & SON, Anctloneers - Appraisers. Notice Is hereby given that on FRI DAY. MAY 18. 1951, at 10 O’CLOCK A M . we will sell BY PUBLIC AUC TION at GULF SERVICE STATION, 82nd and P STS. N W.. lor atorage charges. 1941 bulck. Model 51, 4 door sedan. Serial No. 33955116, Engine No. 54144584. left with us In name of Mrs. Johnson, 1606 20th 8t. N.W . Washington, D. C Parties In Interest please take notice. Terms: Cash Gulf Oil Corporation. JOHN PAUL JONES. Attorney. my3.10.17. 9*7 15th St. N.W. ADAM A. WESCHLER * SON. Auctioneers. TRUSTEES’ SALE OF VALUABLE SEMIDETACHED BRICK DWELL ING NO. 5417 BASS PLACE. S.E By virtue of a deed of trust recorded in Liber No. 9268. folio 298. et seq one of the land records of the Dis trict of Columbia, and at the re quest of party secured thereby, the undersigned trustees will offer for sale by public auction. In front of premises, on MONDAY THE 21ST. DAY OF MAY. 1951 AT 4:30 O’CLOCK P. M. the lollowing descrlbed property in the District ot Columbia, to-wit: Lot 89 in Square 5292. in a subdivision made ation. as per plat recorded in Subdivision Book 124. at page 30 of the Records of the Office of the Surveyor for the District of Colum bia. Subject to covenants, rights and restrictions of record: subject to a right of way auto driveway over the Northwesterly 4 feet of lot 89. to gether with a right-of-wav for auto driveway purposes over tne South easterly 4 feet of lot 88, 6aid rights of-way to constitute an 8-foot wide driveway for the mutual use and benefit of the owners and occupants of said lots 89 and 88. Subject also to the rights of others in and to the storm-water drain located on the division line between lots 88 and 89. subject to the building re striction line as established and show n on plat recorded in said i Surveyor’s Office in Liber 124 at folio 30. and the agreement not to; build outside of said line except as ■ permitted under the building regula-, ! rions of the District oi Columbia, and the further agreement that the: area between building restriction! line and the line of the street shall be subject to all the provisions and conditions as expressed in the Act of Congress of May 31. 1900. pages 248 and 249 (31 Statutes). TERMS OF SALE. Property will be sold subject to the unpaid balance of a F. H. A trust for about $0,790. 38 as of May 1. 1951. payable 952.62 per month including taxes i and interest. Over and above said trust, cash. A deposit of 9500 required of purchaser at sale. Ex amination of title, conveyancing, recording, revenue stamps and notarial fees at cost of purchaser Terms to be compiled with within 30 days from day of sale, otherwise trustees reserve the right to resell firoperty at risk and cost of default ng purchaser, after five days adver tisement of such resale in some newspaper published In Washington. D. C, or deposit may be forfeited, or without forfeiting deposit trustees, may avail themselves of any legal or equitable rights default ing purchaser. BAM ROBEY. THOMAS W. HUNT. myl0,17.15.17 IB. Trustees. ADAM A. WEStfILER A SON. Auctioneers-Appraisers COURT ASSIGNEE'S SALE New High-Grade Stock of AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE TOOLS MACHINERY—EQUIPMENT Popular Brands of Tool REPLACEMENT PARTS ACCESSORIES—BRAKE LINING STEEL SHELVING AND BINS OHHCE FURNITURE * MACHINES | CHEVROLET ’48 and ’47 TRUCKS By virtue of an order of the United States District Court for the District of Columbia Re: Assignment of Auto motive Equipment Company. Inc.. Civil Action No. 1340-61, the under-j signed assignee will sell BY PUBLIC AUCTION At 3450 14th ST. N.W. WEDNESDAY May 23, 1P51—10 A M. TOOLS—MACHINERY—EQUIPMENT | Van Norman brake shoe burnisher. Globe lubricating jack. Manley 40 ton hydraulic press. Weaver-i Daj' tire mounter. Hi-Klonic de sludger. cooling system cleaner. Bruner & Quincy compressors. arc: welder, acetylene outfit, high and low pressure lubricating equipment, rivet-; ing anvil, chain hoist, barrel pump, brake riveter-countersink. Barrett j riveter. Arbor press, steel work I benches, double grinder, buffer, disc j sander. Kent Moore front end and, wheel machines, overhead grease) ! swivel, portable drill, De Vilbiss : weather caps. Barrett filler tanks. ! battery cradles, boring bar. ozona i tors, brake Doktor. Easy sanders, I tire masters, ring gear riveter, tire i removers, wall presses. Aro water j hose reel, gear oil dispenser and ' spring packer. Quick-Lube portable oil changer. Weid-Matic welder and Barrell brake drum lathe. Also Vise*, valve lifters, gear pullers, vari ous types screwdrivers. pliers, wrenches, chisels, hammers, ratchets, gauges, tool sets, mallets, sockets and extensions, magnetic pickups.; handles, spoons, hydraulic and me-| chamcal body tools, numerous types: of jacks, chassis stands, punches.! countersinks, drills. Universal joints. | rivets, gaskets, large stock of brake i lining and rivets. Perma Weld. Won der Wash, safety tubes. Hi Keen, i charger bulbs. Hometex. oil dispens ers and measures, water cans, pol ishing bonnets, sanding discs, emery w'heels. shampoo. hand cleaner, brake fluid. Simoniz. lubricants, belts, air and grease hose. Lempco reamers, floor and drop lights, paint spray, airline lubricators, hydrom eters. Shim stock. Master cylinder and wheel assemblies. Tri-M-Ite paper, grease fittings, large stock of 1 wheel weights, fender covers, floor mats, pipe, pipe fittings, etc. , Also Replacement parts for Blackhawk. Manley. Balcrank. Hein-Werner. In ternational. Barrett, Quincy, Mil waukee. De Vilbiss, Weaver. Walker and other tools. Champion and Quincy compressor parts, charger parts, etc. | FIXTURES L Steel stock bins, shelving, lockers and counters, aluminum paint spray ; booth, extension and step ladders. : work benches, electric clock. Areola j coal-flred boiler with radiators, etc. OFFICE FURNITURE & MACHINES [ Modern walnut executive and secre J tarial desks, tables. Underwood type 1 writer: swivel, posture and . side • chairs. Allen electric 9-bank adding machine: legal, letter, check and 5 visible filing devices. TRUCKS • 1947 Chevrolet 1%-ton stake body: r 2 1946 Chevrolet panel and pickup body trucks. INSPECTION MAY 22-10-5 t Terms: Cash t ALBERT E. STEHNEM. Assignee Colorado Building. myl7.