Newspaper Page Text
HELP MEN (Coitt.f DISHWASHER and porter, colored for morning shift: good nay anc meals; exDer. and ref. required Apply COLUMBIA DRUOBTORE 2500 Penna. ave. n.w. —17 DISHWASHER—Colored: part tirm evening work. Apply in person. DOR CHESTER PHARMACY. 2480 16th st. n.w. —18 DISHWASHER and kitchen man; ex perienced. BASSIN S. 1920 Pa. ave n.w DISHWASHER at DECATUR LUNCH 4726 14th st n.w. No Sunday work $25 week. Hours, 2 to 10:30 p m. DISHWASHER and handyman— Experienced; colored. Day work. Ap ply D C. DINER, 1100 Vermont ave. n.w. —21 DISHWASHER-KITCHEN HELPER, colored. We have two jobs open, paying "top wages." to men desiring fiermanent Jobs under the best work ing cond. To be considered you must have refer, showing you dependable, honest and sober: nightwork. Call in person, rear oi TED LEWIS, 2655 Conn. ave. n.w after 12 noon. —22 DISHWASHER-PORTER, colorad must be willing worker. $30 and meals. Ca‘. GE. 9767. CRANE'S RESTAU RANT 201 Upshur st. n.w. DISHWASHERS (21. colored or white. No glasses to wash, washing machine does your work Apply CIRCLE RESTAURANT. 5600 Conn. ave. n w —IS DRAFTSMAN, general radio sche matic and electric experience pre ferred. by consulting engineering firm. $75 per 5-day week to Quali fied applicant. EX. 5670. MR. JANSEN. —22 DRAFTSMAN or ENGINEER, me chunical. experienced on industrial p:p,ng and equipment, office and field work Write P. O. .Box 11(11. Roanoke. Va. —20 j DRIVER for light delivery, between 25 and 45: dept, store exper. pref ; . know city thoroughly: $160. Apply: B.sjnnuuu UiSllUDVIVmo. .'i.'o Ga. ave. n.w. —22 j DRIVER, white for linen route. Steady job; must be dependable and have references. Apply DISTRICT LINEN SERVICE CO. 56 L st. s.e —18 DRIVER, white nr colored, for aro cerv store B & B FOOD STORE 2444 Wis. ave. n.w. —21 DRIVER experienced In grocery de livery nec : must be reliable and | have refs Apply CATHEDRAL; SUPER MARKET. 3000 Conn, ave n.w. —17 DRIVERS, colored, for wholesale cleaning plant. Apply REGAL CLEANERS 612 M st. s.w. rear. ; DRIVER, white, exper.. for estab lished dry cleaning route n.w. sec *on. Part-time man. 8:30 a m to 12:30 pm Good salary; 6 days MELODY CLEANERS. 828 13th st t n.w._—20 DRIVERS FOR DIAMOND CABS Reas, liable rental rates See Melvin Herriman DIAMOND LOT. 101 M st. n.e,; DRIVERS For Photo Finishing Plant Salary and Commission Excellent Opportunities Apply FLEET PHOTO SERVICE 1232 14th st. n.w. _—19 DRIVER AND HANDYMAN Permanent. D C. driver’s permit and references necessary. Apply JAFFE. | 911 13th st. n.w._—19_: DRIVER-PORTER, must have ref” t erences and know city thoroughly. $4 0 wk. salary. Apply in person. D<» not phone. OAKLAWN PHAR MACY 3620 lfith st. n.w. —17 DRIVER-PORTER, professional-type drugstore, inside and outside work, must have D. C. driver’s permit. Apply in person only, if reliable . V V'I'I rcli.mkin y ,4 y, n- _1 fi DRIVER-PORTER For modern drugstore. Glover Park section. Refs. Good pay. Good I hrs. PEARSON S PHARMACY. 2448 a Wis ave. n.w. _—17 I DRIVER-SALESMAN for industrial laundry; minimum salary. $55 per week: route now doing close to $65 and can do better; 5-day week. Call WA. 3144. —17 DRIVER-SALESMAN for house-to house bakery route. Must be ag gressive responsible and furnish _ references. LQ. 5-9888. —1 6 * DRIVER SALESMAN FOR WELL - ESTAB LISHED BEER ROUTE. BOX 472-A, STAR. __—18 DRIVER-SALESMAN Retail ice cream vending route: 7 day week; excellent opportunity for the right man Apply l to 3 p.m No phone calls. Jack & Jill Ice Cream Co. __911 Second St. N.B_ DRIVER-SALESMAN Established Laundry and Dry Clean ing route. Excel, earnings on comm basis with guarantee $50. salary during short training period. HUB LAUNDRY 37th st. and Eastern ave.. Mt. Rainier_Md._—18 DRUG CLERK, an opening with a future. Exper. preferred but not necessary. Salary plus comm. Many company benefits STANDARD DRUG CO.. 1101 H st. n e. —17 DRUG CLERK—Exp. desirable; start ing salary $60. 6 da. wk.; air-cond. store. Insurance benefits. HIGGERS DRUG 5Q17 Conn, ave —20 ~ DRUG CLERK Experienced Top salary. Day worn. 5636 Conn, ave.. WO. Shoo. — 17 Drug-Cosmetic Clerk Experienced. Top salary. Dav work No Sundays. 5636 Conn, ave . WO. Mjtii t. _—17 DRY CLEANER"—Experienced, part time eves, or lull-time job. Mr. Lis trani, CHILLUM CLEANERS. GE. 8668. —19 DRY CLEANING machine operator, experienced on Prosperity 3-B ma chines: excellent pay and working conditions. Apply in person. STER LING LAUNDRY. 1021 27th st. n.w. —18 ELECTRIC MOTOR MECHANIC; also helper. GARRETT ARMATURE CO.. 4.'!42 Lee hwy., Arl., Va. GL. 8060, OX. 1813. —20 ELLC'lKltlANS and experienced help ers; old and new housework, fur nace wiring and maintenance work; excellent opportunities, steady work. Must be familiar with Bethesda, Silver Spring and Prince Georges County areas. Call any time. SL. 8357 —17 ELECTRICIAN'S HELPER, experi enced. Call 6 to 8 pm. WA. 0602. —17 ELECTRICIANS AND HELPERS, ex per. in house wiring, conduit work. BX and Romex. SH. 9394. —17 ELEVATOR OPERATOR. colored steady job. no objection on middle aged man. Apply office 201. 1028 Conn ave. , — li . ELEVATOR OPERATOR, middle-aged colored man Courteous and steady for apt near Dupont Circle. Hours. 7 a.m to noon Off Wed long Sun. shift. Call MR. IRVINE, NA. 5500 bet 4 and 5 p.m —18 ELKYATUlt OrUKATUK. .vnue. over JS. Apply i* a m. to 3:30 p.m.. su perintendent of service. SHORE HAM HOTEL 2500 Calvert st. n.w. No phone calls accepted. —21 ELEVATOR OPERATOR, colored, for n.w.. apt bldg.: must be experi enced. and have local references Salary $100 mo., 6 days wk. Apply LEO M. BERNSTEIN REAL ESTATE CO.. 1415 K st. n.w._—18 ELEVATOR OPERATOR Colored, experienced operator with a license for a permanent job witr The Evening Star. 25-35 years of aee. capable of passing a physical exam Apply personnel Room 506 Open weekdays 8:30-5 Sat.. 6-1 No Phone calls EVENING STAR _lldl Penna Aye N W_ ELEVATOR OPERATORS, white, ex perience unnecessary; wrill train Apply Superintendent ol Service CARLTON HOTEL, 16th and K sts n.w. , -—18 ENGINEER and wife, colored, nc children, for large s.e. apt. project: stoker fire; $135 per month., ant and utilities provided. Wife tc work as charwoman at $85 a month. Call MR. ATKINSON. LO 3-7979 between 4 and 7 D.m. —If ENGINEER, 3rd-elass or better: al ternate shifts. Reply to Box 62Y Star. —IT ENGINEER—3rd class license; fairl: familiar with high pressure boiler: and air-conditioning units. Goo( salary and living quarters. Call be tween 9 and 5. HU. 7700. —19 FENCE ERECTORS, prefer men ex perienced on chain link fence Steady work. Phone OT. 7992. —-21 FINISHER, we have an opening fo: a first-class finisher and touch-ui man. If you are now employed an< are Interested In advancement l will be to your advantage to com: In and see us. All inquiries strictl: confidential. Call Mr. Leonard. DI 84(14; CAMPBELL MUSIC CO^UO! FLOOR11 LAYER, lst-class. P. C FORD is SON. SL. 7ob0, SL. < FOOD AND VEGETABLE MAN ‘fo retail market, colored or white: so ber. reliable and reference. Anpl in person only. 1418 ,th st. w FOUNTAIN CLERK EXPER—Snm ev^s and week ends. MT- RAINIEl dv'APMACY. WA. 3376. —18 FOUNTAIN MAN, exper., with loca references: will pay top salary- to top man. Apply DAY DRUG STORE 14th and P sts. n.w., MI. 4441. —1 FOUNT. MAN. white only, part time only sober, exp. young man need ap ply. Call MR. WITT. GE._744f FURNITURE SALESMAN—Opport. f( alert young man. 25-30. to lear business. No exper. nec. CO 336' i HELP MEN FOOD CLERK Are you interested in a iob with a future’ We have openings for food clerks with starting salary of *55 ?er week with progressive pay scale mmediate adjustment will be made for previous food clerk experience verified. Those who develop the necessary skills become candidates for location manager positions which pay up to *10.000 per year. TO QUALIFY YOU SHOULD: 1. Have a high school education or better. 2 Be under 35 years of age 3 Have a pleasing personality. 4. Enjoy dealing with people. 5. Be sober and of good character. WE OFFER YOU: 1. Permanent employment. 