Newspaper Page Text
MISCL, FOR SALE (Cent.) BUILDING MATERIAL USED LUMBER. ALL SIZES Lei tubs . *15 10.000 It. h.-w. radiation_36c It. Barrack-type stoves _ *15 4-ln. cast-iron Dip#_90c ft. Lavatory basins __ *5 10.000 ft. '/i-ln. plywood -15c sq. ft. Double hung windows S10 complete Oak flooring, perfect condition. 81at doors_ ____ *10 Also steel beams, angle Iron, gal vanised pipe, boilers, windows and doors, complete with frames and many other Items, to fill your build ing needs. We also carry a complete line of new building material. One trip to ACS will save time and money. ACE WRECKING & BUILDING MATERIALS CO. 4002 Minnesota Ave. N.E. LU. 4-0500. “BUILDING material We have oh hand a large amount of flooring, framing lumber and doors: also large stock of I-beams, rein forcing steel and angle Irons, cor rugated roofing tins. GENERAL WRECKING CO . Brentwood rd. and W sts. n.e. MI. 6177, —17 BUILDING MATERIALS Large stock of good used lumber flooring, doora windows, plumbing. §lpe. boilers and radiators at arialn prices. HECHINGER cO 15th and B sts. n.e. AT 1400 BUILDING MATERIALS Visit our yard and save money. To Ing at bargain prices this week aheetrock. gypsum siding, maple flooring, odd and end wlndowa. win dow screens; 4x8 sheets, %-ln. ply wood aultable for sheathing: 20-ft. trusses suitable for poultry houses or other light building. Yard open from 7 a m. to 6 p.m. through Saturday. A. B. C. D. CORP.. 1331 Jefferson Davis hwy., Arl., Va. Otis 8755^ Building” materials See us for Crossley awnlng-type alu minum wlndowa; new, close-coupled toilets, basins, built-in tubs, etc.; plenty of parking space. A. B C D CORP.. 1331 Jefferson Davis hwy.. Arlington. Va. Otis 8756. —20 CALCULATOR, Monroe. electric; *99 60 UNITED TYPEWRITER CO 813 14th st n w CAMERA GUIDE, free. Pay 6-18 mo , top photo-movie eoulp.. 1-year guar BRENNER. 933 Pa n.w.. RE. 2434 CLOTHING: women's, children's ap P»r*l- Coats, jackets, dresses, etc., slightly soiled, window shaded, odds and ends. orig. to *9.98. reduced to SI and *2. APPLESTEIN STORES. 429 8th st. s.e. —17 DAVENPORT. 8 ft.; 3-cushionR mo hair covered: *25. Call CO. 7230. Ant. 207 North. DAVENPORT and chair, *35; ma roon, frieze: good cond : and mis cellaneous articles. Call OL. 0914. ] £ DIAMONDS—Lady's 10I.. Vs ct., *75: lady's nice sol.. ct.. *150; lady’s nice 7« ct.. *250; man's 2 ct.. per fect sol., *375: lady's perfect plat. •°1- 1J4 cts.. *600; lady's emerald cut sol.. 3 cts.. *1.000. All prices include mountings; trades accepted. LIVINGSTON & CO.. 1423 H st. n.w.. ME. 3440. —19 DIN. RM. SUITE. 9-pc : very good condition: $45. LI. 4-3223. —19 DINETTE SET drop leaf table. 4 chairs china cabinet. DU. 2214, after 6 p m. 18 DINETTE SET. solid golden oak. old fashioned round table. 6 chairs, side chest: complete. *55. Phone JA. 2-4349 evenings —18 Dining room suite. in-pc. new cond.: cost *900: will sacrifice, mov ing: also other items. AD. 1298. DINING ROOM SUITE. 10-pc . wal nut: wardrobe trunk Call WI 4872 after 5 n.m. except Sunday. —20 DINING ROOM SUITE. 9-pc solid mahog.. Early American: lamp tables, chair and ottoman. Cheap. HO 5061. .—18 DISHWASHER, new GE. used 3 months: *195 or best offer. OL. 6063. 10 to 5; eves , WI. 7044. —18; DISHWASHER, the new miracle dish washer. In factory-packed, sealed rartnni CiQ tin i r ' DIVAN, tuxedo style rose-beige up holstery: makes double bed. Table, Sheraton, drop-leaf, mah., 42x56. EM. 8220. 17* DOORS New. All Size*. $9 Each ACE WRECKING CO. 4002 Minn. Ave. N.E. LU. 4-0500 —IS ■ DRAPES. 14-ft. valance, brand-new gray antique satin. 2 double width drapes; reas. GE. 5551. —17 DUPLICATOR, stencil type. S15.75 UNITED TYPEWRITER CO 810 14th st n — ELECTRIC RANGE. .Hotpolnt, Kelvi nator. 7 cu. ft.: 10" Philco television, excellent condition 7910 Gateway blvd.. District Heights any time. 17* FANS—Make your own. use your mo tor. we furnish the blade. GRIGSBY. _ 1204 K n.w._ _ Fans-Air Conditioners At substantial savings; check our prices. Open eves. American Service Center B85 No. Cilebe rd.. Arl., Va„ OW. 7722. __—18 FLOORING Lumber suitable tor sheathing, floor ing or sub-flooring, special this week. $25 a M at yard. ACE WRECKING CO. 4002 Minn. Ave. N.E.. LU. 4-0500. FREEZERS Popular sizes and brands at real sav ings; check our prices. Open eves. American Service Center 685 No. Glebe rd.. Arl.. Va., OW. 7722. •—18 ^RIGIDAIRE. Small: good condition. *45. Fine for extra food. RA. :1989. 18* FURNACE, gas. Warm air. comp Input—b.t.u.. per hr.. 112.500. Out put—b.t.u., per hr., 900.900; *60. OL. 5787. —22 FURNITURE—Highest offer accepted on liv. rm. set; nearly new, golden maple dinette set; vacuum sweeper with attachments; lamps and rugs. Call JA. 8-4587. —17 FURNITURE—Special sale on steri lized. reconditioned; Studio couches, *19, *27; bed-high type. *42; sof* bed. ¥29; 5-pc. rock maple dinette set. $49; chrome brkfst. set. $49; drop-leaf tables, *1.'!. *19. *27; ext. drop-leaf table, *55: chests and dressers. *12. *15. *19. *25: knee hole desks. *29. *39: lounge chairs. *25, *29: love seat *49; 3-pc. maple bedrm* sets. *69. *89: blond chests and dressers: mirror and lamp bar gains; rugs. *5. *10. *15. *25; end lamp and cocktail tables. S3. *7. *9. fl4; mahog. secretary: bookcases. 4. *7; beds. *5. *10. *12; coll springs. *7: Hollywood beds. *29. $35. *39; complete single or double Hollywood leatherette bed ends, twin-size *17 pair. THE HOME SHOP. 1745 L st. n.w. RE. 8961. Terms. Daily 10 to 8 p m. —17 FURNITURE—Duncan Phyfe tola. 2 overstufled chairs, tables, lamps, rugs, vacuum cleaner, attachments and waxer. RA 2935; eves.. TA. 5985 —17 FURNITURE — Mattresses. *12.95: box springs. *15: studio couch. *26: sofa bed $28: surplus pillows. 2 for *1.96 HOFFMANN UPHOL STERERS 1711 14th st. n.w.-19 FURNITURE cushions. foam RUBBER; any size, shape or quan tity. LATEX FOAM PRODUCTS CO 807 H st DI, 0587. FURNITURE SALE—Brand-new. bet ter grade bedroom, din room. liv. room from unclaimed freight and factory samples, etc., at great sav ings for cash. LION STORAGE TIT nr. ifid VftTlf ovp n W : daily 10-6; Sat. till 4. RE 4310. —18 FURNITURE—Two 5-pc. walnut fin ish bedroom suites; reasonable. TU 5343 after 6 p.m —10 FURNITURE—Sell entire contents of Conn. ave. apt. Oriental rugs. Chip pendale loveseat, barren chair, cus tom Lawson sofa and chair. Governor Winthrop solid mahog. desk, chest and many other pieces. Antioue wall clock. Chinese screen, tapestries, etc. All excel, cond. Naval officer will sacrifice half price. DE. 5260. FURNITURE—Leaving D. C ; Holly wood beds, double, mahogany, dress er Queen Anne sofa, new gray ma terial. rugs etc.: apartment avail able; adults: $50 month. LI. 6-0870 1655 Holbrook st. n.e.. Apt. 2. * FURNITURE, quick cash sale: Living rm.: bedroom and kitchen. Furniture with extras. Box 452-B. Star. 19* FURNITURE: :i-po living room suite* #35 up. 3-pc. bedroom suites $51 up. Sola beds $35 up. Tables ?7.5t, up Twin-beds lime oak. complete Cedar chests, studio couches, all in excellent condition. GAY’S. .'S'd 9th s:. n.w. Open to 7:30 p.ra. * FURNITURE, pianos, etc., storage sale of new. modern and used fur niture. groups and odd pieces, up right Dianos, large reach-in GE re frigerator, Aeolian organ, rugs, elec tric and gas household refrigera tors. Statler Hotel unclaimed bag gage, etc. Bv auction at WESCH LER'S. 906 E st. n.w.. tomorrow at 9:30 a.m.. until mid-afternoon. In spection invited. FURNITURE—3-piece bedroom suite spring* and mattress. In new cond. #85; 10-pc. walnut dining rm. suite $125 mahog. gateleg table. $20: kit table; 2 chairs, $10; 4 odd chairs $2 each: bullet. $8; 2 antlqui chairs, $4 each; 2-pc. llv. rm. suite #25: 2 white cabinets. $4 each double bed. springs and mattress #25; maple chest of drawers, $16 2 radios. $15 and $30. Sligo 1123 FURNITURE 40% OFF SALE FROM RAILROAI UNCLAIMED FREIGHT Beautvrest box springs only $40 51 5-pc formica chrome set S6! Bedrm. suite. 4-pc. maple $fii HENRY’S. 1326 7th St. N.W,. MI 944' FURNITURE, unclaimed—Love seat $18: 2 bamboo chairs. $18: chcs cf drawers. $14: 2 boudoir chairs ts ea.: box springs and mattress 22; swivel office chair. $4; tele vismn stool. $4: occasional chair *10; club chair. $20; sofa and chair $35; bookcase. #9: dining rm. set $65; 4 lamps, $3: sola-bed, $28 Duncan Phyfe leather-top cone table, $14: Victorian sofa, $65; Vic torian chair. $18; bed. $20: drop-lea table. *35; pillow*. 