*l i AUCTION SALES rHOS. J. OWEN & SON. Auctiopeen, 435 Southern Building. Trustees' Sale of Valuable TWO STORY ROW BRICK DWELLING BEING KNOWN AS PREMISES NO. 2.3*17 SHERMAN AVENUE, NORTH WEST. By virtue of a certain deed of trust duly recorded in Liber No. P371, Folio 272 et seq of the land records of the District of Columbia, and at the request of the party secured thereby, the understgned trustees will sell, at public auction in front of the premises, on MONDAY THE TWENTY-FIRST DAY OF MAY, AD 1951, AT THREE-THIRTY O'CLOCK P.M. the following-de scribed land and premises, situate In the District of Columbia, and designated as and being Lot 755 in the real Estate Security Company's subdivision of lots In Wright and Dole's subdivision of "Mount Pleas ant" and "Pleasant Plains" as per plat of first mentioned subdivision recorded in the Office of the Sur veyor for the District of Columbia in Liber 47 at folio 120. said prop erty now known for purposes of as sessment and taxation as Lot 755 in Square 2882. Terms: Sold subiect to a prior building association first deed of trust for approximately S3.519.49. and a prior second deed of trust for approximately S3.8ti5.83. further particulars of which will be an nounced at time of sale: the pur chase price above said trusts to be paid in cash. A deposit of 8500.00 required. Conveyancing recording, etc., at purchaser's cost. Adjust ments made as of date of sale. Terms to be complied with within thirty days, otherwise deposit for feited and the property may be ad vertised and resold at the discretion of the trustees. HFRVUW XjfTT T TTTJ MORRIS COHEN. mylO. ADAM A. WESCHl.ER A SON Auctioneers Trustees’ 8ale of Valuable TWO STORY AND BASEMENT BRICK DWELLING NO. 1224 R STREET. N.W. By virtue of a deed of trust recorded, in Liber No 9898. folio 112. et seq . one of the land records of the Dis trict of Columbia, and at the request of party secured thereby, the under signed trustees will offer for sale by public auction, in front of premises ON MONDAY. THE 2Sth DAY OP MAY. 1951. AT 4:80 O'CLOCK P.M.. the following-de scribed property in the District of Columbia, to wit: Lot 45 in Fred erick Stutz’ Subdivision of lots in Square 277. as per piat recorded in Liber 11 at folio 104 in the Office of the Surveyor of the D strict of Columbia. TERMS OF SALE: Property will be sold subject to the balance of a prior deed ol trust for as of June 6. 1951 payable J7I1.J0 per month including interest at 5Hr, Balance, cash. A deposit of $500 no required of purchaser at sale. Ex amination of title, conveyancing, recording ind notarial fees at cost of purchaser. Terms to be complied with within 80 days from day of sale, otherwise trustees reserve the right to resell property at risk and cost of defaulting purchaser, after 6 days advertisement of such resale in some newspaper published In Washington. D. C., or deposit may be forfeited or without forfeiting deposit trusttes may avail themselves of any legal or equitable lights against defaulting purchaser HERMAN MILLER. FRANK PARONI. MILTON KAPT..AN, Attorney for Party secured. Invest ment Building. _myl7.19.21.24 28 LIGAL NOTICES ACHILLES CATSONIS. Attornr*. UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT for the District of Columbia. Hold ing Probate Court.—No. 77059. Ad ministration.—This is to Givi Notice: That the subscriber, of the District of Columbia has obtalnec from the Probate Court of thi District of Columbia. Letters of Ad ministration on She estate of Gui N. Arvas. also known as Gus oi .l . .,u° r- VBI1IUS* iaie 01 Aif District of Columbia. deceased A.i persons having claims against th£ deceased are hereby warned tc exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof legally authenticated, to thf aubscriber, on or before the 23rc day of October, A.D. 1951; other J5JJ2. thf,y by l»w be excludec tr,0™ All benefit of eald estate Given under my hand this 23rc 5" ApriL lSM ^eal ) Attest ACHILLES CATSONIS.. tils -I5tt st. n.w. THEODORE COGSWELL ?ee*c!Ufr Sf ^|l8, for the Dlstrlci of Columbia. Clerk of the Probate Court._my.3,10.17 MABEL BENSON SAKIS. Attorned” ..•'•’Alnaton Lean and Trust Blda. UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT ior the District of Columbia. Hold In* Probate Court.—No. 77204 Ad ministration.—This Is to Give No tice; That the subscriber, of th District of Columbia has obtainec from the Probate Court of the Dis trict of Columbia. Letters Tfsta mentary on the estate of Frank A Hornaday, late ot the District ol Columbia deceased. All person; having claims against the deceased are hereby warned to exhibit thr same with the vouchers thereof legally authenticated, to the sub f5riber- on or before the 23rd da\ of October. AD. 1951; otherwise they may by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Giver under my hand this 23rd day oi April. 1951. LEILA TIPPENS HOR NADAY 1HI2 Crittenden St . N.W 'Seal 1 Attest: THEODORE COOS WELL. Register of Wills for the District of Columbia, Clerk of the Probate Court._my:i,i0.17._ HARRYMAN DORSEY, 152.3 O St.. N.W., _ Washington 5. D. C. Filed May 1. 1961. Harry M. Hull Clerk. IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT for the District of Co 'umbia.—In_re: Application ol JOSEPH PRESTON, for change ol name.—Civil Action No. 1777-’5l —Address of Petitioner: .3959 Fes senden Street. N.W.. Washington D- C.—ORDER OF PUBLICATION —Joseph Preston, having filed s complaint for a Judgment changing name to Joseph Emanuel aeBfttencourt Preston, and having applied to the Court for an order ol publication of the notice required by law in such cases, it is. by the £^ulL*his lst dRy May. 1P5L ORDERED, that all persons con cerned show cause, if any there be ?n ?r before the 26th day of May JP51. why the prayers of said com Pn^nt should not be granted: pro dded that a copy of this order b< published once a week for three con secutive weeks before said day ir THE EVENING 8TAR and THE WASHINGTON LAW REPORTER (S ) CHARLES F. McLAUGHLIN Judge. (Seal! A Tm*> rnnu **ARRY M. Hull, Clerk. By ELIZA Bmy3lo'l7OWAL8KI’ Deputy Clerk ~THOS. H. REYNOLDS. Attorney. UNITED STATES DISTRICT COUR1 lor the District of Columbia —Hold ing a Probate Court.—Estate o Lucy C. Cassels. Deceased.—No 77 760. Administration Docket J63 — Application having been made hereii for probate of the last will and tes lament and codicil of said deceased and for letters testamentary on saic estate, bv The National Metropolitar ?ank of Washington it is orderec this 9th day of May, A. D. 1951 that Emily Eaton, a non-resident aDd all others concerned, appear n said Court on Monday, the 18th da^ of June. A. D. 1961, at 10:00 o cloci A.M. to show cause why such ap Plication should not be granted. Le notice hereof be published in thi ‘Washington Law Reporter" am "The Evening Star." once In eacl of three successive weeks before tin return day herein mentioned, th. first publication to be not less that thirty days before said return day Witness, the Honorable Bolitha J Laws. Chief Judge of said Court this 9th dav of Mav. A. D. lu.'t • Seal.) Attest: MELVIN J. MAR QUES. Deputy Register of Wills lo the District of Columbia. Clerk o tha Probate Court. mylO.17,24 LEGAL NOTICES (Cont.) WILLIAM B. WOLF. 1333 G. St N.W.. PHILIP W. AMRAM. 