Newspaper Page Text
HELP WOMEN (Cent.) CLERK-TYPIST, full or part time; perm ; 5-day week; pleasant 6mall office.. 806 O st. n.w.. Rm. 410. —17 CLERK - TYPI8T — 88-hr. week; Bethesda area. Apply In person be tween 9 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. CO LUMBIA SPECIALTY CO.. 603 Bradley blvd.. Chevy Chase. Md. _~S2:t_ CLERK-TYPIST for Interesting work in mortgage banking firm: age 00 80. bookkeeping background desir able but not essential; 6-dav week; 9:16 to 5; paid hospitalisation, an nual and sick leave benefits. See Mr. Graham. FREDERICK W. BERENS 1508 K St, N.W. —17 CLERK-TYPIST Insurance work. Age, 18-30. J50 wk. 5-day wk. Short hours. W. A. KENYON. 1615 Juniper at. n.w., GE. 0617.—20 CLERK-TYPIST Excellent opportunity for experience office worker with some knowledge of shorthand. Good nay. IRVING’S, 10th AND E —17 CLERK-TYPIST We need the services nl a capable young woman, 01-35 years of age, who enjoys working with figures and Is ranable of typing 30 words per minute. This Is an opportunity to get a start on the business side ct .he tewspaper Apply Personnel Room 50b Open weekdays. 8:30 to 6 and Saturdays. P to T THE EVENING STAR CLERK-TYPIST For general duties In con genial office. Will train young girl without exper. 5-day, 40-hr. week: free transp.: paid vacation and sick leave. Phone for interview MI. 6363, Ext. 652. ___—17 CLERK-TYPIST Stenographer No exp required, under age 40 Regular pay increases Security 5-day. 3T1^-hour week Sick leave 2 weeks’ vacation with pay No-profit cafeteria Group ins. and retirement benefits Room 300. 816 14th st. n.w. _—18 CLERK-TYPIST Permanent position with large well established real estate and mortgage loan office. Pleasant surroundings. 37Va-hr. week; no Saturday work; air-conditioned bldg; lunches fur nished. Salary S200 mo. to start. Call MR. COX. NA. 2112. —IS CLERK-TYPIST Opening for high school graduate, to type bills and keep accounts re ceivable; knowledge of bookkeeping helpful. Apply auditor's office, Rm. * 16S. HOTEL RALEIGH 12th and Pa. Ave —19 CLERK-TYPIST lnsu.ance office; 5-day week: perma nent position LONG A* CURRY. 221 Barr Bldg. NA 3610. Clerk-Typist ■n a T»m nvn\ rn r AIYl-lllYirj 3 DAYS WEEKLY The Evening Star has a part-time position In the classified advertising department. An opportunity for an accurate typist with a good tele phone voice who Is capable and would enjoy rendering service to customers by telephone. All day work, no night hours. If Interested apply Personnel Office. Room 608. THE EVENING STAR 1101 Pennsylvania Ave. N.W CLERK-TYPIST IN PERSONNEL OFFICE Permanent position: 5-day week, sick leave, paid vacations, group insur ance. purchase discounts APPLY PERSONNEL OFFICE HOT SHOPPES, INC. 1724 H St. N.W. No Phone Calls. __—1 s 4k CLERK-TYPIST PART TIME The Evening Star has an opening In the classified advertising depart ment. An opportunity for an ac curate typist with a good telephone voice who is capable and would en joy rendering service to customers by telephone. The hours are 3 eve nings. 6 to 9:30 p.m. and Saturday 8 a m. to 3 p.m. If interested, apply personnel office. Room 506. Open weekdays 8:30-5 Sat 9-1. THE EVENING STAR 1101. Pa. Ave. N.W. CLERK-TYPIST Five-day week. Insurance claim office. Group insurance. hospitalization. Profit sharing. Advancement oppor tunities. Call MR- HELMICK. ST 3131. 8:30 a m. to 5 p.m. —IS CLERK-TYPIST Aae 20 to 30—The Evening Star ha? bp opening in the classified adver tising department: an opportunity for an accurate typist with a good telephone voice who is capable anc would enjoy rendering service tc customers by telephone 6-day. 40 hr week Apply Personnel Office Room 506 THE EVENING STAR 1101 Pa Ave N.W CLERK-TYPISTS Ladles for credit office. Good salary and working conditions. Apply to Mr Mullln. JULIUS LANSBURGH FURNITURE CO., 909 F st. n.w —18 CLERK-TYPISTS We need several girls for genera! clerical and typing work; 6-day wk. good salary. Preferably living lr s e. area. Apply MR DUBIN. 201i: Shannon pi. s.e._—22 * CLERICAL TYPISTS and book keepers needed Washington’s most progressive appliance and TV stores has openings for capable persons looking for permanent positions Future assured to right person. Good salaries, manv employe benefits. Apply Mr. Botts, LACY’S, INC. 1530 Half st. s.w. —22 COMPTOMETER OPERATOR: must be thoroughly exper.; an unusua* opport. in auditing dept.; 40-hr., 6-day wk.: immediate discount privileges and many company bene fits. Apply Miss Jones. SEARS ROEBUCK Sc CO . 2301 Lawrence ave. n o. —18 COMPTOMETER OPERATORS — Ex perienced, for permanent positions. 5-day. 40-hr. week, pleasant work ing conditions, liberal discount on purchases. Insurance and hospital ization plan Retirement plan. Ap ply PEOPLES DRUG STORES, Em ployment Office. 77 P st. n.e. —17 COMPTOMETER OPERATOR. na tionai concern, air-conditioned ot fice: starting salary. $52.90 for 44 hr. week- group insurance and hos pitalization benefits after 3 months; 2 wk.'s vacation after 1 year. Phone MI. 2200 for interview appointment ___ —17 Comptometer Operator Young lady, exp., tor perm, positior in office of motion picture organiza tion. 5-day wk. See MR. SHAFTEL 7th fi. Warner Bldg., 13th and I sts. n.w._—IK Comptometer Operator Pleasant Working Conditions 37'i-Hour Week Pay Commensurate With Ability Other Benefiits Western Electric Co., Inc. 1111 N. Capitol St. __—19 Comptometer Operator Experienced operators to work in modern office in n.e. section; pay according to abil ity; pleasant working condi tions. paid vacations, group Insurance, sick benefits, other employe benefits. Apply SAFE WAY STORES, INC.. 1846 4th (t. n.e. __—17_ COSMETIC CLERK Experienced preferred, but will tral right type, having sales ability; goo salary plus commission, many com pany benefits. APPLY MR. DAVIS WHELAN DRUG 8701 FLOWER AVE. __SILVER SPRING. MD. COUNTER SALESGIRI Permanent Positions SALARY COMMENSURATE WITH EXPERIENCE AND ABILITY. Meals and Uniforms Furnished Sick Leave Paid Vacation Oroup Insurance Purchase Discounts APPLY PERSONNEL OFFICE HOT SHOPPES, INC. 1724 E St. E.W. No Phone Cells —18 HELP WOMEN COUNTER GIRL OR WOMAN, white, for salad and sandwich counter in downtown air-conditioned store. No eves or Sundays: $35 and mea's EX. 7R45. 519 11th st n.w. —17 CREDIT CLERK. Credit collection. General office work. No shorthand. Will train right girl. Good salary. MacMANNES. 1313 G st. n.w. See Mr. Davidow. —19 CREDIT INTERVIEWERS AND TYPISTS 43-hr. wk , pleasant working condi tions. top salary. See Mr. Kyle. BATES JEWELERS, 901 F st. n.w _—17 CURB GIRLS. White: no experience necessary. DIXIE PIG BARBECUE. Marlboro pike 'and Bennlng rd. s.e. HI. 4333. —17 DRUG CLERK, experineced only. Ref erences. PBTWORTH PHARMACY 4301 Ga. ave. n.w. —17 DRUG CLERK, exper. preferred but not necessary Salary plus comm Good hours. STANDARD DRUG CO.. 3133 14th st. n.w. —17 DRUG COSMETIC CLERK—Oppor tunity for capable person; excellent hours 5-day week; no nights. Sun days or holidays. ALBANY PHAR MACY 17th and H sts. n.w. —17 EDITORIAL TYPIST Interesting permanent position con sisting of typing economic copy and maintaining source files in editorial dept, of news magazine. Liberal va cation and sick leave. Free group insurance. Excel, working condi tions. Opportunity for recent high school graduate to obtain a posi tion with a secure and interesting future. Call Mon.-Fri., 8:30-5. DI. »i\a.i cy—* non FLORIST for full-time position; some makeup exper. required. OL. 7976 —18 FOOD CLERKS We have Interesting Jobs in modern food stores for women under years of age. TO QUALIFY YOU 6HOULD 1 Have high school education oi better. 2. Have a pleasing personality. 3. Enjoy dealing with people. WE OFFER YOU 1. Permanent employment. 2. Co-operative group insurance plan ' 3. Paid vacation. 