98c; head boarc fl Hoffman, Upholsterers 1*|1 14th Bt. N.W. 5 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Furniture—Must Go Today Or Friday morning at the latest. Complete dinette • set, bedroom and den; also Dun can Phyfe chair, sofa, drop leaf table; all in perfect con dition; reasonable. 4h36 16th st. n.w, GE. 6226. Furniture—Cut-Rate New bedrm.. din. rm.. liv. rm. suites: also odd pieces, some unclaimed freight and factory close-out. Our prices are the lowest possible. Save up to 40'V KING. 820.1 Georgia ave„ SH. 5861. Open 'til 9 p.m. —20 FURN—5-pc. dinette, *25: 2-pc. liv rm. suite, modern. *15: 2 club chairs. *30 each: 8-lb. washer. *20: elec, stove. Hotpolnt. *16. ST. 1639. • FURNISHINGS for 2-rm. apt.: can aid buyer In securing apt. on rental basis. Call CO. 4409. 18* GAS RANGES, all sicea. new. used Large stock, bargain prices. ACME STOVE. 1011 7th. NA. 8952 GAS RANGES, new used, credit; la staUatlon PEERLESS SALES 2237 Qa are. of 5670 GAS RANGES, apt. sUe. oven con trol, insulated. *25. ATLANTIC. 807 V st. ,w. NO. 3921. —21 GENERATOKS-SlAKTEKb. *7.60 up: lge. assort.: elec motor repairs: 36th Tear CARTY 1S08 14th NO 0224 GENERATOR, new 1.000-watt. 110 volt Onan. semiportable, gas engine driven: cost *385 fob., will sell *260 or best offer. JO. 8-8033. —17 HEARING AII>. Malco. slightly used perfect condition: cheap. Call be tween 3 and 7. Ordway 1829. —IS LACQUER THINNERS—Many kinds: reasonable. TO. 5384 after 12 noon. —20 LIVING RM.. 2-piece set. Kroehler sofa and chair, coral; excel, cond.; both. *100. NO. 6508 after 5 p_m. LIVING ROOM SUITE. 3-pc.7"good condition Rurhanan ti n u; TA*_8484.—19 LUMBER Used lumber. better than new. Sheathing, flooring and framing lumber. GENERAL WRECKING CO. Brentwood rd. and W st. n.e. MI. 6177.__—17 MARBLE Several colors At 1705 K st. n.w. ARROW EX. 9355; LI. 3-2602 __ —19 MATTRESSES, FOAM RUBBER, avail able with or without matching box springs. LATEX FOAM PRODUCTS CO.. 8U7 H st.. DI 0587 OFFICE EQUIP.—Desks chairs, flies, safes, add. mach : reas. CIRCLE. DI. 7372, 1112 14th n.w. OFFICE FURNITURE—Large selec tion of used walnut, oak and ma hogany desks, chairs, files, etc. H BAUM & SON 616 E st. n.w_ Office Furniture Desk of all kinds steelwood flat top secretarial tables, bookcases, file cabinets storage cabinets, lockers, steel shelving, typewriters, folding chairs, new and used, priced at sav ings up to bOrt: unlimited quantity, reconditioned, free delivery. MAN HATTAN OFFICE EQUIPMENT CO.. 639 New York ave n.w, OFFICE FURNITURE Two Diplomatic Agcy.’s Proc. Lge. assortment desks, tables, chairs, bookcases, flies, costumers; recond. Priced right. Free parking on prem ises D. C. SURPLUS SALES. 511 New Jersey ave. n.w. LI. 7-9810 —IS PAINT THINNER—Many kinds, reas onable. TO. 5384 after 12 noon. —20 PHONOGRAPH RECORDS —Victor, Columbia. Decca. Capitol and Mer cury records and albums: popular and classical: all 3 speeds, large slock; shep; music SPRINK VAL LEY ELECTRIC SHOP. 4805 Mass, ave. n.w. EM. 1875. PIANO—Give your child the oppor tunity of learning to play the piano The cost of having an Instrument in your home is not high on our special purchase rental plan Phone us for details. ST. 9400. JORDAN PIANO CO., corner 13th and G sts n.w. —18 PIANO—If you are looking for a value In a new or used piano of a good make, visit our store this week. We will have dozens of fine instru ments or. sale at worthwhile sav ings. As little as 825 down and three years to pay. 8T. 9400 JOR DAN PIANO CO., corner 13th and G sts. n w. —18 PIANO. Mason & Hamlin grand, ma nogany; in excellent condition: beautiful tone; very reas. priced for quick sale. PAUL GOLIBART. in American Storage Bldg., corner entrance. 2801 Georgia ave AD 5928 from'9 to 5:30. 17* PIANO, standard grand. 5 ft. 8 inches, case and Instrument in ex cellent condition. Priced for quick PIANOS—Rental-purchase plan: new pianos as low as $9 a mo. Either call or come in to get full Informa tion. DYNAMIC MUSIC. 1300 G st. n.w. ST 5345. PIANOS—Consoles and spinets, at a $335 savings. Also recond. grands greatly reduced Piano benches for sale. Your dollars worth more at RATNER'S MUSIC STORE. 736 13th st. n.w —19 PIANOS—Don't miss KITTS spring sale of famous-make pianos: drastic reductions on new. floor sample and reconditioned pianos: only *35 down and balance In three years. KITT'S 1330 G st. n.w —19 PIANOS—Government employes, mem bers ol the armed forces. D. C. em ployes, etc , can save real money on our special discount plan. Pay as little as $35 down. Choice of over 100 brand-new pianos of many fa mous makes. Phone Mr Jones. ST. 6300. THE PIANO MART. 1016 7th st. n.w —18 PIANO. Wurlitzer spinet, attractive case design, lust like new. $385: only $35 down, balance in 3 years. - KITT'S. 1330 G st. n.w, —19 PIANOS — Baldwin Acrosonlc spinel and -onsole models Baldwin de signed. Baldwin built. Baldwin guar anteed Embodies features of small grand and upright: full resonant tone Baldwin patented full-blow action lifetime durability Available In wide selection of eye-appealing cases In mahogany walnut light oak avodlte end ebony EXCLUSIVE AT HUGO WORCH 926 G St N W _Established 1879 _ PIANOS Rent a piano. Now is the time to get that piano you nave been think ing about. Come in and make your selection now from our large stock of new Grands. Consoles and Spinets and have the instrument you would like to own delivered to your home on our famous RENTAL-PURCHASE PLAN. Come In or phone us for further details. CAMPBELL MUSIC CO., 1108 G st. n.w.. DL 8464. —19 PIANOS We have several floor sample and used spinets and consoles for sale at very reasonable prices. These Instru ments are all fully guaranteed. Prices range from $495 up; liberal allowance for your piano. Easy bud get terms may be arranged. CAMP BELL MUSIC CO.. 1108 O st. n.w. DI. 8464,___—19_ PIANOS Steinway—For the best in pianos, come to CAMPBELL MUSIC CO where you will find a large display of new and used Steinwav pianos Come in and make your selection now Liberal allowance for your piano Convenient terms ^nav be arranged for the balance. CAMP BELL MUSIC CO.. 1108 G st. n w. DI 8404. Washington's Exclusive Steinway dealer._—19 PIANO BARGAINS Used Packard Upright $225 Used Wurlitzer Spinet, full beyboard $395 Used Gulbransen Spinet, full key board _ _ . $495 Used Kohler and Campbell, apt size upright _... ...._ . $575 Also a large selection of floor sample and returned from rent pianos at substantial savings Easy terms to meet your budget. CAMPBELL MUSIC CO.. 1108 G st. n.w. DI. 84 64._—2 0 PIANOS FOR RENT—Compare our low rates on spinets and consoles. Rent now and receive a credit If you buy later. ST. 6300. THE PIANO MART. 1015 7th st. n.w. —18 PIPE, galvanized black, cast Iron, cut thread; fixtures BLOCK'S 3056 M st n.w NO 7803 WA 5501 chairs with newlv covered cush ions, table. Diant stand: all for $45. j Also kitchen table, oval Formica top. $15 C"" PORCH INCLOSURES—Your porch made 'ntc a den or extra bedrm.: ; free est.' ,'!<i ir.os. to pay. WI. 6086 CAPITOL CONTRACTING CO.. 481!! Bethesda ave.. Bethesda. POWER SAW lor logging. cordwood and clearing brush. One-man Lowther C saw. eauipped automatic c'utch. self-propelled, 6>A horse power engine. 30-ln. blade; used 48 hours: oerfect condition; #'.’50. Phone AX. 8300, Ext. 402. 17* REDUCER, electric; fine for hlpi and tummy. Cost *175. sell *50; perfect condition. GL. 6172. 17' REFRIGERATOR, electric Leonard 7^011. ft.; perfect eond.: *80. MI ReFrIGERATOR, GE , magnetic door 10 cu. ft.; still in orlg. carton; never used; #449 or best offer. Cali AT 8397 REFRIGERATOR i private owner; owner moving to new home that hai refrigerator; will sell very reason ably: Westinghouse, 6 cu. ft., with small freezer. Cal! DI. 4688 aftei 5 p.m. —19 REFRIGERATOR. 7 cu. ft.. Kelvins , tor, electric, practically new. #150 Phone MR. RONALD. LI. 5-6700 , Ext. 76407. —19 , REFRIGERATOR. Must sell 1941 Westinghouse. 7.3 cu. ft.. #150 o: I best ofler. AP 3791. eves. ! REFRIGERATOR. GE 6-ft. electric 1 reasonable. Call WA. 1031. —11 REFRIGERATORS, brand-new, 8 ft. Hot Points in factory crates; a rea bargain: $210. MI. 2103. —18 REFRIGERATORS, up to 407. disc on all floor models; last yr.’s model slashed Easy terms Open eves . until 9 ROYAL APPLIANCE CO 1911 Nichols ave s.e LU 4-7000 REFRIGERATORS, used from“*49.9! 1 up. STANDARD TIRE & BATTER'S ■ CO. 10th and H sts. n.e. LI . 3-9082. —19 r REFRIGERATORS—Nationally ad vertised brands, all new, in orig inal crates; save up to 207.; 16 mos to pay. ALPERSTEIN'S ELECTRIC VILLAGE, 8513 Piney Branch rd. 8. 