607 Ring Bldg.. Attorneys. UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT Ibr the District of Columbia. Hold ing Probate Court—No. 76541. Admimst ration .—This Is to Give Notice: That the subscribers, of the District of Columbia have obtained from the Probate Court of the Dis trict of Columbia. Letters of Ad ministration on the estate of Helene A. Deunert. late of the District of Columbia, deceased All persons having claims against the deceased are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, legally authenticated, to the sub scribers. on or before the 11th day of October. AD. 1951: otherwise they may by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Given under our hands this 7th day of May. 1951. MILDRED E REEVES. 607 Ring tlldg.; HALLETT HILL. 1764 Lanier st. n.w.: EUGENE X MURPHY. Columbia Bldg. 'Seal.) Attest: THEODORE COGSWELL Register of Wills for the District of Columbia. Clerk of the Probate Court.myl 0.17,24. J. FONTAINE HALL. Attorney. | UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT1 for the District of Columbia. Hold-1 l ing Probate Court.—No. 77546. Ad-: i ministration.—This is to Give ; Notice: That the subscriber, of the District of Columbia has obtained ’ from the Probate Court of the Dis , trict of Columbia. Letters of Ad ministration on the estate of Svein : O. Pjettre, late of the District of ! Columbia, deceased. All persons < having claims against the deceased are hereby warned to exhibit the: ! same, with the vouchers thereof, i : legaly authenticated, to the sub-; , scriber. on or before the 15th day! of October. AD. 1951: othrewise1 they may by law be excluded from under its hand this 7th dav of May. 10.-,!. NATIONAL SAVINGS AND TRUST COMPANY, By: BRUCE: BAIRD. President. (8#al.) Attest: THEODORE COGSWELL. Register of Wills for the District of Colum bia, Cleric of the Probate Court. mylo.17,24 GEORGE A. MADDOX. Attorney. 600 Woodward Bldg. UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 1 for the District of Columbia. Hold i ing Probate Court—No. 77698. Ad ; ministration.—This is to Give 1 Notice: That the subscribers, of the : State of West Virginia and the State of Virginia, respectively have ob tained from the Probate Court of the District of Columbia, Letters: Testamentary on the estate of Mabel Owens Wilcox, also known as Mabel : O. Wilcox, late of the District of1 Columbia, deceased All persons havinr; claims against the deceased are hereby warned to exhibit the j same, with the vouchers thereof 1 legally authenticated, to the sub scribers. on or before the 5th dav; of November. AD. 1951: otherwise they may bv law be excluded from! all benefit of said estate. Given under our bands this 3rd day of May. 1961 HOMER G. JORDAN.: 146 3rd Street. Morgantown. West I Virginia: DELL FLOYD. 170(1 North! Taylor Street Arlington. Virginia. (Seal.) Attest: ELLA A. BROWN. Deputy Register of Wills for the District of Columbia, Clerk of the Probate Court._mylO.17,24 UNITE? STATES ^[STRICT'coURT for the District of Columbia. Hold ing Probate Court.—No. 70941. Ad mlnUtratlon.—This is to Give No tice. . TDiat the subscriber, of the District of Columbia, has obtained from the Probate Court of the Dis trict of Columbia. Letters Testa mentary on the estate of Maud McDougall, late of the District of Columbia deceased. All persons having claims against the deceased are hereby warned to exhibit the same with the vouchers thereof, legally authenticated, to the sub scriber. on or before the 15th day of October. AD. 1951: otherwLe ! they may by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Given under its hand this 7th dav of Mav 19S1 NATIONAL SAVINGS & TRUST CO. By: BRUCE BAIRD. President. (Seal.! Attest: THEO i DORE COGSWELL. Register of Wills ! *°r , the District of Columbia. Clerk of the Probate Court. _mylO.17.24 BRICE S. COLTON. Atlorney, _605 Southern Building UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT j for the District of Columbia. Hold ! Ing Probate Court.—No. 77580. Ad 1 ministration.—This is to Give No i tice: That the subscriber, of the I District of Columbia has obtained from the Prohate Pmirf tho District of Columbia. Letters of Ad ministration on the estate of Charles W. Mills, late of the Dis trict of Columbia, deceased. All persons having claims against the deceased are hereby warned to ex hibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, legally authenticated, to the subscriber, on or before the :;3rd clay of October, A.D. 1951; otherwise they may by law be ex cluded from all beneflit of sa:d estate. Given under my hand this 23rd day of April. 1951. JAMES F> MILLS, 613 Atlantic St., S.E. (Seal ) Attest: THEODORE COGSWELL Register of Wills for the Distrirt of Columbia, Cleric of the Probate Court_m.v3.1(t.17 THOS. H. REYNOLDS. Attorney. 613 15th St., N.W. UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 1 for the District of Columbia. Hold ! ing Probate Court,—No. 776‘23, Ad ministration..—This is to Give No | tice: That the subscriber, of the District of Columbia has obtained from the Probate Court of the Dis | trict of Columbia. Letters of Ad ministration on the estate of Mary j Laroche, late of the District of Co lumbia, deceased. All persons having I claims against the deceased are | hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, legally authenticated, to the subscriber, on or before the “24th day of October. A.D. 1951: otherwise they mav bv law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Given under my hand this *24th day of April. 1951. RICH ARD J. LAROCHE. 1435 Monroe St.. N.W. iSeal.) Attest: THEODORE COGSWELL, Register of Wills for the District of Columbia. Clerk of the Probate Court. my3.10,17. ARTHUR C. KEEPER. Attorney. 900 F St.. N.W. UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT for the District of Columbia. Holding Probate Court.—No. 77-2fi(i, Admin istration.