2 Co-operative group insurance plan 3. Dependable hospital and surgical insurance 4. Paid vacations. 5. Other employe oenefits. UNION SHOP APPLY SAFEWAY" STORES, INC. 19U1 Fenwick St. N.E (For employment in our D. C. and Md stores. I 2415 Mt. Vernon ave.. Alexandria. Va. (For employment in our Alexandria and So. Arlington stores.) (For employment in our No. Arling ton stores.) —17 j hOlMAIN MAN! experienced, with refs. See Mr. McKee. PEARSON'S PHARMACY. 244* Wls. ave. n.w GARAGE HELPER—Permanent posi tion. good salary and hours, oppor tunity for advancement, references required. Apply MANHATTAN AUTO AND RADIO CO.. 1706 :th st^n.w. GARAGEMAN Experienced colored man for position as night garage man in large n.w. apt. bldg. Call MR. AMATULL1, WO. 61*00 t) to il am. .1601 Conn. ave. n w__ —18 j GARDENER, colored, some experience:; new apt. development: salary, $lo0 mo. to start: 8-hr. day. 512-day wit. Phone OL. 4lilt). —19 GAS STATION ATTENDANTS, roao service men: no Sunday work. ex cellent salary. Must have U C driver s permit. Applv 4515 Mac Arthur blvd. n w.. WO. 7227. til . - 23 GRAVE DIGGERS, white SOc per hour to start. Apply at WASHING TON NATIONAL CEMETERY. 4101 Suitland rd. s.e. HI. 5250. —22 GRILL MAN. Working conditions couldn't be better: nice clientele. Apply CIRCLE RESTAURANT. 5600 Conn. ave. n.w. IS GRILL MAN and short order work: good pay: night work. Apply CARRY'S RESTAURANT, 037 Penn, ave. s.e. —19 GROCERY CLERK, colored. Vxoeri enced. No Sunday work. Apply in person. GORDON BROS. MARKET 2740 14th st. n.w. —18 GROCERY CLERK, experienced, with driver's permit. 1412 Irving st. n.w. —10 GROCERY-DRIVER for super mar ket. Good pav. nice working con ditions. Cali LO. 5-1865. LO. 5 4585. —23 GROCERY MEN. 2. exDerienoed. sooer. tor modern super market. Paid hos pitalization. paid vacation. Apply in person, BUCKINGHAM SUPER MARKET. 1323 Rhode Island ave. ne —17 GROCERY-SALESMAN, experienced in sale cf wholesale or retail groceries: splendid opportunity with established firm; salary commensurate with abii-; ity. Reply Box 234-C, Star, gi' ing full detais. GUARDS for industrial plant excel lent pav. Must have excellent refer ences JACOBS INSTRUMENT CO. Bethesda. Md. HANDYMAN to help in store as stock clerk, not oxer 40 yrs. GE. 06f*8. 4532 Georgia ave. n.w. 19* Hfl.PFnS ("1 is wash and noiish cars. Laundry furnished and paid holidays Phone TR. 8300. MR. SMITH. —18 HELPER, colored. 18-22. to help on delivery truck. ROYAL UPHOLSTER ING CO-. TU. 2268. —17 HELPERS, immediate openings for able-bodied men to load trucks, in produce warehouse and go out with driver on delivery. Guaranteed 40 hour week. Monday through Friday. Begin work 3:30 a.m. Apply 8 a.m. to 3 p m. to GOVERNMENT SERV ICES. INC.. 1135 21st st. n.w. HOUSEMAN, colored. 7:30 to 4 p.m. steady job. good pay. Apply office 201. 1028 Conn. ave. —1' HOUSEMAN, colored, pleasant work ing conditions. Must be sober, de pendable. References required. Apply WARDMAN PARK HOTEL. Employ ment Office. 2700 Woodley rd. n.w. —18 INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE SALES MAN- Opportunity for experienced, capab.e a^bit man. Married: ace 25-50; substantial guarantee to start witn. high potcnfal earnings assured .ater NA 2443. —21 INFORMATION CLERK-DRAFTSMAN —Preferably with some knowledge of engineering for busy planning office in Maryland. Must be personable; industrious, and willing to learn. 5-day week, vacation and retirement benefits Good opport. for advance ment. Write send phone No. and recent snapshot if available Box 447-C. Star —22 IRON SHOP APPRENTICES (2). age 18-20. high school education, draft exempt: exper. not necessary; must be willing' to learn and a steady worker. Phone LA. 6-1240 for appt. —18 JAMTOR. colored, well exper., sober man for lge. apt. bldg, in n.w.: good salary plus quarters and utilities. Apply DREYFUSS BROS,. 1019 15th st. n.w. —17 JANITOR, assistant, colored, steady job. good pay. Apply office 201 1028 Conn ave —17 JANITOR, colored, experienced witn oil burners. New apt. bldg: no children: good salary; telephone and apt 35 E st. n w. —18 JANITOR, colored, for office bldg.: experienced, with local refer.: salary SI25 mo.. 6 days wk. Apply LEO M BERNSTEIN REAL ESTATE CO.. 1415 K st. n.w. —18 JANITOR for downtown apt bldg.: salary and quarters: job available immed Apply between 9 and in a.m. or 4 to 5 p.m. JESS FISHER & CO INC 1420 K st. n.w. 1: JANITOR, married, no children; must be exper in minor repairs; wife for maid service; top pay and furn apt for right party. Refs, re quired. Phone or call. 9:3u to 4:30, 169 Danbury st. s.w. JO. 3-4303 —18 JANITOR. MAN for daywork in love ly garden tvpe apt. development; salary. 5135. Apply MRS. HATHA WAY, resident manager Kirkwood Apts.. 5700 blk. Ager rd.; take Avondale bus on 9th st. to D. C. line then Lewisdale bus to apt. JANITOR, thoroughly exper. stoker: minor repairs; $125 per mo. and quarters: no children OW. 0473. JANITOR ASSISTANT, colored, mid dle-aged: must be sober and reli able. large apartment house: no quarters. Hours 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. THOMAS J. FISHER A' CO.. INC. 738 15th st. n.w. PI. 6830. —17 JANITOR Sober, married colored man. no children, for apt. bldg in North west: quarters, utils, and $100 per mo. salary. Apply Mr. Ritterbush or Mr. Greenlee H. G. SMITHY CO.. 811 15th st. n.w. —17 JANITOR ’For garden type apartment. 6 days per week. Take W. M. & A. bus at 11th ana Penna ave. direct to Dis trict Heights apts. See MR. SACKS ^JANITOR Colored, for lawn and general work at garder.-type apartment: Sllvez SDring: quarters furnished: nc rhllriren Call MANAGER. SH. C123 I _ _— JANITOR The Star ha» an opening for I colored fanltor who Is 26-35 yeari of age, ambitious and willing t( give good attendance. Must be abli to pass physical exam Apply Per sonnel. Room 606. Open weekday! j 8:30-5; Sat 9-1 No phone calls^ THE EVENING STAR 1101 Penna. Ave. N.W_ Janitor-Delivery Man The Star has an opening for \ colored man between 25 and ak years of age to act as a tanltor anc I driver. Previous driving experience j clear record and D C driver’i ; permit are required Must be abl< I to pass physical exam. Apply Per I sonnel. Room 506 Open weekday: 1 8 .20-5 and Sat. 0-1 No ohone calls THE EVENING STAR Ilioi Pa Ave. N.W KITCHEN PORTER, colored. goo< salary and permanent position fo sobbr reliable man. Call GREEN WAY INN. DE. 6249 after 12 noon —17 LABORERS for construction job ii Arlington. Steady work. See Mr Reynolds. MADISON MANOR. 100< N. Quantico st.—IS LABORERS Kenwood Golf and Country Club River rd. and Dorset ave.. Bethesda Md. Long job; 5-day wk.l hr*.. a.m.-4:30 p.m Station wagon wil meet street car or bus at Wls. avt terminal 6:45 a.m. - 23 ; LAUNDRY ROUTEMA* White. Applv OLD COLONY LAUNDRY , 6820 Blair Rd. N.W. GE. 0200 ‘ _______ _—18 1 LAWN MOWER MOTOR MECHANIC r See MR. PENDLETON, 11300 Geor gia ave. Wheaton. Md. —16 ; LUBRICATION MAN. steady, yeai around job with good pay. Appl in person to MR. LEDFORD. 4S0 Branch ave. s.e. —18 LUBRICATION MAN (whltel—Thoi r ouhcly experienced; modern equir t ment; good salary and working cor j dltlons. STANDARD SERVICENTE1 1200 E St. n.w. —18 HELP MEN LIBRARY CLERK Over 20 to 30 yrs. of age. knowledge of typing, neat In appearance and will ing to give good attendance; permanent position In our editorial library; 5-day. 40-hr. week. Apply Personnel Room 500. Ooen week days 8:30-5 and Sat. R-l. THE EVENING STAR 1101 Pa Ave. N.W. LUBRICATION MAN, experienced, to lubricate cars and change oil; 5Va day wk., good salary; no Sun. work. See MR. HOOK. ,”>85 No. Glebe rd.. Arl.. OW. 7722. —22 MAID’S HELPER Apply ALBAN TOWERS. 3700 Mass. ave. n.w —18 MAINTENANCE MAN. must be famil iar with apt house work. Apply in person. PERSONNEL OFFICE. 