4. Other employe benefits. APPLY SAFEWAY STORES, INC. 2415 Mt. Vernon Ave.. Alexandria.) Va. (For employment in our Alex andria and South Arlington stores.) 4758 Lee hwy., Rm. 4. Arlington. Va. (For employment In our No Arlington stores.) —17 FOUNTAIN CLERKS 1R yrs of age or over. Good salary for beginners, excellent opportunity for advancement. Pay during train ing period. Apply PEOPLES DRUG STORE Employment Office. 77 P 8t. N.E. _—17 FOUNTAIN GIRL, colored experi enced; good pay. meals furnished. 5636 Conn. ave . WO. 8600. —17 FOUNTAIN GIRL, drugstore, white 5-day week no nights. Sat. or Sun.; excel salary and working condi I tions; meals and uniforms lur j nished. 6224 3rd st. n.w. GE. 4 114 —17 FOUNTAIN GIRLS—Colored; must be exper.; full time, Call in person. S MICHIGAN DRUG. 1901 Michigan I ave. n.e. —18 FOUNTAIN GIRLS (colored), experi enced. part time: good hours; good salary. CAMPBELLS DRUGSTORE. 4730 14th n.w.. GE. 7700. —19 FOUNTAIN GIRLS, colored, fully ex per.; busy fountain; good sal ; eve. shift. PENN DRUG. 1301 E n.w —20 FOUNTAIN GIRLS, white. 18 yrs or over; exper. not nec. Apply In person. POTOMAC DRUGSTORE, i 1564 Wis. ave. n.w. —21 FOUNTAIN GIRLS-Full and Dart time: white, experienced. Closed Sundays and holidays. NATIONAL DRUG CO., inno Conn. ave. —23 FOUNTAIN HEI.P. colored: meals uniforms furnished: 6 days. TOWN HOUSE PHARMACY, corner intb and F sts. n.w. NA. 4555. —17 GENERAL CLERICAL—Genera! office work. 6-day. 40-hr. week, pleasant working conditions. Liberal dis count on purchases Insurance and hospitalization plan. Retirement plan. Apply PEOPLES DRUG STORES. Employment Office. 77 P I st. n.e._— 17 General Office Worker Exper. not necessary. Young lady with some knowledge of typing and filing to work in local office of large trucking company; 5-day week; no Sat. work. Salary $40 to start Apply RISS & CO.. INC.. 1833 L _st. n.w—22 GRAPHOTYPE operators (4): full time operators needed at once. If you are a skilled operator you can earn up to $250 per mo. 5-day, 40-hr. wk.; vacation with pay and many other benefits. Call MR. MANN. NA. 8206 HOSTESS ALEXANDRIA SALARY COMMENSURATE WITH EXPERIENCE AND ABILITY. Meals and Uniforms Furnished Sick Leave Paid Vacations Group Insurance Purchase Discounts APPLY PERSONNEL OFFICE HOT SHOPPES, INC. 1724 H St. N.W. No Phone Calls. _—IS JUNIOR CLERK 17-20 Years of Age The Star has available a permanent clerical position for a bright young girl; experience not necessary. 5 day. 40-hr. week. Apply Personnel. Room 500. Open weekdays. 8:30-5. and Sat.. 9-1 THE EVENING STAR _1101 Penna. Ave. N.W._ Key Punch Operator We will train you if you have aome typing ability: in addition to pleas ant conditions and security, we offer a 5-day. 37‘/a-hour week, regular salary increases, paid vacations and sick leave: non-profit cafeteria. Room 300. 816 14th st. n.w. between 9 a m. and 3 p.m._—18 LAW GRADUATE! with accounting knowledge). Here is offered opportu nity for acaulring practical legal ex perience acting as assistant to prac ticing attorney: salary open: personal information will be considered con fidentta I. Box 441-B._Star * ! ' LEDGER CLERK The Star nas an opening tor a high school graduate between 21 and 25 years of ace to work as a ledger and accounting clerk: for accounts re ceivable. routine and control Knowl edge of bookkeeping and typing is reaulred 40-hour 5-dav week 8:30-5:30 Mon through Fri Apply Personnel Room 506 Open week days 8:30-5: Sat. 9-1 No ohone calls THE EVENING STAR 1101 Penna Ave. N.W_ LIBRARY CLERK 20-30 years of age: knowledge of typing, neat in appearance and will ing to give good attendance; perma nent position in our editorial library: 5-day. 40-hr. week. Apply Personnel. Room 500. Open weekdays 8:30-5 and Sat. 9-1. THE EVENING STAR 1101 Pa. Ave. N.W. LINEN ROOM SUPERVISOR (white). Apt. hotel, in n.w. area; not over 45. must have local refs. Box 394 C. Star. —19 MAID Colored, for general work around I store, excel, salary. Mr. Sylvan, ! S- N. McBRIDE CO., 700 H st. n.e. MAIL AND INFORMATION CLERK wanted—Neat-appearing young lady, no experience necessary, some typ ing required; alternating hours. Ap ply in person. Mr. Fuilnove, HOTEL RALEIGH, 12th and Penna. ave. n.w. —19 MANAGER for 230-unit apt. bldg.: must be capable and exper. in super vising help, keeping records collec tion of rentals, etc.; salary. SI81] per mo. and apt.; local ref. req For appt., phone ST. 8932 before 5 p m. —20 MANICURIST, attractive young lady, under 30, for lst-class barber shop. Excellent working conditions and 5-day week. Apply personnel office L st. entrance, HOTEL STATLER. —19 MEAT WRAPPERS, 2, experienced for modern super market: paid va cations, hospitalization. Apply 1321 Rhode Island ave. n?. —19 MEDICAL SECRETARY lor operatini room; good hours and salary. Applj . in person only, personnel office PROVIDENCE HOSPITAL. 2nd anc D sts. s e. —17 r.NCRSE, practical, white: live In; prl i vate home. OL. 0717. —18 - 1 NURSE, white, registered; age 2< to 30: busy diagnostician's office 9 to 5:30 dally; 9 to 12:30 Sat Call Mrs. LAWSON. EX. 0404. _Ol) NURSE, registered, white, Protestant 7:30 to 3:30. Call GE. 3000. —2 _ NURSE, white, undergraduate, ag 22 to 40, lor private hospital. CO 4754. —21 NURSES, registered and practical i for general duty; rotating shift; 5'g day week; salary and full main tenance Call nursing supervisor SUBURBAN HOSPITAL. Bethesda Md. <1 ml. from District line). OL 0750. —17 OFFICE CLERK with experience li garage work, make entries; no typ ing; permanent. ANNANDALE BOD' WORKS. FA'4708. —17 OFFICE GIRL, knowledge of typin and simple bookkeeping. Vacatloi and hospitalization. Good workln; conditions. Apply HAJES. "Famou for Xhlcken.” 948 N. Y. ave. n.w. betAen 2 and 4 p.m. —18 HELP WOMEN OPERATOR. NCR Machine 3000; will train If you have bookkeeping ex perience; good hours and salary. Apply In person only, personnel of fice. PROVIDENCE HOSPITAL. 2nd and D sts. s.e. ■—17 PAYROLL CLERK; must be able to use calculator or comptometer; pleasant working conds.; 40-hr., 6-day wk.; excel, company benefits, discount privileges. Apply Miss Jones. SEARS. ROEBUCK & CO.. 2301 Lawrence ave. n.e. —18 PAYROLL CLERK PERMANENT POSITION Alert woman. 18-35 years of age, who Is accurate with figures; legible handwriting and a typing speed of 30 words per min. are required. 5-day. 40-hr. week, vacations with pay. hospitalization, insurance and many other employe advantages. Apply Personnel. Room 506; open weekdays 8:30 to 5 and SRt.. 9-1. THE EVENING STAR 1101 Pa. Ave. N.W. PBX OPERATOR, experienced Good salary. Apply ALBAN TOWERS. ■ !70u Mass ave. n*.. —IS PBX OPERATOR, good salary and working conditions. Call between !> and 5. HU. 7700. —19 PBX OPERATORS needed immedi ately in apt. development in Arling ion. Va. Apt. avail, upon suitable terms. Call CH. 7500. —18 rDA i wn For work in large apartment bldg APPLY MANAGEP MIRAMAR APTS. 1301 15th ST. N.W. _—18 PBX OPERATOR RELIEF STANDBY WORK Must be experienced on 2-posltlon board. Applicants should be under 45 yrs. of age and available for any hours. Including day or night relief, any day of week. Si.20 per hr., plus free transportation. Training given on information work. May lead to full-time lob. Phone for appoint ment. CAPITAL TRANSIT. MI. H3H3. Ext. 652._ —17 PBX OPERATOR Experienced woman for position a5 PBX operator at large n.w. apt bldg. For appt. call Mrs. Frank hauser. OR. 4**00 —17 PBX OPERATORS For work In large apt. development. Apply in person, do not phone GREENWAY APTS. _3539 A ST. S.E. —IS PRACTICAL NURSE, white, under 45. Live in Dart time. Ideal conditions. Close-in n.w HU. 8035. —17 PRACTICAL NURSE, white, for In valid lady: room and board, mod erate salary. 