—This is to Give Notice: That the subscriber, of the District, of Columbia has obtained from the Probate Court of the District .of Co lumbia. Letters Testamentary on the estate of Annie N. La Fontaine, late of the District of Columbia, de ceased. All persons having claims against the deceased are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the estate of Annie N. La Fontaine, ticated. to the subscriber, on or before the 30th day of October. A.D. 1951: otherwise they may by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Given under its hand this 7th day of May. 1051. THE LIN COLN NATIONAL BANK OF WASH INGTON. By: J. FRANK RICE, Trust Officer. (Seal.l Attest: THEODORE COGSWELL. Register of Wills for the District of Columbia. Clerk of the Probate Court. myXO.17.24.___ tHOMAS J. SHANNON. Attorney, 1701 Massachusetts Ave. N.W., Washington 0. D. C., MI. 0440. Filed May 1. 1951. Harry M. Hull, i Clerk. TTXTT'T'TnV-V nm l enwr. T-,. nmn __ for the District of Columbia.-—In Re Application of Raymond Loiek. For Charge of Name.—Civil Ac tion No. 1796-551.—Raymond Loiek, raving filed a complaint for a judg ment changing his name to Ray mond Brad Holiday and having ap plied to the Court for an order of publication of the notice reouired by law in such cases, it is. bv the Court, this 1st day of May. 19.51, ORDERED that all persons con cerned show cause, if any there be, on or before the 26th day of May. 1951. why the prayers of said com plaint should not be granted: Pro vided That a copy of this order be published once a week for three consecutive weeks before said day in The Evening Star and The Wash ington Law Reporter. (8.1 CHARLES F. McLAUGHLIN, Judge. (Seal.! A True Copy. Test: HARRY M HULL. Clerk. By HELEN K. BEN DURE. Deputy Clerk. my3,10,17. 15 LEGAL NOTICES JOHN H. NEUBF.CK. Attorney. UNITED STATES DI8TRICT COURT tor the District of Columbia. Hold ing Probate Court.—No. 77(140. Ad ministration.—This is to Give Notice: That the subscriber, of the State of Maryland has obtained from the Probate Court of the District of Columbia. Letters of Administration on the estate of Charles Newbar Garbett, late of the District of Columbia, deceased. AH persons having claims against the deceased are hereby warned to ex hibit the same, with the vouchers thereof^ legally authenticated, to the subscriber, on or before the il.trd day of October. A.D. 1951; otherwise they may by law be ex cluded from all beqefit of said estate. Given under my hand this 2.1rd day of April. 1951. (Seal.) Attest: JOHN H. NEUBECK, 1.385 National Preaa Bldg. THEODORE COGSWELL, Register of Wills for the District of Columbia. Clerk of the Probate Court. my3.10.17 GBOSSBERG. TOCHELSON £ BRILL. ,70H H st„ N.W. UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT lor the District of Columbia. Hold ing Probate Court.—No. 77337. Ad ministration.—This is Give Notice: That the subscriber, of the Slate of Maryland has obtained from the Probate Court of the District of Co lumbia. Letters of Administration on the estate of Helen D. Hulse. late of the District of Columbia, de ceased. All persons having claims against the deceased are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with tne vouchers thereof, legally au thenticated. to the subscriber, on or before the 33rd day of October. AD. 1951: otherwise thev mav bv law be excluded from ail benefit of said estate. Given under my hand this_tfitrcl day of April. 1951. AR THUR C. DOYLE. 31 Id Queens Chapel Rd Avondale, Md. (Seal.) Attest: THEODORE COGSWELL Register of Wills for the District oi toiumoia. Clerk of the Probate Court_my3,10.17 GRANT W. WIPRUD. Attorney, 822 Southern Building. UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT for the District of Columbia. Holding Probate Court.—No. 77569. Admin istration—This is to Give Notice: That the subscriber, of the State of Virginia has obtained from the Pro bate Court of the District of Co lumbia. Letters Testamentary on the estate of Mary I. Collins, late of the District of Columbia, deceased. All persons having claims against the deceased are hereby warned to ex hibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, legally authenticated, to the subscriber, on or before the 5th day of November, A.D. 1951: otherwise they mav by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Given under my hand this 4th day of Mav 19ol. EDMUND D CAMPBELL SSU&Hl Building. (Seal. I Attest: THEODORE COGSWELL. Register of Wills f9r the DiMrlct of Columbia, Clerk of the Probate Court. mylfl.17,24 IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT Court for the District of Columbia. Holding a Probate Court.—In re Estate of ANITA W. KING. De ce^o‘k'^,A£S!i5l5traU0n No. 76.708. —ORDER FIXING NEW DATE FOR JBLAL AND PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION.—The notification as to the trial of the issues In this case relating to the validity of the paper writing dated the 28th day of October I960, nied herein, purport 13**19* th5r llSf wlli and testament of Anita W. King, deceased, having been returned as to Inex A. Peter's son. Charles H. Willson. 8r. and Sydney G. Willson, Sr. "Not to be found. It Is, by the Court, this 26th day of April 1951, ORDERED. That i“.he,„be SPJ down for trial on 9P ’"h of June. 1951. and oe ‘.of1*. °rd*l and the substance of said issues be published once a 5,?Pk tor four successive weeks In J2?.e v> ashing:on Reporter and Thf p».,: fpr, the same period in ue. 'en*n? star newspaper, the flinilance of said Issues being as the Paper writing "V Court and dated October inent of Anita W. Kingr. deceased0 was the said decedent at the time ?LUieJ”akl,n! and subscribing or ol ■ he acknowledging by her of the said papPr writing of sound and disposing win? 8£LCaAable maklhg a valid will-' Was the said paper writing purporting to be the last will and testament of Anita W. King obtained or the execution thereof procured fmrin thie « aid Anlts w- K,r*k by the unaue Influence, duress or coercion exercised upon her by Inez A Peter 5°n »nd Charles H, Willson, 8r . 01 by one ol them, or by any other Rggt7td£ p.eraon»? MATTHEW P McGUIRE. Judge. (Seal.) A true Copy Attest: MELVIN J. MARQUES Deputy Register of Wills for thi District of Columbia. Clerk of the Probate Court, McGUIRE. Judge - Cpm-ented to. EDMUND D Attorney f°r Caveateors Caveatees POWELL- Attorney foi myj .3.8.lOJfi 1 7 V" pa king *"nordlinger. „ »1» Southern Bldg. Filed May 14, 1»51. Harry M. Hull IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COcwiL°Trtihe.Di5trlct cf Columbia —CHARLES A. ZANNER, Plaintiff v. SAMUEL STERRETT. et al.. De fendants.—C. A. No. 1 B14 - K1 _ ORDER OF PUBLICATION.