8., Md. A 7-6600. Open till 9 MISCELLANEOUS TOR SAH REFRIGERATORS—Late models. $25 up; also rent refrigerators. $5 mo ALLISONS, open until 8 p m., 2209 14th st. n.w. • REFRIGERATOR CLOSE-OUT 1950 and 1951 G. E Westinghouse Hotpoint, Crosley. Admiral. Phllco and Gibson refrigerators at greatly reduced prices. Open evenings till 9. STANDARD TIRE * BATTERY CO. 10th and H sts. n.e. LI. 3-9082 —19 REFRIGERATORS $25 UP ABBACO SERVICE CO. • Rear 1450 Irving St N.W. NO. 1300 _Also open eves, and Sun._ REFRIGERATORS TELEVISION WASHERS BRAND-NEW 1950 GE AND HOT POINT REFRIGERATORS. SPECIAL CASH SAVINGS. 25% DISCOUNT. EVERY ITEM BRAND-NEW, IN ORIGINAL CARTONS. ■ ALPERSTEIN’S 1020 7th St. N.W. NA. 8559 RFFGR.. 7‘j cu. ft.; brand new; nev er used. $175 cash. 1322 Blundell rd . Anna Lee Hgts. Falls Church. REFGR.. Kelvlnator; 6 cu. ft.: excel working cond., reasonable. 1325 N Stuart st„ Arl. JA. 8-0228. —18 REFGRS. (21 Servels. eas perfect. $35 each; also Westlnghouse refer >75. perfect cond. UN. 3(121. REFGRS. recond guar : new floo; samples: big savings P O SMITH S & S INC.. 1334 H n.e. LI. 3-605(1 RINGS, diamond wedding band and diamond solitaire, sacrlflce. $300. NO. 8914. —17 RINGS—Wedding set, 14 perfect cut diamonds, complete set. 43 and ls% ct., bought for $600. sell lor $350; must be seen to be appre ciaieci. can rb. u-jo. Ext. 702, bet. R a.m. and 6 p.m. RUGS—X 9x15 floral pattern, per-: feet cond.: Numdah tub, 6x9 with ‘ a throw rug. Call JO. 8-2663. _jg RUGS. Imported Persian Oriental design; heavy closely woven for good weanng: 9x12 $49.59: 8x11. $39.50; other sizes propor priced MAYFAIF SHOP 1225 O «t nw SAW. portable, elettric. Black A; Deck er 7-in.. 2 blades used to build 1 house. LO. 3-7 163 after 6 p.m. SEWING MACHINE. Kenmore con sole. round bobbin, reverse stitch, all attachments including button holer; 1 year old; $100. OV. 3522 —19 SEWING MACHINES—Specials Reg ular $159.50 new round bobbin consoles. Friday and Saturday only $137 50: White rotary. $205. now $169 50; Singer portables at sav ings 2918 Wilson blvd.. OX. 3636 SEWING MACHINES, used electric portables from ¥10 to $50. SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO.. 1340 G st. n.w.. NA. 0184. —23 SEWING MACHINES. Singer electrics; sale or rent We also electrify all makes sewing machines Open eves 3109 14th st n.w CO 2221 SEWING MACHINE SALF—Save up to $50 this week. Singer portable, round bobbin, size. $39.50: beau tiful console. $169.50 value for $119.50: tailor machine. 31-15; elec trify your old macb., $19.50. 3812 Lee hwy., CH. 4914. —18 SEWING MACHINE. Franxlin. elec with all attachments. 8 yrs. old. used very little since both of us worked; excel cond.. $80. Call after 8 p.m OR. 6626. ask for MRS. ALLISON. —17 SHOWCASES. 6-ft. adjustable shelves electrically lighted, like new: cost $135: price. $60 each 3100 Hamil ton st.. Hyattsville. Md. —19 SILVER SERVICE for 5. sterling. Rambler Rose Towle odd pieces prac. new. Reasonable. UN 4238. __—17 SINK TOPS—FORMICA Custom-made at factory prices Free estimates Terms arranged LI. 3.1233; eves , KI. S-PSnr. —20 SOFA, fi ft.. :j-rev. cush. and club chair, modern, green all-wool bouclr. excel, cond.. S15h; maple youth bed and Simmons mattress, clean and excel, cond.. S50. AD. 3141. SOFA BED. rollaway bed, lime spread er; excellent condition; very reason able LO. 3-71 *>3 after 6 p.m. •—23 SOLVENTS—Many varieties for paint and lacquer. Reasonable. TO. .">384 after 12 noon. —20 STENOTYPE. late model, recondi tioned. guaranteed $42.50 UNITED TYPEWRITER CO 813 14th at n.w SURPLUS TOOLS Picks, $1: shovels $1.25: mattocks $1; sledges $2 75; digging bars. ¥2.50: axes hammers GICHNER. surplus warehouse. 2513 M st. n w TELEVISION SETS up io 40«7p off, 2-year service on all models Last year's models slashed Many floor samples and demonstrators Free home demonstration Easy terms Open eves until 9 ROYAL APPLI ANCE CO.. 1911 Nichols ave s.e r.Ti TELEVISION -Some 1950 models at b:g discounts: also 1981 models. 3-ways and 19-lncb sets greatly reduced: long easy terms Call JO. 2-1187 for free nome demonstra tion E J READ St SONS 3014 Nichols ave s.e ODer till 9 o m TELEVISION. ’61 demonstrators; big savings; trade and terms. P O. SMITH. S. Sc 6., 1344 H st. n.e.. LI. 3-6056. TELEVISION SET and 2 record play ers with records; very reasonable. Call all day. KE. 3-6055. —17 TVS. save up to 25% on all na tionally advertised brands: 15 mos. to pay. ALPERSTEINS ELECTRIC VILLAGE, 8513 Piney Branch rd., S. S., Md. JU. 7-5600 Open till 9 TV 51 TABLE MODLE ADMIRAL—16 in. or 12, 3 mo. service, good operat ing cond. $200 cash. AD. 5461 after 9:30 a rp- —18 THINNER—Many kinds. Reasonable. TO 5384 after 12 noon. —20 TIRES. 4 new black 8.00x15 Goodrich Silver Town tires and tubes Price $100 for set. ST. 3386. —18 TUXEDO, size 35. $35: also cornet King. $50. VI. 7248. . —18 TYPEWRITER L C SMITH special $32 50 UNITED TYPEWRITER TO 813 14th st n w TYPEWRITERS, portable and stand ards: all makes: easy terms, use'* portable recond., barg. CIRCLE. 1112 14th n.w.. DI. 7372. TYPEW’RITERS — ideal graduation gift Sale new Underwood port ables. $60; liberal trade-in allow ance CENTRAL. 2019 14th st n.w HU 5121 TYPEWRITERS—Rent a new port able typewriter: $12 for 3 mos. Rental will apply on purchase. CENTRAL. 2019 14th st. h.w HU 5121 VACUUMS, clearance: Hoover. $12; Premier. $14.50; Eureka. $12 f.or brand-new Royal tank. $49.50; Eureka tank was $49.50. now $29.50. Others. 3812 Lee bwy. CH. 4914. _—18_ VACUUM CLEANERS Over 100 Hoovers. GEs. Eurekas and many other brands; your choice. $9.95 up; attachments avail.: fully guaranteed Try before you buy. Call JU. 7-9461. SH. 4108. anytime _—18 WASHER, electric, with pump; rea sonable. Call WA. 1031. —17 WA:>*WER |-yr-old like new. $55; also wash. Spin drier, perfect cond. >. UN. 3621. WASHER—Thor, wringer: runs well. $23.50. Will deliver. SH. 7 982. WASHER. ABC. wringer, good cond.: $30. 510 Ethan Allen ave.. any timo. —18 WASHERS, automatic and wringer, nationally advertised brands; all new. in original crates; save up to 20'/: 15 mos. to pay. ALPER STEIN’S ELECTRIC VILLAGE. 8513 Piney Branch rd.. S. S.. Md. JU. 7-5600. Open till 9. WASHING MACHINE. Easy Spindrier washer; Just like new. $100. AD 8335. 18* WASHING MACHINE. GE wringer $150 new. less than 1 yr. old. $98.50. 1 Television. 10-inch console, perf. ! cond.. $70. Radio-phonograph, table combination, perf. cond., $30. AP. 3949. —19 WASHING MACHINES, up to 40% dise on all floor models; last year’i models slashed. Easy terms. Open eves, till 9 ROYAI APPLIANCE CO., 1911 Nichols ave < e_LU 4-7000. WASHERS Automatic and wrinter types at real savings: check our prices. Open eves. American Service Center 58.'. No. Glebe rd., Arl.. Va.. OW. 7722. —18 WATER HEATERS. *15 up; luar John G Webster USED APPLIANCE CENTER 1 S0i» 1st st s.e.. ST 6100 KROELER LIVING RM. SET.. 2 PC.; excellent condition. $145; maple fin ish corner cabinet. $25: Hollywood bed. like new. $55 JO. 0-0458. 20* SERVEI. GAS REFRIGERATOR, like new: 875, AX, 1842. —21 SALE OF OFFICE CARPETS Bigelow and Mohawk V/Ml $10.95 Sq. Yd. See Display 2020 Nichols Av*. 6.E. GRIFFITH-CONSUMERS CO. _ —17 MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT AIR-CONDITIONERS FOR RENT— By month or season. Phone OR, 8300. GENERAL ELECTRONICS 4513 Wisconsin av*. n.w. —18 MISCELLANEOUS WANTED ADD. MACH., typewriters, calc., cash reg.. off. equip., any kind; top prices, PI. 7372: CO. 4625. eves.. Sunday ANTIQUES Furniture, bric-a-brac, china, glass ware. oriental art objects, jewelry, rugs silverware paintings, por i traits, highest cash prices paid. Cal 1 MURRAY. TA, 3333. ANTIQUES WANTED SILVERWARE. ANY CONDITION Jewelry, china, glassware and bric-a brac. D. Milestone. North 0300 HOUSE OF GIFTS. 1438 Wls ave ANTIQUES BOUGHT China, furniture, silverware, lewelrj and Chinee* art objects. Any quan tity. Cal] Louts . eves.. EM. 6765. I IEMILY AND MABEL —By Angelo \j ..-A-Ii:^-.!^.-rt/W ^ “tfuf you can‘t file a^breach of promise suit after 40 years!” MISC. WANTED (Coirt.) BEDRM DIN. RV AND OTHER FURNITURE BOUGHT CALL TILL SI P.M . CO. 3368. _____—18 BEDROOM, dining room, contents of home: cash. We do moving, storage. TA. 3937; after 7 p.m., GE. 1418 18* BOOKS, iarge and small collections bought and removed at our expense. DISTRICT BOOK STORE. 