6 days. Call Rockville 2421. —17 receptionist—Doctor’s office. Age 33 to 35; ¥35 week. WA. 7891. —17 RECEPTIONIST—Permanent position for young woman as receptionist typist in office of national scientific organization; good salary, 6-day wk.. opportunity for advancement. Call RE. 6300. Ext. 27. —18 RECEPTIONIST and dictaphone op erator; law office. Box 439-B, 8tar. 19* RECEPTIONIST-CLERK to type and keep records. Write giving qualifi cations to ALEXANDRIA HEALTH DEPT. —20 RECEPTIONIST-STENOGRAPHER — National company. air-condlUonec office group insurance benefits: 5 day 37*k-hour week Phone EX 8141 for appointment. RECEPTIONIST - TYPIST, pleasins working conditions: air-conditioned office, hospital benefits, paid vaca tion: 6-day, 40-hour week. Call MRS COONEY. AD 3200. —20 RECEPTIONIST-TYPIST, dr f office Opportunity for white girl. 20 to 35 living Capitol Hill area. Previous tion. Salary open. FR. '.’ITT. — RESIDENT MANAGER for 94-unit n.w. ant. bldg. Must be experienced and have local employment refs Immed. opening. Salary si 15 per mo. and beautiful apt. Apply in person. LEO M. BERENSTEIN. 1415 K St. p.W. RESTAURANT CASHIER—4 pm tc 1 am.; S35-S40 per week plus meals. Apply at HUYLER'S. Du pont Plaza Hotel, 1500 New Hamp shire ave. 19* SALESGIRL, part time, ladies' spe cialty store, for dresses, coats and suits; good salary. KOTZIN. 1208 G st n.w. EX. 0232. SALESGIRL for dress, lingerie and hosiery depts.; full or part time salary and commission. Appli HEARNS. 806 Tth st. n.w. —17 SALES GIRLS, full time or part time HANDEES 5 AND 10. 2619 Colum bia pike. Arlington, Va. SALES GIRLS, full time or part time HANDEES 5 AND 10. 2503 Good hone rd. s.e. SALES GIRLS. No exper necessary Apply at H04 lith st. CANCELLA TION SHOE STORE, 2nd floor. Gooc salary._—is SALESGIRL Exper.. for ladies' accessories, hose gloves and bags. Apply at KITTY KELLY Shoe Store. 1107 F st. n.w ___—IS SALESLADY', white, to work in frozen custard store nights. Call RA. 4221 — 17 SALESLADY. experienced ladles ready-to-wear; full or part time LA. 6-4208. —20 SALESLADY, gelling costume, Jewelrs and gifts; good starting salary pleasant surroundings; excellent op portunity for advancement. TREA SURE TROVE. 1308 G st. n.w —20 SALESLADY for exclusive Conn, ave specialty shop. Excellent salary ant commission paid weekly. Out-of-towr experience preferred. NA. 5781. —21 SALESLADY, young. In large lewelr: store: some experience desired: sal ary and commission Apply in per son Mr. Roth, CASTELBERG'S 1004 F st n.w. SALESLADY Jewelry department. 40-hour week BECKERS 1-114 F St. N.W. —17 SALESLADIES, part time 11 to 5 also full time S S. KRESGE 5c A : lQr STORE 434 Tth st. n.w. —11 SALESLADIES We have several desirable positions open for experienced tti'lliiiery salesladies Interested i in a;l-year-around work with '.op salary plus commission and bonus. Pleasant working conditions and paid vaca tions included. Apply 604 11th st. n.w. MR. GREEN. —21 SALESLADIES For hosiery and bag department* Permanent positions with good sal ary and commissions. Many employ* benefits. HAHN SHOE STORES 14th and G 6ts. N.W, SALESLADIES If you are looking for pleasant worl with good pay. apply now to WYNN’S Feminine Apparel Shops, corner Glebe rd. and Lee hwy.. Arlington. “SALESLADIES1" With Interest in decorating, hous* repairs, gardening and all the type; of things you read about ir Hous* and Garden. Better Homes and Gar den. etc. Permanent positions witl opportunities for advancement Pleasant personal contact, opening: in all four stores, n.e.. n.wv. s.e and Falls Church. Free hospitaliza ! tion. group insurance, vacations | discounts, etc.; 5V/2-day week. Lons ; established, progressive HECHINGER CO. 15th AND H STS. N.E. Call John Hechinger for appointmen ! for interview.— i SALESWOMAN — Thoroughly experi enced for coats, suits and dresses ; Steady position, excellent oppor I tunity for large earnings. Applj ROCHEL’S. 1010 F st. ST. lfl>5. SALESWOMEN Age 25 to 45. with some knowledg' of sewing; salts experience helpfu but not necessary Pleasant work lng conditions; 40-hour week; gooi starting salary. APPLY IN PERSON TO MR. GLENI SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO. 3107 WILSON BLVD.. ARL.. VA. SALESWOMEN FOR ARLINGTON Full or part-time opening; for experienced READY TO-WEAR saleswomen Good earnings and unusu i ally liberal discount privi leges to those who qualify THE YOUNG MEN’S SHOPS OF WASHINGTON, INC. N. Highland and Fairfax Dr ARLINGTON, VA. —20 SEAMSTRESS, white, exper.. for sli cover and upholstering work. GI 5300. —18 SECRETARY front office of nations association; excellent stenographe capable of assuming responslbllitj College training preferable but nc essential. Age. 25 to 30. Pleasan working conditions' 5-day weel paid hospitalization: salary $34 per month, with opportunity to advancement Call AD. 8400. —1 • SECRETARY lor part-time worl i 10:30 to 1:30. five days a weel i *1.50 an hour. Apply by letter c ! In person. BENJAMIN FRANKLI UNIVERSITY, 1100 16th st. n.w. —10 . SECRETARY, temporary. 60 to !) days. Dictation 100-120 words. At ■ curate, neat, good salary. Phot; RE. 3630. —20 > SECRETARY and administrative ai sistant to purchasing agent. Got ernment electronics contractor’s oi lice. Write Box 478-C. Star. —2 [ SECRETARY for construction con l pany; good typist, minimum shori t hand, knowledge of general ofBt ■ procedure and payroll; 1-glrl offlci , pleasant!working conds. and roc salary. *^X. 3416. —23 HELP WOMEN SECRETARY to assist In doctor’s of fice: knowledge of typing and short hand prrf’d. ME. 1418. WO. 2505 SECRETARY, to business manager of news bureau; shorthand, typing and close attention to detail necessary; 5-day wk.; perm, position; $260 mo. to Btart. Box 440-C, Star. —17 SECRETARY Non-profit social science research or ganization wants an Intelligent sec retary with a sense of humor, ability to make coffee, type and adjust to slap happy but stimulating environ ment 8alary only $50 a week with compensation in entertainment val ue.- Call RE 3.165._ SECRETARY REWARD OF A CAREER To the one who can write why she can be the confidential secretary to an ambitious executive: experience not as important as ambition, imag ination. Replies confidential Letter will be returned if requested. State salary. Box 305-A. Star, —22 SECRETARY - STENOGRAPHER, in small office, representing large corp; ' exper. preferable; pleasant working cond, and hours. Write giving de tails in full. Box 56-A. Star —18 SECRETARY-STENOGRAPHER: 5-1 day week: congenial surroundings; air-conditioned building: salary. 5250 a month; law office experience desirable but not necessary: work varied: state age. education, experi ence. Reply Bnx 50-C. Star. —23 SECRETARY - STENOGRAPHER. to start at S270 per month. Age under 35. New air-conditioned offices. Hos pitalization. insurance and retire ment benefits. 5-day. 40-hr wk ST. 1300. Ext. 13 —21 SECRETARY-STENOGRAPHER. 10:30 to 4:30 daily. May 21st through 25th. $50. Law office. 15th and H sts. n.w. Call NA. 3579. nnnYr onnn\Tn/*»n a rirrm U4JV A . UlUllVViVlU PART-TIME Hours 3 0 to 2 Mon. through Frl. Must be dependable: permanent. Please furnish complete background and salary expected. Box Ifi9-C.1 Star.—2Q i SHOE SALESGIRLS, experienced, with independent local chain: also part time and Saturday extras. Apply PENN BOOTERY. H52 Pa avc. s.e —21 jSIl.K FINISHER experienced: 5-day i week. Apply jBuchanan st. n.w SKIP LOCATOR, part time, to work in store MR TOSEPH 719 7th st ’ r tt' SNACK R\R ATTENDANT—Perma nent position for active young worn, en in busy canteen in Federal bldg, near Navy Dept. Exper. preferred age 18-35: 5-day week, hours. 