—Thi object of this suit is to obtain i judgment establishing of record b adverse possession plaintiff's title to certain real estate in the Dis trict of Columbia, described as foi lows: Lots numbered 41 and I'l ir the recorded sub-division of Lots 1C ji, ajnd, f'’1 ln Sbuare numberec 411. said lots being improved bi premises presently known as 4C Jth Street. S.W.. and 4‘>ti otl mnff*' respectively. " Upot motion of the plaintiff, it is by thi Court this ]4th day 0f May. 1 ORDERED. that the defendant: Samuel Sterrett. John Leanev Thomas Harper. John Waddington Dougles S Mackall. Walter Hemsley Sp, Ry Hemsley- Safe Deposit ant Trust Company of Baltimore Citi wunUSifeiorUr“derx,the Executor of thi Will of M«y H. Sterrett). John H Johnson iExecutor of the Will o ??aryH„ Sterrett), Charles V. Hems „A 1 A. S'| Hemsley Ogan. Jessii 0;,fln. Charles V. Hemslev Jr b.a.UllAnnnr iH uPrnCe' Eileen A. Hems JfyV APn A H- Barnett. James Bar r,pH. Gy_v Hemsley. Minnie Hemslev Maria K. H. Dobbin, Elizabeth T Hemsley. Harriett A. S. Sterrett MppvB- S. Carroll, Elizabeth M Carroll. Augusta T. Thompson. S ffi?P1D,scJ? Dorsey. Nan L. Dorsey Hairiet D. Berry. William S. Haines Jr.. Zaidee Dorsey. Emily E T F Alcorn. Frances H. Inloes, Charles E. Inloes. Johr T. Bramhall. Robert N. Bramhall Frances Bramhall. and Helen H Bramhall if living, and if dead their unknown heirs, alienees anc K' Saiise their appearance tc be entered herein on or before thi nrst rule day, occurrig one montt the ,PatfU °i the first publi cation of this Order, otherwise this actl°h wm be taken as confessed provided a copy hereof be publishec once a week for three <;)) consecu tive w;eeks in The Washington Law Rpd"r,-Pr,,and . The Evening stai prior to the return day. good caus< having been shown why longer pub unnecessary. (8.1 CHARLES F. McT.AITGHt.IM in*.. loeai.j Attest: HARRY M. HULL =i-eTkrJ3y ELIZABETH M. KOWAL SKI, Deputy Clerk, myl7,24.31 PERSONAL T,0J}"S.INJ)RSERY, —, Expert child care, pick up and delivery service For Information, call FA. 7079, SPECIAL ON HEMS* 7Ac. Skirts and dresses in groups of more than two. Single hem, $1. Limited time 0 *y7 <?'ilck service. Centrally lo ested. LEA-ENClEr., DRESSMAKER, ,,iyo £, sE Rm 20. EX. 1803 CUSTOM TAILOR—l alter and re model men’s and women's suits and r™co®is on my premises at Suit< 210 Evans Bide., 1420 New York 2 RE- 3066. Hours 8-6, oat. til l. VACANCY in nursing I*>me: 24-hr gorsing care; licensed by countv and State SH 6040. VANCANCY—Infants 2 mos.-fl years; Pick up and delivery service: in tSSSjiSE— invited. MARYLAND NURSERY. AP. 7272. —20 prr**ANENT’ »4; snampoo. WAR JTYNN BEAUTY COLLEOB. 1210 O it n.w. PERSONAL (Cont.) REDUCE—Cabinet baths: gentlemen. WILLIAMS, formerly opp. Mayflower Hrs. 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. GL. 6172. 17* PIANO Tl’NER—$6. city or suburbs. Quality work. VICTOR GEORGE. TA 6962 days; OV 4627 evenlings. NURSING CAKE—Accredited, licensed and approved Mt. Vernon convales cent hospital: D C. CO >225. THE UNITED HEBREW CHRISTIAN FRIENDS Cordially invite you to attend our next meeting on Saturday. May 19. at 7:30 p.m. at home of Mr. and Mrs. B. Wald. 4702 Ga. ave. n.w., Washington, D. C. Summer Camp for 50 Boys From Christian homes. Happy, healthy vacation. Riding, swimming, fishing, etc. Private lake. Overnight camp ing. No ticks. Reas. fee. Phone WO. 4214: or write MONTE VITA RAJfCH. Berkeley Springs. W. Va. • HELP WANTED AGENCIES COOKS-MAIDS (The Best); $27.50 to 2.42.50 wkly. Local ref. HU. 3440. QUALITY EMPL.. 2827 Ga DISHWASHERS, bus boys and "girls, cooks, kitchen helpers waitresses, counter girls STUDIO EMPLOY MENT AGENCY. 1601 6th St. n.w.1 HO.9649. 17* U. 8. EMPL. SERVICE I Dist. of Col Clerical and Professional Office Old Post Office Bldg. 815 12th Street N.W. NO FEES MALE—FEMALE Applications wanted for: Bank Clerk TRAINEES; Bookkeepers (D.E.): MACHINE OPERATORS, i Bookkeeping. Comptometers, Dicta phone. Multilith and Tabulating; i Messengers (vets pfd): SECRE TARIES STENOGRAPHERS TYP | ISTS. VARI-TYPISTS. Teletype (.35 ! w.P.m.): Operators and TRAINEES (20 wpm); Telephone Opers.; Traffic Enumerators. PROFESSIONAL [Business Economist; buyer (Medical I supplies); Case Workers and 8u j pvrs.: Counselors (boys-glrls); I DRAFTSMEN; Duplicating Repr.; i EDUCATIONIST (genl.); ENGINEERS (all fields); Equipment Specialists; ! Instructors. Corres. (Auto, or Acct.); i Laboratory Tech.; Mathematicians; Meteorological Aides. Weather Ob i servers and Map Plotters; Physicists I (electronics); Position Classifiers; l Proofreader. Publications Editor (marine); Surveyors: Teachers (dancing); Technologists (cnem and ; plastics): Realty Officer (leasing/; Social worker (medical). OVERSEAS Case Workers and Supvrs.: CLERK STENOGRAPHERS; CLERK-TYP ISTS; Deputy Collector (Account ant); Electronic Technician: Manne Engineer: Marine Transp. Special ists: Naval Architect; Public Health Officer, Recreational Workers and Therapists; Safety Engineers (ma rine); SECRETARIES; Ship. Oper Engr. Spec.. SUMMER WORK Camp Counselors (girls); STENOG RAPHERS; TYPISTS. OTHER POSITIONS DAILY DO NOT TELEPHONE —18 BOOKKEEPERS AND ACCOUNTANTS we Specialize in Theae Poettlona ATLAS. 1420 N. Y. Ave. N.W. Jones Employment Center Competent help available for all positions. 2022 8th at. n w . HO 0338. _ —1? ATLAS, 1420 N. Y. AVE. Secy’s, etenoe. typist*, bkpre.. reept. typists, file clerks, payroll clerks bkpg each. oprs. Many others _1420 N Y AVE N W RM 508 ADAMS TEACHERS AGENCY Colorado Bldg.. 14th and G. RE 3038 NATL EMPL. SERVICE 1019 !5th St. N W. EX ‘ ' ATTENTION, WOMEN SECYS. AND STENOGS. 35 Hrs., 5 Days, $3,400-$2.800 SECRETARIES TO TOP MEN. SOME RUSTY SHORTHAND. BEGINNERS ALSO. Public relations, radio, legal, tech nical—many others. ALL INTERESTING POSITIONS AGES 18-50 YEARS LIBRARIAN. 5 days $3,600 mp CLERK-TYPISTS N.W., N.E., ETC. 35 Hrs., 5 Days, $2,700-$2,400 TYPISTS. ALL KINDS. SAL. OPEN RECEPT.-TYPIST, travel $2,600 AIR. RESERV. _ $2,400 ; PERSONNEL ASST. _$2,600 DRS. RECEPT. __ _$2,100 RKPRS-TYPISTS .$3,900 ;APPTITUDE FOR FIGURES $2,600 MANY OTHERS CLERKS, NO TYPING N.W.. N.E.. ETC. MICROFILM TRAINEES $3,600 up AIRLINE RESFRV. TRAINEES. $2.80o BANK TRAINEES $2,400 FILE CLERKS _ $2,200 ACCOUNTING CLFRKS_$2,600 MEN ACCOUNTING CLERKS, excl. cos. $55-$70 wk. SECYS . high type _ $340 mo. BOOKKEEPERS, Jrs. and Srs. $50-$?5 wk CLERKS, some typing _$225 CLERKS. 12* noon on _$195 JR. INS."UNDERWRITER. will train $225 HOTEL DESK CLERKS. , will train $220 CONSTRUCTION PARTY CHIEF (Md.) $100 wk. TRANSIT MEN fMd.) $85 wk. ROD MEN < Md. > $60 wk. DRAFTSMEN Electrical, building service equipment, power distribution, lighting, etc.. $ NO EMPLOYMENT FEE ELECTRO-PHYSICISTS With substantial background in elec tronics. sr. to $0,000 DRAFTSMAN M., e.; some exper. desirable, to $4 200 MALE SECRETARY 30-30: fast *4.080 WALTER H. KESSLER Personnel Services. 