721 9th st. n.w . ME 5995. tiOOKb oougm all Kinds, any quan tity and removed at our expense ALBION BOOK SHOP 1768 Pa ave n w ST 8698 CLOTHING WANTED — Turn your extra garments into money. Ladles’ and men’s clothing accepted on con signment. Dally 10 a m. to 8 p.m.. at the APPAREL MART. 1772 Co lumbia rd. n.w. "The shop that Is different." Cal) AD. 1448. —19 diamond Jtaguti oi any descrip tion. old cold and silver Cash paid ERNEST BURK 614 13th st n.w FURNITURE. In good condition: all kinds household goods: highest cash prices. MRS. GAY. RE. 7904. 19* FLwNlTUKE— nu, ou> entire con tents or odd pieces: also old cnica. bric-a-brac Buying and selling fol 05 vesrs HOPWOODS Rth and K rtf n w ME 8287 FURNITURE—All types bought. AD 8879; eves . AT 2518 FURN Oda meces entire corn Re fgr stoves We buy anything In your home S E FURN. EX CHANGE 210 7th st AT 0886_ GOLD Bring your dental gold oiatinum. dla* carded iewelry We Day cash A KAHN. INC 69 YEARS AT 935 P ST N.W. 'jrU.LNo WE WILL BUY ANY MAKE SHOTGUNS—RIFLES—FIREARMS TOP PRICES PAID ATLAS SPORT STORE 927 D ST. N.W. MATTRESSES, gas ranges, stoves, heaters. refrigerators. furniture. ACME STOVE CO.. NA. 8952. NEWSPAPERS WANTED—High prices paid ACE JUNK CO . 2220 Georgia ave. n w . AD 5457 NEWSPAPERS WANTED — Highest prices paid If you cannot deliver your accumulations, please Dhona us. WASHINGTON RAG & BAG CO 216 L st s.w DI. 8007 PIANOS, highest cash prices paid for used spinets, consoles and grands. Call MR BALDI, ST, 5.245._ PIANOS, ALL STYLES WE PAY HIGHEST CAS!! PRICES _Cal' Day nr Night_SB 8039 REFRIGERATORS W#* buv all makes, any condition. Call until 8 p m., AD. 1654. • DOGS PETS, ETC. COCKER Dlond female. AKC regis tered; ready to breed soon: S20. HO. 7515. —IK MUST SELL, wants mate: Blue Point Siamese male; reg. C. P A.; «45 Elmwood 3685. —18 GOING OVERSEAS, need good hornet for 2 dogs: 1 German shepherd. 1 yi\. 1 small collie type. 3 yrs.; both good with children: nominal cost. FA. 6096 17 IRISH SETTER PUPPIES, pure bred. 8 wks. old; reas. Call KE. 3-4982 —19 COCKER SPANIELS—-Beautiful rec puppies: AKC reg.; excel, pedigree choice bloodlines; affectionate pet reasonable. KE. 3-6046 —18 I REE KITTENS, 6 weeks old; 1 black 6 yellow, male and female. Call AL 8063. 17 SIAMESE KITTENS. 3 0 wks. old healthy, housebroken. OR. 2049 PEDIGREED BRINDLE male boxer 2 years old. Any reasonable offer LI. 5-6700. Ext. 42006, 8 am tc 4 :*J0 p m MIRE HAIRED TERRIERS, pedigreed lo mo. male. OX 1424. —19 SHEPHERD SETTER, young hous< broken dis. shots. Fine for children Owner moving to apt. SL 6709 ENGLISH SPRINGER SPANIELS, 4 healthy, handsome puppies: avail able May 26; 6 wks. old.; AKC reg.: champions in every genera tion; reasonably priced. Arl. For est. OW. 8981. —20 KITTENS, playful, housebroken: alsc 1-year-old male: want good homes with adults. MI. 5806. —19 SETTER, wire, mixed, male, red fine for children; housebroken: please save his life. SL. 6709._ BOXER PUPPIES For sale. Call Ashton 4871. —2( FARM fr GARDEN VIRGIN TOPSOIL, landscaping, besl quality: quick delivery. Driveway gravel. LU 1-55B:). 18* GOOD TOP SOIL—We deliver. Opet Saturday. 5-ton minimum load. HI •ivuv ui m, ouju — BLUESTONE. fill dirL top soli, roac Gravel, tree removiift. hauling. JO 3-5579. —17 TREES pruned and removed: iowes possible prices. SILVER SPR1NC TREE SERVICE. JU. 7-5484 CREEPING PHLOX, all kinds of per ennials and strawberry plants; ais< ev^r-beanng red raspberrv plants the best ariety JOHN bLRi »* »PT ColesvU e Md Call Ashton 3849 TOP SOIL, best obtainable for lawni ana flower beds; sold by bushel varc and truckload; special price? for con tractors. HI 7294 —19 TOPSOIL—Very good rich topsoil loi lawns and greenhouses; very rea sonable. Call HI. 4933. —20 TOP SOIL. $10 per ton: 5 tons. $35 cow manure, green. $15 a ton; 5-tor load, $50. Phone Ashton. Md 375f or 2895. —19 CLEAN FILL DIRT, bluestone. tor soil, road gravel, tree removals hai ling JO. 3-5579. —23 BANK GRAVEL and blue stone, de livered for driveways. CH. 5408 —19 BULLDOZERS for land clearing grading and excavating. Free estt | mates Call AT. 0725 or UN 8533 ! TREE REMOVAL; topped, pruned l feeding; land clearing PAUL’S | TREE SERVICE. JU 8-4731. COW MANURE, well rotted. $8.50 pe i 15 bu.: $9 per 10 bu.: $3.50 per l bu. Delivered. Top soil. WA 4593 — 18 LANDSCAPING SODDING, tree re moval. land clearance. PAUL'S TREJ SERVICE JU 8-4731 TOP SOIL, grade A. very reason able: delivered anywhere in Arling ton m Falls Church, FA. 4309. —1’ PEAT MOSS, 5 bu.. $3.50: soaks u] and holds water like a sponge mulch everything, saves weeding. I a drought comes your plants wil never know it. TE. 9381 or AD 4330.—19 LYONS NURSERIES WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Flower, and vegetable plants, petu mas. snapdragons, alyssum. phlox pinks ageratum. scarlet sage, aster, marigolds portulaca. verbena, etc in all colors in flats, potted and b: the dozen All kind, of vegetabl plants Azaleas In bloom 50 cent and up: evergreens and flowerloi shrubs Acres of display Open 1 days a week until 8 p.m. SOU Ager rd„ Hyattsvllle. Md. WA 4758 or UN 0838. CATTLE 6r LIVESTOCK PONIES—Several good young ponlee Tennessee walking mare with youni filly foal; handsome Welsh pony a stud: 2 registered yearling Aber deen Angus bulls; excellent. SH I 1-YE4R-OLD GELDING. 2-yr. fill ; thoroughbred; unbroken; suitabl for hunters; reasonable. DI. 524 ; after 5pm 18 THREE FRESH MILK COWS. gentl< i for any member of the family: gen ' tie horses and ponies for sale o I hire: nonles for parties. 8H. 9875 evenings htt. <1075._—18 Lee Hill Farm “Quality Cross” Angus Sale At Lee Hill Farm. Fredericksburg, Va. Friday. May 18. 1951. at 1 p.m 62 head registered Aberdeen Angu selling: bulls, bredwand open heifers very finest aualiqAand breeding. V POULTRY, RABBITS b EGGS JAMES FEED STORE. 610 K st n.w Conkey's Y-O feeds, baby chicks poultry supplies. ME. 0089k V H. REDS or Indian River chicks? $13 per 100; week old Pekin duck lings: $3.50 per dozen. O. MAX ; WELL. Lanham. Md . WA. 1545. —17 ROOMS FURNISHED—N.W. NEW HAMPSHIRE HOUSE. 1712 New Hampshire ave n.w.—Newly deco rated rooms: dally matd service and switchboard service NO 2266 1834 COLUMBIA RD.—$8.50 wk ; single rms lor men; 5 baths, show ers. TV, 10 min. to Govt bldgs on carline Also dbles AD 4330. GEORGETOWN. 3307 R st. n.w.— Large, attractive, cool rm , maid service: quick transportation. —18 LARGE FRONT, dbl.; huge walk-in closet 3 Ige. windows; conv transp.; nr park. 1845 Lamont. DU. 8844. —17 613 NICHOLSON ST. N.W—Redec.. nicely furn., twin beds. det. home, phone, exp. bus. GE. 6720. —18 FOR OFFICIAL or executive gentle man- beautifully decorated and fum ige. studio room, cross ventilation, cool m summer; next to bath and shower: daily maid service: walking distance to Government offices; $55 mo. DU 5460. _17 1833 PARK RD.—Immaculate rooms for young men. Tile shower. Excel i lent location. $25 mo. DU. 0874. STUDIO BASEMENT APT.. ~6015 Third st. n.w.—In quiet home of 2 i eioe.-ly people: 1 block from 3 ex ores- buslines: double bed. lounge I chair studio couch, table, chairs. bar. for gentleman; $45 with own 1 linen; $50 with linen furnished. GEORGETOWN—Large single room, cross ventilation, next bath; pvt home. $25 mo. Man only. DE 2318 1838 CALVERT ST. N.W—At 18th and Columbia rd.; clean lge. rm.. twin beds, reasonable. Also single room • 1755 F ST. N.W. "The Dupont Manor"—Very nice front rms nr. shower; $7.50 weekly. —22 1710 P ST. N.W.—Clean front, sin gle room. Innerspring mattress; maid serv.; $7.50 wk. NO. 0868. MAGNOLIA TERRACE—DoubuT'rm i with Illuminated closet; girls: lge ! guest house. 2 sitting rms.. TV and ; piano; laundry fac.; sun bathing on ! back lawn; within conv. transp.; good meals nearby; $45 for 2. HO. 5702. —17 2626 GARFIELD ST. N.W.. near i Wardman—Girl to share twin bed ! room kit.; privileges; $25. AD. 6125 1751 QUE ST. N.W.—Comfortably furn. redcc. single rm.; running i water: *10 week. 21 LGE. RM.. adj. sun porch next to bath: Eendix. unllm. phone; for 1 or 2 girls. RA. 6745. —18 CHEVY CHASE—Master bedrm.. pvt. bath; space for car; bus passes door. Call WI. 6287. 18 CONN. AND KALORAMA—Large airy single room, semipvt. bath large sunny front room, double; »o«n!women. 2023 Kalorama rd. DE. ,406. 17 BEDROOM and private bath; employed lady; telephone; near bus; $35. TA. 3222. —20 5711 16th ST. N.W.—Det. pvt. home; lge. mstr. bed-liv. rms.. twin beds, adj. bath. lge. closet. TA. 6111. 17» NEA® 'Sib AND COLUMBIA RD., I tfu ,.LaI?i*r PC—Large dble. room with kitchen; also nice single; both near bath. AD. 6370. 