2T:io Wis. ave. n.w._—17 MAIL CLERK We have an opening for a clean-cut young man. under 30 to w ork as office mall clerk. To qualify you should have at least a high school education. We offer you permanent em ployment co-operative group Insurance plan, paid vacation and other employe benefits. Apply SAFEWAY STORES. INC.. 1845 4th st. n.e. __—17 MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR Property management Arm. Must nave thorough knowledge of heat ing equipment, plumbing and gen eral repairs. State age experience and salary desired. Box 401-B. MANAGER For receiving and marking depart ment; must have experience with retail receiving methods and com plete knowledge of men’s, women’s and children s apparel marking sys tems. This is an unusual oppor tunity in an expanding organization. Write, stating age. experience and salary requirements to Box 470--A. Star._—20 Management 'Trainee The position offered by an interna tional firm in business more than 100 years with over 1.200 outlets are only for men from 25 to 50 years of ase interested in security and a chance for unlimited advance ment. Paid vacation, family hospi tal benefits, free retirement plan, good starting salary plus commis sion when qualified. Experience not necessarv. Transportation furnished APPLY MR. GLENN SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO. 3107 WILSON BLVD . ARL„ VA. Will accept evening interviews. Call HU, 3600 for appointment. —13 > MEATCUTTER or meat counter-] man. colored or white. 3-day week or 5-day week. Stands 30 and 31, 7th and O 6ts. n.w. Market. —IK j MEAT CUTTERS ONLY TOP NOTCH Journey Considered White, age 25-40 with excel, rec ords and references. Call Thurs. and Fri. bet fi a.m. and 5 p.m. at Per sonnel Dept. GIANT FOOD DEPT. STORES 845 Bladensburg Rd. N.E. _—18_ MECHANIC, refrigeration. Crosley ex clusive. Only sober, honest gentle man need apply Opportunity to learn refrigeration radio, and TV. SUMMERS SALES & SERVICE. 150.1 N. Capitol st —17 L v '*•''« 0 2 UBJO. CALC1 working conds.; basic guarantee: 6 holidays and vacation with pay. STAFFORD CHANDLER MOTOR CO . 629 H st. n.e —19 MECHANICS—GMC and other trucks; cool shop, paid holidays, hospitaliza tion. good pay. SHERIFF MOTOR CO.. 900 R. I. ave. n.e. —20 MECHANIC. 1st class, steady work paid holidays, vacations, hospitali sation. etc ; International Truck dealer See Mr. Gunther. MA LONEY’S TNC . 8126 Georgia ave . Silver Spring. Md. —27 MECHANIC, truck exper. pref : year around employment. Excellent earn ings. Apply in person to MR. LED FORD. 4800 Branch ave. s.e. —18 MECHANIC Exppr bicvcle mechanic; perm posi tion. good pay for the right man. No amateurs, must have profes sional exper. Apply 933 O st n.w __—23 MESSENGER, white, with bicycle: ex cellent future for young man inter ested in photography. 805 Sth st. n.w,—20 MESSENGER 17-3 9 years of age. neat m appear ance courteous and willing to give good attendance. Bring your birth certificate. Apply Personnel. Room 506. Open weekdays. 8:30-5 and Sat., 9-1. No phone calls. THE EVENING STAR 1101 Penna Ave. N.W MESSENGER Permanent position inch inside and outside duties with publishing co. D. C. operator’s permit required Excel, employe benefits and working conds. Weekly payday. Call 8:15 5 Mon, thru Frl., PI. 2900, Ext. 260 MESSENGER-PAGE for NBC ~ radio station. Excellent working conai r tions and opportunity for advance ment College graduate under 25 preferred. Hours. 9-5. Mon. through Fri. Salary. Si 65 per mo to start. See Miss lerguson. NATIONAL BROADCASTING COMPANY. 724 14th st. n.w. METAL MAN, colored to clean and sort metal; only experienced md sober man need apply. 2220 Georgia ave. n.w. ACE JUNK CO. AD 5457. —28 MOULDERS—Aluminum sand casting; pay commensurate with exper Apply 9-4. 2018 5th n.e. - —20 MI LTIMTH OPERATOR, experienced by national trade association; gopd j starting salary; good working condi tions: air conditioned bldg.: 5-day week: employe benefits. Call EX. i 7030. —18 MULTILITH OPERATOR .Must be experienced: good salary with fine opportunity lor advance ment; perm Personal Interview be tween 9 a m. and 3:30 p.m. Per sonnel Office. NATIONAL GEO GRAPHIC SOCIETY. 3rd and R sts n.e,—17 NIGHT AUDITOR Must know hand transcript, for busj downtown Washington hotel Bo* 287-V, .Star' NIGHT ATTENDANT. 5-12 6-day wk Refs, and bond reouired: good work ! ing copds. Apply 2618 Pa. ave. n.w —19 NIGHT MAN. colored with knowledge of switchboard and elevator opera tor's license. Apply resident man aeet THE KEYSTONE APTS . 2150 Pa ave. n w. —18 NIGHT OFFICER ” For residentia’ hotel; white man bet 60-70. Written ref. necessary froir i former local employers. Hours. £ i p m -7 a.m.: 6-day week. Salary SI65 mo. Call HO. 9100. —18 OH* ICEMAN Growing furnitun chain needs officeman with credil and bookkeeping experience. Perma nent. advancement assured to quali fied person. Employe benefits. 8alan commensurate with ability. Replj in own handwriting to Box 473-C Star PAINTER spray man; steady work ideal conditions. Apply 950 Upshui st. n.w. —18 PAINTERS (2). first-class. HIT! DECORATING CONTRACTING CO. INC.. 1519 18th st., No. Arl., CH 6938. —19 i n.111 i tivo— i up wa&ca. xvrpui i » vouj for work. WOODACRES CONSTRUC TION Mass. ave. extended at Wei born drive. OL. 2884. —18 PAINTER, capable, willing to work it reputable boat estab. where initla tive is essential. Apply in person MR. Jenson. 1300 Maine ave.^s.w PAINTERS—A-l mechanics: in ant outside work, in Arlington. GL 7810. PAINTERS, brush and spray men good wages. steady work, new con I structlon. JU. 8-4840. —18 PAJNTFRS—Large iob. steady work Out Georgia ave. to Evans dr, 1 turn left. Carroll Knolls Subdivision Report to Mill. DAN OSTROW CON STRUCTION CO. —18 PAINTERS—Steadv work: good sal ; ary. Call SL. 6123; after 6:30 tm PAINTERS. Steady work, good nay Apply 20th st. and N. Harrison st. Arl- Va.. or call CLARENCE W CASE after 6. FA. 2547. —19 PAINTERS (2). first-class reslden tial work, steady. $15 per day. Cal OL. 4807. —17 PAINTERS (2)—Sat. and Sun. worl only; $16 to $18. BRIGGS DECO RATING CO.. OW. 3121. —18 PAINTERS wanted. Silver Sprim area. Call SH. 9080 bet. 7-9 o.ra —18 PAINTERS WANTED—Long lastim job. Apply N. BECKER & CO. Re port for duty 7:30 tomorrow morn ing. 317 Kennedy st. n.w. GH 1532: after 6. RA. 4650. —17 ' PAINTERS iExper. only. Apply JAFFE. 911 13t! i st. n.w._—29 PAPER HANGER-PAINTER, combing f tion man. 8L. 4366. —17 PARKING ATTENDANTS, over 1 vcars; experience required; mus ' have parking lot permit. Appl PARKING LOT. 13th'and E st! n.w. —18 PHARMACIST—Highly qualified. e> i cellent opportunity for right mai 1 PARK VIEW PHARMACY. RA. 333 i --1 -i PHARMACIST, colored, experience y only. Wonderful pay and workir D conditions. Opportunity for advanci ment. Apply in person. MARKE - PHARMACY 1430 7th st. n.w. —1 - PHARMACIST, full time, capable < - complete store management. Appl 1, in person CHASTLETON PHARM ACY, 16th and R sts. n.w. —23 A MISTER BREGER —By Dave Breger HMUff III II ' Hi ■ ‘Third floor—bandages, adhesive tape, splints and other medical supplies . . . !” _HELP MEN_ HELP MEN PHARMACIST, part time, three nights week and every other Sunday EM PIRE PHARMACY. 1738 Conn. ave. PHARMACIST-MANAGER to take complete charge ol downtown drug store: good hours, salary open; ref required Box 44B-C. Star. —20 PHOTOGRAPHER OFFSET — Man v 1th some photographic experience to assist and learn from our present photographer to take over per manently when our man leaves for the service. Modern Arlington lith ographic plant. Good opportunity for conscientious worker. Call Mr. Fusco. GL. .1801), COOPER TRENT 3H29 Wilson blvd Arl., Va. —20 PHOTOGRAPHIC SOLICITOR for home portrait work. Transp fur nished. S3 per sitting, interviews between 1-5 p.m Thursday and Friday at LIFE STUDIOS. 707 G st. n.w. PLASTERERS (2). white. 1st class: for white coating only. JO. 8-2(1119 bpt'vrn" 7 and 9 p.m. PLUMBER — Remodeling and new work; steady job for sober, experi enced man. JULIUS T. BECKER, 1020 18th st. n.w. —22 PLUMBERS—Experienced: on new work: good work and steady em ployment. RA 6287. —17 PLUMBERS HELPER, experienced Call WA 4311 after 7 p m. —17 PLUMBER’S HELPER, must have D. C. permit. Prefer man under 25; GI training available. Fum refs. Apply in person. 