7:30 ! a m. to 4 p.m, GOVT. SERVICES. ; INC. 1135 21st st. n.w. STENOGRAPHER, excellent oppor tunity in consulting radio engi neering office. Previous experience in professional office desirable but not necessary. Write Box 477-C. Star. —22 STENOGRAPHER, national publica tion; requires rapid, accurate ste nographer. assist busy executive: 5 day wk.: vacation. Insurance, hos pitalization: unusual opportunity for advancement; good starting salary CO. 1014. —18 STENOGRAPHER—Must be expert In typing, financial statistics Perm position:; 5-day wk. $270.74 per mo Chance for advancement. Applv Rm 70fl. lioi Vermont ave STENOGRAPHER-CLERK. immediate I opening Ins. office interesting work, excel working cord 35-hr. wk liberal benefits, good starting salarv with periodic raises Apply MR BIGGS. 410 Ring Bldg —10 Stenographers Immediate openings for experienced stenographers l Non-Govt., sclent flc if search organization. Pemanent po sition for woni'-n und?r 40 years of age Offering 7'u-hour day. 5-day week 24 day*’ annual leave 15 days’ leave Excellent workinr conditions i Call EX Si on. Extension .'to, STENOGRAPHER (Large national company. 40 hours. D-day week: $250 mo. plus company benefits in very pleasant office. State age and exper. In your reply. Box 64-Y Star. —IS STENOGRAPHER (Rusty Shorthand) i Available immediately: a permanent ! position for a young woman. 21-35 veers o. age. who Is neat in ap I mwwiw id minus iu kivc voou ■ttendence; some knowledge of ! shorthand and a typing speed of about 35 words per minute Is re quired Apply PERSONNEL Room | 50i, Open weekdays 8 30-5 and THE EVENING STAR 1101 Pa Ave N W Stenographer ATTRACTIVE OPPORTUNITY FOR CAPABLE YOUNG LADY WORKING CONDITIONS UNUSUALLY PLEASANT 40-HR., 5-DAY WK. MANY BENEFITS $2,600 Apply Personnel Department National Savings and Trust Company STENOGRAPHER - CLERK — Exp! steno. to work in Anacostia office, pleasant working conditions, paid vacation, group Insurance and other employe benefit!. Apply SAFEWAY STORES, INC., 1845 4th »t. n.e. —17 Stenographers, Secretary AND TYPISTS No matter what you call yourself, as long as you can really handle the keyboard and know your Web ster. we’ve got an opentnv waiting for you. Permanent positions with opportunities for advancement. Pleasant personal contact, air-con ditioned offices, free hospitalization, group insurance, vacation, discounts, etc., S'^-day week. Long estab lished progressive. HECHINGER CO. 15th AND H STS. N.E Call John Hechinger for appt. for interview._—23 SUPERVISOR, under 40. to manage small cafeteria, prepare salads, sandwiches, etc. Experience pre ferred. but not necessary. Hours. 9:15 to 2:15. 5-day week. Paid vacation sick leave, hospitalization. EQUITABLE LIFE INSURANCE CO.. 816 14th st. n.w. Apply Room 300 between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. —18 SWITCHBOARD OPERATOR for lge. apt. hotel: exper. necessary: alter nate hours: good salary. Telephone TU 1491 bet. 9 and 5 for appt. —19 SWIMMING pool attendant. white, age 20 to 40: at GLEN ECHO !j PARK: application must be made in person at Dark office; salary. $45 [ week. WI. 6743. —18 TEACHERS, white, for primary grades and kindergarten and music in private school. Call OV. 4422. 8 to 5 p.m.—18 Telephone Investigator Girl wanted for telephone investlga tion work: some filing; typist pre i ferred. but not essential; vacation ; insurance, hospitalization and bonus 1 Apply in person. R. Pries. HOUSE , HOLD FINANCE CORP.. 3237 R. 1 ave.. Mt. Rainier. Md. ’TELEPHONE OPERATOR, interesting [ hotel work, alternate shifts, liberal l company benefits. Apply employ ment office WARDMAN PARK ! HOTEL. —21 TELEPHONE OPERATOR-TYPIST, in surance office. 5-day week. Group insurance. Reply Box S2-C. Star —17 j TELEPHONE OPERATOR No experience necessary: aood start ‘ ing salary; pleasant working condi • tions and company benefits. Apply in person to Mr. Winstead. n A QHPTTT /RTTPri’S •_1004 F St. N.W. —19 TELEPHONE ORDER CLERK To work at National Airport. 11:3f a.m. to 8 p.m.; excellent pay plui meals, paid vacation, sick leave group insurance and employe dis ■ count. APPLY PERSONNEL OFFICE HOT SHOPPES. INC. > 1724 H St. N.W. No Phone Calls. . __—18 , TELEPHONE SOLICITOUS, expert i enced; unlimited phone. Call NO r 7077. —19 , TYPIST, beginner: very good chanct ; for advancement: permanent posi tion. Investment Bldg.. NA. 6894. 1 —19 TYPIST—Excellent opportunity foi - girl interested in learning install ' ment credit work: top salary; pertna " nent. 737 7th st. n.w. —IS : TYPIST, under 40: 37‘i-hr. wk.: Witt j large Are and casualty insurant ' company: work Is interesting ant can advance to important position . Apply NORTHEASTERN. 812 Wood n ward Bldg. —17 - TYPIST, experienced, for servici e dept., newspaper office: 6-day wk. hospitalization and other employ - benefits; advancement. CO. 1015 - _ —18 - TYPIST, assist bookkeeper; smal 2 congenial office, pleasant interestlni - work. Ed 6905. —18 - TYPIST, Mutual Xnsuranca Agency e 1301 Hit. n.w.: 6-day wk.. air eond. office. Ufa Insurance, hospital! d satlon jflth surgical expense. Cal: MISS JWTES. NA. 0090. —17 HELP WOMEN TYPIST, rapid, accurate, neat. 35 hour week. Temporary, fin to fin days. Good salary. RE. 3fi30. —20 TYPIST—Dictaphone operator, need ed part time between hrs. fi-5: lge Nation-wide firm: excel, working conds., modern downtown air-cond bldg Apply In person. 1107 Ring Bldg., I8th and M sts. n.w or phone NA. 4190. Ask lor employ - mein manager.- -17 TYPISTS Experienced or Inexperienced Permanent positions. 7-hour day. 35 hour week, Mon to Frl.: good start ing salary, regular scheduled pay in creases: excellent working conditions and opportunity for advancement ages 18-30. Call National 9925 Ext. 140, for appointment. —18 TYPIST Excellent working conditions for young lady with knowledge of short hand; experience not necessary Good pay. 5-day week. Apply Mr. Ettlin. 3rd fl., BOND CLOTHES. 1335 F st. n.w.__ TYPIST , ■ Permanent; white: to work in pool with congenial group oi girls; atr conditlon bldg., good pay; cash bonus, free insurance, vacation and sick leave: 5-day 40-hr. wk. anti good chance for advancement. Call Personnel Dept. _HO. 2476 —17 TYPIST For national organization: *225 per month. Call MBS. RICHARDSON HU. SHOO_ _ —X8_ TYPIST Excellent working conditions for young lady with knowledge of short hand, experience not necessary Good pay. Apply Mr. Ettlin. 3rd f!„ BOND CLOTHES. 1335 F st. n.w. TYPISTS Permanent positions for competent typists addressing envelopes for publishing co.; 5-day, 40-hr. wk.; weekly payday, paid vacation and sick leave: free group Insurance. Call Mon.-Fri., 8:30-6. DI. 2900, Ext. 261—17 TYPISTS Full or part time. Morning or after noon hours available Temporary or permanent. Good salary, t Mr. Swain. NATIONAL FURNITURE CO . 801 7th st. n.w. _1 s_ TYPIST-CLERK Interesting work In person nel dept., for experienced typ ists: vacation with pay. group insurance, including hospitali zation and other employe benefits; 5-day. 40-hour week. Apply SAFEWAY STORES. INC., 1845 4th st. n.e. TYPISTS-"1" Immediate openings for ex perienced typists. Non-Govt . scientific research organiza tion Permanent position for women under 40 yrs. of age. Offering. 7H-hour day 5-day week 24 days' annual leave 15 days' sick leave Excellent vorkmr conditions __ Call EX. 8lo0. Exten.iO'i TVPIST-CLERK. under :I0. in loca office of large insurance company e per. not reauired 5-dav wk. apnlv in person. 1 is Woodward Bide 15th and H sts nw — rntmTom nT rvnTn a t XXX XU i. - VJUUUXUXUJ For general office duties, permanent position for Qualified individual with opport. for advancement. 5-day wk. with alternate Sat mornings: salary commensurate with qualifications. Telephone MR POLLAK. RA, 8000. for appointment._—3<» WAllKESS, white, experienced alt ernoons. Excellent pay. FEDERAL GRILL. Berwyn, Md TO. 9653 Mr Bass. •—17 WAITRESS, white, experienced; full time or part time, good hours. Ap ply MEDICAL ARTS FOOD SHOP. 17 22 Eye st n.w —17 WAITRESS, experienced only: excel lent lips Apply OYSTER BAY RESTAURANT. 