22 TAKOMA PARK—De luxe twin-bed room, in new home; bath, private entrance; bus 1 block. JU. 7-5008. . | £ 1603 O ST., walk downtown—Large, newly decorated bright front room, next to bath; twin beds, new mat tresscs: S6 week each; single. $10. UU. ‘t!i..ll, _i ~ 1 * 1 ST- N-W—Desirable sgle. rm. with running water; $35 mo.; elevator service. **<) IM PONT CIRC LE—Handsome, lge . cool, studio rm.: fireplace, tremen' ln exclusive house. Xtt. on.50. i o CIRCLE—Small, comfort weekly"1 RE 3g.Iry "‘“"‘jg*6 "COMING AVE. MANSION—Double mBster rm. pvt bath: S mins, to F st,. burl walnut furn.: newly decorated; fireplace, elec, fire; easy chairs; men; $60 mo. Dupont 3183. 101 RITTENHOUSE ST. N.W.^i<£ly furnished front room, next to bath; i?.0,1?,' ,ransP°rtatlon; gentleman. • 1 "*2. 2'*‘~Large room. 1st floor. t0 hath; housekeeping prlvl , lcHs: reasonable. ME 6473 —"2 1 .36 F ST. N.W.—^Sgl. and dbi rms"* men only; nicely turn.; nr. bath unlimited phone. '_,o ’ 1308 N. H. AVE. N.W_Unusually bice single rm., near shower; $6.50 o i B: AVE- “The Panamanian.” -—Nice clean sgle. rm., adj. bath; '‘.'•t «‘h ST- N.W.—Large front bed room with pvt. bath, for gentleman, irL pvt- Jiome- Conv. transp.. unlim 8080 after D.m. —17 HALF blk. from conn, ave.— Lgr. airy 3rd-fl. studio room, car peted and attractively furn. Foi gentleman $40 mo. Pvt. home. WO h.'140 17 '“«« ,1‘Hh ST. N.W.—Opposite Static] Hotel—Attrac. furn. front room •Jr’tt _ t>a.tli: for lady; reas. ,17* CHAPIN ST. N.W., 143.%-—Comfort able room for gentleman, kttcher privileges. Convenient to everything Apt. 32. AD. 8828. 17« 617 JEFFERSON ST. N.W—Large bright, bedrm., in quiet home, foi employed cpie. or 2 empl. women; semipvt. bath. GE. 0885. —10 ATTRACT MAST, bedrm.. gentleman Pvt. bath, dally maid serv. Express bus- ..Christian family. GE. 721)2. 3-10 HIATT PL.—Corner of Park rd , bet 14th and 16th sts.: Ige. dble. studio rm.. 4 windows, nicely furn., - Hollywood beds, linens, unlim. Ideal for 2 refined business women. Reasonable. —23 2811 27th ST. N.W—Very large at tractive room, for single gentlemen. NO. 2457. io 321 VARNCM ST. N.W—Nicely furn. front room; pvt. home, Christian in fluence. unlim. phone, good transp dble. or sgle. $32. GE. 8051. • VACANCY—LGE TRIPLE RM.. suit able for 3 young ladies or 3 gentle men. $20 mo. each. I blk. off Conn .ave.. 1226 17th st. n.w. —23 UPPER 16th ST.—Lovely rm. in pvt, ;j home. Semipvt. bath. RA. 8244, DUPONT CIRCLE—1745 Que st nw ; —Lovely single rm. Nicely furn with running water. 2nd fl. front | i _J fl 3802 W ST. N.W.—Sale., In pvt. home ; | Innerspring mattress, semipvt. bath I D-l bus $33. OR 0121. 10« UPPER 16th ST. N.w—V2 blk. Im maculate bedrm. and sitting rm Nicely furn. for refined lady; phone No other roomers. $25 mo. RA 7485. —20 DUPONT CIRCLE. 1638 19th ST. N.W —Single or double: twin beds, semi pvt. bath, gentile home, gentlemen ___ —20 ALfURAS HOTEL \ 1509 16th STREET N.W ' Conveniently located outside roomi with running water or private bath; dining room: $2 a day up. HU ’ DUPONT CIRCLE AREA Two block* from Mayflower Hotel; single end double rms.. newly reno vated. and cheerful, maid serv ice. semipi'lvate modern bathroom* - automatic washing machine; kitchen privileges; young crowd; $8 per wk j *- a uutt. __IB PRINCE KARL HOTEL AIR CONDITIONED 1901 K ST. N.W. RIGHT DOWN TOWN! Newly decor., phone. 24-hr switchboard: sales., dbles.: reas rates. EX. 7725. COLORED—4510 15th ST. N.W_ Clean, comfortable rm.; convenient transp. Call TU. 1160. —18 COLORED—LARGE FURN. ROOM with private living room. .1318 i 1 ROOMS FURN—N.W. (Cont.) COLORED—607 HARVARD ST.—At tractive room with double bed. Nice home. AD. 7045. —17 COLORED—LARGE FRONT RM. for settled couple or 2 settled men. Call ST. 3570. 30 COLORED—LARGE FRONT RM — Furn., for lady or man; priVll., conv. location. RA 9258 after H. —18 COLORED—PVT. ROOM—Share bath and kitchen privileges. Call MR TARFLEY, DE. 1221. 18 ROOMS FURNISHED—N.E. TWO ROOMS and bath, employed per sons; rates reasonable; private fam ily. NO 8471. —2(1 CATHOLIC UNIV.—-Very large from room, newly dec., twin beds; suit able for two. CO 361 6. —17 NEWLY DECORATED RM.. pvt. home, modern conveniences; for ladies; laundry privls.; S20 mo. CO. 3307. 1020 CRITTENDEN ST. N.E.—Dble rm.. $50; sgle. rm., $46; meals op yonaji, privileges; near bus. LA. 6-5097. —17 WOODRIDGE, 3 doors off R. I. ave - Nicely furn. dble. bedrm.; phone, laundry privils.; 135. NO. 7235. —17 623 Maryland ave. n.e.— Nice room, 2nd floor, next bath; con venient transportation. FR. 7927. —18 BRENTWOOD VILLAGE—2.334 14th st. n.e , single room, adjoining bath with shower. DU. 3268. —18 18th AND R. I. ave. N.E_Lge. com fortable, 1st fl.. front rm., nicely lurn., *8 week. AD, 3163. —20 * *22 A ST. N.E.—Single room, private home. conv. transp., laund., phone privil TR. 3468, —19 COLORED—ROOM FOB GIRL or re fined settled man. 1318 F st. n.e. (Call eves. LI. 4-R401. —19 culuheu—5 witr, uutoLt and i single rm.; no children. LA. 6-4972 —19 COLORED—1133 MORSE ST. N.E.— Newly decorated rm.. near transp.. privileges. MI. 4113. —19 COLORED—LARGE ROOM beautifully furnished, n.e. near Hth and H sts., call weekdays after 5:30 p.m., Sat ana Sun., any time. LI. 7-1957 —20 ROOMS FURNISHED—S.E-S.W. CAPITOL HILL — 2 adjoining non housekeeping rooms with pvt. bath. Blk. Lib. of Congress. U. 3-2913. —19 CAPITOL HILL, just cil Lincoln Park —Furn. rms., twin beds: hotel ac commodations: day. wk. or monthly rate. 115 12th st. s.e, LI. 7-9600. LuR9E UOVBI E ROOM, next'" to bath: for couple: convenient trans portation. LI. 4-8516. ^18 ROOMS FURN.—MD. &~VA~ ARLINGTON, VA.—Lge. rm. in new home $40 for one, $50 for two, 2100 North Potomac, PA. 0090. ROOM in rambling home of congenial young couple. Beautifully furn.. one 5l“« composed entirely of windows; $91. bath. Large closet, some home privileges and transportation if de sired. OV. 4789. _is MASTER BEDROOM—Private bath: 1 semipvt.; modern new house, near Pentagon on busline; gentlemen; pvt. phone, unlimited. JA. 4-0560. — 19 COLORED—3 RMS. FURN.. for rent; Jost *7 Fairmont Heights. Md OE. 6461. MRS. SELF. —18 ROOMS HOUSEKEEPING 1322 FAIRMONT ST. N.W. _ At tractive l.h.k. rm.: couple, lady un ; employed: also "-rm. apt., semibath 1310 COLUMBIA RD. N.W_Bsmt l.h.k. rm.. furn., Frig., pvt. en trance. DU 2284. —19 5IT. PLEASANT—Lovely studio rm. full use of kit.; employed adult; 1 . blk. to bus $37.50 mo. NO. 9491 LH.K.. sgl. dbl.; good transp.; clean: Perking. 1454 Fairmont n.w.. or I Ho Clifton n.w. • 1 135 EUCLID ST N.W.—Small 2-rrn apt.; share bath: pleasant, clean, for sober and quiet couple. AD. 9312 _. j 7 I LARGE STUDIO ROOM, running water, elec, refgr. and gas stove; 1 ** » -- vu,.u jttjowea; rnv. 1049 Col. rd. n.w. No phone calls. —17 753 QUEBEC PE. N.^—Room fur nished for light housekeeping, re frigerator and phone facilities: near intersection Ga. and N. H. ave. Call RA. 3787. —18 DOUBLE ROOM—2nd floor: conv transp. 3009 Que st. n.w.. AD. 8109 111! EUCLID ST. N.W.—l rm.-"ieml bath. refgr. Apply first floor front, or call DU 0524 from 8-9 am.. 12-1. 4-5 .p.m. 17 L. H. K.. nicely turn.. 1st floor front; good n.e. location; conv. transp., 15 mins, downtown. LI. 3-488, —19 PRIVATE ENTRANCE; cozy rm, next shower: hot plate, linens, refgr.: $40 sale.. $45 dblc. 1424 Belmont n.w. —18 COLORED—612 6<)th PL.. Fairmont Heights—Two-rm. apt.; gas stove. Frigidaire, share bath. HI. 9252 —18 ROOMS UNFURNISHED COLORED—2 SINGLE, unfurnished rooms; employed adults only; excel, tran p.; $40 each. Home prlvls. 'U t -4063. —19 COLORED—PRIVATE ROOM—Share bath and kitchen privileges. Call MR. TARPLEY. DE 1221._—18 ROOMS WITH ROARD 1109 16th ST. N.W.—Pleasant rms.. Rood food, television. MI. 2740. —1£ THE MAR-LEETA. 1325 16th st. n.w. —8ingle and double rooms foi young ladies and young men; water, tel In rooms; showers; excel, board 18* WENDELL TERRACR—Large rooms, porch, lawn. Mr. rm.. excel, meals, perfect transp.; 548 up. 1827 Bel mont d n.w.. MI 9435 1312 16th ST. N.W.—Vacancies foi young men and young women; good food: walking distance downtown CO 5150. COLONY CLUB—Large double rooms spacious closet: conven transp.; good home cooking, congenial crowd MI. 9745. COLONY CLUB. 3032 N st. n.w. —17 1326 19th ST. N.W.—Single anc double for girls: also triple with pvt bath: delicious food. MRS. 8NYDER Hostess. —17 5705 ! Ith ST N.W.—-Large coo! aouble room, with breakfast: det Southern home. RA. 3928. —17 1101 16th ST. N.W.-—Nice double room with r*vt. bath also, other va cancies for young people; switch board: good meals; convenient lo cation. . —20 1352 PERRY PL., off 14tfi — Cool, single. 2nd front. Men. Including de j licious meals. S9.75 wk. TU. 3749. 1756 N ST. N.W.