613 Wash. Bldg 15th and N. Y. Ave. N.W.. ST. <*443 - - When answertng advertisements addressed to Star boxes do NOT inclose original references, vhoto trapns or oiner materials or per sonal value. Copies serve the pur pose and originals map tel lost. HELP MEN ACCOUNTANTS—JRS. Positions available for men interested in obtaining excellent public ac countant experience. Reply stating salary expected, age. experience and education. Box 350-C, Star. —22 ADJUSTER-INVESTIGATOR Neat appearing young man, between 23-30. with late mod el automobile, interested in Insured future with national organization, to train for exec utive position. Insurance, bonus, and savings nlan: no selling. Top starting salary. 40-hr. wk. See Mr. Weeks. 7928 Ga. ave.. Silver Spring, Md. , —21 Appliance Serviceman For washers, refrigerators, ranges and other appliances. Permanent Job. Future assured to capable person. 6 day wk.; good salary; with one of Washington's most progressive ap pliance chains. State references and salary desired. Box 351-C. Star. —18 i HELP MEN (Cont.) | APPLIANCE salesman, excellent op- : portunity; good pay. Apply 1911 j Nichols ave. s.e. ASSISTANT MANAGER, men s wear Good future. RICKY TIES. 718! 14th st. n.w. —18 ASST MANAGER, permanent posi-. tion with a growing company. Good l future possibilities with a regular1 program of Increases Automobile furnished. Apply to Mr Peck, COASTAL FINANCE CORP.. 11? Carroll ave., Takoma Park. Md^ ASSISTANT MANAGER Unusual opportunity lor young, ag gressive man to learn every phase of ladles' apparel! excellent working conditions with good nay. Apply Mr. Ettlin. third floor. BOND STOREB, INC- 1335 T st. n.w. ASSISTANT TO MANAGER. Young man. age 26 to 30. with car for perm, position with national con sumer finance company. Man se lected will undergo training for branch managership. An excel, oo port.. If you have the ability to meet the public and work hard for advancement. Exper. as salesman or collector helpful, but not essential. Interesting work. Good starting salary, free insurance, paid vaca tions and Christmas bonus. Applv in person or write fully to MR. HAP ROACH. 3300 R. I. ave.. Mt. Rainier. Md. —18 ASS'T ROOM CLERK for front office Experience preferred but not neces sary Excellent opportunity for ad vancement. apply ass’t manager.. CARLTON HOTEL. 16th and K sts n.w —17 ASSISTANT STEWARD, white, kitchen and storeroom cxper.ence preferred. Ability to supervise and direct em ployes. Good salary and meals. Ap ply Employment Office. WARDMANI Dad ir r r i''VT'Yr>T .t “•rw, nr„nJi... . AUTOMOBILE BODY MAN and paint er. Very attractive percentage basis proposition. MOORE MOTOR CO.. 1518 Pa ave. a.e. LI. 4-8404 or U. 3-2042. —20 AUTO BODYMEN. Exper and steady, to work in one of Washington’s best body shops. Comm, and guar anteed salary. Also painter s helper. See Mr. Pierce. CAPITOL GARAGE 1320 N.Y. ave. n.w., ST. 9100. AUTO. DAMAGE ESTIMATOR— Permanent. State experience and salary desired. Box 325-B. Star ——1 8 AUTO MECHANIC. exper.. excel working conds.. annual bonus, vaca1-; tion with pay. plenty of work; excel. Pay: 5V2-day week: 44-hour.s or part' time work. Apply to Mr. Wood. MANDELL CHEVROLET CO. 13th. and Good Hope rd. s.e. —21 ALTO MECHANIC: must be 1st class: highest guarantee and percentage; average, *75 to S100 a wk. WOOD LAWN SERVICE CENTER. 4026 N. Wash. blvd.. Arl., Va. CH. 2141. —19 AUTOMOBILE MECHANIC, for used car reconditioning, pleasant working conditions, group insurance, salary in line with your ability: phone Mr. J. Moran for appointment. LUSTINE NICHOLSON MOTOR CO.. Hyatts vllle. Md. AP. 2000. —17 AUTO MECHANICS—Opportunity for 2. steady employment, high earnings for good men. Health insurance, profit-sharing plan, congenial sur roundings. Completely modern shop with every type of equipment, chance for promotion Washington's oldest and largest Dodge-Plymouth dealer ship TREfW MOTOR CO., phone Mr. Buete. service manager. DE. 1910 for appointment. AUTO MECHANICS (2>. white; steady work for experienced men. on s 11 makes of cars: modernly equipped shop: high pay. See Mr Smith Service Manager. ALEX ANDER NASH. 1705 Mt. Vernon ave, Alex Va. —17 AUTO MECHANICS, extra high earn-' ings for good mechanic who can turn out the work on a Percentage basis. RON PONTIAC. INC.. Direct Factory Dealer. 4S30 Hampden lane. Be thesda. Md, OL. SOOO._—20 AUTOMOBILE MECHANIC FIRST-CLASS EXPERIENCED SEE MR. NELSON AT HILLWOOD MOTOR CO. SEVEN CORNERS FALLS CHURCH, VA. —18 AUTO MECHANIC Have opening due to promotion In our shop personnel. One of Wash 's oldest auto establishments. Our; service dept, employes average over 8 yrs.’ service with us. Here is an opportunity for a good man to find a permanent position. Paid holi days. insurance, ideal working con ditions: top pay. Me NEIL MOTORS. Studebakcr. I4in P st. n.w. —-10 AUTO MECHANICS (2) Excellent jobs for qualified men. Check these advantages: Approx. $1.60 hr.—flat rate. Weekly guarantee. Annual vacation with pay. Group insurance. Five-day week. Earnings $80. to $100 wkly. Apply with tools to Mr. Carpenter. Williams & Baker, Inc. M St. N. W. AUTO MECHANIC Do you want top pay, 40-hr., 5-day wk.. paid vacation and holidays.. excel, working conditions in a brand-new bldg.: group hospitahza-; tion. etc. If you are experienced on 1 Chrysler products see Mr. Funk. SUBURBAN MOTORS. INC.. 0”5 ( Pershing dr., Silver Spring, Md. —JO ; AUTO MECHANIC Here is an opportunity for a good all-around mechanic and tune-up man: a top paying job with North ern Virginia's largest Chrysler-Plym outh dealer: best w-orking condi tions. See Mr. Hendricks. AL’S MOTORS, INC. 3910-11-24 Wilson Blvd. Arl., Va. I —'T AUTO MFTAI MAN ANNANDALE BODY WORKS, cal! FA. 4708. —17 AUTO PARTS CLERK—Excellent op portunity for man experienced In Chevrolet parts department. Counter experience necessary. 