904 Ninth st. n.w. WAITRESS, white, salary, good hour' good tips. Apply in person NEW BAGDAD RESTAURANT. 1733 Eye st. n w. WAITRESS, white, over 21 experi enced 40-hour v k *>25 WEBER'S ALHAMBRA RESTAURANT. 402 H st. n.e. 'No phone calls. WAITRESS, night work good tips Apply HAJES. "Famous for Chicken." 1308 H st. n.w. -—1 8 WAITRESS, must he experienced Apply in person ROYAL RESTAU R \NT A: LOUNGE. 1836 Columbia rd. n.w —18 WAITRESS, exper. Apply in pr- on 1115 Maine ave. s.w. —1. W AITRESS »white) experienced >vei 38 Apply in person. UPTOWN : COCKTAIL LCUNor 2433 Cor;, i ave n.w after 1 p.m. —hi WAITRESS. 16 yrs. cf age or over: full or part time; no night work S S. KRESGE CO.. 434 7th st. n.w — 18 WAITRESS, experienced refined, foi restaurant night ylub. Interview evenings except Monday. MICH EL'S 1020 Vermont ave. n.w. —17 WAITRESS, white, experienced, ret . erences; good salary. Apply in per i son. STRATFORD HOTEL, 25 E st. n.w. —17 WAITRESS, must be experienced Apply GUSTI'S RESTAURANT, 1837 M ft. n.w. —17 WAITRESS, white, exper.: 5-da3 week. 3-11 p.m.. GARDEN RES TAURANT. 1612 16th st. n.w. —If WAITRESS, white, for steady job, food pay. good tips Apply 8M1L NG BUDDHA RESTAURANT 7»»26 Wis. ave. n.w,. \VI 3521. - 17 WAITRESS WANTED SHEPWOOE FOREST RESTAURANT. Waldorf Md. Good wages. roorns and board tips Waldorf 3811. -—18 WAITRESSES, white, over 21: full oi part week: dav and night shift? open: air conditioned SPECTOR'S RESTAURANT. SL. 2882. Call afte: j 2 p.m. —18 WAITRESSES, night club experience I serve mostly drinks.. Apply after j 7 p.m HILLTOP RESTAURANT 5211 MaiJboro pike s.e —17 WAITRESSES, fully qualified. PO TOMAC HOTEL. 18th and H sts n.w. —18 WAITRESSES, exper. Tray service Apply SEAFARE RESTAURANT 3524 Conn. ave. —17 WAITRESSES WANTED—-Excel, sal ary and good tips. Apply 1011^ I B 'waitresses Whit*. Meals and uniforms furnished HARRIS HOTEL. IT Mass. ave. n.w _—22 WAITRESSES 18 to 40. neat appearance, for full, time employment; night and dai positions In D. C.. Md. and Va ; ex cellent earnings; meals and uniform; furnished; sick leave, paid vacatlor and many other worthwhile employ; benefits. APPLY PERSONNEL OFFICE OR ANY HOT SHOPPE HOT SHOPPES, INC. 1724 H St. N.W. No phone calls —18 GIRLS {Full or part time, good ballroon dancers to tearh: experience no: ! necessary: salary. $1.20 to $2 pe: hour: training given. Apply al week. 2-4 p.m. and 6-S p.m. DALF DANCE STUDIO _710 14th St. N.W. _ GIRL, single, as receptionist and all i rminrl for hpantv salon h. K trad uate. SH. 9587. GIRLS TO ADDRESS ENVELOPES b: hand, excel, salary. Do not Dhone Apply EISEMAN’S, F st. at 7th n.w —19 LADY to assist in doctor’s office knowledge of typing and shorthanc preferred. ME. 1418. WO. 2505. LADIES Light, pleasant saleswork in hrs. o own choice. About $1.50 per hr. Nt canvassing. REAL SILK. NA. 735 • 10 to 4 p.m.—17 WOMAN, white. 18-50. for cafeteriF work: $50 wk. job. Apply SCHOLL'S CAFETERIA. 1032 Conn. ave. n.w See Mrs. Fajfar, 10 to 12 and 2 to 4 —17 WOMAN, bet. 35 and 40. interested in learning hotel business: pleasant working conds. Apply after V.’ noon Mr. Pierce. HOTEL ANNAPOLIS, or H st . bet 11th ana 12th n.w. — 11 WOMAN, part time: agency dr\ ! cleaning store: steady: exper 551.' Colorado ave. n.w., near Kennedy * —17 WOMEN, settled, typing and genera office work: bookkeeping exp. pref but not necessary. State salary ex pected and previous experience. Bo> 55-A. Star._—19 WOMEN Age 25 to 45. with some knowledgi of sewing. Sales experience helDfu but not necessafy. Pleasant workinf conditions. 40 - hour week. Gooc starting salary. APPLY IN PERSON TO MR. GLENN SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO. 3107 WILSON BLVD., ARL., VA —18 YOUNG LADY, checker for grocer; market; experienced; good hrs. anc Rood wages. Call JA. 5-8343. Ar ngton, Va. —17 YOUNG LADY for soda fountain hours 10-8. Mon. through Friday HILLANDALE PHARMACY. Cal LO. 5-2502 or LI. 3-1123. —19 YOUNG LADY for general office worl in general contractor’s office. Mus be good typist and accurate wit! figures. Perm, employment, 5-da; week with paid vacation. Boi 168-C, Star. —17 YOUNG LADY for clerical posltioi with local office of large corpora tion. with knowledge of typing: mus : be high school graduate: legibli : handwriting; 5-day work week. Bo; 1 171 -C. Star. —18 i YOUNG LADIES, age 19-25. to teacl ballroom dancing: experience no necessary; complete training giver | free; excellent salary, vacation witl pay. Apply in person. 1 to 5 pm VICTOR STUDIOS. 1730 Conn, ave —17 YOUNG LADIES, to train as comp tometer operators. Salary pak while training. Permanent posi tion. 5-day. 40-hr. week. Pleasam working conditions. Liberal dls count on purchases. Insurance anc hospitalization plan. Rttlremem plan._Apply PEOPLES DRUC STORES. Enjployment Office. 7? I st. n.e. I —17 HELP WOMEN YOUNG WOMAN, alert, white, for In teresting telephone work: no sales; 5 days; salary open. Also part time Sat. and Sun.; salary open. NA. 0(107. YOUNG WOMEN (21, white, intelli gent; part-time work in sales dept of large National Publisher: 10 tc 2 daily; $40 to $00 per week on liberal percentage basis; experienct unnee. Write including phone num ber to Box 42-C, Star. —17 YOUNG WOMEN. 1H-35. part time lor retail candy shop; hrs. 10-4 11-3. 12-5. weekdays; 9-6 8ats. Must be neat and attractive: exper not nec but helpful. Apply in per son to Mrs. Wiener. ROBERT WIN STON CANDIES. 15th and F Sts n.w. _—17 YOUNG WOMEN Take names, addresses. Information on cards In residential districts of Washington and suburbs. Outside work; no selling; working hours 9:30 a m. to 1:30 p.m.: pay, $1 per hr.: good hours for housewife who wants extra money. Give phone number In reply to Box 445-B. Star __ 18* ATTRACTIVE OPENING tor young woman who likes to deal with the nubile, to serve as clerk-receptionist In local hospital: good working con ditions and pleasant environment: must have typing ability neat ap pearance. rood personality: vacation, stek leave, social security benefits Apply in person at personnel office. GARFIELD MEMORIAL HOSPITAL. _1 8 MEDICAL CLINIC NEEDS registered nurse; $2,250 per annum. Call EX. 0007. EARN $75 TO $100 in vour spare time. selling unusual household plastics for HOUSE OF PLASTICS. Call AD. 6834 for details. —29 VACATION MONEY? — Earn now! AVON representatives earn $20-840 wkly. Pleasant repeat business. RE. 0795 _17 EXPERIENCED WHITE LADY, not over 35, skilled in preparation of food for roadside sandwich shop. Must be clean, honest, Intelligent and willing to take responsibility Excellent salary. SH. 9783. after 5 pm —17 REAL ESTATE and insurance office secretary, living quarters provided for 2; must have ref., experience not necessary but preferred. JA 2-2381; eves GL. 2463. —17 ARE YOU AN ALERT. CULTURED WOMAN. 35-55. accustomed to earn ing $3.000-$5,0(Mi yearly? Educa tional service; position permanent High commission. Trans . excellent bonus. Write qualifications fully to Box 211-C. Star. 1<> WOMEN needed at once to use ; telephone from own home; can earn 83 to 8.*, per hour. Call in person for rirf}4',‘ M7 13th st n v !!' PHOTO LAB. needs exper. printei or checker; 5 days; permr Free ins , hosp . bonus and paid vac. Call Prod. Supv., 9-5:30. OW 9222. _‘CLICK' QUICK!_SLICK1" Exceptional Opportunity EXPERIENCE NOT NECESSARY Bank Tellers, Age 21-35 5-day. 40-hr. week. Monday through Friday. Air-conditioned office. Pleast reply Box 1QT-C. Star, —17 UNION TRUST CO. Has openings in the following: BOOKKEEPING MACHINE OPERS. TELLERS TYPISTS Many employe benefits; 5-day. 40 hour week See Mr. Jones. 15th and H sts. office.