2012 14th st. n.w. No phone calls. —19 PLUMBER'S HELPERS (3) with cars: steady work for right men. GEORGE F WARNER CO. Apply rear 1226 F st. n.e. —17 PORTER, young man. experienced. In large jewelry store. Apply in person. See Mr. Roth. CASTLEBSRGS. 1004 F st. n.w. —22 PORTER, full or part time. Refer ences required. Call AP 2229. RIGGS MANOR PHARMACY. H573 Ager rd., Hyattsvllle. Md. —17 PORTER Apply ALBAN TOWERS. • maiAA. ave. n.w. ■—ir PORTER—For large auto sales de partment. 5-day week good hours and salary must have operator’s permit. See Mr Crabill. L P STEUART INC.. River rd. and B & O Railroad. Bethesda. Md. No phone calls. —17 PORTERS; good benefits. Apply CAR RENTAL SYSTEM. 1709 L st n.w —18 PORTER For retail jewelry store. Permanent position good 5alary and working conditions group insurance and va cation with nav. R. HARRIS & CO. 1101 F St N.W. See Mr Geraci. 4th floor office. _ —18 PORTER Colored, for apt. bldg.; steady; ref erences; $120 month Apply man ager of KENNEDY-WARREN. 3133 Conn, ave. n.w._—17 Porters and Yard Men Colored—For large apartment devel opment. Steady work, good pay. Apply Manager. 3.341 23rd st s e. JONATHAN WOODNER CO. PRESSER. with knowledge of tailor ing. good pay. steady iob. 1736 Trinidad ave n.e.. LI. 4-963!) —17 PRESSER wanted at once: good sal ary. permanent job. 4447 Conn ave. n.w.. EM. 4447. —18 PRESSER. experienced in wool and silks: 5-day week. Apply 1333 Bu chanan st. n.w. —24 PRESSER. experienced. $50 week, week vacation with pay. all holidays with pay. Apply in person CON GRESS CLEANERS. 1400 Ogden st. n.w' —20 PRESSER. part time. THE UNITED CLEANERS, 6309 Georgia ave. n.w. —18 PRESSER on wool and silk Apply for work. THE S It K CLEANERS. 909 9th st. n.w. , —19 PRESSERS. experienced: silk and wool: steady employment: good pay. Apply GREYSTONE LAUNDRY 2216 8th st. n.w'. —19 PRESSERS—Sober, reliable: plenty of work: weekly earnings 870 to 8100. Permanent. Mr. Llstranl, CHIL LUM CLEANERS. GE. 6668. —19 PRODUCE MAN. eatper. In marketing See POP GORDON. 1128 H st. n.e. —17 PRODUCE MEN—2. experienced, sob er. for modern super market. Paid hospitalization paid vacation. Apply in person. BUCKINGHAM SUPER MARKET 132.3 Rhode Island ave n.e__—17 PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Man between 25-35 years of age in property management office of large, old-established real estate firm One with experience and who wishes to become permanently associ ated desired. For appoint ment. please call MR. FISHER. ST. 3300. Monday through Friday, between 10-12 am. —18 REAL ESTATE SALESMEN — One ambitious man with car to com plete our sales organization, whe desires to earn a minimum of $6.00C per year We have new houses and in addition to brokerage I for sale, and 20 years of experience For appt.. call Mr. Evans. NA. 9707 N. V. ave n.w. REAL ESTATE SALESMAN—Excel lent opportunity for full-time ex perienced man with thorougl knowledge of nearby Va. property Call Mr Hart. REALTY. INC.. JA 4-1620 __—17 REAL ESTATE SALESMAN Active Virginia office requires th< service of an additional salesman A car and some selling experienci are essential An excellent oppor tunity for a man willing and abli to devote his full time in this vers lucrative profession. Call Mr Myers YEONAS REALTY GL. 2100 REALTOR OX. 1241 —IS REAL ESTATE JUNIOR SALES EXECUTIVI $5,000 Per Yr. Guaranteed If you have a proven sales recon and plan on making REAL ESTAT1 your career and have the qualiflcat tions we require, you can advanc* in position and income commensur ate with your ability. Call Mr Hodges for appointment to interview ARTHUR L. WALTERS CO 2704 N. Pershing Dr. OW. 5200 CH. 4141. _—21 Real Estate Salesmen Oppoxtunity for men and women ti get into a good paying field: ex perience not required: desire ti work and make big money essential We will teach you how* Call for Appt., MI. 6188 BASILE REALTY CO. —is 'receiving AND SHIPPING clerk ,'jVi days Exper. and refs, required Wholesale novelty co., permanen position. Good starting salary. Cal MR. BAKER. AP. 6.102 or apply h person. 4808 R. I. ave.. Hyattsville ■ Md. —20 REFRIGERATION MECHANICS 1 (21. Apply ANNAPOLIS UTILITIES INC.. 89 West st.. Annapolis. Md • See or call Mr. Atwell, service man . ager. Annapolis 9244. —24 RELIEF CLERK ' Must know hand transcript; for Bus downtown Washington hotel Bo - 286-V, Star. ■ RESTAURANT MAN. food controllei experienced, white, non-drinker, tak responsibility, can OL sies aite 5:30 p.m. —21 RETAIL SALESMAN or saleslady, sta tionery and office supplies: experi 1 ence preferred. Ask for Mr. Stobar: M. S GINN CO.. 1417 New Yor _ ave. n.w. ROOFERS — By day or contract . steady work the year around. On . Georgia ave. to Evans dr., turn let , Carroll Knolls subdivision. Repoi ’ to mill. DAN OSTROW CONSTRUC ' TION CO. —I« . ROOFING HELPERS. experience , only. A B. C. ROOFING CO.. 22 Upshur st. n.w.—18 A ROOM CLERK c For »usy downtown Washington h( ! tel Box 285-V Star l ROUTEMAN f For established laundry route; 8-da y wk. Apply in person after 3 p.r - STERLING LAUNDRY, 1021 27t n.w. —23 I ROUTE SALESMAN For established cigarette and candy vending route: experience not nec essary; hospitalization, insurance and vacation benefits: guaranteed salary plus percentage of collec tion. Age 25-35. Interviews 9-12 noon. G. B. MACKE CORP. 212 H 8t. N.W. ST. 8200 _—IS ROUTE SALESMEN WE HAVE SEVERAL OPEN INGS FOR MARRIED MEN (AGE 25 TO 40). NO EX PERIENCE NECESSARY, EXCELLENT SALARY AND MANY EMPLOYE BENE FITS. THIS IS ONE OF WASHINGTON’S BEST PAYING JOBS. FOR FUR THER INFORMATION DROP BY AND SEE MR. SPARKS ANY DAY BE TWEEN 7 A.M. AND 5 P.M. AT 713 LAMONT ST. N.W. ARCADE SUNSHINE _—16 ROUTF.MAN for one of Washington’s oldest and most reliable cleaners tc serve n.w. section of Washington This is a well-established route av eraging about $500 Der week: $45 per week guarantee plus commis sion. Driver made $4,000 last year Only sober industrious, experiencec man need apply. THE HOFFMAh CO TR. 4000. —17 ROUTE SALESMEN f2), to operate established coffee route; salary, com mission and bonus: sedan delivers furnished. paid while training Opening in Washington and Alex andria. Va. Apply MR O'NEILL 110ft Mt. Olivet rd. n.e . between 8 a m and ft:30 a.m_ —17 ROUTE SALESMEN Take this opportunity to earn $50 week while training for W’ell-established laundry route. Excel, advancement for high-caliber, aggressive men Apply to personnel department or phone DU. 1111 for appointment. MANHATTAN CO. LAUNDRY AND DRY CLEANING _1328 Florida Ave. N.W'. SALES MANAGER WANTED to tak< charge of office and sales force covering 100 mile territories sur I rounding Washington. Must have ' direct sales experience, hondabh and not afraid to work. No limil ; to your income, that depends or i your ability to sell and organize Those interested may see me. ft tc 12 noon, 930 F st. n.w.. Suite 307 —lft SALESMAN. 40-50 years, experienced to call on hotels. Institutions, etc Full particulars as to past histor: In first letter. Good appearance personality; car absolutely essen tial. Reply Box 448-C. Star. —1J SALESMAN, with knowledge of Pho tography. to work in camera shop ROBBINS CAMERA SHOP. 529 14tl st. n.w. —*>3 SALESMAN—Opportunity to joir sales force of an old-establishec company selling to retail grocers ir Washington Trr*nsportation fur I nished; experience not necessary : guaranteed salary $5o a week, pin: commission. Write giving full par ticvlars Box 95-C. Star —2ft .SALESMAN. excellent opportunit: for an aggressive, experienced, new ; car salesman to earn above averagi 'ncome, ability to appraise used car helpful, Studebaker experience pit ferred. call MR. CLISTON or MR NELSON at UN. 8(500 for appoint ment. —18 SALESMAN — Houseware. merchan dise: experienced in selling of whole sale or retail houseware; to tak complete charge of dept.: splendii opportunity with established firm. I interested reply to Box 235-C, Stai givinv full details. SALESMAN, exp ; general retail store good hours and good pay. CAPITOl ! SURPLUS, inftft H st n.e. SALESMAN—An excellent opportunit: Is ottered an ambitious college grad uate to sell for an old. establishe, supply house. Box 432-B, Stai 18* SALESMAN with car for outside con tact with leading department store customers; must be willing worker anxious for advancement. Cal! DU | 4677. 