6Va-day wk.. paid vacation group insurance. Apply in person to Mr. Eddins. MANDELL CHEVROLET CO.. 1234 Good Hope rd s.e. AUTO PARTS MAN, excellent oppor turnity for exper. parts man; 5Va day wk.. leave and insurance. Ford parts exper. pref. but not essen tial. 8ee Mr. Miller. HILL TIB BITT8, INC., 1114 Vermont ave n.w. —18 AUTO PARTS MAN—A secure lob with Rood pay. profit sharing, paid vacation hospitalization, pleasant working conditions. Experience in Mopar parts necessary. Pay in pro portion to ability and experience TREW MOTOR CO., 2101 14th st n.w. DE. 1910. See Mr. Nelson. AUTO ?ARTS MAN. experienced Vith Chrysler Mopar parts by automobile dealer in Bethesda. Must under stand and be capable of maintain ing inventory control svstem Per manent iob with opportunity for advancement. Paid holidays and va cation, group insurance, 5‘2-dav wk . salary $3,600. Write Riving com plete information, experience and references. Box 236-C. Star. —18 AUTO PARTS SALESMAN—An ex cellent Job offering security, salary assigned accounts, new automobile and upkeep furnished. A perma nent position for the man with proven sales ability in this line. Box 445-C. Star. _22 4 HELP MEN AUTO PARTS MANAGER, Ford ex perience needed; high-class, capable man, 8TEUART TRUCK CENTER. 2001 W. Virginia ave. n.e.. LA. 0-8020. —18 AUTOMOTIVE PARTS SPECIALISTS, or men wanting to learn this trade, see Mr. Price PHELPS-ROBERTS CORP.. 1825 14th st. n w. —17 AUTO POLISHER and washer; old established firm: good work)”” con ditions and salary. MOORE MOTOR CO . 1518 Pa. ave. s.e. LI. 3-2042 or LI. 4-9404. —17 AUTO-RADIO INSTALLATION MAN. Permanent position, good hours and salary; must be experienced, refer ences required; company benefits. Apply MANHATTAN AUTO AND RADIO CO.. 1706 7th at. n w. —20 AUTO SALESMAN to sell new Ford cars and trucks: must have previous automobile experience; salary and commission. Excellent opportunity for a producer See Mr. Wheatley TRIANGLE MOTORS. 3010 R. I. ave. n.e —17 AUTO SALESMAN—If you are an experienced new and used car sales man who is a hard worker. 30 to 46 years old, married, bondable and with good local references, we can use you! A good man should aver age better than $200 per week. See Mr. McCoy. A-l AUTO SALES. INC. 9723 Georgia ave . Silver Sorinr. Metropolitan Wash 's newest Kaiser nuzer ueaier. —j / ALTO SALESMAN for Bethpsda deal er to join a small but effective vol ume sales force, selling a medium to high-priced car: exoer. and in itiative lik^iv essential. Give fuii particu.ars in reply. All replies held in strictest confidence. Box 4T9-C, Star —22 AUTO SALESMAN to sell complete line of Doage-Plymouth cars a no trucks. Qualified man will obtain a permanent high mcome-producin. position with one of Washington * leading dealers. See Mr. Rosin BEAL MOTORS CO.. 1401 R. I ave n.e —23 AUTO SALESMAN, experience re quired: high income-incentive plan: other attractions LEE D. BUTLER 8 E . INC., 1534 Pa. ave. ».e. LI. AUTO ''SALESMEN for large Ford dealer. We have excel, pay plan for qualified applicants, exper. pref. but not neces. If you are looking for a good deal don't miss this op portunlty. Box 311-A. Star. —20 AUTO. SALESMEN Openings for 2 men of good sales rec ord to sell new. fast-moving, low priced Henry J. and Kaiser line. Am bitious men make money on liberal commission basis. Backed by good advertising. SEE M A. POLLOCK OR C ALL EX *105 Mitchell’s Motors, Inc. 222 2nd ST. W.v/. <at Constitution) AUTO SALESMAN The Coast-In Pontiac Co. has open ing ior an experienced used car salesman. Attractive salary and bonus per car for man who can qualify. Transportation furnished. See Mr. Hixson, used car lot. 407 Florida ave, n.e. No phone calls accepted.—18 BAKERS, experienced on Pies, cakes and paatrles preferred. Apply In person to Mr. Wilson, COLONIAL BAKERY CO.. 8130 Georgia ave.. Silver Spring. Md. —17 ■n a Trrvrt WAV (WHITE I For night work to take charge ol shop; gome experience on roils, bread and pies essential; splendid oppor tunity for baker who is working for advancement. Apply in person after 6 p m. to Mr. Easterling. Thompson’s Cafeteria 735 14th St. N.W —23 BAR HELPER — Good opportunity: experience r.ot necessary, sober. Phone RA 3*40 BAR PORTER—Evening work. Col ored over 31; meals and uniforms. Liberal company benefits; apply Em ployment Office. WAR DM AN PARK HOTEL. 2700 Woodley rd. n.w —11 BELLBOY. Apply ALBAN TOWERS. 3700 Mass ave. n.w. —18 BOOKKEEPER, experienced. with ability as typist. Write P. O. Box HOP. Roanoke. Va._—2o BOOKKEEPER PART TIME Permanent part-time position for col lege student with morning classes; hours. 2:30 to 6:30. Mon. through Fri ; typing speed of 30 wds. per min. and some practical experience In bookkeeping are necessary. Apply Personnel. Room 506. Open week days 8:30-6 and Sat.. 9-1. No phone "the evening star _1101 Penna. Ave. N.W._ BRICKLAYERS (4)—First-class and only first class mechanics need ap ply. Tod wages, unlimited number of working hours. Call OV. 43!»2. any time. —19 BRICKLAYERS. 2700 Kenwood ave. Toledo. Ohio. Long union job 6 days per week, double time on Sat urday Must go there at your own expense ANTHONV IZZO. ST. 0587 BRICKLAYERS — White mechanics only, for Atonement Seminary ;,ob 145 Taylor st. n.e. —20 BRICKLAYERS—Large apt project 4.3<l'_Mars ave n.w _ BRICK FOREMAN To run 4-story apt. job. APPLY CONSTRUCTION JOB 6435 14th ST. N.W. ____—1 8_ BULLDOZER OPERATOR, for HD 5 loader; good pay; plenty of hours; LATIMER SH. 1310. —22 BUS BOYS" DISHWASHERS Colored and other kitchen work, day and r.ight shifts. Meals fur nished. paid vacation and sick leave. APPLY PERSONNEL OFFICE HOT SHOPPES, INC. 1724 H St. N.W. No phone calls. _—is Butcher, experienced and reliable; excel, working conds. and hours; refE- Apply CATHEDRAL SUPER MARKET. ;JOOO Conn. ave. n.w.— It BUTCHER, experienced, reference re quired. Apply 221 Pa. ave v e BUTCHER, experienced, good pav good hours. Must have refa. 5518 Conn ave. n.w. —18 BUTCHER, full time, must be exp., sober, reliable and furnish good refs Apply in person only at 7802 Alaska ave n.w. _m RLTCHIK — Should be all-around man. RITZ MARKET. 301 10th st s.w., ST. 2174 —18 BUTCHER, colored: short hours: S65 a week. Apply MR. PITTLE. 1018 N. Capitol st. _20 BUTCHER or all-around man to work in grocery store. Good pay. good hours: 1919 Bennings rd. n.e. —i: BUTCHER, must be well exper. and sober. Steady job and good pav to ln Jperson. GAR DEN FOOD MARKET. 1064 Bla densbnrg rd n.e. _17 BUTLER-HOUSEMAN for pvt. fam ily in Rye. N. Y.. assist cooking: ex perienced. references; good wages. Write full details to 66 Rve rd.. Rye. N. Y. —17 CAR HOPS Young men for full or part-time employment; salary plus tips, meals furnished APPLY PERSONNEL OFFICE HOT SHOPPES, INC. 1724 H St. N.W. No phone calls —18 CAR WASHER, must be experienced. 6-day week; salary and commis sion. POTOMAC MOTOR SALES. 