—19 Burroughs Bookkeeping Machine operator. Book ! keeper trainee: high school graduate: 18 to 25 vears old. Apply Mrs Brotherhood MC LAC'HLEN BANKING CORP. 10th and G st n w —17 ATTENTION S'enoeraphic opportunities in pleas ant surburoan surroundings. Uni versitv of Md na> new salary scale to offer Call WA. 3800 PERSONNEL OFFICE, for appoint ment _ —21_ SHERMAN SHOPS “ HAS EXCELLENT OPENING FOR MANAGER AND ASSISTANT. WASHABLES Ilu-t F ST N.W.17 Julius Garfinckel & Co. T> T71 r*TT>TVTiT TTOrn J. V. 1 iXUiUUi for our ANTOINE BEAUTY SALON Permanent position for f young woman with pleasim personality and neat ap pearance. Apply Personnel Department 8th Floor 9:30 a.m. to 5:45 p.m. —IS Julius Garfinckel & Co. SALESWOMEN FOR GREENBRIER SPORT SHOP INFANTS’ APPAREL DEBUTANTE DEPTS. AND ACCESSORIES FULL-TIME PART -TIME 3-Day Week Schedules Apply Personnel Dept. 8th Floor 9:30 to 5:45 i • . .—18 JELLEFF’S * 1214-20 F ST. N.W. IMMEDIATE OPENINGS FOR SALESWOMEN READY-TO-WEAR AND ACCESSORIES OFFICE CLERICALS BUYER’S CLERICALS and CASHIER-WRAPPERS Liberal retirement plan profit sharing plan, surgica benefits, hospitalization, at at no cost to the employe. APPLY PERSONNEL OFFICE 7th FLOOR 4 -is HELP WOMEN PART-TIME TYPIST Will try to arrange hours to suit, between 8:30 and 0. Monday through Saturday; fast and accurate typing necessary; ability to use or willing ness to * learn dictating machine equipment. HECHINGER CO. 15th and H Sts. N.E.. AT. 1400. Call for Appointment — A Career With a Future For You! Are you a high school grad uate, with initiative, tact, personality intelligence and good judgment? Here are unusual opportuni-! ties for the right girl—in public contact work Good salary, regular in creases, 5-day week, inter esting. responsible work, pension, sick benefits, other advantages. | Cheerful, friendly atmos | phere Many chances to ad vance. Let us tell you more about It—today! EMPLOYMENT OFFICE 725 13th St. N.W. Open 8 30 A.M-5 P.M. Monday Through Friday 9 A M -1 P.M Saturday The Chesapeake & Potomac Telephone Co. HELP MEN AND WOMEN GRAPHOTYPE OPERATORS — In crease your earnings by working a few hours at night or on week ends A Nation-wide concern has need for extra help. Call Mr MANN NA. 8206; 8 a m to 5 o.m \ OPENINGS FULL-TIME PART-TIME SCHEDULES 5-dav, 3-day week, 11 to 3 o’clock every day and con tingents on call. SELLING Men’s furnishings, sports wear, corset bar, other de partments. CLERICAL Furniture office, typist for advertising, multilith op erator. PORTERS 'GENEROUS EMPLOYE BENEFITS Apply Personnel Office 5th Floor GOLDENBERG'S 7th, 8th and K Sts. N. W. HELP DOMESTIC CHAMBERMAID-WAITRESS, experi enced Private family. Liva in. Re cent D. C. references required. Other help employed. $25 per wk. OR. 4517. —17 CHAUFFEUR-GENERAL houseman— Neat appearance, good character, written refer., permanent position: salary $176. Write or apply in per son. Apt. 319. 2400 16th st w. COOK: $30 week plus bonus: must be exper with recent city refs.: live in: pvt. upstairs quarters: no j laundry, no heavy cleaning: mall | family: fond of children. OR. 0544 |COOK for boarding bouse must have : references and really want a steadv i .'o’o Apply in person. 1855 Wyoming i ?.\r- n.w —22 COOK and g:ntral house worker: fond ! of children: settled woman with re cent local references; good salary. EM 4111 —17 COOK. G.H.W.. settled between 35 45; no small children: live in. private room and bath; citv refer ence. 7603 16th st. n.w. TA. 7029 —18 COOK-G.H.W—Age 30-40: $30 wk.: live in: recent local ref. required. If you are interested in a permanent position and a good home, call RA. 0978. —18 COOK-G.H.W.—Experienced: live in: pvt. room and bath: $25; SVi-day week. OL. 8202. —18 COOK. G.H.W.. for nearby Arlington. Live In or out; local refs, necessary Call OR 2454. —17 COOK-G.H.W.—Live in about 15 miles from Washington. Only good cooks need apply. 3 in family. All mod conv.; salary $25 week. Rockville 2043. —17 COOK-G.H.W., must have local refs Fond ot children. Live in or out. Call between 12 and 3:30 or after 5 pm. FM 1376. —17 COMPANION-NURSE, white, to elder ly invalid woman: live in; $75 a month Call WI. 7 868. —19 COUPLE, live in. pvt. rm. and bath Wife to do cooking and laundenng. husband general household duties 1 and serving: refs, required. Conv. ! loFotion. DF. 2810 —21 COUPLE, white, cook, butler-chauf feur: experienced and recent ref ; erences; top salary. CH. 0995. —SIO !COUPLE, cook and butler: two up stairs rooms and pvt. bath available: $300 per mo. Only exp. cpl. with good local refs, considered EM. 2610. —20 G.H.W.. reliable, white, live in. 2 adults and 6-month baby in family. 1 wk. day and every other Sun. off. Own rm. and bath, salary $150 a mo. Only those with highest refs, need apply. AD. 1192. —18 G.H.W., and plain cooking: colored: JI through 6. 5-day wk. Refer ences. OR. 7063. —18 G.H.W., cooking. 25 to 45 yrs.. $30 wk.. live in. Stay several nights. Thurs. and alt. Sun. off. Lovely rm., pvt. bath: exp ; ref. required. Must like children. OL. 1632. — 17 G.H.W., care for 10-mo.-old baby one day a wk.: refined and neat; Silver Spring area. SL. 6815. G.1I.W., doctor’s family, 1 child: new home with every labor-saving de vee: live in: references; colored G.H 'V.. colored, live In: good plain i cook dishwasher, ironer. dryer; cx | pcricnced and refs. Considerate em ployer. $25 wk. plus taxes. SH 3112. —19 G.H.W.. cooking: live In. nice room and bath: experienced with children, neat: refs.: other help employed: Sundays off; $30. JU. 7-5976. —20 GIRI.. colored, to do g h.w., plain cooking for small home and small family; city refs.; live In; 5'/a days; $27 a week. SL. 6689. GIRL, colored, settled: g.h.w. and good cook; live In; fond of children; refs.: $25. WO. 1456. —18 GIRL WANTED (Alexandria!; live In; experienced with baby; g.h.w.; $25. KI. 8-7735. HOUSEKEEPER and care of school age child; white, settled, live In. good home and salary. Olve tele phone number, experience and ref erence. Box 335-B, Star. 20* HOUSEKEEPER to take care of two children, live In. must have refer ences; permanent position. Call LU 4-7000. HOUSEKEEPER, white or colored: reliable; live In lovely home: light work; upper 16th st. n.w.; 2 adults only: $25 week. RA. 7485. —20 HOUSEKEEPER, colored, to live In apt. and care for 3-yr.-old child, j $5(1 mo., pvt. rm. and all meals. Must have refs. Call HO. 0901 ' afte- 7. —16 ! HOUSEKEEPER. prefer foreign, i strong, under 45; willing, neat, happy: cook, serve, clean; 3 local refs.; Mon., Wed.. Fri.. 9 to 7:45: ! Sat. to 5: stay 1 night; mod. sub. farm, 'h ml. to bus. nr. W. Falls Ch.; professional people, children; $26 wk. Write O. E. K.. 217 Haycock rd„ Falls Church, Va. —19 MAID—To live In; white or colored: g.h w. and cooking: two school-age children. SH. 6262: 9 till 6 p.m. —18 MAID, white; upstairs work: assist with 2 children. CH. 0995. —20 MAID-g.H.W.—To live in: no cook ing; good salary; with private room and board. TU. 4,737. MOTHER’S HELPw. colored: live In or out; full or p4V time. RA. 94B8. HELP DOMESTIC (Cent.) MOTHER'S HELPER, g.h.w.. care C small children; live In; excel, salary TA. 8368. —21 WOMAN, colored, housekeeper; live in, upstairs room; no cooking; must like children. Off all day Thurs $30 SL. 9156. —22 COUPLE, to live in, for g h.w. and cooking: references. CO. 4754. —23 YOUNG WOMAN. 25-40. g.h.w.. cook help with 2 small children; live in suburban home; $25 wk; recent lo cal refs reouired. WI. 9074. —22 ENERGETIC WHITE WOMAN to heir mother care for children and coun try home. All modern conv.; $45 mo. rm. and board. Fairfax 119-J-l. —20 LIVE IN—Settled, g.h.w.