7 to 9 p.m. only, for ?p oointment. I SALESMAN for men's wear; top sal ary plus comm.: good hours. MILL! I CO.. 9th and E sts. n.w, —21 SALESMAN Manufacturer of postage meters an i other office machines requires capa ble and experienced man for cit ! territory: average earnings of sales i men in Washington at all-time peak ! salary plus commission and bonu: PITNEY-BOWES, INC. \1625 K St. N.W. —17 SALESMAN $6,000-$10,000 To represent 20-yr.-old Washingto Arm, distributing products consist cntly promoted by local and na tional advertising Position oAer excellent opportunity to neat, in | dustrious man, experienced In han II dling quality products. Car nec 'I essary. i Call MR. COLQUITT, NA. 4151, fo . appointment. ; —19 SALESMAN To represent Singer Sewing lng Machine Co. Some one who is interested in a permanent position with an excellent future APPLY MR. TILLER Singer Sewing Machine Co 1340 G St. N.W. _—23 ■SALESMEN—If you have experlenc selling vacuum cleaners, brushes o similar items, see MR. CRABBIh Georgian Hotel. G st. n.w., betwee 6' and 8 p.m. Every day pay daj 1?* SALESMEN, to carry established lin of decorative upholstery fabrics an : frames: car necessary: gi*e full par 1 ticulars. Box 412-B. Star. 20* 1 SALESMEN AUTOMOBILE (2)—Ol well-established Dodge and Plyir outh dealer has at present due t increase in new car allotment open men who are Interested in earnin big monev. Salary and commlssior Demonstrator furnished to thos who quality. Box 170-C. Star. ,~1", 1 SALESMEN For auto accessories, paints, spcrrl ij ing goods and hardware depts.; n experience necessary; employe bent 1 fits and discount on purchases. At ply Personnel Office. SEARS. ROf - BUCK & CO., 2800 Wilson bird J Arlington, Va. _ —18 SALESMEN ' ONE OF THE NATION’I - LARGEST a Manufacturers of Nationally Known 5c Candv Bars Needs “ CAPABLE SALESMEN To sell retailers and supermarkets Washington and vicinity. Salar y $75 per week and expenses. Ag i. 30-40. Must have car. State er h ployment connections last 10 yeai Box 52-C, Star. y ft IHELP MEN SALESMEN FOR ARLINGTON Full or part-time openings for experienced CLOTHING AND FURNISHINGS sales men. Good earnings and unusually liberal discount privileges to those who qualify. THE YOUNG MEN’S SHOPS OF WASHINGTON, INC. N. Highland and Fairfax Dr. ARLINGTON, VA. SALESMEN ~ Must have exper. In Army end Navy uniform dept.: excellent position, (food salary. Apply s. W. RICE, 142.3 Pa. ave. n.w._—18 SALESMEN Our educational department Is grow ing by leaps and bounds. Our men earn weekly on a percentage basis better than $150 We are so swamped with continuous leads that we must have help to keep up with them If you are between 25 and •>u. have a car and desire to get in to the top income bracket we will give you every co-operation with : thorough training plus assured ad I vancement. Car'll in person between I'j .*«• aim i waiuei uiuk —17 SERVICE MANAGER — Old. well established Dodge and Plymouth agency has an immed. opening for a man capable of supervising and controlling service dept. Must be exper. and with proven leadership ability and ready to carry the ball. Shop at present turning out a large volume of work. Salary no object to man with required qualifications. Box 312-A. Star. —19 SERVICE STATION ATTENDANT— White; salary and commission; D. C. permit: exper. in lubrication ROYS SHELL. 901 N. Capitol st. — 18 {SERVICE STATION ATTENDANT, I experienced. Good pay with comm Apply in person. McGUFFIN SUNOCO STATION. 3916 Minn. ave. ‘ n.e. —18 SERVICE STATION ATTENDANT — White: $10 per day. plus comm, and vacation; only well-exper. men on lub. work need apply. See Mr. Barron, mgr SUNOCO SERVICE 1 STATION. Wis. ave. and River rd. —23 SERVICE STATION attendants (2). Due to increase in business we will employ 2 attendants. Good salary: no night or Sunday work. See Mr. Hook, AMERICAN SERVICE CEN TER 585 N. Glebe rd.. Arlington Va. OW. 7722. —20 ! SERVICE STATION ATTENDANT Excellent starting salary plus com mission. exper. not essential; even j ing shift. RINEHART’S SUNOCO STATION. 2643 Va. ave. n.w, —17 SERVICE STATION ATTENDANTS— | (2). Apply HILLWOOD MOTOR CO., Seven Corners, Falls Church —23 SERVICE STATION EMPLOYES wanted. R-hr. day. 6-day wk.. good salary and commission, BROOK SUNOCO SERVICE. 1700 Bennlngs , rd. n.e. —18 ’SERVICEMAN, intelligent, respon sible; nlghtwork. cleaning ducts. Must be light build, steady work 4015 Ga. ave. n.w. —18 SHOE REPAIRMEN CD—Permanent tob; >60 week. OV. 2701. —19 SHEET METAL WORKERS Mechanics, experienced in duct work. Also helpers, experience not neces sary. Applv 1346 Taylor st. n.w between 4-5 p.m. —17 SHIPPING CLERK ‘ Experienced, for nice F st. store; good salary, permanent position; group insurance benefits, vacation with pay. pleasant working condi i ions._Box J 91-C, Star —19 SHINE BOY. over 21; $15 week and ; tips. Apply at 633 F st. n.w. —17 SHOE REPAIRMAN, exper . to apply only; full time or part time: white or colored: good wages. IMPERIAL VALET. 1347 Conn. ave. —21 SHOE SALESMAN, experienced: with independent local chain: also part time and Saturday extras. Apply PTTMv nnnTrDV Do „ —21 SHOE SALESMAN—Excellent oppor tunity for advancement with larg i est family shoe chain. Good pay plus commissions. Part-time help also wanted. Apply G. R. KINNEY CO.. 3218 14th st. n.w. —17 SHOE SALESMEN experience or good knowledge of selling Salary and commission See Mr Milloff. KOPY KAT. 713 H st. n.e. —17 SHOE SALESMAN, exper. women’s arch-type shoes: permanent posi tion: highest salary. L E. MASSEY SHOE STORE. 606 13th st. n w. —20 SHOE SALESMEN for better women’s shoes. Excellent salary, rapid ad vancement. pleasant working condi tions. Apply to REMBRANDTS. 632 King st.. Alex . Va . AL 3224 I_—-17 SHOE SALESMEN Salary plus commission: also part time salesmen. Apply JOSEPH DE YOUNG 1C2S F St. N.W. —CO SHOE SALESMEN Permanent positions with excellent salary and commissions. Many em ploye benefits. HAHN SHOE STORES l^th and G sts. n.w.; 4483 Conn, ave SHORT ORDER ' COOK and helper. salary and meals, apply in person. NEW BAGDAD RESTAURANT. 1733 Eye st. n-w. —19 SKIP LOCATER. part time to work ir ;ore. day or evening MR. JO 719 7th st n.w SLIP COVER CUTTERS, full or part time: must be exper. Call ST 9*14, 9 to 5._—18 Sportswear Salesman Excellent opportunity for young, ag gressive man in our sportswear dept Good pay and excellent work ■. ing conditions Apply Mr. Ettlin. 3rd '• floor. BOND STORES. 1336 F st. I n w r SPOTTER—Wool, experienced, with knowledge of dry cleaning room anc I wet cleaning. Mr. Listrani, CH1L I LUM CLEANERS. GE. 6668. —19 'STATION ATTENDANT to work mid ; night shift: must be reliable. Salarj ;; $200 mo. plus commission. Apply ir l; person. 7801 Georgia ave. n.w.—17 STENOGRAPHER—Top flight. 5-das ’ week, excellent salary, position im ■ i mediately available. UNION PA > j CIFIC RAILROAD, 600 Shorehair • Bldg.. RE. 0600. —18 : STOCK BOY. white: permanent po ■ j sition with chance for advancement ! must be at least 18 years of age ; i PLAZA SPORT SHOP. 10th and I >1 sts. n.w. —17 . [STOCK BOY wanted for super market I Must be experienced. 2 East Gleb< ! rd.. Alex.. Va. OV. 0110. —17 j STOCK CLERK and order desk man . white. Driver's permit and loca ,, references: $45 for 40-hour week . time and half overtime. EX. 2477 . j STOCKMAN—Electrical W’iring sup plies, parts, etc. Experienced mar I preferred, but will train if neces , cary Approved G1 training. DAU RB.RS. 2320 18th st. n.w. —21 - SWITCHBOARD, elevator operator colored, for large apartment house to work 4 p.m. to 11 p.m. Call NA 1921.__—24 TAILOR i One who has had experience wit! ; military uniforms: willing to go ti - Quantico, Va. Apply S. W. RICE s 1423 Pa. ave. n.w._—18 TAILOR r First class only. Must have experience on coats. Permanent position. 