—Enjoy our home away from home. Delicious food and conv. loc. Several attrac. vacancies for refined young women. MRS WALLACE DAVIS, house mother. ___—19 WESLEY HALL Spacious dble. rms. In remodeled re dec bldg. Running water in even rm. Large closets; dances and free ; movies. Rec. rm.; Bendix washer; selected menu; $50-$60. 1426 21s1 I st. n.w. HU. 3624. -- ROOMS WANTED BUSINESS WOMAN desires room pvt. bath; sleeping porch and down town location desirable but not net' essary. MONTGOMERY. NA. 4420 i Rm. 109. QUIET LADY, 70. wants unfurn. rm. I l.h.k. (has refgr.) or apt. NA. 7026 | 9-4. Sat. 9-1.—18 ROOMS, APTS. TO SHARE DUPONT CIRCLE—Girl to share at I tractive apt. with 1 other. Owr ! oedrm., sun deck. Call eves,, aftei 6:30 p.m. AD. 6818. —17 GIRL, 30 years, short distance from Arl. Annex and Pentagon. Cal JA. 5-9315. —20 NEAR 16th AND R N.W_Man t< share efficiency apt. with one other congenial; refs, exchanged. Rent reas. NO. 2191. —17 SPACIOUS modern gentile apt.: land scaped grounds; gracious living Best transp Would like lady Witt pleasant disposition, preferably past 30. to share It. as do not enios living alone. AX. 0756 after 6 p.m GIRL to share large 3-rm. apt. with another: nice n.w. section; apt building; rent. $36 per month, incl util Box 435-B, Star. 18* 715 ALLISON ST. N.W.—One or twe girls or couple, share apt. with busi ness woman. TU. 1883. mornings; TA. 7545, eves.; GE. 1688, 9 to 5 _22 REFINED middle-aged woman want! tn thara ont wifh camp Tan-ieh Northwest Washington. TE. 5003. * TWO OR THREE GIRLS to share large 2-bedroom apt. with 1 othei girl; maid service. Northwest sec i tion or will rent as sleeping rooms ! with kit. privils. Phone CO. 0780. —18 i FIVE-ROOM APT. to share. Prefei widow with child. Conv. transo. HO ! 4905, alter 6 p.m. —19 CONGENIAL YOUNG MAN to share attractive apt., downtown. RE. 9543 after 5. • APARTMENTS FURNISHED 1935 3rd ST. N.E.—Bedroom, llvlni room, dinette, kitchen and bath. In cluding utilities; excellently fur nished; $110. Call R. A. HUMPH RIES, Realtors. NA. 6020. —21 4800 GA. AVE. N.W_Bedroom, llv lng room, kitchen, dinette and bath Including all utilities. $110. Call R A. HUMPHRIES. Realtor. NA. 6020 —21 FRANCIS SCOTT RET HOTEL—One room. kit. and bath, completed turn., air-conditioned apt.; tub anc shower: $6 to $7 per day for 1 oi 2 people; full hotel service: no tim< limit. 000 20th st. n.w.. NA. 6420 1907 INGRAHAM ST., Avondale Ter race—One rm.. kit. and pvt. bath private entrance; all util, included UN 1574. —18 1701 R. I. AVE. N.W.—Cool, spac. llv. rm.. bedrm.. kit., bath: beau tifully furn.: $125. RE. 2748. —2C FOR 1 OR 2 MONTHS, couple tc share lovely home; no objection tc 1 child; $100 mo. SH. 1442. —2C PRIVATE ENTRANCE, nice clear rm.. next bath: hot plate, refgr ; $50 sgle.. $00 dble. 2014 P st. n.w —18 IF YOU HAVE JUST ARRIVED, ] have to or 3 rms. and bath with refgr. and range ferr l.h.k. CO. 4506. —17 NEAT. CLEAN, 1 and 2 rms.. kit. and bath; In n.w. apW bldg.; conv. transportation. TA. 6831. —17 716 6th ST. N.W—1 rm.. kit. ani bath, partly furnlshgd; $60 mt. Imm oceup. adults only. Call ST. SB81. APTS. FURNISH1D (C««.) ATTRACTIVE *-RM. ENG. BSMT.. util., refgr.. sep. entr., privacy; *50; married cple. 6512 6th st. n.w. • 2616 L ST. N.W.—Apt. furn., first floor, yard, very clean; 2 or 3 adults; overlooks Rock Creek. • ■10 N. Y. AVE. N.W.—Desirable 2-rm.. first-floor apt.; cabinet, sink and range, excel, refgr.; linens; good transp.; $13. GE. 8051. • NEAR BOLLING FIELD—1st fir at tractively furn., liv. rm.. bedrm., kit with din. area: large playroom: utility* room with fully auto washer; fenced-in yard; util, inch; *120 mo. KE. 3-6816. —20 SENATE COURTS, >4 b!k. from Sen. ate Office Bldg.—Newly decorated, new furniture, alr-ccmdltloning. all utilities. 120 C st. n.e., ST. 4567. NEAR CAPITOL, 410 New Jersey se. —2 rms., utils. Included, *45 mo. _20 MODERN DUPLEX APT., 4 rms. and bath, private entrance; suit. 3 or 4 girls. 3806 2nd st. s.e., 10 am. to 2 p.m. _10 NICE, SUNNY, completely furn. liv rm -bedrm. apt ; pvt kit.; semipvt bath; utils, inch RA. 1076. NEAL ST. N.E., 1<4 blks. north of 15th and H sts. n.e.—Lge. liv. rm., bedrm. kit.. Inclosed porch and pvt. bath; everything inch; 3 em ployed girls. Call PR. 0661. —20 128 17th ST, N.E.-—Nicely furn. apt. 1st floor, 2 rms.. kit., dinette, bath: monthly *86.10 rent control. TA i 4354. —18 K ST., NEAR CONN. AVE—Liv. rm. bedrm. modern kit., dinette, bath; *110. HARRIET, HOLTHER. agent NA 2166 —] 8 CAPITOL HILL—2 adjoining non housekeeping rms. with pvt. bath; blk. Lib. of Congress. LI. 3-2013. I_] <} Dl’PLEX APT.—Bedroom, liv. room. umeiw. in. ana Dam. Dack porch; conv. shopping and trans. 1318 27th st. s t.. Apt. 3. VI. 0881. ATTRAC. 1-BEDROOM APT. for 2° or •i adults; pvt. entr., good trans., walking distance to Library of Con gress and Capitol Bldg.; 595. In cluding utils OV. 4209. —20 ATTRAC. BSMT. APT.—Liv room, bedroom, kit., pvt. bath and entr.; express bus; phone and utils incl.: man or empl. couple; *80; Christian family. OE. 7232 TWO BEDROOM APT. for 3 quiet adults; 5100 mo.; completely pri vate; conv. transp. HA. 8264. APT. for LADY—Nice kit., elec, gas and telephone service: block from Mt. Pleasant car and 16th st. bus; rent. 555. 2601 Mozart pi. n.w. I UNIQUE' PENTHOUSE efficiency—2 rooms, kit., bath; coolest apt. in Washington; 1 block Conn, at Wyo.; i suitable i person or couple only; elevator sun-deck bldg. HU. 4451 NO. 0984. -»0 REASONABLE and excellent for 3 adults, particularly for Fort Myer or Pentagon personnel. Furn. 2 bed rooms. tiled bath, kit., liv. room with i dinette; redecorated; must be seen ! to be appreciated; Bendix in bsmt., large fenced yard and barbecue pit; L block to shopping center; 5 min b.y e5pf£s* bus to Washington. Call JA. 4-0302 after 6 p.m. —18 1«»2 IRVING ST. N.W—1 rm. and kit., semipvt. bath, refgr., $55 per mo. Also 1 sleeping rm.. $30.34 per mo. call DU. 0524. Hours 8 to 9. 12 to 1 and 4 to 5. —23 ARLINGTON, basement, liv. rm., bed rm.. kitchen-dinette, bath, util. incl. near trans. GL. 7600. —18 DUPONT SCOTT CIRCLE—Lge. mod front studio apt., 1 man, new GE refrig., mod tile bath, pvt. ent. 1636 R st. n.w. 6:30 to 9:30. $69.50. — Attractive 3 *rms , 8?A bath. $135 per mo. incl. 6468 or HU. 5809. L. CAPITOL ST.—1 bedrm.. liv. rm., kit. pvt. bath and entrance. 2 adults. $80. Also efficiency apt., $60 , OR. 2 i 94. _19 EXCLUSIVE N.W. Enclish bsmt.-type near Nebraska and Wig. aves.; conv to everything; liv. rm.. bedrm., kit. with dinette; pvt. bath; all util, furnished; *75 mo. WO. 3211; eves. OR 1607. COZY. CLEAN, AIRY BEDRM. and complete kit., nicely furn. Adults. sri-' mo. 1707 C st. i.t, —in tu:vv A\ E.—i bedroom, living room, dining foyer, kitchen, bath, all utilities. HO. 6565. 107 llth ST. N.E.—Liv. rm.. bedrm.. bath, nicely furn. Apply 809 Mass. ave. n.e. for key. —19 TWO RMS., living-bedrm. combina yj??0 suitable 2 persons. „nw- AD- 9660. —17 TAKOMA PK.—4 rms.. bath and shower. Incl. utils. $150 mo. Im 8L- 4388. any time. 18* ATTRACTIVE 1 bedroom, living rm., bath and new kitchen; conven. to Mt. Pleasant and Conn. ave. car une: may be seen after 6 p.m. IStfL81- n w DE 0915. —17 1828 CALVERT ST. N.W.—Studio apt.; living rm.. dressing rm.. kit., and screened-in back porch; em ployed adults. Can ,be seen after PRESIDENTIAL GARDENS. Alexan , £• Va.; first one of newly fur nished apts. in the finest suburban development in Washington area; minutes Dy DUS to downtown. All shopping conveniences, schools and churches; rooms. $150 per month Call TE. 4400. for appt. NR. 16th AND IRVING—3 lee.' 'at tractive rms. kitchenette, pvt. bath, notch 3033 15th st. n.w. —17 TWO-BEDROOM furnished apartment for rent, large grounds for play, on Washington-Baltimore boulevard 2 miles north of College Park. Near good schools and churches. Excel lent bus transportation to Washing ton* Rental. $90 per month inciud ntilitles and linens. P. D. NAU GLE. 9642 Baltimore ave.. Berwyn. Md. Phone TO. 5052 after 6 pin. TWO MOS. OLD FURNITURE-?-—2 bedrms. school close by. Leaving for Pacific June 1, with Gov't. Will transfer lease and furniture, inch 17-m. TV set. *300. JU. 8-4659. 1362 SHEPHERD ST. N.W_S^ed rms . liv. rm.. kit., pvt. bath: also bsmt. apt., liv.-bedrm. combined, kit., pvt. bath, pvt. entr. TU. 1911 after 2. 17 DUPONT CIRCLE—2110 R st. n.w. N)ce i.h.k. rm. for 2, linens furn. Monthly tenants onlv. —IS CONCORD GARDENS—1301 Mo. ave n.w.. Apt. 103. 