-cook, good with children; Thursday and alter nate Sundays off. OR. 3677 —18 SETTLED WOMAN for part-ttmf work in exch. for 2 furn. rms. 2270 Cathedral ave. n.w.. AD. 5919. —21 WILL GIVE SETTLED LADY nice home and reasonable salary, white or colored. In exchange for light housekeeping duties and care oi small child for employed couple. JA ■ 1506 COLORED GIRL to care for 2-year old child while mother works: 9-7: $15 per wk.: 6 days. Apply 331 18th pi. n.e. after 7 p.m. —18 SITUATIONS MEN ACCOUNTANT (degree), several years experience, seeks responsible posi tion with private enterprise or pub lic accounting firm. Box 167-C. Star ACCOUNTANT - AUDITOR; book; started, kept: all taxes; statements Long exper. Reas. Box 500-X, Star ACCOUNT ANT-CP A. 15 years- diver sified exper.. desires responsible po sition in private Industry. Box 275-A. Star —20 DRAFTING—Part time. Electronic mechanical, patent: 7 years' exper ience. NA. 0614, CO. 1228. —18 GARDENER, married, no children desires house with facilities. Ex perienced gardens, lawns, shrubbery Dm- A A it □ Ctn r 18* MANAGER, motel and restaurant capable complete charge: excelleni background and following: 15 yean onp company. Box 438-B. Star. • MAN. colored, wishes any kind ol work. FR. 3956. • MAN. 25 college grad . sale . B.S ir geology: pract. exper toolmaker draftsman. Healthy vet. Go any where DE 4886. —IT STl DENT with background, carefu driver, good swimmer, good morals: desires summer position out of city References. OR. 5292. * MEN AVAILABLE for employment ode jobs, yard work, wall washing, paint ing. house cleaning, etc SALVA TION ARMY. Harbor Light Corp. ME. 4532. —23 YOUNG MAN. B C S degree mar ried. public accounting experience Employed as office mgr. and ac countant automotive jobber. Desire; change: responsibility desired: per manent. Box 411-B. Star. 18* YOUNG MAN. high school grad, seeks part-time work daily from 1 o’clock; can type. I.B.M. experience Box 420-B. 8tar 18* YOUNG MARRIED MAN with family fairly exper. in all phases of mea business. buying. merchandising etc., wants good opportunity in tha field, preferably in buying dept, o chain store. Has business of owi and is well known to all lobbers ant meat packers serving local area Wili sell his business if right oppor tunity comes along. For more infor mation wrrite Box 85-C. Star DAY'S WORK for Saturday: houst cleaning or yard work man. colored references. LA 6-T563. • SITUATIONS WOMEN ADMINISTRATOR — Executive, gen era: office manager, personnel man ager for business, congressional embassy office. Experienced in bus mess, government, education, state federal and international peopit and problems. Box 3S-C. Star • ADMIN. SEC’Y.—Ofc. SUPVr.: 33: 1( yrs legai. mfg. and pub. relations capable assuming chg. of ofc. o: supervision personnel. Pref. Iegisla live or professional ofc. $4,200 Perm Box 408-B Star. 20* DICTAPHONE - EDIPHON’E Operator Electromatic typist desires position Call JO. 2-2677. —17 GIRL, colored, desires day’s worl for Sat. only, hours 9-4. 70c pei hr Refs. HU. 3281. WOMAN as companion. Light duties Widow. Experienced, dependablt to Elderly lady. No encumbrance Ref Box 440-B, Star. • WHITE WOMAN wants nurse o nurse-companion position. Call LI 3-6676. 18* COLORED WOMAN, wants job as i repair clothes at home or out Cal after 1 pm,. AD. 1389. 18* SITUATIONS DOMESTIC COOK-HOUSEMAN — Leaving towT for summer Wish to place my goo: cook and houseman. Middle-aged sober, colored man. Cali WI. 917 after 5 D.m. 19* Gir.L. colored. wants eve. worl cleaning ant for couple o>* bachelor 5:30 pm. until 8. RA. 3483. WALL CLEANING, waxing, shelac ing Walls, blinds, windows washei very cheap. 9-11 p.m.. 7-11 a.m ST. 0931. EXPER. COLORED GIRL desires worl Tues. and Thurs. ME. 4315. COLORED GIRL, exper., wishes jol in pvt. family or hotel. 6-day week ME. 2907. INSTRUCTION COURSES PBX-RECEPTIONIST course easlh learned: age no handicap. Day clas: tuition. $20; night. $25. MRS CHANDLER HD. 3824 ST 7278 EARN YOUR HIGH SCHOOL DI PLOMA at home in your spare time Also new lessons in the easy. quics to-learn TUCH-RITE typing ant new simplified shorthand offer bis employment advantages INTERNA TIONAL CORRESPONDENC! SCHOOLS. 232 Bond Bids ME 8166 NATIONAL ACADEMY of Broad casting. 3338 16th st. n w . Get a job in radio or television Almost every graduate last veer nov holds a worthv hile job in b ead casting 'Vrif tnr folder. “Jch <i Radio.** PE 5580,_ —19 G1APPROVED OVER 400 COURSE! Get information today on the court' of your choice INTERNATIONA! CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS. 23: Bond Bids. ME. 8166 SHORTHAND & TYPING Learn in 6 Weeks Speedwriting Pencil Shorthand Used in Business and Civil Servlci Enroll Any Time. Day or Night. SPEEDWRITINO SCHOOL 1«06 O St. NW„ STerling 2252 ATTENTION PROSPECTIVE CAB DRIVERS Free Instruction classes at BELL CAB 1317 L st nw Mon. through Frl day. 10 a.m. Mr. Cruse EX 670C LEARN TYPING $8 MONTH Beginners or Brushup Course Choice of Hours from 9 a m -9 p.m TYPING SCHOOL 1406 G St. N.W.. STerling 2262 MOTOR TRAVEL DRIVING to vicinity Texarkana Dellas or Fort Worth. Tex. Fr: o Sat. May 18. or 19th. Take . passengers. Call MR GRAFF. OR 7937; after 6. OL. 5127. REPAIRS AND SERVICES ADDITIONS, remodeling, alterations Modernize your home. Brick c« ment. plaster, roof repairs, all types Call STONEWALL CONST. CO. ST 7654 • ADDITIONS, ALTERATIONS—Have 1 done right. Call Mr. White. WHIT1 CONTRACTING CO.. RA. 2369. AF 3530. —21 ADDITIONS and home improve MENTS. basement to roof. Up to ’ yrs. to pay. HAMILTON CONTRACT ING CO., RE. 4477. 31* ADDITIONS and modernizing, cella to roof. Call ST. 3366-67 for tre, estimates NATIONAL CONTRACT ING CO.. 931 New York ave .i.w A COMPLETE REPAIR SERVICE fo small appliances; reasonable rates FA. 7430. —20 ADDITIONS REMODELING, REPAIRINC J, L. AINSWORTH RA. ISIS BRICK, block, cement, stucco an< waterproofing: good service Cal E F BEACH 5801 Temple rd s.e. Cypress 9389. —17 Bull K WORK, cinder block, nnipb retain, wall, concrete work and plas ter. Any kind of repair work VICTOR. JO. 3-6510. —23 BRICK WORK In general; repair porches and fireplaces, retalnim walls, etc.; class-A jobs. RINALD & CO.. FR. 2342. anytime. —19 BUILDING. remodeling. repairlns carpentry, brick, cement work. MR BAKER. LI 3-3728. 19* BUILDING REPAIRS, all kinds; m job too small; by hour or contract ME. 3963; eves., SL. 5909. BURGESS —20 BUILDING HOMES, remodeling of flees and stores, made-to-order cabl nets, counters and shelves. Cal Fairfax 446-J. _17 CARPENTERING, nlasterlng. cement lng. fireproofing, remodeling; buili new home. CO. 0509. WILLIAM 18* CARPENTRY OF ALL KINDS, on con tract basis MR LAWRENCE. RA 9703. CARPENTRY, cabinet work, remodel mg and repairs, general contract lng. ST 64S8 *>0* CARPENTRY. ALTERATIONS — Th best In all types finish work Cal U F. ST DKNiS. LU. 1-5572 IV CLOGGED DRAIN PIPES eld L razor-kleened or no charge ROTO ROOTER, phone RA 8888 im dav any night ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS—Re pairs short circuits: small jobs dom immed. Call RA. 2222, any time. FENCE - Galvanised chain link, al posts in concrete: “Immediate erec tlon " Get the best for less; 3( months to pay Phone HO. 6883 evenings and Sunday. NO 5528 FLAGSTONE WORK Stone, cement walks, steps anc porches, and tile dratnage. ANGELC MARCUCCIO, SH. 1769. FLOORS SANDED and- finished; OK floors made Ilk* nar. TAYLOR FLOOR SERVICE. W/fllM REPAIRS AND SERVICE (Ccrnt. FLOOR SERVICE—Nothing but the best; laying, sanding, finishing, cleaning; narquet Installation. Bruce finishes FLOORING CONTRAC TORS. INC 1812 Wisconsin ave. NO 2216 furniture REFINISHING — We make It look like new; reasonable Blices. Cal! after 5. HU 6072. HOME IMPROVEMENTS, old and new carpentry, masonry, concrete and flagstone. Terms arranged. SMITH. GE. 8396 —17 MATTRESSES remade. *3 up 8TE1N BEDDINQ CO 1224 12tb «t n.w. CO 1316 PAINTER. Inside and outside paint ing Reasonable prices, free esti mates WADE. ME. *833. 