5-day. 40 hr. wk. No holidays. Vaca tavMi nun \jaj ■ onittiji sT / ., per wk. Apply in person. No phone calls. UNIFORM STORE Concourse, Pentagon Bldg. —20 TECHNICIAN, age 21-30. exper. ir military supply procedure, specifi cally stock control of electronic equipment inventories: all moderr employe benefits; excel, salary foi qualified person Call HU. 8000 r MR. HOLBRUNER—18 ■ TELEVISION S'ERVICEMA> Outside service: good salary plus cai allowance. 1300 G st. n.w. —23 S THEATER MANAGER - White. 35 to 40 yrs.. willing to worl long hours; permanent Lgjsition fo; a' sober, honest, dependable man; ex perience not necessary for mar ' willing to work; refs, required ° Write Box 213-C. Star I TREE EXPERTS wanted by establishei z firm: steady work; good pay. DE 1471. eves. —20 i TRUCK DRIVER, for wholesale con cern. must know city and vicinity NA. 9094. —IS - TRUCK DRIVER, white, parts de livery. NATIONAL AUTO SERVICI ! CO.. 733 11th st. s.e. LI. 3-6021. -1 —18 o TRUCK DRIVER for grocery am - liquor store: good hours. Apply ii - person. LIVINGSTON MARKET - 5516 Conn, ave. n.w. _—19 TRUCK DRIVER We have an immediate opening for i good colored driver who is neat 1: appearance and between 26 and 3: vears of age: previous experienc 3 and D C permit required: must b able to pass physical exam In ad dltion to salary generous cnmpan benefits will be provided Appl Personnel, Room 506 Open week days 8:30-5 end Sat. 9-1 No ohon rails Evening Star Building 1101 Penna Ave N.W_ n TRUCK DRIVERS, exper.. to hat y, brick, cinder block, other buildin e. materials. Apply in person t i- Willie Bradshaw Terracotta. D. C 5. care of NATIONAL BRICK Ac SOT PLY CO.. INC. —17 i HELP MEN TRUCK DRIVER and grocery clerk, colored, all around, experienced. Apply In person GORDON BROS. MARKET, 2740 14th st. n.w. —is TYPIST, age 20-35, lor position with expanding organization; all modern employe benefits; must be accurate with minimum speed of 50 w.p.m.: excel, salary for qualified person Call HU. 8000. MR. HOLBRUNER _2 g UPHOLSTERER. permament job good pay. Apply in person. MRS CURLEY, between 8 a.m. and 5 p m. Hotel 2400 16th st. n.w. _2 8 USHER—Young man. for daywork. Apply lobby METROPOLITAN THEA TER, OK4 F st. n.w._ VULCANIZERS Two. experienced. CROCKETT SERV ICE. Wilson blvd. and Barton st.. Ari.. Va. GL. 6404._—17 WAITER, experienced only; no Sun days. Apply between 3:30 and 5 p.m. ALPHONSO'S RESTAURANT. 1403 L. —]R WAREHOUSEMEN, permanent posi tion, good starting salary. 40-hr. wk. Must have high school educa tion and be sober and of good character. NATIONAL BISCUIT CO„ 330 Randolph pi. n.e. —18 WAREHOUSEMAN, white. 25-30 yrs , to work in frosted food warehouse: good opportunity for reliable man. Apply 415 loth st. s.w. —20 | WAREHOUSE WORKER Colored Must be strong, sober, not mind long hours, hard work: composite vaca tion. sick leave. Apply 1011 E 6t s.w. —17 WASHING MACHINE MECHANIC. experienced; must be sober and re-j liable. good pay; pefmanent. DAUBER S. 2:120 18th st. n.w. — WATCHMAN NIGHT Department store exper. necessary; preferably a retired man; generous employe benefits. Box 63-Y. Star _ -—17 ! WOOL SPOTTERS, exper ; 6-day wk.: good salary; good hrs. Apply In person, 1333 Buchanan st. n.w. —23 BOY for bicycle delivery downtown; good hours. Box 6-C. 8tar. —19 BOY. colored, over 18. for fountain and general work In drugstore. DRUGSTORE. 15th and Independ ence st s.e. —18 MAN. exper. In scaling fish and cut ting up poultry; good salary for right man. See POP GORDON 1128 H st. n.e. —17 MAN to work in hardware store; with experience TAKOMA PAINT & HARDWARE. 37 Laurel ave . Ta koma Park. Md. —18 MAN, wanted, exper. for grocery and meat market; D. C. permit and refs. 2405' Bennlng rd. n.e.. LI. 3-7531. —18 MAN. white 25-30 yrs., to work In frosted food warehouse; good op portunity for reliable man. Apply 415 10th st. n.w, —20 MAN, white, age .30-40, to supervise small group of office building clean ers Day work. 40-hr. wk.. good salary. Permanent status with op portunity for financial advancement. Reply must give training, experi ence. age. telephone and address Box 243-A. Star. —18 MAN. to pose for commercial photog raph. wearing new type detection proof toupee: must be bald on top with fairly good growth of hair on sides AT 5392. —20 MAN for work on grounds of Chevy Chase Club; steady employment. 6100 Connecticut ave._—i 9 MAN 30 to 55: sale.swork by aopt. No exper. nec. Start about S65 wkly. Rapid increases. Apply 10 to 3 p.m F.m. 702. 710 14th st. n.w. —17 MEN. for assembly work on defense materia;. Apply 6825 Reed st. Bethesda. Md. —19 MEN. stop wishing for a better job and do something about It. Keep your present job and start evenings and Saturdays If you wish to prove what a wonderful opportunity this is to better yourself. Full time Fuller Brush dealers average S104.25 per week and up. They work by pcrienced man accompany and teach them. Established territories open for a few men. Apply 911 NA TIONAL PRESS BLDG.. 14th and P sts. n.w. or call DI. 4477 or DI. 1498 —17 MEN (18). white, to distribute hand bills Dally pay. $6. Apply 7 a m.. 480 N. Y. ave. n.w. —17 MEN NEEDED to work on golf course. COURTHOUSE COUNTRY CLUB Call Fairfax 999 —18 MEN. interested in learning sheet metal fabrication, no exper. required. See Mr. Dove. COLUMBIA SPE CIALTY CO.. 503 Bradley blvd Chevy Chase. Md. MEN. colored. 25 to 55. h. s. educa.. good appearance, able to meet public. Start at once. About $55 week. Apply Rm. 704 . 710 1 4th st. n w. 10 to 3 p.m. MEN—You can earn $100 week and more experienced only, canvassing i nationally advertised watches on ; credit; car not necessary. Contact ' Mr Joseph. NEW YORK JEWELRY : CO.. 719 7th st n.w MEN Ambitious, alert, aggressive, to train as managers for a national small loan organization. This Is not a canvassing job. no experience nec essary. Straight salary, paid vaca | tion, other employe benefits. Rapid advancement Will accept trainees ; under GI Bill. Car required. Apply i in person 9 to 5 weekdays; 9 to 1 Saturday. LINCOLN LOAN SERV ICE. INC.. 3403 Perry st.. Mt. Rainier, Md. —29 MEN STREETCAR BUS OPERATOR AGES 21-55 No Experience Needed. Paid While Learning Average Earnings Over $70 Per Week After Qualifying. STEADY WORK PAID VACATIONS SICK LEAVE Apply Mon. through Fri. 8:30 A.M. CAPITAL TRANSIT 36th and M Sts. N.W. Take No. 80 Rosslyn Car YOUNG MAN for messenger and Mim eograph assistant. National associ ation: 35-hour week: excel, workini conditions Phone RE. 3630. —20 YOUNG MAN to ride bicycle: 0 tc H. 7-day week: *30. CALIFORNIA PHARMACY, 2162 California st. n.w —IS YOUNG MAN for general office work in general contractor’s office Musi be good typist and accurate with figures. Perm, employment. 5 day week with paid vacation. Ex cellent oDportunity for advance ment. Box 168-C. Star. —17 YOUNG MAN. willing to work anr anxious to learn a trade. If you are interested in learning the finish ing trade it will be to your ad vantage to come In and have a talk with us. Will pay good salary while you are learning. Call Mr. Leon ard, DI. 8464, CAMPBELL MUSIC CO. 1108 G st. n.w. —20 YOUNG MAN to train In claims de partment of large insurance com pany: prefer person with legal back grouna; excellent opportunity iui advancement: permanent employ ment. S. E. LEONARDO, EX. 1616 —17 YOUNG MAN, colored, to work lr grocery. Driver's license. Honesl and reliable. Exper. or inexper Good working conditions. A. & L MARKET, 2007 1st st. n.w.. CO 8454. —17 YOUNG MAN to train for multigraph department, over 18 yrs. of age permanent position. 5-day. 40-hr week. Pleasant working condiitons liberal discount on purchases. In surance and hospitalization plan Retirement plan. Apply PEOPLES DRUG STORES EMPLOYMENT OF ! PICE. 77 P st. n.e._—17 i YOUNG MAN, 22 to 26, able to type 40 to 50 words per minute, for in teresting work in mortgage bank ing firm: should be available im mediately five-day week. 0:15 to 5 paid vacation and sick leave, paid hospitalization See Mr. Gra ham. FREDERICK W. BERENS 1528 K ST. N.W. —17 MARRIED MAN, age 25-40 for estab ! food products route. 