2 rms., kit., dinette, bath: new furniture: air-cooled hails; RA *rrorefEr' Iurn' Available now EFFICIENCY, APARTMENT. Childr'en welcome. Reasonable. ME. 5473 __ 1 *th AND OGDEN STS. N.W.. 1454 Ogden—Beautifully furn. liv.-bedrm ; combination. modern kit.-dinette combination; conv. everything. Sgle person only. $60 mo. Apply after 6 p.m. 17 ; SUBLET INDEF.—Newly furn.. mod ern 1-bedrm. apt., complete with 16" | TV. In min. downtown D. C., 5 min Pentagon. Lee Gardens. Arlington Avail. May 27. $130. Call DU. 2263 between 6 and 7 p m —20 1432 N ST. N.W.—1 rm. and kitchen, completely furn.; refgr. and all util ities. Clean and comfortable. $60 per mo. —18 1886 NEWTON ST. N.W.—2 large rooms, porch, kitchen, private en trance. $85. AD. 2999. —17 | LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING ROOM, re j frigerator, stove, sink; share bath. I with one young lady. 2233 1st st n.w. DE. 5497. —18 11106 ALLISON ST. N.W.—Liv. rm bedrm.. kit., bath: utils, incl.: *60 I conv stores, transp. EX 8500. —11 EXQUISITELY FURN. 1-bedrm ; Sil ver Spring: $100 mo. July and ; August. MR, FERRIS. NA. 5020; i eves.. SL. 9731. —17 AN ATTRACTIVE 2-RM. APT., 1st fl.: conv. to trans.: two adults: 618 E st. n.e,. LI. 7-8368. —21 PRIVATE ENTRANCE—8tudio ant. ; pvt. bath, eouip. kit.: empl. cple.: ! $65 mo.; 1424 Belmont st. n.w. —18 ONE GIRL. 21-26 to share with two others 4-room apt.; (modern furn iture. TV. washing machine). $35 mo. 15 min. downtown. Call after 6 p.m.. LI. 7-4604. —17 SILVER SPRING—Liv. rm.. bedrm.. kit., din. alcove, bath: no pets; utils, incl.; $93.25. JO. 3-6889. —20 CAP. HILL—Liv. rm . bedrm.. kit., semibath; beaut, new furn.: twin Hollywood beds; utils.; $75. TU. 3948. 1313 IRVING ST. N.W.—Bsmt art., kit. and bedrm.; fully equip.; $12 week. Call GE. 9133. ONE-RM. APT., in very good loca tion: near transp. 1477 Columbia rd. n w. —19 1330 MASS. AVE. N.W.—Front apt., liv. rm., bedrm.. kitchenette, bath; adults; ref.; $75 mo. ME. 0586. —19 1019 PARK RD. N.W.—Modern base ment apt.. 2 rms.. kit. and bath: reasonable rate. Can be seen after 6 n.m. only. —20 TWO BEDRMS. with twin beds each rm.. pvt. tile bath. liv. rm. and kit.. 2 porches; utilities inch: 3 or 4 adults: express buses, near shop ping district; $110 mo. 19 Galla tin st. n.w.. TA. 6434. —20 ONE-RM. EFFIC. APT., nicely furn ; | utilities inch; excellent transp. and shopping; for 1 or 2 adults: $16 mo. 2411 1st at. n.w. TA. 6434. ! N.W-Vrtl.F *> Sailpn.. liar -n. i kit.. bath. pvt. entr.: conv. to shop ping. transportation. TA. 8884. —19 1413 FAIRMONT ST. N.W.—One rm.. kit. and bath: nicely furn.: $72 per mo. Shown between 2 and 9 1344 MONROE ST., off 14th n w — One rm.. kit., porch, semlpvt bath, refgr.; utils, lncl.; $12.60 wk. HU. PVT., 723 8th ST. N.E_3rd floor. open for lnsp. Llv. rm.. bedrm., kit., bath. Utils, lncl. Conv. stores, transp. $86. EX. 8500. TA. 6600. —20 TAKOMA PARK, MD. — Furnished attic apt. Refgr. and stove. 3 rms. and bath. *28.76. Air cooled. Call OR. 1986. _17 ADJ. SIL. SPG.. MD. — Beautiful apt. like new. Nicely furn. Loc. In best section of Takoma Park, Md. nr. new shop, center, bus. Lge. llv. rm.. bedrm.. din. alcove, mod. kit. with b. 1.' units, elec, refgr., tiled bath b. 1. tub and shower. *92 mo. lncl. utils. 8H. 1375. —18 NR. TECH HIGH—Lge. bedrm. and lge. kit. for 2 girls. Pvt. home, lge. porch; conven. transp. DU. 5718 —18 EAST CAPITOL—Close-in, 2-rm. apt. 2 girls or couple. AT. 3319. Call eve. —19 MODERN APT.. 1 bedrm.. llv. rm.. kit. and bath. All utils. *81.27. TU. 0200. 17 EFFICIENCY APT., available Im mediately. $50 mo. Call TR. 2553 after 8 p.m —17 NEAR FAIRFAX VILLAGE—Bsmt., 2 bedrms.. llv. rm.. kit. and bath. Completely furn. Adults. HI. 7786. _—17 C ST. N.E. Three rooms, kit. and bath, all utils, included; $85 mo. Call MR. LI NOWES. PI. 2801._—19 Nice apt.: *17, week. CO.I *004. APARTMENTS FURNISHED WE HAVE APTS. AND HOUSES FURN. OR UNFURN. AND SUB LETS. WASH.. VA.. MD.. WHITE WEEKDAYS. 9-7: SAT.. SUN.. 9-5 A-ONE RENTAL SERVICE 624 BOND BLDG.. NA 0007 14th ST. AND N, Y. AVE. N.W. Georgetown on Capitol HU1 Beautifully remodeled house, has love ly apartment with studio room, di nette. mod. kit. and bath, porch; single man or woman: conv. to car line and Capitol bldgs.; $115 per mo., incl. util. Call LI. 6-2700, or ROXANA B. DORAN. 3245 P at n.w._AD. 8912.______ PENTHOUSE APT. Vicinity of Dupont Circle. Open ter race Lge. living rm, with fireplace, den. lge bedrm., modern kit. and bath. Beautifully furn. Rent $200 MR. de SIBOUR, OL. 1266; after 7. DU, 0360. _19 COLORED—ONE RM. and kit. for-1 or 2 people Call LI. 6-8168. —17 COLORED—3531 10th ST. N.W.—1 rm., kit., and bath; nicely furn.: all Utilities; *65 per mo. Also. 1115 8th st. n.w.. 1 rm., share kit. and bath; *40 per mo. See janitors LISS REALTY CO., INC., RE. 8264 —18 COLORED—*'ifl MONTH for 1 rm kitchen, bath. 208 5th st. s.e. Immediate possession. RA. 2200, _1 ft COLORED—LARGE BEAUTIFUL dble bedrm.. Kit.-dinette, share bath, $75 mo. Adults only; also dble. bedrm. avail, same floor. 1747 IKth st. n.w. DE 9723. —19 COLORED—•* RMS., share kit. and bath. CPll MR. TARPLEY. DE. 1221. —18 APARTMENTS UNFURNISHED I MEURiLEE APTS.—Spacious l and 2 l bedrm apts.. close to transp.. elem and high school, shop center and I theater: 63rd pi. and Annapolis rd. ~ blocks beyond Bladensburg High School turn right WA 3721 ONE-RM . KIT AVn RATH Qaa Mr Adams only at 1st floor office. 1823 M st. n w. between 8:30 and 5 p m. —21 1 AND 2 BEDRM. APTS.. $72 and $86.50. Incl. utils.: available imme diately. See RESIDENT MGR.. Apt B-l, 2607 Southern ave. s.e., or call LO 3-7979 between 4 and 7 p m MODERN 2-BEDRM. APT.. dtole-in No Arl.: upstairs in quiet, larger home: nr. buses and stores; quiet adults only: $93 mo. CH. 9142.—22 TWO AND THREE RMS., kitchenette and bath; outside corner apts.; 1 blk from bus and shopping: to ap proved tenants past middle-age with yearly lease. RAYMOND APTS.. TE. 3190. —18 7813 GEORGIA AVE. N.W.—Seven large airy rooms; kitchen. 2 baths. ~ porches. 1 screen inclosed; $150 mo. Inquire 7815 Georgia ave. n.w. GE. 9883 _\ 8 2618 K ST. N.W. —1 bedrm.. liv. rm.. kit. and bath. $74.50. Immed occup , adults only See ianitor on premises. ARL.—Four rms , pvt. bath, entr.: 2 fam. mod. home; no smok. or drink.; good transp.: cple. OW. 6182. 3801 11th ST. N.W.—Entire 1st floor. Liv. rm . bedrm., kit., semipvt. bath. $65. RA. 9704. TWO RMS., kit and bath: unfurn.: $65 a mo., incl. utils. Will accept child. LI. 4-6680. after 6. —19 821 MADISON N.W. — 2 bedrooms, living rm., kitchen, private bath. Adults. TA. 6289. —18 3801 nth ST. N.W.—Entire 1st floor, liv -bedrm., kit., semipvt. bath. $65 RA. 9704. * A VERY NICE 5-RM. APT., bright and cheerful corner. Avail, immed Conv ro trans and shopping. Ideal for business, office or living quarters TU. 2843 BEAUTIFUL LGE. NEW EFFIC., adj. Rock Creek Pk., ample closets, stor age and ldry. facil.. $82.50 incl. utils., avail. June 1. refs. req. 3025 Ontario rd. Wk. days. RE 5600 2862; Sun. and eves. HU. 9020. —20 SOUTHEAST—1-bedrm. apt., 1st floor. $68 mo., utils, included, im mediate occupancy. JO. 8-2100. ONE BEDRM., unfurn. apt., near Arlington Hall. $75 mo. incl. utH ties. Call GL. 3366. —20 DOWNTOWN— 1227 15th st. n.w, i 2 rms.. kitchenette and bath Apt bldg.. $73 incl. utils. OL. 0122. _j 9 TO BE VACANT JUNE 1—2-bedrm apt. at 4011 3rd st. s.e.. Apt. 6, top floor; all util, turn.; near bus and S. Capitol st. shopping center; park ing facilities! ianitor service; will redecorate. Call days JO 3-0710 eves. VI. 7998. Ask for MICHAEL TWO-RM. NEWLY DEC. APT.TVefgr and stove, share bath, no drinking no Dets. adults. ST. 7875. —23 M ST. NEAR THOMAS CIRCLE: 2 lge rooms, modern kit. and bath. soil mo.; adults only. Itnmed. occup LEO M. BERNSTEIN & CO.. Real Estate. Call ME. 5400._ .. ***•*' v i n » u. ii.u., near Eastern High School. 1—One bedroom, liv. rm.. kitchen dinette, bath; S66.ll. including utili ties. :2~Two bedrooms, liv. rm . kitchen, dinette, bath: 576.72. including utili ties: adults only. WEINBERG A BUSH. 1707 H st. n.w. —17 DOWNTOWN—1st COMMERCIAL Main floor: 1 bedrm.. liv. rm.. combi nation kit. and din rm.. bath: all utilities included: A. D. CRUMBAUGH 4908 Wi». Ave.. Realtor. WO. 1-3-8-4 _—19 CONGRESS PARK APARTMENTS NOW RENTING! _ 2-BKDROOM ARTS. Resident mgr.’s office located at 1370 Congress st. s.o. IN THE DISTRICT SHOPPING CENTER ON PROJECT JO 2-01 61—JO 2-0162 silveiTspring area I In Sligo Park Hills—Modern DJdr. Ice. 1 bedrm. liv. rm.. dinette, oic ! ture windows: 582 50. mcludinc utilities. Call RESIDENT MANAGER . JU 8-4693. -IS CARILLON HOUSE 2500 Wisconsin Ave NW. Studio and l-bearm apts tn one o: : Wk hington s finest apt buildings | Just being completed: decorated bj I thy Draper Inc.; magnifleeni ! views, year-around air condition | 'ng public din rm. garage, mastei television antenna system secre tarial tele service, sun deck, etc Apts now avail range from $90 tc $145 Your inspection is invitee daily from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. WAVERLY TAYLOR, INC. Agents SHIPLEY PARK 23rd AND ALABAMA AVE. S.E. New suburban development WITHIN THE DISTRICT. 