20 PAINTING. commercial and residen tial. Steeple and high rigging, our specialty. THE LINDA DECORATING CO. LO. 5-1952 LI. 4-1604 —18 PAINTING—For a Job well done at a "trice you can afford to pay. Call •!U 7-92IS alter 5:30 Dm —20 PAINTING. PAPERING; first-class i workmanship: work done lmmedt I ately. MR. POAT GE. 5643. 22 | PAINTING. PAPERING ommerciai, | residential Satisfied customers 25 I years MR-LAWREN'F RA 9703. i PAINTING AND PAPERING—For a cood job at a low price, call MR. | KLIX, SH. 4771. —30 PAINTING, PAPERING. ROOF WORK. c*»rr«ntry fl^or finishing- mii'on I a oplr a nH romnrlolino "R TT —30 j PAINTING. PAPER HANGING—lst ! class work guaranteed; free estl I mates. WO 0404. _—20_ PAINTING-P APERH ANGINO Attention homeowners General homo repairs from basement to attic: 30 mos. to Day. Call OE. 2356. GE. 6121._—17 PAPERING AND PAINTING A-l work estimates free Call MRt BECKETT MI 0030 DO 4053. PAPERING. 5-rm . 2-story hall house. Low as $85; white mechs.. good workmanship. TU. 0216 after 5. —22 PAPERING—Large or small jobs; rea sonable rates HOMECRAFTERS, INC. 608 Penna. ave. s e . TR. 4288 LI. 3-5670. —20 PAPERING. PAINTING — For neat clean work at reasonable prices, call Georgia 2400 —21 PAPERING. PAINTING, expert work hv top mechanics lowest prices. GREEN DECORATING CO GE. 8355. —18 P'PKRING. PAINTING and floors re finished. decorating: all work guar.; complete line of exclusive paper to select from HU. 5646 —19 P'pKR HANGING, painting white mechanic 20 vrs. exper.: do own work ROOKOUT. MI 0090. —20 PAPER HANGING, painting, plastfi lnc: special price this week GE. 2356, OE 19'6. Call ALEGAND. —19 PAPER HANGING. $7 up per room, 1951 washable sunfast papers; work guaranteed GE 4283 GE 2461. PAPER HANGING AND PAINTING Work done by lst-class white me* chanics. D. C.. Md Va MR REANS. LU 1-5370 PAPERING AND PAINTING. Satisfied customers for 25 years. Call MR. LAWRENCE. RA 9703. PLASTER, brick, cement, flagstone i work waterproofing. No job too small. LU. 4-5377, LI. 3-4987. —19 PLASTERING, patch work a specialty; . white mechanic; reasonable, good service TU. 0171. —21 PLASTERING a specialty: large and small jobs, new or old work: white mechanic0: work guar. NO. 2723. PLASTERING, new or old: repair work done: white mech.. work guar anteed; tree estimates. TA 0208. — 19 PORCH INCLOSE RES—Your porch made into a d^n or extra bedrm ; free est: 30 mos to pay WI. 6086. CAPITOL CONTRACTING CO. 4819 Fethesda ave.. Bethesda. REFRIGERATORS REPAIRED alee i washers, guaranteed service 0FPENDO REFRIGERATION CO (jays UN 1612: eves. UN 8575 STONE—Beautify your home with Bondstone. Applied over any sur face. The dollar value to your home is many times the cost of Bond stone. Free estimates. 30 months to pay. WI. 6086. CAPITOL CON TRACTING CO.. 4819 Bethesda ave., Bethesda. Md. STONE WALLS, FLAGSTONE and cement work Specializing in stone retaining walls, flagstone patio, walks, steps, driveways, etc., also cement work of all kinds. For ouick service and a free estimate, call JERRY LU. 1-4756 TE1FVISION REPAIRS — 8ame day i service, day and night calls. Most reas rate' in town T V 4-7000 TV ANTENNA SERVICE—Installa tions and repairs. STEELE'S SPE ; CIALIZED 8ERVICE. EX. 5635, 1 OT 84 00 22* WATERPROOFING OF ALL KINDS, cement work all work sruarar.'eeri. ROBERT E PRTCE D1 692.".. 17* GOING TO SCREEN tnat porch thia summer’ An F»sttmatf wiP coot vou nothing Phone now ST 3942 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE .\rcORDION. new 120 bass. 7 stop, I Soprani: reasonably priced. NO. 6276. after 5 D.m. -is ADD. MACH., new. used, all make', hand, elec.: great retkir CIRCLE, 1112 14th n.w . DI. 7372. • ADDING MACHINE. Burroughs, elec tric. Reconditioned Guaranteed, $79.50 UNITED TYPEWRITER CO.. 813 14th st. n.w ADDRESSING MACHINE. Elliot hand operated, perf cond. Uses non-metal stencils that are cut on typewriter. Also stencil cabinet. First one here with $*25. takes both away. WASH. AUTOMOTIVE TRADE ASSN. Suite 711. 1026 17th st. n.w. AIR CONDITIONER. Westinghouse. Mi h.p.: sacrifice: $125. MR. ROSE MAN. ME. 5317. eves. —18 AIR CONDITIONERS, new and re conditioned: sold rented, exchanged, serviced fully guaranteed. OR. 4769 BISHOP EQUIPMENT CO AIR CONDITIONERS. new 1951 models in factory-sealed crates If you have ‘cash " see us last PARA MOUNT CO 2150 Georgia ave n.w Hudson 4800 —31 A*R CONDITIONERS large size 2. 3. 5 ton units, ne*’. in stock: special reduced price. Apply J L RATF . MAN A- SON 2004 R. I. ave n e. > UO 2-.‘00. _ — f 7_ AIR CONDITIONERS H950-1961 national brands window units: factory crates. 5-year uar rentv. Pay cash: best price in town. FRANKS TV OF D. C.. 711 9tO st. n.w.. ME 1482._—18 AIR CONDITIONERS Sold—Rented—Serviced A small deposit will assure of a cool summer. Call LI. 3-4112. R. & M. REFRIGERATION CO.. Authorized (bonded) Service Dealer. BABY CARRIAGE and mattress mad* by Collier; perfect condition; 5 moa. old. Call WA. 5912. —19 . BABY CARRIAGE. Heywood Wakb fleld; playpen; high chair. Excel, cond.; reasonable. SH. 2589. BABY CRIB. 818.88. cash only. No del. Thurs eve. 6 to 9 p.m. only. Matts.. $11.88. Playpens. $9 88. etc 355 Cedar st. n.w . JUVENILE S«LE8 WHS'S BAR FURNITURE for home, made of solid mahogany trimmed with Mex ican balm Consists of seven pieces. Exception? 1 workmanship. Call SI.. (1455 after 7 p m. for appointment to inspect. . 18‘ BAS1.W SINKS. BATHTUBS, nulit in Fittings, new or used BLOCK'S. 3056 M st n w . NO. 7803 » BATHTUBS, new used built in. legs: sinks basins, toilets PEERLESS SALES CO 7237 Ga ave DE 5«70. • BED, double. Simmons, metal, brown, coil springs, with prac. new Beauty, rest mattress. JO. 3-5163. • ' BFD. Victorian walnut, blue dec. bedrm furn., dress, tables. DU. 22i4. after 6. —18 BEDRM. SUITE. 5-pc.. good cond. and practically new' mattress, $125: misc. items. JO. 3-6184. —17 BEDROOM SUITE—Beautiful, new: ■ consisting ol dble. bed with box springs, Beautyrest mattress, bureau, chest of drawers. 2 night tables. 1 chair, all mahogany finish; cost over $500. will take $350 cash. OE. 6799 10 to 4 p.m.. Wed.. Thurs.i Fri.. Sat. —18 BEDROOM SUITE, walnut: double ; bed with box springs and mattress; large dresser and chest, nicely carved and inlaid. FR. 7623. —20 • BEDROOM SUITE. 3 pcs.: in lovely maple. Contact VI. 3091 after BED LEGS —Convert you; coll or box I ‘urines nto Hollywood beds We Install SH 1828 JO 7-5418 j BICYCLES—Complete line. Dawes. Rudge. DSA. Colson. Columbia. [ PARKWAY CYCLE & HARDWARE CO Lee hwy and Kirkwood rd. JA 5-8122. Open Friday to !• p m. BICYCLES—New. used and rebuilt; Sin up GEORGETOWN BICYCLE STORE, ltill Wis. ave. ML 0100. BICYCLE, girl's. 20-in ; good condi tion: reasonable • orice. Call after 3:3o p.m., GL. 5308. —IS BICYCLES, new. used: close out sale; 837.95 up: Columbia. Shelby. Schwinn. English make. $49.95.' COLLEGE PARK CYCLE. ON. 4000. —19 BOILER. 5 h.p.. McKee gas boiler with return. In operation. Rea sonable. AP. 2300, 7:30 to 6. —18 BRICKS, (ace ana common, any quantity PENNSYLVANIA BUILD ING SUPPLY. AD. 7600. BRICKS—Pace and common, 1 or a million. ALASKA COAL AND BRICH CO- NA 10886 OT 7300. BRICKS Lge. quantity of good. hard, clean brick. GENERAL WRECKING CO.. Brentwood rd. and W sts. n.c. ML 6177.—17 BUILDING ITEMS—Open Sats . 8-1. RUCKER LUMPER 1320 Wilson blvd.. near Key Bridge JA. 4-1234. BUILDING MATERIALS. 16-ln. by 48-in. rockwool baits. 4-inch thick ness. 6»ac D**r sa. ft.: 210 lbs. as phalt roof shingle, all colors. ?6 25 per sq. BALTIMORE LUMBER CO. 1600 New York ave. n.e . LA. 6-4:j00. BUILDING MATERIAL" WRECKING Old Homes. 1703-1705 K st. For Sale, Closing Out All material lor sale. Mantels, hard wood paneling, doors, stairs, inside shutters, elevators, heating plants, mirrors, pipe, plumbing, radiation, steel beams, hard brick, lumber—all sizes, stone, marble, iron fence. Visit our yard. Bargains. We deliver. ARROW WRECKING CO. 1100 B. Capitol. LI. 3-2602 ! (Continued on N^xt PauM