5-dav wk. paid vacation, insurance benefits I union scale. Must furnish excellent ref and have good driving record Apply in person. CAPITAL FRITC COMPANY, INC., 4860 Bethesda ave.. Bethesda. Md. —17 WANTED. MAN with car. Apply 3701 Ga. ave. n.w. ; COLLEGE GRADUATES ONLY—Na j tlonally-known casualty lnsuranct company is offering tg> men bet I ages 22-28 a career opportunity ir i claims department. Only men o , j character and potential supervisor: ability, who are interested in pro I motion and security will be con ! sidered. Salary paid during train i) ing period. State personal quail i1 fications. incl. education and previ >: ous business experience in replyini 'j to Box 444-C. Star. —17 ! i DUE TO INCREASE in our buslnesi 1 we will employ 2 service station at M tendants. 1 car washer, 1 man fo: II cleaning and polishing used cars ■ | Good salary. No night or Sunda " work. See Mr. Hook. AMERICA! i SERVICE CENTER. 585 N. Gleb I rd.. «ri ua nw 7700 _10 FURNITURE COMPANY needs mai 25 10 35 vrs. old for outside col lections and part time inside sales 1 Experience nelnful. but not neces ; sary; must have car; salary am 3 car evpense; marvelous opportunit for the right man. Advancement 01 - own capability. For appointment DU 2032. 10* HELP MEN RELIABLE MAN. to be trained for a life-time position as factory rep resentative: prefer able family man;1 no traveling necessary except in! immediate locality Apply in person' at local office, 514 8th st. at. Ask for MR. SONNEBERGER. —20 PART TIME, white, evenings and Sunday as ride fare collectors and parking-lot attendants at GLEN ECHO PARK. Applications must be; made in person at park office. WI. 6743. —is OLDER MAN who likes the country and could make himself generally useful around small farm. No milk ing. Work would be about 90% grass cutting and tending flowers. Own quarters. Salary open. Write Box 476-C. Star. —18 DON’T WRITE US IF you like to punch a time clock and work for the other man. Do write us if you would like to go into a business of your own. Write RAWLEIGH'S DEPT.. D.C.E. 14-256, Chester. Pa • ITNTAIR HOME HAIR COLORING has opening for experienced sales man to cover Washington territory. Must have drug and department selling experience. Give complete data as to your qualifications and past experience. Box 18-C. Star. PERSON with car to collect delinquent accounts. Full or part time on com mission basis. Mr. Ullman. NEW YORK JEWELRY CO. —20 EMPLOYED MEN Part-time sales work: 3 eves, and Sat Ability to meet public more important than exper. About $1.50 hr. REAL SILK _NA. 7357. 10 to 4 p.m. —17 Experienced Gentleman To take over and manage real estate Should have experience with Va. properties. Salary and commission Box 437-B Star_ Attention—Young Men (PART TIME) High school; car. interested in earn ing $50 and up working evenings and Saturdays while preparing for a better position. Apply in person. 417 Southern Bldg.. 15th and H sts n.w. 7:30 p.m. sharp. Ask for MR. SMITH.—18 AWNINGS Experienced installation men. Top pay. SOUTHERN OWNING CO., 8027 Ga. ave ___ Storm Windows Experienced installation men. Tod »av. SOUTHERN AWNING CO . 8037 Ga. ave. _ AT ONCE Young man mechanically inclined to work on repair bench. Exper. not nec.: oVa-day wk. Apply in person at 3448 14th st. n.w. —18 HECHINGER CO. SALESMEN Interest or experience in home re pairs. gardening, decorating, hobby tools, and all of the real absorbing things of life. For men who like to make things or teach others to make things. Permanent position, with opportunities for advancement. Pleasant personal contact through both customer and fellow workers. Openings at all 4 stores, n.e.. n.w.. s.e.. and Falls Church. Free hos pitalization. group insurance, vaca tions. discounts, etc.: 5>2-day week. The progressive HECHINGER CO.. 15th and H sts. n.e. Call John Hechinger for appt. —23 COLORED—FRONT MAN—Able to supervise bell men, must be settled, reliable and strictly sober; 4 to 12 shift: 6-day week, manv employee benefits, retired man considered. COSMOS CLUB. 1520 H st. n.w.. Mr Mprinnnpll after 4 n m -1 7 COLORED TO DRIVE JEEP lor drug store, and clean up: must have Md. permit. OL. 1010. —18 HELP WOMEN ACCOUNTING CLERK—If you are looking for an interesting position with security, pleasant working con ditions and congenial associates, modern air-conditioned offices and equipment, insurance and hospitali zation plans, leave and good salary, and have knowledge of typing, then see Mr. Kackley or Mr. Lane. HILL k TIBBITTS. INC., 1114 Vermont ave. n.w. —23 ADDRESSOGRAPH OPERATOR, re sponsible person to take charge of dept.: 5-day. 35-hr. wk , annual and sick leave; salary open. NA. 3684. —18 ADVERTISING COPY WRITER Some copy writing experience is de sirable but not necessary. You must have a school background of writing understanding of merchandise and be able to type. This position is in a department store where you will work 40 hrs. a week, will re ceive discount on purchases and free hospitalization. Box 233-C. Star. ADVERTISING Copy writer: experienced exclusive women's fashions, layout and proof correction: 5-day week; hours, 9:30 to 5. KAPLOWITZ. on 13th st„ be tween E and F. ALTERATION HAND, coats and dresses. Experienced. Apply MRS JOHNSON. 1607 Conn. ave. NO 0704. —17 \*S EMBLY WORKERS, for essentia I industry. Apply Employment Office i NATIONAL ELECTRICAL MACHINE SHOP INC.. 8119 Ga ave.. Silvei i SpnnE Md between 9-4 Mondai | through Friday._—18 ‘assembly WORKERS, we have open i ing- for girls under 35 doing ligh interesting assembly work on elec trical equipment, pleasant workini conditions and opportunity for ad vancement with small company. N< experience necessary, manual dex terity and diligence only require ments; call AL. 4073 for appoint ment. DRYOMAT1C CORP. Alexandria. Virginia. _—17 ASSISTANT MANAGER, accident am health insurance. Exper. necessary Reply Box 114-C. Star. —17 BANK BOOKKEEPERS Young ladies. Burroughs ooottkeeping machine oper ators. Experience preferred but not necessary. 5-day week. The Munsev Trust Co. 1329 E ST. N.W. __—18 IbaKERY CLERK. Apply at HOP i BERG'S DELICATESSEN. 7822 East ern ave. n.w. —19 BAKERY SALES GIRL and icing girl No nights or Sunday. FEDERA1 BAKERY, NA. 7345. _ —20 BEAUTICIAN, manicurist, good hrs. excel salary; 5-day wk : air-cond LEE STUDIO. 15th and N. Y ave NA. 2300 BEAUTICIAN, experienced, full o: part time: good hours and salary no evening work. Phone CH. 3000 Ext. 4119. —17 BEAUTICIAN wanted for hair-cuttim and permanent waving. Good salar: and commission. NEISNER’S BEAU TY SALON. 12th and G sts. n.w. —21 BEAUTICIAN, man or woman, full oi part time, for better than averagi earnings. BARRETT PARKER HAIF STYLISTS. 8406 Ga. ave., Sil. SPg. Md. —19 DLirTirI4V a, cRamnnn on/4 moni ; curing operator. Good salary. 5 ! day wk. EDISON BEAUTY SALON 2211 Wis. avc n.w., EM. 1242 —18 BEAUTICIAN, good all-around oper ator; also opening for good mani curist; top salary and commission FRED THE HAIR STYLIST at Phil i ipsborn. 608 11th st. n.w. —20 BEAUTY OPERATORS (2)—Expert ; enced only: 5-day week, good salary i Aprilv 102° 10th st. n.w. BEAUTY OPERATOR—Must be fas permanent waver good linger waver no license required. DOROTHY’l BEAUTY SALON. .2248 Wilson bh’d Arlington, Va. —17 BEAUTY OPERATOR. $50 per wk plus commission. Can earn $65 t $85 per wk. Apply LOUIS. Creatlv Hairdresser 1710 Eye st. n.w. BEAUTY OPERATORS— Very oils downtown salon: 5 or 6 day week hrs.. 9 to 5:20; top salary and com mission. PIERRE DISELLE BEAUT SALON Room 601. 1420 New Yor avc n w —25 BEAUTY OPERATORS — Downtowi location; no night work; pleasan working conds. MR. BENNETT. SI 7222. —21 BOOKKEEPER-CLERK for permanen position with wholesale grocery; 40 hour week, good pay. Call MI. 770i I days. —22 BOOKKEEPING MACHINE OPERA I TOR. young lady to learn operation i of bookkeeping machine in account j ing office; 5 days a week: pleasan working conds. Apply general of | flee. WASHINGTON PROPERTIES ! INC . 