10 minutes from downtown. You will enjoy 10 degrees cooler weather here; close to schools, bus and shopping on premises. You will be delighted with the 11 b.v 5 ft. Hollywood Pic ture windows. Venetian blinds, parquet floors, fenced-in play yard and many other out standing features. 2-BEDRM. APTS., $95 INCLUDING UTILITIES RENTAL OFFICE OPEN DAILY AND SUN., evenings by eppointment. RESIDENT MANAGER 3341 23rd St. S.E., JO. 2-3133 Jonathan Woodner Co. POOKS HILL BETHESDA. MARYLAND Just bevoitd the Naval Hospital on Wisconsin Ave. 3 bedrooms 2 baths, living room, dining room and kitchen $267.5(1 Two bedrooms. 2 baths, living room. Hirvno ,n/tm one) Ivjlokon coin in One bedroom, living room, dinette, kitchen and bath $117.50 COURTESY BUS SERVICE Features include secretarial, switch board. utilities three elevators, car fietec corridors, delivery service, twc arge parking areas. Storage space on each floor; roof garden; resldenl manager on premises. MASTER TV ANTENNA AVAILABLE A FEW FURNISHED APARTMENTS AVAIT ABLE DISTRICT HGTS. APTS. AVAILABLE JUNE 1 1-BEDRM. $61.75 to $66.75 2-BEDRM. $73.00 to $78.00 All Utils. Inch TELEPHONE JO. 0-8550, JO. 0-8750 Take W. M. A. bus at 11th and I Penna. marked District Hgts. direct . APTS. UNFURN. (Com.) KENT VILLAGE ONLY A 20-MINUTE DRIVE SOME OP THE FEATURES AND CONVENIENCES YOU WILL ENJOY AT KENT VIL 1 AGE are large closets. Bright, spacious rooms with picture windows; childrens playgrounds, athletic fields, recreation grounds, etc.: mem bership available in adjoin ing country club; schools and stores nearby; Capital Transit H-0 and W. M. & A. buses into development on 30 minute schedule with addi tional rush-hour buses. Only 10 minutes by com muter train to Union Station 1 bedroom, from_$71.50 2 bedrooms, Irom_$89.50 Utilities Included In Rent Directions: From Peace Cross at Bladensburg, take fjBbte V. S. 50 to 3rd traffic light, then right on Route 202. go 1% miles to Kent Village. EUGENE B. ROBERTS Kent. Village, Landover, Md. AP. 0168 HUNTING TOWERS Wt. Vernon Blvd. and Potom^* River in Alexandria. Va. The Capital Area’s Only Waterfront Apartments PRESENTS Studio Efflclenclei from $75-$95 One Bedroom Living Room from $110-$125 ALL UTILITIES INCLUDED IN RENT _ Garage Elevators Yacht Basin Radiant Heat • Shopping Center Superb River View See retarial Switchboard Service. Rental Office cn Premises Inspection dally 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. TEL. KI. 8-8484 KIRKWOOD APARTMENTS AGER RD., NR. QUEENS CHAPEL RD. (MICHIGAN AVE. EXTENDED). JUST OVER D. C. LINE —1 BLOCK PROM ELEM. 8CHOOL —BETWEEN 2 SHOPPING CENTERS —EQUIPPPED PLAY AREAS —APTS. NEWLY DECORATED —CAPITAL TRANSIT BUS TO PROJ ECT i EXPRESS SERVICE DURING RUSH HOURS! —LAUNDRY AND STORE ROOMS !— PLENTY OF OFF-STREET PARKING 2-Bedroom—$81.50 to $85 UTILITIES INCLUDED OFFICE OPEN DAILY AND SUNDAY TILL fi P.M. 570(1 BLOCK AGER RD.. HYATTSVILLE. MD. PHONE AP. 2253 H. G. SMITHY CO. 811 15th St. N.W., ST. 3300. __—18 COLORED—703 6th ST. N.W.—2 bedrm. apt.; immed. occup.; $77 60 mo.; adults only. Call ST. 5381. COLORED—1315 CLIFTON ST. N.W. Select clientele only; completely re modeled bldg.; 2 rms.. kit. and bath: from $88 up. Just a few left. Superintendent on premises. Call THOS J FISHER & CO.. INC.. Realtors^ 738 15th st. n.w.. at COLORED—1.324 MONROE ST V W : amciency units, $7 9.60 and $89.50; I 1-bedrm. units, $99.50 and $115; 2-bedrm. units. $125. All utils. In cluded FRANCIS A. BLUNDON CO. INC., 805 H st. n.w., NA. 0714. COLORED — BMST. APARTMENT; ' 540 25th pi. n.e.: $60 mo., iucl. i heat, gas and electric. LI. 8-1607. COLORED—1129 B ST. N.E.. Tot' 1 ] lge- rms-- bit-- bath. Ise. storage ! basement; S99.50 mo. incl. heat and ! electricity. RAYMOND R RUP I PERT, 1017 7th st. n.w. ST. 84S4. _J ; COLORED—FINEST N.W. SECTION j —2 rms kit., tiled bath with show. ! er. Venetian blinds, hardwood floors. | laundry rm.. janitor service, heat and hot water; $82.50 mo. See janitor on premises. 1354 Monroe st. n.w. LISS REALTY CO., INC., RE. 8284. _18 COLORED—2 ROOMS, share kitchen and bath. Call MR. tawpt .ev, DE. 1221.—18 CO-OPERATIVE APARTMENTS NAYLOR GARDENS. 30th and Nay lor rd s.e.; 1-bedroom unit. Total price only *5 900. About *1.500 down: monthly cost $62.85. DRURY REALTY CORP.. MI. 4000; eves. OR 5761 SILVER SPRING—Small 1-bedrm. ant. immac. cond.. garden type, overlooking beautiful Sligo Creek Park down payment. $2,450: month ly payments. $56.99. includes util, 'tie- and janitor service. Cal! SH. SQ06—23 APARTMENTS WANTED WORKING MOTHER desires two rooms, kitchen and bath, furnished j apartment in private home in near i by Virginia, with day care for school-age daughter. ST. 4200. Ext. 2115. 9 to 5. 18* COLLEGE PROFESSOR, now Gov ernment employe, desires first-floor apartment In 20th and Constitution n.e. area or nearby: few stairs at possible. Call after 6 p.m. eve nings or any time Sunday. JO. 2-7118 20* COLLEGE PROFESSOR, now Govern ment employe, desires first-floor apartment In 20th and Constitution n.e. area or nearby; few stairs as possible. Call after 6 p.m.. eve nines or anytime Sunday, JO. 2-7118. 20* .FREE—Landlords, applicants waiting for your furn. or unfurn. apts. or [ houses or sublets. Wash.. Va.. Md.; i white: coer 7 days. NA. 0901. TWO BRITISH GOVT. OFFICIALS. men, require 2-bedrm.. furn. apt. j with kit. Preferably near embassy, i Phbne HO. 1340. Ext. 227 between ! 9-5 or TU. 0734 alter 5 n.m —18 'THREE ADULTS desire 2-bedrm. un | furnished apt., in good location. Box I 447 4B Star. AIR FORCE OFFICER wants 3-bedrm. home n.w. or Silver Spring area. ' JO 7-9528 after 7 D.m. UNFURN 1-BEDRM. APT. wanted i by man in Government service. Pre fer atiiet uptown n.w.. reasonable rnna1, excel, refs furnished. Box | 453-B. Star. • I NAVY PHYSICIAN, wife, three pre ! school children desire 2-bedrm . un furnished house or apartment, vicin i tty Bethcsda. Not over $100. Phona 1 OW 6319._20* AGRICULTURAL ENGINEER, wile, child, desire 2-bedroom, unfurnished apartment in nrivate home or small home in n.w. or Md.. neither smoker nor drinker; un to $80. unfurn. Con tact RALPH. NA. 0045. • MOVING, PACKING. STORAGE MOVING AND HAULING, reasonable rates. Call AL. 0037, ask for JOHN SON i c• | SMALL JOBS, boxes, beds, personal I effects, etc; white driver; D C . Arl. [ and S. S. areas. TU. 2923. —19 MOVING ACROSS THE STREET o« across the country sale storage in separate rooms: expert packing. Phone NO 0104 UNTON STORAng CO INC est 1800 MOVING 01 VET—Expet neip every piece wrapped tnaured; reas Call inv time MR COOK Ol 51 XT NEED HELP WITH YOUR MOVING* j 12-ton truckload moved anywhere I in D. C. aeea. base price. $5 cer i load. Calr COFFEY RE 302H. 19 ANYTHING, ANY TIME — Moving, pickup and delivery; 7-day week. 24 hrs. a day; $3 minimum. AT. 3287. —22 EX-GI—Moving, packing. crating, storage; local, long distance; expert service; low rates HO 58X9. it* IF YOU CAN’T AFFORD TO MOVE but have to, call ROYALL TRANS FER, day or night. MI. 1207. 30* EDELMAN MOVING AND STORAGE will accept surplus furniture as nart payment on sour moving, storage; reas. TA. 2937; eves., GE. 1410 • COLORED MOVERS—Dependable, low rates Call anytime. DE. 3890. 30* HOUSES FURNISHED SMALL DAINTY HOME, near Chevy Chase club, for summer. Suitable married couple; 1 bedrm., 2 dressing t rms. Attract veranda and grounds. * $150. Appt. Call OL. 0331. VIERS MILL VILLAGE. S. S . Md — 2-bedrm bungalow, nicely turn, in cluded TV and washer. Adjacent to school, theater, shopping center and transp. Children welcome. $110 mo. Call Mrs. Hays. LEACH * CRONIN. LO. 5-2772. LO. 5-3149. — 18 1908 7th ST. N.W.—8 rooms and bath. auto. heat, lst-fl. den and powder rm.; partly furnished; $120 a mijTlh; immediate possession. RALPSD. COHN. EX. 6705. COOL. CONVENIENT, n.w. section near Bureau of Standards—Threa bedrms. and maid’s rm., lge. porch, shaded yd.; Westinghouse Laundro mat; 2 baths, fully equipped kitch en.: June 15-Sept. 15: $176 mo. Call after 4 p m. EM. 7249. —18 (Continued on Next Pago) p )