1206 N. H. ave. n.w. NA. 7077. ——18 DAR WASHER and lubrication ex pert (colored): steady work, good pay. See Mr. Smith. Service Man ager. ALEXANDER NASH. 1705 Mt Vernon ave., Alex. Va. —17 CARPENTER, capable, willing to work in reputable boat estab. where Initi ative Is essential. Apply in person. MR. JENSON, 1300 Maine ave. s.w —21 * HELP MEN CARPENTERS, trim hands, steady work. GOLD6TEN BROS, job on Grubb rd.. oppos Rock Creek Gar dens Shopping Center. —18 CARPENTERS (white), top wages on residential work. Call MR. WIL SON. LI. 4-6384. —17 CARPENTERS, finish hands only. In side residential work Report on Job. '..Co i Cna II Bridge rd. n.w. Halfway between vlacArthur boulevard and Loughboro rd. opposite entrance to park. —21 CARPENTERS (2). Apply LEE 4s MAHAN, INC . 87th and Gallatin sts. n.e.. Hyattsvllle. Mr. F. w. Stevens, or phone Rockville 4177 and ask for Mr. Stevens. CARPENTERS—For framing work. See MR. WOOD. 84th and R sts. n.w. —18 CARPENTERS—Long housing project! top pay. TAXIN BROIDA CO. INC. North on Old Bladensburg rd. from Four Corners to Scully dr., left to Rosewood office. SH. 95541 after 6 p.m., GE. 0884. —20 CARPENTERS, Inside work. 6-day wk. Apply job site. 7:30 a.m. 1637 Montague st. n.w. —17 CARPENTERS WANTED, steady work, good residential work; top wages; Sliver Spring area. Call MR. HILL. LA. 6-5400. After 5. call MR. ROSE, t ' . 6-6(18. —17 CARPENTER wonted. steady job Ap ply manager CHASTELTON HOTEL. I 1701 J6th st. n.w. —18 iCAhl-EN.ERS WANTED. Good frame men: 'op wages. Call after 6 P.m. GL. 6739. —19 i u ns — L«or.g. steady oo; op<n sho,:. App'y w..h tools. 7:30 a.m., ‘5(<i Baltimore ave . Biacens burg. Md. —j ft CARPENTERS For form work on ccr.crete apt. bldt. Apply CONSTRUCTION JOB _6425 14th St. N.W. —17 CARPENTERS Kenwood Golf and Country Club. | River rd. and Dorset ave . Bethesaa, I Md. Long job; 5-day wk.. nrs., 7 ! a.m.-4:30 p.m. Station wagon wiU 1 meet street car or bus at Wis. ave. I terminal 6:45 a.m. __—23 'CARETAKER wanted to work one day ! * at canoe club during summer. Call WI. 0065 or \V1. 4921. 21* CASHIER—Perm, position for man over 30. willing to work between 2 and 10;30 p.m. in air-cond. office; good starting salary: insurance, hos pital, surgical benefits: 6-day (ap prox. 44-hr.) wk. CONTINENTAL BAKING CO., 2301 Ga. ave. n w. _ —19 ' CASHIER Front office experienced. Apply in person. HAY-ADAMS HOUSE, man ager's office. 16th and H sts. n.w. __—21 CASHIER-CLERK for service depart ment of Ford dealer. Quick and ac curate at figures. $45 for 5*A-day week Apply to A. R. Miller. NORTHEAST MOTOR CO.. 920 Bladensbur* rd. n.e. —21 CHECKER, experienced, for modern super market. Paid vacations, hos pitalization. Apply 1323 Rhode Island ave. n.e. —19 CHEF. American cooking. POTOMAO HOTEL, 18th and H sts. n.w. —18 CLAIM ADJUSTER, experienced in property damage, collision and com f>rehensive losses; prefer person with egal background. Salary open. B. E. LEONARDO. EX. 1616. —17 CLERICAL—Typists and bookkeeper* needed. Washington's most pro gressive appliance and TV storea has openings for capable persons looking for permanent positions; future assured to right person: good salaries, many employe benefits. Ap ply Mr. Batts. LACY'S. INC.. 1530 Haif st. s.w. —22 CLERK, white, over 21; part time* evenings. 5 to 9. must have refer ences. LEONS, 1131 14th st. n.w. — 1 ft t' thiv. ior Honor store, experienced. Write Box 200-C. Star. —IP CLEKK—One of Washington's oldest and largest automotive nrms ha* opening for shcD clerk with mechmn i icai background: good salary, paid vacation, hospitilization; excellent working conds. Apply in person to Mr. Wartella. service manager. LEE D. BUTLER. INC . 1121 21st st. n.w. —21 CLERK, age 18 to 25: some typing preferred but not required; 3?Vfc hour week, pleasant surondlngs; many company benefits. Room 300. 816 14th st. n.w.. between 9 mm. and 3 p.m. _17 , CLERK for Kosher delicatessen, i Apply mt HOFBERG’S, 7822 East ern ave n.w. _21 CLERK. NIGHT—11 p m to 7 a m : exper. hotel or apt. house: must have knowledge of PBX. also hand transcript: 6-day week, salary 1st mo . *175. substantial increase if satisfactory after «st mo. Apply Office 201. 1028 Corn, ave —19 ClEItKS. part time for drug and sundry depts.: eves . Saturdays and Sundays: salary plus comm. STAND ARD DRUG CO. 1101 H st. n.e.. 3122 14th st. n.w and 3920 Minn, av*-. n.e_ _17 "CLERKS FOR DELICATESSEN White. Age 21-35 with clean-cut appearance and pleasing personality. High school grad, preferred. Must have excel, jtferences and be In terested in permanent position. ; Oner excel, salary and promotional i opportunities, call Thurs are Fri ! bet. P a m. and 5 p.m. at Person nel Dept. GIANT FOOD DEPT. STORES | # 845 Bladensburg Rd. N.E ___—18 CLOTHING SALESMEN, for steady SaOn'day . employment. Apply WEB STER CLOTHES. 1012 F St n w COLLECTION MANAGER for cloth ing installment store. Excellent SW.°L,.,Lnlty too salary; permanent. <3< 7th st. n.w. 17 COLLECTOR, to work on delinquent accounts: must have car: $55 wk . *5 \k,J“r..i:ar ApP>y Mr. Sheer, K. ABRAMSON CO.. 1032 7 th - ' -1 _—17 construction Estimator P rmanent job with established l com. any experience preferred; wou d consider college graduate in engineering field. All replies con ^rtential. JU, 7-0488. 3 to 5. —17 CONSTRUCTION SUPERINTENDENT: Give references and work experi ence on Govt. work. Box 313-A. Star. .;n COOK—All-around man: night work: ~ ' ■ ' ..VIUU1S 1A ave . GE 5337. |COOK, experienced, references: good i iaiarZ- Apply in person. STRAT ! FORD HOTEL, 25 6 st. n.w. —IT (white), dinner: salary open. Call between 2 and 4 pm. AT. 2595. —20 COOK, all around; hours, from :) to 12 midnight; sober and dependable; good salary. 6916 4th st. n.w.. Takcma Pali D C. —19 COOK experienced, salary open. Ap ply to Mr. Frank CHICKEN HLT RESTAURANT 427 11th st. n.w COUNTERMAN, experienced. Apply MANDES CAFE. 314 9th at. n.w. CREDIT MANAGER, exper. pr^f’bnt will train man with proper back ground: good opportunity; perm, position. Apply in person, ROS* JEWELRY CO.. 811 H st. n.e. —20 CREDIT and COLLECTION MAN for credit installment store: excel, op portunity: permanent, top salary. 737 7th st. n.w. —17 DAY WATCHMAN—For lge. Washing ton laundry. To qualify, applicant must be white, physically lit: under 60 and have good local refs. Apply in person to Mr. Towles NATIONAL LAUNDRY CO.. 21 Pierce st. n.w. —2(1 DELIVERY BOY for drug store; must have suitable refs. Apply In per son. UPTOWN PHARMACY. 3S.iO Conn. ave. n.w. —it DELIVERY BOY. colored, over 21, for liquor store. We furnish bicycle. 1845 Columbia rd. n.w. DELIVERY MAN for receiving rcong in exclusive apartment building. OR. 1688.____ (Continued on Next Page)