2600 Woodley rd. n.w. —l: BOOKKEEPER-TYPIST. for men’ i clothing store: must be expsr. ! shorthand helpful. Salary open. Ap i plv UNIVERSITY SHOP. 1218 C» si •j n.w_—18 Bookkecnine Machine ! Operator Permanent position with opportunit i fot advancement for ambitious, in ■ telligent high school graduate. 5 day, 40-hr. wk.. good starting salarj Experience preferred but not essen I tlal as we will train properly quail ' fled person on our Burroughs ma i chine. Call ST. 0050. Miss Wittstat for Interview. NOLAND CO.. INC 138 K st. n.e. I HELP WOMEN (Cant.) BOOKKEEPER OFFICE MOR. Old established office machines co. naeda capable energetic young woman to take charge of one-girl office. 5 Vi days. Salary open. Perm. Write T. A. NOLAN. 1413 East Capitol st. —20 CAFETERIA WORKER, white. 20-48, $35 wk. and meals; for work in high-class cafeteria; closed Sun. Apply in person to Miss Greer. 3027 14th st. n.w. Apply 11-12 a m., 7-8 pm. —3 8 CASHIER, good hours, good salary, COLONIAL VILLAGE PHARMACY, 1737 Wilson blvd., Arl., Va.. OX. 11 SO. —3 8 CASHIER, dining room, good wages, meals included. Apply auditor's office CARLTON HOTEL. 16th and K sts. n.w. _17 CASHIER for ladies’ store: must be exper. with N. C. R 2000. Start ing salary. 845 weekly. Vacation with nay. Christmas bonus, liberal discount on purchases, 5Vi-day week. BRESLAU. HI4 12th st. n.w, CASHIER For permanent position in large park ing ramp: experience not essential: hours 2-9 p.m., 44-hr. week. See Mr. VanKeuren. MEDICAL CENTER GARAGE. 1816 Eye st. n.w. —18 CASHIER _ you are accurate with figures, can type and furnish good references, here is an opportunity for a good per manent position witn a large real estate company in a new air-conditioned office on Conn, avr. .‘iTS-hr. wk.. no Satur days: vacation with pay. Call Mr. Hisle. RE 5894. RE 7226. Jonathan Woodner Co. _—19 CASHIER If you are accurate with figures, can type and furnish good references, here Is an ODDortunity for a good, per manent position with a large real estate company In a new air-conditioned office on Conn, ave. .'iTVi-hr. wk , no Satur days: vacation with pay. Call Mr. Hisle. RE. 5*04. RE. 722fl Jonathan Woodner Co. _ —17 CASHIER-CLERK Small loan company has opening for young lady, no typing, permanent Interesting position. Many employ* benefits Apply in person. LIBERTY LOAN CORP.. 3407 Perry st., Mt. Rainier. Md. —21 CHAUFFEUR - HOUSEKEEPER, whit* woman, to live in drive car. help with housework. Free to leave town. OL 0038 _ —17 CLERICAL ASSISTANT No experience necessary, intelligent and understanding of arithmetic, etc : permanent position with oppor tunity for advancement pleasant personal contact: air-conditioned offices, free hospitalization, group Insurance vacation, discounts, etc : 5V2-day week Long established progressive HECHINGER CO. 15th AND H STS. N.E Call John Hechinger for appt. for interview._—33 CLERK, general office work, chance to learn business machines. Knowl edge of typing preferred. Apply 8 to 11 a.m. MANHATTAN LAUNDRY AND DRY CLEANING CO . 1328 Florida ave r w CLERK, excellent salary, to learn fire insurance: typing required; 5-day week. Investment Bldg . NA 5891. — 19 CLERK, general office work, typing. ; switchboard: o1? days: opportunity to learn auto accounting. Call SH. 3900 CAPITOL MOTOR CO Silver | Spring. Md. CLERK, white, over 1.8. must be able ! to work 7:15 a nv to 3:15 pm. one week: and 3:15 p.m. to 11:15 p.m. the lollowing week: employe bene fits after 3 mo. employment Apply personnel office, MAYFLOWER HO TEL |CLERKS, part time, for drugs, cos ; metic and tobacco depts. Eves., Sat urdays and Sundays. Salary plus , comm STANDARD DRUG CO.. 1101 H st. n.e . 3122 14th at. n.w,. and 3939 Minn, ave, n e._—17 t T?r»T/ Younk lady, kood handwritin*. ac curate with figures, tor perm, post I tion in office of motion picture or ganization; 5-day wk. See MR. SHAFTEL 7th fl., Warner Bid*., ! l.'ith and E sts. n w. _—IS CLERK Some typing ability; no experience necessary if you are under 40 and are looking for an interesting posi tion with security, pleasant sur roundings and congenial associates, we would like to talk to you. Room 300. 816 14th st. n.w. between P a m. and 3 p.m. _—18 CLERK 18 to 35. white: to do filing and open mail, no typing but some office exper. nref .: 5-day. 40-hour week: perm position and many employe benefits. Call Personnel Dept. HO. 2476_—17 CLERK Legible handwriting, accurate with figures; 40-hr. week, with vacation benefits: tn modern air-conditioned office. Call Mr. Poliak, RA. 8000, for appointment. —IT CLERK WOMAN’S PAGE Permanent position: 5-day. 40-hr. work: young girl. 18-20 years of aee. capable of typing 30 words per min. and willing to give good attendance. Apply Personnel. Room 506. Open weekdays. 8:30-5. and Sat . 0-1 THE EVENING STAR :1101 Penna. Ave N.W. CLERK , EXPERIENCED For laundry and dry cleaning office; between 21 and 35 years of age with pleasing personality: salary $30 i If r 18-hour week to start. APPLY PERSONNEL OFFICE Arcade Sunshine 713 LAMONT ST. N.W. — 17 CLERK—ACCOUNTING OFFICE THE WESTCHESTER White. 18 to 30: 5-day week: vaca tion with pay; Christmas bonus; starting salary, $40 Some knowledge of adding machines and good at figures. Phone WO. 7700. Ext 67. _—17 CLERK-STENO. for small office; varied work, ideal conditions. 37 hour week, permanent; $200 to start increase within 6 months. EX. 2117 for appointment. —17 CLERK-TELEPHONE OPERATOR, to ; handle service control and other light clerical duties: typing not es sential; $45 for 44-hour week. Apply to A. R. Miller NORTHEAST MO TOR CO.. 920 Bladensburg rd. n.e. —21 CLERK-TYPIST. 40-hr.. 5-day week, no Saturday work. Apply in per son. RKO RADIO PICTURES 932 New Jersey avc. n.w. — CLERK-TYPIST, age 21-35. female. white, knowledge of general office ' work and ability to answer tele phone required; 5-day week. 9:30 to 6. Apply Mr. G. C. Echols, general manager. W. W. CHAMBERS CO.. : 1400 Chapin st. n.w. CO. 0432. —17 CLERK-TYPIST, general office work, ! 40-hr. week, good starting salary. ! liberal discounts. GARRISON TOY & NOVELTY CO.. 1215 E st. n.w. CLERK-TYPIST for general office ! work. Steady advancement. Young i woman desired. 3746 10th st. n.e., I LA. 6-7731. —19 | CLERK-TYPIST, insurance office, full , | or part time. Free group ins. Phone . MR. BACHSCHMID between 0-10 I a.m,. NA. 0112. —17 ■ CLERK-TYPIST, experienced: news ■ i paper office: circulation records . i dept : 5-day wk., vacation and other ■ I employ, benefits: rapid advance 1 ment. CO. 1017. —18 • CLERK-TYPIST. national finance i company; perfect arrangements for wuwian w uu pf u* ; time work: about 4 hours daily: time can be adjusted to convenience > of applicant. Call MR. KIEEMANN . or MR. MANN. RE. 6510. —18 CLERK-TYPIST, general office work, 5-day week. GE. 1000 or RA. 0000. ) —20 * clerk TYPIST. 40-hr., 5-dav wk., no Saturday work. Apply in per t son, RKO RADIO PICTURES 933 ; Newr Jersey ave. n.w. —31 : CLERK-TYPIST, white; permanent position; 40-hr wk. Apply 221 G [ st. n.w J. E. HANGER. INC. —IK CLERK-TYPIST in small plumbing >! office; 5-day wk.. $40 to start, paid 1 vacation. Apply W. L. GARY CO., ■ INC.. 3111 14th st. n.w. —17 CLERK-TYPIST, for insurance office; : 5-day wk.: permanent position. Ap '! ply 503 Victor Bldg., 724 8th st. > n.w. ’ —23 CLERK-TYPIST, immediate opening; •[ 5-day wk.. excel, salary; air-cond. s office: opport for advancement; • cafeteria in bldg.: hrs.. 8:30 to t 4:30. Call MR. WEYANT, ME. 4S00. ■ 1 —18 ! CLERK-TYPIST, young lady, white, i | for varhl :s clerical duties for large sj auto pasts store. Good hours and :! salary. I all Mr. Dixon, DE. 2003. -i CENTRAL AUTO PARTS, 1430 P ■ 1 st. n.w. 1 CLERK-TYPIST, general office work, i 9:30 to 5:30. 5-day wk. Air-condi I tioned office, pleasant working conditions. Salary open. Call ST. 1550. MRS SCOUTEN. —IS r CLERK-TYPISTS — Experienced for permanent position: 5-day. 40-hr. W'eek. Pleasant working condi tions liberal discount on purchases. t